#not a new post just backing up stuff from bird app!
pancakeis · 1 year
Zhichu Interview for JJWXC (2021)
  JJWXC’s signed author, Zhichu. Born by the Yangtze River, has a passionate love for all beautiful things. The writing journey began in the summer of 2018; creating and writing is a process of becoming more aware of the world. It has allowed me many rewarding experiences, as well as a continuous growth. 
  Q1:What is the origin of the pen name ‘Zhichu’?
  A:The pen name actually originated from my profile page’s name The Child Born in Chu [1]. I’m a child of Wuhan; when I was young, my parents mostly read “Urban Chu Daily News” (such a distant memory haha). At that time, I couldn’t come up with anything good for a pen name,  then I happened to have a meal in the Chu River Han Street [2]. Suddenly an idea sprang up, and the rest was history.
[1]: the area nearby Chu River, a tributary of the Yangtze River
[2]: the new landmark of Wuhan. More info here and here
  Q2:What made you decide to publish on Jinjiang?
  A:To be honest, it began in the 2018 summer break. I was very free, lazing around at home and reading so many novels on JJ. One time experiencing the void [3], I suddenly had this urge to write something myself, so I told my mom, “Mom, I want to write novels.”
My mom said, “Then go and write, don’t say empty words.”
I’m more of the “actions speak louder than words” type, and with the push from my mom’s words, I went ahead and did it in the heat of the moment (my mom knows really well how to motivate me). When writing the first book, “BE-obsessing Survival System”, I suddenly realised that, creating your own characters and story is an amazing process. What I find even more inconceivable, is to have so many adorable readers giving comments and support. It was completely beyond my initial expectation.
[3]: the void left behind by a really good book
  Q3:Do you have outlines or drafts when writing?
  A:Don’t have such detailed outlines. I’ll draw mind maps, but usually the initial idea and the final product are two different entities altogether. Because my writing is more of an immersive style, towards the latter stage, the characters will develop their own consciousness to alter the plot developments. I do have saved drafts, except for the first title [4]. The newer works all have at least a 10k-word draft saved, however the daily updates were basically freshly written.
[4]: Referring to Zhichu’s first book BE System
  Q4:What has motivated you to serialise your novels?
  A:Readers. I’m a procrastinator, so setting up a deadline for myself is very much needed. I’m also really afraid of disappointing others; when I think about readers waiting to read the updates every night at 9 o’clock, I’m fueled with determination to finish writing ahead of that time. Reading the comments grants me an immense happiness, a sense of achievement and pleasure that nothing else can bring about. I can still remember the username of the very first commenter. Really, very thankful.
  Q5:What are your usual hobbies?
  A:Listening to songs, music inspires me a lot. Watching movies, reading books, scrolling through everyone’s comments, noting down nice eateries and gathering with friends at said eateries for a meal. Eating good food makes me very happy.
  Q6:Any genre that you really want to try your hand at?
  A:Too many! I love sci-fi and supernatural very much. I’m a horror film enthusiast, but because I love it so much, I keep delaying, don’t dare to start writing it. However, in the future I’ll continue trying my hand at various styles, because I really don’t like to confine myself in a fixed scope of writing.
  Q7:What kind of style and characters can we expect from your next book?
  A:Hopefully I can convey a really cool style of writing. Characters’ personas are: a shou whom you don’t know when he’ll be forced to transform himself from a pure and holy angel into a maniacal black lotus, and a big boss gong who is both languid and melancholic, showing a lack of interest towards everyone and everything except for the shou. Two people, evenly matched in power, yet strikingly different from each other. A new attempt, I hope everyone will like it.
  Q8:Anything to tell your readers?
  A:What I want to say is the same as every time I end a book -- really, very, very thankful towards everyone for supporting my works. I’m someone with not too much self-confidence, and my health isn’t good either. Serialising a novel is both very lonely and taxing, but seeing your words and encouragement in the comments give me the strength to carry on. It’s also you who pull me out from the endless sunken loop of self-doubting, therefore I always want to express my gratitude towards all of you, no matter how many times. I’m only a flawed human being, not a persona that someone came up with, so I want to thank you too, for your tolerance towards me. 
Although started off as an impulse, I treat writing with lots of sincerity. Writing, and everything I’ve experienced ever since I began writing, have allowed me to grow into a new self. It’s thanks to your presence throughout this process that I could persevere. It’s hard to imagine that we’re friends who communicate solely through written words, because I have received so much warmth and kindness from all of you. Perhaps this is the value of writing and reading ba.
Love you all, sincerely wishing each of you safety and happiness.
Translation: keishi
First posted on Twitter @_keikaku
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pancake-breakfast · 3 months
Ok! Notes from the first Orange panel at AX 2024! They were discouraging photography and video so this will just be text (mobile Tumblr hates my photos, anyway). But first, a bit of a TL;DR.
TL:DR: While they talked about Trigun: Stampede, Beastars, and their new upcoming title Leviathan, they mostly focused on Leviathan since Stampede has its own panel later. (I'm not sure about Beastars since I haven't been following the show as closely.)
Ok, on with the notes!
(Edited to add links.)
Studio Orange Presents: Beastars, Trigun, and...
The panel guests were Kiyotaka Waki (producer at Orange) and Yoshihiro Watanabe (producer at Orange and also played translator for Waki), as well as Justin Leach (producer for Eden and Star Wars: Visions).
They started off the panel by noting that exactly zero of the people on the panel (including the mod) slept the previous night.
Then they showed a sizzle reel in honor of Orange's 20th anniversary, highlighting all the stuff they've done in that time. There were a lot of cheers for Trigun, Beastars, and Land of the Lustrous in particular.
After the reel, they talked briefly about the history of Orange, how they'd gone from animating mecha for other people's shows (like they did for Evangelion and Code: Geass) to doing entire properties themselves. They're particularly proud of how their studio has grown from 4 people to... I forgot how many. Much more than 4. And they can now work on multiple titles simultaneously.
On to Trigun! They didn't get into it much since it's getting its own panel at the con, but they did show some pages from the Trigun Bible on Plants, and Watanabe noted he'd post them up on the bird app later today. (Edit: You can find them here.) Watanabe also said they can't release the whole Bible yet, which may just have me thinking hopefully, but hey, there's a chance! He seems to genuinely love sharing pages from it, at least.
On to Beastars! They read a thank you letter from the director to the fans, and also showed a subtitled video that I'd guess was also a thank you from someone else, but I was too far back to read the subtitles. (An ongoing problem with watching anything subbed at this con is the subs being entirely blocked by other people's heads unless you're in like the first few rows... but I digress.) They also showed a new key visual (which I'm sure is gonna be floating around social media somewhere at this point) and noted the third and final season of the show will air on Netflix in December. Waki noted he started reading the manga in 2017, and he's thrilled to get to work on a full adaptation of the story since it's rare to get to do that.
