feline17ff · 10 months
As Israel will probably call the positive reactions of now-released Hamas hostages Stockholm Syndrome, this post's caption has made me learn that Stockholm Syndrome WAS MADE UP TO COVER INCOMPETENT COPS AND GOVERNMENT!
Below is from Wikipedia with spaces put in for reading clarity
According to accounts by Kristin Enmark, one of the hostages, the police were acting incompetently, with little care for the hostages' safety. This forced the hostages to negotiate for their lives and releases with the robbers on their own. In the process, the hostages saw the robbers behaving more rationally than the police negotiators and subsequently developed a deep distrust towards the latter.[9] Enmark (hostage) had criticized Bejerot (psychiatrist who invented the term) specifically for endangering their lives by behaving aggressively and agitating the captors. She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire, and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire. She was also critical of prime minister Olof Palme, as she had negotiated with the captors for freedom, but the prime minister told her that she would have to content herself with dying at her post rather than Palme giving in to the captors' demands.[10][11] Ultimately, Enmark explained she was more afraid of the police, whose attitude seemed to be a much larger, direct threat to her life than the robbers.[12] [Jess Hill, a journalist who criticized this in 2019] observed that not only was Bejerot's diagnosis of Enmark made without ever having spoken to her, it was in direct response to her public criticism of his actions during the siege.[9]
Bonus, here's what the captor/bank said lol:
Olsson later said in an interview that he could have easily killed the hostages in the beginning, but over time it became more difficult, as he developed an emotional bond with them:[12]
It was the hostages' fault. They did everything I told them to. If they hadn't, I might not be here now. Why didn't any of them attack me? They made it hard to kill. They made us go on living together day after day, like goats, in that filth. There was nothing to do but get to know each other.
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anastasiareyreed · 1 year
dear world, you have the opportunity to show your support for Ukraine in real life! please share!
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you can support Ukraine and call on your authorities to help Ukrainians survive the ecocide and expel the russian invaders from our territories!
in the coming days, a peaceful march in support of Ukraine will take place all over the world! please join and show by your example that the world need to be on the side of good!
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please spread the word and look for cities where you can join the march, Ukrainians really need your support!
📍Bucharest, Parcul TNB 19:00 10.06
📍Sydney, Town Hall 14:00 11.06
📍Batumi, Europe Square 19:00 11.06
📍Paris, Place de la Republique 16:00 10.06
📍London, 10 Downing Street 16:00 10.06
📍Kraków, Rynek Główny 1 16:00 11.06
📍 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Dam Square 14:00-16:00 11.06
📍Danmark, Aarhus, Molleparken 13:00 11.06
📍Adana, Ataturk Park 16:00 10.06
📍Porto, Praça Aliados 13:00 11.06
📍Lyon, Pl. de la Comédie 18.00 10.06
📍Prague, Staroměstské náměstí 17:00 10.06
📍Wroclaw, plac Solny 18:00 11.06
📍Nottingham, Speakers Corner, 16:00 10.06
📍 Barcelona, Passeig de Lluís Companys 16:00 11.06
📍Strasbourg, Parlement européen 17:30 12.06
📍Brisbane, Australia, King George Square 14:00 11.06
added new cities and dates:
📍Stockholm, Norrmalmstorg, 12:00 11.06
📍Tel Aviv, HaYarkon St 120 18:30 12.06
📍UK, Bristol, College Green 12:00 11.06
📍Vancouver, Jack Pool Plaza 14:00 11.06
📍Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz Square 11:00 11.06
📍Warsaw, Ukrainian embassy, Szucha 7 18:00 12.06
📍Valencia, Monument Antoni Ferrandis 16:00 11.06
📍Brisbane, King George Square 14:00 11.06
📍Freiburg, Platz der alten Synagoge 18:00 10.06
📍Kassel, Deutschland 17:00 10.06
over time, new cities and dates will be added
more information here!
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feminist-space · 2 years
Erin Bow:
"I just read -- in the book SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO by Jess Hill -- about the incident in Stockholm for which Stockholm Syndrome is named, and I am royally pissed off on behalf of all women, buckle up.
