#not all geminis and leos are pure evil
millyrocking · 29 days
lowkey as a fire sign (cant speak for sag) the best friend youll ever have is most likely a gemini. those be my twins fr 👯‍♀️
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novy2sirius · 10 days
᭓ ྀུ༺ a degree theory by nikola stojanovic
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please read before proceeding
important note: this is not my info. this is all from nikola stojanovic’s theory on degrees in astrology. he has books on it that i think you can find online and download for free
trigger warnings: murder, car crashes, sex, and suicide
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sign degrees
zero degrees: 0°
the same characteristics as the sign it’s already placed in. example - aries venus at 0° is purely an aries venus, obviously aside from the house energy
aries degrees: 1°, 13°, and 25°
beginnings, leadership, taking action, fighting spirit, not giving oneself up to fate, struggle, war, abuse, labor, diligence, etc
taurus degrees: 2°, 14°, and 26°
food, money, stability, earth, luxuries, sound of voice, singing voice, etc
gemini degrees: 3°, 15°, and 27°
communication, self-expression, technology, books, siblings, neighbors, etc
cancer degrees: 4°, 16°, and 28°
home, traditions, nurture, loyalty, faith, mother, the ocean/water, etc
leo degrees: 5°, 17°, and 29°
life, children, attention, fame, creativity, strength, happiness, light, etc
virgo degrees: 6° and 18°
improvement, health, to diminish, routine, animals, acts of service, etc
libra degrees: 7° and 19°
harmony/fairness, charm, beauty, law, music, art, dancing, pleasures, etc
scorpio degrees: 8° and 20°
death, major transformation, wealth, jealousy, sex, secrecy, taxes, etc
sagittarius degrees: 9° and 21°
wisdom, abundance, college, travel, photography, success, beliefs, etc
capricorn degrees: 10° and 22°
hard work, fear, public attention, karma, father, boss, isolation, history, etc
aquarius degrees: 11° and 23°
unexpected experiences, technology, friendships, networking, divorce, etc
pisces degrees: 12° and 24°
spirituality, escapism, dreams, illusion, the sea, mysteries, the hidden, etc
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special degree meanings
supreme power: 2°
this degree is often found in the charts of people with remarkable achievements, who had extreme power, and who were highly respected according to nikola’s research
eroticism/a fun life: 5°
many sex symbols like marilyn monroe have this in their chart. nikola believed this was the best degree in general as well. he thought it indicated lots of fun and pleasure in one’s life
suicide/divorce: 11° and 23°
according to nikola the aquarius degrees (11 and 23) both indicate divorce occurring when placed in prominent positions in the chart. 11 is the only one indicating suicide though
car accidents: 15°
nikola believed that when this degree was connected to 8th house or scorpio placements it could indicate getting into car crashes
pure evil: 18°
nikola believed that this degree indicated a negative destiny for someone. he thought it was the worst degree you could have in your chart, based on his research he thought it was solely about facing hardships and nothing more. he also believed it could indicate being an evil person with no good intentions
to kill or be killed: 22°
just as the title reads, nikola believed this degree indicates being killed or being a killer. another thing he believed it could indicate was abandonment in the area of life it’s placed
clairvoyance: 29°
nikola believed this degree indicates someone that has very good intuition and can make accurate predictions about the outcomes of events
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my opinion on astrology degrees
i personally don’t believe in nikola’s theory 100%, although i do think there’s accuracy to the signs being associated with specific degrees. i have always had stronger belief in my numerstrology degree theory than anything when it comes to this subject though. i definitely do not believe 18° is fully negative like he claims since the universe is yin yang so there’s always both positive and negative ways things can manifest. these are just my thoughts though
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do you believe nikola’s degree theory? comment below!
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harmoonix · 1 year
🌴 Safari Astro - Notes 🌴
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🌴- Sagittarius and Gemini Placements/Sagittarius/Gemini in big 3 will always be the soul of the party, if there is a party around, they are going to be there. If they are not there the party gets boring (esp Sag Mars likes to party a lot🌠🌠)
-🌴 Sag and Gemini Venus had enough of this stereotype of "cheater/player" they are fun loving and flirty talking but when they are in a serious relationship they are staying loyal and loving their partners very much ❤️
-🌴 Air and Water Moons enjoy raining/watching raining so much, i observed this not long time ago they are actually happy because of the rain can bring them memories and feelings from the past❤️
- 🌴Taurus/earth placements and fire placements are always hungry... for some reason they always think at food and how delicious some dishes look like, omg i feel those natives are watching food videos on YouTube to make them hungry/hungrier..If you friend/friends has/have these placements pls just bring them to McDonald's 😭❤️
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🌴- Moon in the 6th & 8th house and 12th house can also indicate that the mother had some intense problems/struggles during pregnancy or while giving birth. The birth could be painful/struggling while giving birth😵
🌴- Chiron in the 1st/10th houses or Chiron in Capricorn 🤝🏼 Insecurities about their appearance and body image, they could've be a lot judged because of their appearance but please don't mind these evil people who try to judge on the way you look. You are stunning no matter what you wear and what body shape you have 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
- 🌴Mercury - Ascendant aspects are looking very youthful and young even if they are older in age, this is like the fountain of youth aspects. It can be hard to guess their age because they tend to looks younger than they are ( Apllying to Virgo and Gemini Risings)
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-🌴 Cancer Placements are getting very possessive especially in the friendships relationships and those are the type to be getting mad when their bestie is hanging out with another people 😭🫶🏼
-🌴 Never judge Scorpio and Pisces placements for being clingy because that's their love sign and nature to be clingy and attached to you because they literally wanna give you the world and show how much you mean to them 🌸
- 🌴Venus in Fire Signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) love being freaky 24/7 their mind is always thinking at something crazy to do and to try to experience new things 👀
- 🌴Cancer/Libra Placements (especially in big 3 ) can be the literally most adorable people because of their pure nature and childish personality, they are the kids who never wanted to grow up kinda like Peter Pan vibes
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-🌴 Venus/Neptune/Moon 7th house people 🤝🏼 ignoring the red flags in a relationship and creating fake scenarios about their relationships in their head is likely going to happen 😭
- 🌴Mars in the 1st/10th/11th houses or conjuncting the Midheaven will make people see you as a very competitive person and as a competition. People will try to compete with you because they kinda feel threatened by your pressence
- 🌴Try to fight with an 9th houser Mars about religion and beliefs and you will fail because they have such strong opinions and is very hard to change their mind when it comes about certain subjects 🫶🏼
- 🌴Having Pluto in the 1st/8th/10th/11th houses makes people to be obsessed with you and obsessed in like a bad way because is about ✨ Jealousy ✨ they are jealous babe ...jealous on you, but honey don't worry all you have to do is to not care about these people. Be confident and show them ✨I don't care✨ treatment
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- 🌴Virgo Moons and Virgo placements usually struggle with anxiety a lot, they worry a lot what people think about them and they can lack a bit of confidence sometimes because of their anxiety. Please don't let other people's opinions to change you because you are unique in your own way, you don't need to be what other people want you to be. You need to be yourself and to give yourself the highest level of love possible ✨🫶🏼
- 🌴Ascendant at 6°, 18° degrees is something very controversial here i see people saying that is "bad"to have it, and my response is ✨No✨ is not bad to have it, these degrees are found in the charts of most iconic people who lived on earth. Princess Diana had her Asc at 18° and she was highly attractive as a Virgo very educated very determinated about her wishes. She never let someone to put her down and she is one of the most iconic people who ever lived on earth. 👑🫰🏼✨
- 🌴Ascendant at 6°, 18° degrees can show some struggles with the mental health indeed but that doesn't mean these people are mentally ill as some people might say on this app. They can struggle with depressive episodes sometimes or even stress/overthinking/panic attacks 🤍🙏🏼. They tend to focus on their health very much and these natives loves to stay healthy
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- 🌴Ascendant at 10°, 22° degrees makes a person very determined about their dreams and someone serious about it, a very loyal friend/partner and someone with with a model body because babe these are the Capricorn Degrees..Now how many Capricorn Risings are in the modeling industry? That's right 28939393939393939393 Capricorn Risings in the modeling industry. These degrees make you to work hard for your dreams in order to achieve what you want and at the end to reach the success.
