#none of those men know what a skirting board is
knightyoomyoui · 2 years
Mina x M Reader - “She Will Be Loved”
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"I still can't believe we're doing this."
You just parked up your car in one of the blank lots beside the establishment where you and your couple of friends unanimously decided to visit.
Staring at the neon lights flashing at the sign beside the large board that says "PERFECT WORLD BAR AND LOUNGE", it struck you again the unbelievably feeling of the fact that you're about to spend a time for the first time not just by being alone but with your friends... inside a bar.
"Neither are we.", your friend and fellow high ranking employee named Kai placed his hands on his pants' pocket while inhaling the cold night air outside.
"But it still confuses us a lot how you as a rich personality haven't ever... entered a bar in your whole life?", one of the two women in your group, sporting a blonde wavy wearing her  pencil skirt and blouse office attire named Minnie; asked you curiously.
"Never became my taste nor interest to go for a hangout.", you just shrugged, unamused emotion present in your face. "I don't know why but yes I get it, there's hot women there, expensive alcohol..."
"Just say you are an introvert and you don't like too much crowded and noisy places.", the other woman named Irene rolled her eyes at you.
"There you go.", you clicked your tongue.
"Alright, but hey; you really sure about this boss?", your friend Seungmin asked you worriedly. "We don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"I'll be fine. Like I said, it's my treat and you all have the freedom to choose where to spend it. I just want us to celebrate our successful presentation earlier.", you waved it off and smiled assuringly at them.
"Fine then. You got us anyway, boss. We'll make sure nothing would go crossing the line.", the last one in your group that hasn't spoken yet; standing beside you named Changbin smirked and massaged your nape.
You nodded and all of you proceed to walk your way to the entrance of the bar.
All of you showed your identification cards and immediately confirmed that none of you were below 18 since it's pretty obvious to your appearances.
Stepping inside, what greeted you is a very loud slow electrical type of music which is not your taste, resonating around the interior of the bar.
Many people around from every corners, sides and to the center. Slightly dark litted light scattered with spinning disco ball colored one moving around the room and ofcourse, the crowded noises that is not fitting for you but for your friends; you'll do your best to endure.
"Drinks to prefer? Anyone?", Kai asked every single one of you as all are facing the cashier and the bartender section.
"Mojito for me!", Minnie raised her hand.
"Cosmopolitan.", Seungmin followed.
"I'm good with Martini.", Irene said.
"Tequila sunrise would be nice.", you smiled as the craving filled your body speaking that favoring alcoholic drink of yours.
"Well, I'm taking a Margarita, how about you dude?", Kai asked.
"Negroni's on me.", Changin pointed himself with his thumb.
Kai nodded and he instructed Changbin to join him ordering all the drinks while you joined the rest to find a vacant table to seat.
You went to discuss with Irene, Minnie, and Seungmin first about a brief overview of what transpired during that crucial meeting, which provided enormous satisfaction to all investors interested in your firm.
Few minutes later, Kai and Changbin returned with all of your orders placed accordingly in the tray.
Just as when all of you about to take a sip from your respective drinks, your attention were hooked on by the announcement of the man speaking in the mic who sounds like he's introducing somebody.
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the next performance; please give a round of applause to Sharon!"
The audience began applauding in unsynchronized rhythms, some were rapid, such as those men gathered near the stage, expecting the arrival of that dancer, while others were sluggish, it's up to them now whether there's a purpose behind it. It was sheer curiosity, to tell you exactly what you and your friends had in mind. As you all heard the speaker hyping someone who would perform right now for everyone in the room, you all turned your faces away from the wineglass and toward the stage. A very attractive woman exiting the curtain was spotted slowly walking towards the middle of the stage in a black casual coat that concealed her matching pair of black lingeries, stockings and suspenders with high boots at the bottom.
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The greedy, hyped men began howling even more at the sight of this hottie now fully presented in their lustful eyes.
Only for you to react differently with a ripple from your lips wackily at how pathetic these dog looking perverts acting right now of this woman named Sharon.
"Wait...", you muttered as that name rang into your head; as if hearing that name makes you feel... nostalgic and familiar.
After a series of scrolling down to your trip across the memory lane, it landed your mind to remember that there was this certain someone you knew very dearly before who holds that particular name you just heard minutes ago.
-FLASHBACK- "So you came from Texas right?", you asked the girl bestfriend of yours sitting beside you under the tree.
"Mmhmm.", she nodded, unable to verbally answer because her lips and tongue are focusedly savoring the taste of the mint flavored ice cream in a cone in her hand.
"Then that means you're half American too... and since you have that nationality then you should have an English name for you to use there in alternate.", you said as you shared the logic formed in your young mind.
"I do have one."
"What's yours?"
Your brows floated in eagerness.
"Sharon.", your mouth formed an O shaped in eureka as the information awed you. "They said my parent's neighbors back then used to call me that when I was a baby."
"Oh... wow, that's interesting.", you said with still your mouth left agape in surprise.
"You can call me too if you want. It's just a name after all.", she shrugged and giggled. "But ofcourse, I have to call you too with your own."
"But... I don't have any. I never went or lived in another country than here in Japan."
"I'll make one for you then.", she nonchalantly said.
"You can? What could it be?"
"Y/EN, is it alright to you? Or do you have any to suggest?", she smirked.
You shook your head as a no. "Nah. That sounds cool enough. I'll take it."
"Good.", she chuckled. She raised her free hand and showed it to you.
"Now that we have both, let's introduce ourselves again with our English names.", she grinned. Her face became kind of sultry and daring, a sly smile drawn in her lips as she offers you her hand. "Hi, I'm Sharon Myoui; what's your name."
"I'm Y/EN LN. Nice to meet you, Sharon.", you pretended as if you had your another persona like her and you just met her today.
You finally recalled.
The english name of your childhood bestfriend before. Her real name's Myoui Mina.
You just realized that you haven't seen that girl for almost 10 years now since the last time you said goodbye to her after you departed through the States when your uncle offered your family to move with them as you also got a college application opportunity in Pensacola, Florida.
After you graduated, that's where you also slowly built your company with you currently as the owner alongside with your father plus also sitting in the CEO role.
That made you wonder, now that you are back here in Japan to monitor and take the CEO role for a month here along with your fellow friends slash employees after you requested to switch with the Japan branch management of yours; you didn't have any clue where or what she's been doing now these days.
You don't even know if she's alive or dead, but ofcourse there's no way you would love to hear the truth by that second option.
It made you miss Mina even more. To repeat, she was your very first friend.
Not to mention, the very first girl who taught you what love is.
You had a crush with that girl for so long, not until it got interrupted with your sudden leave to abandon her in Japan.
Speaking honestly, until now you still have her in your heart and mind. First love never dies indeed.
Now that you're here back in Japan, you took a mental note to yourself that have another task to do during your stay here for 1 month, and that is to find Mina again.
"Boss, you good?", Changbin asked you as he rubbed your shoulder while looking at you; snapping you out of the trance.
"Y-yeah, I am. I just remembered something.", you smiled timidly. Fortunately, Changbin got satisfied enough with your simple response.
"Dude, holy shit. I can't deny but... that Sharon looks so hot man.", Kai said as he directed his eyes more at the girl starting to spin around at the metal pole in the stage.
You didn't even know that while you were spacing up, the music background for Sharon to dance with was already played.
"Damn, Kai. Already turned on with the sight?", Irene said teasingly as she turned her head at Kai who got embarassed.
"Hell nah. I'm just stating what I clearly observed."
"But hey, she makes me gay again I swear. Lingeries and thick thighs are my goddamn weakness guys.", Minnie gulped and fanned herself as she heated up.
"No lies detected there Kai, it's as if she was taken control by her another persona now that she's performing. Something seductive you know. I saw her face earlier and she looked different from what we're having now.", Seungmin said.
You secretly agreed with what Seungmin said. She was just this pure-like looking lady entering the stage earlier then her entire aura changed to a much sexier and alluring one.
It is like she has two personalities.
That taught halted you as it sounded very... suspicious for you again.
"Nah. Maybe I'm just being too delusional. Coincidence it is.", you shook your head again in denial as you sipped on the alcohol from the glass you're holding.
All of you went silent as you focusedly watching Sharon's poledancing. Her movements are so smoothly done, flexibility was tested as she stretches and twirls around the pole which she easily passed it right away.
Not leaving the most important part, she has to capture everyone's attention more by seducing and attracting the audience with her sexy moves using the one thing she's confident of acknowledging it as the most favorite part of her body; those huge hypnotizing ass and shapely thighs of hers barely covered by her tight skirt and outlined with straps of her suspenders, bending and shaking it to present it even more.
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Until it slowed down to a vanilla slow dance to match the fading rhythm of the song chosen for her before it ended, leaving most of the men to throw their money at the stage and whine about the sad fact that it has to end.
Some were even requesting for another one but to the respect of the time limit, it was peacefully rejected.
Sharon bowed as everyone clapped their hands including you and your group who was impressed and also tensed up at how intense her performance was.
You were left astounded and speechless at what you've seen. That was your first time and what an experience it is for you witness something like that from a very gorgeous woman.
Unlike from most of the men here except Seungmin, Kai and Changbin who are still on the mostly nice guys like you are, your attention shifted quickly next on the freshly cooked foods your friends ordered also.
"Smells tasty, c'mon guys, let's eat!", Kai said as he licked his lips before he encouraged his friends to feast.
"You know where their houses are?", you asked thoughtfully to Seungmin who was one of the only two people left remaining sober in your group other than you.
"Positive, boss.", he said confidently.
Glancing back at the window where you can visibly see the sleeping figures of Irene, Kai and Changbin at the back seat who were the ones got eliminated from being too drunk tonight.
"Be safe on your way home, okay?"
"Same as you and Minnie.", Seungmin said, pertaining also to his other friend in your responsibility to bring home also by your own since her place is quite close in your area.
He entered and sat in the driver's seat before starting the engine for the car to drive away as he waved goodbye at you which you returned the same gesture before he leaves.
You checked the time in your wristwatch, displaying the 11:08 PM glowing characters that told you the answer you're seeking before you enter your own car too.
However, it prevented you when suddenly you heard a screaming sound just almost near at your direction.
It piqued your interest on where could be the source is.
You searched for it, leaving your car where Minnie is still peacefully sleeping.
It led you to pause your tracks at the wall near the entrance of an alleyway just inches away from the bar.
You leaned your ears closer to hear closely before you followed it with your eyes to see what the hell has been going on inside there.
As you did, your own pair sprung up in shock at what you saw.
It was Sharon wearing her newly changed waitress attire being cornered by 3 men based on your counting.
One of them was now covering Sharon's mouth with his big hand while the other was cuffing her both wrists above her head on the wall.
Your eyes fumed as you heard those disgusting words that bastard spoke in front of the defenseless woman while the perverted animalistic looks of the other two guys are shown around her.
"All you have to do is to pleasure us, baby. It will be quick, we promise.", the guy creepily laughed. "We've been this very hard and horny since we saw that delicious body of yours, perhaps it won't be a problem for you to let us have a t-"
You can't bear the irritating sound if it much longer as you hurriedly rush through the punks, aiming first to the guy caging Sharon by executing a kick through the waist.
It yeeted the stranger aside and with your unexpected interference, it had you gather the attention of the other sidemen to see your dark and vengeful demeanor ready to make these losers feel your wrath from causing trauma on this woman.
They began attacking you, only to dodge it quickly with some sidesteps, aggressive bends and leans including some blocks before you returned the attempts back at them with karma.
Sharon had to sat and lean her back at the cold wall still crying while she watches you punching and kicking the shit out of these pricks.
Realizing that they are unmatched with your combat skills, they decided to retreat and run away leaving you and Sharon alone in the alleyway.
"YEAH RUN JUST LIKE THE COWARDS YOU ARE, BUNCH OF FUCKHEADS!", you shouted at them one more time.
You approached Sharon who is still kneeling and lowering her head between those encircled arms laid atop of her knees.
"Hey... hey, miss are you okay?", you poked her shoulder gently as you asked.
She gently raised her head to look at you. Her face was completely ruined by her messy makeup flooded by her streams of tears flowing down in her eyes.
It clenched your heart at how scared and awful she looked after that nearly worst experience of her life so far she almost experienced.
She couldn't speak from the strength of her shivers and heavy breaths due to her sobs, she only responded with a nod.
"You're okay now. Thank God I saw you here because if not... I'm really relieved I was still able to save you.", you said as you let her hug you and returned it back by clutching her arm and caressed it to comfort the poor woman.
"I know you don't know me also but I'll never do something bad to you just like what those scums did to you earlier.", you said confidently.
"Can I have just a little bit of your trust to let me take you home now? It's... now midnight here and we shouldn't stay here longer. I still have work also tomorrow."
You chuckled nervously at the end of your words.
Thankfully, it was enough for the lady to accept your invitation with another simple nod. She doesn't have any plans either to remain at this uncomfortable spot.
You grasped her slim arm and helped her gently stand up. She still lowered her head, making you think that she was rather shy or still hugely affected by that traumatic experience she faced.
You walked through your car with your hand still holding Sharon's arm, guiding her inside and allowing her to sit in the passengers seat beside you while you took the front to control the wheels, mentally memorized the address she gave to you. "Oh, don't mind her. She's with me. Got too drunk so I was about to take her home when I heard your screams.", you said cautiously when Mina stared at the sleeping Minnie on the back ride.
During the middle of the drive, you tried to engage a short conversation with Sharon who is staring lifelessly outside the window where she observes the surroundings being passed through.
It was becoming awkward and silent so you decided to atleast break that atmosphere to make the woman prevent build doubts about you.
"I was one of the customers who had to watch your performance earlier by the way."
"Your name is Sharon, right? Great dance you had there, but set aside the pervy thoughts that other men obviously had in you unlike me. You got real talent.", you added.
Sharon breathes deeply before she prepares herself to talk.
"T-thanks.", you heard her finally speak. It was slightly rough due to the effects of her heavy cries, but nonetheless it made you happy that atleast she's interested to join the flow of having a conversation with you.
"What happened to you? Did those men forcefully dragged you in that alleyway?"
Sharon heaved a large sigh and entangles her fingers nervously.
"I w-was just going to throw the garbage at the trashbin outside when t-those guys drinking their beers outside with their motorcycles got to see me. There, it follows what occurred next.", Sharon weakly shared.
You didn't wanted to continue tackling about that topic because it might make the lady even more uncomfortable and anxious to think about it over and over again so you moved on back to the previous.
"Good thing I heard your scream from the distance with my good hearing senses. If I didn't, I don't want to imagine anymore what it should've led. What's important now is that I luckily save you, Sharon.", you said before it ended there.
"How long have you've been dancing, Sharon?"
"Since young days.", she answered. "It was my talent ever since I was born and I fell in love with it."
They're the same as Mina, you muttered to yourself.
"No wonder why your movements are so fluid and natural.", you understood. "Then how long have you've been performing in that bar?"
"Almost a year.", she said. You hummed in response.
"A-are you new there? I have quite a sharp memory, I don't recognize you visiting the bar as a regular customer.", she bravely asked you. It made you appreciated even more that you made her participate more into this talk between you and her now.
"Actually that was the first bar and the first time I've ever seen that place.", you revealed and chuckled at the hilarious fun fact, which surprised Sharon.
"I was only brought by my friends, like that drunk lady behind us.", you chuckled. "We were celebrating our successful meeting in our workplace we had earlier. That was my treat to them and I let them pick wherever they want, so I follow their choice."
Sharon only nodded understandably at your explanation before she continued admiring the snowy outside view of the streets of Kobe while you on the other hand, your eyes glued back at the illuminated road.
Afterwards, you dropped Minnie first into her apartment where you were greeted by her roomate named Soojin and assured you that she'll manage her friendon behalf of you. You thanked her and left right away to arrive nextat the exact address Sharon has given to you.
Stepping out of the car, you showed your gentleman self by opening the door for Mina and escort her out too.
"So this is your house, huh.", you pursed your lower lip as you nodded while traced the exterior of the structure standing tall in front of you two.
Sharon felt embarrassed, knowing that her house just looks basic and average. She doesn't know why she had that kind of mindset, maybe due to your style of clothing that she predicted you are a rich personality that owns a house completely way better than what she has.
"Y-yeah, it is. Pretty lame, right?", she said timidly.
"Hey, don't be like that. Just be grateful you have your own proper shelter to stay in, you wheezed and waved it off.
"I guess I have to leave you here now."
"T-thanks for saving me again.  I'm truly grateful for that. If only I could repay your-"
"No scratch that, I don't take payment for my kind act. That was something that should be done for a helpless victim like you and knowing that I accomplished that, having you staying alive is enough for me.", you smiled softly.
Sharon was heartwarmed and overwhelmed at your golden virtue. "O-okay. Well again from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much mister uhh-"
You figured that she stopped because she was clueless at what your name is, which you haven't even mentioned to her yet.
"Oh right, sorry! I haven't introduced my name. That's so unfair of me.", you said with an apologetic tone. "Pardon me, Sharon. My name's YN."
Sharon's eyes widened, face stretched in complete bewilderment as she heard that familiar name of someone she haven't saw, heard or spoke for so many years.
The name that belongs to the only man who became the first person outside of her family whom she held dearly and special in her heart.
Her eyes dwelled up in a pool of tears about to flow, lips started to shiver as the memories of what she shared with that childhood friend of hers began replaying inside her head.
She stared at you unbelievably, seeing the face she never thought that the person who rescued her all along was the same person she wanted to see again someday.
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And it seems like that day has finally came tonight.
"Hold up, Sharon's not your real name right? Like a stage name? May I know w- uhh Sharon what's wrong?", you were taken aback when you observed that Sharon has a single tear flowed down in her cheek.
"Y-YN... is that really y-you?", her tone was filled with only one perfect word to describe: longing.
"Sharon what-", you processed again the way she said it until you got the sign that she seems like she knew or even met you before.
It threw you back to those memories ran in your mind as you compared Sharon to the childhood bestfriend you once had as they share the same name despite not being her actual one, as well as some similarities that both of them even great at dancing since they were kids.
You asked again to yourself, was it truly a coincidence you encountered a while ago?
There's only way to find out the answer that troubles you.
Your face fell as you saw the confirmation from Mina.
She nodded swiftly. Your plans of searching for her in Japan didn't aged well, because she's here already; standing in front of you looking more beautiful and divine than ever in her matured appearance.
"Oh my god... M-Mina y-you..."
The two ran straight to each other, unbotheredly allowed their bodies to collide as they were end up catching their selves eitherway for a long-awaited embrace.
A waterfall of tears and echoes of wails were poured out from one another in pure joy as they both learnt that they met again after 10 years since their last meeting and goodbye they sent to theirselves.
"You're back, YN... It's been so long...", Mina said in a muffled sound as she sobbed at your shoulder.
"We met again, Mina. God, I missed you so much.", you pleasingly smiled to the heavens above; a long overdue grant to your prayers and wishes from all those times of being away from her side
Both seperated and faced each other closer, looking deeply at their matured features.
"I thought I wouldn't see you again.", Mina chuckled between her cries.
"Me neither.", you replied, smiling at how delighted Mina felt too on seeing you again. "We do have a lot of lost time to catch up."
"I know.", Mina nodded, gripping your shoulders tighter. "As much as I want to talk with you more-
"Yeah, you need to rest.", you pointed out. "Let's continue this tomorrow, shall we meet tomorrow, name the time a place please? I want to spend time more with my bestfriend.", you pleaded.
"2PM at Meriken Park."
"Noted. I'll see you there!", you enthusiastically exclaimed.
"And you will be, YN.", Mina elicited that favorite giggle of hers since your buddy time with her that you missed having from her too.
"Come here.", you commanded her and she quickly followed, hugging you again for the second time. "I can't resist it you know, I really missed my bestfriend a lot.
"Welcome back, YN."
"You too, Minari.", Mina's heart fluttered when you mentioned her nickname that you made for her in return to how she constructed your English name to relate with her.
You entered your car and bid goodbye to her as she waved back before you drive away satisfyingly and very uplifted, still a shock that the fate of crossing the same path with her would happen again.
Meanwhile, Mina's broad grin slowly faded with every step she take in the stairs leading to the door after YN's car disappeared in her sight as she felt another stinging pain in her arm before she entered her lifeless house and become lonely again for the rest of the night.
As you parked the car, you went on to find Mina; climbing the first set of long stairs which she told you that it would be the spot she'll be waiting for him to come.
It didn't last long when you immediately identified Mina sitting only by herself at one of the benches there.
She was busy checking on her phone, so you had an idea to make her notice you.
You took a quick picture of her then sent it to Mina.
Mina saw it instantly and there you watched her head goes upward and her eyes away from the phone, now looking at you as her mouth formed a smile.
"You startled me a bit at the photo you sent.", Mina admitted as she turned off her phone and placed it back inside her bag.
"Just being a bit creative for an alternate way to say "I'm here" or "Where are u"", you winked and clicked your tongue. It made Mina shook her head and smirk at your sillyness. "You're a terrible liar, YN.", Mina scoffed. "Yah! I am telling the truth, okay?", you tried to convince her but she still act like she doesn't believe you until she scrapped it off with a laugh.
"We have the whole day with us, let's go ahead and talk about everything we want to know from what we lost, shall we?", you said to Mina and began walking through the stone path with her beside you.
"I wouldn't waste the opportunity either.", Mina agreed. "So, YN yesterday you said that you came to the bar with your friends to celebrate your well organized meeting; so was your job related to business management or something?"
"Yeah, it is.", you nodded. "I'm actually their boss and the company they're working on is founded by my family.",
"Oh really? You own one now?!", Mina threw her head aside to stare at you in utter mindblown.
"Yeah, I do.", you nodded and smiled. "Currently I'm the CEO of the company and they are my employees slated in different positions."
"Woah, now that make sense why do you look rich now these days with your pair of suits huh!", Mina teased your clothing article which you just chuckled at the joke.
"How did all of it started?"
"It was after my graduation actually.", you narrated. "My dad and me decided to open our own food corporation. Thanks to the support of my uncle, one day our headquarters was built  and opened there in Florida.
We did also hired new employees and staffs in our building to help me serve and contribute for the company's improvement towards a more successful and recognizable reputation. Now here we are, last night our products are about to get introduced to the world when we nailed that presentation."
"What do you guys make?"
"Some upgraded classic Japanese dishes with a swerve on the ingredients. Ramen, tempura, sushi, you name the rest."
Mina became silent as she let everything she learnt about you to sink in to her.
Without having any idea, the woman beside you is bringing jealousy deep within her; thus making his frown yet still managing to hide it from you by switching it back to a deadpanned one.
"How's uncle and auntie?", Mina asked concern.
"Doing good. Father's monitoring the headquarters in Florida while mom's managing her own restaurant."
"Wait, you have your-"
"Yeah, I gave it to her as birthday gift.", you chuckled, smiling at the wholesome memory when you took off the blindfold around your Mother's head and left her flabbergasted at what she saw.
"That's very sweet of you!", Mina said. "Mama LN loves cooking I see. I hope I could taste one of her best selling dishes one day."
You turned at her and saw her pouting, sulking at the probability that she won't have a chance for that.
"You want to?"
"E-eh... I mean... yes but..."
"I'll keep that in my mind Mina.", you bounced your eyebrows. "Believe me, that's the only thing you'll ever get to think about for how long it would stay in your mind at how delicious it is."
"I could tell it was true coming from the one who faced that scenario.", Mina smirked.
You laughed, unable to dodge Mina's truth shot.
Reaching the end of the path, both took another set of long stairs that will allow to reach the wide high ground of the park.
"How about you Mina, how's your life these past 10 years?", you asked, not even looking at her.
Mina heard your question which caused her to be silent. Unlike you, she has no sincere confidence to tell it to you; getting afraid for you to know her own story while you were gone.
She's scared because... if your life was full of accomplishment, hers was full of nothing but hardships.
"Mina?", you asked her again, now turning you head to gaze at her. She was biting her lip, face wearing a nervous emotion.
"I-... would you listen and try to... understand what I'm going to say, YN?", she cautiously said, voice became low.
"Uhh... yeah, s-sure if that's w-what you want.", you stuttered. It befuddles you why Mina's mood suddenly flipped.
The anticipation is making you anxious and scared about this mixed feeling growing into you, thinking you may not going to like where this is heading.
"It's not going to be bad right, Mina?", you chuckled in uneasiness. Mina didn't answer, she only proceeded to start speaking by sharing her own side this time.
With just one single sentence, you already knew the answer you've been wanting to receive... but not the one you're expecting.
"It was smoothly fine at first when I was studying until I met my boyfriend since after I graduated, a-and... he... he doesn't treat me well, YN.", Mina halted in her steps, her head dragged down in shame as she started her story.
You stood still and inspected her. "What do you mean he doesn't treat you well?
"I left my parent's side for the first time thinking it's time to reach my dreams and live by myself.", Mina didn't bothered to continue.
"We shared one roof, but then... during those early days of us now being a couple he just... changed. His behavior was opposite to how he was courting me.", Mina's body began shivering.
You kneeled in front of her, all feeling concerned at the struggling woman. "Mina, what did he do to you?"
She lets out a silence until she started choking with the overflowing emotion consuming her alive.
You tried to grasp her arm but then Mina shrieked, leaving you confused why she moved it away from you sounding like... she's in pain.
"Mina... please tell, what is going on? Does it hurt somewhere-"
You were about to finish your words but then you immediately got the point of what you're about to pertain.
And oh you didn't liked it not a single bit.
Mina rolled the sleeve of her polo, only for you to witness something that will break you heart in a snap.
Her wrist was full of bruises and healed wounds.
You felt weak on your knees as you saw her cry. "One night, I caught him cheating on me... and this is what I got from him."
"He hurted me, YN. He even threatened me and my f-family that if I ever d-dare to report his betrayal to them or  leave our house and ran away, h-he... he will ruin my life or... even worse, he's going to kill me if I break up with him."
You joined her crying in your knees, still staring at her broken state.
This is just too much.
You didn't care if people walking around can see the two of you weirdly and suspiciously.
All that you focus about is what Mina has gone through when have her out of your sight.
If you are the one living in your dreams, she was the one who was caged in a nightmarish life of hers.
Part of those 10 years was just her enduring the abusive relationship she was involved too.
She didn't deserved to be treated like this. Not at all.
Mina is a pure woman and a vulnerable innocent angel.
How dare is that monster to torture her like that.
"He even claimed I should rather give up and not do anything about it because... I'm his property only. He owns me, YN.", your breath was taken away at how ridiculous and obsessed it sounded.
"To protect mom and dad and avoid myself getting in danger, I just let him do whatever he wants. He mostly goes away, maybe staying with his other girls than me. Fucking or kissing them like there's no tomorrow while he leaves his girlfriend heartbroken and alone every day and night."
"I don't get financial support from him, so I had no other choice but to move by myself and start looking for a job. Then, I discovered the bar that gives huge salary for people who can do both waitering and performing for the customers.
"I took it after, but still I thought what I'm doing was only for me. He forces me to give half of the money I get whenever he's going away."
"That house is not a home to me as long as he's there, YN. It was a prison. I'm his slave. All I ever wanted is to get out.", she finished speaking before covering her entire face with both palms together as she sobbed harder.
You rose from your knees and carefully trapped her in your arms by hugging her comfortingly, letting your collar and your shoulder to stain wet from her tears.
"I'm sorry, Mina.", you rubbed her back.
"W-why... are you saying... s-sorry?I should be-"
"NO! I HAVE TO SAY SORRY. I COULDN'T SAVE YOU! I COULD'VE BEEN THERE FOR YOU AND SET YOU FREE!", you said with aggressiveness and full of frustration that only directed to your own wrong doing.
"I should've kept you in contact from me all these years, Mina. I could've done something from you."
"YN, you know that I did the same mistake r-right? B-but I chose n-not to..."
"And why would you?"
She lets go of the hug and wiped her teary eyes.
"I just think I might be a burden to you. I-I don't want others to be involved with my own problem, especially y-you. I'm just saving others from-"
"What, HIM?", you referred. "Mina, I don't give a shit about what he could do to me. Hell, I won't even mind going to the jail as long as I can kill that bastard from what he did to you?!"
"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, YN! Do you think I would want it to happen?  Do you think that's right?", she said to you.
"It just doesn't feel deserving of me to receive sacrifices. I don't want to add more stress to you of all people, and now here you are; frantically pulling out some solutions that you don't even think about the dangers of it to your image and reputation.", Mina bowed her head. "I don't want others to be broken just like me, YN. I don't want you to be like this for me."
You breathed deeply as you stated at her weakened condition.
"Yes. You're right. You don't need sacrifices.", you said plainly.
"But you earn an assistance."
Mina looked at you sadly.
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You reached for her soft hands and firmly massaged it.
"Mina, now that I'm here. Please, I'm begging you: let. me. help. you. Take it as a repentance or a way of catching up to you. You can take it whatever you want, but what's important to me is that you have to get out of that hellhole."
"B-but how, YN? He doesn't let me be. I'll get-"
"Leave it to me. I got the best attorneys and police by my side, Mina. I can have him thrown in jail where he belongs.", you said. Mina's eyes flickered with lights of hope thanks to you.
"Y-you do?"
"I am. We needed it anyways for our company's protection."
Mina only nodded.
"And about you, is it fine for you to leave that bar you're working on?"
"What?", Mina shockingly asked. "W-why though?"
"Because I just think of a better plan to give only for you.", you said.
"I want you to leave that bar, that house and... Japan.
Because you're coming with me to States."
Mina's eyes widened, jaw dropped and face stretched in shock at the offer you just made.
"Y-YN... are you serious about this?"
"B-but... w-why, why do you have to?"
"I just want what's best for you.", you simply said.
Mina's face flared in red with the heat of the flutters from her heart at your sweet  reply.
"For me, staying here won't do better. I'm willing to do this all for you, Mina. Not only that I want to save you, after everything I heard from you; I want to give you something that you definitely deserve to have in the first place."
"A perfect life, Mina. Trust me, with me on your side this time; I won't ever let you down again. I won't go home without you.", you said to her.
Mina's nose crunched and lips shakened at the incoming batch of tears again to fell straight on her cold cheeks.
She crashed her body against you, hugging you tightly which you reciprocated.
"T-thank you... thank you so much, YN."
"Glad I could help, Mina.", you stroked her long black silky hair as you enjoyed the amount of time having her so close to you just like what you also want to share together with her.
"Don't ever go again, YN please."
"I won't leave this time if I can't have you beside me", you said. "So do you accept?"
"Yeah, I-I would love to... join you.", she said.
You grinned heavily as it delighted you that she accepted your invitation.
This may be your plans for her so far, but you knew that this is just the beginning.
You still have a lot to give for your childhood friend and secretly your crush just to make her realize that the world still favors on her fate.
Contrary to the plan of changing Mina's life for the better, you kicked it off by getting her husband arrested even after some little worries and pleads from Mina that he don't have to do this only because she's sacred; despite her being almost raped when you barged into her home after she called you; making you drive miles per miles to get in her place. The boyfriend tried to attack you but you overpowered him, dumping him on the ground and started a barrage of punches around his body; most particularly his stupid face. "YOU M-MERCILESS MOTHERFUCKER! YOU'LL P-PAY FOR HURTING AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HER! MARK MY WORDS!!!"
The police arrived quickly and enter the house where they set you apart from the suspect to stop your offenses and let them handle this incident. You rushed to Mina crying devastatingly on the couch and pulled her body for a hug as you checked on the sexually harassed victim. YN assured her that it will be fine because he has the best attorneys working for his family to help.
After the case was heard, the husband was put in jail guilty with rape and sexual asssault as well as him being positive on usage of drugs. You assured Mina again one more time that she's now finally safe and he'll tell those police he grown connection with to never let that animal escape.
Ending the whole special month of taking control the Japan branch of your company, first you brought Mina to the hospital to receive medical treatment from all the abuse she gained. Based on the findings, she also have more bad hits on her legs, torso and back but mostly on the upper area which arises your compassion for her further. You returned back to the States with Mina recovering on your side this time; booking two flight tickets for one of you.
Through flights and drives, you two reached your residence at one of the subdivisions in Miami.
Thanking the cab driver, you helped pulling Mina's baggage with you.
Opening the door, you let Mina take the first step of entering your humble abode.
She was left agaped and astounded at how expensive the interior looks. It was indeed largely opposite to what she had back in Japan.
It made her feel like she's literally broke compared to you.
"So yeah, this is my own place.", you said as you closed the door and positioned the baggages near the couch of your living room. "Do you like it?"
"I love it, YN. It just feels incredible being in this sort of lifestyle."
"You don't have to know, it matches and fits you better so better get used to it.", you patted her shoulder. Your words and touch targeted her straight in the feels, causing her to blush.
"Drink some water first then let me tour you around before we get to rest."
"And last, this is the swimming pool where I learned how to swim thanks to my instructor.", you said while pointing at the pool filled with crystal clear water.
"That's all the areas I got here in my property.", you locked your hands at your back as you looked at Mina roaming her eyes around at the new environment she's in.
"You really are a successful man, YN. That was quite a house tour, you had so many expensive and valuable things in your possession placed all around the room."
"Aish, Mina it was all thanks to the hardwork and support I get. I won't be in this status if it wasn't for improving myself and the motivation my parents are giving to me.", you said.
"If only I could be this lucky.", you heard her mutter those words she thought it will fail you hearing it.
"It's not your fault, Mina. You only chose what you thought would be good to you, but you weren't aware of its consequences. because you are an innocent pure woman only focused on the goal to her own future.", you clarified. "You believed he's the one but he failed you. You could have the best girlfriend he'll ever have, but he chose to be a traitor and fool you by his disguise."
"You really are a positive thinker, don't you?"
"Why won't I be when all the things I want to achieve, it's now here with me. A cozy home, successful business, mom and dad living happily and stronger together and...
... my bestfriend being on my side after I lost her for so many years, witnessing how good my life has been.", you said to her as you glanced. She returned the stare, her expression softened.
"I just wish I could've shared it together with you.", you said with pure guilt. Mina was saddened, knowing how unfortunate it is that you didn't have this all without the inclusion of one of the most special person who entered in your entire life.
For you, it must've felt... lacking and uncomplete.
"But now that you're here, I swear to my words that I would make it possible just like the rest."
You looked at the structure of your house then back at Mina, now with a smile again in your lips.
"I once bought this house only for myself... but I guess this time it'll change."
... because I'm going to have another occupant to live with me here."
"I told you that you'll come with me here in States, so ofcourse I couldn't just leave you not having any place to stay.", you shrugged.
"But, YN... you could just help me find an apartment or-"
"Why, Mina? You don't want to be with me?", you playfully cooed, acting sulkily as you pouted and glared at her.
She got alarmed thinking it might have offended or hurted you.
"E-ehh? N-no that's not what I meant, YN okay? Ofcourse I want to be with you."
"Then it's settled, you're going to live here with me. As long as you want. No buts. No ifs. I already told you, I'm going to help you. I don't accept any repays. All you have to do is take it.", you sniggered.
"Well, would I still pay for the rent?"
"Again, this house is not just mine now but yours, Mina."
Mina sighed and scoffed at how overwhelming this is again for her. Imagine, this expensive and massive house not just for you... but for her now also.
"Alright, fine. I gladly take it, YN.", she smiled tenderly.
"Welcome, housemate.", you joked. Mina just lightly slapped you in the shoulder and giggled.
To give her atleast a better purpose while you're away and running the company although you actually wanted Mina to be part of it, you don't want a nepotism issue to scatter around the building that might reach the media and the higher up's attention which can ruin his company.
So, with an alternative way; you helped her instead to have her own business by  giving her a cafe/bakery with the employees chosen by yourself through interviews after they tried applying for the said jobs.
All of these support and care that you have been giving on Mina coning from you kind-hearted and angelic personality has what made her to slowly develop likedness of a feeling for the man.
Her perspective of hers to you on being her friend gradually changed into someone that she admires, but she just kept her mouth silent about it; thinking that you might not like her back or so.
She still belittles herself that there's no other opportunity for you to get attracted with someone like her if she's not in the same level as your status and profile, including even maybe your ideal woman.
But despite of that, her crush on you still swells with her belief that you may be the most awesome person she has ever met in her life aside from her family that she thinks being a friend of yours isn't enough.
She wants to live and be with forever, cherish everything about you and return whatever you've done for her.
One day while she's on a work, assisting her workers around the bakery as she noticed that the place is getting even more recognizable to gain more customers; she received an incoming call from you.
"Ningning, serve this to Table 8 for a while please, I just have a call to take."
"Sure, unnie.", Ningning who is her one of the waiters in her cafe complied; picking up the tray full of orders to her hand.
Mina reached for her phone and swiped the screen, dragging her fingertips to the green button to answer your call.
"Hi Mina!", you cheerfully greeted. Mina grinned widely at your voice that easily uplifts her spirit everyday especially that she's liking you a lot these days.
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"Oh, YN hi! Why did you call?", Mina responded.
"Uhh, I just wanted to tell you quick that you should close the shop early and let the employees go home and rest before nighttime."
"Why? Is there a serious or urgent matter?"
"No, no... I didn't meant to scare you it's just... I want to go out later tonight."
Mina got flushed at the idea of her spending time with you alone. It was too out of nowhere. She was just admiringly thinking of you a while ago and now, you even had to melt her heart more with your plan to share a moment with her again.
"It's been what- 3 days now that we barely see each other face to face around the house. The paperworks, partnerships, seminars everything in our company is affecting our closeness and it somehow irritates and worries me, you know. Are you disappointed in me, Mina?"
