#not a fan of Sabrina her music is kinda ass
kradnie · 1 month
this is a great year for pop music, Charli's album is great, Chappel Roan is amazing, Keshas new song absolutely fucks, and I guess other people are also there
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
HELLO i was tagged by rumi my friend rumi @ultimaid AND trix my friend trix @gh0str3c0rd3r for ten songs i have been listening to recently! (ok but just in advance you can't make fun of me for my lame ass music OKAY peace and love on planet earth)
SO IF YOU REMEMBER POPPY (she got really popular for her really strange youtube videos a very long time ago) she is actually one of my FAVORITE music artists EVER and this is her newest song!!! her music style is really unique and cool KINDA weirdly halfway between pop and metal IT'S SO COOL i'll actually PROBABLY bring her up again on this post tbh but!!!! YEAH LISTEN TO CHURCH OUTFIT and her new song that's coming out next week!!
so i've actually really really loved prince since middle school and i've been relistening to a lot of the songs i liked back then lately and this has to be ONE OF MY FAVORITES... it's not a very popular one but the lyrics FUCK SEVERELY imo, i'm a huge fan of "if i was your one and only friend, would you run to me if somebody hurt you, even if that somebody was me?"
this song is like. it may be my actual favorite piece of sapphic music EVER i love the lyrics, i love the vibes, it fits sosososo many ships and i literally listen to it SOOOO much, ask me what songs i've been listening to at any given time and this will be ON THE LIST
ALSO ONE OF MY FAVORITE SAPPHIC SONGS EVER AND WITH SUMMER COMING UP I HAVE HAD IT ON REPEAT!!!! perfect for summer, perfect for lesbians, perfect for me, a lesbian who has been calling it "hot girl summer" for weeks now (even tho it's april)
ANOTHER POPPY SONG okay so i LOVE her whole am i a girl? album SO MUCH but this is my favorite song off of it and one of the ones i listen to on repeat the most SO I TOTALLY RECOMMEND bc the lyrics and style are just SO COOL but also go listen to the whole album and i will love you forever
i honestly just listened to this recently bc i randomly remembered the nostalgia so i wouldn't necesssarily Recommend It if it doesn't give you fond memories of being in fifth grade like it does to me BUT to this day it's just super cute and super mecore
TO MAKE A VERY LONG ERA OF MY LIFE SHORT basically i had this like. CRAZY michael jackson hyperfixation in middle school. and i have obviously grown out of it BUT this is still one of my favorite songs ever and is still one i listen to all the time. the lyrics are simple but they scratch an itch in my brain and it's really beautiful. I WILL ACTUALLY also put the youtube link for this one bc the version on the michael album was released posthumously and i really think the overproduction takes away from what makes the song so beautiful. SO I RECOMMEND THE ORIGINAL INSTEAD (i love you sven nelson channel with all the rare demos and original versions of michael's stuff)
OK SORRY FOR PUTTING POPPY AGAIN BUT I COULDN'T NOT PUT THIS ONE even tho it's her most mainstream song it's also by far my most looped one bc IT'S JUST SO FUN and upbeat and nice to listen to, it was my top song in 2022 and i still loop it all the time!!! definitely give it a listen (BUT ALSO CHECK OUT THE REST OF THE ALBUM BC YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE BUT REALLY THE REST OF THE ALBUM IS SO GOOD AND A LOT OF THE OTHER SONGS ARE A LOT MORE UNIQUE STYLISTICALLY AND LYRICALLY)
I'M SORRY FOR INCLUDING GLEE I'M SORRY I SWEAR IT'S JUST THE ONE bc this is like. my favorite glee song EVER. brittana literally made me who i am today when i was a confused queer middle schooler who wasn't allowed to have access to most queer media SO THIS SONG IS VERY SPECIAL TO ME OKAY and listening to it on repeat for hours is an ultimate therapeutic experience so i've highkey been doing it nonstop recently
janet jackson is so cool i'd actually marry her. anyways i have had this song on loop and have listened to it at least 50 times in the last week.... IT FUCKS SO SEVERELY songs i could sing sosososo loud word for word
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bisluthq · 2 months
I just don’t think we can say “some thoughts shouldn’t be shared” while Taylor has a song saying her mum wishes Kim was dead. Women hating each other because they’re jealous is something that happens very often and I don’t have a problem with Charli expressing that. She’s acknowledging that it all comes from her jealousy and that the other person hasn’t done anything wrong. I don’t think it warrants this response from either fandom.
I also don’t really care about Sabrina, I’m one of the people who’s annoyed by her, but I’m tired of swifties complaining every time someone even slightly related to Taylor hangs out with someone she has even a slight problem with. Because it’s one thing for people to talk about Selena (one of her best friends) wearing skims (a brand made by someone who really hurt her), and it’s another to hate on her tour opener because she hang out with a girl who kind of dislikes her or did last year (who also was her opener at one point). It’s just so not a big deal?
I also don’t agree that anyone who talks about being a fan of Taylor deserves to get attacked by her fans like they do. If you were a fan of someone for that many years and you became famous and seen as one of their “daughters” you would probably play into that because you would probably like to be loved by the fandom you were a part of and by the artist you’ve been a fan of. I don’t blame Sabrina or Olivia or any of the other “daughters” for talking about Taylor because I probably would’ve done the same thing in their place. But swifties are weirdos who can’t understand that you can like people who aren’t as up Taylor’s ass as they are
fair enoughish. Except like Kim actually tried to destroy Taylor’s career so as weird as it was to say Andrea and her are wishing her dead like she’d actually legit tried to hurt her and Charli’s annoyance with Taylor is… she’s better than her at stuff and was the cooler girlfriend in their friend group? SOME THOUGHTS NEED NOT BE SHARED CHARLI 💀💀💀
doesn’t warrant the hate tho.
hate against Sabrina isn’t that warranted - hate against anyone isn’t - but I just actively dislike her. And that’s on her, because I really would prefer to be a neutral and I do think she has a FANTASTIC voice like I’d love to feel about her the way I do about Ari which is “wow she has a super fantastic voice and some songs slap and she’s kinda funny in how messy she gets” but like she was shoved so far down my throat and her songs kinda don’t slap??? and she’s so deeply annoying lol and not that hot and I legit think the only reason she’s blown up lately is the Taylor thing and her label literally forcing all of us to listen to this absolute inanity. I hate it here lol.
Also partly on Taylor as I said because I think Taylor hyped her as a fuck u to Olivia because of their own separate musical beef.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: Stone Cold
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Ok so i love this prompt but it took forever to get to. And as soon as I did its like suddenly I was swamped with everything. So frustrating. But I finally finished it. And I love it. @vixen-uchiha​
              Marinette was six-years-old when her parents died in a car crash. She had been at school when the vice principle, Mrs. Valmontes, stopped by and pulled her out of class. The little black haired girl had known something was wrong instantly as Valmontes had smiled just a little hard at her and much more gently than what she was known for.
           Still, she had been really surprised to see Office Raincomprix, her classmate Sabrina’s dad, waiting for her in the principle. Marinette always thought he was really nice; always jolly and quick to lend a hand to the teacher at the end of the day if he got to class early to pick up Sabrina. However, he too, seemed rather despondent when Marinette entered the room. His partner, a rookie named Lorna, looked really sad too.
           They took her down to the station where she was led to one of the back offices. Sabrina’s dad waited with her there. And then woman name Susanna LeFlont, who Marinette would later learn was a grief counselor. Then they told her.
           Susanna held her as she cried and begged and called them liars, until she couldn’t cry anymore. And then they gave her a stuffed animal, and said they would try calling her relatives to pick her up.
           They came back an hour later, saying they got ahold of her parents’ emergency contact…
           Marinette’s Uncle Jareth Dupain.
           She had frowned when they said his name because to her he had never been Jareth Dupain. No, he was always her cool Uncle Jagged. So it took her a second to remember that his real name was Jareth Dupain-Stone, her father’s younger half-brother. Marinette even briefly remember her dad mentioning having to change their emergency contact after his mom, Gina, passed away a few ago.
