#non veg lovers
jarofstyles · 10 months
Oh Baby, Baby! Five
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Warnings- Pregnancy, hormones, etc.
WC- 2.3k
Y/N was certain that she was going to kill someone. 
This was why she normally had Harry go to the shops by himself. Her non pregnant self could barely deal with a Saturday crowd. Pregnant Y/N? She was homicidal. 
People didn’t know how to walk. How to say ‘pardon me’. How to talk at a normal volume. Her eye was twitching as her hands tightened on the stopping trolly, taking a deep inhale as she watched Harry place a bag of cucumber into the basket. “Think that should be good in the Veg.”   He chirped, looking at the list on his phone. She could see the little bubbles being filled in and going down each time he checked off an item. Thankfully he still had a functioning mind because hers was feeling like TV static as she tried to keep herself calm.
Her belly had begun to show a bit more and she was extremely protective of her little bump. Hand rested on it, she self soothed by rubbing over it, her stretchy cotton tee shirt dress moving with her hand. She’d chosen the green because Harry specifically liked her in that color, but she was more than aware of how she had begun to stress sweat and he would more than likely be exposed to the stains it would leave behind. 
“Hey..” His hand on her shoulder startled her, making her jump. When had he even approached her? “You okay, love?” His hand shoved the phone into his pocket, instead gently tilting her head up towards him. The look of true concern made her soften her tense shoulders a tad, sighing as she nodded. This newer side to him, having to admit that she was his and he was hers, that they were an actual item, was still somewhat new. It was a weird mix of things that still was hard to understand. On one hand, it spooked her when he was openly affectionate like this, but the bigger side felt like it was natural. Settling into a place it always should have been, perhaps this aspect being the piece she felt somewhat missing in their friendship prior to this. 
Harry wasn’t just her best friend anymore. He was her lover. The fucking father of her child! They were going to be around each other forever. 
“Yeah.” She said tiredly, letting her face fall into his hand. “I’m a bit overwhelmed, honestly. Knew I needed to get out of the house but I forgot what a madhouse the store turns into on weekends.” A weak smile was pulled to the corner of her lips as his brows furrowed at her answer. Yes, it had been her idea to go. She had been holing up inside of the home and she needed to get some more fresh air and stimulation, but the grocery store was proving to be a bit much. 
Pregnancy was a lot more strenuous than she had imagined and she knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. Mentally it had been taxing, worrying about her abilities to be a mother and also cultivating and nourishing this new relationship with Harry, she had been anxious for a while despite it all. She was hopeful, anyways, because there was no one else she would ever dream of having a baby with. 
With all that was going on, Harry had been a saving grace. A shoulder to lean on and a confidant, now that the layers had been shed and she knew that her feelings for him were not at all one sided. He seemed to thrive, actually, by feeling needed. It was something that had initially shocked her because he used to run away or pull back in the face of commitment, but he was already talking about what they’d make a tradition for their baby's birthday, how they were going to do the holidays, if they’d request their families to come together or split their times… It was incredible but also a bit weird to see. He had slid into the role like he had been born for it. 
He’d even suggested they attend birthing classes together. Picked up more parenting books than she had. Gave her the prenatal vitamins and changed all the coffee in the house to decaf, much to her dismay. He was excited and happy and it felt bad that at times she felt a bit like a grinch. To which he would remind her that she was the one growing a little baby inside of her and had her body changing. That it was his job to do the other preparations because she needed to focus on keeping herself and the baby healthy. He was infuriatingly understanding.  
“M’sorry. I forgot a bit, I kind of space out in my own head.” He mumbled. “Do you want to leave? I can come back later and get some of the stuff.” See? How was he being so good? 
“No, no. That’s ridiculous, we’re halfway through the list. I’m just adjusting, I think. Hyperaware.” She laughed. “Just need to get through it. We’re getting lunch after so I can unwind there. The Bluebird Cafe still okay with you?” She asked, letting his hand fall back to her arm. 
“Anything that’s good with you. Y’know I’m not picky, babe.” He chuckled. “They’ve got the good sandwich and salad combinations. I’m not on the cleanse anymore.” She had forgotten about that. A juice cleanse was a little ridiculous to her but apparently he said it helped his gut. To her that meant his bowel movements must be incredibly unpleasant. “Let’s power through the other half of the shopping, I’ll stop home and run it up, and then we can go fill your hunger. All good.”
“Okay.” It wasn’t much to argue, instead letting him pull her in for a quick hug and a press of his lips on her head. She really didn’t know what she would do without him.
“So.” Harry’s hands folded against one another. Their food order had been taken and Y/N was sat comfortably in the booth across from Harry, her feet tangled with his. He’d ordered for her, being all too aware of what she had been prattling on about in the car, along with a smoothie he just simply knew that she liked. It was little things like that that caught her off guard. How much had he always been paying attention to that she didn’t even realize? 
“Yes?” She asked, amused as she ran her hand absentmindedly over the growing swell of her stomach. The habit was human nature and Harry expressed jealousy sometimes that he couldn’t always be stroking over their growing baby, but he wanted to remain somewhat normal. He was already so fastidious about everything else, something neither of them had anticipated in this whole journey, so he didn’t want to smother Y/N with his eagerness. 
“How are we….” He leaned on the table on his elbows, hands clasped. “How do we tell the parents?” It was a loaded question considering they really did need to tell them, sooner rather than later. Neither knew Harry and Y/N were even together, let alone that he was fathering a rapidly growing child inside of Y/N’s tummy. They’d kept it quiet for Y/N’s sake and superstition, wanting to make sure she made it into a safer part of the growth to tell people. It had been Y/N’s idea to have a child, even if she had been a bit impulsive, but she was trying to keep this intimate piece just to themselves for as long as they could. What had started as something off the cuff had become even more important to her than she had anticipated- and that was saying a lot.
“I mean, they’re going to be thrilled.” Harry started again, seeing the little wrinkle between her brows that always formed when she thought too hard. “They’ve been rooting for us to get together since we met. I know the baby part is going to kind of… throw things off, but I know they’re going to be overjoyed to learn that we’re havin’ our little Sprout.” The fondness could be seen physically on his features, like he was floating when he spoke about them. Their little baby, the sprout he was keeping track of every week on an app on his phone. He had quite a few downloaded, actually, but one in particular had been purchased with the premium membership. 
‘Might be useful after Sprout, too.’ He had simply shrugged when she asked why he bothered paying for the lifetime membership. It still set the butterflies in her stomach on flight whenever she thought of that little instance. 
Her bashful smile was his response, brushing imaginary lint off her dress before daring to meet his eyes. Harry had been more confident about this whole thing even though she had been the one to say she wanted it, and it had been like they sort of switched places. His confidence was starting to be a bit infectious. 
“I think we should tell them together.” She finally conceded. “I have no idea how, really. We can check pinterest or just tell them? I know it's the first grandchild for both of them so I want it to be special but I don’t want to overdo it. You know?” Y/N knew Harry would get exactly what she meant. “We can do ultrasound pictures in gift bags, or the tee shirts that say grandma on them? I’ve never done it before.” She peeped, flushing to herself. No shit, this was their first child. This would all be a learning curve for everyone involved. 
“No, no. I understand, pretty.” He reached out to grab her fingers that had been fiddling with the edge of the paper napkin, ripping it up slightly. A nervous habit. Instead he spread her fingers out and curled his around hers, running his index finger down the middle of her palm. “I think the ultrasound frame would be the best option. A keepsake that they’ll both like. Maybe we can have them over for a spring dinner, do it then?” The calming touch had it’s intended effect, Harry’s sharp eyes watching as her shoulders relaxed slightly and she nodded at the idea. “Perfect. I don’t mind keeping it to just us for a bit but, you know how gossipy people are. They’re gonna start talking about us going to the appointments and shopping. Don’t want to get everything online.” Harry had been a big advocate for them going out to have the full experience. He wanted to help her choose a crib, a playpen, a baby monitor- all after scouring the safety ratings and reviews, obviously- He wanted to be the one who put together the crib, the one who helped build the nursery. He’d expressed how involved he wanted to be not only in the baby’s day to day, but her pregnancy. How could she say no? How could she not lean all the way into it when she saw just how incredibly happy it made him? 
