#none of these bastards are real though and i'm just doing this for fun
konuxkii · 3 months
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A/N ; This is just a repost from my former account- I wanted to post something Haikyuu related since the release of the 'Dumpster Battle' movie and why not start with my favorite boy? This is also technically my first real post on this account so woohoo! Warnings : none other than Kuroo being a teasing bastard. Gender Neutral reader/y/n. Just fluff- Also this isn’t proofread because I happen to never proofread my shit so I apologize for any mistakes.
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+ If you were the type of person to get embarrassed by what Kuroo considers 'cute things you do' he's never letting that situation/what happened go. Maybe he'll stop bringing it up and you're relieved that maybe he finally forgot and let it go- wrong. He remembers a lot of things especially about you silly + He’s just laughing it off whenever you start yelling at him. telling him not to talk about it and shut up or just your reactions in general whenever he brings up the “embarrassing situation” always makes him laugh. + Seriously, he's never letting it go. It'll be at a random time, random day, you two silently enjoying each others company or when you two are hanging out (with or without people around) and he'll just : "Hey y/n remember when you-" "NO. I don't- LET IT GO ALREADY" + He’d also try to tell other people about it like- “Oh yeah did I tell you? Y/n did the most hilarious thing yesterday! So they-” and you instantly drag him away or interrupt him by bringing up a new subject. And he’s just looking down at you snickering with that smug smile of his- + Aside from the topic of him loving to tease and embarrass you. Kuroo strikes me as the guy to LOVE physical affection and words of affirmation. He's constantly touching you or saying sweet things to you no matter what. When he's with you at school? Or really just anywhere in public. He's holding your hand or his hand rests on your waist/top of your head, or he's leaning down and resting his head on top of yours. He'd give you kisses on the forehead, hand, lips, cheek, anywhere and anytime. He does not care about PDA !! To an extent- + This also includes when you two are also just casually talking, you two are conversing about something dumb you did and he'll just sigh and shake his head with a smile before poking your forehead or cheek, or maybe pulling on your cheek while making fun of you for what you did. He just likes to poke at your face a lot during conversations actually. + He doesn't try to hide the fact he has a massive crush on you. He's constantly waiting outside your class right as it ends, leaning against the doorframe and looking at you with a smirk. He's not shy about the fact that he'll shamelessly send you winks from afar. Whether it's in class or cafeteria. If you pass by him in the hallway he'll look down at you with that smug smile and in that short period of time and greet you with a "Hey pretty/handsome" and then continue walking like it was nothing. + SOMETIMES a lot of times actually. You'll fluster him though without even realizing it. This is a common occurrence when you're staring at him, he'll blink at you for a moment, taking in your appearance..the way you looked at him, the way your eyes look, the way you slowly blink at him, the way- he'd stop is thoughts there before glancing away, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks before saying something about your staring to tease you.
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Thank you for reading !!! I would’ve wrote more for the people who don't really get embarrassed (I envy you) or just more in general but tumblr kept crashing and I had to rewrite this like five times so- NO. I also ran out of ideas.. Anyways I'm accepting requests !! I write for JJK, CSM, HAIKYUU, TOKYO REV, and more !! No NSFW. Though I may be very late to requests so I apologize in advance...Have a lovely day / afternoon / night loves ♥
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nkn0va · 7 months
I hope this isn't too complicated but I was thinking you could do the childhood friends to lovers trope with Tsubaki and a reader that is the adopted son of Hakumen and his apprentice.
Holy shit anon, this idea is super cool. I'm totally down for this. Hakumen's CS story made me fall in love with their dynamic.
Though not nearly as much as I'm hopelessly in love with her, why the fuck can't she be real...?
(LONG ass post incoming, I had way too much fun with this.)
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-For the sake of this ask, canon will have to be changed around a bit. Hakumen never went into the Boundary, he was able to force Terumi into it without having to do a hail mary. Also, Tsubaki sees Jin as only an older brother, as is confirmed by in-game dialogue.
-For all the curses and inconveniences of having to wear the Susano'o Unit to be able to fight, there were it's upsides, such as being pretty much immortal, or at the very least a drastically increased lifespan, likely longer than mages.
-One day, by pure chance, Hakumen ended up finding a small child while wandering through a barren, quiet part of the city of Naobi.
-At first, his instinct was to pay this child no mind. But, getting a good look at you, something...seemed to awaken. Or rather, re-awaken. The humanity he thought he'd thrown away a long time ago when he put on the armor. What little of Jin Kisaragi remained after all this time.
-Hakumen was cold, yes, but he wasn't cruel. No kid deserved to be condemned to survive on their own out in the lower levels of a Hierarchical city where seithr poisoning was a possibility if one wasn't careful.
-...Perhaps he could give this boy at something of a life, a childhood that he never got to have, that was taken from him by that damn bastard Terumi.
-It wasn't long before the Duodecim caught wind of the leader of the Six Heroes adopting a child. The Yayoi family had taken a particular interest in such news, inviting the two of you over to their manor.
-There weren't kids your age you could see there. Hakumen had told you that you didn't need to stay, and to feel free to wander the manor at your own leisure as long as you stayed on the property. That was how you eventually found yourself in the garden outdoors.
-It was when you wandered out that for the first time, you'd found someone your age. A redheaded girl dressed in traditional clothing.
-She seemed to freak out, in a good way, when you told her that you were taken in by Hakumen. She was apparently a huge fan. The two of you became fast friends, being the only kids in the manor and the girl, who called herself Tsubaki, seeming ecstatic at just finally finding someone her age, not having any siblings or cousins.
-When the time came to leave you told Hakumen about your new friend. It was hard to really tell what he was thinking most of the time, mostly due to the fact that he had that mask always covering his face, but he seemed almost...nostalgic, longing. He didn't really do much, saying it was good you'd managed to make a friend and left it at that.
-He did make it a point for you to see Tsubaki as often as you could from then on, though. Whenever the Yayoi family was going anywhere, he'd make sure to follow mostly so you could see her, and accepting their invitations to the manor, which was quite a surprise considering none of the other families could say the same. When questioned on this, Hakumen refused to give an answer.
-Fast forward a long while, and you and Tsubaki both find yourselves in Torifune together to attend the academy. It had taken quite a bit of convincing to allow Hakumen to let you go (mostly because he knew the NOL's true nature), but he eventually gave in, on the condition that you'd "make the right decision when the time came." There were a lot of ways for that to be interpreted and he didn't seem to be in the mood to elaborate.
-As you go through your years there together with Tsubaki, you make memories, friends, and eventually the time comes to graduate and join the NOL. For the most part all seems to go well. That is until...Continuum Shift.
-Something changes inside Tsubaki, you heavily suspect it has something to do with Jin, and possible jealousy of Noel being his secretary.
-Of course, being as perceptive as your master/father had trained you to be, it's not long until you figure it out, and your worst fears come true. She had fallen under the Imperator's curse, and had become nothing more than a mindless slave to her will.
-You find yourself soon being swept up in Kagura Mutsuki and the Grimalkin's plans to overthrow the Imperator, though the main reason you join is to assist in saving Tsubaki from the Mind Eater curse.
-You join the operation inside the Eclipse Field with Makoto, Noel, and Jin. Once she'd materialized the Zero-Type Izayoi it was up to you and Jin to snap her out of it. Jin was to hold her off and weaken her a bit before tagging you in. You desperately held her off with all your might, trying to encourage her to resist the Mind Eater.
-Her breaking point is your reminding her of the promise you made as children. That'd you always be there for each other, no matter what. If you had to die for Tsubaki's sake, you'd gladly do so. The thought of you dying for her was the push Tsubaki needed. That's not what she wanted, she didn't want you to to be taken from her. At the very least, not without being able to tell you how she felt. Unfortunately for her, the Imperator had other plans.
-She stabbed you head on with the Immortal Breaker before passing out. Hakumen, or rather a vision of him appeared to Tsubaki as the curse broke, encouraging her to confront her true feelings.
-It was then she woke up and realized that thankfully you were unharmed. It was when your will was strongest, when you wanted to see Tsubaki safe and happy even more than you wanted to draw breath, that you finally had finally mastered Hakumen's teachings. The power of Order had manifested from your strength of will and protected you from the fatal blow.
-Tsubaki quickly breaks down into tears seeing you're alright, apologizing profusely for everything she's done. Makoto, Jin, and Noel thankfully have the tact to realize you two need some privacy.
-It's a long conversation of apologies, and reassurances between you two, and eventually you two realize you can't afford to hide from the truth anymore.
-Tsubaki's the first to confess. Ever since that fateful day you two had met, she'd felt some...special connection to you, even ignoring the fact that you were the son of her childhood hero. And you admit that you had fallen for her back. The tears of sadness and regret soon turn to ones of pure joy.
-That night you find yourself unable to sleep. Too many emotions were going rampant through your mind. Most were good, thankfully, yet some were of worry. There was still a lot to do. You wander through the city late at night, when out of nowhere a voice startles you out of your thoughts.
-Your father was behind you, arms crossed and back turned to you. Despite his closed off body language he congratulated you for what you'd done.
-It was then you realized what he'd meant those years ago. He wanted you to make the right choice, and save Tsubaki. To not leave her in her darkest hour, when she needed you most.
-An awkward pause permeates the air for a few moments. Hakumen seeming to try and come up with the words to say what was on his mind. He makes his way to leave, but not without saying something. A few short words that you never thought you'd actually hear from him in a million years.
-He was proud of you.
-And deep down he was, he really was. You were better than him when it mattered most. You stayed by Tsubaki's side and never gave up on her. Because of you, she'd live on.
-Hakumen of the legendary Six Heroes...no...Jin Kisaragi...
-He'd finally found peace.
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Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?--every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No.
The saints and poets, maybe--they do some.
I'm working on an essay about Riverdale now that the finale is out...but I'd like to say a few things now.
Namely, I'd like to talk about the fact that Riverdale ending with a homage to Our Town is so painfully fitting. So, unbearably fitting.