On to Leviathan! I'm gonna break this one up a bit because it's long. This is Studio Orange's new upcoming title in collaboration with Netflix and Qubic Pictures (the studio that did Eden, which was a great story overall and I definitely recommend it). They also worked extensively with the author of the original work, Scott Westerfield, who helped keep them consistent with the characters and themes.
The story is a dieselpunk alternate world WWI story about a runaway Austrian Prince named Alec who meets this Scottish girl, Sharp, on a bioengineered airship, and the relationships these people from disparate backgrounds have with others and each other.
The German/Austrian side of the conflict is a faction known as the "Clankers," who focus on mechs and technology to conquer the world via machines, while the faction Sharp belongs to is called the "Darwinists," who focus on DNA modification of creatures as a way to connect with nature.
They showed a preview of it that honestly looked really cool, but again, no recording. It had flying whale ships. Like... whales they strapped a box to and fly around on.
Orange is excited to get to "go back to their roots" with this and work on a Mecha title again, especially since this title will be theirs this time.
They acquired/absorbed (I'm not sure on the details) a team that specializes in background art for this project, and yeah, the backgrounds are detailed and amazing.
They noted a lot of animators reflect their own lives in their work, and they feel Leviathan is no exception. The international collaboration (they also have people from Europe working on this) lends itself well to a story about people from disparate cultures coming together and realizing they have more in common and more similar passions and desires than they have differences.
They'll be talking more about Leviathan at Otakon in August.
That's all for now! I'll try to update on the other Orange/Trigun panels if I get into them!
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milf-bait · 1 year
Hey, this is a little more of a naughtier piece, so if it's not something you're interested in please avoid reading more of the post. Sort of tagged content may exclude a few things, cause I'm bad at tagging stuff. This was originally written on the (previously a??) bird app, so I've changed a little bit of the wording and edited a few bits! First time putting something like this here so be nice.
[ AMAB + tempNull, Thigh grinding, non-penetrative, only a little awkward ]
Laid upon the desk, the Doll could feel their hands running along its shins. Its thighs. Underneath its skirt. Its breathing was harsh, forcibly paced as wide blue eyes looked up to its handsy partner for the night.
They smiled back down to it, whispering something that the heartbeat within its ears left unrecognized. Its eyes blinked rapidly as its mouth tried to form words, but it broke into a nervous laugh. "I-I'm sorry? One mmhh... One more time?"
Their fingers had gripped onto the hem of its ripped tights, left easily pulled down without their additional fishnet getting in the way. Its fingers gingerly rolled its dress towards its stomach as they spoke again; "Are you okay with this? I know it was kind of a sudden ask..." They were still a touch quiet, but concern clearly was upon their tongue.
"No! Yeah! I mean - Yes! I'm still okay!" The Doll again broke into a laugh, its fingers tightening upon the rolls of its dress. "I'm - I'm just... kind of excited? Sorry, I'm uhm..." Its words trailed off, a long gasp following a familiar sensation. That of its panties being removed. It was far more noticeable with someone else doing it for it. They slowly worked them alongside its thighs, removing both articles of clothing at once. The sounds of both their breathing filled the room, up until it felt their hands working back up their closed thighs.
"Hey, it's okay if you haven't done this a lot. Or at all." They spoke to it in such a gentle tone, it helped the Doll relax all the more. It offered a quick nod in return, acting as permission for them to continue.
"It takes two to tango and all, right? So we'll walk each other through what feels good and what doesn't, okay?" They reassured it as their hand reached its hip, their fingers trailing along the crevasses of its ball joints. The Doll shuddered from the sensation, its lips parting just enough for the bottom lip to be bitten for a moment. Just long enough for the gap within its front teeth to be seen.
"Yeah! Yeah, yeahyeahyeah, I'll be good and uhm... and let you know how I'm—"
"Oh." The small exclamation from its partner made it pause.
"... Oh?" The Doll repeated. It was only then it realized that their thumb had been tucked between its thighs, causing a rush of heat to hit its face. Despite the assumed porcelain, the skin-like layer turned a new shade of pink.
"There's nothing there." Their free hand gently parted its knees, letting its active hand slip further between its legs. It let out a soft yelp, one of its own hands moving to cover its face. There really wasn't anything between its legs. Its thighs were smooth and soft to the touch, but their crotch was just the same. Smooth.
It took the Doll a moment to realize, a quiet "Ohhhhh fuuuuck, I'm stupid..." slipping from its lips before it broke into another laugh. "Uhmmm... This is awkward! I wasn't - I wasn't prepared for this! So I didn't uhm..." The Doll eased itself onto its elbows, the hand at her face pinching at her nose as a smile nervous formed. "I usually have uhm... attachments? Pieces? Swap-able uhm... genitalia to match how I..." Its voice turned quiet while its hand ran along its face and stroked at its cheek, stopping with its palm over its mouth.
It felt a new heat press against the back of its thighs, causing its eyes to turn back to them. They were smiling. A gentle pull brought her back to rest against the desk again, watching as her legs were raised and as an arm wrapped around them for support. It could feel their hand gripping its ankle.
Their free hand moved to hold the top of its thigh, offering it a gentle squeeze. "That doesn't mean we can't still have some fun!" They eased themselves to sit against its thighs, and after a soft adjustment, it able to just barely see the tip tucked between...
"Hoh geez...." The Doll spoke against its hand, its gaze fixated upon the sight between her thighs. They let their hand run higher along its body as their hips began to move, fingers carefully undoing the belt at its stomach to hike its dress higher. Exposing its stomach. The Doll let her unoccupied hand take the back of theirs as they worked at its clothes, wrapping around the back of it with a hard squeeze.
"This is... shit, it still feels good..." They had to laugh a little at the situation, but the compliment brought a giggling from the Doll. They could feel it begin to move too, its hips softly rolling against them in a soft grinding. As it held their hand and covered its mouth, that giggling didn't stop. It was soft. Quiet. It only encouraged their partner all the more. It could feel their impact, a soft gasp slipping as it heard that light plap. Then again, and again, and it listened to them begin to pant. The Doll watched with awe-struck eyes, leading the hand within its own to reach underneath its rolled dress. To push its bra up and out of the way of its breast.
It was soft there too. Weirdly naturally so. But they didn't question it. They let their fingers work at the mound as they humped against its bare crotch, the room again being filled by their breathing. "Y-You're doing... such a good job, love." The Doll whispered against its hand, which eventually fell to rest by its collar. To let them hear its own panting breaths. The slight creaks of the desk beneath it. The gentle bounce of its body with each thrust. The light fluttering of its eyes as it watched them fuck its thighs. Their fingers easing their way from one breast to the other, causing the softest of moans from the Doll. It became too much.
