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burningperfectionbird · 2 months ago
GEN-X IN THE HOUSE.... I love and h*te the interwebs. As beautiful and informative it can be.......... IT'S THE LIE!!! The world, when you get in their face, is truly on a dimension that People don't have access to anymore. My world is >>>>> CRAZY 4 REAL. Here is a bit of my lore
To alleviate any confusion, here’s an extremely solid description of what Punk is.
Punk is not just a style or a musical genre—it’s a whole culture. At its core, punk is working-class, left-leaning, and rooted in an art-based ethos. It’s a movement that embraces all the facets that come with being a true culture—history, art, fashions, music, literature, philosophies, social customs, and ideologies. Punk has its own set of values, a mosaic of ideas that have been forged over decades, and while not everyone agrees on everything, there are some key threads that run through it.
First and foremost, punk is anti-authoritarian and fiercely anti-fascist. It rejects oppressive systems, whether they be political, social, or cultural. Punk fights against any form of control or oppression that stifles freedom, individuality, and expression. The punk ethos is one of resistance: resisting systems that force conformity, resisting censorship, and resisting the status quo.
Punk is pro-vulgarity, pro-noise, and pro-expression—even if that expression is jarring or controversial. It’s about saying the things you’re not supposed to say, rejecting polite, sanitized versions of reality. Punk is not about being agreeable; it’s about being honest, loud, and real, even if that means offending people along the way. It’s the rawness of unfiltered thought and emotion, the kind of speech that doesn’t fit neatly into society’s comfortable boxes. This freedom of expression is a key part of what makes punk a living, breathing culture.
It’s utilitarian and working class, in the sense that punk values practical, direct action and rejects elitism. It’s not about luxury or convenience, but about making do with what you have and standing up for the people who get the least attention in society—the underdogs, the outsiders, the marginalized. Punk speaks to the reality of living in a world that often doesn’t care about the struggles of ordinary people, and it gives voice to those who are often unheard.
Punk is also a culture of DIY (Do It Yourself). It’s about creating your own music, your own art, your own fashion, your own rules. It’s about taking control of your own narrative, and rejecting the idea that only the mainstream or the commercially sanctioned can create culture. Punk has always been about making things happen yourself, even when you don’t have a budget, even when you don’t have the resources. It’s about self-reliance and independence.
Punk is a culture that challenges and deconstructs traditional notions of beauty, success, and normalcy. It embraces imperfection, messiness, and the beauty of chaos. It’s not about fitting in; it’s about standing out, questioning everything, and always pushing forward.
It’s a culture of ideas—of radical, critical thinking that doesn’t accept things as they are just because they’ve always been that way. Punk engages with philosophy, politics, and social issues, but does so in a way that’s accessible, that doesn’t demand you have a degree or a specific set of credentials to participate. It’s about community, dialogue, and the shared goal of challenging injustice in all its forms.
Ultimately, punk is a celebration of freedom—freedom to think, to express, to live, and to be exactly who you are without apology. It’s messy, loud, and at times uncomfortable, but it’s never boring. It’s a culture of rebellion, yes, but also one of creativity, solidarity, and a refusal to bow down to anything that tries to silence or oppress. It’s an ongoing conversation that refuses to be neatly categorized or defined. Punk isn’t just something you can put on or take off—it’s a mindset, a lifestyle, and a movement that continues to evolve as long as there are people willing to fight for a different world.
Punk is incompatible with the majority of modern right wing ideas, and therefore, cannot be inclusive of them.
Homophobia, racism, capitalism, right or left wing authoritarianism…. Aren’t what the culture of punk has built itself to be.
Punk is also very fun… it’s not all doom and gloom and political rants.
It’s also a great time at a shitty house show.
Old heads..… don’t harass younger punks who enjoy the aesthetics and fashion of punk… y’know… the aesthetics and fashions that YOUR generation created?
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elbacova · 11 months ago
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From misunderstandings to uncertainties, anguish swells and defense mechanisms are erected. In the face of current events, stress mounts and distress spreads. Welcome to the reign of distrust. Entrenched behind inflexible and unshakeable convictions, padded in our echo chamber, our capacity to listen is reduced. We abandon dialogue, we embrace consensus, we isolate ourselves.
And nothing is getting better: discord is growing, rifts are widening to extremes, and hatred is showing its nefarious face. In the world of the worst, humans forget themselves, shadows triumph and reality fades.
