homopakottaja · 1 year
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Vuoden parasta aikaa!
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anirobot · 1 year
WWF Wildlive  –  Baltic ringed seal                            
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Saimaa Ringed Seal (Pusa hispida saimensis)
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(Photo from WWF)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Finland
Size (Weight/Length)- 90 kg; 145 cm
Diet- Small fish
Cool Facts- The Saimaa ringed seal is one of the most endangered seals in the world with around 400 mature individuals. Only found in Lake Saimaa in Finland, they have been completely separate from any other species of seal for 9,500 years. While they exclusively eat fish, these seals eat almost every species that inhabit the lake. Despite this, the Saimaa ringed seal does not have an impact on the fishing industry of the area. Despite being protected from hunting for almost 70 years, the Saimaa ringed seal is on the brink of extinction. Due to the small size of the lake mixed with multiple bad breeding seasons in a row, certain fishing methods have been banned from Lake Saimaa along with artificial dens being installed on the beaches.
Rating- 14/10 (Check out Norppalive from WWF for some awesome videos and a live feed of these seals.)
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commander-ledi · 4 months
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i dont think 3 am should look like this (screencap from norppalive)
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happychildcreation · 4 months
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tristealven · 1 year
i love them
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ruttotohtori · 3 years
Jälleen kerran miljoonayleisön kerännyt norppalive suljetaan kello 11.30. Kamera suljetaan muutama päivää aiemmin kuin oli aikomus, sillä kameran paikka on paljastunut.
WWF:n tiedotteen mukaan paikan paljastumisen myötä kamera sijoitetaan ensi vuonna mahdollisesti uuteen paikkaan.
Saimaalla on tänä keväänä yleistynyt ilmiö, jossa ihmiset lähestyvät norppia kuvaamistarkoituksessa. Silminnäkijöiden mukaan ihmiset ovat lähestyneet myös Norppalivessä köllötteleviä yksilöitä niin, että nämä ovat joutuneet sukeltamaan rantakiviltä veteen piiloon.
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zeitgeistzest · 2 years
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ylakerrananimehomo · 3 years
ei saatana. mulla on parasosiaalinen suhde tohon norppaliven norppaan
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elperropan · 3 years
Soft Exercising with my friends from Finland. Saimaa Ringed Seals are rarer than mermaids and true masters of the Soft Exercise lifestyle.
Protected by valiant heroes of Finnish WWF, these tiny but majestic beauties can be found live streaming their techniques worldwide.
Can you spot them? Link to WWF livestream in my bio. Try it out!
❤️ 🍞 ❤️
-El Perro Pan
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yokyopeli · 4 years
Norppalive on palannut! Saimaa ringed seal live is back!
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hitodama89 · 5 years
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After a few weeks without spotting any seals at all in Norppalive, a couple days ago one of the cuties decided to compensate and spent pretty much a whole day posing for the camera! That sure was a good day for me.
(WWF has a traditon of putting up a trail cam that livestreams footage from lake Saimaa for about a month every spring. The idea is to let people observe extremely rare Saimaa ringed seals, but as the animals are wild no one can ever guarantee if they show up or not. Fortunately they usually eventually do.)
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hopeasusi · 5 years
Check out norppalive!
So WWF has this norppalive website that shows live footage of ringed seals and more specifically the Saimaa ringed seal. There are only about 400 of them alive. I suggest you check it out sometime!
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placecallednowhere · 6 years
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Early morning mood... 
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cucumberpoo · 7 years
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Norppana ei oo helppoa.
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