           He was only 20 when Marinette born and he was always a budding Rockstar so he wasn’t around too much. And 6 years later he was the biggest rockstar in the world. Still, that didn’t stop him from rushing to the police station, Penny hot on his trail, and pulled his sweet niece into the biggest hug he could.
           Jagged took his niece to the hotel room to get her settled and had Penny go back to the bakery to get some of her things. He didn’t think it was a smart idea to take her there yet; not when the wounds were still so fresh.
           Still as the twenty-six year old Rockstar stared at the small form cuddled up to Fang, he realized for the first time that he was all Marinette had in the world; the only family she had left. The only family he had left.
           So he knew, despite the lawyers taking days to contact him regarding who Marinette’s guardian would be, that it was him. Jagged was the person Tom had entrusted to protect and watch the most precious thing he had the entire world; his daughter. And he wouldn’t let his brother down.
Tom had always been the best big brother anyone could have. And when Jagged’s own father, Tom’s Stepfather (as tom’s own father had suffered a heartache when Tom was a teen), had walked out, Tom had stepped up. He showed Jagged, who was still called Jareth at the time, how to be a man. He believed in Jagged’s rockstar dream when Jagged didn’t even believe in them himself.
Jagged would do right Tom, by Sabine; he would do what they would do if the situation was reversed and they were given Jagged’s kid to care for.
He would raise Marinette as he own. And though he knew would never come close to being the father that Tom Dupain had been…
Jagged would damn well try to be.
Jagged Stone, Shattered Roses, Nightmare’s Hail Mary, Unmasked Dragon, True Born Rejects, and Emancipated Mirrors were some of the biggest rock band in the world. Whenever, they went on tour together, they were the epitome of what people thought Rock Stars were. They were loud. They partied all night. Groupies hung around everywhere. To them, it was paradise. When all the bands were invited to go on the Kings of Neverland tour, with Jagged Stone headlining, they expected very much the same as they were used to. Jagged always had the most Rockin tour bus. His parties were legendary. They came to expect it.
However, when Neon Savage (front man of the Shattered Roses), Austin Knight (Leader of Unmasked dragon and lead Guitarist), and Niklaus Bane (Lead vocalist of True Born Rejects) showed up with beers and all other sorts of alcohol the day before their opening concert for the tour, they came across something very unexpected.
Or rather someone.
A little Asian girl with pigtails in her Blue hair, a tiara on her head, in a rainbow tutu paired with a black too large Guns N Roses shirt, her hand on her hips, no shoes, and a rather large crocodile next to her.
“What’s with the ballerina?” Austin asked. He had dyed silver hair done in a stereotypical emo style, grey eyes, and too many piercings. He was slim and tall.
           Niklaus sighed in relief, “Oh good, you see her too!” He had curly blond hair, dark brown eyes, and wore mostly black. He had ripped jeans and a red tie. The tie was as red as the whites of his looked. “Why is your hair blue?”
“Because Uncle said I could,” She answered and pointed a figure at them, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Savage scoffed, “You got that twisted, kid.” He was a bulk guy, with long dark hair, and a severe expression on his face. His arms were covered in tattoos. He played in a metal band, and it was obvious. “Where’s your mommy?”
“Dead,” The little girl said bluntly. “I live with my Uncle Jagged now. This his tour bus, and you’re not supposed to be here.” She glared at them. “Fang, Stranger Danger!”
           What happened next was a bit of a blur. One minute they were fine, the next they were being chased around Jagged’s tour bus by a rather vicious crocodile while pint-sized twerp laughed.
           Lucky for them, their yells for help were overheard by Penny and Jagged who had been working in back, “What’s going on?” Penny asked as she ran in.
“Mates, what the h. e. double hockey sticks is going on?” Jagged asked right on his assistant’s tail.
           Austin, who had jumped on top one of the shelves, gave Jagged a confused look, “Better question; what the hell did you just say?”
“Ooohhhh! There’s five bucks for the swear jar!” The little girl taunted.
           Jagged glared at rockstar, “Watch it! A Kid’s in the room!”
           Savage glared at his longtime friend, “Who the fuck do you think set Fang on us?!” He cast a dark look at the crocodile. “Stranger danger my ass! I’ve known you sent you hatched, you overgrown cheap pair of boots.”
“That’s ten buck for the swear jar!” The girl said.
“Ten bucks?” Austin frowned. “Kinda of steep for just two swear words.”
“I swear to God-” Savage growled but was cut off.
“Chill, mate,” Jagged said. “This is my niece Marinette.” He gave her a loving smile. She beamed up at him brightly. He had been taking care of her for a year now. “I told ya about her.”
“You didn’t say she was Satan!” Austin whined. Fang had bitten him, the slowest of the three, quite a lot, and he had a giant hole in his jacket.
“I’m not Satan,” Marinette huffed. “I’m a ballerina, princess, Rockstar on my way to a tea party with Duchess Rosy Sparkles, of the Unicorn Fairies. And guess what, you’re not invited!”
“Oh that’s just mean,” Niklaus complained.
“She sicked a mini dinosaur on us,” Savaged hissed.
“Yeah, well, now she hurt my feelings.”
           Jagged sighed. The guys were some of his closest friends, and by the look up the “entertainment” they brought, they were ready to raze it up like always. But things had changed. Jagged couldn’t be that guy anymore. “Marinette’s staying with me from now on,” He reminded them. “No parties on the tour. She has a bedtime. And doesn’t need to see “us” at our finest, no matter how Rockin we are.” Jagged shrugged. “Spread the world, my bus is off limits.”
The rock stars grumbled a bit but didn’t leave. They could hang with Jagged without presence of booze, weed, loud music, and groupies. It would be a little weird but they’d managed. Jagged was their friend; they’d known him before any of them became famous and stayed close well after. They hadn’t been there for him as much as they wanted to after Tom died; too many commitments, too many required appearances in different countries that had taken them away. But they were there now. And if being there for one of their best friends meant regularly chilling with a six-year-old, then they’d deal.
Savage grunted, “Austin, get rid of the booze.”
“By ‘get rid of’, I assume you meant put back in my tour bus,” The silver haired guitarist corrected.
           Niklaus raised his hand like he was a student in class, “I get the whole no alcohol thing; that stuff will kill ya. But what your feelings on pot?”
           Jagged just sighed. It was going to be a long summer.
           The three musician, and even the other Rockers on tour, slowly but surely got used to the seemingly near constant presence of a six-year-old around Jagged or running around backstage. And the swear jar was a serious thing. It didn’t count when they were singing on stage but off it and anywhere near Marinette and they found themselves forking over five dollars for ever swear word. It added up a lot. And quickly.
           Jagged’s tour bus, instead of being the Party palace it used to be, now was the chill zone. It was also the cleanest of all the tour buses. No empty beer bottles everywhere. No one random passed out anywhere. No having to watch out for throw up. No rabid fans, as Jagged had increased his security to Tony Stark worthy levels.
           All they had to do was mind their manners and remember that Marinette was very impressionable at her age.
“OH screw you!!!!!!” Savage roared as he jumped up and frantically mashed buttons on his controller. “I’m not losing!”
           They had been babysitting Marinette all day while Jagged did an interview Buzzfeed.
           Austin snickered, “Says you.” His character raced past Savage’s. Only for something to hit him and send poor little Yoshi spinning out of control. “Did you- did you just blue shell me, bitch?” He hissed at Niklaus.
“Nooo!” Niklaus said sarcastically. “Hey!!! Not nice, brat!” He told Marinette after a banana caused him to slip off the ice.
           Marinette smiled easily, but there was a determined look in her eyes. Her hair was jelled into a faux-hawk courtesy of Ashley Crimson, from lead singer for Emancipated Mirrors, an all-girl punk rock band.