The exhibition Sabotage - The Power of Discord questions this unbearable inevitability by presenting portraits of anarchist activists from another century, imperfect and fragmented, who remind us of our own humanity, fragile and deceptive. It invites introspection, it urges debate, it strives for us to explore new perspectives, to learn, and unlearn.
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thekillogiceffect-blog · 11 months ago
MADMANS ESPRIT - In der Nacht REACTION | Metal Head DJ Reacts
Today we check out another one from a Kei Metal influenced band called Madmans Esprit out of South Korea with the song "In der Nacht". Madmans Esprit is a progressive black metal band with haunting pop like vocals mixed with devilish blackened vocals along with hard hitting riffs that flow effortlessly into melodic beautiful tones and soothing vibes filled with incredible hard hitting hooks. Have you ever heard of Madmans Esprit and their music? Let me know what you think. #music  #reaction  #review Madmans Esprit - In der Nacht https://youtu.be/9xcgUpTmjlA https://noauthority-shop.com Official website - http://madmansesprit.com Facebook - http://fb.com/madmansesprit Instagram -  / madmansesprit   Twitter -  / madmansesprit   Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/51oYQ... Apple Music - https://itunes.apple.com/artist/madma... My Social Media: patreon.com/thekillogiceffect https://www.twitch.tv/thekillogiceffect https://www.reddit.com/user/TheKillog... https://www.tumblr.com/thekillogiceff.. thekillogiceffect.weebly.com https://www.facebook.com/thekillogiceffect/ twitter.com/KillogicFilth vk.com/thekillogicefect
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niko-and-stryker · 1 month ago
[Character information(short).noauthority; True]
[Requesting character information.green…]
[...receiving command...]
[command received. checking authorization...]
[authorization level: none]
[...fetching character information...]
[please know that the information archived about this character is limited, and subject to change.]
[with that said:]
[green. one of the original narrators that describes the office. they often exclude 'old factory senses' in favor for a more descriptive approach.]
[they have access to things such as: describing the outward appearance of the office, describing the inward emotions of beings originating from the office, being able to communicate to other characters not from the office, and having direct contact with my creator.]
[they do not have access to things such as: the inward emotions of beings separate from the office, the ability to change the lore of this world, and full knowledge of the lore of this world.]
[is there anything else i can help you with at this time?]
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honeyburn-books · 6 years ago
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#rare The Farmyard children's board book held together by the two spine rings #noauthor #nocredited #illustrator printed in #Austria #BrownWatson publisher #antiquarianbookseller #childrensboardbooks #vintagebookstack #antiquarianbooks #rarebookshop #rarebooksfirst #vintagebookstagram #oldbooksroom #oldbooksmell #rarebooks #antiquarianbookshop #rarebooksofinstagram #rarebooksfirstcom #antiquarianbookstore #vintagebookstore #antiquarianbookschop #vintagebooks #oldbooks #vintagebooksforsale #oldbookstore #oldbookshop #antiquarianbooksellers #vintagebooksale #rarebookschool #childrensboardbookseries https://www.instagram.com/p/Byx9TYlnlm5/?igshid=spwbfvi640r2
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bosses-stay-flawless · 2 years ago
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Spirituality speaking, At the surface…there is only a symbolic form of power. Like a volcano on the verge of erupting, the fiery depths shall over flow it’s boundaries in favor of truth. No truth that has been uttered by biased lips, shall prevail, instead the “spirit” of truth and enlightenment shall speak across the land. The seeds that were buried, as promised shall arise from the dust, and bloom in their due season. Certain people, places, and things will no longer be allowed to prevail unchecked, unless truth also prevails. #divineorder #noauthority #unauthorized #acessdenied
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crypscrow · 6 years ago
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#dailycryptoupdate #cryptonews #crypscrow #irsletters #cryptoinvestors #dash #venezuela #barclays #coinbase #cutties #nevada #cryptoatm #operators #moneytransmission #licence #iamai #rbi #noauthority #cryptoban #terra #musicstreaming #cryptopayment https://www.instagram.com/p/B1LQmV9AQ6M/?igshid=1kfydsvcvlmcs
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thewarpholesstuff · 6 years ago
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#urban #graffiti #councilestate #noauthority #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/Byr4XVOHykE/?igshid=28gqmrdeolfn
