stereksecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, noahreidhours!
For @noahreidhours. It was fun writing in this AU, never thought that I will enjoy it that much.
The Apocalypse is Coming
Stiles hated the cold; the winter season was bad for him.
Derek wanted to meet with him later that night in the cold and Stiles had offered his blue jeep so they could talk in it rather than lying on the cold and snowy ground.
Stiles parked the blue jeep at the reservation and waited for Derek to appear, not knowing why the other man wanted to talk to him. They had known each other on and off for five years but weren't what he'd call friends. Stiles didn’t know what had changed.
The man entered his jeep and closed the door.
Continue on AO3
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flatoutchaos · 4 years
@noahreidhours replied to your post “why are so many people saying the train does more harm than good when...”
because they want to defend their white villain lol
i understand that this is meant to be a flippant joke that has some degree of truth to it but I think its a bit deeper than just “white people sympathizing with a white guy” because I'm black and I empathize with simon! I've been down the road of using unhealthy coping mechanisms and surrounding myself with people who will support unhealthy behaviors and not growth and because of that I feel like many people saw their own unhealthy behaviors in simon and felt justified, and then when his end came about they felt attacked. which is a natural reaction but instead of insisting that the story was bad for treating him his way, consider why the writers used those behaviors in this narrative. think deep down why “become a better person or die :)” is a message that's so scary to you. simon’s death wasn't a victory or retribution, it was the fall of a boy so deep in his own ideologies that he couldn't perceive the harm he was doing to himself or the people around him and he destroyed himself, and deep down, every hurt, mentally ill, and traumatized person is afraid of that
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murdergrandpa · 4 years
Survivors in Dead by Daylight that are queer:
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Can’t forget our Killers too...
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And here is DBD’s straight representation:
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* Bubba isn't included because mentally he's a child and the Demogorgon is a supernatural creature and probably sexless.
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Where's that Drarry fic you mentioned? The one with quiet Draco? ;-0
Oh man, I feel like such a shit. Several people have asked, but I’m not posting it yet. I hate doing WIPs, so won’t start posting until it’s much closer to being finished. I’m making a list of people to tag/ping when I do. I’ll add you to it.
And if anyone else wants on that list, just let me know. :D
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bleekay · 5 years
Hey there! Do you sell your art anywhere?? ;0
Not yet, but I’m getting there :)
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pavlmescal · 5 years
Hi there, I'm sorry to bother you, and I hope you don't mind talking about it (but if you do just ignore this message, I don't wanna put you in an uncomfortable spot), but I saw your post and... what's RPF? D:
RPF is Real Person Fiction, or fanfiction about the actors themselves as opposed to the characters they play. There have been some explicit fics cropping up about Dan and Noah (and worst of all Clare) in the Schitt’s Creek tag and I am not cool with it. If you’re gonna write it there’s nothing I can do about that, but the least you could do is keep it out of the show’s tags. There are RPF tags for a reason. 
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isabellaofparma · 5 years
hi there! do you know when eastenders typically airs? because i can't seem to figure out the schedule, it seems... random. i don't understand, i'm completely lost.
Hi! Normally, Eastenders airs at 8.00pm on Monday and Friday, and 7.30pm on Tuesday and Thursday. No episode on Wednesdays. Their schedule is even more messed up at the moment, because of football, that’s why we got two episodes yesterday and why there is no episode tonight. :)
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oliviloi · 3 years
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commission i've done for @noahreidhours !
their stardew valley oc and shane
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backgroundagent3 · 3 years
I was tagged by @fentasticallyconfuddled to do this, thanks for the tag! 🥰🥰
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
Dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
Preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old Hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
No pressure tagging @queercapwriting , @libbyweasley , @maybebrilliant , @noahreidhours, @beth-is-rainpaint and @angry-slytherin if you want to and anyone else who sees this!
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, noahreidhours!
For @noahreidhours. You wanted angst, have some angst (and some fluff, I guess)
It starts like an avalanche, a small, defined moment that coalesces into something much bigger. Derek can’t pinpoint the exact moment everything clicked into place and the snow started, metaphorically, tumbling down the mountain, but once it started, it didn’t slow, didn’t stop, and couldn’t be avoided.
