#non adaptable
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masterofbiography · 1 year ago
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Dans sa jeunesse, Paul ne vivait pas avec ses parents, mais dans un foyer, il a toujours eu l'habitude de vivre avec beaucoup de monde. Il avoue à Maggie qu'il était très timide dans le passé que cela soit avec ses amis ou bien ses petits-amis. Paul sort de nulle part en bousculant accidentellement le nouvellement chef d'Alexandria Rick, parti avec Daryl en mission d'approvisionnement peu après le nettoyage des rôdeurs suite à l'invasion de la zone de sûreté. Paul vole à Rick les clés d'un camion rempli de provisions et conduit loin. Rick et Daryl rattrapent Paul pendant que Paul change un pneu à plat. Rick essaie de le maîtriser, et après un court combat, y arrive. Rick le laisse sur la route avec ses pieds et mains attachées pendant que lui et Daryl s'éloignent avec le camion de provisions. Daryl réalise plus tard que Paul a réussi à se libérer et est sur le toit du camion et Rick freine violemment, le faisant chuter. Jesus se relève et commence à courir pendant que Daryl le pourchasse, et que Rick tue les zombies aux alentours. Pendant que Daryl et Paul se battent à l'intérieur du camion, ils relâchent accidentellement le frein du camion qui roule jusque dans un étang qui n'était pas loin, mettant Paul inconscient dans l'action. Rick et Daryl ramènent Paul à Alexandria, l'enfermant dans une cellule. Il parvient à s'en échapper et dit à Rick qu'il veut lui parler. Il informe alors le groupe qu'il fait partie d'un campement effectuant des échanges avec les autres camps de survivants et leur propose de les y emmener. Rick, Daryl, Abraham, Maggie, Michonne et Jésus partent donc vers La Colline. Après avoir fait les présentations, le chef, Gregory, discute avec Maggie, qui veut faire un marché entre les deux villes. Peu après, trois membres de « La Colline » reviennent d'une expédition et expliquent qu'un membre de leur équipe s'est fait prendre en otage par les Sauveurs, le groupe de Negan. Jesus leur révèle que les Sauveurs ordonnent aux membres de « La Colline » de leur donner la moitié de leurs vivres en échange de leurs vies sauves. Jesus devient par la suite un grand allié d'Alexandria surtout lorsque les deux communautés vont travailler main dans la main. Il est volontaire sur tout. Il est très doué pour le combat en plus d'être très débrouillard. Qu'on apprécie chez lui. Paul est un personnage rusé, capable de mettre en place certains subterfuges pour aider sa communauté comme le coup des pétards, faisant croire à Daryl et Rick qu'ils étaient attaqués lors de leur première rencontre. Paul peut parfois sembler arrogant, sûr de lui et il peut l'être possédant des capacités en combat plutôt remarquables. C'est une personne courageuse, se dévouant corps et âme pour aider les gens de la Colline. Paul est un homme juste et droit qui voue sa vie à aider ses proches.
Joue avec : Aaron Strand
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egophiliac · 6 months ago
I have been informed that you guys are getting part 4 of episode 7 tomorrow, which means we are FINALLY going to get the official romanization of Revaan's name, somebody please tell me because I need to know what it is.
like, yes, it's probably just Revan/Levan, but look, I'm sitting here with my finger over the button of all these Laverne and Shirley jokes and just waiting for the opportunity to deploy them --
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verflares · 4 months ago
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who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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Started a new book series, and has been a journey...an Odyssey, if you will.
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mutalieju · 5 months ago
I have seen a bunch of positivity/appreciation/whatever for fanwriters/artists but like. remember to appreciate your scanlators/translators. like the scanlating scene is not what it used to be because the official sources have picked up lot of like. popular mangas but you still rely on scanlators etc for more niche works and... I used to do lot of scanlating and I don't think I EVER got a positive comment or any appreciation and like... at least when I write and share my unhinged fic or art I made it to amuse myself but if I am scanlating a comic I already can read it obviously so ANY work I am putting in is 100% for other people... I have literally scanlated whole-ass series because I knew ONE person read them at all and I wanted them to experience a series I liked. If people don't like your work tho why would anyone do it then?
