#nonvolatile compounds
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
Scientists Close the Cycle on Recycling Mixed Plastics - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/scientists-close-the-cycle-on-recycling-mixed-plastics-technology-org/
Scientists Close the Cycle on Recycling Mixed Plastics - Technology Org
Little of the mixed consumer plastics thrown away or placed in recycle bins actually ends up being recycled. Nearly 90% is buried in landfills or incinerated at commercial facilities that generate greenhouse gases and airborne toxins. Neither outcome is ideal for the environment.
ORNL’s organocatalyst deconstructs mixed plastics at different temperatures, which facilitates recovering their individual monomers separately, in reusable form. Credit: Jill Hemman/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
Why aren’t more mixed plastics recycled? It’s usually easier and less expensive to make new plastic products than reclaim, sort and recycle used ones. Conventional recycling of mixed plastics has previously meant manually or mechanically separating the plastics according to their constituent polymers.
Addressing the issue, scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory used carefully planned chemical design, neutron scattering and high-performance computing to help develop a new catalytic recycling process.
The catalyst selectively and sequentially deconstructs multiple polymers in mixed plastics into pristine monomers — molecules that react with other monomer molecules to form a polymer. The process offers a promising strategy for combating global plastic waste, such as bottles, packaging, foams and carpets.
The researchers’ analysis, published in Materials Horizons, compared using the new multipurpose catalyst to using individual catalysts for each type of plastic. The new catalyst would generate up to 95% fewer greenhouse gases, require up to 94% less energy input, and result in up to a 96% reduction in fossil fuel consumption.
“Our approach involves a tailored synthetic organocatalyst — a compound comprised of small organic molecules that facilitate organic chemical transformations. The organocatalyst can convert batches of mixed plastic waste into valuable monomers for reuse in producing commercial-grade plastics and other valuable materials,” said Tomonori Saito, an ORNL synthetic polymer chemist and corresponding author.
“This exceptionally efficient chemical process can help close the loop for recycling mixed plastics by replacing first-use monomers with recycled monomers.
“Today, nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuels using first-use monomers made by energy-intensive processes. Establishing this kind of closed-loop recycling, if used globally, could reduce annual energy consumption by about 3.5 billion barrels of oil,” Saito added.
A recycling solution for over 30% of all plastics
The new organocatalyst has proven to efficiently and quickly deconstruct multiple polymers — in around two hours. Such polymers include those used in materials such as safety goggles (polycarbonates), foams (polyurethanes), water bottles (polyethylene terephthalates) and ropes or fishing nets (polyamides), which together comprise more than 30% of global plastic production. Until now, no single catalyst has been shown to be effective on all four of these polymers.
The process provides many environmental advantages by replacing harsh chemicals for deconstructing polymers, as well as offering good selectivity, thermal stability, nonvolatility and low flammability. Its effectiveness against multiple polymers also makes it useful for deconstructing the increasing amounts of multicomponent plastics, such as composites and multilayer packaging.
Small-angle neutron scattering at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source was used to help confirm the formation of deconstructed monomers from the waste plastics. The method scatters neutrons at small angles to characterize the structure at different levels of detail, from nanometers to fractions of a micrometer.
Converting mixed plastics polymers to true recycled plastics
The organocatalyst deconstructs the plastics at different temperatures, which facilitates sequentially recovering the individual monomers separately, in reusable form. Polycarbonates deconstruct at 266 F (130 C), polyurethanes at 320 F (160 C), polyethylene terephthalates at 356 F (180 C) and polyamides at 410 F (210 C).
Other plastics, additives and associated materials such as cotton and plastic bags are left intact because of the differences in their reactivity and can subsequently be recovered.
“The deconstructed monomers and the organocatalyst are water soluble, so we can transfer them into water, where any impurities such as pigments can be removed by filtration,” said Md Arifuzzaman, the study’s lead author and former postdoctoral synthetic organic chemist at ORNL. He is now an Innovation Crossroads Fellow and CEO and Founder of the Re-Du Company.
“The nearly pure monomers are then extracted, leaving the catalyst, which is almost entirely recovered by evaporating the water and can be directly reused for multiple deconstruction cycles.”
The study included researchers from ORNL’s Chemical Sciences Division and Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences within the Physical Sciences Directorate, the Neutron Sciences Directorate and the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. This research was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division.
CNMS and SNS are Department of Energy Office of Science user facilities. UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. The Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit energy.gov/science.
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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entomoblog · 2 years ago
Les arbres : nos alliés naturels pour vivre plus longtemps, plus heureux et en meilleure santé
Les arbres libèrent des composés chimiques dans l'air appelés phytoncides qu'ils utilisent pour se protéger des insectes. Lorsque nous respirons ces phytoncides, notre corps répond en augmentant le nombre et l'activité d'un type de globule blanc spécifique : les cellules tueuses naturelles (ou cellules NK).
  Arbres Canada, 25.01.2023
    Les arbres sont bénéfiques à notre santé physique
  "L’exposition aux forêts stimule par ailleurs notre système immunitaire. Lorsque nous respirons l’air de la forêt, c’est comme si nous participions à une séance d’aromathérapie naturelle. Les arbres libèrent des composés chimiques dans l’air appelés phytoncides qu’ils utilisent pour se protéger des insectes. Lorsque nous respirons ces phytoncides, notre corps répond en augmentant le nombre et l’activité d’un type de globule blanc spécifique : les cellules tueuses naturelles (ou cellules NK). Ces cellules peuvent tuer d’autres cellules infectées par une tumeur ou un virus présents dans notre corps. Il a été démontré qu’après un séjour de bain de forêt de seulement trois jours et deux nuits, les participants présentaient une augmentation de l’activité des cellules NK pendant plus de 30 jours après leur retour !"
Une étude récente
  Forest Volatile Organic Compounds and Their Effects on uman Health: A State-of-the-Art Review - PMC, 07.09.2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7559006/
  "... Some forest VOCs are also defined as “phytoncides” and this term, first introduced in the last century by the Russian biologist Boris Petrovich Tokin, derives from the combination of two words: “phyton”, which refers to plants and botany in ancient Greek, plus the suffix “cide”, which indicates “killing” or “exterminating”, thus underscoring the antimicrobial and insecticidal activity of these substances [6,7]. However, the term “phytoncide” may be misleading because, due its broad definition and etymology, it can indicate either plant-derived volatile substances with antiparasitic properties or any (volatile and nonvolatile) antimicrobial/insecticidal compound released by plants, any volatile VOC, or, in some cases, essential oils obtained from aromatic woods. In order to avoid potential misunderstandings, in this research work, which is focused on biogenic volatile substances found in forest air, the term “forest VOCs” will be preferred over the less specific “phytoncide”, and BVOCs will be defined as any organic compound, except carbon dioxide and monoxide, emitted by plants and having vapor pressure high enough to be vaporized in relevant amounts. Usually, the definition excludes dimethyl sulfide and methane because it is still debated as to whether they are produced by terrestrial plants [8]."
  [Image] BVOCs’ functions in relation to biotic and abiotic stresses. Adapted from Laothawornkitkul et al. (2009) [8].
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jadescientific · 2 years ago
What is Distillation & its Types?
