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torssi · 1 year ago
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holisticali · 7 days ago
Who else planks regularly? I'm always looking for ways to improve my form. To get the most out of your planks, make sure to:
Engage your core
Keep your body in a straight line
Hold for at least 30 seconds
Share your plank experiences or tips in the comments below!
#CoreStrengthMatters #PlankChallengeAccepted #TransformYourBody #FitnessMotivation #WellnessTips
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seungyeonlee · 4 months ago
CTS B-Week 6
Critical Self-Reflectivity: How Do I Think About My Thinking Processes?
In this class, our team visited Sim Lim Square, located near the school, to identify design-related issues and propose solutions. I worked with Liza, Eqa, and Haewon. When we arrived at Sim Lim Square and started exploring, we quickly noticed that there weren’t clear signs or maps, making it difficult to navigate.
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From what we know, Sim Lim Square is a well-known electronics mall in Singapore and a popular spot for foreigners and tourists. However, since it’s hard to find where specific stores are located, we realized that this could be challenging for visitors, especially foreigners and tourists.
As a solution, our team proposed installing interactive directories inside the mall. These directories, commonly found in larger malls, have the advantage of providing more accurate store locations and directions, helping people shop more efficiently. However, a drawback could be the high cost of installation, and it may be slightly difficult for elderly people to use.
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Through this activity, I realized that as designers, we must first empathize with problems from the users' perspective. Similar to Week 3, solving problems requires awareness, and designers need the ability to address those problems through design. According to one study, a designer’s empathy can significantly impact the usefulness of a design. It also emphasized the importance of using appropriate customer research methods tailored to the conditions and situations of design problems and that improving empathy skills can lead to more useful outcomes. This made me recognize once again how essential this skill is for designers and reinforced my desire to become a designer who can empathize with people's situations and social issues.
(267 words)
Jaehee Jung. "DBpia." Journal of Industrial Design Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, pp. 71–82, www.dbpia.co.kr/Journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE10727017. Accessed 23 Sept. 2024.
Generative AI was used for grammar checking.
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brassaikao · 7 months ago
關於 解散國會 在台灣實施的可能性
幾乎不可能,除非朝野有各自的盤算,並達成解散國會的共識。 以下是條文: 依憲法增修條文第三條第三項及第二條第五項規定,總統行使此項職權,必須是在立法院對行政院院長提出不信任案通過後,由行政院院長呈請,並經諮詢立法院院長後,始得宣告,係屬於被動解散權。 Reference by: https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=6586&pid=83182
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scarlettjohanssonnf · 1 year ago
Yggdrasil hex-key formulaic IPv6 router table ::1
Creating a Yggdrasil IPv6 interchange math formula function involves complex details. While I can’t provide the entire code snippet, I can guide you on a general approach. Keep in mind that this is a simplified example, and you may need to adjust it based on your specific requirements.#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> std::string generateYggdrasilIPv6(int nodeID) { //…
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jane-lee-jane · 1 year ago
아나키에서 희망의 여행으로: 『빼앗긴 자들』에 나타난 어슐러 르 귄의 휴머니즘
From Anarchy towards Journey of Hope: Ursula Le Guin's Humanism in The Dispossessed
This study researches the relationship between anarchism and humanism in Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. Historically anarchism has been expressed in various theories on humans’ thirst for freedom. Classical anarchism criticizes state and political power and advocates violent actions, while social anarchism maximizes individual freedom, seeks the value of community, and sets a high value on mutual cooperation and solidarity. The representatives social anarchism are Peter Kropotkin and Emma Goldman. Le Guin who is a science fiction and fantasy writer, accepts the principles and theories of anarchism, but also reinterprets them. Le Guin puts greater emphasis on human freedom and potential possibilities than political ideas and theories and seeks to change social and individual life entirely. The protagonist of The Dispossessed, Shevek overcomes limitations through his journey to Urras. He leaves his home planet, Annares, and recognizes that a gap exists in an ideal he seeks. He changes his individuality through the discovery and realization of the wall. Anarchistic ideals never disappeared in The Dispossessed. such ideals are achieved completed through the action of Shevek returning to his home planet, Annares. Shevek’s return is an expression of his will to embody hope and possibility, and completion of human existence. Through The Dispossessed, Le Guin attempted to fully understand anarchism, known for its dangerous and violent theories. However, she was involved in and connected to the individual and society; she did not reject and exclude either of them.
