pesterloglog · 9 months
Roxy Lalonde, )(er Imperious Condescension
Act 6, page 5699
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: jane
TG: janes 4 ev
TG: /take deepest jane yellin breath
TG: like there is any chance u answer me
TG: with today being international everybody ignore roxy day
TG: like
TG: doing literally the frenchest of possible sighs over here
TG: its wearing a lopsided beret in the city of goddamn light falling in FUCKING love
TG: such is my sigh
TG: am packing TOTES ennui janey
TG: or shd i say.......
TG: ennOUI ;)
TG: wait
TG: ennui is probably already a french word??
TG: not sure that one needs anymore frenching up...
TG: i should know this b cause my last name is french sounding
TG: even tho im p sure my mom did not hail from france
TG: idk
TG: who even "LA CARES"
TG: hehehe fuck you, A CERTAIN LANGUAGE
TG: uum yeah
TG: so the report is
TG: that i already said to some chumps & im getting max fatigued repeatin it
TG: im on derse we need to be god tiers and die on slabs n junk
TG: + im invisible cause of ring
TG: w/e
TG: oh
TG: i think your dads here and hes probably alright?
TG: so theres that
TG: oh!
TG: i saw callie 2 shes ok
TG: well i mean shes dead
TG: but in ghost form
TG: so shes as ok as one can be who is also dead
TG: which is apparently just fine?
TG: so the lesson of the moral is u can be way fine & dead at sames time
TG: jane let us now reflect upon the weighty existential ramifications of that thing i said
TG: yesssss
TG: just me an my bestie, ballin hecka reveries 2day
TG: the biggest questions which have tormented the wisest scholars and pundits for mad epochs just got so roflariously owned
TG: hey callie also said she would send you a bday thing?
TG: did u get
TG: she must have sent a code
TG: which you have to make urself
TG: so
TG: maybe youre doin that now?
TG: hope ur doin that
TG: im real curious 2 know what it is suddenly
TG: man
TG: im bored
TG: like we got all this big deal crap to do and i cant even talk to no one
TG: jane
TG: ambiguous voidey powers notwithstanding
TG: im starting 2 think i might be genetically predisposed to ramblin at length into empty chat clients
TG: well
TG: hit me up if up see this
TG: maybe ill try 2 txt fefeta
TG: my dear precious fefeta
TG: i know SHE would never ignore me ;3
)(IC: yo dont fuck with my heiress
)(IC: gurl got royal bidness porpoises to attend
)(IC: and do not even T)(INK i dont know you out a jail bitch
)(IC: you take a flip thru ma secret jam yet
)(IC: dat sparkle shit i left w tha dance clowns on
TG: oh noes
TG: is the witch
TG: .___.
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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twyllodrus · 6 years
your tags on the mutjac outfit are me, what an outfit
i’m sorry it took so long to answeri was busy writing up an essay on this outfit
the thing isi adore fillorian garb so much, and who doesn’t really?and very often it’s something shiny & glittery & rich & sometimes sheeresp if we’re talking high monarchs~
but thisthis is such a quentin outfitquentin’s questing on a boat in fillory outfit, that’s it
it’s a tad matte? if it makes any sensethe only thing that’s shiny is the trim on the shirt (which might be made out of linen?? cool cool) and then some on the trim of the jacket?? so subtle, so lovely
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and the predominant color is this deep navy blue ?? (which it doesn’t look like here bc, well, my editing skills are taking a day off sskdlksldk)but, in my totally subjective opinion, this is the color in the name of which i would absolutely sacrifice bc ?? it’s very neat, v conventional, easy on the eye etc. etc.
