#not at all interested in engagement with them directly lmao
lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
Watching ATLA and appreciating how the plot driving certain things works because of how much emphasis is placed in fate mattering just as much as your choices do
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kuubiubiyang · 4 months
YAAAY, my pawssss finally got around to finishing it~
i did it a long time ago, but i only finished it today^^
im sorry in advance for any mistakes, if any :')
Novakreis is Nemesis mechanic. Alt form: modified(?) fighter plane. Previously served as a seeker under Starscream's command, Novakreis was seriously wounded by shrapnel from a homing projectile in his first battle, rendering him unable to fight effectively.
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«______•a couple more things•______»
Thanks to his predisposition to engineering and good technical memory, he was able to remain on Nemesis as a mechanic of the ship’s internal systems. Novakreis himself outwardly takes his situation calmly, sometimes complaining about the unnecessarily slow and painful transformation. But in fact, the con regrets that at the time of the battle he did not react quickly enough and came under fire from his faction.
Novakreis has no built-in weapons - the original connectors for blasters were damaged and are now inactive, and he was denied a personal weapon due to the lack of need for them aboard the Nemesis (no, he just didn't learn how to use it properly, lol... he hurts himself more easily than anyone else).
Novakreis is capable of performing delicate repair work - for a better result, he files his claws, reducing the area of ​​contact with the parts being repaired for the sake of jewelry work on them. Filing the claws is an unpleasant, slightly painful procedure, after which it is necessary to treat the claws with anti-corrosion oil to prevent rust.
By nature, Novakreis is choleric, purposeful and uncontrollable, expressive. He easily finds a common language with the colleagues, developing an individual approach to each cons. Sometimes he is too harsh with his superiors, causing problems for himself, but almost always gets away with it thanks to his positive reputation. The only Decepticon Novakreis avoids is Megatron.
Despite his talent for mechanics, he sometimes gets the job done wrong if something more interesting is on the horizon. Due to such conditions, Nemesis spare parts supplies are slightly lost.
While working in the repair bay, Novakreis had plenty of time to rethink his position in life. He is not a radical Decepticon, but still treats transformers of other factions with prejudice and suspicion. In an unfamiliar environment, Novakreis... is somewhat paranoid, so don't worry if you find a wiretapped bug on you - this is purely for self-defense ;>.
«________•INTERESTING FACTS•________»
•Novakreis is slightly taller than Starscream, but shorter than Megatron.
•Sometimes, while offline, Novakreis has nightmares about his execution on Cybertron.
•Novakreis hates being addressed as "Nova". "Novakreis" is better, or "Kreis" as a last resort. For the nicknames "Novi" or "Kri" or "Novakri" Novakreis is quite capable of hitting something heavy...
•Novakreis was never on Cybertron, his protoform was activated at the height of the last war between the Autobots and Decepticons - on Nemesis, in outer space. During the time when the Decepticons were expelled from Cybertron, several protoforms fell into their servos.
•Novakreis often neglects his health (and the integrity of his hull) if he gets too carried away with his work.
•Novakreis is not afraid to directly criticize the actions and decisions of superior Decepticons - but only in his thoughts and, preferably, not in their presence.
•Due to injury, some of Novakreis's mechanisms require constant calibration - in particular, his optics. Due to the small and painstaking work, the focusing of his vision quickly becomes upset, but, due to altruism (or stupidity), the con will not engage in calibration until it is absolutely necessary.
•The sound receivers, by the way, were not damaged; Novakreis hears better than many in his circle.
«______________•that's all•_______________»
if you've read this, then i give you all my gratitude and a kiss on the forehead, if you don't mind~~~
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Oooh fun question!! Putting this under a cut because I already know it'll get long lol.
Beck: Wouldn't notice at first. They'd be pretty caught up with flirting with the person, because they're someone who enjoys flirting. It probably wouldn't be until afterwards, when they're spending some time with MC, that they might notice something's amiss. Their mind would fly and they'd realize that Oops! They fucked up! "Hey, it's wild that they were all over me, huh?" they'd joke, silently terrified that they've Ruined Everything Forever. They'd be extra flirty and playful with MC to try and like...make up for it?
Croft: Lol they'd be completely stone-faced as they got flirted with. No matter how complimentary and sweet the other person is. They'd just deadpan 'uh huh' and 'wow that's amazing' until they got the chance to escape. If they looked over and saw MC looking upset they'd end the conversation immediately. They wouldn't be certain that they read MC's vibes correctly, but afterwards they'd complain about the person and be very clear that they wanted no part in it.
Jay: They're typically pretty friendly, and also are well aware when they're being flirted with. They'd be polite but distant with the other person, especially if they already have a crush on the MC. When they glanced over and saw MC looking upset, though, they'd make their excuses and walk off. If MC was comfortable with being touched they'd probably throw a friendly arm around their shoulder (panicking inside at the closeness) and try to convince the MC to go and do something fun together. They wouldn't address it directly, but would try to make sure the MC knows they weren't engaging in the flirting lol.
Perri: Would be petrified LMAO they have no idea how to handle flirting. They'd be so overwhelmed and flustered. And I could see a MC who's feeling jealous reading that as interest on Perri's part. When Perri figured out how MC was feeling they'd be even more horrified...but wouldn't know how to make it better. They'd probably just try to pretend nothing had happened?
Ravi: He'd give the person a placid, empty smile while listening to them flirt. He wouldn't engage...pretty much at all beyond that. Just smile and stare with slightly empty eyes. He has no interest in most other people. If he looked over and saw MC looking upset, though, it'd be over. "Thanks," he'd call over his shoulder as he walked away. Then he'd approach the MC and start talking to them, emoting more than he had in the past five minutes. Not saying anything specific, just trying to be very clear that MC is the only person he cares about in this situation.
Yasmin: She'd be actively flirting back with the person. Maybe give them her number, try to make a date. She's not in the market for a steady relationship...but if she had a crush on MC and she saw them watching and looking upset, it would make her feel. Odd. Unsure. She wouldn't understand why she feels so bad. Later she'd just. Ask them about it. "Did that bother you?" she'd ask bluntly. It might end up in an argument, with Yasmin flustered and frustrated and feeling Way Too Many Emotions...while also feeling bad about hurting MC.
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mrm-pachypoda · 3 months
I binged all of Death Note in one day! Here are my thoughts.
Spoiler warning for obvious reasons
Yagami spelled backwards is im a gaY
I feel so bad for Misa especially. She was the obsessive one at the beginning, but Light spent their entire relationship manipulating her.
Gotta love an aita situation where everyone is the asshole
Also Misa’s question to L on if he was “on the other side of the fence” (read: gay). You know she wouldn’t’ve minded if it were a throuple situation, she only got uncomfortable with the third wheeling after the gay accusations were denied.
I really liked the subtle jokes throughout. Very nice.
After L’s death I was slightly less interested, but the whole playing-with-your-food ouroboros that played out afterwards was very amusing.
I’m sure many people have mentioned it, but in episode 25, that scene where L and Light were in the rain? And the scene directly after???
“I am almost certain that Light is Kira at this point, and these are probably my last days with him…. What if I brought him out into the pouring rain so his white dress shirt could get soaked, and then we could towel each other off.. hm, maybe I could even give him a massage…” <-L’s inner dialogue at the time (source: bro trust me)
Also. The fucking. I couldn’t’ve screenshat it but in the toweling scene, that moment where Light.. cups L’s cheek with the towel?? In the guise of drying his hair?? Am I going insane I know other people saw that shit
Also wtf was their sleeping situation. Was it a Goldilocks situation (two separate beds that were kinda close together) or??? What. The public must know.
Loved all the stupid fisheye lens shots
“Light, it seems i must finally tell you what this investigation really was. It was never to find Kira; it was actually all a ploy to figure out if you were gay. Your father, the chief of police asked for my assistance. When we installed the cameras in your room, it was already clear as crystal. You bought that porn magazine and read it in clear view, but you laid there kicking your legs looking so disappointed in the material you were reading. You didn’t even bother to crank your chain. Then, through various means we kept eyes on you and your dating life. You dated multiple girls at a time, yet you never truly showed interest in any one of them. You even openly admitted your disinterest in Misa Amane. Along with your clear willingness to be close to me, in spite of my supposed investigation on your identity as Kira? That’s pretty gay, Light. I could go on, but you get the point, Light I’m-A-Gay.”
Ok I’ll stop lmao i got way into writing that dumb ass monologue. I can almost guarantee that someone else has written something like it before me.
I love engaging in long-finished pieces of media.
Also the old brainrot from DanganRonpa definitely is trickling down into this new brainrot.
Bye for now ε:
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floofanflurr · 21 days
Thoughts on Asgore? Just curious since a lotta people are divided on "divorced haha man" and "mass murderer"
Ohohoho this is very much a slippery slope for me! And a topic I have many opinions on. Thanks for the ask!
Please note for anyone that does not have the energy to read something like this, that this is overall, a critical piece of Asgore. (though not shamelessly bashing him.)
I'm prefacing this to anyone reading - I am not looking to fight, and I will not engage in any arguments around this. I don't have the energy to engage like that. I will delete/block any comments looking to start an argument and move on.
So here's my character analysis of Asgore under the cut, and my personal feelings about goat dad.
Asgore and his incomplete character arc, and why he honestly kind of got shafted:
I think Asgore is an interesting character, but I just... really struggle to like him.
