#noble kiddos my beloveds
midnigtartist · 8 months
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I am stuck on Wyll and Dot as childhood friends. They’re so freaking cute
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mokartbox · 1 year
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I have drawn,, baby Crumb from my lil crumb au in an hour of frantic scribbling.
i haven’t drawn in 2 months and i continue to not have the willpower to shade. BUT i needed to visualize Crumb at like Toddler ages.
Lil Crumb au summary is basically “Servant in the Lyndell palace has an omen baby and bolts with him when she realizes the perfumer overseeing her birth left the room to get a knife. Dead runs with little Crumb to the one place she knows an omen MIGHT not get said knife: the Night’s Calvary barracks. Because she knows Margit the Fell Omen is beloved by the king and HE’S allowed to be out and about without Omen Killers actually killing him. So her half conscious logic is that if she can convince him to take her son as conscripted to the Calvary, he won’t be thrown into the sewers or killed. And since she’s heard nothing about Margit being noble born and he still has his horns, she’s hoping he can... she doesn’t know, do something to just.. keep her baby safe. Through Margit having conflicted emotions and the power of a very determined mother being willing to face down The Fell, the child becomes an asset of the Night’s Calvary. She still has to raise him until he’s old enough to actually do anything, but the distinction means he’s legally Margit’s problem. And most citizens of the city won’t try anything once he’s marked out. The ones that would are warded off by Crumb’s mother--newly ‘hired’ as his wetnurse. A wetnurse with a knife. Crumb then grows up to serve as a Knight under Margit, eventually. Until then he’s a smol child that keeps making Morgott ponder what his and Mohg’s lives would have been like if his mother had bothered to give a shit.”
tl;dr: i wanted to make Morgott have emotions and confront his fucked up childhood via seeing a v mundane woman being willing to face him of all people for the sake of her omen child. also to make the Night’s Calvary group adopt a kiddo that spends a lot of time being cute.
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morepopcornplease · 2 years
✨️ 10 characthers, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
tagged by @omghost thanks hon!! 😘 sorry its an emBARRASSINGLY late response, I could only think of 5 and put it off cuz I couldn’t name 10, so honestly I’m just gonna do 5…
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1. Heather Chandler: owns me atm. Have never once been a fan of just downright mean and nasty characters—never got why people really liked Catra or even Regina George—then this bitch strutted and sang her way into my life and I have not been the same since. She steals every scene. There are 2 beasts inside me, one that wants her to become a better person, and one who wants to keep her in character. Kicked me in the asshole to start writing fanfic again. I am in love with her ghost. May she haunt me (and Veronica) forever. 
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2. Gideon Nav: just barely wins out over my beloved hideous bone witch, because I don’t think I would’ve gotten into The Locked Tomb at ALL if we hadn’t started from Gideon’s POV. Butch. Goofy. My personal gym motivation. Smarter than she’s given credit for. Unexpectedly noble. I love her choice at the ending of the first book, and get hideously upset at folks who say it was a nice gesture and certainly meant a lot in relation to #griddlehark, but was ultimately pointless in the face of [x]’s setup and lies. I refuse to believe it doesn’t matter, or that every either/or is a false dichotomy that can be turned into a both/and, as is popular in recent narratives. No. Gideon’s choice mattered, and not just as thematic or romantic relevance. I fckn WILL BE VINDICATED in Alecto.
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3. Edalyn Clawthorne: owl mama. Aspirational. Love her voice and her snaggletooth and her penchant for adopting weird kiddos. Great disability metaphor. The type of old surprisingly foxy hag I hope to become. 
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4. Kara Danvers: pretty sure the last time i answered one of these, I chose Lena Luthor, whom I still love! But I think Kara won out today because of her duality. I have always, always loved characters who use their sunny optimism to hide and avoid their trauma and pain, and Kara has that in SPADES. On a personal level, she inspired me to try getting back into working in news again, after a bad internship that included covering a school shooting that left me horrified. I think now that the show’s over, I really appreciate Benoist’s acting more and more, especially in the earlier seasons when everything felt so fresh and new and delightful. She is pretty, she is handsome, she is traumatized, she is hopeful, she is grieving, she is joy personified. 
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5. Glimmer: the real complex character of SPOP, and the majority of fandom didn’t even give her a chance. The greatest fusion of the Feminine Aesthetique and Pure Raw Badassery. She is both confident AND anxious, combative AND kind, reckless AND fearful, selfish AND selfless, the prettiest magical princess AND an absolutely brawler, and all of these traits play off each other seamlessly to continually raise the tension. I will literally never understand why the fandom shoved her to the side. Her season 4 arc is a juicy highlight of the show as she deals with grieving her mother, taking on the role of queen far too young, and her tension with her strongest soldier, her right hand, her friend, Adora. Plus her character re-design in s4 onwards? 😘👌. She is my Queen.
tagging @monstrousgourmandizingcats @autijacen @consoleyourself @itsallwearecalledtodo @feenyxblue @summerfly-blues @cheshirecatslovetoo @mongrelmutt @just-a-lost-princess @imluvnit​ @soldier--poet--queen​ and anyone else!!
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squarestarheart · 3 months
I'm sure that this has all been written before but my kiddo and I just watched The Secret of NIMH (1982) this evening, a few months after we finished reading through the book, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert O'Brien (1971). Let's just say, oh boy, we were both Big Mad. Spoilers after the break. (There are image descriptions in the alt text!)
For the uninitiated, the book (which I'll abbreviate add MFRN) is a delightful classic piece of children's literature. I read it and reread it as a kid, and was excited to share it with my own child this year. MFRN follows Mrs. Frisby, a widowed field mouse with four young children. Her younger son, Timothy, is sick with pneumonia, and so she can't move her children out of their winter home (which is in a half-buried cinder block in the middle of a farmer's field) to their summer home in order to protect Timothy's weak lungs as he recovers. In seeking help, she first rescues a crow (Jeremy), then very bravely speaks with an owl, who advises her to speak with a reclusive colony of rats who live in a large rosebush on the farm about moving her home until Timothy is well.
Mrs. Frisby manages to make her way to these rats, who tell her their own history as test subjects at the National Institute of Mental Health, where experimental injections increased their intelligence and bodily health to the point that they learned to read. The rats, alongside some mice who went through the same procedure, eventually resolve to escape the NIMH laboratory, which they manage to do. As they travel across the countryside, they come upon an abandoned home with a large library, and teach themselves mechanical and agricultural principles.
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There's quite a lot more to the story, but the important point is that this is a story about a mouse who wants to protect her family, whose fate is deeply intertwined with these highly intelligent rats who are trying to leverage their smarts and learning become more than Just Rats.
Secret of NIMH (SoN) seems to be a beloved film for a certain crowd of people. It's a Don Bluth film, his first full length movie after leaving Disney animation studios. At first, SoN seems like it's going to be a somewhat clipped version of MFRN, with some necessary differences that were needed to adapt the story to film. Mrs. Frisby is renamed Mrs. Brisby, likely due to perceived copyright issues with the Frisbee flying disc toy. A rousing chase scene is inserted at the beginning of the movie to establish the danger of Dragon, the farmer's cat. But the story diverges from the published material very quickly.
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SoN dispenses almost entirely with the entire plot line about the NIMH rats, relegating Nicodemus's story about their origins and trials, a tale that takes up a good 40% of the book, to a brief two-minute sequence. The rats wear outfits befitting medieval aristocrats. Jenner, a rat who in the novel left the larger group in an effort to find his own way, is recast as a nasty villain who sabotages the rescue of Mrs Brisby's children and kills Nicodemus so the rats can continue to live on the farmer's scraps. And most infuriatingly for both me and my kid, the rats are... magic?
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So instead of slowly becoming smart, being taught how to read, and developing a rational and technological society so they can become independent like the MFRN rats, the rats in SoN.... get injected with psychedelic chemicals, suddenly learn how to read, learn... magic?, become a medieval monarchy, and craft incredibly intricate and tiny little costumes for no apparent reason.
In MFRN, the rats succeed at very carefully moving Mrs Frisby's home in the middle of the night using clever machinery. This is at great risk to themselves, because they need to get the hell out of dodge the next day to avoid being captured and/or poisoned by NIMH staff. They are noble, they stick to their promise to Mrs. Frisby, and they eventually make their way to freedom despite some losses.
In SoN, we are instead treated to an attack on the house-moving operation by saboteurs, a sword fight, and then an honest-to-goodness Chekhov's Amulet Deus ex Machina when the mysterious amulet we see Nicodemus pass along to Mrs Brisby turns out to give the bearer magical strength. Why? No idea.
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And then the film ends with Jeremy the Crow canoodling clumsily with another crow, Mrs Brisby and her children in their safely moved house, and.... What happened to the rats? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ The End!
These were only some of the changes that both my kid and I found jarring. On the whole, this film felt like it took a few key points from a beloved book (some characters and a few key plot points) and then just plunked them down into a new story riddled with unexplained phenomena, hand waving, unnecessarily Brooding and Mysterious vibes, and a saccharine tone that really underestimates the kind of story a kid is able to understand.
We're 40 years late on this movie review, but here we go. 2/10. Read the book, Skip the movie.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Can there be a part two of the fic you did where reader was a child and an old school vampire? Like Hayley meets her when she followed Elijah to New Orleans? Please and thank you
Yes and yes
A part two of this request
Warnings:Fluff, Protective Mikaelsons
Y/N had gone after Elijah and Rebekah to New Orleans as she held a parasol over her head to keep the sun off her and wore sunglasses. Normally Y/N knew her Mikaelsons could take care of themselves but she hadn't heard from them in awhile.
"Lost there kiddo?" Y/N heard a voice say as she looked seeing a vampire, Marcel, a sweet smile came on her face. Marcel felt a shiver run down his back as something about the girl made him worry.
"Why yes I am."
Elijah was at the moment in the bayou working though a wolf bite Klaus gave him as Hayley took care of him. Hayley felt Elijah's forehead getting a look in his memories.
19th century, New Orleans
Elijah stood holding Y/N in his arms as he stood next to Rebekah as they were at a gala that the family was invited to. Klaus was charming a few Noble men as Elijah pressed a kiss on Y/N's head feeling her lay her head on his shoulder.
"She seems tired Elijah."
"I'll take her to bed. Keep an eye on Niklaus." Elijah tells Rebekah getting a nod as he carried Y/N upstairs getting Klaus's attention but Elijah just shook his head to not worry his brother.
"Elijah, who is Y/N? She was a cute kid."
"An old family friend...she is..."
"She is going to kill Niklaus the next she sees him." Y/N said getting both of their attention looking to the young girl. Hayley was surprised to see such a young girl more surprised that it was the same girl.
"Do you wish for me to heal you?" Y/N asked Elijah walking over to the vampire gently feeling his forehead making him groan at how nice her cold skin felt on his hot forehead.
"No I can survive this." Elijah said as Y/N ran her fingers through Elijah's hair worried for the vampire.
"Hum hi. Who are you?"
"I am Y/N, you must be Hayley the pregnant wolf." Y/N said looking Hayley over as the wolf nodded still surprised. Y/N stayed helping Hayley as Elijah slept.
"I have met the Original wolves."
"My father called them children of the moon." Y/N said placing the cool clothe on Elijah's forehead as Hayley sat a bit in awe.
"How old are you?"
"To humans I look ten but I'm 2000+, older than our beloved Mikaelsons." Y/N answered Hayley surprising her as the girl sat down.
"My father.....he was war hungry. A man that controlled all in his kingdom." Y/N tells Hayley as memories flooded her as Hayley sat listening.
"So my father to keep his power, he traveled up to the mountains where an nightwalker lived. My father left home as a man but returned as a monster."
"But you were so young....how could he do such thing?"
"I survived because the nightwalker that turned my father believed I was too young to die."
"Shame you killed your father as Niklaus expressed the want of killing him." Both heard Elijah say turning to see that he was healed moving to to pick up the older vampire.
"Shall we go?"
Y/N was terrifying to Hayley as she watched as shadows came out of nowhere killing the vampires that attacked the Abattoir. Y/N eyes glowing a dark red as she didn't flinched when a shadow shot up stabbing a vampire that nearly staked her.
"How cute. I expected more from a so called army." Y/N said as the remaining vampires were scared to attack a seemly ten year old.
"Y/N!" Hayley shouted when Diego managed to sneak up on the vampire snapping her neck, the girl fell and Diego was met with a wall and a every every angry Elijah and Klaus.
"That was every big mistake you had done dear Diego." Elijah growled as he squeezed the vampire's neck making Diego gaspped grabbing Elijah's wrist. Hayley had rushed to Y/N picking her up unsure what to do.
"Hayley take Y/N upstairs, we shall clean up this mess."
Y/N woke three weeks later and Elijah was quick to give her a blood bag watching the girl tear into it as Hayley shuttered watching. To Hayley there was something off putting to watch a ten year old drinking blood and the wolf had to remind herself that Y/N was much older than she looked.
"Much as changed since I was sleep." Y/N said as Elijah was cleaning her round face of blood.
"Yes." Elijah says helping Y/N out of bed and the girl went to shower and Elijah was pulling out clothing for her to wear.
"Why did take so long for her to wake? I thought it only took an hour or so for a vampire to wake from neck snapping."
"Because I am ancient Hayley. I may be powerful but it takes longer to wake." Y/N answered as Elijah smiled crouching down behind her tieing the ribbons on her dress. Hayley sat in a chair as the more she learned about the vampire the more she was fascinated.
Y/N sat sipping on tea as across from her sat a boy only two years older than the girl confusing Hayley as she looked seeing the siblings by the bar. Hayley made a beeline to them before looking at the boy seeing how handsome he looked.
"Who is that?" Hayley asked softly as Elijah looked at Hayley as the wolf saw how Klaus and Rebekah was glaring.
"Nikolas, a vampire that knew our little lamb when they were children."
"What's with the glaring and is he older?"
"It appears Nikolas was turned was turned by the same vampire just nights after Y/N. As for the glaring, he is Y/N's betrothed." Elijah says as Hayley was surprised.
"They were set to marry when she turned 16, a way to set peace between their two kingdoms." Elijah explained watching the two older vampires seemly speaking in old Romanian.
"How did he find her?"
"Our dear Sophie is the reason for this meeting." Elijah says looking over at said witch who looked nervous when the smaller vampires got their attention when Nikolas got up. Nikolas gently took Y/N's hand making the girl blink as he smiled.
"I wish to still be you betrothed. I even had a ring made for you when we're to be older."
"Niko, you must know we could never marry but I will accept as I have missed home and I guess you remind me of that."
"My sweet Princess, if I have known that your heart ached I would have tried to find you sooner."
"Enough you small Romeo." Klaus growled walking over as Y/N laughed lightly seeing Klaus pulling the boy away from her. Elijah chuckled moving to help.
"Why allow this?" Klaus said glaring seeing the small vampires curled into one another asleep in Y/N's bed. Elijah smiled finding it all amusing how Klaus behaving like a father already and looked to the ancient vampires.
"Because we owe her that much. That boy is the last of her family, we cannot take that from her." Elijah tells Klaus making the hybrid sigh knowing Elijah was right before looking at the two children once more.
"It would be cruel of me to take the boy away from her but he better not hurt her."
"I won't young hybrid." Nikolas said in his sleep surprising both Originals looking to see Y/N had cuddle closer and Nikolas had tighten his hold. With a smirk Klaus left as Elijah stood wanting to watch over them a bit longer before heading to bed hisself.
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Stella with owl demon S/O (The finale)
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(This is the last chapter in the secret lover mini-series. If your just finding it, go back and read the full series. Its a fairly long story.) Hope you enjoy~
Years of meticulous planning. Manipulation, blackmail and manoeuvring. And all for this one day.
It had almost been a year since Stolas cheated on Stella, almost a year since You and Stella had become a less than secret couple. And today you were going official.
It had been simple getting information on Stolas.
A few cameras here, a tapped phone line there, not to mention half the staff was on your pay roll. They gave you all the information you could need, you taking any information, no matter how minor.
Honestly, Stella coming to you was a pleasant surprise. You did have this grand plan in place, a plan to split the family at its seams.
And in an instant, Stolas' incompetence had saved you months of work. And so Stolas' arrogance, shall be his undoing.
Over the last year, youd had dozens of visits. Spending months carefully prodding the couple, if you could still call them that. You pushed the wedge between them deeper and deeper, all for today.
You strolled into the palace like it were your second home, a small wicker basket hanging from his arm.
Navigating the halls, you found yourself in the palace kitchen, or at least the one the family had used the most.
Grabbing a set of glasses, you turned to find Octavia sitting at the table. 'Octavia, dear, how are you.' You asked, sounding as overjoyed as you felt.
She looked up at you with dead eyes, 'How do I look.' She asked sarcasticly. And honestly, the girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
Sitting down you gave her a sympathetic look. 'Fight?' You asked simply.
She just nodded, taking a sip of coffee.
You sighed, placing your hand on hers. 'What about the white noise machine I got you, that help any?' You asked hopefully.
Octavia sighed 'It helped a little, but they both managed to yell over it.' She told you, rubbing her face.
You sighed again, reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a fist sized stone. 'Here' you told her, handing her the stone.
Octavia stared at the stone for several moments, before looking up to you, blinking heavily a few times, 'Uhhhh... thanks?' She said, clearly confused.
You let out a chuckle, resting your head on your hand. 'Your welcome.'
The girl stared at the stone, before looking back at you 'what is it?' She asked simply.
You laughed again, 'Well it was going to be a birthday present, but it would seem you need it more now.'
Picking up the stone you gently tapped its top, a complex Web of symbols growing across it. Tapping it once more the symbols disappeared.
Octavia looked much more interested now, as you explained it to her. 'This bad boy, is what you'd call a noise sponge. When activated, it basically sucks all the noise out of a room.'
Octavia stood up, 'Really?' She asked seemingly excited. With a smile you told her 'See for yourself' you told her before tapping the top of the stone.
Octavias mouth moved, but no noise seemed to leave. She spoke again and again, each time seemingly getting louder and louder, before taking a deep breath.
Her mouth stretched and her body moved as though she were screaming, but there was no sound whatsoever.
Tapping the stone, sound noticably re-entered the room.
Octavia panted, before giggling like... well a school girl. Picking up the stone, you handed it to her.
Octavia stared at the stone, getting up, you followed her. 'Now remember this. That's not a toy. Its a powerful artefact, so don't use it longer than needed, and no sound can be heard when activated, be careful where you use it.'
Octavia just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the stone. 'Thanks (y/n)' she told you giving a big hug.
'No problem kiddo.' You told her patting her back and planting an affectionate kiss atop her head.
Leaving the room you reflected on your growing friendship with Octavia.
She truly was an amazing young woman, a spitting image of her mother, if a bit cynical. She had a deep fascination for the occult, something you were more than happy to help her explore.
The two of you had actually become pretty close, having talked and met up dozens of times. You acted as a confidant, and a suspected, only friend for the girl.
You didn't like manipulating the girl, but it was quite easy to sour her relationship with her father, you really only had to bring focus to his selfish nature.
Of course, that didn't mean she was running to Stella's side, but her trust in stolas was cracked.
So with some pep in your step, you made your way to Stella's study, giving polite and playful little bows to the palace staff.
Youd worked hard to become beloved by the staff, acting as sort the "good noble" that looked out for them. At least for the ones not ready on your payroll.
You found her study. Giving your outfit a once over you knocked on the door. Stella snapped back, telling you to go away.
You released a bitter-sweet laugh, you opened the door, 'Are you fucking d-' Stella yelled before cutting yourself off.
'Hello darling.' You said calmly. In an instant she got to her feet, rushing over and wrapping you in a hug.
You pulled her into a kiss, locking the two into a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss, you asked her tenderly 'How are you doing, my love?'
You'd gotten very good at telling when Stella was upset and when she was trying to hide it, and now she was certainly upset.
'How am I doing? Oh you know, I've had to deal with my slut of a husband and that... fucking Imp! For months now.' She growled, taking several heavy breaths before turning back to you. 'Other then that, I'm fine.'
You gave her a sympathetic smile, before remembering why you were here. 'Well, then I have just the thing.' You told her, giving the basket a little shake.
You pulled her towards the door, Stella resisting. 'Lets go play' you tell her playfully.
'No, I can't' she tells you, resisting your pull 'I have to much work to do.' She said clearly upset at the reality of royal responsibility.
Pulling her close, you looked her in the eyes before firmly telling her 'Do you trust me?' You asked her sternly.
That seemed to surprise her, before she just nodded her head. 'Then we should do this... trust me'
Stella conceded, letting you lead her out of the palace.
Walking out the back of the palace, you passed the field she had once burnt to ash, now regrown into a healthy and lush lawn.
Taking her into the clearing, you layed out the blanket you'd brought in the basket.
Sitting down, you pulled out the bottle of wine. Pulling the cork, you poured you both a glass. Sitting there you both fell silent, a weight hanging over your head.
You turned to her, looking deep into her eyes, you told her calmly. 'Stella, theres nothing in this world I love more then you...' taking your hand, you placed a kiss atop it.