Derek has been convinced for so long that good things didn’t happen to him, that when things start looking up, he tries to quash it away as best as he can, in the only way he knows how; he bares his claws and snaps his fangs.
He doesn’t know when it stopped working on Stiles.
— — — — — —
It must be a day that ends in Y, because Stiles goes missing a few days after the pack discovers something hinky going on out in the preserve. Boyd and Erica have both found evidence of some sort of magical presence - fire pits that stink of non-native herbs, a spool of twine, a silver coin, several rocks and tree trunks painted with strange runes that even have Deaton scratching his head - and not even Derek is able to catch a scent.
Things really go ass over tea kettle when, one day later, Alison goes missing, too.
Chris Argent calls in every favor owed to him to aid in the search. Chris vouches for every hunter that comes to town, swears that they keep to the code, but Derek trusts them about as far as he can spit.
Derek delegates that Chris and his hunters can search one half of the preserve, while he and his wolves check the other half. Boyd and Erica make up one group, Scott and Isaac the other. Jackson and Lydia are holding down the fort, so to speak; Danny’s hacked into the database that stores the video for traffic cams across town, and the three of them are going through it in hopes they can find something. Thus, Derek searches alone. After all, he’s the strongest, he’s the alpha.
It’s more coincidence and dumb luck than expert tracking that Derek finds them at all.
The moon is high, and he pauses by the stream that runs through the preserve, scenting the air. He smells nothing but the forest around him, crisp and clear and just a little damp from the afternoon rain.
That’s when he hears it, a strange sound that has him freezing in place. It sounds muffled, like hearing a TV or radio in another part of a house, softly faded but just loud enough that, if you listen closely, you can make out a word or two every now and then.
Derek hears the sound again, but this time he’s ready for it, and he leaps off his vantage point and tears through the underbrush, teeth gnashing, eyes red.
He skids to a halt when he enters a small clearing. A length of red twine connects seven trees until it comes back on itself, making a lumpy circle of sorts. Off each length of twine, between one tree and the next, hang small wooden tokens, square in shape, twine threaded through a hole near one of the corners. Derek thinks there might be writing or runes on them, but he’s too focused on what’s inside the circle to investigate further. On two slabs, floating several feet off the ground, are both Stiles and Alison, tied up with what looks like the same twine that surrounds them. He can’t make out Stiles’ upper body due to a tree blocking his line of sight, but he’d recognize those lanky legs and scuffed-up high-tops anywhere. He sees Alison’s profile, and, unfortunately, she doesn’t look too great. There’s a length of cloth tied around her head acting as a gag, and her face is sporting more than a few bruises and cuts.
That’s not all, though, because of course it isn’t. Good things don’t happen to Derek Hale, remember?
Not one, not two, but three hulking, vaguely human-shaped figures stand within the circle, along with a single hooded figure.
What’s more is that Derek can’t smell any of them.
When he sees one of the mammoth figures move a bit, he realizes that he can’t hear them, either.
The figure that had started moving comes to a stop next to the slap Stiles is tied up on. It raises a gigantic, meaty fist and-
Derek is moving before his brain can catch up with his feet. He tears out of the foliage, and as he passes into the circle, a strange feeling ripples through him, sends a shiver down his spine.
The hooded figure takes one look at Derek and then flees like his ass is on fire. Derek moves to give chase, but narrowly misses the haymaker one of the lumbering figures throws at him. He flips backward to dodge it, and with it his shoulder catches a length of twine, his body weight snapping it easily.
A little more hell breaks loose after that, because why not, right? In for a penny, in for a pound. As soon as the twine snaps, the two slabs holding Stiles and Alison fall to the ground with a tremendous sound that makes Derek wince.
The three figures don’t pause in their assault, however. They move fast for their size, and when Derek executes a move that would take off the arm of a normal being, he almost twists his spine in two trying to dodge the creature’s countermove.
“Derek!” he hears Alison yell.
“Little busy!” Derek shouts back, snaking behind a tree.
“No, Derek, they’re golems! There’s a word carved into their foreheads! If you erase the first letter, they’ll stop moving!”
