#nor am i interested in writing for tumblr anymore
bbybearcubbs · 2 months
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anomalymon · 4 months
[Essay] MissingNo Therian: An Exploration in Identity, Labels, and the Fictotherian Experience
We've seen a few posts of people wanting more personal essays in the community, so I thought I would write this and crosspost it to Tumblr. -Rex
I am a MissingNo. My exact form is one that's been fluid throughout my life, with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil forms having preference, but occasionally switching to the Lavender Town Ghost. I identify as a Pokemon therian or Poketherian for my species - or fictotherian for a broad term. This identification is one which can confuse people - after all, therianthropy is more traditionally associated with animals, and I identify as Pokemon that isn't real. My species only exists in four games that are well over two decades old and is a failsafe the game spits out. Why should I identify as a therian? Despite how strange it can seem, I still prefer therian over other labels such as otherkin and fictionkin. My therian identity is deeply intertwined with my hyperempathy, created by a bias of my animality, comes from viewing a MissingNo as a type of animal, and from experiencing common therian traits.
Therian over otherkin, fictionkin, or fictive
Some may be saying "why don't you call yourself fictionkin?" or even "Isn't otherkin for mythical species, while therian is for earthen species?" To address the later point, there have been better written essays dispelling this. I would highly recommend Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth by The River System for a well written and researched essay.
To address the former point, it is personal preference. I did use "otherkin" for years and still do identify as both otherkin and fictionkin, but the term "therian" is more in alignment to how I experience identity. I am an animal, I experience shifts, and I experience instincts.
I don't perceive MissingNo as sapient on the level of elves or some dragons. For me, being a MissingNo is also a "real" thing, as tangible as a dog, bird, or dragon. I don't consider myself glitchkin despite being a glitch, nor conceptkin. I am like the theriomythics who label themselves for being an animalstic gryphon or phoenix.
When it comes Fictionkin and fictive, to me they can be too focused on identifying yourself in the framework of being a character, which I'm not. I'm not a creepypasta character anymore than one of the Hypno species would be. I still do identify as fictional - I can comfortably identify as "fictherian" or my preference "fictotherian" (Which comes from "fictotype". I believe I started this term usage - since when I started using it, I could find no results to it, but I did use it in forum posts, Discord servers, and other methods).
Fictive falls under a similar problem - but with slightly more alienation. While the term is open to me, my identity history makes me feel out of place in a community of walk-ins and introjects when it was one that developed later in life.
How I became a MissingNo and the grip of hyperempathy
My identity as a MissingNo came later in life. I began existing in my system as a canine pup - which I know from behaviors and mannerisms that I later connected to me in the present, and genuinely expressing feeling like a dog as a child. Years later, I identified this species as a manned wolf.
Then at around the age of ten, my identity shifted to a glitch Pokemon. What at least contributed to it was developing a special interest in Glitch Pokemon around this time. This combined with our natural hyper-empathy and perhaps being conceptum to subconsciously alter my identity over time.
These interpretations can cause me to be out of place. While I still love glitch Pokemon and I am fascinated by them, I rarely find anyone who also has an intense interest and fascination while having this level of hyperempathy - even if I encounter others who have some alterhuman or even gender or sexuality connection to glitch Pokemon. Almost uncontrollably do I see glitch Pokemon as genuine Pokemon. I might grow attached to certain Pokemon in the way I would a pet.
The overall psychological influence means that this identity comes down to personal interpretations and personification. I'm not a natural animal and you cannot read about me in a textbook or find any bits of lore within the games, but rather, I am an animal that came from the mind of a mentally ill person.
MissingNo the animal
What defines "animal" varies. Humans are biologically animals and primates, but not all humans identify with those terms, with some taking offense to it. To someone with hyperempathy, a stuffed animal may be as much of an animal as a living one, or even a car might be a type of animal to certain minds. This connection is what makes me feel a MissingNo can be a type of animal.
Additionally, Pokemon are their world's equivalent of animals, and this is how most of my system views Pokemon due to one of our deepest parallel life connections being a humanlike Mewtwo. This sentiment is also one I've seen many Poketherians have. In the world of our origin, we are animals. For another essay on a similar experience, I'd highly recommend "The Fire Burns Bright" by Jasper, an Alolan Marrowak therian.
Within the contexts of the games and many interpretations - including my own - MissingNo is also a bird. It is one of few Pokemon which use this glitch beta typing. Being a bird can be equally as much a part of it and I'd consider birds as a paralleltype and one where I may confidently call myself a bird. Albeit a very odd bird.
The wolf and animal bias in my core
In addition to the bird of the MissingNo, the manned wolf at my heart is still important to my identity. It's in between otherhearted and therian on a sliding scale, and I identify it more as manned wolf-hearted for convenience, but it's closer to "kinth". I don't know why I am or was a manned wolf, but it doesn't quite matter to me either way. What matters is that there is the manned wolf.
To me it feels as if despite my core being or "soul", my mind became a MissingNo while the core remained the same. To my soul, a MissingNo is a type of dog. Then, to my mind, a manned wolf is a type of Pokemon. Both of these identities came about and exist in harmony rather than opposition.
Another comparison that the heart and soul makes is being "feral". Glitch entities in video games to me are almost like an animal which can't be domesticated. They may act fine, but every so often you'll encounter something that reminds you that at their core, they're wild. MissingNo still scrambles sprites and Hall of Fame data - and you can't have a "normal" experience with it. MissingNo is to Pokemon as a wolf is to a dog.
The instincts that made me tear apart playsets when playing house pretending to be a dog are still present in the instincts that make me want to tear apart meat when I eat it.
The Experience of a MissingNo Animal
I fit into many traditional therianthropy experiences and unto a hybrid canine/avian experience - just perhaps with more twists towards the bizarre.
I am a contherian when it comes to mental shifting and almost always feeling like an animal. However, I do experience phantom shifts. I get the sensations of skeletal fangs, claws, and a body that's far heavier and taller than my tiny, human form. Though the bizarre comes when during these shifts, I don't feel like I have skin and much of my body feels transparent, I feel like I should be able to stick my hand through my lower jaw.
I feel the sense of freedom and flight when I ride a bike downhill. For a few minutes when I bike, I can imagine myself flying. I sit in rivers and ponds among the wading birds feeling like I belong. I treat the chicks and chickens we raise like a part of my flock.
I still want to hunt. Sometimes I need to fight my instincts to recognize chicks as flockmates and not food. I like to eat wildly and I like to taste blood and fat in my food. When I eat, I feel like like the blood should dribble through my skinless jaw bone. Skeletal claws should be typing this essay instead of fleshy human fingers.
I am an animal, and despite doubts, I am a therian.
This label fits my experiences better than the alternatives. I don't feel as much alienation or out of place compared to other communities even though my species isn't an "animal" in the traditional sense. Hyperempathy has created this experience for me in that I feel more comfortable saying I am an animal than I am from fiction.
My center being is animal and always has been, it's just how its presented through my life has shifted. The animal instincts have only developed as my species has.
It is my hope that more unusual therians might come forth and be encouraged to examine their experiences - and for both earthen therians and potential theriomythics or fictotherians to explore what exactly "animal" means to them. I want others to also examine where their mind's biases may lead them, how that can impact their identity, and use it to feel more at peace in what the heart wants.
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tio-trile · 10 months
Obligatory sorry if you're fed up with GO2 asks!
I'm a new fan of the show (like, a few weeks after season 2 came out a friend lent me their Prime acc to binge watch everything) and haven't read the book at all but!
It's like in S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them kind of,, in S1 the point of view shifted almost constantly and at the end the plotlines converged together in a cathartic moment for all of our beloved characters, but in S2 it's just,, present Aziracrow and past Aziracrow,, which is fine, I liked that they showcased the way they were and are with each other but it would've been better if there were less of these moments.
Talking about these, I saw that a lot of people on Tumblr were excited to see Crowley as an angel and it could've been good but. I don't get why Aziraphale HAD to be here, or more like HAD to interact with him and remember/recognize him later, and I'm not really thrilled about the fact that Crowley is implied to be someone important! It just feels like Crowley and Aziraphale aren't equals anymore ; Crowley Always Knows Best he admittedly was someone pretty important in heaven before and he feels more Holier Than Thou than the literal angel he's with?? I get that he Fell so he already knows for sure that Heaven is corrupt but,, I don't know, I feel like Aziraphale lost agency and just Can't Do Anything Right anymore! (And Crowley Can't Do Anything Wrong anymore either??)
I found the flashbacks for ineffable bureaucracy quite adorable but it was all too sudden! It feels the Gabriel mystery just wasn't progressing at all during the season and at the last minute, ta-dahh here's an exposition dumb on what happened, no build-up for the now canon pairing. Not a big fan of amnesia in general but even less when the amnesic character just gets everything back for a dramatic reveal scene, maybe I would have felt like things actually happened in this season if Gabriel was slowly able to access some memories. We could have had the build-up of him and Beelzebub planning on escaping together in the flashbacks! (And I mean, I get that there was the fly and the song but,, It didn't really affect Gabriel/Jim so it doesn't feel,,, enough?)
I was completely indifferent to Maggie and Nina. Also could've worked better as a separate POV from Aziracrow. I just didn't get enough scenes to care for them or feel any chemistry. Nina was already in a relationship, and Maggie was just crushing on her. They didn't really get together at the end but they're involved enough in the idea of them getting together in the future to give Crowley love advice and for Maggie to wait for Nina. I just don't really get it? If the goal was Maggie and Nina getting together, then they needed more time and scenes. If the goal was that they would not get together because Aziraphale and Crowley were trying to force them to be, then why saying that they "only needed a little push," that Maggie is "willing to wait for Nina," why both give love advice to a guy they barely know when they barely know each other too?