'I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was never good enough for you...' you told her, emotion growing in your voice.
She looked deeply concerned, asking you 'what do you mean?'
You shook your head. 'The truth is. All I've ever wanted was to be with you...' you looked at your hands, 'I had such plans to Get you back, to prove I deserved you. But stolas seems to have ruined everything... You deserve better and I'm going to give it to you.' You looked up at her, 'I love you Stella.'
Looking at Stella, she looked distraught, teary eyed as she pulled you close. 'I love you too (Y/N).' There was a long pause before she whispered in your ear, 'I wish I had been with you... all those years ago'
Her words put everything together, a wave of determination flowing through you. With your purpose secured, you pulled her into a passionate kiss.
The two of you became more physical, your hands roaming her body. Stella's arms wrapped around your neck. You becaming more passionate, Stella matching your energy at every step.
It was as you undid the back of her dress that you heard it... he was here.
Giving her another kiss you asked her, 'Do you trust me?' Your breathing still raged.
It took a moment, but Stella responded 'Yes, Yes I trust you...' With that you kiss her again, carefully readjusting her dress.
It took another moment, but you heard him. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' The voice was cold, clearly unhappy.
Breaking the kiss, you looked up to find a very angry looking Stolas staring down at you.
You carefully pushed Stella off, giving her a more innocent kiss on her cheek. 'Go play somewhere.' You whispered, standing up.
You turned to face Stolas. The prince was absolutely livid, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
'Stolas! My what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?' That was a lie. You specifically picked this spot, at this time because you knew he would see the two of you.
All according to plan.
Stolas spat back, 'Don't talk to me like that you bastard. Trying to fuck my wife. In my own home, do you have no shame.'
You couldn't help but begin laughing. You gripped your legs, laughing so hard it was hard to breath.
Straightening up you looked at Stolas, allowing years of venom to show. 'Shame?' You asked incredulously, 'Your asking me if I have shame?' You chuckled again. 'Pot meet kettle.' You spat at him
Dusted yourself off. 'Shame...?' You spat, through gritted teeth. 'Youre asking me if I have shame? You speak of your lust before your child. Plastering the hellnet with your lust for that satan-damned Imp, Fucking that Hellspawn in the bed, you shared with your Wife. You know nothing of shame, you harlot!' You finished almost screaming.
Stolas grit his teeth, his hands dropping to his side. The weather began to shift.
The once clear sky quickly being replaced with a ocean of grey clouds.
'You think you can take my wife?' He asked seriously. Your smile grew, taking a few steps towards him, smugness growing across your face. 'Think? My good man... I already have.' you tell him simply.
With a flick of his claw Stolas manifested his Grimoire.
In a flash you reached into your coat, pulling out a silver lock and throwing it at the Grimoire.
Almost immediately on impact, dozens of silver vines shot out, wrapping around the book.
Stolas, initially shocked tried to open the book, the lock on its cover not budging against his grip.
He looked up at you, pissed and clearly expecting 'That little item,' you began 'ensures that your little book won't affect the outcome of our little fight, Stolas.'
You smirk at him 'Now' you began 'you'll just have to fight me like a man.'
Stolas seemed both concerned and enraged by this, throwing the book to the side. 'You think I'm scared of you?'
He reached for his cloak, dramatically throwing it to the side.
You just chuckled, cracking your knuckles, the demonic Prince charged, swinging at you.
You easily dodged.
'My, how impressive!' you said, mockingly.
Stolas swung again, and again, missing each time. 'Come on I don't have all day!' You called at him smugly.
Stolas went for a violent haymaker, missing again. This time you retaliated with a hard punch to his nose, hearing a crack apon your fist meeting his face.
He stumbled back, blood dripped from his nose as you taunted him further.
'You know I had such an elaberate plan, Stolas.' You told him, taking out a shiny set of knuckle dusters from back pocket. 'I had every step perfectly worked out, all to turn your family against you.'
Stolas, became enraged, blindly charging at you. You easily dodgeing him, giving him a violent crack to his face.
'And then you, you fool... you did most of the job for me... half my plan, unneeded because you were a selfish, arrogant fool.'
Stolas made it to his feet, his left eye already swelling. He widened his eyes, likely intending to turn you to stone, but before he could, you reached into your pocket and threw a handful of dust at him.
The silver dust shone as it flew through the air, his reaction was instant. Falling to his knees clutching his face.
You chuckled, leaning on your knees for a second, 'When Judas betrayed jesus.' You began.
'He received 30 pieces of silver, as such its toxic to demons. And now it's your payment for all suffering you've put your family through.' You told him, blankly, no emotion in your voice.
'Years, Stolas. I've been preparing for this fight for years. I've played this moments out hundreds, thousands of times. Nothing you can do I havent prepared for.' You wiped your lip, standing up straight. 'Your going to lose.'
You were taunting him now, relishing seeing him suffer.
Reaching down, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up. It was as you were about to taunt him again that you were suddenly punched in the face.
Stumbling back, you found stolas getting to his feet. Wiping his eyes he glared at you, 'You think I'm some push over? I'm a prince! I am a Goetia, I'm not gonna be taken down by some retched lowborne.' He screeched, raising his fists.
You just smiled back, wiping your cheek 'Finally... a real fight.'
The fight was a brutal, Stolas, despite his lanky figure and privileged upbringing, could pack one hell of a punch.
But you were prepared for this.
For every hit Stolas landed, you hit him twice. Every use of magic was thwarted with an item or counter spell. You were almost perfectly matched.
You stood across from each other, fists bloody, clothes filthy and torn, bruised and battered.
Still a smile adorned your face. Chuckling, you began 'you've put up one hell of a fight, Stolas.' You said as though remembering something. 'But even if you beat me, I still win!' You told him smugly.
Stolas cocked his brow, 'what are you going on about.' You smiled again, before reaching into your jacket before you pulling out a long white feather.
'Stella, your uh, "wife"...'you ran the feathered across your nose, taking in her lingering scent. 'We've been fucking for the past year now.' You chuckled again 'we fucked everywhere, her study... your bed, and man... can she scream.'
That set him off, he charged you, releasing a desperate a d furious, battle cry, swinging like a mad man.
You dodged the swing, and with one final uppercut the demon Prince stumbled back. He looked at you shocked, before smacking into the ground.
You couldn't help but laugh. The piece of shit fell like a sack of rocks.
Turning around you found a very concerned Stella. With a smile you walked towards her, stumbling over your battered legs.
Stella ran to your side, helping you keep up right.
You chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss. 'I have something for you.' You told her, your voice course and worn.
Reaching into your coat, you pulled out a small black case.
Breaking her grip, you stepped back and fell to your knee.
Taking several deep breaths you began, 'Stella. You are my light in the darkness, the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
Opening the case, you showed the sparkling diamond ring. 'Stella, my love. Will you marry me.'
Stella looked shocked, tears coming to her eyes as she covered her mouth.
It took a moment, but she nodded her head, 'Yes... yes I'll marry you.' She said, her voice thick with emotion.
You just smiled.
Everything was perfect.
Just as you planned.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
timestamp of din and the puppers?
Oh my gosh, yessss.
After much thought on the subject I have decided that a Thing I love is Accidental Disney Princess Din Djarin, Very Tired Dad, Friend To (Most) Animals.
(Generally speaking, the ones trying to eat him don’t count.)
I mean, he didn’t have time for the blurrg, especially after the way e met them? But Kuiil convinced him to give them another try and then he had his Toothless moment and earned the blurrg’s trust.
Then the scene with the massiffs which is honestly one of my favorites, because Din with a pupper makes me happy to think about?
This scary looking lizard/doggo creature to help guard/protect him and his? But also plays fetch and asks for belly rubs and scritches and looks at him with stars in its eyes when it’s not judging his life choices of course.
The thought of Grogu using one as a Noble Steed instead of the pram is both adorable and hilarious to me, like little kids do with big doggos and whatnot.
(Also an excellent partner in crime, and if Din didn’t want the two of them committing said crimes he shouldn’t have introduced them, you know? What did he expect to happen?)
I mean, just imagine Grog as the Mand'alor’s son riding on his most noble of steeds in a cookie raid? (Sadly, there were no survivors.)
But, uh, back to your prompt.
So it starts with that first massiff pupper as a gift for killing the krayt dragon and brokering peace between the people of Mos Pelgo and the Tusken Raiders, but someone comments about the fact they’re pack animals, right, or maybe Din has that realization somewhere along the line himself.
There’s another stop on Tatooine, and casual question about any new litters/clutches and what would they want for one or to of the pups?
He ends up with three new puppers and the promise for more from the next litter/clutch if he’d like.
At first he’s like, haha, no, four is more than enough, and yet.
The whole Mand'alor dealio and massifs really do make for excellent guard animals, so he takes the Tusken Raiders up on their offer. Pays them, or trades for the new puppers, whichever one they accept, and back on Mandalore everyone’s like oh, yeah, the royal hounds.
Din’s personal guard - which, for the record he didn’t ask for Bo-Katan, what is this, this is just awkward for me - use them to patrol the grounds of the Mand'alor’s residence and such and someone is appointed keeper of the royal hounds and such.
In the meantime, Din’s been on Adventures and such and there’s a one in ten chance of Din coming back from said Adventure with a new animal friend.
“...it followed me home,” he’ll say, some flavor of embarrassed about it because really, Din, really?
Your new animal friend just happened to jump into your ship for the ride back to Mandalore after what no doubt was a truly idiotic and life-endangering Adventure, did it?
Strange how that keeps happening.
So there are blurrgs and massiffs and any number of other animal friends Din brought back with him.
Grogu is delighted because more parters in crime, a little gang, if you will, and him as the beloved leader who pays them in cookies and other such priceless treasures.
Luke just watches Din -  grown adult, capable fighter, devoted father, and ruler of a whole entire planet - act like a little kid who smuggled a pet into the house and then has to explain its presence to his parents.
Some reason to go to Hoth and when he tells Luke about it afterward he mention these natice creatures that can be tamed as mounts he used?
Luke is like, “Oh, tauntauns!” and then tells Din about his harrowing experience with the local fauna and how Han saved his life by shoving him inside a tauntaun once like :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Din just stares at his husband/consort like how, how, is this man alive?
Han off to the side shrugs because hell if he knows, Han’s the lucky one because Leia got the brains and common sense out of the two of them.
Also, paying a visit to Boba Fett on Tatooine, and once Luke and Boba agree to leave any grievances in the past - mainly for Din’s benefit there’s a ~tour of the place.
“You didn’t replace the rancor?”
And Din, poor, Very Tired Din goes so very still.
Doesn’t look at Luke who’s looking around at the repurposed rancor pit. Boba is next to Din and Din can feel the man’s glee at the chance to tell him about yet more incredibly stupid things his husband’s done.
“Do I want to know?” he asks in an undertone.
Boba is freaking delighted, “Probably not, but I’ll tell you anyway,” >:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
...Which is how Din finds out about certain Jedi walking in to Jabba’s palace to rescue his friend and his many near-death experiences along the way.
I mean, he knew bits and pieces of the story from things Luke and his friends and family let slip? And yet somehow none of that prepared him for the full story.
Also, though, also.
Luke who sets up his Jedi school on Yavin in the beginning and various native species, and Luke laughing at him when he turns up with a new animal friend. Doesn’t tell him to put it back though, because the students are all wide-eyed with fascination every time.
Luke may or may not have told them it’s part of Din’s ~magic, joking and all and they know it, but then Din and his many, many animal friends, so maybe Master Skywalker is telling the truth?
Din is always why are you like this? to Luke who cannot stop teasing him over his ability to befriend (most) animals he meets, and has to kiss him to get him to stop laughing, it’s not that funny.
Before Luke goes to live with Din and Grogu on Mandalore full time, his Jedi school up and running for years by then and staffed by former students and Jedi who survived Order 66 and subsequent years and they’re all, omg, just go already, because Luke’s sacrificed a lot to get them where they are and now he should absolutely live the rest of his life as a kept man, go, go, go, the school has its own animal guardians in the form of native animals or somesuch, because kiddos with animals is always a good thing.
Anyway, yes.
Din and the puppers and an entire menagerie while everyone is exasperated because they’ll have to set up housing for their ruler’s new animal friends or delighted at Din’s ??? reaction because he didn’t mean to come back with new animal friends.
Also, also, I kind of love the idea of there being a baby krayt dragon in there somewhere. Animal traffickers and whatnot who stop by Mandalore for whatever reason before they’re discovered and arrested or what have you?
Most of their cargo are confiscated and returned to their homeworlds as possible, but there are a few exceptions, incidents.
One involves a canyon krayt that takes off the moment it can and digs itself into...a canyon. (Din is like, SIGH, but it’s young, small, and scared and he befriends it, or close enough that they allow it to stay where it is for now.)
The other is a baby greater krayt dragon like the one in Mos Pelgo and escaped before the Madalorians caught wind of the animal traffickers. Ran to a remote area that’s not ideal for humans to live and keeps wild animal populations under control and more trouble than it’s worth, really, to remove it.
Luke is delighted/horrified when he hears aboutb Din’s previous adventures with krayt dragons and the way Cobb cannot stop laughing at the fact Din now has two of the bastards on his planet, two.
But it does add to the reputation of Mandalor’s new ruler, a man who killed a greater krayt dragon on his own - “I didn’t, though? Cobb you were there, tell them!” - and now has one guarding his planet. (”It’s more of a pest with an endless stomach, though???”)
So, uh. Yes.
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Soulmate September - Day 8
Day 8 - The temperature of your chest gets hotter when you are closer to your soulmate and colder when you move further away. (D&D AU)
Pairing(s): Romantic Roceit, Romantic Background Analogical
TWs: Swearing
“Oh I adore being made out to be the bad guy here.”
“You robbed the lair of the Dragon Witch! It’s literally your fault that we are mired in this bog of despair!”
Roman’s accusation rang loudly within the wagon as they made the long ride back to Amoresse to rest for the night. Janus rolled his serpentine eyes, 
“You, dear delusional knight, are totally not the one who went and killed said Dragon Witch, thus leaving her treasure for the taking.”, the half Yuan-Ti hissed, appropriately, “Besides, you can absolutely take the moral high ground here when you stole her crown at the first opportunity.”
The pristine elven knight gasped dramatically, clutching his figurative pearls at such an accusation! 
“This is an outrage-!”
“Both of you shut the fuck up or I’m driving this wagon off the nearest goddamn cliff!!”
Roman and Janus both immediately quietened down at the threat issued so casually by their wagon driver as the dhampir hissed curses under his breath. The two in the back glared at each other back and forth, avoiding looking towards the wrecked fabric of the canopy and the splintered wood. In Roman’s defense, he hadn’t known that grabbing the crown specifically would cause the Dragon Witch’s castle to fall to ruin around them. He’d realised his mistake almost immediately when he felt the dark magic radiating off of it. However, he couldn’t bring himself to admit that was the case. Especially not around Janus, the damn snake wouldn’t let him live it down. 
Being careful to pick his moment, Roman hazarded a glance over at the reptilian rapscallion eyeing up his spoils; Janus was an enigmatic entity to Roman, showing such sophistication and poise while also being prone to stumbling over his words or his own two feet in the same breath. Unabashedly, he displayed selfishness unrivalled by even the most aristocratic nobility, but in a pinch, was fully able to toss aside even the most valuable of artifacts to save a life. 
Roman had tried not to think about it. The noble and chivalrous knight, Roman of Sandaria, being saved from the jaws of death by a conman who, by all accounts, he had fully expected to leave him to die. The elven man wasn’t sure where his resentment lay; perhaps Roman thought he should’ve been able to save himself, perhaps he felt guilty for misjudging Janus but couldn’t find it in him to admit it, or perhaps it was an underlying prejudice from his training days. Yeah, he really  didn’t want to think about it.
Instead, Roman made his way to sit up front next to the moody wagon driver, making light conversation,
“I should be the one manning the wagon, your highness.”
“Roman, I’ve told you before, you can just call me by my name.”, the dhampir met Roman with piercing silver eyes, “Now, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t understand my- Virgil,”, he corrected at the last second, “Nothing’s wrong. Aside from the fact you refuse to allow me to call you by your title-”
“That’s horseshit and you know it, Roman.”, Virgil kept his eyes on the road, anxious over the possibility of a crash if he kept his gaze averted too long, “I’ve known you since we were kids, I can tell when you’re lying. Besides, being called ‘your highness’ feels wrong as it is. Coming from you? It’s even fucking weirder than this whole marrying into royalty thing...”
Roman rolled his eyes but sat closer to offer Virgil a one-armed hug. The latter gave it a moment before accepting the gesture, “Virgil, you’ll be fine. If any one of us was suited to princedom, I cannot think of a better candidate. And your future husband is unreasonably attractive, so I don’t see what you have to complain about-”
“Oh my god, shut UP!”, Virgil chuckled and shoved Roman playfully. “I mean, you’re not wrong but the last thing I need is to think too hard about Logan and crash this stupid fucking shambles of a wagon!” 
The lighthearted banter did wonders to distract Roman until Virgil managed to get things back on track unfortunately, “Now, stop deflecting and tell me what’s got you so gloomy, Sir-Sing-A-Lot.”
Roman rolled his eyes at the old nickname, “I’m fine, Virge, really. I merely wish our cascading castle adventure had been a little less…ruinous.”
“.... Was that a fucking pun-”
“Ahem.”, Janus cleared his throat from behind the two of them, “I do so loathe to interrupt.... whatever this is,”, he gestured between the two of them, “But I believe that’s our stop up ahead. Wouldn’t want to go destroying that as well.”
With that, the serpentine rogue slunk back into the wagon. Roman muttered something under his breath, inaudible to Virgil, before reluctantly joining the scaled nuisance bagging up his wares. The elven knight made sure to keep his crown tucked into his rucksack, just in case thievery was something to be wary of in Amoresse. The town’s reputation, however, gave Roman hope that their visit would prove more helpful than hindering; the rumours told of a town renowned for helping wayward, lonely souls find their soulmates. As a single, disaster gay, Roman sure hoped the rumours were true. Truly he could think of nothing sadder than turning up alone to his best friend’s wedding.
Getting booked into their rooms at the tavern was a far easier ordeal than having to endure the overly chaotic gate guard to the city. The bizarre tiefling had spent so long rambling on and on about the most grotesque topics that by the time they had successfully secured a wagon bay, the moon now shone in all her celestial beauty. Virgil had suggested resting for the night, and despite Roman’s urging that they stay together, Janus had been insistent on checking out the nightlife. The knight had been content to let him do so while he guarded the prince, but the tired dhampir insisted he too take the night to enjoy himself. Roman would have argued further had Virgil not issued the suggestion as an order after his first protest.
And that was how Roman found himself sitting at a small outdoor bar tended by a rather friendly dwarf. Said dwarf, Patton as he came to learn, was quite the chatterbox while Roman was content to take in the night air in spite of his earlier worries. 
“Say kiddo,”, the dwarf broke from his pleasant rambling, “you’re looking a little lonely there. You got something on your mind?”
Roman hadn’t expected that. He pursed his lips in thought. 
“I suppose I may as well be honest with you. I’ve been wondering if-”
“If the rumours are true?”, Patton finished, “Well, luckily for you, they are!”
He ducked down behind the counter and pulled up an ornate crystal bottle that contained a marvellous prismatic liquid inside. Roman watched with great interest as the dwarf pulled out a goblet and began to mix a sweet, fruity smelling drink before dropping in three drops of the colourful elixir.
“Anima Venenum”, Patton informed him, “Our town’s alchemist created it by accident a couple of centuries back, and ever since, we offer some to tourists who look like they need a little guidance in the ol’ world of love!”
Roman was mesmerised, “Really? You mean, I needn’t pay you for it?”
“Nope! Our only rule is to never hand it out to anyone who doesn’t ask us for it. It’s up to you if you wanna accept this, so no pressure. I just figured you looked like you might be in need of it.”
The knight had so many questions swirling around in his brain, but by the time he had settled on a single one, his hand was holding the goblet to his lips. The taste was citrusy like sweet clementines, but with a mixed berry and almost floral taste that reminded him of a rose wine. As the last of it slid down his throat, Roman noted a soft honey-like taste as he thanked Patton, 
“That tastes wonderful! I’ve never had an elixir that tasted so good.”
Patton chuckled, “Actually, the elixir itself is tasteless. People just take better to it when it's mixed with a good drink, otherwise the texture weirds ‘em out.”
“Ah, I see.”, Roman let out a gentle chuckle. He didn’t feel all that different, truth be told, and so he asked, “How will I know it’s working?”
“The effects are instantaneous, don’t you worry! It might be hard to notice at first, but when you’re near your soulmate, your heart will feel really warm- In a good way! Not like heartburn, so don’t worry about it feeling unpleasant.”, Patton assured him.
Roman nodded, making a note of it as he got up to leave before quickly asking, “Oh! How long will it last?”
Patton waved him off, assuring him, “It’ll last for as long as you need to find your soulmate, guaranteed!”
