Changed my lock screen and sometimes the music really adds to the vibe
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“People Like Us” by @/02png my beloved
A) That artwork is beautiful, good choice!
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nabooro · 6 months
*Victorian orphan voice* spare any conjugations, sir?
I’m writing some Naboo-based fics and I’m sprinkling in some of your Nabooro for ✨effect✨ (probably will never be posted but I’ll drop your @ if I ever do)
Relatedly, I compiled the pronouns into a table, and I’m assuming a nominative (green) and combined accusative/dative (blue)
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I also grabbed the possessives and reflexives (green for singular, blue for plural). I didn’t see any first person possessives or any other reflexives, but it’s entirely possible I missed them in the dictionary.
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But yeah, can only get so far with infinitives unless they’re just used as-is.
Relatedly, is it a straightforward past/present/future deal? Or do they get fancy with it? Throw in perfect tenses? Plusquamsperfekt (does that even exist in English? I only know it in German) or subjunctives? What about command form (imperative, I think)?
Side note, I’m assuming that adjectives don’t have endings due to the lack of gender, but do they have regular comparative and superlative forms?
Anyway, don’t worry if this takes awhile or even gets broken down into multiple posts, I know it’s kinda asking a lot. I only know enough about linguistics to read IPA and overthink when to use // and []. Keep up the good work 🫡
First off, I'm wildly flattered that you'd want to sprinkle some of my silly little language into something you're writing! I'd be happy to help / clarify any questions you have anytime re: that.
Regarding pronouns - you're right, it's Nominative, and a combined Accusative and Dative. The 1st person sing. possessive is nod, and the plural is tad.
The reflexive damâ is kind of used in place of what in English we might call the 'royal we'? It's more like a deeply formal and rarely used version of 'I' than the reflexive as it's used in English, used to refer to a removed version of yourself. Not a lot of people would have cause to use it often, just the ruler and their handmaids, and anybody in religious mask that is meant to negate self-identity. Those who would use it wouldn't use it interchangeably with 'I/me' - when applicable, you are at all times damâ. I hope that makes sense!
Verb conjugations... I have them. Unfortunately, they're an absolute menace to explain in any way that's not just ... a table, I guess. Stay tuned, I guess; I'll try to set up a table for that. Unfortunately I also have more irregular verbs than I would like there to be, which is just something I'm dealing with.
The conjugation system accounts for number and person, as well as conditional statements, subjunctives, pluperfects, and imperatives. [nervous laughter]
This is why I simply haven't gotten to putting it on here. But this is excellent reason to do so!
Adjectives are easier. No accounting for case, just bare forms. The comparative version of adjectives is just loon [adjective], translating to 'more [adj]'. The opposite would be shishee [adj], which means 'less [adj]'. There isn't a superlative form per se, just a matter of emphasis and phrasing.
Please feel free to drop into my DMs for further info on anything specific while I work on that conjugation table, and hope this helps!
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theblankest123 · 2 years
The fuck when you are thinking about a part of your ocs story you havent yet figured out and then you realize that it would make quite a bit of sence for them to get thrown into a black hole by the gods above only for them to fucking.
Eat it.
They eat a fucking black hole.
harnessing the power of fucking space itself, intertwining themself with the fabric of reality and are on their way to become a god.
If i ever make this shit into a series its gonna be a fun one huh
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req'd by @noone-likes-yahoo
QUICK add a sneefling beast of your choice in the notes!!!!
text: The Sneefle-Snorfeler. He sneefles and he snorfels
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snowtrapped34 · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Pt. 27 (One Liners Again!)
SMG3: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
SMG3: My gender is in a constant state of flux.
Swag: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
SMG4: Does anyone know how to relax? Asking for a friend.
Tari: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
SMG3: Seriously, I have no idea what to do. SMG3: Oh, wait! Yahoo! Answers.
SMG4: Sometimes I get so caught up on being gay that I forget I’m actually bi.
Mario: Drink your school, stay in drugs, and get 8 hours of drugs.
SMG3: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t “fit in” and I don’t WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird.
SMG4, making coffee: This is going to fix everything.
Melony: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!
Mario: I'm yet to properly begin my history notes BUT!!!! I got 100Mario on a quiz about european countries so who's the REAL winner here.
Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent. Saiko: I choose to waive that right! Saiko: screaming
SMG3: *Picks up hammer and breaks ringing cell phone.*
Saiko, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group.
Boopkins: I know what a prism is! It's where you put bad people.
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like SMG3* SMG3: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Swag: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
SMG4: Two bros! SMG4: Chillin' in a hot tub! SMG4: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
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Okay so based on the street fighter series.
Street fighter x our oc rivals scenes.
Kaito vs Dalahim
*Dalshim is floating by with Kaito walking by with his cane only for Kaito to stop turn and wave his cane under Dalshim he then gently taps the monks shoulder.*
Dalshim:hello fellow spiritual travler. May I help you?
Dalshim:I see. Well you see the world differently then I do. It is intriguing all the same.
Dalshim:I had read your mind. You and I draw power from the same source.
Kaito:*holds up cane and motions to the ground*
Dalshim:this is yoga. Would you like a presentation?
Dalshim:very well. In return I would be honored if you showed me your skills.
Dearil vs Rufus
Rufus:*Running up to Dearil* KEN MASTERS!!! I found you! You think with that sickly geezer disguise I'll be thrown off? Take any disguise you want! I'll find you!
Dearil:I'm sorry. Who are you?
Dearil:who is this Ken Masters?
Rufus:don't you try to trick me! For that I'll rip you apart then glue you back together and pull you apart all over again!
Dearil:*wondering how he got himself in this situation as Rufus rambles on and on*
Bun vs Juri
Bun:*walking down the road taking a swig of green tea in a can* "!?" *ducks as Juri kicks at him from behind.*
Juri:well hello newbie. you seem tasty~
Bun:the hell?
Juri:*licks her lips as her eye glows with her getting into a fighting stance* I bet you taste delicious.
Bun:I'm taken. Seriously why do I get the crazy girls?
Juri:this will be fun. Hope i don't break my new toy too easily.
Bun:*puts his mask on with his own glowing eye.* careful. I'm not above hitting a crazy woman.
Sakura:*Running down the street* IM LATE! IM LATE!
Tsugu:*running the other way with a chocolate crosont in her mouth* CRAP! CRAP! SAYO IS GOING TO KILL ME!
*Both girls run into each other hard enough to shake the camera*
Sakura:ow....sorry..*sees Tsugus uniform* huh? Wait I've seen that uniform! You go to Haneoka Girls' High School!
Tsugu:*Sees Sakura's bag* Tamagawa Minami High School? Wait! Sayo told me about you! You must be their sport star!
Sakura:Wait that ribbon. You're afterglow's keyboardist! I've heard a lot about you! Say how about we have a little duel? It'd be great warmup for our future high school martial art tournament!
Tsugu:uh..arggg..fine. I'll do my best! *looks at book* sorry I'll be late Sayo.
Garou vs Sagat
Garou:So this is Thailand's champion? Hehe perfect.
Sagat:what are you doing young man?
Garou:I've been in this martial art tournament for some time and so far Noone is worth my time. But I've heard about you. So how about it? You and me go a round?
Sagat:you speak like you only want power but I can sense something more in you. Very well. I shall take you up on your offer.
*Sagat does a battle roar as Garou chuckles in a fighting stance*
Garou:Hahahaha! YAHOO!
Saito vs E Honda
*Saito is watching as Honda approaches*
Honda:so you're the one thats been going around beating the other sumo wrestlers? Seem a bit on the smaller side. Kiruyu was it?
Saito:agreed. But I didn't fight the others out of a lust for battle. It was just a disagreement out of hand.
Honda:out of hand? You whooped them good! Hahaha I have to see your skills!
Saito:*sighs* how about this? I win you tell your organization to leave my sumo friend alone. You win and I'll cook you up my dragon spice bento?
Honda:hmm so a meal and a good battle? I can't turn this down!
Mai vs Akuma
Akuma:*walking up to Mai growling sensing her.* you. You seem like a worthy foe! You have truly transcended your humanity! Let this be a legendary battle!
Mai:*with a lollipop in her mouth* so this is Akuma? I've heard a lot about you. Honestly I was worried I'd spend my time here chasing you and Ryu around. *breaks the loli in her mouth and spits the stick out.*
Akuma:come then! Approach me!