"I think... I think I'm going to..." They began, forcing the words through breaths. "Ah? Is there somewhere you'd... oh!" The Doll began to ask, but its words were cut short by a new heat hitting its stomach.
It watched in awe as they came, spreading themselves along its skin. The space between its thighs caught most of it, but that didn't stop that cum from pooling between them. Their hand dragged from its chest down to its waist as they caught their footing, the Doll letting its hand follow suit. Fingertips gently traced along the path of the fluid, giving them the time needed to catch their breath in her inspection.
"You really did do a good job, love! It uhm.... It felt good for me, too." The Doll spoke with a new confidence, keeping a warm smile along its lips.
"Aheh, I'm glad... but I'm not done just yet, I hope you know." Their partner eased the words out, their slow pace matching a slow realization from the Doll. "O-Of course! I didn't... I wouldn't, uhm—!" "Let me leave without absolutely covering you? I know, Doll.~"
It didn't know if it was the new forceful pull they made, or the bite upon the side of their thigh that made them squeal... But, it left them both laughing as their afterglow bloomed into another round.
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rennatelier · 1 year
long time no see! 🌻 (editted)
(edit: shop update has been moved from 7/7 to 7/11 instead! sorry for the confusion!!) hello everyham, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here I know!! I've had a very busy event season during the months of May and June, which I'll eventually write a wrap-up post about once I get a chance to, and I’ll definitely and be more active again and keep this place updated on at least a monthly basis on everything new with my art and online shop, but for now--
Mark Your Calendars!! cuz we’re having a shop drop this week on July 11th! it’ll be sometime in the evening for fellow US east coast friends, and we will have an early access for Snack Club members this time to shop a day earlier than the public, as well as some other special freebie perks!
Also thank you so much for 2.5k followers to this blog!! if you’re new here, hi it’s nice to meet you, I’m Renna, the artist behind Rennatelier and Hao & Friends! if you already know me from other places and have followed me from their (such as the blue bird app), it’s so nice to see you again!
ANYWAY! here’s just a small peek of the cool new stuff we’ll have for the shop drop next week!
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oooh collectable Hao & Friends trading cards?! AND they come with stickers!! series 1 will be available as a full complete set of 10 cards, or come in blind packs of 4 random cards!
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ahhh reusable AND foldable shopping bags! (or grocery totes, whatever you wanna call ‘em) it's made of durable ripstop nylon and even folds up into a convenient little square with the sewn-in pouch on the inside!
check back tomorrow to see what other things and restocks are coming to the shop next Tuesday!  🐹
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zuzusexytiems · 1 year
Idk when it was that I stopped typing with proper capitalization but maybe I ought to bring that back, lmao
Anyway. Hello, Tumblr 🥹 It's been a while (again). I have a lot of thoughts on Twitter's X revamp, but the gist is that I'm going through a little ~migration~ process atm and trying to ween myself off Twitter entirely (so I can be more active again here) 😭
It's not an easy decision to make, but unless things get better on Twitter, I feel like going back here and making this my main platform again is something that needs to be done.
So if you're a fan of my work here on Tumblr, I'd like to ask for a little favor.
One of the reasons I've been hesitant to go back to this site is because my engagements here (and elsewhere) just aren't the same compared to the bird app. If I post something on Twitter, I'd get 200 to 500 likes on average (and that's within the span of 5 days).
Here, I'd be lucky to get 30 in a month.
I know that engagements aren't the end-all and be-all of making fanwork, but realistically speaking, when you work on something for days and pour your heart into it, it can be pretty demotivating to see it flopping 😞
So the favor I'd like to ask you guys is this! Reblogging. That's it. :')
For new Tumblr users, this site doesn't have an algorithm, and the only way things spread around here is through reblogs.
Unlike Twitter, likes, unfortunately, don't do anything here 😞 And with only likes and no reblogs, a post on Tumblr dies out and remains in obscurity—unless people start reblogging it.
So yes! I hope it's not too much to ask, but reblogs will help a lot—even if it's old posts from years ago, I really don't mind (and in fact appreciate that you like my stuff enough to go through them 🥺 I see some of you guys in the notifs, thank you so much 🥹🙏🏽)
If you'd like to see some of my original stuff (and would like to reblog any of them 🥺) you can find them under the #jeanpikutiems tag, the #my-art tag, or the #my-writing tag. :)
Second (and only if you want, of course!) please feel free to interact with me here 🥹💜 Whether it's through asks or replying to my posts, or even just adding your reactions in tags.
A huge reason as to why I stayed on Twitter for so long and (preferred it over Tumblr) was because people talked to me frequently there. I made friends and connections, exchanged headcanons with people, and gushed about my love for Jeanpiku freely. So if I'm able to interact with you guys here, I would honestly love that! (especially since it's getting kind of lonely shipping a small ship like Jeanpiku 😭).
I can't always promise to respond on time, but I'll definitely see your stuff and will be happy to interact with all of you whenever my schedule loosens up. 🥺💜
Anyway, I think that's it! Again, these aren't really ~requirements~ and I hope it doesn't sound like I'm asking for too much 😭 But I'm ngl, it will mean a huge, huge deal to me, especially the reblogs. 🥺
If you read through all of this, thank you for your time, and I'll see you around! 🥹💜
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zendyval · 1 year
I have been wondering where all the negative tweets for Z were coming from, and I just read a Washington Post article that might have solved the case. Elon is giving money to people, with the most traction under their new revenue-sharing program. We all know negativity sells and generates traffic, and Z is Z, so bringing her up means engagement. Like Z has always gotten negative reactions, but I can honestly say this past couple of months is the first time I have seen back to back to back to back viral hate/ misogyny tweets about her. To me, this explains the increased negativity more than people feeling some type of ownership over her and not liking her kissing two men in a trailer. What the incels have been doing to Z, they have been trying to do to Margot Robbie, it has not been as bad, cause you know, white woman. I swear that man is doing everything but pulling the actual plug to destroy that bird app. It was always the wild wild west, but now with a revenue program.
They have been all over Margot Robbie this week too though all the Z stuff is still also on insta so unless they are paying people over there too...
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nam-daeeun · 2 years
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on the record | nam dae-eun
The Basics
brand of phone & color:
samsung s23, silver.
clear case with a (slightly sun-bleached) polaroid of him and his sister tucked inside. the corners are slightly bent since it's a bit too big.
locked or unlocked?:
always locked with a fingerprint lock. there's a backup pin instituted, but it's rarely used. (for the record, though, it's the address of his childhood home: 1422.)
lockscreen & wallpaper:
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screen time:
probably uses it about 4-5 hours a day, depending on the day.
five most used apps:
spotify, messenger, chrome, news, twitter.
web tabs:
generally has no more than 7-10 tabs open at any given time. 5-6 of them are articles he swears he's going to go back and read. 1 of them is a forgotten search tab that he won't remember to close for another day or so. 2 of them are the nightrest news network, permanently open since the murders started. the other 1-2 tabs are interchangeable, and he generally cycles through these for most of his general internet browsing.
last seen doing research, so it was “nightrest news.”
last text messages:
any one of a couple he sent to various friends throughout nightrest, checking up after the fires. prior to that, it was his messages to jieun.
an annoyed message from @jieunparks, calling to say she'd found out he was here in nightrest and that they needed to meet up. he left it there to remember to text her later...and then forgot to delete it. (he's been a bit distracted.) other than that, it's empty—he makes sure to go through it frequently in case any important calls come through.