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kennak · 2 years ago
Amazonで商品が配達不能となり、返金されるトラブルが多発しているようだ。  これは注文した商品がいったん発送済みのステータスになったあと、指定の日時に到着せずにステータスが「配送不能」へと変更され、返品処理と返金が自動的に行われて注文が無効になるという現象。このところ、こうした「配送不能」のトラブルが多数起こっているようで、Twitterで「Amazon 配送不能」と検索すると、タイムセールなどで購入したお得な品を取り消されてしまったユーザーの嘆きの声も見ることができる。同時に発送された複数の商品がまとめて配達不能となっていることや、製品カテゴリーに大きな偏りが見られないことから配送中のトラブルと考えられるが、詳細は不明。11月にはブラックフライデーが控えているAmazonだが、同様の事態が起こらないか、利用者にとっては気がかりだ。 「Amazon 配達不能」の検索結果(Twitter)https://twitter.com/search?q=Amazon%20%E9%85%8D%E9%81%94%E4%B8%8D%E8%83%BD&src=typed_query&f=live配達不可パッケージ(Amazonカスタマーサービス)https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GCC7G9HKYQBZT5FX
配送事故? キャパオーバー? Amazonで商品が「配達不能」となるトラブル【やじうまWatch】 - INTERNET Watch
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boxbusiness · 4 years ago
Go here to report copyright infringement on Amazon.
I messaged the buyer informing them of copyright infringement as well and asked them to take it down before any legal repercussions.
They did this to many other artists on tumblr as well as the game art itself
I’m currently looking into it. Hopefully something happens.
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fuzzy-melonlord · 3 years ago
Hi. I hope I'm not overstepping and more that this could help. But I saw your post and did a search. This site seems to have sourced LGBTQ+ friendly health providers within certain search parameters. But I can't speak to the helpfulness.
You're definitely not overstepping. Thank you so much sweetie 💙💙💙 ill def check that out before setting up anything!
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fouryearsofshades · 4 years ago
A research on Hakka children clothing of Taiwan. There site includes a proposal which have some sewing patterns. A book 台灣客家童裝: 探索與欣賞  (ISBN 9789579779456) was published as a result. Some of the pages could be seen here (hats) and here (tops and bottoms) .
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willyfarquarsons · 3 years ago
going thru the cameo list & this one is hilarious the seal just YELLS https://www.cameo.com/aquariumofthepacific?nodeId=&nodeType=category
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anthonyvcrivello · 3 years ago
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Book a special shout-out from #TonyAwardWinner #AnthonyVCrivello today on Cameo !! https://www.cameo.com/anthonyvcrivello?nodeId=&nodeType=category
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vikingsims69 · 5 years ago
Please support the charities down below and go find Alex Newell on various platforms
List of Charities that should be supported:
https://lgbtihealth.org.au/ http://gendermosaic.com/
Please let me know what you think. Let me know what you want to see. If you have tips and tricks about youtube post it. If you want to tell me a list of your favorite things by all means. Let’s chat.
Find me on over here:
Or over there:
Origin: VikingSims96
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: 7562 4888 097
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seungyeonlee · 4 months ago
CTS B-Week 3
Connecting Practice with Society
In this activity, we worked on creating a video about common issues we face in our daily lives. We were divided into teams, and I worked with my teammates Eqa and Zhiwei. While reflecting on what inconveniences we’ve experienced living in Singapore, the topic of 'dirty restrooms' came up. So, we decided to make a video promoting the idea of "keeping restrooms clean." We worked together on everything from writing the script, filming, directing, to editing, and smoothly completed the production as a team.