"But Floo!" you may say "Why do you like Undyne, and the other monsters that killed/hurt Frisk/the other kids but not Asgore? Why is he different?"
I debated on that long and hard myself for a while. Why does Asgore rub me the wrong way when Undyne doesn't? Could it be because he is the reason everyone else is doing what they are, because he ordered it? But no, that didn't feel quite right.
And then I realized that it's because Asgore never truly grew as a person. There are some fics out there that I've read where I really do like Asgore. He's a fuzzy goat dad, and I just adore him! But when I examined the differences between those fics and canon, that's when it really stood out to me about WHY I don't like him in canon.
Every other character in the game gets growth that was (while caused by your/frisk's actions) still decided on by themselves. Let's go in order of the decisions these characters made that showcased their growth (in a pacifist run)-
Toriel - She, after having been given suitable time to ruminate, realizes that what she is doing will not work and tears herself out of her isolation to go after the last child and protect them. Her passivity wasn't saving anyone, so she changes herself, grows, and goes to protect them. (it's late, but it DOES happen)
Papyrus - I think the place he really shines in a pacifist/neutral run is when he beats Frisk 3 times and lets them go, but his character arc is all the same, anyway, even if you do beat him. Namely, that he lets them go. He could keep going, he could keep fighting, but he realizes that his want for friends and fame wasn't worth hurting someone. (even if that's not directly how he phrases it.)
Even if you outlast him and beat him the traditional way, he still decides to use his last special attack instead of fighting you until you're down. It's pretty clear he could have kept going if he wanted to.
Undyne - She, like Papyrus (and almost every other monster) has the character growth of letting Frisk go. A decision she actively makes. When Frisk saves her in hotland, pouring water over her head, she could have continued on with the chase, and kept going. But she didn't - she was honorable and conceded her defeat.
Mettaton - Same song and dance as Papyrus and Undyne (I love this character growth, and that's not to diminish ANYONES. They all have different flavors and motivations for going after Frisk that need confronted, even if the action is similar.) But he lets frisk go and realizes that the people underground need him more than anyone above ground. And also learns to touch base with his family a bit more, and value his friends/family more.
Alphys - Alphys decides to confront her crimes and reveal herself! There's still a bit of external pressure here (the "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID" note from Flowey) but still, she didn't have to come clean. But despite everything, she did, and she faced her wrongdoings and also told the people she loved.
Flowey - Do I need to explain this one? There's so many character essays on him (and Alphys tbh LMAO) Long story short, he learns to move on and let go. (and also broke the barrier and released the souls)
So now we move to the crux of the issue. Asgore.
He had a HELL of a character arc building up! So many flaws and bad decisions! We know he's kind, and a pushover, but also responsible for all of this hurt and death of children. (Yes, he had reasons, but that doesn't change his actions.) To be honest, it's the kind of character arc I love. Someone who has caused harm, learning to grow and be a better person. (Cough cough, Heart on the Table, cough cough)
...But he never actually got to the "better person" part.
We know monsters in Undertale are flawed. It's why it's such a great game! So many characters have done so much bad, but! The core of the game is that anyone can be a good person if they try! Look at all these people learning and growing, and being better people than they were before!
But the true pacifist ending kinda shafted Asgore, to be honest. He's a coward, and he never really has to face what he's done. He never decides to just... stop. To face his crimes and the world he's shaped around him.
If he had, independently of others, decided to spare Frisk, that would be one thing. But he didn't - it wasn't until Toriel showed up, and then all of Frisk's friends that he stopped.
Asgore's core conflict was that he was doing something he hated and he knew was bad, but he couldn't stop because how would everyone else react? His people needed him to do this bad thing.
A completed character arc for him, from a story telling perspective, would have had him stop what he was doing, while still under the impression that this would be a hard decision, and that everyone would hate him for it.
(A bed he made for himself! Through his action and inaction, he stoked monsterkind's hatred for humanity back up. There is a much larger discussion to be had around this topic, also how Chara was treated by him and monster kind (also his hand in Chara and Asriel's death) and many more factors. I am aware this is a highly debated topic, and I don't have the energy to fight it, so I will leave it at that.)
Regardless on if you agree if that would be a good or bad decision on his part, that would have been character growth - basically, Asgore having to face all of the accumulation of his cowardice and actions.
But he didn't. He didn't back down until he was basically told "hey yeah, so we all like this kid so you don't have to kill them."
He never wanted to kill them! That was never the issue! The issue was that he was willing to kill them anyway. And if Frisk's friends and his ex wife hadn't shown up and said "hey so we actually DONT want you to kill this kid" he would have! He was willing to kill a child because other people wanted him to, and we never get to see him overcome that hurdle of not killing a child despite other people wanting him to.
We can talk about the potential ending where he offers Frisk his soul, but even then, he still never actually confronts his actions. He's still unwilling to face all of the people he's harmed. (and YES allowing and ENCOURAGING his citizens to murder children is harming them, too. Especially because monsters don't see humans as people. (another essay I don't have time to get into right now, but is based on canon fact))
So... Yeah. I think Asgore has a lot of wonderful conflict baked into him, which is something I love in a character. He's torn, and a coward, and a father, and a broken ruler and king who is doing what he thinks his people want. But it's frustrating to me because he never got the character arc he deserved, and never got the chance to grow into a better person like everyone else in Undertale gets.
I do actually enjoy writing about him... and drawing him too on occasion! (though he's hard to draw) and ASGORE and Bergentrückung are actually my favorite songs in the soundtrack since they are filled with so much emotion. He really is a delightfully conflicted character and that conflict and hurt and pain in a character is addicting to me.
If he had a resolved character arc in game... well, to be honest, he'd probably be my favorite character??? Like, maybe even more than Papyrus (before the hyperfixation took hold, of course. That's a beast you can't reason with.)
But alas, it is what it is, and Asgore never grew. He's stuck being the same monster he was from the very beginning.
Thanks again for the ask and sorry you got a whole ass essay in response lol! I have many feelings about this game and the characters in it, Asgore included.
(Also, to anyone reading, I am aware what I have stated is simply my opinion, and many people have different ones. My opinion has no more value than any other persons.)
Another disclaimer - I love Undertale, and all of it's characters and everything that went into it, and while there are things that I feel about Asgore's character arc, I love and appreciate the way the game played out in actuality, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Toby wrote a masterpiece, and is not only allowed, but should write characters the way he wants to. Who cares if it's not textbook?
Have a cookie for making it this far:
(I was gonna drop an Asgore sketch but HOLY HECK it was not cooperating.)
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
The thing I have also noticed about targies is that they not only refuse to engage with the historical precedents of a pseudo medieval world, but they admit that for them the magic is the main appeal for of HOTD/ASOIAF.....which is incredibly bizarre to me because Martin, whether intentionally or not, has thrown the more magical elements of the story to the wayside, in order to focus on the human socio-political drama in both ASOIAF and Fire and Blood. ASOIAF, in general, is very 'low fantasy' there is very little magic, the magic that is there is not thoroughly explained, and the Others, the big bad of the series, has been mentioned approximately three times over five books and 25 years. The magic is essentially a plot device and not even a device that Martin particularly likes to use lmaoo.
Anyway this hyper focus on magic and the inability to see what GRRM is doing with magic - it's not the solution it's the problem - is a big reason the fandom is so....off in their predictions. Like, the dragons are not saviors, there is no prophesied savior, etc.
This is why targies are always harping on how there is no way for Sansa to be QITN or even go back to Winterfell because she lost her 'MaGIcAL ConNeCTioN' when Lady was offed - as if I'm supposed to give a fuck about direwolves or what the fuck 'warging' is lmaooo when there are vastly more interesting human dramas and political plots playing out in the series.
Conversely, this is why King Bran as Martin's endgame is so stupid imo lmao. He's giving a magical solution for a political human drama that he's been setting up for five books and has not done enough to build up the importance of magic in the series. Like, I'm sorry but a seven year old all seeing Tree Wizard Warlock as King of the 7K is an absolutely hilarious endgame and makes all the philosophical discussions about good rulers and leadership a joke.
Bullseye. 🎯
The only caveat I have is that, while I agree with your assertion that ASOIAF is low-fantasy, the magical element does slowly gain in importance and it's fair to say that the characters who ignore the magical threats (the Others, dragons) are categorically in the wrong and will end up paying for it. But it is very, very likely that the end of the series will see Westeros returning to a normal climate and the disappearance of magic once and for all. The man himself is on record saying magic can be a hindrance and part of the problem!
This is my personal theory as to why he is taking so much time to publish The Winds of Winter, not just because he wrote himself into a corner with the Meereenese knot, making it very difficult to get Dany to Westeros in one book. But it's also that the King Bran ending doesn't make any sense. Perhaps that was indeed his original planned ending, perhaps that was indeed what he told D&D all those years ago, but as he likes to consider himself a gardener-type of writer, the garden he tended started to grow beyond his control and now having a CCTV Tree in charge of Westeros at the end of the series directly contradicts the themes he developed for nearly 30 years.
No hate to Bran, who is an OK kid, but everyone else in the series who's become entangled with the magic to that extent has paid dearly for it. We have Beric Dondarrion on page telling us exactly how it takes its toll and he feels himself becoming less human. Bran also commits several other transgressions that would normally have other characters cursed or punished via deus-ex-machina like warging into Hodor and eating jojenpaste (the last is theoretically unconfirmed, but come on).