With the night reaching its peak, Roman found himself strolling along the cobbled streets back to the tavern when he felt it; a flicker of warmth in his heart. Soft as the beating of a butterfly’s wing but very much there. He followed the feeling until he came upon a narrow street, hardly lit by the lamps stationed at it’s opening. The street itself was largely empty bar a silhouette in the dark leaning against the stone bridge that arched over the shimmering water running beneath it. 
His heart raced as Roman approached the figure, the flames licking at his heart until he arrived about a foot from the entrance of the bridge. The figure turned to Roman, smirking a familiar smirk,
“Come to join me, oh loyal guardian of our beloved prince?”
Janus. His soulmate was Janus?! Roman couldn’t believe it, yet no matter how thoroughly he scanned the immediate area, not a single other soul revealed itself. The half Yuan-Ti raised a bemused eyebrow at Roman, “Please, do keep ignoring my question so you may continue to look like a fool.”
Roman scowled. Maybe the kindly dwarf was just teasing him? No, he didn’t seem the type. But this conman? His soulmate? Perhaps Roman would indulge it, see where that led him. Worth a shot anyway. 
“My apologies.”, was all Roman offered as he took a spot on the bridge next to Janus, the flames of his heart undeniably soaring to life at the close proximity. Janus gave Roman a puzzled glance which let Roman take in his features; a half scaled face and body that, the more he watched the moonlight dance along the scales, made Roman want to gently reach out and touch them. In fact, he had subconsciously been doing just that when Janus had held his wrist in place, “It’s not completely rude to just touch someone’s scales without permission. What’s gotten into that underbaked brain of yours, Roman?”
Flustered and embarrassed by his lack of tact, Roman uttered quietly, “Soulmate cocktail.”
Roman panicked, “So many cocktails. Is what I said. Like, 14 whole cocktails.” 
Great. Excellent save.
“..... You’re expecting me to believe that? Did you forget that I’m rather adept at being able to tell when someone’s lying to my face, Roman?”
End him. Just end him now. Roman wished a stray lightning bolt would smite him where he stood so he wouldn’t have to face his own stupidity. Quick, say something to help ease the situation.
“Okay. I had 16 cocktails.”, he stammered with a laugh, “I’m absolutely drunk. You got me, you clever reptile you!”
Roman of Sandaria you are a certified idiot. 
“.... Alright then. Prove it.”, Janus goaded him, locking onto Roman’s crimson eyes with his own citrine snake-like eyes. 
“Let me smell your breath.”, Janus clarified, getting closer. Each inch set Roman’s heart aflame all too literally. “If you’re as inebriated as you claim to be, your breath will absolutely stink.”
“Uuuh, personal space-”, Roman began to move back, but Janus grasped the front of his tunic.
“Don’t give me that, Mister Personal-Space-Is-A-Societal-Construct, I’ve seen how often you get in your dear prince’s personal space...”, Roman could’ve sworn for a split second that Janus sounded resentful, or perhaps envious, before his tone took a more curious route, “... or perhaps could there be another reason you don’t want to be so close to me?”
The knight became aware of the burning within his chest threatening to rage out of control, the distance between them barely a couple of inches now. Roman wasn’t sure what to do, but the lure of Janus’ eyes and the way his ribcage radiated with a heat he’d never felt before spurred him to act; he leant forward and pressed his lips to the serpentine man before him.
It surprised Roman just how pleasant it felt, though he prepared himself for harsh retaliation from the half Yuan-Ti when he felt Janus take in a breath against his lips. However, Roman was pleasantly surprised to find that Janus, not only didn’t issue him a well-earned slap and spend the rest of the night cussing him out, but instead kissed him back even harder. Not that Roman was complaining. By the time they pulled back for air, Roman didn’t even notice the fire in his heart subsiding to be replaced with a more natural warmth as Janus’ hands softly caressed Roman’s cheeks. “I’ll be the first to admit, I totally saw the night heading that direction.”, Janus mused in surprise.
Roman let out a hearty chuckle, hardly even noticing that he’d subconsciously wrapped his arms around Janus.
“Care to tell me what brought this on, Roman of Sandaria?”
Just hearing his name spoken in such an enticing dulcet made his knees feel weak; how had Roman never noticed how beautiful Janus’ voice was? His mind was too busy latching onto every octave, every syllable, that he nearly forgot to answer him. He took Janus’ scaled hand and pressed his lips to it in a gentle gesture his soulmate clearly wasn’t used to if the flustered way he averted his eyes was anything to go by,
“I suppose you could say I did a little soul searching.”
Have some straight up Roceit fluff, this came out so cute.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @cateye-glasses @lavender-mochi [I know you love your Roceit so I figured I’d tag you incase you needed this] @fandomsofrandom [I nearly missed the reblog where you asked to be added I’m so sorry]
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beyond-the-mirror · 4 years
The Blue Eyed King’s Gift
Finally! As promised Part 3 is now ready.
So as you have seen in the previous chapter, this fanfic was partly inspired by Thumbelina (or Thumbeline, depending on the country you’re from). In this part, however, there are a few hints for the main inspiration of this fanfic, can you guess which fairytale is it?
Be ready though, this chapter is a long one. More under the cut.
Special thanks to @cheesysquid​ for beta-reading and putting up with my amateur writing. Thank you so much for everything, o master of writing.
Pairings: Vergil x Fem Reader
Warnings: None. Pure fluff and wholesomeness in this one.
Tags: @v-vic​. If you want to be tagged let me know!
Part One - Part Two - Part Four
Part Three
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“Nooo! You pesky knights have defeated me!”
“Take that you evil dragon! You have been slain by the great knights Nero and V!”
Both twins giggled victoriously after tackling their uncle to the ground, causing the man in question to let out a hearty laugh at their adorable antics.
They were still in the middle of playing when the door opened. The boys beamed at the familiar, stoic figure that walked inside, clad in an elegant blue attire and a tired expression evident on his face.
“Papa!” The monarch welcomed the twins into his arms, their innocent smiles already soothing the stress out of his mind and body.
“My apologies for working until late little ones, there were some important matters Papa had to attend to.”
“But, you are still going to play with us tomorrow like you promised, right?” Nero gave his father a worried look, his lips forming a cute little pout that the king would never resist.
The last couple of weeks had been busier than usual for the Blue Eyed King, leaving him little to no time for his beloved children. However, all pending work had finally been solved just in time for the weekend, a perfect opportunity to take a well deserved break from his royal duties for a few days and instead spend them with his lovely sons.
“Don’t you worry, tomorrow I’ll have the entire day free so we can do whatever you two want.” The twins bounced at their father’s words, already excited for the next day to arrive. “But for now it is time for you both to go to bed.”
The twins wanted to protest in hopes of getting at least another few minutes of playtime, pouting and huffing in a displeased manner. But their attempts were thwarted by their uncle, who had a mischievous grin on his face.
“Your papa is right kiddos, it’s already late and all the good little boys must go to sleep. Unless you wish to fall victims to the monster that eats naughty children!” Letting out a playful roar, their uncle picked up Vitale, acting as if trying to munch on the boy’s little arm.
“Eww! Uncle Dante that is gross!” V giggled as he pushed his uncle’s face away from him, failing to make him stop his antics. Finally giving in, Dante lowered him on his respective bed before making his way to the door, letting his older brother tuck his nephews in.
“Now what do we say, my dears?” The monarch asked, giving his sons an expectant look while a warm smile blooms on his face.
“Good night uncle Dante!”
“G’night kiddos. See you tomorrow Verge.” The young prince smiled back at them, and with a salute, he retired to his own chambers for the night.
As Vergil tucked his sons under the soft covers however, his keen eye could notice Nero fidgeting a bit in his bed.
“Is something troubling you, Nero?”
The boy jumped at the abrupt question, hesitating for a few seconds before answering.
“Uhm, earlier you said that tomorrow we could do anything we wanted, so...” Looking down to avoid his father’s intense stare, the young boy took a deep breath before continuing. “Remember our friend (Y/N)?”
Vergil raised an eyebrow in confusion. These last weeks his children would mention her quite often, even though he knew about her existence before they even mentioned the name to him. He indeed recognized and appreciated all the good things this woman had done for the brothers, and it would be a blatant lie to say he wasn’t grateful for her kindness and hospitality. However, he couldn’t help but feel concerned after hearing Nero bringing up her name.
“I do recall her. Something you wish to tell me about it?”
The older brother glanced at Vitale at the bed next to his. He seemed unsure as to what to say, until a silent nod from V gave him the push he needed to speak out.
“Well, V and I were wondering if… we could invite her for dinner tomorrow?”
Another day, and yet the same routine.
Waking up, getting ready, cooking breakfast for your father and preparing all the goods to be sold at the market before departing.
That’s how it has been for some years now, and yet something felt different.
Lately you’ve been smiling more. Everytime you cooked, you would hum a cheery song to yourself. Your plants and crops would receive more kind words from you than usual, which resulted in better harvests, and therefore, better sales.
There was no doubt as to why there was more light in your life. Two reasons actually: two adorable little brothers that would often grace you abode with their beaming presence.
It was no surprise to receive a sudden visit from Nero and Vitale, always accompanied by their two animal friends Griffon and Shadow. Those afternoons became your favorites, when you welcomed the twins into your garden so they could play as much as their hearts wanted to. On days when you weren’t particularly busy tending to your father, you would join them in their adorable antics and games.
While your father’s attitude had sabotaged your childhood, one that you hoped could have been happier, there was no denying the bond you formed with the twins. Eventually you found yourself going through all your belongings from your childhood that you had locked away inside an aged trunk in your room. And much to your luck, you found some of your old toys still in pristine condition. An idea then hatched in your head, why not share them with Nero and Vitale next time they visited?
As you tended to your garden, you spotted a couple of familiar silhouettes approaching your family’s chateau, which brought a bright smile to your face. It seemed today they decided to drop by earlier than usual, nevertheless you still welcomed the brothers into your yard.
“(Y/N)!” They exclaimed simultaneously as they ran to you, wrapping you into a warm hug as soon as you kneeled down to their height.
“Is the bad man at home?” V whispered into your ear.
“The bad man is sleeping. Don’t worry about him.” You winked at both brothers before ushering them in and towards the garden, glancing around to make sure your father wasn’t around.
Every time you would always make sure to keep the brothers hidden from your father. It was for the best, as you figured it must not be healthy to expose such innocent children to a volatile and constantly inebriated man like him.
“So what do I owe this unexpected visit? You arrived quite earlier than usual today.”
“Actually, we came here to invite you to our house.” Nero announced in a cheerful tone.
V nodded before completing his brother’s words “We asked our father and he said he wanted to meet you. So he wishes for you to come and have dinner with us.”
“Oh…” Needless to say, the request took you by surprise. “Well I do appreciate the offer, but I’m not sure if I could really go. I don’t want to be a bother there, and I still have some chores to do here.”
A frown crossed the twin’s faces “Please (Y/N). We promise you will not be a bother, we really want you to go.” V pleaded, immediately followed by Nero.
“Yes, and we could play and have so much fun! Plus, we can show you our home and you can meet all our family and friends.”
“Pretty pleeeease?”
‘Oh, be still my heart.’ you internally struggled as you witnessed the cutest and loveliest pair of puppy eyes you had ever seen in your life.
“Alright then” you sighed in defeat. There was no way you could resist the charm of those two. “Let me just change my clothes and we’ll be ready to go.”
“Yay! Thank you (Y/N)!” They jumped up and down in glee, a rather adorable sight for you.
And so you made your way towards your bedroom, leaving the twins in the safety of your garden for them to play while you got ready.
You rummaged through your wardrobe in search of a nice enough dress, if you were about to meet the twins’ family then it was best to dress appropriately and cause a good first impression. You opted for a light blue gown, not too elegant but not too casual, perfect for an afternoon meeting. Searching through your jewelry box, you opted for a pair of pearl earrings, a blue hair ribbon to tie up your hair, and last but not least, a beautiful choker necklace that used to belong to your mother.
The sight of it brought a nostalgic smile to your face. Your fingers lightly traced the small blue rose at the center, the single sapphire drop beneath it reflecting light ever so pretty.
Sitting on your vanity you began working on your hair, combing and styling your locks into a simple but classy updo. However, as you sat there getting ready, you couldn’t help but wonder what kind of family did the brothers have. By the clean outfits they would always wear you figured they must have a wealthy enough family. The thought made you feel nervous, would they approve of you? The daughter of a bankrupt, alcoholic noble with a terrible reputation? A once respected family name now tarnished by the actions of your father, you lamented how things came to be.
With a deep sigh, you tried to shake those feelings off. Your little guests were waiting for you, and you wouldn’t dare let those negative thoughts crush their earlier happiness. It was the least you could do for them, the little lights of your life.
“You are going to love our home (Y/N)! It’s so pretty and everyone is so nice and kind. Also, Papa has an enormous library! Right V?”
“Yes! It’s my favorite place ever. I can’t wait to show you all the pretty books!”
Nero and V bounced all the way as they pulled at your hands, guiding you to their house.
And yet you couldn’t help but wonder about where the boys lived. Your father’s chateau was quite remote, and not once did you spot another house during your trips to the village. But you shrugged the thoughts away, choosing to instead follow Nero and V while enjoying their company.
That was until you noticed they were leading you towards the dense woods.
“Shouldn’t we take the road instead? The woods could be dangerous and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
But the boys simply shook their heads. “They’re very safe, besides we always take this route.”
“Don’t be scared (Y/N). We promise you it’s going to be okay, you can trust us.” Both twins reassured you,  soothing your doubtful mind. Should it be true they have been crossing the woods to visit you, then danger was nowhere near.
“Alright then. Let’s keep going.”
A soothing peace lingered on the woodlands. Birds chirped away despite it already being past noon, flowers of all kinds painted the ground in all kinds of patterns and colors, warm rays of sunlight shone through the many tree branches and bathed the earth in a mystical aura.
Never once had you paid attention to the forest near your father’s chateau. Whether it was out of fear of the beasts that could possibly lurk there, or the scary thoughts of getting lost there and never finding your way back home; entering there barely crossed your mind.
And apparently you weren’t the only one who thought so. As vast as it seemed to be, the place appeared as unmarked in every map of the region. Just a big, nameless spot too unimportant to be considered as a landmark by locals and travelers.
So it made sense to ask yourself, as Nero and Vitale brought you along into the unknown, just what kind of family would take interest in living in a place like this?
Staring at Griffon’s figure flying just ahead, you wondered how far you were from home, and just how long you had been here in the heart of nature. It felt like an eternity, and at the same time it felt like only a couple minutes. Now that you thought about it, why did it look like the same scenery repeated over and over? The same trees, the same flowers, the same chirping birds.
What is this place?
“Here we are.” The sound of V’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. It took a few moments to register where you were, and after blinking a couple times, you took in your surroundings.
Never had you seen something so otherworldly.
A small clearing, barely illuminated by a few rays of sunlight, laid right in front of you. The irregular terrain of the woods had now turned into a layer of soft green grass. But what truly caught your eye was what stood right in the center of the clearing: A lone stone arch was there, tall and covered in moss, looking as if it had witnessed many ancient eras that were now long forgotten.
A dead silence veiled the land, yet the mere presence of the arch weighed so heavy in the air. It almost felt as if it were alive, an ancient being filled with sorrow over being the only surviving structure of a lost kingdom. You found yourself staring at it for a bit too long, not expecting to see something so out of place in this forest.
“C’mon (Y/N)! Our home is right there!” Nero tugged at your hand, taking you towards the stone arch in a hurry.
You were about to ask what he meant, but the words never left your lips as the twins pulled you to the other side.
There was a fairytale you were fond of when you were a child, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland if you recalled correctly. There was a particular scene you remembered, one where Alice stumbled into a rabbit hole, falling deep down until she found herself in another world.
At this moment in your life, you felt like Alice. Except instead of following a white rabbit into a rabbit hole, you followed two brothers across a stone arch.
You gaped in awe at the scenery before you.
The thick forest you were once in had vanished completely, now replaced by a vibrant city full of life. Everything looked so much different from the little village you knew, from the buildings to the shops and even the clothes people were wearing. You were especially taken back by the strange carriages that ran along the streets, impressed by the fact they moved around by themselves without horses or any other animal pulling them.
Not only did it feel like a different place, but also like a different time.
“Griffon, Shadow, could you please go to our father and inform him of our return?” As V finished his request, what happened almost made you stumble back in shock.
Shadow’s body began transforming into what seemed to be ink, heavy and shapeless, before morphing into a majestic panther with crimson markings glowing all over its body. Meanwhile, Griffon enveloped itself in blue sparks, growing into a demonic avian with three beaks and three golden pupils.
Both creatures, however, meant no harm at all as they bowed before the boys before departing in order to carry V’s order.
You were still staring at their figures disappearing into the crowd when a sudden gruff voice broke you out of your trance.
“I see you have returned safely, Your Highnesses”.
“Hello again mister Morrison. This is our friend (Y/N)!” Vitale greeted back. The man, Morrison, was a dark-skinned gentleman who looked to be in his fifties, impeccably dressed in a three-piece suit.
You weren’t sure if he was a noble or a commoner, if anything the exquisite clothes he dorned seemed to indicate the former. Wanting to be on your best behavior, you curtsied appropriately and introduced yourself to the gentleman before you.
“The famous miss (Y/N) herself. A pleasure meeting the lady that his highnesses have been mentioning about lately.”
‘His highnesses?’
“Uhm, if it is not too inappropriate of me to ask mister Morrison... exactly where am I?”
The man chuckled warmly at your questions. “My apologies milady. We are not exactly used to visitors from outside, I should have been more considerate though.” Morrison took a pause before continuing.
“Welcome to the Great Kingdom of Fortuna, Lady (Y/N).”
‘Well, talk about unexpected news.’ Said the voice in your mind, still processing what you just learned so far.
You learned that you were in Fortuna, a kingdom that exists in its own dimension, hidden behind a magical barrier. Nero and Vitale were also nobles, the beloved sons of a powerful demon king that reigned over this uncharted land. How mystifying it was to be in a land whose name eluded even the most thorough history lessons you were given since birth.
And now here you were, in one of those horseless carriages you had seen on the streets just minutes ago, on the way to meet the Demon King himself. Both twins kept giving you apologetic looks, their poor souls not expecting your reaction to be so flabbergasted.
Still, you kept reassuring them that it was nothing to worry about. There was no way their innocent minds would have taken that into account.
But now you found your mind drifting to what could be waiting for you at the castle. Judging by the recent events you had gone through on the same day, there was no way this day could become any more unusual.
His fingers ran through his hair for what had to be the hundredth time that day, despite it already being as pristine as always. Vergil sighed in frustration as a few bangs fell out of place and over his forehead, his bad habit of slicking back his hair already making matters worse.
“Hey now, cut yourself some slack bro.” Dante tried to cheer his brother up, brushing back his bangs into their proper place.
“Shall I remind you how this was basically your idea, brother?” He gave a deadly glare towards Dante once he stepped back.
When his sons had suggested inviting that woman to the palace, he was taken completely by surprise. Ever since the day Vergil had decided to isolate Fortuna from the rest of the world, the idea of welcoming an outsider has been completely out of discussion.
As much as he trusted (Y/N) with his children, and as much as Nero and Vitale insisted and sobbed, his decision was absolute.
‘But papa, she lives with a bad man. Her father is evil and cruel to her.’
‘But father, we love playing with her. We want to protect her from the bad man.’
He could see it, the true meaning carried within the tears that cascaded down his sons’ faces. They only wished to make her happy, get her away from the sad reality that was dealing with a drunken parent all the time, even if just for a day.
Of course Vergil understood, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t moved by their sweet intentions. However, he just couldn’t risk not only his family’s safety, but also his kingdom’s.
And then his annoying little brother intervened.
How did he manage to convince him? Nobody would ever know, least not Vergil himself.
“I’m just trying to help here. Besides, this (Y/N) girl doesn’t seem that bad so what’s the problem of letting one outsider in?”
Vergil grunted, becoming more unamused by Dante’s words by the second. He was about to retort when his brother rudely interrupted him.
“Or maybe the reason you are nervous is because you always look at her image like a love-struck puppy.”
At his words the king became paler than a ghost. “I’m not sure what you are talking about.” He cleared his throat in an attempt to hide his own insecurity.
“Don’t think for a second I haven’t seen you watching over her and the little ones with your magic.” Dante winked in an amused manner.
Feelings for that woman? Ridiculous. Sure she may look identical to his late queen, and her mannerisms may be almost the same, but his beloved was long gone. And yet Vergil couldn’t help the way (Y/N)’s image tugged at his heart.
No. There must not be any feelings whatsoever. (Y/N) was just an outsider and that was it. Even if his brother kept bothering him about it.
As you stepped into the majestic palace, you were rendered speechless by its luxurious interior.
Immaculate walls decorated with elegant and almost endless columns, their architecture like no other you had ever imagined. Not a single stain or speck of dust could be seen on the white and dark blue marble floor, and all the furniture pieces looked to be designed and handmade by master craftsmen.