Anyways, I really liked the show (and am still eager for a potential S3)! But I feel like Neil Gaiman's writing is missing a similar style to Terry's (though obviously I wouldn't know what his writing is like since I. Haven't read the book nor other books from this/both of these actually authors), and important reoccurring characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley.
Yes, I agree with a lot of your points! And it's very interesting for me to hear that we share a lot of the same opinions although coming from different places -- being an older book fan and being a newer show-only fan. "S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them" is exactly right, and similar to what I complained about not liking them "being the main characters". And I completely agree with that even if we see Angel!Crowley, Aziraphale doesn't have to be there, and also not liking that Crowley was somebody important before. And yeah, I've said it before but the Gabriel mystery and even the Nina/Maggie romance have potential, but ends up falling flat. Thank you for the ask! Apology accepted.
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I don't understand the Discord hype. Yes, I get that it is more mobile-friendly and you don't need any extensions nor do you have to worry about editing replies. Yes, you can favor certain people and replies without other people getting salty over that. Yes, I get that, but it is not like you have to do crazy editing on tumblr either. Most of my writing partners moved to discord these days. My dashboard is very slow and my threads have decreased a lot. Yes, they ask me if I want to move the things to Discord but here is my issue: Discord stresses me out! 1. People on discord think that because of the no editing/mobile replies they get replies faster. That's my main problem. I don't always WANT to reply all the time, all day, multiple times a day. I want to keep my tumblr blog alive, I have a real life, I want to continue making resources for the community and my day only has 24 hours. If I reply several times to all the discord things I have, I will not get anything on my tumblr blog done, I will not be able to make gifs, etc. Discord IS time consuming while on tumblr you can AT LEAST queue replies and people don't expect you to reply several times a day. 2. Communication. People expect you to inform them when you are online or when you go offline, mainly corresponding with no.1 because they expect you to do rapid replies with them. But guys, have you thought about that for a second? Most people can hardly communicate their needs on tumblr but Discord is better? Discord requires even MORE communication. Ghosting threads or severs is much more obvious on Discord than it is on Tumblr unless you COMMUNICATE. But people don't do that instead they get salty when you don't inform them about your online hours. Really now? So, I get why people prefer Discord because it's easier to handle. But am I the only one who gets stressed out? When I tell my mutuals that I WILL move to discord with them, but that I will not be able to reply more than twice a day, they ghost me and honestly that stresses me out even more. I tell them "yes we can move but…" and i am met with silence because suddenly I'm not interesting to them anymore. That's hardcore asshole behavior. If you like writing with me, you accept that I have a LIFE! It's not like I'd make you wait for months, I'd make you wait 24 hours MAX!!!!! I'm not surprised people abandon their blogs as soon as they are on Discord, in my opinion Discord is much more demanding and time consuming compared to tumblr. Yes, fast moving threads are fun, I love that too, but not when it takes up all my free time and I can't have any other hobby besides that it's not fun anymore. But it feels like I'm the only one thinking that way. Maybe I'm too old at this point.
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 months
Our Future
Hey everyone, long time no see.
I’ve been putting this off for a while now, however, I believe I owe you guys some sort of response/update.
I’m gonna be honest. I’ve lost interest in Jack Harlow. Yes, his music is great, yes he’s attractive, however, I’m just not into writing for him anymore. Or writing at all.
As some of you may know, I am well known for my smuts. I get a lot of asks for them, and a lot of comments on how good they are. However, my sexuality prohibits whether I write or not, and recently is has to the extreme. A while back I made a post explaining my sexuality and how it affects me daily, which I will link here. I’m not going to go into details, as you can read the post, but basically sometimes I feel romantic, sometimes I don’t. The same thing goes with for the concept of intimacy. And because of this, I can’t write unless I’m in the mood, which is becoming a few and far in between.
At this point, I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve received a lot of suggestions, however, when I go to put forth the effort, it just isn’t there; which can been kind of seen with my one sentence requests.
I don’t want to say I’ll be back to writing, because 9 times out of 10, I won’t. However, I also don’t want to say I’m leaving, because I don’t think I am. I just have no motivation to write at the moment. Will that change in the future, maybe? I don’t know just yet.
With that being said, I’d like to apologize, to the asks I’ve received and never answered, to the stories I’ve promised and never completed, to those of you who are waiting for me - I am deeply sorry. I’m just not feeling it anymore.
I’ve also noticed that the Jack Harlow tumblr presence is now dead. No one is really active on here; and part of me wants to come back and change that, but the other part of me wants to just leave it.
I do want to give thanks to all of the people who I’ve made friendships with, you know who you are. I’d also like to thank all of you, who have showed interest in me in my page, I’m grateful for every single one of you.
To keep things short, and to give some reassurance - I will no longer be on tumblr as frequent as I was before. I haven’t decided if I wanted to stay, nor decided if I want to go, so it’s really up in the air. Please do not expect posts, as I don’t want to leave you hanging mid-air. However, please be assured that my page will be up. I will not take down this page unless stated so in the future, but as of right now, I’m not taking it down anytime soon.
I will be pinning this post, so underneath my signature theres a link to my navigation, as well as a few others.
I love you all, and thank you so much for sticking with me this long.
- Luna 🌙
Navigation & Destination | Plagerization Poll | Main Masterlist
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fantasywritten · 9 months
So, it’s pretty obvious to everyone that I haven’t really been here lately. Life happens, and things changed, and I have had to come to the difficult conclusion that… my interests have changed.
Up until now, I have spent my time on this blog using icons, writing extensively, using the queue system, using a complicated tagging system, using a thread tracker, and trying desperately to keep up with every single one of my interactions. And although the writing and creating stories alongside you all has been an amazing experience, I have to take a step back, at least from the way I was doing things before.
Let me make one thing clear: I am not leaving Tumblr. I may or may not move blogs, but at this point, I’m not leaving.
However, I have decided to become a low activity, iconless, casual roleplayer. What does this mean? Well, I’m not going to have a thread tracker anymore, nor am I going to use icons. I’m not going to write in small text — or do any formatting at all, really. I’m going to start and drop threads as I wish. I’m going to answer memes at my own discretion. I’m going to only answer IMs if they don’t make me anxious. I’m going to use muses that I want to use, when I want to use them. I’m going to write with the people that I want to write with, and the people that want to write with me. I’m finally going to prioritize my own needs.
I understand that this may sound harsh. I understand that this may sound selfish. But one thing that I’ve had to learn and accept lately is that there’s a fine line between selfishness and self-care. Putting yourself first is not selfish; it’s necessary.
And if people don’t want to write with me because of this, that’s okay. And that’s something that I have to accept.
My muse list is going to become fluid, meaning that I will have a list of muses that I will write, but I will focus on the muses that I want to focus on at any given period in time. My tagging system will change; I will start to tag things much more simply. OOC posts will simply be tagged “ooc.” IC posts will simply be tagged with the muse’s name; for example, if I was writing a reply from John Kramer, it would be tagged as “john kramer,” and so on and so forth.
I hope these changes aren’t too drastic. If they are and you no longer wish to write with me, I wish you the absolute best, and I completely understand. I truly do love each and every one of you, and I’d like to personally thank you all for being a part of this amazing journey so far. And although my interests have changed, as of right now, I will still be here. You know where to find me! ❤️
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stvrni0lo · 10 months
regarding that ask about real people fics, just wanted to say something. i don`t read real people fics anymore nor am i interested in them (i just like your vibe in general, thats why i`m here lol), but it is just so nice, refreshing and pleasant to see people who write this type of stuff to be as respectful as you and other similar authors are, because when i used to read those fics, it wasn`t a concept at all💀 and it kinda makes me feel icky. so it`s really cool that you`re that considerate!
i mean it’s the bare minimum and just common courtesy, but thank you!
i’m the same, i’ve seen a lot of weird stuff out there and i really just wanted to set myself apart from that because you’re right; it just feels weird and wrong. like if i was famous and i saw stuff like that about me i’d be pretty freaked out yk? i just try to put myself in their shoes so anything i’d be uncomfortable being written about me i try to not include at all
and thank you for being here! i’m glad i can be different in that way and that i can have people enjoy my writing without making it too over-sexualized and gross like i’ve seen many people on tumblr do. (i’m talking about authors who write about real people; i think fictional characters are a whole different topic)
i hope you have a great day/night☺️
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Hey guys. Sorry for being quiet for a month. Hopping on here to let y'all know that I do still have a pulse. Things have been... fine? I guess? Here's a bit of a wordy update on my situation right now, but the tl;dr is, I'm good, HE is still on hiatus, but I'll get back into the groove soon hopefully. Also happy holidays!
The mysterious and vague 'personal life stuff' is still ongoing, and I really don't know how long it'll be something that I have to deal with. I'm continuing to not elaborate because it is very much a personal life thing, but I can assure you that nobody's dying or anything grim like that.
On an only somewhat related note, my expendable income has shrank dramatically in the past few months, so I've been having to get a lot more stingy with what I spend money on. I'm not poverty stricken; I can still afford rent and bills and groceries and whatnot, I just gotta cut corners where I can so I can actually build up my savings.
What does this mean for Humanity's Endling? Well, it's... still on hiatus, technically. But really it just means I'm picking up more shifts than I'd usually care to, which means less time to actually work on it. If work were being done on it to begin with. I'm also cutting out my NSO subscription, which unfortunately means I will not be playing Splatoon 3 much at all anymore. Granted, I was kinda taking a break from it already, so it's not like I've been getting my money's worth of the subscription anyways. So if you were curious about my absence during this most recent Big Run, or the lack of a lengthy season observation/headcanon post like last time, that is why.