At the end of the day, he is an immature child who's being used as a pawn by Bloodraven, with little formal training in the ways of being a lord (the bare minimum), no practical experience with leadership, no social skills and no charisma. These are all consequences imposed on him given his status as a fugitive and not his fault by any means or reflective of a lack of inclination, but they are practical realities nonetheless. GRRM has spent so many pages already criticising poor leadership skills and has always punished bad, immoral, incompetent OR naive people in positions of power - how is he going to make an exception out of Bran without negating literally every other POV he's chosen to write? This is a serious problem in the construction of the story.
He's also already been caught with his pants down by the show and saw for himself how nearly everyone either hated or mocked the King Bran endgame. I'm really very curious what was his opinion on that and whether it made him reflect in any way. D&D did indeed make a hodgepodge of the final season, but it's still got to sting to see how the majority of viewers thought it was a completely random choice and a joke ending.
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sovonight · 9 months
I've been considering playing Baldur's Gate because of you. Do you recommend it What is a good order to play the games in??
absolutely i recommend it!
first off, it's important to know that bg1 & bg2 are their own story, and bg3 is practically separate from them. bg3 is set a century after the events of bg1/bg2, and just has a few character cameos and references from bg1/bg2 (though from what i've heard some of the cameos aren't very good interpretations of the original characters). bg3 doesn't enhance the bg1/bg2 story in any way, and knowledge of bg1/bg2 doesn't matter when playing bg3.
i'd suggest starting with bg3 if you:
are used to modern rpg games, and 3d visuals are particularly important to you
know you don't/won't like infinity engine games (for a spoiler-free preview, look up walkthroughs of icewind dale 1 or 2 and watch a couple minutes of travel, dialogue, and combat gameplay)
i'd suggest starting with bg1/bg2 if you:
don't have a strong preference for starting with bg3 instead
enjoy the potential for mods to expand the game--not just in terms of gameplay, but in story/quest additions and companions, too
are interested in knowing the story that i'm drawing all my fanart of
have a limited budget (you can get these games for very cheap, they frequently go on sale)
if you want to start with bg3, you're all set! go ahead and get started. if you want to start with bg1/bg2, i have a bit more to add:
if you've looked into buying these games, you may have noticed that there's bg1/bg2, and then there's bgee/bg2ee (ee meaning "enhanced edition"). there's also a new dlc that's ee-only. so here's the original playing order:
baldur's gate (bg1)
baldur's gate: tales of the sword coast (tosc): bg1 expansion, adds new side quests and areas to explore during bg1
baldur's gate ii: shadows of amn (bg2, sometimes abbreviated soa to distinguish from tob below)
baldur's gate ii: throne of bhaal (tob): bg2 expansion, directly continues the story from soa and officially ends the series
and here's the enhanced edition order:
baldur's gate: enhanced edition (bgee): contains bg1 and tosc
baldur's gate: seige of dragonspear (sod): bg1 expansion released in 2016 to bridge the gap between bg1 and bg2 (i haven't played it yet, but if you're just testing out the series i'd say don't bother getting it yet, it was released 15 years after the story concluded so how necessary can it really be)
baldur's gate ii: enhanced edition (bg2ee): contains soa and tob
the enhanced edition also adds 4 new companions, an arena side adventure, and overall provides a lot of fixes/improvements/updates on the original games. obviously, considering all these additions and the ee mods that have come out since the ee series release, the ee series is where you should start.
side note--if you buy the ee series on gog (maybe on steam too, but i've only checked it on gog) you'll actually get downloads for the original, non-ee games as well. if you enjoy playing old games for the feeling of time-traveling into the past a bit, and you have the patience to fuss around with troubleshooting and mods, they're a perfectly fine place to start as well! (i personally am still playing the non-ee trilogy even now, but that's for a whole mix of reasons, including that i like using the physical cd's i bought them on lmao)
now finally, if you got this far and are thinking "okay, i'm cautiously interested in bg1/bg2, but which one of the two should i start with???"
start with bg2 if you:
just want to jump in and see what all the fuss is about
don't care about having context in the beginning (you'll gain some context as you play, though not all)
want vampires, technology, and more sewers in your d&d experience
prefer a story with darker tones and a lot of driving urgency
start with bg1 if you:
like starting at the beginning to have context for everything that happens
want a standard, classic adventure with camps, forests, and bustling cities
don't need the plot to engage you if your companions are there with conversations, commentary, and banter
are willing to install at least one mod, BG1NPC
i found bg1 to be kind of a slog to get through on my very first playthrough, but adding in character interactions via BG1NPC really livened the game up for me and made it my favorite game out of the series. (imo this works best if you're willing to do a romance though, bc unfortunately romanced companions tend to get the most interactions & care put into their conversations.)
you don't strictly need BG1NPC on bgee bc the ee adds those aforementioned companions who do have conversations with you, but iirc they don't talk as much or provide as many opportunities for interaction as some of the modded companions do. (for context, in the original bg1, companions don't talk to you or comment on events at all; that only became a thing in bg2.) playing bgee without BG1NPC means you'll have to get at least 1 of the 3 ee companions to hear any conversations at all.
anyway, hopefully this wasn't too long or confusing. i hope you try the games out!
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beansterpie · 10 months
ES21 japanese volumes part 2/??
< part 1 || part 3 >
Thanks for the warm reception on part 1! Honestly wasn't expecting anyone other than me and maybe a couple of friends to read, so it's nice to know that people enjoyed it! Also @blaka-smoko provided me with a link to scans of the VIS translation here-- it has up to volume 29 I believe for anyone interested (you'll have to make an account on the site to borrow the volumes though! but it's all free)
Now, to pick up where we left off--
Sena has just managed to escape the bullies, but they're in pursuit. He ends up running into a busy shopping street, where Hiruma, Sena's demonic upperclassman, happens to witness the following...
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(First page -> Kuroki: "Alright! I caught...")
I love these pages sm, they're SO silly. This is the beginning of 'these kids might as well have superpowers', and I love that for them. And to be perfectly honest, I think the extra dramatic action scenes make for a really engaging sports manga, which is a genre where I tend get very bored of the whole, you know, Sports™ of it all. But ES21 always keeps me really engaged during the matches, and the super dynamic art is definitely one of the reasons.
Putting the rest under a cut!
I think I'm just gonna go ahead and post the next few pages because I love this bit lol
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(Panel 3 -> Juumonji: "Shit-!" Kuroki: "I SAID MOVE!!!" Old Man: "That hurts you BRAT"
Panel 4 -> Hiruma: "That cut...." (note that the kanji here is 走り方 which is pronounced ha-shi-ri-ka-ta and means 'way of running' or 'running style', but the romaji says カット (ka-tto) which is just the English 'cut' as a loanword. I told you Hiruma does this a lot!))
Love how they somehow make Sena navigating a crowd really well into something so cool lol. But I love this entire segment.
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(Panel 2 -> Togano: "Aaallright, now sto--"
Panel 4 -> Togano: "--p??"
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "Whoa, a spin!"
Panel 6 -> The Bullies: *sounds of struggle and pain*)
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(Panel 1 -> Sena: "Hiieeee-- (this is just a sound of anxiety he makes a lot) It's no good--!!"
Panel 2 -> Hiruma: "No, you can make it"
Panel 4 -> Hiruma: "With your legs, you can make it!"
Panel 6 -> Hiruma: "FLY!" (also means 'jump', but fly feels more apt))
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TOUCHDOWN!!! (of getting on the train yayyy!)
I just love this whole segment-- how good the art is, how intense and dynamic and fun they managed to make a simple chase scene, how it works so well with the football visuals that Hiruma is laying over Sena's movements in his mind, Hiruma's weird omniscient presence cementing itself into the narrative lol. Properly introducing the One Thing™ that Sena is crazy good at to the audience, and that is running (usually away from something lmao).
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(Panel 2 -> Juumonji: "GUHO!?" (sound of surprised pain)
Panel 3 -> Hiruma: "Toooouchdooooown! Ya-ha--!")
I love him your honor.
ANYWAY onto the next day!
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(Panel 1 & 2 -> Kurita: "Oh that's right! Yesterday, a new member joined the club!" Hiruma: "Ooohhh, I actually found someone too."
Panel 3 -> Hiruma: "Truly a golden-legged Running Back. He was so full of spirit that he approached me directly, saying that he wanted to join."
Panel 4 -> Kurita: "Wow-- amazing! Good job finding him, Hiruma!"
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "He should be here already"
Panel 6 -> Hiruma: "K, now fill out the application form~" Kurita: "S-SENA-KUN!!?")
The audacity of Hiruma casually and blatantly lying that Sena joined of his own volition lol. He just lies because it's fun, why not? 😂 Also, when Hiruma says 'running back', it just says "RB" with furigana that says ランニング��ック, which is 'running back' as a loan word lol.
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(2nd pic -> Kurita: "Whoa number 21! The eyeshield is so cool!" Hiruma: "If we don't hide his face like this during matches, it'll start an all-out-war among the other sports teams.")
Lol I love how shrimpy Sena is <3 In the fan-scans, the idea that the other sports clubs would try to get at Sena wasn't really mentioned until the Cupids match, so I figured I'd include it. Also Hiruma looks SO NORMAL in the first couple of chapters lol, he just increasingly gets more spiky and demonic as the story progresses, and I love that for him, but seeing little babyfaced Hiruma is fun too.
