#nobody got mad at those 404s though
dystopiandilfs · 3 years
what's your opinion of scott having to delete his mcc tweet because people were upset about him being "insensitive" towards the 22 year sentence thing
In my opinion it's stupid. I fully agree with what he said about The UK not knowing. The only reason I knew is because of one of the admins who's African American. A lot of Americans need to understand that their top news isn't the same as everyone else. Canada has been flooded with news about the indigenous people's unmarked graves, The UK recently has been experiencing things that have never happened before like a tornado, on top of that a political scandal and another variation of covid. Also laws against trans people from transitioning being debated. Australia has had to go into lockdown because of a spike in covid so their news is flooded with that. Americans don't know about that because it's not on the top of their news pages, tabs, websites etc.
Getting mad at Scott for being excited for his event and forcing him to delete was purely performative. People are still going to be tweeting and things are still going to be trending because if nobody tweeted everytime a minority voice needed to be heard, nobody would tweet ever. Yes try not to trend things but getting mad at people for tweeting something is stupid because all you do is spam the replies with the same thing causing that to trend instead.
Yes he did delete another tweet but that was to change his wording from poc to black community.
Unfortunately 22 years is actually considered a long sentence for most justice systems. I recently watched a court case where a man drugged, kidnapped, r@p3d and killed 5 teenage girls and he only got 10 years. That's 2 years per girl. That's 2 years for drugging and kidnapping, sexual assult, murder, necrophilia and being a p3d0. Not to mention a lot of countries count pre court time in prison as part of their sentence so they tend to lose 3 ish years minimum of their sentence.
Yes it's awful that he didn't get life but it's honestly not surprising at all especially with the American justice system. I'm saying this as someone spends a lot of time doing criminology research especially on serial killers and female murderers. Especially with him being a police officer and it being a racially motivated crime, the only reason any justice was given was because of the person who filmed and posted the murder. Without it nothing would have happened except from a slap on the wrist.
Honestly I understand that the black community is highly upset and that's totally fine but wasting energy into telling people they cant tweet or do anything other than retweet petitions is so wasteful. That's performative. Yes a lot of people are actually trying to get justice and get the life sentence and are to busy trying to make a change to be mad at a single tweet but it always gets overshadowed by the performative people which is sad.
Unfortunately teens on the internet can't do much other than spread awareness and boost donation pages and petitions. I think instead of getting mad at him not getting life, we should focus more on getting the other murdered black people some sort of justice because most of their killers are still free and still have a job and are still in power and still can legally walk around holding a weapon - Trinity.
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More of my dumb little Freakazoid reboot concepts bc I am not over itTM
(Tw: first 3 are about bullying and ableism as I think they would tie into Dexter's backstory based on how they affected me at the time)
- Dexter has undiagnosed adhd. He was bullied a lot for being the weird kid in middle school, including stuff like having his backpack thrown into the trash, people mocking his interests and way of moving/talking, and being fake asked-out. As everyone's matured a bit, almost all of this had ceased by the time they were in high school. Dexter also finally had his brain kick in a bit more 'socializing/masking/expressing emotions' ability and also has an easier time with people now.
- Dexter still feels very awkward talking to the student body that used to constantly make fun of him, but there's some new kids and some people he'd never spoken to and some former jerks who have apologized. He's currently a social nobody in the sense that he's just not super popular, but he does have friends over common interests and he and Steph bonded a bit after she said sorry for standing him up on a joke date back in eighth grade.
- The few people who do occasionally bully Dexter do it over his vocal tics (stuttering, awkward speech patterns, etc) and occasionally for having been weird in the past. Most of the student body tends to not join in. Duncan has made it very clear to a few people that making fun of Dexter for being a nerd is one thing, and making fun of him for the stutter gets you punched.
- Duncan will very much make fun of Dexter though. Just more of 'older sibling who's still a teen' way and less 'constant jerk' way.
- Steph plays baseball/softball and is head of several school clubs. She's one of those people who's a little involved in almost everything.
- Freakazoid likes to snoop in on most of Dexter's classes and make snarky comments. He'll tune out most of the lesson, or complain a lot about a major misconception the teacher is imparting on the students. Dexter has gotten very good at holding a resting focused-face.