So, in 1973 there was this bank robbery In Stockholm. Two gunmen took four bank clerks hostage. This doesn't happen much in Sweden, and the police response can most charitably be described as inept. They surrounded the bank and kept it under siege for six days.
The public was rapt. The police probably felt they couldn't back down.
They got off to a bang up start when they sent their psychiatrist Nils Bejerot and a teenaged kid THOUGHT was the gunman's younger brother into the bank to negotiate. The kid was not in fact the younger brother and he got shot. Nils got out, though. Put a pin in that.
One of the hostages was a woman named Kristin Enmark. She strategically got close to the gunman who seemed more sane and more stable, because she thought that getting his protection was the best bet for getting out of there.
Definitely she didn't want to leave their lives in the hands of the police. She tried to talk to our friend Nils on the phone -- he refused to talk to her.
From inside the bank she gave a radio interview: "[The police] are playing with our lives. And they don't even want to talk to me, who is the one who will die if anything happens."
She was terrified the police would storm the bank and she and the other hostages would be killed in the cross fire. She even called the Swedish Prime Minister, proposing a plan where she and another hostage would leave the besieged bank with the two robbers.
The prime minister refused to agree, saying they couldn't give in to the demands of criminals. He told her: "Well, Kristin, you can't get out of the bank. You will have to content yourself that you will have died at your post."
When the police finally did teargas the place, they captured the gunmen and paraded them up and down the street. Enmark had had quite enough of theatre that would have cast her as "dead hero" and now wanted her to be "dazed victim."
She refused to get into a stretcher, walking out of the bank instead. She was not visibly traumatized in what the public considered the appropriate way. And she was critical of the police, especially their psychiatrist, our boy Nils.
It was at that point that he made up a syndrome -- Norrmalmstorg Syndrome, for the part of the city, later Stockholm Syndrome -- on the spot, and diagnosed her with it without ever talking to her personally.
Jess Hill writes: Stockholm Syndrome is a myth invented to discredit women victims of violence, created by a psychiatrist with an obvious conflict of interest, whose first instinct was to silence the woman questioning his authority.
The worst of it is this made-up disorder has been used to discredit (mostly but not exclusively) women who live with protracted danger and make strategic decisions about how and whether to resist.
In domestic abuse (a term author Hill prefers to domestic violence), Stockholm Syndrome is a tool for keeping the focus on the victim (“why didn’t she leave”) and not the perpetrator, or the system."
Links to the thread and related article below:
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elixir · 1 year
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Swedish bankrobber Clark Olofsson barricaded in a vault with hostages, from the event that coined the term Stockholm Syndrome. Norrmalmstorg, 26th August, 1973.
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thesebloodydays · 7 months
Norrland? Typ som Norrmalmstorg?
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monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
Scandinavia and Finland : Services and Fares leaflet : British Railways (Eastern Region) : 1960 by mikeyashworth Via Flickr: One of the series of leaflets issued by British Railways describing long-distance European rail travel using the then many ferry crossings to the Continent. Many of these steamer servces were at the time owned and operated by British Railways. Issued biannually, for Summer and Winter Seasons, the editions usually had different covers relating to the country or groups of countries the leaflet related to. At the time, prior to widespread air travel and the Channel Tunnel, the various ferry services, and allied train connections, were the main option for most travellers. These were commissioned from a range of artists and designers and this series, for Winter 1960/61, feature artworks by Reginald Lander (1930 - 1980) who undertook many commissions for British Railways and other clients. As well as the BR totem the covers also, unusually, feature the badge of the C.I.E.C., the European Railway Information Centre based in Rome who were the trans-national European railway organisation allied to the International Union of Railways. This leaflet gives details of a surprisingly varied number of routes including travel from London via Harwich to Germany and onwards to Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland; routes from Victoria station via Ostend, Brussels and onwards through Cologne; the Harwich to Esbjerg services using the Royal Danish Mail Services of Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab: London Tilbury and Gothenburg; Bergen Line sailings from Newcastle upon Tyne to Stavanger, Bergen and Oslo that included through trains from Kings Cross to Tyne Commission Quay; Newcastle to Oslo via Kristiansand and the Olsen Line; Associated Humber Lines services fromGoole to Copenhagen (Fridays with limited passenger accomodation), and the summer onlu Newcastle - Esbjerg/Copenhagen services of the Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab. At this date British Railways had an office in Stockholm at Norrmalmstorg 1.