Mai:*cracks knuckles* You better not disappoint Boy!
Paradox vs Zangeif
*Paradox walks by growling and complaining*
Paradox:fragging club. I knocked him out! Why did they try to jib me! It's not my fault the weakling couldn't take a punch!
Zangeif:you! Comrade!
Paradox:*Grumbling showing the size difference between the two.* what?
Zangeif:I had heard of your victory! It was bad victory. You look down muscle buddy! Fighting and exercise is a good thing to do when down or sad! I shall fight you now!
Paradox:*tilting head before laughing* oh this is golden! I wonder if you'll keep smiling after this fight!
Pico vs guile
Guile:*Practicing sonic boom only to notice Pico behind him* hey. Who are you?
Pico:classified. Must say that move doesn't seem half bad.
Guile:what!? That makes you more suspicious! Who do you work for?
Pico:*Sighing seeing Guile pointing at him* told you. It's my business not yours.
Guile:fine then I'll have to detain you!
Pico:Good luck.
Naruko vs Ibiki
*Both ninjas rush and jump with one jumping across trees and the other running across rooftops with them landing infrot of each other after they both narrowly avoiding each others Kunai and shruiken sneak attacks*
Ibiiki:konograukari? I don't know those ninjas were operating these days.
Naruko:not entirely. But our families live on in others. But your clan dosent seem poised to take this path of adaptation.
Ibiiki:what was that?
Naruko:foolish little children like you need to be reminded what being a ninja means.
Ibiiki:rrrreeeeggg! I show you!
Naruko:fine but don't go crying to those boys you like to see so much when I beat you.
Sunblood vs Bison
Sunblood:*Walking down a road eating a rather large apple* hhmm not bad. Bit tart for my taste.
*He then whips around at high speed grabbing Bisons fist and stareing him down*
Sunblood:so this is Psycho power? Must say. Not impressed.
*he then backs up after bison teleports only yo get a fully eaten apple core hit him in the face making him groan*
Bision:your technology and abilities intrigue me. Half them over and I'll maybe let you live.
Sunblood:*Swallows the mouthful of apple and then pulls out a banana which he starts eating.* how about this deal? You let me keep what I've in all good morality taken away from you and that failed side hustle you call S.I.N. and I don't send you and that prototype doll into whatever part of the afterlife you'd call home. Caphese?
Bison:bold words for a senile dead man!
Sunblood:*eats the banana in one bite and pushes a button in his wrist communicator.* your funeral.
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jacks-tracks · 2 years
Roca Blanca
30 k north of Puerto is Roca Blanca beach, an empty stretch of sand that runs some 5 k south, past a crocodile lagoon, a few stranded fishboats, 1 zillion coconuts, and not much else. At the beach entrance are maybe 10 palapa restaurants, but on a weekday only Jose and Lulus is open. Friendly family run, jose skin dives and spear fishes for the table, while his wife Lulu cooks with her daughter in the board shack kitchen. Beach front palapa, the usual plastic chairs, full shade from a palm thatch roof, and a 180 degree view of the ocean, beach and Roca Blanca one half K offshore( a rugged 2 hectare rock topped with coarse low growing greenery, and deeply coated with white guano, giving it it's name.) There are numerous reefs just breaking the surface offshore, and the corner of the bay is a picture postcard pocket beach turned from the incoming surf, safe for swimming
Access from Puerto is by one of the many vans that do a set run from Puerto to Pinotepa 50 pesos to Cacalote turnoff, maybe a one half hour ride, depending on which cowboy is driving and how often they pass a tractor/coke truck/ motorcyclist/ or anyone fool enough to dawdle. Even with a safe driver, it's nerve wracking, since the oncoming traffic often contains some yahoo who just has to struggle past a truck on a blind curve. Vans don't carry cargo like in Asia, but this one had a 20 kilo bag of powdered milk on the floor,which was topped by a tippy carton of 1oo's of eggs. Hold on at corners!. These vans are how locals shop, visit, and travel. Surprising how many people fit in a van!