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padawanduck · 21 days ago
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nowandforalways · 1 year ago
Today I'm thinking about how playing Frodo Baggins is a thankless job in much the same way Frodo actually carrying the Ring was.
Like, when people talk about performances in LOTR adaptations, they talk about Sam, they talk about Gollum, they talk about Gandalf and Galadriel. All these characters that have iconic lines and big flashy moments of greatness or bravery or twistedness that let the actor show off. Frodo doesn't have any of those. What Frodo does have is the arguably harder job of making something external that is almost entirely internal, and, in most adaptations, having the most to do, just from a time-on-stage/screen/microphone perspective. But this never seems to get acknowledged and that's always kinda weird/interesting to me. I suppose people just respond to the big heroic/heartwarming/menacing moments, and not so much to littler moments of the same kinds. In the musical, in one of the dialogue breaks in "Now And For Always", Frodo says to Sam "It's not me they'll remember, you know". And that's funny because even if Sam tries to fight that in-universe with the finishing of The Red Book, it consistently ends up being true in a meta sense.
Anyway I suppose what I'm saying is appreciate Christopher Guard, Sir Ian Holm, Elijah Wood, James Loye, James Byng, Louis Maskell, and Spencer Davis Milford or die by my blade.
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leeshabeth90 · 16 days ago
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Alithy Manips 2d animation edition (ft. Toto) with Walt Disney's Alice and Tom and Jerry's Dorothy Gale
I'll be pairing Disney Alice in Wonderland with Journey Back To Oz next
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year ago
“I’m obviously the better twin.”
“He’s obviously the better twin.”
Their combined words echoed across the cave far longer in the silence that followed their words than it felt like it should have. It was difficult to tell if any of the other bats and birds were even breathing.
A frown marred Damian’s face, despite having said the same harsh words as his twin. Danny saying the very same words left a sort of bitter taste in his mouth. It wasn’t even the words themselves but more the resignation and dismissal of his own worth that ate at Damian’s gut. Someone stabbing him would have hurt less than Danny’s next words.
“You don’t need someone like me. I’m not motivated enough and all that to be like you guys. I’d just get in the way.”
Dick, ever the one to try to find compromise, spoke up. “There’s more ways to help than just fighting…”
“Listen,” Danny interrupted, “it’s not like I’m dumb but I’m not a genius like you all. I suck at strategy and sitting around on my hands, the only thing I’m really good at is being cannon fodder or a distraction. I’m not competitive or ambitious and I’m certainly not about to start trying to be any of that. That ship has sailed and sunk.”
“Danny, I-“
“It’s fine Damian.” His bitter smile contradicted the words. “It’s important to know one’s own strengths and weaknesses, right?”
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masterofbiography · 1 year ago
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Johanna Mason est une jeune femme originaire du District Sept ayant remporté la 71ème édition des Hunger Games et ayant participé à la Troisième Expiation. Dans ses premiers Hunger Games (les 71èmes), Johanna a gagné en se faisant passer pour une pleurnicheuse faible et précieuse. En réalité, elle était forte et sournoise. Tous les autres tributs l'ont alors ignoré jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste plus qu'une poignée de concurrents. À ce moment là, elle a révélé ses atouts et s'est trouvé avoir une grande aptitude au meurtre et a ainsi surpris tous les autres tributs avec sa réelle capacité à tuer. Elle a remporté les Jeux contre toute attente. Johanna était l'unique vainqueur féminin vivant de son district, tout comme Katniss ce qui l'obligea à participer à l'Expiation. Lors du défilé des tributs, elle portait, venant du district du bois et du papier, un costume d'arbre. Trouvant son costume grotesque et inconfortable, elle se mit nue devant Katniss et Peeta. Pendant son interview avec Caesar Flickerman, Johanna déclare qu'il devrait y avoir un changement dans les règles, car les Juges n'avaient sûrement pas prévu que les habitants du Capitole s'attacheraient autant aux vainqueurs. Elle insulte le public du Capitole en disant que ces Jeux sont une grosse arnaque : après avoir remporté les Jeux, le vainqueur ne devait plus jamais retourner dans l'arène et voilà qu'on essaye de la tuer à nouveau. Dans l'arène, elle fait alliance avec Beetee, Blight et Wiress, mais Blight meurt contre le champ de force qui entoure l'arène avant de retrouver Katniss, Peeta