#not babygirl annabel
lovelyn06 · 3 months
I’m not okay….
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aghostbride · 7 months
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My girl Annabel looked so pretty in this ong
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chotachica · 7 months
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Nah sorry chat she is straight up asking for death threats here LMFAOOO
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AU where they’re happy in love and have little dates at parks or something ❤️
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likeastars · 1 year
Compilation of Annabel being depicted as a monster and a villain for self care <3
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Hello Nevermore fandom
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opia-jpg · 2 years
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drawing annabelle cane during the stream <3
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pronouncingitwang · 2 years
oh god what if I get to hear melanie again
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expired-crow · 1 year
A little headcanon of mine is that Annabel regularly trash talks about Lenore y'know cause they're "enemies" but one time Lenore caught her and this happened. ~ Annabel talking to another student: Lenore? That troublemaker is so undignified and unruly. I could never see myself associating with her. There is not one good thing about her. Lenore accidently walking in on her: Annabel, is that true? Annabel: Wait- Lenore pet, wifey, babygirl, honeypie, light of my life, sweetheart, angel, literally my everything it was a joke I swear. Nothing I said was true-
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nevermore-polls · 1 year
Babygirl / Precious / Protect at All Costs Propaganda
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Gaslight. Gatekeep. Girlboss. (You already know 😮‍💨)
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jhnnyjstr · 1 month
tma doodles from todayyy
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how i imagine annabelle during the eyepocalypse :3 dont look at her legs too hard
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s3 jon for the soul
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s1 marble
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my babygirl again
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MY STUPID BABYGIRL IN S1 (its an older doodle. i lied) (i love drawing jon with stupid beady glasses eyes) (which is kind of ironic actually)
anyways thats all of my tma doodles for today . yuppee! my tma resurgence is not a joke
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Annabel Lee & Fears: A Short Essay Based On Ep70
Here it is, folks, the truest crux of Annabel’s character, her deepest fears is not going mad or even people discovering she’s not as put together as she tries to appear, but rather:
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Was that gambit of constant scheming and using others worth it, Annabel? Was always trying to think ten steps ahead and always keep yourself in a position of power and control truly worth it, because how can you ever be trusted when all you do is play 5D chess with everyone?
There is is, folks!!! Just like her greatest strength- her cunning willpower- is centered around a certain bright moon, Annabel’s greatest fear is rooted in Lenore. The deepest, darkest trenches of her soul, the one thing that would shatter her heart and send her lungs choking fer breath? The killing blow that would end her and make all these charades worthless? It’s Lenore seeing her constant conniving and asking Annabel, “Why would I be any different? You already have no problem using everyone else as a pawn, how could I ever possibly trust you, Annabel Lee?”
The way Annabel is SUCH a great morally grey character, y’all tell me you love hot villains yet many a time I’ve seen people calling Annabel too heartless. She’s the opposite! She cares!! SO MUCH!!! She would burn the world down if it meant kissing Lenore one last time, to the point where her deepest fear is losing Lenore in the process of trying to protect her. All Annabel knows is using manipulation to gain the upper hand because simply being born a woman in the Victorian era she was so throughly disadvantaged by such a horribly misogynistic society that girlypop had to scrape together any form of control she could. Annabel wants so badly to protect Lenore but all she knows are her own methods of protecting herself, which involves plausibility deniability and facades and sometimes sheer cruelty, and that’s where the conflict arises. From the start Annabel assumed Lenore and her had the same understanding of this ‘fake enemies’ ploy going on but surprise surprise babygirl, not everyone is overthinking four parallel universes ahead like you do. This boils over into her lover having doubts on what’s real and what’s not, which then culminates into Lenore asking if Annabel is using her affections as empty currency to get what she wants, and Annabel’s first move to tell Lenore to fucken kill her????
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“To you alone, I have left myself completely defenseless.”
The drama of it all!! The shattered facade leading to exploding vulnerability of it all!! The dim sun sparking out into a heat death just to prove her sincerity of it all!!! The exposed innermost organs ripping out my heart with my bare hands and begging you, “Do you see it now? Do you see the way it beats for you and only you? Tell me you see it, tell me you see me…” of it all!!