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(Panel 1 -> Sena: "But I'm the manager~~!!" Hiruma: "Then, player-and-manager. do both"
Panel 2 -> the posters say: "Stay away from him -- Or the mosaic comes off")
Mosaic meaning the blurred out bits, obv. I feel like there's certain lines from Hiruma where the translation doens't quite capture the like... cavalier command with implicit threat he has in Japanese lol.
Also I get this slight vibe from his Japanese dialogue that Hiruma is like, funny lol. There's more of a deliberate sense of set up and pay off when he talks, which I get a kick out of.
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Finally, end of chapter one 😂 the fuck is brevity?
Bit of an aside, but something I never noticed before about this pic of Sena's room is that he seems to collect figures of some kind? And he has a lot of games (or possibly anime) in the tv cabinet. I know in the pilot chapter (which I might post about separately sometime), Sena was characterized as A Gamer™, but that seems to have largely been abandoned in the actual series. It's fun to see the lingering remnants of that aspect of Past-Sena lol.
Moving on to chapter 2!
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(Mamori: "The American Football Club!?")
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(Panel 1 -> Mamori: "But American Football is... You shouldn't pick something so dangerous!")
Regarding panel 2, there isn't a mistranslation really, but I wanted to point out-- because it's fucking hilarious-- that Mamori uses four separate words that all essentially mean weak and feeble to describe Sena 😭 She's like "--because Sena is (physically) weak, insubstantial, fragile, and The Weakest™!"
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Sena: "Y, you don't have to go that far...."
She really didn't 😔 how's a bitch supposed to come back from that...
Then of course Sena reassures her that he's just the shumu/manager (whatever), and won't actually be playing in matches, which she is very relieved to hear.
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(Mamori: "Huh? But then why are you here so early in the morning?
Sena: "A meeting about club management!!")
Oh Sena :')
Cut to:
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(Hiruma: "Come now, it's morning practice!!!"
Sena: "ALL LIES~~!!")
Soon, soon Sena, you will learn. But man look at the unbridled joy on our demon spawn captain's face <3 we love a chaotic gremlin.
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Just wanted to gush a little about how much I love Murata's establishing shots, especially this one. Gives such an excellent vibe of early morning at a school before most students are present-- plus over the course of the series you end up getting such a good sense of the overall layout of the school!
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(Panel 1 -> Kurita: "Well-- you know how we haven't had three people since the formation of the club? I was just so happy that I had to wake up early"
Panel 2 -> Kurita: "I was so amped up that I've been at it since 2am!" Hiruma: "An idiot, there's an idiot here.")
All told basically the same as the fan-scans, but I think the Japanese version slyly implies the existence of Musashi a little better. I always wonder with these things just how much of the back stories were hashed out-- like was Musashi's design already established? When we see him for the first time later (unbeknownst to us) did the creators already know That Guy was Musashi? Questions, questions...
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(Panel 1 -> Sena: "That was close! I was about to join in on practice without realizing!" Hiruma: "Right, guess we should go through everything once, starting with the ladder."
Panel 2 -> Hiruma: "Since we've got newbies present and all." Sena: "Hiiieeeee!" (he's like a small dog, he whimpers when he's scared)
Panel 3 -> Kurita: "Ah wait. Actually my neck kind of hurts. I think I might call it quits after doing a 40 yard dash or something."
Panel 4 -> Hiruma: "40 yard dash, huh? It's been a while. Alright, let's measure our times.")
K-Kurita.... your head looks like it's gonna pop off.....
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(Panel 2 -> Hiruma: "Time?"
Panel 3 -> "Kurita Ryokan: 40 yard run: 6.5 seconds"
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "This fucking fatty!! What morning practice, you've gotten slower than before!!" Kurita: "I can't help it, I'm already tired--!!")
@blaka-smoko mentioned this in their reblog on the last post, but Hiruma preludes all his nicknames with 糞 (ku-so) which means like, shitty, but the furigana says ファッキン which is just "fucking" as a loan word lol. So all his nicknames canonically and literally start with the English word "fucking". Fucking chibi, Fucking monkey, Fucking manager, etc, etc. The official VIS version changed this to 'damn', which is nothing but a damn shame lol. Let Hiruma say fuck!! He's literally already saying it!!
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(Panel 1 -> Hiruma: "Alright, watch how it's done!" Sena: "!? So fast!!"
Panel 4 -> "Hiruma Yoichi: 40 yard run: 5.1 seconds"
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "Ya-ha-! That's my best time!!" Sena & Kurita: "Whoa--!!")
He's so fucking spiky!! And I love how expressive their physical movements are, like Hiruma's little twist in the last panel is so fun.
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The first three panels are basically accurate, (though in panel two, Hiruma is like "What's that? You want to run so bad you can barely contain it?" which made me chuckle) but panels 4 & 5 are different.
(Panel 4 -> Kurita: "But, isn't it weird? If he's that fast (and he uses 爆速 (ba-ku-so-ku) which means like, explosive speed) I think he would have been famous in middle school."
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "Hmm... now that you mention it.... Well, we'll know for sure once we measure his time.")
I like that Kurita points out something to Hiruma that he didn't consider! These early chapters gives a bit more of a feel of Hiruma and Kurita's friendship imo, before there's more characters that the story needs to focus on, and the two of them solidly enter the Senpai™ realm among their teammates.
Of course, then Sena runs and gets 5.0 seconds, which is already fastest on their little team! But Hiruma isn't satisfied with that....
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The fan-scans are aaaalmost right? But confused. It makes it sound like Hiruma is quoting something Sena said/wrote down in the past (that he somehow aquired as Hiruma is wont to do), and then the line in panel 3 just doesn't make sense. In Japanese, it comes across more as like, Hiruma looks up some records of Sena on his laptop, and the rest is him putting together an analysis based off of that.
(Panel 1 -> Hiruma: "In Kobayakawa Sena's middle school physical endurance records-- he came first only in Repetitive Sideways Hopping."
Panel 2 -> Hiruma: "Must be due to the explosive power that you built through your gopher-ing... which is how you have that rocket-start. But you immediately lose speed, which is why you never make any records in a footrace.
Panel 3 -> Hiruma: "So all we have to do is make sure you don't lose speed."
Panel 5 -> Hiruma: "CERBERUS!!!")
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This is basically correct, so I used the scans for visual clarity because taking good pics of a double page spread is hard :')
anyway RUN BOY RUN!! Also love Hiruma's little fist pump in the last panel. Murata being awesome with gestures as usual.
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(Panel 1 -> Hiruma: "This is beyond high school records! It's the top speed in the NFL! Nobody can stop this!"
Panel 2 -> "The Golden Legs!!")
I don't know if it's true that 4.2 sec is the NFL record (at least at the time) or not, and frankly I don't care. Within the context of this series, 4.2 secs is the speed of light, and Sena's got it!
I've always liked that Sena's got this glass canon thing going on-- OP in terms of speed only, extremely weak in every other regard. It's funny and unexpected in a shounen protagonist, and it makes for a very satifying arc, even if there aren't any surprises. I actually in part got into B.N.H.A . waaay back in 2014 because Deku reminded me of Sena (well, I got into it because I'd read the artist's previous manga and was curious, but Deku reminding me of Sena is what made me stay (well, until I left again a couple years later lol)). Point is, I'm very fond of Sena, I think he's fun!
Oof I wanted to squeeze in one more pic but I'm at the limit already lol. But chapter 2 ends with excitement all around-- and Hiruma says that they'll be winning the Spring Tournament. (Sena imagines himself as the manager and boy, after all that you still think you're just gonna be the manager? 😭)
Of course this is when Hiruma informs them that the first match is tomorrow lol. A team with 3 players. Good luck!
That's all for part 2-- hope y'all enjoy my ramblings!
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hsvh-hp · 5 months
Hi! Thanks for all the responses -- I hadn't realized how many chapters I'd gotten through since your last round until I saw the emails lmao
I was wondering, in regards to this:
And omg, I totally feel you on being a trans person in the HP fandom. It's very weird how my tumblr dash is set up. I have mutuals still from old fandoms who are queer, and I feel so ostracized from them at times when they toe the line of 'anybody in the HP fandom supports JKR, you're a bad person if you're still engaging with it'. I'll spare you the essay on why I disagree with that, but oddly the safest place I feel on the internet as a trans person is in the HP fandom. Which is weird at face value, I suppose, given what JKR is doing, but we really are separate from her. I've yet to see substantial evidence that fandom, which is infamous for generating zero revenue, is floating trans peoples' demise. It's just a thought crime, I guess.
if you would, perhaps, not spare me the essay? lol
I feel the same sort of ostracization which is especially frustrating when I am in such "thought crimes are fake!" circles, and I'm interested in your perspective, if you want to give it!
Sure, I’ll offer my perspective on it! This is probably best broken down into bullet points:
1. JKR was already a billionaire before she came out as a TERF.
There is nothing in the world that will change this status. Even if every single person currently engaging with her various IPs immediately dropped them, JKR would still have a billion plus dollars to drop on anti-trans movements and whatever. A billion dollars is immensely difficult to picture. The easiest way is to think like this: if you make $50,000 a year, the equivalent of her dropping $75,000 the other day is you spending $3.75. How often do you spend 0.0075% of your income and give it any thought? JKR’s wealth is not directly tied to ‘levels of fandom engagement’.