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 10 months
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marimekko: Last night, we celebrated the start of the holiday season with our friends at our Norrmalmstorg store in Stockholm 💘
Alva Bratt via marimekko on Instagram, 12/01/2023.
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gonzalo-obes · 1 year
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Día del Internauta, Día Internacional para el recuerdo del comercio de esclavos y su abolición, Día Europeo de Conmemoración de las Víctimas del Estalinismo y el Nazismo, Día Internacional del Hashtag, Semana Mundial del Agua, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
Santa Rosalba, Santa Rosa de Lima, Santa Donvina y San Eleázaro.
Tal día como hoy en el año 217: Se incendia el Coliseo de Roma, a causa del rayo en una tormenta, siendo destruido casi por completo.
En 1572: Ocurre la matanza de San Bartolomé, en París, el día de San Bartolomé, en la que cristianos católicos asesinan a cristianos hugonotes. El número de muertos se estima en 3.000 en París y de 10.000 a 20.000 en toda Francia.
En 1913: Se instala en el paseo de la costa Langelinie la escultura de la Sirenita, en Copenhague (Dinamarca), siendo actualmente el símbolo más reconocido de la ciudad.
En 1942: En el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial da comienzo la batalla de Stalingrado en la Unión Soviética.
En 1966: El satélite espacial Lunar Orbiter de la NASA toma la primera fotografía de la Tierra vista desde la Luna.
En 1973: Ocurre el asalto a una sucursal del banco Kreditbanken en Norrmalmstorg (Suecia), en el que los atacantes toman varios rehenes durante ocho días, y que pasará a la historia por dar origen al término 'síndrome de Estocolmo'.
En 2006: Tras más de ocho años de cautiverio la joven austriaca, Natascha Kampusch, escapa de la casa de su secuestrador, en Strasshof an der Nordbahn en la Baja Austria. Fue secuestrada cuando tenía 10 años de edad y su captor, Wolfgang Priklopil se suicidó al enterarse de que se había escapado.
En 2011: Durante la rebelión árabe en Libia, los rebeldes consiguen tomar la capital del país, Trípoli.
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alexgreymusic · 2 years
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Interdisciplinary artist @SandraPoulson wears the Vernon wool scarf in her London studio. Her sculptural artwork commissioned by Acne Studios explores the political, cultural, and socio-economic landscape of Angola, Poulson’s country of birth, using a variety of mediums.⁣ ⁣ The artwork created, comprised of our winter wool scarves Canada, Vernon, and Vesta, is currently on show at Acne Studios Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm, until December 12th 2022. ⁣
Creative direction by Alex Grey
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tanukifucker91 · 1 year
Yesterday I was going to östasiatiska passing kungsträdgården and on the NK side there's lots of construction so I was just standing there waiting to pass the street for what felt like way too long when 3 young women, all dressed in long black coats passed me ignoring the gående hänvisas till andra sidan ↖️ sign and walking into traffic on the other side towards Norrmalmstorg, one of them with a neon yellow Birkin bag and another with an unlit cigarette in her hand that she was trying to light, so I just went in tow, following after then like let's go on an adventure girlies
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throwsherbet · 1 year
This has probably been picked up on already but interesting choice of t-shirt in the MV for Like Crazy. Acne Studios :
The Stockholm flagship store on Norrmalmstorg was the location of the 1973 bank robbery and subsequent hostage situation that gave rise to the term Stockholm syndrome for the psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy toward their captors
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brookstonalmanac · 25 days
Events 8.28 (after 1920)