“Die, scumbag!” Ashley roared as her racer zoomed by. She was a vivacious redhead. Her and her bandmates got used to being some of the only girls around that weren’t either working for one of the rock stars or were scantily clad fangirls who do “anything” to get backstage.
“You’re going down, twerp!” Savage told Marinette.
“Bite me!” She snapped back just as Jagged and Penny walked into the tour bus.
           Jagged crossed his arms, “What did you morons do to my sweet little niece?”
“Nothing!” Niklaus, Ashley, Savage, and Austin chimed together.
“Savage taught me to throw a punch, and or kill a man.” Marinette smiled happily. “I helped Austin set up a glitter bomb in Nightmare’s Hail Mary tour bus. Niklaus and I are banned from Chuckie Cheese. Ashley and I spray painted her ex boyfriend’s car. Cleo and I got arrested. We disturbed the peace!!” Cleo was a pink haired girl who played drummer from Nightmare’s Hail Mary. She had to rush off for her own interview. “Oh and we’ve only been Playing Mario kart for an hour but they each owe like a hundred bucks to the swear jar.”
           There was silence as the words were processed.
“And not one of us taught her how to keep a freaking secret?” Ashley face palmed.
           Jagged just sighed.
           For the next few years that was Marinette’s life. Austin, Niklaus, Savage and Ashley became pseudo Uncles and Aunt to Marinette.
She spent most of her childhood on tour with her Uncle; going from to place, concert after concert. Marinette was homeschooled and didn’t mind it. Jagged went on tour with a bunch of different people over the years and she got to meet all sorts musicians; Clara Nightingale, Ed Sheeran, Adam Levine, Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco, Taylor Swift. Her favorite were the award shows though. Through them, she got to meet all her favorite actors. And was inspired to start designing on her own clothes after seeing so many fabulous looks. She got to model and do some acting. In her free time, she ran a very popular fashion blog/youtube channel.
The press had always loved her. To them, she was Marinette Stone (Jagged didn’t want her real name released to the media). She was always on the best dressed list, frequently seen with various celebrities, and could be found on the cover of various magazine.
However, when Marinette was eleven, she begged her Uncle to let her go to school with other kids. She was getting older and she wanted to have some type of normal childhood. It took him a year to agree. Her uncle Jagged had become quite protective over the years.
So Marinette went back to Paris. She cut her hair, used her given name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her Uncle bought a grand penthouse not too far away from her new school, and whenever he was gone her bodyguard, a sweet woman named Harlow who was former CIA, was in charge of her. She started at her new school with a smile on her face.
Not long after, she became the hero Ladybug.
Everything was great. She had friends, a normal social life, went to school with other kids her age. She wasn’t constantly being followed around by paparazzi. She still ran her fashion blog and had frequently updates. It was perfect.
It took two years for it to go bust.
The reason’s name was Lila Rossi.
And she was the biggest liar Marinette had ever met. And Marinette had grown up in the entertainment industry.
Lila made wild claims that the other kids just ate up. A simple google search could refute all of them. The ones Marinette could stand was always about Jagged. Like her Uncle, or an airline, would be reckless enough to let a kid race on to an airport to save a cat; not that Jagged had ever own one. Fang was territorial.
Lila made her out to be a bully, and slowly Marinette lost all her friends. Her only one left was Adrien, her partner Chat Noir. The blond and Marinette had modeled together a few times and he had recognized Marinette despite her new looked but he kept it a secret. Because of their history, Marinette developed a crush on the other and Adrien was quick to lose his crush on Ladybug once he found out it was his dear friend behind the mask.
When Marinette was exiled to the back, Adrien was quick to join her (much to Lila’s fury) and nothing could change his mind. Mostly because he was sick of Lila always touching him despite his vocal protests, and Bustier not doing anything about it.
Soon Marinette things started being messed up or destroyed; her homework, her sketchbooks and pencils, her jacket. She was tripped and called rude names. Her cellphone, (Well one of her phones. She had two; one she used as Marinette Stone. One for Marinette Dupain-Cheng; a number only her classmates had.) was filled with mean texts.
Bustier caved to demands and had her excluded from class trips and events due to being a negative influence; again Adrien decided not to go either, and Lila was Akumatized once he said this. Marinette hadn’t been surprised. Bustier always ignored the bullying and harassment clearly happening in front of her. Still, Marinette decided to start recording her classes a hidden camera on her desk, on the corner of the celling and even on top of the whiteboard behind Bustier. It was just in case anything took a serious turn.
Still losing all her friends because of a few promises and dreams of glitz and glamour had been a wakeup call. Her Uncle had warned her. Her Aunt Penny, who Jagged had married with Marinette was ten, had warned her. So did Savage, Ashley, Cleo, Austin, Clara, and Niklaus. They told Marinette to watch out for fake friends and gold diggers, coattail clingers and desperate wannabes; people who would sell out every secret she had to the paparazzi behind her back just for five minutes in the spot light. So called friends who would do anything to get ahead, to get famous.
And it was clear that’s who most of her ex-friends were. Even Lila learned the hard way. When she told Alya about her mom meeting with some important celebrity about their Go Green initiative, this wasn’t a lie as it would turn out. However, the glasses-wearing girl posted it online, despite Lila legitimately asking her to keep it a secret. Lila got in big trouble with her mom apparently.
The teacher, Bustier, was awful but she always had been. Marinette ignored it in the past because at least she had her friends. But if that witch told Marinette to be a better example one more time, it was over.
           Everything came to a head after Marinette got expelled, granted she was brought back after evidence that it was impossible for her to have cheated surfaced, and the bluenette decided enough was enough. She finally gave in and told her Uncle everything.
           Jagged was pissed. He cursed up a storm; enough to fill the swear jar ten times over and buy Marinette a car.
           It took a while to get him to calm down. And to convince him that Marinette could handle it. She had a plan.
           Still, she remembered that Uncle was a wild card.
           Friday, during lunch, Marinette was eating in the cafeteria, when suddenly the lunchroom doors burst open, “Marinette,” Jagged called as he entered, trailed by a happy Penny and bodyguards “Where’s my favorite little fashion designer?”
           Marinette just sighed.
Adrien smirked at her; looking way too amused. The jerk must’ve known. She had thought it was strange that he wanted to eat in the cafeteria. The two rarely ate on the school grounds, opting and preferring to go to local restaurants rather than deal with terrible food and pesky classmates. Still Marinette didn’t mind as long as they away from her classmates. And they did.
Kagami, Aurore, and Claude gave her perplexed looks.
           The students in the cafeteria went wild. Girls and guys screamed, and tried to get pictures. Jagged ignored them and went straight to Marinette’s table, walking passed where Bustier’s student at lunch. Alya shook Lila’s shoulder and pointed at Jagged, and loudly asked if Lila could get her an interview. Lila looked horrified.
Jagged beamed when he reached Marinette, “There you are, you’ve been ignoring my texts,” He accused. Which to be fair, Marinette had been. Her Uncle had been coming up with way too many revenge plots to be healthy. “I decided I need a new look for the VMAs; something rockin, something tasteful, something to show remind the world the amazingness that the Rock Gods have blessed them with.”
“I’m at school,” Marinette told him.
           He smirked, “Then Learn to answer a text,” The Rock star shrugged. “But fine; we can talk later. How about at my concert, yeah. You and your friends” he motioned to the kids at Marinette’s table, “Can have backstage passes. We’ll talk then. But I really want you to wow me. Maybe get a matching hat for Fang too.”
“Fang?” Adrien asked innocently. Still Marinette could practically hear see the script he was reading off of.  “Is that your cat?”
           Jagged gasped as if insulted, “Cat? Do you think I’d ever own anything as ordinary as a cat? Me? Jagged Stone?! I should be insulted, mate. I hate cats, always have. Never owned one, never will. Fang’s a crocodile. Marinette’s knows. Fang loves her.”