It takes some fancy footwork on Derek’s part to manage to get high enough to reach the creature’s forehead, but one well-placed claw swipe has the golem crumbling into dirt. The next golem goes down as easy as the first, but the third gets in a good punch. It sends Derek flying back, but he easily rights himself. As he moves back to his full height, he bites his teeth and pops his shoulder back into the socket. For one moment, he feels a searing pin-point of white-hot pain, but it’s over in the blink of an eye, and Derek’s back to being fight-ready.
He snarls, then charges the creature, his dense muscles knocking the thing off balance. Another swipe to a forehead and the golem crumbles under him.
Derek jumps back to his feet quick as he can, rushing back to where Stiles and Alison still are. Alison’s managed to free herself, and Derek dashes to her side, using the claw of his index finger to cut loose the twine that binds Stiles’ hands together. After that, he cuts the gag free from the boy’s face.
Stiles doesn’t thank him, because Stiles is out cold, and a little more than a little worse for the weather. He’s got a black eye and a fat lip, and there’s a dark, ugly bruise peeking out from the dip of his t-shirt.
“Can you-” Alison starts to ask, but Derek’s already scooping Stiles’ unconscious body into his arms.
“Are you alright to walk?” he asks Alison.
“I’ll be fine if we go slow.”
It takes almost an hour to get back to where Derek had parked the Camaro. Derek has Alison reach into his pocket to grab his phone and call the others, then, when that’s done, she tells him the story of what had happened since she’d been taken.
Stiles wakes up right as Derek is able to see the road.
“Am I being carried like a damsel in distress?” Stiles slurs.
“I could have thrown you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes,” Derek answers. He’s at least a little pleased Stiles feels good enough to be sarcastic. Though, to be fair, there’s never really a time Stiles isn’t sarcastic. Even in life-or-death situations, he can’t keep his mouth shut.
“Oh, man, don’t talk about food. I haven’t eaten in three days.”
Derek growls at that, displeased. He thought it had been a trick of the moonlight, but Stiles’ cheeks and eyes looked sallow and thin when Derek had picked him up.
Alison reaches into his other pocket and frees his keys and helps Derek gently heft Stiles into the passenger’s seat, the back of the chair laid as far back as it can go. Once safely seat-belted in, Derek lets Alison climb into the back.
The trip back to town is quiet. It’s a little disconcerting, considering what a motormouth Stiles usually is. Derek can tell he’s not sleeping from the patterns of his breathing and heartbeat, but he keeps his eyes closed and his body still all the same.
Everyone is already gathered back at Stiles’ house, and Derek is more than relieved for the lack of police cruiser in the driveway.
Scott crowds around Alison, helping her out of the back seat of the Camaro, and Chris’ face scrunches up like he’s just caught a bad smell.
Derek doesn’t really bother with anyone else, though Erica is the one who opens the front door for him. He carefully navigates up the stairs and brings Stiles into the bathroom that’s across the hall from his room, carefully seating him atop the closed lid of the toilet. He rids the boy of his shoes first, then his shirt, while allowing the sink faucet to run until the water turns warm. He wets a washcloth and rings it dry, handing it to Stiles as he fishes for the first aid-kit under the sink.
“Wait, you get the golems?” Stiles asks, scrubbing at his face.
“All three that were there. It was eerie, the way they didn’t give off a scent.”
“Golems are made out of clay or dirt. If they were made out of stuff from the preserve, of course you wouldn’t be able to sniff ‘em out. They’d just - ah, hey, careful!”
“Quit whining, it’s just peroxide. There’s a few cuts next to your black eye. And they’d just what?”
“They’d just smell like the rest of the forest.”
Derek nods, feeling a little relieved over the idea that his inability to scent the monsters hadn’t been due to some inadequacy on his part. Still, if the witch decided to make more, he’d have the same problem…
Once Stiles is patched up, Derek helps him into his bedroom and gets him to sit on the bed, grabbing him a change of clothing.
“How did you find us, anyway?” he asks.
Derek furrows his brows. He can no longer hear anyone outside of the Stilinski home, and finds himself inexplicably annoyed over the fact that no one else had come to check on Stiles after Derek had brought him into the house.
“I heard something. I don’t know what it was, but it was loud enough to get my attention.”
Stiles’ grin is blinding. “Knew it!”