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Distillation is a common technique for separating mixtures with the help of distillation apparatus based on the circumstances needed to change the phase of the mixture's components. Heat heating can separate a mixture of liquids to drive the different boiling point constituents into the gas phase. Then, the gas gets better after being re-condensed into liquid form. Double Distillation means the process of repeating it on the liquid that has been gathered to raise purity of the product. Even though the phrase is most frequently used to describe liquids, it is possible to separate gases using the opposite method by liquefying the individual parts utilizing temperature and pressure variations.
A distillery is a facility where distillation is carried out. A still is the name of the device used to undertake Distillation.
Uses of Distillation
Numerous industrial processes involve Distillation, including creating petrol, xylene, alcohol, kerosene, distilled water, paraffin, and countless other liquids. Gas can separate and liquefy. For instance, the air purifies gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
Types of Distillation
There are four different types of Distillation which are as follows:
Simple Distillation,  
Fractional Distillation,  
Steam Distillation,  
Vacuum Distillation  
Simple Distillation
Simple Distillation may be used for two liquids' boiling points that differ noticeably or for separating liquids from solids or nonvolatile components with the help of distillation apparatus. In a straightforward distillation, the most volatile part of a combination is heated to transform it from a liquid to a vapor. As it boosts, the vapor goes inside a condenser. The condenser is typically chilled to encourage condensation of the vapor collected.  
Fractional Distillation
The components used in rectification, a series of distillations, are bifurcated using a fractionating column. When a mixture's constituent boiling points are close to one another, as determined by Raoult's law, fractional Distillation is utilized. Heating a mixture causes the vapor to arise and goes inside the fractionating column during fractional Distillation. The vapor condenses on the packing material as it cools. This liquid is forced to vaporize once more by the heat of rising vapor, which advances it along the column and eventually produces a higher purity sample of the mixture's more volatile component.
Steam Distillation
Heat-sensitive components are separated via steam distillation. The mixture is given steam, which causes some of it to vaporize. This vapor is cooled and split into two fractions of liquid. The fractions are occasionally collected separately, or they might naturally separate if they have different densities. An illustration is the steam distillation of flowers to produce essential oil and distillate with a water basis.
Vacuum Distillation
Components with high boiling points are separated via vacuum distillation. When a compound's typical boiling point is higher than the temperature at which it decomposes, vacuum distillation is particularly helpful. Boiling points also decrease when the apparatus's pressure is reduced. The procedure is otherwise comparable to other distillation methods.
Distillation Apparatus
A simple scientific distillation apparatus, sometimes known as a still, comprises only a few parts. A thermometer must be part of the device. The thermometer is necessary to precisely measure and maintain the temperature corresponding to the chosen compound's boiling point. A thermometer often measures the average kinetic energy or motion inside a group of particles, such as the particles that make up a liquid or vapor in the case of Distillation.
If you are looking for the best distillation apparatus, Jade Scientific, Inc. is your one-stop solution.
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myrakhannyu · 5 years ago
WEEK 1 - 2
Research on Water Contamination and ways to prevent it. Research Materials - Get in touch with Foli.
Spoke to Foli and there are two priorities:
Temporary and/or Permanent covering for the well to prevent contamination and pollution.
Collection of rainwater for future use.
The idea that we discussed was to create a funnel through which water can be collected in a cistern. Foli initially preferred Aluminium and bamboo in the making of the funnel but after research on materials I came to realise how Aluminium might not be the safest way to transport water and pose a health risk.
Week 3- Week 4
Research on additional materials.
Researched a number of techniques that are used to filter water without electricity or expensive filtration systems.
Number of options found:
Bamboo Charcoal - this is created through heating bamboo and creating a charcoal of the plant, which when placed in water is able to absorb most of the bacteria in the water. This is extremely helpful and sustainable for a place like NDOR eco village.
Second option was the inside gel of a cactus plant which can be put inside the contaminated water and once boiled is able to absorb most of the bacteria. The only problem with this is you need cactus plants for this and they are not natives to the region.
Last method I thought would be a good match for the village was clay pots. Clay pots have perforations of about 0.2 ml in them so once water is poured in them, it slowly starts to leak from the bottom. The water that leakes is clean from almost any bacteria and is healthy and drinkable for infants and adults.
I have decided to do a combination of both points 1 and 3. I will create a funnel which will be attached to an underground cistern. In the underground cistern I will place bamboo charcoal to first put the water through initial filtration.
Secondly, whatever water is extracted from the cistern for drinking use will go through pots into a plastic/or any other material container they have present.
Polycarbonate corrugated roofing - Foli needs me to use.
Week 5 - Week 7
Collect water and start testing.
Bamboo charcoal, you��ve heard of it, you’ve heard of the great things it can do. But really, does it work? I think so. I’m not 100% sure, but I allowed several people to try my “bamboo water” and tea brewed with it alongside normal Chicago tap water and the results were positive. I have no scientific evidence, and I don’t need any – I like it, it tastes good, and I’m going to use it — and that’s enough for me (want technical? read this).
If you are interested in making bamboo charcoal, Pyro Energen has put together this pretty neat guide to making your own at home, with bamboo chopsticks at that!: http://www.pyroenergen.com/articles/how-to-make-bamboo-charcoal.htm
The idea behind bamboo charcoal, and any charcoal for that matter is the fact that it is extremely porous and will absorb impurities in water. It really isn’t “filtering” water if you set a stick in the water, in order to filter the water, the water must pass through granulated charcoal or some other medium (this is how Brita filters work).
Once you have obtained bamboo charcoal, follow these steps:
Sterilize the bamboo charcoal by boiling it for 10 minutes in water.
Allow the charcoal to dry for 24 hours.
Soak it in your tea water for 24 hours, then use the water to brew tea.
After about a month or so, reboil the charcoal, dry it, then use it again.
How Foli can do this on his own:
How to Make Bamboo Charcoal in a Simple Way
This time, a small part of the bamboo branch will be used instead for charcoal making.
Materials to prepare:
Few sticks of dried bamboo branch
Aluminum foil
Spirit (alcohol) lamp
Bamboo charcoal procedures:
Wrap the small bamboo branches with aluminum foil as seen below.
Probably, wrap the bamboo several times with aluminum foil to seal and protect it (air intact).
You can use an ice pick to make a tiny hole to the wrapped aluminum foil, to prevent it from bursting when the trapped air in it is expanded by the heat.
Bamboo Charcoal
Place a wire mesh on top of the spirit lamp and position the aluminum-wrapped bamboo on top of it.
Light up the lamp, this is done to dry the bamboo inside the foil. White smoke will come out from the tiny hole, and will turn to yellow. This might produce an unpleasant smell, so you will need to open your windows or do it outdoors.
Bamboo Charcoal
When the color of aluminum foil turns yellow, it means the job is done. The yellowish color is caused by the bamboo tar. Do not open the aluminum foil until it's cooled. Heat can break the charcoal easily.
Another Simple Way in Making Bamboo Charcoal
Bamboo Charcoal 1
Prepare an aluminum foil and a few bamboo sticks (I used bamboo chopsticks).
Bamboo Charcoal 2
Bamboo sticks, aluminum foil, wire mesh, and stove are the only thing you need.
Bamboo Charcoal 3
Wrap the bamboo sticks with aluminum foil. Make sure the wrapping has no holes.