Our Town is a story, much like Riverdale, about a town. It doesn't have the fun twists and turns, for sure, but it is about the lives of the people living in Grover's Corners. It's a love letter to simple, American living.
(And I do say "American" because Our Town is quintessentially American.)
The first time I saw Our Town, I was 14 maybe. I found it incredibly boring. It was slow with tons of boring details about people and their simple lives. I really didn't get it.
It wasn't until, years later, I was in a production of it. A very lovely production. After 55 performances, I still didn't understand it. I don't think you can that young, but I started to.
Today, I still don't understand it, but I think I'm a step closer. You really can't, I think, understand life while you're in the midst of it. As Emily says in the final act:
"They're sort of shut up in little boxes, aren't they?"
We are. We can't help it. None of us can. We're all moving too damn fast in our little lives to be anything more than troubled from sun up to sun down. We strain so much in our little lives that we have to lie down and rest every night. We can never look at everything hard enough.
In any case, Riverdale culminating in an homage to Our Town just makes so much sense. The show has mentioned the play several times over the years, for starters, but it's more than that.
It's the button on a lengthy, 137-episode conversation about American culture and the nature of life itself. Exposing the dark underbelly. Celebrating the triumphs. Life is the trauma and the healing. The epic highs and lows of high school football, of course…but life is also incredibly boring. Peace is boring. At least, it can seem so when you’re not ready for it. If you’re still fighting and eager to do so, peace feels flat and horrible.
But, for these characters, this story, that has struggled and bled for 7 long seasons, I think a peaceful ending is well-earned. I walk away deeply satisfied.
I’ll leave you with one more thing. (Again, I’m still working on a bigger essay that will be more organized.)
 Riverdale is deeply haunted by its own past as much as the characters are.
It’s haunted by the Archie comics, by its own previous seasons, by Archie’s Weird Fantasy, etc. I think Riverdale ending on a peaceful, sentimental note is really beautiful.
It feels like Emily in the graveyard in act 3, learning to let go, and joining the other ghosts on the hill. We look back and remember. We grieve it and love it in kind. We live and we die. It’s all so small and yet, immeasurably huge like a starry night sky. We wish we could stay forever, but we know we can’t.
The first 6 seasons fought and bled so hard. The seventh season was a gradual slowing than settled into peace.
I could say a lot more about how healing and finding peace are not as exciting as people might like. I’m sure I will in time.
Riverdale was not a perfect show, but nothing is. I would have done things differently, but so would we all in a commentary on life.
I’m happy though.
We all have to go through our lives to appreciate them. That’s the joke. That’s the tragedy. That’s the truth. Happy/sad endings are the best, aren’t they?
Yeah. Because they’re real. They’re life.
And I can’t believe a silly little CW show handed me something so profound like that. Riverdale, I can’t believe you. You lovable scamp. You sneaky bastard. 
I can’t believe a goofy Archie fanfiction had the nerve, the audacity to say something so heartbreakingly and beautifully true.
“To look life in the face. To look life in the face and to know it, and then, to put it away.” - The Hours
I’m sorry this was so disjointed. I love you all, everything.
Unrelated Notes:
-It's a love letter to American cinema and theatre, which I think is covered under "culture", but I wanted to point that out specifically.
-The final season, more than any of them, is about American theatre and poetry. Death of a Salesman. The Crucible. Howl. Langston Hughes. Our Town. (And dozens of others.)
-The only way I can categorize Riverdale, truly, is as Americana Gothic.
-I think it makes sense to return to classic Americana in the final stretch. We've riffed on horror and thrillers. Soap operas and hell, even modern marvel movies. Returning to the Golden Age for one final look, where Archie itself began, truly feels full-circle.
-Cheryl let go of her grief. She left Thornhill. She built a family. She loved and was loved. God, that makes me so immeasurably happy.
She’s doing a puzzle in the Pop’s Choklit shop in the sky right now. I wish I could tell the Cheryl of 1x13 that.
“You are loved. You are safe. You’re going to be ok.”
Ah, but she wouldn’t understand just as my younger self wouldn’t understand my silly, peaceful life now. They would both scoff and roll their eyes at me. That’s ok though. They’ll figure it out.
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
Someone To Love|Part 6|Reiner Braun x Jealous Reader
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(A/N: So like I said this series is pretty short so I'm only doing seven parts to it, this was just a little blurb I thought would be fun. Note that even though this has been posted on Wednesdays, after it's over I'm going back to only doing two series a week, posted on Monday and Tuesday. The only reason I did this separately because it was something already promised, short, and mostly pre-written. Hope you enjoy and comment to be tagged in the finale!)
WARNINGS: implied nsfw, depression, attempted suicide, violence, general angst, slowburn, lowkey love triangle with a happy ending, not a warning but Reiner calls you nicknames instead of y/n (because I personally can't stand it)
Betrayal. Trust broken. Revenge.
It was nothing Reiner didn't deserve, but hell if it still felt like a punch to the gut.
He had come back to that cursed island with the determination to save the world in mind. He would save everyone, especially Evelyn. He would rescue her from hell and bring her back home safely. Reiner had failed her once before, letting Levi take her away, he couldn't screw it up again. This time he'd kill the bastard so she'd never have to look over her shoulder again. So she could feel a life of peace. He believed in all of this she was just a helpless victim.
And then The Rumbling shattered his faith in her. She was right about Evelyn. She was a traitor.
Reiner could barely look at either of them, the Ackermans, across the campfire acting like nothing had happened. Everyone else welcoming the monster into their presence, did no one know or care? Were they content to just allow such evil in their midst with no looks of disgust or hatred like his?
All his affection for Evelyn was a conflicted jumbled mess, she had been one of the masterminds behind the destruction of his home, helped cause the very thing threatening to destroy the world as they knew it.
But what part of it was her, and what part was someone else pulling the strings? Was she an innocent bystander or was that all more lies?
She had betrayed him, used him and led him to think her life in Marley was caused by her terror of Levi, and yet here she was, seemingly content by the whole thing. Was any of it real?
Reiner thought of Evelyn like an angel, untouchable and pure, he was determined to make this world better so that she had her rightful place as a queen to live in it. But now with the veil off her hands were just as filthy as everyone else's. Unwillingly or not, she had condemned the world to death, and he couldn't tell if she truly regretted it yet.
There had to be some other play at work, a threat, some hidden forced deal she had made to ensure the safety of her and her unborn child. He knew Evelyn, she was the kindest and most welcoming person to the Scouts that he knew. Most of the others saw her like a mother, but to him she was special. She never would have agreed to this willingly...
Words had been said, none of which Reiner didn't agree with. But as he stormed off reason kicked in and allowed him to think. As much as he wanted to he couldn't kill Levi just yet. He needed him to stop this madness. Only after could he even think about getting even, he had to use his head or they'd all be wiped out.
As he laid there, trying to find peace and sleep, surprisingly his thoughts went to his friend back home. She had been worried about him, told him to come home safely. No one else had ever done that. Even his own mother sent him off with pride, not fear. It was like his life mattered.
And if Evelyn was so willing to defend Levi at all costs, betraying his trust again and again. Could he ever make her see the danger she was in with him? Or was that all a lie too?
The sound of thunder filled the air, the skies in the distance darkening to a smoky black. There were in for one hell of a storm.
Those still in the market started to hurry home, fear of being drenched overcoming them. She was no exception, quickening her pace to ensure that the threatening water drops wouldn't seek to ruin what little food she could afford to buy.
However soon people started bumping into her, more of a hurry being made to run in the opposite direction of the clouds.
"Watch it-! It's just a storm, no need to kill me over it-" She huffed and kept walking, stopping when she smelled the scent of fire and smoke filling the air. "What's going on?"
Panic had set in, her people running to the gate that separated the outside world with their little community. It was like mass hysteria had taken over, something was going on, something horribly wrong.
She followed them until she made it to the clamoring crowd. "Someone please tell me what's going on!"
"Titans!" A man shrieked, terror in his eyes. "An army of Titans! They came from the sea, they're flattening everything and coming this way!"
"But the military will stop them, we have the strongest military in the world-! Surely a few Titans can't stop them."
"They fled, all of them fled or got crushed, there's nothing to stop them!"
Her basket of groceries dropped, soon crushed into paste as more panic filled the air. The realization hitting her.
The Island Devils had made good on their promise.
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mythic-menagerie · 1 year
I stopped watching Digimon a while back but now I'm intrigued, what's this about them doing the evil headmate trope well?
Okay so I'm going to preface this with two things
Spoilers for the entirety of Digimon Ghost Game. We will be discussing literally the last episode of the show and the context needed for it.
When I say done well I do not mean that none of the headmates do horrible things. I also don't mean every character acts like a flawless person in the process of dealing with it.
What I do mean is that the show treats the plural character and all the headmates with respect and dignity. One of the headmates is the villain of the story, but is still treated as a person and a character, not a complete monster with no real desires or ability to be reasoned with.
With that said, let's begin.
So, I'm going to assume anyone reading this has at least seen the first episode just so that I don't have to describe Gammamon and Hiro completely. And also that they know enough about Digimon to understand the ideas of the digital evolution and different forms that are seen throughout Digimon.
About... I want to say 17 or 18 episodes in, one of Gammamon's friends is killed right in front of him. This causes a mostly dormant form of Gammamon to occur called Gulusgammamon. Throughout the series he is portrayed as a villain. He kills Digimon, he does what he wants, and doesn't seem to care about anyone except himself and Hiro. He wants to form a bond with Hiro, a goal stated every time he appears. However Hiro refuses as Hiro tries to reach non-violent solutions to the problems he faces and hates the idea of killing Digimon. Another important detail is that Gulus only ever appears whenever his body or Hiro are about to die without intervention. It's not just randomly appearing and killing. It's very explicitly to protect in an incredibly violent way.