All of that said, it's not like I haven't been writing at all - just been hard focusing what creative juices I'm still able to generate given my situation on the accursed TTRPG I've mentioned in prior rambles, as that's an actively running thing that I kinda need to constantly pump stuff out for.
Speaking of which, I pulled a Super Mario Galaxy and wrote a whole ass children's book for the players to find as a lore thing. It was written with the intention of just being a normal children's book in a bubble, but when viewed with the context of the entire campaign thus far, takes on a completely different meaning. Which is to say, you don't need to know a damn thing about the campaign to appreciate the story - a theory I tested by having two people who aren't players read it.
One almost cried. The other actually cried. And when the players found it in our most recent session, one of them also cried, and we had to take a breather after the fact.
Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I feel like that's one hell of an achievement. So I am pretty proud of myself for that. If you guys are interested, I might clean it up a bit and post it either on Ao3 as an original work or just straight onto this tumblr. It's only about 2k words, so it should fit nicely in a single post.
That's all I can really think of to say at the moment. Again, even though I might seem a bit quiet, I am still here. I take a peek at tumblr at least once a day to see if anyone's sent any asks or anything like that, so don't be afraid to toss something into my inbox if you have a question.
Oh, and for the anon who sent an ask suggesting me to upload what I have of Act II done already - I don't exactly plan my stories in a linear fashion, nor do I write them as such either. It's closer to me thinking of the major moments I wanna do, plotting out how to connect them, refining, refining, refining, rearranging, refining, scrap half of what I have done, rearranging, suddenly having an epiphany, scrapping another chunk... yeah, it's a bit chaotic. I see what you're trying to say though, and I do appreciate the suggestion, but it can't really be done with the way I go about writing.
That's it from me. Happy Holidays. Play Cyberpunk 2077. It's a good game, I swear. Or Undertale Yellow if you own a toaster. It's me, I own a toaster. I played Cyberpunk on my brother's computer. Thanks, bro. Love you.
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kingofangst · 9 months
Alright, I humbly apologize for the delay, but I am presenting chapter 4 of The Wings Of An Enigmatic.
Through unfortunate time schedules, intense editing and battling procrastination I have completed and it is a very long chapter with lots of name dropping, canon characters and new characters and plus a slight premonition spoiler delving into the future seasons of Teen Wolf. Plus a brief heartbreaking angsty moment between Seraph and someone familiar.
So be prepared.
(Note: Unfortunately due to Tumblr's writing settings, I was unable to have a huge chunk of the story underlined with italics because for some odd reason, Tumblr does not have an underlined text feature. So the premonition scene is in italics sadly and only some words/number are color coded and bold to let you know hints)
Tags list for the series: @rhyslahey @phantomraeken @bendystrah @hemlocksandfoxgloves @thiamsxbitch
(If you want me to add you into the tags list, let me know and I will make sure you are updated on this series)
Chapter 4: Unpremeditated Future
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"-Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
"-Since when you became Einstein?"
"-Since when were you so interested of my input on the matter? I presumed humans were nescient."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The moment Seraph, his mother and sister reach the driveway of the estate, they see a silver 1972 Daimler Double Six parked outside the cobblestone courtyard. They all know who is home, the father of Seraph and Celes and husband of Elizabeth: Azrael Kingfisher.
“Dad is home. How wonderful. I am pretty sure his precognition must have seen your act of Valor earlier.” Seraph utters out, getting out of the car.
“Yes and despite what your father may think, he knows it would be for a good cause.” Elizabeth remarks before getting out of the car before heading to the vermillion mahogany double doors of the estate. The moment they enter the door and step into the foyer, they are greeted by a deep voice.
“Must I ask what made you pursue that courageous endeavor that was enacted in my premonition?” The trio turn to see Azrael enter with a grim expression. Elizabeth sighs at her husband’s concern. “The faint scent of blood obscures my sense of smell and it is radiating from you, darling.”
“The hambone and the bruise already healed, despite the tiny drop of blood that leaked out of the bruised wound. But I am not limping anymore nor am I vulnerable to such a minor inconvenience. Besides, it was either me or Sheriff Stilinski, and we’re both aware that a human does not bear supernatural healing factors like ours.” Elizabeth inferred while dropping her handbag on the davenport of the L-shaped designed furniture. Seraph and Celes make no room to talk as they prefer not to recall the events.
“I am very well aware, but no one I love dearly, especially my own wife, should put themselves in danger. After all we have to hide our identities with the cursed Argents in town, as well as that pugnacious and barbaric Alpha in the shadows of Beacon Hills.” Azrael cautions, “That also does not exempt the two of you.” He points at his children.
“Yes, thank you very much, dad.” Celes dryly accepts.
“Oh please, if the Alpha knew what we are, he would have exterminated us a long time ago, considering that werewolves majority of the times are no match for a-”
“My dearests,” Seraph’s words were interjected by a gentle but firm tone coming from the dining room. The clicking of heels echo as a woman with white hair tied in a neat bun, soft but striking amber eyes that were not like Azrael’s gray ones, and a skin tone with little to no wrinkles emerges from the doorway leading to the dining room. She wore a beige turtleneck with a white knee-length skirt and white heels to match the lower half of her attire. The Grandmother of Seraph and Celes, the mother of Azrael and mother-in-law of Elizabeth, and the matriarch of the Kingfisher family, Concordia Kingfisher. “Please, let us not skirmish over a courageous and brave act that ensured the safety of the Sheriff.”
The rest of the family calmed down and dutifully made their way to the Victorian dining hall with a table of many dishes. As the butler, Arnold and the housekeeper, Milene handed out the silverware and utensils for dinner, Seraph stares at the array of antipastos, primos, secondos, and dolces in the table. No sign of repulsive asparagus.
“Yes Seraph, I made sure there would be no asparagus in our dinner tonight. Despite how common it is in Italian cuisine, your abhorrence of it is well regarded.” His grandmother spoke, already aware of Seraph’s wary gaze.
“Merci Beaucoup, grand-mére. I think I will enjoy our dinner tonight, unlike the other nights.” Seraph smiles tensely, as he takes the antipasto course first, filling his plate with insalata caprese and his glass with sparkling water. Concordia rolls her eyes at her grandson’s witty response before stabbing her fork in her own plate of antipasto platter.
“May I inquire about your impressions from your parent-teacher conference, Seraph? Notwithstanding the fact that your grade-point average is at a 4.7 in Beacon Hills High I presume.” His father speaks while he sips red wine.
“Your presumption about our son’s grades is impeccable.” Elizabeth verified while she fills her plate with bruschetta and prosciutto e melone. Seraph was about to reply but was cut off by his sister’s snarky words.
“Oh yes. Albert Einstein here has such a wonderful grade-point average that he has 100s in almost all of his classes yet he is unhappy that his academic rival has a 5.0 grade point average, 3 points higher than him.” Celes mocks him, biting a piece of her bruschetta. Seraph scoffs.
“You have such a penchant for pettiness. You are better off being Lydia’s loyal servant and lackey with that incorrigible attitude.” Seraph quips while inserting a sliced tomato in his mouth.
“Because Lydia is better than you in every-”
“Anyways,” He ignores his sister’s rambling, “my grades are indeed immaculate. Therefore this determines the conclusion of this conversation.” Seraph goes back to consuming his salad. His father nods his head knowingly before engaging in filling his plate with the primo course.
“Oh, let me remind you all. Ephraim, Volumnia, and their children will be coming here in 3 weeks.” Concordia announces to the group.
“Why? We already celebrated Christmans and New Years with them. What more do they want from our presence?” Seraph questions a little insensitively. Concordia sighs out with an emotionless look.
“They are your family, Seraph. Your uncle, aunt and cousins are family that would love to see you.”
“Oh yes, family only when they want to irritate you when you want time to concentrate on important matters.” Seraph states while he stabs his fork in the salad, before sipping his drink.
“Are you only saying that because you do not want to deal with Coriolanus?” Celes asks smugly. This moron.
Coriolanus Kingfisher is the cousin of Seraph and Celes, and the son of Ephraim Kingfisher and Volumnia Kingfisher. A graduate student at Stanford University and was once a close friend of Camden Lahey. They have been inseparable for their entire childhood and adolescence, until that incident that happened in the pool at the Lahey residence with one of Seraph’s former childhood friends, Matthew Daehler. Ever since the neglect and treatment of that incident and how carefree Isaac’s older brother was, Coriolanus cut off all ties with him. His 24 year old cousin was glad he didn’t join the swimming team back then. In doing so however, Seraph severed his ties with Isaac and Matt due to the scandalous actions of Mr. Lahey at that incident. His grandmother imparted the notion of their family distancing themselves from the Laheys, the Daehlers, and anyone else who was involved in that incident along with their familial ties. Severed relations aside, his cousin tends to be teasing, charming, a douchebag, and a prankster at heart. Not to mention he tends to tease his height too, as his cousin is 6 '4 feet tall and dwarfs almost everyone in the family except his father, Coriolanus’s father and mother.
The thought of seeing his older cousin fills him with unbridled aggravation. The catalyst for a sit-com drama that makes Seraph the universe’s punching bag. The epitome of his suffering will be in three weeks. This is Injustice.
“You are aware that Diana and Clemensia would not mind you being part of our shenanigans, right? Surely they are tolerable compared to Coriolanus, even though he is tolerable to me.” Celes specifies while taking a chocolate truffle. Seraph doesn’t share the sentiment about his other cousins compared to Coriolanus.