Social Media
@namdae on all platforms. he's a basic man. (plus, it's professional.)
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[ feat. @kattcalled, @kyleyangs ]
he has an account, but doesn't post, just uses it to keep up with others.
doesn't have an account on any of these. never did. never will. he's wary of them.
top three songs of 2022: heather by conan gray, runaway by aurora, and cold by corbyn, in no particular order. last played song: youth by kihyun. he was looking for something else, but ended up there somehow, and he wasn't mad about it.
doesn't use it, but will watch videos if others send them to him.
he uses it, but only when forced to. barely touches his own account, just has it for family updates.
has a youtube account, but never uploads. his email is primarily used for professional correspondence. uses twitter religiously. someone pull this man away from the bird app. please.
doesn't often save his contacts with funny names because it makes it hard to find the ones he needs—although he will use nicknames sometimes. uses primarily emoticons while texting rather than emojis because, honestly, he's just too lazy to switch the keyboard. keeps his apps all stuffed into four folders so that he can actually see his background—he hates those people who cover their screens with so much crap that you can't see the picture; why even bother setting one? always forgets to turn off unnecessary app notifications so he generally accumulates a lot of nonsense stuff throughout the day that he just swipes away. doesn't use a screen protector—he just doesn't drop it.
bonus: an additional edit that i spent a ton of time making before i realized there was no room for it. enjoy this article from the future.
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momobani · 2 years
P1Harmony Harmony: Set In album review
Unsolicited album review (p3!!)
I’ve been a p1ece since debut and I just get so excited about new music, no one asks for these nor cares, but I have fun doing it, so there. Hope everyone’s enjoying the album!!
Warning: long post [1.4k], I got carried away lmao.
Note - this is the first time P1Harmony has done the showcase first, then dropped the MV and then the rest of the album, the order does feel a little funny but it was actually really nice to hear two of the songs yesterday (they sang Better Together at the showcase as well as the title).
As always, I did keep up with the teasers, so it definitely won’t be a total surprise listening to the album. I feel like instead of spoiling it though, I got so hyped so I guess the teasers did their job alright. I also watched the showcase yesterday and heard both songs and I really liked both. 
Bonus: Jiung helped write Better Together!!! Intak and Jongseob always have their rap writing credits but to see a composition credit is just such a joy, especially because we know how much Jiung likes writing music and how much pride he takes in it.
Back Down (+MV)
Alright first things first - holy shit the visuals!!!!! I loved the underground idk ‘lair’ or whatever you can call the hang out spot since they dropped the prologue. It’s amazing, the detail, the decor is perfect. I immediately thought of the Ninja Turtles when I saw it, and I had a good look around on the bird app and found other people had a similar thought so I guess maybe FNC was going for it? If it’s so obvious lol. But I love it so much; the guys said this album is about friendship and I totally see why there’s a sort of reference to the ninja turtles - they’re a cute bunch (of brothers) but also friends and they go on cool missions and stuff so the vibe is perfect.
Okay the song: I could tell from the few seconds we got as teasers that this was going to be a bop but omg it’s so much better than that, it’s a whole banger! (Keeho’s intro, sir, do you have something to say?) There’s something so satisfying about Jongseob’s hard ‘rr’ sound and I love the bass boom in the instrumental. (also the MV - they got super powers or something from getting electrocuted? fun!) Intak’s “bro!” took me out (actually his whole verse did but yea), then the MV transition where they jump up from the sewers to the metro was just so neat omg. I love the sort of New York setting they’re emulating, it really keeps up the reference to the Ninja Turtles. Keeho with those glasses and earrings, he actually looks like he time travelled from the 90s lol. The backpacks make them look like turtles I’m sorry I said it but I find it adorable.
RA TA TA TA!!!!!!
Tag yourself I’m the pizza person looking down in the sewer.
Jiung is out for my life, he serving too hard this era, everyone say thank you to the stylists. But also the styling is as usual so incredible and everyone looks amazing!!
Soul throwing the pizza at us, the trio against the moonlight and standing on top of the buildings? So very Ninja Turtles, my heart is happy haha (i love the ninja turtles, can you tell?)
Omg the little captions too, comic book feel, it’s fun. BUT THEN
Jiung driving (Jiung driving me insane, p1eces sound off if you’re alive)
SOUL LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY
The pre-chorus is so long, what a build up, it’s like 3 different phrases? It’s dope.
The suits the suits the suits the suits also the little video game style thing when they’re “fighting” each other is so cute
Also I had this thought when I saw Keeho with this hair at the showcase yesterday - it really reminded me of something then I got it: he’s in his Rockhopper Penguin era, duh
Keeyang bridge - I love the way the instrumental gets so minimal, like yes, please we want to hear the vocals (ft Jiung losing his mind around the table lmao).
Intak’s ‘time to change it now’ - change what dude???!!! Also he looked like a cute school kid with that backpack lol I feel like I’m taking my kids to school when I see them with those massive bags haha.
The chorus of this song is so full of energy it’s definitely one of their biggest hype songs and that’s saying something.
I just checked how long the song is and it’s only 2:48?? It feels so much longer than that not just cuz of the video but like so much happens in it? anyway, interesting since it’s their shortest title track (all of the others are at least 3 mins long)
The instrumental touched my soul for a second. Speaking of which, SOUL LINES???!!!!!! YESSSSS my kid getting something after how long omg. The build up is beautiful. This is Yes Man’s younger, more playful sibling. That guitar? riff is ingrained in my heart now, no going back. Jongseob’s shimmy shimmy ah haha cute! This song is an instant serotonin boost I’m smiling so much. It’s so short though I need more!! So I’ll listen to it again sskskskskjdn
The ‘by your side’ harmony!! I want to dance, it’s so fun and cute omg. Jongseob’s singing yesss.
Secret Sauce
The intro????? i’m-
Beat is sick omg, the build up too. “future’s coming” interesting you should mention that.
Chorus took a totally different turn then I expected lol. The adlibs!!!! The gang vocals!!!! The whispering in the background behind the rapper’s verses holy shit, that’s cool.