"No! W-wait, where did you get that?"
"I'm just overthinking I guess. That I'm being such a bad friend for not having fun together with you when we could have a chance to do so. Maybe the thought of me ignoring you crossed in your mind."
"YN, stop it. I'm not mad at you, okay? Ofcourse I get it and I know what I'll encounter ever since I joined you here in States and in your house that you'll be not that around for a lot because of the company you run.", Mina eased your negative insights down.
"Look at me, I'm also running a cafe here also by myself too. Don't say sorry to me, YN because it would rather just pain me taking it as if you're also apologizing that why you should've gave this all to me."
"O-ok ok, I'll stop now Mina!", you defended. "You know what, I'll just gonna pick you up there at 6. Sounds good?"
"Awesome, wear a nice dress okay? We'll go to one of my favorite places here in Miami."
"Okay, see ya later, Mina! Bye!"
"Bye, YN! You too!", Mina said before the duration of the call ended. She got excited and touched that even after all these busy and hectic schedules, you still managed to think about her which she appreciated a lot.
Charging her phone into the outlets, she walked towards some of her employees positioned nearby at her in the counter for them to audibly hear her announcement sent by you.
"Guys! We'll wrapped this all up today at 5, you all can go home and enjoy the rest of the day early.", Mina said to the crew.
All of them darted their eyes at Mina who was startled at the attentions gathered all at once at those bright news she reported.
"Really, Ms. Myoui?!", the other waitress named Jiwoo asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm going out with somebody tonight so we can't continue our service if that's so.", Mina explained.
She noticed that their faces changes into a cunning, mischievous smirks and squinted eyes as they slowly stepped across Mina.
"Ohhh what did you just say, Ms. Myoui? Going out with somebody, hmm?", the cashier named Danielle teased her boss.
"Sounds like a date, right guys?", Wonyoung said, making everybody agree with her.
Mina can only gulp, all of them are testing her to admit more of what's behind those reasons.
"Is it YN oppa, Ms. Myoui?"
Mina only nodded and her obvious tight expression in her face being all crimson red from the amount of blood and heat rising from her cheeks.
The crew cooed and lets out a playful laugh at their boss.
"You can do it, unnie! That's what you want with him, so all you have to do is have fun!", Kazuha said.
"Tell oppa hi from us, please!", Jiwoo pleaded.
"I will, I will. Now go back to work and stop teasing or else I'll cut your salaries off", Mina pretended like a strict boss with her cold tone only to be broken fast with her adorable giggle that failed to terrify the teens and rather joined her act by fakely letting out some scared noises.
"I'm here."
Mina saw your message and hurriedly locked and closed the front door as she made her trail to the staircases until she gets into the gate.
She opened it and as she exited, she saw you sitting inside your car parked in front of the garage as you rolled down the tinted window.
"You look elegant tonight, Mina.", you said with a short but effective heart shaker of a compliment for the woman.
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"Thanks. I truly did prepared myself for this.", Mina said. You opened the door for her and allow her to enter.
"Where are we going, YN?"
"You'll see.", you smiled before rotating the steering wheel to control the car as you fueled up the engine to drive yourselves straight through the destination after less than an hour.
The speed of the car lessened, making Mina assume that you and her made it now to your preferred location to hangout with her.
You pulled the brake, stopping the car before you hopped out and opened the door for her.
Mina learned that you took her to a place called "Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden" which is actually a great choice for both to balance ventilation, rest and funtime all at once at this spare time you both got for each other tonight.
It proved her even more when you paid the entrance fee to the guard before you brought Mina with you to stroll through the right path that will welcome the visitors to take clear sights of the green eco-friendly surroundings of the place.
"How this became your favorite place? Do you go here often?", Mina curiously asked.
"Yeah after my parents took me here during my college days.", you shared. "I don't know how I got became fond of being in the peaceful ambiance of the nature but... all I could tell was that in that day when I wandered around, I saw something that made these all add in my favourable things."
Mina stopped walking right at the exact time she sensed your shadow froze also in the ground.
She looked where you are staring at, and there it left her amazed at how gorgeous the bushes filled with colorful orchids placed almost inches away from you and her.
"Woah, look at those orchids YN!", her bubbly side appeared while pointing at those flowers.
"Exactly what I've been saying.", you smiled after hearing her reaction.
"The orchids. When I saw those, it reminded me of you.", you looked at her.
"It was your favorite flower and it seems that it still is, I remember how much you bragged to me about it before when you showed up in my house having that on top of your hair like a decoration to your hairband.", you smiled as your reminisced that good old memory.
"And just like that, a glimpse of that orchids here in the garden became a part of the times where I would randomly think about you."
Mina stared as she remained listening at you.
"When you appeared in my mind, I developed another wish about you. I said to myself at that day that if only she's here with me, I wish she was seeing this and admire it more than I do, because she loves orchids so much.", you chuckled.
"Here I am tonight, I'm standing at the exact spot where I made that wish, and now that woman who I consider my bestfriend; is finally here with me, getting the opportunity to witness these with her own eyes."
You continued walking as you didn't mind Mina who nearly stunned at your statement; making her unmovable in her position.
Entering a wide, open space where the only path leads to a massive low-walled stone well with its water has leaves floating atop of it.
Beside the path is a series of trees standing tall, waving slowly to the splash of the breezy night air; contributing to the fresher quality of it for you and Mina to breathe in relaxation.
You took a time off from walking, as well as Mina following you from behind.
"This place is beautiful, yeah?", you said while travelling your sight around at the portion of the garden.
"That word isn't enough to describe everything about this place, YN.", Mina said. "No wonder why you fell in love in this place."
Both of you fell into a complete silence as she took her time to watch how pleasing the view around her while you on the other hand is preparing yourself to speak from what your mind is currently reserved to consume even before you invited Mina with you tonight.
"Mina.", you called her name. She looked back at you.
"Yes, YN?"
"I'm sorry."
Her eyebrows knitted puzzledly, clueless on why did you just suddenly apologized to her. "For what? You haven't done anything to anger me, YN."
"I know it's just... this just bothers me which I thought I still deserve to make an apology for you."
"Have I given you too much, Mina? These all the help that I did for you, it worries you a lot isn't it?"
Mina sighed. "To be honest, I appreciate everything you did for me and it's not that I'm offending you but... I just couldn't accept it all you know."
"You don't forcefully have me taking it all, I get it but... I want you to understand YN that you don't have to be selfless all the time for me. Just to let you know, I'm contented enough that I'm already fine when I have you on my side unlike before."
"I'm just so worried that you're risking your wealth to provide me everything you want for me to gain. I don't want myself to look like a burden to you, YN."
"But that doesn't make me mad at all, I don't have the rights. Aside from that, I just want to say thank you again, YN.", Mina said as she gripped your arm and squeezed it firmly along with her cute gummy smile.
You nodded understandably on Mina's point.
Holding her hand, you unlocked it from being attached and wrapped around your skin as you caressed the top with your thumb.
"I am now aware at how you perceived my kind deeds dedicated all for you, but just so you know I never think of you as a burden that I would heavily carry with me around wherever I go.
I poured a lot of effort to assist and support you through everything, Mina and I wanted it to happen.", you enlightened your actions to her.
"Because... there was this another reason of mine behind it that encouraged me more to pick you up when you were down, Mina.", you said to her solemnly.
You hitched a breath before your eyes directed back at Mina, who is anticipatingly waiting at the next you were wanting to say to her.
"YN, are you o-"
Mina didn't got to finish her sentence when she felt a weight pressing on her lips.
She knew what it was, and she has her eyes wide open piercingly staring at your face leaning super close to hers.
Her mind and senses got blank when she realized that you just kissed her straight without even further alert.
All of her imaginations about you run wild in her mind that driven her to cooperate with the way your tongue and lips swayed and clashed at each other.
Setting apart yourselves from each other, creating a gap and build this surreal feeling that you passed through her allowed you to take the opportunity to say something while Mina still stared at you deeply.
"I love you, Mina. That's why i'm doing it all.", not only you made the first move to kiss but also to finally confess your feelings dedicated to the only woman capable of creating this sensation for you to embrace.
A little recap, earlier in the afternoon you were having a lunch with your group of friends when all of them just informed you that they were coincidentally liked back by their love interests.
As the only one who remained single from them, they found it hilarious at first before they comforted you and urged you to confess your feelings at Mina when you shared to them about her so that you can be one of them.
They warned you first about the danger which you easily understood, but then after all the process in your thought it had you believe and agree that it's been put on hold for a long time now and you admitted that you can't just let it a secret for a longer period of time now that she's here again with you.
That led you to the idea of calling Mina and inviting her in your leisure time at the garden for two agendas: one is to catch up with her for being too busy and second is to express what you truly feel for your little penguin.
"I never had any chance to show you what can I do or tell you how much I love you more than just a friend because... our fate separated us from each other in a decade.", you said to her.
"Y-you... liked me since-"
"Yeah. I had a crush on you way back when we were kids, Mina.", you said, eyes forming pool of tears distracting your sight.
"When you returned and I met you again, I admit that I know I tend to get so insecure but I didn't cared about it anymore, not wasting more time to use this as my opportunity to finally make you feel how you make me feel."
Mina got brought along with the intensity of the emotions clouding both of you because of your sad revelation, droplets of tears crashed down in her cheek.
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"From how she cuddled me when we feel asleep in our picnic before that started my crush on her until I found her again at the stinky alleyway as the girl wearing a broken smile and dealt a sorrowful story; all I ever said to myself is the same thing and it doesn't surprises me that it never changed.
Your hand cupped her cheek. Mina squeezes her eyes shut at your warm touch.
"She will be loved. It has grown into a responsibility I should never abandon because she needs it.", you whisperedly said to her. "It's you. You needto be loved, Mina. All I ever only need in return is for you to let me be. I just want to you make the happiest girl in the whole world because of me."
Mina proceeded to cry harder as she absorbed all of your heartwarming message to her.
She held your hand and pressed it on her forehead, grasping it tightly. You even felt it shivering, so you immediately had her again wrapped in a comforting hug to ride down her emotions.
"I- I love you too YN.", Mina said, choking a bit as she tries to stop her stutters interrupt her pronounciation too irritatingly.
You on the other hand, just let her take her time well while you smiled in delight at the assurance and confirmation now that atleast you know that she also wants to share the same love with you. "Y-you do?" "Trust me, I do feel the same as you b-but...
How could you still stand to love me? This is something I- I don't deserve at all, YN. L-look at us, we're not alike. You are a incredible, successful man who lived his dreams to the fullest while me-"
"Mina, stop."
"-i'm just nothing, I'm a pathetic young adult who never achieved my own dreams, never had a job or a wonderful life to live in because I became dumb, arrogant and oblivious, choosing someone I thought that would be best for me than my family but only had me abused over and over again-"
"Mina, please stop-"
"That's why I'm telling you that I'm not the right one for you-"
"MINA, I SAID ENOUGH!", you finally bursted out in frustration not directly at Mina; but to these ridiculous and horrible words she's stating to you.
"Mina, look at me. Don't you dare say those lies like that to yourself ever again, you hear me?", you said to her; trying to chase her gaze as she luring it away from you in embarassment.
"How many times do I have to remind you over and over again that you have to let go and moved on from that. That's not what I see through you, Mina. You don't have to worry about any of it because I'm proving any of it wrong and what matters the most is you are now safe, Mina."
"Just because somebody didn't treated you right that means it loses the value of what you are. Every people are different and I'm not like him, Mina. To me, your worth is so high that it can't be measured.", you sweared to her with your persuading tone.
"I don't care about any of it. My thoughts and views about you was never ruined even after what that bastard did to you. In my eyes, you are an awesome warrior who courageously endured all the pain and suffering from the abuse you faced.
"For me, you are still the same little girl I had a crush with and up until now that I told her how I feel, my love for her will always stay."
Mina gulped harder, sighed deeply and stared at you lovingly.
She hugged you again, her side profile laid down neatly on your shoulder as her chin nuzzled on your neck, her arms encircled around your waist.
Sniffing out her sobs, she weakly said something closer to your ears.
"I'm s-sorry... YN. Sorry. I shouldn't have said it..."
You rubbed her back gently. "No worries, Mina. I just want you to know that you won't gonna suffer again like what he did to you. You have me, okay? There's nothing to be afraid for. I have you under my care and we got each other backs from now on."
Mina kissed your cheek then compacted your cheeks with her palms as she transferred on your lips before pressing her forehead on yours.
You continued stroking the smooth texture of her arms to calm her down.
"I love you so much YN. Thank you for entering my life again with all these blessings you have for me.
"I love you too, Mina.", you said to her sincerely before both fell silent at such wholesome moment. At last, you won the heart of the woman who influenced you to consider this garden in which both of you are in also; as your favorite place. Now you'll love it even more to visit here with her next time. A month later, you joined Mina to visit her parents back in Japan after she suggested it to you, to apologize and beg forgiveness atleast for not reaching out to them for the past months.
They informed anything, starting with the abusive relationship Mina had that prevented her for being in touch with her family, her meeting you again and how you helped her.
The Myouis didn't think twice to give the blessing to them when you and Mina announced your relationship with their daughter now being your girlfriend and you as the boyfriend before the parents thanked you a lot, wishing that he would continue not hurting their precious daughter which he sweared he won't.
You let the family have their time alone by deeply apologizing for one another at their mistakes before both talked a lot more at some other topics, mostly about checking up at each other's lives.
Following the 3-day break you have in the company, you stayed for a while at Mina's house where both revisited all those places where you shared memories you shared with her in your beloved hometown of Kobe.
In the midst of midnight, a sound of baby wailing echoed around.
You who is signing the paperworks you brought with you from the office heard it and unhesitantly left your task in your desk.
Rising up from your seat, you quickly ran out to your own private office in your house to approach the crib where the baby is wiggling its tiny arms and legs as it cried louder.
You lifted it up slowly and cradled it in your arms as you stared at it while you sang a lullaby until it calmed down and stopped crying.
Leaving a kiss on its head, you carefully laid it back on its comfy crib and walked away.
You were about to pass the bedroom but then you saw the activated laptop on the desk, with nobody even using it.
Peeking through the door, there you found the one who's responsible for leaving it that way.
Your wife, Mina wearing a couple pajamas with the same design as yours is seen standing alone at the balcony.
Making your step towards her, you stood behind and made her escape a gasp as it transformed later to a smile at your sudden backhug.
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"Why aren't you sleeping yet?", you asked her before inhaling her magnificent smell brought by her perfume.
"I should be asking to same to you.", Mina said, tracing your fingers on her belly.
"Don't mind me, well I got too much documents to assemble and it's a heavier task than you only reviewing a file you received from your manager earlier.", you explained, which unables Mina to fight back because you definitely won with your defense.
"I'm just not tired yet.", she whined. "Is Akihiro back to sleep now?"
"Yeah, he is.", you said. "Good thing Hiroyuki didn't woke up from that."
Mina chuckled when you referred to your 4 years old second son who is sleeping peacefully on his own room.
Both didn't talked and looked around at the quiet and dim litted neighborhood in your subdivision.
You were about kiss her and return back in your office when Mina suddenly spoke.
"This still feels amazing to me. Getting married to you, becoming the new head of the manufacturing department in our company, raising two kids and having our families collaborating in their own business together is truly remarkable to me, YN.", she said with a joyful smile, enumerating all the new good things that occurred in her relationship with you. On the other hand, both you and her respective parents are the ones who are currently operating the restaurant, which merged with Mina's café that was passed down to her parents, and it is now continuing to expand on other countries all over the world with newly opened branches as part of its improvement with the financial and growth on the recognition it receives.
"You indeed gave me a perfect life to live in, I have everything I cherish all at once; and it was all made possible because of you, my love. Thank you so much again, YN.", she tilted her body and reciprocated your embrace.
You kissed the crown of her head before placing your jaw as you enveloped her further in your body. "Always welcome, everything for my Minari."
"As I said before, loving and taking care of you is a part of my responsibility to do especially that I'm your husband and now that I'm also standing as the father of our family, to our two little kiddos.", you added.
Mina hummed in satisfication, without any regrets within her that she picked a magnificent man in the shape of you to be her lover tied in each other's own wedding wow.
"Love you, Y/EN."
"Love you too, Sharon."
You kissed her again passionately, placing your hand at the back of her head.
Spinning her around, you faced her away from you as her back leaning in your front.
You sneakily inserted your hand inside the top of her pajama, cupping her breast encased in her black bra and massaged it gently.
She whimpered at your touch before it intensified in a moan when your other hand landed in her set of well packed abs.
"Say, you weren't sleepy yet right babe?", your voice deepened as you said it on her ear.
"I just found my rest, how about I help you with your problem then?", you smirked as you felt her hand stacking your hand squeezing her soft breast. "It's been a while since I had an access around your body like this, hmm?
She lets go, turning herself around and aggressively pushed you back inside the bedroom, crashing you down to the cushion and sheets of your queen sized bed you share with her.
She crawled faster and straddled you, her pinning you as the top and you as the submissive bottom as she began grinding on your crotch with her hands planted on your chest.
You realized that you mentioned her English name that triggered her to shift her entire aura to strike back at you. These days, she uses her Sharon name as her other wild personality when comes to your heated, sex life with her.
"Then what are you waiting for? Go on, use me however you want, ravage my body until both of us get drained and can't take it anymore. Fucking do it to me.", she bit her lower lip and swayed her messy straight hair distracting her seductress face as she daringly challenged you
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"With pleasure, Miss Myoui.", you smirked.
She kissed you again sloppily and there it started your another heated night with your wife as you showed to her how she will be loved again through your intimacy, not caring about the work they'll have later in the noon.
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bettyweir · 2 years
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Betty Weir
Chapters 1-2
Can Betty keep up with her new life of cheerleading, cross-dressing, pizza delivering and vampire hunting?
Word Count: 1.9k
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Chapter 1.
Benny stops dead in his tracks, staring at the freshly pinned poster, reading “Cheer Tryouts, Tuesday after school!”
Vivid memories flood back to when he dressed up with Ethan as Betty and Veronica. Ethan never wanted to pick up a pom pom again after facing down Stephanie but Benny? Benny could only linger in the feelings of having so much fun as a cheerleader.
He quickly rips the poster off the bulletin board, a couple people eye him.
“Ha, cheerleaders are so stupid right. Ahah.” he crumples it up trying to act like he doesn’t care and catches up with Ethan.
–Later that night–
Benny is sitting alone at Ethan’s house. Ethan’s fast asleep in bed behind him. He’s copying over E’s homework. He gets distracted midway though the Media Studies questions, as he often does, and thinks about that poster…
He digs through his messy backpack and pulls it out. Stating the same simple message as It did last time.
Cheer tryouts, tomorrow. After school.
He gets up and starts going though Ethan’s closet.
It’s endless, messy and kinda gross.
Ethan would always shove his unorganized shit into this closet, so looking for anything was pretty hopeless but he was determined. After a solid hour of digging he finally stumbled upon the three holy items.
A red and black sleeveless top with the White Chappel logo stitched on it, a short simple red skirt and a long golden locked wig, slightly crumpled with two red bows on either side.
Benny squeezes the items tight, inhaling the stale closet air with glee.
He folds and softly places the items in his satchel underneath his books, he sits back in his chair and spins around. He stops and excitedly scribbles down the rest of the notes.
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Chapter 2.
–After School– Benny stands in the bathroom, legs trembling. Oh, this is so stupid, what am I doing!? I should be home playing video games with Ethan, or something. Anything other then this. Oh, fucking christ.
Despite his anxious thoughts, he continues changing into his old cheerleading uniform. Once he's done, he takes a deep breath. His hand hovers over the stall door as he hesitates to open it. With an exhale, he pushes though and looks in the mirror. After making sure none of his short brown hair is sticking out, he rushes out of the men's bathroom.
He prays to god that no one saw him.
He quickly arrives at the gym hall. The bleachers are filled with preppy girls chatting and sitting around, waiting for their turn. He places himself down at the first row, holding onto grandma’s magical pompoms for good luck.
“Hi!” A cheery blonde walks up to him, “Please make sure you sign in before waiting!”
She hands him a clipboard filled with flowery, delicate names written in fancy cursive. Three spaces remain at the bottom asking to fill in a first and last name.
Benny shakily signs “Betty Weir” in the best cursive she could manage.
“Thank you buh-” she looks closer at the chicken scratches, “Betty!”
She walks away with a hop in her step, moving on to greet the new students walking in.
And Betty’s more than relieved.
Getting comfortable and with not much else to do, he watches one after another of girls doing backflips, somersaults and jumping jacks.
Oh god, he really missed doing—or at least, attempting—those tricks. He ruffles his pom poms and cheers like the other girls in the bleachers after each girl finishes their routine, trying to fit in.
Sadly his efforts weren't enough. He hears snickering behind him. He tries not to eavesdrop, but the fragments he can pick up made his stomach turn.
"Who is that?" A voice whispers.
"I don't know, but look at her hairy legs, oh my god."
"Total lesbo..." they laugh.
Betty freezes. How dare they? Why did I do this? I'm so fucking stupid, I didn't even shave my legs. I wanna go home. What am I doing here. I should just leave.
She feels tears welling up in her eyes. But before her train of thought can go any further off track, she hears a loud hiss behind her.
"What's your fucking problem?" A familiar voice yells, "She hasn't done anything! Leave her alone!"
Betty turns to see Erica, of all people, stomping down the bleachers to her.
"Hey, Is this seat taken?" she asks.
"Uhm..." Betty tries to speak in the highest octave she can, "No, go ahead!"
"Don't listen to those cunts," she sneers, "they're just jealous of us natural blondes."
"Ahah, right..."
"You seem familiar..." Erica looks at Betty, "You cheered for awhile last year, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Ahah." Betty nervously laughs, shying away from Erica's stares.
"OMG what happened? Why did you leave?"
"Well, you know, a head cheerleader being an evil witch is kinda off putting."
Erica clicks her tongue, "Damn, can't blame you for that. But don't worry, she's dealt with now."
"Yeah," Betty sighs, remembering the reason she has to pack her own lunches now, "Wonder what happened to her."
An ear piercing whistle interrupts their conversation.
"Erica Jones!" a teacher shouts.
"Oh, that's me," She stands up and tightens her pony tail, "I'll be right back."
"Good luck." Betty smiles.
Erica does amazingly, flipping and flying though the air. She lands all her stunts perfectly. She does have vampirism on her side, but even then, she has to be practicing religiously to do a triple backflip one handed. She's definitely getting in.
When she finishes, Betty is too timid to cheer. She quietly ruffles her pompoms as Erica sits back down next to her.
"Awe, no cheering?" She teases, "Was I that bad?"
"OMG, no! No, you were flipping amazing!" she gushes, pun completely intended.
"Awe, thank you," she blushes, "Have you gone yet?"
"Ah, no. W last name, takes forever."
"Ahh, best for last I guess." she elbows Betty, "So, what IS your name?"
"Oh, aha. Betty."
"Betty, huh?" Erica smirks, "Guessing your parents liked Archie?"
"Who's Archie?"
"Like, the comics."
"Oh, haha," Betty twirls her hair between her fingers, "I don't read comics or anything nerdy like that."
"Don't worry, I don't either."
Their lies brings the conversation to an uncomfortable halt. They shuffle in their seats, and look at their phones in silence. After a few names and whistle blows, Betty finally hears her name called.
"Betty Ware?" the teacher shouts.
"Oh, haha, that's me!" Betty fumbles to her feet, grabbing her lucky pompoms, and runs to the teachers side. She thought of correcting her name pronunciation, but, it's probably for the best if she keeps quiet.
"Alright, missy! Ready position!"
Betty puts her hands to her hips.
"Hand clap!"
She claps her hands together in a firm clasp.
"T motion!"
She sticks her arms out in a T, trying not to feel like a broken 3D model.
"Broken T!"
She puts her fists into her chest, keeping her arms out.
She raises her hands way above her head.
"V motion!"
She spreads her arms apart, ruffling her pompoms.
"10 Jumping Jacks!"
She drops her pompoms down and quickly does 10 jumping jacks.
The teacher looks down at her clipboard.
"Freshman?" she asks.
"Uh, Junior this year." Betty squeaks.
"Thank you," she scribbles something down on her paper, "You can have a seat."
Betty gives her a quick curtsy and picks up her pompoms, running back to a cheering Erica.
"Ahah, stop!" Betty blushes, as she sits down next to her.
"Why? You were great!" Erica beams.
"Yeah! Your form was awesome, and you had a great smile!"
Betty tries not to blush, "Glad my midnight practices paid off..."
--Cut to Benny in his room.--
He's quietly murmuring a cheer while dancing around his messy floor.
"Boom! Did a bomb just go off in my head?" She puts a hand to her ear.
"No!" She stands on her bed, punching at the air. "It's the devils when we beat you black and red!"
"Calla' nurse calla' doctor" She shouts, jumping up and down.
He hears knocking on his door.
"Benny," his grandma's muffled voice came though the door, "Can you please keep it down?"
"Yeah, okay." he replies with a voice crack.
--Cuts back--
"OMG! I'll have to practice with you some time then."
"Haha, um, maybe."
A whistle blows.
"Alright girls, I've seen some great performances today." The tall, lengthy teacher announces. "Results will be up by tomorrow next to the gym doors."
The small crowd of wannabe cheer leaders stare at her with anticipation.
"You're dismissed."
The girls quickly rush down the bleachers and out the gym doors, but Erica stays comfortably next to Betty, obviously having something on her mind.
The rude two brunettes finally make it down from the back row of bleachers they were sitting on.
Erica growls at them and gets up from her seat.
"It was nice talking to you Betty," she says, gathering up her things, "I'll see you at school?"
"No!" Betty clams up, "Oh, no, I don't go to uh. School."
"Home school. I'm Home schooled." Betty gives a large cheeky smile.
"Huh." Erica pulls her purse over her shoulder, charms clacking together, "Well, then, could we exchange numbers?"
Betty makes a shocked face.
Erica—A Girl—Willingly giving me her number?
"Sure... why not..."
Erica whips out her phone, covered from lock screen to phone case with Dusk's Jakeward smoldering into the camera. Betty swipes though and starts putting in her phone number.
"Here, gimme your phone!" Erica says, tapping her foot impatiently.
Betty takes out her phone in her bumpy green case and cringes. This isn't too much of a Boy Phone case is it?
Erica doesn't seem to mind, since she quickly punches in her digits.
"I'd love to chat more but..." Erica looks out the gym doors, in the direction the brunettes went, "I gotta go get something to eat... Text me!"
"Ahah, of course," Betty nervously tugs at her blonde hair, "See you later!"
And just like that, she's alone in the gymnasium.
She heads to the bathroom, checking both ways to make sure the coast was clear, and walks in. She gives herself one last good look in the mirror before she closes the stall door behind her.
Her eyes wander to different spots of the stall as she changes. Markings left by her peers read; "I was here" next to 20 tally marks, A few crudely drawn penises and someone's bandcamp link written in sharpie.
She takes out her baggy blue jeans, looks down at her unshaven legs, and sighs.
Guess I'll get to use a razor for real this time. She thinks to herself, scratching her hairless cheek.
A part of her never wants to put these pants on again. Just live out of her perfect uniform, but she has a grandma to return to and dinner to eat. So before she knows it, she's back to being plain old Benny.
As she stuffs her uniform away, his phone vibrates multiple times.
He slings his satchel over his shoulder and heads out of the school. As he clicks together the straps of his blue bike helmet, he checks his phone to read the messages.
From Erica: heyyy betty its erica! had a talk with those girls who were super rude 2 ya dw about them bothering u EVER again ;)
Something tells Benny that she did a lot more with her and her fangs then just talk...
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Thanks for reading! Happy International Womens day~
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anoelleart · 1 year
The Protolith: Chapter 1
[TW: sex work]
Charlotte's Past ***
Charlotte spent her nights one of two ways: seducing wealthy men at lavish parties or studying the cardiovascular system of a stolen cadaver. Though she vastly preferred the company of cadavers to men, tonight, Charlotte attended the former.
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She sat languidly in a velvet chair, a brocade fan balanced between her thumb and middle finger. What was typically a library now held more than a dozen rich men – either stag or with their adventurous wives – and whores. Regardless of status, the density of bodies left the air gelatinous. Unfortunately, the theme of the party was masquerade – just another layer atop sweat-covered skin. Charlotte fanned herself for comfort rather than flirtation.
“You’d think Lorenzia’s upper crust could open a window.” Edith leaned over and whispered in her ear. Edith, more practiced, hid her lips behind a pastel fan when she complained. Her every move felt intentional; when she angled herself toward Charlotte, men’s eyes dipped down her slender neck into the crevice of her décolletage. None of those men know the real her; they all thought her name was Eve! Expertly, Edith hid her real self like an old secret, comfortably tucked away like a library book. She taught Charlotte to do the same.
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“Maybe they like to see us sweat,” Charlotte joked. The other whores – of either gender – wore just about anything: full skirts without a bodice, trousers and no shirt, or gowns cut mid-thigh. Charlotte and Edith wore the latter.
Charlotte didn’t know why Edith had decided to befriend her just a year prior. After too many dangerous encounters working the street, Charlotte had met Edith while searching for a safer boarding house. On that fateful day, Edith invited her to work at her brothel, an upstanding establishment by the docks and west of downtown. Though the customers ran the gamut – sailors and dockworkers, priests and soldiers, merchant men and the gentlemen – they were all kinder than those who prowled the street corners. 
“You should have seen the parties last year,” Edith replied. A halo of blond ringlets sat pinned on her head. Occasionally, she’d pat at the curls to make sure they remained in place. “Just a disgusting number of bodies crammed into this hall. One night, I swear I made enough gold to fill a breadbox.”
“You did not,” Charlotte teased.
“Oh, don’t be jealous. It’s not my fault they’re all clutching their purses,” Edith replied. Ever since the assassination of Emperor Ambrose d’Leone, the gentry became conservative: politically, socially, and unfortunately, financially. 
Edith stiffened. She changed how she sat, making sure just a sliver of her milky thigh was visible from fifty feet away. Only Edith could act so ludicrously and come across as a subtle tempress. Charlotte’s brown eyes flickered away, locking eyes with a man across the room. He smiled back at the two women with an asymmetric grin. His golden-brown hair contrasted the woman standing next to him, olive-skinned with jet black hair and clad in silk.
“Your regular has spotted you.”
With the flick of a wrist, Edith straightened her golden skirt. Unlike the wives at the party, neither Edith nor Charlotte had a large selection of gowns. Charlotte wore a dress she’d stolen from her family home: navy with yellow lace trim and sleeves which fell off her shoulders. Edith and Charlotte had shopped that afternoon for masks, and though Charlotte had bought her favorite, a lace black mask loosely resembling a bird, Edith was quick to point out that it did not flatter her brown eyes.
“I know.” Wary of eye contact, Edith peered only briefly in her regular’s direction. “You’d think Marc would be satisfied with one consort.” 
“Why keep throwing these parties?” Charlotte asked.
Their host, General Marc d’Atlas, was known for throwing intimate and exclusive parties for his inner circle. Though sacreligious, Marc’s relation to one of the five old houses gave him leeway that most war priests lacked. Thus, the soirees remained an open secret, attracting both married gentry seeking adventure outside of wedlock and the church-bound military men held by a mandatory vow of celibacy. This party in particular was not just the first of the social season, but also the first of Charlotte’s life.
“I heard he actually loves her,” Edith mused, ignoring Charlotte’s question. Her eyes didn’t move from Marc’s raven-haired consort, Rose.
“Why else take the risk?” Charlotte replied. Orthodox factions of the city considered consorts less than prostitutes. 
At least a whore knows her place.
“Desire,” was Edith’s only answer. Surely, men had made worse mistakes in the name of desire. Charlotte smirked, but said nothing else. After just a moment of silence, Edith rose with a sigh.
“I supposed I should take my leave.” She smiled down toward Charlotte. “Enjoy the party.”
As soon as Edith glided away, Charlotte smothered a frown. She knew the rules at the brothel or at a gala, but here, lasciviousness collided with aristocratic sensibilities. Absent-mindedly, Charlotte toyed with a lock of her auburn hair which had painfully tangled with the ribbon of her mask. In that moment of frustration, Charlotte wondered why these men needed such a pretext to pay for sex. She strived then to make herself unseen.
Charlotte had a talent for making herself noticed – an alluring aura, as Edith called it. Therefore, she could do the opposite. The thick air became overbearing. Sweat beaded at the swell of her bosom, drawing attention to the dark freckles which colored her otherwise tan skin and eroding her patience. In search of a window, Charlotte aimed to make herself imperceptible. 
The front of the library acted as a parlor room, decorated with velvet chairs and hors d'oeuvres, but just a few steps back the room was densely packed with bookshelves. The back wall had four large windows looking out onto the midnight streets. In the back corner, Charlotte cracked open a window. The welcome breeze smelled of rain and moist earth, intermixed with the scent of parchment behind her. She shut her eyes for just a moment.
“Looks like we had the same idea.” 
Charlotte nearly jumped at the deep voice behind her. She turned, and behind her stood a tall, dark-haired man. From his rigid posture and imposing presence, she immediately pegged him a military man. But when his eyes turned from the window to her, they nearly looked through her. His eyes were so dark, in this dim light she couldn’t tell if they were brown or navy.
Thankfully, the buzz of the party was loud enough to cover the slam of the window closing.
“Sorry.” His brow furrowed. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” she tripped over her words. 
The stranger was older. When he frowned, slight lines formed around his lips and the outer corners of his eyes. His sharp jaw was highlighted by an ungroomed beard, as though he’d just returned from a mission, or he simply didn’t care enough to shave before this event. In his calloused hand, he held a crystal glass of red wine. His face was concealed with an undecorated, green mask.
“We haven’t met,” he said. He leaned against the back wall, but he didn’t look at ease. Like his mask, he dressed plainly, with a black button down tucked into dark, linen trousers.
Charlotte exhaled. “I’m Chastity.”
*** Read the rest of the chapter here!
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violentferalcat · 11 months
“The breeze tugs at my new clothing. The long skirts and maiden dresses have been abandoned by me the night I had left to sea together with my friend-pirate. He is named Lilliard and he is a man of short stature and a great sense of humour. He wears no beard, for he believes that it makes him less of a man (though I believe it is because it itches). He pays great respect for me but gives me no more care than to any other man on board. He is strict but fair. He follows a precise schedule and tells his men to do the same. While I'm on board his wooden ship, the one he calls 'unsinkable', he shall refer to me, treat me, see me, and hear me as a man and not a woman.
“It has been two days since I left my home town, my home life, behind to sail across the dangerous seas and oceans. I'd written a note to my sister and my mother. I explained to them my disappearance and I explained to them my affair with another woman in that letter. I will try to write to them every time Lilliard's ship harbours in a town with mailing services. I hope they are doing alright.
“I am afraid of what I will find. And I am scared of what will happen if we don't find anything. I am left with nothing but the pirate's life. I put behind everything I've ever known to search for Her. Was it the cost I was willing to pay? Was it a hasty decision? And what shall I do if I never find her? I can never go back now for, I am sure of it, they will throw me in jail to rot the moment my foot stands back on the mighty crown's soil. But I hope. I know that whatever comes next I'll be left with not choice but to survive it. And if I don't, I'll die trying.
“The crew treats me well. Though they are unused for a woman on board (apart from being a hostage) all the men have taken me as one of their own. They tell me jokes (not the ones they tell in high-class societies) and laugh together with me. They offer me drinks and help. I have never known of the friendship that dominates the sailor's crew, unlike that of what I've heard from the rumours around pirates.
“There is one man who has given me the cold shoulder; he avoids me, he never talks to me and whenever he does, he tries to make it as short as possible. I will leave his name out of my diaries for his privacy's sake - I know that one day these pages will be read not by my own eyes.
“The man, whom I shall call R. from now on (though that is not his name's initial), seems to be of pure intelligence. Not one on board can match his wit, not one on board (not even Lilliard himself) can beat him at games. Mr. R. takes everything serious and as a matter of fact. Unlike the roaring sea that sometimes crushes the wooden planks, the man is quiet and calm but I fear he is deadlier than mother Sea herself.
“He gives me no trouble, however, and I shall give him none too. What a pirate I will be if I start arguing with the people around me, the people who keep the ship running, food cooking, sails clean and ready to be used? I was given a gift - an opportunity to chase after my love. I will keep my muscles tense, my eyes sharp, my ears open. I will work day and night to prove to everyone and to myself that I am not a simpleton. I am not a weak person. Perhaps the lads on land might laugh at the fact that God has put me in the body of a woman. But I believe that God had given me far greater grace than to those fools who do naught but drink and dance. I will claw and gnaw away at every possibility that will come across my way. I won't rest until I am damned to my grave and further into Hell. And even there I shall spit in the Devil's face and try to climb the mountain of skulls and bones to argue God and break into the Eden's garden. Only then I will rest. Only then I will truly live.”
– from diaries of an unnamed woman, circa 1717
Part I
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babybridgerton · 2 years
little women part one: the bridgertons
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Summary: The Bridgerton sisters are closer than most but the trials of womanhood might just tear these little women apart.
A/N: Please let me know if you enjoy. Also feel free to imagine the Bridgertons as whoever I don't describe them or Y/N only the love interests. Speaking of love interests, I have cast Laurie Laurence as Dev Patel, again you can picture whoever.
Please note: 1) the Bridgerton boys will not be in this fic and 2) a significant portion of the dialogue is lifted from the Little Women (2019) script.
little women masterlist | next part
Eloise Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very smart young woman. Unfortunately only one of those traits is useful for a young woman in society. She hopes this will help her chances in her upcoming meeting.