Your gaze fell on the grand staircase at the center of the entry hall when you heard a door opening, the sound making all the servants bow at the figure that had entered the room.
The Blue Eyed King himself had entered. A gentleman dressed in an elegant navy blue suit, perfectly tailored and made with the richest fabric money could afford. His chiseled face was strong and defined, like a greek marble statue come to life. His luscious white hair was slicked back, not a single hair out of place. To complete his outfit, a matching tailcoat dorned his frame, decorated in a regal silver brocade that resembled wild briars enveloping his figure in exquisite patterns.
Everything about the king’s appearance exuded perfection and beauty, but what really caught your attention were his eyes. They were an icy blue, sharp and piercing like a deadly sword. Those were not the eyes of a human but of a demon, one with the power to make entire legions kneel and submit with a single glare.
Needless to say, the king’s mere presence intimidated you. And when his eyes connected with yours for an instant, you swore your heart stopped. Whether it was out of fear or wonder, you weren’t sure.
That was until the children at your sides started giggling.
“Papa!” The brothers ran towards their father with their little arms open.
And just like that, the demon in his eyes vanished. Kneeling down, the monarch welcomed his sons into his arms, a gentle smile breaking the cold stoicism that once rested on his face. Gone was the sharp look he had just seconds ago, now replaced with a warm light at the sight of his beloved children.
You couldn’t help but smile at them. However, when the king stood back up with the twins in hand, you were quick to regain your posture.
“Lady (Y/N), I present you King Vergil Sparda, ruler of the Great Kingdom of Fortuna.” In the most refined and formal manner, Morrison introduced his lord, before gesturing at the brothers. “His sons, Prince Nero Sparda and Prince Vitale Sparda.”
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty.” You curtsied, now regretting your choice of attire. A more formal dress would have been more appropriate for the occasion, but then again, you definitely didn’t expect to meet a King on this particular day. A sigh almost escaped your lips, and you dared to hope no one took notice of the gesture.
“The pleasure is mine, Lady (Y/N). I am glad you have accepted our invitation, Nero and Vitale have told me a lot about you recently.”
The children nodded in agreement. “Father, can we go play with (Y/N) now? Please?” Vitale gave a timid pull at his father’s sleeve.
“We want to show (Y/N) the castle!” Nero added with an adorable bounce.
“No little ones. Dinner is almost served and we don’t want to be late.” Vergil responded in a most gentle manner, yet firm enough to get his point across.
Both twins looked like they were about to protest when their poor stomachs rumbled in hunger, prompting you to let out a soft laugh.
Kneeling down to their level, you patted their heads lovingly. “Now my children, we’ll have all the time to play whatever you want after eating. For now let’s get you something to eat, hm?”
“And then we get to play together?” Again, the boys try to sway you with those irresistible puppy eyes of them.
“As much as you two want.”
The children would have taken off on a race to the dining hall if it weren’t for Morrison who stopped them in their tracks. The twins’ antics coaxed a laugh out of you, and out of the corner of your eye, you caught the king himself letting out a low chuckle. But the moment he acknowledged your staring, he couldn’t help but blush a bit.
“Please excuse my sons’ behavior.” He cleared his throat. “Recently they have begun their training in etiquette protocols, but i’m afraid they continue to ignore them each time I’m present.”
You shook your head to reassure him “Do not apologize, Your Majesty. Such an attitude must mean they see you as a loving father rather than a ruler, a person far greater than any royal in the eyes of a child, don’t you think?”
“An interesting point indeed.” Vergil hummed, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. For a second he looked like his mind was in conflict despite the cordial smile on his face, but he was quick to shrug it off. “Please allow me to lead you to the dining hall. You must be feeling hungry after your trip from home.”
The King proceeded to offer you a gloved hand. His eyes remained fixated on you, looking as if they were piercing into your very soul.
A bit hesitant, you accepted his offer, your soft palm soon enveloped by his warm fingers. On your way to the dining hall, the pink tint decorating your cheeks never once left.
All kinds of delicacies lined the grand table in front of you, trays filled with the most delicious looking food you had ever seen.
It took you by surprise when the monarch gestured to the seat at the right of his.
“I thank you for the invitation, your Majesty. However, I do not consider myself worthy of sitting at your right side.”
“Quite the contrary, Lady (Y/N). Nero and Vitale have told me of what you have done for them, and they requested for me to invite you to our palace. This feast was prepared as a show of my gratitude for the kindness you have given my children.”
The twins smiled at you. Knowing this was their idea warmed your heart to no end.
“I.. I don’t know what to say, your Majesty, except... Thank you for your generosity.”
Vergil offered you a smile before taking his seat at the head of the table, while his beloved sons were seated at his left side.
You sat at the king’s right, feeling nervous to take such an important place at a royal’s table. However, you were even further surprised to see that the rest of the servitude, including mister Morrison, occupied the seats too. In the countless times your family was invited to a noble’s house, never were the servants allowed to sit at the same table as the patrons.
Nero took notice of your expression and immediately understood your confusion. “Years ago, we told Papa we didn’t like the table to be so empty every time we ate, so we requested him to let all our friends sit with us too.” He explained, whispering loud enough for you to hear him.
Vergil smiled with fondness at the memory before adding “It has become a tradition since then.”
It seems not only were they a light in your life, but to everyone that met them.
“By the way,” Vitale looked around as if searching for something “Where is uncle Dante?”
‘Uncle Dante?’
“Hello family! Sorry for being late!” A boisterous yell resounded across the dining hall.
Turning around, you noticed a man who looked identical to King Vergil, and yet the energy he radiated couldn’t be more opposite to that of the monarch. His hair looked tousled, a contrast to the king’s slicked back hair. He sported a bit of a stubble, and the suit he wore as well as his tailcoat were a striking red.
The man you assumed to be Dante was about to take his seat at the table when his eyes noticed you.
“Oh! you must be Lady (Y/N), sorry for my rude entry.” As Dante approached, you stood back up to offer a polite curtsy. “I am Dante Sparda. It is an honour to finally make your acquaintance, milady.”
The noble offered you a wide smile, taking your hand in a gentle hold before planting a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
“The honour is mine, Prince Dante.” Your response was a bit bashful to the mannerisms of the noble before you, so you opted for a polite smile before sitting back down.
“So what are we eating on this fine day?” Walking around the table, Dante sat himself beside the twins, who immediately jumped to his arms.
Turning to the monarch, however, his reaction was far from the joyous one the boys had. In any case, he looked more like the demon you had seen the moment you first saw him.
“Please excuse my younger brother, Lady (Y/N). Unlike my sons, Dante never had a problem with ignoring the proper etiquette.”
Trying your best to ignore the deadly look Vergil was giving his brother, you proceeded to eat the meal in front of you with a low giggle, just like Nero and V in front of you.
“Aww can’t you stay for a little longer (Y/N)?” Nero gave a sad frown.
As much as you would have loved to stay with them, the sun was already setting down in the horizon. You still needed to care for your father back home and prepare everything for tomorrow’s sale at the market.
“I’m afraid I can’t, little ones. But you are free to drop by my father’s chateau whenever you want.” You pulled the boys into a tight hug.
Footsteps reached your ears, and rising your head, you noticed that the Blue Eyed King was approaching you.
“Are you sure you wish to leave Lady (Y/N)? You are welcome to stay in Fortuna and at my palace as long as you need too.”
You offered the king a polite shake of your head. “You are very generous, your Majesty. However, I do not want to cause any more inconveniences to your family and your staff. Besides, it’s getting late and I have a few matters to attend at home.”
As you gave a warm smile, the monarch’s mind was once again transported to past memories long thought to be overcome.
‘There must not be any feelings whatsoever.’ He reminded himself, before banishing those memories from his mind.
“In that case, please follow me.”
As you were being led through the many halls of the castle, you eventually reached the royal garden. Flowers and exotic plants decorated the place, all of them aligned in impeccable designs and nurtured as best as possible. At the center of it all, was a structure that was already familiar to you. A stone arch, this one surrounded by a bed of breath-taking blue roses.
“This portal can take you back to your home.” Vergil began explaining. “Picture in your mind the place you wish to go to, and once you step inside you shall be taken there. Afterwards, the portal will close behind you, and you will notice that time will not have changed since your arrival at Fortuna. You are welcome to visit the castle as many times as you wish.”
You turned to the monarch a bit incredulous. Have you heard correctly? The King himself had just invited you to return anytime you wanted. You would be lying if you said the warm treatment you received that day wasn’t unwelcomed, after having to support yourself and your father on your own all your life this was a rather pleasant change.
“Your Majesty, I-I can’t describe how grateful I am for your hospitality. However, I’m still not sure how I’ll be able to find the way back to this place again.”
At your doubts, Vergil kindly answered “As long as your heart wishes to, the way shall always reveal itself to you. And as long as you have something from your own timeline with you,” he then gestured at the choker that decorated your neck. “You shall always find your way back home.”
You were about to say something when the King reached for your hand, holding it gently and raising it to his lips before placing a soft kiss on the knuckles. Each and every word died before leaving your lips, the feeling of Vergil’s pillowing lips on your hand taking your breath away.
His eyes fluttered open, his gorgeous eyes now fixated on yours as his lips parted from the back of your hand. All you could do was avert your eyes, a rosy blush tainting your cheeks. Never in your life had you felt so bashful, and as much as you wanted to hide your sudden shyness nothing seemed to work. So instead you turned to the children, getting down on one knee before them.
“I promise you we’ll get to play another time, alright?”
After one last hug from them, you stood back up and crossed the portal, departing back home.
Everything was exactly the way it was when you left, even your father who still remained inside his chambers in a deep slumber as usual.
WIthout any further ado, you continued with your daily activities. Tomorrow will be another day, and yet the same routine awaited you as any other day before.
Waking up, getting ready, cooking breakfast for your father and preparing all the goods to be sold at the market before departing.
That’s how it has been for some years now, but now something was definitely different.
Your thoughts drifted to Nero and Vitale, and then to King Vergil.
‘Maybe I should drop by again in a few days…’
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sandsofoneiros · 3 years
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*I don't own any images above. Found them on pinterest.
Disclaimer: It’s finally here! It’s been kicking my ass for weeks but I finally have it ready for you guys! I know nothing about ships and sailing so please don’t hate me! There's so many references in this chapter and I wonder if you can pick up on them! Let me know if you do and your thoughts! I also finally got to use my moodboard! I also tried something new with ending and beginning that I got from one of my favorite authors. Let me know what you think!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x OFC.
Warning: We have a lot. It gets angsty towards the end. Mentions of an anxiety attack, grief mention, and we do have a character death. Some blood is mention. Emotions are every where for these kiddos. I tried to tag everything just be cautious reading the third months. Cursing
Read chapter two here!
Tagging: @thembohux and @booksmusicteaandanimals
Chapter Three: The Privateer.
Months before. . . . .
To some, he was still a boy. Seventeen did not make one a man, and he knew that as he trekked up the snowy hill. The kingdom is known for its harsh terrain and even more ruthless queen. However, the boy wasn’t intimidated. His hood obscured his identity to those around him, and that’s how it would remain until he was facing her. The boy had an offer for the ice queen. An offer that would blossom in time and would contribute to them both, or that’s what he assumed would happen. The bitter wind cut at his cheeks and nose as he went on. He had been on this journey for what seemed like years, but it had hardly been a week; he was losing count of the days. The only thing that mattered was his offer being accepted. This new powerful alliance could be formed. He could hardly wait, and that gave him the last push to get over that hill. For a moment, he paused at the top, looking over the kingdom that was practically camouflaged by the snow. The rumor was that this kingdom had no proper ruler and was run by the most feared individual that asserted dominance. One that the others thoroughly respected. The neighboring kingdoms had always perceived it as unusual. However, the queen of this land had held it in her clutches longer than anyone. The boy was hoping to extend and expand her reign tonight.
In another kingdom, a prince and his father quarreled more and more each day. The tension becomes too much for each of them. The father had sought to end his son’s dreams of adventure and each day he felt his son slipping further and further away. He would venture into the town and come home later with the patrol guards surrounding him. The boy hung around the harbors and taverns, lingering to see if he could slip away with someone or some crew. However, they were promptly told who the boy was and what would take place if they were to leave with him. This kingdom did everything to look after their beloved prince, despite his attempts to break free. The prince was ready to leave this forsaken place and forget his title. He didn’t wish to spend another summer visiting a princess that he didn’t wish to wed. He didn’t want to be told what to do. He wished to be like his mother and explore. The boy only wanted freedom. Freedom to do what would make him happy and not those around him. His anger had led him to another bar, but this time a crew had taken an interest in him. A mysterious girl not older than him had enticed him to accompany her on the sea, and he had never felt more freedom than when he took her hand.
First month.
Sixteen years old.
She couldn’t accept what the King declared. It was too shocking to even thoroughly comprehend and prayed that this was some trick that Poe was playing. Kes’s haggard appearance was the only thing that told her it wasn’t. Poe had finally done it. He had sought freedom and had gotten taken instead. Kes continued, telling them he wasn’t certain Poe had gotten captured or left freely. The owner of the bar gave one explanation of the story while the people gave another. Kes had been late for getting there to stop the prince. She could see that weighed on his mind heavily, and she couldn’t fault him. Ro had become lost in her mind until Ignis touched her shoulder.
“Princess?” Kes’s voice was low as he observed her. Standing by to see what would take place. Ro hadn’t even heard the question and instead peered at her father before Ignis. This was their first time escorting her to Yavin. Queen Eirlys wasn’t in good health and declined the visit. Moreso, her spouse declared to her, he would take her place this year. Her mom was ill back in Cianna and had been for the entire year. The summer had been the worst of the year. Ro would watch as the woman would fake a smile and make herself do her duties. Her father did everything he could to lessen all the Queen’s duties, but she would scold him. Her mom had insisted that Ro come to Yavin and be with the prince. She didn’t need to be staying with the sick queen. Now, she stood before the Kes and heard how Poe wasn’t even here. He didn’t know where his son was or when the boy would return. This summer was becoming one that she wanted to forget.
“These are challenging times, your highness. My mother is unwell and Poe is missing. It would seem that we are all being tried.” Her voice wavered as she struggled to speak. The poor young woman could feel more cracks developing in her walls. How long would they hold up? How long could she be strong? Pushing her lips into a thin line, she took a minute to gather herself once more. “The kingdom of Cianna will support you, King Kes. I’m confident we can find Prince Poe. My mother would want us to put the prince first and that’s what we’re going to do. Da, send word to Cianna, and let’s get as many as we can spare. I know a privateer that can benefit us. We might need to get our hands dirty, gentlemen.”
Her head was high as she communicated to all of them. None of them expected her to develop a strategy and issue orders. They could see she would not let this go, it was personal for her. For a minute, Jaqen saw nothing but his wife radiating through his oldest daughter. A smile found its way to his face, and he felt pride as he stepped somewhat back, letting Ro have the floor. Ignis followed Jaqen’s lead and let the princess have the floor.
“I will meet with the privateer and get us a ship along with more company. I presume we’ll want to leave as soon as possible. King Kes, I propose packing up.”
Kes couldn’t stop the grin that set across his face. It took him back to the first time he met Aurora. How shy she was. Now she stood before him and took charge of finding his son. Oh, she would make an admirable queen one day. He could see that with no problem.
“I believe you’re right, Princess Aurora. We’re wasting valuable time, gentlemen. Let’s plan to leave by the end of the week.”
“I’ll send for Cianna’s finest.” Her father bowed to Kes.
“Ignis, I need you to accompany me to the city. I need to speak with someone in town.”
Ro didn’t waste any time as she left the throne room, leaving them all in admiration. Her head held high as she left. Her legs brought her to the spot of Poe’s favorite tree. A tree that Kes and Shara had planted when she was alive. Her lip wobbled as she battled back tears. Her knees swayed as she pressed her back to the tree and slid down the trunk. Not caring that it could ruin her dress or possibly scrape her. No, she needed to get her emotions out for the few moments that she had alone. Her shoulders shook as the emotions took over. Why would he leave? Last summer it seemed that he was ready. Evidently, it had been nothing more than a honeyed speech. Her mind advised her he wouldn’t have just left. Her heart told her he loved her, but her gut declared both of them were wrong. Her gut instructed her that when she found him she would never want to see him again.
Zireael watched as the men loaded up her ship for this job. A job that she wasn’t sure that she wanted in the first place but the reward would be worth it. The reward always made it worth it. Griff stood beside her as they waited on the King of Yavin to join them. Both of them had already decided only one noble could be on this ship. The princess and her guard would only cause more trouble. However, the Ciannaian longboats did make them feel a little more relieved. Numbers would help them given who they had to track down. This prince had gotten wrapped up with the Kijimi Fleet. A fleet that no one dared cross along with their kingdom. How someone could do something so reckless was beyond her but all these princes and princesses were always doing something bothersome. She tapped her boot while her arms crossed over her chest. They were losing time and that was something she hated.
“Calm down, we have plenty of days left to sail.” Chuckling, he ruffled her raven locks and put her hat back down. It wasn’t uncommon for her to lose patience.
“Days? We have three months to find the prince or it was all for nothing.” She spoke as she swatted his hand away from her hair.
“I don’t see why she doesn’t marry the guard. He looked positively love-struck. . .”
“Probably for the same reason why I don’t marry you, Griff. Her heart belongs to another.”
They both shared a look before someone cleared their throat. It was the King of Yavin. He offered them a slight smile and wave before putting his bag down. It was only one bag, and that took Zireael by surprise. She guessed that he would have packed more, but less was always better. The King of Cianna remained beside him as they spoke their goodbyes. He gave her and Griff a knowing look before bowing his head to them.
“Careful on the seas. All of you.”
“Of course, your highness. I’m sure we’ll sing songs and become closer with each passing day.”
Zireael bowed to both the fathers before nodding to the ship. It was time to leave, and she was aching to get out on the sea. The gulls were crying above them, and the sun was high. It was an excellent day. She couldn’t have asked the maker for a more perfect day for them to sail the ocean. Griff had started the climb up the ramp to the deck to speak with everyone about what they would be doing. He was her second in command and no one ever challenged him. They didn’t want to face her wrath.
Kes held his arm out for her to take as they made their climb. “How certain are you that we will find him? There are plenty of uncharted territories out there.” The privateer merely smirked at his question. She wasn’t even certain if they would recover the prince, but he was a dad missing his only son. “I’m positive that we will find him and more, your grace. Don’t you fret.” Once they were on the deck, she brought the king to the commander’s quarters. She wasn’t certain what this job had in store for them, but the least she could do was make sure that Kes was comfortable while he traveled with them. It would be a lengthy three months if the man had to sleep on the bunks down below. There would not be much to do today other than plan out her course.
Her quarters were her sanctuary for the time. Flipping through the pages of her journal, she started studying the statements that she had gathered from the night the prince had fled. She needed a lead. All she knew was that he had got tied up with the Kijimi Fleet, and she wasn’t familiar with their routes. She needed to figure out where they would go next. Rubbing at her temples, she recorded where they could hit and where they had hit. She had to find that pattern. It was there somewhere. They would stop at the next port and ask around there. They would not spend too long searching ports and towns. No, they didn’t have time.
A knock rang through her quarters, and her eyes stared at the door. She didn’t want to let them in. Fixing her hair, she almost didn’t recognize herself as she passed the mirror to open the door. Grinning, she took in the sight of Kes. A charming man. It was no wonder his people loved him and his son.
“You look like you could use some fresh air. There looks to be a party on deck and I don’t think it’s fair that you’re working.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be an excellent captain if I let them have all the fun, would I?”
Kes chuckled with the young woman. She was no older than his son. Yet, she was a privateer that was managing this job and ensured that she would find his son. She had plenty of individuals under her to command and they all respected her. They looked at her for guidance. A leader. However, one looked at her as if it would be the last time. Griff stared at her as if he was seeking to seize her for himself. It made Kes uneasy.
Zireael beamed as she listened to the familiar music and moved behind a few of them. She wasn’t feeling much for dancing. Hoisting herself onto the railing, she searched through the leather pouch that settled at her hip. Plucking out her long pipe, tobacco, and arranging it, she gladly placed it between her lips. Blowing the smoke out her nose made a grin as Griff shook his head at her.
“Does your mother know you do that?” The king asked, while she snickered. Glancing over at him, a playful twinkle in her eyes.
“Who do you think taught me, your grace?”
Their laughter weaved in with the rest of the crew’s. This was the calm before the storm. They wouldn’t always have nights like this where they could rest easy and be cheerful. No, this was a treat, and they all realized that. She let herself sing some songs with them, clapped as they danced, but she hadn’t truly let herself join in completely. It wasn’t until Kes took her hand to join in the dance that she allowed herself. Griff had been the next to spin her around on the deck. The crowd shouted loudly as they watched their captain join in. They all recognized how much this job meant to her and how much she desired the reward. They knew she wouldn’t fail, and they would not let her. She took care of them, and they took care of her. It was as simple as it could get. Zireael was a name just as feared as the Kijimi Fleet. It was recognized but shrouded in mystery. That was the way she intended to keep it. Always keep them guessing, and they might respect her enough to stay out of the way.