et Finnick. Elle était au courant de l'alliance pour faire sortir Katniss de l'arène et l'a assommée avec le cylindre de Beetee (contenant une arme) et lui a arraché son mouchard avec sa hache, laissant Katniss penser qu'elle l'attaquait. Quand l'arène est détruite, Johanna est faite prisonnière par le Capitole. Katniss l'inclut dans ses conditions pour devenir le geai moqueur : Johanna et les autres prisonniers doivent être épargnés. Une équipe de soldats du district Treize les délivre et les ramène au district Treize. Là-bas, Johanna partage un compartiment avec Katniss, qui devient son amie. Elles s'entraînent ensemble pour devenir soldat et participer à la guerre. Lors de l'examen final, on met le candidat face à sa peur ou sa lacune la plus profonde. Lorsque c'est le tour de Johanna, la fausse ruelle est inondée. Johanna devient hystérique puis s'évanouit, ratant l'examen tandis que Katniss le réussit : au Capitole, on a torturé Johanna en l'aspergeant d'eau puis en lui envoyant des décharges électriques, ce qui explique l'hydrophobie. Pendant sa détention, Johanna occupait la cellule voisine de Peeta et déclare qu'elle reconnaîtrait ses hurlements les yeux fermés. Johanna est très sournoise et perspicace. Elle comprend le plus grand bien des districts et est prête à renoncer à sa vie pour la liberté. Elle peut être coquine et difficile parfois et est une experte en déception. Elle est sarcastique, très courageuse face au Capitole.
Joue avec : Finnick Odair
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jccatstudios · 6 months ago
I absolutely love your adapting of Six of Crows. What scene would you most be looking forward to illustrating?
Oooooooh that is quite the question. So many scenes to choose from. Before I make my big long list, just as a disclaimer, I'm only planning to finish Chapter 3 right now. Everything that comes after (especially scenes way later in the book) is up in the air. No promises with Chapter 4 either. Also, not including CK on this list because then I'd be writing all night. That being said... here are some scenes that instantly come to mind:
Matthias introduction! I enjoy his character more and more each time I read, and that fight with the wolves he has is such a great was to meet him and know what he's about. Also the scene where Inej trips him haha
Chapter 10: Inej. The Tante Heleen encounter is so visceral. There's a lot of scenes I wouldn't describe as fun to draw because of their content, but they'd be fun to draw in the sense that I'd have a fair amount of creative problem-solving to get the emotional effect across
Wesper tag team fight on the docks
Eyeball scene. Eyeball scene. Eyeball scene!!! Like imagine the impact panel: Kaz's and Oomen's silhouettes, white on a black background, a dynamic arc of blood between Kaz's hand and Oomen's face
Inej's interactions with Nina, Jesper, and Kaz on the boat. Especially the life debt scene
The little scene where they're passing the book binoculars around and Nina makes fun of Kaz? That part is so dear to me
Wagon scene and Kaz's backstory. Honestly, everyone's backstory. I'm a One Piece fan, what can I say
Inej climbing the incinerator shaft and realizing her dream!!!
Matthias's "betrayal." Absolutely legendary cliffhanger
Chapter 38: Kaz. Imagine a full splash page of him so far away, the rest of the page filled with just water, silent. And the feeding the crows scene! The lighting effects are incredible in my mind, trust on that one
Jesper, Inej, and Wylan piloting the tank! Never before have I wanted to draw mechanical details so badly
What would drawing Nina's POV be like when she's on parem? I envision lots of little panels detailing out all the things she can see and experience now
"I will have you without armor" but also the scene between Inej and Nina at the start of that chapter? I forgot about it on my first read, but I recently listened to that part again and it's so sweet
Pekka Rollins. I just want to draw him.
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originalaccountname · 1 year ago
putting my hands on your shoulders looking directly into your eyes why are you so insistent that Dazai is faking every emotion every second of every day except when he's acting mean or evil why do you think his dark side is more true than his happier or sillier sides
do you not also have multiple facets you show different people? are we not all beautiful multifaceted individuals? are your actions and reactions not influenced by your emotions and state of mind?
can't he laugh at his own jokes? can't he fondly think of the Agency? can't he be dramatic because he wants to? can't he be surprised by something suddenly happening, even if he knew it would happen? do you not jump when the jack in the box gets out even if you were the one working the mechanism?
why would the mean persona be more real? why would any and all joy be faked? why are you only allowing him misery?