Diana, first daughter of Ephraim and Volumnia, is not the required norm for an average female college student. No, Diana is a femme fatale and a woman who is a fluid combination of compassion and ferocity. She’s a Beacon Hills Alumni from the class of 2007, and like Seraph, she was the enigmatic queen of the school. Hence why sometimes, Seraph is compared to Diana in some of his interactions. She is not as enigmatic as she used to be thanks to experiencing college at UCLA as well as traveling abroad and only comes to see her extended family on holidays and breaks, testing her patience is a grave mistake as she will deliver cold and savage vocabulary that can break someone’s ego and spirit. She’s done it before, so it’s no surprise if she retained that side of her.
Clemensia, in contrast to her older sister, is the true definition of privileged and being a “Diva”. She is treated like a princess, often goes on shopping sprees like changing undergarments, an enormous jet-setter as she travels to luxurious destinations all over the world. Her most recent picture in the Maldives already states her wealth without her explaining it verbally. While Diana likes her used Volkswagen Beetle, and Coriolanus drives a 1967 pick-up truck he bought from an auction, Clemensia is obsessed with driving cars like Mercedes Benz, Aston Martins, and Audis. She even will wear the trendiest clothes that are currently advertised now. Yet despite all of this, Clemensia contains an empathetic and warm heart, and she isn’t hubristic of her surroundings. She keeps her supernatural status a safeguarded secret. Clemensia, unlike her older siblings, attended Devenford Prep. Therefore she is attuned to the prestige and opulence settings, plus her lavish outfits and accessories.
“Your offer raises the expectation of reciprocity. Could you please outline any specific actions or terms you have in mind?” Seraph aims a sarcastic smile at his sister while he takes a portion of lasagna. Celes sends him her own sarcastic smile.
“Of course, since payment is always required with favors. Lend me your art room for the next year and I will humbly allow you to hang out with me, Diana, and Clemensia.” Celes requests. Seraph nearly chokes on his food before staring at his sister as if she had gained 3 heads.
“You have got to be kidding me, sister. For me to procure you my private art room full of authentic art pieces and my own work is a risky deal. Not to mention your mischievous nature to have stuff missing around the estate.”
Celes glances at her brother baffled. “What makes you think I would misplace your artwork for my own art? I have never done that before.”
“Okay then, how about the time you accidentally dropped my phone in the sewers when you and I were ages in early adolescence?” Seraph questions with narrowed eyes.
“That was one time-”
“Or the time you cleaned out the attic and threw away my science project that was due in 2 days, which took a week to complete, and almost cost me my grade in middle school?”
“Okay that was an accident. I did not mean-”
“OR, during the occurrence when you had crashed mom’s car last year to test drive it because you did not follow traffic law regulations and crashed into one of the Deputy’s police cruisers and mom had to pay a hefty fine for your negligence?” Seraph asks each of the turbulent times of occurrence of his sister causing small hazardous risks.
“OKAY I GET IT!!! But this time, I will not do anything to harm or destroy your pieces in the process I obtain your art room for the next 3 months.” Celes huffs out, no longer wanting the pasta but interested in taking the cannolis. The older relatives of Azrael, Elizabeth, and Concordia have already grown used to these antics amongst Seraph and Celes so they pay no mind to it so long as it doesn’t involve cruel or hurtful phrases.
“You state that now, but I can hear your heartbeat and read your mind, and you are having anxious thoughts while your heart has a couple of upticks here and there based on your words of accord. So I am not sure if I can trust you.” Seraph berates with a smirk. Celes' eyes narrow in slight annoyance.
“Fine, is there anything I can do to appease you to let me use your art room so that I can allow you in our social party?”
“Of course, since payment is always required with favors.” Seraph glances at her smirking, mocking the very same phrase she presented him with earlier.
“Oh for the love of God-”
“Fine,” Celes relents as she cuts off her father’s exasperation. “I will offer you a two way plane ticket I received from an auction to Austria, plus with that offer is a 7 day stay in Vienna at the exclusive Hotel Das Alpen at their spacious and opulent Penthouse suite.”
Seraph hums in delight and confusion. While he admires the idea his sister could achieve such lavish offers and the ability to travel to Austria sounds extraordinary, but for his pleasure, he will bask in his sister’s defeat…
“Sounds rather extravagant. An offer that sounds so spectacular, immaculate, and nigh impossible to not accept…” He trails off while thumbing his fingers on the dark brown mahogany dining table. “However-”
“Oh do not start that. We’ve been in far too many grandiose events and places to not even care about how something is luxurious and fantastic to cast aside.” Celes cuts him off with a glare. But Seraph doesn’t stop there.
“It doesn’t sound grandiose to me. Not like the Beacon Hills Gala our family hosted back in 2010, or the Hofburg Silvesterball in Austria, in addition to the Vienna Opera Ball, or even the Bal De La Rose of Monaco within the world’s creme de la creme.” Seraph lists out cooly while Celes’ patience and desperate attempts to get her brother to accept the offer are growing thin.
“Please, can you accept this offer so I can kindly use your art room for a year?” Celes asks kindly. Bingo, dear sister.
“Yes, I humbly accept.” Seraph replies without hesitation, dumbfounding his sister. But as she sees her brother’s grin of gratification, she gives him a piercing death stare.
“Oh you swine-!”
“For Heaven's sake,” Concordia interrupts with her hands clasped in front of her face, exhaling a stressful puff, which is ironic given their grandmother’s and their own immunity to stress thanks to their supernatural biology. “Let’s redirect our focus back to our dinner if the two of you do not mind. Me, Arnold and Milene did not prepare this meal for it to be sitting here like decorum.”
“Certainly grandmother.” Seraph gleefully says while Celes offers a wordless grunt of acceptance. But he then eyes his sister with feigning innocence. “It has been a miraculous delight conducting business with you, my esteemed sister.”
“You little shit…" Celes telepathically swears vehemently to Seraph, adding more to the enigmatic teen’s smug grin. As the family continue to eat dinner peacefully, the Alpha proceeds to do it’s vengeful quest and deadly hunting against those who deserve it in the thief of the night through the howling winds of Beacon Hills.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The first few periods of class were anything but fascinating. The whole mountain lion incident that happened on the night of parent teacher conferences, which happened 4 days ago, was swept under the rug as if it was of no importance. Typical for humans to even assess such situations.
Now it is lunchtime and he enters the cafeteria with his tupperware of rotisserie chicken, quinoa, cauliflower, and cornbread. He was even able to get the last slice of tiramisu cake this morning, to Celes’ anger as she “claimed” the last slice of dessert. As usual, he will conduct his normal routine of being observant around him and listening to anything that could pique his interest. This town of Beacon Hills, minus the supernatural assessments it produces, is profoundly lackluster. So using his supernatural hearing, he tries to find anything mildly interesting while he enjoys his meal.
Oh, how he shouldn't have done that if he would have realized it sooner.
“The who of what?" A familiar and standoffish voice snaps.
“The Beast of Gevaudan,” Allison’s reply made Seraph raise his eyebrows at the legendary mention of the French monster that murdered 100 plus people in South France that Allison’s ancestors, the Argents, or more specifically, Marie Jeanne-Valet hunted and eradicated. Henceforth the progressive tradition of having Argent women become the leaders of the influential family since the mid 18th century. He continues to listen to the conversation.
“A quadrupedal wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne in South Dordogne areas of France from the year 1764 to 1766. Le Béte killed over 100 people becoming so infamous that the King Louis XV sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it.” He hears Allison explain from her reading of her family’s historical biography.
“Boring.” Seraph rolls his eyes at Lydia’s faux-ignorant nonchalance. He knew the strawberry-blonde queen bee is jumping up and down like a jackrabbit internally at such inquisitive information.
“The church declared it a messenger of Satan. Cryptozoologists believe it was a hoofed creature called a Mesonychid.” Mesonychids are long extinct. The ancestors of wolves, dogs, and other types of canine creatures. While I would not be fazed if there were those who could shapeshift into one, it would be a odd phenomenon, similar to how werewtiches exist-
Seraph’s thoughts ended there when he began to feel an odd tingling sensation in his brain. An odd and rambunctious one, like the feeling is disorienting him and crafting his vision into such obnoxious shapes and lines. Why is there a tinge of water-colored blue in his vision-
He didn’t have time to process until his vision suddenly went black.
He felt odd and fluid, as if he were in a dreamscape. He opened his eyes and the sight before him was a perplexing conundrum. Through his lens, his vision shifted to an entirely different locale. Instead of the cafeteria he is supposed to be in where the rest of the students are, he is outside on a field. No, it’s his school’s lacrosse field. His eyes travel from left to right at the transparent scenery in front of him despite the nighttime sky. The field isn’t empty either. He heard chants, cheers, yells which means that there is a game going on while the Spectators observe. Seraph, through his dreamscape vision that is a myriad of pandemonium, he watches his school, Beacon Hills High going up against…Devenford Prep. Wait, pardon? Is this a vision? A premonition?
If so, this is a premonition he has never foreseen. Why is it showing him something that has to do with a lacrosse game? He thought that Scott was already gaining better control of his werewolf abilities and he seemingly found his anchor, which is Allison. Something isn’t- wait, that's Scott?
Scott, who appears to have shorter hair and a year or two older than the Scott he sees everyday look apprehensive, as if he is either expecting everything to collapse, or if something goes according to plan. It seems that’s not the only perplexing issue in this very bewildering premonition of his. Beside him, is Stiles who appears a year or two older as Scott is compared to the one Seraph sees everyday, which is weirder now that his hair grew from the caesar cut he had. Yet out in the field it is semi-chaotic. Aside from grabbing the attention of a much older Scott and Stiles, Seraph observes as best as he could, with confusion when he sees a female lacrosse player on Beacon Hills High team knock down a Devenford Prep player having the number 28 with suspiciously supernatural strength. Using his heightened eyesight, he is able to notice a fiery shield surrounding the girl, in the form of a fox.