-🌴 Ascendant at 7°, 19° degrees makes someone to be very fashionable/art/beauty oriented, these are the Libra Degrees and they can have a certain aesthetic of fashion, they can have many talents related to art and music and tend to be very gifted when it comes to such things 🎨💃
- 🌴Ascendant at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees makes the person to be very confident and powerful, they are very competitive natives. They are very 💃 attractive due to their fiery personality and can be very expressive when they talk or when they communicate. The worst thing you can do is to make them angry 😭 they will explode if something like that happens
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I should post something before the eclipse that will happen tomorrow so here we go 🌼❤️🌼
Is already Thursday 😭 like i feel is Monday 😭 times goes too fast this year, idk what is going on to be honest it feels like the planet is in superspeed for us to get older and older 👁️👄👁️
Because summer is coming soon i wanted this post to have a summer vibe-ish, hope you are all good and safe with the people you love & enjoying life at fullest 💖💖💖
I wish you all many many many blessings and happy things during these months because there are coming rough times aswell 💖💖💖💖
Harmoonix 💋
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crucialplayer · 1 year
how good are zodiac signs at lying + tier ranking 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious. 
excellent liars + can cause a significant amount of stress 
Pisces (unintentionally made it to the top). You know how it's said to be a good liar you have to believe in ur lies? Queens and kings of that. Live in another dimension and process everything through their mood (and it changes A LOT)/or their relationship with the person they are talking about. Hence the «they’ve changed» and «it's different this time». They rarely lie out of a negative spot tho, it's simply how their emotional filter works and distorts reality for them. Also despite being good at lying they just use those Pisces eyes to get what they want. This imo works more for Pisces Risings and Pisces Venuses. 
Libras. It's vital to them to be liked and well thought of so a lot of the time they’ll say and do whatever grants them precisely that. Can be very eloquent with their words, super socially conscious. Can navigate a convo without ever sliding into remotely misbalanced territory. Ig a libra lie giveaway would be if they are in a situation with two or more extreme opinions – it might cause them to get overwhelmed and lost. 
pretty good + can cause a moderate amount of stress 
Geminis. Not surprising I know. Earned and fought for their rightful place. Will lie for fun (mostly). Their motivation for lying is that of an elementary schooler – to see exactly how far they can get away with. Nevertheless, imo they are not as evil with it as they are made out to be. It's merely a way of getting mentally stimulated at any time of the day because without it they would honestly die. Quite easy to deal with too. You either play their game and start lying for shits and giggles too (works if ur goal is for them to like u) or ignore them (it takes about 2 minutes until they get bored and move on to another). Tbh anything in Gemini in ur big 6 will give u this result to some degree. The reason why they're not higher is cause their lies typically don't have the longevity of those above.
Сancers. Cannot stand feeling threatened so they’ll do anything and I mean anything to keep that sense of inner safety – including lying. Basically, if something is even slightly intruding on what they consider their comfort limits –  they will lie their way back to their precious shell. Ig it gets a bit problematic cause often they feel the threat without there being one. And since they are literally the opposite of clearing the air right on the spot you’ll seldom get a chance to catch that moment when they get into their defensive stand. Works for Sun or Rising/Mars maybe?? + If u have both bonus points to the insanity u might cause.
might try to lie but will probably fail + no stress pure fun
Leos. Will try to lie if they feel like their ego might suffer a bit or their social status is under attack, but you will notice it cause honestly there’s not a single emotion they can hide on that face. I’ve noted that they normally hate lying as a phenomenon in general (might be cause it makes them feel unstable and they are a fixed sign + all that ego protection). Besides they don't consider lying as something needed for them to gain love (them being themselves usually does it). Prideful lil babies (I’ve seen Leo Sun or Leo Stellium be like that). Aries. Оk these ones often don't even try. Don't have the patience to analyze the situation and how it might benefit them to lie – they rush straight into react mode (and they are pretty entertaining in it). Same as Leo don't consider lying necessary for them to get what they want – they just go after it and get it.
сan lie in theory but prefer other methods of torture
Scorpios. Lying is too easy and they like to be elaborate with their victims opponents. In all seriousness in my experience they won't appreciate you lying, and won't lie too. They crave that soul bonding hard and lying doesn't really say I want to belong to u with every ounce of my being. If they like you chances are you are sincere in how you feel towards them and they will let you know too. This obviously all falls apart if you have wronged them in some way. Then bye. 
Tauruses. It’s simply tooooo much work and effort. Also generally requires reacting quickly and they would rather exit the situation altogether. And you will like them for other reasons and they know that so ig that’s why they just chill and wait for theirs to come naturally. And it does. And they will be smug about it.
can lie but actively choose not to + hence can cause a lot of stress
Virgos. Would never deprive themselves of the pleasure of being mean critical (esp Virgo suns). Feel like it's their life mission to point out flaws and inconsistencies so they won't tell white lies regardless they like you or not (might be super annoying to you – to them it's everything). But it's useful to have someone that tells you how it is (this line def belongs to Virgo too). Also think they are too smart anyway so they’ll get what they need through that.
Sagittariuses. Pretty obvious. In their world it's either telling the truth or having a heart attack right then and there. It can be so bad that you will ASK them to lie and they still won't. I think it's partially because to them any thought that comes up in their head is worth sharing so there u have it. Good thing they can be funny with it but not always… If they have Sag Sun and Sag Mercury it's this but on steroids. 
could not care less + stress levels caused are moderate but for other reasons…
Capricorns. Too busy to notice you, let alone talk to you, let alone lie to you… But if they do a) you have something they need for their GOAL therefore you have value b) ur somehow got to their inner circle but they still won't lie. They will tell you how it is only to save their time. Can be mean (but honest!!!) but I think they genuinely don't realize it (unlike Virgos). 