Poe leaned over the rail of the ship, scanning for any sea creatures that might reveal themselves. This was the furthest that he had ever been from Yavin, and he was buzzing with excitement. Sure, the crew was still watchful of him, but that never discouraged his mood. He was constantly ready to prove himself to them. Zorii had vouched for him back in Yavin and he wanted to make sure that he lived up to whatever she had told them. He needed to see more, and it wasn’t long before he hurried up to the crow’s nest. Poe adored being that high up and staring out onto the horizon. The prince would spread his arms out and just enjoy the breeze. It was his favorite spot on the entire ship. Other than beside the fearless young woman who had swept him off his feet. The young woman that wanted adventure just like him. She was a little cold the first few weeks, but she had come around. Now, she was constantly reminding the others how valuable he really was.
“Dameron! What are you looking at up there?” Her voice called as she studied him. Her hand over her eyes to shield it from the sun. He just waved at her to come up with him, which she did with some reluctance. They had been sailing with each for weeks now, and Poe recognized something was flourishing between them. The prince had wanted this with Aurora, but it never unfolded. She had suggested once that she would wait on him, but he knew she might not. He couldn’t blame her. They were children that got forced into something that they didn’t want. He felt she was more than thrilled that he had left. Yet, his mind drifts back to last summer and those spoken feelings.
Second month.
It was all getting to them. It was hardly the second month of their journey, but they were all suffering the effects. Even Zireael was becoming tired of being on her ship, and she longed to feel solid ground again. Stepping out on the deck and leaning over the rail, she stared at the water below them. It always gave her some sort of relief, even though she was missing the feel of grass between her toes. The breeze swept through her hair as the crew continued working around her. They had been putting extra work in since some storms had blown them off course a few times. She was proud of them and needed to remind them she was. Her thumb rubbed at the silver ring on her thumb as she thought of some reward that she could give them.
“You’re quiet this afternoon, everything alright?” Griff asked. Zireael couldn’t help but note the small braid that had made itself known. Reaching out, she carefully tugged his umber braid.
“I’ve been considering stopping at the next port and letting everyone go enjoy themselves. It seems we’ve all grown tired of the waves below. I could undoubtedly use a hot bath. . .” She grinned before studying her own hair. Fingers working through tangles without even a whimper.
“There’s one not too far from here. A night off the ship might restore our energy for the rest of the journey.”
Freshly scrubbed and accompanying her crew, Zireael laughed at their stories that they were sharing with others. The hood of her cloak was up as she rested in the back with her pipe between her lips. Letting the smoke swirl flow from her lips as she listened to her crew enjoy themselves. It was a sight to behold as a man with brown hair sang in the corner. Some of them had requested him to sing a jig instead of the sad song he had opened with. Zireael hummed the words as she lifted her tankard every once in a while. It had been too long since she had gotten to unwind. The king had wanted to enjoy the night sleeping in an actual bed after his own bath. For once they could forget about finding this rebellious prince and the Kijimi Fleet. She could let herself breathe for just a night. Something she hadn’t done since she set foot on that ship. Zireael hadn’t even bothered to ask anyone here if they knew about the prince or the fleet. It was a distant memory and would be until tomorrow morning when they set off again.
Walking into the tavern, Poe wasn’t ready for the boisterous voices that sing off key, but they were lively. The song tells of throwing coins to some hero from what Poe took of it. Zorii had shoved him into a booth in the back and provided the roughness of the shove; she wasn’t overly pleased with him. They hadn’t been getting along very well recently and he couldn’t stop thinking about home. He also couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wondered how much she had changed since he had seen her. How many braids had she gained? He dreamed of his fingers traveling over patterns of the plaits. He imagined undoing her plaits and his fingers combing through those strands. Would he ever see her again? He couldn’t afford to think like that when Zorii was around. She had taken notice of how he changed when he was in deep thought. It led to questions and more confrontation between them. She never appreciated hearing his answers. Exhaling, he searched the tavern as everyone sang heartily with the drinks in their hands. He hadn’t seen a sight like this in so long. He missed moments like this, but Zorii was simply using this to put him in a good mood. This was the first time that he had even left the ship in two weeks. It had been a punishment when he had stopped her from hurting someone who he felt was honest. She wasn’t pleased with him. She still wasn’t, and her actions confirmed it more and more.
His eyes paused on a figure that rested diagonally across from them. They were sitting with their hood up and a long pipe between their lips. Squinting, he could make out some details, but not enough. It wasn’t until one of their crew, or who he guessed was their crew, pulled the hood down. Her long raven hair lay over her shoulder as she smacked at them before pulling the hood back up. The table rocked as Zorii practically slammed their drinks on the table, the liquid spilling over the rim.
“Everything alright?” He asked, but his brown eyes continued watching over her shoulder to the enigmatic young woman. She rested with one leg draped over the edge of the table and the other stretched out, with her foot resting in the chair. Smoke escaping either the corner of her lips or her nostrils. She didn’t look older than him and Zorii.
“It’s fine, Poe. It’s just loud in here.”
She wasn’t mistaken about that, but he embraced the songs and dance of the other company that was here. He speculated on what they were pleased about. Maybe it was just being off the ship like he was. Poe wished to meet them, but that would only annoy Zorii more. Their relationship was constantly tethering on good and just awful. One minute she was applauding him for something and the next scolding him like a child. It was disheartening. When he first met her, he was drawn to her. She had taken him away from Yavin, had shown adventure that he never could have envisioned, but it wasn’t all roses. It was darker than he ever thought. There was another side of the world that his father had sought to protect him from. The thought of his father made him close his eyes. He missed his papa more than he could say. What was he doing right now? How much resentment did his papa have? Would his papa even wish to see him again? It weighed massively on his mind. He asked each day that he would see his papa soon.
Getting a sip of his drink, he watched as the mystery young woman smoked her pipe. He couldn’t figure out why he was so taken by her. Could it be because her crew was cheerful and dancing around their little area? Poe couldn’t say for sure. A sigh escaped Zorii’s lips, and he lifted a brow at her. She must have wanted his attention. Above her top lip, she had gathered a bit of foam from her drink.
“You have something on your lip.”
He looked away once more as she wiped her mouth. He watched as the other got up from her chair to go to the counter and he was already moving, leaving behind a confused Zorii. Nudging his way through the sea of bodies and smacking into a very built man with silvery hair. The man stood silently before Poe murmured an apology and moved around him. However, the young woman was back in her chair and another had scooted in beside her. He had missed his chance. Poe frowned before discovering a vacant seat at the bar and promptly taking it for himself. Maybe the owner would know something about her. He just needed to get the man to talk. Poe did his best to get a better glimpse at the curious young woman, but someone invariably got in the way. A snicker from the barkeep caused his head to snap up.
“It looks like Zireael has captured your eye.”
“Is that her name? Zireael? Where’s she from?”
“Not much is known about her and her crew. They are highly respected wherever they travel. They don’t create trouble with others and frequently are the ones stopping the trouble.” The man responded while he wiped down the counter. He had a name now. Zireael. It varied from anything he had heard before, but it suited her.
“She doesn’t look like much.” Zorii sneered as she took a seat on the vacant stool beside Poe. He had speculated how long it would take for her to follow him, and she had set a record for five minutes. Zorii would never let him out of her sight for too long, anyway. Even during their job earlier, Zorii wouldn’t let him do anything other than hold the goods. Even that was something that she didn’t want him doing.
“Looks can be deceiving.” He retorted without glancing at Zorii. Zorii had deceived him. She wasn’t what he expected when they first met, and neither was the world beyond Yavin. She had been beautiful to him then, inside and out. However, she had a very unique nature. Zorii could be ruthless with upholding the Kijimi kingdom. This was her way of life, and Poe wasn’t certain if he even fit in with it. He was repeatedly working to persuade her that there had to be another alternative in situations that didn’t call for such vicious measures. He felt he was getting through to her. Later the next day she would go back to the old Zorii. He didn’t wish to give up hope on her. He genuinely thought that maybe he could show her a fresh perspective than what she had known.
“I wouldn’t mess with Zireael and her crew.” A gruff voice uttered, and Poe looked at the owner. The silver-haired man in black leather who looked like he could easily defeat anyone in this bar. The man grunted before he made his way back to a table where two others sat. A dark-haired woman and the young man who had been singing earlier. For such a broad man to claim that made Poe curious to learn more about this Zireael. However, he feared Zorii would let him get any closer.
“I’m sure she wouldn’t dare mess with the Kijimi Fleet!” Zorii made certain that her tone rose above everything. It didn’t matter that they still were trying to keep Poe’s identity hidden. That was always the major priority when they came into any town. It didn’t matter how far away they were from Yavin. There was always a risk. None of them were positive if they were being followed still or not. It wasn’t something that they were eager to risk.
His heart was pounding as he watched Zorii, then over to Zireael. Silence settled over the tavern, and no one dared to speak. Zireael’s crew had gathered around their leader and stood by to see what this stranger would do. They were outnumbered, and Poe wasn’t sure how unforgiving Zireael was. He had gotten no claims about that. Even the trio in the very back sat watching to see what would transpire. It became clear to Poe at that moment that everyone here respected this young woman. They had no support or allies here.
“Drop it, Zorii Wynn.” Poe grabbed her forearm and sought to draw her away from any sort of argument with the other. This wouldn’t end well for anyone involved. Zorii had pulled her arm out of his grasp and crossed the way to where the hooded woman remained. She hadn’t even acknowledged Zorii in the slightest. Her head had tilted up to blow smoke out as Zorii cleared her throat. The suspense grew between both of the young women, but the brown-haired girl didn’t take another step. Zireael’s crew circled her, and a taller male stood to her right, daring her to take another step.
“Anything to say, Zireael?” Zorii asked with an air of confidence that Poe wasn’t positive that she should have at this moment. He usually adored when she got bold, but this was something that was asking for more trouble. He gulped as watched from behind given that.The chair scraped against the floor as Zireael rose and faced Zorii. The smug smirk on her lips would not remain much longer. Or that’s what everyone guessed. Her hand lifted to stop her crew from taking another step, and they bowed to her. Then she made a fist, and they went to their seats once more. She didn’t even have to speak a word to them! Poe was in awe of that. Striding across the small distance in front of Zorii, sucked in the smoke from the pipe and held it. Puckering her lips, she blew the smoke beside Zorii’s face before she spoke.
“Sit down, girl. My crew is resting and you have no friends here. I won’t entertain you.”
Zorii had turned her head from the smoke before Poe grabbed her arm and tugged her back. Spotting the small wave Zireael gave him before she moved back to her seat. They had evaded another fight. Without even glancing back at Zorii, he pulled her out of the tavern, recognizing this was his chance to avoid a needless quarrel. He didn’t care that Zorii was yelling at him, she had everything under control. He was fighting the impulse to run back into that tavern and plead for Zireael to let him accompany her or help him get home. Poe was having to fight himself as he hastened his pace to the docks. He needed to put distance between him and that place as quickly as possible.
“She was part of the Kijimi Fleet!” Griff whispered firmly as he slipped into the chair in front of Zireael. Her hood had fallen down and her hand gingerly touched her neck, seeking something. The action led to him to glare, but they had just picked up a lead without meaning to. She had already given two of her women the order to follow Zorii and the stranger that was with her. This was a serious lead in their job, and she was going to see that it didn’t slip away. Poe was close. Closer than she could even imagine.
“I heard. We can’t follow them just yet. We aren’t sure who all is with them and we need to see what the king wishes to do. Don’t rush this, Griff. We need to be careful before we strike.”
Zireael didn’t dare try to rush this, and was going to make sure that they had everything before proposing a strike. They had to see what Kes wished to do before they really acted. Her command went far. But this was his son. She wouldn’t overstep her bounds with that.
“Let’s rest for the night, and when the others come back, we can plan with Kes. I don’t want to raise any alarm. They might have slipped up once but they won’t do it repeatedly.”
With that, Zireael rose up and made her way out of the tavern. Passing by the table where the trio sat, she placed a pouch of coins on their table and patted the back of the silver-haired man.
Third month
They had been tracking the Kijimi Fleet for days. Waiting for the perfect time to seize and board their main ship. Kes remained to her right, and Griff on her left. Zireael felt proud of herself. Everything had fallen into place, and it was time to collect their reward. Ever since that night in the tavern, when she had the pleasure of encountering that girl, she had followed them. She had kept distance not to create any suspicion. It was all about to pay off.
“Zireael, you’ve done it.” Kes grasped her shoulder while the young privateer smirked. Had there ever been any doubt? She was young, but she always got the job done. This had just been another job for her, and she was about to close the deal.
“Don’t tell me that my pretty face made you consider I wouldn’t.” The ravenette chuckled while both the men snorted. However, there was one question that all of them but no one wanted to ask. “Your highness, do you think your boy will return with us?”
Just asking made her feel as if she had taken all the joy and happiness from the moment. This was something that she needed to acknowledge before she communicated with the leader and got near the prince. There were a plethora of challenges that could go down when they got on the main ship. Maybe the prince wasn’t even on the ship. Maybe they had taken him elsewhere and led them on a chase just to shake them off the trail. It wasn’t uncommon for that to happen.
“I - I can only hope that he does.”
That wasn’t the answer that any of them wanted, but it was the best that he could give them. There was the biggest possibility that Poe wouldn’t come with them, and all of this would be for nothing. Poe could run to them and give thanks that his father had come for him. Either way, they were all intimidated by how the leader would handle everything. They could create an unnecessary fight, and that could lead to something more fatal. There were too many risks for Zireael’s liking and with each one coming to mind provoked her to grind her teeth.
Her eyes lifted to the sky, and another obstacle rose. The ominous storm clouds were rolling in. Time was now of the essence, and she could curse all the deities in the world for this. They needed to catch up now or they would waste their chance.
“Let’s hope this storm holds off and let’s pray your boy has a moment of clarity.”
“They have been pursuing us for days, Zorii! We don’t even know who they are!” Marinda groaned as they all sat in Zorii’s cabin. Everyone was on edge and had been since they learned they were being tracked. They weren’t even certain who was following them, but everyone assumed it was because of the prince. Poe scratched at the awkward stubble growing on his face and simply shrugged his shoulders. Even he wasn’t sure who it was or could be. Did he wish it was his father and company coming to save him? Yes, but he didn’t think anyone would track him for this long. It had been three months since he had last been in Yavin, three months since he had seen his father, and Ro. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he missed her. He missed their simple summers together. What would they have done this summer in Yavin? She would have made him go to the water gardens with her. He would have teased her for not being able to reach any of the fruit that grew from the trees. He would scold her about forgetting her shoes on the way back to the castle. Although he would smile as he carried her on his back to the castle.
“Poe? Poe!” Zorii snapped her fingers in front of his face and he jumped slightly. Had he actually been that deep in his thoughts? That perhaps wasn’t the best thing to do during this meeting that they were having. Everyone was already blaming him as it was, and this didn’t make it any better.
“Could you repeat that?” He asked, working a hand through his unruly curls to move them from his forehead.
“Do you have any idea who they might be? Zorii asked with obvious irritation in her tone. He didn’t seem to care at this point. Zorii claimed his hands were just as stained as hers now. He was part of the Kijimi Fleet and always would be. She had even informed him that if his father found out that they would never welcome him home. Part of him absolutely believed her. He wasn’t a prince. Not in his eyes anymore.
“No, I don’t. They don’t have any colors that would link them to Yavin or Naboo.” Poe deliberately left out Cianna. That kingdom probably never wanted him to show his face again. It was probable that they had even declined to support Kes with any sort of expedition to find him. He could hardly imagine what Ro was going through. When he had first left, he considered she might be ecstatic and reveling in her freedom. But that wasn’t the case now. He thought of her telling him she would wait. Was she waiting for him right now? Or was she grieving, like Ignis had envisioned? He imagined Ignis was proud of himself after receiving the news. He had presumably swooped in to save the day. To mend her broken heart. There was that jealous feeling once again. He didn’t want Ignis anywhere near Ro. Yet there was little he could do now. He was miles away and he would never see home again.
There was still the thought of the young woman from that tavern. She differed from Zorii and Ro. Maybe he could find her again and join her company. She seemed far more respected by her crew than Zorii. Her crew feared her, and Poe wasn’t sure how he felt about that. There was a significant difference between being feared and being respected. He wanted that night at the tavern to have gone much differently. Poe wished he had left with the other, but that was a fading memory. He was with the Kijimi Fleet now, and he needed to accept that.
“Fine, let them catch up, and we’ll let them come on board. We’ll have a surprise for them when they do.”
The prince shivered at Zorii’s words. He didn’t need to ask what she meant or what she had arranged. He already knew, and this was going to be another test for him to prove his loyalty to them and hold his sickness down until after the ordeal.
It should have been a red flag when they neared the fleet’s main ship. Zireael ignored her gut instinct, though. This was certainly their moment, and she would not miss it. They had previously established that Kes would remain on their ship. It was much too risky to have the king with them. If they came back with no prince and a king barely hanging on by a thread, the entire kingdom of Yavin would make them pay. The ships were parallel, and she expected to meet the captain, but got approached by the brunette from the tavern. There was no way.
“Well, I can’t believe I’m facing you again. I’ll make this brief. King Kylo of Naboo is searching for a fugitive and I’m under his orders to investigate any vessel that I come across.” Zireael called out as she stepped onto the railing of her ship, Griff standing beside her as another stood beside the brunette.
“The king of Naboo has no say in this far out on the sea, but I will allow it. Make it quick.”
That should have been her first cue not to do it, but victory was in her clutch. Nothing else mattered in this moment to her. Nothing. They set the plank across to allow her and Griff to walk across. Her crew followed them. One false step and it was all over. The Kijimi crew offered no joy at seeing them on board and glared the minute that their boots touched the deck.
“I didn’t catch your name that night.” Zireael spoke as she readjusted her navy blue overcoat and held out her hand to Zorii. At least the ravenette was doing her best to appear civil to Zorii. She realized that the young woman didn’t want to even see at all. The eyes of her crew were burning into her and Griff’s forms. It didn’t matter to them. They were about to close another job, and that was all that mattered. Somewhere on this ship Prince Poe was hiding, but now it was time for him to come home.
“Zorii Wynn, I’m the captain of this ship.” She grasped Zireael’s forearm, and both of the women felt for any weapon that could be on the other. Convinced that they felt nothing on the other, they released their grip and gave each other a forced smile. Now it was time to investigate. She believed she hadn’t given Zorii any reason to suspect her purpose for being here. She believed that this wouldn’t take too long and that it would be an easy recovery, but she was ready either way. Giving the signal, Griff started below deck while she took the top. They could cover more of the ship this way and this would throw Zorii off the actual trail. She wouldn’t know who to follow. Without lingering on Zorii, the ravenette examined the deck and looked through anything that could hide someone. She investigated every crevice and cranny before she started on her way to the captain’s quarters. However, she noted Zorii was now trailing her, and that raised another flag to her. Zorii was hiding something.
Griff had completed a complete job hunting through the lower deck, despite all the resistance he had faced. They continued asking him why he was searching through everything and what he wanted. None of his answers pleased them. However, he had been interrupted by one girl, Marinda, and they had been taking part in a discussion that was being withheld from the others. The other members simply watched from afar and didn’t disturb them. After a few minutes, Griff made his way back to the top deck and went to find Zireael. He wondered if she had made any progress. The climb of the stairs seemed harder this time, and he dreaded the discovery that Zireael might have made.
He made certain to double check over the deck even though she was through, but he was letting take her time. This was going to be her moment, and he didn’t want to take that away. She truly deserved this, and he couldn’t wait to see how she handled it. He remained in the hall before striding into the captain’s quarters. However, the sight they greeted him with made him cease. There was the prince, gripping the hand of the captain, as Zireael simply looked at them. Zorii’s eyes found his, and he simply cleared his throat as Poe tore his eyes off of Zireael and to him. A flash of recognition shone in the prince’s eyes.
“I’ll ask you again. Where did you get that necklace?” Poe asked through gritted teeth. The necklace that Zireael wore was Ro’s necklace that he had given her the summer before he disappeared. That night had been special to both of them and for some stranger to wear it made him see red. It raised plenty of questions, and Griff could only shake his head.
“That is none of your concern!” Zireael’s voice trembled. She was losing control of herself. Her shield was coming down, and she was struggling to pull it all together. The last moments were upon them, and nothing was going as planned. Before anyone could register what was transpiring, Poe had seized the pleats of her coat and pressed her against the wall. This woman could have done something to Ro and stolen her necklace. The necklace that he had given her.
“Tell me!”
Zireael searched his brown eyes, and all she could see was fury. Her hand shook as she gently raised her hand up to her head. Grasping the top of her hair, she lifted off the raven wig and tossed it to the side. Fingers worked to pull out the pins and release the two burgundy braids. Griff shook his head while Zorii watched in confusion, not recognizing who this girl really was. It was all very confusing for her. However, the sight of Poe’s eyes lighting up at the sight almost went unseen. Her emerald hues searched his, and her hands moved out to cup his cheeks. Her thumbs brushing over his cheekbones.