Striding slowly to a large wooden door, she wipes her hand on her skirt before knocking sharply.
She steps in, hoping to appear confident in front of everyone. Despite the room being full of men working, no one even looks at her. Most don’t realise she’s even there.
Eloise scans the room, searching for Mr Dashwood. When she can’t see him, she walks over to the only man actually paying attention.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for Mr Dashwood.”
The old man just stares. She smiles, a little unnerved, a little confused. He very pointedly looks at his name plate, ‘Mr Dashwood’.
Eloise whispers under her breath, “Of course you are.” She clears her throat then holds out some papers to him, “A friend of mine wanted me to hand in a story she wrote. And to ask if she can write more, if it suits.”
“Not a first attempt, I take it?” He snatches them from her, giving the words a quick scan.
“No, sir. She has sold to other papers and won prizes for her stories.”
“Yes. Sir.”
He looks her up and down with thinly veiled disdain. “Sit.”
She does so, pressing her hands firmly into her lap to cover the ink stains.
Dipping his pen in the ink pot, Mr Dashwood begins some ‘alterations’. In actuality, he’s crossing out entire paragraphs or pages. Then he slaps the paper on his desk, startling the young woman across from him.
Eloise watches with despair, all of her work being destroyed so easily by some man who apparently thinks his lavatory doesn’t smell.
Through the fog in her ears, his voice grumbles. “We’ll take it.”
“We’ll take it. With alterations.” Mr Dashwood doesn’t even wait for the ink to dry, just gathers the pages together. “It’s far too long.”
Eloise takes her work back, brows furrowed at the lines marring her loopy script, “You’ve cut so much.” She notices his ‘are-you-seriously-going-to-argue’ expression and clarifies, “I made sure some of the sinners repent.”
“People want to be amused, not preached at. Even after Lady Whistledown’s gossip column stopped, her influence means morals don’t sell nowadays.” Mr Dashwood looks down his nose at Eloise, “Perhaps mention that to your ‘friend’.”
“What compensation –”
She looks down at her work, she knows it’s worth more but she needs the money. “You can have it. Make the edits.”
He hands her the money, and she reluctantly returns the story.
Eloise stands, brushing her skirt. Mr Dashwood eyes her ink-stained fingers with mild amusement.
She meets his eye, “Should I tell my friend you’ll take another? If she had one.”
Mr Dashwood sighs, “We’ll look at it. Tell her to make it short and spicy. Oh and if the main character is a girl, make sure she’s either married or dead by the end.”
“I’m sorry?”
He ignores her, pen in hand again, “What name?”
“Oh, none at all please.”
“If that’s what ‘she’ prefers.”
“Good day, sir.”
She practically runs from the office, attracting the ire of some of the men around her. Then once she’s outside, she picks up her skirts and sprints.
A sweet little cat meets Eloise at the front door of the boarding house she lives in. The tuxedo kitten stretches and meows, so she picks him up. “You know, my Frannie would love you, Muffin.”
She makes her way to the drawing room, kissing Muffin on the head and dropping him on a seat near the crackling fire. Eloise turns her back to the fire, warming her body while she writes.
She hears loud conversation and pops her head up to see her favourite people in the world (bar her family). Philip Crane and his two young children, Oliver and Amanda are the best part of living in the city.
“Hello Miss Eloise!” The two duck in just to give her a hug before they run to their apartment.
As she watches them leave, she makes eye contact with Mr Crane, his eyes are bright with the infectious joy of his children. He steps into the room, the light of the fire highlighting his profile. Eloise has never been more jealous of her sister Y/N’s artistic ability, she wishes she could paint him just where he stands. She’ll have to settle for her writing.
“Good afternoon, Miss Bridgerton.”
“Good afternoon, Mister Crane.”
In an attempt to appear casual, she returns to her work.
He admires her for a moment then frowns, “You’re on fire.”
“Thank you.”
“No, you’re on fire.” He points to her skirt. The back of her dress has caught on fire. She puts it out quickly, face burning with humiliation.
“No, don’t worry! I have the same habit.” He shows her scorch marks on his jacket.
Eloise smiles and takes a step towards him when the matron of the house interrupts.
“Your children are waiting.” She smacks Philip’s arm softly but can’t help her delighted expression over the two connecting.
“Sorry Mr Crane, Oliver and Amanda need me.” Eloise takes the matron’s arm and heads to the door.
“Tell them I will be a little later tonight, still in time to tell them their bedtime story.”
Eloise looks over her shoulder, “Of course. Perhaps you can tell them about my sister’s adventures in Paris.”
Y/N Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very talented artist. Although that second part has been a source of doubt in her life.
She was in an art lesson with some of the best young painters in Paris. The class had to paint a traditional scene of friends at a picnic and as Y/N looked around, she noticed something concerning. The artist next to her was exceptional. His work was bright and colourful, loose lines and flat colours. Original and unique to himself. Hers was detailed and realistic, special care taken with light and shade. An imitation rather than an innovative piece of work. The realisation that she wasn’t a future genius or some incredible prodigy terrified her.
Disheartened by the lesson, Y/N sits in the open air carriage with her aunt, basking in the cool breeze brushing her face. She holds a folded letter from home tight to her chest. If she closed her eyes she’s certain she’d feel their love seeping through her clothes. Her aunt is complaining about something or other, a hobby she enjoyed far too often.
“I tell you, the decadents have ruined Paris, if you ask me. These French women couldn’t lift a hairbrush.”
Y/N doesn’t respond.
“Y/N!” The girl in question jolts, turning to her aunt, “I said, ‘These French women couldn’t lift a hairbrush.’”
“Oh yes, ha ha. Very true Aunt Ledger.”
“Don’t humour me, girl.” Aunt Ledger keeps her tone even but when she looks at the letter in her niece’s lap, her almost unshakeable facade wavers. She hides her distress with a sneer, “What do they write, your troublemaking family?”
“Mama hasn’t written about Francesca yet, I really should go back.” Y/N opens the letter again, “They say I should stay.”
“There’s nothing for you to do if you go back. She’s sick, not lonely.” Aunt Ledger ignores Y/N’s foul glare, blabbering on, “And you shouldn’t go home until you’re engaged to Fred Vaughn.”
Y/N folds the letter again, tucking it away safely, “Yes and completed my painting lessons of course.”
Aunt Ledger waves her off, “Yes, yes of course.”
Y/N returns to people-watching, upset by the lack of proper communication from her family and her aunt’s nastiness. A tall man with curly dark hair and soft dark skin walks past, hands tucked deep into his pockets.
Y/N jumps up in her seat, tapping the driver impatiently, “STOP STOP STOP! IT’S LAURIE!” She hikes up her skirts and runs to the man crying “LAURIE!”
Laurie turns, notices a woman draped in purple running towards him, screaming his name. As she jumps into his arms, he realises it’s Y/N, that sweet girl from his childhood.
He spins her around, laughing brightly. When they separate, she grabs his hands and he squeezes hers gently, “Y/N, you’ve grown up so much! It’s wonderful to see you.”
“You wrote you’d come to the hotel!” Her brows furrow softly.
He can’t take his eyes from her, roaming her face to memorise every detail, “I looked for you, I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
“Clearly you didn’t look hard enough.”
“Maybe I just didn’t recognize you, you’ve become so beautiful.” He moves their hands to the side and steps back, nodding at her.
Y/N wrinkles her nose, “Please don’t.”
“I thought you liked that sort of thing!”
“Well I don’t.” She smiles again, “Where’s your grandfather?”
“Still in Germany.” He finally pulls his hands away to put them behind his back, “I’m on my own, traveling and having fun.”
Y/N teases him, “And drinking and gambling and flirting…”
Laurie looks so horrified that if Y/N didn’t know better, she would’ve thought he was genuinely scandalised. “Please don’t tell your mother.”
“So you’re chasing some girl around Europe?” Y/N’s expression drops, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t believe when I heard Eloise turned you down.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m not.” He’s lying for the moment but not that he’s seen Y/N again, it could be true.
Aunt Ledger interrupts the sweet moment, shrieking, “Y/N! Y/N BRIDGERTON! YOU GET BACK HERE NOW!”
Y/N pulls Laurie along by his hand and they run back to the carriage, “Coming Aunt Ledger!”
After he helps Y/N into her seat, Laurie kisses Aunt Ledger on the cheek, “You look marvellous as always.”
“GET OFF ME! GO, GO!” With surprising strength, the crabby old woman pushes Laurie away and smacks the driver.
The carriage pulls away but Y/N kneels on her seat to call out to her friend, “Come to the New Year’s Party! It’ll be so much fun - everyone will be there, including Fred!” She’s about to turn away when she remembers, “Pick me up at the hotel at eight! And dress for festivities! Top hats and silks!”
“I will, I’ll wear my best silk!” He smiles and waves her off.
She grins and sits back down, ignoring her aunt’s ranting.
Laurie stays there a little longer, admiring the woman he reunited with. He walks away with a load lifted from his chest.
Y/N can’t help but take one last look at him before he’s gone again. He was still just as handsome as ever and she knows. She will never stop loving him.
Daphne Basset (née Bridgerton) is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She is also a very tired new mother. Despite her intense love for her children, she cannot help but envy those who have not faced the same struggles she has.
Daphne watches her ‘friend’ Cressida Berbrooke wander around the shop, luxurious silks draped over the blonde’s arms. A small part of her wishes she could do the same, unworried about the cost of her purchase.
Cressida is the type of young lady who has never wanted for anything, everything has been given to her. So when she looks over at her ‘dearest’ friend, who eyes a soft green silk, her heart bleeds. “Daphne, that colour would do wonders for your skin tone, and I know the perfect dressmaker to help you.”
Daphne drops the silk and whips around to Cressida, “No, no, no I couldn’t possibly. Simon needs a new coat and the twins need new clothes.”
Cressida’s tone is spiteful, having been spoiled her whole life, she enjoys embarrassing her ‘friends’. “And you need a new dress.”
Daphne tries to hide her expression, aware of what Cressida’s doing,
“I can’t.”
“But he’ll be so pleased with how you look that he’ll forget all about the expense.” The blonde giggles.
Silk wasn’t that expensive, was it? “I suppose it’s not too much of an extravagance.”
The sales clerk seizes his opportunity, “Will twenty yards do?”
Daphne nods, “Yes, thank you.”
Her heart is warm with delight as she leaves with Cressida. When she gets home, the full force of guilt hits her. “What was I thinking?”
Her daughters play in the garden as she enters, dropping the large amount of silk on the dining table. She sits down on the porch, her regret almost overwhelming.
The twins run towards her, “Mummy!” They hug her tightly and she tucks her face into their shoulders to hide her tears. When they run off again, she’s thankful for the weight they lift. Even if it’s just for the moment.
Francesca Bridgerton is a beautiful young woman. She knows this. She also knows that she’s living on borrowed time. Her body is slowly giving up on her, for all her and her mother’s best efforts.
Frannie has always loved playing the pianoforte. It was something her family bonded over, and every time she plays now, those memories come flooding back.
Her favourite song to play was an old lullaby her mother and sisters used to sing. Their voices blend with the piano melody in her head.
Her hand suddenly seizes, pain searing into her bones. She brings the hand to her chest, flexing it and breathing through the pain. When she lays her hands on top of the piano, the sunlight warms them from the inside, soothing the pain ever so slightly.
Her mother’s voice calls from another room, “Frannie? Francesca!”
She can’t bring herself to respond.
After her lessons with Oliver and Amanda finish, Eloise has plenty of free time before the matron’s curfew. She decides to go to the theatre, a venue that once seemed too extravagant for someone like her. But the theatre she frequented allowed people who couldn’t buy tickets to stand at the back and enjoy the play.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is playing, a play she’d always wanted to see performed. She’s enraptured, giggling at the appropriate moments, commenting on things with the man next to her.
During Helena’s soliloquy, Philip Crane looks around the theatre, watching people’s reactions to her heartfelt speech. He’s seen the play enough times that he could probably quote it by heart.
He turns in his seat, having always found the reactions of the people in the back’s reactions to be the most interesting.
There he sees Eloise Bridgerton, bright and delightful as always. She seems entranced by Helena’s performance and he can’t help the smile on his face.
When the play ends, Eloise follows Philip and his friends to a beer hall, hoping to a) get to know him better and b) finally make some friends in the city.
She’s stopped on the stairs by a young man, speaking a foreign language. He holds a hand out and gestures to the makeshift dance floor.
“I only speak English sorry!” She cries, beaming at the sweet man.
“Come dance!” He clearly learned this phrase for this situation, so she rewards his pragmatism, joining him in a jig.
The dance is free, unstructured and unchoreographed. Couples spin wildly, whirl around each other and some swap partners as they go. Eloise slowly makes her way to Philip, who gives her his hands. She dances the night away with this kind man, the joy radiating from their bodies even as they return to the boarding house. The matron locks up behind them, chuckling quietly to herself. Clearly she seems to know something they don’t.
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write-orflight · 4 years
The Fraction of Innocence.
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**Gif Not Mine**
Anon Requested: 10, 16, and 25 for the smutty prompts thing!!!
10: “were you just touching yourself?” ‘yeah, what are you donna do about it?’
16: “the only way you are gonna get off is on my thigh.”
25: “she may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s hand cuffs and gags.”
Pairings: SpencerXReader
Rating: M, (This is very explicit.)
Words: 4K
Warnings: NSFW!!! 18+ (Dom!Spencer, BDSM overtones, sexual conduct, fingering, bondage, etc.)
Summary: Spencer thinks Y/N is an innocent, naive girl until a case reveals her extracurricular activities. 
Spencer had been back from jail for 2 months when he first met her. 
At first he didn’t think anything of her, other than the faint smell of vanilla and daisy as she walked past him in the bullpen and the bright smile that seemed to take up half her face. She was carrying files close to her chest like a schoolgirl late to class and the skirt of her white dress bellowed softly behind her as she made her way to Emily’s office.  
“Who is that?” He had asked. 
Luke looked up to where Spencer’s gaze was. “Oh, that’s Y/N, she's a tech analyst helping Penelope out right now. She’s sweet, you’ll like her.”  
It doesn’t take Spencer long after that to decide he, in fact, does not like you. There was nothing wrong with you. Luke was right, you were sweet, almost sickeningly so. It was like you had no concept of reality. You lived in this world of all sunshine and good things despite the horror that crossed your screen daily. And while Penelope was the same, she at the very least knew how bad the world could be and chose to see the good in it. You didn’t, it was like you’d never had a single bad thing happen to you. And Spencer, who had been dealt the bad hand so many times in life hated that. 
It also didn’t help that you were gorgeous too. You looked like an artist sculpted you himself to make the perfect woman. Real People weren’t supposed to look like that. Real people were supposed to have flaws and blisters. Real people were supposed to look tired so early in the morning not fully awake and smiling while handing everyone in the office a coffee. He didn’t understand how you could be real.   
“Here you go, Spencer. Americano lots of sugar.” You said, placing the coffee on his desk. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles. 
“We have a case, by the way.” You giggle, going off to hand Luke his coffee before walking away to the conference room. Spencer was barely able to keep his eye roll at bay. 
Luke sees that and laughs, clapping Spencer on the back. “Come on, kid. Play nice.” 
“She’s giggling about a murder case.” Spencer grumbles before following him into the conference room. 
“3 women have been murdered in Queens. Judging by the scars, they were all bound and strangled before finally being dumped in an alley.” Garcia says, as she goes through the slides, showing the crime scenes. “Police need our help finding the connection between these three women because right now, it looks like there is none.” 
“I’d say.” Tara speaks up. “We have a waitress/student, a doctor, and a paralegal. All living in different areas of the city with virtually no reason to interact.” 
Spencer looks down at his file, examining the picture when he notices something. Just as he opens his mouth to say something, you clear your throat.  
“Umm, Emily?” You say from your seat right across from Spencer. Emily looks up inquisitively at you. “I think I know what connects them.” 
“What’s that, Y/N?” Emily asks, raising a brow at her.  
You clear your throat again. “Victim #2, Rebecca Belfront, has a Padlock collar necklace on in her second picture. That’s typically used to indicate she’s a submissive with a committed dominant partner. But she wasn’t wearing it when her body was found which makes me think that that relationship recently ended. That made me look at the marks on their arms. While there are some new ones from the murders, they all have faded marks around the wrist and body as well. Leads me to believe the bounding was er-... consensual. We should probably look into New York’s BDSM scene.” You close, smiling awkwardly. 
Spencer looks at you in shock. He, of course, had come to the same conclusion you did and had been about to say that but he, at least, knew why he knew that. Why did you know that? 
Emily hummed thoughtfully. “It’s worth looking into. Do you mind coming to NY with us? Your insight might be needed.” 
You look kind of shocked at that but nod. “Of course, whatever I can do to help.” You say, softly. 
“Great, Wheels up in 30.” She says, getting up, effectively ending the meet. Spencer watches you speed after her, files in hand to ask some more questions. Spencer’s walking back to his desk when Luke catches up with him. 
“Y/N has a dark side. Who knew?” He says, smirking. 
“Probably not.” Spencer muses. “She could’ve just known that. I mean, I  just know stuff sometimes too.” 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Her body language gave her away. She was flushing and stuttering sure, but she was confident in what she was saying. Almost as if, she was speaking from experience.” Luke laughs. “She may be all lollipops and candy bars here, but I bet behind closed doors, she’s handcuffs and gags.”  
Spencer hums. “Maybe.” He says looking up to watch you walk back across the catwalk from Prentiss’ office. Luke was right though, your body language did give you completely away that you were talking from experience. Spencer couldn’t help but wonder just how much. 
When you arrive in New York, You head straight from the jet to the Police Station in Queens. You fiddle with your thumbs a bit, you are nervous. 
“You ok?” Spencer says, from his spot in front of the bulletin board he was setting up. You were supposed to be helping him but you knew Spencer was particular about some things so you let him do it. In fact, there were a lot of things you’d let Spencer do. With you, to you, you weren’t picky. The man was gorgeous enough to make you nervous. With his lean muscles, long, fluffy hair, and large hands, he looked like something that walked right out of a wet dream of yours. Which sometimes, he was just that. You weren’t stupid though, you knew Spencer didn’t think of you that way. In fact, you didn’t think Spencer thought of you in any way. He seemed to ignore you anyway he could. 
You look up from your laptop. “Oh yea, I’m fine. I’m just...nervous. I’ve never been in the field.” 
“Chances are you won’t be, Emily will probably keep you in the Station if she can help it.” Spencer provides. 
“I know, it’s just-- you know what I mean.” You say, Spencer nods before returning to the bulletin board. You stand to look at the map with him. “So, from what I was able to find there’s only 3 BDSM clubs in Queens but there’s only one in the middle of where the three women were found. Place called Cat’s Cradle.” 
Spencer hums. “How complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is.” You look up at the man, recognizing the quote.  
“There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look.” You say back, shrugging. 
“You read Vonnegut?” He asks. 
“You said that like you’re more surprised that I can read than what I read being Vonnegut.” You say, Spencer shrugs not even denying it. God, he was such a dick sometimes. A hot dick, but a dick nonetheless. 
The two of you turn when you hear a knock at the door to see the lead detective coming in to check on you guys. “Just wanted to see how things were coming along. Also see if you guys needed anything?” Though he only directed the question at you with a sly smirk on his face. Men were so obvious sometimes. 
“Nope, we’re fine.” You smile although you didn’t want to. “We’ve narrowed down to a couple BDSM clubs so hopefully we’ll catch our guy soon.” 
“Wait, you think these girls were…” He trails off. You nod, knowing what he was thinking. “Well, it probably serves them right.” 
“Excuse me?” You say. 
“Listen, I know what kind of girls go into those kinds of clubs. If they want to be sexual deviants, they can’t be surprised when shit like this happens to them.” He gestures to the board. 
“Actually more women are into Dominant/Submissive as well as BDSM relationships than you would think, statistically 85%.” Spencer cuts him off. “These clubs are just commonplace for them to meet like minded people just like you would do in any other club and they should be put on trial after their deaths for trusting the wrong person. If you don’t mind, we’d like to get back to work, Detective.” He says, turning back towards the board. The man nods and leaves shortly after that. 
“Thank you.” You say, softly. 
“What for?” Spencer asks. 
“Come on, I work with profilers and I’m not stupid. I know you guys know about me so thank you for defending me just now.” 
“I wasn’t defending you.” Spencer says. “He was making inappropriate comments about victims and we don’t need that outdated way of thinking working on this case. Besides…” He says, eyes flickering down to your lips and back to your eyes. “You’re not the only one with… unconventional extracurriculars.” He turns and walks out after that leaving you watching after him. 
 After delivering the profile, you find the Unsub, a man named Ivan Parke. The only thing left to do was find the best way to snuff him out. When the team is discussing the next best course of action. It’s then Luke comes up with the idea. 
“We should send Y/N undercover.” He says. “She knows the profile and knows the most about the scene.” 
Emily nods. “Is that something you’re comfortable with, Y/N.” 
You look up. “Oh, um yea. I’d have to find a different outfit but you have to send someone with me.” You say, everyone looks at you confused so you sigh and explain yourself. “If you send me into a club like this, in a foreign place with no Dom, the Unsub isn’t going to be my only worry. Someone’s going to have to play my dominant.”   
“I’ll do it.” Spencer speaks up. Your eyes widened, you were not expecting Spencer to agree to it, you assumed you’d be stuck with Luke. Now you’re going to have to spend the night with the man you’d been crushing on since you started working with the BAU as his submissive. Like that wasn’t a dream come true. 
“Great.” Emily says, dismissing everyone and handing you an expense credit card for an outfit. You take it and leave immediately, ignoring the sly look Spencer gives you. 
You ended with a short, low-cut black leather dress with tank-like sleeves that showed off your curves and left very little to the imagination. As well as a clear pair of platform heels. You pulled your hair back into a sleek ponytail and you topped the look with your own personal leather choker with a large circle knob in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces to wear though you never really got a chance to wear it unless you were going to clubs, which you didn’t do as often these days. It was an expensive piece sure, but so worth it when you got to wear it. You were doing your makeup a little darker then you usually do in the bathroom when Spencer comes in. 
“Is this how you typically look on the weekends?” He asks, standing behind you in the mirror. You look up to look him in the eyes through it. 
“If I have the time.” You shrug. 
“It’s very different. You’re very different from how I thought you were.” 
“And how did you think I was, Spencer?”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have assumed anything about me.” You say, turning towards the man. 
“Maybe you’re right… That’s an expensive piece.” He points out pointing to your choker. “Emily’s going to have fun explaining that at the next budgetary hearing.” 
“I didn’t buy it today.” You explain. “It’s mine.” 
Spencer hums for a moment before lifting his hand to turn your jaw, examining the piece. You can’t help the way your breath hitches at the contact. Spencer was already so close to you and now he was touching you, it was already starting to be too much. Soon, Spencer is hooking two fingers into the circle knob of your choker and he yanks it. Involuntarily, a whimper falls from your lips, prompting a smirk from the man across from you. 
“Tonight’s going to be fun.” He says before leaving you in the bathroom in a state of shock. 
 After getting your comms set up by Luke, who tried to avert his eyes from your frame as much as possible, you and Spencer walk into the Cat’s Cradle. Typically you didn’t like the club scene, but you sometimes liked to venture out when looking for a new partner. Cat’s Cradle was definitely different than the other places you had been. Sure it still had the private rooms and the main stage where a scene was happening in front of you but it was a lot more laid back than the ones you went to in DC. Spencer was really enjoying his role too. Probably hamming it up too much because he knew there was a part of you that actually wanted him to. In the end, finding Ivan Parke was easy. He took the bait almost instantly and you were arresting him just as fast. 
“Great work tonight guys.” Emily says, when you reach the hotel lobby. “Jet’s leaving at 7AM so make sure to get some rest.” She says, dismissing you. 
Now begged a tricky situation because you had almost forgotten you and Spencer were rooming together. As you walked back to the room together the air was thick but both of you were silent. The tension had been building between the two of you since he yanked your choker in the station bathroom. You knew it was a matter of time. The dam had to break. 
“You can shower first.” Spencer says. You nod, taking off your choker and grabbing clothes before taking solace in the bathroom. You wanted Spencer and you knew you needed to expedite this. After a much needed shower, you change into your pajama shorts and tank combo. Spencer steps into the shower almost as soon as you leave it. It’s then that you think of the perfect plan. You lay on the bed and spread your legs before slipping a hand down your shorts. You tease yourself at first, rubbing your clit through your underwear while you thought about the events of the night. How Spencer had been so authoritative. How his hand slid to the small of your back and sometimes ghosted your ass as the two of you walked around the club. How he had been so close in the bathroom. The way he yanked you closer. A small moan escaped you as you slid your hand in your underwear. Soon you hear the bathroom door open. Spencer stops short, watching you before leaning on the frame. 
“Were you just touching yourself?”
“Yes.” You answer. “Are you gonna to do something about it?” 
“Should I? Instead of telling me what you want you decide to act like a brat and do this.” 
Spencer moves closer to the bed but doesn’t do anything, just continues to watch you so you decide to give him a show. Moaning loudly as you slide a digit inside of you. Spencer looks at you with hooded eyes. You can’t help the small laugh that leaves you. 
“I think you’re going to give me what I want.” You say, smirking. 
“And why’s that?” He says. 
“You’re already weak.” You say. 
“I’m weak, pretty girl?” He asks, incredulously. Before you know it, he’s ripping your hand out of your pants and crowding in the space between your legs forcing you to sit up and look at him. “You’re in here touching yourself to the thought of me like a horny teenager and I’m the one who’s weak? Ok.”  He sits back and pulls you by your hips to sit on top of his lap, your legs straddling one of his thighs. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh, ok?” He tells you, starting to move your hips. You moan, nodding your head as the friction makes its way through your core. Spencer lifts your shirt off you and smirks when his eyes land on your bare breast. He leans forward to catch your left nipple in his mouth. Your back arches as you grind harder against his thigh. Your hands fly up to start unbuttoning his shirt when he stops you. 
“Did I say you could touch yet, princess?”  He asks. 
“N-No, sir.” You stutter. 
“Then keep your hands to yourself.” He says, putting your hands back to your side. He does indulge you by taking his shirt off himself. But that doesn’t help you keep your hands to yourself. You saw the lean muscle and craved to mark it up with your nails. Your hands go up to touch him again but he stops you. 
“If I have to ask you again, I’m going to tie you up, Princess. Just be good, baby.” 
You were already close before but now with Spencer’s hands and mouth everywhere and constant friction on your sex it was damn near pushing you off the edge. 
“I’m gonna come.” You tell him, he grips your hips tighter, lifting his leg slightly so he was only rubbing against your clit. That makes you moan out loudly. 
“Go ahead, Princess. Cum for me.” He says, and that was all you needed to fall right over the edge. Your legs shake and convulse as Spencer grips your hips help you ride it out.  Soon you come down panting and he’s kissing into your neck. He pulls back and grips your jaw. 
“Still think I’m weak, Princess?”  He asks. 
You knew it was unwise. In fact, you tried to stop yourself before you did it but it was too late. You reared your hand back and slapped Spencer across the cheek. Not hard enough to be seen as anything malicious but sharp enough to throw him off, like he couldn’t believe you had done it.  
“Yes I do.” You say looking him in the eyes after. Something like a switch went off because there was no other way to describe the look he gave you other than feral and fully primitive. He pushes you off him. 
“Get on your hands and knees, now.” He says, menacingly. You scramble and run to get into the position. Once in, Spencer forces your knees further apart. He angrily takes his belt off his pants before fashioning them into a makeshift cuff and pulling your wrist so they’re tied behind your back, leaving you face down into the mattress. He slides your shorts and underwear off in one go. You yelp loudly when the first slap comes to your behind. When the second and third slap comes, you try to squeeze your legs together to get some form of friction but Spencer forces your knees further apart. You moan out when you feel a digit slide against your folds. You try to push back on it but Spencer holds your hips in place. 
“P-Please.” you stutter. 
“What do you want, Princess?” He says, sliding a second digit inside you making you cry out more. 
“Please, fuck me, Spencer.” You say, and you really didn’t have to ask twice because almost as soon as you ask Spencer’s hands leave you to finish unbuckling his pants. There’s a brief moment of calm, so calm that you almost think Spencer wasn’t going to give you what you want but that calm is interrupted by Spencer slamming into, no warning. You scream out but that’s only rewarded with your head being shoved more into the mattress to muffle your cries. Spencer’s hands are pulling on your cuffs so he is almost impossibly deep inside you. You moans start to get louder and louder. Suddenly, Spencer is pulling you up so you’re both sitting up, your back against his chest. One of his hands slides to grip around your neck while the other is moving to circle your clit. The hand around your neck tilts your jaw back so you’re looking up at the man behind you. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. Open your mouth, Princess.” He orders, which you do instantly sticking your tongue out. Spencer leans forward and spits into your waiting mouth before locking his mouth with yours. His hand squeezes your neck tighter as you moan into his mouth as he starts fucking you faster, his dick hitting your g-spot almost every thrust. It’s not long before you’re just babbling, not even able to string a coherent sentence together. 
“You gonna come for me, Princess?” He asks. You nod, moaning loudly. At this point, you knew there was no way the person in the room next to you guys didn’t hear you. You could only hope that it wasn’t one of the team. “Go ahead for me, baby. Be a good girl and come on my cock.” After that, it doesn’t take long before you’re falling over the edge, shaking all the while. Spencer fucks you through it before tightening his grip on your hips to bend you back forwards so your face is back on the mattress. He fucks you hard and fast before falling over the edge himself, moaning your name. 
The two of you say nothing as he unties you. When he does, you instantly flop down on your back, breathing heavily. Spencer wordlessly gets up and goes to the bathroom. For a moment you think he’s just leaving you like this, that you were foolish to think Spencer cared anything about you but in that moment he comes back with a wet cloth and ointment. He says nothing as he wipes between your legs before tossing the towel aside. You watch him with a smirk on your face as he rubs the ointment on the red marks the red cuffs made on you. 
He looks you in the eye. “What, Y/N?” 
“What happened to Princess?” You say, Spencer just looks at you with a bored expression which only makes you smile more. “Now’s probably a good time for you to ask me to dinner.” 
Spencer chuckles lightly at that. “You don’t want to go to dinner with me.” 
“I’m almost positive I do. Why would you say that?” You ask. 
Spencer looks you in the eyes at that moment. “I’m not-Y/N, I’m not like you.” 
“Like me?” 
“I’m not able to be cheery and smiley. I can’t float into rooms. I can’t be happy like you are, too much has happened to me. You deserve someone happy.” 
“Spencer.” You say, looking him in the eyes. “You are not broken. You can be happy, it’s going to take time sure but I’m willing to be with you through that. If you want that.” You say. 
Spencer nods. “Ok, Y/N.” he smiles. 
He rolls his eyes at that. “What’re you doing next sunday?” 
You smile, brightly. “Absolutely nothing.”    
Perm. Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​
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bluerose5 · 2 years
A New Chapter (Part 3/3)
Finally, it's here! The wedding has arrived, and this chapter is much longer than the others so just a heads up! Thanks so much for reading, and this is my last piece planned before we head into Inquisition so expect the time skip there. Hope you enjoy! 🥰
Pairing: Darrian Tabris/Zevran Arainai
Word Count: 7,162 (i swear this word count snuck up on me 😂)
[First Part] [Prev]
You can also read here on ao3!
Antonia informed them that they would leave as soon as she gathered her crew.
Until then, they were welcome to board the ship and get settled in. Zevran, being more familiar with the vessel, led the way while Darrian and Barkolomew followed close behind.
After they climbed aboard, Ser Pounce-a-lot finally showed his face again. He squirmed his way out of Darrian’s bag, scanning the area with those big, inquisitive eyes.
His paws hit the deck, and he sauntered up to Ser Bark. With a swipe at the mabari's legs, the pesky feline managed to get his attention. They sat and stared at one another for quite a bit, silently communicating something far beyond Darrian’s and Zevran’s comprehension.
Eventually, they came to some sort of unspoken agreement. Ser Pounce-a-Lot wandered aimlessly around the ship with Ser Bark remaining vigilant at his side.
Darrian watched them, soon shaking his head in disbelief.
"Those two are way too intelligent for their own good," he muttered.
“You got that right,” Zevran chimed, “but they know how to look after each other. Let us leave them to their own devices, yes?”
“Fine by me,” Darrian said, leaning in to whisper conspiratorially. “But if they end up staging a mutiny, I’m blaming you.”
“Oh, please,” Zevran snorted, “as if my handsome troublemaker could resist a good, old-fashioned rebellion.”
Darrian beamed. “Touché.”
“At least they would have fun while doing it.”
“True enough. And I, for one,” Darrian claimed, “welcome our new pirate overlords.”
“Their reign is inevitable,” Zevran deadpanned.
Darrian stared at him, his gaze fond and affectionate.
But then, something… more crossed his expression in a flash, there and gone before Zevran could pin down what it was.
“Are you o—”
“Alright, crew!” Antonia called out, her voice piercing through the air with the authority of someone who knew how to wield it. A chorus of groans rang out, but she quickly put an end to that. “Get your asses moving, yeah! Man your stations. I don’t want to see anyone slackin’ off, you hear?”
“Aw, boss!” one of her men complained. Slowly but surely, the entire group shuffled their way onto the ship. “I thought we still had one or two more nights on leave.”
“Well, you thought wrong, Thomas,” she stated. “A job came up, so we got places to be and things to do.”
“We couldn’t have at least waited ‘til morn— Ow!” Another sailor came up behind him and smacked him lightly aside the head, earning a glare in response. “Sage, now, what you go and do that for?”
“Quit your bellyachin', boy," Sage scolded. "It's not the captain’s fault that you lot blow all your coin every leave, getting drunk and chasing skirts. Guess you'll just have to sail through the hangover."
Grumbles surfaced amongst the crew yet again, but Antonia was hardly done.
Both Darrian and Zevran watched the spectacle unfold before them.
"Tell you what," Antonia said, "do your jobs, do them well, and drinks are on me when we dock in Llomerryn."
All of those pitiful grumbles instantly transformed into hearty cheers. The crew started to disperse, but Antonia's voice stopped them in their tracks.
"Before you go," she interrupted, "let me not forget." She pointed towards Darrian and Zevran, and all eyes turned to them. "We have some very important guests aboard our ship, seeking passage away from these lands. Now, you don't have to like them, but you damn well better treat them with the same respect as you treat me. Otherwise, you'll be answering to me; and trust me, none of ya want that."
Pressing her hand to her chest, she glanced around at the crew, making it a point to meet their eyes.
"Remember who you're representing. Now, go," she said, dismissing them with a wave of her hand. "As you were."
There were a few whispers and stares from the crew, but most of them ignored Darrian and Zevran for the moment, rushing to their positions to get to work.
Sage stopped to speak with them on their way to see the captain.
"Well, well," they drawled, hands on their hips. "Zevran Arainai."
"Hello, Sage," Zevran greeted, the corner of his lips quirked up into a familiar smile. "Long time, no see."
"You got that right. Didn't expect to see you today." They cast an appreciative yet curious glance in Darrian’s direction. "Especially not with company."
"I like to keep people on their toes," Zevran joked.
"As if I expected anything less." Offering Darrian their hand, Sage grinned. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sage. I'm Captain Antonia's quartermaster. Her second-in-command aboard this beauty of a ship."
Darrian took their hand in his, only to have it brought up to their lips. They pressed a kiss upon the back of Darrian’s hand, tossing him a lighthearted wink.
"At your service," Sage hummed. "Now, if either of you need anything, please come find me."
Releasing Darrian's hand, Sage gave them a playful salute as they turned on their heel, making their way over to Antonia.
"Wow," Darrian teased, "what a charmer."
"What can I say?" Zevran remarked. "That's pirates for you."
Over the sounds of idle chatter, Darrian listened to Antonia shout out commands to her crew.
Before long, the ship was easing its way out of the docks and out into the open sea. More and more of the crew rushed about with each passing second, so Zevran wound his arm around Darrian’s waist to guide him out of the way.
He led them to a more secluded, quieter area of the deck that saw less foot traffic.
Together, they leaned against the side of the ship, staring out into the horizon.
The waters, even darkened by the remnants of night, glittered like a freshly-polished gem.
Silence settled between them, but it was a peaceful silence, free of any awkwardness or tension.
There, they stood, side-by-side. They drank in the sight of the ocean, listening to her waves crash against the hull of the ship.
A gentle breeze carried with it the sharp tang of salt. The scent clung to the air, lingering on the back of one's tongue.
After getting his fill of the view, Darrian glanced over at Zevran, watching his assassin stare out into the distance.
His expression was surprisingly serene, content even.
The lines of his brow soon smoothed out. All of the tension in his body slowly but surely melted away. Stiffness turned pliant, and his lips curled up into a genuine smile, a smile filled with joy yet devoid of any of his usual bravado.
For once, Zevran seemed happy.
And the sight of him took Darrian’s breath away.
Darrian’s heart raced. His head spun.
He could barely tell up from down or left from right.
Nothing made sense anymore, and yet it all did.
Darrian watched as the wind combed its fingers through Zevran's hair, causing several blonde strands to fall into his eyes.
Instinctively, Darrian reached out to brush them back behind his ear. Zevran’s eyes slid closed, and his lips parted around a shaky breath.
He leaned eagerly into Darrian’s touch, savoring the warmth of Darrian’s skin against his.
Zevran tightened his grip upon the ship’s siding, his skin stretched tight over his knuckles.