“That is strange,” Kagami shot Marinette a smirk which caused Marinette to nearly hiss at the betrayal. Kagami knew too?! “Lila said you did.”
“Lila?” Jagged asked. “Who’s Lila? I don’t know a Lila.”
“Lila Rossi?” Aurore offered. “The Ladyblog practically swears in an interview that Lila Rossi saved your cat from being hit by a plane or something.”
           Jagged scoffed, “What a loud of bull! Any journalist that believes that is not worth the pen they write with.” Gasps were heard. “But I heard that rumor. Didn’t know where it was from. Thanks for letting me know who I should sue. This Ladyblog and Lila Rossi will be hearing from my lawyers.”
           It was a photo finish as to who fainted first; Alya or Lila.
           Lila went home right after that. This caused the reactions of the class to be split. Half the class still defended Lila; refusing to believe their golden ticket was lying. The other half was ready to burn her at the stake; they had carried her books, done her homework, wrote her notes, nearly everything for her.
           Marinette just sat back and watched with amused eyes. If they thought this was bad, they hadn’t seen anything yet.
           That weekend Marinette Stone released a video on her blog about bullying. She had been mentioning her own trouble with bullying for months and people had asked her for more information.
           The title of the video was:
           Bullying Stone: The Expose
           In it Marinette revealed that at her school she went by Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her real name, and had a new look. She told about how much she liked school at first. And they what changed; that it all started when a new girl arrived and started telling lies about celebrities about Marinette. She told the story of how she was expelled; and just how many procedures were broken when it happened.
           Marinette used the recordings she had of class, and even showed up the horrible texts she got.
“As you can see the teacher does nothing,” Marinette frowned. “It’s all happening right in front of her and she does nothing. In the next video, you’ll see someone being sexually harassed, in front of the teacher and she doing nothing about it. And then what victim blaming looks like. Again, as a reminder, all these videos and pictures are unedited.” She had offered to blur Adrien’s face but he declined, and even appeared in the video too and talked about his own experience.
           At the end of the video, Marinette looked straight at the camera, “Anyone can be bullied; famous or otherwise. If you’re being bullied; speak up. Tell your parents, your Aunts, your Uncles, your siblings, your cousins, teachers who you know will actually do something about it. I waited too long to tell someone. I regret that. They thought what they were doing was hurting me.  They thought I’d be miserable without them. They thought I’d cry and break and come crawling back to them. They thought wrong. You can bully Stone but it takes a hell of a lot more than that to break it.”
           The video went viral in an hour. And people were angry. The people who knew Marinette and loved her were beyond furious. Jagged, even more so, as he hadn’t seen the videos before, read the texts.
           Marinette Stone’s phone blew up with texts and calls. She was tweeted and retweeted thousands of times. And she got far too many, ‘You want me to kick their asses for you. I can kick their asses for you,” texts. But she had known she’d get them.
           The Ladyblog was ripped for lies by celebrities who been lied about on site and fans.
           Gabriel Agreste, Adrien told her, was pissed about what had been happening to Adrien, in front of a teacher no less. Lila Rossi fired. And if Lila ever had dreams about working in the fashion industry, they were over.
           Savage, after berating her for not kicking Lila’s ass, told her he and the gang (Austin, Cleo, Ashley, and And Niklaus) was coming over for some Mario Kart and artery clogging fast food.
           When the call disconnect, Marinette got a text from him.
Why did you sic Fang on them?
And that’s a five for the swear jar!
           Marinette couldn’t stop laughing.    
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Teen Witch
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Controversial opinion: stories about witches are the best stories. Just look at WandaVision - bitches ate that UP because it’s about WITCHES, which means it’s ultimately about loss and trauma and female (literal) empowerment in the face of those tragedies (and I mean there’s some complicated stuff in there about inflicting trauma upon others, even accidentally, and that’s kind of a witch thing too). And Sabrina is all well and good and everything, but what if you want your witch story to be a little less Dark Arts and a little more candy-coated? Have I got the film for you! Wes requested Teen Witch as part of his quest to expand my cheesy 80s cult classic knowledge, and boy did this one deliver. How 80s-tastic are we talking? Well...
The basic story is this: Louise (Robyn Lively) is a typical teen girl who occupies the nerd level of the high school hierarchy. You know the type - soft-spoken, nerdy best friend, has a crush on the cutest guy in school (Dan Gauthier), made fun of in gym class by all the cheerleaders. One day she crashes her bike in front of a psychic’s home/place of business and goes inside to use the phone, but gets her palm read first. The psychic, named Madame Serena, (Zelda Rubenstein, playing, I’m assuming, herself) tells her she will soon come into some witchy powers on her 16th birthday. When Louise’s birthday rolls around, you guessed it - witching aplenty. She gets the popularity, she gets the cute guy, she ditches her nerdy friend; it’s basically The Princess Diaries without Queen Julie Andrews. But then, y’know, she learns a valuable lesson about the high price of popularity and how important it is to be true to yourse--wait, no she doesn’t, she takes off her magic necklace and smooches with the boy she likes at the school dance and that’s how it ends.
Some thoughts:
This slow motion credit sequence is incredible. See, we just don’t have this anymore, where the movie starts and you have no fucking idea what’s going on. The 80s really knew how to draw an audience in. Is this a dream? Is this a music video? No one knows! That’s why it’s exciting!
Why are tv and movies so obsessed with a completely made-up depiction of what takes place outside a high school’s entrance before the first bell? Apparently there’s a busker festival going on at this high school every day - there’s guys doing BMX tricks, an all white rap group, I think I saw some jugglers.
I’ve actually taught in both middle and high school, so I know this English teacher (Shelley Berman) wouldn’t be fired for being such a shitty teacher, but he should be. 
Is this like...a musical? First there was the terrible rapping, now there are cheerleaders doing “the new cheer” which is literally a song just saying “I...LIKE...BOYS!” and there’s a dance routine on top of lockers - there’s a lot of towel choreography. It feels like a musical in the sense that it’s nonsensical, but I don’t actually think it IS a musical. Genre-defying!
It’s kinda creepy that Louise is watching an extended montage of Brad (Gauthier) working out shirtless from the shadows but like...same, girl. Damn, Brad.
Aw, at least Brad is reasonably nice. Louise, show some backbone! You shouldn’t have been too proud to let him drive you home after he ran you off the road on your bike accidentally!
I am just mystified by the market for roles that were appropriate for Zelda Rubenstein in the 80s. What is this niche? Which came first, Zelda Rubenstein, or these characters? 
I am also mystified by this gremliny little brother (Joshua John Miller) who seems to be obsessed with eating cake and never washing his hair. He’s like a goblin trapped in a diminutive nonbinary body made of pizza and spite. [ETA: I now feel a little bad for finding him so repellent in this, as the actor wrote one of my favorite meta horror movies, The Final Girls, in 2015. So at least he grew up and made something cool of himself.]
OMFG did Brad just hit the soda machine for her like the fucking Fonz? 
There is (temporarily) a Very Good Dog who is not harmed in any way.
In what universe does Louise see what her date, David (Jared Chandler), is wearing and be like “he’s such a geek” when she looks like an extra from Leave it to Beaver. 
The DJ just said “OK guys, grab your wallets, it’s a slow song.” What...does that even mean? Is he implying that slow dances are expensive? Ooh or even more nefarious, that there’s a rampant pickpocketing problem during slow dances?
Did Louise...just imply that the number of light years away a star is dictates how soon a wish you make on that star would come true? Listen. I’m no astrophysicist. But I have read enough Neil Degrasse Tyson tweets to know that that’s not how any of this works. 
OK I take back what I said, David is a fucking CREEP. Drag his ass, Louise. However, I think she may have straight up murdered him by making him disappear. David is never seen or heard from again in this film. 
Obsessed with the dad’s sweaters both because they are ridiculous and because he is the lesser Darren from the original Bewitched. 
