#norse pagan jewelry
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transcendingblood · 5 days ago
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My instagram was recently mass reported under false pretenses (check profile for elaboration) and disabled. I got most of my Etsy sales via my advertising on instagram and am struggling without the supplemental income from those sales which have now gone to zero.
I make pagan and witchy jewelry, I have amulet and vial necklaces dedicated to various deities and filled with herbs and crystals, I also sell prints, stickers, wands, and circlets. Please check it out and even just like my shop or some listings to help give me an algorithm boost.
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merovingian-marvels · 6 months ago
Cabochon finger ring
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This stunning finger ring is decorated with dark glass paste, rather than a semi-precious stone. The simplicity of the ring indicates that it is Carolingian rather than Merovingian. The Carolingians embraced Catholicism on a much broader scale with the top-down process of baptism/religious conversion having reached the middle and even some of the lower classes.
This results in more minimalistic dress. Jewelry becomes very minimal and brooches that were included into ones appearance were once again reduced to their functional level. A finger ring like this does not proof that the wearer was in fact no longer pagan, but it does show that the wearer followed the fashion of the (Catholic) elite. Wearing finger rings also indicates that the wearer performed little to no physical labour as it risks damaging the jewel and it is also a means to show your wellbeing to the world.
The metropolitan museum of art, New York City - United States of America
Museum nr. 17.192.217
Found in Northern France (7th century)
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leslie-redirects-here · 8 months ago
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orcawolf · 15 days ago
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Showcasing my art! I make bone rosaries and I’m expanding my craft everyday. I love to use a mixture of glass and stone beads as well as snake vertebrae. In the final picture I use a turtle skull as well.
If anyone is interested my Instagram is @ beadedwolf
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busridetohelheim · 20 days ago
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I'm making prayer beads in honor if Óðinn. The colors are more meaningful than the materials. I associate blue, black, grey, and white with Him. I decided I was going to make it in this sort of chained style, like an expensive rosary. It will have four strands, maybe five, that look just like this. Four of them will be spaced out by short stretches of chain, four for the four domains/aspects of Óðinn I most closely associate with and commune with Him about— Mad Wisdom, Creative Ecstasy, Wandering, and Allfather. Plus possibly a fifth one to balance a pendant. Each of the four core strands will be spaced away from each other by oak beads as well, because oak is more plentiful in my area than ash and oak plays into my localizing mythcraft.
I'm considering either a Gungnir pendant, a blue jay (again, has to do with mythcraft and localizing), or a Viking compass rune wheel for that last dangling strand.
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broomsick · 1 year ago
second attempt at nordic polytheism anon (what a name...) here again! i totally forgot to ask: do you have any recommendations on necklaces/jewelry that one can wear which isn't too obvious but still represents the faith? i'm from germany, so stuff like thor's hammer or runes are either frowned upon or straight up illegal (like the tiwaz rune for example... which is a shame bc i really like tyr, i think he could help me with my job where i have to decide over justice and injustice)
Welcome back! I’m so sorry to hear that you cannot wear Tiwaz in the name of Týr. I have a friend who considers him her primary deity, and who loves him dearly, and she would be devastated if she couldn’t wear his most prominent symbol. Same goes for me, as I’ve worn the same Mjöllnir pendant for nearly eight years, now. It could be possible for you to acquire one such pendant, made using a minimalistic design! I find that wooden ones are generally more discreet, as well.
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These are the types of discreet designs I mean! You'll notice that the very last one to the right has a low-key Tiwaz carved onto it. Just in case you're curious, here are the artists to each of these: Hunterbone, KykvendiByK, Pagafanshop.
The same type of logic could also apply to a Tiwaz pendant, though I can't know for sure how far this ban on nordic symbols goes. It's also possible for you to browse for jewelry inspired by norse mythology, but that might not be as well-known, or which hasn't been co-opted by wh1te supremacist groups. In this sense, there are so many fun symbols for you to choose from! And they can be as secular-looking as you need them to be. The cat or the falcon to represent Freyja, the raven or the wolf to represent Óðinn, the goat or a drinking horn to represent Thórr, the weaving spindle or a cloud to represent Frigg, the boar or any symbol of agriculture (sickles, wheat...) to represent Freyr and the elves, symbols of the sea (anchors, sailboats, compasses...) for Njörðr, etc etc.
