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skysometric · 2 years ago
haiii! you're really cool!! I felt like I should tell you that!
i want you to know that i've had this ask saved for a week and it helped me get through a really, REALLY rough few days, so thank you for sharing your kindness 💖💖💖
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inlovewithfictionalbeings · 9 months ago
I'm such a disappointment that I don't know what to do! Jk Iknowwww what to do, just being dramatic abt it firsts!
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h1gurlh1 · 2 years ago
Reincarnation #dolorescannon @paulwilliamsofficial
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harepare · 2 years ago
evi tamamiyle topladim bulasik makinasini kaldirdim hirkami esarbimi esofmanimi falan camasir makinasina atip calistirdim bugun zaten sabah erken kalkip annemlerin mukabelesini okumustum (hizli okuyorum diye dort saatlik uykumdan uyandirdilar neyse sevaptir. sonra senosgil gelecekleri icin evi topladim sena gelince evi supurdu komsular annemi ziyarete geldiler. onlar gidince hep beraber pasta yaptik yemek pisirdik camasirlari serdik. iftara komsumuz geldi hep beraber iftar yaptik. iftardan sonra mutfagi toplarken sigaraya ciktik birimiz nobette durdu ikimiz ictik donduk oyle foedoekdpwkdow annem zaten senanin sigara ixtigini biliuo neye bu kadar aksiyon ariyoz bilmiyorum. sonra mutfagi topladik parka gittik cok komikti sigara ictik senayi salladim demir ebesi oynadik dusen telefonumu sena almis saklamis hic soulemiyo amcik cowkxpwkxpwkdow annemi aradik cay koydu geldik yaptigimiz pastayi yeyip cay icerken pisti ve dost kazigi oynadik sena ve ben ikiser el kaybettik camdan cikip birer kere moledik ve uluduk AMK senanin icinden inek cikti zeynep diyo ki kardws gel yarin bizim ahirda inek olarak ise basla XKWOZKWOMSOWKDOWMDDKWPDKWPSKWP sictim gylerken cok komikyi. bende gaza geldim oyle bir uludum ki saniesin ulku ocaginin basiyim amina koyayim. sonra orhan amca kizlari almaua geldi recoya pasta koydum onlar gidince annemlere bir bucuk cuz daha okudum bu gidisle evliya olcam gunde uc cuz nedir abi bagira bagira okuyorum bide😏 bogqzim agriyo artik. neyse iste dediklerimi yaptim simdi camasirlarimi serip dusa girip maske falan yapicam sonra sahur yaparim ders programi yapar yatarim muthis gundu ama muthiste yoruldum BU ARADA POSTER VE FOTOKARTLARİMİ SENAGİLLE İNCELEDİK ZEYNEP JİMİNİ COK SEVDİ SENA NAMUYA YUKSELDİ COWKXOWKXOWKDOS bide benimoe betese diye dalga geciyodu namjoona kocam demeye baslaei kaslari gorunce oppaci oldu amk mali. senaya namu editleri atmaya basladim o da bana bangtan editleri atiuor amina sena gibi bir fobigi ve antiyi yola getiriyorum. lgbt hakkinda da baya konustuk kanka haklisin aslinda amk dedi. COK GURUR DUYDUM KENDİMLE💪🏻💪🏻 yillarin fobigini gay sever yapicam yakinda. neyse neyse. gidiyorum simdi cidden. on dakika ayirdim bu yaziya yeter adam olana cok bile. bu arada hacce bebecigimi cok seviyorum🩷
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bdhutbazar · 2 years ago
From lush meadows of wildflowers to stunning vistas,Dharamshala is home to an incredible array of nature's beauty - and there's nobetter time to explore it than on a vacation with your family and friends.You'll have access to miles of hiking trails, go horseback riding on mountaintrails and even spend a night (or two!) stargazing
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ugdigital · 6 years ago
It gets #nobetter than this right here!!! Get to know @donnie_lynee y’all!! She’s doing #amazing things for #Cleveland music!!! ——- Repost from @donnie_lynee using @RepostRegramApp - Me and the Good Fellas! @jmikefields and @k.bell_producer ——- #CLE #Cleveland #Music #RNB #Soul #Real #Independent #Artist https://www.instagram.com/p/BuENglqA2nL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y2spsik6puz2
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konsequencemuzik · 2 years ago
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OUT NOW ‼️ #alldigitalplatforms Artist: @veefashionstudios x @ikue_henry Title: #nobetter Label: @konsequencemuzikgroup x @konsequencestudioja Mix & Mastered: @konsequencestudioja Distribution: @onerpmafrc Artwork: @dave_a_paul @redforestcreative Powered By: @triz_o_triz @unclerawwn @aj.xl @creativetitans (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkhG5K0Oyt-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iihih · 5 years ago
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My case of Rao’s varied pasta sauces arrived! I’m inappropriately excited. And putting away my all-white shirts. . . #raospastasauces #raos #nobetter #pastasauces #raosmarinara #raosarrabbiata #bestbolognese #bestjarredmarinara #bestmarinarasauceever #foodie #orderbythecase #raossauce #foodbymail https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_glPvgVP9/?igshid=1np9ww1eu97tz