At the turnoff the driver kindly pulled well off the road, so we did not have to jump out into traffic. Paid our 50 pesos each, and happy to arrive safely. No taxis in waiting which is unusual, so we walked in. (AM, still cool in the tree shade) i walked with Leslie from Savary island and we chatted about coastal things and island life. Dirt road after Cacalote's cement, coco palm plantations, cattle pasture, and just plain bush. Gordon and Maru, also from Casa Dan, dawdled behind. Effusively greeted by Lulu, we ensconced in the breezy chairs, and had cold drinks. I lucked out and got a green coconut with sweet milk and spoon meat, one of my favorite foods. Wave watching is mezmerizing, and this time was wildly enlivend by a humpback whale one half k offshore who twice breached three quarter out of the water in a vertical leap,falling back with an almighty splash. Huge!
Getting hotter despite some hazy clouds, so time for a swim. I'd packed the night before, but as 2 of my 3 swimsuits were drying on the line i somehow neglected to pack the third one. Duh! However, since the beach was empty i just walked a half K south and skinny dipped. Given that my ass is so white, from a distance it probably looked like a suit anyway. Small surf, easy entry, saw no rays(Leslie did) and it was fun to frolic in the gentle waves, pretending to body surf.
Back at the palapa, everyone broke out books or chatted Nice to socialize, and leslie was able to speak fluently in Spanish, giving Maru a change from the sea of English, She's from Mexico city, and while her English is improving, I know how frustrating it can be to struggle for the appropriate phrase or difficult word.
By noon it was time for lunch, a menu specializing in seafood. The daily special was a filet of a fish whose name I've never heard, cooked with garlic and a bit of rice. Firm white flesh, mild flavour and very fresh. Jose's catch of the day. At 270pesos($20) it was pricey, but more than even i could eat. I still find it odd that Mexicans want to eat rice rather than fresh corn tortillas. Rice does not grow here on the coast. In reality, most of the food consumed here is imported from the interior or down south in Chiapas. The main agricultural crop is peanuts and papayas with mangoes in season. Oddly too, there are no fresh peanuts in the markets, papayas are expensive, and mangoes imported from the Yucatan. Mangoes are flowering, and will overwhelm the local market in April/may. Papayas are exported. Locals grow corn in home fields, or on stripped off hillsides, but it's easier to but corn flour or tortillas from the many torterias in all markets and most neighbourhoods. The mercadoes are full of fruit, all delivered from other places and consequently expensive. in the 3 months I've been here , prices have risen 10%. Still cheap for chicken ($3 pound), and tortillas fresh from the comal ovens are 5 for 10 pesos. Mexico banned GM corn.
Siestas all round after lunch, in hammocks slung along the palapa poles, then more chats, swimming, beach walking, lo-fing. Some how it got to be 3:30, and we called for our bills. Jose kindly drove us out to the highway in his nice four door truck, saving us a hot walk, and a van zoomed along shortly after that had lots of empty seats. There are at least 3 van company operating this route, drivers giving their counterparts a friendly finger wave. Fewer close calls, back to puerto quick, and a combi truck full. Back home by 5 pm. A very satisfactory day, so much so that I'll do it again next week. Having lounged around puerto for 2 months i am motivated to get out to wild spots. No takers for the hot springs walk.I may go alone on that one. likely back to Agua blanca with Pete, Jill ,and Lorraine next week.
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robinabobin · 2 years
Tagged by @melnathea thank u angel u kno tru 2014 tumblrinas like us love an ask meme
♡Name: Robin / trinity if ur nasty
♡sign: Sagittarius
♡height: taller than most but not that tall
♡time: 9:39am
♡birthday: I ain't giving it bc I had a go at my wife for saying hers on stream and it would be pretty heinous
♡fav band/artist: damn smashing pumpkins is my usual go to answer but my tastes have evolved so much in the past couple years. I think at the minute it's machine girl maybe
♡last movie: in a cinema: the ring. at home: the star wars holiday special.
♡last show: Andor. Yea yea its as good as ppl say fuck sake
♡when I joined tumblr: just before yahoo purchased so like 2013 whoa 10 years ago fuckin christ
♡what I post: almost exclusively things to show to my wife when I'm on break at work. Mainly funy images and occasionaly a communist think peice and even more occasionally a beautiful peice of prose that I obsess over for a week or two
♡other blogs: @robinthesuccubus for titties n aesthetics
♡do I get asks: extraordinarily rarely but u have the power to change that reader
♡Followers: 739 but I've been on here 10 years so
♡how many hours do u sleep: as many as I can fit between shifts. I sleep till noon on days off.