All of this eventually leads up to the last few episodes where Gulus fully reveals himself and fully takes control of the body again. He then claims that he has "deleted" Gammamon. Hiro realizes this is a lie and forms a bond with Gulus (well, technically Regulus by this point but we'll stick with the name of the base form for now to avoid confusion) in order to pull Gamma back to front. Although this means Gulus finally gets what he wants, this causes a massive problem with both gamma (well, actually Canoweiss who may be another Headmate but that's another conversation I'll talk a bit about later) and Gulus fighting for front.
Then all of the main characters are pulled into Gammamon's headspace (called inner world in the subs but no that's a headspace) for a massive battle between Gulus and all of the other forms that Gammamon can take.
Stuff happens that is way too complicated and only mildly related to the trope itself, but eventually Gulus is defeated. Gulus looks like he's about to attack again, bit suddenly Siriusmon's (one of the gamma forms) mouth opens and spectral versions of Gammamon, Betelgammamon, Kausgammamon, Wezengammamon and Canoweissmon flow out and literally pull Gulusmon into the system.
We then cut to just Gammamon and Gulusgammamon sitting in a white void. Gulus accepts his defeat and is ready to be destroyed but Gammamon says that isn't what he wants. They then come up with a deal where if Gulus follows some rules (mostly just not being an evil murder bastard) he'll be more accepted into the system and treated kindly as part of the whole rather than as an enemy.
Some other fun details:
Gulus is the oldest Headmate in the system and likely the original host.
Gammamon is a little! The body is far older than Gammamon who mostly acts childish even though the body is implied to be the body of an ancient evil.
There's a memory divide between Gulus and the rest of the system.
All of Gammamon's forms including Gulus wear a sleeve from Hiro's dad although it takes different looks with the different forms ranging from bandana to cape
The different personalities attributed to each of Gammamon's forms as well as the spectral forms we see at the end all imply that each of the forms is a separate headmate, although this is not explicit unlike Gulus.
I know some people will likely argue how this is still harmful but I just want to say that not all headmates, especially those made from traumatic disorders, are going to have healthy coping mechanisms. I myself have had experience with a violent Headmate that in reality needed someone to tell her she isn't a monster and help her cope in better ways. I see this same thing in Gulus. He ultimately just wants to survive and receive attention from Hiro. He just thinks the best way to do that is to kill other Digimon. It takes the events of the last few episodes for him to see differently. And that's really cool to me at least.
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just-jessiejames · 2 years
Ahem *clears throat*
Attention all Tylorpe shippers, I have a very important question that I just would enjoy hearing other people's thoughts on.
How far gone do we all believe Tyler to be regarding Laurel's manipulations?
She believed him to be a willing participant, but that could be her own hubris. We know Tyler was definitely angry due to what Nevermore and the outcasts ended up doing to his mother. But how far gone is he really? How willing do you all believe he was in the end? We do have to remember, the Hyde is a two faced beast. Two sides of a coin that flip in an instant, so how much of the blood-lust is Tyler's and how much is the Hyde's.
It's just fun to hypothesize. I do believe Hunter confirmed that Tyler was playing Wednesday from the start and never had feelings for her, which does change my perspective on how far gone he is, if none of those positive interactions were real then he could be a lot farther gone than I had hoped honestly. Meaning he is closer to the cold, sadistic killer than he is that nice barista.
However, all of those interactions imo are hard to entirely fake, I mean how good a liar is Tyler? He seems pretty darn good, but emotions are hard to fake enough to FEEL real. (Though I guess killers are typically good at this sorta stuff, mmm.) Food for thought I guess, it's hard to say whether he just played up the loverboy angle and was really just an evil bastard the whole time, never once showing any ounce of real sympathy or compassion; or if some of it was actually genuine, just skewed and not whole truths.
I think he deserves a redemption arc though. Seeing him going from being a manipulated child suffering from abuse related Stockholm syndrome, to realizing that what Laurel said may not really be everything there is to this situation would do wonders for a character arc. It would be great to see him breaking free of the mentality his "master" had, and growing to have his own separate views on the situation. Maybe even gaining sympathy for the Nevermore populace.
Though as far as I know right now, if he really is closer to that sadistic cold blooded killer, then he never really cared about the outcasts and it was all a farce. Which in the end means he'd have one hell of a redemption arc to go through, we'd really have to see him get knocked in the head hard with some sort of empathy for outcasts. What exactly would spur change I'm not certain of yet?? Especially if he's really locked into Laurel's mentality. It can take years to shake an abusers/captors grooming.
Anyways, I would LOVE to hear everyone else's thoughts, honestly I'm just rambling here now. Been thinking about this a lot. I like Tyler, I think he could be a lot more complicated as a character. I think there is a lot going on with him. Do I think the show-runners will treat his arc well? God idk, hard say. Leaning towards pessimism because I feel like they might just go the "he's just evil" route and keep him as a villain who will probably end up dying as most narrow-minded villains tend to do in these shows when their story-lines are treated poorly :(
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powderblueblood · 7 months
ohhhh 18, 9, and 2 for your Steve and Eddie (any verse you'd like
interrogate me about my characters
you are FEEEDING MEEEEE i'm sorry this took me like a couple of days my brain had to power back up after the weekend
hellfire & ice/sequel!eddie starts off as your garden variety drug dealer and progressively adds a couple more tools in his criminal belt as the years go on and honestly? doesn't really see that much of a boohoo about it. yes, it's what the world expects from all munsons, yes, it's bad bad work for bad bad men but eddie can't see himself working a straight job. ever. he's not equipped for it. and, he's made peace with the fact that he'll never be a rockstar (jk no the fuck he has not he's so bitter) so he's all, might as well make the wasted years i have on this stupid earth a little more interesting. he's got a little bit of a robin hood complex going on once we meet him in his late 20s.
clear cut!steve is also a criminal albeit the smoother kind, and kind of works off a similar thing of i've never been good at anything else, so this might as well be my career. except for steve, it's banking on how far he can get with that tireless, bottomless, all-consuming harrington charm. working in insurance, or whatever the fuck his father did, never quite scratched the itch of bold faced robbery that... well, robbery did. it's funny, though. steve's never had the aspirations towards grandeur that his fellow thieves have had, because he knows what it's like to grow up in a cushy rich household. steve's just doing it for the thrill of fooling everybody. and he is, by the way. fooling everybody. even you. remember that.
hellfire and ice!eddie, like.... do you mean his entire life up to this point and actually, beyond. he once got so unbelievably fucking stoned that he thought calling a phone sex line was a good idea but then once the sexy operator lady picked up, he got so freaked out that he could only talk in fozzie bear voice and he couldn't drop the bit for 20 minutes. fun conversation with wayne about that phone bill. he's also written so much bad poetry, so many embarrassing near-self insert stories (one of us, one of us) where he romances many a comely elfin lady. he once slipped one of these stories into chess club captain martha peterson's locker in freshman year as, like, an effort at wooing her but then he got pulled into the fucking guidance counselor's office because she said he was stalking him.
old hollywood!steve... again. regrets. humiliations. he has a few. one could be punching bela lugosi out after a stage production of dracula because he thought he was a real vampire (drunk). another could be punching out an extra on the set of the merry widow in 1925 because he was sniffing around mae murray, who steve was also sniffing around at the time (jilted). steve was replaced by 'that rodent-voiced bastard john gilbert' and the extra he clocked? none other than clark gable. among other embarrassments; not securing a finalized divorce from his first wife before he married his second (drunk), the time he fully pissed his pants when buster keaton played a prank on him during a seance (stoned), getting caught wailing for a second chance outside joan crawford's room at the garden of alla hotel (that woman was inside having lesbian sex).
old hollywood!eddie knows his entire career is based on fluke, but he's too embarrassed to nurture his real talent, which is writing. to be honest, he does stunts because he kind of has a death wish. not being able to express himself was killing him, but he was always too full of piss and vinegar and cowardice to kill himself. but now people see him, or what the studios have made of him, and it's glorious and horrifying and naked and fake and full of possibility that he's too scared to touch.
hellfire & ice/burning up & burning out!steve (moreso sequel relevant, but) has always thought lacy was a fucking weirdo honestly and blames lacy for nancy pulling away from him during his senior year, not like nancy becoming a person was a factor or anything... until they're older and steve and lacy grow increasingly fond of each other. he wishes he took the job that his dad laid out for him on a silver platter sometimes and married someone stable, like tina or whoever. steve's increasingly more anxious socially as he ages, knowing that most people see him as some kind of joke, but he has to put on the face and be the guy, whatever that means to him in 1994. he's terrified that he's built his life around constructs that are flimsy; being independent from his family, following a path when he's not sure of himself as a person, desperately trying to make the thing with nancy work when she's there because he's familiar and he's there because he's afraid.
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
And and. Grrr also 🖊!!! For Jonah/Mephistos brother I know who that is but my brain. GRR I just woke up and tumblrs search is so shitty I can't find him but you know who I'm talking about!! Was in that writing that tore up my soul. Talk about that one more!
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A man overtaken by greed, by the need to be bigger and better tham everyone else, Archer Caede is not a man who you would trust with your life, but you'll probably still trust him with your money. Everyone is just another pawn in his mind, but he fails to realize he too is attached to strings.
Brother package deal along with Jonah ! A resident of Pandora who always craved a life better than this hunk of intergalactic trash, but who really didn't have many opportunities to get away without leaving behind what he had. Unfortunately, he is burdened by sentimentality. A big flaw in a man of ambition, but hey, he won't have to worry about it too hard after a while. Not too smart on numbers or very skilled with guns, but an absolute madman with words. He can convince anyone of anything and he'll still make it sound like they're the ones coming out on top. Manipulation doesn't even begin to cover what this man does for fun. Its also the only reason why he keeps calling himself straight [SLASH J]
Lawful evil and I mean that. Has never broken a single law by virtue of just being really really good at making what he does (stealing) sound noble ("taking away resources from bandits locally as to reduce the harm they do in our communities"). He will fight with every banned trick in the book if he has to because he knows otherwise his ass would not make it out of the fight without an (even more) broken nose. He's perfectly content swiping the rug from under people's feet when they're no longer of his use because he's TERRIFIED of the possibility they may turn on him first, and he knows he wouldn't survive if that happened. He's very weak (in his own words) and because of that, everything is just an opportunity to keep surviving, everything is just another thing that is out to get you at all times. Unmedicated OCD king.