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imitchalot · 7 years ago
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Hands down shawty! Doesn't get any better than these two. There arent many brands i dont like... But these two take the crown 👑!! #luckycharms #raisinbran #chocolate #crunch #generalmills #kelloggs #cereal #poundforpound #bestofthebest #amazing #nobetter #nodebate #milk #heneedsomemilk #breakfast #lunch #dinner #issasnack #worldstar #facts #gaming #game #hiphop #rap
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journeysofbhakti-blog · 7 years ago
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There is no such thing as coincidence. Synchronicity rules my reality. 9.17.1990 - my day of birth reduces to the number 9 when all digits are added together in numerology. This is my life path number. Yesterday I began my 27th revolution around the sun (2+7=9). This signifies the transition into my second pinnacle cycle. Those with the life path number 9 embody universal selfless love, are wholly honest, self-aware, humanitarians, and seekers of the answers to life’s great mysteries. This incarnation and cycle serve to experience difficult lessons in order to plant seeds of ascension. The last two years of each cycle are filled with life-altering circumstances. My world was shattered by my brother’s suicide, I made vows with my twin flame, took a new name, quit my job to commit to my artistic missions, made radical changes to my character, and came to understand grace in the face of suffering. -- In every fiber of my being I feel a shift. A calling to that higher self that I’ve longed to align with since birth. My evolution beckons me. Affirmations of my path are found in the company of the most incredible friends. These people who see me, who are reflections of me. Who will climb a fucking mountain with me. My lover who worships me and reminds me of my divinity. I am brought to tears by the overwhelming love in my world. I am moved by the magic that permeates this holographic dream. Thank you for each of your blessings. With every step of this life I intend to amplify the kindness bestowed upon me. I am humbled to be walking with you “home.” . . #birthdaylove #cycles #numerology #lifepath #evolution #mindfulness #ascension #blessingsflow #27neverlookedsogood #transformations #revolutions #higherself #consciousness #affirmations #magick #sortalikeadream #nobetter #rise #becoming #cosmicunion #universallove #ramdass #seektruth #nakedsage #nudefuture
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kenperez-blog1 · 7 years ago
"La vida no tiene control remoto levantate y cambiala tu mismo" - BadBunny #tumblr #pinkie #badbunny #musically #trap #nobetter
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tonymantor · 6 years ago
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#humble #different #unique #individual #nobetter #lifequotes (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJxG0LhBHd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13za1x7x16njz
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concerningwolves · 5 years ago
Firstly, I'd like to say your stories sound amazing and I wish you all the best with them! Secondly, you might've answered this (or it might be difficult to answer) but how do you go about just starting a second draft? I've got a few first drafts scattered around and I'd like to edit them but... there's just so much and I have no idea where to start and then I just end up not doing it because it just seems like an insurmountable task. Help, please?
this went into my drafts with the idea that i would work on it next weekend, but,,, it has since been several months’ worth of weekends, and i’m only just getting to it 😅
Starting Second Drafts  
For me, the second draft is less about editing what I’ve written, and more about refining what happens. You’ll probably find your own way of working as you redraft more of your stories, but here’s six key points that have really helped me: 
(I’m assuming here you’ve typed your first draft; if you wrote it longhand, ignorethese next two paragraphs)
Most of writing is just playing mind games with yourself, and there’s nobetter way to do this than change the font and/or text colour from one draft to the next. It gives your writing a new look and tricks your brain into paying attention again, which helps when you’re reading through the first draft and deciding what’s going to happen to it.