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and let’s talk about the fabric itself??? idk what’s it called, somebody who knows stuff & things about tailoring & costume design in general (@silvermarmoset​ 👀) will probably have a better word for it  – but the fabric looks so textured, so intricately tufted ?? (aksljakld it sounds like i’m talking about upholstery on a couch i’m sorry)
and, by the looks of it, despite having a lot of separate pieces (i believe there’s a vest in there somewhere skdldjsj) and having an elaborate cut – it seems pretty cozy & functional (it has pockets!); there’s a belt sheath(?) for a sword – which is, y'know, very valuable in this types of situations so yea
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+ the knee-high boots + the way he wears his hair in some of these scenes is just *chef’s kiss*so, yea, overall, v efficient yet neat & cool-looking little questing outfit12/10 would go on a boating quest in it as well
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eliotdrawings · 5 years
I'm seriously considering making you a non scary cut of the movies so you can join us
fjsjd truly the fandom version of it. nothing is scary and evil, they’re just a bunch of kids who are friends also reddie gets married, the end
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lizardkingeliot · 5 years
"That or the Eliot’s body being Pandora’s box thing because seriously… there’s a whole lotta monsters inside of him right now and if they try bottling those up, well…" i keep thinking about this that you brought up because the axes should release /everything/ that's inside him, right? and they're kind of. ignoring the amount of things eliot has in his body because they have no idea. so far they are only thinking of the monster and his sister. honestly it'd be a really cool callback to myths 1/2
2/2 because the last thing left in pandora’s box ends up being hope! and eliot has been gathering a lot of knowledge about the monster and everything from the inside, stuff he hasn’t been able to mention yet. idk i’m just really curious about how this is all gonna end up
I’ve been unable to stop thinking about this for a while now. And I mean they could just not do this and explain it away as the other things inside being perma-bound to the monster, that would make just as much sense, but... idk. Especially now with the goal being to bottle them up like... in the original myth Pandora’s box was actually a jar. 
I’m not ready to call this one a prediction just yet, but the setup is there for sure if that’s where they intend for this to go...
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softedwin · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY!! I hope you have a great day!!
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What a fucker of an anon. I'm sorry you had to deal with getting those, I just followed you on Twitter yesterday and you're being awesome and kind and reaching out to people /HUGS
Honestly they’re gonna have to try harder than that if they wanna hurt me, and if worst comes to worst I’ll just turn off anon so the cowards have to show their fucking faces when they send me that shit.
But thank you so much for the love. I see you around too and I’m with you and if you ever need to talk, pls reach out.
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maximusthewolfe · 5 years
you know what also makes me a subscriber of the "eliot comes back in 4x12" theory? syfy has been really uptight and slow with releasing the promo pics of that ep
This is also another point I have considered heavily for the last couple of weeks. I’m just real desperate for my boi back, you know??? 
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sadlittlenerdking · 6 years
  angst queen who? nOT ME
dude remember that time after S2 that we were all sad about queliot being separated and you went and wrote a fic about how they died in each timeline? That’s angst queen man I’ll never forGET
who’s side are you on
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eliotsmagic · 6 years
noe-gg replied to your post “ok now that we’ve all had time to calm down what @queliotrises said in...”
i still demand an emotional refund lmao
me fucking too sis 
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eoiris · 6 years
barry wants to keep going to that day bc he really liked getting handcuffed by eowells it's okay barry you can't admit it without dragging your daughter into it
This tea is delicious!!!!
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Barry’s like “you can only look at an old photo so much before you start to want the real thing!!!”
An exclusive look at Barry & Eobard when they see each other 
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, Autoresponder
Act 6, page 5081
gutsyGumshoe [GG] began pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
GG: Hey! Where are you??
GG: I can't find you anywhere in your crazy house.
GG: It's just wizards and pumpkins as far as the eye can see.
GG: I hope you're ok!
GG: Please get back to me as soon as you can.
gutsyGumshoe [GG] ceased pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
TG: aw noes
TG: you are snoping up my house
TG: scopping my gourd hoard
TG: janey what are u doing
TG: what is going on here
TG: jane?
TG: god dammit crocket
TG: bleghhh
TG: head hurts
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
TT: Judging by the sporadic rates of change in your present coordinates, it seems that you have been running around like a lunatic.
TT: When those ridiculous flesh stilts you refer to as "legs" settle down, and you have a minute to talk, please respond.