“I know. Everyone is nosy.” Her nose wrinkled in distaste. “It’s okay, though. I just want to make sure random people don’t come up and feel my stomach. Maybe get me a sign that says ‘ask before touching’ to put on me.” Her joke made him chuckle but it was a real concern of hers. Y/N liked to keep her physical touch to a minimal with strangers. Harry wouldn’t stand for her being uncomfortable. “It’s different around family, like if we go to family stuff, but a lot of strangers just go up to people and touch and it’s weird.” A fake shudder exaggerated her disgust. 
“Yeah, m’not sure why that’s a thing, my love. I’ll work something out.” Knowing him, he may very well get her a sign to stick on her tummy, but she would see. “We’ve got the telling our parents squared away, so I suppose my next question is when would you like to go shopping?” The eagerness for that was not well hidden, if he was even trying to hide it. Y/N doubted it. 
“Probably soon after we tell them? We can start looking online. You’ve already got the baby locks taken care of.” Her eyes rolled in her head, making him pout. That was still something that he took seriously! He’d seen too many horror stories. “When Sprout, y’know, Blooms, we are going to be overwhelmed and probably busy. I don’t want there to be an accident and we just forget to babyproof something because we have other stuff going on.” He paused, bringing her hand to his face to kiss the knuckles. “I want this to be as stress free for you as possible. Just want you to focus on growing our baby, taking care of yourself. So m’gonna try and take care of stuff in the background so there's no worry, or sudden panic for you.” 
Harry truly managed to blow her mind every day. Little things like this, his pure thoughtfulness made her a bit speechless. How she’d managed to snag the best baby daddy of all time, she didn’t know, but it would be something she was always thankful for. There wasn’t enough time to thank him for it, their food approaching as she was trying to find the words, but she was quick to squeeze his hand back and snug their legs up a bit more as she brought the straw of her smoothie to her mouth. 
Life had somehow stuck her with the best person to grow with. 
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bbyquokka · 1 year
imagine felix laying on ur chest while u play with his soft hair and kiss his forehead bye its been on my mind all day i need someone to cuddle me😠😠🙁
summer luvin'
warnings: gn reader, established relationship, domesticated au, non-idol au, pet names. words: 0.9k ~ (902)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
the scorching hot sun beats down on your skin. the hot, suffocating air blows past you every now and then, the wind chimes singing with each hit of the humid wind.
the skies are clear, not a cloud in the sky to help provide some shade from the intense heat the sun is providing. you have done everything that needed to be done today so you're now taking the time to relax.
the only thing that needed to be done, was water the plants and freshly grown veg and fruits you and your significant other, felix, have decided to grow together to help reduce the cost of grocery shopping; even if it's just a little.
a pink and white plaid picnic blanket rubs against the skin of your arms and legs. the soft texture of the grass shifts around and rustles as you lean up on your elbows. you place one hand above your eyes to provide you some cover from the sun as you watch your lover water the strawberries and cucumbers.
blue denim shorts and green crocs accompany him. his blue hair pushed back with the help of a black headband, beads of sweat roll down his forehead and temples. his naked chest and torso on display as his skin is slowly turning from a tanned colour to bright, burning red.
“hey felix.” he looks at you as he holds the green watering can. “have you put on sun cream?”
felix pouts a little, looking around sheepishly before shrugging and giving you a cheeky smile. you sigh, shaking your head slowly as you sit up fully and grab the sun cream.
“c'mere.” felix finishes watering the plants before bouncing over to you. he takes of his crocs by wiggling his feet and legs before kneeling down on the blanket in front of you.
“lix, you're burning.” you frown.
“i thought i did put on suncream.” he pouts.
“it's the hottest day of the year darling. you have to be safe, especially when you're out.”
“oh, this is nothing! it's way hotter in australia.” he laughs.
“we are in australia.” you state as you squirt the cream onto the palm of your hand.
“oh.. right, yeah. ops.” felix laughs as you shake your head and rub your palms together.
“on your stomach. i'll put some cream on your back.” felix shuffles into his stomach, arms being used as supports for his head as he rests his cheeks on them. you rub the cream into his hot skin as you feel a tad worried about how red his skin is looking, making a mental note to by some aloe vera next time you're both out and about.
you rub the cream onto his back and the back of his legs before helping him in applying the cream on his chest, abs and arms. you apply some on his nose and cheeks.
“your freckles are so clear now.”
“they are?”
“yeah. the sun really helps bring them out. your whole face is decorated with freckles. it's the cutest thing i've seen.”
a pink blush rises to his cheeks to which you giggle at before stroking the blush. you gently kiss his cheek as felix hums softly.
“do we need to do anything else today?” he asks softly as he watches you reapply your own sun cream.
“i don't think so lix. i think we've doing everything today.”
“great!” your eyes widen as felix gently tackles you. you land on your back with a soft thump and grunt as felix nuzzles into your chest, his arm loosely draped over your stomach. once the initial shock of the sudden attack is over, do you smile and hold him close to you.
you both ignore the fact that you're two very hot people, skin sticking together as the heat from the sun and each other mixes and rises. sweat accumulates on both your foreheads, the feeling of stickiness and grossness rising; but you both ignore it.
you close your eyes slowly as you listen to the sounds of the birds singing their sweet and gentle tunes. the cheers and shouts of children playing in their back yards ringing in your ears before occasionally dying down to nothing but blissful silence.
you absentmindedly twist felix's blue hair around your finger, raking your fingers through it and massaging his scalp. he lets out soft and gently hums and groans as you occasionally kiss the top of his head.
soon, the heat of each other becomes too much. after minutes of being close to one another, does felix pull away slowly. he stands up and disappears into the kitchen. you hear the sound of water running and felix rummaging around in the cupboards.
you think nothing of it, thinking he was just preparing some food and drinks for you both, until you feel something wet explode onto your stomach causing you to shriek and bolt upright.
you look up at a mischievous looking felix. a couple of water balloons in his hands as a bucket of them is situated by his feet.
“oh! you're on, mr!” you laugh as you grab a balloon and instantly throw it at his torso.
“water balloon fight! looser has to cook dinner!” you shout as you rush to your feet, grabbing more balloons in your hands.
“oh, you're on yn! just know that i'm going to kick your ass.”
“in your dreams, felix!”
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note: if its hot where you live, remember to stay hydrated, wear sun cream and dont stay out for too long!! stay safe everyone ☀
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @oshimee ; @unh0ly-dr3am3r ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng
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itz-stus · 2 years
Hello can you write some headcannons where dazai from bsd has a Indian wife thank you
Hello thank you for this request anon. I really appreciate it. So here are some headcannons for dazai with an Indian wife.
Dazai's Indian wife
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Being his wife is going to a job itself. As much as he loves you he is a pain to look after
He will definitely be like learning Hindi and has heard a lot of scolding from you as well in it. Since he annoys you to death
Like if your newly married they you have like the whole Chuda and like the maganl sutra and all. He absolutely adores that.
If you're vegetarian he will take special care for you food yk since many people in India are vegetarian including me. So if that is the case there will be non veg in the house. So if he ever does eats he just eats outside.
As much ad bad he is at cooking he will try to learn how to cook some basic common dishes in India. Like Parathas and all. Cause u force him too
There will be mixed cuisines in your household. Yk like if you know how to cook and like it aswell then you would make like Japanese dishes but with a Indian touch like how our mother makes foreign food with Indian touch.