♡instruments: guitar is the main one, I used to sing a lot but I'm super out of practice. I played violin as a kid and I used to play drums. I dabble with producing and writing music.
♡what I'm wearing: my style at the moment is kinda techy, I wear a lot of black and pink. I have fingerless gloves that go up to my elbows on rn.
♡dream trip: there's so many places i wanna go. I wanna show my wife the world. But if we are talking dreams I wanna go 2 space.
♡fav songs rn:
> we are not your kind of people - garbage
>anasthasia- t99
>boys x girls - you love her
> the Mexican- babe Ruth
>headshots- suzanne vega
Thanks 4 tagging me mel, I wanna tag
@bigbalogne @fizzycrystals @rinser-of-winds @rockwell-hrc and any other beloved mutuals who fancy it x
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+*:ꔫ:*﹤ᙏɩɩᥴᖾᥲᥒ ᕼoຕᥱ⳽ᥴɾᥱᥱᥒ ᘎoɩᥴᥱꙆɩᥒᥱ⳽ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
Yahoo~ I'm Amami Mio! Mii would be happy if you called them "Miichan" though ^^
Fufu... I finished another doll! Look look, Shunin! Does Shunin like it too? Mii hopes you do~
HAMA Nice Trip~ Mii hopes you can always keep smiling!
Uuuu... I ran out of laces and threads... What should I do... Mii's inspirations might go away while they're shopping for materials...
Wah! A new volume of "Phantasmagoria"(1) just released! Hehe, Mii will go find someone to accompany them to buy right now~
Mii's still not sure what Mii should do... but Mii will do anything Shunin wants them to do! It's a promise!
H-hey, Ogubaka(2)! Don't be mean to Kamiin(3)! Grr... We just want to hang out with Shunin!
Shunin found Mii in HAMA, right? I don't know how I ended up here but HAMA feels like home... Thank you for finding Mii!
...? Shunin, you should've just told me if you want to pinch my cheek! Hehe, did you need Mii for something?
Shunin, Shunin! They say there's an event being held! Join Mii in checking it out~
...Huwah? It's morning already...? Nngh, no! It's not morning as long as I don't open my eyes!
If Shunin says to wake up, Mii would but... Mii still wants to sleep after all...
The parfait I got for lunch is as good as ever~ Ueh? What else did I eat...? Mii is pretty full from the parfait alone though.
Awah! This doll shop has some good reviews online... Mii wants to go check it out!
Hehe, it's time for Mii's magical girl series to show! I'm going to ask everyone if they want to watch with me! Shunin, are you joining too?
Uwoooh... Mii can feel the ideas coming to life...! I think I can make something great!
Shunin, are you cold? Mii made some sweaters in case someone needs it so don't be shy to get one!
...Nnn ...? ....!? ....Oh! I did it! Hehe... now time to make the other arm...
...I wonder how Mama and Papa are doing... Did Mii cause them trouble again...? But Mii doesn't know anything....
Wah! Why is Shunin still awake? Bad, Shunin! C'mon, Mii will sing you to sleep~
Hehe, the time for sakura blooming is here! It's Mii's favorite time of the year~ It's pretty and pink, like Mii!
There's a lot of Spring goods this year too... I should make Spring themed dolls and dresses too... Yosh, time to work!
It's so hooot... Should Mii just stay inside their room today...? Ah, but I want to have a nice, cold parfait too~ Shunin, let's go buy some!
When you think of Summer, beaches and pool comes to mind, right? Playing the water sounds fun! ...The beach sounds a bit scary to Mii though.
Tanabata 2024
Fufu, the decorations for Tanabata is as pretty as ever! Ah, Mii should write down their wish too! Let's see... "I wish... for everyone... to smile.... brightly always"... there!
Toi 2024
Oh, it's the Shiramitsu duo's birthday! Hehe, I made Shiramitsu-otouto a Chiichama and a Shiramitsu-ani doll! I hope he likes it!