“Poe. . .”
He leaned into her familiar touch and sighed. It had to be a dream. He had daydreamed of her gentle touch for practically three months, and here she was. It was happening, but it wouldn’t last long. He recognized that. Poe wished to hold her and never let her go. He wondered if his father was here with her. She had been searching for her since he had left, and that made his heart swell. She had crossed oceans and possibly suffered so much just to recover him.
“Who is this, Poe? Get her off our ship! We don’t have time for this! We need to get back to Kijimi!” Zorii reached for Poe’s arm and led him back to her. Her eyes darkened as she studied with the girl who he called Ro. She had heard the stories of this princess, and here she stood. This was one that Zorii had been warned about, and she would not let Poe leave with her.
“Poe, you swore we would go back to Kijimi! We would change the kingdom! You can’t betray me!”
The tears were forming in Zorii’s eyes while Poe looked between her and Aurora. The young woman he had known since he was eight had come all this way to rescue him, and it tore him apart. Zorii’s pleads filled one ear, and Griff stood beside Ro. It didn’t take him long before he realized it was Ignis. His hair was darker, but he could somewhat see the braids that were hidden. Ro didn’t deserve any of this. She deserved far better, and he was different now. He had changed more than she could understand. The prince wasn’t the same, and he couldn’t expect her to accept that. He needed to stop putting himself first. He needed to think of her. It was time to do the right thing. Sighing, he straightened up beside Zorii and let out a nervous sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
It was at that moment that Ro realized Poe would not come back with them. He had taken another path that she wouldn’t be able to follow. This path would keep them apart for the rest of their days, and nothing would bring them back together. Her heart broke at the thought that this was going to be the last time that she would see Poe, and there was so much that she needed to tell him. However, she wouldn’t be able to, and it was tearing her apart. Her fingers were trembling at her sides, and all she craved to do was hug him again. She wanted to tell him that their engagement didn’t matter anymore, and she just needed her friend to come home. She wanted to beg Poe to just come home and be with Kes again. All the words were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t force any of them out. Ignis kept his grip on her shoulder and lightly squeezed as they all watched at each other. They were only wasting time now.
“Me too.”
That was all she could say, and she wasn’t even sure if it made sense. It didn’t matter to her anymore. An arm draped around her shoulders and she was brought out of the quarters and back to the plank. Ignis stopped as he took her hand while she climbed up on the railing and crossed the slab. Her head was still high as she started the walk, and she didn’t let her own crew see she was defeated. She didn’t want them to see that she had lost and how upset that she actually was. No, she would make certain that they saw her as they always did. All that faded when Kes came to her and scanned around for Poe. All she could do was shake her head and wrap her arms around him tightly. Sniffling as she hid her face in his chest as she tried to hold back tears.
“I’m so sorry.”
The rain had started to fall and for once she couldn’t tell if it was her tears or if it was the raindrops.
Later that night, Poe sat up in the crow's nest, staring up at the sky. The rain had ceased some time ago, but he didn’t care either way. His eyes weren’t nearly as puffy now and couldn’t stop thinking about her. He could still see his father hugging her when he closed his eyes, but this was to protect them. Poe wasn’t the same anymore and had carried out unspeakable acts that would make his father more than disappointed. He was part of the Kijimi Fleet now, and that’s where he was going to remain. Maybe there would come a chance where he could come home and see them again. He might even see Ro again, but right now he couldn’t think of that. He couldn’t dwell on her. The moment he saw her hair, he almost forgot him. It was a simpler style, and he understood why, but missed seeing her hair in those styles. He had even noted how her cheeks held more freckles than he normally observed in the summer when they would see each other.
Zorii had ascended into the crow’s nest with him and for the first time, he realized how much of a tight fit it was. He did his best to scoot further away from her, but it wasn’t enough. Her head on his shoulder caused him to stiffen, and he didn’t care if she noticed. He didn’t care about much at this point and kept silent.
“Never betray me, Poe Dameron.”
The encounter with Poe and Zorii hadn’t gone over how she planned at all. She would not reveal herself until after they had safely brought Poe back. However, her necklace had given her away. Ignis had advised her it would be a risk before they even left Yavin. However, Ro couldn’t make herself take it off. It had been a gift from Poe. Her last link to Poe and it had exposed her to him. There had been hope that when he realized it was her he would come back, but he simply apologized. She had gotten back on the ship and lied to Kes about not finding Poe.
Aurora had kept herself separate from everyone when she got back to the ship. Ro had even pushed Ignis away the moment they got back. She ordered him to oversee the journey home. It riddled her mind with so many questions, so many concerns, and thoughts of him. One thought that stood out to her was his warm brown eyes carried no light. They were so dull. Poe didn’t look like himself. That wasn’t the Poe she recalled. When he had realized who she was, there had been a small light, but it immediately diminished when Zorii spoke. What has taken place in these last three months? They had both changed, but she wasn’t certain if it had benefitted either of them. All she knew now was that she wanted to get to Yavin, then back to Cianna. She needed to be with her Da, momma, and her sister. Home. She craved home.
Aurora remained between her father and Ignis as Kes addressed everyone about the prince’s disappearance. The chamber was remarkably warm, and she cursed her father for forcing her to wear this damn dress. It seemed to stick to her skin and trap all the warmth. Ro felt sick as she listened to the king. She had lied. She had lied to protect Poe and let him have his freedom. Her stomach coiled and churned. She could taste the bile building up and did her best not to get sick. Her index finger clawing at her skin around her thumbs, certain it was becoming red and irritated.
“However, I will honor Princess Aurora’s efforts in attempting to locate my son. I will honor her in the custom of her own kingdom.”
No. No. No.
Her green eyes grew with fear and she stared up at her father, who was just as shocked, and he nodded for her to go. She hadn’t earned a braid. No! That braid would be a lie! It wasn’t properly earned at all! Her knees trembled with each step that she took, head bending to Kes. Pressing her lips into a small smile, she shook her head to him.
“Your highness, I haven’t earned it. I could not bring the prince home to you and his people. I can not accept it.” She whispered as her eyes moistened once again. Kes shook his head before drawing her into a strong hug.
“You have earned more than you think. I will always consider you family.” He murmured into her ear. Her fingers twisted into his robes as she did her best to collect herself. Would he say that if he realized the truth? If he knew, she had lied to him and let Poe go with the Kijimi fleet. He drew back from the embrace and gently spun her to face the crowd.
“My braid won’t be as lovely as King Jaqen’s but I shall do my best.” He laughed, and the court followed. All but her. Instead, she looked down and struggled to keep herself from being sick. The moment that Kes gathered her hair and started a modest braid, she thought of Poe. What would he think about this? Would he tell his father how she had deceived him? How undeserving she really was. The darkness in her mind informed her that everybody knew she was a liar. They all knew, and they were simply mocking her. She would wear this braid and its weight would constantly be heavy with guilt. Shame that would remind her of how she deceived a king and his kingdom. The anxiety in her chest was growing and becoming tighter with each second. Ro wished to grasp his hands and scream at him to stop. She didn’t want this braid. Eventually, Kes had finished her braid and bound with her other ones. The whole chamber applauded and cheered for her, her vision blurring from the tears. These weren’t tears of happiness.
After the address finished, Ro dashed back to her room. Ransacking the room, looking for her dagger or anything to cut off the cursed braid. She opened every drawer and emptied its contents as tears streamed down her cheeks. Upon discovering a pair of scissors, she brought them to the base of the braid and looked in the mirror. Cut it. That’s all she had to do. Cut the damn braid and never think about it ever again. Her lip wobbled as she forced down another scream that had been scratching its way up her throat since she left Poe.
“Ro! Stop!” Ignis immediately slammed her door behind him and clutched her wrist. His other hand seized the scissors and set them on the dresser.
“Let me cut this damn braid, Ignis! I order you to let me cut the cursed thing!” Her fingers curved into tight fists as she tore them out of his grasp. Her nails dug into the skin of her palms.
“No! You earned it! Just because prince perfect didn’t come home is not your fault!”
“Shut up! Shut up! You don’t know him!”
“And you do? He left his kingdom, sailed with the Kijimi Fleet, and chose another girl over you! Poe has never loved you! Poe doesn’t love you, Aurora! He will never love you!”
She didn’t want to hear his remarks, and her hand came to caress her necklace. Shaking her head at Ignis because she couldn’t even find words. His words cut deeper than any blade could.
“No! You’re wrong!”
“Ro, please. I have watched since we were young. I see what you miss. Poe is selfish and will never love you. He established that long ago. Let go.”
Before she could stop him, Ignis had reached out and grasped her necklace. The leather was worn from all the exposure, and it took little for him to break it. However, he wasn’t expecting Ro to sink her nails into his skin as he seized it. He started towards the window and opened it. Her pleas were slipping out the window and without a second thought, he flung the necklace.
“There’s nothing to tie you to him anymore, princess.”
She collapsed to the floor as he quietly left her room. The breezing caused her to shiver before she brought a hand up to her lips. Biting down on a bent knuckle as she finally screamed. The other palm hitting the floor as she gave up control. Her teeth were leaving imprints on her skin and splitting the skin. The slight taste of copper on her tongue as she let the emotions escape her. Her tears hadn’t ceased, and her entire body rocked.
She felt numb.
Months after. . . .
A queen remained in her bed, struggling with each breath that she drew. Her hand tightly gripped by the husband that she adored, her children curled up beside her. The oldest princess wept the loudest, and her fingers tangled in her mother’s blouse. The princess was no stranger to loss anymore, but it wasn’t becoming easier. In fact, it was harder and harder. The father held his wife into a more comfortable position as she fought to brush their girls’ hair. Her fingers ran through their hair as she murmured a lullaby. With each breath she drew, they held theirs, scared it would be the last. When her eyes closed, their father took them back to their rooms and tucked them in, knowing that one of them would seek the other for comfort. He wasn’t shocked when he closed the oldest girl’s door and heard a wail so agonizing that he begged for the maker to ease her pain. The girl was moving and he could hear her destroying everything in her room, not caring what happened to it. She cursed every god that she had ever learned about. Her sobs and screams wracked through her lithe frame and she sank to her knees with her arms crossed and clutching her shoulders. Rocking back and forth as she let the tears spill down her cheeks. The kingdom all mourned that night, but none louder than she. However, they didn’t cry just for their beloved queen. They wept for her entire family, notably the oldest princess.
The snowy kingdom embraced the boy with wide arms, and the queen was overjoyed to have such a noble boy as her guest. She would offer him whatever he requested, craved, and desired, as long as he stayed. He would be taken care of. The girl held his hand as they walked the corridors of her home and taught him all that she could. However, it didn’t feel like home to him. No matter how many times the girl smiled at him, held his hand, or kissed him, it wasn’t enough. The queen’s gifts, dinners, and parties only drove him to miss home more. He missed the father that would give him advice and tease him. He missed his best friend that would always do his best to help him. However, the boy missed the girl that had always tried to be his friend; the girl was just as stubborn as he was; he missed her smile, her laugh, and more. Most importantly, he just missed her. When the news of another queen passing reached the snowy kingdom, the boy left in the dead of night. Not a word spoken to anyone. It was time to go home.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
The King: Eternal Monarch Ep 6, Romance
Okay. That hug at the end was pretty much a confirmation of their feelings for each other, right? I’m scared(in a good way) for the direction this is taking, because romance has been established but we’re only on episode six, so what’s to come? I’m pretty sure we’re having a slow burn with the villain plot for a reason and that’s scary because a Villain who moves in the shadow (see what I did there! Ha! An Extraordinary You reference hehe) is certainly a unpredictable character. I mean if Haru taught me anything is that you have power outside the stage LOL Okay, okay enough with the EY references.
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Ow, my heart! The way he is looking at her after saying that. And then, he later said that he didn’t want her to leave that he could make her stay (by force of course lol) if he wanted to. But our hot majesty is too much of a gentleman and decent person to do that. And he did let her go.
I’m glad that Lee Gon was able to connect the dots quickly when he learnt the truth from his uncle. He finally knows that Lee Rim (i.e. the person who tried to murder him when he was a kiddo) is alive and not only that, but he also travels between the worlds. And his hot majesty understands that he is plotting something and he definitely wants the other half of the flute.
I just don’t want him to go down the noble idiocy route and “break up” with TaeEul because he is putting her in danger. He knows she is brave and smart enough to take care of herself and he needs her help to find evil uncle. I mean, even if he were to do it, it wouldn’t last because, well, is too early in the drama Ha!
(If you’re active on social media, you must know that there are some pretty big spoilers out there, including one beloved main character getting hurt, but I stil don’t know how to put my theories into place so that I understand what’s to come, butI know it won’t be pretty.)
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You don’t fool me. You just wanted to hold hands with her! And I’m so here for it!
Their kitchen date was everything I wanted and more, even though they didn’t say much. Because there was no need to. And he made her food, how cute is that? (But the reason behind why he learned to cook was sad). She knows the whole story about his family now and how he became King at freaking eight years old! And when she told her that he grow up well, awww my heart! The look in Lee Gon’s face. And he knows she understands that it was painful. A lot was said in that scene. 
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Please, stop it. For my heart! I love that when she says she understands he could have been lonely in her world, his first thought is to ask wether she felt lonely. Awwwww.
And they respect each other now and admire the work the other does. And what’s even better than that, being travelers between parallel worlds, now they’re more empathetic towards each other. This experience has certainly made the romance develop at gigantic steps, cause it brought them closer. Sorry Sinjae and Yeong, but these two have something on another level now. Ooops.
So when she left, I said NOOO! It’s too soon, it was only a day, he spent days at your world, TaeEul! Stay a bit more. Plus, nobody besides Sinjae noticed he ausence hahahaha. (But tbh it was kinda sad lol).
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This is timey wimey stuff. No doubt about it. Time travel is afoot and I wonder if the key is that weird in-between-worlds place. It seems that way, but how? Kim Eun Sook-nim, talk to me, tell me how?! 
I loved that bit when they were saying goodbye (not in that weird place between worlds, before) and she called him Lee Gon. It was such a powerful moment and his hot majesty was hit with a lot of emotions that I don’t think he expected. Aww these two have my heart and I’m loving their story a lot. Please don’t hurt me too much.
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These two have a lot of responsibilities in their respective worlds and a lot of people depend on those jobs being done right, so I actually like and admire the fact that, despite missing each other and not being able to communicate in such a long time, did not make them all melancholic and unable to work and carry on with their lives. They weren’t all mopey and crying in corners. I love that about them. And I supect we’re in for a lot of that, so I’m hoping (and I feel confident in this) this is how they handle future separations. To kick some ass while you SO is in the other world working, you got this! Both of you!
Also, I loved their souvenirs, Tae Eul had money from the Kingdom, with Lee Gon’s face on it hahahaha and his hot majesty had her hair tie and he wore it so much that he made a mark on his royal skin lol.
This scene was beautiful. As is the whole drama.
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Listen, I was not sold into their romance in that first episode, but you can be damn sure that I am now. I’m a sucker for these two and I just hope friday comes soon. Even if I’m not ready for what’s to come. LMAO.
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Someone help him, this man is totally in love!
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starshineandbooks · 3 years
Cordelia sanders 2
Janus is cautiously looking forward to the day's activities. He and Remus will be taking Delia to town to spend a day together bonding.
It will be very nice to have his close friend back, but he is excited to reminisce with his daughter. 
Remus has gone to grab coffees, and Delia is supposed to be at the door any moment. 
Janus is ready to analyze everything to get to know his little girl better.
He opens the door to see Delia standing there, and his mind is already cataloging information.
High-waisted flare leg jeans, converse, a light tank top with a dark plaid button up. She has a sense of fashion that Janus can appreciate.
"Good morning, Janus."
Patton appears by Janus, and Delia seems to turn more polite, Janus smiles, “Patton?”
“Hello kiddo!” PAtton smiles, “Jay, say hi!”
“Good morning, Patton.” Delai says simply.
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road!” Remus cries, slinging an arm about Delia, “C’mon little mistake, to the mall!”
    Janus sighs, “Remus, please, the boys are sleeping.”
    Dalie leans into Remus, “Cephy, are we going to Spencers and hot topic?”
    “Uh- do I hate society?”
    Delia chuckles softly, then, “Are you ready Janus?”
    “Yes, just a moment, let me bid the others fare well.”
    “Of course,” SHe nods.
    Janus moves back into the hotel room, bidding his beloved's farewell before he exits the hotel room.
    Delia is smaller than Remus, most people are smaller than Remus really. She sits at a comfortable height of Remus’ chin, but he is about six foot eight so it isn’t a surprise. Delia’s uncle is bulky, muscular, he always has been, it’s how he’s worked to combat his own issues. Delia is smaller, fit of course but not muscled, just slightly toned.
    Janus follows the two out, thanking Remus when he hands a coffee to the man.
    “I really am sorry about Patton, I can't believe he said that.” Janus says, “He’s sorry too. But still, that was out of line.”
    Remus snorts, “You don’t say.”
    Delia just blinks, walking forwards, her arm hooked through Remus’, she seems content in the silence. Remus watches everything much closer than Janus remembers, his eyes flitting to his niece every few seconds.
    “So, Delia, do you enjoy reading?” Janus asks.
    She turns her gaze to him, calculating then, “Some, when I have the time.”
    Remus scoffs, “Please, who are you fooling?”
`    “What do you like to read?” Janus asks gently.
    “Oh, anything.”
    “I see.”
    “She likes poetry,” Remus says, “And she enjoys Stephen King.”
    “Excellent,” Janus says, and he sounds so pleased, Delia’s lips quirk up just a little.
    “There’s almost a smile, c’mon kitty, don’t smile!” Remus teases, making Delia laugh.
    Janus listens, fond of course, her laugh is breathy and wheezing, but it’s happy and he recognizes it as his mother’s laugh. His baby has her grandmother’s laugh, and that is almost enough to stop him there and then.
    “Shut up Cephy,” Delia smack Remus’ arm quickly, “Awful.”
    He laughs at his niece, pulling her closer by the shoulders, “Aw, c’mon Delia, don’t smile, don’t smile!”
    She just snorts, rolling her eyes at him, then, “Shut it Cephalopod. So-... Janus, what do you like?”
    “I enjoy reading, I am a lawyer actually.”
    “A lawyer?”
    “I am, yes.”
    She nods then, “Remus says you and Logan are my biological parents?”
    “We are.” Janus says, “And you have his hair.”
    Janus nods, “Yeah, the wavy black hair, that’s his.”
    “You got double D’s eyes,” Remus chimes, sounding happy.
    Janus nods, Delia does have his eyes, strikingly gold, and wonderful for intimidation. And isn’t he just so proud of her, she lived through what must have been hell, and she’s still alive!
    His baby is alive, and she’s here!
    “You’re not- what I expected.” Delia admits softly, “None of you are.”
    “I still can’t believe Patton said that,” Remus grunts.
    Janus’ eyes widened because- oh god, Patton did say that.
    “It isn’t important, he’s proven who he is,” Delia says softly, but Janus hears it.
    Oh god, Janus swallows, his baby hates his beloved Patton, hates one of her fathers.
    “Ok, little trah,” Remus coos, “Don’t you worry about him, you got me, and daddy Janus!”
    “I know I have you Ree.”
    “You have me too,” Janus says finally, “If you want. Or whatever.”
    “Gave up the double talk?” Remus cackles.
    “No, definitely not,” Janus scoffs, rolling his eyes.
    Delia chuckles softly then tucks her hair behind her ear, giving Janus a side glance, before she looks into the distance. She turns, whispering something Remus, seemingly clamming back up.
    Remus snorts, “So, janny Bananie, tell us about your sons?”
    “My sons? Oh, yeah, sure.” Janus nods, “Brian and Pryce are twins, they’re about six, we adopted them, their mother died in the hospital and their father wasn’t around no one from their family took them.”
    Delia nods.
    “The third?” Remus asks.
    “Harley, also adopted, he’s eight, we got him when he was four, his original home was- bad.”
    “That's awful.” Remus sighs, “So are they all american or what?”
    “No, Harley’s French, he spoke french at home, we all learned that for him. The twins are hispanic so we have a very language mixed home.”
    “French?” Delia asks.
    “Yes, darling, it’s a nice language to hear, sometimes.” Janus explains gently.
    “No Hawaian?” She asks softly before her eyes widen, “I’m sorry-”
    “No, it’s okay.” Remus says firmly, “Janus isn’t going to hurt you baby trash.”
    “I wouldn’t.” Janus says, “No, Roman was better with Spanish than Hawaii, Remus is the one who’s good with Hawain.”
    She nods then, “I don’t- Remus taught me spanish, hawain, and the french he knows. He uhm,” She pauses, brows knitting, “como se dice, -Oh! He doesn't know much french.”
    “That, yes.” Delia nods.
    Janus just nods, seemingly used to the shenanigans.