Derek raises an eyebrow, trying to appear unimpressed.
“The twine wrapped around the trees and the runes on the square pieces of wood made up a silencing spell. I managed to snag a handful of gravel, and had spent the next, like, hour throwing it outside of the barrier, piece by piece.”
Derek blinks, taken off guard. Stiles’ thrown-together-on-a-hunch plan had literally been what helped Derek find them. “Smart,” he says, as close to a compliment as he’s willing to give.
Stiles grins wider in response, and something inside Derek twists a little.
“Well, I mean, it’s what got me clocked upside the head,” Stiles says as he gestures to his rather beat-up face. “And, hey, thanks for patching me up, man.”
Derek nods. “Get dressed, I’ll get you something to eat.”
Down in the kitchen, Derek makes two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then fills a glass with water, since he figures if Stiles is hungry, he’s likely a little dehydrated, too. When he’s back inside Stiles’ room, Stiles has changed his clothes, though the boy is now laying half on the bed, his knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Derek puts the food on the bedside table.
“Get some rest,” he tells Stiles and he heads for the window.
“Derek,” Stiles calls.
Derek stops, and then turns his head over his shoulder.
“I mean it.” Stiles’ voice is softer, and Derek can hear the sincerity in his tone. “Thanks for the rescue and the Florence Nightingale treatment. And thanks for, you know, the whole golem-slaying thing. Though I am a little disappointed I didn’t get to see them go down. You’ll have to give me a play-by-play so I can add it to the bestiary.”
“Get some rest, Stiles,” Derek reiterates, avoiding saying anything else by means of jumping out the window.
He knows what that pang had been, there, in his chest, behind his heart.
After all, he’d felt it twice before.
And each time had ended in utter ruination for him.
So Derek does what he’s taught himself to do in order to keep himself safe.
He ignores it.
— — — — — —
Three weeks later and the door to the loft swings open, and Stiles, in a flurry of over-gesticulation and an almost-incomprehensible string of words, storms inside. He smells like anger and hurt, and makes a b-line for the musty, second-hand couch.
“What are you doing here?” Derek asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest and doing his best to glower.
But Stiles is already unloading his laptop from his backpack, his face screwed up in frustration. “I just need, like, an hour, okay?”
“For what?” Derek snaps back.
Stiles doesn’t even seem to notice how angry Derek had made himself sound.
“Dad’s up my ass about why I looked like I went ten rounds with Muhammad Ali the other week. I hate lying to him, but I’m not about to spill the proverbial beans about Beacon Hill’s propensity for the supernatural, so I didn’t have a choice. He’s not listening to it, which, hey, I get, but I can still get mad about it when he accuses me of being in a gang.”
Derek sits in his favorite armchair. It’s the one with the least amount of foreign scents.
Stiles turns to look at him. “Me. In a gang. I’m hardly a buck forty soaking wet.”
He can’t help it, Derek lets out a soft wuff of a laugh.
Stiles blinks at him a little in surprise and a little in awe, and Derek doesn’t miss the sudden uptick in the boy’s heartbeat. He quickly schools his features back into a scowl. “So you need an hour because your dad thinks your extracurricular activities are of a more nefarious nature?”
The spell is broken and Stiles rolls his eyes. “I need an hour because I’m really good at being an asshole when I’m mad and blurting stupid things out.”
“No, you do that on a pretty continual basis, angry or not.”
Stiles glares. “Yeah, ha ha, sassy-wolf. Laugh it up. I need an hour to do my homework in peace before he leaves for his shift, and this was the only place I could think of with a couch and outlet where I didn’t have to buy a menu item every half hour to occupy.”
Derek leans back, reaching for his unfinished book on the coffee table. “If you take anything from the kitchen, I’m charging you.”
“Love you too, big bad,” Stiles says, eyes focused on the start-up screen of his computer.
And while the boy does well to hide his tone with layers of sarcasm, Derek almost drops his book when he doesn’t hear the tell-tale skip of a lie in Stiles’ heartbeat.
He swallows, breaths out through his nose, then pushes it out of his mind. It doesn’t matter, it will never matter. Derek Hale doesn’t get nice things. No, that’s not entirely true - when Derek Hale gets nice things, the world around him crashes and burns. Sometimes literally.