It feels weird that Louise’s revenge involves forcing Mr. Weaver to take his clothes off in front of the class.Who wants that? Like I get that it’s humiliating for him, but really, you’re only punishing yourself here Louise. 
There is a rap-off that is meant to convey electric sexual tension between two nerdy ass white kids. 
I don’t know what it was like at your school, but I can tell you for sure that at my high school no one ever applauded when the most popular girl in school walked into the classroom like she’s Kramer making an entrance on Seinfeld.
Why is Brad taking her to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere? And why is she wearing heels?
Oh god she took the heels off and now she’s barefoot in this decrepit house, that’s so much worse! TETANUS EXISTS LOUISE.
Wait are they going to fuck in the abandoned house? Brad has a girlfriend! You brought heels, but did you bring condoms?? I guess she has bigger concerns than tetanus now. Also I feel so bad for these actors, they are both DRIPPING sweat. That must have been a miserable shoot.
I’ve said this before, but the 80s were such an incredible time for himbo fashion. Crop tops, those tank tops with the giant holes for the arms, teeny little basketball shorts. In the 90s all we had were JNCOs and weirdly “urbanized” Looney Tunes characters on baggy t-shirts. Gen X has no idea how good they had it re: male fashion. 
I’m genuinely obsessed with the idea that popularity means the school just has banners all over that say “LOUISE” and she gets like, cards and fan mail that say “Louise U R the best.” This feels like if you ask a kindergartner what being popular means.
Madame Serena just said “the real magic is believing in yourself” which is exactly what Louise’s dad said like 15 minutes ago, but I guess he wasn’t a 3-foot-tall witch so no one paid attention when he said it. 
Y’know for an 80s prom outfit, Louise’s dress is pretty cute. 
I cannot stress enough that Brad’s girlfriend is at this dance while he and Louise are kissing! Does no one care? Were high school attitudes toward monogamy just way more flexible in the 80s? 
Did I Cry? Shyeah, right. 
This is such an odd, mostly charming, but wildly perplexing little movie. There was no antagonist or real conflict here, at all. Louise barely struggles with any sort of tension or remorse about having her powers and what it means for her life, she just kind of decides at the end that she’s over it, and she still gets the guy and no actual negative consequences from bending the entire school to her will for the past few months. I mean, in The Craft, when people use magic for their own gains, other people fucking DIE. I was definitely entertained, but a lot of it was due to me saying, “What? How? What?” loudly at the screen. I can see how this has gained a cult following in much the same way that other oddball 80s fare like Better Off Dead or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun did. Watch it once, then watch it again while you get drunk with your friends (in a post-Covid world, obviously) and you’ll probably have a pretty great time. 
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guymaito · 3 years
For the ask thing :3:
Top 5 animals? Top 5 fav/comfort movies? Top 5 fav cartoons/shows?
I’m honestly glad to know theres other people including you who actually like Pakku and his character :3 Yes he was a completely asshole at the start but he did change, it’s just that it was so subtle that not everyone saw it
Also random song associations with characters:
Fighter by Jack Stauber reminds me very well of Piandao, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong as their younger selves during the war.
Why do I associate Grace by Lewis Capaldi with Bumi? (the music video tho would give more context to why it might make sense)
Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber reminds me of Piandao and his overall anxieties for his partners.
Consider some of these songs as sorta song recs? Idk but still :3
1. Giraffes!! the reason why their tongues look like That is cause of extra melanin and to prevent sunburn!!
2. Seals!! there are 33 different kinds of pinnipeds and there over 50 extinct pinnipeds
3. Dogs!! they can only see in shades of blue and yellow, so bright red roses look yellowish brown and lively green grass look dehydrated and dead
4. Crows!! a group of them are called a murder
5. Cows!! they’re actually colorblind, they can’t see red specifically, so male cows, bulls aren’t getting mad at the color, they’re getting angry at the movement
1. The Losers movie from 2010, it’s a action mystery movie about Clay and his team that are a part of an elite US Special Forces Unit and are approached by a mysterious woman to exact revenge on their handler, Max, who betrayed them and just,,,the characters, CHRIS EVANS, jake jensen and all of his kinda weird glory, THE ELEVATOR SCENE, also cougar!!
2. Captain America and The Winter Soldier movie, it’s a action movie, which makes me realize that a lot of my faves are prolly gonna be action something, but anyways, it’s about Steve Rogers, who now lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, and a new ally, Sam Wilson, Steve struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy. oh my god,,,just,,,the fight scenes, the running scene at the beginning of the movie, steve meeting sam that way, just everything!! this was also my introduction to marvel so in my mind no other marvel movie can live up to this (other than spiderman away from home)
3. Spiderman Far from Home, again, it’s a action movie, i’m not gonna explain this cause the post is getting long, but!! mj and peter!! just,,,all of their scenes!! also jake gyllenhaal!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!! everything about it is amazing!!
4. Thunderforce, again, i’m not gonna explain, it’s an action adventure and comedy movie (ofc it is look at the other 3 🙄 /s), the relationship between lydia and emily!! the relationship between lydia and emily’s daughter!! the humor!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!!,,,,just everything about is good despite the bad ratings
that’s more like a top 4 than a top 5 but that’s like,,,,all the movies i genuinely like and will rewatch if given the chance and for that where’s a honorable mention: Hamilton (the movie version on disney+ that came out i think nearly a year ago), the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are better, got some funny moments and is mostly historically accurate, like yeah angelica did forget her name cause at the time of her meeting alex ham, she was married to a man named john church (or something church idk) so her last name was church but she introduced herself to alexander as angelica schuyler, not angelica church, so in satisfied she was telling the truth about forgetting her own name, but in the same song she said that her father had no sons even though the real angelica had 3 brothers.
1. Avatar the last Airbender, ofc or else i would have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s sequel /s but fr though?? it’s such a good show!! zuko’s redemption arc, iroh’s redemption arc (even though his more subtle than zuko’s) , aang!! love him and his character so much, especially when he gets to be a sassy little shit, sokka and his shit humor and brains, katara, toph, hakoda and HIS shit humor, the fight scene with hakoda (he fights kinda like a waterbender, using his opponent’s momentum against them), bato and his lovely, lovely voice, piandao, aang going ‘how about he get on YOUR back and you can fly us to the south pole’ or something like that to sokka after he complained about appa not flying higher, the boiling rock episodes, hakoda apparently being a good dad but a shitty prison riot starter (love that for him), just!! atla is such a good ass show, im not changing my mind. also!! i like the way they introduced ozai, not showing his face but still presenting him as not only a shit dad, but a shit person as well, like up until book three, we only saw him like, the neck down and in like, a flashback or two (i don’t really remember how many flashbacks ozai was in actually cause it’s nearly been a full year since i last watched it) and that’s it, so it made seeing his face for the first time all the more better cause you was already like ‘what the hell does this shitbag look like’ and then you see him and now ur like ‘oh!! THATS what he looks like!!’