Rough, calloused fingertips traced along the curve of Zevran’s cheek. They trailed over his jaw and followed along the line of his neck, stopping only when they encountered the fluttering of his pulse.
Darrian lingered, swallowing thickly.
The instant Zevran’s light brown eyes fluttered open, Darrian froze.
Zevran trained his gaze on Darrian, effectively pinning him into place.
All Darrian could hear was his heartbeat, pounding loudly in his ears.
In an attempt to calm his nerves, he took a deep breath. In through his nose, out through his mou—
Before he could stop himself, the words came tumbling through.
"Marry me," he blurted out, eyes wide when he realized what he had done.
Zevran stared at him, mouth agape.
"Excuse me?"
"Uh, I, er—" Darrian stammered, at a loss for what to say. "I got something for you!"
After he stumbled for a moment, his face lit aflame with a blush, Darrian eventually shoved his hands into his bags. He rummaged around in a hurry, laughing sheepishly when Zevran cocked his head to the side in question.
"I swear, it's in here somewhere," he chuckled. Not that the tremor in his voice was doing him any favors. “I’ve been thinking about giving it to you for a while now, but it felt like one thing after another kept interrupting us, and—and well…”
He trailed off, the tips of his ears twitching ever so slightly. Not really detectable, unless someone knew to look for it.
That ‘someone’ being the one person in all of Thedas who knew him better than most.
Zevran quickly intervened before Darrian could work himself up into a panic.
“Amor, please,” he said, placing his hands upon Darrian’s shoulders. “I’m certain that, whatever gift you got me this time, I’ll cherish it as much as the others. Do you truly doubt that?”
No, not really.
What Darrian doubted was whether or not he would even accept it in the first place, given its significance.
But Darrian Tabris was never one to let fear hold him back forging his own future.
It was with that in mind that he found the necklace. He pulled it out of his pack, holding it up on display between them.
In the ship's warm glow of torchlight, the light from the flames bounced off of the metallic chain. It was crafted from a rare form of silverite, touched by the very presence of the Fade itself. Veins of magic wove their web through the metal, glowing a bright green that cut through any lingering darkness.
The veins of green trailed down towards the necklace's pendant, or perhaps they originated from there. It was hard to tell for sure, but there was no denying that the pendant was the source of whatever magic was at play.
The shard of emerald was rough and uncut, infused with an essence akin to veilfire.
Within its surface, there was an elven rune embedded, but its exact translation had long been lost to time.
Zevran reached out, his fingertips hovering close to the emerald before they retreated back to his side.
"What is this?" he asked. His tone demanded an answer, even if his words wavered.
Darrian shuffled in place.
"It is a necklace," he explained, "imbued with the magic of the Tabris bloodline, dating all the way back to our time in the Dales and maybe even before that. Sort of like a phylactery, I guess, but minus the blood magic."
"Minus the fun, you mean," Zevran joked.
Darrian couldn’t help but smile at that.
"It only works for those who have the key to unlock its power, though. A magical phrase passed down through the generations." Watching the chain sway within his grasp, Darrian averted his eyes away from Zevran, suddenly timid in his approach. "It is meant to guide its wearer back to the person who gave them the necklace. It glows brighter the closer they are."
When Zevran didn't immediately respond, Darrian continued to ramble.
"That day you met my father, he gave me more than just my mother's dagger. While you were getting ready for supper, he had given me this, said that he believed it was time to pass it on. My mother had given it to him when she proposed, just as my grandfather and his partner had given it to my grandmother before her." Darrian reached up to touch the jewel dangling from his right ear, caressing the earring with the utmost reverence. "And I would like to give it to you."
"You would?!" Zevran asked, stunned by the idea itself, yet he couldn’t deny how his heart pounded with excitement. "Darrian…"
All at once, Darrian decided to take a leap of faith.
"Did you mean it?"
Zevran blinked at him, caught off guard by the intensity with which he spoke.
"Did I mean what, exactly?" he countered.
"When you gave me the earring," Darrian answered, lowering his voice to allow themselves the illusion of privacy. "You agreed that it was a token of affection, but when I suggested that it sounded like a proposal, you said, 'Not unless you wish it.'" He opened up to Zevran, leaving himself exposed and vulnerable in the process. "Did you truly mean that?"
Of course, when confronted so directly, Zevran took a more defensive approach.
"And if I did?" he asked, answering the question with one of his own, but that was fine.
Darrian made it this far. He wasn't going to back down without getting an actual answer.
With the necklace wrapped up in one hand, he cupped Zevran’s cheeks with both. Leaning his forehead against Zevran’s, Darrian took a deep, bracing breath.
He whispered into the space between them, "Tell me, then. Would it be foolish of me to ask if I could take you up on that offer right about now?"
"For a proposal?"
"For that, yes," Darrian said, "but for the chance to marry you as well."
"You're serious?" Zevran had to be sure because he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Right now?"
"Yes," Darrian laughed, delighted yet nervous at the thought. "But not because of traditions or because it's what's 'expected' of a couple in our position." Settling his hands upon Zevran’s waist, Darrian pulled him close. "I want to marry you because I want the entire world to know that I am yours in every way possible, and that —if given the chance— I would choose you over and over and over again."
"You're really serious," Zevran breathed, more so a statement than a question this time.
He wrapped his arms around Darrian’s shoulders, unable to look away for even a second.
"I really am," Darrian assured him. "But like I said, perhaps it's foolish to even ask. After all, we don't have to label our relationsh—"
Darrian instantly fell silent when he felt Zevran press a finger against his lips.
Zevran flashed that soft, perfect smile at him, sending a flush of warmth throughout Darrian's chest.
"Well, by all means, if it is foolish to do so," Zevran whispered, closing what little distance was left between their bodies. "Then let's be foolish together."
It was a promise and a challenge, all wrapped up into one.
Every fiber of Darrian’s being screamed at him not to let go, but he had to, if only for a moment.
Zevran huffed when Darrian released him, annoyed by the interruption of such a blissful exchange.
Thankfully, his face lit up with understanding when Darrian twirled his finger around in a slow, purposeful circle.
"Turn around," Darrian instructed.
For once, Zevran was more than eager to do as he was told.
Following his lead, Zevran turned his back to Darrian.
If that in itself wasn't the ultimate sign of trust, then Zevran didn't know how else to express that he trusted Darrian with his life.
As soon as Darrian’s fingers reached out to brush his hair aside, Zevran felt a shiver travel down his spine. Goosebumps spread out across his skin like a wildfire, in spite of the heat that coursed through his veins.
Carefully, Darrian moved the necklace into position, then clasped it into place. The pendant fell down, settling over the center of Zevran’s chest.
Its gentle glow pulsed in tandem with his heart.
Unable to resist, Darrian’s fingers traced lightly along the outline of his throat.
He leaned in and pressed a kiss right beneath Zevran’s ear. He whispered the phrase to him to unlock the magic within the gem. Darrian's words were quiet, meant only for Zevran's ears.
When Zevran repeated the phrase under his breath, it acted as the key, activating the spell that laid dormant since Adaia's death.
A surge of magic rushed through the necklace. Green light flowed freely, concentrated both around and throughout the emerald.
Zevran appraised the gift, his expression indecipherable.
Then, without warning, he turned and grabbed Darrian by the hand.
"What are you— ah!" Darrian yelped as he was hauled off. His surprised shriek cut off into laughter, smothered by his amusement. "Zevran!"
A passionate determination guided Zevran's steps, leading them up towards the helm of the ship.
Darrian dragged his feet a little, enough to delay their approach.
"Wait," Darrian said, breathless from all the excitement. "So, we're really doing this? Right now?"
Zevran smirked at him.
"What happened to all of your spontaneity, mi amor?" Zevran teased. "Not getting cold feet already, are you?"
Darrian snorted, adjusting his grip to squeeze Zevran’s hand in his.
"Are you kidding? Not in the slightest."
With Zevran leading their charge, they continued on to where Sage and Antonia were busy discussing their most recent updates together.
They glanced up when the couple neared their location, their curiosity piqued about their intentions.
"Antonia!" Zevran called out before they could even reach them. "Marry us!"
She stared at him as if he had sprouted three heads and started flying.
"Excuse me?" She narrowed her eyes at them, hands on her hips but head held high. "Sorry, fellas, but this captain is far from interested in being tied down."
"Oh, trust me, I know." Zevran rushed to correct himself. "I meant, will you officiate our wedding?"
"A wedding!" Sage gasped, clasping their hands together as they beamed in delight. "How romantic. I love weddings!"
"Any reason for a pirate to celebrate, right?" Darrian joked.
Sage grinned, shrugging playfully. "Guilty as charged."
"Now, wait a minute," Antonia interrupted, glaring at the others. "I haven't agreed to anything yet. Zevran, what makes you think that I know the first thing about conducting that sort of ceremony?"
"Does it matter if you know how?" He laughed. "We are all playing this by ear. It need not be perfect, so long as the result ends the same." That was how he saw things, at least. "Plus, we are going to Rivain, are we not? Llomerryn? They recognize any such unions conducted by a ship's acting captain."
"And how do you know that?" Antonia asked.
"I've had to crash a few weddings over the course of my career," he answered, which was explanation enough.
"If Rivain recognizes the marriage as binding," Darrian continued, "then the other nations of Thedas would have to as well."
"I don't know," she sighed, trailing off uncertainly. "It has been a while since I…"
In the blink of an eye, Zevran summoned another pouch of coin from thin air. He tossed it to her, watching her expression instantly light up when she caught it.
The purse weighed heavy in her hand. Always a good sign.
Tightening her grip upon it, Antonia's tune quickly changed.
"On second thought," she stated, holding her arms out wide in a grand gesture, "what are friends for, am I right?"
"Of course," Sage agreed.
"Always the opportunist," Zevran grumbled, although with no real heat behind his words.
Antonia brushed off his comment, undeterred.
Without warning, she clapped her hands loudly together, startling them into action.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" she snapped. "Let's get going, yeah!"
"Ugh." Sage grimaced, wrinkling their nose in disdain. "Captain, you're not seriously letting them get married in those rags, are ya?"
"Hey," Darrian protested, "what's wrong with our clothes?"
"'What isn't wrong with them?' is the better question," Sage countered.
When they reached forward to pinch at the fabric, Darrian swatted their hand away.
"You know," Antonia said, eyeing them both in contemplation. "Sage is right." She paused, sniffed pointedly at the air, then shielded her nose with her hand. "Plus, you both smell like wet dog."
"Ah, yes," Zevran stated, "the Fereldan perfume of choice."
"Well, we will have none of that here," Antonia huffed. "If we're doing this, then we're doing it right, and we're doing it in style. Let it never be said that Captain Antonia does not know how to throw a party aboard her own ship."
"Do you have any spare clothes then?" Darrian asked, eyebrow raised in question.
Sage and Antonia exchanged a meaningful look, then burst out into laughter, holding onto one another for support. Their shoulders shook, breaths trembling through every laugh.
"Did you hear that, Sage?" Antonia snickered. Thumping her hand against their chest, she jabbed her thumb in Darrian’s direction, her expression filled with mirth. "He asked if we had any to spare."
"A real riot, that one," Sage said.
"He really is," Antonia remarked, soon returning her attention to her guests. "Commander, I assure you. We are a band of thieves and smugglers. Of course, we'll have something in store for you. I won't even charge you extra, considering how generous you've both been to us."
"What a relief," Zevran mumbled, "or were you planning on bleeding us dry this whole time?"
Antonia ignored him in favor of asking her own question, peering at them closely.
"Are you two exchanging rings, or…?"
Darrian shook his head.
"Don't have any at the moment," he explained. "Perhaps in the future, maybe."
"Well, then, I'll improvise!" she announced, surprisingly boisterous, considering how reluctant she was to participate at first.
Then again, it was as she said before. If they're going to do it, then do it right. It was rare for Antonia to perform any ceremonies or rites, but she would proudly embrace her role with open arms.
The excitement in the air was contagious. It spread without restraint.
Strolling up to the couple, Antonia didn't even hesitate. She grabbed Zevran by the hand and started to drag him away.
"Sage, get the Commander ready. I'll handle our charming Crow here," she instructed. "Tell Thomas to alert the crew. The cook, the minstrel… We'll make this wedding one to remember!"
"Shall we open some of the casks?" Sage questioned.
"As if I would deprive my lovely crew of good food and drink." With a mischievous wink, she shooed them off with a wave of her hand. "Now, get to it, my dear. Time is of the essence."
While she ushered Zevran to her luxurious cabin, Sage led Darrian to the crew's quarters. There, they found Ser Bark fast asleep underneath one of the hammocks, but Ser Pounce-a-lot remained wide awake, chasing after lights and shadows alike.
Once Sage showed Darrian where to bathe, Darrian used his magic to gather moisture from the air to fill the tub. He heated the water up to a boil to cleanse it before lowering the temperature to a less scalding degree. Sage left him to it, departing to retrieve his outfit and to assign the crew's tasks as Antonia ordered.
Darrian made quick work of his bath, but that unfortunately gave him plenty of time to get lost in his nervous thoughts, pacing back and forth throughout the room.
It felt like a lifetime before Sage finally returned.
They came with arms filled with fabric. One by one, they passed Darrian each article of clothing, assisting him to get dressed as necessary.
Pulling his hair back into a ponytail, the dark brown strands fell loosely over his shoulders. The sides were shaved down into an undercut, Sage taking the time to form a couple of braids.
After the entire ensemble was complete, Sage led Darrian to a hazy mirror in the corner of the room.
Darrian brushed his hands down along the length of the outfit, smoothing out any wrinkles that he could find.
Beneath the bold, purple tunic, Darrian admired the satin sleeves of his undershirt. The golden fabric matched that of the sash tied loosely around his waist, accentuating his body's subtle curves.
Gold, metallic accents popped against the darker colors. Ornate leaves framed each button that lined the upper half of the tunic, catching the light at an angle that drew attention to the finer details.
Black pants framed Darrian’s legs, his look complete with a pair of stylish leather boots.
Tugging at his sleeves, Darrian turned to and fro in an attempt to look at himself from all angles.
As soon as he approved of his appearance, he nodded resolutely to his reflection, steeling himself for the ceremony to come.
By the time they emerged, the sun was peeking out over the horizon, watching them from afar.
Word traveled fast around Antonia’s ship, so it came as no surprise that the festivities were already in full swing. While the helmsman attended his post, the others didn’t waste any time at all before breaking open the casks. They roared with laughter and song alike. They belted out the crudest lyrics, horribly offbeat from the musicians’ tunes.
It was wild and chaotic, and Darrian couldn’t remember the last time he’d been surrounded by that many people having so much fun.
He couldn’t help but to grin, following after Sage in search of the others.
Good thing they didn’t have to search far.
Although, no one was safe from Antonia’s theatrics.
She kicked open the door to her cabin with a loud bang, all but sending it flying off its hinges.
Strutting out onto the deck with her head held high, her chest puffed out with pride, Antonia opened her arms in welcome. Her crew fell silent, all eyes on her, ever attentive.
“Well?!” she yelled, holding up her leather flask in celebration. “Shall we have a wedding then?!”
An uproar of agreement met her ears. Everyone raised their drinks to her, and they all took a swig at once.
Darrian continued to shove his way through the crowd. His heart pounded, relentless, threatening to split open his chest from the inside out.
Eventually, he broke free from the others.
At that very moment, Zevran emerged from the captain’s quarters. He stepped out of the shadows and into the light, stopping Darrian in his tracks.
Darrian stood there, dumbfounded.
His lips parted in awe, barely able to catch his breath.
He thought to himself, If ever there was an elf worthy of worship, then Zevran was it.
Even time itself seemed to stop to take note of his beauty.
Surely, it transcended anything in this world or even the next.
Draped in dark red robes, Zevran wore the longer piece with pride. Even if it wasn’t an exact fit, it flattered his figure all too well. It was clearly a complimentary piece to Darrian’s outfit. The same decorative leaves trailed down the center of Zevran’s chest, his curves emphasized by a golden sash that was wrapped neatly around his waist.
Yet it managed to come across as much grander, more elegant, than Darrian’s did.
Swirls of gold embroidery formed patterns along the sleeves and chest.
A cape, crafted from the finest velvet, rested over his shoulders. It rippled from the sea’s gentle breeze, formed from a brighter shade of red with more embroidery to match.
His hair, the longest it had been since they met, was pulled up into a loose bun. A decorative comb kept it in place, covered in an array of rubies and garnets.
He glowed with a radiance that put the sun to shame.
Before Darrian knew what he was doing, his feet led him forward.
He stopped before Zevran, staring at him with a reverence unlike any other.
Zevran made eye contact with Darrian, both of them unable to look away.
Darrian reached out at the same time Zevran did, their hands finding each other with ease.
Antonia's voice rang out, but not even she could break the spell they were under.
"My friends, brethren, and crew," she greeted, "we join together on the dawn of a new day to bear witness to the union between Darrian Tabris and Zevran Arainai. Though some of us may not know them well, we bestow upon them wishes of support. May their ventures prove fruitful, and may their beds never grow cold."
She wagged her eyebrows at the crew, who whistled loudly in response. Zevran and Darrian spared her a chuckle, closing the distance to rest their foreheads against one another.
Clearing her throat, she continued, "May the gods bless their marriage in the years to come, and may they know eternal peace through their love for one another."
One of her crew lifted their cup in agreement and shouted, "Hear, hear!"
"Hear, hear!" the others echoed.
Antonia smiled and lifted her flask as a show of unity.
"Now, if no one here objects to the union of these two souls, let us hear them swear their intention to each other. Marriage, to many, is binding. A promise to one another and to themselves. Zevran Arainai, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Darrian Tabris in marriage?"
"I do," he breathed.
Antonia nodded, then turned to Darrian, but he had eyes for one person and one person only.
"Darrian Tabris," she repeated, "do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Zevran Arainai in marriage?"
"I do," he stated, unable to get the words out fast enough.
Antonia smiled.
"With your intention to marry confirmed before all those gathered here today, I now humbly request that you exchange your vows."
Of course, she would have them come up with their own vows, unprepared as they were.
Then again, it wasn't as if any of their ceremony was rehearsed beforehand. All things considered, it was going better than Darrian ever expected.
After an awkward enough pause, Zevran chimed in.
"Ah, that is our signal, yes?" He chuckled, in spite of the tremor in his voice. "Well, how shall I start, when I have already sworn myself into your service long ago? How do I pledge even more of myself to you, when all you have to do is say the word, and I will give you everything I am? Hmm… perhaps I shall add onto what has already been promised to you."
His expression gentled. Reaching out, he cupped Darrian’s cheeks, traced his scars…
All at once, he took Darrian’s breath away.
Zevran swallowed, his voice thick with emotion.
"Darrian, I promise to remain yours for the rest of my days. Whether that be as your friend, your lover, your…" He took a deep breath, his disbelief still apparent, even now. "Your husband." Once more, Zevran found his flow, running with it as best he could. "I promise to love and treasure you. To always keep you in my heart, no matter how far apart we are. I promise to recite more dirty poetry for you—"
Darrian released a watery laugh at that, eyes stinging slightly as tears threatened to gather.
"—and I vow to bring your life as much fun, excitement, and love as you have brought to mine. Wherever life takes us, let it always bring us back together."
"Always," Darrian agreed.
Before he could stop himself, he pressed a kiss to Zevran’s lips, passionate yet brief.
Antonia was having none of that, though.
"Hey!" she scolded, wagging her finger at them. Her crew snickered in the background. "It's not time for that right now! Finish your vows, lover boy, or I'll make you do it from the other side of the ship."
Darrian spared her a sheepish grin.
"Sorry." Tugging at his collar, Darrian stood tall. Zevran watched him with a mixture of fondness and amusement, patiently waiting. "Uh, right, my vows!"
"Any day now," Sage teased, but Darrian ignored them, drowning out everything but his thoughts.
As if it was easy to condense how he felt for Zevran into so few words.
Nevertheless, he would try.
"I—" His palms grew slick. The world started to spin around him, but they were in no rush.
If anything, Zevran's presence kept Darrian grounded.
When he gave Darrian’s hands a reassuring squeeze, Darrian started over and tried again.
"When I was conscripted into the Grey Wardens," he said, "my life as I knew it was over. Whether it had been by the gallows or the darkspawn, my fate was decided then. I was a dead man walking, living on borrowed time. For so long, I found fleeting moments of joy through friends, family, and others, but the joy rarely remained, not as it should. Everything felt temporary."
He tightened his grip upon Zevran’s hands, but Zevran didn't flinch or complain, not even once.
His attention remained focused on Darrian. Everything else simply melted away.
"But then…" He paused, taking a second to steady his breathing. "Then, I met you, and I find it ironic to this day that the same man who was sent to kill me ended up being the one who taught me how to live again."
A wide variety of emotions flitted across Zevran’s face, but Darrian couldn’t take the time to pick apart each one, needing to work through his vows before he lost his momentum.
"You taught me how to enjoy life, how to be me again. And for that, I can never repay you," Darrian declared, "but I promise that I will spend every second of every day, loving you like no person in this world has ever loved another. I swear to you that, no matter what obstacles we may face, I will fight to be by your side until I draw my last breath. We'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll kiss, we'll fight. But I want to experience it all with you. The good, the bad. The pretty, the ugly."
As soon as Darrian saw the first tear slide down Zevran’s cheek, one of his own broke free, and then another…
"Zevran." His voice cracked, but he forced the words out, needing them to be said. "I promise that —in a world filled with so many temporary, fleeting moments— my love for you is permanent. In time, that love might change and shift as we as people do, but it will be love for you all the same."
Zevran nodded eagerly in understanding, beaming up at his Warden, tearful yet euphoric.
There was no coming down from such a high.
To both love unconditionally and be loved unconditionally in return.
For someone who thought such a thing impossible, there was no better feeling.
Antonia swiped deftly at her eyes. Not even she could deny the impact of their words, waving Thomas forward as she spoke.
"With your vows exchanged, we acknowledge your commitment and loyalty to each other. In place of rings, we bring forth a portion of bread, which you both shall partake of as a symbol of your union. Here."
Taking a slice of bread from Thomas, she made a show of breaking it in half into smaller portions before giving a piece to each groom. Its aroma was sweet yet fragrant, filling the air with the warm smell of cinnamon and sugar.
"Darrian, hold your piece up like so and repeat after me," Antonia instructed, assisting as needed. "With this offering."
"With this offering."
"I promise to provide for you. To nourish you in mind, body, and soul as your partner."
"I promise to provide for you," Darrian swore. "To nourish you in mind, body, and soul as your partner."
"May this offering symbolize good health and prosperity in our days to come."
"May this offering symbolize good health and prosperity in our days to come," Darrian repeated.
Antonia gestured between them.
Thankfully, Darrian picked up on her meaning relatively quickly, offering the bread out to Zevran. When it brushed against his lips, Zevran parted them, wrapping them around the flaky treat.
Once he pulled away, he let the tip of his tongue brush against Darrian's fingers with a coy smirk.
Darrian chuckled, whispering under his breath.
"As if you'd want me to," Zevran replied.
"Ahem." Antonia narrowed her eyes in warning. "Zevran, present your offering to Darrian and repeat after me."
After going through the same exchange, Zevran followed Antonia's lead word-for-word. He only dared to switch things up on the last line, but Darrian didn't expect anything less.
"May this offering symbolize good health and many sweet, sticky evenings in our days to come," he announced, beyond proud of his revision.
Darrian snorted loudly while Antonia grumbled, dragging a hand down her face.
"You know what," she stated, "close enough. Eat the damn bread, Warden."
"More than happy to," he laughed.
Leaning in, he stole the other half from Zevran’s fingers. He parted with a playful nip, savoring the sweet before swallowing.
As soon as he finished, Antonia concluded the ceremony with grace.
"By the powers vested in me, and through your love for one another, I now pronounce you husband and husband." She didn't even skip a beat, glancing pointedly at them both. "You may now kiss your groom."
Zevran didn't even give her a chance to finish before he was stretching up on his toes, yanking Darrian down by the fabric of his tunic as their lips crashed together.
Darrian froze for a brief second, his arms hanging uselessly at his sides, but he quickly regained his composure after he processed what had happened.
He adjusted the angle, sealing their lips into a heated kiss.
Wrapping his arms around Zevran’s waist, he swung him around into a dramatic dip. Zevran caught on instantly, adapting to the new position with ease.
Not once did their lips part, both of them deepening the kiss. Their eyes slid closed, tasting sugary sweetness upon each other's tongues.
Over the roaring applause, a whole symphony of whistles surged through the crowd, but there were just as many sobs and sniffles sprinkled throughout.
"I promised I wouldn't cry!" one of the pirates bawled, loudly blowing their nose into another's handkerchief.
It took a moment for the newlyweds to part, but they eventually ended the kiss.
As Darrian drew Zevran up into a warm embrace, Antonia turned to her crew.
"I now present to you—" She paused abruptly, snapping her fingers at the couple to get their attention.
Darrian realized a second too late that they never discussed the whole name situation, or if they even wanted to change them, truth be told.
Before Darrian could reply, Zevran took it upon himself to answer for them.
"Mr. and Mr. Tabris!" he exclaimed.
Antonia glanced at Darrian, who simply nodded in agreement.
With a shrug, she echoed the sentiment.
"I now present to you, Mr. and Mr. Tabris!"
The crew broke out into a rush of activity then. The strongest among them effortlessly lifted the newlyweds up onto their shoulders, carrying them around as the music started up once more.
Alcohol flowed freely, and the cook had prepared a feast fit for a king. Everyone indulged to their heart's content, having no intention of stopping anytime soon.
The sounds of a fiddle, an accordion, and a flute filled the air, occasionally accompanied by a minstrel's voice.
Their dances grew livelier by the second, filled with stomps and claps that coincided in time with the music.
Even Ser Barkolomew and Ser Pounce-a-lot joined in on the havoc, chasing each other around the deck with barks and hisses.
By the time Darrian was released, he stumbled about, overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of excitement. Between all of the twirling and the nerves, he could barely keep his balance.
His vision blurred, head spinning.
It became increasingly difficult to ignore the rocking of the ship. How the waves shoved them about.
Holding his head, Darrian grumbled in discomfort.
Why couldn't everything just stand still for a second?
Of course, a familiar bottle of liquor was shoved into his face at the most inopportune time possible.
"Want a sip, amor?" Zevran offered, but the very sight of alcohol —no matter how mild the brandy might be— made his stomach churn. Zevran caught a glimpse of his expression, brow furrowed in concern. "Darrian, is something wr—"
In the blink of an eye, Darrian was all but hanging over the side of the ship, emptying the contents of his stomach into the sea.
Zevran was at his side in an instant, holding Darrian’s hair back from his face.
"Was it something I said?" he joked.
Darrian groaned.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"No need to apologize, my dear." Zevran stroked his free hand along Darrian's back. "Although, you owe me a dance as soon as you're feeling better."
"Of course," Darrian sighed.
Closing his eyes, a cool spray of saltwater washed over his clammy face.
It was a welcome relief, albeit a brief one.
Turning his head to the side, Darrian peeked one eye open to peer over at Zevran.
"I have a question for you."
"Is it a dirty question?" Zevran teased.
Pulling himself up to his full height, Darrian replied instinctively, "No." Then, he paused, amending his statement. "Well, yes, actually."
"Is that so?" Zevran asked, his curiosity piqued. He leaned against the side of the ship next to Darrian, their elbows bumping lightly. "By all means, do share, mi amor."
Darrian chuckled.
Lowering his voice, he whispered between them, "By chance, do you have any smallclothes on underneath that robe of yours?"
Zevran barked out a surprised laugh, then answered, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Oh, I would," Darrian said, "hence why I asked."
"Tell you what," Zevran offered, "you go get cleaned up and give me that dance you promised me, and I'll take you to a nice, shadowy corner of the ship to give you your answer."
"Sounds like a plan."
And yet, neither one of them budged an inch from their current position. They both stood there, bathed in the morning's light, and looked out over the horizon.
Darrian focused more so on the sky than the ocean's rhythmic waves. He watched a dazzling array of orange and blue play off of each other, beckoning the sun up higher into the sky.
Zevran’s hand found Darrian’s, their fingers lacing together like it was second nature to them both.
"I love you, Darrian Tabris."
It was one of those rare moments where Zevran said it first. Not out of a lack of affection, Darrian knew, but out of a long, deep-seated fear of what those words could mean for him.
Darrian learned early on to cherish those moments, to cherish how Zevran boldly claimed in so few words that their relationship —their love— was stronger than that fear.
Darrian glanced his way, only to find Zevran already staring at him.
Their eyes met; and for an instant, nothing else mattered in the world.
With a deep breath, Darrian told him, "I love you, too." He paused, reminding himself of the change. The thought alone brought a sunny smile to his face. "Zevran Tabris."
And while they might not have a sunset to ride off into like in the stories, they did have a sunrise to watch from a distance.
Together, they could welcome a start to a new day.
Hopefully, the first of many to come.
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When We Were Young Part Three
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader Rating: T Notes: Not beta-read I just wanted to thank everyone for the likes/comments/reblogs!! I really appreciate it! Warnings: Uuuuuh none Summary: “Have you seen this?” You turned around to see Sherlock holding up the Pall Mall Gazette. You strode forward, holding your hand out for it.
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Your next day was spent looking in on your aunt (your father’s sister, Mary - a kind woman, but always troubled with some illness; she would spend nearly an hour describing it to you and then say, “But I don’t want to bore you with that, dearie, it’s a trouble for an old woman”), as well as meeting with one of the investors that your father had asked you to speak with. You’d taken over the use of Cornelius’ study while you were in town, and had hoped that the atmosphere would soften the man’s attitude toward you. Unfortunately, it hadn’t had the desired effect. The man had been rude and condescending. It had taken everything in your power to keep your head and not snap at the man in the way you wanted to. As irritated as you were, this was your father’s livelihood, and the way he kept a roof over all your heads. That being said, you were in an awful mood when your Uncle informed you of a visitor. “Who is it?” You asked. Cornelius chuckled at your dark tone. “No need to look so dour. It’s your friend, Mr. Holmes,” He said. You hesitated before turning to answer him. “Which Mr. Holmes?” You asked. “The detective, not the politician,” He reassured you. You nodded. “Send him in, then,” You agreed. As soon as Cornelius was out of the room, you found yourself turning to check your reflection in the glass of the cabinet, reaching up to tuck away a stray hair. You immediately felt ridiculous. Sherlock wasn’t there to see you, he was there to tell you about what he knew about Enola. You huffed, resting your hands on your hips and turning away from the cabinet. Surely it was the meeting with your father’s investor earlier that had you so riled. Your hands absently smoothed over the skirt of your dress before you raised a hand to fiddle with the cameo on your choker. You heard the door open and you lowered your hand, resting it on the back of a chair. You opened your mouth to greet him, but he spoke up before you could. “Who did it?” 
He’d hardly been there a moment and he was already throwing around questions.
“Excuse me?” You asked. “Who upset you?” He pressed. You had expected Cornelius to come in behind him, but the door closed, leaving the two of you alone. You knew that your mother would have a fit if she found out you were alone with a man, especially when her brother was meant to be looking after you. It was one thing for Sherlock to come and speak with you alone when you were in your own home. Your parents were always wary of what may happen to you and your reputation when you traveled - “People talk in London,” Your mother would always sniff (as if the country was entirely free of gossip). “What makes you think I’m upset?” You asked. Sherlock strode further into the study, looking you over openly. You didn’t have a book to hide behind this time, though, and despite the fact that you were wearing several layers of clothing, you felt very exposed. “You mean beyond your inability to keep still?” He asked. “I haven’t moved since you came in,” You argued. “Your fingers haven’t stopped tapping on that chair,” Sherlock nodded toward your hand. You hadn’t even noticed you started, and you immediately pressed the pads of your fingers into the leather of the chair to still them. “Your shoulders are pulled incredibly tight,” Sherlock added, continuing to come closer. “I value good posture,” You excused. “You're flushed...And your jaw is clenched,” Sherlock added, stopping right in front of you. You immediately relaxed your jaw, but the redness in your face, well. There was nothing you could do about that. “...Have you heard anything about Enola?” You asked, choosing not to address his initial question of who had upset you. Sherlock watched you for a few seconds as if waiting for you to crack. Then he hummed thoughtfully, brushing past you to go the desk. You felt your shoulders relax as he did; you hadn’t even realized how tense you were. You hated how easily he could read those things on you - but you reminded yourself that he could read those things on anyone.
“Have you seen this?” You turned around to see Sherlock holding up the Pall Mall Gazette. You strode forward, holding your hand out for it. He passed it to you before he unbuttoned his jacket, leaning back against the desk. You skimmed the article he’d opened to: Disturbance on London Express. Two Boys Leap From Train. Your brow furrowed as you turned away from him, paper in hand as you began to read it to yourself in a mutter: “There was a report of a disturbance on a London bound train yesterday morning. The London express train had left Basilweather station at 9:15, and was bound for the city when passengers witnessed two boys and a man with a bowler hat moving around the carriages excitedly and with much haste--” “You still read aloud to yourself?” You ear caught on the teasing in Sherlock’s tone and you grumbled, “Shush,” Before you went on reading in silence. You’d skimmed the article that morning, but it hadn’t caught your eye the way it had Sherlock’s. You unfolded the paper when you finished, eyes darting to the article on the Marquess that was reported missing before you rejoined Sherlock at the desk, pressing the paper into his chest wordlessly. You had intended to move your hand away, assuming he’d catch the paper quickly enough, but his hand quickly covered yours, keeping it there. It wasn’t for more than a moment or two, but it felt like ages. You never went into public without your gloves, rarely met with men or had occasion to touch a gentleman’s hand besides. Now Sherlock’s thumb brushed over your bare knuckles, the pads of his fingers fanning out over the back of your hand. It was a simple touch, innocent and soft, but it set your blood singing. You slipped your hand out from under his, picking up a stack of mail that had been deposited on the side of the desk and beginning to leaf through it. In truth, you’d already done this once, half an hour ago, but you needed something to keep your eyes off of Sherlock’s and your hands away from his. “...Thoughts?” He asked. You could hear him refolding the paper. “You know these matters better than I. I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve had to go looking for someone that didn’t want to be found,” You answered. “Perhaps not, but you’ve spent more time with Enola than I have in these last few years.” “Yes, and whose fault is that?” You volleyed back dryly, turning a letter over and inspecting the wax seal. When Sherlock didn’t answer, you glanced up to find him frowning and staring ahead. “Your jaw is clenched,” You informed him, reaching up and tapping at the tight muscle with the letter. Sherlock cut you a sharp look, and you smiled sweetly before you lowered your eyes back to the mail, tossing the letter onto the desk. “If that was her, she’ll have changed her disguise by now,” You added, “Your sister isn’t stupid. She knows that that incident will have caught some people’s attention.” “I know that she’s not stupid,” Sherlock snapped. You regarded him carefully out of the corner of your eye. There was only one person that could get a rise out of Sherlock when you were children - you had been his favorite target then, and Sherlock let him at it, as long as it meant Sherlock got some peace. You weighed your options before deciding to play your hunch. “What did Mycroft say?” You asked knowingly. Sherlock directed his gaze elsewhere in the room, clearly displeased at being caught out. “He doesn’t want me looking for Enola...And he’ll send her to boarding school once she’s found.” You shook your head, muttering, “Smarmy bastard,” Unable to help yourself. You had looked away, and didn’t see Sherlock’s slight smile at your curse. “She’d hate it there,” You added more loudly, “There’s no freedom, no way for you to be yourself. Mycroft may think that what he’s doing is for Enola’s own good, but... Being sent to one feels like a punishment.” “How would you know? You had a governess,” Sherlock grunted. You pursed your lips, nodding. “I did... Until my mother deemed me un-governable.” You felt the weight of Sherlock’s frown as it was turned on you in full force. “I didn’t know you were sent away,” He said. “Well, how would you? You never came back,” The bitterness and hurt seeped into your tone, unbidden. “You stopped writing,” Sherlock’s rebuttal spoken more harshly than you’d expected, and you turned to him with fire in your eyes. “You never answered,” You snapped. There was a knock at the door, and it only gave you two a second’s warning before Cornelius’ cheerful self popped inside.
“All well in here?” “Quite,” Sherlock answered brusquely. Both men went silent, waiting for your confirmation, but you never gave it, instead pretending to re-immerse yourself in the letters in your hands. Cornelius cleared his throat. “I hate to intrude, but we'll be having guests over for dinner this evening and I’m sure it’ll take my niece some time to get ready. Frills and frippery and all that.” You rolled your eyes, unable to help it. You’d had quite enough with men’s assumptions for one day. “I do hope you enjoy yourselves.” Sherlock’s tone was very flat, matter-of-fact, and you were almost certain he didn’t mean it. “Oh, you know how these things are. Business for the men, pleasure for the women,” Cornelius tutted, “Though Lord Dawson will be there and he and a certain someone seem to be quite keen on one another.” You scoffed quietly, tossing another letter onto the desk for the sake of throwing something. Lord Dawson was an egotistical bore, but a well-moneyed one, and someone that your mother was pressuring you to marry.
“I believe my brother has been meaning to become acquainted with Lord Dawson for some time,” Sherlock commented.
“Well, then you and Mycroft ought to join us for dinner this evening!” Cornelius offered. “No!” You said sharply. You froze, feeling both Sherlock and Cornelius turn their attention to you.