Dazai has ate every Indian dish you could make or have learned to make and appreciates you in every single one.
In your house Hindi music is compulsory like if your like music then in your house there will be light music all over the house.
At time you two dance to the beats and giggle at each other's silly moves.
There will be times like if Dazai comes home from the agency with like injuries (which is one a regular basis) you scold him every time. If he has a bigger injury like there is too much blood then you might as well scold him in Hindi.
You have made him try Chai. And after marrying you its become a normal habit of drinking tea with you in the morning.
He has learnt Hindi quite well and after some time he can also speak Hindi.
At first he had a terrible accent but it improved from time to time.
If you like reading Hindi books poetries then their will be a like reading sessions with dazai where you just both cuddle and you just read some books to him answering his every little question.
If you work at the agency then there will be like both of you are just talking casually in Hindi and Atsushi is like'wtf are they speaking?'
And if you have interest in history and politics like I do oh boy there will always be like those types of discussions in you household. Like you telling him something new about both Japan and India from mythology to history to civics everything is in the debate here.
Cuddling him to sleep is a mustttt cause it just feels so nice that you are giving your all to him. Listening to his voice just making your night as you kissed ever inch of his beautiful face.
Dazai on the other hand is just grateful to have some this caring. Some to talk to who just understands his very being. He would just be the sweetest.
He just loves everthing about you and tries his best every time. He wants to protect the very person who makes it a little more easier abd enjoyed to live from his miserable life. Who makes how makes him understand humans a little better.
If he comes late and finds you like asleep he would like cover you in you blanket like wrapping you nicely and cuddle you.
He would appreciate you everytime.
There is no doubt he does his suicide techniques abd always asks you on a lovers suicide and even whines after you say no.
He might be a little harsh sometimes yk like in early stage due to yk mafia thing but don't be mad at him he is quite the puzzle to solve so be patient with him.
There is not a single day complete if he hasn't pranked you or put your stuff away. He annoys you to death and teases you for it aswell.
He just enjoyed watching you get angry. Like the one time you were parking your car(cause he is not a good driver who even gave him a driving license)
"Sala kisne sikhaya hai in gadho go gadi laga b@&%&#₹@." You yelled as dazai just looked at you in amusement.
There was also this one time a girl was a little too close and dazai being dazai this mf asked her for a double suicide when you just went up to her like asked her to go since it was like the time for the agency but she won't buzz off. And you yelled.
"Ek ulte hat kar mara na toh tere plastic surgeon ko bhi surgery ki zaroorat pad jayegi. Bhag ya se!" And then she just looked at you weirdly when you just said like to buzz off in Japanese. While dazai is just watching the show rooting for you.
I feel like dazai might just be the kinda guy who would randomly dim the living room lights and turn on some classic romantic song and invite you to slow dance in the living room in your pyjamas at like ten at night and you just. waltz around with him for a while.
Between you and dazai there are both happy, comical and sad moments.
In sad moments if dazai is feeling low it's like a 6th sense to you by now. You always give him space if he wants to talk about it. If he doesn't you don't mind but just give him company like kissing him and like showing that you love him in every possible way. Which is also visa versa
In the end you are a happy married couple who is just as chaotic as much as both of you are cute.
Ps dazai is also scared from your ears twists when you scold him way to hard. He belives that you are even scarier than kunikida when you are truly mad.
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Hey darling! Match-up for Hazbin Hotel and The Arcana, please? 💕 I am a woman, INFP, 5'3", mid size, olive skin, brown eyes, medium wavy brown hair, bisexual. I'm aroflux, which means I experience variations in my romantic attraction. I mostly don't sense it, but if I actually end up getting a crush, I'll feel like I've been ran over by 100 unicorns. I'm a very friendly introvert. I am bubbly around my close friends, always super affectionate and supportive, however, going out and seeing people (even if pleasant) makes me run out of battery and I value my recharge/private time and personal space a lot. I like being alone often and enjoying my own company in peace. I am very sensitive, I love animals and feel empathy for all creatures, that's why I am strongly against killing bugs and other little ones when it can be avoided (I just put them outside, plus I find spiders adorable and I like letting them crawl on my arm). I get along with animals because I am very respectful towards them, and I've ridden horses for a while. I am a vegetarian who's trying to go vegan, and I enjoy cooking homemade meals. I dislike foods like McDonald's (no shame to whoever likes it tho!), and when I go outside to eat with my non-veg friends I sometimes bring something from home because I am scared there may not be food for me. I have a sweet tooth and I love cake, muffins, sweets pretty much (I am a weakling, give me a cupcake and I'll do anything you ask me), while I dislike bitter things. I do have pets, cats specifically, and I am NOT being dramatic when I say I'd die for them. I am fascinated by the macabre and a horror lover, both books and movies, and I can pretty much stand the sight of anything in films, but when I see flesh in the supermarket I cringe, and I am also terrified of the dark and never sleep without a little light on (how ironic). I enjoy dressing with stuff such as ribbons, hairpins with cute animals, colorful baggy shirts with cartoon characters etc., but I alternate this with sophisticated, more mature/vintage looks as well. My dream is to become a theatre actress, that's why I'm in a theatre academy! I am training in singing and coreographies, too (I am not very good because I just started tho🥲). I love acting because it makes me exorcise my strongest emotions, I am a very expressive person and I often feel like my energy needs to come out in spikes. [1/2, sending another ask with the rest because Tumblr still puts the 500 word limit on me!]
Fello theater kid I see? 🤝🖤
warning: dead animal/bug mention
your Hazbin Hotel matchup is.. Charlie Morningstar !!
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• I have a very good felling you’d get along with Charlie. She matches your energy a lot in my opinion!
• She’s WAY taller then you. 6’-6’2 I believe. Any demon in hell (aside from imps) would be taller then you if we’re following Viv’s universe.
• The both of you are very friendly, so I’d imagine you’d get along very quick. Just by exchanging names I’d imagine Charlie would consider you a friend.
• Charlie gives enough equal support as you do with her. She doesn’t run on a social battery (as far as we’ve seen.), but understands you do. She leaves you be meanwhile she attends to the hotel.
• Charlie adores animals and bugs! Literally she will cry if she do a dead animal or bug on the road.
• I think she likes to home cook and bake, and would for sure do it with you if you ask!
• Only thing is, she’s not a vegetarian or vegan. I’d assume you respect her decisions, and usually doesn’t eat with you if you have an issue with it. Who knows, maybe you could convince her to go vegan if you if you wish?
• To match her sweet personality, I’d imagine she likes sweets too! Baking is something the two of you often do together.
• The two of you are cat moms! She loves your cats and would also die for them.
• She lives in hell, so I’m sure she’s accustomed to horror. She’s open to discuss it anytime with you.
• She LOVES watching horror movies with you especially!
• Charlie also loves to help you pick cute outfits. She likes to wear baggy and cutesy stuff when she’s not running the hotel or trying to be presentable I imagine, so she gets it.
• She gives massive theater kid energy. Like, have you seen her song? She’d definitely support you full force. She has to run the hotel though, so unfortunately I don’t think she’d be able to audition with you.
• Charlie can be messy and forgetful too, so the both of you can back each other up. (Try bracelet reminders! Those help me!)
• Charlie finds dad jokes funny. I will fight people on that.
• She doesn’t stand for bullying! It’s against the hotel too! She gets the same amount of rage when she sees someone hurt as you. Seriously, the two of you would be like two angry mothers defending their kid.
• For me, Charlie does acts of service without even realizing it. She does things for you without thinking just because she loves you.
• She does occasionally use pet names like "love" and "hun".
• She always asks permission before touching you. It’s a common thing for her, as she respects everyone’s boundaries and is a genuine therapist for everyone that needs it.
• I imagine she listens to the same stuff as you, maybe minus rock and metal. Not to say she isn’t open to it, it’s just not her thing.