2. The Legend of Korra, again, ofc or else i wouldn’t have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s prequel, just,,,,korra’s arc from being hot headed to calm is fantastic but also sad considering the way she went from that to this, korra’s book 1 character!! for whatever reason i really like b1 korra, just,,her design, her hair style (even though she had it for nearly the entire series) just!!! book 1 korra <3, also the entirety of book 1!! just amon posing as a anti bender nonbender despite being a waterbender himself, the scene where tenzin and his kids nearly lost their bending, which would’ve meant that, if tenzin did lose his bending but his kids didn’t, that would’ve meant the strongest airbender would’ve been his 11 year old daughter, the gruesome way to end the season finale episode by doing a murder suicide which was dark as fuck for what?? a kids show??, also the villains in this show!! their good as hell!! the backstory of the red lotus and how and why they were created?? amon and his anti bending?? kuvira and her plan to basically rule the earth kingdom (idk i haven’t finished book 4), unalaq and his spiritual stuff and wanting to become a dark avatar and fusing with vaatu?? also!! the other disturbing scene of korra basically getting tortured near the end of book 3, i mean?? it deadass left her hella traumatized and unable to walk, again hella dark for a fucking kids show
3. The Walking Dead, even though i haven’t finished it or watched in like, 4-5 months, i just,,,the way the presented negan!! practically foreshadowing him the entirety of season 6!! him appearing at the very end of the season 6 finale and pretty much having an entire episode dedicated to him in the very beginning of season 7 (which is why some fans argue he was introduced in s7 not s6 cause of the fact that he didn’t show up until the very end of the s6 finale but had an entire episode with him in it in s7, while others say vice versa cause the very the first time we see him was in s6 not s7), the fact that the walking dead logo was getting progressively more and more decayed as the series go on?? the fact that the WALKERS (the zombies) are getting more and more decayed as the series go on?? dale’s death scene?? shane’s death scene?? negan’s relationship with rick’s daughter?? the fact that this show also has what?? 11, 12 seasons?? which reminds me that i’m still on season 9 of twd
4. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, just,,,salem and his sarcasm?? sabrina’s aunts?? sabrina herself?? just!! everyone is just so fucking funny in this show it’s unreal, specially salem!! a lot of my favorite scenes have salem in them, the ‘are you on a women’s chat room again?’ (or something like that) and salem saying ‘i like the attention’ in response, that one harvey and salem scene that i don’t know how to describe without turning this into a giant paragraph like the ones before this one
5. blue’s clues, it was my favorite childhood show and i love the reboot of it so much!! especially p for pride moment in that song i don’t remember the name of, blue themself!! steve leaving which was sad but getting an equally amazing host in the process?? amazing!! the scene where salt and pepper introduced their baby, paprika?? just,,,it’s such good show and i loved it when i was younger and i still love it now!!
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fr0gheart · 5 years
authors note: let me start by saying i’m not a kpop fan. like i know the basic songs and the groups and i was really into it in 2017 but it just kinda fizzled out so i’m basing this off of blackpink one of only girl groups i know. and kind of what jennie is doing. lemme say this again. i am not a kpop fan so please don’t attack me for getting things wrong or just being misinformed. so as always enjoy!
anonymous said:  can you do headcanons for finn dating a kpop soloist please?? it might be hard if ur not a fan so dONt feel pressured to do it^^
masterlist / ask
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music has always ran in your blood
you grew up in korea and you didn’t really have a good knowledge of english
so your mom made sure you got an english teacher
because she always wanted the best for her daughter
so like you would be able to speak english but the accent was still there
you signed with a korean management group when you were 14
and at first there wasn’t any gigs or anything 
but they paired you with 5 other girls 
and you guys became y/g/n
(y/g/n stands for your group name )
at first the girls were like super intimidating
because they were all older
like 21 older and you were considered the baby of the group
but when they got to know you they automatically treated you like they’re little sis
and they were so protective over you and anyone you were interested in
so you liked people but you never really had a boyfriend
anyway your group only became popular when you turned 16
people nominated you for a grammy and even though you didn’t win one
you gained more followers since you guys went
so your management would finally decide to let you guys tour north america
after endless months of practice and writing new songs
you guys were ready for the tour
your first stop was atlanta and you heard some celebs were coming to check you guys out
but you didn’t really know which ones for sure
you were so nervous because it was your first show in america
and the crew was just stressing you out
and in the last practice you couldn’t get any of the dance moves
one of your groupmates, Holly came to calm you down
“ Look, y/n your fine, the house is packed and everyone is coming just to see us. we’re- wait what do you call it”
you let out a laugh,” royalty”
she got up and hugged you and went back to her mua
soon it was time
you were singing your song that you released before the tour
you were the opening act before the group
so you sang and the crowd was so crazy
so the group came out and you guys performed 
all your music and a couple of throwback stuff
you saw some celebrities in the crowd
like shawn mendes and sabrina carpenter but you weren’t really paying attention
so after the show the celebs came backstage 
and you thanked all of them and since the other members didn’t really know english you spoke for them
and they talked about collabing on a song together
or just getting to hang out
and then the last person came
finn fucking wolfhard
and he would just be raving about your show
‘ that was so amazing like one of the best shows i’ve seen in a long time ‘
and you would be really flattered and you guys would just talk for a long time
so after he would give you his number
“ you know, just in case we hang out or something “
and he scratched his neck that really cute thing he always does
so it would be like 2 months
and you and finn got closer over text
like you would always be on your phone
giggling or smiling over something someone said 
“ y/n has the fattest crush on that lanky stranger things boy “
and you would blush like fucking crazy
“ i do not “
they would constantly be teasing you in practice
but then finn asked you on a date and they would go full big sisters mode
they would help you get ready 
but they also said that they would rip his head off if he hurt you
but yeah like i said 
basic big sister stuff
so you guys were still touring and your next show was in l.a.
so you planned to get coffee and then go to one of finn’s movies
but you dressed in like a cute summer dress
and you would just talk about your careers and just weird things about yourselves
the way you guys just fit together was crazy
so finn would finally grow balls and hold your hands during the movie and you would just be like blushing like fucking crazy
and he would walk you back to the hotel room
“ um y/n i had a lot of fun tonight with you “
“ me too”
and he would lean in and just kiss you and it would be perfect 
until holly opened the door 
“ wow locking lips out here huh?”
and you and finn would look at each other
and blush
he would wave to you bye and tell you he would text you later
and holly would have just talked her ass off
and you would be tired and finn would text you goodnight
so you guys have been hanging out in public
and fans always thought you guys were dating
but you didn’t really release anything
until your group was on spill your guts, fill your guts
and james was asking personal questions that were funny.
“ y/n i’m going to give you bull’s penis”
“ james there is no way i am eating that”
he would pick the card up and start giggling 
“ you might have to”
you would groan and slap your hand against your head
the entire audience would be laughing
“ okay y/n, there are pictures of you walking around, holding hands with actor finn wolfhard. are you guys dating?”
you looked around as the audience oohed
you debated it, you were not eating it 
so you decided in the quickest moment possible
and you said
“ yeah, i guess we are”
and the entire crowd awed and james said
“ well you heard it here first, we’ll be right back after the break“
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March 2019 was Iconic for
I saw so many powerful women in concert & even got to meet some of them. On March 2nd, I saw the Aces . It was my first time seeing them live, since I missed them open for 5sos last year. It was amazing even tho Cristal & Katie were sick. I left right away and since half the girls were sick, i didn’t hear of anybody meeting them besides like 2 girls who met Katie. So t the sucky thing since it was a free show, there was no vip, which i probably would have gotten had it been a regular paid show. Hopefully i’ll meet them one day. I want to see them live again since they’re one of my fav bands. On March 15th, i had tickets and regular vip to see Sabrina Carpenter. I had met her once before when she came to my local radio station in early 2017 and then again (just a quick selfie) in nyc in dec 2017 after her pre show jingle ball performance. So i saw her in the jingle ball pre show in both 2016 and 2017 and counting the radio station thing this was technically my 3rd time meeting Sabrina and 4th time seeing her perform. Although this was my first time seeing an actual like full fledged performance though. She killed it. I had fun & sang my heart out lol. I love her sm. I was also in her group photo that she did after the show. On March 18th, i went to see the sweetener tour in Albany aka the first show of tour. I had upper level seats, but whatever I was happy to see Normani (my first time seeing her perform solo) and It was my 3rd time seeing Ariana. I was like legit in tears bc i’m so proud of Normani. Also i sang my heart out again bc i’m such a huge ariana stan. On March 22nd and i went to the local radio station to see Madison Beer & Zara Larsson. It was my 4th time meeting Madison & 2nd time seeing her live. (1st was at the same station when she came to support her (ex Jack G) 2nd (just a selfie) was in nyc when she was with the jacks again after their pre show jingle ball performance in 2016. Then the 3rd time was dec 2018 i met her before her own performance at the jingle ball pre show. Now she finally came to my local station. I was hype bc i love her music, but i admit i got nervous bc shes sooo pretty. I was so happy i won passes to see Zara because i’ve been a fan of years & i was hoping to get my vinyl signed (and thankfully she did sign it) she was literally the sweetest human being and was blowing kisses to me and my friend as we were leaving. I had round 2 of sweetener tour on March 30th. My home show, but i was upper level again because these tickets were double the price of albany, but since this arena was smaller... i was a bit closer.. plus in albany i had my old iphone 6s still, while now i have the iphone xr. So you can def see the difference in the photos. I decided to say screw it and get vip for normani tho on the 30th. I haven’t met her since like 2015 when 5h was still together so honestly i deserved. Plus taxes are coming soon. Honestly probably one of my fav m&g’s ever(besides my baby being sick so she was kinda on vocal rest) but anyways if anyone actually read this long ass post or wants to talk more about my experiences feel free to hmu. Check out some of the photos i attached below. If anyone wants to see my m&g photos i can give u my twitter or instagram
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bradwillshawn · 7 years
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i know i said saturday but i couldn’t wait (and my iTunes download came early 🙃). plus, i’m actually writing this as a first full listen, instead of a couple listens later, so welcome to how my mind plays out during the first full listen of this album!!!