You turned your head to look at your uncle, lips pursed. “Mr. Holmes is in the middle of a case, he’ll be far too occupied to join us for dinner,” You glanced over at Sherlock, adding, “Won’t you.” Sherlock nodded. “Your niece is right, I am currently in the thick of a case,” He said, looking at Cornelius. You relaxed, turning back to the letters, satisfied...Until Sherlock continued, “But I will have to eat sometime, as will Mycroft. We’d be glad to join you.” Your hands tightened on the letters, fighting the urge to reach up and smack Sherlock over the head with the lot of them. “Splendid!” Cornelius grinned, “We will send a formal invitation around to your brother, of course.” “I will excuse myself, then, and give you all time to prepare,” Sherlock straightened from the desk. He turned back to you, leaning in and tapping a finger against your cheek with a murmur of, “Your jaw is clenched, dove.” You gave him your most murderous look, but he was already striding toward the door to bid your Uncle Cornelius a good day. Tag list: @run-through-wa11s ; @thefallenbibliophilequote ; @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem
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hellcaster901 · 4 years
Man Without Sin
Sherlock Holmes x Female reader
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Summary: With your little brother missing, your father decides they need the best Detective on the job.
Word Count: 3,890
Warning(s): SMUT! (please be aware this is a fanfiction, be safe please), creampie, FLUFF
A/N: After watching Enola Holmes, I could not get this man out of my mind, so I just wanted to give it a try and write a oneshot for him, and this is what I got! Hopefully you guys like it, and you enjoy it. I just wanna say a big thank you to my good friend @13dead-ends​ mostly because she was so cool with letting me write for her man and for being my proof reader. Hope you guys enjoy!
Sherlock Holmes was a cocky bastard. Too smart for his own good sort of cocky bastard, and you did everything in your power to remind him that he wasn’t one of a kind.
It all started when your brother mysteriously vanished, leaving you and your father alone in the house, wondering why or where he left. You asked your father to trust in you that you could solve it, figure out why he ever left in the first place and where you could find him, but he didn’t have any faith in you, rather all his faith was in the one and famous Sherlock Holmes, the one true detective that could solve any mystery and any puzzle, and you’d be damn if you’d let this man solve your brother's case, without you. 
When Sherlock first came into your life, your father did everything he could to make the investigation easier for him, offering the spare room in the house, giving him any information that he could about your brother, paying the detective in any way he can. You could not handle it. Especially since Sherlock’s first suspect… was you. 
 “It's a bit strange that a boy of his age would just up and vanish. What was his age, 16?”
“He is 16.” You corrected the detective. You couldn’t help the tone in your voice as you answered.  You put your hands on your hips as you watched him pace around your brother’s room, looking at all of the trinkets and books the young boy collected throughout the years. Watching as he picked up said items, studying each and every one of them. “He wouldn’t have just left.” You stated, voice a little softer, looking at everything in his room. “That isn’t like him.”
“You never truly know someone, even if they are a sibling.”
“Are you suggesting you know my own brother better than I do?” You snapped, head whipping around to look at Mr. Holmes. You could see that he had a shocked look on his face at your little outburst, but quickly was able to shake it off. “Just because you’re a hot-shot detective doesn’t mean you instantly know a person by their possessions.” 
“I’m suggesting that it’s strange a young man of his age disappeared and there’s no witnesses.” He stared. You could see the look on his face, the way his eyes search yours, trying to find any hint of doubt or lies that hide, yet there was none, and you knew what he was doing.
“Mr. Holmes,” You coldly smiled, taking a step into the room, “Are you accusing me of being involved with my brother’s disappearance?” He chuckled lightly, shaking his head, the black curls atop of his head shaking with his movement as he smirked. 
“Everyone’s a suspect until I say they aren’t.”
You may have been a little emotional, and you may have been a bit unfair. He was helping, giving his time to search for your brother, but accusing you was the last straw. Not only could you not stand the man, he apparently had a way with making it the most difficult week of your life for you. Constantly in the way, constantly underestimating you as you tried to help, and constantly giving you that bloody smirk of his that made your blood boil, and your knees weak. No matter how hard you tried to push the thought to the back of your mind, he was attractive, but that didn’t help his giant ego. 
Sadly, that’s how you ended up in this situation, lost in an abandoned building all because your leads all ended up here, and somehow, your own ego to find your brother and not trust the actual detective, ended you up here, walking the empty, decaying walls, looking for clues. You didn’t even tell your father where you were, trusting that this could be your chance to show that you were just as capable. And you knew you were, each lead, each witness said that they saw a disheveled man, close to the image of your brother on the missing person’s posters, come here around this time, everyday. 
You trusted your gut as you walked through the halls, the floorboards creaking beneath you as you took were timid steps. As you walked, you noticed the many supplies and boxes laying around, what was in them you didn’t care for, you just knew that your brother was in this building. 
As you walked through the first floor, you soon began hearing boards creaking above you, heavy footsteps walking around, and muffled voices. You felt your heart race in your chest, hearing more than one voice, and hearing more than one set of footsteps. You didn’t expect to be more than your brother just here, and that made you nervous. 
You grabbed at your skirts, lifting them and walking up the steps, the boards groaning at each movement. You took it slow, the muffled voices becoming a bit more clearer as you walked, and as you got closer, you could distinctly make out your brother’s voice. Shaky and panicky.  You stayed calm besides the rush of confidence and nervousness washed over you. Taking a step onto the landing, you looked up and over the railing. You noticed one of the doors was cracked open, exposing the well lit room, men walking past the cracked door. They were older men, a rugged look to them as they stood there, yelling about shipments and the impact it could make on their business
You took a small step forward, the floorboards moaning beneath you at your weight, a few of the boards cracking beneath, trying to get a better look at your brother. You held your breath as you watched, eyes watching the door frantically as the men walked passed. When finally, the sight of your brother, disheveled and scared stepped into your view. A sense of relief and proudness washed over you. A relief that your brother was alive, and proud that you were able to do this by yourself. 
He stood there, eyes wide, undershirt and trousers wrinkled and covered in dirt. You wanted to yell for him, to scream for him to follow you, to get out of here. But you knew this was more than just him running away. You took another step, wanting to get a closer look, when the board beneath you cracked loudly, before it finally snapped. 
You screamed as your leg broke through the board, the wood scratching against your leg, pulling and tearing at your undergarments and skirts. 
“Who the hell are you?” You looked up, seeing a large man standing at the tops of the stairs, some other men standing behind you, your brother staring down at you with wide eyes. He shook his head at you, a look on his face you’ve never seen before. It was pure fear. You watched as the man opened his mouth again, ready to demand my name, when the boards creaked beneath you again, cracking under your weight. 
“Y/N!” You looked down at the bottom of the stairs, seeing Sherlock standing there. And that's when you fell.
Your eyelids fluttered open, your eyes focusing on the paintings that covered the wall. Paintings of you as a child, your mother and father. You smiled softly at the painting, seeing how happy they were, you bundled in your mother’s arms. Your eyes shifted to the large painting hanging next to it, one of you, older now, probably 10, standing behind your father as he held your little brother. 
Your brother @@
With a gasp you jerked from where you laid, yelling your brother’s name, knowing you saw him. You stood up, wincing at the slight pain in your legs and hips, falling back onto the couch you once were. 
You stared down at your skirts, touching the dirty, torn fabric, everything coming back. Seeing him with those men, standing there on the landing, falling through the boards, seeing Sherlock.
“Y/N.” you were torn from your trance, looking up at the doorway to see Sherlock standing there. You wondered what you looked like after seeing him, standing there, dirty and debris covering his vest and white undershirt, his hair was no longer put together and neat, more as disheveled, almost like he was constantly running a hand through it. 
“I saw him.” You whispered, looking down at the state you were in. “I found him.” You took a shaky breath in, looking back up at the detective. “We need to go find him.” You shook your head, standing up, ignoring the pain that shot up your leg. 
“Y/N.” He spoke again, coming towards you, placing a hand on your upper arm. “You need to rest, you’ve-”
“No.” You snapped, pulling your arm away from his, shaking your head. You felt your hair brush against your shoulders. You looked down, noticing that your blouse was torn from the neck down, exposing your chest and your corset. You were a mess, but for the moment, all you wanted was your baby brother home. “I saw him. I found him.” You snapped again, waving a hand at Sherlock, everything that happened in the last couple hours rushing over you. “I can find him again, I just need to-”
“Stop.” Sherlock barked, grabbing your arms. He turned you, shaking you lightly as you stood there before him, eyes wide and lips parted as you looked over his features. He was upset, either at losing your brother after looking for so long, or you were just annoying him. 
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do.” You scoffed, trying to tug yourself from his hands, but to no prevail, he held on, keeping you in your place. “Let go.” You huffed, wiggling around to get out of his grasp. But he had a tight hold on you, not letting you go, not letting you go back out and getting yourself hurt. “I need to find him.”
“You did.” He yelled, making you flinch in his hands, stopping your wiggling around. “You found him,” He repeated again, but his tone was much softer than before, his blue eyes searching yours, trying to calm you down. “But this is more than either of us thought it was.” He explained, his hands feeling like fire on your arms as you listened. “He’s dealing with something illegal, something that could get him, and everyone one involved hurt.”
“He’s not.” You shook your head, not believing that your brother would put himself into a situation like that. “You’re lying.” You whispered, pulling from his hands, and this time he let you go. “Why are you lying?” 
“Why would I lie to you?” He cooly spoke. 
“You are.” You scoffed. “I’m looking for him.” You pushed past the large man, gasping as you felt one of his hands on your wrist, tugging you back. “Don’t you dare.” You gasped, turning on your heels and lifting a hand. Before you could even smack him, your hand slapping his chiseled face, he caught your wrist, tugging you to him. 
You huffed as you fell against his chest, his other hand wrapping around your waist, fingers hooking onto the bottom of your corset, keeping you close, the other hand still holding onto your wrist. You moved against him, but he kept you tight, not letting you move.
“You a stubborn girl.” he grunted, his eyes shifting down to see your bosom rubbing against his chest, the corset scratching against the vest. “Stop moving.” He held you tighter, arm keeping you against him. You looked up, ready to scream and kick and cry, but everything was washed away when you realized how close the two of you have become. “Being upset isn’t going to save him.” He whispered, slowly letting go of your wrist. But by this point, you weren’t freaking out, whatever he was doing, held you in a trance. “Let me save him.” And just like that, that trance was gone. 
“You save him?” You whispered, raising an eyebrow. “You’re not doing anything without me.” You fumed, getting heated up once again. “What makes you think that I’m not capable of saving my own-”
Sherlock was fed up with listening to you talk. 
And to shut you up, he cupped the back of your head, and kissed you. 
You were shocked when his lips met yours, stealing the breath from your lungs as he crushed you against him, shutting you up with his lips. Your eyes fluttered shut, melting into him as everything from today was erased from your mind the second his lips touched yours. He smelt like sweat, like an old house, which you were sure was from the abandoned home you were just in. 
Sherlock draped both his arms around your waist,your own hands making their way up his large arms before resting on his back, lips moving together, nose bumping as he inhaled you. You felt as if your knees were going to give out on you, but you knew that he was going to catch you if they did. It must’ve been a sight to see the two of you, one covered in dirt and grime, while the other barely had a blouse on with a torn skirt and exposed corset. 
It was as if the adrenaline from today was finally catching up for the two of you, your arms tugging him impossibly closer, lips sliding against one another. Soon what was a hesitant kiss, turned into one filled with passion. He lifted you up, walking you towards the table that sat in the middle of the room, placing you on top. He was gentle, still minding the bruise and cuts that you once just obtained. “You need to let me find your brother.” He mumbled against your lips, hands making their way up your back, fingers dragging along the bumps of the tight lace of your corset.
You pulled away, furrowed eyebrows at the man.
“You must be joking.” You tried to ignore the way his flushed cheeks, the newly red and plumpness to his lips made those butterflies that were once in your stomach travel down south. “You’re not looking for him without me.” 
“Y/N.” He huffed, fingers playing with the tight lace at the bottom of your corset, it was distracting, and he knew that it was. “It’s not safe for a lady-”
“Don’t you dare.” You groaned, shoving at his chest. “Either I’m looking with you, or I’m looking without you.” You pointed, watching the way his eyebrows scrunched together. “That’s final.” You could see that he was thinking about it before he finally huffed.
He tugged you back, soft lips meeting yours as his hands grabbed at your skirts lifting them to around your waist. “Strong Headed girl.” He groaned, settling himself between your thighs. You gasped as you felt him rut against you, his length rubbing against your most sensitive parts. “Most difficult girl.” 
You smirked against his lips, a strong sense of pride as you realized that you were able to frustrate this man to the point of taking you on the table. And if that wasn’t a boost to your ego, frustrating England’s most profound detective, you weren’t sure what was. 
There was no time to waste as the two of you frantic pulled at one another’s clothes. Your hands slipping between your bodies as you unbutton his pants, hearing the small gasps that left his lips when you shoved the barrier down, exposing him to your curious eyes. You pulled away from him, nervously looking down. 
This was the most unlady like situation you’ve ever been in, but Sherlock Holmes was the exception for acting in such a manner. 
You grew hot at the sight, unknowing licking your lips as you looked back at Sherlock. No words were spoken as he leaned down, kissing you as his hands worked at your own undergarments, shoving them to your ankles, hanging on one foot while he tugged you close to the edge of the table. 
You winced at the slight pull from your legs, the newly fresh wounds pulling against your skin as he lifted a leg up, hooking it around his hip.
From the past couple weeks of pent up anger and frustration at one another, this was bound to happen, the passing looks, the arguments, all of it, was leading up to this single moment. 
“Sherlock.” You gasped, finger digging into his arms as he nudged against you, his length slipping between your lips, smearing your juices over your throbbing sex and down his cock. 
“Do you realize how long I’ve wanted to shut you up with this?” He groaned against your ear, both of you looking down, one hand holding up your thigh around his waist, while the other held your skirts up, exposing the intoxicating sight to you both. You reached down, grabbing more of the skirts as you pulled them up, more light being exposed to the obscene sight. “Such a stubborn girl should know her place.” He whispered, thrusting against you, the tip of his cock bumping against your clit, making you jerk against the table. 
“Sherlock, please.” You begged. Even though his words were enough to make your blood boil any other time, this time, you wanted to hear more and more of his filthy words. 
He grabbed the back of your neck, lifting his head to look at you, keeping you in place as he rested his forehead against yours. “You better be quiet.” He warned. You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. Neither of you wanted your father walking in to see his daughter being used by the detective he idolized. 
He reached between your heaving bodies, wrapping a large hand around his length as he lined himself up with you, slowly pushing against your entrance, squeezing between your tight walls. You gasped loudly, hiding your head in the crook of his neck, hearing the soft moans of this wonderous man. 
“Sherlock!” You croaked out, a hand clenching your skirts while the other grabbed at his vest. Pushing him or tugging him closer, you weren’t sure. The way this man was barely in you, and you were already a whimpering mess was uncalled for. He stretched you out deliciously, the slight burn of your walls opening for him made you cry against his neck. He left soft kisses against your shoulder, shushing you as you cried out a little too loud when he filled you to the hilt. 
“Look at you, stubborn girl.” He whispered against your ear, chills running down your back at the thickness of his voice, his cock and the stupid pet name he gave you. 
He slowly pulled out of you, snapping his hips against yours. You bit down on the fabric of his vest, trying to cover the sounds this man was pulling from you. He wasn’t gentle, showing you that if you were going to be a part of the hunt for your brother, that he was in charge. 
You tried to keep quiet, but it was no use as he fucked you, the edge of the table digging into the back of your thighs. You moans were choked and intertwined with quiet sobs against his shirt, tears filling your eyes as he took you.
“Such a smart girl,” he grunted, weaving a hand into your hair, tugging your head back to look at him. You gasped at the sudden movement, his hands moving down to grasp your chin in his hand, making you look at him, fingers digging into your skin. “But I finally left you speechless.” He smirked. You opened your mouth to make a smart comment to him, but was met with a hard thrust, making whatever sarcastic comment you were going to say, not worth it at that moment.  
Sherlock was a sight for sore eyes. Face was scrunched up in pure pleasure, eyes looking over your face as his lips parted when he gave you another hard thrust. He was enjoying this just as much as you were, it was a stress reliever for the two of you. You reached up, cupping the side of his face, tugging him down and kissed his pink lips, drinking down his grunts as he chased his high.
“I’m close Sherlock.” You mumbled against his lips, his hand that grasped your chin fell to your bosom, fingers digging into the corset, locking you in place as he bucked into you. “Let me feel you.” You whispered, licking his bottom lip. You were so desperately close, almost like a tornado was happening within your stomach, your walls fluttering around his cock as you desperately wanted to reach your own climax.
Sherlock’s hand that was wrapped around your thigh tightened, lifting the leg even higher around his hip, his cock splitting you open even more. “Sherlock!” You cried against his lips, feeling his cock bump against your g-spot with each hard stroke. “Yes, right there.” You no longer cared if you sounded like a whore in a brothel, all you wanted was this man to make you feel like you were on a cloud.
“Let go Y/N.” He grunted, his hand that was once grabbing your corset wrapping around your body, tugging you right to the edge of the table. “Let me feel you sweet girl.”
It was as if your whole body locked up around him, your thighs clenching together in a tight embrace around his hips, your walls squeezing his cock like a vice. His name left your lips like a prayer, your orgasm taking a hold of your body as held onto him for dear life. 
Sherlock growled into your neck as he came, desperately bucking into your tight walls as he emptied himself, crushing you against him. He rutted against you, a few final thrusts as he came, his seed filling you, his cock twitching as he slowly came to a stop. 
You dropped your head onto his shoulder, trying to catch your breath after such an intense moment, your hand shakily reaching for his hair, playing with the few strands at the nape of his neck. He moaned softly, a smile spreading on your face that you realized that this man liked his hair being played with. He pulled away from you, his softened cock slipping from your swollen walls. You whimpered as he did so, feeling the mixture of cum already leaking from you. You blushed as you looked up at him, lowering your skirt. He only smirked up at you as he tucked himself back into his pants. 
You reached for your undergarments, pulling them up your bruised legs, trying to ignore the sticky liquid between your thighs as you fixed what was left of your skirts. Before you could even try to jump off the table, Sherlock was there, hands on your hips as he helped you down.
“Thank you.” You whispered, looking up at him. He stared down at you, a look you’ve never seen before on this man on his face. “I trust you.” You spoke, placing your hands on top of his. “I trust that you can find my brother.” The corner of his lip turned up.
“I trust that we can find your brother.” He corrected you.
Taglist: @thereisa8ella​
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Seven Deadly Sins x Maribat
Medieval Au
Based on this idea
Ten years ago.
On the outskirts of the city of Liones, of the capital of the country Liones, in the land of Britannia, homes destroyed, and countless holy knights laid butchered in the streets.
That day will go down in history for its infamy, the day the Seven Deadly Sins betrayed the country of Liones.
This is a tale of ancient times, an era before the human and non-human worlds were forever divided. When the Holy Knights, defended the realm, wielding their magical powers they were feared and highly respected. But among them a group emerged, that betrayed the kingdom, and became mortal enemies to all Holy Knights. They were known throughout the land as the Seven Deadly Sins.
Present day.
Near the Kaynes Village, there was a new tavern that was a buzz with customers.
“Here you go, drink up.” A young girl placed five steins of ale on the table. She had dark black hair that shown blue, pulled into twin pigtails by two pink ribbons, and bangs that framed her face and blue eyes. She wore a collared off-white shirt under a black vest with green panels. A pink skirt over leggings that reached halfway down her calf. And wore black and green boots. As more people come in, she directs them all with a smile.
“For a little lady, she is one hard working waitress.” A customer acknowledges.
“Oh no, I’m not the waiter, Buddy” She turns around. “I’m the owner of this place.” She turns to walk away.
“She’s the owner?!? A young kid like that.” But she doesn’t hear them.
“Alright, fresh from the oven. The meat pie that made the Boar Hat famous. Enjoy.” Three patrons dug into the pie, and promptly got sick. “You should have known. Our reputation is for having really good booze, but the food not so much.” She said with a completely straight face.
“Are trying to mess with us you little punk.” One shouted ready to fight.
“Wait guys, she’s packing a sword.” Another of the three pointed out. The handle was an emerald green and looked like a dragon with ruby eyes.
“Well, you guys, looks like we have a problem.” Her smile fell and she snapped her fingers. “Now let’s fix it.”
“Come on you call that a mess.” Out trotted a shiny black pig, wearing an earring tag. “Really what do you need me for?”
“Wait!!! That pig. He’s talking.”
“Yes, I’m a talking pig, what a bunch of dum-dums.”
“Plagg, we need to get this floor cleaned.” She spoke.
“Ugh, what a hassle.” Plagg complained. “Scrap disposal is a tough business.” He ate leaving, but before he did, he retorted. “Next time there better be some decent sized scraps.”
“You know I have an old family recipe for whole roasted hog.” She spoke to no one in particular, but with a deadpanned expression. Which changed Plagg’s tune quickly.
Then someone barged in. “I saw it. I really saw it.” He sat down. “I swear to all that is holy. I saw the wandering Rust Knight.”
“That’s just a made-up story, like how parents get their kids to stop misbehaving. The Seven Deadly Sins will come in blood rusted armor, oooh ahhh.”
“The Seven Deadly Sins?” She asks from behind the bar.
“You’ve never heard of them? They’re wanted posters are hanging everywhere, like those over there.”
She looks at the board and there were seven faces and seven names. Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Luka, Felix, Lila, and Kagami.
“How long has it been? Ten years. When all those holy knights were slaughtered so fast, they couldn’t defend themselves. It was the Seven Deadly Sins that did it. From what I've been told the way the holy Knights’ grandmaster was killed was too gruesome for anyone to look at.” They began to talk amongst themselves.
“They say their captain, Marinette, is the scariest of them all. It's even said that she's brought down whole countries on her own.” Everything went quiet.
Until another patron spoke up. “Well none of them have been caught yet have not a single one.”
“They’re dead, they have to be the new Holy Knights would never let them live after what they've done.”
“Yeah you've got a point even now with the kings sick. The Holy Knights are making sure that the Kingdom stays safe for all its people. But those notices up on the board get updated every single year. Doesn’t that mean those seven criminals are still out there?”
“Yeah well some spooky knight walking around in rusty armor sounds pretty ridiculous to me.”
“You’re right.”
A crash, scraping, and banging was heard just outside the Tavern door.
“That smells an awful lot like rust to me.” Plagg sniffed the air and then cowered behind the counter.
The door opened and there stood the rusted knight. “The Seven Deadly Sins…” Hhe moaned as he entered the Tavern.
Screaming, panic, and everyone rushing out of the Tavern ensued. Fleeing from the rusted knight.
The girl jumped over the counter and stood her ground defiantly looking at the Rust knight. “Now who are you?”
The Rust knight swayed and then fell to the ground collapsed. His helmet rolled off of him. And then they saw his face, his eyes shut tight in the pain and exhaustion, his black hair short and messy stuck to his face from the sweat. And he wore a singular earring, a true blue engraved with something in red and gold.
“This kid is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?” Plagg asked the girl, and they took him up to the room taking the armor off of him. “He's just a boy.”
“Let’s just make sure.” The girl went up to the boy and started poking him first on his thigh, then his stomached, his bicep, she was leaning over him and was about to poke his cheek when his eyes flew open. “Yep, he's a boy.”
“Um, pardon me but what am I doing here?” He was quiet and soft spoken.
“Oh yeah you came into my bar then you passed out cold.”
“Your bar?”
“Yeah, the Boar Hat, my Tavern.”
“You’re the owner?”
“Is that so weird?”
“I just saw that sword, so I naturally assumed.”
“Oh, this old thing.” She motioned and pulled the sword from its scabbard. “Ha ha ha. Yeah, I guess if you only see the handle, it can fool ya huh.” All that rose up and out with her hand was the handle and a small stub was left of the blade, which was practically worthless in a fight. “It makes guests think twice about skipping out on their tabs.” She put the sword handle back into its scabbard on her back.
Which was when they moved downstairs to the raven again. Marinette cooked up something for the boy, and set the plate in front of him.
“First you nurse me back to health, now you're feeding me, how can I possibly thank you enough.” He barely choked out.
“First before saying thanks you should probably try the food first.” Plagg’s nasally voice cut into his words.
“What do you think? Awful isn't it.” She leaned down on the bar now watching him eat with a grin on her face.
“Yes.” He responded.
Which caused both her and Plagg to respond in unison. “Knew it was.”
But then something shocked them, he started to cry.
“Still its delicious.” Tears fell down his face.
“So what exactly were you doing walking around in that old armor, anyways?” She asked the boy.
“I'm on a personal quest to find the Seven Deadly Sins.” He answered.
“Why would you do that? You don’t even know if those guys are even still alive or not, and they’re serious villains.” Plagg reasoned.
That was when banging was heard on the tavern door, knights banged on the door, and ordered them to open up for them.
That was when she noticed the boy got slightly afraid at the mention of Knights.
After a moment of the Knights bickering to themselves, that gave her just enough time to think. She went and opened the door.
“Who are you?” One of the Knights asked her as she opened the door.
“I'm the owner of this place. What do you want?” She was relaxed.
“The Rust Knight is in there, send him out!” The same knight answered.
“Alright.” She turned around and looked back. “You might want to come out now.”
They all looked past her and saw Plagg dressed in the armor that the boy was wearing walk out.
“You have some nerve mocking the Knights of this land like this.” He grabbed her by the shirt and lifted her up off the ground. She was small, sure but he still held her up a meter off the ground.
That’s when the boy had snuck out of the back and made a run for it into the forest. Unfortunately, he was seen. “Look a boy just ran out, after him.”
The knight threw her back to the ground and she and Plagg shared a worried look.
The two of them ran after the boy and the Knights, Plagg mowed down, tackling each and every one, while she went after the boy. The last knight got pushed down off of the cliff at the edge of the forest by Plagg. While she and the boy were safely out of the way in one of the trees at the edge.
“So why are you looking for the Seven Deadly Sins anyways?” She asked him once they were back on the ground.
“To stop the Holy Knights.” He answered.
“Are you serious!! Why in the world would you wanna do that?” Plagg exclaimed. “The Holy Knights are the king’s men, the knights are here to protect us they are heroes.”
“But what if they were behind a plot to start a war in our country. Except for the king himself, the entire royal family was arrested and is being held by the Holy Knights.”
“Does that mean the king isn't really sick in bed?” Plagg asked the boy.
“That’s just a cover story the Holy Knights are using. I don't know what they think they can accomplish by driving the nation to war, but now they're drafting people. Taking men wherever they can get them they're preparing for war everywhere you look. So their reach will even extend all the way out here.” He shook his head.
“Yeah tough break, huh?” She finally responded.
“Wow you don't have any empathy at all. How does this tie back to the Seven Deadly Sins again?” Plagg shook his head.
“If there's even the slightest hope of preventing the Holy Knights from doing this. I know they're the only ones who can.” He was resolute.
“Just checking here.” She Butt in again. “You’re trying to find those guys even though you know what kind of people they are?”
“The Seven Deadly Sins are the most vile Order of Knights the Kingdom ever produced, made up of seven vicious bloodthirsty criminals each one branded with the mark of the beast. Ten years ago when they were suspected of trying to overthrow the Kingdom the Knights of the realm launched a full force attack scattering them to the four winds.”
“Well if you believe the rumors they each died a long time ago.” She spoke distractedly.
“Such amazing people wouldn't possibly let themselves get killed!”
“But they are criminals aren't they causing the suffering of the people right now?” She asked confused.
“When I was small, only five or six years old, my father would tell me stories about them and that's when I learned they are the most powerful Knights!”
A rumbling was heard and then the edge of the cliff they were on started to crumble and fall beneath them, dropping them down.
“I did not confirm whether or not they were people named in the report. Conclusion two individuals of unknown origin dead. What do you think men that sounds about right?” A man wearing red armor, silver grey hair and mustache.
“But Sir Twiggle, one of our knights was still under the cliff.”
“Simply put three fatalities in the report then.” Twiggle answered haughtily.
“But Sir, you can't! That’s too far even for you”
“How about seven fatalities instead?” The knight in red armor moved towards the rest of his men, but that was also when she jumped back up on to the cliff with not only the boy and Plagg in her arms but also the knight who fell.
“When I give a signal to you run into the forest got it.” She spoke quietly to the boy.
“Which one of them would you believe to be a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. Neither bears any resemblance to the wanted posters?” He then noticed something. “God is smiling upon me today, the crystal earring you're wearing is from the royal family. Conclusion you are Prince Jonathan!”
“Wait hold on Prince Jonathan?” The knights shouted.
“You're a Prince?” She added softly.
“Orders from the Capital are to determine your whereabouts. the order was to capture you alive and in healthy condition, but if you lost your life in an unfortunate accident…” Twiggle spoke aloud.
“I can't allow myself to get captured not yet!”
“Conclusion accidental death.” Sir Twiggle let off a shockwave of air magic chopping the entire forest down to the ground.
“Hi there, you alright?” She had pulled him down and covered him from the blast. “Plagg?”
“Seriously I'm a shaved pork on a skewer.” He cried. A single small little twig had splintered in his back. And he went off crying and screaming Tikki.
Johnathan stood and started to walk towards Twiggle. “Johnathan. Hey! What are you doing?” She called after him.
“There’s no escape.”
“Wait hang on you just said you couldn't afford to be caught or to give up.”
“Maybe if I surrender myself peacefully, he'll agree to take me back with him and your life can be spared.”
Sir Twiggle sent off another blast cutting into everything again, but she was able to tackle him out of the way just in time.
“Please get out of here while you still can.” He begged her.
“I think he wants to make sure neither one of us gets out of here alive.” She noticed as She was above him once more. After the attack ensuring he was fine yet again, the only real damage done to her, and that was her left sleeve was completely torn revealing her entire arm from shoulder to fingers. A mark barely visible on her shoulder.
“I was so happy when I met you. Searching for the Seven Deadly Sins, I so scared alone in that rusty armor. There wasn't any help I could ask for. Then you show up and show me such kindness, someone that you've never met before. I don't wanna see you hurt my problems anymore when I don’t even know your name.”
Memories flashed behind her eyes and a smile spread on her lips.
“Marinette. If you really wanna know.” She grinned from ear to ear.
“I… I don't believe it you can't be you're just.” Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
That was when the knight who fell with them regained consciousness jumping up. “Where's the girl the one with the sword. I saw it when she saved me from the cliff the symbol it was right there. The symbol on her shoulder it… it… it’s her.”
Sir Twiggle struck again now closer, right on top of them. The magic was unleashed but Marinette stood up and was now facing the Knight.
“How is this possible? My technique was flawless I am certain my blade struck her!” Twiggle began to look even more and more frazzled. “But I was the one who felt the force of the blow. How could it have hit me?! And what is that in your hand?! A broken blade! Broken blade… now your face is beginning to look familiar. Truly it can’t! How can you look exactly the same as you did then?!? No matter your time's up! How dare you still exist!”
Their blades clashed their magic erupted, which sent Twiggle and his men flying high, high into the sky almost like a meteorite.
“Extraordinary power.” Johnathan breathed.
“Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Dragon sin of Wrath, Marinette.” She announced.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug @astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5606 @zalladane @midnightrosecrystal @myazael @prettylittlebutterflie @toodaloo-kangaroo @roseisred @galaxymoon @queenz-z @mystery-5-5
Event Taglist: @ladybug-182 @nerd-nowandforever @stelliones @trippingovermyfeet @thepaceperson @all-mights-asscheeks @another-cancer @alyssadeliv @mep-kittyjustkillme @ravennm84 @chocolatecatstheron @jayjayspixiepop @missanalysis @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @aespades @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @ritacrow-blog @frieddonutsweets @laurcad123 @ashbrea381writings @jjmjjktth @alexizlazy @ultimatetornshipper @kashlyn @how-to-function-properly
Story Taglist: just ask because after the bio dad even I won’t add the Event Taglist
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highfaelucien · 3 years
I completely agree with how you feel towards azriel. Thinking about azriel’s character now vs how I used to view him during acomaf times is just... sad and so so so much more complex. Part of me still wants to love him for the character that was presented to us in acomaf and other small good moments, like his friendship with nesta. And then the other part of me is disgusted, disappointed, and honestly kind of terrified of who he may become if sjm allows him to continue acting predatorily/toxic. The whole mor/az situation really fucked me up. As someone who is also a lesbian and an abuse survivor, it broke my heart to watch the situation unfold in acowar. It still hurts seeing many readers (and sometimes even sjm) take az’s side and paint mor as some sort of liar/two faced character that is playing everyone. I kept thinking that things would be fixed in future books, but instead az has grown worse and mor was, once again, sidelined and written out as a character. And honestly... as much as I love the idea of gwyn x azriel ... I think his books would need a lot more focus on his own recovery/growth and not center on a romantic relationship. If anything, I hope it’s written as friends to lovers so az has a better way of interacting and forming relationships with women. Because right now... well, that shit is borderline predatory and isn’t coming across well. And I really really do not want that for him. Basically, azriel deserves a better arc than what has been written for him. I miss him :( he used to be a character that made me feel safe and now :/ idk anymore
I'm going to quote parts of this/chop it up and reply to them a chunk at a time. because there's a lot going on here and I want to try and reply to as much as I can because I resonate with.....all of it. Please forgive me for the length of this.
I completely agree with how you feel towards azriel. Thinking about azriel’s character now vs how I used to view him during acomaf times is just... sad and so so so much more complex.
He feels like a different character? There was always an anger simmering under the calm surface, we knew that. But it was an anger born of love, deep down, and the desire to protect his family, and his court, at the expense of himself. Az was always the first to volunteer himself for dangerous missions, to spare the others.
Now that anger is directed at his family, and at the world, for not giving him what he feels he 'deserves'. That has NEVER been Azriel. Azriel's deepest issues and insecurities have always stemmed from the feeling of being unworthy, and undeserving of anything.
She's just made him into......Every other dude in this series tbh. Snarling, and possessive, and wanting to fuck anything in a skirt that moves.
Azriel was actually somewhat of an original, complex character initially. It's unusual that we see trauma affect men in the way it did Az. Usually it makes them angry, and vengeful, and eager to prove they are the alpha etc. Seeing them withdraw, and think less of themselves/that they're unworthy is something not explored often enough. But bye bye nuance hello #Drama.
Part of me still wants to love him for the character that was presented to us in acomaf and other small good moments, like his friendship with nesta.
I feel this. I found a lot of comfort in Az's character. Particularly the way he reacted with Mor. I was a big fan of their relationship, and I wrote a few 'missing scenes' style fics in the gap between ACOMAF and ACOWAR. One of them was where Az went to her when she had pushed everyone else away, including Cassian, and comforted and calmed her.
I hate that Maas took that away from Mor. I hate that Az no longer does that for her. I hate that Az was the one to betray her along with Rhys and bring her abuser into her safe space behind her back. I hate that he is no longer a symbol of calm, stable, dependable comfort and support for Mor, but is instead a threat. I HATE it.
Every now and then Az has lovely, gentle moments - his friendship with Nesta is a good example, and something I hoped we'd see. But also quieter times with Rhys, and their similarities being explored. And I adored the flying lessons with Feyre in ACOWAR, and the training he did with Cassian and the others in ACOFS.
But then she goes and twists him and does something else that just makes me want to fucking scream. Like the High Lord scene where he 'frightened' Mor. And his entire POV chapter which is frankly fucking gross.
And then the other part of me is disgusted, disappointed, and honestly kind of terrified of who he may become if sjm allows him to continue acting predatorily/toxic.
I agree.
I don't know how she can write a series that explores the effects of emotional abuse so well with Feyre and Tamlin...And then write what she did with Az?
The possession to a traumatised, still impressionable and desperate young woman, who likely finds the same comfort and safety in him that Mor did. Before that got shot to fucking pieces.
He sounds like a whiny toddler 'Cassian has a mate, and Rhys has a mate, where is mine!?!?!?!?' I DESERVE Elain, because I'm your brother and you guys have her sisters and what the FUCK. Who let that shit get published holy mother of god.
It's just...It's so unhealthy? Like, not even talking ship wars here (which I'm aware are rampant, and which I'm trying my best to stay away from). But that just.
How can that ever be a healthy foundation for a relationship? A man who thinks that he deserves, not only to be in a relationship with her, but to be bonded to her. Not because of HER, not because of who she is, or how she makes him feel. No. Purely because her sisters are mated to his brothers?
The whole thing made me feel so uncomfortable. It's predatory and toxic, just as you said. It's not right, it's not fair. Forget alliances and Lucien, even if none of that was a factor, that sort of thinking is still not right. And it's completely unfair to Elain.
But it also just. It didn't read like Azriel. The first part, where he struggles to sleep, and pushes himself until he passes out, and the insight that his shadows are basically hovering beside him screaming SELF CARE YOU DUMB BITCH at all times was very pleasing.
And the part where he goes to Clotho and leaves an anonymous gift for Gwyn. No fanfair. No audience. No pressure on either of them to react/perform. That felt like Az, too.
But everything in the middle. Everything with Elain, was just...Gross and out of character. And this is not because I dislike E/riel as a ship. I could get on board with it, tbh, if it wasn't written the way it was.
But it's not about ships, for me. It's just. Everything felt out of character. The predatory way he was with her. The fact he lies awake and gets himself off to fantasies of her. How apparently quickly he was aroused by putting a necklace on her. Idk, maybe it's my ace ignorance, but that doesn't sound normal/healthy to me.
Nor does him having to leave a room because he can scent her mating bond with Lucien. Or not being able to control himself to sit and eat dinner with her?