Archer is a very, very deep in the closet gay man who has literally never accepted or even tried experimenting with his sexuality once before because his mask is made out of paper and he's scared if he breathes a little too hard it'll melt and reveal the "shameful" version of himself. He struggles actually being himself because the real version of him is not marketable, and that's all he sees himself as: A Product, the face of a brand. This just keeps getting intensified as he goes with Maliwan, whose whole company premise is "be as marketable as physically possible or else you're useless". Which is also why he comes to really hate his brother too. "Why can you be yourself without having to worry about what other people expect. That's not fucking fair" he says, as he keeps worrying about what other people expect even though he could just not. Meanwhile Jonah is just bisexualing about. Like some kind of wizard.
Despite this he still falls in love extremely fast. He doesn't know what proper intimacy feels like so he just latches onto the first person to give him attention and thinks that is what being in love is supposed to be, so often times he ends up scaring people away because it comes off as... very very very intense. He just wants to distract himself from the reality but reality doesn't hold back very much !
Look at him and his brother together <3
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He is soooo normal around a certain someone from his office. Totally not experiencing first hand what obsession feels like. This guy's super, incredibly, very normal about attraction to other men. You can trust this man, as an employer, around your son, who is his superior. He is so normal.
[Turns out he's actually not]
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doctorbrown · 4 months
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all the draft scripts for the films are my favourite things tbh - there are definitely some things from those i wish made it into the film, like jen actually got to be awake and conscious throughout the future bit and it was fun having her and marty get around. and doc's future lab could've been so cool.
If you want to keep reading it's just me going through all the wild shit from the first draft pt2 script. I ENCOURAGE YOU DO THOUGH BECAUSE IT'S A WILD TIME
Biff City for Hell Valley cracks me up though
Cops damaging the aerial acceleration circuits in 1985A when Biff calls them to Doc's house (because the whole finding out how he got the almanac scene plays out very differently and Doc and Marty call from the garage pretending to be the man he stole the book from in '67 and Biff traces the call back) and so since they can't accelerate up to 88, they're going to plummet the DeLorean down to get them up those last 13mph to 88 for temporal displacement
Otis Peabody just gets out after twelve years in the sanatorium thinking he's cured, that flying saucers and aliens aren't real and lo and behold, what does he see but the DeLorean, this time FLYING and landing right in front of the barn??
Marty decked out in hippie gear and Doc teaching him the vernacular of that time
Marty thrown in jail because he doesn't have a draft card
Peabody thinking he's gonna stop these alien bastards from getting away before the cops can come and see this time so while Doc's in the front seat, he destroys Mr Fusion with a shotgun blast
Marty goes to Biff's house to get the almanac back because it was left on his doorstep in this version with a note and when Biff happens to see him trying to retrieve it, decked out in hippie gear, he gets immediately suspicious upon seeing the note and tosses it at Marty, believing it's some bomb. Well that was easy. Time to go!
Goldie Wilson's an attorney who shows up to try and represent Marty after being jailed and Marty tell him to put his name in the paper as Marty DeLorean because someone (Doc) is gonna see it and get him out. And someone DOES see it! Lorraine, also dressed as a hippie who is inspired by Marty's 'bravery in resisting the draft and to go to jail for his beliefs'
Marty once again jeopardising his existence because now that he's shown up and Lorraine spent all her money paying his bail, she can't afford to go out of town to see George for their anniversary weekend and that just so happens to be the weekend Marty's conceived— Hello countdown to non-existence.
Marty: you said these clothes would help me blend in. Doc: sorry, guess spending my '60s on a college campus warped my perception a little.
This: classic Doc.
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I can't deal with this kid
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Nobody can, Doc. Nobody can.
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Doc: you've gotta have a rich eccentric uncle from out of town. everyone does. Marty: do you? Doc: i am one.
Doc & Marty trying to figure out a way to get Lorraine to accept $500 so she can go on that trip to San Francisco to bang George.
What's a trip to the past without encountering '67 Doc and yeah...he looks exactly like you'd imagine him to.
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'67 Doc repairing Mr Fusion and what does Marty see in his lab other than the letter from '55 2/3 of the way taped back together.
Now it's time to plan it all. How are we doing it? It can't fly with the damage, so we'll fit it with ailerons to enable flight. Well, there are no upcoming storms, no plutonium, and none of these electrical cables will supply 1.21 gigawatts worth of power to the FC, but fortunately there's a place in Gannon Canyon where, if we blow the safety regulator on one of the transformers, the ensuing explosion will overload the wires and carry the required amount of power, but only for a window of 3.3 seconds!! Any longer and the wires will disintegrate and oh, so will you and the DeLorean if you don't hit it within that 3.3 second window. Too early, you'll get electrocuted, too late, you'll disintegrate, and if you miss flying into the wires entirely, the interference shorts the guidance system and you'll plummet probably to your death.
This plan's insane, Doc, how could you possibly have come up with it?? Well I'm glad you asked.
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Now with that taken care of, just gotta make sure Lorraine gets the money from her 'eccentric rich uncle.' Well she did! And then promptly sent it back. So where are they gonna get $500 now? Luckily, Doc's got a bank account!
Or...he did. The bank gave him a free toaster as part of opening the account and when it broke, they refused to replace it, so Doc said well fine then, watch this. And, as you do, promptly withdrew all his money and instead placed it in a safe in his home.
Doc's sneaking into his own place while his '67 counterpart is loading the modified DeLorean into the van. Gotta get into the safe but oh no! '67 Doc comes back because he forgot the time bomb to blow the safety regulator!
They've made contact!
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In true Biff fashion, he and the boys are going to crash the Anti-War rally Lorraine convinced Marty to speak.
All while this is happening, Doc has gotten the $500 from...himself...has stolen his younger counterpart's motorcycle, and is now BOOKING IT to the rally to find Marty so they can give Lorraine the money and pretend it's from all her friends at the rally.
Biff attacks! Marty knocks him out good but sends him straight into Doc as he's hurrying over to give him the envelope and of course...the envelope falls into a flaming drum and is destroyed.
But there's one last chance! Marty appeals to the crowd he's been speaking to with a very touching speech, saying how family is incredibly important and Lorraine gave up everything for her beliefs, so if everyone just even gave $1, she could make her bus to San Francisco and see George. Marty starts it off with $10 and everyone is passing money around.
And who should be in the crowd but the two officers who arrested Marty, touched by the speech of family? They're going to give Lorraine her bail money back and drop the charges on Marty.
BUT WAIT, SOMEONE'S RUNNING THROUGH THE CROWD, HAVING JUST ARRIVED IN A TAXI. It's George! Lorraine's father called him and told him the news; he came all the way down for that.
Now it's time to get back to the future. Doc & Marty head to the canyon where the plan's going to happen, '67 Doc's teaching him how to fly the DeLorean now, everything's great. Local Doc wishes he could come, saying how cool it would be, but the weight of an additional passenger would ruin everything. Marty, naturally, panics. His Doc has to get in the DeLorean too; what does that mean? Well, '67 Doc only precisely calculated this for Marty's weight.
Time to fight over who gets to go back. Doc's already decided, though. It's Marty.
But if they BOTH go and they toss out extra unneeded equipment from the DeLorean...
Rip off the doors, toss the spare tyre, any extra tools...
Toss the almanac still in Marty's bag after it was retrieved from Biff, they're good to go!
IT WORKS, THEY'RE HOME FREE. But who just happens to be camping out in the canyon where the almanac was tossed down, watching the DeLorean time travel? The Peabody family.
Otis picks it up, sees all the numbers inside, deems it junk, and tosses the almanac on the campfire. Destroyed in the end after all.
Back in present-day, one of the discarded DeLorean doors has ended up in a museum in the canyon, believed to be from a UFO. It's futuristic (by '60s standards) technology only further proved that, and Otis Peabody is the so called expert who found the door that day while camping in the canyon.
The ending kind of unfolds similar to pt3's ending: Marty's life was ruined in this one not by an automobile accident, but by a group of people coming up to him in a car and offering him a part in a get-rich-quick scheme. In the shitty future, he took it, lost horribly, ruined everything. In this one, he tells them he's not interested and they leave, that's that. Marty brought a card of his son's back with him from the future, and like with the letter Jen had from pt2, it's completely blank. He asks Doc about it and he says, much like at the end of pt3, that his future is entirely up to him, so he better make it a good one.
Doc's still got some other crazy plans though, of course. Future? Nah, been there done that. Past is too dangerous. What he's got is even better.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Can you do dating scenarios for Caesar clown please❗️:)
“mad love”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like dating this mad scientist?
⠀⠀➧ fluff | caesar clown × gn!reader | headcanons + scenarios
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! though swearing and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: here's your mad scientist lover, caesar~ @pink6021
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what would it be like dating
dating this man will honestly be filled with a lot of cons, like a real lot of 'em, because he's a crazy bastard after all.
but there will still be some pros on dating him though, so don't worry, haha-
dating this scientist will result into dates in his lab, doing 'fun' experiments.
caesar will be quite protective, and possesive over you if you're dating him.
he's gonna be clingy with you too.
caesar needs your constant praises to boost his already swollen ego, so just give him some, please.
if he has his subordinates calling him master, he wants you to call him something sweet, you know, honey?
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“shirorororo~! my dearest y/n, look at my creation! a deadly poison that takes effect immediately in just a few seconds!” boasts caesar, flexing his creation as you gasped, clapping your hands by his work.
“wow, caesar, honey! that's amazing, just as i expected of the greatest scientist i know, hehe!” you chuckled, placing down the test tube you're holding when you were conducted experiments with your lover just a few moments ago, now walking towards the gaseous man with a smile.