Just doing a bit of digging around mythological sources could give you loads of ideas! Surprisingly enough, the wolf is a very prominent symbol of Týr! After all, according to myth, Týr was the only Áss who was brave enough to relentlessly care for Fenrir: he would feed him and help him grow when no one else would approach him, for fear of being attacked. In this sense, they shared a bond like no other. One of mutual respect. And in the end, Týr respected Fenrir to the point of keeping his oath to him and losing a limb in the process, for it was only fair for him to do so. With as little historical information as we have on Týr, we do with the cards we've been dealt.
Rings are also quite discreet, a lot more so than necklaces! I have a whole bunch of norse pagan-themed rings that I wear on a daily basis: I have one which depicts the Ægishjálmur, and one that's decorated with the Elder Futhark alphabet, for example. I also wear a serpent ring in honor of the Miðgarðsormr and of Loki, and a ring with a low-key dragon design (a dragon tail and wing wrapping around the finger) to represent the tale of Sigurðr, who is the hero I work with the most, and who is very dear to me.
I hope I could help you out a little, and I wish for you to have a fun and fulfilling journey on the nordic path!
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mani-mooncrow · 1 year ago
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Jewelry Crafting from 2023 :)
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unseendeity · 1 year ago
okay, so I bought this necklace on eBay about 2 years ago. It was labeled as ‘Men's Women's Vintage Norse Viking Raven/Crow pendant Necklace Amulet Jewelry’
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can someone please tell me if I'm unknowingly wearing nazi shit? now that they're taking norse symbols & twisting it as their own I'm a little worried that I'm wearing one
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mypagancottage · 9 months ago
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songs-of-fensalir · 2 years ago
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My new (and possibly dangerous 🫣) hobby making stone bracelets inspired by deities, myth and magical concepts for the design. This one is for Freyja and I’m obsessed with it. The stones are all red agate.
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transcendingblood · 5 months ago
After some brainstorming I’ve listed a Sigyn necklace! It contains dandelions leaves, chamomile, and fluorite!
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merovingian-marvels · 6 months ago
The Salic Law/ Lex Salica
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The Salic Law is the written law of the Frankish empire. Its origin is both in Germanic customary law and Roman criminal law. Continuing Roman law fitted in the “Imperium Romanum Aeternum" or the idea that Rome was everlasting (the early Merovingians still saw themselves as Roman and didn't consider the (Western) Roman Empire "fallen").
There are many versions and interpretations of the Salic Law, depending on the Germanic additions made to it. This is especially true for customary law, punishments and inheritance. The most famous rule included in the text is that Kings/rulers have to be succeeded by their eldest son.
In some instances, new laws and punishments were added after incidents occurred which were not previously considered. There were for example different punishments for people who were free vs. slaves. Punishments could also vary, depending on the amount of people involved. Later Catholic additions include the banishment of pagan elements such as animistic practices, future predictions or the names of our weekdays. Some of these banishments are the only documented proof of certain pagan elements which were successfully oppressed by Christianity, such as the habbit of saying "bless you" after a sneeze. This indicates that a sneeze was used for interpretations (foresight, good luck charms, etc.) that could not coexist with Catholic devotion. "Bless you" was installed to replace whatever it was Germans did after a sneeze, turning it into a "positive" that survived into our current time.
Image: page from the 794 AD Salic Law
Library of the Sankt Gallen abbey - Switzerland.
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ivaldisonsforge · 1 year ago
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Thors hammer pendant (mjolnir) Thor's hammer pendant reconstruction Romersdal, Bornholm, Denmark.
In Norse mythology, Mjölnir is the hammer of Thor, a major Norse god associated with thunder. Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome weapons, capable of leveling mountains. In his account of Norse mythology, Snorri Sturluson relates how the hammer was made by the dwarven brothers Sindri and Brokk, and how its characteristically short handle was due to a mishap during its manufacture.
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lumenemporium · 11 months ago
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Golden Ehwaz rune
Check this golden Ehwaz rune on my Ko-fi shop! It's a handmade necklace made of eco resin <3
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ramblinguitar · 1 year ago
It finally stopped raining long enough for me to take some pictures earlier.
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Inspired by Odin’s ravens, Huginn and Muninn, a double wrap seed bead, leather, and stainless steel bracelet. Can be found here
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thechaoticgingers · 9 months ago
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Next weekend is Sci-Fi Valley Con, Part 12: June 7-9, 2024, can’t wait to see you there ✨
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