This is the same dude who has, apparently, been in love with Mor for 500 solid years, and who never did a damned thing about it. Who always kept himself in check. Even while she's had other lovers. But he can't control himself through one dinner with Elain?
It just. It doesn't feel like him. It feels like...Honestly not even Cassian. It feels like Tamlin on horny, predatory steroids. And that's not something I ever wanted to see from Azriel's POVs.
She could have explored a darker side to him without making it sexual? And misogynistic. And having him treating Elain as little more than a fucking object that he feels entitled to because 'everyone else got one, where's mine?'. What the FUCK???
The more I write it the more angry I get.
Because SJM has consistently put Az in the position of saving women when they were in danger? He was the one who found Mor near death at Autumn. He was the one who rescued Gwyn from her attackers during the war. He was the one to retrieve Elain when she was taken.
She always puts him in this position and, for better or worse, presents him as a safety figure for these women. The first person who they saw come for them, and fight for them, and protect them.
And on the inside she makes him this vile, predatory monster who just thinks constantly about fucking them? Who isn't actually safe at all?? It's sad. And it's infuriating. Because this isn't about ships anymore. This is about female survivors who have an apparent safe person who's presented as almost as dangerous as the people who attacked them in the first place. And that makes me feel so sick and sad that we've gotten here.
It still hurts seeing many readers (and sometimes even sjm) take az’s side and paint mor as some sort of liar/two faced character that is playing everyone. I kept thinking that things would be fixed in future books, but instead az has grown worse and mor was, once again, sidelined and written out as a character.
This is yet another vile thing SJM has done to queer readers with this whole fiasco. Because it puts me in a position where I want to call out her shitty writing, and what she's done to Mor - sidelining her as soon as she became queer. Undermining her power and her strength. Undermining her role as the survivor to look up to. Saying her power is truth but then making her seem like a liar. Which is all shitty, shitty, shitting writing.
But I'm also a queer person. And I will always always ALWAYS want to defend a queer person's right to remain closeted. Regardless of their reasons for doing so. But in this case it's a concern for their safety/a fear of how those around them will react. And I will NEVER condemn that. I will never say Az is suffering more than Mor for her being closeted. I will never call Mor a liar/a manipulator/two-faced when all she's doing is trying to survive.
I WILL condemn SJM for making this a scenario. For putting homophobia in her world purely to cause pain for queer characters, and drama for her straight ones. And for sidelining Mor as soon as she can't write graphic scenes with her fucking men because now she's a lesbian so we best get her off the page so the guys can get their cocks out some more.
And honestly... as much as I love the idea of gwyn x azriel ... I think his books would need a lot more focus on his own recovery/growth and not center on a romantic relationship. If anything, I hope it’s written as friends to lovers so az has a better way of interacting and forming relationships with women. Because right now... well, that shit is borderline predatory and isn’t coming across well. And I really really do not want that for him.
This is going to sound sarcastic but I actually mean it fully and completely genuinely: 95% of the drama inducing problems in this series could be fixed with some fucking therapy.
But I agree with you. I think it's high time Azriel worked on his own issues. Even if they've apparently made a complete 180 from what they were in ACOMAF.
I...Like the concept of Gwyn/Azriel, but I'm not sold on the ship. Not with the way Maas has been writing Azriel lately. That kind of man shouldn't be with any woman right now. But especially not a rape survivor who sees him as one of the first men she's been able to trust in a long time.
Basically, azriel deserves a better arc than what has been written for him. I miss him :( he used to be a character that made me feel safe and now :/ idk anymore
"he used to be a character that made me feel safe" - This shit hit me like a tonne of bricks because this is EXACTLY how I feel about Az, too. You just managed to say it in a few words instead of 12 pages of rambling, like I do.
And I think this was intention. Azriel was presented as a very dependable character. He rescued Mor, and was respectful enough to keep his distance, despite his feelings, for 500 fucking years. Because he didn't think she was ready/interested.
He had a very calm, and calming air about him. Always in control of himself. Without the expected bursts of aggression and temper we'd seen from...Every other male character in this series. He was stable, and solid, and that was comforting. An anchor. And someone who would quietly, and without fuss, seek out Mor/others when they needed someone to talk to or comfort him.
That was a very soothing, reassuring presence in the book, I felt. And now she's made him seem...volatile, and unstable. With this dangerous anger that he can't control, that he uses not to protect, but to intimidate, and to fuel his entitlement and desires.
it's just sad. It's sad that she's taken this away from Mor, but also from other survivors who found comfort and safety in Az. Because I'm sure we weren't alone in that regard.
I miss him. And I mourn the character he was, and feel anger for the character he should have been. but instead he's become yet another possessive, entitled, snarling cardboard cutout dude like...everyone else.
And I ache for the Az/Mor dynamic that we had in ACOMAF. Even without it becoming romantic, there was no reason for that to be destroyed/ruined.
She could have written it that Az is the only one who knows about her sexuality, and that he pretends he's still in love with her as a shield/buffer, so no one looks too closely/to protect her and make her feel comfortable.
Instead she turned it into a soap opera style drama. And wrote it almost as though her sexuality was her cheating on him? Denying him what he deserved. And now she's just...just pussyfooting around it. And apparently he's just. Just moved on. Without them having any kind of conversation or closure at all. He just wanks off to the thought of Elain instead of Mor, now, problem solved /s
I miss what they were. I miss what he was to Mor. I miss when she had that support system, and that safety net. I miss when he protected her. And looked out for her. And understood her in a way that no one else, not even Rhys, did.
Mor deserved that. Azriel deserved that. WE deserved that. And she nuked it for some fucking twisted drama that punishes a lesbian because a man is thirsting after her. it's a fucking disgrace. I'm so fucking done with SJM, y'all. So fucking done.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
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"I know ye' love 'em." He smiles and you didn't know how to response. He hugs you closer to him. For some odd reasons you let him. Inhaling, the rose scent that was kissed to the nape of his neck. He takes you to His rooms. Situating you on his bed. Sitting beside you and taking your hand warning them up. You puts your head on his shoulder and he glances down at you, leaning closer your mushk attracting him. Your enchantness calling him closer but this's not who he's. He retreats back smooching a wet kiss to your forehead.
Authors Note; Everything written down below is based on fictional fantasies. In no case it's related to real life, in my sheer excitement I've perfectly imagined Harry as the prince of all of our hearts. To give your imaginations a roller coaster I've created a moodboard, I'd love!! if you'll give your feedbacks (it means alot to me) and appreciate it. All my love, Moji! Part 2
Amber scent of soil beneath the cream skin of soles, clouds flourished to baby blues then rolled the cotton ruffles of the flimsy gown with themselves. A choir of tinsy emblem sparrows sang songs dancing in the rhythm sat on the branch of oak. Snowflaked downey petals of jasmine perked up at the sweet cooe and they caressed themselves to the tips of your soft fingers as you greeted them in the early morning dew. A basket on your hip, collecting fresh jasmines and the pastel cotton gown of yours sticking to your thighs with each step and pluck.
The tangerine sun winks at you from the tea fields far and kisses your skin shying away when you shushed it to be busy in your work. Then you were done with delicate flowers pilled in a basket and your under skirt poofed when you flopped onto the mother earth, laughing to yourself causing the furry rabbits to gallop to their nearest shelter.
The cackles resonated to your cottage and your curious tumbirous little sister with doe eyes that of yours and gorgeous hair that of your mother, flights like a dove to where you're sprawled upon.
"Ani's coming back home." She informs you sitting beside you and the happy news of your father's return to village from a business trip to another village makes your spine erect in excitement. The crown of jasmines you were intervining together falling in your lap and when you ask her again she bobbed her little head in utter vigour, you wrap your arms around her petite tiny figure spinning her around making her squeal.
The longing of your Anni's affection and the yearn of his embrace will soon vanish to joy and warmth after four months of departure.
The wind bubbled to the paths of Clisora a city where springs are luxurious with the bustling trade market of satins and silks. Winters warmed up with down town inns and brothels, summers for enjoying the heat of the weather and the berries riped to core. The nation men are happy and thriving even though their King's the cruelest person alive. But, it doesn't matter to them. The whispers of Castles are none of their business.
His own son's loathes him for their father killed his own brothers for the sake of throne.
In the middle of frozeness the heavy thuds of footsteps startled Harry in his chambers, silken beige sheets damp under his neck and he cranes it with horror as the ginormous wretched shadows lurked in the corridors of his rooms. He throws his brocatelle robe on his bare upper body, stepping outside he follows the thumps of devil and his stomach eats his heart alive when he sees the sight of his older brother's rooms.
The executioners leaving his room with none sympathy because a King's command could never be denied upon. Harry's older brother lifeless with ring marks of noose around his neck his only fault was that he exposed his father's evilness to the inner courts.
To that day, everything crumpled to Harry's feet. The darkness follows him around even to the gardens, the memories of his little self fighting with a wooden sword with his Api his big brother never allowed him to sleep.
His GrandMother the Royal highness and the Lady of Castle that has an eye on every chore going inside the high walls, notices the sadness of her only grandSon gifting him presents from the all corners of the world.
Nothing lulled Harry's heart to tranquility till the evening of ending winters when his grandmother calls him to her spacious chamber to show him new sea of life saving luxurious gifts, in the last corner his eyes fell over the painting framed with golden carving.
She knew it was a cupid arrow straight to his heart. He couldn't resist but to give a smile to her and the night servants placed the painting in his rooms.
He stares at the beauty hidden in every splotch of paint, the young girl portrayed on it seeming as if made of milk, Harry stares right into her soft irises and his heart gives a pump of warm blood seeing her cherry lips. The jasmine crown on her shiny hair gives a blooming fragrance to Harry every night he sleeps and the lamb in her embrace makes Harry smile to her with closed eyes.
"She makes m' heart 't peace." He told his Highness truly and she squeezed his hand feeling good to see his grandson himself again.
"M' lion. M' s'happy to see you happy again. Her name's Y/N. She lives in the village of Serene the potraitist of Royal family went there and found 'er tradin' jasmines."
The Royal Mother gets what she wants. She can do anything for her power, the King's sick and Harry's her only puppet left. She'd use him to every finest. She's in so wrong though, Harry moist his tongue with her name testing how it feels coming from the core of his heart.
How she's like to touch in real? Is she like confettie berries that leaves stains at the tips? What's her voice like when she speaks? I'm sure it's honey dripping and succulent with kindness. Harry thinks, palms flat under his head and his book of poetry open on his chest. Stars tinkling from his golden window pane and a future of millions suns waiting for him.
You sniffle with blood pumping into fearful vessels of your heart. Tucking your little sister under your armpit you promised her you wouldn't let a finger harm her as the loud heartbreaking screams feebled to the wooden cabinet you're hiding in.
Everything happened in the blink of eye. Momenta ago you were into your Anni's arms when a ship halted at the port and it was a chaos where ever they stepped leading them to your home, for you. Your mother fell to the feet of those black leather dressed merciless men but they stepped on her pure gowns approaching for Anni.
"Where's Y/N? We know she's hidin' somewhere in thy boundary." You stomach eats your heart alive from a revelation of your name from a stranger's tongue. "'M not goin' to tell ye'." Anni grits with rage while your mother sobs loudly the jasmines in her hair dying out of sadness.
The leader of those cruel men shoves your anni past, "too late for that." He retorts evily and you shrink back trying to protect your little sister Alexa. Prayers on your lips, mercy in your tears and before it reached to skys a grime hand snatches your arm yanking you out painfully.
Your glass features dulls into pity and you flinches harshly when he grabbed your jaw snapping it to meet his eyes.
"What's in ye' that's not in other girls?" He grumbles and when father shouts to leave his daughter they trap him back. "Please, leave me." You beg with innocent frightened eyes.
"Royal Highness's, order." He tuts with none sympathy. You try to escape free from his strong hold but he throws you at his shoulder taking you with him.
You kicked and screamed asking for your Anni as he runs behind you trying to save his precious stone, his moon, and his beat of heart but it's in-vain. You watch your parents falling helplessly to the land you've played upon for years in traumatic shock and confusion. Your heart as if none existed, as if it bursted to stardust.
You stir from your darkness into real word. It was a dream, oh goodness it was. Your soul consoles you but the reality lies in the other hemispheres as you found yourself away from your loved ones. Mother, Anni and Alexa. Nobody's with you and it's just rotting walls, a beacon of disappointment and a wrap of dirtinnes around your body.
It's an alehouse. When you descended downstairs your abductors were there with hall full of other manwhores. Getting themselves entertained from women in veils and some of them naked. You jump on the opportunity and try to run when a men puts his sword on your throat. You knock his shins and taking his sword in your control making him lurk on it's tip.
"Help me!! These bloody men abducted me under duress." You crane your head in every direction when the hall boomed with laughter. There's no escape now, it's their territory, their men everywhere. Your're alone with none of yours in a city of pitiless people. The sword clashes to floor ripping past through the wooden planks but the sound echoed from your heart, silver of it reflecting you.
Everyone's rude here. They gave you a bath with a bunch of other girls and when you tried to put them into their places they'd bark a warning. You're like everyone else. But, the high salt marble walls of Palace, crystal diamond chandliers, sapphire velvet gold carved giant doors, hundreds of maids, cooks and the luxuries of this cold hearted Palace doesn't faltters you like them. Every minute in these walls where you can't see stars and blue skies is an agony for you. Home's waiting for you. Your mother singing your lullaby thinking you might come. You've lost count of the days and weeks.
You sleep with other concubines in the attic, while everyone giggles and gossips you write letters to your home before going to bed which's just a flimsy mattress on the wooden board. The butler in charge lined you all up ordering the coffiure to dress the new lassies. Satins and chiffona feels weird on your skin compared to the soft cotton gowns used to wear.
"Bow!" She barks hitting her thick jewel covered stick to floor. She shoves your head a little down to make you bow properly and what comes from inside the Royal's bedroom chambers throws you into fits of laughter.
A white Persian cat. Bow my arse. You cursed under your breath.
Sheba digs her nails into your forearm hissing loudly, "behave else I'll throw you in dungeons."
With eyes down you all entered inside the Royal Highness Rooms. She's sitting with high chin onto the lush divans, she sips her morning tea as everyone pays her their services.
You free yourself from Sheba's tight eye watch and falls to Mother Highness feet tugging at her gowns.
"Leave meh' for God's sake. I don't wan' to be here, please send me back home." You keep your head lowered and the Highness gestures the maids to stop when the approached to pull you back, "Forgive us our Highness, she's a hussy with a tongue of witch." Instead, you're bold and unfearful. The Highnes takes your chin and makes you look at her.
"My child. This's your home now. And if the nature wishes you'll have a bright future in this Palace." Anger boils in your veins. Hurt you looked at her in accuse yanking the hem of her gowns and standing your grounds.
"Ye'll are brutal creatures, whom fear their weakness!!! These crowns of yours 'ere made t' fall one day."
"Woman!" Sheba yells in warning pulling you back harshly as everyone gawks you, when the Highness leaves her seat the intimidating aura of her makes you shrink back a little.
"The escape out of this Palace's just death, you've options. Live how we say or get thrown into the sea." You huff with stinging eyes and just like that you're escorted out of the chambers.
In the dim lights of night lamps you were writing another letter to Alexa when one of the maidens Lezabel entered into the attic with chin held high and every other lassie ran towards her ushering her to plush pillows.
"How was Your Highness's t'night? 'M sure he's handsome that of jammist of jams." They whisper ask her with gloating hearts and Lezabel looks at you in jealousy, burning heart knowing you're special for the prince. Lezabel just came from Prince rooms in the wee hours of night, she saw your portrait in his room. Prince didn't liked her being nosy and disrespectful to his space so he asked servants to escort her out.
"What's the Prince like?" You ask her too in curiosity and she laughs loudly leaning on her elbows. "He's old and fat with beard that of south long, when you look in his eyes you turn into stone. He eats the hearts of young girls like an ugly lion." Everyone suppresses their giggles knowing she's lying and that Prince's the cherriest of shining moon. You gasp praying to good that time never comes when you'll have to face him.
Laila's leading you to another task handing you the Highness's cat and you smile down at her scratching her back as Laila talks. Suddenly someone calls her leaving you and Nilo alone.
You groan when Nilo gallops from your arms and climbs up the ridged stone wall when you efforts to get her back gripping the edge of stone, the wall grinds against the floor. You gasp in astonishment when it rotates to other side, stepping inside you were exposed to the mesmerising sight of garden with that of sky. There's wild turquoise sea under the white cemented broad railings of the balcony.
Jasmine scent sings your freedom after days of darkness, your head slowly rakes upto the vine and you chase after it. You settle your feet carefully climbing up each branch of vine lifting up your gowns. Goosebumps appearing on your bare thighs and a shiver shots in your spine as you tried to get a good hold on the other next branch.
Harry's behind you with a suppressed smile hands folded at back as he watches a girl trying to climb up a vine without a particular reason but he doesn't know, he doesn't know you're trying to escape. His lips parts as your foot slips and before you were about to fall he catches you securing your head protectively tumbling to ground with you beneath his taught chest.
He stares you. It couldn't be real? Could it? Those mahogany eyes and shine of pearls in them. Those cherry lips and plump cheeks of baby. She's not real but another dream of his heart and soul. His jade irises flickers between yours and you stare him back in confusion, he's pretty with a carved jaw, heart-shaped toffee lips, stardust eyes and chestnut curls tickling his high cheekbones.
"What are ye' doin' here?" His voice that of honey dripping and you grunt shoving him off of you covering your legs with your gown and standing up asking him angrily, "are you goin' to tell them?" He's still in awe of your beauty. You're way more gorgeous than that of portraits, he can't belive his lover, his soulmate's one feet away from him.
You walk towards the balcony looking down the sea waves as ever beautiful that of crystal "who?" He asks with puppy eyes and you turn sharply to his front, "Sheba, and other witches." . "will you tell 'em?." He shakes his head in denial with soft eyes and furrowed brows, his heart racing fast and nerves jittery.
"What's behind this wall? Can I escape?"
"Why d'ye want t' escape?" He asks with a loom of sadness in his chest. She hurriedly paces back to him.
"Because of Prince. They took me by force!" Harry's still in utter bewilderment, "Ugly and fat, Prince."
"Ugly and fat?" Harry whispers to himself frowning awfully. "They'll feed me to him."
"He eats the heart of young girls." She says in fright and despair. If Harry could touch her he'd have consoled her in his arms long ago.
"There's a girl who survived, she didn't look him in eyes. He smelled her and went away?" She's uncertain with eyes looking dead straight into Harry's for the very first time and it slashed his breath away. Your eyes like a walk in garden of heaven, the summer river of black-mud and moss of skies.
You again rushed to the balcony, "don't ever look down there." Harry tells you caringly joining you at the higher deck "you'll fall in the waves."
"Then tell me what should I do? Help me." If Harry could he'd, but this Palace's not even his's.
"I think s' ye' should go, if they knew you disappeared they'll put you in a bag and throw you in sea." This would never happen in his presence. When he's alive he wouldn't let a soul touch you but he's saying this to protect you for the time being.
Tears brinks in your eyeline. Your bottom lip wobbling and Harry's thumb itches to caress it and kiss it, "A bag?...and sea? No!" You cry sitting on the small stair step. A sigh left Harry's chest and he sits beside you under the flower and grapevine. "I want to go back to my mother, father and Alexa."
"Don't be scared..." He reassures you placing his hand on your shoulder the first skin to skin touch blossoming his soul, "no one can hurt ye' while I exist, Y/N." You pushes your head away from your arm peering up at him with teary eyes. Then in an instant pushing his hand away terrified, "How did you know meh' name?" His eyes widen but he overcomes his panic blurting quickly.
"Didn't ye' say about Sheba? She told me..." He quirks up a smile gazing down then to her with a scrunch of his nose, "...she told me a lupus monsterous lupus came to Palace."
You scoff with raised brows, "she's the monsterous ones!" Harry chuckles gingerly.
"'M tryin' to protect myself." Harry wishes he could be able too protect his flower, his lover from the shadows of this helll. You turn closer to him whining with sadness, "save me, please. They'll take me again." Harry gazes her moon like face with pain and helplessness. "It's hell here."
He takes her pudding hands in his's looking at her sincerely and bringing her to feet with him, "I'll help you. But, now ye' should go....there are alot of girls we'll find a way befo' your turn." You retorts but still agrees not knowing how your trust and faith in him grew in just a first meet.
"What's ye'r name?" You ask him and he smiles circling the hilt of your thumb, "Leo." He lies. You beam back taking his name.
"Why're ye' goin' to help me, Leo?" He gives a lopsided smile that covets dimples into his creamy cheeks.
"Becaus I also want to run away from this Palace..." You gasp. "Did they took you here unwillingly too?" When your train of questions took a depart he spoke in a serious voice with a tinge of gentleness he only holds for you.
"Go back to attic, I'll find you again." With sad eyes you leave him and he grinned to himself foolishly, butterflies swooning around his ribcages and the noor inside the shell of his skin glowing after ages. Only for you. Just because of you.
King's at the dying bed and the Highness knows that he's a few days guest. You're an enthronment gift from Higness to Prince when he'll be throned, their plans were to beautify you in luxuries and get you laid with him on daily nights till he becomes the King and the old one dies. Then use you to make the Prince their puppet so that the control of Country that's in Highnesses's hold never floods away from her.
Unfortunately, he has seen you already and asked His Highness about you explaining that you refreshed his heart and satisfied him like a beacon he was always waiting for, so she ordered that tonight it's your turn to go to his rooms.
They weave your hair with tongs, strokes your neck with mushk and reddened your lips with cherry balm, dressing you in teal gowns and pushing the string of your corsets like you're a rag doll. Tears falls down into the valley of your chest as your reflection strikes in the mirror.
Time slows down, the jasmines burns into ashes and the pearls hides into depth of oceans as they walked you towards a long corridor with lanterns and curtains of sheer chiffon along way.
"C'mon lady..." The servant guides you not caring of your tears, the sadness and the misery on your features, "..we're at the golden pathway right now."
"Pathway of strength, power, love and happiness..." You hiccup with weekend knees, "to the gardens of paradise and the exists to the sea of hells..." Your mind gives you a courageous push and you turned to go back.
"Leave me! I don't want this!" But, Sheba grabs your jaw and yanks you to her.
"What do you want then, death?" She glares.
"Either, sleep with with our Prince t'night or get buried into grave." She gives her a warned grime smile wiping your tears and patting your hair.
The lullaby of your mother lulls you and it filled your heart with more tears.
I sigh but you don't hear me.....My pearl......
The sheer long sleeves of your dress wooshed when the doors to the rooms opened slowly.
I cry but you don't pity me. I cry but you don't pity me......Come my daughter, love me back....
You strolled inside the luxurious bedrooms with blurred vision turning your back to face the bed away from the Prince sranding at the breezy balcony outside.
Swing the child for me, my daughter....
The lullaby resonates to end and you fall on your knees lowering your head down and promising to never look up at him. Your head dizzy, lower lip shaking out of fear and chest heaving with ragged breaths.
You try not to shut your eyes tight when the footsteps slowly approached you and when a long calloused hand came down for you, thumb taking your chin lovingly to make you look up at him you grab it and bite it with ever force of canines.
"Ow!" Harry grumbles gaining your attention and your heart falls in your tummy at the person infront of you.
"You?" Surprise, betrayal and bunch of lies. Harry closes his eyelids smiling gingerly and wetting his lips. Then everything from the past came crashing on you and it lowers your blood rush holding your vision.
You fainted falling into Harry's arms and he picked you bridal style laying you on the bed kissing your forehead, he frowns perpetually stroking your hair and regretting the descions of his life, not knowing when the sleep invaded his senses. If he had not been a promised this would have never happened to you.
You woke up as if the sun that of paradise, sheets cool and bed that of silkworms but then you glances to your left sitting up with a gasp. Pulling your hair away from between unconscious Harry's fingers carefully. Finding your shoes when your eyes fell over a painting, you pushed away the piece of clothe on it startling when a hoarse voice came filled your ears.
"Did you like it?" You frown in offend facing him boldly.
"Did I like it?! Did I like it?!" You hits his chest with hard blows and with your shoes.
"I saw it at Highnesses's suite." He murmurs in apology.
"And there you gave orders to bring me!" You yelled not fearful that he's a Prince of the land you're at. "What am I?" "Am I a sheep or a horse?" "Am I olives or eggs?" You hold your tears and the screams.
"Talk to me! I said talk to me!!" You sobbed shouting at him blowing him with shoves and atlast he raised his voice speaking with gentleness at end.
"I didn't gave orders to bring ye'. I didn't even know you were comin', ye' 'ere a gift from Highnesses."
You stare him in disbelief, "a gift!?" ""M not a gift but a human!" "I've a family just like you."
He thins his lips, expression becoming taught as he listens you, eyes piercing fiercely.
"You're such an oppressor, you'll become an oppressing ruler!" You said furious at him. The words were like a on arrow ripping his heart because this's what he always feared of; to become like his dad.
"I'll run away from here, I promise." You throw the painting to floor striding away from him when he grabbed your elbow pulling you infuriatedly towards himself.
"Nobody can run away from this Palace." You huff yanking yourself away and leaving his rooms.
Lezabel sits proudly on the plush pillows with her stuff scattered around and she calls you from far, "what?" You grunt. "Help me to move this stuff to special lady rooms."
"Help yourself." Your roll your eyes walking away and she follows you, "and why in the burnin' hell you can't help me?" She might burst from the way she can't fist you.
"Because nobody could ever force me to do anything." You say with chin raised and when she muttered something bad about you under her breath you lost it, "by the way weren't you cryin' last night, you came back in the wee of night. What happened Prince didn't liked sleeping with you?" You smirk at your blow and every lassie started whispering to eachother.
"No...She's lying because she's jealous. I came in the morning." She throws dagger at you but you didn't wavered.
"We'll ask Sheba then."
She remarks at this cockily, ".....don't even try young lady our Prince wouldn't even look at ye'r face." She hits your shoulder and you tighten your lips into a pout standing back tall again.
"I don't even like your Prince, he's a weak oppressor. He'll get nothing in the future!" You were in the middle of your burst when she slapped you hard across your cheek. In defence you knocked her down straddling her torso and hitting her equally. A jasmine picker young girl who was famous for her sweetness, politeness and kindness halted at this corridor of life just because of the vilness of her arounds.
When Harry's Mother the Second Highnesses asked for explanations you just shrugged and Lezabel rambled, "she made me an enemy because I entered seclusion at night, she even mocked me."
"She's lying!" You said loudly. "I did nothing, she attacked me!"
"Shut up, Lady!" "Don't speak without me' permission."
Mother favours Lezabel because she's chosen by her. She nods for her to speak.
"'M not pissed because she mocked me but for about things she said about our prince."
"Throw her in dungeon fo' she'd taste the punishment." Mother Highnesses commands to servants and you groan trying to get rid of their painful hold on you as they dragged you outside. "Don't!!" You scream digging the heels of your feet against the stoney floor to stop them but their power's a thunder storm to your blue rains.
"Please, I promise I didn't started it!" You thrash as they push you inside the pitch dark dungeon slamming the heavy wooden door at your face leaving you crying and begging.
Your head points in every direction afraid of calignosity and you shrink into a corner sobbing loudly, crouching your knees closer to your chest.
Your mind drifting to stardusts, and golden nebulas as your breath turned shallow to stillness, to numbness. Your body giving up, bowing to the visciousness of these walls at your last breath.
The sheer curtains blows letting the cool zephyr to caress Harry's curls. He's sitting at the oak desk which has his brother's poem carved on it in golden letters. He's carving a Red Beryl . A precious stone digged out from the springs. The stone reminds him of you, just like a pomegranate. Sour as if the blood dripping from the sword and sweet as the honey apple tarts.
He frowns when a particular breeze distress his heart and his sixth sense feels something's not right. He calls the servant and asks them for you.
"My Prince. She....Mother—" The servant hesitates not meet Harry's eyes. Harry stands up alert, his jaw set tight as he towers the poor lad.
"Mother Highnesses sent her to dungeons." One sentence's what it took for Harry to flee in resentment. He enters his mother rooms without a knock and she raises her chin smiling looking at her cub. "Ye' know mother she's meh lover, how could ye d'that t' meh?" He asks with dissapointed eyes. "You know that your grandmother and that girl's trying to trap, don't you?" But, he leaves her because you need him more than than the petty explanation.
The lullaby of your mother rings in your ears. A mellow light crooning you to sleep as if your soul's touching the sky. After so long you see stary night doomed with lush tress around.
A cough escapes your lungs and you raise your arm to touch that sky, to grab those stars.
How many stars are there in sky?
....My pearl.....
...And they shine one by one.....They shine one by one.
How many times my eyes has seen this?
.....My pearl.....
"Our Father in sky. My Mary. Why did you leave me alone?" You inhale a long puff of breath. Staring at imagination infront of you but in reality it's just darkness. "Mother, Anni. My heart my soul m' sendin' this message by clouds and air that're passin' above." Your eyes shines and skin glows when the moon glimmered at you.
"Prayin' to God that the letters, I sent ye' arrivez t' ye. They took me away from ye'. And they brought me here to Clisora. Caged me in a palace full of luxuries and magnificence. M' only wish's to come back to you in our island our courtyard. Under me's soil of kindness over my head trees of olives, skies full of pearls." You inhale the jasmine scent in your weak state.
"Father m' anni if couldn't come back to ye', death's m' only escape. I don't want to keep your hopes then remember me in your prayers, I love ye' with my whole dying soul." Your brows furrowing tensely when Harry's face glimpsed infront of you. Your clogged lungs nourishing with some oxygen and you gasp loudly hunching in Harry's arms.
"Y/N!" He taps your cheek trying to bring you to life. His heart at brink of devastation. He himself took you from the dungeon to his garden.
You're in his arms. He's peering down at you worriedly cradling your face in his large soft palms.
"'S okay...." He breaths out when you snap your eyes fearfully to your surroundings. Jasmines around you, vineyard infront of you and the cast pearled sky atop your head. It's the same garden where he met you for the very first time.
"...take a deep breath fo' me." He takes a glass of water helping you sit up. When you whine with the pain in your sides he massaged them, putting your head on his shoulder. His chest against your back as he stroked your hair soothingly. His cheek pressed to yours and he deliberately puts his chin atop your head.
"I thought that I died...n' that I went to heaven. I smelled jasmine everywhere.." He chuckles softly fonding the apples of your cheek, "because I brought it fo' ye', look." You see and it's jasmine plants with pink roses everywhere. They seem like they've been planted recently.
"I know ye' love 'em." He smiles and you didn't know how to response. He hugs you closer to him. For some odd reasons you let him. Inhaling, the rose scent that was kissed to the nape of his neck.
He takes you to His rooms. Situating you on his bed. Sitting beside you and taking your hand warning them up. You puts your head on his shoulder and he glances down at you, leaning closer your mushk attracting him. Your enchantness calling him closer but this's not who he's. He retreats back smooching a wet kiss to your forehead.
You don't realise when you sleep in his arms as he scoots you to the pillows not moving too much letting you lay on his chest.
When you wake up you quickly untangle yourself from him. Stopping to look at his work desk. It's mesmerising with stones you've never seen in life before. A Gold ring with Red Beryl coveted in it catches your attention and you startle when Harry pops out of nowhere.
"These are beautiful." You tells him honestly. "Is it?" He asks back in small voice and you nod giving him a gorgeous smile in return. It's weird you aren't hating him at all.
"This's ones fo' ye'. Reminds meh of ye'." He picks up the tantalising red ring facing you.
"I don't want it, Harry. I want home." He sighs closing his eyes and putting the ring back.
"If I'll become a King. I promise to free ye', Y/N. Till then past's a bad memory fo' ye'." Harry doesn't know that he has to keep his promise as his enthronment days are very near.
Enemies are plotting King's and His death. Bribing the army that they rebel against the Royals.
Laila's taking you to Prince and you shove her to a corner. "Laila, help me escape the palace, please I beg you." She looks at you like you're crazy. "They'll cut our heads." You offer her a bracelet. The only thing you've of your parents.
"There's a secret canal way that leads to back gates of Castle. I could only show you the way." You nod grinning widely, unfortunately the canal lead to one of the higher chief's offices and they caught you.
The chief being a betrayer and rebel thought you were eavesdropping of the plot he was discussing. He knocked you down. Thanks to goodness Laila saved you taking you to nurses.
When you came back to consciousness Harry was there. With others around your bed and that chief too. You stares him in fear.
"Who did this t' ye', Y/N?" He turns his torso to you hands on his widespread knees.
You gulped a lump of tears down your throat. You don't know why but it's hurting you to hurt him?
"I tried to escape." His face falls at that. Monotonous as He turns his back to you. Everyone leaves the room making your anxiety peak up.
"Harry..." You whisper with tears falling. You tried to make him look towards you by grabbing his face but he stood up causing to slip shut your eyes.
The next morning, he wakes up to another girl as you're standing with the Highnesses at the balcony from where his's could be seen.
He's gazing down at you with stern expression going back inside with his chest hurting.
"He don't wants to see me. He's mad at me." You say and Highnesses squeezes your shoulder.
"Our grand son's like this. His anger will soon evaporate. You need to acknowledge he loves you alot."
He's standing at the high balcony from where the whole city's under his single glance. He drives his eyes away from there towards you, scrutinizing every detail of you he's in love with.
He's wearing a sapphire gown over the frilled blouse, his hickory curls shining under the moonlight and when he speaks his maroon lips dripped with cherriness.
"Harry." You keep your eyes away from his piercing ones.
"Dont be afraid. 'M not mad." He tells you with gentleness in his harsh voice.
"To show ye' the city." He takes your hand guiding you to him. "Why?"
"To show how quite it's when it's asleep, but it could swallow ye' alive at ye'r one wrong move." He's trying to put some senses in you. He knows you're about to escape. He wants you to wait. He wants to protect you. He loves you. He'd never want anything bad happen to you. Even though he wants to be selfish and keep you to him he can't, he'd have to let you go. At last this's what love's about, that of suffering and agony.
"We can go check it out sometimes. The city becomes yours when you love it."
"I don't lie Harry, I told you from the very beginning I don't want to be here."
You soon changed the topic brushing your fingers at his knuckles taking him by surprise.
"What bout ye'? "You're not happy either." "You're just like me." He sighs letting his forehead fall against yours.
"It's meh life. 'M destined fo' what 'm." You give him a sympathetic smile. Harry felt warm. He never had someone to pity his life everyone glorified him. Now, it feels better.
"Ye' care bout me?"
"I do." You confess and he smiles kissing your temple with affection.
But something turned inside you making you bitter, "I'm your slave, your property I'm supposed to take care of you, right?." His heart pangs at this. He puts his hands on your shoulder speaking to you with ever love.
"Did I hurt ye'? Was I ever bad to you?" You shake your head in opposition. God what's wrong with me. You thought as his jade irirses remain fixated at your face.
"Did I somehow hurt ye' meh, love?"
"You don't get it. You're not the reason of my sadness." You lean against the railing.
"You're a good person, Harry." You continue with dissapointed pout of your lips. "'S just there are so many girls here they all want you."
He instantly grabs her chin. "But what matters is who I want." You roll your eyes.
"Ye' want all of 'em. There's one every night in your bed, leave me." You mutter walking away from him when he catches your wrist, pulling you back and holding both of your wrists drawing circles on them.
"Y're queen of my heart. The soul of me' body. I find ye' in the sky I wake up to and the stars I sleep to. Y're dream of me heart, the beautiful places I've never visited, Y/N." He leans closer to you and you close your eyes anticipating for a kiss but instead he presses his lips against your temple.
His eyes widens when you slip your arms from his armpits wrapping them around his shoulders to hug him. He sways along you inhaling in your pomegranate fragrance until the sun rises to hues of tangerine.
You're at the secret garden again. The day's pretty bright today. Harry's at the balcony, hands at his folds peeking far to his sight.
"Do you fear death, Harry?" You join him.
"I was never afraid of death. Death was always closer to me like a companion of mine but this life frightens me, Y/N." It's the way he always let his vulnerable side expose to you without any restriction. You raise your hand to caress his cheek hesitating midway and Harry gave you a shy smile clearing his throat.
"But ye' tiny creature gives me hope and light." You fake offend putting your hands on your hips. "'M not tiny!." He cackles loudly. The genuine belly ache one, with his head falling back. There was a weird feeling in your stomach watching him laugh this hard for the first time.
When he heaves his chest loudly moisturizing his lips, craning his jaw to other side you peer him for long minutes before turning it back to you gently and Harry's heart did a little dance when your fingers touched him.
You tip toes. Closing your eyes and attaching your lips to his's. Everything around you vanished to sweet cotton candy. He cups your face in his clammy palms inserting his tongue inside your mouth and you moan biting his bottom lip with sccachirness. He pulls away at the brink of running out of oxygen. Both, of you smiling like fool's gold.
"'M afraid 'm fallin' for ye' Harry." You rub your palms up and down his chest, he slips his hand intervining with yours kissing the insides of it, "meh too, meh too"
A royal party was held at castle. Everyone danced, cheered and drank their arses off. Harry's eyes remained at you as you stood in the far corner not allowed to join. Adorned in red satin gown with work of gold wire and jewelled flowers on it. Layers of clothes and cane cane underneath, heavily embroidered corset pushed so far making your breasts appear plump than they already are, your gorgeous hair beautified with a precious headband of red velvets and sapphire stones around. Highnesses gifted you this dress to look pretty for Harry, ordering hairstylist to put curls in your hair and cherry balmness to your lips.