A Kitsune…that is perplexing. But he doesn't have time to investigate this matter when the girl is removed from the game and she flings her helmet off in fury, heading inside the school. A younger girl follows after her with short blond hair and dark blueish eyes. The game continues at a rapid pace, Beacon Hills losing to Devenford Prep 1-5. But then he sees Scott instantly run to the school in a frenzy while leaving Stiles, the younger lacrosse player with the number 9 on his jersey and other lacrosse players to the mercy of the snobbish prep school players. Seraph crosses his arms, what is the point of this premonition? To help Beacon Hills High win a lacrosse game against Devenford Prep in the future? To see a Kitsune he has never seen before lose control of her powers on the field? What is the purpose of this puzzle he is having such difficulty figuring out?
Speak of the Devil and he shall come.
After watching the somewhat boring game that is still befuddling the enigmatic, something grim and malevolent entered his premonition. The shifting of the wind and a terrifying aura spooks him, and he glances just in time to see a quadrupedal monster with black fur and really icy blue eyes that were pupiless wreaking havoc on a school bus. Seraph’s eyes widened in pure shock. The sounds of cry and horror echo the field as the Beast Of Gevaudan exposes itself to the crowd of humans and supernaturals alike. But it's the devilish appearance that causes mass hysteria amongst the student body and an unofficial evacuation of teenagers running away from the bleachers and into the school, fluidly passing him.
This isn't a premonition for a lacrosse game to beat. This is a premonition to warn him of the near future. The near future where the Beast will resurrect and rise up again to attack Beacon Hills. A feat that is impossible unless it is through sorcery, spiritual possession, unholy witchcraft, or exorcism. Seraph watches with bated breath as the Beast climbs on top of the dismantled school bus, as students run for their lives, lacrosse sticks, helmets, snacks, water bottles, and even lip glosses dropping to the concrete ground.
His eyes travel to the field through the mass of fearful teenagers, and he gazes as the very same teenager with their lacrosse gear on and the number 9 on them, charges across the lacrosse field towards the Beast of Gevaudan, with his golden beta eyes and claws as he ignores the voice and urge of Stiles, which for some eerie reason, Seraph couldn't quite hear as Stiles voice came out like being underwater. Yet oddly enough he can hear the screams and shouts of students clearly.
His heart pounds against his chest rapidly as he sees the young teenager leap upwards with golden beta eyes and claws, attacking the Beast. Suddenly Seraph’s vision goes black.
He wakes up in a frenzy when he sees he is now located in the dark and chaotic hallways of Beacon Hills High, his eye vision still translucent and blueish. He tried shaking his head to get out of this disturbing premonition but it wouldn't let him, it was forcing him to see the diabolical hysteria that the Beast is causing. Just what on Earth, or who on Earth resurrected Le Béte in the future? What were they trying to prove?
The sound of a vicious roar echoes through the dreamscape hallway and to his surprise, Scott is propelled through a wall with the demonic beast hot on his trail. Seraph runs to the site where they are fighting only to see Scott save a few innocent human classmates before being dragged by the Beast again and fling out in the hallway. He runs through the panicked bodies to investigate while the auras of fear and fright sicken him albeit not feeling any physical movement nor can they see him. Scott and the Beast move elsewhere as he can see his classmates droplets of blood on the white tiled floor implying he is taking violent hits.
This gets Seraph to sprint after the Beast even though the premonition only allows him to see the events laid before him to foresee. He is trying to catch up to the vicious confrontation and is feeling something he usually never felt before and this was only his premonition. He was feeling concern, and it was concern for the future that is intertwining with this darkness. The moment he opens the double set doors is when his premonition fades to black.
Now Seraph finds himself in the transparent hue of the school's library. Despite the intense and dire subsequent changes of each premonition and his heart racing against his chest at a high paced event such as this, he observes anticipatively, seeing familiar faces of students escape the dilapidated library or hide behind bookshelves while it is being attacked. He sees a boy, human with chestnut-brown hair and blue eyes, skittishly hiding behind a bookshelf with a few other students. Seraph couldn't believe what he was foreseeing in his vision, the Beast of Gevaudan is causing destruction and chaos in its wake while exposing the supernatural to the human population. Le Béte lands behind his transparent form and roars, just as a louder roar pierces from Scott. Seraph glances at the teen but a flabbergasted expression is aimed at the older Scott, who instead of golden eyes belonging to a beta, it's blood red eyes that belong to an alpha while Scott's fangs and claws bare threateningly at the Beast. Scott’s roar was so deafening that it made Seraph cover his ears and he was unable to handle the pressure as his vision began to show black dots before fully cloaking them. Along with the sounds of claws clashing and bodies slamming against shelves and tables.
The very familiar voice snaps him out of that painful and disturbing premonition and his eyes open anxiously to see Danny staring at him worryingly while Lydia, standing up behind him, is gazing at him in pure astonishment. But he felt a warm hand on his shoulder and he glanced up to see compassionate, brown eyes and a face that was very concerned for him with fluffy brown-brown hair. It was Scott who was helping him.
"Hey are you okay? You're pale." Scott, the simple fact that Seraph secretly knows (not to Scott’s awareness) what Scott is currently going through and has bigger problems regarding his adjustment to being a werewolf. But here he is, beside him checking to see if he's okay and if he needs medical attention.
Putain! C'est embarrassant. He must have heard my racing heartbeat from that premonition. Shit!
"Are you alright? Usually you are the composed one here but to see you pale and shivering, is more unnerving than confusing." The voice of Lydia speaks. Seraph looks around and sees half the cafeteria including Allison, Stiles, and the teenager two tables down with dark skin and very short hair, is watching him in confusion. Seraph stands up, to Scott's and Danny's concern.
"Whoa- wait you were just-"
"I appreciate your concern, both of you." He tells Scott and Danny. "I will go to the bathroom to clear my head. Ciao." The enigmatic teen departs awkwardly, leaving behind many confused students. Scott just nods and shrugs simultaneously before heading back to the table with Stiles.
"Dude, what just happened? What possessed Kingfisher?" The Sheriff’s son questions Scott.
"I don't know. He didn't like he was being possessed, it felt more like he was in pain." Scott tells Stiles. "His heartbeat, his emotions, I sensed them, and he was enduring a horrible pain of some sort." Stiles hears out the whispered segment of his best friend's reply.
"He looked like he was suffering from a migraine that came from hell." The Caucasian teen muses out. "Never saw the icy enigmatic king go through something like that. That was…weird."
"Okay why is everyone calling him a 'icy enigmatic king'? Why is that a title or nickname for him? Is everyone here intimidated by him?" The werewolf asks, just very baffled by the school seeing him as that.
"Scotty, are you kidding me? Do you not know the reputation and aristocratic flair he holds in our school? He earned that nickname or whatever after ridiculing and verbally destroying the entire senior grade boys' egos when he was a freshman. Plus he holds popularity in a way and has a academic rivalry with Lydia-"
"I know the last part," Scott interjects Stiles, preventing him from going on a logorrhea of dialogue. "It's just that he didn't look too good. He looked…frightened."
Stiles eyebrows raise abruptly at Scott’s reply with Seraph being frightened.
"I don't hate him, I feel like he hates me for being a chatterbox and ruining his ''work time" for being excessively annoying or with my presence around I don't know." Stiles let's out with a sigh. "But I have to teach you to master your werewolfiness."
Their conversation to help Scott continues in hushed whispers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harsh footsteps clatter against the white tiles of the school, the very same ones he sees everyday that will soon be filled with students scrambling in panic and fear in the near future.
It lacks logical evidence. Why did he get such a severely critical egregious premonition? One that conveyed him the impending danger of the Beast of Gevaudan who will soon cause havoc and rampage on innocent teenagers in a high school during a large lacrosse game?
What caused the Beast's rise? On a more serious inquiry, how did Scott become an alpha? Did he…kill the Alpha that turned him into a werewolf and gained his powers? It isn't adding up. He doesn't qualify Scott to be a killer even if he is a werewolf.
Who was the young player with the number 9 uniform? The beta werewolf who attacked the Beast? The Asian girl who is a Kitsune? People in the near future? Because despite his indifference and carelessness of who others are, that doesn't mean he doesn't remember a face. His photographic memory is too keen for that-
His pestering and unquenchable thoughts were cut when he suddenly clashes into someone. But due to his supernatural strength and stability, he remains still. The sound of someone gasping slightly and a thud to the floor makes Seraph glance down to see a familiar face.
"Damn. What the hell are you made of, bricks?" Isaac Lahey asks, his voice a rough mixture of annoyance and apprehension.
"I am sorry for that." Seraph apologizes. Dread and angst coil within his abdomen. This is the second time he bumped into his ex-childhood friend. "Let me help-"
"Why? You ghost me at any chance you had in school. You're about to go back to doing that after you help me up." Isaac declares with snark, getting up on his feet. The slight bruise by his eye is visibly showing. Seraph tries to ignore it.
"I have my reasons for doing what I did."
"Yeah, reasons that you clearly didn't give me and left me unable to figure out."
"As if you could comprehend the strictly strategized reason I carefully planned out. It is none of your concern." Seraph replies coldly, his patience running thin. Isaac sends him a vehement expression.
"I-I don't understand…what did I do to…deserve your iciness? Why did you stop talking to me? Was it because you decided to cut ties because you were rich and intelligent?" Isaac probes, sounding small and anxious.