Ryui 2024
Oh, it's the Shiramitsu duo's birthday! Shiramitsu-ani is a bit scary but I hope he likes this Shiramitsu-otouto doll I made for him...
Kafka 2024
Today is Oguron's birthday, isn't it? Hmph, Mii is going to be nice to him and let him do whatever he wants today! But only for today! ...Will he accept the doll I made of him though...?
Notes: (1) Phantasmagoria — Fictional mahou shoujo series that Miichan likes (2) Ogubaka/Oguron — Miichan's nickname for Kafka (3) Kamiin — How Miichan calls Yukikaze
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whereareroo · 1 year
WF UPDATE: Day 14 (7/15/23).
With the help of Saint James, and all of you, we have arrived in Santiago! Yahoo!!
Many of you probably doubt that Saint James watched over our journey. If you’re in that group, consider the following:
1. Last night, the weather forecast called for rain until Noon today. At 4:00 a.m., it was raining pretty hard and the forecast said the rain would stop by 7:00 a.m. At 6:00 a.m., it was still raining and it looked ugly outside. I decided to push back our normal departure time. At 7:00, it didn’t look like the rain was going to stop soon. I figured that we couldn’t wait all day. We put on our rain gear and hit the trail at 7:15 a.m. The rain stopped at 7:45 a.m. By 8:45 a.m, it was so sunny that we put our rain gear away. We had some slight drizzle for 10 minutes around 9:30 a.m., but then we walked in sunshine the rest of the way. All in all, the total washout didn’t happen and we had a pretty easy time. We’ve had great weather for about 98% of the trip. I believe that Saint James was bringing the sunshine. You’re free to form your own belief.
2. At least 1,000 Pilgrims arrived in Santiago today. From start to finish, we’ve probably shared the trail with a few thousand Pilgrims. Several times, we’ve bumped into a nice guy from California named Dave. We haven’t seen him for a few days. About 3 miles away from Santiago, I was having a discussion with GC1 about our wonderful journey. He commented that it would be nice to walk into Santiago with Carlos, or Nick, or one of the other folks that we’ve messed around with on the trail. We were inside the city boundary, and a few minutes later we hit a red traffic light at an intersection. A small group of Pilgrims was waiting near the crosswalk to cross. There was Dave! What are the odds? Was this a coincidence, or was it the work of Saint James? You decide. I hope Dave wasn’t hoping for a reflective walk into Santiago. He had his ear chewed off by GC1 for three miles! In California, Dave teaches fourth grade and fifth grade. GC1 and Dave did a detailed comparative analysis of the school systems in California, Connecticut, and Washington D.C. I tagged along behind and listened.
3. When a Pilgrim finishes his or her Camino, provided that their Pilgrim Passport proves that they’ve covered at least 62 miles (100km), they are entitled to an official completion certificate. To get that certificate, the Pilgrim must go to a Camino office that resembles a DMV. There is a paperwork process. I’ve done it twice before. It can take hours. Today, we walked in the door at 12:10 p.m. and we were out by 12:25 p.m. I credit Saint James.
4. The nice woman who processed our paperwork was an American who moved to Santiago about 18 months ago. She was from Oregon. That’s where GC1 was born. Coincidence, or the work of Saint James?
5. In addition to being the terminal point for El Camino, Santiago is a vacation destination for people from all over Europe. There is a large historic section, which is filled with all sorts of shops and hundreds of restaurants. We’re at the height of the tourist season, and we’re at the height of the Pilgrim season. We went out for a walk this afternoon, and there were thousands of people roaming the narrow streets. It’s common for Pilgrims to stay for a few days after their arrival. We had dinner at a small outdoor cafe and started to walk back to our hotel. We took a few steps from our outdoor table and we literally bumped into our old friend Carlos. He was taking a picture of the top of a building, and he wasn’t watching what he was doing. He actually bumped into us. Do you remember him? He’s the guy from California who had terrible blisters. He was in awful pain. One day, I drained three of the blisters when we were out on the trail. We hadn’t seen Carlos in more than a week. Just yesterday, GC1 was wondering if Carlos was going to make it to Santiago. We had a nice little reunion. Carlos and GC1 share the view that the folks who start in Sarria are not true Pilgrims. It was good to see Carlos. There are thousands of people here. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we bumped into Carlos?