Oh baby the way Annabel still retains this deep fear of Lenore not truly believing in the “only thing that’s real” to her, the way her lover’s ghost still lingers and haunts her and is then ripped up from her innermost psyche like a desecrated grave and given form by Ada’s power. The way, after all this time- and I mean all this time from Lenore’s constructed resurrection, to their relationship blossoming into a wedding, all the fucking way up to that bell tower scene, the fucken way Annabel still never truly let go of her fear that Lenore doesn’t see her, doesn’t see how she alone bashed through all of Annabel’s walls and made a home where her heart laid. I’m sure during their living relationship all the way until the wedding Annabel’s fears were greatly settled, but it’s the fucken way these panels implied that this wretched heartache never completely left Annabel’s guilt-wracked soul.
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I just know, okay I just KNOW, that even up until she was putting her wedding dress on Annabel still questioned if she even deserved this happy ending because she still feel phantoms of guilt fer this betrayal. This comic only furthers this implication of unabsolved guilt when it’s made clear as day that Annabel’s biggest fear is Lenore not believing in her love. And before anyone argues how Annabel can currently feel guilt fer betraying Lenore when she hasn’t recovered the memory yet, I’ll argue back that from the very beginning of the comic these two were inexplicably drawn to each other even when they had NO memories. Therefore, even if she doesn’t have the explicit memory, I highly doubt Annabel’s subconscious would ever let go of something as huge as deeply hurting the one person she truly cared about in such a wretched way.
Fuck, dude, I mean Annabel’s greatest fear wasn’t even Lenore dying- which was already a huge thing if y’all remember her tearstreaked, panicked, “What is left? If she’s not here, what’s the point?”- no her greatest is Lenore!!! Not!!! Believing!! Her!!! Like yeah losing Lenore physically definitely would’ve cut so deep even her bones would bear the scars, but losing Lenore in the form of the other woman walking the same ground as her but choosing to stay away?? Call her fucking selfish because some people would rather have their other half still be alive even if they’re not by their side, but Annabel ain’t one of them that’s fer sure. Babygirl has spent a lifetime perfecting the craft of deceiving others fer her own gain, but the ONE TIME she’s genuine her heart is to be called nothing more but empty??? Oh babbyyy that’s gotta fucken hurt.
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The thing is, I don’t think Annabel really loves herself all that much. I really don’t. A huge focus on self-preservation doesn’t necessarily mean one really loves themselves, and when we add the aforementioned guilt she carries? Plus, the fact that Annabel being forced to swallow down her anxiety attacks from a young age could easily lead to her having a rather sour view of her 'not normal' self? Yeah no yeah, I truly don’t think Annabel loves herself that much, if at all. So really, this line is adding immense insult to already grievous injury. Not only does Annabel deeply fear Lenore not believing her affections to be true, she also fears the New Yorker misconstruing her as nothing more but a shallow as hell, prissy, little pampered damsel, a role pretty much everyone else regulates her into whether she wants it or not (right from the beginning, before she even set her schemes in full effect, Annabel was already explaining, “Ada wanted a queen, so I gave her one”). Lenore, the only one Annabel had believed to ever really see her fer her, is now discrediting Annabel’s vulnerable affections AND seeing her as that unloving ice queen like everyone else?? Horrible terrible horrible!!! She may have a ribbon threatening to strangle her right now, but it’s clear that ghost!Lenore’s words are what truly cut her down to size. Y’all seeing that fucken pain in Annabel’s eyes? Her worst fear is just so… personal.
Which actually leads me to my next point, which is how just before Annabel’s worst fear is revealed in stark, horrifying detail, we see Prospero’s. Lemme just preface this by saying what Prospero went through is n o t any less terrible and is a super fucken mega valid fear/trauma, but let me cook y’all just hear me out. Prospero’s fear seems to be about medical malpractice and/or being conscious during a painful operation that likely went south (aka ‘oh shiiitttt he fucken DEAD-‘), and that’s fucking tragic as all hell. Yet, okay let me cook here, it’s more… I don’t want to say general, because that does NOT mean his fear is any less significant but it’s like. Way back when, death via medical bullshit was more or less fairly common, especially during wartimes (which is the era I headcanon Prospero to be from); meanwhile, Annabel’s fear is so uniquely hers, it’s borne of a culmination of specific experiences tied together by her relationship with Lenore.