Aquariuses. Also too busy but usually with made-up stuff. Don't need to lie since people don't understand them either way. Too focused on bigger plans bigger picture bigger anything to come down to such low topics like intricacies of human interaction. To be fair they are really chill and really could not be bothered. 
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cheeeerie · 1 year
I’m so tired. Ninjago Astrology.
Cole is a taurus. DON’T LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME COLE ISN’T A TAUSUS he’s literally a taurus stereotype. his element is earth and he’s friendly and he likes food OBVIOUSLY he’s a taurus.
Kai is a Leo stereotype the way that Cole is a taurus stereotype he’s just pure leo. His element is fire and he’s obsessed with himself, what more do you want from me?
Three for three of elements matching elements, Nya is a Scorpio, she’s prickly and secretive but also ambitious with a sense of humor. Her whole Seabound arc is an extremely scorpio arc to have. And the SNARK I’ve never met someone snarkier than a scorpio.
No more elements matching signs <\3
Zane is extremely smart, efficient, and serious. he is also the dumbest little guy alive. How very Capricorn of him. Extremely uncool when he tries to be but then is accidentally cool when he’s not trying. “It is good to have a pooper at the party :)” That’s such a Capricorn thing to say.
Jay is a gemini cause he’s curious and enthusiastic and doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up! His emotions switch up with the slightest provocation. points for being nosy I’ve never met a nosier sign than a gemini.
Lloyd is a Pisces, just like every chosen one. He’s compassionate and dedicated to protecting others to the point of self destruction. He also hold grudges for FOREVER and can’t help but interject himself into every conflict. HE CAN’T HELP IT YOUR HONOR HE’S A PISCES!
Pixal is SO Sagittarius core. She’s independent, she’s confident, she’s a little naive, she’ll beat your ass! Also thinking she can talk her way out of any situation is so Sagittarius. That time she was being attacked by a giant octopus and she was like “Don’t worry Zane I have the power of Asking Nicely™” that was very Sagittarius of her.
Arin is a Virgo. He’s just a little guy, he’s easily impressed, he takes everything personally, he tells the same stories over and over. He’s a little chaotic but very sweet about it. Stealing from someone but leaving them a pie so Virgo.
SORA! AQUARIUS! She’s brilliant, she’s passionate, she’s rebellious, she’s innovative, she has zero self confidence and would rather die than tell people anything about herself. Inventing something that gets used for evil and then running away and changing your name and never talking about it again until forced? How very Aquarius.
Alright that’s all I can’t think anymore
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disfordevineaux · 2 years
What I think a select number of CS Character's Zodiac signs are just for the sake of it:
Zack - Sagittarius.
Ivy - Gemini.
Carmen - Leo.
Player - Taurus.
Julia - The most September Virgo of all time. Help her. Someone.
Chase - Scorpio.
Zari - Capricorn.
Chief - Libra, but think they are a Capricorn.
Brunt - Gemini.
Neal - Eel.
Cleo - The Pisces™.
Bellum - Aquarius.
Shadowsan - Libra.
Sheena - a stubborn Aries.
Paper Star - was forged from the pure flames of hysteria surrounding her speculated existence that caused the materialisation of her being that was within an undocumented period of time and space.
Maelstrom - a sociopath of a Capricorn.
El Topo - Cancer.
Le Chev - a very angry Leo.
Gray - Sagittarius.
Mime Bomb - Aquarius.
Dash - a Virgo disguised as a Leo.
Roundabout - an actually evil Scorpio, the ones you hear about but never actually see. This is him. He is that guy. Fear him.
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angellque · 4 months
flora properties
personal post — wip
guardian: woodpecker - sun energy in western world, moon energy in chinese culture - late spring/early summer - leo & fire element - sun flower - deity association: apollo - ethereal & mystical protection, ward off evil energy/spirits & misfortune, healing from bad energy & physical ailments, counter magick, banishing, dispersing darkness through light - elegance & wealth - versatility & flexibility - can attract fae
baby's breath
innocence, new beginnings, fertility, creativity/creation, pure heart, everlasting love, self-love, modesty, purity, strong budding emotions, establishing a communicative, emotional bond, truth, peace, unity - venus & mercury flower - libra/taurus/gemini & water element - associated w imbolgc (feb. 1st) - late/end of winter - can attract fae
paulownia tomentosa (kiri in japanese)
(in accordance to japanese folklore) bringer of good luck, femininity/boosts attraction (towards oneself), loneliness, the past, justice.
love & beauty that grows slowly, steadily, by being nourished & cared for, slowly growing luxury, self-care, focusing on one's body, patience; feminine (the growth of a garden) energy; appreciating where you are right now so you can care for what will grow in the future, to be self-aware, aware of all you have & are, don't have & don't are right now; appreciation for the now for the growth of the future.
smooth asters
aka starworts, easter daisies; derived from greek which means "star".
all asters: denote a lantern within darkness (like a star in the nightsky); hope; protection; associated with goddesses astraea & hecate. grieving & wishing it all went differently; freedom & independence conquered from a constricting situation; virgo; september; fall/summer.
purple: admiration, royalty, dignity; inspires & represents respect.
pink: innocence, love, affection.
white: innocence, purity, new beginnings.
(shade of purple-)blue: represents trustworthiness, faithfulness.
masculine & feminine energies (bears fruit in harsh conditions); increases wisdom & enlightment (brain-shaped fruit that promotes brain health); associated with the planet & god zeus/jupiter; northern europe: wards off evil energies through amulets created by the god thor; associated with divine protection, abundance, prosperity, longevity, fertility (of both ideas & all sorts of creations), power, wisdom, health, life: & also strength & protection, the earth & stability.
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ldknightshade · 4 months
oc astrology - mantis
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big three
scorpio sun in 3h - intense, motivated, curious, fascinated by the transgressive, resilient ; restless, mentally agile, curious.
aries moon in 8h - impatient, defensive, independent, temperamental, impulsive ; all or nothing, detached, frequently changes partners despite craving emotional security.
leo rising - magnetic, self-aware, rash, spirited, idealistic.
inner planets
scorpio mercury in 3h - cerebral, investigative, driven, suspicious, ride or die ; curious, easily-distracted, talkative.
scorpio venus in 3h - possessive, focused, provocative, loyal, manipulative ; eloquent, mischievous, deceptive.
libra mars in 2h - passive-aggressive, procrastinating, hesitant, indecisive, diplomatic ; hard-working, materialistic, stubborn.
virgo jupiter in 1h - detail-oriented, driven, cautious, critical, nurturing ; altruistic, just, hopeful.
sagittarius saturn in 4h - skeptical, independent, practical, unemotional, self-righteous ; impersonal, responsible, loyal.
1h in leo - fiery, dramatic, passionate, determined, proud.
2h in virgo - materialistic, particular, detail-oriented, clever, indicative of multiple incomes.
3h in libra - charming, diplomatic, peacemaking, well-connected, balanced in communications.
4h in scorpio - secretive, protective, nostalgic, solitary tendencies, fear of loss pertaining to home life.
5h in sagittarius - playful, creative, adventurous, spontaneous, hedonistic.