• She loves to indulge in your hobbies! Even if she’s not good at them. Art for example; she likes to color though! She’s an amazing colorist imo.
• She’s a good balance for you. She treats you as an equal, and sees your opinions from your shoes. She hopes you’d do the same.
• Charlie is very good with kids, so she can quickly deal with them and get them out of your hair. That being said, I don’t think she’d necessarily want kids.
• Your runner ups would be Vaggie and Alastor!
• Overall, Charlie is the best match for you! Her spunky attitude will get you out of any funk your in, but as well motivate you. She understands your boundaries as on sad days she needs them too! Charlie gets you, and she hopes you get her too.
your Arcana matchup is.. Nadia Satrinava !!
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• Nadia is the one for you! Portia was a close runner up, but I ultimately decided on the flip of a coin because I literally couldn’t decide. I can always type something out for Portia if you’re interested in her!
• She is also quite a bit taller then you. She doesn’t talk about it though.
• Nadia is a smooth talker, though I’d imagine she also has a social battery and appreciates her alone time much like you do.
• I believe Lucio’s dogs are still in the mansion? They aren’t easy to befriend, but who knows? You might be able to, but be careful. I don’t really remember since it’s been years since I REALLY touch Arcana, but I think the two dogs enjoy or tolerate her presence. In that case, they might be okay with you.
• She often prepares the best food for you, whatever you crave or desire. She’s not the best at cooking, and often leaves it for her servants, but she’d adore it if you taught her.
• Fancy for sweets? She’ll feed you all the sweets in the world! Most likely you’d need to be the one to tell her to stop.
• She takes interest in dark subjects sometimes, especially when it’s something she’s interested in. She’s always open to talk about them, as she loves making conversation.
• As for theater, she doesn’t know much about it but attends to all of your shows your casted in, making sure to get the best seats in the house every time.
• Nadia would love to learn more languages, and she’d ask you to teach her in your spare time.
• She’s very patient when it comes to knowing you, knowing sometimes you just can’t help but get distracted. She might tease you a little in a playful way, but she always means well.
• She enjoys listening to you ramble. As I mentioned she loves any sort of chit-chat. I think because it gets her mind off of the stresses of royal life.
• She finds your jokes funny. Seeing you happy makes her happy, even if she doesn’t find your jokes particularly funny.
• Her main love language is acts of service, and she does so much for you it’s unreal.
• She provide lots of beautiful cutesy loose-fitting gowns and just as you seem to live. Of course if you’d prefer to wear something other then a gown, that’s on the table as well.
• If you want cuddles, she’s quick to go in for them. At first she’s a little stand-offish I feel, but with your encouragement she excepts it wholeheartedly.
• She enjoys when you paper her back, and it always manages to get her to blush like crazy. She finds it extremely adorable (and slightly unexpected? But that’s just because she can be pessimistic, not because she thinks you don’t love her at all or she thinks lowly of you.). Also, always expect her to pamper you back twice as much afterward.
• She doesn’t seem like the type to want children? Even if she did, she’d always rely on your judgement first.
• You and Nadia would make a good and supporting couple. There would be a little competition on who would love the other more, but I think you both know it’s the same.
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indianariesolive · 1 year
My Unpopular Foodie Opinions
I don't like fizzy drinks. I only prefer Coca-cola (out of the options available), tolerate Sprite & Thums-Up and I HATE orange Fanta. Grape Fanta is much better. 🍇
I think that briyani is overrated. Oops, I said it.
Eggs are kinda delicious if cooked right. 🍳
South Indian cuisine is more than just Dosa & Idli & if presented right, the breakfast dishes alone can make other cuisines run for their money.
Veg over non-veg any day. It's healthier & more eco-friendly.
Indian cuisine is more than just Naan & butter chicken. It's super diverse & delicious.
Noodles are also slightly overrated. Fight me.
Mayonnaise can be gross or nice depending on how it's used.
Capsicum 🫑 is one of the best vegetables.👌
Coconut flavored ice cream is awesome. So is the underrated chikoo (both as a fruit & as an ice cream flavor) 😋
Watermelon as a fruit is kinda mediocre.
(Sorry watermelon lovers.) 😬
Also, broccoli 🥦 is yum. Yes, I mean it.
Tea & coffee are both awesome. I can't pick one. ☕️
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khizuo · 1 year
what is with those "is the owl/fox video cute" blogs and saying how being vegan has no perks or does anything good, + literally saying fur farms are ethical and needed/ ok bc "vegan leather/fur is PLASTIC so not good!1!!" It is beyond frustrating and makes me feel like wanting to go vegan is bad or this massive side of Tumblr will hate me for it.
hey anon! you're right, it is extremely frustrating, and I have those blogs blocked as a result.
I don't know these people personally so i can't say why they post misinformation about animal agriculture that encourage people towards cruelty, but I can say that it's not uncommon. a lot of "animal lovers" have a very hypocritical view of what constitutes cruelty towards non-human animals. it's why the slaughter of cats and dogs is condemned but the slaughter of pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens is not. it's why kicking a dog is (rightfully) considered abuse but injuring sheep during wool harvesting is not. there's a reason why animal agriculture industries try so hard to keep people from taking videos inside slaughterhouses. it lets people willfully ignore the abuse occurring within. here is an article delving further into the hypocrisy many "animal lovers" demonstrate.
always remember that veganism is a social justice movement against the exploitation of animals, and that fundamentally, the premise of animal agriculture—viewing sentient animals as objects to be exploited—is cruel, regardless of how people try to sugarcoat it as "ethical". this is why i'm vegan.
i'm really proud of you for wanting to take the step to become vegan. if you want more information about veganism and anti-speciesism, there are some great vegan blogs on here which talk about veganism and social justice. a good place to start would be @acti-veg, their blog has a lot of information on where to get started with veganism as well as a lot of debunks of common anti-vegan lies. the anti-vegan voices may be loud, but the vegan community on here is awesome!! good luck on your journey, and feel free to reach out to me on here if you want to talk about it more!
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foodwithrecipes · 1 year
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Murgh Musallam 
We teach you in Food Recipes. Recipes for making Murgh Musallam. One of the royal dishes of the Mughals, the taste of Murgh Musallam is very good. If you are a non-veg lover, then you must taste the taste of Murgh Musallam. Murgh Musallam is a Mughlai dish originating from the Indian subcontinent. It consists of whole chicken marinated in ginger-garlic paste, stuffed with boiled eggs and cooked with spices like saffron, cinnamon, cloves, poppy seeds, cardamom and chillies. Murgh Musallam is served on a platter In which gravy is poured over the chicken. It is advisable to garnish the dish with chopped almonds and serve rice with it. Read more
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I grew up in my home state 'Delhi', the National Capital Territory of India also known as 'Dilli dil walon ki", which has some lip-smacking food. From your chatpata street food to budget-friendly to fine dining. I Will be sharing my top 5 of my favourites and not-so-known restaurants and cafes that you can visit with your family, friends and loved ones in the Delhi capital.
Lha Kitchen:
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Lha Kitchen focuses on 4
different cuisines-Tibetan, Nepalese, Bhutanese and Chinese. This place has 22 varieties of momos veg/non-veg. Other than momos they have some interesting Tibetan butter tea, mushroom Datsi and Tin Mo.
I tried their Chicken shape Which had a crispy outer layer with chicken filling inside. Make sure to enjoy spicy chutney which will make you crave more. Next, I ordered
Sandekho Momos or I should say 'Momos ki chat', was extremely flavourful and chatpata.
Location: 168,1st floor, Humayunpur, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi 110029
Cost for 2: Rs 600 /-
Paul, Vasant Kunj:
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Paul has 2 outlets all over Delhi, one is in Vasant Kunj ambience mall, and the second one is in Gurgaon Ambience mall. If you want to eat and dine in an authentic European way with world-class service then Paul should be on the top list. I love eating their fish and chips, Chicken burgers, and pizza. If you are a coffee lover then don't forget to try their coffee.