Bamboo Charcoal 4
At the end of the wrapping, make a small hole. This is to let the accumulated gas to escape and not to blast.
Bamboo Charcoal 5
Place the wire mesh on the gas stove. Place the bamboo sticks on top of it.
Bamboo Charcoal 6
First, put up a small and weak flame. Soon, white steam-like gases will come out. Increase the flame after few minutes (steam will turn bluish). If it turns into a whitish smoke, then turn off the gas stove.
Bamboo Charcoal 7
Sink the aluminum foil into a water basin for few minutes.
Bamboo Charcoal 8
Now, open the aluminum foil and you'll see hard bamboo charcoals.
Hard and good charcoals do not make your hands dirty black.
Soft charcoals are caused by oxygen present during processing. These are poor charcoals and we can't use them for our purposes.
Another Procedure in Making Bamboo Charcoal
Bamboo carbonization can be divided into four stages according to temperature and products situation in a kiln.
First stage drying: the temperature is below 120°C and the speed of carbonization is slow. Heat is used to evaporate the water in bamboo, and the chemical composition of the bamboo is still intact.
Second stage precarbonization: the temperature is in the range of 120°C to 260°C and there is a distinct chemical reaction in bamboo. The unstable chemical compounds begin to decompose and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released.
Third stage carbonization: the temperature is in the range of 260°C to 450°C, and the bamboo is decomposed into liquid and gas products. Liquid products contain much acetic acid, methanol and bamboo tar. Flammable methane and ethylene in gas products are increasing while carbon dioxide production is reduced.
Fourth stage calcinations (refining stage): the temperature is over 450°C. The bamboo becomes charcoal by providing a mass of heat, emitting the volatile substances and to enhance nonvolatile carbon. Based on the temperature in this stage, the bamboo charcoal can be divided into three groups (low-temperature, middle-temperature and high-temperature charcoal). The quality and properties of bamboo charcoal differs with different temperatures during the refining stage.
Lastly the bamboo is left to cool down and depending on the weather; this process may take from five to eight days in big volume.
During the above process, you can extract alcohol, tar, vinegar, medicinal liquid (water form), and many other products. Products from bamboo charcoal have countless uses - from skin diseases, allergies, influenza, heart diseases, stomachaches, insecticides, pesticides, germicides, bactericides, deodorants, disinfectants, gardening, cosmetics, cooking, washing, and hundreds of others.
Start small prototype - testing
Week 8
Necessary changes / revisions
Week 9 - Week 10
Start Filteration Research
Week 11 and 12
Make initial prototype
Week 13
Texting prototype / water testing
Week 14
Project Assessment and next steps:
As with any project, the best way to test the success of your design and to ensure it works is through physically visiting the actual site, so my hope is to get the opportunity to actually go visit and test out the design on site and make necessary changes if required. Through the feedback that Foli provides I would like to continue to finesse the design till it works flawlessly for their system. I would also hope to continue to expand on the LifeStraw concept ,if it works for the Ndor Eco-Village and create bigger products that last longer for families in need of drinkable water.
Research on Water Contamination and ways to prevent it. Research Materials - Get in touch with Foli.
Spoke to Foli and there are two priorities:
Temporary and/or Permanent covering for the well to prevent contamination and pollution.
Collection of rainwater for future use.
The idea that we discussed was to create a funnel through which water can be collected in a cistern. Foli initially preferred Aluminium and bamboo in the making of the funnel but after research on materials I came to realise how Aluminium might not be the safest way to transport water and pose a health risk.
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predictoreports · 6 years ago
Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid is an anionic surfactant with molecules characterized by a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic group. They are nonvolatile compounds produced by sulfonation. Linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid are complex mixtures of homologues of different alkyl chain lengths (C10 to C13 or C14) and phenyl positional isomers of 2 to 5-phenyl in proportions dictated by the starting materials and reaction conditions, each containing an aromatic ring sulfonated at the para position and attached to a linear alkyl chain at any position with the exception of terminal one (1-phenyl). The properties of linear alkyl benzene sulfonic differ in physical and chemical properties according to the alkyl chain length, resulting in formulations for various applications. The global Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid market will reach xxx Million USD in 2017 and CAGR xx% 2011-2017. The report begins from overview of Industry Chain structure, and describes industry environment, then analyses market size and forecast of Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid by product, region and application, in addition, this report introduces market competition situation among the vendors and company profile, besides, market price analysis and value chain features are covered in this report.
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balkanbruiser · 2 years ago
I work in cleaning up contaminated sites so I wanted to give some context to this.
The main hazardous chemical associated with this spill is vinyl chloride which was in 14 of the 20 train cars carrying hazardous chemicals. Vinyl chloride is a highly toxic volatile organic compound which means that it boils and becomes a gas at lower than room temperature.
This gas would be a health concern in the close vicinity of the train derailment immediately aftwards which is why residents in a mile wide radius were ordered to evacuate. But the good thing about volatiles is they disperse quickly in open air and subsequent tests have shown concentrations are at safe levels now. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the reports of livestock or pets dying in the evacuation zone were later found to be true.
Now the chemicals did reach surface water but, again, volatile organic compounds can easily reach the air from surface water and escape as a gas. I have never once seen concerning levels of volatiles in surface water at dozens of sites even for organisms that live in the water.
My bigger concern is how much vinyl chloride reached groundwater where it can stay dissolved as a gas. It can reach downstream drinking water wells and pollute those or reach people's basements and emerge as a toxic gas again.
Another concern is that there were other nonvolatile compounds in the train cars. A full soil, surface water, and groundwater investigation will need to be performed to evaluate long-term risks, including cancer, for humans and wildlife. Luckily though, the EPA is saying the Norfolk Southern Rail Company will pay the costs of such an investigation and the subsequent cleanup.
If you'd like updates on the situation, the EPA has a website on this incident.
I was reading up on that train explosion to make sure I was getting all my facts straight and it turns out I got pranked by sensationalists on twitter again
There is no news blackout; this is being reported by every major news site
The cops didn't blow up the train; it derailed, and the chemicals it was transporting could explode catastrophically at any time, so a controlled burn was done to alleviate the risk of an even worse environmental disaster happening
They're not black-bagging reporters trying to spread the truth; there was one reporter being ""aggressive"" and ""disruptive,"" but this one reporter that was arrested happened to be black. It's racism, not an attempt to suppress The Truth (which, again, isn't being suppressed, you can literally Google all of this). The dude was released, unharmed, hours later.
It's still a horrifying result of corporate negligence, but it's not some conspiracy that The Man is trying to cover up. It's an environmental disaster that deserves attention, which it IS getting. Just like, don't get pranked by people trying to spin it into a suppression conspiracy.
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anchromhptlc121 · 2 years ago
How do You Test for Colorless Substances in Chromatography?
How Do You Test For Colorless Substances In Chromatography?
Thin Layer Chromatography/High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography is suitable for detection of organic and nonvolatile compounds.
There are many compounds which do not have chromophoric group therefore we can not see them with naked eyes. Sometimes these compounds have UV/fluorescence.
Such compounds can be detected by using suitable instrument like UV cabinet or CAMAG visualizer which can detect compounds in short UV i.e., 254nm, long UV i.e., 366nm and white light or if any compound is not UV active, a technique of derivatization can be used to make them visible.
