#nono not me
eskiinox · 5 months
Hey :3
you should watch dunmeshi (pleasepleasepleasepleaeepleasepleasepelasepelasepleasepleasepleasepleaspelaleepelalseplwlalejehshyoutotallydontknowmepleasepelaprlwpalsoyoushoulddrawmxmorrel.itwouldbesilly.)
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HELLO PERSON I DONT KNOW. i mean. anon. totally anonymous individual. HERE IS YOUR MX MORELL!!! my Favourite Mushroom
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catliker49 · 6 months
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Don't Forget to Wave Up High!
This was Just a quick Test!! I am working on remaking the Advert from the Update!!! I have so much work to do! But I also must do my College work.. (I am so behind it is Unbelievable.. CURSE YOU WELCOME HOME AND YOUR PRETTY COLOURS!! - Not actually though! Muaha! (o:>)
I will Redo this at some point! But for now! I would like some sleep... night night all!! (Or good day!)
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userttpd · 14 days
every time I think I've read the best spuffy fanfic I ever I come across one that was written in like 2002 and it's like a revelation all over again about how you can cry over fictional characters over a show that ended like 20 years ago
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wraithlafitte · 3 months
misha’s good idea show literally had me crying by the end 🥹 like i thought i was gonna be ok to meet him tmrw bc i haven’t gotten starstruck at all yet and i’ve met a few of the actors in the vendors room?? but now i’m thinking about how his mental health journey parallels mine and how his dedication to finding beauty in everything has made ME do that which has subsequently made me far far happier….
one of the last things he talked about was standing in his driveway and looking out on the valley on a beautiful summer day and thinking, “what a lucky life.” and brother i SOBBED
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bambiilooloooo · 3 months
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the power they have
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noahl-art · 2 months
Question for you: what's it like being this talented and how do you find ways to cope with knowing that you've ascended far beyond those around you
SAINT!!!!!! AAAAAAH STOOOOOOOPPPPPPPP!!!!! I'M GONNA IMPLODE!!😭😭 I'm just a dude with a pencil!!!
HOWEVER!! YOU!! 🫵🫵🫵 YOUR LAST FIC?!? Uuuuuh so good!!! And the timing was perfect because I finally drew Omega sooooo... Here you go! 🫶
To read said fic, go HERE you won't regret it!!
CW non sexual nudity and suggestive content under the cut
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apocalyptic-byler · 8 months
hmmmmmmm thinking many thoughts about this scene
also thinking many thoughts about this particular photo
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anyway mike wheeler watch your back 👍🏾
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hoshieeyewrinkles · 8 months
The jeno stans on Tumblr are unhinged and unstoppable. They are the biggest simps and hoes. It's a whole ass cult now. What's funnier is that Jeno in fanfics is the cuntiest guy ever while irl he is just a pouty bbg.
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screenshot redraw YIPPEE 🐁🐁
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We NEEDED to see more of the monkey sidekick having duo 💔 It's okay though, im not angry about this. *my nails dig into my fists*
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"other guys joke that theyre not allowed to bring you around their wives..." "you gotta have to ask ekky about that one thats on him"
WSFL Inside South Florida | 4.11.24 (x)
he was so serious and focused on answering questions and then immediately gets thrown a curveball at the end that is "hey so some are saying...im not saying who... but some not naming any names... HOWEVER that you are so hot possibly sans shirt... you are not allowed near the wags... how do you respond is this true..."
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throwing his head back to laugh because he got his bonded dpair's quote thrown back in his face while trying to talk about contract extensions and fishing...
"thats on him" the way he cheekily shrugs a shoulder and flicks his head...man whos well aware who started that rumour and will not stand idly by while revisionists rewrite history NO ONE ELSE HAS SAID SUCH A THING. NO ONE ELSE HAS JOKED ABOUT SUCH A THING. AND IF THEY "HAVE" ITS ONLY BECAUSE OF ONE (1) MAN AND ONE MAN ALONE.
and it was in fact "on him" because that quote comes from a miami herald article about forsy FROM FEBRUARY. A 2 WHOLE MONTHS BEFORE THIS INTERVIEW.
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Miami Herald | 2.10.24 (x)
and like all things it always leads back to ekky when it comes to anything forsy-related, the personal menace of the team. and also his bonded soulmate or whatever. may god bless this beautiful little freakish relationship.