Vasant kunj: UG-28A, Ambience Mall, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, Delhi 110070
Gurgaon: G-1 , Ground Floor ,Ambience Mall, Sector 24, Gurugram, Haryana 122022
Cost for 2: Rs 1400/-
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If you love Pan- Asian Cuisine along with Japanese Manga comic strips. Enjoy with Ramen, Sushi and yummy Dim Sums then this place should be on the top list of yours. By far this is the only place in Delhi I am aware of, where I have tried Veg sticky rice (and I love it that). This place has won my heart in terms of price, quality and quality.
Fun fact- this is the first place where I tried sushi for the first time, and my experience was just amazing.
My personal Recommendations are Konjee crispy lamb, Crunchy chicken dumpling,
Char siu pork belly, Tom Yum soup veg
Location: E Block Rd M27, Ground Floor, Block M, Market, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, Delhi 110048
Cost for 2: Rs 900 to 1000
CHÔ Vietnamese Kitchen & Bar
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It is a very chic and classy Vietnamese restaurant with a warm light and camping vibe. They offer some lip-smacking Dimsums, pho and fish. Honestly, everything I tasted was mind-blowing and impressive. I don't want to spill all the beans so go and experience the warm hospitality, Visually touching presentation and of course the yummylicious food. My personal Recommendation:
Firecracker chicken
Turmeric chicken chili dumplings
Chicken pho
Turmeric fried rice
Cha cha sizzling fish
Vietnamese curry chicken
Location: H 5/1, FF LHS Kalkadass Marg, Mehrauli, New Delhi
Cost for 2 : Rs 3000 with Alcohol
Colocal Chocolates
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If you have a sweet tooth then check out this last cafe with your gang. Colocal offers the finest Indian - grown cacao and has some smooth, rich chocolates in Delhi. You must have seen the famous campfire hot chocolate all over social media, And definitely, it's worth the hype. This should be on top of the list if you love love love chocolate.
(If you want some Insta worthy pictures then definitely hop on to this place)
location :
Khan market: 65, 1st Floor, Khan Market, New Delhi
Chattarpur: 100 Feet Road, The Dhan Mill Compound, Chhatarpur, New Delhi
Cost for 2: Rs 1000/-
I Hope after reading this you are craving for yummy and delicious food. If in case you are lazy and don't feel like reading then check out this video 😉
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Delicious Indian Thali Near Me: A Taste of Tradition at Kuppanna
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If you’re searching for the best Indian thali near me, look no further than Kuppanna Austin. Our thalis are a delightful blend of authentic South Indian dishes, offering a perfect balance of flavours. Whether you’re a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, our thalis have something special for everyone!
The Kuppanna Veg Thali – A Feast for Vegetarians ($20)
The Veg Thali is a vegetarian’s dream come true, featuring a rich assortment of flavorful dishes:
Chapathi, Parotta – Soft, hand-made flatbreads perfect for dipping in curries.
Veg Kurma – A creamy vegetable curry bursting with spices.
Gobi 65 – Crispy, spiced cauliflower, fried to golden perfection.
Veg Biryani – Fragrant basmati rice cooked with aromatic spices and vegetables.
Aviyal or Kootu – A traditional South Indian mixed vegetable stew cooked in coconut.
White Rice with Dhal Powder and Ghee – A comforting combination of rice, lentil powder, and ghee.
Two Varieties of Poriyal – Stir-fried seasonal vegetables seasoned with mustard and curry leaves.
Sambar – A tangy lentil soup with vegetables.
Rasam – A spicy, soupy concoction of tamarind and tomato.
Two Special Veg Curries (Chef’s Choice) – Unique and flavorful vegetable curries made fresh.
Appalam – Crunchy, savory pappadums to complete your meal.
Two Desserts – Indulge in sweet treats to end your meal on a high note.
Raita, Pickle, and Curd – Cooling raita, tangy pickle, and homemade curd to refresh your palate.
The Kuppanna Non-Veg Thali – A Meaty Affair ($24)
For meat lovers, the Non-Veg Thali offers a variety of mouthwatering dishes:
Chapathi, Parotta – Light and fluffy flatbreads to complement the rich curries.
Chicken Curry – Succulent chicken cooked in a flavorful, spiced gravy.
Fish Curry – Fresh fish simmered in a tangy and spicy curry.
Chicken Appetizer – A crispy, savory starter to kick off your meal.
Fish Appetizer – A fried fish delight, crisp on the outside, tender on the inside.
Chicken Biryani – Aromatic basmati rice cooked with tender pieces of chicken.
Mutton Biryani – Fragrant rice and slow-cooked mutton in a perfect blend of spices.
Mutton Kuzhambu (Limited to 4 Oz) – A rich and spicy mutton gravy with bold flavors.
White Rice with Poriyal – Plain rice served with stir-fried vegetables.
Sambar – A hearty lentil and vegetable stew.
Rasam – A spiced tamarind soup to cleanse your palate.
Appalam – Light, crispy pappadums for a crunchy side.
Two Desserts – Sweet treats to complete your indulgent meal.
Raita, Pickle, and Curd – Cool and tangy sides to balance the spices.
Authentic South Indian Experience at Kuppanna Austin
At Kuppanna Austin, we bring you the finest South Indian cuisine, served with authenticity and tradition. Whether you opt for the Veg Thali or the Non-Veg Thali, each bite takes you on a flavorful journey through the heart of South India.
Craving an authentic Indian meal? Visit Kuppanna Austin today and experience the best Indian thali near me or order now to enjoy our delicious thalis at home!
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Best Restaurant in Coolangatta: Discover the Magic of Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
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Are you on the hunt for the best restaurant in Coolangatta? If you’re a fan of Indian food, your search ends at Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar. Nestled in the heart of the Gold Coast, this vibrant eatery is celebrated for its authentic Indian flavors and welcoming atmosphere. With a diverse menu offering both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, Pangaat is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
Why Indian Cuisine?
Indian food is loved worldwide for its rich spices, aromatic herbs, and diverse cooking techniques. From creamy curries to crispy starters, Indian cuisine offers something for every type of foodie. Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar brings all these classic flavors to the people of Coolangatta, ensuring a memorable dining experience that’ll have you coming back for more.
Location of Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
Conveniently located in Gold Coast, Pangaat is easily accessible for both locals and tourists visiting the bustling suburb of Coolangatta. Whether you’re here for the beach or to explore the sights, stopping by Pangaat for a meal is a decision you won’t regret.
The Ambiance: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity
The first thing you notice when you step into Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar is its warm and inviting ambiance. The decor combines modern aesthetics with traditional Indian elements, creating a cozy yet vibrant space. Whether you’re dining with family, friends, or planning a romantic evening, Pangaat sets the perfect tone for any occasion.
Menu Overview: Something for Everyone
At Pangaat, the menu is thoughtfully curated to cater to a wide range of tastes. Whether you prefer vegetarian dishes or love a hearty non-vegetarian feast, there’s something for everyone here.
Vegetarian Delights
For those who prefer plant-based meals, Pangaat offers a rich selection of vegetarian options. Some of the favorites include:
Paneer Butter Masala — A creamy tomato-based curry with cottage cheese.
Chana Masala — Spiced chickpeas simmered to perfection.
Veg Biryani — Aromatic rice cooked with fresh vegetables and Indian spices.
Non-Vegetarian Specialties
If you’re a fan of meat-based dishes, Pangaat won’t disappoint. Their non-vegetarian menu is packed with delicious options:
Butter Chicken — A creamy, mildly spiced chicken dish loved by many.
Lamb Rogan Josh — Tender lamb in a rich, flavorful curry.