“o-oh!? i-is that right? i'm the greatest? w..well, if you say so, hon.... do i get a reward for this though?” twiddling his fingers nervously, caesar shyly asked for a reward which you gave—a kiss on his cheek that is more than enough to get him to blow a fuse, blushing like a teenage girl...
“a..ahh... thank you for that, honey.” he mumbles, a smile immediately forming on his face, causing you to chuckle, kissing him once again on his lips.. “you're welcome, caesar. don't be shy to ask for more, mhm? love you my mad scientist~”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 months
i've said similar before (as have countless others on here before me) but i'm taking a moment to say this again:
and i think it's wildly stating the obvious to say the following but apparently there are still some folks who need to hear it:
irl, i seriously dislike mean people. i despise bullies. i can't think of anything worse than a person who does 'evil' deeds to others and enjoys it. granted, i can at times end up feeling sorry for some of these arseholes bc a lot of the time there are genuine reasons for their poor behaviour; sadness/trauma/mental illness/etc. but that isn't me dismissing that behaviour, i'm just trying to have some understanding and empathy for their suffering because it's clear that it's effecting their humanity, y'know? it's often a sad reality, but does not mean i would excuse a person treating others badly.
the characters from the books/tv show/movie/play/podcast etc that you like are not real. they are dreamt up to help us learn lessons from a young age, to make us laugh at their stupidity, to help us see that those who have found themselves on a dark path are mostly there because something terrible happened to them. these characters are brought to life for us in sometimes terrible forms—those truly dreadful villains—to help us work vicariously through emotions we all suffer with from time to time, the irrational feelings we can have of revenge or world domination lol. there is anger that we, as a race, all have to deal with, intrusive thoughts that we all sometimes struggle with. when we feel ourselves wanting the badguys in the movies to win, it can help us to manage these kinds of real life feelings we suffer, and it might mean we can learn how to deal better.
it's like wanting to punch someone. i would personally never actually want to do that—but occasionally as humans we might feel like we want to.
also, none of us are perfect creatures! none of us. liking a bad or morally grey character can sometimes be because you might see some of their toxic traits in yourself, and feel better about the fact that even though you have faults, at least you're not as bad as they are. or maybe you know somebody like the character, someone who—even though their actions are wrong and you don't agree with them—has had a terrible life and you have some understanding of why they behave in the way they do. maybe the character helps you understand that person more and have more empathy for them and others like them?
baddies get to do the things we sometimes wish we could! who doesn't occasionally wish they could do a michael douglas d-fens in falling down?! or have the whole world kneel at their feet as loki does?! or be so be clever and cunning you can get away with any criminal plan you damn well choose like james moriarty?!
even the 'pure evil' characters in media are written so that we love to hate them, otherwise we wouldn't care about what happens to them, and caring about the story and it's characters is the whole point. and even if you just wholeheartedly love them—like you completely adore those vile bastards, regardless of all their evil deeds—that's okay! they're not real. just because you enjoy a character like hannibal lecter doesn't necessarily mean you want to murder and eat people, you just like a character who does terrible things because they have been written to be liked.
so, the paramount thing to remember is:
anyway, thank you for coming to my ted — *gets shot by the bad guy*
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madmarchhare · 2 years
'Who else would come see you first?' New short story
Not about Caine or Asriel sorry. This is something new that is part of something I might write later on. Hope you all enjoy it. It is loosely inspire by dnd, and I'm really only tagging it to get the medieval/ fantasy fans, but don't leave, I promise you'll like it!
“So, where should we go next?” Vyck asked, leaning over the table, steepling his hands. I peered at him over the rim of my tankard, taking one more mouthful of ale before lowing it from my mouth.
“What do you mean?” I asked, not sure whether to be curious or bored. He looked back at me as if it was obvious.
“What do you mean, ‘what do I mean’? I mean what quest we should do next!” He finished excitedly, spreading his arms widely.
“We just finished one! I want a rest!” I replied indignantly, snatching my drink up to my lips as I finished, looking at Vyck as I took a quick swig. I had met Vyck a couple of months ago, and decided to form a party with him, well, he invited me and I didn’t want to have to ask anyone else. He was a tall, thin elf man, dressed in a fine purple and gold cloak that hung rather loosely over a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. He was a good looking man, with pale hued skin and reddish hair, that was left with a fringe at the front and platted at the back under a black ushanka. He was a handsome man, quite suited to be a bard, despite his role as a wizard. Though he did  always like to make a show of it.
“What? Your little dwarf legs tired having to keep after us Thedrick?” Vyck replied slyly, resisting his face in his hands as he leant over the table. Oh, and he’s a cunt, I forgot to mention that. Fun, but a real bastard.
“Thedrick’s right,” Clock suddenly piped up, having to pull himself up from his seat, to see over the table, “we need a rest, that last quest was hard, and we’ve been doing them nonstop.” Clock was our resident Kobold fighter, yes I know it sounds odd, but I don’t care, he is very good at what he does. He was around 3’6” with black scales, though he would paint some on his face and arms white with whitewash, which made him look quite interesting. His snout was rather broad and squat, like an alligator’s, filled with neatly white teeth that he cleaned almost religiously. He wore a stet of leather arm guards along with a studded leather breastplate, over the top a chainmail shirt and trousers.
“We’ve been doing them non-stop because of how little they pay us!” Vyck burst out, throwing his hands up into the air, his cloak sleeves falling down to his shoulders as he did. “The rent around here is expensive, so unless we do enough quests, we’ll get kicked out. So, we just to need to one more decent paying quest and then we can buy a house, so we don’t have to worry so much.” Both Clock and I looked at him, begrudgingly accepting the good point he made. The town we were staying at, Bury Saint Michael, was an adventurer town, so, all the landlords tended to peg the rent high, and rake it in off of them. “And,” Vyck began proudly, catching our attention, “if we do enough, we might get chosen as one of the Gods’ champions!” The table collectively groaned at this, all four members bar Vyck exhausted with him.
“For the last time Vyck,” Theodora replied, her voice exhausted, “no God’s  gonna make you their champion.” She looked down at him quite tiredly. Theodora, though she preferred to be called just ‘Ra’, was a wolf-woman-thing… I have no fucking clue what she is really, none of us did. We knew she was a big, buff, kickass wolf lady, and that she was our resident big fuck off barbarian-slash-rouge… Don’t ask me to explain, I can’t. She was the tallest out of us, outstanding Vyck by about a foot at 7’ something. She wore a reddish gilet along with a sort of skirt-kilt thing, with a great white sash across her chest.
“Why not? After all, I’m handsome enough to be picked by the god of beauty!” Vyck responded, placing his finger tips under his chin as he tilted back his head.
“Mate, just drop it. besides, you know you’re not that God’s type,” I responded, tipping my tankard back as I drank down.
“Oh, and what is his type then?” Vyck asked slyly, a sultry smile on his face, his chin in his hand as he leaned forward.
“Not twinks,” Clock said calmly, stabbing a sausage with one of his claws and popping it in his mouth as I coughed and sputtered on my drink, Ra and Hollace laughing hard.
“Oh,” Vyck replied, in a sneaky sort of voice, leaning closer to Clock, “and who taught you what a twink is?”
“Well!” I burst out, slamming my tankard onto the table as I looked over at the wall, avoiding Vysk’s gaze, “I think we are digressing from our main point.” I added, feeling my face flush red under my beard.
“Oh do you now?” Vysk asked sultrily, leaning over the table.
“I think you have a point about the quests, but we’ve been working non-stop. Are you sure we can manage another?” turning back to look at him, he leaned back into his seat with a smile.
“We’ll be fine don’t worry: I’m not going to pick something too hard.”
“If we are going to do another quest, can it not be a dungeon? I’m getting really tired of either having to hold a torch or ask you all what is happening.” Hollace, the sole human in our party asked. Hollace was a reasonably tall man, just slightly shorter than Vysk, he was our healer and had the bedside manner of one. By which I mean none at all. He was a well built man, dressed in a set of steel armour, though he never wore a helmet, and used a ball and chain for a weapon. Though I had seen him beat an undead to de-wait… never mind, bare handed. His face was rather squarish, punctuated by a number of freckles and a well trimmer moustache he would style up into points, and a mop of dark black hair held into a messy parting, trimmed at the sides.
As the only human in our group, he often had to be put forward to soothe things over when Vysk wouldn’t work. His rather blunt manner didn’t make that any easier.
“Ah, our resident human getting tiered of his useless little eyes.” Ra declared, grabbing him with one arm and pulling him in close.
“I’ll bite you,” Hollace responded quite sternly.
“Oh, and what would that do little man?”
“My teeth are silver.”
“Oh, kinky…” Ra responded sultrily as she pulled him closer, before Vyck came int between them
“I think that’s enough children!” he announced slyly, putting his nose high in the air as Clock and I laughed at the pair. “I’ll find a good quest we can do, so don’t worry.” Giving us all a confidant smile as he turned to look at me. I sighed and shook my head slightly as I let a smile fall across my lips. Not that they could tell.
It wasn’t a good quest
“Why is that fucking things down here?!” Hollace cried out to Vyck as he dashed along the side of the chasm we were in, punching a bipedal fox looking creature that jumped him as he did.
“I don’t bloody know! The quest just said there were some Kitsune things here!” Vyck snapped back, his voice and face drawn taught in panic, as he launched a blast of ice crystals at the creature Hollace meant leaving it with a bunch of shallow slashes on its rippling flesh. It only seemed to make it even angrier than it already was. The creature in question was twelve feet tall, it’s presence filling in the room. It was a great lumbering thing, standing on twig like legs that ended in stumps, one significantly shorter than the other thanks to a lucky shot from Clock. It’s skin, if it could be called that, looked odd, like if someone had taken various shades of mud and stamped them all together, and yet blood poured from it’s wounds, many ones we had not inflicted.
“We’ll it’s here now! What do we do?” Clock called out as he was pinned by four of the kitsune creatures, left as a blur from his speed.