— — — — — —
Isaac gets launched backward, and Derek hears him hit the wall. The concrete indents slightly where Isaac had landed, but he’s back on his feet in a heartbeat, looking more than a little pissed.
“Once I’m in charge of the territory,” the beastly intruder growls, “I’ll kill everyone that ever associated with you.” The creature laughs. “And then, I’ll turn everyone else!”
Derek’s ready for the creature to charge at him. He’s the alpha, and the beast - Derek’s weary to call it a werewolf, given how different it looks in comparison, but Stiles had been adamant - wants that alpha spark.
But even as Derek braces for impact, the blow never comes because in the next second, moving with a speed Derek didn’t know he was capable of, Stiles runs and leaps at the beast. Above his head, ready to be swung downward and clutched tightly in both hands, is, of all things. A baseball bat.
But Stiles never does things in halves, oh no. It’s not in his nature.
The baseball bat connects with the back of the beast, an awful, meaty sound echoes throughout the room. The creature stills, then falls to his knees.
Derek notices that Stiles’ hands are empty and the bat is somehow stuck to the back of the creature.
“I carved that from a branch of mountain ash, and drove nails coated with a liquid wolfsbane mixture.”
In complete and utter awe, Derek blinks at Stiles.
The boy doesn’t notice. He’s still staring at the incapacitated creature as it sways on its knees, then falls on its side.
“The nails make sure it stays niiice and stuck in you, and the mountain ash is a great paralytic when used like this.”
“Holy shit,” Derek hears Scott whisper.
“Now, because the wolfsbane is a mixture, there’s no way for you to naturally find what’s in it before it kills you. I have the antidote.”
True to his word, Stiles pulls out a small vial from his pocket.
“I’m giving you two options. You can lay here and die, and hey, that solves all of my problems. Or I can take the bat out, give you the antidote, and you’ll never hurt anyone again.”
The beast growls from his position on the floor. “Wh- what’s to st-st-stop me from going b-b-back on my w-word?”
Stiles smiles. “Because Alison Argent’s archery skills rival Hawkeye, and I made her entire cache of arrows the same way I made the bat stuck in your back.”
“Okay, I s-s-swear.”
It’s hard to miss the fear in the beast’s eyes.
Stiles, without any soft of gentleness, puts his foot on the side of the beast, then uses it as leverage to pull what Derek now knows to be a nail bat from his flesh. It’s a sickening sound, and a few of the nails drip with fur and blood, but as soon as it’s free, the beast takes in a shuddering gasp of air. Stiles tosses the vial on the floor next to the creature, then digs out a lighter from his pocket.
“You have until sunrise to get out of the county.”
Stiles doesn’t look back as he walks toward the door, and everyone follows suit, including Derek.
Outside, as they near their cars, Derek watches as Stiles gestures for Isaac to come near. Careful to stay a fair distance away, Derek watches as Stiles looks over Isaac like a doting mother hen might.
“I’m fine. The broken ribs already healed,” he hears Isaac say.
Stiles nods, then pats Isaac on the shoulder. As Isaac walks away, Stiles looks around and makes eye-contact with Derek. The boy gestures him over, then turns around and starts digging in the back seat of his Jeep, where he’d stashed his ridiculous weapon.
“What?” Derek asks as he nears.
Stiles doesn’t even turn around, just hands him a bundle of stuff. When Derek takes it, he sees it’s a pack of baby-wipes and a new shirt.
Derek’s lack of movement is likely what tipped Stiles off, because it’s not a moment later when he speaks. “I know how much you hate getting crap in your car. Figured this would come in handy eventually.”
Staring at the shirt and package of wipes in his hands, Derek’s mind races. Stiles had kept an extra shirt in his car. But not an extra shirt for him, no. Because as Derek holds up the shirt, he can see that it’s not in Stiles’ size; it’s in his.
His mouth goes dry as he turns away and heads toward his Camaro.
— — — — — —
It never gets any easier, the anniversary of when his family had…
But he hasn’t visited his mother’s grave since he and Laura left, and as much as it hurts, he knows he should. Maybe it’ll finally give him a little closure, or maybe Derek just likes inflicting all manner of pain upon himself; it could go either way.