When the Princess of some state came to dance with Harry it caused something to twist in your tummy. It's jealously boiling inside you. Harry smirks whispering something in princess ear that caused her to laugh and you grunted under your breath balling your fists. It's an alluring sight for him. He wishes he wakes upto it daily.
You gesture him with your brows to meet you and He gave you a lopsided smile with mischief in his eyes.
When he stepped in corridors cooing your name climbing up the stairs. His finger tips brushing agaisnt the each wall kissed your presence.
Then two delicate hands pulled him to a side making him squeak dramatically and leading you inside his rooms carefully.
"Ye' mad woman!" You roll your eyes. Smashing your lips against his's catching him by surprise for thousandth time. He kisses you back with same passion, yearn and vigour saturating the thread like distance between you by taking you from hips.
He seals your squeal as you both toppled back to plush floor pillows. He rakes his hands down your calves locking them around his waist. You take his face kissing him with tongue and he fondled your sides caringly.
He moans into your mouth wrapping a hand around your throat and deepening the kiss. Everything feels so hot like burning maroons and you grind your pelvis against his hard on crotch.
"Want ye'." You whine slipping your fingers in his silk curls as he sucked a spot under your ear. He pushes himself back from the crook of your neck tucking wild errands of your tresses back.
"Ye' want meh, sweet girl?" He whispers with sweetest voice continuously petting your head, "I do, Harry. Only you." Harry's so happy he have no words to describe, but his actions would.
He fondles your chin and all you could do's stare his lips, "Tell meh darlin', wha' do yeh wan' from meh?" Your breaths mingling as he grazed his delicate fingers down between the valley of your chest. He maintains an eye contact with you like a prying loin as he glided down your core leaving kisses over your clothes.
When he subduedly pushes your skirts up your bended knees you scrunch upto find his head hovering over your centre, "what're ye' doin'?" You ask him out of breath and he chafed the flesh of your inner thighs mildly.
"Lovin' on meh pretty girl with meh mouth first." Whatever, it's his words coiled knots in your stomach causing you to clench your thighs together but he tutted spreading them wide.
Cool air hits against your dripping cunt when he gets rid of your cotton knickers. He wets his lips, admiring you for moments seeping in the way your pussy lips shining with arousal fluttered with anticipation.
"'S pretty. Love fo' meh?" You bob your head gasping loudly when he traced gentle patterns to your mound. He lowers himself down halting midway, "look meh, darlin'." He tries to gain your attention by tugging your hand intervining his fingers with yours and he climbs back to smauch a kiss to your lips, giving a long wet wipe to your cupid bow. He boops your nose when you giggle gasping in the middle when he pinched your hip-bones.
"I wan' your eyes on meh, when I lick your sweet cunt." The drift of his voice to sterness made him appear intimidating and you gulp nodding.
Your spine arched beautifully when his warm tongue gave an agonisingly tender swipe from your slit to clitoris. He licks like a hungry kitten, small but rapid that causes you to curl your toes in pleasure. You meander your fingers in his wild curls pulling them harshly that made him groan into your pussy.
"Harry..." You moan when he nibbles at your glistening pussy lips, nudging your clitoris with his perfect nose that shooted zaps of pleasure to your spine. "Mhmph, s' fuckin' peachy." He murmurs sucking and taking your nub between his lips to pull it meeting your gaze.
Your head falls back the instant his emarld eyes glimmered at you. The corners of his mouth fully covered with your arousal and wetness.
You lost it when he inserted his tongue inside you, your walls clenching around the soft muscle as it poked in different directions. The tip of his tongue massaging your sweet spot again and again. He gropes your thighs tightly imprinting the rash of his hands when you thrashed in his hold while he laps at you.
"'M gonna...ah!" You yell almost crushing his head and grinding yourself against his mouth. You gushed. Your pleasure coming in waves upon waves dripping down your slit and coating Harry's lips. Your eyes fluttering like butterfly to come to the sight of him atop yours. He's grinning down at you with his cheeky dimples showing and you poke them with your shivering finger.
You kiss him with parted mouth. This time it's slow, sweet and soft. A kiss that melts you in spot, that causes you to desire for more. Your fingers fumbled with his trousers and he helped you shimming them down his ankles.
He lays you down on his bed. Getting you naked not forgetting to love on you how you deserve. Kissing your bare shoulders, your neck and breasts in the process. He kisses your forehead, the apple of you cheeks and your lips at last.
You whimper when he collects your moisture, sushing you with his delicate lips he uses your wetness to tug at his cock. His bulbous head three shades crimsoned of his heart-shaped lips. Both of you moan together in ecastasy when he with ever softness stroked his head in between your pussy lips, flickering your clit with it.
"Take meh hand, darlin'." He winds his fingers with yours pressing them into velvet sheets, your breath hitches when the tip of his cock brushed agaisnt your hole.
"'M bout to get in yeh'." He tells you temple resting against yours and you gave him a wavering smile pecking the corners of his lips.
You give a kitten cry when he buries himself deep inside you slowly taking care of your comfort, "I know. I know, petal." He swiped the sheen away from your hairline staying still as you bolted your eyes shut clamping around him tight. He grunts in pain his back getting pooled in sweat against your palms, but he doesn't care. For you he could bare any misery.
"Relax. Jus' take a breath fo' me, yeah darlin'?" He takes your bottom lip sucking it tenderly as you milked and nourished his cock buried deep inside you. "Y're doin' s' good baby', s' good fo' meh."
His care. Affection. His gentleness for you building three words in you and you were about to say them with ever love for him.
"I...You can move." He plants a small kiss to your hair. Burrowing his head in between your breasts moving with slow thrusts of his hips, you whine and when he gave a particular hard thrust. When he stops immediately looking for any sign of distress on your face you lulled his beautiful face to kiss him. He smiles against your lips, your noses doing eskimo kisses. He's doesn't want to rush. He want to make love with you. Give you all his lovin' he ever had.
"Feels so warm around me cock. Feels s' fuckin' good."
Soon pain faded to tingling of rapture and you locked your elbows around his neck meeting his slow thrusts.
You swirled his curl around your finger adoring his heavenly features. His brows kinking together as he felt blissful pleasure building inside his spine. The bridge of his nose crimson and his cheeks flushed. He held you tight to his chest coming in inside you in spurts of thickness coating your walls and some of it oozing out of your cunt.
He has never felt this ecastic. In the arms of his love. His life. The reason of his presence. Coming out of his headspace he pulled back carefully with his hand pressing on your tummy, when you whine from the soreness he kisses your outer thighs.
"Dear Lord." You moan at the top of your lungs when he kissed your pussy. He tastes himself and you on his tongue as he cleaned and licked you, knowing you couldn't come on your first he took care of you with his luscious sexy mouth. Making you cum for him twice. He has never heard such a pretty noise that of your little saccharine moans and whimpers.
Your head rests on his bare chest. Calves tangled and silk sheets on your hips as he ran his thumb in soothing patterns over your shoulder blade.
"I love you, Y/N. 'Ve never loved someone this much." You smile up at him pecking the underside of his chin with loud smooching noises and his giggles rumbles through his ribcages making you sigh dreamily. He was drowning into slumber and you stared up at the renaissance painting blinking when the realization dawned upon you. What 'm doin'? Is this even right? Your self questioning came to a drastic stop when the room echoed with a knock. You draped a His silk robes over your naked figure popping your head from the creak of door.
"Laila?" You squint and she nodded vigorously gesturing you to come outside.
"I've found a new tunnel that really leads to the back gates of Castle, we need to slide outta here before midnight at that time the duties of guards changes." She whisper yelled. You look at her in shock and uncertainty, until nodding in agreement at last. Quickly rushing in back to put on your clothes halting in tracks when Harry's little breaths reaches your heart you lowers down to plant a kiss to his forehead, frowning at the fact he's burning giving half of your heart to him you exited his rooms because whatever's your descion pain's written in your destination. Putting on a the hood of your magenda velvet coat, you snatches a lantern running away from the indoors pushing the heavy oak doors as you reach to gate Laila stops you to give a hug. "Take care of yourself." You sighed with your heart shattering to pieces.
"Take care of Harry, fo' me, laila." Saying this you rushed away into the meadows pondering over the 'I love you' you've rested on your lips.
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fckinsupreme · 4 years
it happened one summer - xavier plympton x fem reader
Description: Xavier tries to charm a fellow counselor, but she isn’t falling for it. She wants something serious, and believes that Xavier is after one thing. Can he convince her that he wants more than just a hook-up? 
Word count: 6k 
Warnings: Female reader, AU, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, nipple play, handjob, basically the second half of this is nothing but filth. 
A/N: Anonymous requested--Xavier trying to flirt with the new girl who goes to Redwood with his gang. She's a virgin but not stupid. She wants a serious relationship with someone more than just sex. And if this blondie only wants a regular hook up, well she's not the one. So Xavier will tried to convice her that he really wants something more with her. He thinks he's hot, but not because of her body. (Well, a little) But when he sees her zero fuck attitute he feels in love even more.
You groan in defeat as Xavier Plympton claims one of your checkers, eyeing him in wide-eyed desperation. “Do I have to?”
“You know the rules, babe,” he says, gesturing toward your shirt. “Strip checkers denotes losing an article of clothing with every loss of a piece, so pay up!”
You sigh, annoyed with your own carelessness as you unbutton your blouse. A breeze passes through the ajar cabin door, the summer night air hitting your bare skin as your shirt falls to the floor. Your nipples harden inside of your bra, but luckily, the padding keeps it mostly concealed. “I thought checkmate was a chess thing, by the way?”
“Hm, don’t know,” Xavier says, licking his lips as he ogles your shirtless form. “Your turn.”
Your eyes scan the board, trying to decide a good move. The answer stares you in the face for the longest time, and you move one of your red checkers over one of his black ones when you see it. You claim the piece, eyeing his shirt with a satisfied grin. “Your turn.”
“Goddammit,” Xavier says with a chuckle, tugging his teal shirt over his head and throwing it aside.
Your cheeks heat in a hot blush at the sight of his bare torso. You knew he was fit and had a good body, but you didn’t quite realize just how built he had been. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, a slight outline of abs present on his stomach, his chest perfectly defined. Xavier has apparently noticed the color in your cheeks as you stare, a grin forming over his full lips. He laughs and flexes his biceps for you, which finally tears your gaze away with a darker flush. 
“Like what you see, babe?” Xavier asks smugly. 
“I--” you begin, cutting yourself off with a shake of your head as you watch him make a move. Luckily, he doesn’t claim any of your pieces. “Why do you flirt with me so much? It’s all you’ve done since we got here at camp.”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Xavier asks with an amused grin. 
“Not really, no,” you say, making an unsuccessful move. “Enlighten me.”
“It’s because you’re beautiful,” Xavier says, surveying the board and moving his piece. “Seriously, Y/N. You’re stunning, and I don’t think you even realize it. I think you’re totally oblivious to the fact that you’re a fucking knockout, and that makes you even more beautiful.”
“What a line,” you say with a slight eye roll as you move a piece past his. He removes his shorts, and you’re unable to get a good look before he sits down. “Do you say that to all the girls you wanna get in bed with?”
“No,” he says, his tongue poking out as he claims another of your checkers. “Aha!”
You whine, slipping out of your skirt with reluctance. You feel so vulnerable, so exposed, and you aren’t too fond of that feeling. You try to cover your still-covered breasts with one arm, but to no avail. Xavier is trying so hard not to gawk, but he’s unable to help himself. For some odd reason, his staring fills you with a certain degree of rage. He certainly didn’t get angry when you were checking him out, so why be so harsh? You had a hunch as to why, but you weren’t going to vocalize it yet; mostly because it scared you to even entertain. 
“I need to get back to my cabin,” you say, rising to your feet. “This was a mistake.”
“Woah, what?” Xavier asks in surprise, brows knitted as he watches you gather your discarded clothes. “Babe--”
“Please stop calling me that,” you beg as you get dressed. “And please stop flirting with me.”
“But--” he begins, cut off as you walk out of the cabin and into the night.
The next morning, Xavier was at it again.
Not only did he flirt with you first thing, but he was also hitting on Montana, Brooke, and anyone else within range. Apparently it hadn’t been the first time; you’d overheard Montana telling Ray that Xavier was getting more flirtatious with her since their arrival. You felt betrayed, deceived, utterly foolish for believing that a man as beautiful as Xavier Plympton would ever want you. Your heart stung, but you made a promise to yourself not to fall for it again. It was one you intended to keep, no matter how difficult he made it. 
You ate breakfast alone, in silence. Your lone wolf status didn’t last long, however, as Xavier took a seat next to you. You scoot away, but he follows, oblivious to your anger and disappointment. Since moving isn’t working, you choose to ignore him. You eat quietly, not acknowledging his presence until he starts flirting with you once more. This time, his topic had been how the filtering of the sunlight in the cafeteria made you look angelic, and how he would love to show you Heaven sometime. 
“Stop,” you say sternly. “Just stop it, Xavier.”
“What’s wrong?” Xavier asks. 
“You’re what’s fucking wrong,” you say. “I know you’re flirting with literally every single counselor here. I fucking know I’m not the only one.”
“Y/N--” he begins, but you stop him. 
“No, fucking listen to me for once,” you say after taking a bite of bacon, and he falls silent. “I thought I was the only one. I was gonna give you a chance, but after all of that? No thanks; I’ll pass.” 
“I--” he starts, and you cut him off again.
“I’m not done,” you say angrily. “I want something serious. I want a relationship, not something where I have to contend with a man who flirts around and can’t decide who he wants. I want commitment, love, joy. Clearly, none of that is what you can give.”
“I don’t understand why that’s such a big deal,” Xavier says softly. “I--”
“You wanna know?” you ask, your voice raised a little. You lower it as a few counselors turn in your direction, not wanting to attract too much attention. “It’s a huge fucking deal to me, because I’m a virgin. Okay?”
His eyes widen at that admission, and he gapes before finding his voice. “You...what? Really?”
“Really,” you confirm. “I want my first time to be with someone special, so I haven’t experienced it yet. Wanna know why? Because all men I’ve considered always ended up being like you.”
Xavier hangs his head in shame, and when he looks at you again, his expression is remorseful. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know; I feel like such a jerk.”
“That’s because you are one,” you say, tossing your napkin onto the tray of your half-eaten meal. “So, if your objective has been trying to get in my pants, then you’re wasting your time. I’m not giving my virginity to you.”
“I do want only you,” he says, and you laugh humorlessly. “Seriously! I only flirted with the others because I thought you didn’t like me.”
“I did like you, until you threw yourself at every piece of ass here,” you spit, getting up from the table. “I’m going to shoot some arrows at the archery station. Please don’t bother following me.”
He didn’t. 
The next few days were quite eventful on the Xavier front. Every time you turned around, it seemed Xavier was right there with another lame tall tale. He was sorry, he would do better, he would stop flirting with others, he would spend more time with you and less with them. You rebuffed him each time, not wanting to hear another word of it. 
But then he actually did stop flirting around, and he was there to lend a sincere helping hand when you needed it. In your mind, you interpreted all of these sudden changes as him wanting to be your first. After all, most men had a secret obsession with virginal women—or not so secret, in some cases. Xavier was a playboy, there was no doubt about that. So, who’s to say that he didn’t possess the same sick need to be the one taking your virginity? You were nothing but a bragging right to him, and your anxiety & temper about it finally boiled over as the two of you swam in the lake. 
“You truly are a pretty girl,” Xavier says as you surface from a dive. “Even when doing the smallest things.”
“Can you not do this?” you beg. “Please. I came out here to cool off, not listen to more of your bullshit.”
He holds his hands up in mock surrender, a wide grin on his lips. “Sorry. I just feel bad for what happened, and I wanted to show you how sorry I really am.” 
“Just don’t flirt with me,” you say. “That’s all you need to do, if you really wanna prove it to me.”
He nods with a sigh, and you float on your back. The sky is a clear, cloudless blue, so mesmerizing and also a bit terrifying. How easy it was to get lost in such an abyss and how simple it was to associate that color blue with Xavier’s eyes...Those beautiful baby blues that seemed so endless, like a vast ocean or sky that would take and take and take--
You stop yourself, taking a deep breath and plunging below the water. You allow it to carry you, swaying you gently to and fro, not sure what doing so will accomplish. Perhaps you wanted to drown the thoughts of him away, or maybe it was as simple as wanting to hide. The anger flashes through your mind again, that comment he’d made minutes earlier churning through your insides. You go up, gulping air into your lungs and pushing some hair from your eyes as you glare daggers at him. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks curiously. “What have I done now?”
“What you always do,” you say, swimming away from him. “You do realize these half-assed attempts won’t work, right? I know what your angle is.”
“And what is it?” Xavier asks irritably. “Please tell me what you think is going on in MY head.”
“You only want to try and ‘prove’ yourself so I change my mind and let you fuck me,” you spat. “It’s not working, Xavier.”
“Y/N,” Xavier says in frustration. “That’s not why! You aren’t some meaningless piece of ass to me. I know your stance; if I was gonna use you, I would have given up already. It was clear that you wouldn’t change your mind, so it wouldn’t have been worth it to keep trying.”
“I call bullshit,” you say, climbing out of the lake and shaking water from your ears. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it.” 
You look back at him as you grab your towel. He’s quiet, but the expression on his face was akin to a man in love. The glint in his eyes, the awestruck look, the dopey grin. You can’t stop the laugh that rips from your chest at the sight, but as you walk away, your heart pangs at the thought of what it may mean.
This wasn’t going to be easy, was it? 
A couple days after the lake incident, the counselors gathered at the dock to enjoy a barbecue and some sunbathing. That is, all the counselors except you; you took up the offer to clean Margaret’s cabin. Anything that kept you away from Xavier was exactly what you needed. It wasn’t that he was bothering you; you were past that point now. In fact, you actually wanted to see him more, after seeing the lovestruck expression on his face days earlier. But you told yourself you wouldn’t get attached or fall for him any harder; it would only end in a heartbreak that you possibly couldn’t recover from.
You begin dusting Margaret’s mantel when you hear Xavier at the front door. “Y/N?”
Your blood runs cold, and you swallow hard past the lump in your throat. “Yeah?” you manage, poking your head into the front room.
“I had to come and see you,” Xavier says, wringing his hands anxiously. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but all I’m asking is that you hear me out. Okay?”
You sigh, sitting behind her desk as you dust your hands off. “You can try, but no promises that I’ll believe you.”
He nods in understanding, taking a deep breath. “Listen, I know you think that I’m only after you for sex. I know you think I’m lying when I say that isn’t true, but I honestly don’t want you just for that reason. I truly think that you’re beautiful and that you’re the best girl I’ve ever met. You’re all I’ve thought about from the moment we met, and as much as I wish you would get out of my head, it won’t happen. I don’t care that you’re a virgin; I like you for you. I flirted with the others, because I didn’t wanna fall deeply for you. I know you’d never go for a guy like me. Why would you? A goddess like you is way out of my league, anyway.”
“Xavier--” you begin, but he cuts you off. 
“I’m not done,” he says, taking another deep breath. “I know I screwed up by being too flirty, but I’m determined to make it up to you. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’m telling the truth. I really am sorry, and knowing that I hurt you causes me pain, too. I just...I’m an idiot and I really screwed up. I didn’t know what a good thing I was losing. It’s just something I’m always going to have to live with, and I hope you can forgive me someday.” 
You’re silent, staring at him in astonishment. Xavier, apparently taking this as the worst possible sign, turns to leave. Before he can, though, you rest a hand on his arm to stop him. The realization that he’s telling the truth hits you full force, and you can’t just let him walk away. The efforts he took to find you and come clean, to pour his heart out...If he truly was after sex, it wouldn’t have occured to him to do any of it. He would have kept persisting, but this? It wasn’t the standard, run-of-the-mill player nonsense. It was genuine. 
“Wait,” you whisper, eyes flicking to meet his. “Please don’t go.”
“But--” he begins.
Before he can formulate a complete response, your lips press to his in a soft, chaste kiss. It’s quicker than you intended, but you hope he received the message loud & clear. He melts against your lips, the hint of a smile on his own as you draw back. The faintness of his grin fades quickly, replaced by a frown as he shakes his head. You can still feel the soft plumpness of his lips on yours, an electric tingle charging through them and settling between your legs. You look at him in confusion as he stares at the ground, wondering what’s going through his mind. Finally, he speaks it. 
“Don’t kiss me unless you mean it,” he begs. “Please, Y/N.” 
“I do mean it,” you assure him, brushing your fingers through the hair on the side of his head. “I really do. I know you’re being honest, Xavier. It took a lot of effort and I know you wouldn’t have bothered if you didn’t mean it. It’s too much to put yourself through for a single day of sex, and you know my stance. But you didn’t give up, and that’s how I know you mean it.”
The grin that forms on Xavier’s face threatens to split it in half. His hands land on your waist, coaxing you toward him until your chest is flush to his. He brushes hair from either side of your face with both of his hands, cupping your jaw and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. He slowly comes in for another kiss, his warm, inviting lips finding yours once more. Your eyes slip closed, and an overwhelming urge to deepen the kiss washes over you. Your tongue trails over his lips after a moment, and you can feel him withdrawing. You whine in protest, but he shakes his head in response.
“Do you really want this?” Xavier asks, nervously chewing on his lower lip. “If you aren’t ready, then we don’t have to. Please don’t feel pressured, okay?”
“I do want it,” you say. “I really do. I wouldn’t be engaging you if I didn’t. I want it, Xavier; I want you.”
“I won’t let you down or break your heart,” Xavier promises. “You have my word on that.”
“I know,” you say, closing the space between you and sealing your lips to his again. 
The kiss immediately deepens, with Xavier’s tongue swiping past yours as he grips the back of your neck. His lips taste of peppermint and a faint hint of citrus, and the combination is dizzying. It makes you crave more of him, and you lick the roof of his mouth as he shivers slightly. He backs you up, drawing away long enough to lead you to Margaret’s bed. He places you on the mattress, lips connecting to yours again. Your hands explore his back and torso, wanting to take in every single inch that’s accessible to you.
“Mmm,” he hums, mouth trailing over your jaw and down your neck. “Is it okay if I start taking your clothes off?”
“Yes,” you say, nuzzling against his scalp. “Go ahead.”
“You’re sure?” Xavier asks, and you chuckle as you give him a playful swat. “Ow!”
“It’s really fine,” you say. “If something is wrong, I’ll tell you. I swear.”
He tugs you up, lifting your shirt over your head and discarding it. He studies you, the way your chest heaves, the way you’re already reaching for him in anticipation, and he kisses you with such passion that it sends electricity throughout your body. You grab his shirt next, and as soon as you fist it, he stops the kiss to remove it. You take in every line of muscle with your fingers, relishing in the way he shudders beneath your touch. His lips attach to your neck again, leaving featherlight kisses all over your skin. You moan loudly as he kisses the area between your neck & shoulder, which prompts him to press his mouth even harder against that same spot.
“Shit, that feels so good,” you gasp, and you can feel him grinning against your neck. 
“You’ll be surprised what feels good, babe,” he breathes, dragging his teeth along your neck and under your jaw. “I’ll show you.”
“Please,” you beg, grabbing his belt and unfastening it clumsily. “I want you to show me everything.”
“I will,” he promises. “I’ll be slow and gentle.”
“I trust you,” you say, gripping his hair as he kisses your collarbones. “Wholeheartedly.”
“What a pleasant turn of events,” Xavier jokes, winking as he coaxes your hips upward. “Lift yourself up, baby.”
You do as you’re told, allowing Xavier to remove your shorts. Xavier kisses you again as he throws them aside, his tongue pressing to yours as he runs a hand from your side to your hip. Your fingers fumble with his zipper, and after what seems to take forever, you get his pants unbuttoned. You shove them down as far as you can manage, and he kicks them to the floor. The two of you make out a little, with your bra & panties coming off along the way. When you remove his boxers, you both sit back to admire each other’s exposed bodies. Xavier’s cock is far bigger than you imagined, and you chew your lip anxiously as you wonder how much it’s going to hurt. Xavier, seemingly picking up on your anxiety, gives you a gentle, reassuring kiss.
“I’ll be cautious and I’ll make sure you’re ready,” he assures. “Can I just say, though...Your body is fucking perfect, Y/N. Perfect tits, perfect pussy, perfect everything.”
You blush a little, and Xavier begins kissing over your breasts. He explores every inch, pulling your nipple between his teeth. He’s very careful, but the sensation is one you’ve never felt before. It’s so good that your eyes flutter closed, a soft mewl falling from your lips as he starts sucking. Your noises grow in volume, your cunt throbbing as fresh arousal pools between your legs. His hand caresses your thigh, a violent shiver rolling down your spine as he touches a particularly sensitive area. He alternates, switching to the opposite nipple and giving it the same treatment as the other. You tug his hair, arching a little against the new, unfamiliar sensations coursing through your body. 
“Xavier,” you mewl, eyes closed as he starts massaging your tits. He presses them together, burying his face in your chest and inhaling your scent. You giggle as he leaves small hickeys between them, the light marks soon darkening as his tongue runs over one nipple again. “It feels so nice.”
“I know something that’s gonna feel even better,” Xavier says, kissing down your stomach. 
“What is it?” you question, sitting up on your elbows to get a good look at him.
“Eating your pussy,” he says, pulling you down a little as he settles between your legs. “You know what that is, don’t you?”
“Duh,” you say with a chuckle, biting back a moan as he kisses the top of your mound. “I’m not totally clueless, but I want you to do it. I want it so fucking much.”
“And you’ll get it,” he tells you, opening your legs a little further to observe your soaked cunt.
You take in the sight, just drinking it up. His pretty blue eyes fixated on your face as he presses the most delicate kisses to your inner thighs. The way his breath fans over your skin. The way his hair tickles your thighs, his earring catching the light as his strong arms grip your legs. It’s an image you never want to lose, and one you wanted burned into your mind forever. If he would ever leave you, God forbid...you wanted to memorize every last detail.
“Are you ready?” Xavier asks, running his tongue slowly along your groin.
“I’ve been ready,” you breathe, whining as he licks the opposite side. “Please, do it.”
Xavier gently opens your legs a bit further, two of his fingers parting your inner lips before running his tongue through them. The sensation that his wet, silky tongue leaves behind is nothing short of incredible, and it’s much better than you ever imagined. He hums as your taste floods his mouth, his eyes slipping closed as he relishes in it. You shiver as his tongue flicks your clit, the touch so soft and light that you almost couldn’t register it. His arms remain around your thighs, his large hands gripping the areas above your knees. As his lips brush over each side of your pussy, his thumbs caress the hollows of your knees as a bit of reassurance, calming your nerves even more.
“How are you doing?” Xavier asks, sucking your left lip. “Good?”
“Very good,” you confirm, playing with the little stray piece of hair on his forehead. “I love it so much. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t unless you tell me to,” Xavier says, massaging the same area with his tongue as his fingers trail through your slick, messy cunt. “Do you mind if I finger you?”
“No, go ahead,” you say, crying out in pleasure as his finger slowly pushes inside, stopping only when he’s in to the last knuckle. “Xavier...That...It’s amazing.”
“I know, baby,” he coos, working his finger against your sweet spot as he laps ast your clit. “I know.”
You arch instinctively as he curls his finger, and the mixed sensations of that & his tongue send jolts up your spine. His eyes never leave your face, wanting to see your reactions and how your body moves in response, and it occurs to you that he’s doing as you had moments ago. He wants to keep this memory, in case he cannot have it again after today. But you already know that he didn’t need to worry, just as you, unknowingly, didn’t need to worry about it, either. 
“Can I add another finger?” Xavier asks gently, kissing along your outer labia. “Or would that be too much?”
“Try it,” you say. “If it’s too much, I’ll tell you.”
He nods, carefully adding a second finger. It doesn’t hurt, but you feel fuller than before. It isn’t too unpleasant, but it does feel a little odd at first. Every time you touched yourself in the past, it was more clitoral stimulation than fingering, so it was a little weird with someone else doing it for you. Besides, his fingers were longer and thicker than yours, which only added to the foreign sensation they left. You clench instinctively, and he groans lowly against your clit in response.
“You’re so beautiful,” Xavier rasps, his free hand snaking up your side and landing on one of your breasts. “The most beautiful girl in the world.”
You’re so lost in pleasure that you don’t even roll your eyes at his comment, instead feeling a familiar tightness in your lower belly. The way he’s sucking on your clit, pumping his fingers, and playing with your breast are enough to tip you, but you aren’t ready to fall yet. You want to prolong it as much as possible, to savor it. Who knows how long it would be until you could have it again, especially with Margaret and her bullshit “no sex” rules. Knowing Xavier, however, he would find a way.
But would he find a way with you again?
You shake those thoughts from your head, bringing yourself back to present. Xavier’s fingers rub against your G-spot, just as his lips envelop your clit again. He shakes his head rapidly back & forth, applying more pressure with his mouth. He swipes his thumb over your hard nipple, pinching in time with his tongue. You don’t have time to warn him that you’re cumming, your orgasm washing over you and casting you into a pleasurable abyss. You gush all over his fingers, his name spilling from your lips as you close your eyes while the high takes you. You’d given yourself many orgasms over the years, but this was much better by far. There was just something about having someone do it for you that was intoxicating, and you crave more already. You were so sensitive, however, that just the feeling of him dragging his nose through your folds brings pain. 
Xavier pulls his fingers out, drawing his head away as you shove it. “Are you okay, babe?” 
“I’m amazing,” you breathe. “Just a little sensitive, that’s all.”
“Not bad for your first time, huh?” Xavier asks as he slowly climbs up your body.
“Not at all,” you breathe, tugging him down for a hot kiss. You can taste your pussy on his mouth, his lips still slick with your juices before you lick it away. “You’re fucking good at that.”
“You’re just saying that because you have nothing to compare it to,” Xavier teases, his lashes fluttering as you close your hand around his erection. “Oh fuck, baby…”
His cock feels heavy in your hand, and pleasantly warm as you glide your hand up and down. It takes you a second to get a proper rhythm, and Xavier is happy to help you. He places his hand on yours, guiding you, showing you how it’s done. You take in every ridge, every bit of skin, every motion, getting used to how he feels before he fucks you. You’re a little nervous, but at the same time, you can’t wait. You trust Xavier, you know he’s going to be careful, but there’s still part of you that’s scared.
“Fuck,” Xavier hisses, peering at you with a soft smile. “Are you ready?”
You nod, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly to try and calm your nerves. “I am. Just...go slow, okay?”
“I promise I will,” Xavier says, rubbing his cock through your folds to help you adjust to the feel. “On three.”
You count down, and Xavier begins pushing inside. A burning, tearing pain sears through your core, and you wince as you squeeze your eyes shut. The pressure is intense, unpleasant, and you worry that you won’t be able to do this after all. Xavier stops immediately, not going any further yet. You wonder if there’s blood and how much, but the thought is so scary that you push it away quickly. This was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not something to fear. However, the pain is so great that it takes you away from any other thought. It makes focusing on pleasure a little difficult, but you trust Xavier and the process. 
“Does it hurt too much, baby?” Xavier questions, kissing over your neck in a soothing manner. “Should I stop?”
“No, I’m okay,” you assure him. “It hurts, but I don’t want you to stop.”
He nods, kissing you tenderly before continuing to slowly push inside of you. It’s still painful, so he stops occasionally to give you more time to adjust. But soon, the uncomfortable pressure begins to dissipate, and you can feel every little bit of him. He’s probably in halfway now--or a little over that, but it’s all you can take. He’s massive, and you can’t accommodate all of him right now, but that’s fine with you. What you’re already feeling is nothing short of incredible, and is far from what you imagined in the best way possible. Pain was temporary; your focus was on the present, and it was perfect now. 
“How are you feeling?” Xavier asks as he gazes into your eyes. “Is it still really painful?”
“No, I’m better now,” you say, kissing him hotly before clenching around him. It feels so strange, but it’s a good strange. “Please go deeper; I think I can take it.”
Xavier inches in a bit deeper, getting a little more progress before you stop him. Tears prickle at your eyes as fresh pain rips through your core, and Xavier shakes his head. “That’s enough for now, babe. I’m in far enough, don’t worry.”
You open your mouth to tell him that you’re fine, but he gives that first slow, shallow thrust and you soon forget. A moan slips from your lips, and you cling to him as he sets a careful pace. He keeps the slow rhythm, not daring to speed up in fear of hurting you. He looks into your eyes, not wavering his gaze as his muscular arms flex with every move he makes. One of your hands grips his back, the other holding the base of his neck to pull him down for a kiss. The pain is slowly melting away, replaced by the most overwhelming ecstasy you’ve ever felt. 
“Fuck, I can’t get over how good you feel,” Xavier breathes, pressing tender kisses to your cheeks and jawline. “You’re so tight, so wet.”
“I guess the tightness was to be expected,” you tease, forehead against his as he comes up for another kiss. 
“It was,” he says against your lips, smiling as he begins breathing heavily. He’s still set at a slow, romantic pace, but you’re in no hurry to make him go faster. “Baby…”
“Xavier,” you whine, his lips attaching to your upper chest as he hums lowly. 
“You’re doing so well,” he praises. “You’re taking my cock so well, babe. I knew you could; I think you were really meant for me.”
“Strangely, I do, too,” you say, head falling back with a moan as he hits directly into the spot that makes you see stars. “Shit, do that again.”
Xavier thrusts against that spot once more, and you dig into his back momentarily. He moans softly at the feeling of your nails in his skin, hooking your legs over his waist to hit at a deeper angle. Another burning sensation tears through you, but it isn’t as bad or long-lasting as the first had been. He brings your lips to his in a heated, passionate kiss, conveying all emotion into it. If it hadn’t already been clear how he felt for you, that one kiss would have sealed the deal.
Xavier Plympton was going to be the death of you, wasn’t he?”
“I love how well you’re handling this,” Xavier says. “You’re so fucking good, babe. I’m gonna take even better care of you, okay? I promise.”
You smile, but it’s soon wiped from your face as you turn toward the front door. No one is there, but the fact that Margaret could return at any minute made your blood run cold. You pull Xavier’s face toward yours with a worried expression, but he doesn’t seem to notice your concern.
“Xav, what if Margaret comes back?” you ask anxiously. “We’ve been here for awhile.”
“She won’t,” Xavier assures. “It’s gonna be okay. I overheard her saying that she was going to town for supplies and would be gone all day. She left Trevor and Bertie in charge.”
“I’d be surprised if the camp is still standing when she gets back,” you joke, gripping his back a little tighter as his lips find your nipple. “Mmm…”
Xavier reaches down, rubbing your clit as your body tenses. He takes it as a painful reaction, slowly removing his hand before you grab his wrist to stop him. You shake your head, placing his hand back on your clit and holding it there as he grins. He presses his forehead to yours, gazing into your eyes as you both moan hotly. You nuzzle against him as his thrusts gain speed, and all initial discomfort is soon forgotten. Your head tips back, eyes shut for a moment before they snap open when he growls lowly. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. “I never want this to end.”
“I don’t, either,” you admit. “Even if Margaret does walk in, I don’t want you to stop.”
“She won’t,” Xavier says. “Even if she did, what is she gonna do? Make us clean the whole camp? It would be so worth it!” 
“Please keep doing that,” you beg, pushing against his hand for emphasis. “I’m getting really close.”
“Me too, baby,” Xavier whispers, one hand still working aa he uses the other for balance. “You’re sure it’s okay to cum inside of you?”
“Yes,” you say. “As long as it’s okay with you.”
“You first,” Xavier says, rubbing your clit in harder, faster circles. “Come on, baby. I know you want to.”
You almost roll your eyes, but you’re too lost in your pleasure to care about his comment. One more sharp thrust and a couple more swipes to your clit send the coil loose, tipping you over the edge into bliss. You cum the hardest you ever have before--including earlier--scratching down his back hard enough to draw a little blood. You cry out his name, your orgasm washing over you in a long wave. It feels like you’re drowning, your head spinning, your breath stolen, his sweaty body still pressed to yours.
Xavier cums after, and a new warmth soon spreads inside of you. You can barely register it, but it feels amazing nonetheless as he gently bites your neck. His cock twitches as he finishes, pulling out to collapse next to you. Some of his seed drips from your pussy, gathering onto the bed below. You’re both panting, lying there as you try to collect yourselves. The smell of sex and crisp summer air billow around the room, but neither of you are bothered. You’re too absorbed in the afterglow to care.
After a few moments of silence, Xavier scoops you in his arms. He hugs your sticky, slightly shaky body to his, lips pressing to the top of your head. “I don’t wanna let you go, Y/N.”
“Who says you have to?” you ask, looking up at him with a smile. “You don’t have to, you know.”
“Good,” Xavier says, running a finger down your cheek. “Because I really don’t want to.”
“Thank you so much for making my first time so special,” you say as you kiss his cheek. “I’m really glad that this happened, Xavier. I mean it, and I’m sorry I was so cold before. You were such a gentleman, and I’m sorry I ever doubted that.”
“It’s okay,” Xavier says. “It’ll get better after the first time. It’s never the most pleasant, but it’s smooth sailing after that. So I’ve heard.”
“I thought it went well enough,” you say as you gaze up at him. “But I can’t wait to do it again.”
“We have all summer, babe,” Xavier says joyously. “Beyond that, too!”
You chuckle, rolling him onto his back as you kiss him hungrily. For the first time since arriving at Camp Redwood, you found yourself excited for the remainder of the summer. While the two of you had sex again--this time far more satisfactory than last--you couldn’t help but feel happy for everything ahead. 