#sorry i saw one too many posts talking about dazai's ''masks'' and how he hides his true self from the ada#and what of it if he still has the potential to hurt others? what of it if he's good at hurting? every day he chooses not to lean into it#not too far at the very least.#isn't kyouk.a skilled at killing? did she not choose not to do it?#i'm not saying dazai's never acting (because it does happen) i'm saying too many people are too quick to brush off-#every non-serious non-mean emotion as ''playing an act''#why would the mean persona not be a fake?? you thought about that??? what biases are you holding here#he makes jokes. he acts silly. he's a drama queen. he loves it.#you know what IS tiring? having to look evil and untouchable and impassive in front of a whole organization every day as a teenager#as soon as he gets to lupin with od.a and ang.o he goes silly mode. heck- when he *met* ang.o it was because he went silly mode.#as soon as chuuy.a is in proximity he starts yelling children's insults and starts stupid competitions#his silly mode is just as integrated into his personality as the capacity to be the scariest most evil person you've seen#they are not mutually exclusive and having the capacity for either does not mean acting on them#as asagiri said in an interview: bsd isn't about change it's about adaptation. kyouk.a has the talent to kill. she just chooses not to.#dazai has the skills to be evil. he just chooses good.#that got long in the tags sorry#apparently i talk sometimes
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months ago
you are so whimsical i qant to check out this mdzs (..??) because of your whimsical nature thank you sorry im very high and your art moved me emotionally
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This is simultaneously the sweetest and funniest thing someone has sent me, thank you.
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andr0nap · 1 year ago
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cowboy au worldbuilding with the thoma
as you can see im taking some creative liberties with the giant emu by making them more diverse bc canon isnt enough for me and i have the brainworms
extra notes below the cut
standard thoma:
the original thoma and most common type available
perfect for travel, can pull wagons or carry light cargo
fast with good stamina, fastest over short distances
friendly, intelligent, energetic and quick to learn
the most diverse in terms of colors, patterns and extra traits
well rounded in all departments (theyre like the AQ horses of trigun)
draft thoma:
uncommon outside of major cities (kept by specialized breeders)
used for construction work and long haul heavy cargo transport
gentle, patient and eager to work
not built for speed but can walk for days at a steady pace without rest
dense feather coat protects them from the heat and sand
expensive to maintain and keep due to their size
theyre a relatively new type that came from selective breeding
"wild" thoma:
actually feral (aka. previously domesticated), not wild
originating from lost/runaways that have not been in contact with humans for generations
rare and elusive with a small population, sometimes spotted living near shipwrecks
people will pay top $$ for their capture
begin to exhibit adaptive mutations that help them survive the wastelands
smaller and less fluffy than their standard counterparts
dont come in many colors, mostly bays, chestnuts and blacks
hardy with incredible endurance
very stubborn, temperamental and intelligent, cant be forced to do something they dont want (like donkeys)
rarely ridden, mostly kept for crossbreeding
cattle-type thoma:
related to the standard thoma but NOT the same species
common pack animal in caravans, sometimes ridden as a cheaper alternative to the standard thoma
mainly bred for meat, hide and eggs
kept in huge open range herds that travel along worm swarms for feeding
sometimes kept as a form for anti-worm pest control
keratin crests are lightweight and used for protection and display
ranchers will paint patterns on their crests as a form of identification
not the sharpest tools in the shed, tend to bite and trample people
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cillyscribbles · 3 months ago
i think i need to accept that what i actually want more than to write an essay called "adaptation theory applied to cats 1998 and 2019" is to write an essay called "CATS IS GOOD, ACTUALLY, AND IF YOU GUYS HAD JOY AND WHIMSY IN YOUR HEARTS YOU WOULD SEE THIS"
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johaerys-writes · 9 months ago
"Can we let Patroclus kill in 2024" this and "can we let Patroclus fight in 2024" that yall my man's been doing that since 13th cent BC how about we let Patroclus REST in 2024. Take a lil nap, even. Some honk shoo mimimi for Patroclus in 2024 pls
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