“Just fight it! It bleeds enough that it’s got to be killable!” Ra screamed out excitedly as she suddenly jumped down on the creatures tube shaped head and clamped down on it with her jaws, tearing into the left side of it’s face. The thing let out a billowing sort of wail, and flung up his arms to tear her off as it stumbled around, finally grabbing her with an oversized hand and tossing her to the side. She landed on the floor and skidded back a few dozen feet as her claws threw up sparks on the stone floor.
“I’ll trip him you get him while he’s down!” I called out, throwing my great axe at his unwounded leg, the great steel blade digging itself deep into the trunk of a limb. The great thing teetered then fell onto it’s back. Clock slashed apart the kitsune near him then dashed forward to the monster just as Ra and Hollace did the same. Clock plunged his sword into it’s chest as Ra tore at its neck, sending up a spray of blood that covered her and Hollace as the latter brought down his ball and chain head down onto the hilt of Clock’s sword, driving it even deeper. Then a great spear of fire shot through it’s head making it fall limp, the other three turning to look at Vyck, who wore a stressed, yet relived looking expression, the veins on his hands glowing red.
He shot us a smile, and I shared it. Then I suddenly felt something thrust itself through my chest, and saw it fling itself out of my chest.
“Thedrick!” Vyck screamed out, terror in his voice, causing the others to turn to me and all adopt matching looks of terror.
“Thedrick!” They all called out as they rushed over to me, dropping their weapons. I looked down at the protrusion from my chest, it looked the same as the creature and as I looked back up I saw it drop it’s hand, the light finally fading from its hollow eyes. I coughed up a mess of blood, spattering it over my beard as the word around me began to dim.
“Heal him!” Vyck cried out, grabbing me as the great limb fell apart like dust, the magic in it gone.
“I don’t have any spell’s left!” Hollace cried out desperately, his voice fading in and out as I stared up at the roof. It was quite beautiful despite the darkness, covered in great mosaics depicting pleasant little scenes.
“Just try!” Vyck snapped back to him, his voice breaking as everything went quite dark. Then, as soon as I opened my eyes I was in a black room. At least I thought it was room. I couldn’t see any walls, or a floor, or anything in it at all really.
“Wha-” I began to myself as I spotted someone, a tall, thin man stood there, where I was quite sure no-one was before. He wore a black suit that hung slightly large on his frame, over the top of a high collared white shirt, tied together with a silver tie covered in small black slits. His face was thin, pale in complexion his eyes clamped shut behind a pair of armless over-loop glasses. On top of his black hair was a wide brimmed hat, a pork pie I think they were called, that shrouded his face slightly in darkness. He stood a few feet from me, his hands behind his back, a pleasant look on his face.
I strode over to him, calling out. “Hey you! Where am I?” He turned to me, seemingly unsurprised by presence and gave me a warm smile.
“Good afternoon Mr. Thedrick,” he responded, surprising me, “it is nice to formally meet you.”
“H-how do you know my name?” I asked, looking at him suspiciously.
“I know a lot about you. You’re a good, charitable man, you always have been, and you will continue to be.” He responded in an odd sort of voice. One that duplicitously was confident and cowardly. I looked at him confused on what he meant when I suddenly remembered, I died. I looked down at my hands not sure what to do. “Don’t worry, you won’t be here long. You have a cleric with you, I’m sure he’ll bring you back.” He stated, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking, a consoling tone in his voice.
“No, he ran out of spells,” I replied hollowly, the man turning to me, a look of light surprise on his face, “I’m not going back.” I finished, dropping my face into my hands, my breathing shaking me as I dragged air into non-existent lungs. He didn’t say anything for a moment, leaving me in silence.
“I don’t know about that,” he suddenly began, stepping past me, as I looked at up at him bleary eyed, “this time, yes, this time I think he has one more.” He added, lifting one of his hands up parallel with his face revealing a large set of black hands that fell into claws and snapped his fingers. As soon as he did I suddenly felt lighter, as if had been relived of some great burden, then I saw my limbs begin to fade out.
“what’s happening?” I asked, staring incredulously at my arm.
“Your cleric is using his last spell to revive you of course.” He replied, off handily, looking out into the darkness. “If you are wondering why, I just like good people.”
I looked at him as I felt myself disappear and had to ask before I left. “Who are you?” He gave a short chuckle in response and turned to me, opening his eyes, reaving a dozen smaller eyes surrounded by silver all darting about in the socket, just as the slits in the tie split open into eyes as well.
“My dear man, who else would come see you first?” He replied, a wide smile on his face. I stared at him flabbergasted for a second before he seemed to disappear into the white. The next thing I knew I woke up on the ground, gasping in a breath of air. I looked up and saw Hollace standing over me, red-faced and red eyed with a stunned expression on his face.
“Thedrick…” He whispered out stunned, relief clear in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m here,” I replied, pulling myself so I was sitting, but as soon as I did Vyck leapt on me and pulled me into a hug, digging his head into my shoulder.
I was stunned for a moment, leaving my arms hanging in the air when he suddenly wailed out, “I’m so sorry!” Which surprised me more. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I thought it would be safe. I thought we’d just do one more and we’d be set, but I ended up getting you fucking killed because I wanted to be some bloody gods’ champion! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so, so, so, so, sorryyyy!” Vyck blubbered out, hugging me tightly, sobbing and wailing as I saw Ra look at me with teary eyed relief, her mouth pulled in a terrified smile, Clock half laughing-half crying as stood close Hollace staring down at me with exhausted joy.
I looked down at Vyck who was still gripping me tightly, muttering apologies under his breath. “It’s alright, I’m back, don’t worry.”
@agarespicero @gaap-goemon-ismylife @psycho-zom-atic @jemimacatclover @shark-smuggler @shaoron @irumeanie @sleepy-gry @pemopemochimi @csoisoi @the-messenger-hawk @momonoki-a-real-teacher @trans-asmodeus @noyakwajhang
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icannotreadcursive · 2 years
For the fandom ask game, I feel like I should know the answers to this, already, but I am GENUINELY curious. So, The Old Guard.
Okay, let's effin' go--
Favourite Female: It is a damn near tie between Nile and Andy but based on hiw often I have Nile as my POV character when I write I think I have to give it to her by a hair.
Favourite Male: Nicky [insert Marge Simpson "I just think he's neat" here]
3 Other Favourite Characters: Andy, Joe, Booker
3 OTPs: Andy/Quynh, Joe/Nicky, and uhhhhhh Booker/therapy
Notp: Nile/Booker. I really hope the Book of Nile shippers are having fun but I want them to do so far far away from me.
Funniest character: Joe, no question
Prettiest character: So I just stared at this for a good 3 minutes while my tea steeped because, like, none of the main cast strike me as pretty. Some of the actors are, depending on context, but the characters are mostly either handsome or plain, and that's not gender dependent. So mu actual answer for prettiest character is the French girl at the pharmacy--what's her name? Celest? Is that canon or fanon, I don't know. You know who I mean.
Most Annoying Character: Merrick, hands down. Bless Harry Melling he is very good at playing an obnoxious self centered bastard.
Most badass character: Y'know what, I was gonna say Andy--I'd typed it and was about to move on to the next question--but I think it might be Nile. Or maybe it's a tie. They're badass in slightly different ways. Andy has the whole "has forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn" thing going and the badassery of persevering and trying to do what's right even when you're exhausted and feel hopeless, and Nile has the badassery of stepping up and owning a new situation you've been thrown into with little preparation, doing what you feel must be done, because it's right, even though it would be easier and in many ways more comfortable to walk away.
Character I’d like as my BFF: Hmm, can I have the whole team? If I only get one I pick [stalls for a minute to think] Joe. I pick Joe.
Female Character I’d Marry: ........if I marry Nile do I get her military pension? If not I'm going with Celest again.
Male Character I’d Marry: Nicky
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Okay so here's the thing........this movie is extremely well written. Every character does and is exactly what the story needs them to do and be. When I say I hate a character, I mean as a character, not as a person if they were real and I met them in real life. I hate characters who are dead weight, who bog down the stories they're in, who are mishandled, or seem to exist just to be irritation for the sake of being irritating--I hate the grape headed guy from BnHA, I hate Thanos as he exists in the MCU. I don't hate anybody from The Old Guard. That said, I do love-to-hate Merrick.
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pocketbelt · 3 months
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Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (PS5)
Ironic that I wrote a post defending one of the writers' previous works in XIV and the writing here ends up far and away the worst part. I still stand by the core of that post, that people misunderstand Shadow of Werlyt and what it's doing, but that's neither here or there.
This is the biggest divide between writing and game content I've seen in XIV in a while. The writing starts going awry around the Lv94-95 mark and falls off a cliff going through 95-96, and never fully recovers; on the flipside, this is probably the strongest run of dungeons and trials any expac has had. There are dungeons or trials I like more individually (though not many!), but as one whole set Dawntrail's is the strongest around. There's no stinker among them; they have a lot of scenario variety, their bosses are inventive and their mechanics are both real good and also real vicious, there's a significant jump in normal content difficulty coming from Endwalker and I'm fucking here for it, frankly.
The Lv100 dungeon's final boss was so hard that it gave the party I was in a story of a clutch victory, of me and the tank being the last ones standing and the tank desperately keeping me alive as I worked my moveset to get my biggest damage out as fast as possible before the next onslaught began. The Lv100 trial, the final boss, truly deserved its position, serving up a vicious spectacle of a fight with an incredible super move all with an impeccable music track.
On the flipside, the writing is littered with glaring problems and bizarre issues and the aggravating return of old bad bastard habits of the writing team. The advertised conceit, of going to Tural to help would-be successor to the throne Wuk Lamat with the rite of succession contest, only gets you to the Lv95 dungeon. It's extremely compressed, and by the end it's doing a blinding speedrun of the arcs of multiple characters and a whole society. The back-half of the plot can be completely accurately called shot-for-shot if you've played Final Fantasy IX (and I have, extensively, it's not just my favourite FF but my favourite game in general) and have a feel for how the XIV writing team conducts itself - and I did. Everything from Lv96 to the end feels like a rehash of Endwalker's back-half in terms of theme and intent, and even the concepts feel like they were unused Endwalker ones given a hasty FFIX coating and repackaged to fill out the back of an expansion whose writers, planners and directors didn't seem to have any coherent vision for.