UV detection, spectra and derivatization are powerful tools which helps in detection of colorless substances in High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography technique.
How colorless substances are analyzed by HPTLC?
HPTLC is a stepwise technique. One has to follow certain sequence while doing analysis.
First step is application of sample on suitable stationary phase and using instrument like CAMAG Linomat 5 or ATS 4.
Then the plate is developed in a suitable mobile phase and plate is observed in UV 254 and 366nm wavelength using instrument like CAMAG UV cabinet /Visualizer.
If compound is UV active (at 254nm) its presence can be checked by observing dark bands against green fluorescent background (Normal phase plates) and if it is fluorescent in nature fluorescent bands can be seen against dark background.
   CAMAG Scanner 4:
Some compounds show response in low UV range. If compound does not show any response in UV 254 nm that does not mean it is not present on your plate.
To ensure its presence in low UV light, the plate is scanned by using CAMAG scanner at different wavelengths or spectra can be taken from 190 to 400 nm and response can be recorded in low UV wavelength.
In the following example, analysis of cannabinoids was carried out. There are two major cannabinoids THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). The band for THC cannot be seen on the plate (indicated its presence by horizontal line) because it shows response in low UV.
Whereas, the band for THCA can be seen on plate at Rf 0.4. When the plate was scanned in low UV light, the presence of THC was detected at 210 nm.
What is derivatization in chromatography?
CAMAG Derivatizer:
Derivatization is a technique in which a chromophoric group (colour adding group) is added to the compound in order to make it visible.
Derivatization is used to enable the detection of separated compounds that are colorless and cannot be visualized with UV radiation or fluorescence.
This is a chemical reaction which happens between the derivatizing reagent and the analyte. Many reactions require heat or thermo-chemical activation to complete the reaction. Popular ways of doing derivatization are dipping and spraying.
In following image, coloured bands can be seen after derivatization with anisaldehyde sulfuric acid:
Thus, HPTLC technique is a powerful, fast and cost-effective technique for detection of colorless substances.
Dr. Manjusha Phanse
Project Leader
Anchrom Enterprises
Anchrom Enterprises Pvt. Ltd is one of the leaders in hptlc chromatography applications in india. Please contact us at [email protected] for HPTLC analysis of plant extracts, drugs, ingredients in cosmetics, and forensic science.
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palvifze · 3 years ago
Applications of Phosphoric Acid in Various Industries
Fertilizer production relies heavily on phosphoric acid (H3PO4), making it one of the most often used acids. There are several uses for phosphates, which are the salts of this acid. This is a word that chemistry students may come across on a regular basis. To place an order for Phosphoric acid for your science lab in your school or educational institute in Sharjah, Palvi FZE is one of the most affordable as well as distinct Phosphoric Acid suppliers in Sharjah.
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Weak acids, such as phosphoric acid, are acidic in nature. In order to differentiate it from various types of phosphoric acids like polyphosphoric acid, it is sometimes known as orthophosphoric acid. Phosphoric(V) acid is a different name for this acidic substance. This acid is solid at room temperature as well as non-toxic in its pure form. In terms of molecular weight, it weighs 97.99 g/mol.
The mineral acid H3PO4 is considered one of the most helpful as well as essential. The acid is a colourless, odourless, and nonvolatile liquid that is most commonly found as an aqueous solution. In spite of being a "weak acid," the solution is a viscous and sticky liquid that can irritate or burn your skin and harm your eyes and your nasal membranes.
Physical Properties listed by one of the top ranking Phosphoric Acid exporters in Sharjah:
●  Solid white crystals
●   Melting Point 42.4°C.
●   Colourless, Odourless and Viscous acid.
●   Non-toxic and Stable.
Chemical Properties:
●    As many as three H+ ions can be liberated by phosphoric acid, which is H3PO4. As compared to various mineral acids, Phosphoric acid has a unique reaction.
●   When reacting with bases, three types of salts are often formed.
●   Meta-phosphoric, as well as Polyphosphoric acids, produce dimers, trimers, and even lengthy polymeric chains when phosphoric acid molecules are heated to high temperatures.
Applications of Phosphoric Acid in Various Industries:   
Fertilizers account for the majority of the phosphoric acid generated. It is primarily transformed into fertilizer-grade triphosphate salts such as,
●     Triple superphosphate (TSP)
●     Diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAP)
●     Monoammonium dihydrogen phosphate (MAP)
Phosphoric acid is also included as a feed additive for livestock, swine, and poultry.   
Food additives:
The acidic taste of phosphoric acid can be enjoyed in diluted solutions. As a result, it's found in foods as an additive. Because of this, it gives off an acidic smell to
●     Soft drinks.
●     Other readymade foods.
●     Water treatment products.    
Manufacturing process:
Phosphoric acid is used to manufacture
●     Gelatin.
●     Soil stabilizer.
●     Waxes and polishes.
●     Binder for ceramics.
●     Activated carbon.
●     In lakes in cotton dyeing.    
Medical applications:
●     In dental cement.
●     In Preparation of albumin derivatives.
●     To acidify the urine.
●     To remove necrotic debris.
●     In anti-nausea pills.
●     In mouth washing liquid as well as teeth whiteners.   
Personal care:
The following personal care products would not be possible without phosphoric acid:
●     Cleansing products
●     Bath products
●     Fragrances
●     Haircare products
●     Nail products
●     Makeup
●     Skincare products    
Rust removal:
Rust can be removed with phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid reacts with rust on metals like steel and iron when applied to the rust. Afterwards, the rust is transformed into a black-coloured compound that may be easily removed from the surface. If you are looking for an excellent Phosphoric Acid distributor in Sharjah, Palvi FZE is the best pick for you who can fulfil all of your rust removal as well as industrial chemical needs.   
Other uses:
●     Products for the care and maintenance of automobiles
●     Batteries
●     Cleaning and care products for the semiconductor industry
●     Electronic and electrical goods
●     packaging for food
●     Combustibles and their byproducts
●     Dishwashing and laundry products
●     Products for maintaining a lawn or garden
●     Unaddressed metal products
●     Coatings and paints are
●     Products made of paper
●     Camera equipment, film, and photo-processing chemicals
●     Not covered elsewhere are plastic and rubber items.
●     Dispersal of Chemicals
●     Media used in industrial fermentation
●     Plating cleaners for automobiles and heavy equipment
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writer59january13 · 3 years ago
Lima describe how yours truly went Peru zing...
thru truckloads of his personal communiqués broadcast
(methinks quite some years ago) across world wide web,
but now still smarting from selfishness, I feel quite aghast.
Yes practically every word
needs be overwritten with bleep,
nevertheless, an intimation doth arise
regarding me-an utter creep,
whose abominable banality, deplorable effability,
horrible insecurity, miserable notoriety...
impossible mission to expunge
indelible impression wrought upon
kith and kin, their rancor
towards me invariably runs deep.
A veritable desert storm sweeps across psyche
of one humbled wedded wordsmith,
who derived vicarious testosterone laden pleasure
attempting to arouse adventuristic, cathartic, erotic,
gymnastic, idealistic, kinetic, monopolistic,
opportunistic, quixotic, sensualistic,
unproblematic, and wholistic desire.