@littledemondani, @wroteclassicaly, @leatherduncan @melodylangdon, @lovelylangdonx, @confettucini, @littlegirlsdontplaynice, @dark-mei-rose, @langdonsdad, @blakewaterxx, @xhoneyxbeex, @babyyyodas, @frenchlangdon, @guiltyfiend, @whatcodysaid, @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern, @with-dandelions-in-her-hands, @langdonshellion
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Drop of Paradise - Part Seven
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Getting home had been… well, let’s just say it had been a challenge for Marinette.
Considering Marinette’s home was just across the street from François-Dupont, it being a challenge to get from one place to the other was pretty unusual. Unusual, though, was the perfect word to describe the sight Marinette had found herself confronted with when she’d tried to leave the school.
Usually, the street separating the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie and François-Dupont was, well, a street. Cars drove down it, pedestrians walked on it, you know. But just a few hours ago it had looked far more like… well, saying it had looked like a can of sardines was probably the most accurate. But, like, if the can was a street, and the sardines were reporters.
Okay, so maybe that wasn’t Marinette’s best metaphor, but the point still stood! The street had been packed so full of reporters some had literally been crawling over each other, while others viciously tried to elbow each other out of the way, all to get just a little bit closer to the front entrance of François-Dupont.
Marinette had never been more grateful that her time as Ladybug had familiarized her with all of François-Dupont’s exits. She doubted she would have made it out of there otherwise. Even now, there were reporters clogging the streets, interviewing Marinette’s teachers and classmates and anybody even remotely in the area and willing to talk to them. Marinette had made it out safely only because she had plenty of practice in sneaking off unnoticed by now, and even then it had been difficult.
Tiān revealing itself to the world was a big deal, of course. Marinette knew that. And she’d learned from Alya that pretty much every news media company on the planet was going wild about it. But today had been nothing more than a silly school presentation, given by Marinette, a girl nobody knew was Ladybug. So Marinette hadn’t really expected such a media frenzy about it.
Her mistake, she supposed. If Alya had been there, she wondered, would she have known to expect it?
And there it was. Yup. Marinette was still upset about her friends missing her presentation. And honestly, she was pretty sure she was going to be upset about it for a while? She’d tried to talk herself through it after getting home, but she’d failed to rationalize her hurt feelings away. And it really didn’t help that one of her friends had texted her a picture of the entire group, including Lila, having fun without her.
She had other texts besides that one, though. One that had been sent during her presentation, from Luka, wishing her luck. And one from Kagami that she’d received after she’d gotten home, congratulating her on her presentation and reminding her to eat something filling. Marinette had actually already eaten lunch, incidentally, but she didn’t really feel up to telling Kagami the real reason she’d collapsed during her presentation, so she’d just texted back a promise to take it easy on herself for the rest of the day. Those two texts didn’t soothe the sting of her classmates ditching her presentation, but they did make Marinette feel better regardless.
“Marinette!” her father’s voice called from downstairs, actually startling her a little bit. “One of your friends is here to see you!”
Marinette’s heart jumped into her throat. Luka? He normally texted before coming over, though. And Marinette doubted it would be Kagami, either, so then—!
Marinette jumped up and rushed for the trapdoor on the floor of her room. Then she paused, and nearly tripped over her own feet as she rushed back to her mirror and hastily peered at her reflection. Her eyes weren’t noticeably red, there were no tear tracks on her face, and her clothes were only slightly wrinkled. Marinette nodded at her reflection and tugged at her skirt to straighten it as she pulled up the trapdoor and rushed down the stairs. And there—
Standing in the middle of Marinette’s living room, looking far more innocent than she had any right to, was Lila Rossi.
“I have something else to do, so I’ll leave you two girls alone,” Marinette’s papa said, oblivious to Marinette’s rapid shift in mood. Marinette glared at Lila as he hustled out of the room, and Lila simply smiled at her in return.
“Hey Marinette,” Lila said, her demeanor her usual act of a sweet, friendly girl. “Here, I brought you something.”
Lila stepped forward and held out a paper towards Marinette. Marinette didn’t want to take it, unreasonably suspicious that it had some sort of deadly poison on it, and more reasonably suspicious that something horrible was written on it. Marinette eyed it cautiously for several long seconds, and Lila’s fake sweet smile stayed in place the entire time.
Finally, Marinette sntached the paper and turned it over, scanning the words written there. Instead of some sort of awful message, it was just…
Eden is an isolated city high in the Kunlun Mountains. It’s existence has been kept secret for several millennia now because of the locals' fear of the outside world.
“It’s a study guide,” Lila said, drawing Marinette’s attention up from the page. “Sabrina was kind enough to write one out for you while we were all out getting ice cream. It was certainly a much better time than standing around and listening to your boring presentation about your so-called heritage.” Lila laughed, her sweet act dropping to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. “At least that’s what Adrien said when we were all having fun without you.”
“No he didn’t!” Marinette snapped.
“Didn’t he?” Lila asked. “I guess you’ll never know since you weren’t there. Everyone else was, though. All of your precious friends. I told you before, didn’t I? I’m going to take them from you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Marinette’s hands clenched into fists. The “study guide” Lila had handed her crumpled loudly in her grip. “They’re not so easy to manipulate, Lila. They’ll see through you eventually!”
“Oh, will they?” Lila taunted. “I barely even had to try to get them to come along with me today. You know what I think? I think they didn’t even care about seeing your stupid presentation in the first place, even though all of them knew how much it mattered to you. The second I said anything about leaving they all jumped on board. Max even talked about how failing one test wouldn’t ruin any of their grades, and you know how much he cares about his test scores.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not!” Lila insisted. “You just can’t accept the truth; none of your “friends” think of you as anything more than a meal ticket, so to speak. And they’re right! You’re very useful when it comes to free sweets or clothing, but when it comes to actually hanging out with you? Ha! It’s barely worth it.”
“Why would I believe anything you say?” Marinette snarled.
Lila smiled at her way too innocently. “Why wouldn’t you believe me? I mean, if your friends were really your friends, they would have stayed for your presentation today, right?”
“That’s your fault!”
“Oh please.” Lila rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I dragged them out of the cafeteria kicking and screaming. They all agreed to come with me of their own free will. Even Adrien.”
Marinette was shaking. Not trembling, but shaking. Shaking with rage as she did her best to stop herself from doing something she’d regret, though what that something was, she didn’t know yet.
Lila took a step closer to her, an absolutely insufferable smirk on her face. “By the way, Alix wants those pajama shorts you promised her. She said it’s really annoying that you can’t even do the one thing you’re good for in a timely manner. And I agree with her. I mean really, two weeks for a pair of shorts? Honestly, it’s no wonder they’re all reconsidering whether to keep pretending to be your friend.”
“Shut up!” Marinette snapped, lunging forward and getting in Lila’s space.
A crooked grin crossed Lila’s face, making her look downright devilish. She looked at Marinette with expectant eyes, and that, if nothing else, reminded Marinette to rein in her temper.
She wrestled with it; it really wasn’t easy to get her anger under control when there was this much of it, and especially not with Lila still standing there. Marinette could see something in Lila’s face, though. She’d definitely riled up Marinette for a reason; she was expecting to get something out of it. Marinette had no idea what that something was, but she did not want to give Lila what she wanted.
“Goodbye, Lila,” Marinette said, her voice strained. Neither of them moved, except Lila’s face twitched. Her smile looked a little less pleased.
“Goodbye?” she echoed.
“Get out of my house,” Marinette ordered.
Lila smirked. “Or what?”
“Papa!” Marinette shouted. Lila visibly straightened up, looking nervous. Marinette’s father was one of the gentlest men in all of Paris, but Lila didn’t know Marinette or her family well enough to know that her father’s large frame was mostly deceptive.
“Fine,” Lila snarled. She turned on her heel and stomped out the door. Not five seconds later, Marinette’s papa rushed into the room.
“Something I can do for you, sweetheart?” he asked. “Oh, where’d your friend go?”
“She’s not my friend,” Marinette said quickly, not wanting to get into it. “And I just wanted… a hug.”
“Oh sweetheart,” her father said, stepping forward and pulling Marinette into a warm, comfortably tight bear hug. “You can have one of those whenever you like.”
Okay, so it’s been a while. I just left this one alone for a while, but I always intended to keep going with it, and the support I got even during my hiatus only encouraged me more. So I kept going with it.
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
can I request a John piece where he and MC live in the Wild West and he’s an outlaw while she’s a notable person (sheriff’s daughter, saloon worker, etc) thank you! (:
I’ve never done an AU and I’m also a European who knows nothing about the wild west so I hope this is passable. 
Wild West!AU
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John eyed the town around him as he rode in on his horse, it was on the smaller side of towns but it would be suitable enough to hide away in for a week or so. He slid off his horse and tied it up before he looked around for the saloon so he could escape the harsh sun. He removed the pouch of money from the saddle of his bag and placed it in his side bag hoping it didn’t make too much noise.
He was on the run. He had pulled off a robbery that had left most of the crew dead and the ones that survived, his two brothers, had scattered with a promise to meet up at an agreed place in a few months. They had split the money but since there were only a few of them left, each of them got a large amount.
The people outside gave him curious glances but quickly returned to what they were doing, not finding him interesting which John was grateful for. He quickly made his way towards the saloon and breathed a sigh of relief when he escaped the blistering heat, the saloon was dark and dusty yet miles better than the outside.
There were a few people nursing their drinks but none of them looked at him as entered as he made his way towards the person behind the bar.
“How may I help you?”
The person turned around and gave him a sweet smile, catching him off guard. John had expected it to be a man like in every other saloon he had been in but instead, it was a young woman.
“Any rooms available?”
“Yes sir. For how long?”
“Not sure. I’ll pay as I go along” John said as he paid for the first night’s fees.
“Of course”
She gave him a tiny smile before she turned around and picked a key off a hook, she gestured him to follow her as she made her way upstairs to the rooms that rested above the saloon. She unlocked his room for him and gave him the key before she gave him one last smile and returned downstairs.
John watched her until her skirt disappeared around the corner before he entered his room. He promised himself that he would get to know her.
The next afternoon when John wandered down, the woman was back behind the bar but compared to the day before, the saloon was busy and there was a crowd of men crowded against the bar.
It wasn’t hard to guess that the reason was because of the woman and John knew that he wouldn’t be able to get a drink whilst they were all there and found a table towards the back and waited for the crowd to die down.
As soon as the beginning of the next hour chimed, the crowd left the saloon with a collective groan, and John watched them with an amused smirk. It seemed they had all rushed there on their pause from work but now they all had to work which gave John uninterrupted time with the mysterious woman behind the bar.
“You seem mighty popular” John teased as he took a seta, catching her attention
“Men see a pretty woman and lose their mind” She rolled her eyes, “I could tell one of them to rob a bank and they’ll do it”
“Now those weren’t men, they were simply boys”
“Oh? Explain the difference to me”
John leant forward on the bar, leaning on his arms and gave her a grin, “While a boy might go rob a bank simply because you told him, a man will take you along with him to rob the bank together” The woman barked out a laugh at his words, “Okay, outlaw settle down. I can’t have you tryna get me trouble now”
“Why, scared of the sheriff?”
“Hmm, something like that.” The woman changed the subject, “What can I get you?”
John ordered his drink and took a seat at the bar but continued talking to her, he still hadn’t gotten her name yet though. They weren’t alone long before the doors to the saloon swung open and a large man stepped in, he paused at the doors and looked around the room before he began to make his way over to the bar.
“(Y/N), you here?”
“Where else would I be, daddy?” The woman turned to the man with a smile.
“Elias told me about those boys hanging around her at lunch” The older man’s lip curled as he spoke, “You know I don’t trust them boys”
The woman sighed, “I know. I also know to steer clear of them”
As the man got close to the bar John could see the sheriff’s uniform he was wearing and realised with a jolt that the woman was the sheriff’s daughter and he thought back to the pouch of money that was in his room.
“Hmm,” The sheriff pursed his lips and eyed John with a little suspicion before he turned back to his daughter, “Just wanted to check up on ya. I’ll see you at dinner.”
“You’re not gonna stay for a drink?”
“Not today, sweetheart”
With that he left, the saloon doors swinging behind him.
John watched him leave and turned back to the woman behind the bar, “You’re the sheriff’s daughter”
“That’s me.” She stuck her hand out, “My name is (Y/N)”
“John” He replied as he shook it, “Excuse my forwardness but how’d the sheriff’s daughter get to be the barkeep?”
“It’s so he knows where I am, he doesn’t trust those local boys”
“But a woman bartender? I’ve never seen one before”
“No one wants to deny the sheriff with a gun and anger problems” (Y/N) laughed
John laughed along with her, “But everyone has a gun”
“Sure but not everyone’s the sheriff”
“Then I should keep my eyes and hands to myself, right?”
(Y/N) locked eyes with and gave him one of her smiles, “That’ll be smart”
That night as John laid in bed he thought about what he had learnt that day and his current predicament. He would be in deep trouble if the sheriff finds out who he was but he felt such an attraction to (Y/N) that he didn’t want to leave, especially out of the blue.
He wanted to do something stupid. He didn’t even know (Y/N) but he wanted to run away with her and introduce her to more than the shabby little town she was tied down to and he doubted that her father would let go either, judging his constant checking up on her to make sure she was where she was supposed to be and not hanging out with anyone he disapproved of.
The next day, John was back at the bar with another drink in his hand after he paid for that night’s board and the more he spoke to (Y/N) the more he realised that she wasn’t satisfied with her life in the town.
“Why don’t you leave?” He asked, curious
“My father would drag me back here if I even dared. He wants me to stay here and marry a boy he likes- which judging by his recent behaviour, is Elias”
“You don’t want to do that?”
“I want to travel” (Y/N) gushed, “I want to see everything this country has to offer and not be trapped here with a man that my father wants me to marry and my input means nothing”
John stared at her for a moment before he sprung the idea on her,
“Then run away. I’ll be leaving here soon, join me and we can explore together”
(Y/N) scoffed and rolled her eyes, “I wish”
“I’m serious” John locked eyes with her and hope she could see his sincerity
“How can we do that?” (Y/N) asked, not completely believing him.
“ I can do odd jobs, get some us money while we travel” John tried to sell the idea of her coming with him, “Think about it”
(Y/N) opened her mouth as if to argue but she closed it and nodded, “I’ll think about it”
A few days later after not hearing from (Y/N) nor seeing her, John received a knock on his door late at night and it was (Y/N).
“Can I come in?” She asked, looking over her shoulder as she spoke, looking skittish.
John opened the door wider and motioned her in. She looked around his room in mild interest before she turned him and gave up a crumpled up piece of paper,
“Explain. Now”
John unravelled it and swore underneath his breath at what he saw. It was a wanted poster with his face on it and a bounty.
“Where did you get this?”
“My father came in earlier, put some up around the saloon.” (Y/N) told him, “He didn’t recognise you from earlier” John bit his lip as he thought about this new development and tried to think ahead and make some plans.
“Did you kill someone John?” (Y/N) asked, worrying her lip, “Why are you wanted?”
John looked up at her and took her hand in his, “I didn’t kill anyone, I promise you that”
“Then why?”
“...I robbed a bank” John confessed
“So you really are an outlaw? Is that why you’re here, just to escape from the law?”
John hated the betrayed look on her face, “Yes but I do like you.”
“You still expect me to run away with you?”
“You want to leave here, don’t try to deny it.  You’re bored here in this town and I can give you a life worth living”
(Y/N) still looked cautious, “You’re a criminal John”
“That won’t change” John confessed, “Look, I’m leaving here tomorrow night, make your decision by then”
(Y/N) left after that and John got to planning where he would go next, he still had a while until he needed to go to the agreed place to meet with his brothers.
The next night as he was getting his horse ready, the door to the stable creaked open and John spun around and aimed his gun at whoever it was, thinking that someone recognised him but it was only (Y/N).
She had a satchel and smaller bag in her hands.
“You make your decision?” John asked, with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
(Y/N) nodded, “Let’s go”
John took her bags and watched as she readied her own horse before they both left the stable and headed towards the main road together. Just before they left the town, John turned towards (Y/N),
“You sure you’re ready?” He asked
“Absolutely, let’s get out of here” (Y/N) said as she urged her horse to walk on
John shot her a grin and followed after her.
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devinescribe · 3 years
Chishiya Shuntarou
Warnings: swearing, manga spoilers, mentions of nooses and hanging, death, blood, abuse
As always I think that's all, but feel free to tell me if I missed any. This is part one of seven of the idea I had!
The word love encompasses so much. Love can be different in the ways people say and mean it, which is why the Greeks had seven words for love.
Eros, sexual or erotic love. Can be the love you share with a partner. Lust.
Philia, platonic love. The love you share with friends.
Storge, natural love. The love you share with your family.
Philautia, love of self.
Pragma, long standing love. The love of a married couple.
Agápe, unconditional or Devine love.
Ludus, childish or playful love/flirting.
As the cupid of Pragma, you dealt with many types of people. People who were nervous to propose, people having second thoughts, and people who had been married for years. Every problem was unique in its own way.
"(Y/N)! There's someone calling for you specifically!" Eros's voice called out. You smiled, smoothing out  your lilac dress, walking towards them. "You're always so graceful! Teach me!" Ludus's voice chirped. You patted her head saying, "Maybe later." Before turning your attention back to the person. It was a woman.  "Oh this is silly... I am but a fool to believe this will work, but anything for him... Lady of Pragma, I wish to speak with you," she said. There was a green apple on her desk. "Well, I'll be going. Bye bye!" You said, waving off to them. You spun twice, disappearing in a cloud of cherry blossoms. "Ah, I should have known that language. I'm guessing this woman is in Japan then," you muttered, feeling cold move over you.
"Hello, you've called for me?" You said, standing besides the woman. She jumped, but sighed. "He was... it was correct? You're real?" She questioned. You nodded with a smile. "As real as you. I'm (Y/N), the cupid of Pragma, long standing love. How may I assist you?" You introduced, bowing towards her. She returned the bow. "I... I fear my husband and I... our relationship may have affected our son. He's... I would like for you to help him not end up like his father and I did. Please," she explained. It hurt you that such a thing could happen. People fell out of love all the time, and not even the magic of a cupid could change that. "Of course. I just need a name. Oh, and if I may request that apple?" You said, pointing towards it. The lady laughed, handing it to you. "It is for you. And the name is Chishiya Shuntarou. Please, whatever it takes for him to not end up like us," she requested yet again. You nodded, before spinning yet again. Cherry blossoms filled again. 'So he lives on Japan as well? I think he will be interesting.'  What a travesty that their relationship affected their son. Love wasn't always easy, which is why so many people called on you and the other cupids.
When you opened your eyes, you were in what looked like a college dorm. A boy with blonde, almost white hair stood in front of you. No expression on his face, almost like you didn't just appear out of no where. "And that's the last time I go 2 days without sleep," he muttered, walking away from you. "Hello? It's quite rude to walk off like that. You must be Chishiya," you guessed floating after him. "How did you- nope, no, this is a figment of my imagination. The supernatural don't exist," he said, trying to walk off. You grabbed his shoulders, making him face you. "I'm real. Your mother sent me to help you. I'm (Y/N), the cupid of Pragma," you introduced. He stared back into your eyes. One of your hands was warm, the other icy. It felt to real to be a dream or a figment of his imagination.
"So, you follow me around everywhere basically?" He questioned a few hours later. "Yep. Until you fall in love with someone and they fall in love back in the way that would result in marriage. With my help," you explained. "And others can't see you?" He asked. You shook your head. "Only you can see and hear me," you answered. He nodded, before sighing. "And if I don't love someone or them love me back?" He asked. "I stay in your mortal life till you die," you responded. It was the life of a cupid, you supposed. "Well, you are going to be stuck here for a while. I don't like anybody. All the  humans I've met are the same. Idiotic, cheerful, and to happy to be in this life," he said. Ah, an apathetic one is he? You could change that.
The next few weeks you spent trying to point out people to him. He wouldn't take any interest in them, saying that they were to dumb or any other excuse. We're you bad at your job? No, he was just a picky person, you guessed. "There has to be a person that's peaked your interest these past few weeks. I've found over hundreds of people. Men, women, in between. One of them has had to catch your eye," you said, floating above his bed. "No, not at all," he responded. You heard fireworks outside, and floated over to his window, looking out. The colorful sparks lit up the sky, and you watched in awe. "Chishiya, is there a celebration of sorts today?" You questioned. He shook his head, muttering something about dumb people. Suddenly all the lights turned off. You looked around, but it was pitch black. "Chishiya? Where are you?" You questioned. "On my bed... must be a blacko- oh my god... you're glowing," he started.
"Aw, thanks. That's the nicest thing you've said to me,'' you giggled. "No like... actually glowing," he said, reaching out towards you, and touching your hair. He pulled a (strand/curl) softly, showing it to you. You looked down to see that your body was actually glowing. Then you looked at your hair. Your hair had strands that were glowing gold, contracting with your (H/C).
The rest of your body gave off a small amount of light. "Let's go see if anyone else knows what's going on. Come on my glow stick, " he said, leaving already. You laughed at the nickname, following besides him.
There was no one. Not a single soul in the city of Tokyo. "Chishiya... what's going on?" You questioned, floating over him, deciding to sit atop his shoulders. He walked around the empty streets. None of the lights were on, all the cars in the street had stopped, and there was dead silence. The only sound was the occasional plastic bags that moved across the pavement. "I don't know. If I knew, I would tell you," he said. You looked down at him, and lightly slapped the top of his head. He turned his head to look at you, glaring slightly. "Why... aren't you heavy?" He asked. You didn't weigh anything, despite your body being on his shoulders. Every body type has weight, that's just how humans work. But then again, you weren't human. "Well, I can appear how I want to. I appear how I used to look in my life before being a cupid. And as for why, I just make myself lighter by floating so you're not carrying me," you explained, softly petting his hair in apology for hitting him. He nodded, and began walking again.
Of course, that's how you ended up here, in a game of Black Jack to the death. One of the advertisement boards had lit up saying 'this way to the game arena'. Chishiya being curious, followed the signs. They led you two in the direction of a casino. There were 4 other people there when you entered.
"Chishiya, I-" you started, before he placed a finger on your lips. "Quiet," he stated quietly, seeing as he didn't want everyone else to think he was crazy. You immediately shut your mouth. "Good girl," he praised, petting your head. No one payed any mind to him, so you assumed no one heard him. You blushed at his words. Why did they sound sweet coming from him? You had always despised those words. Coming from Chishiya, they gave you butterflies. 'Nonononono! It's against the rules. Butterflies, go away!' You scolded yourself internally. You floated over the table, looking through things. There were guns under glass cases, poker chips, and decks of cards. Another thing you noticed were the nooses hanging from the ceiling. "But Chishiya, this is... less than adequate," you said, holding his face in your hands. You huffed when he didn't answer back, and decided to use your magic, talking through his mind.
''Chishiya what in the Hades do you think you're doing!''
"Oh, this is new. Lovely."
"Don't ignore my question you brat!"
"If anyone's the brat it's you. So, be quiet like a good girl would."
This time, the words didn't sound sweet. They sounded like how he had said them. It almost made you throw up.
"Stop calling me that."
"Why? You seemed to like it."
"Chishiya... please. It just... it reminds me of someone I would like to forget."
"Well, that's not my problem, is it?"
"Chishiya I-''
"Just be quiet. I'm trying to focus."
You frowned, and nodded. He had always been kind of mean to others, and maybe sarcastic with you, but he had never been that rude to you. It made you hurt, shocking you, as this had never happened in your course of being a cupid. Why did it hurt so much coming from him? Others had said the same thing, but it never bothered you. Why was it? Although, it had happened in your life before becoming a cupid. But you didn't want to remember. You don't want to. But, in the moment, your memories got the best of you.
"Just take it like a good girl," he mocked, hitting you once more. You winced in pain. "Pl-please just stop!" You pleaded, wiping away the blood, wincing at the burning sensation. He only snickered as you tried to stumble away. You reached the door, only for him to grab your braided hair, pulling you back. You let out a sharp cry as you feel to the dirt floor. Dust flew up, making you sneeze, and your eyes burn from the dust getting in them. There was dirt all over your skirt, mixing with the blood that dripped from your injuries.
"Good girls don't get hurt. All you have to do is be a good girl and you won't get hurt," he said, crouching down in front of you and grabbing your chin with his hand. The teasing tone in his voice obvious. He spoke down to you as if you were a child. You averted your eyes, looking away from the man in front of you. "Remember the vows. You promised to love, honor, and obey me. So do as your told like a good girl," he said, spitting on your face. He let you go, leaving the house, as you curled up, crying to yourself. You knew he would come back and act like everything was fine. Like he didn't treat you like trash on the street. You wished he had stayed the sweet boy you fell in love with. So, as you fell asleep through tears and wracking sobs, you imagined he still was. That you were madly in love with the same sweet boy who used to bring you flowers. The sweet boy who used to kiss you goodbye.
You heard Chishiya gasp, and looked over at him.
"Who the hell was that? Why the fuck- what- what happened?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You! You and that man! Is that... is that why you don't like it? The nickname, I mean."
"I-... I'll stop then."
You had a feeling apologies weren't his thing, so left it at that. You couldn't believe Chishiya was able to see into your mind. You knew that you two were linked because of when you talked to him, but no one had ever been able to look into your mind as you had been able to look into theirs. There had only been one other person who had been able to do that.
All was well, until one person lost, getting pulled up by the noose around his neck. You flinched, grabbing your neck. "Oh my..." you whispered. You heard Chishiya snicker at your reaction. "Chishiya Shuntarou, that is no laughing matter!" You scolded. He shrugged, going back to the game. He was to apathetic for his own good. You guessed this is what his mother was talking about. He didn't experience the normal family love as others would. He didn't experience love at all, you guessed, and that left him to be an apathetic man who had no care for his life, or anyone else's. He put no value on anyone's life, including his own.
"Sociopathic oh so tragic~" you sang, putting up the laundry on the hooks. "It's not my fault that I play with magic~"you continued, the sheets and clothes swaying lightly in the wind. You felt a hand on your waist, and tensed up. "What's that about magic?" You heard him say. Your eyes widened as he put his head in the crook of your neck. The cocking of his gun was the other sound you heard. "D-darling, it's just a rhyme I h-heard the ch-children down the s-street sing. I-it's all in good fun and i-innocence," you stuttered, hoping he wouldn't do anything to drastic. "Magic would explain why the men in town were talking about you. Whore," he spat, his grip on you becoming tighter. You felt the tip of his gun press against your back. "Let me go," you ordered, your voice stern and high strung. "Let me go, or I'll scream. Let everyone know what you've been doing. It's not my fault I was the talk of the town today. Maybe if you hadn't bruised my skin, I wouldn't be. Just as I promised in my vows, you promised too. You get your hands off me, or I'll scream. I'll scream and we'll see who's the talk off the town," you threatened, breaking away from him. You pushed him down, and picked up your skirt, running back to the house. "You bitch!" He screamed. All you remember was the sound of the gunshot, the pain in your abdomen, and the shrill shreak that came from your mouth.
Then, light. A bright light. "Oh no... my dearest (Y/N)... he will suffer in the pits of the most wretched places," the voice said. It was soft, and regal. The voice only a queen would have. "You poor woman... cursed with such a man," another spoke. This one sounded more girlish. Still regal, but as if a child spoke. You looked up, seeing two of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. One having caramel skin, shoulder length black hair, and golden eyes like those of a hawk. She wore a red dress that had gold at the ends. It ended just above her ankles. On her hair lay a headpiece with black horns, a golden snake wrapping around a red circle. The ends of her hair held golden pieces. She wore a beautiful gold and blue necklace, and had blue bracelets on her wrists and upper arm, and anklets. The other woman had golden hair braided back, with tan skin and the most pure hazel eyes you'd ever seen. She wore a sheer white dress a beautiful embroidered belt on her waist. You gasped, backing away. "Do not be frightened. I am Hathor," the woman with the raven hair said. "And I am Aphrodite. We've seen your suffering, and together, we've taken the decision to make you a cupid. The cupid of the word Pragma, to be exact," the other said. You swallowed. "You don't have to accept. But we'd appreciate if you would," Hathor said. "W-what would.. me doing that... include? My duties?" You asked. "You would help people who wanted to propose, those who are engaged, and even those who are married. You help them solve the problems. Pragma is the Greek word for the love of a married couple. Long standing love," Aphrodite explained. ''So? Do you accept?"
"(Y/N). The game is over. Let's go."
Chishiya's voice broke you from your thoughts. You looked up, seeing the people hanging, and shuddered. "Are they..?" You questioned, motioning towards the hanging bodies. He nodded, walking through the casino. He held a card in his hands. A six of diamonds.
You floated besides him, your dress flowing behind you. You didn't speak, just floated besides him. Your face was devoid of any emotion he could detect. And it was frustrating to him, someone who prided himself on being able to read others, but others not be able to read him.
"(Y/N), talk. It's to quiet. Never thought I'd say that," he said. "What do you want me to talk about?" You asked. You two sat on a bench in a park. "Who that man was. Why he hurt you. If he's suffering now," Chishiya responded. "Well, you don't sugar coat... that was my husband. In my past life. He was a sweet man... before we got married. After that, he showed his true colors. An abusive pig.  I don't know why he hurt me. And I don't think I'll ever know. He is suffering. The gods of death are making sure of it," you responded. "Gods?" He questioned. "Yes. All the gods of every religion exist. No one's wrong, but also, no one's right," you said. "Ok... makes sense. Tell me about the cupids," he requested. You smiled. "There's seven of us. Each represents a different word the Greeks had for love. We all have a lucky item, a food that can be used to summon and appease us, and a special magic," you explained. "Alright, and what's your lucky item and your special magic?" He asked. "My lucky item are the earings I wear. A wedding gift from my mother. My special magic is reading minds and talking through them. It helps a lot, especially with the people I help," you said. He nodded, looking up at the sky.
"I've never seen the sky like this. Too many lights here in the city to look," he said. You nodded, agreeing with his statement. It was quite different from the normal sky you saw. "Hey... have you as a a cupid ever fallen in love with one of your human projects?" He asked. You could tell he was joking about the word projects, but still you tilted your head in confusion. "Why do you ask?" You questioned. "Just curious. Am I allowed to be curious?" He said, a smirk on his face. "Curiosity killed the cat," you responded, returning his smirk. "But satisfaction brought it back~," he sang, his smirk turning into a wide grin. Now you could see why his name meant 'Cheshire'. You shook your head, "You are something else Chishiya." "Well, have you?"
He sure was persistant to get an answer. But then again, he was a man. Most persist even after receiving an answer, which boiled you with anger. Eros had a way of dealing with them that always made you smile. You had a feeling he wouldn't stop asking until you answered, so instead of dealing with annoyance for the next... however long you would be trapped here, you decided to answer. You thought for a second. "No. I haven't. It's been said we'll die a devine death if we do," you said. "Has anyone actually tested it out?" He asked. You shook your head. He turned your head to face him. He got closer, making you keep eye contact. "Want to know something?" He asked. You let out a shaky breath nodding. "I did fall for someone," he said, eyes locked with yours. You backed up, hitting the handle of the bench, your legs strewn out under him, your lilac dress flowing off the park bench. "W-who? I can help," you asked nervously as he got closer. He leaned his head to whisper in your ear.
"... You."
You gasped, closing your eyes, pushing him off softly. You could feel the warmth rise to your cheeks, and shook your head. "You don't mean that. You're lying," you started, bringing your knees into your chest. "Oh, but I do. I see no reason to lie to you when you could just read my mind," he said. You could hear the smirk in his voice. "Ch-chishiya, I could die," you stated, your voice small. He softly lifted your face. You kept your eyes closed. "You said no one's ever tried it. How would you know?" He said. You opened your eyes slowly. "Would you like to test your mortality?" You retorted. "Yes. It seems like one way to feel satisfaction," he said. He fixed the strap of your dress, pulling it back onto your shoulder. "I hate that you don't care for your own life. You need to fall in love with a mortal person... I-... even if I did return your feelings and I couldn't die from loving you, I couldn't... we couldn't be together," you said, turning to face away from him. He sighed, grabbing your face in his hands, making you look at him once more. "Do you return the feelings? Or are you afraid to admit them? Is it that you're scared of getting hurt by someone you thought you could trust again? Is it the fear of death?" He questioned, although you could tell he was reading you like a kid's book, not really looking for an answer.
You looked down. "I-i don't know. And even if I couldn't die from it, you are still a mortal being. I live forever," you said. "There's only one way to find out if it's true. So, stop me if you really don't have feelings for me," he said, leaning in to you. Your breath got caught in your throat. He stopped, his forehead resting on yours. "Stop me if you don't want me to. I will. I'm not a monster, you know," he whispered. You took a shaky sigh.
When was the last time you had ever done anything for yourself? Not even in your past life had you been selfish. Never had you asked for more than you were given, never had you envied those who had more. You had never realized that throughout the years, you has become a bit sad at everyone else falling in love with your help, but you weren't allowed to. If the gods and goddess didn't want you to fall in love, then they should have made you to not feel it. None of the cupids had ever tested it. So, if the goddesses and gods of love could fall in love with mortals and do whatever they pleased, why couldn't you? It wasn't fair. For once, you were going to make a decision that benefited you. No more being afraid of unseen consequences.
You closed your eyes, nodding softly. "Go ahead," you whispered. In a second, his lips were pressed against yours. His hand caressed the side of your face, pulling you in closer. Your lips were so soft, and you tasted like apple. He thought to himself that he would become addicted to the taste. He pulled away, and watched as you touched your body. "I-im still here... I'm still here. Chishiya, I'm still here!" You repeated, throwing yourself on him. You hugged him tightly, and he pet your head softly. "See, nothing ha-" he started, before getting interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
You pulled away, seeing Aphrodite.
You kneeled down on the floor, ushering Chishiya to do the same. "In all my years... I never thought you'd be the one to test it," she said. You kept your eyes glued to the ground. "Lady Aphrodite, I-..." you started, thinking over your words. You took a big breath in. "I'm sorry, but... I won't apologize for falling in love. I think... for once I wanted to do something for myself. If you must punish anyone, punish me," you said. "(Y/N)-" Chishiya started. You shot him a look that said to stay quiet. He glared at you.
"I'm not staying quiet, damn woman."
"Don't start now. Not in her presence."
"You're not getting hurt because I forced my feelings onto you I c-"
"You didn't force your feelings on me. Let me deal with this."
"(Y/N), you're not getting punished. I don't know who told you ladies you weren't allowed to fall in love. I just thought it was something you seven had made a pact on. It seems more serious than what I first assumed," Aphrodite said. You looked up in shock. "I-. I can fall in love? But... Zues said-" you stuttered. "Zues? Did he really? I'll have a chat with him. But now, you have two options. 1, keep being a cupid, and have him join you in your immortal life. So, yes, your darling would become immortal. Or 2, become mortal again, and live the rest of your mortal lives together," She said. You looked over at Chishiya who smirked.
"What do you want to do?"
"I should be asking you that. It's your immortal life that would be lost. So you decide."
"Well... I like being a cupid. And I love you... I want you forever and ever..."
"Then there's your answer."
"But is it what you want? I don't want to make a decision based solely on my wants."
"(Y/N), I've already told you. I would care less whatever you pick. Both benefit me. Only one benefits you with giving you both things you want."
"I... I would like to stay a cupid, and have him indefinitely my lady," you said with a small smile. You liked the sound of having Chishiya by your side forever. She smiled brightly.  "I'm so happy you've found someone. It was me and Hathor's goal since we chose you. I can't fathom why Zues would tell you ladies you couldn't fall in love. But, all shall be fixed soon. The others are all out on their own missions now. I think they're all headed the same way you two did. So, let's see where they go," she informed. She touched her hands to Chishiya's head, and smiled. "So you do have pure intentions with her. Good. Now... I'm not sure why, but my magic isn't exactly working here. I could barely appear in here. So, I must wait till you're back in the normal world to help you become immortal. Be careful my dear (Y/N)... This world is dangerous. Protect him best you can, although he seems to be plenty clever. Maybe a bit to clever for his own good? And, Chishiya?" She said, looking towards him. He lifted his head, looking at her for the first time, shocked to see she looked like you. From your hair, to your eyes, to your height, to your body type. She smiled, "Don't hurt her." And with that, she disappeared in a cloud of rose gold dust that blew away in the breeze. He turned to you, a shocked expression on his face, "She- she looked like you. Exactly like you." You giggled, and put your hand on his shoulder. "The belt she was wearing? It was made by her husband. He enchanted the belt so she was able to look beautiful to anyone who looked at her. But, everyone's standard of beauty is different, so she looks different to everyone who gazes at her," you explained. He nodded slowly, before looking away. You were confused, before seeing his ears painted red. "Chishiya, are you blushing?" You teased, turning him to face you. You grabbed his face softly, making him look at you. He averted his eyes. "I don't think I've ever seen you bashful or shy," you teased again. "Shut up... it's- this is all new to me," he stuttered. "I'm glad you find me beautiful," you said, kissing his nose. He smirked.
"You missed," he said. You looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean I- mmph!" You started, before getting interrupted with his lips on yours.
Maybe breaking the 'rule' for your own feelings was the right choice. No, scratch that, it was the right choice. And you would forever be with a person who loved you.
Next will be Last Boss, then after that it's Niragi's. Just a small reminder, these will all talk about past trauma which will include thing such as abuse, rape, assault, murder and other things. You became a cupid due to the experiences, OK? Thank you so much for reading, have an amazing day/night!
Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love, and I tried to describe her as well as I could from the reference I found!
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