1921 – Russian Civil War: The Red Army dissolved the Makhnovshchina, after driving the Revolutionary Insurgent Army out of Ukraine. 1924 – The Georgian opposition stages the August Uprising against the Soviet Union. 1936 – Nazi Germany begins its mass arrests of Jehovah's Witnesses, who are interned in concentration camps. 1937 – Toyota Motors becomes an independent company. 1943 – Denmark in World War II: German authorities demand that Danish authorities crack down on acts of resistance. The next day, martial law is imposed on Denmark. 1944 – World War II: Marseille and Toulon are liberated. 1946 – The Workers’ Party of North Korea, predecessor of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, is founded at a congress held in Pyongyang, North Korea. 1955 – Black teenager Emmett Till is lynched in Mississippi for whistling at a white woman, galvanizing the nascent civil rights movement. 1957 – U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond begins a filibuster to prevent the United States Senate from voting on the Civil Rights Act of 1957; he stopped speaking 24 hours and 18 minutes later, the longest filibuster ever conducted by a single Senator. 1963 – March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gives his I Have a Dream speech. 1964 – The Philadelphia race riot begins. 1968 – Police and protesters clash during 1968 Democratic National Convention protests as protesters chant "The whole world is watching". 1973 – Norrmalmstorg robbery: Stockholm police secure the surrenders of hostage-takers Jan-Erik Olsson and Clark Olofsson, defusing the Norrmalmstorg hostage crisis. The behaviours of the hostages later give rise to the term Stockholm syndrome. 1988 – Ramstein air show disaster: Three aircraft of the Frecce Tricolori demonstration team collide and the wreckage falls into the crowd. Seventy-five are killed and 346 seriously injured. 1990 – Gulf War: Iraq declares Kuwait to be its newest province. 1990 – An F5 tornado strikes the Illinois cities of Plainfield and Joliet, killing 29 people. 1993 – NASA's Galileo probe performs a flyby of the asteroid 243 Ida. Astronomers later discover a moon, the first known asteroid moon, in pictures from the flyby and name it Dactyl. 1993 – Singaporean presidential election: Former Deputy Prime Minister Ong Teng Cheong is elected President of Singapore. Although it is the first presidential election to be determined by popular vote, the allowed candidates consist only of Ong and a reluctant whom the government had asked to run to confer upon the election the semblance of an opposition. 1993 – The autonomous Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia in Bosnia and Herzegovina is transformed into the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia. 1993 – A Tajikistan Airlines Yakovlev Yak-40 crashes during takeoff from Khorog Airport in Tajikistan, killing 82. 1996 – Chicago Seven defendant David Dellinger, antiwar activist Bradford Lyttle, Civil Rights Movement historian Randy Kryn, and eight others are arrested by the Federal Protective Service while protesting in a demonstration at the Kluczynski Federal Building in downtown Chicago during that year's Democratic National Convention. 1998 – Pakistan's National Assembly passes a constitutional amendment to make the "Qur'an and Sunnah" the "supreme law" but the bill is defeated in the Senate. 1998 – Second Congo War: Loyalist troops backed by Angolan and Zimbabwean forces repulse the RCD and Rwandan offensive on Kinshasa. 1999 – The Russian space mission Soyuz TM-29 reaches completion, ending nearly 10 years of continuous occupation on the space station Mir as it approaches the end of its life. 2003 – In "one of the most complicated and bizarre crimes in the annals of the FBI", Brian Wells dies after becoming involved in a complex plot involving a bank robbery, a scavenger hunt, and a homemade explosive device. 2009 – NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery launches on STS-128.
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boneless-mika · 8 months
Also love the inconsistencies in reports about the Norrmalmstorg Robbery. Like the Swedish version of the Wikipedia article simultaneously lists 0 injured and claims a cop was shot and injured his hand as well as claiming another was hit in both the face and hand by a gun. Are cops not people?