Shimmy shimmy count x1000 aosfousduf
Taeyang please, have mercy, also that little ‘sauce’ adlib (i think it was actually Soul for some reason) before Keeho’s lines. What is that noise?? It sounded like an electronic xylophone or something wtf that was so cool
(in conclusion shimmy shimmy has me in a chokehold)
One and only
What????? The teaser didn’t do this song justice I say that like 20 secs in.
Funky lil instrumental, my beloved. Okay if BFF was related to Yes Man, so is this one, it’s like the funky cousin that is so loud but you love them anyway. Life of the party type of thing. BOOM! ZOOM! (i promised I’m not possessed by the music). SOUL LINESSSSSSS I’LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS, KID’S DOING SO WELL!! The bridge, there’s so much going on in the instrumental holy shit. NANANANANANAANANA - you know a song is good when it has that.
Look At Me Now
(I really liked the Korean title, it’s something like “the child who swallowed the sun”?) just from the teasers I thought this might be one of my super all times favourite in the piwon catalog, let’s see if that’s true lol.
Jiung I’m on my last straw
Jongseob pop off my child :’)
“I’m on the top floor” - I’m somewhere in space, speeding toward the sun while listening to this song wbu (this is going to be my new 3am psychosis song lskdjosidsds)
This is p1eces’ boxer/WWE theme song, y’know when they announce the contenders and stuff, and they come out to epic music? This is the song
Better Together
(heard this yesterday watching the showcase, it was lovely as a performance)
I love the rapper’s vocals!!
I feel like Taeyang really owns this for some reason - like in the chorus especially.
Piwon’s medium pop ballads are always top notch, they all have that softness and upbeat chord progression that’s like sunshine on a rainy day.
I want an acoustic performance for some reason - I totally see this with a bunch of guitars and maybe around a camp fire?
Piwon harmonies!!!!!
In conclusion, Piwon have a god tier, no-skip discography and when kpoppies find out about them it’s over for everyone. I don’t know how they do it, like every album they put out is consistently brilliant and they manage to stay fresh and do different things while keeping that distinct p1harmony flavour, I really wonder what they put in the fish cake water.
I’m not a person who likes the obsessive fan culture with voting and streaming but honestly I would hope that there’s some way to give piwon a win, they more than deserved it for this whole year, every album/title was incredible and they’ve done so much, I’m so proud of them.
I really hope the guys can have some time off since they really had such a busy year, 3 albums, a tour, extra performances and all the harmony forest stuff too, holy shit, it’s really insane, but it was also so amazing and I hope they’re proud of what they’ve accomplished so far.
anyways, I love p1harmony and I hope you do too <333
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cousinshark · 1 year
A musky bird
A lot of people are thinking a certain blue-bird-based app is on the verge of imploding due to a dolt running it.
I don't see that happening, just that the service is getting worse and worse and worse.
But people still use Facebook and that got so bad they admitted to they were running social experiments on people like some dystopian scifi movie. And people still use tumblr even after the massive exodus from when it got bought out and the rules changed super hard. Deviant Art straight up told people they're going to be scraping artist's works to feed their AI image generator and even though they pulled it back a ton, it's still gross annnd people are still using that.
So- it's hard to kill a platform even when you do some real, real dumb things.
But whatever, I'm happy to have more options like tumblr and what not as I'm not exactly fond of what's going on there either.
I'm just not sure what I'm doing here. I started this new account as my previous one had tons, of my stuff on it from IDK how many years ago and even though I was still posting I got next to no traction- IDK why no one was seeing my work, I was guessing I was shadow banned or blacklisted for some weird reason?
I dunno, I'm just hoping things improve here as I really am not sure what else to do.
It's so hard to get art seen these days and it's really demoralizing.
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did42069 · 2 years
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Holy Shit! I kept this mostly as a blog for my thoughts. Found my kink and then poof you took away the fun... So Twitter happened. Mr.Musk bought the bird and I found myself remembering that I have this blog thing that I used to frequent. News and politics have always been my deal, doesn't mean I didn't follow the sex blogs but that started out as a social thing. Since coming back I recently found out that I somehow had a filter that filtered the adult content, also found out how to deactivate that quickly. Seems the adult stuff became mostly scammers, which is sad... Ten years ago the sex blogs were the edgy stuff! And the community self governed. Early on there was a blog post about pedos, that content was up for not even a day! Devs have always been trash but with a little guidance we made a safe place for people of all shades to explore without judgement, for the most part. Also the engagement with everywhere! Now over the years I felt this was like a dying friend... Then whenever I missed a wrestling match or something similarly cool this became a quick look through. I've been through a lot, from being hospitalized half the time to getting better to trying to rebuild my life to finding out that my immune system is shit now due to chemo to my family imploding and most of the people I've helped throughout the years prior not being there for me... This blog became my escape from life the last few years but even though I'm grateful for the platform I'm still pissed at how the change has diminished this place. When I said that we self governed here's an example: many years ago there was a sex blog from a teen-age girl and she wanted attention, the sex blogs were the attention, it started out looking bad and then I and many others talked to her. Within the 2-3 years she was on here she flourished as a human being! Yes it was kinky of all flavours but she was able to talk to women on here that talked her through her firsts. We found out that she was pregnant later from force, that last year before the change, there was this domme blog but the lady was a sex psychologist in the real world... It was amazing to watch as this girl who was damaged flourished again. Her blog became a baby and me blog but she said she'd quit this place once the change actually happened. This place is a good starter for teens but it's not cool enough to be teen approved. Hopefully with the implosion of the 🐦 there's more people coming back to re-engage. But there's other apps out now some... Are just as great as Twitter was but the lag! Anyhow this blog of mine will stay up. Hopefully this place... Is interesting again
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rihannaramli · 2 years
Posting this tweet here (especially with what might happen in the bird app). Beauty of this app, you can just post everything at one go 😅😍. This happened exactly 1 month ago on 18 October 2022.
Yesterday we had a free and easy day Namjooning throughout Seoul, hiking Achasan mountain, locating their handprints at Jamsil sports stadium complex, locating the plants that ARMY planted for RM in 2019 to commemorate his birthday.  After a long day, we went back to Myeong-dung (hotel area) and while we were browsing for BTS related last minute purchases - bam notification  from Weverse came out! And there was the announcement of them going to military service and a realisation that I just watched their last concert together 2 days ago 🥺😭....
Have been trying to get my thoughts and emotions under control by reading the ridiculous tweets of ARMY all over the world (who are really trying to console each other using humour- I love you guys) and also sharing stuff and nonsense with the small ARMY group that we had since Yet To Come streaming party in June 2022 (really really love you guys , you know who you are 💜🫂).  I know I am being super ridiculous right now, why would I be super emotional about 7 young men (who do not even know me), who are just singers with songs that I don't even understand the language?  Well that's it - they are not just "singers" but you have identified them as family, role models that you hold onto when things are tough,  or when you are sad , or happy.  When you see the world around you going nuts and crazy. 