Also I mean, for fuck's sake, the post-dungeon Lv95 quests and the Lv96 ones, taking you through the 4th zone of the expansion, are a fucking filler arc. Not in the twitter anime hypebeast poster sense, but in the "none of this matters for later, it's not relevant for anything or related to anything, it advances nothing, develops nothing, it isn't fun, it just fills time" sense. You wanna know how I know? Because I began skipping its cutscenes, beat the game then watched them back through a friend's recorded playthrough VOD and noticed how not a single bit of it fucking mattered for anything! You could cut that entire zone and lose fucking nothing! It's filler in the truest sense, it's to fill time and put space between the end of Wuk Lamat's edutainment whistlestop tour and the start of The Divine Cybermancy.
An entire sequence only happens because the entire cast all suddenly become braindead idiots in order to facilitate it happening (hey, why did no-one go with the princess who we know is being targetted by her actively cheating rivals in this contest for the fucking throne when a complete stranger just asked her to follow him into the woods?), and multiple scenes, sequences and plot events only happen because of the age-old bastard crimes of the XIV writers: namely, the Warrior of Light stands around and does nothing when they should be acting at all. A character fucking dies and you just stand, watch it happen, watch the killer fend off Wuk Lamat and then watch him leave for no good reason, when it would be actively better and smarter to kill him before he escapes. And you could, easily! Because the power levels are firmly established and you're the person who fought the literal apocalypse and won! No, it wouldn't stop the story there, that's not what I'm saying - in fact, that's rather my point! There was no goddamn purpose to letting the killer go!
During the filler arc, Erenville actively tells you to not do anything and instead follow his stupidly elaborate plan instead because it will "avoid conflict" and "your brutal methods". His method gets a man killed, identifies him to your target and sees the target escape when you could have easily caught him and ended it all there. This is never commented on or addressed, it's delivered straight with the expectation that this is not objectionable. Suffice to say, I don't really like Erenville much now.
The rest of the cast regrettably aren't far behind. Everyone is stating the fucking obvious constantly, like the writers are insecure about you following along, and it makes it seem like they aren't paying attention or are being fucking stupid. The dialogue is also often extremely repetitive, constantly blunting stating its themes and repeating exact turns of phrase, wording and sentences over and over. Wuk Lamat suffers this heavily as the game goes on, at times being reduced to a speaker that repeats the same bland platitudes about the strength of unity and the power of trust and Tural's strong united Turali people diverse strengths together better Tural for everyone Vow Vow my people Turali protect Get To Know Them Better strong together.
My biggest issue, though, is that Dawntrail does little to address the biggest problem XIV's plot has now: that the game's world feels "solved." Almost every single thing in the past expacs finds its roots in the Ancients, being either their direct machinations, secretly originally of their creation or something indirect their fault/responsibility, something Endwalker got almost psychotic about as it tied up every single possible loose end no matter how minor ("hey so what was the Heart of Sabik anyway?"). Every single last possible trace of mystique has been threshed out, pretty much every question of any relevance has a dry, clinical answer handed to you. All but one of Dawntrail's introduced mysteries receives dry, clinical answers by the end, and every time it tries to introduce something fresh or different, one of the twins or Krile or G'raha will pipe the fuck up to directly compare it to something you've seen before, just to make sure you don't think it's new and shit yourself in fear. The world remains feeling "solved", feeling "done and over with" with everything of import wrapped up and resolved. This doesn't feel like a first step on a new spread of expacs with a new plot, it's more like a bonus episode or OVA for Endwalker. The back half shares a particular core plot point/element with Endwalker's patch cycle story, which was a little self-contained adventure to fill time.
I'm terribly mixed on Dawntrail. Its dungeons and trials are incredible, Tural is a lovely place and there's quite a bit of fun and good, interesting parts throughout. But there's also a lot of rushing, a lot of fucking slog and just glaring bad spots and problems in the writing and story, which get incredibly repetitive and at times feel very insecure, when they aren't just feeling like a limp rehash of some of what Endwalker was going for. A lot of classes got limp and underwhelming additions, when they didn't just get fucked over, too.
If nothing else, the dungeons and trials and raids are super promising this patch cycle. Here's hoping.
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19 for the Silm ask!
[those silm asks as are doing the rounds]
19. you get to save one character from dying. what would they do instead?
the way i see it, there are three possible directions i could take this question
THE STRATEGIC OPTION - finwë. if finwë doesn’t die at minute one, that cuts off about 90% of the early noldorin drama and probably prevents the oath from being a thing? he’s probably the only guy in the universe who could get fëanor to shut up at this point, and is also a big non-controversial boss noldo who ain’t gonna start any civil wars. there’d probably still be trouble with the valar, on account of they have super broken the protect-you-from-melkor deal, but i do think finwë would handle that better than his dipshit sons. also both olwë and thingol will probably be willing to negotiate with him. there’d probably still be shenanigans, morgoth’s done a lot to drive a wedge between the noldor, but with finwë at the helm there’ll probably be much less collateral damage. besides, i am of the firm conviction that finwë was an absolute lunatic who if given the slightest chance to go as turbo as his grandkids went in canon would be perfectly capable of soloing morgoth
(how am i saving him, anyway? is there, like, an extradimensional portal i pull him through and we wait until ungoliant is gone? because if i am, i’d probably use the time to brief him on the upcoming situation. i know maybe ten words of quenya, but i feel like we could work around that. maybe with diagrams...)
THE INTERESTING COUNTERFACTUAL OPTION - denethor, the first one. if he survives the initial morgoth fight - not only do we have a nandorin power base in east beleriand, which sounds like it’d do all sorts of fun things to continental politics, but i half-remember reading that it was partially because of denethor’s death that thingol went full isolationist? so if he survives, we potentially have a much more active doriath, with a thingol at least willing to hold his own. that sounds like it’d affect the arc of the first age a lot, maybe not leaving all the enemy-fighting to the noldorin armies? i’m not really a butterfly-effect alternate-mythohistory fëanorian stan, but denethor living and holding the green-elves together sounds like it’d affect the course of events in interesting ways, if not necessarily better ones
THE CHAOS OPTION - fëanor, under the specific stipulation that when he inevitably gets his dumb ass killed i get to save him all over again. fëanor is the kind of character i like to watch just to see what crazy thing they’ll do next and how big the ensuing blast radius is. it would be terrible, for everyone, but from a safe distance seeing what fëanor does to beleriand will be an absolute spectacle. the explosions! the mecha! the inevitable fëanor-vs-every-single-other-person-on-the-continent war! i would watch this religiously and take bets on how fast he’ll burn beleriand down. there is a risk that he’ll figure out how my save-from-death portals work and subsequently invade the real world, but hey, this is the chaos option
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Requested by: @readingfromdarkness
Synopsis: Being a demon- a real one- didn't mean you didn't have any motherly love inside of you. Seeing those two little ones in the harsh winter did something to you though.
ೃ⁀➷PART 2
Word Count: 2,5+
WARNINGS: Creepy man, Slight Spoilers of Daki and Gyutaro's Past
Notes: I really don't know what format this is, I just did something and I don't know if that's good...
Would anyone like me to continue this story? Like other parts of you and them together, cute moments etc.?
Taglist: @camerondiaz48104
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ೃ⁀➷ Harsh winter was the worst. The harsh cold, unpleasant people who thought with their asses and not their brain and wearing tons of clothes to keep you warm wasn't the greatest way to be classy though.
ೃ⁀➷ Even as a demon, and not those ugly ass canniballs, you couldn't help but shiver slightly.
ೃ⁀➷ It wasn't even your choice! Your father, the one and only the Devil, Lucifer or whatever he was called as, just wanted to send you to surface to investigate that idiot who called himself as "the Demon King" and teach that punk a lesson.
ೃ⁀➷ Not your words! But your fathers.
ೃ⁀➷ You tsked at his behaviour and started to talk to yourself while hitting the snow piles in front of you out of boredom.
ೃ⁀➷ "You don't even know that this punk has been plaguing the entire Japan for thousands of years, dad! Humans even founded a Demon Slayer's Corps to defeat him..."
ೃ⁀➷"He surely has the balls to call himself as the Demon Lord, though... No wonder my dad was angry. I should probably find this Corps and talk to them...
ೃ⁀➷ You soothed your hair with your hands and started to quicken your pace to reach somewhere who at least had some people or a house to "rest".
ೃ⁀➷ your little companion was just behind you, wingling his tail happily and playing with the snow. The sight made you smile...
ೃ⁀➷" I guess, I'm not as demonic as I thought to be... No wonder my brothers kinda hate me..."
ೃ⁀➷ Your brothers always made fun of you for being more human than others. You were just more human when it came to children and women.
ೃ⁀➷ You walked through the now empty-looking streets of Red Light District.
ೃ⁀➷ Smelling every corner reek alcohol and lust made you cringe and pinch the bridge of your nose.
ೃ⁀➷You hurriedly turned from a corner to see a skeleton-like kid with something in his head.
ೃ⁀➷ And a man was standing in front of the kid(?) with his fists bloodied, apparently with the bloods of the boy
ೃ⁀➷ "You little bastard! Give what you took!"
ೃ⁀➷ You sighed boredly and tapped your feet against the ground, clicking your fingers to get the man's attention off the kid and on yourself.
ೃ⁀➷"Oi, dipshit! Why not fight with your equal? Or Is your power not enough?"
ೃ⁀➷The man turned to look at you, grinning in the most disgusting way ever.
ೃ⁀➷" A beauty like you shouldn't be worried about bastards like him... How about we spend a night together hehe...?"
ೃ⁀➷Yeah, definetly idiots...
ೃ⁀➷ " Look, I'm about to rip my immortal lungs out because of the amount of sighing I did today so let's get over with 'kay?"