Which leads to…
2. Boycotts don’t work.
Sorry. They don’t. Not against someone this politically powerful. If they did, the flood of people out of the HP fandom in 2020 would have had a measurable effect. What did have a measurable effect? People not going to watch the Fantastic Beast movies (because they were hot trash lmao). Not giving JKR any more money works in the sense that it cripples her future projects, but it has zero effect on what’s already in her purse.
Also, think of boycotts this way: wasn’t it hilarious watching conservatives try to boycott the Barbie movie, Nike, Bud Light, and whatever else they’ve systematically locked on to? But so then why do progressives/the left/whoever think it’s going to work the other way? Like with Hogwarts Legacy? Just don’t interact with the media, dude. And if you do, pirate it.
3. Fandom is not mainstream. I have never seen any data to substantiate that participating in a fandom directly correlates to dollars for the IP. Copyright literally prevents that from happening. To bring up to popular saying, “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”, fandom exists outside of capitalism—for me, at least, as a fan fiction writer. This is a hobby to me. I have never seen a red cent for any of the hours of work I’ve put into my fics.
And I can probably guarantee that no one has stumbled upon Harry Potter through me, lol. They didn’t read one of my fics and go, ‘you know, I should check out what source material this is coming from’. Harry Potter is so well-known that there’s no way they came in blind.
Also, the TERF discourse is very much an online thing. I work retail irl and I’ve had conversations with customers who’ll say “you know, I really don’t get all this hubbub against trans people” but are too boomer to be anything more than tangentially aware that Harry Potter is a Thing. Like, ‘oh yeah, my kids read those books when they were coming out, but I never bothered’. One of my employees bought a set of the HP books because they were on a wicked deal at Costco, and when we were discussing it I told her that while I still enjoyed HP, I wasn’t comfortable giving JKR more money because she’s extremely transphobic and donates a lot of money to anti-trans causes. My employee was horrified and said that had she known that, she wouldn’t have bought the books. Lots of people just don’t know!
Which takes me to…
4. This type of online activism isn’t effective.
I’m talking specifically about being anti-Harry Potter or anti-JKR. Falling into those two categories does not automatically make you pro-trans. This was pretty blatantly obvious back when the books were being burned for promoting witchcraft. As far as fighting for trans peoples’ rights, screaming until you’re blue in the face about how anybody who engages with Harry Potter is a traitor and JKR BAD is wasting time better spent doing something productive - something that could actually benefit trans people rather than…I don’t know…virtue signalling that their blog or twitter account is a safe space?
5. I personally do not feel welcomed or vouched for by these people.
Listen, I’m going to break myself down into all my stupid little categories. I’m trans. Autistic. Intersex. Aromantic. Asexual. Basically, all the things that people love to try and cast out of the queer community, whether that means they’re trying to split LGBTQIA+ at the T or Q.
The anti-Harry Potter stuff, as far as attacking the fandom, feels like the latest strain of purity politics to me. As I’ve laid out above, abandoning HP will not right the wrongs of JKR in any measurable or tangible way. Boycotts don’t work. Fandom does not feed JKR’s coffers, and destroying the fandom will not cripple her. There are trans people inside the HP fandom, and what of us? Are we traitors? Are we not ‘really’ trans, because obviously we don’t care about the current political climate? Are we just confused and need to be enlightened as to what harm we’re doing? Where have I heard this rhetoric before?
One small thing, tangentially related:
6. I don’t care what JKR says about how engaging with Harry Potter tells her about who her ‘supporters’ are.
Seriously? She’s a lying dirtbag, and I’m just supposed to take her word on this? This is the one thing she just so happens to be right about?
When she started spouting TERF shit, I was really saddened by the writers who, upon leaving the fandom, also deleted their works in protest. Seeing as the majority of the HP fandom is queer, I’m sure that JKR was very pleased with the amount of queer media erasure that occurred. Why did we do that for her?
7. I believe JKR actually seethes and malds over the prospect of her fandom being queer and producing queer content.
As a writer, there’s a special kind of pain that comes from someone not quite interpreting your work the way you would have wanted them to. What do you think JKR’s first reaction was when she first learned about the Harry/Draco ship? The Draco/Hermione ship? If she didn’t live in a stone castle, I bet she would’ve punched a hole in the wall.
So, yeah. Transing and gaying all of her characters is a pretty nice way to get to her in a way that she can’t legally or financially retaliate. Every time she screams ‘WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!’ at the queer people in her fandom, a trans person’s crops are watered.
8. The HP setting is very welcoming to trans people.
Potions exist that can change your body. Enough said.
That the Harry Potter books never really says anything specifically about trans people (NOTE: obviously JKR’s prejudices even back then showed through, but this isn’t about that) leaves the question on the table. Obviously trans people exist in the Harry Potter setting, because they exist everywhere. So, how did they never get any page time?
Well, who says they didn’t? In a setting where potions exist to change your body, trans people are just…people. I don’t even think that they would have a marginalized identity because gender dysphoria would be something very easily treated. Think of it like someone who takes medication for blood pressure. They need the medication, it’s life-saving, and while there isn’t a magical pill to ‘cure’ high blood pressure, it can be managed. The magical world revels in being strange. Why would being trans, while being considered strange here in the ‘Muggle’ world, be anything other than normal there? Why can’t it be?
And then there are Metamorphmagi. People who can literally change themselves at will! If that isn’t a trans person’s dream, I don’t know what is. I would personally love the option of being the biggest, hairiest dude with a dick so big an erection would make me black out, and then ultra femme and delicate the next.
Last on this point, Harry never notes anyone specifically trans in the text (NOTE: touching on things like the physical descriptions of Rita Skeeter and Marge Dursley, JKR tends to do the ugly=bad person thing. Although she describes Rita and Marge as mannish in appearance, they aren’t trans characters. They’re women that JKR wants to frame as bad people. Like I said above, this is JKR’s prejudice showing through). If Harry never notes anyone as specifically trans, that probably means that it’s impossible to tell at face value. The same as blood pressure medication, to return to that analogy. How do you know someone is on them? They tell you. You see the pill bottle and happen to know what that medication is for. They complain about side effects. They complain about the symptoms that led them going to the doctor in the first place.
9. Queer HP fandom content can potentially be how a Harry Potter fan realizes that they’re queer (or that queer people are just regular folks).
Hey, the first one happened to me!
If someone comes into the Harry Potter fandom unaware of JKR’s politics - maybe they were gifted the books for their birthday or happened to catch the movies on TV - it’s good actually that this person doesn’t fall right into an echo chamber of JKR’s politics. I’ll be happily here to correct her record in a way that isn’t shaming or policing them.
Anyway, I think that’s everything lol. To summarize:
- The HP Fandom is a neutral setting. Engaging with it doesn’t help JKR, and not engaging with it doesn’t help trans people. Just don’t spend money on official HP merch.
- If you want to be a pro-trans activist or trans political ally, please just ignore JKR and put all your focus on the real world.
- There are trans people in the HP fandom who are left feeling awkward and uncomfortable due to virtue signalling.
- Generating queer HP content is good, actually.
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pazziville · 3 months
(another rant, scroll if you don't want to read, thank you. feel free to express your own opinions as well, i have no problem with that honestly, i'm all for conversing properly and hearing different perspectives. this has actually been in my drafts for quite a while now and i wanted to make sure i worded things correctly and respectfully and i figured it was the perfect time to post it considering everything that went down lmao.)
most pazzi shippers on here, based on my observations literally just joke around paige and azzi's relationship/duo dynamic and are most of the time not serious or are aware they're reaching but say it anyway because it's a free space out here.
if i see something i don't agree with on here, i simply don't engage with it, hit it with the not interested feature, and scroll down. sure, we're all free to discourse about things, but couldn't it all be avoided if both sides just understood each other?
pazzi truthers from what i see just want others to not be in denial of the possibility of paige and azzi being together because some people really are pushing and forcing the fact that they're just friends for the wrong reasons (homophobia, racism, etc.) however it doesn't also give us the right to harass people on the jump in assumption that they're denying pazzi for reasons that i just stated. people are allowed to not ship them in the same way we do which is post stuff openly and discuss their relationship openly or deny them completely for their fair share of reasons and that's alright. let's go below the belt simply because other people don't ship them the way we do, that's not very cool.
i'm not gonna speak on non-pazzi shippers cause i don't wanna put words into their mouths but from what i see they're concerned with boundaries and how pazzi shippers constantly over analyze things in regards to pazzi.
in terms of boundaries, i'm gonna speak as a pazzi shipper myself that i went here on tumblr to freely share pazzi moments and appreciate whatever they have in a space wherein you have to actively search things to actually see things if you get what i mean. meaning i don't try to shove the pazzi narrative in platforms where i know paige and azzi possibly may see them accidentally (and not purposely) and be possible uncomfortable with them. the moments that i share are those that have been shared here already on tumblr and other public platforms. however i do agree that actively seeking moments of the two using invasive methods and through stalking intensively is not okay and should not be tolerated, ever.
now to get into the topic of over analyzing. as a pazzi shipper myself, i really wouldn't consider it as over analyzing, it's more like trying to connect the dots with touch of delusion because we're obviously shipping two people together. for example we see a paige picture of her fit and we suddenly recall a certain someone wear something similar or the same thing, so of course as shippers, we share it on here and giggle about it. and when we do over analyze it's mostly just delusion so why are we so serious about that. sure it may not be cool to let the delusion seep through other public platforms the girls are on but we're on tumblr, whatever happened to free speech?
bottom line, engage with what u wanna engage, ignore what you don't like or don't believe in. don't go aggravating a group of people who don't have the same interest as you, let people do what they wanna, as long as it's nothing that directly hurt people. like what everyone's saying, we don't know these girls personally and they have not spoken up about anything as well. sure, they don't need to speak up about having to give them the respect and space they deserve but that's exactly why us pazzi shippers here on tumblr are here on tumblr, to make sure we're shipping responsibly.
that's all, gonna go back to my regular scheduled programming now! 🙏🏼
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luckystarchild · 6 months
The irony of people jumping your shit for promoting the "Oc agenda". Lol. Lmao, even. Like, yes, we do love Ocs here. Yusuke may not be mine or your or anyone's Oc except Yoshihiro Togashi's, but we do like him. Same with Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei— All of these wonderful characters are neat *Ocs* and I'm down for you promoting them in your "agenda". Any other Ocs that you throw into the Oc hotpot are like extra seasoning, and if people can't handle the added spice then it's on them to not eat it.