Printing it out is a large part of this – having your story in a different format lets you look at it from a different angle, both literally and figuratively. It alsomeans you can make notes and cross out chunks directly on paper, which is avery satisfying process (and as writers, we need to take our satisfaction wherewe can!).
I think that the reason the second draft seems so daunting it because there’s this pressure to Make It All Perfect, and attacking your first draft with coloured pens and post-it notes alleviates that somewhat. It doesn’t have to be neat; it just hasto make sense to you.
Don’t try to filter your ideas, either – if you think of something that could change, or that you want to add, write it down, even if it conflicts with what you’vealready got. Keeping all your options open will help when you get to later draftsand revisions, and want to look back see how else scenes or plots could playout.
Following on from the last point, it’s also important to remember that the second draft isn’t about making your prose nice and clean, or about finalising those littledetails like what houseplants your characters keep or what the café they eat atis called. The second draft is still very much Bigger Picture territory, i.e.,getting plot events in the right order or weaving through character growth and subplots.
Here’s a picture of what When Dealing with Wolves’ first draft looked like when Iwas working on it:
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[ID: a printed-out manuscript, headed with the titles “Second Draft” and “Chapter One”. I’ve messily written all over the text in red pen, circling large chunks and indicating changes with arrows. /End ID]
And here’s one of draft two/three, for comparison in the editing style:
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[ID: a second printed out page, this time with more detailed notes correcting grammar and rewriting sentences. Lots of words and lines are crossed out in thick black pen. /End ID]
In the former, the focus is on moving around scenes or details so that they made more sense; in the latter, I was paying more attention to sentence form and prose, as well as restructuring.
Once you’ve got this lovely scrawled-on mess, you’ll probably want to make some decisions re: what’s going to happen in draft two. Take your scribbled notes from the first draft and decide what you think will work best, thinking about:
Plot events
Character growth
Worldbuilding changes
(How detailed these notes are depends on your writing planning style. Whether you do a few bullet points as a vague outline or plan each plot point meticulously is entirely up to you).
Okay, not quite from scratch. You’ve got all those notes, and you still have your first draft to refer to as well. What “start from scratch” means in this context is “don’t just work directly onto the first draft document”.
What you want with your second draft is freedom to let the story grow, and you can’t get that if you edit straight into the confines of your first draft. Re-typingscenes instead of copy and pasting also makes you think about them,getting your brain to approach any problems in new ways.
And, last but not least—
I’ve seen this said about first drafts countless times, but it goes for second drafts, too! If you want to write several different versions of scene, do it. Want tochange a character’s name for the sixth time? Go for it. I don’t consider theplot, or even the details, of a WIP fixed until I’m into the final revisions ofthe last draft.
The only thing to remember is always, always keep track of your changes, be that via an Excel spreadsheet, notes in a separate word document, or novel journal entries. That way, if you decide later that an old idea actually works better, you can go back and retrieve it with minimal fuss.
I hope this helps, and sorry for the late reply! 
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pwbamasweetie · 5 years ago
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🎸🎶🎤Hey Y’all Check Out #DollyPartons Singing 🎤 #HardCandyChristmas I Absolutely Love 💗 This #ChristmasSong I Appreciate #GreatMusic 🎸🎶🎤People It Doesn’t Get #NoBetter Than #DollyParton #Enjoy
~> https://youtu.be/L_SRXMKB62k
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projectsimplefix-blog · 6 years ago
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Forgiven! The best thing to be. #forgiven #nobetter #best  https://www.projectsimplefix.com/ Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 (ESV) Forgiving should be the first thought on any Christian who has been wronged's mind. We were forgiven of soooooo much, we must now forgive all these little things by comparison. #bibleverse #dailybible #dailybibleverse #ephesians #bible #scripture #pretty #flowers #beautiful #prettyflowers #cute #truth #instagood #dailyinsta #christianblog #blog #blogsite #jesus #faith #love #kind #forgive #god #christ #christian #kjv #esv Photo Credit R.E.Imagined Light https://www.instagram.com/p/BoGJbItFwYZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mo6w63z6sh5l
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jlrpapa-blog · 7 years ago
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The best!! The absolute best!! The best tattoo artist is back in town!!!! @eddycarrasquillo_tattooer #nobetter #besttattoos #eddycarrasquillo_tattooer #bestintown
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