By contrast of a more common fear vs something so deeply personal and specific to this one person- because it’s not just unrequited love, it’s being so vehemently denied and misunderstood by the ONE (1!) person who you wholeheartedly trusted in your entire life who also oops mega died on you- this distinction gives way to an almost more raw, more visceral feeling to Annabel’s fear sequence. Again!!! I am not undermining Prospero’s own trauma, I promise!!! But you have to admit that there’s something, from a narrative standpoint, that hits so much harder with how deeply personal Annabel’s fear is. The contrast is even more great when you look at how Prospero’s involved a buncha bloodied hands not really tied to any faces or even any indication of personhood like accessories, scars, etc etc. It could’ve been a group of anyone holding him down hurting him; on the flipside, Annabel is being restrained by one very specific person we see in full view. The faceless crowd who could’ve been anyone at anytime vs the lone perpetrator whose history you know like a second name. It’s just!!! So personal!!!
In conclusion, on the surface level, one would think a character so deeply ingrained in using deceptions and manipulation would have her greatest fear tie into having her true nature revealed to everyone she’d fooled, but then it turns out it’s the complete fucking opposite. What homegirl fears the most is her truest, innermost self not being believed and accepted by just one (1!) person. The way it’s framed is just so heartstabbingly personal, especially when you parallel it to a previous fear sequence just a few panels preceding it. This is it, your honor, this is Annabel’s deepest driving force broken down to its bare essentials. To hell with whatever reputation she’s carefully crafted! Who cares what anyone else thinks of her if she doesn’t believe her, if she doesn’t SEE her. Really, truly see her. Lenore is the defining point that Annabel has revolves around so wholeheartedly, and there’s no point to anything anymore if Annabel loses her. This crux of her character, OHHH BBAAABBYY it’s just so well done because we, as the audience, have been given clear evidence to build up this narrative of Annabel’s characterization fer so long now and to finally see it come together in a fiery explosion of lesbian angst with this latest chapter??? Gods, the writing of Nevermore will never not drive me absolutely insane in the membrane.
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the-banana-0verlord · 10 months
Bear with me cause I'm gonna go on a rant that will probably be a bit incoherent but I'm brainrotting rn
so this concerns the webtoon community(although it's probably a widespread phenomenon in fandom) but
Y'all love complex and morally gray female characters(or even just characters of every gender) until they are complex and morally gray
I've seen a lot about this especially for Annabel Lee from Nevermore so I won't touch upon her case in this rant but the point still stands for her go read analysises.
so today i'm gonna be discussing Rastha, also known as Trashta:
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I haven't read up to much after the remarrying of Navier but I feel like my point still stands. Also spoilers
Imo, Rashta is a complex and sympathetic villain. She grew up as a slave and believed her child was dead (child who was a also later used as leverage to blackmail her.) It's logical she tries to up the ranks to never live as miserably like this. She's a product of unfortunate circumstances. I do not think she's in the right, but that's kind of the whole point of her character to be the antagonist.
Also, she didn't want to be Navier's ennemy at first??? She wanted to live in a world where she was happy and that's valid. (Navier's reaction was also valid mind you.) She acted like she was indifferent to her first baby's fate yet she let herself be blackmailed because she DID care for it. She goes throught emotions and layers and that makes her complex.
Yet despite being sympathetic and half of the bad things in the webtoon happening not being her fault, she's the most hated character.
I hate Sovieshit and her blackmailer much more. Sovieshit was really using double standard against Navier like "oh yeah i'm allowed to have a mistress and divorce you just cause I feel like it and i'm using you for my own benefit but don't you go remarrying yourself or having a lover you're mine >:((((". Sovieshit is borderline a mysogynist (he only wants a delicate woman he can control to do as he pleases) but no Rashta is the real horrible villain we must demonize her.