It's hard to explain if you do not know them, really really get to know them - their music, choreo, performances, but more their message , what they convey & mean to the million ARMYs out there.  Message of love, peace, knowing who you are and it is OK to fail, but continue to love yourself and pick yourself up, things will work out and life is not a bleak place , enjoy and be brave and have courage in anything you do.
There is this saying in the fandom "you will know them at a point where you really need them, even when you do not realise it".  Well I do think that was how my journey in this rabbit hole began. 
It was pandemic (very very baby ARMY here 😅) , I just got promoted into a very big position and was pretty unsure about whether I could even take on the big responsibility.  Thinking about age, experience and how do I measure myself against my bigger than life predecessor.  Managing new job from home with new boss and things were also changing in the organisation and my other stakeholders (a lot, a lot , a lot of problems with my main stakeholder -those who know me , will understand). 
My staff was already promoting BTS earlier, but I was just casually googling them (until my Google algorithm decided to pop up more and more things about them 🤪).  Finally decided let's listen to 1 song and that song was Spring Day (sometime in Sept 2021 and became official ARMY member also in Oct) - and everything else is history...
Since then it has been a crazy but exhilarating year. I got to know them a little bit better, their impact to all people around the world, got to know ARMY better (Kim Taehyung,  we are funny okay?!), reconnected with ppl in Malaysia due to the Tannies, flew out of Malaysia to watch 2 concerts (wow what an experience this was), did a streaming party for YetToCome (my first CB), went through the confusion of the dinner and now this announcement.  An announcement that was expected but still devastating at the same time.  Happy that finally the decision is made and that they were in control of the narrative and when it came out. Sad not because of them not being together for the coming 2 years (see I have already discounted 2022 🤪) but sad that I did not find them earlier (but that is just me being selfish).
To BTS - thank you for not only allowing us to enjoy your music, performance, characters but also letting us to continue to learn and be better people by observing you as individuals and as a group. We will wait for you on the other side and all the best!  In the meantime, we will continue to stream and chart your songs and albums (do what ARMY usually does).
Love you to the moon and back ! BORAHAE 💜
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
How many nights do I have to pass
To see you? (To see you)
To meet you? (To meet you)
Pass the end of winter's cold
Until the spring day comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
Please stay, please stay there a little longer
You know it all, you’re my best friend
The morning will come again 💜
(Some part of The Queen Spring Day)
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
When X CALLS ME SHRIEKING ... The Sasaengs Are At It Again
So my phone went off at a quarter to ungodly because
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These pictures are NOTHING LIKE what was perpetrated on Jeon Jungkook at JFK International Airport yesterday.
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These pictures are okay. The press was told - WE were told - IN ADVANCE - that Jungkook would be flying out early. What day, very nearly what time, it was public knowledge and JeiKei is not upset. Video from his departure shows a bowing, happy, relaxed man.
See? He looks FINE. But by the time he landed - not in Los Angeles, as we and the press had been told - but in New York, WHICH YOU WILL PLEASE NOTE I DID NOT DISCUSS ON THIS BLOG UNTIL NOW - the sasaengs were out in force. I had not seen the photos or video at the time I started this post, although I have seen them now. Jungkook WAS NOT HAPPY IN THEM. My guy had his own security team but it apparently also took airport security to assist in getting him to his vehicle. And even then we don't know if he was followed. What I am told happened, as nearly as anyone knows, is that some folks decided to track Jungkook's flight out of Incheon and beat him to JFK. It's not hard to track flight information and given that he was rumored to have been working on a track with Charlie Puth, who is currently also in New York, it doesn't take a lot of brainpower. OR MORAL FIBER OR ETHICS. Worse, I am told, this knot of hemorrhoids was overheard TALKING ABOUT TAEKOOK. I don't know whether it was yelled at him or he overheard it personally but MAN WAS NOT HAPPY. It's not bad enough to try to follow Jungkook into his vehicle, but trying to look for evidence of a hidden Taehyung is a whole other level of inflammatory bullshit that these guys never asked for. I was asked point blank if I had discussed any information regarding Jungkook's travel plans and I was very glad to be able to say that nope, not this lowly blogger, because EVEN IF I HAD PRIVATE INFORMATION I WOULD NEVER SHARE IT. And this is why, kids. This is why. So I woke my ass up from my late afternoon nap and went to the bird app to see what I could glean from it, given X's MASSIVE SCREAMING FIT and what I found was that my personal timeline had zero information. I had to go digging a bit and there it was, a bodyguard holding Koo's M&Ms while security was getting pretty annoyed and telling supposed "ARMY" to GET BACK OFF HIM. Y'all. I saw his face and I wanted to cry. I maybe did. Jungkook was angry. He was not the same smiling, finger-heart-waving man I had seen in Incheon just hours before. He was pissed and even frightened. THIS IS NOT OKAY. ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU IT IS OKAY TO CHASE DOWN SOMEONE AND PHYSICALLY HARASS THEM IS UNSTABLE AT BEST AND CRIMINAL AT SECOND BEST. And based on what I heard last night, it's going to be awhile before solo travel is publicized at all. Because apparently it's not enough to obfuscate the destination, now they're going to have to fly private to a whole other airport and that's not even going to be enough to stop it. As one very prominent Twitter user has said, "it's public record and the taxpayers pay for air traffic control" LIKE THAT MAKES IT OKAY. IT'S NOT OKAY. This is NOT OKAY (and it's happened more than once - this example is from last September but the same account published JK's photos yesterday. The stalker ones.)
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It's one thing to photograph the guys when they are in public and have no reasonable expectation of privacy. From a distance. Without bothering them. But this time distinct efforts were made on Jungkook's behalf because HE DIDN'T WANT SPOILERS. FOR US. And what did he get for it? Crowded, physically harassed and probably a rage-induced anxiety attack. Jungkook doesn't love being mobbed. He didn't want to travel with twelve security when he thought he only needed four. He just wanted to show up and do some stuff without being stalked. Kinda like he did at home just days ago when he was out in a crowd and didn't get mobbed. I'm sad and angry for Jungkook and his staff. I'm embarrassed for those of us who would never do things like this. And I'm PISSED OFF AT HOW WE LOOK AS A FANDOM RIGHT NOW. It's time to stop giving sasaeng behavior a pass. It's time to stop giving high traffic accounts a pass when they move like this. And it's time to stop giving the bullshit this fandom ignores a pass.
I don't care if you have 300K+ followers and speak fluent Korean if you're an asshole who tracks flights and publishes that information but you can't remember Jimin's birthday.
I don't care if your rent gets paid by people who buy Taekooker bullshit so you need to keep 'em active to cover the bills. I DON'T CARE. You act like this you are TRASH, and I am done with you, whether you consider yourself ARMY or not - because I don't.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I really appreciate your posts on plant diversity! Do you have any suggestions for how to tackle this issue as a renter? We live in a small house with a yard and our lease requires us to keep the grass cut. We've pretty much been ignoring this and our lawn is full of clover and plants I don't recognize, but I'm worried about trying to do anything more in terms of native plants for fear we'll have negative repercussions or that our work will be undone when we move out. Do you have any ideas for how to advocate for biodiversity with our landlord?