6h in aquarius - loyal, well-read, disciplined, detached, seeks unique work.
7h in aquarius - independent, dramatic, seeks unconventionality, loyalty, and free-spiritedness in relationships.
8h in pisces - perceptive, few boundaries, imaginative, deeply spiritual, compassionate.
9h in aries - adventurous, fearless, action-oriented, excited by spiritual growth, but often gets impatient with the process.
10h in taurus - hard-working, resourceful, thorough, likes predictable and peaceful work.
11h in gemini - progressive, community-oriented, curious, flexible, inconsistent.
12h in leo - strategic, craves recognition, prone to hiding flamboyance, pride, affection.
larger patterns
grand trine (moon, neptune, pluto/saturn) - harmonious flow of energy between planets mentioned. may indicate talents; strong creative expression and spiritual discipline, spiritedly self-sufficient.
[there's more, but the rest are a bit hard for me to interpret atm]
notable degrees
15th degree (jupiter) - potentially critical, associated with being at the “peak” of something. associated with car accidents.
18th degree (chiron) - the “pure evil” degree. a sign of bad luck and potential health issues.
22nd degree (sun, mercury, 2h, 8h) - known as the “kill or be killed” degree.
29th degree (rising/1h, 7h) - critical, signifies the completion of a karmic lesson; associated with fame that extends beyond death.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
Nikola Stojanovic’s degree theory 
— you can learn more about his theory here and here. he was the maker of this theory, i’m simply passing the knowledge i’ve researched on him in a more simplified way!!! trigger warning for mentions of death and violence for the 11º, the 15º, the 18º and the 22º degrees 
according to nikola’s research, each degree is connected to the sign it rules: 
aries degrees — 1º, 13º, 25º - taking action, fighting spirit, not giving oneself up to fate, struggle, war, can indicate abuse, labor, diligence, leadership, beginnings, etc
taurus degrees — 2º, 14º, 26º - money, food, the earth, stability, luxuries, voice, singing, etc
gemini degrees — 3º, 15º, 27º - communication, gadgets like televisions or phones, self-expression, books, siblings, neighbourhood, etc
cancer degrees — 4º, 16º, 28º - home, nurture, traditions, loyalty, faith, mother, water, etc
leo degrees — 5º, 17º, 29º - attention, life, fame, light, children, creativity, self-expression, monarchs, entertainment, strength, hair, etc
virgo degrees — 6º, 18º - to diminish, to make smaller, improvement, health, work, routine, pets, to be of service, etc
libra degrees — 7º, 19º - fairness, law, business, partnerships, fashion, beauty, charm, luxury items, music, art, etc
scorpio degrees — 8º, 20º - the 8º specifically is connected to death, wealth, to take from others, manifestation, secrets, insurance, sex, jealousy, pregnancy, etc
sagittarius degrees — 9º, 21º - abundance, expansion, wisdom, college, travelling, to explore, etc
capricorn degrees — 10º, 22º - to take control, public attention, coldness, fear, depression, rationality, ambition, father, etc
aquarius degrees — 11º, 23º - divorce, surprises, high places, high tech, new technology, humanitarianism, organizations, friends, networking, etc
pisces degrees — 12º, 24º - sleeping, drugs, alcohol, lethargy, the unconcious + our psyche, emotional dejections, feet, madness, shadows, unclear, endings, etc
0º represents the basic characteristic of the sign - it acts in its purest form. for example, if you have the 0º in aries sun, aries here acts in its most potent, pure way. 
that way, if you, for example, have your ascendant in pisces at the 13º, you’ll express aries characteristics + all that is connected to taking action, to fight. now, knowing this, this theory can manifest itself in different ways. 
i’m going to give an example that he talked about in his website that i found simple to understand yet powerful. when nikola was discussing with another astrologer, he wanted to talk about his degree theory, so he took a look at the birth chart of the wife of the other astrologer, and after a minute of analyzing it, he said as follows: “Your wife called a carpenter to the house and ordered a larger bed to be made. When the carpenter had finished the job, you went to bed and realized that the work was not properly done. One measure was right – the bed was long enough - but the other one wasn't – the bed wasn't wide enough, it was still narrow”. the look the other astrologer gave him told him that his brief analysis was absolutely correct.
his reasoning behind it was that the wife’s 12th house (which rules sleeping, beds, bedrooms) cusp began at the 21º of aries, and the ruler of that house, mars, was at the 6º in virgo. aries simbolizes to create and the 21º, a sagittarius degree, simbolizes to enlarge. so, his wife wanted to create (aries) a larger (sagittarius/jupiter) bed (the 12th house). because mars, the ruler of the 12th house, was placed in virgo (someone who renders services, a worker), she called the carpenter to the house. her mars was, however, in virgo at the 6º which is a virgo degree (virgo simbolizes diminishing, making smaller), which meant the measure of the bed had to be smaller than needed. therefore, the cusp of the 12th house (the bed) at the 21º (sagittarius - larger, longer) signifies that the bed was both long enough (enlarged), and mars in virgo at a virgo degree (6º) meant that it was not wide enough (it was narrow). nikola established connections between degrees, the signs, the planets and the houses where they fell and the aspects that they made in order to make this kind of predictions. 
he also found a few degrees to be connected to significant things. 
nikola, through the research of the birth charts of many people throughout history, observed how those who contained planets, houses and aspects (+lunar nodes, arabic parts, vertex and of course, the four cardinal points: the IC, MC, AC and DC) in the 2º degree were those who made remarkable achievements, who wielded extreme power and were highly respected. he got to this conclusion by analyzing the birth chart of queen victoria - other rulers at the time had more powerful aspects than she did, but allas, they weren’t the ones to almost rule the entire world - it was her, so he began noticing the pattern between power and the 2º. literal jesus himself had his mercury in pisces in the 2º. i myself have four degrees at 2º, so it’s nice to know my dreams of starting a revolution, overthrowing the government and achieving world domination are supported by the astros
this degree is connected to beauty, desire, sex appeal, receiving sexual attention. many sex icons like marilyn monroe, jean harlow and mata hari had it present in their birth chart. nikola talks about this being the best degree in his eyes. considering that it’s a leo degree, it’s all about living, having fun and enjoying life. 
both the 11º and 23º degrees of aquarius indicate divorce, but, according to nikola, the 11º is connected to suicide.
this degree, when connected to scorpio + the 8th house, can indicate car accidents.  
simbolizes a bad destiny. to nikola, this is the worst degree you can have. it can indicate rare deseases, tragic accidents. he says there’s no good about this degree but i absolutely disagree. not to be a hopeless optimist or to pretend to possess half the knowledge that he does but i think it’s pretentious to assume that a degree is literally all bad and that there’s nothing we can do about it — that takes away from our free will and our inner strength. Many, many people have this degree present in their charts (i believe nikola had it himself), it’s all about facing hardships but, well, that’s life.