Upon scrolling thru mine
quite x-rated, sordid outdated
personal classified advertisements
herewith follows mild mannered random sample.
...though in me noggin go wah wick it tee whack ass i ham bull across mental railroad track ah bet cha, u probably hit the sack perhaps after quaffing ample liquor on the rack perhaps daniels jack or toke king a drag to ease the frack king beau wows - whether yar special prince charming white
or orange is the new black.
poetry n prose trademark tagline of non rugged Scottish tar tanned Matt whose seeks emotional covalent bond with a gentle electronic sparks fur us to align. I use words to hew as doth an ax cuz, this man haint wanna
re:sieve any mo' cracks hoop ping newt to induce any flax wassup - u ax well just wanna relax n enjoy intercourse 2 the max.
'Though principle balance
accounts compounding interest
to pusillanimous po' paw span more'n one direction set 724 numb bored abode west o old railroad tracks don't cross less b cum human co slaw.
thus police try knot 2 judge me though yar mind i might tax via the following human healthy (nada hedonistic) nirvana pardner 2 ride gingerly as if...among pacman
with his oxygenated yoked yaks.
I lived west about a doze zen dirty dire strait deeds done dirt cheap miles from center city Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), where tapped kidney git freeze and saw no email nor any text message e'en one replete with scum n sleaze cuz I wanna u2 to hear
inxs of imagine dragons snorting on verge to sne...snee...sneez...sneeze
possibly allergic flirting with amorous tease,
whereat rolling in the hay induces wheeze.
I recoil with revulsion absolute zero excuse
touting ignoble, horrible, fallible, execrable...
extramarital misdeeds sabotaging
marital fidelity courtesy
fostering illicit relationships
with veritable females, who possibly found me feeble poetic antics
docile, juvenile, nonvolatile, ultravirile (ha)
bemused, cajoled, enticed, finagled...
at overtures sporting Casanova wannabe.
0 notes
gb9525295 · 4 years ago
How biosensors Market Forecast ?
How biosensors Market Forecast ?
biosensors are used in a wide range of applications to track the activity of microprocessors, which are prevalent in personal computers and other electronic devices. According to industry experts biosensors can be defined as an integrated circuit that includes an analog and a digital component. The analog component is embedded on a nonvolatile memory chip, while the digital component is incorporated in a digital memory chip.
There are many factors that contribute to the biosensor's market forecast for the coming years. According to industry analysts expect there will be rapid growth in markets for personal computer peripherals such as printers, keyboards etc. with mass production of these devices predicted for the end of 2021. With mass production of these devices and an increasing demand for them, it is expected that the pricing will come down.
As a result of the mass production of these devices, many companies have started manufacturing and selling generic biosensors. The introduction of generic devices has helped to bring down the cost of production considerably. As a result the biosensor's market forecast for 2021 will be significantly better than it is currently. Another factor contributing to biosensors market forecast for 2021 is the increase in the level of integration between microprocessors and other computer peripherals. These peripherals such as printers, keyboards etc.
Among all the factors influencing biosensors market forecast for 2021, the increasing use of mobile phones in the business environment is the primary driving force. Most small to medium sized businesses are using mobile phones to communicate with their customers and suppliers. This has paved the way for greater utilization of wireless technologies for data transmission. The introduction of WiFi technology in more public buildings has also increased the demand for wireless networking and increased the use of wireless sensors and monitors. The popularity of cellular phones and other wireless devices have contributed to this development. Another major factor responsible for the growth of this market is the ease with which devices can be updated.
The biosensors can be used to monitor the temperature of various components in industrial, commercial as well as in the residential sectors. These sensors also play an important role in food safety. The thermal-mechanical interface used in such devices is becoming more popular. There are also different varieties of sensors available in the market for monitoring different aspects of the environment.
The biosensors market forecasts are also influenced by the trends set by government policy. For example, most large enterprises prefer to purchase and regulate the level of acidity in their workplaces through the use of pH sensors. Similarly, most authorities and regulatory agencies prefer to restrict or prohibit the discharge of volatile organic compounds into the environment through the use of air pH sensors. Other popular biosensors are those that monitor the level of electromagnetic radiation and detect the presence of low-level radio waves in the environment.
As far as the possible applications of biosensors are concerned, they are being used in virtually every field of life science. Biotechnology is one such area that sees a lot of use of biosensors. Various forms of genetic engineering and bacterial transformation have made it possible to produce genetically altered organisms. biosensors are also being used in this industry, particularly in the field of agriculture. Since farms depend largely on the weather conditions, it is important that they are safe from damage, and biosensors provide just that.
It is also possible to get biosensors online. Since there is a large market for them, you can find a large variety of products available. Thus, it is important that you choose your sensor carefully and take your time before making a purchase. By doing so, you will be able to make the most out of your biosensors market forecast.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Biosensors market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Biosensors market segmented into
Based on the end-use, the global Biosensors market classified into
Environmental Monitoring
Food Industry
Based on geography, the global Biosensors market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
Johnson &Johnson
Siemens Healthineers
Nova Biomedical
Universal Biosensors
Contact us - https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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friedtyrantllama · 4 years ago
What is the Biosensors Market Forecast ?
What is the Biosensors Market Forecast ?
biosensors are used in a wide range of applications to track the activity of microprocessors, which are prevalent in personal computers and other electronic devices. According to industry experts biosensors can be defined as an integrated circuit that includes an analog and a digital component. The analog component is embedded on a nonvolatile memory chip, while the digital component is incorporated in a digital memory chip.
There are many factors that contribute to the biosensor's market forecast for the coming years. According to industry analysts expect there will be rapid growth in markets for personal computer peripherals such as printers, keyboards etc. with mass production of these devices predicted for the end of 2021. With mass production of these devices and an increasing demand for them, it is expected that the pricing will come down.
As a result of the mass production of these devices, many companies have started manufacturing and selling generic biosensors. The introduction of generic devices has helped to bring down the cost of production considerably. As a result the biosensor's market forecast for 2021 will be significantly better than it is currently. Another factor contributing to biosensors market forecast for 2021 is the increase in the level of integration between microprocessors and other computer peripherals. These peripherals such as printers, keyboards etc.
Among all the factors influencing biosensors market forecast for 2021, the increasing use of mobile phones in the business environment is the primary driving force. Most small to medium sized businesses are using mobile phones to communicate with their customers and suppliers. This has paved the way for greater utilization of wireless technologies for data transmission. The introduction of WiFi technology in more public buildings has also increased the demand for wireless networking and increased the use of wireless sensors and monitors. The popularity of cellular phones and other wireless devices have contributed to this development. Another major factor responsible for the growth of this market is the ease with which devices can be updated.
The biosensors can be used to monitor the temperature of various components in industrial, commercial as well as in the residential sectors. These sensors also play an important role in food safety. The thermal-mechanical interface used in such devices is becoming more popular. There are also different varieties of sensors available in the market for monitoring different aspects of the environment.
The biosensors market forecasts are also influenced by the trends set by government policy. For example, most large enterprises prefer to purchase and regulate the level of acidity in their workplaces through the use of pH sensors. Similarly, most authorities and regulatory agencies prefer to restrict or prohibit the discharge of volatile organic compounds into the environment through the use of air pH sensors. Other popular biosensors are those that monitor the level of electromagnetic radiation and detect the presence of low-level radio waves in the environment.