Hmm. If you are allowed to plant trees and flower beds and stuff, don't replace the whole lawn necessarily, just turn some into something else.
Without knowing what region you are in, I can't say much specific, but if your climate is suited to them, shrubs will take up space, shade out overgrowth, and provide shelter and food for wildlife. In the eastern US, there are bushes and shrubs for everything. Variety is the spice of (wild)life! We recently planted Beautyberry bushes which have bright purple berries in the fall. I didn't even know they existed.
If you have space, and you live in a biome with trees, I can't overstate how good trees are. I'm personally a big fan of planting a few together in a little grove (it motivates them to reach up and grow taller, and decreases their chance of breaking in storms). If your yard is overgrown, there's almost definitely a tree there already. Keep big trees away from foundations and septic systems and things though. A tree's roots typically spread out under the ground as much as their branches do above.
I personally like Eastern Redcedar a lot. (I'm from the eastern US.) They tend to be small in poor soils, and grow reeeeeally slowly so they're probably effectively like...a bush. But they are evergreens so good for screening (giving privacy/wind shelter) and their berries are good for birds. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, they grow everywhere on gravelly roadsides. Just little tiny puffs of bluish needles. They are easy to yoink.
If you don't have much space, you can try putting up a little pergola or whatever they call those little pavilions that vines grow on. Watch out for the difference between woody vines and herbaceous vines. Woody vines get bigger and heavier over the years much like a tree; herbaceous vines will die back and don't risk collapsing or wrecking structures as much. A nice little structure in the backyard will serve as well as a tree for vines to grow on, and will let you fill vertical space. Make sure it's kinda stupid looking and pointless without anything growing on it so subsequent people don't want to get rid of your plants.
Watch out for invasive species! They often go wild when a disturbed or cultivated area is left to regrow. They will greatly slow down the "regeneration" process and stop new things from moving in. Callery pears and wintercreeper are the worst around my area. Identify those plants! I still recommend plant identification apps as a starting point. They're pretty good and they give you a foothold in the possibilities.
Even just a small area of your grass being allowed to "re-wild" is awesome. It doesn't have to be the whole lawn. Figure out what you've got already and work from there!
Look up native plant nurseries near you to get an idea of the kind of plants you might be able to add in.
Also remember, cutting the grass and doing nothing else is infinitely better than spraying pesticides on everything that isn't grass. Don't get in trouble if you don't have to, identify your plants and figure out what you might wanna keep or transplant.
Good luck!
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lingthusiasm · 3 years
Lingthusiasm Episode 64: Making speech visible with spectrograms
If you hear someone saying /sss/ and /fff/, it’s hard to hear those as anything other than, well, S and F. This is very convenient for understanding language, but it’s less convenient for analyzing it -- if you’re trying to figure out exactly what makes two s-like sounds different, it would be helpful if you could kinda sorta turn the language processing part of your brain off for a sec and just process them as sounds.
In this episode, your hosts Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch get enthusiastic about linguistic visualizations that let us examine sounds in more detail. One kind of visual is a wave form (which is found in many podcast apps!) and consists of longer lines for louder parts and shorter lines for quieter parts. Another kind of visual is a spectrogram, which shows a massive range of possible pitches and shades in which pitches have stuff going on during them at each time, sort of like a giant musical staff with thousands of potential notes. Spectrograms are especially popular in linguistics (there are even spectrogram reading competitions at conferences sometimes), although they’re also used for things like recording bird calls and making weird music videos, and there’s much-beloved free program called Praat which has been used to make them for over 30 years. If you don’t want to download a program, there are also free websites which let you speak into a live running spectrogram and see what it looks like, and we’ve produced a sample for you!
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
Spectrogram demo video
We’ve created a dedicated video clip of the five minutes we spent using the real-time spectrogram maker, which you can watch here: https://youtu.be/ztctdMcK_1A
Thanks to Academo.org for the handy real-time spectrogram maker, and go check it out yourself if you want to see what you sound like making various sounds.
LingComm Grants are back in 2022! These are small grants to help kickstart new projects to communicate linguistics to broader audiences. There will be a $500 Project Grant, and ten Startup Grants of $100 each. Apply here by March 31, 2022 or forward this page to anyone you think might be interested, and if you’d like to help us offer more grants, you can support Lingthusiasm on Patreon or contribute directly. We started these grants because a small amount of seed money would have made a huge difference to us when we were starting out, and we want to help there be more interesting linguistics communication in the world. If you want to help keep our ongoing lingthusiastic activities going, from the LingComm Grants to regular episodes to fun things like liveshows and Q&As, join us on Patreon! As a reward, you will get over 50 bonus episodes to listen to and access to our Discord server to chat with other language nerds. In this month's bonus episode we interview each other! We chat about what we were up to in 2021, what's coming in 2022, what we've been reading, our most mind blowing moments of linguistics undergrad, and more. Listen here! Here are the links mentioned in this episode:
Lingthusiasm Episode: All the sounds in all the languages - the International Phonetic Alphabet
Lingthusiasm Episode: Vowel Gymnastics
Wikipedia entry for Spectrograms
Wikipedia entry for Praat
Praat in action via DaoWaves on YouTube
All Things Linguistics post on creating spectrograms in Praat: The briefest possible intro with hands-on activity
A Brief History of Spectrograms by Earbirding
Real time Spectrogram
Real time Spectrogram with sample files
Auditory Illusions: Hearing Lyrics Where There Are None via MonotoneTim on Youtube
Secret images viewable in a Spectrogram of Aphex Twin's music via Bastwood
Wikipedia entry for Aphex Twin's images and pseudonyms
Video of Aphex Twin's #2 (the long formula) on Window-licker 2001, showing the Spectrogram image
Full YouTube video of this episode, which includes the 5 minute spectrogram clip
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening. To receive an email whenever a new episode drops, sign up for the Lingthusiasm mailing list.
You can help keep Lingthusiasm advertising-free by supporting our Patreon. Being a patron gives you access to bonus content, our Discord server, and other perks.
Lingthusiasm is on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Twitter as @GretchenAMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Twitter as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, our production manager is Liz McCullough, and our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles
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0925priv · 2 years
enchanted to meet you.
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pairing: idol!mark lee x youtuber! fem reader
genre: strangers to lovers, fluff
word count: 684 words
prompt: in which choi yuna, a youtuber who goes by the channel name: luna loves you, catches mark lee’s attention.
a/n: an alternate reality in which idols dating is normalized in south korea.
chapter one. chapter two. chapter three.