"Lahey I do not have the patience to properly assess this right now. I have important matters to attend to. " Seraph cuttingly implies. Ignoring the remorse swirling inside of him.
"You even call me by my last name instead of Isaac. You don't have the patience to do it or you don't want to because you want to feel better than everyone else?" The tall teen asks, testing his luck.
"Are you going to continue your nescient skirmish? Because I am not the one who keeps his abuse wrapped up in lies or pretends to think he isn't a victim when he is a victim." Seraph hears himself answer back before it's too late and his eyes widen slightly at how harsh he sounded. He glances up to see Isaac’s aghast and crestfallen expression plastering his roughed up face, and his eyes shining with water.
Seraph never says his brutal and honest thoughts out loud to prevent reactions like this. He usually has a well thought out response he carefully plans. But that premonition is discombobulating his brain. He did not mean to hurt isaac.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to respond like-"
"Don't bother. Now I know where we stand." Isaac hisses out between anger and sadness before shoulder checking Seraph and out of his sight. The enigmatic exhales a sigh of frustration. He didn't mean to respond to Isaac like that. It wasn't his intention to throw his abuse and pain in his face.
Damn it, since when has a harrowing premonition disrupt his train of thoughts and brain activity so severely that his cold and icy words let out in a spree of carelessness?
Has Isaac always tried to understand why he severed ties with him? Has Matt also tried understanding why or was he too focused in his recovery from trauma to ask?
Guilt clouds his mind and abdomen, Seraph stares at the floor in disappointment. That shouldn't have been said to a childhood friend he knew for 12 years. It should have ended differently instead of being cruel and callous.
Now he may have lost any chance to recover that once golden friendship he shared with Isaac.
Suddenly, the urge to continue classes felt fruitless today. He turns right and heads to the main office to have himself go home today
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ouch! I wrote the ending with angst. Sorry, not sorry. (But I am truly sorry for Isaac😢😢 Seraph you jerk.)
But what did you all notice from the chapter? The foreshadowing? The unmentioned yet familiar characters? The first ever interaction between Scott and Seraph? Or the amount of name drops and familiar names you read? Let me hear your thoughts, feedbacks and criticism?
Also, what are the Kingfishers? What is Seraph's supernatural identity?
Chapter 5 will be release the following Monday. Have fun figuring out the dilemma😈
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 8 months
Writer asks
Got tagged by @bluecatwriter. With another year of writing slowly coming to an end, why not look over some of my stuff? Thanks for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
143 works, however 2 or 3 of them are just some of my crossposted fanart.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 428,434. Wanted to get to 500k this year, but i suppose i am not quite there yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Still just Dracula/Dracula 2020. Some IWTV, some Fight Club. 2 for Empire of the Vampire which i have neither finished reading, nor is there a proper fandom for.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Death's Sunrise (of course, the only fic to gain over 1k kudos). 1,071 as of now
3 Sandman fics i don't care for anymore so i am not gonna name them (if you are curious, just look them up yourself, you know where to find them)
The Gathered Night 
Touch as Soft as Ice (Harkula Tumblr Prompts) (the tumblr prompt collection which i kind of have disbanded by now - i just post the prompt fics by themselves these days)
Ladybugs Don't Fly at Night 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but sometimes i just lack the energy. I do get a lot of comments, in all fairness, but even if i don't reply right away, i just want you to know that i do read and appreciate them all! <3
6. What's the fic you wrote that has the angstiest ending?
The majority is really angsty. If I had to guess, either DS or Completed - a quadruple drabble in which Dracula, in his delusion, is holding onto Jonathan's very dead corpse, somehow still waiting for him to come back to (un)life.
7. What's the fic you wrote that has the happiest ending?
Either something from Castles in the Air, my softer drabble collection, or something like Keeping Family - a very self indulgent murder husbands + accidental baby acquisition fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
By god, the things i find in my inbox some days are really something. (Side bar: just because a writer writes specific themes and topic it doesn't make it alright to send them death and grape threats christ on a cracker)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yes. My smut always flirts with the idea of consent and power dynamics. I think it's in general on the more intense side, although i do have some softer, slower works. A personal favorite of mine are the really sweet and sloppy ones - consensual somno and the like.
10. Do you write crossovers?
TGN, my beloved. My Dracula x IWTV crossover. Not really related to either Dracula or Interview with the Vampire, but i just wanted to put my 4 vamps (Jonathan, Drac, Louis and Lestat) like mentos into a carbonated soda bottle and shake them around real good, just to see what happens.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Er. Yes. Was a whole deal. Sorted it out. Kinda. Hope it doesn't happen any longer.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially (see no. 11)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would be down for it! I do some beta reading for KINGBeerZ on ao3, both for his Dracula fics as well as currently an original work, which is fun and interesting, but i could totally see myself actually co-writing a fic with someone else if we had the same vision for the story.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Forgive me, but yes, it is Harkula. Sorry not sorry. I like them messy, i like them problematic, and i am aware of it. Also i just like to see Jonathan properly dishevelled and out of breath.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
There has been one fic i pulled and have not looked at since. It was giving me trouble the second i posted it, made me have a mental break down and freak out. Didn't get much feedback on it the weeks after so i decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Probably wouldn't do it that way these days, but eh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like i am quite good with dialogue, quick snappy banter and teasing and the like. Maybe also the way i describe pain, body horror, etc.?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar. I swear. As a non native speaker, it is always grammar for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I either translate it right away, put it in italics, or leave it as it. Totally depends on what effect i want to achieve.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
With great shame i have to say that i started out on Wattpad. 15 year old me has discovered BBC's Sherlock and was unstoppable (well, at least until i switched to ao3 and nuked the wattpad account). On ao3 my first fic was DS, and the fandom Dracula (2020)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Hard to say. I still love DS despite the typos and messy plot, and am currently obsessed with TGN. But there are so many others i am quite proud of.
Leaving a tag for @argyleheir as well as @chthonic-cassandra and anyone else who feels like it, but absolutely no pressure!
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orphicpoieses · 1 year
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{Please check out my secondary blog @coffee-and-feathers 🩵🕊️}
☁️🪽🕊️ A Change 🕊️🪽☁️
Let me share the latest thoughts with you (which may or may not interest you, because it also includes my blog and it’s future, so stay tuned if you want to be up to date).
I am genuinely unhappy with my blog.
Don’t get me wrong: I still love Tumblr. I just don’t feel the community any longer.
——————————— 🪽
I created this blog last year in February and in the summer months, I was extremely active. I posted regularly about my WIPs, answered asks and had nice conversations with you guys.
But this changed at the end for the year spontaneously.
The reason: Not only were my mutuals more and more inactive, but I also felt more and more uncomfortable sharing details about my projects.
So I went quiet.
I tried to post about the work I do, the outlines of my writing routine, but something was missing.
All the tag games were for people who post their stories online or publish as an indie author. People who share their work freely without worrying about publisher deals and the terms and conditions with publishing through a publisher like Random House (even in Germany, Random House is the biggest publisher! They host agencies like Penhaligon, dtv, Carlsen, etc, simply any large publisher belongs to Random House).
This community wasn’t my community any longer.
Fast forward a few months, I found my joy again in Instagram. Posting photos and stories about my life, as a personal journal. Talking about university, computer science and books. Not creating a niche rather than posting what I wanted to post.
And with creating again on Instagram, I found back to Tumblr.
But it still doesn’t feel like my community. Like I belong here.
The tag games I was tagged in, were for indie authors and people on AO3. I don’t do AO3. I am done with Wattpad. I don’t want to publish in Self-Publish, if I don’t have to.
——————————— 🪽
But what is the point in telling you?
There is no point.
I just had to let it all out.
The same as with what I am telling you now:
I am no longer identifying as a pure writing blog. I don’t feel joy in it anymore. Most of the people I know from a year ago are inactive or otherwise occupied. I don’t have content to share. I don’t get doable tag games, nor asks.
It is time for me to change.
——————————— 🪽
I have a secondary blog @coffee-and-feathers. Please support me there with a follow, if you want to stay with me on my journey through life.
This secondary blog @coffee-and-feathers will be my personal site, where I post about stuff other than writing.
@orphicpoieses will stay my writing blog, my main blog, but no more “pressure” tags or “sharing just for visibility”. This will be more of a writing diary. Thoughts and updates about the progress.
No more pressure. Just fun.
I hope, to see you soon in the newest post either here or at @coffee-and-feathers.
Please, leave a like and a comment down below or reblog with your thoughts.
Love, Mimi 💭
PS: With leaving the old blog behind, I will also no longer have a tag list for specific games, etc. You either get tagged in everything or in none at all. The new tag list will be coming soon, so stay tuned.
Tagging to spread the news:
@manuscriptsatmidnight @eli-writes-sometimes @lockejhaven @365runesoftheamalgamations @thetruearchmagos @yourfriendlywriter @moonlitinks @enchantress-of-words @mirrorthoughts @leafamaranth @blind-the-winds @writingbyricochet @j-1173 @enchanted-lightning-aes
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serelyly-hikari · 1 year
Okay crack theory time!
Look I came up with this at like…12 AM
And yes…I did play the Archon quest at that hour, don’t at me.
Achem, now that we have gotten that out of the way, on with the crack theory that isn’t really a theory but more like some random tumblr user ranting on something that may not even be true but still wants to share cause thoughts.
So the quest was called “Caribert,” who we now know is the son of Eide (I’m not using his actual name, I don’t feel like writing it all), the Abyss Order Founder Aka, some relative of Kaeya (I will walk about that in a minute.)