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astolfofo · 7 months
okay here's the current idea (very roughly): @cerulean-castle
So you're basically a year older than gojo, his senpai. Shit starts in high school, basically you're really introverted, and you don't really socialize with all the other students. Not because you have a superiority complex, or an inferiority complex, but you just simply don't like talking to people that much. COMBINED with the fact that after your family discovered you had the ability to see curses they forced you into here. Much to your dismay you're pretty powerful with a strong cursed technique and all of that. (like you're halfway to being a special-grade but you chose against that, so you're just halfway in between)
So does Gojo end up liking you? Yeah. Do you not like him back? Also yeah. He, in your opinion is very fucking annoying. But that also leads to him becoming a bully. You're so reserved. Quiet. No one knows you. But he's gonna make you like him no matter what it takes. The blackmail, the threats, the rumors. He's gonna play it dirty and he'll get what he wants.
OKAY ANYWAYS. You graduate. At the end of the year, the bullying gets to a point where you do not want to be a socrer at all. During the last day of school bro takes you to the nearest parking lot. Things happen. That becomes your last straw. So, you graduate. Get the fuck out of Tokyo, and you live your life in a different city. One where you know for a fact barely has curses. You just become faceless. It's nice to be that way.
So when you see Gojo is standing in your apartment after all these years, you're mortified. You thought he forgot about you. At least he should have. You don't know what to do. You tell yourself you need to run, but he blocks the door. You could make an exit by window, but that's a death wish. Landing that used to be possible but then what? Your best choice is to talk it out. Maybe he'll leave you alone. Maybe he won't. You don't know. You don't want to know. After all, you know you're the only thing he has left.
listen this all started because I was like: Gojo would dump dirty mop water on you while you were cleaning on a hot summer day just to piss you off. He's like that ig.
okay update: I've decided Gojo does NOT do the nono in the parking lot, that's unsanitary bruh. He's gonna do SOMETHING in A parking lot, but it won't be THAT. He'll do the nono when he gets back.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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After years of working together, the rivalry turns into something deeper, but suddenly Killer dies. To save his lover, Cross overwrites their timeline.
He doesn't know that Killer tries to load the latest save file at the same time thanks to his determination, but overwriting erases everything.
Due to the damage, they both lose their memories and start from the beginning, driven by a weird sense of loss — and the need to find someone.
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confusedmothboy · 5 months
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this scene being animated in todays episode
guys i cant do this
and i dont know how to talk about it without getting overly emotional about fictional characters
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anthony-crowleys · 2 months
Osha killing Sol like that doesn't feel right to me because he didn't get to explain his actions to her.
And by that I mean the writers didn't want him to and just made him repeat that he did the right thing and that he wanted to do what was best for her.
He could have said the classic "It was a mistake I'm sorry forgive me!!!"
He could have said "I was wrong and acted irrationally because I was worried about your safety please forgive me."
He could have said "I didn't understand the power your mother was wielding and thought she was about to cause harm to me, my friends and you (even tho it was Mae in that scene), I'm sorry???"
Or my favorite that covers all the points "Hey kid look your mom transformed in a cloud of black smoke and also started to dematerialize your sister who I thought was you and I panicked?"
Old Sol didn't looked as delusional and misguided as young Sol up until ep. 8, and you'd think he would have learned from his mistakes, but no, 180 surprise he's actually convinced he's in the right and doesn't explain the very specific situation that led him to kill her mother on top of that.
Like they really gagged him in that scene smh
And I mean, even tho I love him and I'm sad he's dead, the point I'm making is: Osha should still kill him but at least make him try to explain.
That way, the fact that she doesn't listen and just snaps is even more powerful, because like this he really looks totally and completely in the wrong, which, I'm sorry, he isn't, and she looks kinda justified, which… Defeats the point of her going full dark side to a degree, because it's not as impactful if they are painting him as a delusional selfish idiot that doesn't understand that he has made a big mistake and just doubles down out of fucking nowhere because the hints we got were pointing more towards a repression of a general "darkness" and not an implicit and deeply rooted self-rightouness.
So, good person who fucked up big time but he's genuinely sorry and asking for forgiveness is denied that AND killed while unarmed BAM! welcome to the dark side girlie!!
Anyway, this show couldn't make up it's mind about the characterizations of it's main cast and just put them at the whims of a unfocused plot, so they decided that now he is a self-righteous broken dumbass and that he will not act like a normal person trying to make her see what happened from his perspective.
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honkshoo-zzz · 4 months
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i didn’t wanna draw more saxwell,,,.,, but the parasites wanted to draw more saxwell.,…,…….
anyways go read my saxwell fic Don’t Go on AO3 :)
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its collection day
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