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[2:01 am] “time check, it’s two in the morning.”, i angled the camera in front of me. i hummed softy as my fingers danced along the strings of my guitar.
i twirled the pencil in my left hand then erased a few words and made adjustments to the lyrics. there, all set.
“ehem.” i cleared my throat. i flipped the pages on the notebook in front of me. “the words just came to me out of nowhere.”
“uhh let’s see…” i bit my lip in concentration as i strummed my guitar setting a soft melody.
[3:28 am] i stretched my arms and yawned. who knew editing the three-minute video would take me this long? i usually work fast, but i got pulled into the rabbit hole that is twitter. stupid bird app.
luna loves you posted a new video:
“sooo its 3 am and i wrote a new song ..? (underwater tears demo)”
@lunalovesyou tweeted:
NEW VID UP!!!! check out my new song: underwater tears <3 lmk what u think hehe >< http://youtube/watch.jcu17
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[4:37 pm] “yah donghyuck! did you steal my earphones again?” i shouted at the boy five feet from me.
“no, of course i didn’t!” i shot him a dirty look. “ok fine i borrowed it! it’s in the drawer back in our room.”
i sighed heavily in exasperation. my legs feel like jelly. i’m too tired to go back to the dorms and find my earphones.
“here.” jaemin handed me something. “i have another pair back in the dorm, you can have this.” he smiled at me.
i thanked him and sat at the far left corner of the practice room. i opened the youtube app and searched for her name. she tweeted about a new song—underwater tears.
i clicked on the video. the background was familiar. she was in her room. fairy lights adorned the canopy of her bed. a few plushies were on the ground. multiple albums sat on her shelf.
“…i’ve been exhausted my whole life
it’s a never ending cycle
of trying to swim upwards
but my feet are anchored to the ground
chains of steel held me down
lungs full of salt water
i tried to fight the waves and swim upshore
but they wouldn’t let me
no they wouldn’t
so if you can see me
come save me
please reach for my hand and pull me back up…”
the screen turned black signaling the end of the video. “wow.” i exclaimed in shock. i’ve always known she had a lovely voice. but this? i’m lost for words.
“what’s that?” i jumped in surprise. i looked to my left and saw the familiar silverish white mop of hair. “don’t you mean who’s that?” renjun said.
“ahh…luna noona.” jisung nodded in acknowledgment.
“tsk tsk.” haechan clicked his tongue in disapproval. “why don’t you just approach her?”
“hyung you know he’d rather eat a spoonful of ketchup than talk to a pretty girl.” chenle laughed.
“i’m going to!” i said in defense.
“when?” jaemin asked.
“i said i’m going to!” a chorus of laughter echoed in the room.
i first saw her while i was going through videos of people covering my song, child. her small smile on the thumbnail caught my attention. she was hunched over her guitar. her dark hair was roughly tied into a ponytail, a few stray strands covering her face. but even then, i could tell that she was absolutely beautiful.
the next thing i new, i was watching all her videos and stalking both her twitter and instagram. my finger hovered the screen, accidentally clicking the follow button. good thing i was using my private account, or else the press would have a field day.
i found myself waiting every saturday for her new upload on youtube. during my free time, i would watch her instagram live as she narrates her day. her eyes would shine brightly as she talks about the most random stuff, like how her pet dog bit her in the butt when she was younger, so she bit it back.
as andrew garfield said, she was like a shot of espresso—and i’ve just become highly addicted to caffeine.
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next chapter.
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
Things I Want In A New Animal Crossing New Horizons Update That We Probably Won’t Get
1. New fish/bugs/fossils to find
There are so many different fish and bug and extinct species that exist. Imagine catching a Blob Fish or a Maple Moth! Could you imagine digging up an Irish Elk fossil or a Ground Sloth? Also there’s only so much to do in ACNH, the game gets boring after a while. We need new things to find
2. New clothes and a shopping cart at Able Sisters
I literally have no use for the Able Sisters anymore. Give me new clothes to wear. And give us a shopping cart so we can buy more than one shirt or pair of shoes or pants at a time.
3. New crops
Give me a reason to keep using Kapp’n. Give me cucumbers or green beans or watermelon! There are so many things you can grow! Herbs!! Also new fruit trees! Bananas! Pomegranates! Starfruits! Avocado!
4. New cooking recipes
Basically a follow up to #3, give us new things to cook with those new crops and fish! I love the cooking and I need more!!
5. Give Celeste her own area in the museum
Like in Animal Crossing City Folk I want her observatory back! Let us find/look at constellations!
6. New hairstyles
Let me change my hair up more! Hair is amazing, you can do anything with it! Let me split dye it, let me ombré it! Let me put it up in new gun ways!
7. Change things up for the holiday prizes
Once you do the Halloween or Thanksgiving activities, you never have to do them again. It’s the same prizes every year. Change it up! Make it fun to do the quests again!
8. Ordering specialized coffee for villagers
It was sooo fun to do this and it will also give me a reason to keep seeing Brewster.
9. Bring back Club LOL
Give me Dr. Shrunk 😡😡. Give me the funny guy again.
10. More terraforming options.
I know this is a stretch but let us make different cliff shapes, let us make things like tunnels, caves, hills, rocky cliffs, expanded beaches. More pathway types and for the love of god, remove the grass patches underneath buildings and between pathway types.
I don’t wanna keep making things one by one! It’s so time consuming and annoying! Let me make like 30 fish bates at the same time!!!!!!!
12. Familiars or pets to follow you
Listen, I literally just had this idea while playing that it would be so cool to have a little pet follow you around. Could you imagine like a little bat or whatever following you? It be so cute!
13. Being able to go from one mystery island to the next without having to go home first.
It would save so much time to just go from one to the other without having to go through all the dialogue with the dodo birds.
14. The ability to change your islands name
I don’t wanna have to restart my whole island just to change the name. I’m just not feeling it’s name anymore, let me change it.
15. More Nooks Cranny upgrades
I want a bigger selection of items! I want more than just 5 things a day.
16. Weather app
I saw someone on Reddit talk about this and I couldn’t agree more. It would be cool to know when it’s gonna rain seeing as some bugs/fish only show up in the rain. It’d just be really cool to have.
17. I want more attitude from villagers
That stuff was funny. I want it back.
18. Post Office
I know you can send mail at the airport but i miss Pete, Phyllis, and Pelly. Plus it could give us a new building to put on the island.
19. GracieGrace
Bring back Grace the giraffe and her unreasonably expensive furniture!! Speaking of new furniture there was so much stuff in the previous games that haven’t been added to NH.
20. Easier way to get missing DIY’s
A new NPC that will help you get diys you are missing would be amazing. When they visit you can trade 10 duplicate diys cards and they could give you a diy you haven’t found yet!
————————————————————— I know this is a long list but all of these things would be sooo coool 😫😫😫
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