Fish Tikka — Marinated fish cooked in a traditional tandoor.
Signature Dishes You Must Try
Butter Chicken
A dish synonymous with Indian cuisine, Butter Chicken at Pangaat is a must-try. Creamy, flavorful, and perfectly spiced, it’s a dish that keeps diners coming back.
Paneer Tikka
Vegetarians can indulge in the ever-popular Paneer Tikka, where chunks of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) are marinated and grilled to perfection.
Lamb Rogan Josh
Lamb lovers should not miss the Lamb Rogan Josh — a dish full of bold flavors and tender meat.
Veg Biryani
For those who enjoy rice dishes, Veg Biryani is a fragrant and satisfying option, offering layers of flavor with every bite.
Takeaway Orders: Enjoy Indian Cuisine on the Go
Not in the mood to dine in? No problem! Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar offers convenient takeaway services. Simply order your favorite dishes, and they’ll be packed up for you to enjoy in the comfort of your home or while out exploring the city.
Reservations: Plan Your Perfect Evening
Pangaat also allows for reservations, making it easy to plan a special dinner without worrying about wait times. Whether it’s a date night or a family celebration, booking a table ensures that you’ll have the best seat in the house.
Customer Reviews: What People Are Saying About Pangaat
The reviews for Pangaat speak volumes about the quality of food and service. Guests consistently praise the restaurant for its authentic flavors, friendly staff, and welcoming atmosphere. One customer said, “Pangaat is my go-to Indian restaurant in Coolangatta. The food is always spot on, and the service is excellent.”
Why Pangaat Stands Out in Coolangatta
What sets Pangaat apart from other Indian restaurants? It’s their commitment to authentic Indian cuisine and top-notch service. The chefs use only the freshest ingredients, and each dish is cooked with care to ensure the flavors are just right.
Dining at Pangaat: A Family-Friendly Experience
Pangaat is more than just a restaurant; it’s an experience. Families are welcome, and the atmosphere is perfect for kids and adults alike. The menu includes something for everyone, making it an ideal spot for family gatherings.
What Makes Pangaat Different from Other Indian Restaurants in the Area
While there are several Indian restaurants in Gold Coast, Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar stands out for its attention to detail. From the way the dishes are prepared to the personalized service, Pangaat ensures a dining experience that feels special.
Health-Conscious Options at Pangaat
Pangaat recognizes the need for health-conscious dining, offering dishes that cater to various dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for low-calorie options or meals rich in protein and veggies, Pangaat has something to offer.
Cultural Significance of Indian Dishes at Pangaat
Indian food is deeply rooted in culture and tradition, and Pangaat embraces that. Many of the dishes on the menu carry cultural significance, making dining at Pangaat not just a culinary experience but also a cultural journey.
If you’re in Coolangatta and have a craving for authentic Indian cuisine, Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar is the place to go. Whether you’re dining in, grabbing a takeaway, or planning a special evening, Pangaat delivers a flavorful experience that’s sure to impress.
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lacafe · 19 days
A Food Lover’s Journey: Little Amsterdam OSCENOX in Rishikesh
If you’re a food lover visiting Rishikesh, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX should be at the top of your list.
Located on - Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan, this establishment is renowned for offering an exceptional dining experience that combines delicious food with a stunning ambiance.
Why Little Amsterdam OSCENOX Stands Out
1. Unmatched Ganga Views: Enjoy your meal while taking in one of the most beautiful views of the Ganges. The serene river backdrop makes every dining experience special.
2. Diverse Menu: As one of the best non-veg restaurants in Rishikesh, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX offers a wide range of delectable dishes. From hearty meals to light bites, their menu caters to all tastes and preferences.
3. Cozy Atmosphere: The restaurant features a welcoming atmosphere where you can relax with friends or family. Whether you’re unwinding with hukkah in Rishikesh or enjoying a drink at their well-stocked bar, the ambiance enhances your dining experience.
4. Live Music and DJ Parties: Little Amsterdam OSCENOX is not just about great food. The venue hosts vibrant DJ parties and live music events, adding a lively touch to your evening.
5. Additional Comforts: - Free Wi-Fi: Stay connected while you dine. - Pet-Friendly Policy: Bring your furry friends along. - Ample Parking: Convenient parking options are available. - Friendly Staff: Enjoy attentive service from a team dedicated to making your visit enjoyable. - Rooms for Stay: If you’re looking to stay overnight, comfortable rooms are available on-site.
Experience the Best of Rishikesh
For a memorable food journey in Rishikesh, make sure to visit Little Amsterdam OSCENOX. Whether you’re indulging in their diverse menu, enjoying the beautiful Ganga views, or soaking up the lively atmosphere, this restaurant offers a complete and satisfying dining experience.
Book Now — to experience the finest dining in Rishikesh at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX, where every meal is a celebration of flavor and ambiance.
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tublrbib · 23 days
Best Food Subscription Boxes; Get a Healthy Home-made Lunch Every Day
Setting up the table for dinner every night can be a tough task. No matter the size of your family. With a career and personal life to manage, preparing dinners can be challenging. At the same time, shopping for groceries and cooking is also tiresome. This is where the role of food subscription boxes comes in!
Food delivery services can help reduce stress and save time when organizing and preparing meals. The convenience of doorstep delivery services makes it simple to prepare delicious meals without leaving home. For ingredients and occasionally even groceries, doorstep delivery is available.
There is a meal delivery service out there that is ideal for you. Regardless of your preferences, the service offers options for you. If you prefer fast and simple meals, they have single-serving options. For those who prefer exquisite dishes, they provide little preparation required options.
Key Benefits of Food Subscription Boxes
Food subscription boxes are a convenient and easy way to have delicious and home-style dishes. Additionally, there is no pressure to do the groceries or cook them yourself. Their acceptability has increased in the past few years.
Simple and Easy: No preparation or grocery shopping is required.
Variety: Having access to a large selection of flavors and cuisines.
Quality: Top-notch, freshly-sourced ingredients delivered right to your house.
Benefits to Health: A lot of boxes include options for wholesome, well-balanced meals.
Time-saving: Premeasured components provide quick and simple preparation.
Citi977 sits on the list of popular food subscription boxes. It is a well-known 24-hour online grocery and food delivery service in Kathmandu. It regularly delivers freshly prepared meals and goods right to your door.
We provide a diverse selection of cuisines. Anything from international to local cuisines is available for ordering. Use our phone number, Facebook, or mobile app to place an order.
Top Meal Subscription Plans on Offer
Citi977 has meal subscription plans that suit everybody. Even if you're a gym lover or want to get the taste of homely food our subscription plans got you covered.
1) Aama Ko Haat Ko Khana
Remember the wonderful times when our moms packed freshly prepared meals in tiffin boxes? Our aim is to make you remember the same feeling when you have a bite of our food. We include a fresh, wholesome item in our lunch boxes every day.
This subscription plan named Aama Ko Haat ko Khana offers you 6 different meals every day. We understand it is monotonous to eat the same khana every day. For this reason, we provide a variety of tasty and nutritious khana every day that will bring back memories of your childhood home.
Meal 1 (Nepali salad, mutton khana set, rice, daal, mutton curry, seasonal veg curry/aloo tama/ thicheko mula ko achar)
Meal 2 (Nepali green salad, non-veg khana set, rice, daal, buff/pork/fish curry Nepali style, seasonal veg curry, tomato coriander chutney, curd)
Meal 3 (Russian salad, sada khana set, steamed rice, plain daal, sauteed boiled veg, boiled chicken)
Meal 4 (Nepali green salad, chicken khana set, rice, daal, seasonal vegetables, chicken curry Nepali style, barfi)
Meal 5 (Nepali salad, veg khana set, rice/roti, daal, dry brown chana masala, curd and gulab jamun)
Meal 6 (Beetroot salad, veg khana set, jeera rice roti, daal, gobi aloo, saag, tomato chutney, gajar ko haluwa)
Our Aama ko Haat ko Khana meal plan will cost you Rs 199 per day. The pricing plan for our meal in more detail is as follows:
3 months: Rs 18000
6 months: Rs 36000
12 months: Rs 72000
2) Sandar Snacks Combo
We satisfy all of your demands with a variety of delicious snack combos delivered daily through our Sandar Snacks Combo plan. Six unique snack combos that will satisfy all of your cravings.