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to mess with Saint James. Tonight, to show appropriate respect and appreciation, I walked over to his Cathedral. I took the underground tunnel and viewed his burial vault. Then, in accordance with longstanding Pilgrim tradition, I climbed a set of stairs to touch the big statue of Saint James that hovers over the main altar. At both locations, I prayed for all of you guys. Whether you like it or not, Saint James is watching over you too.
It’s been a long day. We only walked 12.6 miles, but the day was full of other activities too. We’re here for a few days. I’m certain that I’ll visit with Saint James again. I’ll put in another good word for all of you. Thanks for coming to Santiago with us.
0 notes
*does a line of spice*
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(It’s the hands on the hip)
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...wait, who's the lady touching Padme's hip? I've done too much Spice I'm too short-sighted to make it out.
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magentaofchange · 1 year
Notes from ADD land:
I have four urgent outputs due today. Had weeks to work on them. Of course I started them all as soon as they were assigned, forgot about them, then started working on them again this Monday. Finished two by last night. Vowed to finish the last two today.
Woke up at noon. Why? Yesterday I had like 5 cups of coffee to help me cram, and so I stayed up until 5am in a state of caffeine-induced awakeness, endlessly scrolling through Tumblr and Reddit. I even looked at Yahoo "News."
So that's half the day gone.
Cooked myself an elaborate lunch for no good reason. The bolognese took two hours to make. It was good though.
Sat down in front of my laptop at around 3pm, all the necessary files open, my Spotify set to my "classical music" playlist. Couldn't focus.
Went back on social media. Couldn't focus on that either. Distracted by stressing about the fact that I was not getting any work done.
Finally convinced myself to begin working at 5pm. "Shit it's 5pm, the workday is almost over, I have to DO SOMETHING."
Stopped at 6.30pm to feed my dogs and play with them.
Tried to work again. Did not succeed.
It is now 9pm. I am lying calmly in bed typing here on Tumblr, horribly aware that I am only 25% done w/ the remaining two outputs.
I have no idea how long I'll keep lying here, the minutes ticking by, getting more and more anxious about my absolute non-productivity even as I continue to procrastinate.
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req'd by @noone-likes-yahoo
real name game energy
text: Gremlin. Gremlem. Gremelkin. Gringram
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legendsyg · 1 year
Email Accounts
Password: OnlyGodCanJudgeMe-EJV03
Password: OnlyGodCanJudgeMe-EJV03
Proton: down to earth dry
Password: MysteryHotPinkGirl101
Social Media Accounts
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, SnapChat:
Password: ThroughGodsFaith-EJV03
Instagram ll Account, Tumblr & IMVU
Password: IGMysteryHotPinkGirl101
Username: hotpinkypink
ID picture
Atm Card
Rbc Account Card
Eunice side personality is she doesnt get intimidates with anybody, she can literally can argue with anybody without feeling bad on others or worrying others feelings, but when it becones to someone always claiming that they did the right thing, denying the fact they did something wrong or if she disagree with the person she would call out that person without worrying or feeling bad about them, she would argue the hell out of them with a savage knowledging and educating fact if she find the person denying lying and unconscious for being wrong ambut she is a type of person that only argues when shes involved, she trying to educated someone disbelief, if someone has immature complaints and close minded or if she has complaints on immatures and close minded
Ugali nyang hindi pansinin at hindi bigyan ang mga taong hindi nahihiyang humingi sakanya at hindi marunong magkaroon nang utang na loob at hindi sya masyado nakipaglagayan nang loob o masyadong syang tahimik sa mga kamaganak nyang suplada o masyado magspang ang ugali pero marunong syang makisama at sa lahat nang mga taong independent at marunong sa buhay ay walang masama masabing at pagtingin sakanya dahil isa din syang marunong sa buhay, matalino sa lahat anng bagay sa pagkat mabalis syang matuto, masipag at maasahan sa lahat nang bagay.
Ugali ni Eunice na ayaw nya sa mga taong mapangkin nang bagay hindi sakanila kaya umiiwas sya sa taong pagalam nya sa unang beses na mapangakin sa bagay na hindi sakanila lalo ugali nyang simula noon hindi nya sinasabi o pinapaalam sa ibang tao kung paano sya isang magaling at maganda sa maraming bagay.