nikola has found this degree in the birth charts of murderers + people that were murdered. his significance of “to kill or be killed” is quite literal. now, i want to remind you that this is the worst case scenario and that this degree can manifest itself in many diferent ways - just like the 18º and the 8º. the death can be figurative. for example, donald trump’s chart: he has his sun in 22º, and his mercury in 8º - and I’m afraid he’s quite alive at his old age and kicking it, even if he’s suffered a public destruction. @saintzjenx in her degree theory post talked about how this placement can also indicate abandonment. i agree, i have my sun at 22º in the 10th house (the house of the father) and my father was very emotionally absent + physically as well (his work has him working at other cities during the entire week) 
the 29º indicates someone with clairvoyant potential, someone who makes accurate predictions, with great intuition. it’s to note that nikola himself had a 29º in his chart, and that he became known for the predictions he made using the degree theory (for example, he predicted that america would have its first black president ten years before barack obama was elected). but he does like to say that he has absolutely no intuition, though - what prompted him to study the degrees was his virgo rising, acording to him, his need to study and put his brain to work. still, he observed how many clairvoyants had this degree. other astrologers talk about this being a degree that means destruction (and when you analyze trump’s birth chart and how he has his ascendant and his 11th house at the 29º, you can very much argue about the truth behind that theory) but all in all, nikola talks about this degree as benefic. 
in case you’re feeling bad, remember i have the to kill or be killed 22º, plus the 8º of death, plus the 11º of suicide, plus the 23º of divorce, plus two of the 18º of pure evil! let’s suffer together besties. on the upside i have four of the 2º so we riding to eternal glory! 
but now seriously, i know some of this is very hard bc obviously life isn’t all fun and games but. remember that we all have free will, life isn’t determined and having a lot of these in your chart doesn’t mean impending doom!! i have them and i’m very much kicking it and i’m not intending to stop. it’s all about acceptance, learning how to work with even the worst degrees in order to make the best out of them. plus, the degrees can manifest themselves in a lot of different ways and a lot more matters than just them being present - like the signs that they’re in, the aspects with which they make and how harsh they are, the house where they fall etc etc. 
please do take your time to read through his website + to watch the interviews nikola did on youtube!! he was an amazing astrologer whose theory greatly impacted the way astrology is studied today. he’s fun to learn from, too, which is a plus
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Sun signs according to ASTROLOGY FOR ALL by Allan Leo
Sun in Aries
"Their aim in life always appears to be to live in the mind: this makes them very independent characters, with clear and decided ideas, and a spirit that is dauntless, fearless and aspiring."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Taurus
"...they possess more vitality than any other of the twelve types, in fact, they appear to suffer from an over-abundance of life rather than a deficit of it. The words "to him that bath shall be given" seem to be applicable to these persons, as their leading characteristic is acquisitiveness, and it is quite natural for them to be conservative, reserved, and secretive." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Gemini
"...if we think of Aries as father and Taurus as mother, Gemini may be regarded as the child of these twain. Indeed, it would seem as if they were ever trying to blend the ideal [Aries] with the practical [Taurus], the life [Aries] with the form [Taurus]...they are, as it were, placed between two poles, and are ever being called upon to decide twards which side they shall lean..."  - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Cancer
"...they are seeking to become perfectly individulaised, and for this purpose tenacity is one of their chief characteristics. They are very reserved and sensitive, sympathetic, persistent and impatient, impressionable and emotional. It is at times necessary for them to become what the world calls selfish...the inner nature or destiny of this sign is POWER." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Virgo
"Persons born in this sign can readily adapt themselves to almost any environment, but they have their best success in life in the business world... but their greatest success is to be found rather in the business than the professional world. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is DISCRIMINATION." - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Leo
"We may sum up the Leo persons as firm and self-controlling individuals, ever aiming at high and noble things. They are all born with a nobility of character which can only be counteracted by contradictory planetary influences...its inner nature or destiny is HARMONY."- Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Libra
"They seem to be ever striving to manifestthat which must be attained by all humanity-compassion... the balance of their individuality brings them into real touch with the highest form of mind that we have any conception of, which can only beexpressed as a refined mental condition which is not dependent upon the brain for its physical manifestation. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is BALANCE.” - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Scorpio
"...the wisdom of the serpent lies concealed in this sign, and they may become so discreet, wise and prudent as to display extraordinary genius. The Scorpio man's desires are potent, and charged with the power to attain, and when the desires are subservient to the Will, there are none more powerful or determined. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is REGENERATION."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Sagittarius
"Being lovers of liberty, those born in this sign can recognise the law of order and harmony, and they make splendid characters when allowed perfect freedom, but when bound or placed under any restraint they become fretful, irritable and rebellious...They like always to do one thing at a time. Persons born in this sign are capable of reaching to great heights of prophecy...The inner nature or destiny of this sign is LAW."       - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Capricorn
"In studying Capricorn we may learn much from the race which is said to be chiefly under its influence-the Hindus. Among these people we find great learning, great wealth, great power, and great rank; but we have also great servility and, amongst the lower castes, a cringing humility which is truly distressing to those who can realise from what lofty heights they have fallen. The inner nature or destiny of this sign is SERVICE."     - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Aquarius 
"They are noted for the integrity and sincerity they possess, having the intense and fixed love nature of the fixed signs combined with the refined mental quality of the airy signs; so that they are faithful in their love until the end, the love generally living in the higher mind. The inner nature and destiny of this sign is expressed in the one word HUMANITY."     - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
Sun in Pieces 
"It is essential that they live pure and clean lives, for they are very magnetic and more liable to absorb evil influences than those born in any of the other signs ; the dualistic nature of Pisces makes it very difficult to extract the good from that which appears bad. The inner nature and final destiny of this sign is SPIRITUALITY."   - Alan Leo. Astrology for All
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
Full Moon in Taurus 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️)
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Like its prior incarnation Aries, Taurus energy is a pretty selfish energy. It is the hedonist of the zodiac. Its lesson is self-sufficiency, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, if anything, it should be quite empowering. But because the world is the way that it is, the pursuit of self-sufficiency could easily spiral downward into greed and an obsession with selfish gains.
The lesson of this Full Moon in Taurus, for now, is the alchemisation of your perception of security and stability—of what it means, for yourself, to be spiritually, positively, empoweredly self-sufficient in this dog-eat-dog world.
Main theme for 🐞Aries Leo Sagittarius
Interestingly, here's a super mystical and spiritual energy for Fire Signs (usually this kind of energy is reserved for Water Signs, tee-hee). This may be a time you feel a massive pull towards the hidden knowledge of the world—the occult. Of course, this plays out at different levels for each person depending on how far they are into what we term spirituality.