Thank you! Great points!!!
In the end, backlash to innocuous comments about fandom are most often a form of self-consciousness on display.
People come to fandom for validation. When they think they're about to get validation, and then they don't, it makes them feel insecure about their preferences. They take innocuous comments personally because they perceive them as a value judgment, even if they are not intended to be so.
When people mock OCs in front of me, I just mute or block and move on with my life. I don't engage. I see it all the time, but I don't let it impact me. I don't let it drive me away from a fandom. (And I do not reach out to blogs who haven't expressed interest in OCs for recommendations or validation, either.)
We have to curate our own experiences. If people don't like ocs, they are free to curate a fandom space that does not have them in it. It's no skin off my nose, and it should be no skin off their noses if I decide to curate a fandom space that does not include shipping canon characters.
I don't know that anyone's noticed this, but I intentionally left off the shipping tag when I made that post. I did not want to put my opinions into that specific space within the fandom. I have a right to express myself on my blog, but I wasn't about to inject my opinion directly into the tag when I knew I wasn't validating the emotions of the people within it. That's why it's very odd to me that people are interpreting what I said as negative, because I took multiple active measures to make sure I was honoring people who do like that ship, and I avoided talking about the ship itself very much on purpose. But if people want to interpret what I was saying in a really negative way, or as a targeted value judgement of their preferences, that's on them. If they want to commit themselves to anger, that is their right.
I'm just going to be over here writing myself shameless insert fics and letting judgments roll off my back, because as a self-insert writer, that's what you have to do to survive.
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markantonys · 1 year
thinking ahead to s3, i hope they'll change elayne and nynaeve's black-ajah-hunting destination from tanchico to whatever city the waste gang will end up in after the waste (probably either tear so they can do the stone and callandor then since they couldn't fit it in pre-waste, or cairhien as in the books and callandor gets saved for even later since it WILL still be a while before it's needed story-wise). putting a read more because i kept thinking further and further into the story and seeing more domino effects!
as far as i can remember, it's not important for the location of this plotline to be tanchico specifically, except perhaps that it's not far from the site of the seanchan invasion which allows them to run into egeanin, but they could easily pick egeanin up in falme and then she travels with them to the east (or ta'veren makes her travel there alone so that she can run into elayne and nynaeve).
and there would be several benefits! on a production level, it cuts down on the number of sets, filming locations, extras, costumes, etc they need. on an engaging-casual-viewers level, it cuts down on the number of different locations that viewers need to keep track of by moving this plotline to a major city that will be important throughout the series. yes, it's important to establish the vast size and scope of the world, but that can still be done while selecting a smaller number of key locations to focus on in detail.
and on a story level, it allows elayne and nynaeve to reunite with the waste gang in s4 (or at the end of s3 depending on pacing) and spend more time with them. this could be the perfect place to strengthen elayne's relationships with rand and aviendha since she likely won't have time for more than a few interactions with them in s2/beginning of s3. it gives nynaeve more time with lan and could potentially even allow her to be present when moiraine goes through the doorway and their bond snaps - nynaeve being with lan in that immediate aftermath could be very interesting to explore. and just more time for Full Friend Group Time overall, which is something that was sorely lacking in the books but that the show really committed to the importance of in the first season.
then thinking even beyond that, elayne and nynaeve mostly tread water in salidar, so maybe they could leave with mat and aviendha directly from tear/cairhien for ebou dar and the bowl, and egwene could go to salidar by herself. and if they hold off on these departures until after rand's kidnapping, and perrin still comes east to rand as in the books, then my long-held dream of dumai's wells being a full cast event could be realized! the big issue here though would be how to work in nynaeve's discovery of healing stilling and gentling since that's the only crucial thing that happens while she and elayne are in salidar. but it's not outside the realm of possibility that siuan & co could pass through tear/cairhien on their way to salidar, thus joining up with the main gang and allowing this plot point to still happen (and giving siuan and moiraine time together, as well as all 4 of rand/elayne/aviendha/min).
the other tricky thing is where to place caemlyn? rand going crazy over mat's and aviendha's deaths, balefiring a forsaken, and undoing their deaths is extremely important to me and i'm not willing to let go of it lmao and it's also plot-important since it leads to rand learning that balefire is the only way to permanently kill a forsaken, which leads to him being trigger-happy with it. this could be moved to a different location, but SOMETHING needs to happen in caemlyn to cause the throne to go from morgase to elayne, so i don't see a reason to move these events elsewhere. the issue i'm seeing is that if elayne hasn't rejoined rand's group yet, then rand would leave for caemlyn before she reaches tear/cairhien and we'd miss out on randlayne bonding time because he'd be busy sorting out caemlyn, starting the black tower, etc. whereas if she HAS rejoined the group, then there's no way she wouldn't come with him to retake caemlyn...........
..........which actually could totally work? elayne could participate in retaking caemlyn and then just stay there to kick off her succession arc early and skip out on the ebou dar trip. the most important thing to come from that trip is mat being left behind in seanchan territory, so elayne herself isn't strictly needed. so, okay, here's what i'm thinking overall:
elayne & nynaeve join the waste gang in tear/cairhien, and they all go together to retake caemlyn
siuan & co meet up with them either in tear/cairhien (ideal since it would give siuan time with moiraine before she "dies" and potentially allow her to be present to witness the "death") or in caemlyn later, and nynaeve heals stilling and gentling
elayne begins her succession arc, with rand Traveling back and forth between caemlyn and his other domain(s) in disguise so as not to interfere with her work in caemlyn
perrin arrives in caemlyn due to ta'veren pull - now the ENTIRE crew is together
rand is kidnapped (either he flees to cairhien with the entire crew as in the books, or he's kidnapped directly from caemlyn to save time) and the entire crew goes to dumai's wells to save him. big full cast tentpole event!
afterwards, egwene and siuan leave for salidar (though this may need to happen before rand's kidnapping in order to sow mistrust & distance between rand and egwene by keeping egwene unaware of this event for a long time; alternately, egwene could participate in dumai's wells but argue with rand afterwards about his treatment of the salidar aes sedai who tried to help him, thus accomplishing the same thing)
perrin leaves to find masema
nynaeve, mat, and lan leave for ebou dar
elayne, aviendha, and min return to caemlyn so that elayne can continue the succession, min can provide viewings and advice to her, aviendha can train with the wise ones, and all 3 of them can get closer because min spending half the series plastered to rand's side with no storyline of her own and no relationship with the other members of her polycule absolutely must change
rand is on his own for fain's attack in cairhien, defeat of sammael (if he makes the show), and the campaign against the seanchan
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shigarakisslutbag · 11 months
This isnt directly a request but if you do end up getting inspiration out of this then im glad! (wouldn't complain lol) Imagine how Shiggy would act if some villain with a big loving heart came in and just- somewhat adopted him. Shiggy gets injured? They're there soothing and scolding him. Ranting about video games or heroes? They're patiently listening. Makes my heart so happy negl.
Omg anon I actually really like this idea lol. I have no idea how I would write it as a fic or even organized headcanons BUT I will most certainly give you my disorganized thoughts on this because I have no self control.
APOLOGIES because I'm writing this at 1:33pm and I am very tired (but will likely not sleep until 3am.), THEREFORE, I probably have many typos because I didn't proof read an I am so sorry lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy my thoughts on this, feel free to add anything, I don't mind going back and forth on this topic (this goes for anyone btw! Not just anon. I love hearing everyone's thoughts on concepts I write for)
I feel like in this scenario of reader being a villain, reader's motives are either out of spite towards their hatred for capitalism or they're just kind of... goofy...and unhinged... in a bad way .. thatcopsandheroesdontlike YOU GET THE PICTURE OK? (Use your imagination bestie)
But regaRDLESS, you have a huge soft spot (and maybe some hard spots;) ) for shigaraki.
Which actually just ends up with you having a lot of compassion and care towards him. You can tell he's been through a lot. anyone can. and seeing him having clear struggles in his physical life and internal conflicts, you can't help but want to, well, help him.
I won't go into a huge back story because I simply... am tired LOL. But somewhere along the way shigaraki let you grace him with your presence.
So now you're here with your adopted introverted son and guiding him through his life full of terrorism, tyrants, and genocide 🫶 (you don't quite understand how he's both introverted and a menace to society at the same time. Shigaraki is what happens when an introvert just gets really fed up with capitalism ig)
Shigaraki actually really appreciates you're presence. Will he admit it? FUCK NO LMAO. he'd rather twist his eyelids off and eat them before telling your annoying ass he appreciates you. But he does. Just trust me, he does.