TRACK 1: MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (FEAT. MARTIN JENSEN) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i remember switching iTunes stores when this single first came out just to listen to the snippet and i was sHOOK by the lyrics FIRST LISTEN FULL: lyrics: YES, melody: YES, vocals: YES  FAVE LYRIC: “so when i call you in the middle of the night and i’m choking on the words cause i miss you, baby don’t tell me i’m out of time i got so much of my lovin to give you”
TRACK 2: ALL NIGHT (FEAT. MATOMA) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  this song came out so long ago that i don’t even remember how i felt with the snippet FIRST LISTEN FULL: it was the first introduction to EDM VAMPS, and i was into it. i remember when it came out, i was on my way to a full study day, and it was all i listened to. the live versions with the puffs of smoke at the beat drops?? YES FAVE LYRIC: “you showed me how to find myself when i needed it the most”
TRACK 3: HANDS (FEAT. MIKE PERRY & SABRINA CARPENTER) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i think the first listen i got was a live video, and i was like um yes???? sing this at big ticket for me in front of all the underage children???? FIRST LISTEN FULL: honestly such a bop, i had it on replay for days. this collab is one of the ones i completely approve of because, even though sabrina was a “disney girl”, her music is a totally different vibe from what you would expect, and this is one of the songs that prove that lyrically.  FAVE LYRIC: “can you just drop that dress to the floor? we can talk until sunrise”
TRACK 4: SAME TO YOU FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: when they said the album was “moody” this is the song i think of because of the snippet from the album sampler. i understand why they all want this to be the next single. FIRST LISTEN FULL: this song definitely shows their growth musically and lyrically. no wonder they’re so proud of this song, i’m so proud of them. FAVE LYRIC: “i’m checking in to see if you’re ready to love again”
TRACK 5: PAPER HEARTS FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: my heart was full of warmth when they asked fans to help out with the tour lyric video, and seeing the end result was beautiful. the chorus? help me FIRST LISTEN FULL: THE GUITAR INTRO, INTO IT!! this song is really hitting me in the feelz. fuck it’s beautiful. FAVE LYRIC: “there’s a lot of things that i may not know, but missing you baby is the only thing i know”
TRACK 6: SHADES ON FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: i actually never bothered watching tour vids of this but THE SAMPLER: A FULL ON BOP GET THIS ON MAINSTREAM RADIO WORLDWIDE FIRST LISTEN FULL: A TOTAL OUT OF THIS WORLD BOP!!!!!!!!!! this after paper hearts tho, total uplift. how can the day version of the album get even more upbeat than this???? BRAD’S RAPPING???!??!?!?!?!?!??! WHAT?!??!?!?!??!???!??!!??!? GET THIS ON THE RADIO ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need a moment after this song; this should’ve gone before paper hearts tbh FAVE LYRIC: “starting up a party on the pavement like i just got paid” (#relatable)
TRACK 7: IT’S A LIE (FEAT. TINI) FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: super fun song in a super bitchy way. i appreciate them trying to reach multicultural audiences by using a multicultural artist. FIRST LISTEN FULL: the guitar kinda reminds me of bibia be ye ye. this song is so damn sassy i’M INTO IT!! FAVE LYRIC: “could we live ever after? seems like a good idea to me”
TRACK 8: STAY FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  i was kinda disappointed that they over-produced the song and changed some of the lyrics because i got so used to the acoustic version they sang at the shows BUT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY DEPRIVE US WITH NEW MUSIC FOR TOO LONG FIRST LISTEN FULL: ok intro givin me the feelz, but then it just picks up and I JUST WANTED THIS SONG TO BE FULL ACOUSTIC, also not used to the lyric changes :( the keyboard’s a nice touch. it’s like a song to play while you’re at the beach during sunset. IMAGINE BEING WITH THE BOYS AT THE BEACH DURING SUNSET AND THEY’RE SINGING THIS SONG. i like the bridge. i feel it just kinda ends abruptly??? but still one of my all time faves. FAVE LYRIC: “you can wear my favourite t-shirt, and we can waste away the days, but only if you stay”
TRACK 9: MY PLACE FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET:  i think this is my fave on the whole album??? FIRST LISTEN FULL: the chorus!!!!!!! the guitar riff reminds me of a song, but i can’t seem to think of it??? a good end of summer song tbh! can u believe they just had to add the “bluesman” STAY THE SAME BOYS, NEVER CHANGE FAVE LYRIC: “look at that face, i don’t ever wanna let you down”
TRACK 10: SAD SONG FIRST LISTEN SNIPPET: I DIDN’T KNOW THAT I WAS STARVING TIL I TASTED YOU DONT NEED NO BUTTERFLIES WHEN YOU GIVE ME THE WHOLE DAMN ZOO anyways, this song got stuck in my head at work after listening to the album sampler, so that’s a good sign FIRST LISTEN FULL: I DIDN’T KNOW THAT I WAS STARVING TIL I TASTED YOU!!!! honestly same chords as starving, collab with hailee steinfeld pls! (someone also mashup staving with this asap) it’s a mature breakup song??? they ended with a really catchy bop. INTO IT.  FAVE LYRIC: “and i know, you know, i know i can’t let it end this way”
JAMES EDITION: I LOVE LOVING YOU this song very much screams JAMES MCVEY: pop/rock but still a hint of country. it’s a cutesie love song, i love it.  FAVE LYRIC: i’m certain there’s a sunrise and the night falls just like they do
JAMES EDITION: HIGHER i’m not gonna lie to you, i’m not a complete fan of james’ vocals as a solo artist,  BUT, nevertheless, i can respect his abilities, along with his strong song writing. this is one of those songs that showcase those abilities really well. these songs are for kirstie right??? ;)))) FAVE LYRIC: if everything’s changing, i need you to know, the hardest decision was letting you go
CONNOR EDITION: ON MY WAY i really enjoy connor’s type of music; lyrically and musically. this is so catchy, and would be a great song for a road trip. can't wait to blast it in my car. FAVE LYRIC: the footprints that i left yesterday are the ones that should be kept as memories
TRISTAN EDITION: ALL AROUND THE WORLD FIRST OF ALL, WHY DOESN’T TRIS SING MORE?? HE HAS SUCH A NICE VOICE????? LIKE REMEMBER HIS VERSION OF CAN WE DANCE? MY FAVE. this song is for ana right??? ;)))))) FAVE LYRIC: i only met her once, and straight away i knew that i loved her
TRISTAN EDITION: COME GRIND WITH ME THIS SONG IS STRAIGHT FIRE!!!!! sayin tris isn’t doing anymore mash-ups for tour and this is all he’s gonna perform, I’M ALL FOR IT!! THIS IS SUCH A TUNE LIKE I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS WHAT TRIS WANTED FOR HIS ALBUM VERSION FAVE LYRIC: this love’s a game, come on & let’s play, you don’t have to remember my name
VERDICT: tbh, i had kinda low expectations for this album bc i didn’t really know how to feel about the boys going a more EDM direction, BUT all the songs are total bops??? they’re all different; no songs sound alike in any way (other than sad song and starving, i’m never getting over that), and they all just kinda flow well with one another. i’m glad they took their time with this album, and released something that they’re truly proud of, instead of releasing an album that was half-assed. i appreciate the different editions based on each member; the songs included are very much an accurate representation of them, and something they are individually proud of. i hope somehow, someway they get this album to break into the north american market, bc SHADES ON DESERVES RADIO PLAY!!! this album exceeded my expectations, and did not disappoint at all. 5 STARS!!!!!