As far as the possible applications of biosensors are concerned, they are being used in virtually every field of life science. Biotechnology is one such area that sees a lot of use of biosensors. Various forms of genetic engineering and bacterial transformation have made it possible to produce genetically altered organisms. biosensors are also being used in this industry, particularly in the field of agriculture. Since farms depend largely on the weather conditions, it is important that they are safe from damage, and biosensors provide just that.
It is also possible to get biosensors online. Since there is a large market for them, you can find a large variety of products available. Thus, it is important that you choose your sensor carefully and take your time before making a purchase. By doing so, you will be able to make the most out of your biosensors market forecast.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Biosensors market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Biosensors market segmented into
Based on the end-use, the global Biosensors market classified into
Environmental Monitoring
Food Industry
Based on geography, the global Biosensors market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
Johnson &Johnson
Siemens Healthineers
Nova Biomedical
Universal Biosensors
Contact us - https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
0 notes
chemistryonline · 2 years ago
Basic properties of amino acids
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What are the basic properties of  amino acids? What is the difference between a basic and an acidic amino acid? The basic properties are those of the side chain. In a molecule, amino acid side chains are known as peptides. There are two forms of the peptide bond: -  trans forms -  cis forms In addition to being optically active, amino acids have other important properties. This article will discuss the basic properties of amino acids and how these properties affect the function and structure of proteins.
Acid-base properties of amino acids
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An amino acid's acid-base properties can be found in its structure and composition. The basic properties of amino acids are essentially neutral ions, with only one -NH2 group and one -COOH group. These groups are the basis of amino acid reactions, which change the pH of a solution. An amino acid's isoelectric point is 7 because it is neither acidic nor alkaline. Amino acids are classified according to their structure, with one type having a carboxyl end and another with an a-carbon. These acids are also referred to as secondary amines. The difference between a-amino acids and b-amino acids lies in the side chain called R group. There are four types of amino acids: alkyl-amino acid, branched-chain peptides, and isomerized amino acids. The acid-base properties of amino acids can be demonstrated using a potentiometric titration. In this process, the acidic form of alanine is titrated by adding NaOH to a solution. A graph is then plotted that shows the change in pH as the amino acid molecules are added. Both the pH and the volume of the titrant are recorded. In this way, one can determine the pH of a solution without having to worry about determining the concentration of an acid. Despite the fact that these compounds are neutral, there are still many misconceptions about their acids. While they are used in everyday life, they also have industrial applications. Their chemical properties and applications range from the production of drugs to biodegradable plastics. One way to understand their properties is to try the reactions they are involved in with food and beverages. Aside from that, amino acids are often used in the production of biodegradable plastics and chiral catalysts.
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The simplest basic properties of  amino acid is glycine, which is a sweet-tasting, colorless crystalline solid. It is nonvolatile and melts at temperatures above 200degC. These temperatures are higher than those of organic acids and amines. The chemical structure of an amino acid consists of one positively and one negatively charged group, known as a zwitterion. It is therefore considered the simplest type of amino acid. The chirality of an amino acid is determined by its R-substituent, which is a three-carbon chain attached to an alpha-carbon ring. The chiral nature of amino acids is one of the main factors determining their colorlessness and their structural differences. Cys is the only natural colorless amino acid. The chiral structure of the acid is based on Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules, which are widely used in chemistry.
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Amino acids are crystalline solids that melt at temperatures of 200degC or higher. They are more like inorganic salts than organic acids or amines because of the positive and negative charge on the amine group. Crystalline ammonium acetate has a zwitterion structure. As a result, the amino acid has a higher melting point than other organic acids. In addition, amino acids are insoluble in non-polar organic solvents. In addition to their molecular mass, amino acids are chiral. They do not have a plane of symmetry and have two stereoisomers. This gives rise to their crystalline nature. This is also true of their structure. They have been investigated by spectroscopy and piezoelectric response at temperatures from 120 K to 320 K. And finally, they were studied by optical second harmonic generation and optical activity. Each amino acid has a different structure. It is distinguished by its amine and acid functional groups. Despite these differences, each amino acid has special common names, such as a-amino-proline. The abbreviations for residues with multiple identities are included in blue. The termination codon is shown in red. This structure can be useful for identifying the type of amino acid required for a particular species. Aside from being the building blocks of proteins, amino acids also determine a wide range of biochemical properties. The amino acid cysteine, for example, can be converted into a crystalloid form by replacing a portion of soybean meal with a crystalline form. This synthetic form is 100 percent digested and decomposed by bacteria. This means that crystalline amino acids are ideal for the production of proteins since they are non-toxic to humans and the environment.
Physical properties of amino acids
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There are two main types of amino acids: polar and nonpolar. The polar amino acids are those that contain a hydrocarbon side chain, and the nonpolar ones are those that lack this ring structure. Nonpolar amino acids include asparagine, cysteine, leucine, and phenylalanine, as well as any amino acid with an aromatic ring. Depending on the amino acid, nonpolar or polar amino acids may be more or less acidic. Each amino acid consists of five different atoms - H, C, N, and O. The polarity of an amino acid is determined by its alkyl groups, with the higher the number, the less polar it is. Valine and methionine are two examples of nonpolar amino acids, which are water-fearing. However, polar amino acids are not inherently anti-magnetic. Amino acids are classified based on their location in protein molecules, as well as their degree of exposure to solvent. Amino acids with hydrophobic side chains are usually buried, while those with polar or charged residues are exposed to greater extents. In addition, polar amino acids have higher pKa values than nonpolar acids. However, the chemical reactions involving amino acids require the extraction of a proton. Glycine is a common amino acid that is found in coils and loops. This amino acid gives a polypeptide chain its high flexibility, which is important for sharp turns in loop regions. On the other hand, proline is a nonpolar amino acid that imparts rigidity to a polypeptide chain. Its side chain forms a covalent bond with the main chain and constrains the polypeptide's phi-angle.
Quantitative characterization of the hydrophobic basic properties of amino acids is an important prerequisite for predicting the structures and functionalities of proteins in a biological environment. These properties of amino acids can be measured using phase-partitioning behavior of molecular fragments. The corresponding values for hydrophobic amino acid fractions can be obtained by calculating the partitioning coefficients of the aliphatic and phenolic hydroxyls of the amino acids. The hydrophobic basic properties of amino acids are associated with their lack of polarity in their side chains. These amino acids generally reside in the hydrophobic core of proteins and lipid portions of membranes. These properties are describe by authors including M.J. Betts, R.B. Russell, and M.R. Barnes. I.C. Gray is the editor of Bioinformatics for Geneticists. The hydrophobicity of a macroscopic planar surface is typically measured by the contact angle of water droplets, but this cannot be extended to proteins due to their nanometer-scale amino acids and inherent nonplanar structure. Hydrophobic solvation is characterized by numerous parameters. However, a consistent pattern cannot be established for all parameters. Hydrophobic basic properties of amino acids can be characterized using computational data. A combination of Pronase and Peptidase R shows the highest selectivity for hydrophobic amino acids. The enzymes increased hydrophobic amino acid concentrations by twofold and doubled their selectivity. This enzyme-based method is applicable to agro-industrial residues. It have been shown that Pronase and Peptidase R can increase the hydrophobic basic content of proteins by combining them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J-vYTfHMaA Read the full article
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digitalconvo · 4 years ago
Herb and Spice Extracts Market Detailed Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025
Global Herb and Spice Extract Market: Snapshot
Herb and spice extract tend to impart more desirable flavor components of spices and herbs in packaged foods. Not only this, herb and spice extract offer a more consistent flavor than that offered by fresh or dried herbs for these foods.