- Steph has tried to teach Dexter sports-ball rules. He doesn't get it. He does, however, make a whole chart for all of it and become the team's unofficial statistician. Their victory percentage goes up by about 20% after this.
- The Douglas parents were raised in the 'American as apple pie' type of households and don't really know how to raise one heavily neurodivergent teen and a teenager who may have some type of dyslexia or attention span difficulty. They still very proudly celebrate the kids' accomplishments, even if they have no idea what any of the words involved mean.
- Dexter gets really mad about having to pause mid-coding session to do chores. Duncan likes to sleep in more than anyone in the family. The Duncan-Dexter Compromise of Last December trades all of their chores into a time-sort instead of name-sort. Dexter does morning stuff, Duncan takes evening, and they split middle unless one of them has a football game or emergency hackathon.
- The Lobe actually realizes pretty quickly that Dexter and Freakazoid are each other's alter egos. He lives by a pretty strict rulebook though, and defeating his internet-powered nemesis by targeting a scrawny kid with an older brother and a normal high-school life is against the rules. It's not defeating Freakazoid, just Dexter Douglas.
- With that said, Lobe doesn't breathe a word to the other villains. If they suspect it, they might go after Dexter.
- Based on the absolutely brilliant 404 fanfic, but I do love the idea that telekinesis is Dexter's power. I think it got activated with the birth of Freakazoid as a sort of safeguard. If Dexter starts panicking, it acts up. Freakazoid does his absolute best to fix the problem/calm Dexter down whenever this happens.
- Dexter will analyze the fights Freakazoid has with his enemies and try to make plans up on the fly. He's better than you would think.
- Freakazoid occasionally buys things that he thinks will be cool for Dexter, like loud jackets or extra ice cream. Dexter makes sure that all of Freak's preferred stuff (hair creams, civilian clothes should they be needed, commonly used things) is in good shape and will let Freakazoid have some input on the grocery list (no dynamite, no thirty kitties, and no giant cake mixes).
- If the reboot is set more 2010s onwards era, Freakazoid and Dexter take photos 'together' by picking a pose, switching into one to take the photo, then the other, then superimposing the two so that it looks like they're next to each other. They do this a lot partially for fun and partially because it produces either very high-quality results (if Freakaozid does the pose as he's supposed to) or very funny ones (if Freakazoid decides to throw a gear in the plans).
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
hello. over my tumblr break a few months ago i got bored enough to count the frequencies of every word in joe iconis songs and i don’t know what else to do with this info so here y’all go. every word in joe iconis songs with 10+ occurrences in descending order but i also factored out the 250 most common words in the english language badly (warning, this is a 484 item long list).