TG: smup shades
TG: *sup
TT: Are you in danger?
TG: no
TG: well
TG: not in like robos wanting to kill me immediately as in lilerally right now danger
TG: but still probably some danger
TG: its hot and all these crumbling flamey buildings are so screwed and i wanna just go lie down
TG: plus theres shit coming from the sky
TT: What shit do you mean?
TG: super deudly red shit
TT: Right. The miles. That's why I'm going to need you to get home quickly.
TT: What has taken you so long, anyway? Why has your path been so circuitous?
TT: Surely you can't be even more inebriated than before.
TG: no no
TG: less
TG: trust my
TG: me
TT: Ok. Then what?
TG: ive been trying to i guess
TG: round up some neighbors
TG: whenever i see them
TG: and try to get then to follow me home
TG: whichis harder than is sounds!
TT: You are accumulating carapacian refugees?
TG: yes
TT: That seems like a very inefficient and risky use of your time.
TG: i know but
TG: they always seem confused and dont know what todo
TG: and everythings bunring down
TG: i think i should try to take some with me i cant just leave all of the poor chess guys here to die
TT: Alright, that's fine.
TT: As luck would have it, your imperfect human sentimentality has been completely factored into my calculations.
TT: You should be ok. Just get back to your house as quickly as possible now. There's no time left.
TG: lmao @ your "caluculations" as if htose are real but ok ill get moving
TT: We're going to need you to connect with Jake to bring him into the game.
TT: You will complete the chain of entry. This is very important.
TG: ok
TG: jane was trying 2 reach me
TG: messin with my pumpkips or some shit???
TG: where is she
TT: There's been a little subordination issue there.
TT: With both Crocker and English, actually. Strider and I are working on it.
TG: what u talkin about
TG: subordingation
TG: you saying those chucklefucks went rouge
TT: Sort of.
TG: but thats what i do!
TG: posers be frontin hard up on my roguey turf
TG: *roguish?
TG: roguish is better it means sly
TT: Don't worry about it for now. Just do your part, and catch up with them later.
TT: Who knows, maybe you will prove yourself to be the only 100% cooperative, fully competent non-Strider player?
TT: How ironic would it be if the best player turned out to be the drunk girl? Wouldn't that be sweet?
TG: yeah!!!!
TG: :3
TT: Go home. Connect with Jake. Deploy the equipment in the ruins of his old house.
TT: I'll focus on actually getting him there. The kid is seriously a work in progress, I gotta say.
TT: Are you sober enough to do all that?
TG: i think
TG: the answer
TG: unfortunately
TG: is yes
TG: :[
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gulegardiner · 5 years
Happy birthday!! I hope you have a great day!
thank you so much 😚🧡
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evanbucklley · 6 years
hi i just wanted to pop in and say i love your url!
omg thankyou!! ❤❤
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lizardkingeliot · 6 years
"#wow they're really not giving away anything for this ep are they lmao" my feelings exactly lol. all the promo pics (nvm that it's fewer than what we usually get) look like they're all from the same scene
Yeah it def appears to be all the same scene, and I mean we can assume that any penultimate episode is going to have some major shit going down but I’m choosing to believe they can’t show us anything else because some major saving Eliot-related shit is going down in this one…
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queerwaugh · 6 years
noe-gg replied to your post “"y’all…… don’t really think they’d actually kill a main character off...”
they can't NOT be aware of the bury your gays trope and it'd be really, really tasteless of them, esp after all the praise they've been getting with what they've done with queliot. It's going to be something else. They also got similar comments re: the wipe in s3 finale so we just gotta wait and see
agreed! but they could always lie about it is my point (as have many writers who pulled the trope, especially recently) but ur right... i don’t really see them doing that as queliot is one of the things most praised by critics lmao it’s just all around a dumb move but also i’ve been hurt so many times with lgbt rep i’m just gonna prepare for the worse just in case 
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happy birthday! i hope you have a great day!
Thank you, Noe!
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