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Herb and spice extracts are easily miscible. They can blend where plain spices and herbs are unable to, and thus meet the taste expectation of consumers.
Herb and spice extract is obtained by distillation of core ingredients.Herb and spice extracts are primarily categorized into essential oils and oleoresins. Herb and spice extract in the form of essential oils are mostly obtained in two ways, either by distillation or can be expressed from fruit, seed, root, stem, or leaf of a plant.
Herb and spice extract feature some notable virtues. They capture the complete aroma of herb and spices cast as highly concentrated volatile compounds. However, due to lack of nonvolatile constituents of core ingredients, herb and spice extract lack complete flavor of the same.
The amount of volatile constituent of herbs and spices range from 0.4% to 15%. For example, basil among a range of herb and spices contain a low 0.4% volatile compound element, whereas nutmeg contains the highest 15% of volatile compound constituent to be on the other extreme of the spectrum.
Herb and spice extract can be combined in one or more ways with foods. They concentration of herb and spice extract can be adjusted to solubilize their natural flavor in any food.
To get Incredible Discounts on this Premium Report, Click Here @ https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=3416
Global Herb and Spice Extracts Market: Overview
The rising use of herbs and spices in food and beverages industry is one of the key factors estimated to encourage the growth of the global market throughout the forecast period. The increasing focus on Ayurveda and the increasing awareness regarding its combination and benefits are further estimated to accelerate the growth of the global herbs and spices extracts market in the next few years.
The research report offers a detailed overview of the global herb and spice extracts market. The key segments, region outlook, product portfolio, applications, and the competitive landscape of the global market have been discussed thoroughly in the scope of the research study. In addition to this, a list of the key players that are operating in the global market has been mentioned in the scope of the research study.
Global Herb and Spice Extracts Market: Key Trends
People, across the globe are making use of herbs and spices in their food products, which has accelerated the market growth. The increasing cases of life-threatening diseases, including heart diseases and cancer are advised to make use of particular herbs and spices, thanks to which, the global herbs and spices extracts market is likely to generate promising growth opportunities for the key players operating in the market across the globe.
Global Herb and Spice Extracts Market: Market Potential
Herbs and spices are majorly used in different in food and beverages, personal care, pharmaceuticals, and others. The increasing number of applications and the rising awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of consuming herbs and spices are further projected to accelerate the overall growth of the market in the next few years. The marketing and advertising activities carried by the leading players are projected to accelerate the growth of the global herbs and spices extracts market throughout the forecast period.
Global Herb and Spice Extracts Market: Regional Outlook
The global market for herb and spice extracts market has been classified into North America, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Among these, Asia Pacific is projected to emerge as a leading segment in the next few years. The availability of a large number of herbs and spices, thanks to the predominance of agrarian economy is considered as one of the key factors projected to accelerate the growth of the Asia Pacific herb and spice extracts market throughout the forecast period. Furthermore, Europe is estimated to witness a substantial growth in the next few years, thanks to the rising demand for different types of herbs and spices.
Global Herb and Spice Extracts Market: Competitive Analysis
The global market for herb and spices extracts is projected to witness a high level of competition throughout the forecast period. Some of the key players operating in the herb and spice extracts market across the globe are Dohler GmbH, Symrise AG, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Firmenich S A, Sensient Technologies Corporation, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kalsec Inc., Frutarom Industries Ltd., Givaudan SA, Takasago International corporation, McCormick and Company, Inc., British Pepper & Spice Company, Naturex SA, Organic Herb Inc., Olam International, Synthite Industries Ltd., Kerry Group Plc., International Taste Solutions Ltd., Robertet SA, and Foodchem International Corporation.
Request For TOC @ https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=3416
About TMR Research:
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
Contact: TMR Research, 3739 Balboa St # 1097, San Francisco, CA 94121 United States Tel: +1-415-520-1050
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castoroilinfo-blog · 4 years ago
Details About Castor Oil
Castor oil, also called Ricinus Oil, nonvolatile fatty oil obtained from the seeds of the castor bean, Ricinus communis, of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). It is used in the production of synthetic resins, plastics, fibres, paints, varnishes, and various chemicals including drying oils and plasticizers. Castor oil is viscous, has a clear and colourless to amber or greenish appearance, a faint characteristic odour, and a bland but slightly acrid taste, with a usually nauseating aftertaste.
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Castor oil is obtained from castor beans either by pressing or by solvent extraction. Both beans and oil are produced principally by India and Brazil and consumed primarily in the United States, largely in industry.
In addition to the uses mentioned previously, castor oil and its derivatives are used in cosmetics, hair oils, fungistatic (fungus-growth-inhibiting) compounds, embalming fluid, printing inks, soap, lubricants, greases and hydraulic fluids, dyeing aids, and textile finishing materials. Turkey-red oil, long used as a dyeing aid, is produced by the reaction of castor oil with sulfuric acid.
Castor oil consists almost entirely of the triglycerides ricinoleic acid; and although castor oil has been taken internally as a cathartic, its use can be harmful.
Beauty Benefits of Castor Oil?
Now that we’ve covered the general health benefits of castor oil, let’s zoom in on its skincare value.
Here are some key reasons why you should incorporate it into your daily routine:
Heals inflamed skin – Because     skin freakouts are never welcomed with open arms.
Fights signs of aging – Just another way to treat     wrinkles!
Soothes acne – Goodbye, 13-year-old self-making     an unwanted comeback.
Moisturizes skin – Soak it all in!
Prevents stretch marks before they start – No more     bikini-body phobia.
Fights dry lips – This comes in handy for these     upcoming dry winter months.
Treats sunburn – However,     aim to avoid sunburns in the first place by never skipping the     sunscreen!
So does this mean that castor oil is the new coconut oil? Maybe!
0 notes
myrakhannyu · 5 years ago
WEEK 5 - 7
How to Use Bamboo Charcoal
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Week 5 - Week 7
Collect water and start testing.
Bamboo charcoal, you’ve heard of it, you’ve heard of the great things it can do. But really, does it work? I think so. I’m not 100% sure, but I allowed several people to try my “bamboo water” and tea brewed with it alongside normal Chicago tap water and the results were positive. I have no scientific evidence, and I don’t need any – I like it, it tastes good, and I’m going to use it — and that’s enough for me (want technical? read this).
If you are interested in making bamboo charcoal, Pyro Energen has put together this pretty neat guide to making your own at home, with bamboo chopsticks at that!: http://www.pyroenergen.com/articles/how-to-make-bamboo-charcoal.htm
The idea behind bamboo charcoal, and any charcoal for that matter is the fact that it is extremely porous and will absorb impurities in water. It really isn’t “filtering” water if you set a stick in the water, in order to filter the water, the water must pass through granulated charcoal or some other medium (this is how Brita filters work).