    “Es muy rápido, si?” Remus teases as Delia falls a few steps behind.
    “Oh shut it cephy.”
    Janus sighs then, “Can we stop here,” He nods to the Barnes and Nobles, “I’ve been meaning to pick up the newest book series by Riordan, the boys love his work.”
    “Sure,” Remus shrugs, and Delia follows as the men lead her into the bookshop, eyes looking around the large, and homey store.
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writing-frenzy · 4 years
Alternate Perceptions- AHiT Idea
So, after accidently smashing head first into A Hat in Time Fandom and all their good shit, I got ideas some that refuse to be written, and one of them I thought I note out. (heavily inspired by doodledrawsthings, seriously, there stuff is so good.)
So, welcome to Alternate Perceptions! We can have multiple POVs here, so lets have fun with this.
First up, we have Prince Luke, who is taking a break from Law School for the summer to spend time with his fiance, Vanessa. Everything is just fine swell, normal carefree days, when the Prince and Princess starts to hear about rumors about a look-a-like. Sure, he’s heard some things while at the University, one person even said he looked so weird with a smile on his face ?? but Luke didn’t really question or think long on it... at least until someone, a noble in fact, asks if the Prince has a brother?
Luke blinked in surprise at the question, Vanessa even paused as she considered the man.
“I do not believe so...” Luke answered slowly, even as carefully took in the now sweating noble. Vanessa, do you really need to stare so hard?
“Ah, I see; sorry, just met an older chap and some girls, his daughter and her friend I believe, and he looked incredibly like your father.” the man excused, even as Luke tried his best not to twitch.
His father, the former and now retired King of another kingdom close to Subcon, while now known for his loyalty and incredible love for his wife... was formerly a rather... free young man in his youth.
‘Hopefully not another claiming they are the rightful heir to the thrown, there is a reason Uncle is in charge.’ Luke smiled, even as he felt Vanessa hold his hand in hers. It was a well known trouble that occasionally popped up here and there, people claiming to have raised a Royal’s bastard or claiming to be such even after the tests failed.
(At least his father had been careful, if not smart in his youth.)
“I’ll probably have to send a letter to Uncle later about this, I’m sure he’ll appreciate the warning of someone coming.”
The thing is, no one ever pops up. Oh, apparently this potential headache did go to his Uncle’s Kingdom, but never went to the castle at all. In fact, from what he heard, the man and two girls ended up saving a square full of people from some sort of explosion in a plaza, accepting thanks and food from the happy citizens, but actually refusing to go a step closer to the castle.
(There is much to say from the citizens, those who managed to take a peek of the man who managed to keep a heavy cloak on even in all the chaos, only for it to get knocked off in accident by a rescued child.
With those features, glowing golden eyes and a heavy scowl, one would almost think they were looking at the Former King in his youth.)
That was... suspicious. If the Prince wasn’t assured that the perpetrator of the explosion was caught, he might have thought the man was involved somehow. but as it goes, more and more stories come out, about this unusual trio going around, helping out here and there, even unearthing corrupted nobles and becoming one of the most talked about subjects since the Subcon Duchess’s scandals.  
And yet, it seems besides occasionally seen entering in Subcon Forest, this trio hasn’t actually stepped foot in Subcon itself.
Not until one unusual event.
Prince Luke gasped, for a good minute thankful for the harsh taskmaster his sword instructor was, insisting that the rest of the body needed to be just as trained as his hands and feet. Otherwise, carrying his beloved to safety might have been just that bit harder, what with all the finery her station required her to wear, though it was still a relief when he could finally set her down. But watching how the manor warped and twisted around them, the floor seeming to turn into actual lava, even ice in some places, the young royal couldn’t help but feel his stomach drop, even as him and the remaining nobles in the room clung to their last piece of safety in the ballroom that, that monster just transformed.
For a good minute, Luke just felt himself breathe, trying to calm down and think of a solution, only to be shocked when two children, just little girls at that, ran past him. He made to reach out to them, to maybe stop them, just about to call out to them, when he heard-
“My Prince, what are you thinking? We just barely escaped with our lives!” Vanessa exclaimed, holding on tight to the arm at his side.
“But those girls-”
“The kiddos will be fine; might want to worry about yourself more foool.” was cut in, the voice harsh and grim, but ever so familar in a way?. Turning as one, the nobles and Royals took in a heavily cloaked figure, golden lights the only thing one could see in the darkness of their hood.
“Snatcher! Do you think you can reach that lever over there? We’ll need that if we want to beat this guy and seal the rift!” one of the girls called out, the bow wearing one in fact.
“On it.” and with that, the other was moving, up and away from them (almost like they were running away it seemed).
With the trio coming in, they stop the being, and even return the place back to normal, much to everyone’s gratefulness.
But in all the confusion and chaos, the one called Snatcher and once Dad by the hat wearing girl, gets his cloak blown off, revealing their face to all.
Its.. it’s like looking in a twisted mirror in a way, because he sees in him the features of his father easily, it’s the same Luke had inherited, but where Luke has his mother’s smile and soft brown eyes to soften his features, you can see none of that in this Snatcher’s harden, tired face and glowing amber golden eyes.
The Eyes only Royal’s in Luke’s family can inherit. Eyes that show the Magic in their line, making them able to inherit the throne...
Things just got that much more complicated.
(Meanwhile, a Queen to be looks at this impostor, seeing this similar being to her perfect prince and inwardly seethes... and yet... Shows her sides she has never seen of her dear sweet Prince... It is a conflict of emotions she feels; does she want this man gone and buried, for twisting her beloved Prince’s image... or would he be a nice addition to the dungeons, for her to appreciate when her longing grows?) 
Meanwhile, the Other POV we can have!
So, normal day for Snatcher and the kids, just chilling in the pillow pile, getting ready for another exploration on the planet... when some idiot a world over plays around with time pieces, accidentally piercing through to them, the only other time that so many time pieces were gathered in their world and planet. This unfortunately drags the three over there, meeting the idiot and their plan to get revenge on the kingdoms around them any means necessary. 
So, their is some good news, bad news, and just oh good moon why.
Good news! It will not ruin their time line, their past has long since set, and they have no worries about messing with things here too much.
Bad news! If they happen to get too involve here in this world (i.e. forming magical bonds, eating magical food, using to much or many magical items that were created in this world) they risk never being able to go back home!
Oh good Moon Why News: it is a near perfect replica of Subcon Past, with Crazy Vanessa and a whipped Prince Luke running around, still ‘happy’ as it were. And they have to fix all these rifts in this world, along with stopping the head idiot in order to fix everything and go back to their own, meaning they will have to explore everywhere around them, Subcon and it’s terrible memories included.
Alternatly, this could also be called~
Snatcher’s no good, terrible, horrible, truly abhorring, detestable time in an Alternate Universe of Subcon and the Kingdoms around it.
The Snatch is not a happy camper, especially since he is now stuck in a meat suit. Luckily, he can use minor, low, low powered version of his powers. (now, I don’t know if he got transformed before or during all this, because both would be juicy, so I won’t say.) otherwise, Snatcher would be very tempted to listen to that dark little voice inside that says screw everything and one. 
He is not smiling, there are no smiles to be found, and everyone who meets him doesn’t mistake him for the prince. (because I find the thought funny on just how different a person can look with a whole different outlook and expression on their face.) Ironically, he gets the cloak because he doesn’t want to be mistaken for the prince or be accused of being a body snatcher or something, only for it not to even be needed for that in the end, though he doesn’t know this for a good, long while. (To not be mistaken as a illegitimate child or possible lost royal heir on the other hand... yeah.)
(The girls are doing their best to help how they can, providing distractions and just being themselves, getting a now rare smile out of the glowing eyed man before them.
It... it really helps)
Also, at one point, I want both Bow and Hat to just go yeet with Snatcher or vice versa, something all three trouble makers agreed to do if needed. Also, Snatcher Carrying one girl over his shoulder while the other under his arm as they run from something is a need as well.
(And maybe, in a moment of panic, of triggers and shaking, where Snatcher finds he can’t move, the two girls get protective, using a cheat or natural strength, they end up carrying their purple dad somewhere he can stress and panic in piece.)
Just, we can see the perceptions of everyone around us, with all these outside points of view, and we can really explore all the fun and tears to be had... welp, it’s at least fun to think about.
(also, interaction between Prince and Snatcher, with Snatcher having no worries of affecting the timeline... are fun to think on as well...)
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the-devil-herself · 5 years
Never Enough - Chapter 17
DESCRIPTION: Certain mates of Jotuns receive soulmate marks on their bodies. What happens when Loki’s mark is found on a girl with immense power? RATING: M
NOTES/WARNINGS: BIG TRIGGER WARNING -- mentions of infanticide and euthanasia, so please be careful before reading this chapter. Please let me know what you think!
TAGGED: @kneel-before-queen-loki​ @lokis-girl-in-mischief @tarithenurse @fangirls94 @hellofeysandarling @lokis-high-priestess @god-of-mischief-here-tada @marvelschriss
Everything was dark. I couldn’t move or breathe; I felt like floating. I was in a timeless void, and I couldn’t get out.
Until I heard shouting.
Suddenly, my eyes popped open. I had to shut them again as the light violently shone on me. Not being able to escape from the light so easily, I raised my hand to cover the harsh fluorescent bulb above me.
“Dana, you’re awake!” I heard Tony. His voice was strained with exhaustion and worry. I peeped an eye open very slowly to see the dark shadows under his eyes. “Thank God, kid.”
A hand gently grabbed my other arm, giving it a squeeze. Thor was smiling at me, his eyes bright with joy and relief, but there was something else in them. I could only faintly see the desperation beneath them.
“What happened?” I croaked.
Nat handed me a glass full of water, which I accepted gratefully. Steve recalled to me last night’s events with Lorelei. Apparently, she had done no real damage to me, fortunately missing all the big arteries. She had escaped, of course, but Loki was currently in pursuit.
“He left only after he knew you were okay,” Thor whispered to me. My heart felt lighter at that, but it didn’t drown out my worry over him. Why was he so adamant on killing this woman? Yes, she was evil, but there were plenty of evil people in this universe.
“Clint and Bruce are trying to track her down as well, but so far, nothing.” Nat refilled my glass, anticipating my needs expertly.
“And if they find her?” I asked.
Tony’s eyes were hard as he looked at a spot in the wall. “Then we destroy her.”
I spent the night under Tony and Thor’s watchful eyes. Nat and Steve would come in every now and then with food and water. However, the one person I really wanted here wasn’t around. My thoughts kept flipping to him and stressing over if he was okay or if he had found her.
I detailed hundreds of possibilities and scenarios of Loki finding Lorelei, that by the time he came back, I was so wound up with anxiety that I almost shot out of bed to hug him. Only Tony’s presence stopped that.
“What have you found?” Thor stood up to speak to Loki quietly, but the whole room was silent enough to where I could still hear them.
Loki shook his head. “Barely anything,” he hissed. “I do think I know where she’s headed, though.”
“She came to us,” Loki’s eyebrows were drawn together as he focused, “she’ll come to us again then. She needs something we have.”
Thor took a step forward. “And that is?”
“I should head to bed, kiddo,” Tony interrupted. He stretched in his chair before getting up and patting Thor on the back on his way out.
Loki’s eyes were drawn to me, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself. Thor noticed this subtle exchanging of looks and let himself outside. Loki slowly crossed the room to my bed and sat down on the chair Tony had vacated.
“I’m sorry I left you,” he whispered, his eyes turned downward in shame. “I just thought I might find her if I searched sooner.”
I shook my head. “It’s okay, I understand.” I put my hand over his without thinking, purely to calm him. His hand relaxed under my touch and brought his fingers through mine.
“She could’ve done much worse to you.” His hand suddenly bunched into a fist, and I could tell he was about to go into a blind rage.
I grabbed his hand again and placed it on my lap. “But she didn’t,” I pointed out.
He gave me a very weak smile before kissing the hand that held his. “I am immensely glad to see you okay, my little one.”
His face also looked taught and tired. I could tell he hadn’t slept either, nor did he plan to.
Dawn was coming through a bit a few hours later when Nat showed up with breakfast. Loki and I had separated ourselves, and he was seated across the room. She looked at him suspiciously but let it drop.
“You holding up alright?” she asked, a little smile showing on her face.
“So far.”
She handed me more toast, but I refused. “Dana, you need to eat more and gain your strength before we go kick the shit out of that witch,” she teased. I giggled at her joke, but I saw Loki stiffen immediately.
His hands clawed into his thighs as he tried to hold himself back. Something was up, and I needed to find out.
Once Nat left to go help Clint, I took the opportunity. “Why do you hate her so much?” I blurted.
Loki seemed startled at this outburst, but he swallowed and unclenched his hands. He came back to sit by me and tried to smile. “It’s nothing important,” he said quietly. Too quietly.
“Yes, it is,” I demanded. “Thor told me, okay? He told me you and her were engaged.”
Loki changed. His face went pale white, and it looked like a battle just went off in his head. “Aye, we were,” he muttered.
He didn’t say more only looking elsewhere for help. His eyes were scared and furious, his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he tried to swallow his words.
“Loki, please tell me!”
He stood up, startling me. “It is of no concern,” he shouted, glaring at me.
I shrank back in my covers at his fury. I had never seen him so angry, not even when he sent the Destroyer.
He realized his affect on me and softened his eyes. Running his hand down his face to clear his head, he apologized. “I’m sorry, little one, it’s just…”
“Just what?” I encouraged. To no avail. He sat down again and remained silent.
I couldn’t stand it anymore, the secrets, any of it. So, I kept prodding. “Thor said she killed a noble.” Loki’s face grew dark. “Did you know the person?”
He turned away from me for a long time, contemplating what to say next. When he finally turned around, his cheeks were wet with tears, and I knew he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Aye, I did,” he whispered. I felt his hand reaching for mine and gave it without a word. “Lorelei and I were engaged, but she turned to darker magic.”
I had already known this part but listened intensely to him describe their early relationship. They both had felt like outsiders and seidr brought them together. Frigga had even treated her like a daughter.
It was only common sense for them to have been together intimately.
But suddenly, she changed.
“She read a book, in the hidden depths of the library where no one ventured to,” he explained. “I had been there some times myself, but she had found a book on dark magic. Frigga had forbidden me to read it, and I respected her enough to listen. But Lorelei, she fell to it.”
She had become mean and agitated at the tiniest of things. She snapped at Loki more than once a day on inconsequential matters, and he had tried to reason with her.
“Nothing helped. Soon she started harming people. She would break a leg or drive a woman crazy, things that were too evil to be just simple pranks.
“She tried to pull me into it, and a little bit of it connected with me then. Of course, more of it would help me, well doom me, later.”
He paused, rubbing his left hand with his right—a nervous tick he had since he was a boy. “She got pregnant,” he breathed. I almost shot out of my bed, my heart had kicked so wildly. I couldn’t believe this, in fact, I wouldn’t!
“At this point she was downright cruel, but she chose to keep the child saying that her child would be as powerful as she, and we would rule as a family. I don’t know what she meant by that, maybe taking the throne of Asgard.
“Well, the pregnancy had complications, and the baby, my beautiful daughter, was born early and with severe disabilities. The healers assured us she would be fine, though.”
His eyes welled up once again as he relayed this part. “I told Lorelei, I kept telling her I would care for her and our daughter no matter what. I would always have them wanting for nothing.”
He took a break, clearing his eyes of tears. I gently ran my fingers over his cheek. “What was her name?”
He smiled faintly. “Her name was Sigyn,” he laughed. “Legends told of her as my beloved, but in the wrong way. She was my beloved, my gorgeous daughter.”
“Lorelei was not happy, though,” his whole body shook with this. “She was outraged that a baby of hers would be born not as powerful as she. But when I left one night to grab her food and more blankets, she…”
He didn’t need to finish. His fists were clenching the side of my bed as tried to regain himself, but it could not be done. He had let himself be shown to me, and his body wouldn’t stop now that the words were out.
My heart broke for him. I wanted to ease his pain, wipe his tears, do SOMETHING. But I could do nothing. A part of himself was ripped from him.
“Frigga and Odin kept it between ourselves,” he sobbed. “We never told Thor or anyone else. We locked her away in the darkest corner on Asgard and kept her there for hundreds of years.”
I then understood his desire to hunt her down. She had taken away a precious piece of him for no reason at all. “So, your threat to her about dying alone, it’s because…”
“It’s because she had our baby die alone. Now she will come to feel that by my hand.”
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rosesisupposes · 6 years
Ordinary Night
“send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it”
Prompt Tag
word count: 3,875
pairings: Ex-Anxceit; Background Remile;
warnings: divorce/abandonment; lost child; mentions of depressive and manic episodes; distressed nonverbal episode;
reader tags: @residentanchor​ @royally-anxious​ @bewarethegrammarpolice​ @jemthebookworm​ @arandompasserby​  @sparkly-rainbow-salt​ @astral-eclipse​​ @thelowlysatsuma​ @adorably-angsty​
I came up with the Single Dad AU a while ago but it’s never emerged from Discord to become a full story, but I love it very, very much. So thank you, nonny, for the excuse
Read on Ao3
“Give it back!”
“No, Dad said it’s my turn to pick the movie!”
“You always pick the same one! I’m tired of Winnie the Pooh!”
“But I like it!”
“Can we at least watch the Tigger one?”
“No! Pooh Bear!”
Young voices whined back and forth in an argument that had been held at least once a week for the last three months in the Sanders household. Six-year-old Patton was climbing on top of the couch cushions, brandishing the remote as eight-year-old Roman tried to reclaim it. Their younger brother, four-year-old Logan, watched from the corner in silence.
Their dad entered the room and, with practiced ease, plucked Patton from his teetering perch on the couch.
“Hey, hey, buddy, careful, okay? You might fall from up there!”
“Daaddd, Ro is trying to take my night again!”
The single father balanced his middle son on his hip as he looked sternly down his eldest.
“Roman, what have we talked about with movie nights?”
The second-grader sighed heavily, crossing his arms. “He gets to pick whatever movie he wants,” he recited, blowing strawberry blonde hair out of his eyes. “Even if it’s boring.”
“Pooh Bear isn’t boring!” Patton objected loudly, making his father wince from the volume.
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Boys. We will skip movie night entirely if you can’t behave,” Dad warned. Both children immediately went silent, but stuck tongues out at each other when they thought Dad couldn’t see.
“I’m going on an adventure, so that at least not all of today is boring,” Roman announced, running to the toy box for his tiny foam sword. “Where’s my noble steed?”
“I wanna come!” Patton cried, wriggling out of his father’s hold. Taking the remote back, Dad let him go as a small smile crept up at the corners of his mouth. How quickly they went from feuding to playing.
“Let’s go slay a dragon!” Roman cried, stabbing the air.
“What if we fight a witch?” said Patton with huge eyes, grabbing his matching foam shield.
“A dragon-witch!” Roman announced happily. “Lolo, wanna come?”
The youngest looked at the floor through glasses he already needed. “…don’ wanna”
“Aw, Lolo, you sure?”
“…scary,” the toddler said.
“We’ll protect you,” Patton said, crouching to look in his brother’s eyes. “Roro is the best knight ever! And I have a shield!”
Logan shook his head. Patton sighed and carefully patted his hand. “Next time? But only if you wanna, okay?”
Satisfied at the small nod, Patton trotted upstairs. Roman cast around before crouching behind the couch. “Ah! My steed!” he said happily. He stood with a cat in his arms. The tom bore being carried with long-suffering patience, held around the middle by small arms that could only just make it all the way around.
“Ro, be careful with Thomas, okay?” Dad warned. “Pat’s taken his medicine, but don’t let him bury his face in fur again.”
“Yes, I’ll be careful,” Roman said with all the indignance a eight-year-old could muster. He jauntily strode up the stairs after his brother, arms full of cat and sword.
His father watched him go as he settled on the couch. Logan crawled up into his lap and settled there, sitting up straight but balanced on his dad’s knee.
“Hey there, L. No adventure today?”
Logan shook his head.
“Just don’t want to, or something wrong?”
The little boy was silent.
“How is touching today? Thumbs up?” his dad asked, hand creating the gesture he referred to. His son responded in kind. Moving slowly, Dad pulled Logan into his chest, resting a hand lightly in the boy’s dark brown hair.
“Do you have the words for the something wrong, or is it just bad?” he asked softly.
“…miss Papa,” Logan replied, turning his head fully into Dad’s chest.
His father kissed the top of his head and held him close. He knew of his son’s tears from the dampness on his shirt rather than any sounds or shaking. When he could finally speak evenly, he replied, “I miss him too, Lolo.”
“When does he come back?”
“Maybe never.”
“I wish I knew, kiddo. I’m sorry I can’t give you a good reason.”
Logan clutched at the fabric of Dad’s shirt, still not looking up.
His father kissed his head again and leaned back against the couch, looking up at the ceiling as he blinked away tears. He was so tired of crying, so tired of knowing neither he nor his sons might ever understand why their other father had left. But it had been months without any communication, since they came home from the park to an empty house and a missing suitcase.