The quest starts off with Kaeya, but unfortunate for many of us, he was only present for like…two minutes before going off to who knows where. But not before it gets revealed that he is related to the founder of the Abyss Order. Kaeya brushes this off and goes off his marry way. Again, it was a very short interaction, right?
Well hold that thought.
After a series of…events we happen to find this guy with a hilichurl. This hilichurl is none other than his son whose name is “Caribert.” According to him, Kheanri’ah took in anyone who did not wish to follow a god, meaning that anyone from any of the seven nations could be found in Kheanri’ah. Due to certain circumstances he met and fell in love with a women from Mondstadt. She gave birth to their son but not long after the cataclysm hit and their life was…well…destroyed. Eide says that those of pure Kheanri’ah Blood were cursed with immortality while those who forsook their god (those who came from any of the other seven nations) were cursed to forever roam the land as monsters. These are the hilichurls. Given Caribert was half Mondstadtian, he was cursed to be a hilichurl like his mother.
Towards the end of the quest, after a series of events, Caribert stands at the edge of a cliff and says that “he cannot take it anymore” and takes off his mask…only to explode in what seems to be abyssal energy. From there the player faints and that’s the last we see of Caribert.
Or so it seems.
You see…again…this is just a very very random thought and it could very well not be true…but…I couldn’t help but wonder…
Could it be that Caribert and Kaeya are the same?
Could it be that Kaeya isn’t just related to the found of the Abyss but is the SON of the founder?
Again, I can be completely wrong but like…there was stuff that just didn’t fit.
For one, why would they integrate Kaeya in the quest in the first place? Just to give Dainslef a justification to bring up the founder of the Abyss? Surely they could have found another way to do that, right? And why go through all that trouble just to show him so briefly? In all honesty, it didn’t sit well with me.
So my 12 AM brain went down a rabbit hole and started to connect stuff (I didn’t connect crap.)
Caribert’s mother was from Mondstadt. And Kaeya was left behind in Mondstadt. Interesting, no? I mean, it might just be a coincidence. But you have seven nations to choose from Hoyo, and you so happen to choose Mondstadt? Yeah that sounds a little fishy.
There is also the thing about “you’re our last hope,” thing Kaeya supposedly heard from his father. Okay…what makes Kaeya so special then? Why would he out of all people be the last hope of Kheanri’ah? Idk but if he is Caribert, who was called by his own father, the “Loom of Fate,” that would really give a whole new meaning to that, no?
I know I know…this doesn’t make any sense. But like…WHAT IF?
Anyways, onto a more “tamed” theory.
I bet everyone is wondering what the heck was that crystal that looked the the Defiled Statue, no? Well I sure don’t know what the heck that thing is nor do I have any significant comments on it but I do have a theory on the Defiled Statue (more like a thought.)
For the longest time I couldn’t understand why the Abyss Order stole Venti’s statue out of all the statues of the seven that there are all over Teyvat. Was it just random? Or is there a deeper meaning? Could it be because he is related to the god of time? Maybe (most likely). But now that we know the founder’s wife was from Mondstadt, it really makes you see the whole Defiled Statue situation differently.
Think about it: If your wife was cursed to be a monster because she turned her back on the god she was supposed to worship, wouldn’t you want to like…do something against that god? What better way then to defile a statue of his? It’s just a thought but like…you know…
Any who, I’m going back to my corner. I’ll leave you guys with your thoughts. :D Bye bye~
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finalshaper · 2 months
hey short into post
header source
PFP is from death and taxes : ) it’s my guy
Hey I’m cayde, I also answer to voryn, vex, Nezarec, Atheon, and like a dozen things that can be found on my pronouns page that I’m too lazy to link.
He/it, please do not use they/them pronouns for me.
Local edgelord and wackjob, elf enthusiast and robot fucker. ask me for music recs PLEASE. I make too many OCs (ask me about them I’m begging) and say I’ll write things and then never do. CEO of idgaf. Some kind of creature. Feel free to reach out to me or talk to me about anything and everything even tho I’d prefer Discord just because you’re more likely to get a response there than you are here. I am the godlike judgement Clovis warned you about
I will not ever post straight up porn but do expect to see nonsexual nudity and artistic nudity as well as the occasional suggestive post. Scroll at your own discretion.
I don’t tag shit lmfao
funny robot boy
I am low empathy and low sympathy. I also struggle with various disabilities and mental illnesses, sometimes I post about them. I do not consider myself a nice person even if many would argue against this — I’m mostly just fuckin vibin lmao. Nonetheless I’m probably more scared of you than you could ever be of me.
Destiny, TES, the occasional transformers post, and pretty much anything and everything else fandom and interest related goes here. Everything else can be found on @cayde6feetunder
Discord can be found @ caydeofspaydes
Steam is also caydeofspaydes
Bungie is Nebby10#1142
PSN is caydeofspaydes
Join my discord server
I am antizionist and pro Palestine. Do not bother me about it, I'm not up for debates or "Uhm actchually"s, nor does this indicate antisemitism or anything like that. Unkindly fuck off.
I block whoever I please for whatever reason, please do not pester me about it or send people to pester me about it.
If you’re gonna send me anon hate you’ve gotta be funny or don’t bother wasting both our times
Do not be upset if I ever unfollow you! It’s most likely not an issue with you but simply because my interests and what you post don’t line up anymore, or you’re posting something that I simply don’t want to see at the moment. This doesn’t mean I don’t like you and don’t value your presence, still feel free to reach out! Also sometimes this isn’t the case and Tumblr even after these many years still likes to eat your following list sometimes.
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by-kilian · 8 months
hey kw! i saw you were doing an ask game so here i am! i hope you’re doing well and life is treating you good. i still need to catch up on STH i’m slackinggggg but life is beating my ass. trust i’ll do it soon i actually have some time off coming up so i’ll be in your dms crying about levi and kilian look forward to that 😫😂 OKAY now for the game i chose 🌻💎🎀! i’m looking forward to your answers!
Hi my heart! You know you're welcome in my inbox anytime, it does NOT have to be when I have an ask game circulating 🥺❤️❤️. I am doing much better and life is being a lot kinder to me now, but I am so sorry to hear it's been hard for you. As for STH, don't even worry about catching up. Like I told a friend today, you still have your own life to live! The story will be there when you're ready for it. Plus with how long I take to write these days, that is doubly true LMFAO.
I'll answer your questions under the cut meanwhile, and thank you for entertaining it!
🌻 What makes you want to give up on writing? What makes you keep going?
This is a really good question. I think the only thing that makes me want to give up on writing lately is lack of genuine community and interaction. I don't mean this way other people may typically mean it either. I think you all know how I feel about comments, kudos, likes, reblogs, etc.--they're lovely but they are bonuses to me in regards to writing. I don't need those things to stay motivated and I will never tell readers how they need to interact with my stories, nor will I ever demand that they do XYZ in order for their love to be valid.
However, I have noticed recently that everybody's interactions with fics has dipped down within the last year, not just on tumblr but on AO3 too. A lot of people just like things and move on and that's it and nothing else. You're always tossing your works out into the ether when you write and post, but it doesn't necessarily feel great to see people sifting through your works and clearly liking them but they never drop a thanks or mention anything else about the work otherwise. It kind of makes you feel like a content machine and you're like "oh, okay, thank you! 🧍🏻‍♀️" to nothing or no one in particular because you don't get anything else from that kind of interaction.
This isn't fandom specific either, it's across the board. I think fandom/fanfic landscape and how people interact within fandoms across the board has changed a lot because people do not commune anymore. We all got into this because we share a common interest, but these days everyone just kind of keeps to themselves and I truly wish we all wore our hearts on our sleeves a bit more. I get both sides of it! But fandoms are about community, and community means nothing if we're all isolated. It used to be a lot more of a give and take between readers and authors where people could thoughtfully engage in conversations, and these days I don't really see that as much as before. I'm sure there are various (many very valid) reasons as to why, but I think what I'm saying is I miss the sense of community. It's no one's fault either so I don't want to make it seem like I'm blaming anyone in particular. I think it's just the way things are these days because fandom culture itself has changed and it makes me a bit sad is all. It's definitely one of the reasons why I often think about and talk about retiring from writing.
But on a positive note, what does keep me going is my personal love for writing, and then moments like this, no Kelly Clarkson! When I recognize frequent names and realize there are some readers who I've spoken to for years that are still speaking to me now, it brings me a lot of joy. Those connections are so lovely, and I value it a lot. ❤️ Those two things are what keeps me going.
💎 Why is writing important to you?
Writing is important to me because I love the art of writing. I love everything about literature and telling stories. I think there is such a beauty to it. Everyone has a story to tell and be told. That is why it's important to me.
🎀 Give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I'm really good at creating memorable, immersive moments that you take with you even when you're done with the story.
On an end note, I really am sending you all my love and hoping things look up for you soon. Lots of love and hugs. Thanks so much for being you, always! :3
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Hi! This is a random, but I’ve noticed that the Elvis fandom here has slowed down a little or some people have left. Even some Elvis fanfics don’t get a lot of attention anymore (reblogs, likes, comments, etc). I was curious how do you deal with that as a writer? Does it bother you or make you feel insecure in a way about your work?
You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want! I was just curious. I love your writing btw!
Hello bestie! This is a very interesting question, lol. Um…. Okay, I was thinking of how to answer this. So, I’ll start off by saying, thank you for loving my writing. I appreciate it! I have notice it has kinda slowed but I’m happy there’s still a lot of us here!
Um, so personally stuff like people reblogging/commenting on my work doesn’t really bother me. I think the only reason why it doesn’t is because I’m no writer. My work is mediocre at best, lmfao. I also only started writing fanfics back in October, maybe? Because of my two Elvis best friends on IG because I was the only one with a tumblr account and we were writing our own fics. Hell, I didn’t even tag my fics at first lol. So, I kinda still write like they’re the only people I’m writing for, y’know?