Sunday Snack (Momo veg/chicken/buff, chow mein, french fries, crispy chicken)
Monday Snack (Puri tarkari, mix achar including mula, gajar, kakro, aalu, kerau)
Tuesday Snack (Momo veg/chicken/buff, chow mein, jeera aloo, chicken wings)
Wednesday Snack (Chiura, choila, bhatmas sadeko/piro aloo, aloo tama)
Thursday Snack (Mini pizza, small burger, cheese macaroni)
Friday Snack (Chicken popcorn, chicken fajita wrap, faphar ko chips with tomato, fried mushroom)
Our Sandar Snacks combo plan will cost you Rs 299 per day. The pricing plan of our snacks in more detail is as follows:
1 month: Rs 9000
3 months: Rs 27000
12 months: Rs 54000
You can enjoy wholesome, cooked meals without the effort of meal preparation and grocery shopping by choosing an appropriate food subscription box. A quick and healthful lunchtime solution is offered by Citi977.
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oscenox-rishikesh · 23 days
A Food Lover’s Journey: Little Amsterdam OSCENOX in Rishikesh
If you’re a food lover visiting Rishikesh, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX should be at the top of your list.
Located on - Bypass Road near Laxman Jhula in Tapovan, this establishment is renowned for offering an exceptional dining experience that combines delicious food with a stunning ambiance.
Why Little Amsterdam OSCENOX Stands Out
1. Unmatched Ganga Views: Enjoy your meal while taking in one of the most beautiful views of the Ganges. The serene river backdrop makes every dining experience special.
2. Diverse Menu: As one of the best non-veg restaurants in Rishikesh, Little Amsterdam OSCENOX offers a wide range of delectable dishes. From hearty meals to light bites, their menu caters to all tastes and preferences.
3. Cozy Atmosphere: The restaurant features a welcoming atmosphere where you can relax with friends or family. Whether you’re unwinding with hukkah in Rishikesh or enjoying a drink at their well-stocked bar, the ambiance enhances your dining experience.
4. Live Music and DJ Parties: Little Amsterdam OSCENOX is not just about great food. The venue hosts vibrant DJ parties and live music events, adding a lively touch to your evening.
5. Additional Comforts: - Free Wi-Fi: Stay connected while you dine. - Pet-Friendly Policy: Bring your furry friends along. - Ample Parking: Convenient parking options are available. - Friendly Staff: Enjoy attentive service from a team dedicated to making your visit enjoyable. - Rooms for Stay: If you’re looking to stay overnight, comfortable rooms are available on-site.
Experience the Best of Rishikesh
For a memorable food journey in Rishikesh, make sure to visit Little Amsterdam OSCENOX. Whether you’re indulging in their diverse menu, enjoying the beautiful Ganga views, or soaking up the lively atmosphere, this restaurant offers a complete and satisfying dining experience.
Book Now — to experience the finest dining in Rishikesh at Little Amsterdam OSCENOX, where every meal is a celebration of flavor and ambiance.
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yummyies · 25 days
Experience Vegetarian Excellence at Yummyies Catering: One of the Best Veg Restaurants in Bhubaneswar
Yummyies Catering has become synonymous with exceptional vegetarian dining, making it one of the best veg restaurants in Bhubaneswar. The restaurant is dedicated to offering a diverse selection of vegetarian dishes that not only satisfy but also excite the taste buds. Every meal at Yummyies is crafted using the freshest ingredients sourced from local farms, ensuring a sustainable and healthy dining experience. The menu boasts a wide range of dishes inspired by traditional Indian recipes and global flavors, all of which celebrate the richness of vegetarian cuisine. From hearty main courses to flavorful starters and delectable desserts, every item on the menu is prepared with attention to detail and love for wholesome cooking. The restaurant’s vibrant ambiance and welcoming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for vegetarian food lovers. Whether you're exploring new flavors or looking for your favorite comfort food, Yummyies Catering is the perfect spot. As one of the best veg restaurants in Bhubaneswar, it offers a fulfilling experience that combines flavor, health, and creativity.
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brookpub · 1 month
Best Drink Pairings for Indian Chicken and Paneer Biryani
Best Drink Pairings for Indian Chicken and Paneer Biryani
Indian food is well-known for its varied traditions, aromatic spices, and robust flavours. People who love food have a soft spot for Biryani, one of the many memorable delicacies. This fragrant and flavourful rice dish is a favourite in Indian restaurants all over the globe and a household staple in India. It is typically made with marinated meat or veggies. With its exceptional Chicken and Paneer Biryani and well-curated cocktails, Brook Indian Gastro Pub has raised the bar for Biryani in Cambridge lovers everywhere. Let’s check the Best Drink Pairings for Indian Chicken and Paneer Biryani.
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Essence of Biryani
To eat Biryani is to go on a gastronomic adventure that captures the spirit of Indian food. Legend says that Persian traders and travellers brought Biryani from their homeland to India. The word "birian" means "fried before cooking" in Persian. There are now many regional varieties, each with history, style, and taste.
Chicken Biryani: Biryani in Cambridge
The aromatic basmati rice is topped with juicy chicken breasts marinated in a mixture of yoghurt, spices, and herbs. This classic dish is a favourite. Thanks to the dish's ideal cooking, the rice absorbs all the fragrant spices and flavours. The chicken is delicate, and the rice is fluffy and flavourful, creating a lovely mix.
Paneer Biryani: Biryani in Cambridge
In place of the traditional meat in Paneer Biryani, fresh Indian cheese paneer is used, making this dish a vegetarian pleasure. Cooked with the same care as the meat version, this dish layers marinated paneer pieces with spicy rice. Rich, filling, and flavourful, the paneer's creamy texture soaking up the spices makes the meal even better.
The Perfect Drink Pairings -
If you want to boost your Biryani eating experience, try serving it with a drink that complements the dish's intense flavours and spices. The drink selection at Brook Indian Gastro Pub is hand-picked to complement the restaurant's famous Chicken and Paneer Biryani.
Grand Authentic Veg Thali
Traditional Drink Pairings
One common accompaniment to Biryani is lassi, a traditional Indian drink made with yoghurt. In contrast to the hot Biryani, its chilly influence and creamy texture provide a pleasant contrast. If the recipe calls for anything sweet, salty, mango—or rose-flavoured, lassi is the way to go.
Chaas, or Buttermilk:
The traditional Indian drink buttermilk, sometimes called chaas, is another great accompaniment to Biryani. This spiced yoghurt drink is a great way to wash down the heavy Biryani with something light and tart.
Cocktails of the Modern Era -
Biryani pairs wonderfully with beer because the fizz and mild bitterness can balance out the heavy flavour. Craft beers from Brook Indian Gastro Pub's range are hand-picked to go well with the Chicken and Paneer Biryani.
Although many might not think of mixing wine with Indian food, several varieties bring out flavours. Biryani combines tangy reds like Pinot Noir or crisp whites like Sauvignon Blanc. You can find wines on the list at Brook Indian Gastro Pub that go well with the Biryani.
Mixed drinks:
Another excellent choice for Biryani is a creative cocktail. A spiced rum drink, for example, would go well with a hot meal, while a gin and tonic with mint and cucumber notes would be perfect for cooling down.