Three young boys, one beloved cat, one father who’d just lost the love of his life and his partner parent all at once. That was the Sanders household now. A night of childish yells and tears from the boys and their father alike: this was an ordinary night.
So how was Dad doing? He was a nervous wreck, of course. If he’d been a bit on edge before, it was nothing compared to the absolute personification of anxiety Virgil had become now.
As he breathed deeply to calm himself, Virgil ran a hand lightly through Logan’s soft, wavy hair. “What do you say to some Magic School Bus before dinner, Lo? Would that be good?”
“Mmhmm,” the toddler said with a nod, sliding off his dad’s lap.
As Virgil stood, Logan reached for his hand and pulled him towards the stairs. Virgil let himself be led to the smallest bedroom, where Logan immediately went to his small but growing book collection. He pulled out a CD that Virgil then placed in the small speakers he’d bought, back when he and his ex had adopted Roman. The “Baby Boombox,” Ethan had called it, as he filled Ro’s room with all his favorite Broadway soundtracks and Disney ballads. Then had come Patton, with Raffi songs and lullabies because they were the only things that would send him to sleep smiling when Roman was still active during naptime. And now there was Logan, who was soothed by the smooth strains of classical musicals and who listened with rapt attention (if not complete understanding) to audiobooks of all kinds. Virgil popped in Logan’s choice, “Lost in Space” and set it to play. Logan scooted his tiny plush chair as close as he could to the speaker and sat, staring up in wonder as his favorite narrator read about Ms. Frizzle’s class and whirling planets. Without interrupting, Virgil slipped out of his youngest son’s room and made his way to the kitchen to start dinner.
The pasta was cooking and the sauce bubbling on the stove when Virgil’s phone buzzed against the counter. He glanced at the screen and smiled.
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If the past year had taught him anything, it was just how important family could be. He and his brother use to have a rather rocky relationship, never spending much time together. Unfortunately, Ethan had been part of the reason for the rift - Remy had never liked his brother-in-law and was never any good at hiding it. Normally when he was proven right about anything, Remy held it over his younger brother’s head for the rest of their lives. But not this time. Not when they’d sparked into full-on screaming matches over the years as Virgil asserted that Remy was wrong about Ethan. He was a good partner and an amazing father. He’d even said it, hadn’t he? His biggest ambition in life was to be a good papa.
Guess that had been a lie, too.
But no amount of friction and distance could have kept Remy away the night Virgil had called in tears. “Nuncle” Remy had been a near-constant fixture in the Sanders house ever since, particularly in those first couple of months. It had been Remy who’d suggested Virgil get the boys to therapists early, right after the split. It had been Remy’s husband Emile who’d found them matches among his colleagues, ones who made the boys feel safe and heard. It had been those therapists who discovered the reason behind Roman’s mood swings, identifying his bipolar personality disorder early and helping Virgil to get him the appropriate treatment. It had been Emile who’d cautiously suggested he get Logan fully evaluated for autism, and found him compassionate parenting resources to help relate and communicate with Lo better. Virgil would be a wreck without his brother and brother-in-law – or, rather, he’d be more of a wreck.
Which is why, when Logan went missing, Remy was the instinctual first call.
He’d heard Roman and Patton bounce down the stairs into the den, making dramatic sound effects as they fought their dragon-witch. He hadn’t heard the door open, or the soft steps of Logan following his brothers downstairs. He hadn’t seen Thomathy the tomcat be loosed into the yard as Roman cried, “Ride into the sunset, noble steed!” He hadn’t seen Logan stand on his tiptoes to re-open the door and follow the cat outdoors.
He’d just called for the older two boys and gone upstairs to get Logan when he’d found the CD player off and the chair empty. And that’s when the panic had kicked in.
“Lolo?” he called upstairs.
“Buddy?” he asked the den.
“Logan?!” he almost screeched into the basement.
Roman and Patton were obediently sitting at the kitchen table, fidgeting, when Virgil re-entered, eyes ablaze. “Where’s your brother? Was he playing with you?”
“No, he was too scared,” Roman scoffed.
Patton, on the other hand, looked concerned. “I think maybe he followed us? He was trying to pet Tommy.”
“Where is Thomas?” their father asked, the edge in his voice rising. “You were playing with him, where did he go?”
Roman shrank in his seat as he realized this was more than just make-believe. “He… I wanted him to be free?” He pointed to the back door with a shaky hand.
Virgil stared at his eldest son, biting back harsh words of frustration. He was eight, he didn’t know better yet. But the panic was rising, thrumming through his veins and disrupting his ability to think straight.
He grabbed his phone and hit the speed dial to Remy.
“Rem? I need you here,” he said the minute his brother picked up. “Logan got out of the house chasing the cat.”
“Shit, okay, I’ll be there in 5,” Remy said, already hanging up before Virgil could point out that he lived a ten-minute drive away. He arrived in three. Normally his driving habits pissed Virgil the hell off, but at that moment, it was all he can do to not cry in relief as he grabbed a flashlight and his extensive first aid kit from under the sink and ran out the back door.
Remy was soon placing himself bodily in front of the door to prevent either older brother from charging after.
“I’m a bad prince, I’m the villain,” Roman choked out through his tears. “It’s all my fault.”
“I gotta keep him safe!” Patton said. He tried and failed to climb onto the counter, but grabbed what ‘supplies’ he could reach into his school bag, a collection of juiceboxes and goldfish and band-aids.
“Hey, hey, little dudes, c’mon,” Remy said, trying to sound as soothing as possible. “C’mere.”
They were just small enough and he was just big enough to gather them both into his arms at once, even as they wriggled and tried to escape.
“Dad’s gonna get Lo back, okay? They’ll both be back soon,” he said, carrying the boys to the couch. “And Tomma-llama-ding-dong too.” He placed them both on the couch. They were both red-eyed and drippy-noed, but no longer trying to make a break for it. He grabbed tissues and wiped their faces and noses, moving gently. He watched Roman particularly hard. He’d been present for downward spirals before, when the mania and hyperactivity fell, gradually or suddenly, into dark days where the boy could barely get out of bed.
Remy ran soft fingers through Roman’s light hair, remembering. The worst depressive episode had lasted a full week and a half, and Virgil had been despondent. It was right after that bastard Virgil’s ex had walked out on them, and of course Virgil had blamed himself, telling Remy that Ro’s depression was all his fault for not being a good enough father. He would have curled up around his boy and begged him to be okay, if Remy hadn’t sat on his chest reminded him that he had two other sons that needed him. Childish? Yes, quite literally, sitting on him was Remy’s favorite way of picking on his little brother when they had been children themselves. But it had worked, and Roman was getting treatment now, both medications and therapy, and both his uncles and his dad had learned strategies to help keep him from getting trapped in his up- and down-swings.
Now, Patton imitated Remy, patting a slightly-stick hand on Roman’s shoulder in a sweet attempt at grounding techniques. More than any of the boys, Patton took after Virgil, always trying to keep his brothers safe. He was fierce in his defense of them towards others, but gentle and soft when he saw them sad. Remy ruffled Patton’s honey-gold curls with his free hand and stood. He had Roman and Patton Sanders in his care, and they were sad and worried. It was time for some Disney movies.
The sun was falling below the horizon as Logan followed the family cat into the woods behind their house. He trotted as fast as his still-chubby toddler legs could carry him, following the brown-and-black striped tail of the big tabby. Galloping paws quickly carried the pet out of sight, but Logan kept plodding along in the same vague direction. Scarcely noticing the growing dark, he clutched his worn, stuffed octopus tightly in one hand as he walked further and further into the forest. When Papa had asked when he wanted to name it, he’d looked up and said “Octopus.” His tone had been one of “Well, duh,” and his voice had been so deadpan for a three-year-old that Virgil had fallen into intermittent fits of giggles for hours after. But he’d carried it continuously ever since, particularly as he listened to his books on the deep sea. He clutched it tight as he finally caught up to Thomas. The tabby had found a mossy patch under a tree, caught in the last patch of sunlight, and curled up contently. Logan sat next to him and patted his head, content that he’d finally done what he set out to do. But looking up, the toddler realized he could no longer see the edge of the forest and wasn’t sure which direction he’d come from. He was in the middle of the forest, alone, with no notion of how to get home. Logan didn’t cry, or yell, or flail. He just froze, everything locking down in the face of a situation he didn’t understand and couldn’t solve. He might have stood like that for minutes or hours, but Thomcat chose that moment to stand with a stretch and wind his way around his smallest family member, purring as he rubbed up against Logan’s short legs. The warmth drew him out of his paralysis, and he sat heavily on the mossy stump. The cat leapt into his lap, covering most of his tiny torso in warm fur as the beloved pet continued to purr. Clutching tufts of Thomas’ fur in one hand and Octopus in the other, Logan’s emotions thawed and he started to sniffle, then cry aloud. His hiccups and sobs reverberated off the unfamiliar trees that surrounded him.
Virgil crashed through the trees, flashlight and first aid kit in hand, trying his best to keep a level head. Logan was missing. His little boy, the tiniest, quietest member of their family, was alone, somewhere probably dying in the forest definitely kidnapped by child stealers lost in the unfriendly woods. He’d made that promise, over and over again through the long adoption process: he would keep his sons safe. He would protect them. He wouldn’t let anything dangerous happen to them. Ethan may not have meant it, but Virgil had, with every fiber of his being. He would keep his family safe, every single member.
He trusted Remy to be a good caretaker to Pat and Ro right now, but he worried for his eldest. He just dashed into ideas and plans without thinking, so much more than either of his brothers. And of course, Virgil knew why. A memory sprang to life like a film reel in his head without his bidding.
“Papa, look at me! I’m gonna be just like Peter Pan! I can fly!”
“Of course you can, Roro! If you wish hard enough!”
A summer day, lazy and bathed in golden light. It had been magical in a way - no wonder Roman had believed in super abilities. But that moment, Virgil had finally seen what was happening as he rounded the corner, an infant Logan strapped to his chest and Patton holding his hand.
“Fly- Roro! Kiddo, please get down from the roof!”
Ethan had just chuckled. “Shhh, V, he’ll probably be fine. He’s gotta learn somehow, right?”
Patton, all of three years old and still lisping, had shook a finger at his older brother.
“Wowo, get down fwom thewe!”
“You can’t stop me, ‘m a PRINCE!” the five-year-old had yelled back, approaching the edge of the shed roof.
Virgil had dropped Pat’s hand to run, shrieking more than speaking as he yelled, “Roman Sanders, do not jump off that roof! You’re going to get down safely!”
Ethan had barely budged, too busy laughing his ass off. It had ended up being Virgil alone who helped Roman get down, letting him be Dad the Downer while Papa stayed ‘the fun one’ in Roman’s eyes. Was it any wonder he’d blamed himself for Ro’s bipolar swings?
But he’d learned better since then. Being a ‘fun’ dad didn’t matter at all if he couldn’t keep them safe, first and foremost. He would find his little boy, and their cat, and he would bring them home. He checked his first aid kit as he walked and sighed with relief. He’d remembered to re-stock it recently. In addition to the bandages and ice packs and ointments and band-aids in everyone’s favorite characters, he’d packed everyone’s favorite treats. He had cat treats for Thomas, which he immediately took out and started wafting, and he had tiny containers of Crofter’s jelly, Logan’s only favorite food that he always wanted to eat, no matter his mood. Virgil listened to the forest hard for any noise besides the rustling wind. He had his flashlight turned on even before the sun fully set, to make sure Logan would see him coming. His heart still raced, frantically pointing out every passing second and minute that his son remained missing. Every moment he was out here was another moment he could be tripping over roots or eating poisonous berries or getting a rash or being abducted or hitting his head or…
Deep breaths, Virge, he reminded himself. In for four. Hold for seven. Out for eight. The calming reminders in his head spoke with Emile’s voice, gentle and soothing. He could only do his job as Dad if he kept his head and stayed alert. He listened hard again, noting small animals, leaves falling, choked sobs, branches cracking, distant cars, and -
Sobs! Where were they coming from?
He picked up his pace, needing to double back a couple times before he was heading in the direction of the noise. He swept his flashlight in front of him with one hand and shook the cat treats with the other as he called out.
“Logan? Is that you? Logan? Thomas?”
The sobs stopped abruptly, and the flashlight beam illuminated a tiny form unraveling itself from a fluffy one almost the same size. “Dada?”
Virgil sprinted the last few yards. He worried for a moment that Logan might need to avoid touch right now, but that fear was dispelled with the toddler threw himself into his father’s arms.
“Lolo, are you alright? I was so worried, kiddo! Did you hurt yourself? Were you scared? I’m here, I’ll get you home, okay?”
“Dada, ‘m sorry.”
“Why sorry, Loberry?”
“I was bad, an’ I got lost,” Logan said, gripping Virgil’s jacket and Octopus with equal tightness.
“Oh, my little Lo, no, you weren’t bad. We should have been with you, I should have been watching. I’m so sorry, honeybear. But you’re safe now, okay? We’re gonna go home.”
Virgil knelt, picking up Logan and balancing him on one hip, then picking up a long-suffering Thomas and draping the cat over his shoulder. He was a bit encumbered by his first aid kit, but nothing could bother him now that his little boy was safely in his arms.
Searching for Logan had felt like an eternity, but had been less than 20 minutes. When father and son and cat entered the back door, the Disney movie (Sleeping Beauty, Remy’s choice) hadn’t yet finished. The door closing woke up Roman and Patton from where they had dozed off, but they were immediately up and hugging Virgil’s legs.
Their father ruffled their heads as he gentled let Logan stand on his own, then pulled them all into a group hug.
“We’re gonna talk tomorrow, okay, kiddos? About Thomas safety and Lolo safety. But tonight we’ll just relax together, now that we’re all home. I love you all so much.”
“I love you, Dad”
“Love you too!”
“Me too, Dada.”
By the end of the night and the second movie (Atlantis, Logan’s request, and Patton had conceded that he didn’t want any movies with woods), the Sanders house had quieted. Virgil could feel his heartbeat return to normal for the first time in hours as he gazed fondly at his sons. All three had fallen asleep, sprawled across the couch and Virgil’s lap. Remy had helped them change before heading home with a last firm hug and reassurance that, “You done good, bro.” Logan’s head rested on Virgil’s thigh, the horn of his unicorn onesie flopping over as he slept. Patton was snuggled up as close as Logan had okayed, cat ears folded over on his one onesie. And Roman had pulled a pillow on the ground so that he could be next to all of them, a tiny lion defending his pride in the onesie that he was practically “too old for,” but that he’d still wear when Pat asked him to. Thomas the tomcat, exhausted by his forest adventure, was curled into a ball in a laundry basket.
So how was Dad doing?
He’d never be completely at ease, not with so much depending on him, not with so many obstacles to overcome. But for tonight, Virgil was content.
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lefaystrent · 6 years
Dog Days ch.2
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic LAMP/Thomas, borrower!sides
Summary: “Hey, I need you to look at me so I know you can hear me. Can you do that for me kiddo?”
The voice was kind, and patient, and all the things Thomas thought he could ignore. But without much thought, he turned his head a bit to seek out the voice’s owner. A small figure stood there on the carpet, small enough to be mistaken for a doll but moving too much to not be sentient.
(Alternatively, in the midst of grieving for his beloved pet, comfort comes to Thomas in a curiously small form.)
WARNINGS: pet death, in-depth descriptions of grief
Chapter Navigation: one
AO3 Link
The next day, Thomas had gotten up off the floor, but he hadn’t moved very far. He sat on one end of the couch nestled into the arm. He had the tv on, volume low and turning out to not be as effective a distraction as he’d hoped. Nothing interested him, so his eyes strayed away from the screen, staring hollowly at the empty pet bed.
He didn’t know how long he sat there staring, only that it was long enough for Netflix to stop playing his show and ask if he was still watching.
He should get up. He should make dinner, or go change out of the shorts and hoodie he’d been wearing for days. Or he should call one of his friends, maybe his parents even.
Would they understand though? Would he just be a bother?
He didn’t want them to see him this way. He didn’t want anything right now.
“Patton was right. You really are a mess.”
Thomas furrowed his brows and looked over. Down the couch a ways, a tiny man stood on the seat cushion. It was a different man from yesterday, yet they kind of looked similar and both wore glasses. Where did they find glasses that small?
“What?” Thomas asked dumbly.
The man seemed to flinch under Thomas’s gaze. Seeing that Thomas did nothing more than stare at him, he stood taller and cleared his throat. “You haven’t been taking care of yourself at all.”
Thomas couldn’t help but snort. “What, are you here to give me a cracker too?” He’d meant it to come out more bitter and harsh, but couldn’t work past a soft, sad tone.
This one didn’t exude the same gentleness that the first one did. All the same, he seemed to understand the nature of Thomas’s mood, and he went about it carefully. He adjusted his glasses, and for an absurd moment Thomas felt like he was back in class with a teacher who was genuinely concerned that he didn’t understand the material.
“No, I believe that will only further enable you at this time. I am here to offer . . . advice.”
Thomas rested his cheek on a knee, murmuring, “I don’t even know you.” Or what he was or where he came from or if he had gone off the deep end and was imagining tiny people to cope with the loss.
He didn’t come closer like . . . Patton? Was that the other little guy he mentioned earlier? He kept a healthy distance between them, hands held together in a downright lecturing pose.
“My apologies, my name is Logan,” he amended. “I know that this . . . visit is rather sudden, but I thought you could use some assistance during your time of grieving.”
“Do you think it’s stupid?” Thomas blurted.
“. . . stupid? To what are you referring to exactly?”
Thomas looked down at the blanket draped over his legs. He pinched at the material, searching for a thread to give way. “Getting all . . . emotional over my—over a pet.”
For a minute, Logan didn’t say anything. Thomas glanced at him to see him standing there stiffly, expression as though he was wracking his mind on how to articulate what he wanted to convey.
“Emotions aren’t typically my forte,” he said as if in apology. “I’m too pragmatic and find it hard to connect with people. However . . .” Logan raised his head up, meeting Thomas’s gaze firmly. “I do understand the process of grief. Emotions aren’t so irrational, when you understand the reasons behind them. And for you to grieve this deeply? It must mean that your dog was dearly loved.”
Thomas didn’t know what it was with these little people popping up and making him cry, but his eyes immediately welled and his lip trembled. “I couldn’t help her. She died, and I couldn’t help her.”
“You blame yourself.” A statement, not a question.
Thomas sniffed and wiped at his face. “I was supposed to take care of her.”
“And you did, Thomas. You gave her a happy life for as long as you could.”
“But I let her die.”
“Did you contribute to the cause of her sickness?”
“I . . . no, you don’t understand.”
“No, I think I do. I think you are the one who is misinterpreting what or who is to blame.”
“Just go away,” Thomas pleaded. He didn’t want to hear this.
“Not until you’ve taken some form of self-care action. If you do not wish to talk, then I implore you to get something to eat.”
“Why?” he asked, just like he’d done with Patton. Why did either of them care? Why should Thomas care?
“You are stuck in a spiral,” Logan told him, refusing to back down. “You lack the energy to take care of yourself because you haven’t been taking care of yourself. As unmotivated as you feel right now, I encourage you to take care of yourself. You may not want to, but you need to."
“Why?” he asked again, stubborn and hoping that Logan would just give up on him. Instead, the other was just as stubborn.
“Because your mind and body will thank you—metaphorically speaking. Eating a decent meal and bathing will most likely not solve all of your problems, but it is a step in the right direction. Even if all you do is get a few bites or go brush your teeth, it is better than nothing at all.”
Thomas didn’t look at him, He sat there, arms crossed over his knee.
He pressed his forehead into his arm. Breaths purposely slow, fists tight.
“Thomas, go get something to eat.”
He bit his lip harshly, hoping to draw blood.
“You can do it, as much as you may tell yourself that you can’t. I will not leave until you get up.”
He wanted to scream.
“Get up and go to the kitchen, Thomas.”
Thomas flung himself off of the couch, throwing the blanket aside. He marched into the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets. Much of his perishables were out of date, since he hadn’t been to the store since last week. He spotted a box of pop-tarts and snatched them out, not caring if the cabinet door slammed closed.
He pulled out a packet and opened it, shoving one of the pastries into his mouth, chewing it piece by piece. He got a fourth of the way through the second pastry when a lump formed in his throat and wouldn’t allow a single bite more to go down.
Thomas gripped the edge of the counter. He felt a little dizzy, almost sick. Regardless, he glanced back at the couch to glare wearily at the tiny man standing on the back of it.
“I’m proud of you Thomas,” he said, and Thomas hated how it didn’t sound condescending or sarcastic at all. He truly meant it. “You don’t have to eat any more right now. But if you can, go clean yourself up.”
Thomas squeezed the counter, arms shaking minutely.
“Thomas. Go.”
Logan didn’t need to say anything more. Thomas went.
Tag list:  @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @that-royal-ravenclaw @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @punsterterry @naw2702 @levy-the-b00kw0rm @iolanomsgranola (let me know if you want to be added or removed from this story’s tag list)
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