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margiibaybee · 7 years
1: Name:Margarita2: Age 18: till August 30th booboo3: 3 Fears: Frogs, Rejection, Being severely injured/being killed4: 3 things I love: make up, food, and squad5: 4 turn ons: receiving neck kisses, when they smell good, being complemented, THE WORD BABE/BABY ugh yes6: 4 turn offs: bad breath, lack of communication, one word responses to paragraphs, lying. 7: My best friend: Sabrina💞8: Sexual orientation: if you're happy and you know it clap your hands (gay af)9: My best first date: went to see a movie and didn't watch the movie at all😂10: How tall am I 5'611: What do I miss? feeling wanted12: What time was I born? 7:3413: Favorite color? Blue14: Do I have a crush? yes lol15: Favorite quote "don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"16: Favorite place?my bed17: Favorite food? Chicken parm18: Do I use sarcasm? Me? Never?19: What am I listening to right now? a rotating fan20: First thing I notice in a new person? their eyes or their smile21: Shoe size? 1022: Eye color? hazel23: Hair color? brown24: Favorite style of clothing? Pajamas lol25: Ever done a prank call? Yup27: Meaning behind my URL? it's my username for everything, my friend used to call me that and it stuck lol28: Favorite movie? prob anything madea29: Favorite song? Buttons -PCD30: Favorite band? Jonas brothers always?😂31: How I feel right now? Kinda depressed lol32: Someone I love? Cookie❤️33: My current relationship status: Taken by my many boyfriends clearly? Cookie Kevin and Natasha?34: My relationship with my parents? Gooood35: Favorite holiday? Christmas because I love that time of year in general36: Tattoos and piercing i have? Just ears37: Tattoos and piercing i want? Idk something 38: The reason I joined Tumblr? Jovana said I should lol39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I couldn't ever hate her40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Never lol41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? SO MANY TIMES LMAO42: When did I last hold hands? Prob within the last week43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? An hour44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? No45: Where am I right now? My bed46: If I were drunk &can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Probably keeks or sab 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud but not insanely loud48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mom and dad every other weekend49: Am I excited for anything? For my friend to start her job with me😍50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yes51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Every day from 10-7☺️52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Yesterday53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? You tryna get punched or?54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Lol yup55: What is something I disliked about today? How early I had to get up56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Rihanna? Idk I'm listening to her music so she's the first one I thought of lol57: What do I think about most? My relationships with people58: What’s my strangest talent? What that mouth do margeeeeee59: Do I have any strange phobias? I hate frogs? I don't know if that's a fear though 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both61: What was the last lie I told? I'm doing okay62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Either one I like to hear your voice 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Spirits. 64: Do I believe in magic? yes65: Do I believe in luck? Lol yes66: What's the weather like right now? Shitty67: What was the last book I've read? Safe haven68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? No69: Do I have any nicknames? Marge Margs Tequila skeet etc😂70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Sprained ankle71: Do I spend money or save it? Spend🙄72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? If I push my nose down73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? My Audrey Hepburn poster74: Favorite animal? Cats in general 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Trying to sleep 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Trump77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Anything that is a throwback lol78: How can you win my heart? Buy me food kiss me a lot and I'll prob marry you79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Here lies a bad bitch80: What is my favorite word? "Fuck"81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr my friends lol idk82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Suck my ass83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Nope84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Mind reading85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? None beesh86: What is my current desktop picture? Me keeks and sab❤️87: Had sex? Yes88: Bought condoms? lol nope 89: Gotten pregnant? No 90: Failed a class? Spanish in middle school a+ Hispanic person marge you suck91: Kissed a boy? Yes many92: Kissed a girl? Yes many93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Bucket list 94: Had job? Yes 395: Left the house without my wallet? Yes96: Bullied someone on the internet? No97: Had sex in public? Bucket list again aahha98: Played on a sports team? When I was a kid99: Smoked weed? Only second hand100: Did drugs? No101: Smoked cigarettes? No102: Drank alcohol? Yes103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Ask the chicken I just ate104: Been overweight? Yep105: Been underweight? I was born overweight son106: Been to a wedding? Yes107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Probably 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes109: Been outside my home country? Yes110: Gotten my heart broken? Many times111: Been to a pro sports game? Yes112: Broken a bone? No113: Cut myself? On accident yes114: Been to prom? Yes115: Been in airplane? Yes 116: Fly by helicopter? Bucket list 117: What concerts have I been to? Trans Siberian orchestra and Jason Derulo118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Current mood lol119: Learned another language? Barely120: Wore make up? Yes121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? 😏122: Had oral sex? Yup123: Dyed my hair? Ahahhaha yes124: Voted in a presidential election? Nope fuk this past election 125: Rode in an ambulance? Nope126: Had a surgery? Nope127: Met someone famous? Yes128: Stalked someone on a social network? Always 129: Peed outside? No130: Been fishing? Yes131: Helped with charity? Yes132: Been rejected by a crush? Always 133: Broken a mirror? Yes but a small hand held one 134: What do I want for birthday? Someone 2 love me😂
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bisluthq · 3 months
I’m like you in I have the attitude of ‘I don’t like this, but people should have their own tastes and I don’t think less of you for liking something I find annoying’ but ong everything you said about Sabrina is sooo how I feel and I haven’t felt so ‘please leave me aloooone’ since like Justin Bieber debuted (he has some bops in recent years, but the Bieber fever was so not where I was at and it was just insufferable. And the last few days I have been listening to classical music and movie scores and SHE STILL CAME UP NEXT on auto play on Spotify!! I was trying to decompress with emotive but non stimulating music and then BOOM! And I really thought ‘omg this is how people who were indifferent to Taylor turned into haters during 1989 era and now’ lmao 😂 like ok, I GET IT HATERS! I UNDERSTAND! (Though kinda don’t understand the TTPD hate because she does no promo, but for 1989 she was on every radio and tv show)
I skipped Sabrina when she opened for Taylor in aus (she gave me a headache when I tried to listen to her so I could enjoy her set) but I did see her play a cover of ONJ hopelessly devoted to you though from where I was standing in the merch line - it was PHENOMENAL! Also a great choice for Australia because it’s in our DNA to know the words lol.
But idk it made me think about how you can enjoy a voice or a song as a track but then really hate the combination of that voice with that track. I think if she releases covers of (or songs with a similar style to) higher love, I wanna dance with somebody who loves me, true colours, girls just want to have fun, etc - those simple tracks and simple but upbeat or inspiring lyrics - I’d be such a fan! Happy she’s assumably doing what she wants and other people enjoy it though, just not for me 🤷‍♀️
exactly!!! She’s got a GREAT voice but eh lol. Not for me. And yes I’d mind her less if she wasn’t being shoved on me. I agree with your assessment re Bieber as well and tbf I mostly disliked Taylor during 1989 because I really dislike that album and now you say it maybe it’s also that she was being shoved on me and I was like “but this is just not good???? It’s bad????? She’s hot but her recent music sucks ass?????????” (Except blank space which I liked and which has never done a thing wrong ever in its whole life and also that MV is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen ever with my eyeballs).
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