Besides spinner, no one really listens to his rants about video games, players, the fall of society. Dabi refers to him as "a cartoon villain on heroin who monologues " shigaraki didn't like that very much
But you listen. You really listen. You ask him questions, you validate his feelings and concerns, you make sure he knows that he's making progress, ect. You don't just hear what he says, you listen. You engage. Which is something he's needed for a very long time.
Especially when he gets injured, is when he gets the most attention from you. Honestly sometimes he wants to hurt himself just hear you cry over him LOL. He's low-key obsessed with you but don't ever bring it up if you notice.
Like the one time he came back to the bar after the U.S.J incident, all bloody with bullets wounds, you were... not handling it well to say the least. Lol. Shigaraki was fine, just chilling on the floor cursing the hero bastards, as he calls them. But you were "dramatic" as shigaraki says. "I'll be fine I'll just stick some bread in bullet holes and cover them with plastic wrap"
You, much to his dismay, disinfected the wound with alcohol and with kurogiris help stitched up the wounds and wrapped them with a compression bandage and made him rest while checking in every so often to change out his gauze and bandages and cleaning the wounds again.
You also checked in quite a bit to make sure he was hydrated (with water because all the idiot drinks are energy drinks and alcohol)
Going back to listening to his interests, you both share some of the same interests so it helps a lot with your bond with the leader of the league. Even political views.
He listens to you too, even if he doesn't understand some of your interests or is very knowledgeable on certain topics you enjoy, he loves listening to you. He actually thinks your way of speaking and the way your voice sounds is very, very cute. But again, he'll never tell you. He's too embarrassed to and doesn't want to ruin,,,, whatever reputation he thinks he has.
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#myo is rambling. me when I talk. about literally whatever! sometimes it's actually with a larger point in mind, but uhh. don't expect decently smart words from me usually. it's a mixed bag, though we can always count on it being too long and poorly formatted!!
#responding to asks. also stuff I write, but in response format specifically! I am always happy to respond to things asked in good faith :) or things in bad faith, but the response might just be me shitposting at that point. but yeah! talk to me! I love getting anons and try to respond to them (it might not be quickly, but it will be eventually!)
#art insp. aesthetic stuff I like looking at! hopefully it balances out my blog so it's not all unhinged rambling lmao
#personal reminders. posts I want to come back to for good advice or reminders!
hello! you can call me myo, and welcome to me straight up rambling in very overdrawn personal writings filled with far too many prepositions (look, I'm just not a grammar person, I write purely off vibes and stream of consciousness with light editing)
I made this blog mostly because I had a nagging desire to:
1) talk about myself in order to excise lingering young adult narcissism
2) rant about things that annoyed me in life because if I did this to people I knew irl they might stop talking to me
3) explore and contribute to communities of ideas that I haven't directly engaged with but would like to. specifically radical feminist and gender critical spaces that I stumbled upon while dealing with a conundrum over gender identity and found greatly helpful to expanding my own viewpoints on life, humanity, and identity. but honestly I talk (read: complain) about whatever is on my mind, not necessarily beholden on any single ideology.
anyways, speaking of identity, a topic I love so much and definitely don't side eye with the strongest of expressions my face can make, I will list some random aspects of myself that will come up in writing because turns out a lot of my self reflection centers around a few specific topics, keep reading if getting to know an internet stranger slightly better for no reason is up your alley--
myo lore:
I am chinese american, not a fact I usually talk about a lot unprompted (semi-lie it is a pretty easily prompted fact) but it sure is culturally what I am! and it does inform my upbringing and family dynamics which unsurprisingly are very interesting to unpack while blogging. I'm technically first generation (I did immigrate) but it's more like 1.75 generation if we want to be really picky (I did immigrate as a baby/toddler) so functionally I am american, but my upbringing is culturally a weird sort of chinese, my parents are fairly influenced by their own upbringings in china, and I think the way I turned out as a person does reflect that to some extent.
I am technically a desister/reconciled from identifying as transmasc non-binary/ftm/basically words to say I wanted to be a man and transition to be one but I hadn't gotten to that point of medicalization so I was stuck in a weird inbetween of being nonbinary as a result, even when I never reallly bought fully into the "being nonbinary" thing. I did not begin to pursue medical transition (due to overwhelming health anxiety lmao) but basically socially transitioned once I started college with a name change (kind of. it's complicated), effort at passing by binding (I found my actual binder I bought really uncomfortable so I never wore it out, but I bought many compression tops, wore lots of layers, and had some classically terrible posture!), he/him and they/them pronouns (though I never really enforced it and cared very little. I was an "any pronouns" kind of person. to my overwhelmingly queer social circles I AM an "any pronouns" person still. it's weirdly become a good litmus test to see how others think of gender but I digress) and using male bathrooms/staying away from female ones if I could. I very nearly began the process to get on testosterone (up to a research phase and plan on exactly which consultant to call) and I very strongly wanted and planned on getting top surgery, but the aforementioned lurking in radfem spaces did give me some clarity, and the also aforementioned health anxiety made me wary of the downsides. I'm still very much gnc presenting, I like dressing "androgynous/masculine" but I'm getting better at accepting my natural state as a woman. I do occasionally regress (dysphoria is pretty rude sometimes) and still get that "longing" and that lingering desire to get certain surgeries or try and pass again, but I am trying very hard to get out of that mindset (because it has proven to be bad for me :p) and have more connection and neutrality with my body.
I identified as asexual for the better part of half a year after chronic online-ness and some recommendations from a gender affirming therapist. now I realize... I am probably not asexual because shockingly I am attracted to women and only women wow. in deeper reflection I realize that a lot of what I attributed to asexuality was in fact a lack of attraction to men!! a shame I didn't realize this before I had one pretty regrettable relationship in high school and a weird ass short lived situationship which had so many red flags and violated boundaries but uhh. deep sigh, hindsight, huh? anyways, this is relevant because I might gripe about the ace community and ace discourse at times since I got kinda deep into it for a bit. I also (obviously) relate to lesbian sexuality and centering women so sometimes I prioritize that kind of thinking in my writing.
I really hate consumerism like quite a lot and am trying to live my life from an anti-consumerist angle and a more sustainable way which is fun since I have been involved in online spaces and hobbies which are in fact very consumerist, and realizing that now I can see a lot of aspects of those spaces and hobbies which should be taken more critically but alas. consumer culture truly runs strong in the states. extending this I am also pretty anti-makeup/cosmetic things that exist purely from marketing and other consumerist aspects of femininity. I'm not gonna stop anyone personally from buying makeup or heels or whatever, but I'm not exactly going to support or encourage them. I think women look their best naturally because they're beautiful naturally!
obviously, I engage with radblr/radical feminism on tumblr! I don't technically consider myself a radfem because I haven't read enough books about it lmao and I'm not really looking to be an "activist" or "thought leader" of radical feminism, but my beliefs are rad-leaning if anything. If we're really getting detailed, I look for detrans/desisted gender critical and/or radfem blogs, and gnc woman or gender critical leftist blogs. I also like to listen to discussions of lesbian feminism because I do relate to their goals a little more personally.
I'm pretty critical of gender ideology and the community around being transgender, from a place of self-reflection more than anything, as I was in fact part of that community (and still am outwardly in the rest of my life unconnected to this blog). just because I am critical of an ideology doesn't mean I'm trying to debate the existence of people identifying as trans! this is an important distinction that maybe should be obvious but I don't literally believe I'm some kind of authority on human behavior. however, what I can do is point out my own observations and logical analyses of reality and tenets of an ideology. critical thinking, yknow? and yeah maybe I'll also air some personal grievances on how trans ideology has been confusing and unhelpful to my own understanding of the self. that's just a given when I try and do meaningful self critique in hopes of improving as an individual.
I don't have dnis it's a case by case thing. if I don't like someone interacting with my stuff I will simply just express that with blocking or something but I don't believe in generalizing people just by what they label themselves as on tumblr dot com. I also try and follow a variety of people with different opinions to keep my dash fresh and my brain thinking critically, I don't endorse everything everyone I follow or reblog says (because also like. I will never 100% agree with anyone) !! if you're willing to strike up a conversation even if it's based on disagreement, I'm here for it! inbox is always open !!
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I hope you enjoy reading a bunch more words written like this because that is in fact all that this is!
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nooblord9001 · 4 months
Are there any particular types of asks that you would mostly want in your inbox?
Questions about my amateur attempts at writing and/or game development (OCs, Settings, Thematic Intentions, Inspirations, etc.) would be the Dopamine shots directly into my bloodstream.
NSFW questions are also a topic I'll gladly get into if prompted; years ago, this account was supposed to be my NSFW alt, after all.
Speaking of which, I will acknowledge requests to elaborate on specific parts of my history on the internet over the years and how that's affected me as a person For-Better-and-For-Worse-- including matters of politics, drama, content creators I've engaged with over the years, oversharing about my personal life (within limits), etc. --provided everyone in said discussion agrees to behave themselves. I will attempt to hear out criticisms of my own behavior over the years that's made in good faith, and I'll at least flippantly respond to criticisms I sense were being made in bad faith... but I will NOT dignify attempts to weaponize me or my words against the people whom associate with me either online or offline.
Generally interesting questions or even just little Icebreakers, while not at the top of my wish list, would be appreciated as well.