Alternatives to Alcohol -
If you're looking for a classy and tasty non-alcoholic drink, go no further than mocktails. Mulled drinks like spicy apple cider, zesty lemon, and mint cooler are available at Brook Indian Gastro Pub to complement the Biryani.
Medicinal Herbal Sodas:
The strong flavours of Biryani can be balanced with herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, and lemongrass, which are known to be calming. If you're seeking a non-alcoholic accompaniment, these teas are perfect because they are aromatic, light, and refreshing.
Indian Biryani at The Brook Cambridge: A Culinary Gem
Famous for its modern takes on classic Indian dishes, Brook Indian Gastro Pub serves you some of the best Indian food in town. Everyone loves them, from locals to tourists, because of their dedication to quality, authenticity, and innovation. The following are some of the reasons why Brook Indian Gastro Pub is the most excellent Cambridge spot to get Chicken and Paneer Biryani:
Excellent Cooking:
With a wealth of knowledge and expertise gained over many years in the kitchen, the chefs at Brook Indian Gastro Pub are true experts in their field. You can be sure that your Chicken and Paneer Biryani will be authentic and delicious since they use only the highest quality ingredients, traditional spices, and cooking methods.
Careful Detail:
Brook Indian Gastro Pub's Biryani is meticulously prepared using marinating and rice, meat, or paneer layering. The end product is a visually pleasing, striking, and flavourful appetiser.
Hospitality and Ambiance:
The pleasant atmosphere of Brook Indian Gastro Pub reflects India's rich cultural history and is sure to put guests at ease. The decor, music, and general ambience achieve a dining experience that is equal parts cosy and refined. Everyone on staff is warm and welcoming and knows how to ensure you have a great meal.
Beverage Menu:
The drinks served at Brook Indian Gastro Pub are as carefully selected as the restaurant's food. Every palate may be satisfied, whether it's with classic Indian drinks, modern cocktails, or speciality beers and wines. Additionally, the well-informed staff is happy to make suggestions to ensure that the ideal wine accompanies your meal.
Involvement with the Community:
As a community centre, Brook Indian Gastro Pub organises events, live performances, delicious cuisine and drinks. Its dedication to involving the neighbourhood enhances the eating experience, turning it into a gathering spot for wonderful cuisine, beverages, and company.
Combining beverages with Indian Biryani at The Brook Cambridge is an art form that requires skill to achieve flavour harmony, elevate the eating experience, and amplify the dish's rich, aromatic spices with an emphasis on authenticity, originality, and quality. Brook Indian Gastro Pub in Cambridge guarantees that every meal is an unforgettable experience. We also serve Grand Authentic Non-Veg thali and Grand Authentic Veg thali at the pub. The thoughtfully chosen drink pairings enhance the flavours and create a balanced, fulfilling dinner, whether you're eating their famous Chicken Biryani or the delicious Paneer Biryani.
Brook Indian Gastro Pub offers various classic and modern drinks to suit a wide range of tastes and preferences so that every customer can discover the ideal drink to complement their meal. For Biryani in Cambridge, no one does it better than Brook Indian Gastro Pub because of their extraordinary culinary skill, meticulous attention to detail, and dedication to the community.
For a memorable dining experience that embraces the rich flavours of Indian food, Brook Indian Gastro Pub is the place to go the next time you're craving a plate of Biryani and the ideal drink.
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basshabit · 1 month
Private Hummer Desert Safari
Book a private Hummer six-seater for an unforgettable drive across sandy dunes and see the enchanting desert of Dubai with the Private Hummer Desert Safari. This safari gives a chance to ride Hummer, which is quite famous for comfortable off-road driving over the huge sand dunes. We have got the best Sunrise, evening and overnight tours to give you the best views & experience of the desert. Our Private Hummer Desert Safari guarantees that you get the best exclusive Desert Safari whether it’s the travelling, dune bashing or dinner. We are the best at what we serve and that is an adventurous, cultural, and aesthetic exploration or a night camping under the stars. You can call or drop a message at our contact number of your interest & we will take all your worries about how & when away!
Itinerary under VIP Private Desert Safari in Hummer
Your Private Hummer Desert Safari starts from the Hotel pickup or any point convenient to you in our Hummer. On the way to the destination you will see the gradually changing desert scenery to the fascinating dunes of the sands. Although the real fun begins with the dune bashing session in which you get an opportunity to tour through the gigantic sand mounds!
All these are followed by a visit to a traditional camp sites after the enthralling and fantastic safari ride. Here, you will have the following extra activities:
You could ride camels,
go for sand Surfing or
get a henna tattoo.
This is also a good time to get the best of the shot as the ambience is perfect for the capturing of wonderful pictures as the sunsets. There is entertainment in the form of live belly dancers and Tanoura performers, as you enjoy your barbecue dinner. Tent accommodation will cover a wonderful desert night in tidy tent which will be followed by a delicious breakfast in the morning.
Inclusions in Private Hummer Desert Safari
Transportation: VIP Desert Safari also offers pickup and drop-off services from your location using Hummer H2 (a luxury car).
Dune bashing: Travel through the dunes of the desert in a powerful Hummer car driven by one of our experienced drivers.
Camel rides, Sandboarding and Bedouin camp visit: Join in cultural activities at a Bedouin desert camp, where a number of activities can be enjoyed such as henna designs on hands, shisha breaks and wearing Bedouin costumes for Dubai photographs.
Barbecue dinner: A delicious barbeque dinner that we arrange for you, especially the non-vegetarians, and for the vegetarians we arrange a delightful spread of barbeque vegetables, salads and desserts.
Live entertainment: There are thrilling performances such as belly dancer, Tanoura dance, and fire shows.
Overnight experience: Those who have chosen the overnight safari for their VIP Desert Safari, will experience the Arabian night, sleeping in the middle of desert while having all the conveniences around.
Highlights of Private Hummer Desert Safari
The Private Hummer Desert Safari in our very special VIP Desert Safari offers standout due to the following reasons:
Exclusive and private: This VIP Desert Safari is very private so that anyone that you want to take on the trip will be able to do it comfortably. So, call on our whatsapp number to book one right now.
Thrilling dune bashing: The powerful Hummer also allows for an exceptional off-road experience of VIP Desert Safari in the most difficult sand dunes which makes for a very memorable trip.
Cultural activities: A visit to a Bedouin camp allows you to go through Emirati lifestyle.
Landscapes: You can observe the striking desert spaces at the dawn or dusk, which makes it ideal for photography lovers.
Gourmet dining: The barbecue dinner under is a starlit sky is a feast that offers a variety of choices of dishes (both veg and non-veg).
Important Information about Private Hummer Desert Safari in our VIP Desert Safari experience.
Pickup and Drop-off: Can be taken from your hotel or according to your address preference.
Dress Code: Loose fitting and reasonably casual wear advised while a jacket for evenings in the desert.
Duration: These tours take between 4- 6 hours for the sunrise/ evening tours while the overnight Private Hummer Desert Safari tours take between 12-14 hours.
Inclusions: Meals/foods, transportation/bus or taxi as will be included in VIP Desert Safari package.
Booking: This is a reservation based tour as most of our availability remains full so, we recommend that do prior booking for your VIP Desert Safari experience. Please contact our whatsapp number for booking any Dubai attractions.
Age Restrictions: There is no restriction but children are allowed in only if they are accompanied by their parents or any adult person.
Health Considerations: Pregnant woman and those with back issues should avoid it.
Extras: Quad biking is an optional activity that comes at an extra fee and so are the alcoholic drinks.
Book your VIP Desert Safari for Private Hummer Desert Safari!
The Private Hummer Desert Safari is an ultimate mixture of comfort and thrilling adventure and cultural visits which makes it a top recommended activity for all Dubai tourists to visit. And if you liked the above itinerary, then please contact our whatsapp number for booking or any other details. We would be delighted to be part of your Dubai’s luxury experience.
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