The purpose of this period of curiosity is to help you navigate the realm of creation and manifestation in a more powerful way. There's a sense of purification here. Like, you need to understand first how energies in this world often turn to pure shit—evil—due to the pull of the temptations of the Maya. This is to help you to not be pulled into the same temptations of bullshit manifestation. Because, my dear, shit creations only help you rack up more bad karma LOL
Soul Healing for Fire Signs🔻❤️
Temper your passions so you can invest your brilliant Fire energy wisely. Engage only in pursuits that uplift your spirit, or in some cases, bring calm and peace into your everyday reality (some Fire Signs need more of the latter). Maintain a hyper focus, but don't burn yourself out. Remember, temperance is the key to your current pursuit of occult higher knowledge~
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Main theme for 🐍Taurus Virgo Capricorn
-By this time, aren't you bored of getting the Priestess of Innocence, yet again??-
The message is quite simple, really. Take it easy. But take what easy? Life, honey. Just existence itself. You need to learn to develop bigger faith in the benevolence of the Universe. Sometimes, people think they are positive and faithful, but that's just the conscious part of your brain that wants to convince you so. Meanwhile, your somewhat erratic means of securing pathways towards your bountiful goals tell the Universe you don't actually trust it all that much. Yeah... that's the subconscious running the show in the BG.
You always want to be in control. No Humans are ever in control and that's exactly the tragedy of being born into this stupid Earth realm. People will tell you this is a freewill world, but that freewill you have is the freewill of your Higher Self and not your Human aspect. I know that sucks to hear that, but there's good news, too!
Soul Healing for Earth Signs🔻💚
Since much of Human freewill actually belongs to your Higher Self, you can share responsibility, so to speak. Basically, know that you don't have to always be in control to make things happen. You can learn to allow things to run their course and learn that manifestation is easiest when you're just attracting your desires instead of forcing them to happen.
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Main theme for ⛲Gemini Libra Aquarius
Intellect becomes a downfall when one does not apply wisdom in one's thinking. Do you understand what this means? If you're unable to turn knowledge and past experiences into a reliable tool of navigation, you are bound to get stuck in patterns of thinking and decision making that are potentially harmful—to others, but also yourself.
Really, like all smart people are wont to do, you guys are often critical of yourself whilst trying to be patient with everybody else. The latter is not necessarily a bad thing, but your being doubtful of your own capabilities—and of whether or not you're doing the right thing—only causes you plentiful of anxieties. Maybe mild anxieties, but they are like troubled water under the calm bridge.
Soul Healing for Air Signs🔻💙
People all make mistakes and that doesn't necessarily make them a bad person, or a failure, or a hopeless case, nor does that mean they deserve punishment. Mistakes are the gateway towards self-knowledge and mastery. You become wiser as you grow older because you learn from your own real-life experiences and apply the knowledge accordingly. As you grow older, you become gentler—with yourself, and genuinely with others.
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Main theme for 🐝Cancer Scorpio Pisces
If you are hard on yourself, you tend to be hard on other people. If you allow other people's hardness to make you hard on yourself, you're killing yourself from the inside whilst allowing others to bully you. Do you understand? This is just the uniqueness of Water Signs. Your emotions can often be just a reflection of your environment.
But that's the lesson of this Full Moon in Taurus: just how far and how much longer will you allow your emotions to be dictated by the behaviours of others? No matter how much they affect you, other people aren't responsible for your emotional reactions. You are still the one making all the personal choices.
'Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your Peace.' — some Buddhist quote
Soul Healing for Water Signs🔻💛
This may sound a bit strange, but shades of lime colours will help you this period. Lime is a refreshing combination of yellow and green—Solar Plexus and Heart chakras. Solar Plexus is your seat of power and Heart is your compassion. People can only be genuinely compassionate when they feel safe in being their authentic selves. Learn to be okay with being... just YOU. Even in all your messy glory.
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arcgeminga · 3 years
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ANSWERED ASK from @starlightofdream​:  ♂ - … My muse’s father [ POPE SAGE ] (for Defteros) ♚ Meme: send me a symbol and i will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of…
   —  TRIGGER WARNING: strong hints racism and use of strong language (Under Cut)
Sage wasn’t one to lose his temper. He had lived long enough to know when to let go of his anger when it came to common things that time will eventually repair. He didn’t like the unnecessary drama or the unwarranted negativity around such things. He’s lived too long to be bothered by it all.
Which is why today surprised him.
Ever since the day Cassiopeia Euthymia was murdered, and he had ordered the just execution on Gemini Maximus, Sage had a strong sense of responsibility for the two children left behind because of his decree. Months before he had the chance to meet the babies, he had predicted that one of them would be born under a Cursed Star of Darkness. What he didn’t expect was that the cruelty of this era when the youngest child was born. Almost as if fulfilling his cursed birth, the hour he was born, mayhem broke, and the mother was slaughtered.
Yet, when the attendant of that day presented the babies to him, Sage did not see an ounce of evil within them. However, his assessments on the children were pushed back by more urgent matters--and ultimately never spoken aloud. Therefore, his wrongful decree stuck to the youngest like a curse he wished he could take back.
The boys were four years old now. Sage didn’t make it an everyday occasion to visit them, and he left the boys in the hands of caretakers that he had hired from the nearby village. He felt ashamed, and seeing the youngest child--Defteros--reminded him of his crime.
Something within him was itching to see the twins today. After all, it’s nearly been an entire month since he had checked up on their progress. After his various briefing with the current Gold Saints, Sage had Leo Ilias and Pisces Lugonis accompany him down to the living quarters within Sanctuary. It was a relatively small section where the attendants kept to themselves, and it was the only place Sage could send the orphaned children. As the Pope, he was allowed to come and go whenever he wished and dropping an unexpected visit was well within his right as the Sovereign.
It seemed like his visit to the ladies that were in charge of the boys was extremely abrupt.
As soon as he opened the door to the home, he felt the atmosphere become bitter. The little, dark-skinned boy, who had been running around the house with his brother in an impromptu game of tag, tripped and fell hard against the wood flooring. Sage’s eyes widened in shock, as did the Gold Saints who accompanied him--but a cacophony of cruel laughter assailed his ears.
“Look at this dumb bastard!” a woman’s shrill rang throughout the house, her cruel finger pointing to the four-year-old that groaned and struggled to his knees. Whatever toxicity the caretakers had been exposing to these boys, the lighter-skinned tot paid no mind. With heart and intentions pure, he waddled next to his fallen brother and helped him up.
When the little Defteros was on his unsteady feet, Sage’s mood darkened.
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It appears he has, yet again, made a wrong judgment for the misfortunate child.
“How dare you!” Lugonis roared as he pushed past the Patriarch in his moment of blind rage; his eyes snapped to the women who laughed at the boy’s injury. At the man’s outburst, the ladies realized the Pope’s unannounced visit and hurried to stand proper as their faces became flushed from being caught in their cruelties. Lugonis didn’t care. He stood in front of the ladies, lecturing them about their lack of compassion for the child.
Sage had allowed Lugonis to yell at the women uninterrupted. He stepped into the house and placed a hand on Defteros’ brilliant, golden hair. The two boys didn’t seem to notice him, with Aspros pointing at a Defteros’ knees and muttering so low that Sage couldn’t hear it. The darker-skinned child was bruised and scratched all over his knees, legs, and ankles. And the culprit of the injuries was none other than the ill-fitted footwear the little boy wore. A lot of what the little boy was wearing did not fit the tiny, thin child. Defteros even had several bruises around his face, but it was hard to tell if they had formed from him falling a lot or if other types of abuses happened. On the other hand, Aspros didn’t have a single blemish--treated much better than his younger brother.