What surprises him, however, is the fresh bouquet of flowers already decorating his mother’s headstone. He blinks in surprise, then furrows his brow. It’s been years since his family had died. Who would bring them flowers after all this time?
The cemetery is mostly dark. It’s just before sundown, and the tall trees that pepper the pristine-grass and well-kept headstones make long shadows. But who is Derek kidding, he’d recognize that stupid red hoodie anywhere.
Part of him is mad, and he doesn’t quite understand why. Misplaced anger, maybe, or something more deeply rooted. As he nears Stiles’ sitting form, ready to verbally tear into the kid, he stops short.
“And, like, you should have seen it! The whole kitchen was a mess!” Stiles laughs, then the sound tapers out into a sigh. “He misses you. I mean, I miss you, too. But I know it’s different for dad. When you lose someone you love the way dad loves you, it’s like you’ve lost a piece of yourself.”
Derek swallows.
Stiles sighs again, then rubs a palm over his face. “And I know I’m not making it any easier on him. But you understand why I can’t say anything, right? He’d blow his top, never let me leave the house. Sometimes I wish I could tell him. And maybe someday I might, or I might be forced to. But I have to protect my friends before I can protect his feelings.”
There’s a long, sad silence that follows. Eventually, Stiles moves to stand and Derek maneuvers to hide himself behind a tree. “Thanks for listening, mom. And thanks for sharing your flowers.”
When Derek gets home, he showers, then eats a bowl of cereal just to get something into his system. He lays in bed, staring at the exposed pipes and beams of the ceiling. Sleep doesn’t steal him away for some time.
— — — — — —
Things stay quiet for a time, which suits Derek just fine. It means he doesn’t have to deal with people; he holes up in his loft and marathons shitty TV shows on the streaming service Stiles had insisted be set up. When he can’t stand to look at the TV any longer, he reads. And, when he runs out of books, he finally leaves the warmth and solitude of his flat to venture out to the grocery store. He stocks up on what he knows he’s out of, without any sort of meal-plan in mind, then scours the pathetic section of books he finds in the same aisle as the greeting cards. Most of them have ridiculous covers and names - bodice-rippers, uncle Peter used to call them - but he finds a few that at least look somewhat promising before he heads to the checkout.
He’s almost completely done putting away the groceries when he hears Stiles let himself in. How the little shit had managed to get a key made or copied in the first place is outside the realms of Derek’s imagination.
When he turns around, it’s to see Stiles, holding out two small, wrapped gifts.
Derek furrows his brow.
One present is wrapped in Star Wars Christmas paper - R2D2 is sporting a rather stylish Santa hat - and the other, much to Derek’s surprise, is wrapped in what appears to be birthday-themed paper.
He looks up and is met with Stiles’ soft smile. “One’s for Christmas, one’s for your birthday,” Stiles tells him, like this kind of interaction is completely normal for the two of them.
When Derek doesn’t move to take them, Stile rolls his eyes and just puts them on the table. “Open ‘em or don’t, Scrooge-wolf. I’m not trying to put pressure on you or anything.”
Even though Stiles has told him there’s no pressure, Derek’s pretty sure the amount of pressure he currently feels rivals that of the deepest part of the ocean. After a moment, he musters up his, what? Courage? Fortitude? Doesn’t matter. He takes a deep breath, and reaches first for the Christmas present first. Red and green light-sabers and Princess Leia with reindeer antlers peel away to reveal a box. Inside the box is a little tissue, and when Derek finally gets what he supposes is the actual gift free of the packaging, he stills. The mug is plain white, but on the side are printed letters.
What do you call a wolf that
has his shit figured out?…
Derek shoots Stiles a look of disdain, but it doesn’t seem to deter the boy. He’s grinning like an idiot. “I got one for Isaac that says ‘What do you call a beta wolf? A sub-woofer.’”
Derek rolls his eyes, but he lets his lips curl up into a slight smile. Terrible as the Stiles’ jokes may be, it’s not hard to see that they are never meant to be harmful.
The birthday present is next, and Stiles seems excited about this one. He leans forward a little as Derek tears open the paper. It’s another box, but it’s much smaller, and when Derek opens this one, he’s confused for a moment.