ೃ⁀➷" You let the kid go, and I'll let you leave alive..."
ೃ⁀➷ To cut to the chase, the man was stupid and by doing something more stupid, he touched you...
ೃ⁀➷ And payed the price with his life.
ೃ⁀➷ You looked at the manlaying in front of you and put your hand on his chest ti feel a beat but upon sensing none, you turned to your hound and pointed to the man.
ೃ⁀➷" You know what to do, boy..."
ೃ⁀➷ Your eyes caught the kids little, very little, form and you crouched down to his level but he only barked threats at you
ೃ⁀➷" Go away, you old-hag! I'll kill you!"
ೃ⁀➷ You looked at the kid in amusement but seeing that he was still shivering, you took your coat off and put it around him to keep him warm
ೃ⁀➷ Which made the kid look at you confused
ೃ⁀➷ Eyeing his reaction, you realized that he hasn't seen any kindness which made a pang in your dead heart.
ೃ⁀➷Sighing to yourself, you hugged the kid close to you and wandered the streets and made small talk with him. At least tried to.
ೃ⁀➷ His name was Gyutaro and he had a sister named Ume whom he loved. There were other things he wasn't saying but fortunately, it wasn't hard for you learn them to. With a single touch, you saw his life so far... And for the first time in many years, you cried.
ೃ⁀➷ You saw how his mother treated him, how she tried to kill him countless times, how people threw insults at him, hit him and abuse the hell out of him just because of his looks, how his mother tried to kill his sister just because she looked like him...
ೃ⁀➷ And you felt the short-lived relief of him when the asshole of a mother died but soon it was replaced by the nerves when you saw the kids living on the streets.
ೃ⁀➷ Your vision ended there and begore you can wipe your tears, a small and weak hand touched your cold face.
ೃ⁀➷" Why are you crying... You aren't acting so powerful now..."
ೃ⁀➷ You looked at Gyutaro longer, making him look at you weirdly and started to notice little things about him.
ೃ⁀➷ For one, he didn't have any clothes and he was sick, you could sense it. The kid never had a shower in his time, and because of the lack of care and hygiene, he had a sick look.
ೃ⁀➷" Hey, kid... Where is your sister?"
ೃ⁀➷ And with that, you found the other pea as well. And just like that, your mother instincts went overdrive.
ೃ⁀➷You put Gyutaro down and he immediately went to his sister with the long cape but stopped abruptly to look back at you and then the cape. Seeing that he was taking it off, you stopped him with touching his head and ruffled his hair.
ೃ⁀➷"It's yours now. Keep and engulf your sister with it."
ೃ⁀➷ You watched him go behind her to wrap it around her smaller body and groaned at the thought that crossed your mind.
ೃ⁀➷ "I hope Father will not be angry because I already adopted these kids..."
ೃ⁀➷ That caught the attention of both of them and Ume looked at you with tears in her eyes and a hopeful smile on her face.
ೃ⁀➷ you smiled and said, "Yes, kid. I'll make you comfortable but I need to warn you about..."
ೃ⁀➷You sensed a venomous and obnoxious aura near you which made you halter. Seeing the look on your face, the kids fudgeted nervously but you smiled at them and took them in between your arms.
ೃ⁀➷ Opening a portal to Underground, you eased the kids and patted their heads, turning to look over your shoulder, you spoke to "so-called-demon".
ೃ⁀➷ "Go and tell your idiotic master that the King of Hell and his children will come after him if he dares to call himself "The Demon King" one more time..."
ೃ⁀➷"And if he will act like spoiled brat who throws a tantrum...
ೃ⁀➷" Here is the proof of the power we hold... Kibutsuji Muzan..."
ೃ⁀➷ Going through the portal, you didn't give a single thought about what was happening behind you, not aware that you made the demon's( who was ripped to shreds with just one look) master obsessed with you.
ೃ⁀➷ The kids didn't know what to expect. Maybe some lavas, or screams and skeletons but... Definetly not the luxurious red, black and golden palace.
ೃ⁀➷ They looked around in wonder, confused as to why a rich woman like you suddenly decided to adopt them. And you said the King of Hell and his children... So were you one of those kids? Were you a demoness?
ೃ⁀➷"Miss... Are you a real demon? Are you gonna hurt us?" said Ume with fear in her voice. You knitted your brows and looked down at them.
ೃ⁀➷" Yes and no. I adopted you two, right? I don't want to hurt you and I wont."
ೃ⁀➷ They nodded their head silently but Ume, for some reasons, liked to talk to you so she asked countless questions.
ೃ⁀➷" How many siblings do you have?"
ೃ⁀➷"Is the King really that terrifying?"
ೃ⁀➷"Are we gonna meet them...?"
ೃ⁀➷ You laughed awkwardly and nodded your head at them, smiling softly. You watched them have a little argument about the power and strength your father held and from the corner of your eye, you could see the guards trying hard to not to laugh. Witnessing the joy they had already brought here made you feel relaxed.
ೃ⁀➷Though it didn't last long since you came face to face with the gate to the throne room. You frowned and put the kids down, crouching in front of them, you looked straight into their eyes.
ೃ⁀➷" Ok, kiddos... Now we'll see my Father so try not to catch attention, okay? My siblings will also be there so if you ever feel overwhelmed, just tell me."
ೃ⁀➷ As soon as you finished talking, the gates opened to reveal your father sitting in his throne. You bowed your head in acknowledgement and stood tall, not wavering in front of his intense gaze. He asked what you did about Kibutsuji Muzan and after explaining everything you learnt, your Father hummed, thinking about what to do.
ೃ⁀➷" Go and talk to that leader of the Corps. Even if we're supposedly bad guys, we can't let a brat stain us..." You nodded your head and moved a bit to hide the kids behind you but your father was quick to understand,
ೃ⁀➷ You can't trick the King of Hell, after all.
ೃ⁀➷"Why are there mortals with you, my daughter?"
ೃ⁀➷ You stiffened at the mention of kids and the little ones grabbed the back of your dress thightly in their hands because of the stares of your siblings. One of them scoffed and said that this was expected of a traitor which your Father turned to look at but you didn't hesitate to address the kids right.
ೃ⁀➷" They're my children, Father."
ೃ⁀➷ All of your siblings widened their eyes with shocked stares and your Father raised an eyebrow in amusement at their reaction.
ೃ⁀➷"WAS HE GOOD?!!"
ೃ⁀➷"Damn, even I didn't see that one coming..."
ೃ⁀➷ You slapped your forehead because of the embarresment, feeling a slight burning on your face. How the hell is this even possible?!
ೃ⁀➷" Enough. Stop embarrassing your older sister. And children come closer, guards! You may go."
ೃ⁀➷ Without a repeat, they exited the throne room and you ushered the kids behind you to follow you. With an encouraging smile you pushed them to your father who already crouched down- wait... CROUCH DOWN?!!
ೃ⁀➷ The almighty Devil, the King of Hell was crouching down with his arms wide open , wearing a proud and happy smile.
ೃ⁀➷ You looked at him weirdly and in slight worry. Did something happen while I was gone? He has never been soft... What. The. FUCK?
ೃ⁀➷ But your father didn't wait for a moment and smoothered their cheeks, hugging them close to himself.
ೃ⁀➷" You don't know how happy you made me (Y/N)!! They have great potential and look at them! They are cute and they're my first grandchildren! I wait the same effort from the others too!"
ೃ⁀➷The events that happened after was a blur. Your siblings, who made fun of you for being soft with humans, gathered around your children, cooing at them while you stand there shocked to your core and sulking. Eventually your Father wanted to learn about what happened to them and after telling them, you saw that their true evil sides were coming out.
ೃ⁀➷ You immediately took the kids and gave them an awkward laugh.
ೃ⁀➷" Sooo... hehehe... I'll go show them their rooms, clean and give them new clothes Father, dear siblings! Uh... Goodbye!!"
ೃ⁀➷ You walked back to your room in hurry and closed the door behind you, knowing that in the mortal world, there's gonna be a massacre.
ೃ⁀➷ You took the kids to give them a bath and after scrubbing every part of their bodies and giving them their new clothes, you brought them back to your room. Gyutaro was giving you a hard time but he still obliged. Ume though, she was a sweetheart, wanting to play in the water. You wiped a fake happy tear from your eye and grabbed your chest from where your heart was and awed at them. You could see Gyutaro blushing, having a happy smile too.
ೃ⁀➷ You explained what would happen from now on and gave them to choose what they wanted. They immediately chose to be with you, being happy that someone took them in and love them.
ೃ⁀➷ You smiled and looked at Gyutaro to take his permission to look over his body. Albeit hesitantly, he let you and you looked at his scars
ೃ⁀➷" These are mostly because you didn't have any good food. I believe you two will get better in no time!"
ೃ⁀➷ he looked at you, shying away and said, "But... it'd take months for them to heal and you'd get tir-"
ೃ⁀➷"Time works different here, kids so it will not be months but like a few weeks to you." You smiled softly and brushed their hair. When a knock reached to your ear, you went to open your door. Seeing your most royal servent with two plates full of food, you smiled in gratitude.
ೃ⁀➷"My Lord said that all of these are theirs and to eat their heart's content. A tailor will come tomorrow to take their meassurements, my lady. And he also requested for you to tell them it was their grandpa's first gift." he said while stiffling his laugh.
ೃ⁀➷ You rolled your eyes at him and thanked him. Closing the door behind you, you set the plates on the table in your room, pointing with your head to them to come and eat.
ೃ⁀➷ They sat at the table and looked at you hesitantly. They never had that much of a good meak before so they weren't sure if these were all for them.
ೃ⁀➷"They are from your... Grandpa and all of them are yours. So eat them up!"
ೃ⁀➷ And with tears in their eyes and gratitude in their hearts, they ate and talked to you. After putting them to sleep since today was a hard and long day for them, you watched them sleep in peace.
ೃ⁀➷ Already making a vow to protect them...
ೃ⁀➷And that was how your adventure of motherhood had begun...
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