1 ('i', 2375) 2 ("i'm", 708) 3 ("it's", 366) 4 ('oh', 312) 5 ('gonna', 204) 6 ('yeah', 175) 7 ('got', 163) 8 ("you're", 160) 9 ('am', 160) 10 ('na', 149) 11 ('wanna', 130) 12 ('hey', 129) 13 ('love', 127) 14 ('feel', 122) 15 ("i'll", 117) 16 ('things', 111) 17 ('really', 97) 18 ("i'd", 97) 19 ('bang', 93) 20 ('girl', 87) 21 ('ever', 86) 22 ("can't", 84) 23 ('better', 78) 24 ("there's", 78) 25 ("she's", 78) 26 ("i've", 75) 27 ('whoa', 74) 28 ('baby', 73) 29 ("that's", 70) 30 ('gotta', 69) 31 ("we're", 68) 32 ("ain't", 63) 33 ("won't", 63) 34 ('cool', 61) 35 ('song', 58) 36 ('away', 57) 37 ('anymore', 56) 38 ('because', 55) 39 ('ya', 55) 40 ('always', 54) 41 ('remember', 54) 42 ('gone', 51) 43 ('guess', 51) 44 ('person', 51) 45 ('woman', 49) 46 ('sing', 49) 47 ('blood', 49) 48 ('stay', 48) 49 ('care', 48) 50 ('into', 47) 51 ('mind', 46) 52 ('whatever', 46) 53 ('jeremy', 45) 54 ("didn't", 45) 55 ('wish', 45) 56 ('feeling', 43) 57 ('ooh', 43) 58 ('cuz', 43) 59 ("you'll", 43) 60 ('ribbit', 43) 61 ('everything', 42) 62 ("you've", 42) 63 ('done', 41) 64 ('nothing', 41) 65 ('fine', 41) 66 ('girls', 41) 67 ('something', 40) 68 ('please', 40) 69 ('hate', 40) 70 ('walk', 40) 71 ('nanana', 40) 72 ('going', 39) 73 ('maybe', 39) 74 ('hear', 39) 75 ('used', 39) 76 ('fall', 39) 77 ('wrong', 38) 78 ('fire', 37) 79 ('rather', 37) 80 ('around', 36) 81 ('shit', 36) 82 ('ba', 36) 83 ('heart', 36) 84 ('leave', 36) 85 ('ah', 36) 86 ('being', 36) 87 ('oh-h', 36) 88 ("he's", 35) 89 ('till', 35) 90 ('fight', 35) 91 ('face', 35) 92 ('la-la-la', 35) 93 ('da', 35) 94 ("let's", 34) 95 ('sure', 34) 96 ('hope', 34) 97 ('nana', 34) 98 ('guy', 33) 99 ('knew', 33) 100 ('wanted', 33) 101 ('shoot', 33) 102 ('em', 32) 103 ('rich', 32) 104 ('together', 32) 105 ('looking', 32) 106 ('myself', 32) 107 ('knock', 32) 108 ('chop', 32) 109 ('makes', 31) 110 ('since', 31) 111 ('whiskey', 31) 112 ('uh', 30) 113 ("they're", 30) 114 ('gimme', 30) 115 ('rick', 30) 116 ('somebody', 29) 117 ('those', 29) 118 ("doesn't", 29) 119 ('red', 29) 120 ('totally', 29) 121 ('hell', 29) 122 ("what's", 29) 123 ('hall', 29) 124 ('die', 29) 125 ('annie', 29) 126 ('bad', 28) 127 ('stop', 28) 128 ("you'd", 28) 129 ('listen', 28) 130 ('mamma', 28) 131 ('la-la-la-la', 28) 132 ('do-do', 28) 133 ('tonight', 27) 134 ('okay', 27) 135 ('hair', 27) 136 ("c'mon", 27) 137 ('roll', 27) 138 ('without', 27) 139 ('michael', 27) 140 ('christine', 27) 141 ('bounty', 27) 142 ('almost', 26) 143 ('another', 26) 144 ('kinda', 26) 145 ('mine', 26) 146 ('rock', 26) 147 ('records', 26) 148 ('music', 26) 149 ('lonely', 25) 150 ('words', 25) 151 ('heard', 25) 152 ('yo', 25) 153 ('madeline', 25) 154 ('says', 25) 155 ('band', 25) 156 ('lots', 25) 157 ('alive', 25) 158 ('god', 24) 159 ('times', 24) 160 ('battle', 24) 161 ('skin', 24) 162 ('dada', 24) 163 ('revolution', 24) 164 ('institution', 24) 165 ('broke', 23) 166 ('talk', 23) 167 ('eyes', 23) 168 ("who's", 23) 169 ('hold', 23) 170 ('burned', 23) 171 ('morning', 23) 172 ('chill', 23) 173 ('pretty', 23) 174 ('car', 23) 175 ('young', 23) 176 ('la-la', 23) 177 ('tired', 23) 178 ('nation', 23) 179 ('friend', 22) 180 ('everybody', 22) 181 ('rehearsal', 22) 182 ('true', 22) 183 ('inside', 22) 184 ('squip', 22) 185 ('ready', 21) 186 ('best', 21) 187 ('understand', 21) 188 ('else', 21) 189 ('lot', 21) 190 ('party', 21) 191 ('ignore', 21) 192 ('bit', 21) 193 ('cut', 21) 194 ('gets', 20) 195 ('sometimes', 20) 196 ("isn't", 20) 197 ('whole', 20) 198 ("everybody's", 20) 199 ('starts', 20) 200 ('feels', 20) 201 ('everyone', 20) 202 ('room', 20) 203 ('dry', 20) 204 ('nice', 20) 205 ('juvie', 20) 206 ('sleep', 20) 207 ('wonder', 20) 208 ('size', 20) 209 ('ass', 20) 210 ('welcome', 20) 211 ('seen', 19) 212 ('weird', 19) 213 ('soon', 19) 214 ('yourself', 19) 215 ('alone', 19) 216 ('flame', 19) 217 ('taking', 19) 218 ('friends', 19) 219 ('enough', 19) 220 ('born', 19) 221 ('lordy', 19) 222 ('hunter', 19) 223 ('relate', 19) 224 ('yai', 19) 225 ('today', 18) 226 ('loser', 18) 227 ('bitch', 18) 228 ('until', 18) 229 ('arm', 18) 230 ('comes', 18) 231 ('dead', 18) 232 ('told', 18) 233 ('ow', 18) 234 ('honey', 18) 235 ('years', 18) 236 ('whack', 18) 237 ("we'll", 18) 238 ('n', 18) 239 ('nerd', 18) 240 ('fell', 18) 241 ('dad', 17) 242 ('pants', 17) 243 ('huh', 17) 244 ('nobody', 17) 245 ('mad', 17) 246 ('getting', 17) 247 ("wasn't", 17) 248 ('scared', 17) 249 ('wait', 17) 250 ('body', 17) 251 ('quite', 17) 252 ('hands', 17) 253 ('ohh', 17) 254 ('hurt', 17) 255 ('deserve', 17) 256 ('ride', 17) 257 ('game', 17) 258 ('survive', 17) 259 ('upgrade', 17) 260 ('free', 17) 261 ('certain', 17) 262 ('wha-oh', 17) 263 ('cigarettes', 17) 264 ('writer', 17) 265 ('bands', 17) 266 ('hunters', 17) 267 ('hang', 16) 268 ("wouldn't", 16) 269 ('age', 16) 270 ('cry', 16) 271 ('sky', 16) 272 ('past', 16) 273 ('behind', 16) 274 ('someone', 16) 275 ('saying', 16) 276 ('black', 16) 277 ('job', 16) 278 ('la', 16) 279 ('fix', 16) 280 ('alright', 16) 281 ('shot', 16) 282 ('bar', 16) 283 ('deal', 16) 284 ('respect', 16) 285 ('dog', 16) 286 ('flicks', 16) 287 ('strong', 15) 288 ("haven't", 15) 289 ('glad', 15) 290 ('next', 15) 291 ('escape', 15) 292 ('fun', 15) 293 ('though', 15) 294 ('promise', 15) 295 ('hide', 15) 296 ('ammonia', 15) 297 ('likes', 15) 298 ('thinks', 15) 299 ('yes', 15) 300 ('nurse', 15) 301 ('looks', 15) 302 ('halloween', 15) 303 ('twice', 15) 304 ('bout', 15) 305 ('sight', 15) 306 ('along', 15) 307 ('forget', 15) 308 ('voices', 15) 309 ('bathroom', 15) 310 ('master', 15) 311 ("shiro's", 15) 312 ('badass', 15) 313 ('rosalie', 15) 314 ('setting', 15) 315 ('road', 14) 316 ('dude', 14) 317 ('brain', 14) 318 ('kid', 14) 319 ('drink', 14) 320 ('means', 14) 321 ('guys', 14) 322 ('bed', 14) 323 ('doing', 14) 324 ('breathe', 14) 325 ('happy', 14) 326 ('scream', 14) 327 ('mistakes', 14) 328 ('anything', 14) 329 ('goes', 14) 330 ('blue', 14) 331 ('pretend', 14) 332 ('social', 14) 333 ('shout', 14) 334 ('geek', 14) 335 ('buddy', 14) 336 ("everything's", 14) 337 ("helen's", 14) 338 ('golden', 14) 339 ('movin', 14) 340 ('st', 14) 341 ("anne's", 14) 342 ('finally', 13) 343 ('choose', 13) 344 ('smoke', 13) 345 ('voice', 13) 346 ('terrible', 13) 347 ('happened', 13) 348 ('pass', 13) 349 ('street', 13) 350 ("couldn't", 13) 351 ('wall', 13) 352 ('instead', 13) 353 ('clear', 13) 354 ('tight', 13) 355 ('damn', 13) 356 ('susannah', 13) 357 ('smile', 13) 358 ('waiting', 13) 359 ('ground', 13) 360 ('remind', 13) 361 ('coolness', 13) 362 ('sad', 13) 363 ("things'll", 13) 364 ('brother', 13) 365 ("it'll", 13) 366 ('somewhere', 13) 367 ('veins', 13) 368 ('cat', 12) 369 ('weather', 12) 370 ('children', 12) 371 ("weren't", 12) 372 ('fucking', 12) 373 ('sorry', 12) 374 ('clean', 12) 375 ('pour', 12) 376 ('different', 12) 377 ('singing', 12) 378 ('coming', 12) 379 ('thinking', 12) 380 ('trying', 12) 381 ('sick', 12) 382 ('bone', 12) 383 ('least', 12) 384 ('lisa', 12) 385 ('nothin', 12) 386 ('dear', 12) 387 ('white', 12) 388 ('hot', 12) 389 ('charlie', 12) 390 ('family', 12) 391 ('door', 12) 392 ('korean', 12) 393 ('dodo', 12) 394 ('c-c-c', 12) 395 ('yours', 12) 396 ('c-c-c-come', 12) 397 ('wants', 11) 398 ('bloody', 11) 399 ('called', 11) 400 ('forever', 11) 401 ('sweet', 11) 402 ('soul', 11) 403 ('swear', 11) 404 ('touch', 11) 405 ('easy', 11) 406 ('days', 11) 407 ('stage', 11) 408 ('across', 11) 409 ('woah', 11) 410 ('crazy', 11) 411 ('town', 11) 412 ('dress', 11) 413 ('top', 11) 414 ('loves', 11) 415 ('rage', 11) 416 ('phone', 11) 417 ('super', 11) 418 ('feet', 11) 419 ('mess', 11) 420 ('penny', 11) 421 ('stars', 11) 422 ('supposed', 11) 423 ('miss', 11) 424 ('college', 11) 425 ('hates', 11) 426 ('quit', 11) 427 ('history', 11) 428 ('cage', 11) 429 ('falling', 11) 430 ('mcfly', 11) 431 ("i'mma", 11) 432 ('played', 11) 433 ('touching', 11) 434 ('band-aids', 11) 435 ('fox', 11) 436 ('thank', 11) 437 ('pitiful', 11) 438 ('covered', 11) 439 ('open', 10) 440 ("they'll", 10) 441 ("we've", 10) 442 ('feelings', 10) 443 ('gun', 10) 444 ('living', 10) 445 ('wow', 10) 446 ('book', 10) 447 ('wonderful', 10) 448 ('blame', 10) 449 ('brooke', 10) 450 ('space', 10) 451 ('slow', 10) 452 ('longer', 10) 453 ('naked', 10) 454 ("he'd", 10) 455 ('star', 10) 456 ('shirt', 10) 457 ('looked', 10) 458 ('i’m', 10) 459 ('standing', 10) 460 ('break', 10) 461 ('lame', 10) 462 ('ten', 10) 463 ('york', 10) 464 ('met', 10) 465 ('dreadfuls', 10) 466 ('mountain', 10) 467 ('push', 10) 468 ('two-player', 10) 469 ('war', 10) 470 ('talkin', 10) 471 ('throw', 10) 472 ('normal', 10) 473 ('hat', 10) 474 ('christmas', 10) 475 ('silver', 10) 476 ('freak', 10) 477 ('mom', 10) 478 ('garage', 10) 479 ('become', 10) 480 ('flesh', 10) 481 ('bastard', 10) 482 ('broadway', 10) 483 ('amphibian', 10) 484 ('outlaw', 10)
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