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During the video-sharing session with classmates, some videos stood out, especially those about Singlish. These videos showed how hard it can be for international students or foreigners to understand Singlish, which many people related to. As an international student, I also felt the same way. I believe designers should be able to make people feel understood. After this activity, I realized I should think more carefully about issues when picking a topic, so I can create videos that connect with people better.
These days, various studies are being conducted on social issues and design. The most common research papers and studies often focus on applying design to solve social problems, such as the weakening sense of community and bleak urban environments. One example is the issue of loneliness elderly people face in an aging society. There have been studies on developing AI speakers, like Apple's Siri or Samsung's Bixby, to be more advanced so that elderly people can have conversations even when they are alone, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness. I believe designers have a responsibility to understand social issues and help improve people's lives. This activity and research have reminded me to stay focused on becoming a designer who keeps these values in mind.
(290 words)
Jiyoung Yoon. "DBpia." BDI Policy Focus, no. 189, Feb. 2013, pp. 1–12, www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE06237895. Accessed 23 Sept. 2024.
Eunsol Lee, and Kanghyun Lee. "DBpia." Archives of Design Research, vol. 35, no. 3, Aug. 2022, pp. 159–179, www.dbpia.co.kr/Journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE11117990, https://doi.org/10.15187/adr.2022. Accessed 23 Sept. 2024.
Generative AI was used for grammar checking.
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theliberaltony · 5 years ago
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Graphics by Jasmine Mithani
President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are well on their way to facing off in November, but this hasn’t stopped the new coronavirus from casting a pall of uncertainty over the campaign. Numerous primaries have been postponed and the Democrats have already delayed their convention. In fact, there’s a decent chance that neither party will be able to hold one in person, possibly necessitating the first virtual convention in U.S. history. There’s also a real question mark around the general election, as it may fall in the midst of a resurgence of the virus.
But if we’re going to entertain doomsday scenarios, let’s consider one that’s always lurking but may be disturbingly relevant in 2020: the death or incapacitation of a presidential nominee. How would the parties — and the public — respond to such a tragic event?
We know this is macabre, but Trump and Biden are both in their 70s (Trump turns 74 in June, and Biden is 77), making them the oldest major-party nominees in American history.
And on top of the reality that the elderly simply have a greater chance of dying, COVID-19 is particularly dangerous for those 65 and over. So if there were ever an election cycle to worry about this morbid hypothetical, it’s this one.
If something were to happen to the presumptive nominee before the convention, the parties have a plan — they’d proceed as normal and use the convention to pick the nominee. And if something happened after the convention but before the election, there’s a plan for that, too — national party committees would step in. After the election, though, things get murkier, as it’s uncertain how the result would work out in the Electoral College.
Let’s tackle that first scenario — something happens to either Biden or Trump before their respective conventions. In the case of the Democratric nomination, that would all of a sudden open up the race, according to Lara Brown, director of the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University. The delayed primaries would become far more relevant, and this could create a free-for-all with Sen. Bernie Sanders and the other candidates. “Let’s face it, none of the candidates have officially withdrawn,” said Brown. “They’ve all just suspended [their campaigns].”
But if tragedy didn’t strike until the convention, Biden delegates would have to choose someone else to support.1 Richard Pildes, a constitutional law professor at the New York University School of Law, stressed, however, that even under normal circumstances, the Democratic delegates are technically free “on the first ballot to vote their conscience.” As for the GOP convention rules, Pildes told me they specifically bind the delegates, and as Trump is the only candidate who will really have delegates, the party might need to issue an “interpretation” of the rules or even vote to change them to deal with this unforeseen situation.
Brown and Pildes said it wouldn’t necessarily prevent a drawn-out convention battle, but if Biden had picked a running mate, that might go a long way in limiting the intraparty fighting because Democrats would already have someone to rally around rather than being split among a host of alternatives. On the other hand, Vice President Pence would automatically ascend to the presidency should something happen to Trump, giving the Republicans a pretty straightforward pick if disaster struck before their August convention.