Now her blackmailer(i forgot his name but if you read the webtoon you know who he is). Most of it his fault. He is using and ataking advantage of Rastha who wnats nothing else than to be free. Sovieshit is painted as a bit sympathetic(wrongly might i add) but this guy is just plain evil. But he's not more hated than Rastha????
I'm not defending her actions I just want people to see further than their noses and realize that characters can be good without being good people.
Now even if i see it more for female characters this is real for male characters too but kinda in the opposite route? Like in twisted wonderland, the characters are MADE to be villains yet people smooth them over as poor little meows meows and babygirls. It's funny as a joke but it erases their entire personnality and complexity, while morally gray female characters get demonized for having the same grayness.(Also i'd like to add that Vil schoenheit, a feminine male characters gets also demonized like female characters so i'm starting to see a pattern here.) So double standard much?
in short, don't say you like complex and morally grey characters if you can't handle them correctly. They deserve better than you
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joe-mama-lmao · 10 months
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annabelle cane my manipulative babygirl
small doodle
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Story
My date with N. was....... great. 🤷‍♀️After what happened the last weeks and we didn’t see each other for that long, things went surprisingly well. But I must also admit that we did not talk about my short return to Daniel. Nico asked me, not to talk about the past weeks. He said, we weren’t together. Now that we got the chance to stay together for more months without him having to go back abroad, we should just start from scratch. I honestly thought that was a little strange. I wanted to explain to him, why I stayed with Daniel, but N. was against it. So I decided to listen to him, as long as we’re together.
N. also finally told his family about our Baby. His Mom wanted to see me, tomorrow.😳🙈 He asked me, if I wanted to spend the night with him, in his mother’s house. There’s no one there today. I agreed, but why didn’t he just invite me to his apartment?
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Nico: I have to go to the house anyway. My dog is there, and if you accompany me, we’ll stay right there. We're alone.
Me: Okay. And your Mom’s coming home tomorrow? Where is she? And what exactly did you tell her?
Nico: Well, she'll be grama. 😬 And she’s with her partner tonight.
Me: Was she mad?
Nico: Ahm.... no. Rather surprised. She's in her mid forties. She feels too young for a grandchild.
Me: She’s 46! It’s much more embarrassing for my parents!! They’re only 41! 🤷‍♀️
Nico: Yea, but I didn’t tell her... you, were pregnant. She first thought.... Stephanie & I would have a Baby. But I told her it's NOT Steph!! She was relieved, but I didn’t tell her it was you, I wanted to surprise her.
Me: What??... Are you crazy N.?... Agh, why am I even asking. Of course you're crazy.
Nico: Don't worry, it'll be fine. It's just my mother! She always loved you.
Me: Yeah, that was before..... Philip & I got together. And please don’t tell her I’m still married, okay?
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Nico: No one in my family needs to know. I leave it up to you.
Me: Maybe someday I’ll tell your Mom, but rn I don’t want anyone to know. Especially your sister must not find out about it.
Nico: Agh, screw Mel, she can’t say a bad word to you! Trust me, I won’t let that happen.
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Me: I’m really scared of Melanie. I know that sounds stupid, but I can’t forget how mean she used to be.
Nico: You don’t have to see Melanie or talk to her. I’m not leaving you alone with her. First, she’ll have to apologize to you. Or she’ll never meet our Baby, I promise.
Me: Thank you..... ILY, N. Oh, and what about your Dad? I guess he doesn’t know yet, because you’re still not talking to him.
Nico: Yea. I don’t care what he thinks or what he has to say. I don’t give a shit. 🤷‍♀️... And no matter what he offers you, or our child, you say no! Clear?
Me: Yes! I understand! Your Dad’s still a red rag to us. 😬😕
Once arrived at N.'s House, we saw Fabienne, Philip's baby sister. 🙂
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She was so excited to see Nico and me again. She started talking about Annabelle. P.'s little babygirl was visiting Fabienne. So Fabs invited N. and me to come by later.
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How it went on with Fabienne and N.'s family for me, you'll see next time. My parents'll also join us.😬 Ahg yea, what a nice family reunion.😨
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Duke: Why does Annabel call you babygirl? Lenore: How about we stop talking for a little while.
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