Refurnal DryPies DownToEarth REPI passage way
Picture Frames:
Denim Blue Longsleeve Botton Down,
May 2023 Airport
2 months of extra eating vegetables, fruits and more
Beauty Derma
Nail Salon
Eunice is a respectful, quiet and kind daughter but she is outgoing, talkative and calm extrovert, Eunice midnset and personalitt is all grown up, matured and open minded and she is more open agnd out to her friends and cousins and eunice is more a mothers girl she is more open and close to her mother, Eunice is more choosing amd seeking on her mother over her father.
Eunice has a lot of good friends and nice friends espeeically best friends but she always picky and aleays choosing the best one, she doesnt choose a person to be one of her best friends or close friends if she can sense the fakeness and pretentiousness behind of the person even though they seeem innovent
Euvi is person that doesnt need a attention from her parents even from other people.
Euvi has a lot stylish clothes for casual, oudoor and events because she is likes to shopping on more outdoor clothes and useful items just like bags and more thats why she looks wealthy and pretty but in simple wau
Isa eunice sa mga gen z na mature at madaming alam sa lahat nang bagay a
Mas pinaguusapan at kinamamangha si Eunice V nang ibang tao kesa sya ang nag bibigay nang mangha at pinaguusapan ang iba, hindi sya katulad nang ibang m magagandang babae na pinaguusapan ang and agmamangha sa ibang tao.
DowntoEarth dry refurnal playtime repi
Eunice is chito manaloto girl version as a daughter or sometimes as a person
Eunice is one of the gen z that is matured proffesional and grown.
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confiteorims · 2 years
tagged by: @swerte thank you!!
tagging: uhhhh steal it-​
Name: Mabi! Cait if we talk a lot though
Pronouns: they/them is preferred
Preference of communication: discord discord discord
Name of muse(s): e’mrys tia, half the arthuriana, sylveret aurifort, several others-
Experience/how long (months/years?): oh god let’s see...16 years? Maybe?
Platforms you’ve used: gaiaonline, yahoo messenger, livejournal, various forums, dreamwidth, tumblr, discord, skype...
Pet peeves / dealbreakers: being pressured for replies, single sentence replies to much longer posts, uhhh overly stylized fonts because i’m blind as hell-
Fluff, angst, or smut: i like a good balance of both fluff and angst! smut is...i prefer to leave it implied jfdhbsdmf i can write it in fics and draw it but don’t ask me to publically rp it.
Plots or memes: both is always good though i do have a teeny preference for plots which is probably not a surprise considering how many AUs cen and i have-
long or short replies: both! even if i have a tendency of writing longer and longer replies
Best time to write: uhhh any time after noon jdshdsf i’m usually drawing or playing fgo in the mornings.
Are you like your muse(s): there are some shared traits but we aren’t the same and i prefer to keep it that way personally.
0 notes
leagueofleaguesff · 2 years
Flash makes his entrance (12 secs)
Parker: Whoa dude, you're are like fast fast.
Flash:What week is it?
Parker: Um what week? Are you a time traveler? Usually in the movies they ask what date it is. By the way if you do time travel - I assume you do based on what I know of your power set, I gotta say its so cool by the way but anyways could you
Flash: Dammit kid what week is it? Week 5, 6, 7?
Parker: Uh I don't know. It's now week I suppose. I'm not knowing what you're getting at.
*The bickering lasts a few more minutes until Parker finally shoots a web at Flash mouth*
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*This angers The Flash who speeds his fist and quickly thrusts it into Spiderman*
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*The Flash determines he is in week 5 so he speeds through to week 6*
Flash: Couple points for Delmar....couple points for Oliver...yadda yadda Oliver wins blah blah...you get the point. Its almost noon. Gotta post Taureans week 7 video and the recaps, everyone is hurt af. Anybody left on the waivers? Like wtf no RBs sheesh. Oh sh#t the other leagues. Uh.....uh.....let me pull up who won
*Flash begins to zoom pulling up week 6 results of the other leagues*
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And there's your recaps folks....gotta go⚡
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Thats it for the recaps yall. Will do better next time 😃 Good luck in week 7
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