No doubt, this sort of disgusting injustice has been going on for a very long time, right under his nose.
How can a single child completely and utterly destroy the Grand Patriarch of Sanctuary just by being the victim of other’s cruel entertainment?
“Ilias,” Sage called for the Leo Gold Saint low enough not to interrupt Lugonis’ rage. He somehow managed to suppress the amount of shamed-filled agony that pulled at his heart. “Please, go find a better-suited caretaker for these children.” Ilias left with a silent nod, and Lugonis was at the tail end of his passionate rant. Sage felt his chest become too heavy with uncontrollable regret...
He bent his knees so that he can roughly be equal height to the young children. To his dismay, the little boys avoided his eye contact. They were aware of him, but it seemed they had been taught to avoid looking at adults directly. It shattered the older man’s spirit. How could he have been so blind?
“I’m so sorry,” Sage’s apology came in a hoarse whisper. The twin’s shifted their eyes to the ground before Aspros reached out and grabbed Defteros’ hand.
“Come on, Defteroulis,” Aspros hummed as he tugged his little brother away into the deeper parts of the house. Defteros allowed his brother to pull him along, trying his best not to trip over the too-large footwear. “Let’s go play more.”
Sage watched the boys scamper off, then stood up to full height after they had turned the corner to what he assumed was their bedroom. Lugonis had turned his attention from the irresponsible caretakers and lowered his head in guilt.
“I apologize,” the Pisces Saint grimaced as the words left his lips. “I didn’t mean to hurry past you, Holy Father... I just got so angry...” 
“I understand,” Sage inhaled calmly--oddly betraying whatever emotion was building inside of him. “After all, you have that little child. Naturally, a parent will get upset at the cruelties shoved upon innocent babes.”
The time-warn man told his Saint to hurry off. When he was alone with the group of women he had trusted the boys to--his sleeping ire opened its eyes.
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lostbluefish · 4 years
my opinion of the mars signs
scorpio mars. fucking hate them.very hostile,mean for no reason.vengeful and cruel. their anger is pure evil,just because they cant let go of their hurt,carry deep pain within.
aquarius mars. they can get so cold that your heart will hurt. you will feel like youre not there at all around them. ignore you and spit on your ego with their logical coldness. sometimes can get really psycho and violent but will feel tired and dissociate after.
virgo mars. will hate on you for small stuff you do wrong,nitpicky,will criticize the shit out of you. practical but boring and predictable.
cancer mars. so possesive and territorial,lunar,motherly,smothering,passive agressive,and stingy with their sarcasm.will get violent in extreme cases.
pisces mars. their anger is focused on things they deem to be unjust in others,the world,they get angry when people treat them like they are weak because they are.very empathic and hysterical. Secretly evil masterminds,they will convice you theyre your friend,extract information and use it against you.
aries mars. dont know many,but one guy i know had 0 control over his energy,words and actions. a pure bully.
sagittarius mars. rarely agressive,mostly with their words. they will put you down for being stupid or ignorant. small minded people and smothering angers them.
leo mars. will act like you dont exist to them. me me me. guilt trip you and be a huge baby, explosive and scary when truly mad which is not often.
gemini mars. good with fighting with words,sass,biting intelligence,scary as hell, will twist your mind and humiliate you in front of others.
libra mars. passive agressive pieces of shit. too chicken to fight with anyone. mean behind your back.
taurus mars. slow,steady anger, youll never see it coming but when they finally explode ..run. or they will just cut you off like u never existed to them. extremely selfish and cold.
capricorn mars. tyrannical,insane,cruel.a stern father,critiques you,self righteous. cold to the bone.
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
who should you fight in seventeen
s.coups | who wins: depends
physically you are probably at a disadvantage i mean the dude literally won a wrestling competition so you know he jacked af and if you even look at any one of his kids (read: rest of seventeen) the wrong way you know for a fact that he’s gonna be coming after your ass. at the same time though he’s a pretty typical leo so if you stroke his ego or get him ranting about pledis he will probably be distracted long enough for you to take him down. use your words wisely here
jeonghan | who wins: jeonghan
if you were just throwing fists then you could easily take jeonghan down as easily as busting down a paper door but the problem here is that this man will come after you with a vengeance like no other through other evil schemes and before you know it he’ll have stolen your money, your friends, your girl, and your pride. don’t fight jeonghan unless you’re willing to lose everything except your biceps. 
joshua | who wins: you, but not really
listen i don’t think joshua actually even cares enough to fight back. he’ll probably just throw up a peace sign and be like “yooooo what’s up” if you even try to start a fight with him and then treat the whole thing as a friendly scuffle. even when he has you in a literal headlock with those buff arms of his he’ll probably just let you win because he is first and foremost a gentleman, which only makes it feel even less like a victory
jun | who wins: jun
this dude is just distracting. he won’t even be doing anything in particular but his presence alone will weaken all your punches before they can make contact because he just radiates pure and good energy and you’ll find yourself in a fit of giggles for no god damn reason. and honestly he will have no clue what’s going on either but he’ll take advantage of it and finish you off with the same martial arts he’s been using since debut
hoshi | who wins: 50/50
every single one of this dude’s personal placements is in gemini which both works for and against you. on one hand this means the dude is completely unpredictable, but on the other hand that also means that hoshi is probably going to get distracted by himself and waste a solid 10 minutes promoting his tiger agenda. fight hoshi if you’re feeling lucky today
wonwoo | who wins: wonwoo
at first glance wonwoo seems like your typical nerdy gamer boy who you could easily take on but the man is also an intellectual and is always thinking 10 steps ahead in any situation. at first you’ll think you’re winning and then he’ll shikamaru the shit out of you and you’ll realize you’ve just been dancing in the palm of his hand the entire time
woozi | who wins: woozi
woozi knows how to play like 189 instruments and has also mastered the art of using every single one of them as a murder device. and the catch is he doesn’t even need them he can fuck you up with or without them like the dude who brings nothing to a knife fight and still wins because he’s just that badass. don’t fight woozi if you value your life
dk | who wins: nobody
dk wouldn’t dare fight you, and why would you even want to fight him in the first place you absolutely heartless monster
mingyu | who wins: you
him being like 6'2'' means absolutely nothing considering he has absolutely 0 hand eye coordination and fumbles over his own long ass legs on a daily basis. he’ll literally do half the work for you in the form of self-inflicted damage, you just have to deliver the final blow. also he probably deserves it. fight mingyu 
the8 | who wins: the8
not only will the8 absolutely decimate you, he will look absolutely flawless while doing it. and if his b-boying and martial art skills weren’t enough this dude can also send absolutely merciless daggers into your heart in the form of cold cut words targeting every emotional weakness you’ve ever had. and to top it off he’s a whole ass scorpio. don’t fight the8 because there will be nothing of you left when he’s through with you
seungkwan | who wins: depends
with seungkwan there are a lot of factors to consider. the first being if there are any cameras in the vicinity. if there are not then you will absolutely lose because then the filters are completely off and this man has a lot of pent up frustration he’s about to let loose. if there are cameras it depends on what would be the funniest outcome and would earn the highest ratings for the show. play by script and wit for this one.