Last but not necessarily least, I'll gladly attempt to provide hot takes on this-or-that media (as well as attempt to provide opinions in individual characters within said media via this ask game; see the "Character Takes Ask Game" tag for characters I've done prior), provided I've actually engaged with the media in question enough to comfortably have opinions about it. In fact, I might as well provide a non-exhaustive list under the cut:
Stuff I've engaged with and am confident enough in my experiences with it to have Opinions on:
TCoA&L (Duh)
Huniepop 1 (LMAO)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Wizard 101
World of Warcraft
Kingdom Hearts
Nier: Automata
Metal Gear Solid
Deus Ex (not quite as much the first game, but definitely HR & MD)
Halo MCC (Fucking SOMEHOW!?!)
Mass Effect Trilogy
Star Wars
Portal Duology
Most Nintendo Stuff (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat), particularly Pokemon & Super Smash Bros
Most Superhero Films (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat)
Most Pixar Films (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat)
Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Various, Assorted Science Fiction Films
Dungeons & Dragons 5E 😒
Stuff I haven't directly engaged in, but thanks to cultural osmosis I've absorbed enough information second-hand to have Strong Feelings About (almost always negative, unless specified):
The Legend of Korra (I don’t hate it like most of the other entries in this category; I just wish it was Better)
Soulsborne games
Warhammer 40K (and by extension, Helldivers)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (Karlach & Wyll are cool though)
Stuff I've engaged with, but for one reason or another, would struggle to provide anything remotely insightful or interesting to say about them other then either "yeah i like it" or "yeah i should finish watching/playing that at some point":
Honey Girl
The Big Bang Theory
Baldur’s Gate Duology
Horizon Duology
Fighting Games (Namely SoulCalibur, Tekken, with a bit of Street Fighter and Skullgirls)
Fallout: New Vegas
Resident Evil games
Dragon Age games
Sanic stuff
Final Fantasy XIV
Magic: The Gathering
Pathfinder 2E
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
thanks so much for writing a part 2 to the xNurse reader(i loved it)
and for giving grant some love.And if you are going to do more parts i would like to request that you add alton moore,christenson and moe alley because they are so underrated/like i Can Barely find any fics about them/And sorry english is not my first language
Hey I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for your request, I’d love to write for these men, sorry if it’s not super good as they for some reason never got as much screen time in Bob:( but I love to do more research and give some underrated boys some attention hehe.
Also no need to apologise!! Your English is perfect!!
Band of Brothers x Nurse Reader, Part 3:
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Alton More:
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Okay off topic but this guy was biggggggg for looting, how do you think he got hold of Hitlers personal photo album LMAO.
like that smirk after Speirs has finished telling him off just makes me feel like he’s a bit cheeky.
Like I can see all the nurses being introduced to the men and he just smirks directly at you immediately. His attention isn’t on any of the other women, you’re the only one he’s got eyes for.
some how, he attempts to make his way over to speak to you, but you’re ushered away quicker than he expects.
The rest of the evening, and however long it is before he sees you again he’s probably thinking about you. (He married his childhood sweetheart so I think he himself is a huge sweetheart). He’s a hopeless romantic and is already head over heels before he can put a name to your face.
“Ahhhh, did you see her, Malark? Like, her hair and everythin’??? She was gorgeous.”
He’s thinking about every single detail about you. “Ya gonna scare her away the second you speak to her.”
Much to More’s surprise he doesn’t. Hes super tall and handsome, with a smile to die for, a total dreamboat. He’s stunned when you’re stammering and blushing around him.
I think to speak to you he’d ask you loads of questions about nursing in the army and how you got into it. He’s genuinely fascinated, and when he finds out he’s a year or two older than you, he teases you about it.
would definitely be a little more shy and slower to make a move than some of the other boys. But you’d grow close because of this, he would harass you, he’s harmless and charming and sweet- I think as a nurse in Easy it would be hard to resist him.
so there’s this story that Malarkey has told about when Alton was looting, and he found a pair of knitted, baby boots and completely broke down and started to cry.
I think out of everybody Alton would feel the most comfortable coming to you, and when you just appear in front of him and he’s stood with red eyes, you couldn’t help but engulf him into a hug.
well it’s more like him engulfing you because he’s much taller, but instantly you’d ask him what happened and when he expresses himself you’d leave kisses all over his cheeks and cuddle him a lot.
after that act of vulnerability the two of you would be like two peas in a pod, feelings would be admitted and he’d be super protective over you, especially if you’re out on the field, he feels like his hearts in his throat whenever he watches you run out to treat somebody.
Burton ‘Pat’ Christenson:
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christenson genuinely sounds like such an interesting person, and Michael Fassbender is gorgeous omfg.
From what I’ve seen he seems like quite a happy, outgoing guy, so maybe you spot him before he spots you?? Like for a change, you’re the one admiring somebody from a far and feel like you have to chase them.
it’s not that he doesn’t think you’re stunning I think because you’re on the quieter side he doesn’t notice you, but when he does, holy fucking shit ur so fucking drop dead gorgeous and what???
would buy you a drink and comes and sits next to you in the pub, engaging in conversation with you about anything.
He has such a sparkle in his eye and he doesn’t open up about it at first, but he’s got so many interests.
Physically, he was one of the top men in easy which is super attractive to you, (Pat smirks about this) but he’s also artistic, can play the guitar and he can sing?!! He’s a guy of many talents and I think you’d beg him to sing- which he’s too modest about so he doesn’t sadly.
Would probably be super playful with you as a way of flirting.
I think anything was to happen, it would be later in the war during/ after Bastogne.
everybody’s morale is down, but your closest friend seems to be completely and utterly exhausted and close to the brink of a breakdown. When you learn he’d been hit by shrapnel and was too exhausted to move you’re a panicked mess.
You didn’t know whether to slap him or cry when he’s asleep in the field hospital bed. You watch over him and let him sleep peacefully, patching and cleaning him up.
At some point, I think his hand would sneak into yours, half asleep as he’d ask you to stay in a husky voice. Now if that didn’t make your heart leap, I don’t know what else would.
He’s just so soft and gentle, and he’s a really kind guy, so you’d do anything for him except, “Pat, we’re in the hospital, I can’t get in bed with you-“ “I love you though.” Oop- “N-no you’re half asleep.” “Y/N, I love you.”
Would definitely fall hard and fast, you’re his own personal nurse for a couple weeks, and you’re his rock after he lost his closest friends.
After the way you took care of him, he wants nothing more than to spoil you for the rest of your life after the war and bring you home to a comfortable lifestyle where he can give you whatever you wanted.
I think physical touch is his love language, so he’d have a lingering finger wrapped around yours, or a hand on your shoulders at all times.
James Moe Alley:
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What a handsome man. Seriously all three of these men are SLEPT on.
I think Moe is a more quieter guy, especially when it comes to women, he’s a little shy and intimidated around you, similar to how Babe is.
let’s say you first meet when you do his physical, you’ve seen so many handsome men so he doesn’t think you’d be the slightest bit interested; but there’s an audible shyness behind your voice, and James is relieved you’re similar to him.
You had to have your hands all over him, and the examination ended up being slightly giggly and awkward. After, it takes a while for either of you to speak one on one, without being in a group.
I think Moe would get a little saddened and disheartened when he see’s other men flirting with you, he sips his beer as he watches you laughing at what they’re saying, questioning why he can’t be that confident around you.
nervous about jumping out of the aeroplane (he had to be pushed out when jumping!) I feel like you’d be able to tell and you’d approach him and soothe his shaking hands.
“Ya’ scared, James? Don’t be scared, I’ve seen a million guys do this and they were all fine.” Knowing you were on the ground below, and you’d just held his hands, he felt like a child, smiling to himself as he plucked enough courage to throw himself out of the plane during the practice jumps.
I feel like he’d need a bit of a push to make a move on you? Maybe one day he sees somebody being rude or disrespectful to you, they’re clearly taking advantage of how nice and reserved you are, so he intercepts, physically barricading his body between yours and the guy harassing you.
“She ain’t interested, pal. You better back off.”
After he’s huffing and puffing, storming away from the annoying guy once he’d finally left you and you chase after him, grabbing his shoulders. to stop him.
“Moe.” With a soft call of his name, you’re on your tip toes kissing him with both your hands on either of his cheeks.
Feels like he’s been kissed by an Angel- holy fucking shit.
after that there’s a genuine connection growing between the two of you, but I feel like it gets cut short when he’s injured in Operation Market Garden.
seeing him like that was horrible, you couldn’t stop crying and Winters had to move you away from treating him because you were too worried. Thanks to your quick action and care he survives despite having 32 shrapnel injuries.
he never has chance to thank you because he’s borderline unconscious and shipped off to a hospital for the next two months.
In the mean time you’d write to one another, James is more confident through writing, and warns you a billion times that he’s gonna ‘bust the fuck out and go AWOL to get back to Easy’.
And he does.
it’s in Bastogne; but hell seeing him again would make you weak in the knees. Alley feels like he’s gonna fall when he sees you and he engulfs you in the biggest cuddle ever. You’re skinny and look exhausted, but you’re alive and safe.
The relationship is so comfortable, you love each other very dearly and Moe never ever forgets how you saved his life when he was injured. Never stops thanking you.
omfg ??? Im in my feels so much writing about these men? If anybody has any requests surrounding these guys specifically, please let me know and I’ll get writing!!
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