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madmansespritworldwide · 4 years ago
5. Now I am worth something hoodie with Juho - nO aUTHORITY [MU GWON WI]
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Get yours on ↙️
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mega-fanshop · 3 years ago
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punxuk · 7 years ago
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£14.29 in our PunXmas Sale! "There Is No Authority But Yourself" T-Shirts, grab yours here - http://punx.uk/noauthority #punxuk #sabcat #anarcho #anarchopunk #punx #crass #slogan #authority #againstauthority #nogodsnomasters #anarchist #anarchy #politicaltshirt #politicaltee #protest #anticapitalist #antifa #antifascist #bannedfromtheroxy #thefeedingofthefivethousand #ukpunks #realityasylum #questioneverything
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thekillogiceffect-blog · 7 months ago
MADMANS ESPRIT - Stairway REACTION | Metal Head DJ Reviews
Today we check out another one from a Kei Metal influenced band called Madmans Esprit out of South Korea with the song "Stairway". Madmans Esprit is a progressive black metal band with haunting pop like vocals mixed with devilish blackened vocals along with hard hitting riffs that flow effortlessly into melodic beautiful tones and soothing vibes filled with incredible hard hitting hooks. Have you ever heard of Madmans Esprit and their music? Let me know what you think. #music   #reaction   #review   Madmans Esprit - Stairway https://youtu.be/ielQ1jtGWfI https://noauthority-shop.com Official website - http://madmansesprit.com Facebook - http://fb.com/madmansesprit Instagram -  / madmansesprit   Twitter -  / madmansesprit   Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/51oYQ... Apple Music - https://itunes.apple.com/artist/madma... My Social Media: patreon.com/thekillogiceffect https://www.twitch.tv/thekillogiceffect https://www.reddit.com/user/TheKillog... https://www.tumblr.com/thekillogiceff.. thekillogiceffect.weebly.com https://www.facebook.com/thekillogiceffect/ twitter.com/KillogicFilth vk.com/thekillogicefect Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7KATFYYjZG1Zr8eowKdaMQ/join
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jinshit · 5 years ago
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30/12/2019 Face To Face "No Authority" (1992) US press, 4th pressing, 7inch single. @facetofacemusic @drstrangerecords #recordaday #record #recordcollection #recordcollector #vinyl #vinyljunkie #vinylcollection #vinylclub #vinylcollectionpost #vinyligclub #vinylsocialclub #vinyljunkies #vinyladdict #vinylcollector #onevinylcommunity#vinyligclub #instavinyl #vinylcollectors #jinshitcollection #45rpm #33rpm #7inch#12inch  #レコード #FaceToFace #NoAuthority #DrStrangeRecords https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tIrf0JEy_/?igshid=iu3rvdd9jgxc
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misskelseyis · 6 years ago
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#nuyu #singnu #nuu #thenupresentationfoundation #tnpf #allnaturalenvironment #flowers #bees #butterflies #pollinators #nature #earth #gaia #motherearth #rebisar #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #selfsufficientcommunity #dreams #birds #lifeis #realguidance #nubooks #art #surfer #childrenspeak #realunuversisss #noauthorities #norestrictions Thank YU for the photo @allnaturalhenry 🌱🌴🌲 https://www.instagram.com/p/Byo5C_xgfkl/?igshid=y1sh7eoswjm
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bosses-stay-flawless · 7 years ago
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NO AUTHORITY…much has been permitted but, very little is authorized. Those spirits & things that would take authority over us are minimalized when we deny them access to our minds, bodies, hearts & spirits. Source is an important key to shifting, remain connected & anticipate the delivery of multidimensional energy. Once filled…be bold in your authority!!! Look not to the left or right, stay focused on the power within. Many won’t like it, but be bold anyway & never loose sight because no matter what they try or how they summarize the equation, they have no authority over you or your life. They didn’t create it so they have no power to diminish it. #thirdeyebright #transfomtion #transmutate #noauthority #multidimensional
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rickyrebelrocks · 5 years ago
Here’s a blast from the past! #throwbackthursday to the pop group era of my life. Yes, we were signed by Michael Jackson and Madonna, and toured with @BritneySpears. Shoutout to #NoAuthority members @tommymac79 @stretchyman and @zavatskydanny ♥️ (at No Authority barbershop) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-faP1xniK7/?igshid=icdr1eo165u7
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