vernon | who wins: ???
honestly vernon is just here to vibe man, and the minute you go try to fight him you’ll forget why you wanted to fight him in the first place. instead you’ll just get pulled into whatever vernon happens to be doing at the moment. go fight vernon if you want to engage in a philosophical talk about life
dino | who wins: probably dino
on a 1v1 this would actually be a pretty even fight, and dino is a good kid who fights fair. fighting dino might be the fairest fight in this entire list actually. but he is seventeen’s maknae and the other 12 members of seventeen definitely won’t sit still seeing you engage in combat with their baby which ultimately means that this becomes a 1v13 fight and the numbers are just not in your favor. don’t fight dino unless you’re ready to fight all of seventeen at once
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whispersofmercury · 4 years
Signs as Alignments
Aries: Chaotic Good
Aries have such a chaotic energy, they are down for anything anytime no matter what the consequences. They do what they think is right no matter what anyone else says and I respect them for that. They usually have good intentions for their actions.
Taurus: True Neutral
The Taurus’s I’ve met play by their own rules. They don’t try to overly impress people or do the right thing, neither are they overly interested in doing things to hurt people unless you’ve messed with someone they love (watch out!). Taureans play for their own side and I respect that.
Gemini: Chaotic Neutral
Gemini’s do have that crackhead energy. They know so much and they have got so much on their minds and it manifests in this chaotic unpredictable energy. They aren’t always concerned with what’s right and wrong. They usually let their mind (and sometimes their heart) guide them.
Cancer: Neutral Evil
Cancers are very diplomatic. While they are usually characterized as crybabies or very emotional they are cardinal and can create schemes like you would not believe. They don’t always follow the rules like lawful would but they’re not overly rash like chaotic types might be. When you hurt them or someone they love they will bring the claws out! And they don’t always play nice.
Leo: Chaotic Evil
Okay listen, Leo’s have great hearts. But they are chaotic. I’ve never met a Leo sun who has their life together. While most Leo’s I’ve met have pure hearts deep down, they aren’t afraid to fight dirty for what they want and what they think is theirs.
Virgo: Lawful Good
Virgo’s are honestly one of my favourite signs. While they can let their head and thoughts rule them, they usually try to do what’s best for them and those around them. While they may be critical and perfectionists deep down I believe they are just trying to help. These helpers usually stay on the sidelines and don’t get recognized for their service and the good they do.
Libra: Lawful Evil
Libra’s are sneaky. I’ve heard so many people comment that Libra’s are boring and bland and need other people to live. I think that they just never won the affection of a Libra. Libra deals with their enemies in a diplomatic way, and usually follow the proper procedures to take someone down. That being said, while they might seem harmless, they usually work slowly. Watch out.
Scorpio: Lawful Evil
Most of the Scorpio’s I know are bound by some hidden set of rules I can’t seem to figure out. While they may not follow the moral code known to the public, they do follow their own rules. I believe a lot of scorpios are genuine and good people, but they way they fight is definitely geared towards the evil side.
Sagittarius: Chaotic Neutral
Sagittarius are very determined invididuals, however how they reach their goals tends to fall on the chaotic and messy side. While they hope for the best, they don’t go out of their way to make sure their actions are good or evil. They follow their heart wherever it leads them, for better or for worse.
Capricorn: Lawful Neutral
Capricorn’s are great at mastering rules and using them to their advantages. Like lawyers they know how to get their way in a way no one can dispute with them. While I think some Capricorn’s tend towards the side of good, they mostly follow their own goals and objectives while seeming like they’re playing the good side.
Aquarius: Chaotic Neutral
Aquarius’s always seem to have so much going on inside their heads. They are so creative and passionate about the things they like and unapologetic about it. Their heads and their spaces tend towards the messy and chaotic side. They, like Taurus’s fight for their own side and their own beliefs, whether they are good or evil.
Pisces: Chaotic Good
If I see someone with crackhead energy 99% of the time it’s a Pisces. Pisces’s seem so in the moment and they make each decision spontaneously without regards to the past or future. I do believe they intend good, whether it ends up that way is another question.
This is all just my opinion and observations, so if you have any differing opinions let me know!
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spiralcompendium · 4 years
The Celestian Zodiac, Part Two
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See Part One here!
Configuration Archive, Part Two
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☆ The Hound ☆
Latin Name: Canis
Zodiac Sign: “The Hound is a loyal friend and the defender of the hearth. It is a sign of the follower and of groups, of loyalty and a measure of how the wild may be tamed” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Configuration
Element: Earth
Zodiac equivalent: Taurus
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☆ The Stag ☆
Latin Name: Cervus
Zodiac Sign: “The Stag is the sign of the hunter’s prey, that which must be pursued. It represents the noble wild, that which is natural and untamed” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Configuration
Element: Air
Zodiac equivalent: Aquarius
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Conflict Archive
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☆ The Kraken ☆
Latin Name: Polypus
Zodiac Sign: “The Kraken lurks within the deeps of the ocean, tendrils bringing doom and woe to all. It is a sign of evil and death at sea, of dark possibility and the wild unknown of the deep” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Conflict
Element: Water
Zodiac equivalent: Pisces
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☆ The Warden ☆
Latin Name: Custos
Zodiac Sign: “The Warden is the watcher, the sentinel serving without thought of self. It is the sign of the soldier who defends, or the curator who collects and preserves” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Conflict
Element: Earth
Zodiac equivalent: Virgo
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☆ The Fountain☆
Latin Name: Fons
Zodiac Sign: “The Fountain quenches thirst and washes away dirt of the road. It is the sign of purity and sustenance, and of ritual and the city” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Conflict
Element: Air
Zodiac equivalent: Gemini
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☆ The Phoenix ☆
Latin Name: Phoenix
Zodiac Sign: “The Phoenix is the flame that cannot die… a beacon of extinction and of fiery renewal. It is the sign of hope in the darkness, vigor where fatigue has set in. It is a rallying sign” (Quest: Press Pass).
Quality: Conflict
Element: Fire
Zodiac equivalent: Sagittarius
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The connections I made to the real-world signs aren’t all perfect, but I think they still mostly work! Credit to @calamity-callie​ for pointing out these major elements:
Aries (the Chariot): victory, riding into battle
Capricorn (the Loom) civilization, craftsmanship
Libra (the Galleon): war/trade dichotomy, guidance 
Cancer (the Serpent): hidden threat, clever 
Scorpio (the Crab): pride 
Leo (the Messenger): friendship, proclamation 
Taurus (the Hound): follower, hearth 
Aquarius (the Stag): wild, untamed 
Pisces (the Kraken): unknown of the deep (she said this was a stretch, and I agree) 
Virgo (the Warden): curator, "serving without thought of self" 
Gemini (the Fountain): the city; bubbly/pure
Sagittarius (the Phoenix): vigor, rallying sign
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