I’ve gained a nice following of people who love my work and I am so appreciative of that. But I also don’t expect anyone nor will I make anyone reblog or comment. As long as you like the post.. I know that you probably read it or will read it, lol. Honestly, as long as my little following of people read it, that’s what matters to me!
This isn’t me saying that people who do expect that is a bad thing. It’s not at all!! Especially because there are so many amazing writers WAAAAY better than me and those who aspire to be writers as a career. They totally deserve for people to reblog, like, and comment on their posts.
The only reason why I don’t really care as much is because I write mediocre shit man. This is just fun for me because I have so many feelings for Elvis this is the only way for me to let it out other than the letters I write for him.
But yeah, that’s just my take and my personal opinion. But either way people should show their support for their fanfic writers even if it’s just liking post! ☺️
Thanks for the question!
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pikidotexe-ask · 5 months
Friendly reminder that this series is not yet rated. This may change with time! No, this is not shit posting, it is basically an alternate universe fan fiction, however there will be bloopers.
This blog provides upload notifications and behind the scenes lore and headcannons. MMD Credits ALL posts: ~https://www.deviantart.com/search/deviations?q=edit+jjinomu+model ~https://www.deviantart.com/venussempai/gallery/44479842/mikumikudance *Nothing MMD inherently belongs to me. On this blog and my channel I edited some TDA models for non-profit personal use for the specific reason of making this series, please contact me if you have questions or require a donation for this reason. I do not make models from scratch, further credits are in the links, as well as the author's other downloadable works. I also have ZERO intention of sharing my MMD edits nor do I ever intend to use them for R18 situations. Please understand I do not have a deep understanding of the history of MMD, I am blindly experimenting, so I would appreciate if you go easy on me about how things are done and how I can help you. Thank you. Disclaimers for ALL posts: I am primarily a writer and talkloid tuner and focus on nostalgia. I legally own copies of my voice banks, V4 Editor, SynthV Pro, the tuning work, the raw bass and electric violin sounds, the story writing itself, its Japanese, English, and later Italian translations. I position and edit other people's MMD models to help portray some events and use stock images and any other sounds from Pixabay simply because I do not draw or do my own voice work anymore thanks to A.I.. I create my videos with CaptCut for free and use a legal copy of RPG Maker VX Ace for the subtitles. Most of this is freeware and creativity. That said, if there is something I have done that unintentionally offends you through my work, tell me directly and I will be civil and take things down as necessary. Anyone can collect these things and do what I am doing, please do not be afraid to start yourselves, this is done for fun and purely therapeutic purposes outside of my full time job. A Patreon for my .vsqx and .svp files and other completely original works will be started soon if you wish to support me personally. Some of the song lyrics or files may contain R18 content or explicit themes, therefore I do not accept subscribers under the age of 18. This will apply to some episodes on my channel, I will set an age limit to certain episodes depending on the subject matter. If I am under any suspicion that you will blatantly mock or disrespect me or share explicit materials to minors then I will not sell to you. That said, I do understand 1,000% enforcement is unreasonable, people will undoubtedly pirate tuning files anyway, so my works that I own will have a high paywall and require credit upon use. Once it's out there, it's out there, the internet will outlive me and I honestly just care for respect while I'm still breathing. Nothing is copyrighted as of yet but that may happen in the future. Please note that I take suggestions into consideration but I have no interest to collaborate.
Contact me here on Tumblr, or via my email which can be found on my About page on my YouTube channel. I no longer accept Discord friend requests for the sake of my mental health and terminal health condition. I was and still am incessantly harassed by people so they could try to steal my content and then "cancel" me when I asked to be left alone. It's been almost 3 years and I am over it. Do not send anybody hate. Do not start drama. If you do not like anything, then you have every right to leave. In the meantime, keep calm and ship Piko x Miki.
𝑪̲̅𝒉̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒓̲̅𝒂̲̅𝒄̲̅𝒕̲̅𝒆̲̅𝒓̲̅ 𝑳̲̅𝒐̲̅𝒓̲̅𝒆̲̅
*Main Characters*
🎙️フカセ [​Fᴜᴋᴀsᴇ]
🤡Mɪᴋɪ's ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs ᴀᴅᴏᴘᴛᴇᴅ sᴏɴ
•Pʟᴀʏs ɢᴜɪᴛᴀʀ﹠ʙᴀss
•Hᴀᴛᴇs ᴏᴡɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ ɪᴛᴇᴍs, ᴘᴜᴛs ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ꜰɪʀsᴛ
•ジョーカーデレ "ᴊᴏᴋᴇʀ⁻ᴅᴇʀᴇ":Cʜᴀᴏᴛɪᴄ ᴇxᴛᴇʀɪᴏʀ, ᴄᴀʟᴄᴜʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴇᴛ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɪᴏʀ
•Age: 21
💬 Jᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ ɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, Eɴɢʟɪsʜ ꜰʟᴜᴇɴᴛ
🎻Vɪᴏʟɪɴɪsᴛ ﹠ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ ᴠᴏᴄᴀʟɪsᴛ
•Mɪᴋɪ's ʙᴀss student﹠Fᴜᴋᴀsᴇ's ᴄʟᴀssᴍᴀᴛᴇ
•Vᴇʀʏ ᴍɪsᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴏᴏᴅ﹔ sʜᴇ ɪs ɪɴʜᴇʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴀᴍᴇs ʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛs ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ʜᴇʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅs
•クーデレ "ᴋᴜᴜᴅᴇʀᴇ":ᴄᴏᴏʟ ᴇxᴛᴇʀɪᴏʀ, ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɪᴏʀ
•Age: 20
💬 ​Jᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ ɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, ʟᴇᴀʀɴɪɴɢ Eɴɢʟɪsʜ
🎙️(𝚂𝙵-𝙰𝟸開発コード) ミキ [​Mɪᴋɪ​]
🍒​Cʏʙᴏʀɢ ʙᴀssɪsᴛ
•Sᴘᴀᴄᴇsʜɪᴘ ᴘɪʟᴏᴛ, ᴇʟɪᴛᴇ ᴄʟᴀss ᴅʀɪᴠᴇʀ, sᴄɪ⁻ꜰɪ ᴘɪɴ⁻ᴜᴘ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ
•Sᴛᴀɢᴇ ꜰʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴀꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛs ʜᴇʀ ᴘɪᴛᴄʜ ᴀᴛ ꜰɪʀsᴛ, ᴀ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴍᴀᴛᴇʀɴᴀʟ ɪɴsᴛɪɴᴄᴛ
•Lᴏᴠᴇs ᴄʜᴇʀʀɪᴇs, ᴀʟᴘᴀᴄᴀs, ᴜᴘʟɪꜰᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs
•Age: 23
💬 ​Jᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ ɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, ᴘᴏᴏʀ Eɴɢʟɪsʜ
🎙️(𝙺𝚂𝚁𝚆-𝟷開発コード) 歌手音ピコ [Uᴛᴀᴛᴀɴᴇ Pɪᴋᴏ​]
🍛​Cʏʙᴏʀɢ ɢᴜɪᴛᴀʀɪsᴛ
•Sᴘᴀᴄᴇsʜɪᴘ Nᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛᴏʀ, CʏʙᴇʀSᴇᴄᴜʀɪᴛʏ Gᴜᴀʀᴅ, ᴄᴏᴅɪɴɢ ᴘʀᴏꜰᴇssᴏʀ
•Hᴀs ᴀ ᴅᴜᴀʟ ᴠᴏᴄᴀʟ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ, sᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇs sɪɴɢs ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ
•Cʜᴇᴇᴋʏ sᴇɴsᴇ ᴏꜰ ʜᴜᴍᴏᴜʀ, Oꜰᴛᴇɴ sʟᴇᴇᴘʏ, ꜰᴏᴏᴅ, sᴇxʏ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜɪs ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs
•Age: 24
💬Jᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ ɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, ᴠᴇʀʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ Eɴɢʟɪsʜ
🎙️オリバー [Oʟɪᴠᴇʀ​]
🐤Pɪᴋᴏ's ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴀᴅᴏᴘᴛᴇᴅ sᴏɴ
•Pᴇᴀᴄᴇꜰᴜʟ ᴜɴʟᴇss ᴀɴɢᴇʀᴇᴅ, ʜᴀᴛᴇs ᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ sʜᴏᴇs, ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴅʟᴇᴅ
•Hᴀs ᴀ ʏᴇʟʟᴏᴡ ʙɪʀᴅ ɴᴀᴍᴇᴅ Jᴀᴍᴇs
•​Sʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴄʟᴜᴍsʏ, ᴅᴏᴇs ʜɪs ʙᴇsᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠᴇ
•Age: 13
💬 Eɴɢʟɪsʜ ɴᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, ᴘᴏᴏʀ Jᴀᴘᴀɴᴇsᴇ
Note: ﹡Vᴏᴄᴀʟᴏɪᴅs ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅʀᴏɪᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ sᴏᴜʟs ᴡʜᴏ ʟɪᴠᴇ ɪɴᴅᴇꜰɪɴɪᴛᴇʟʏ.
﹡Cʏʙᴏʀɢs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴏɴsᴇɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɪɴsᴛᴀʟʟ ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴜᴘɢʀᴀᴅᴇs ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʙᴏᴅɪᴇs. Tʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴀɴ ᴇxᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ʟɪꜰᴇsᴘᴀɴ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴅʀᴏɪᴅs.
>Japanese post will be made upon request.
Happy tuning!
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