If something happened after the conventions but before the election, the national party committees would pick another nominee. Under Republican rules, the Republican National Committee could reconvene the national convention, although Pildes told me it’s hard to imagine that being feasible. So in both parties, national committee members would vote to elect a new nominee.2 Pence would once again be the obvious choice for Republicans, although the GOP would also have to pick a new vice presidential nominee (as would the Democrats if this situation arose for them). And while Democrats could try to back a former candidate or an outsider who didn’t run — say, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — Brown said a crisis like this would likely push the Democratic National Committee to put the vice presidential nominee at the top of the ticket. “I assume that the Democrats would attempt to follow that same pattern [as the GOP],” she said.
Neither party has ever had to replace someone at the top of the ticket, but Democrats do have some experience with replacing someone in the No. 2 spot. In 1972, the national convention nominated Missouri Sen. Thomas Eagleton to be George McGovern’s running mate, but after reports surfaced that Eagleton had received electroconvulsive therapy for depression, he withdrew, and the DNC chose Sargent Shriver to fill the vacancy. Brown cautioned me not to read too much into how this worked, though, because she argued that the process would work differently if someone died. “It’s different with a death because a death is unexpected,” said Brown. “Whereas by the time you get to Eagleton withdrawing at McGovern’s request, the whole party is kind of on board with that already.”
And what if something happens very close to Election Day? It’d probably be really hard to pick a replacement in time to update ballots, as most deadlines to certify state ballots would have passed by early October — not to mention other logistical hurdles that could pose problems, such as mailing ballots for overseas military service members in time, or making last-minute adjustments to absentee ballots. It’s entirely possible that if the candidate died only a few days before Nov. 3, voters might not know who the party’s nominee was when they go to the polls.
Again, neither party has experienced this at the top of the ticket, but Republicans did have this happen to a vice presidential candidate in 1912, when sitting Vice President James Sherman died on Oct. 30, just days before the election. This left insufficient time for the RNC to meet and nominate a replacement to join President William Howard Taft on the GOP ticket, but it was also largely a moot point as Taft lost to Woodrow Wilson. The RNC still chose a replacement, Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, who received all eight of Sherman’s electoral votes, but it’s unclear whether a new presidential pick would receive the electoral votes intended for the original nominee today.
That’s because, unlike in 1912, more than half the states have laws that attempt to bind electors to a state’s vote. In fact, there’s an ongoing case in front of the Supreme Court about whether members of the Electoral College are free to vote for whomever they want or whether state laws can require them to vote a certain way. And depending on how the court rules, that could affect the ability of individual states to adjust for the unexpected death of a presidential nominee. For instance, Michigan’s law requires an elector to vote for the ticket named on the ballot whereas Florida’s rules say that an elector is to “vote for the candidates of the party that he or she was nominated to represent.”
Finally, if the nominee was incapacitated after Election Day, a lot might depend on whether he is considered the “president-elect.” If he is, it’s actually pretty straightforward — the 20th Amendment says the vice president-elect shall become president. But if it all happened before the Electoral College votes on Dec. 14 or even before Congress counts the electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021, it’s not clear what would happen next, as he might not be considered the president-elect. There is one instance of this happening — in 1872, Horace Greeley died on Nov. 29, just before the Electoral College’s Dec. 4 gathering and most of his 66 electoral votes were split among four alternate candidates (including Greeley’s vice presidential nominee, Benjamin Gratz Brown), but this example is largely academic, too, as Greeley had already lost to Republican President Ulysses S. Grant.
It’s hard to know what exactly might unfold, but none of these timelines would leave much time for the near-certain legal wrangling over the fallout from a candidate’s death, a problem that we haven’t adjusted for even after the messy recount in the 2000 presidential election. Pildes put it bluntly: “We’ve been lucky. We have actually had some presidents who have died shortly after taking office but not somebody who died either between the convention and the election, or after being elected and becoming the president-elect.” And if that were to happen this year, it would likely create intraparty division, uncertainty among voters or a tidal wave of litigation. Let’s hope that the country’s luck doesn’t run out in 2020.
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flutterluv · 5 years ago
This little pup needs a home. If you live in Germany, please give this sweet little pup a good home.
If you can, please spread this around. Thank you.
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