Once you have obtained bamboo charcoal, follow these steps:
1. Sterilize the bamboo charcoal by boiling it for 10 minutes in water.
2. Allow the charcoal to dry for 24 hours.
3. Soak it in your tea water for 24 hours, then use the water to brew tea.
4. After about a month or so, reboil the charcoal, dry it, then use it again.
How Foli can do this on his own:
How to Make Bamboo Charcoal in a Simple Way
This time, a small part of the bamboo branch will be used instead for charcoal making.
Materials to prepare:
Few sticks of dried bamboo branch
Aluminum foil
Spirit (alcohol) lamp
Bamboo charcoal procedures:
Wrap the small bamboo branches with aluminum foil as seen below.
Probably, wrap the bamboo several times with aluminum foil to seal and protect it (air intact).
You can use an ice pick to make a tiny hole to the wrapped aluminum foil, to prevent it from bursting when the trapped air in it is expanded by the heat.
Bamboo Charcoal
Place a wire mesh on top of the spirit lamp and position the aluminum-wrapped bamboo on top of it.
Light up the lamp, this is done to dry the bamboo inside the foil. White smoke will come out from the tiny hole, and will turn to yellow. This might produce an unpleasant smell, so you will need to open your windows or do it outdoors.
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Bamboo Charcoal
When the color of aluminum foil turns yellow, it means the job is done. The yellowish color is caused by the bamboo tar. Do not open the aluminum foil until it's cooled. Heat can break the charcoal easily.
Another Simple Way in Making Bamboo Charcoal
Bamboo Charcoal 1
Prepare an aluminum foil and a few bamboo sticks (I used bamboo chopsticks).
Bamboo Charcoal 2
Bamboo sticks, aluminum foil, wire mesh, and stove are the only thing you need.
Bamboo Charcoal 3
Wrap the bamboo sticks with aluminum foil. Make sure the wrapping has no holes.
Bamboo Charcoal 4
At the end of the wrapping, make a small hole. This is to let the accumulated gas to escape and not to blast.
Bamboo Charcoal 5
Place the wire mesh on the gas stove. Place the bamboo sticks on top of it.
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Bamboo Charcoal 6
First, put up a small and weak flame. Soon, white steam-like gases will come out. Increase the flame after few minutes (steam will turn bluish). If it turns into a whitish smoke, then turn off the gas stove.
Bamboo Charcoal 7
Sink the aluminum foil into a water basin for few minutes.
Bamboo Charcoal 8
Now, open the aluminum foil and you'll see hard bamboo charcoals.
Hard and good charcoals do not make your hands dirty black.
Soft charcoals are caused by oxygen present during processing. These are poor charcoals and we can't use them for our purposes.
Another Procedure in Making Bamboo Charcoal
Bamboo carbonization can be divided into four stages according to temperature and products situation in a kiln.
First stage drying: the temperature is below 120°C and the speed of carbonization is slow. Heat is used to evaporate the water in bamboo, and the chemical composition of the bamboo is still intact.
Second stage precarbonization: the temperature is in the range of 120°C to 260°C and there is a distinct chemical reaction in bamboo. The unstable chemical compounds begin to decompose and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released.
Third stage carbonization: the temperature is in the range of 260°C to 450°C, and the bamboo is decomposed into liquid and gas products. Liquid products contain much acetic acid, methanol and bamboo tar. Flammable methane and ethylene in gas products are increasing while carbon dioxide production is reduced.
Fourth stage calcinations (refining stage): the temperature is over 450°C. The bamboo becomes charcoal by providing a mass of heat, emitting the volatile substances and to enhance nonvolatile carbon. Based on the temperature in this stage, the bamboo charcoal can be divided into three groups (low-temperature, middle-temperature and high-temperature charcoal). The quality and properties of bamboo charcoal differs with different temperatures during the refining stage.
Lastly the bamboo is left to cool down and depending on the weather; this process may take from five to eight days in big volume.
During the above process, you can extract alcohol, tar, vinegar, medicinal liquid (water form), and many other products. Products from bamboo charcoal have countless uses - from skin diseases, allergies, influenza, heart diseases, stomachaches, insecticides, pesticides, germicides, bactericides, deodorants, disinfectants, gardening, cosmetics, cooking, washing, and hundreds of others.
Start small prototype - testing
0 notes
ratiram · 5 years ago
According to the report analysis, ‘Global LABSA Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024’ states that in the global LABSA market, there are enormous players which presently functioning more significantly for leading the fastest market growth and registering the foremost value of market share around the globe during the short span of time while delivering the properties of the linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid (LABSA), providing the information at a large scale related to the benefits of the LABSA, delivering the better consumer satisfaction, studying the government initiatives and advanced the technologies of production includes Stepan, CEPSA, Sasol, KAPACHIM, SK, Fogla Group, New India Detergents Ltd., ISU Chemical, AK ChemTechCo.,LTD., Solvay, Dada Surfactants, Huntsman, Kao Corporation, Tufail, HANSA GROUP AG, Miwon Chemical, NCSP, FUCC, ASCO, Lion Specialty Chemicals, Wata Chemicals Ltd, AKBARI, JintungPetrochemical Corp, Fushun Petrochemical, Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical, XingYa Company, Guangzhou Litze Chemical and several others.
The Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (LABSA) is an anionic surfactants with the molecules categorized by a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic assembly. They are the nonvolatile compounds manufactured by the sulfonation. The Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid are complex combinations of homologues of the dissimilar alkyl chain lengths (C10 to C13 or C14) and the phenyl positional isomers of 2 to 5-phenyl in the proportions dictated by the beginning materials and the reaction situations, each comprehending an aromatic ring sulfonated at the para positon and linked to a linear alkyl chain at any field with the exception of the terminal one (1-phenyl). Furthermore, the linear alkyl Benzene Sulfonic Acid is a low price and great performance synthetic surfactant produced by the sulfonating liner alkylbenzene (LAB). It possesses the excellent foaming advantages and is stable in alkaline, oxide solutions and acidic. It is positively utilized is household detergents namely dishwashing liquids, laundry lquids, laundry powders and household cleaners.
In addition, the possessions of linear alkyl benzene sulfonic differ in physical and chemical belongingspermitting to the alkyl chain length, resulting in preparations for numerous applications.LABSA has majorly two types, which involve LABSA 96% and LABSA 90%. With washing function of LABSA, the downstream application industries will require more LABSA products. So, LABSA has a wide market probable in the future. Manufacturers betrothed in the industry are trying to introduce the great purity and good performance LABSA through developing the technology. However, the worldwide market for LABSA is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of roughly 2.3% over the next five years, will reach 4040 million USD in 2024, from 3600 million USD in 2019.
The efficient growth in the requirement for the liquid detergents in numerous end-use industries namely food and beverages, household and textiles around the world is fueling the worldwide linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid market. Not only has this, the linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid is one of the active ingredients utilized in the soap and detergent industry. It possess the excellent functions and foaming advantages. Therefore, in the coming years, it is predicted that the market of the linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid will increase the market growth more positively over the near future.
For more information on the research report, refer to below link:
Global linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid (LABSA) Market
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