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wikiuntamed · 1 year
On this day in Wikipedia: Monday, 28th August
Welcome, Bienvenida, Benvenuto, Willkommen 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 28th August through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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28th August 2021 🗓️ : Event - Thomson–East Coast MRT line The second phase of the Thomson-East Coast MRT line opens for service "The Thomson–East Coast Line (TEL) is a medium-capacity Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line in Singapore. Coloured brown on the rail map, it is fully underground. When fully completed, the sixth line on the country's MRT network will serve 32 stations over 43 kilometres (27 mi) in length, becoming one of..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by ZKang123
28th August 2017 🗓️ : Event - 2017 China–India border standoff China–India border standoff: China and India both pull their troops out of Doklam, putting an end to a two month-long stalemate over China’s construction of a road in disputed territory. "The 2017 China–India border standoff or Doklam standoff was a military border standoff between the Indian Armed Forces and the People's Liberation Army of China over Chinese construction of a road in Doklam, near a trijunction border area known as Donglang, or Donglang Caochang, meaning Donglang..."
28th August 2013 🗓️ : Death - Barry Stobart Barry Stobart, English footballer (b. 1938) "Barry Henry Stobart (6 June 1938 – 28 August 2013) was an English footballer who played in the Football League as a forward for Wolverhampton Wanderers, Manchester City, Aston Villa and Shrewsbury Town during the 1960s...."
28th August 1973 🗓️ : Event - Norrmalmstorg robbery Swedish police used gas bombs to end a seven-day hostage situation in Stockholm; during the incident the hostages had bonded with their captors, leading to the term Stockholm syndrome. "The Norrmalmstorg robbery was a bank robbery and hostage crisis best known as the origin of the term Stockholm syndrome. It occurred at the Norrmalmstorg Square in Stockholm, Sweden, in August 1973 and was the first criminal event in Sweden to be covered by live television.Jan-Erik Olsson was a..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Tage Olsin
28th August 1921 🗓️ : Event - Russian Civil War Russian Civil War: The Red Army dissolved the Makhnovshchina, after driving the Revolutionary Insurgent Army out of Ukraine. "The Russian Civil War (Russian: Гражданская война в России, romanized: Grazhdanskaya voyna v Rossii; 7 November 1917 — 16 June 1923) was a multi-party civil war in the former Russian Empire sparked by the overthrowing of the social-democratic Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by CapLiber
28th August 1822 🗓️ : Birth - Graham Berry Graham Berry, English-Australian politician, 11th Premier of Victoria (d. 1904) "Sir Graham Berry, (28 August 1822 – 25 January 1904), was an Australian colonial politician and the 11th Premier of Victoria. He was one of the most radical and colourful figures in the politics of colonial Victoria, and made the most determined efforts to break the power of the Victorian..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
28th August 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Augustine of Hippo "Augustine of Hippo ( aw-GUST-in, US also AW-gə-steen; Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis; 13 November 354 – 28 August 430), also known as Saint Augustine, was a theologian and philosopher of Berber origin and the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. His writings influenced the..."
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Image by Philippe de Champaigne
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] The bank robbery and hostage situation that led to the coining of the term "Stockholm syndrome" began on this day in history, Aug. 23, 1973. On that date, Jan-Erik Olsson, an escaped prisoner who was sentenced to three years in prison for grand larceny, burst into Sveriges Kreditbanken, located in Stockholm's Norrmalmstorg square, armed with a submachine gun. In an attempt to hide his identity as a native Swede, Olsson put on an American accent and said, in English, "The party has just begun," according to the website of the History Channel.ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 22, 1851, SCHOONER AMERICA WINS FIRST AMERICA'S CUP TROPHYAs it turned out, the "party" had indeed just begun: After wounding a police officer, Olsson then held four employees of the bank hostage for five days. Olsson demanded roughly $700,000 in Swedish and foreign currency, access to a getaway car and the release of Clark Olofsson, a man Olsson had befriended while in prison.  Press photographers and police snipers crouch side by side on a roof opposite the Kreditbanken bank on Norrmalmstorg square in Stockholm on Aug. 24, 1973. The term "Stockholm syndrome" was coined after the hostages were freed. (ROLAND JANSSON/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP via Getty Images)While these demands were met by the Swedish police — including a full tank of gas for the supplied Ford Mustang getaway car — Olsson did not release the four hostages nor did he agree to actually leave the bank, said the History Channel.The whole affair played out on television. The hostage situation was the first Swedish crime to be aired in real-time.  ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 11, 1934, AMERICA'S MOST NOTORIOUS PRISONERS ARRIVE AT ALCATRAZOn August 28, the hostage situation finally ended after Swedish police fired tear gas into the bank. Olsson and Olofsson left the vault and were arrested. No physical harm was done to any of the four hostages, but their behavior throughout their ordeal intrigued mental health professionals.  Jan-Erik Olsson, seen here in handcuffs, burst into a Swedish bank and held four employees hostage on August 23, 1973.   (BENT O NORDIN BON/TT NEWS AGENCY/AFP via Getty Images)"The captives quickly forged a strange bond with their abductors," noted the History Channel. Olsson gave one of the hostages a wool jacket when she was cold, and "gave her a bullet from his gun as a keepsake," the same source noted.Another hostage, Elisabeth Oldgren, was allowed out of the bank vault, albeit attached to a rope, when she said she was experiencing claustrophobia. The hostages were on a first-name basis with their captors by the second day of their captivity.  "I remember thinking he was very kind to allow me to leave the vault," Oldgren told The New Yorker a year after she was freed.The hostages were on a first-name basis with their captors by the second day of their captivity — and were even concerned for their overall welfare. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 5, 1962, MARILYN MONROE IS FOUND DEAD IN LOS ANGELESHostage Kristin Enmark told Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme that she "fully trust(ed) Clark and the robber" and that she was "not desperate." "They haven’t done a thing to us. On the contrary, they have been very nice. But, you know, Olof, what I am scared of is that the police will attack and cause us to die," she said. Enmark also insisted that the police allow Olsson and Olofsson to leave the vault before any of the hostages. Gunnel Birgitta Lundbald (upper left), Kristin Enmark (upper right), Elisabeth Oldgren (lower left) and Sven Safstrom (lower right) were all held hostage by Jan-Erik Olsson for five days beginning on Aug. 23, 1973. Their sympathetic attitudes toward their captors would be dubbed "Stockholm syndrome."  (Getty Images)"No, Jan and Clark go first — you’ll gun them down if we do," she said. Both of the robbers were arrested without incident and were sentenced to years in prison. While in prison, they were visited by their former hostages, said the History Channel. Both have since been released.ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 4, 1892, LIZZIE BORDEN'S FATHER AND STEPMOTHER ARE MURDERED IN MASSACHUSETTS Olsson is believed today to be in his early 80s (he was born in 1941). Olafsson, born in 1947, is thought to be 76 years old. "All health care providers recognize behaviors that result from a traumatic situation," said the Cleveland Clinic.  The seemingly bizarre bond between the hostages and their captors led a criminologist and a psychologist to create the term "Stockholm syndrome," according to the Cleveland Clinic's website. Those with Stockholm syndrome have "positive feelings toward the captors or abusers, sympathy for their captors’ beliefs and behaviors, (and) negative feelings toward police or other authority figures," said the Cleveland Clinic.  Patty Hearst is believed by some to have developed Stockholm syndrome after she was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Hearst took the name "Tania" and participated in a bank robbery on behalf of the group.  (Getty Images)While Stockholm syndrome is not officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, "all health care providers recognize behaviors that result from a traumatic situation," said the Cleveland Clinic. "The criteria for PTSD or acute stress disorder and some treatments are often similar to Stockholm syndrome." The term "Stockholm syndrome" entered the American consciousness with the 1974 kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst. Hearst, 19, was kidnapped by armed members of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a leftist group, from her apartment in Berkeley, California, on Feb. 4, 1974. Less than two months after her kidnapping, the SLA released a tape of Hearst saying she had officially joined the group, taken the name "Tania," and had "joined their fight to free the oppressed," said the FBI. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTERShe was arrested 19 months after her kidnapping for her role in a bank robbery on behalf of the SLA. Hearst claimed she was brainwashed and abused by the group. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPDespite these claims, she was found guilty, noted the FBI.President Jimmy Carter pardoned her in 1979, two years into her sentence.  Christine Rousselle is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital. 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ledscreensforrent · 2 years
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