It’s a ring. But it looks like some kind of wood and epoxy mixture, with the wood making the ring portion of it and the epoxy forming an almost rectangular shape on one side. He takes it out of the box carefully and looks it over. The wood inlay looks splintered, and the transparent epoxy holds… a little moon?
“I don’t expect you to wear it or anything,” Stiles says. “It’s, uh, it’s a piece of wood from your old house. And I made the moon out of clay, because I thought, well, with the whole werewolf thing and-”
“Get out.” Derek’s voice is low and cold.
Stiles freezes. “I’m sorry, I thought you’d-”
“Get. Out.” When Stiles doesn’t move, Derek growls and lunges forward, taking a handful of Stiles’ shirt and pulling him toward the door. He shoves Stiles through and into the hallway, then slams the door before he can catch a glimpse of Stiles’ expression. He locks the door, then leans on it, the ring still clutched in one hand.
“I’m sorry, Derek,” Stiles says.
Derek doesn’t move, hardly breathes. He stays pressed against the door as he hears Stiles walk away. He remains there longer still, far past when he can hear the Jeep start and Stiles drive away.
He peels off his clothes and climbs into bed, despite it being four in the afternoon. He pulls the covers over his head like he used to when he was little, when his mom would turn out the light after tucking him in.
For a long time now, Derek’s mastered the art of trying to not care. The walls around his heart are made of solid steel, layers upon layers.
But now there’s a hole somewhere in that barrier.
He doesn’t cry. To be honest, he doesn’t think he can. He’d cried himself stupid after the fire, had sobbed almost every night for the six months following, and then he just… closed up. He’d shut the door and locked the deadbolt, because kindness and sincerity and just a dash of naivety had been the perfect mix to allow for someone to manipulate him. What had he left now? Every one he’d ever allowed himself to love were dead and gone.
And Derek couldn’t do that to Stiles, couldn’t put the burden of the curse of his heart, of him vulnerable, on Stiles’ shoulders.
— — — — — —
“Stiles, hey - hey, keep your eyes open!”
Derek’s voice is frantic. He cups Stiles’ head in his broad palms, a protective barrier between the back of the boy’s head and the cement below.
Stiles blinks one eye open - the other is already swollen shut.
They’d found the witch with a penchant for creating golems, the one that had kidnapped Stiles and Alison months ago. But this time, instead of three, the damn bastard had made an army of the fuckers, giant, lumbering automatons that swung their ham-sized fists without restraint.
The fight was dirty and tiresome, and even Derek, who’s been a wolf since birth, is tired and nearly out of breath.
Stiles’ good hand, the one not resting in an unnatural manner, rises up and tugs on something that’s dangling from around Derek’s neck. His blood-splattered lips curl up into a smile, or as much as he can make of one, considering the awful state he’s in.
“Scott’s already called Malissa; there’s an ambulance on the way. Just stay awake for me, just-”
“Sourwolf, you kept it.”
Derek pauses, then looks to see what Stiles holds.
It’s the ring made with the wood of his house and the little moon sculpted by Stiles’ own fingers.
“Thought you hated me after I gave this to you.”
Unsure of what to say, Derek just shakes his head.
Stiles coughs, and Derek can hear the strain. It’s a wet sound, and Stiles is slow to take air back in. One of his lungs has likely either been punctured, or has already collapsed.
Derek’s hands are shaking.
“I need a favor, big bad.”
Stiles cuts Derek off before he has time to protest.
“If I don’t make it, keep my dad safe, alright? Make sure he’s… make sure he’s okay.”
“You’re going to be fine, Stiles.”
Stiles just smiles, blinking slowly.
“And you.”
“Me? Derek breathes.
“Allow yourself to have something nice, damnit. You deserve nice things. I know that shit’s been really bad for you for a long time, but you shouldn’t let the hurt that might come outweigh any good that comes before.”
It feels like someone has Derek’s heart in a vice-grip. He swallows, licks his lips, then does just that.
Derek Hale allows himself to have something nice.
He kisses Stiles square on the mouth.
— — — — — —
There’s no other choice to make.
They tell the sheriff what happened. Exactly what happened. Scott fumbles through a lot in his attempt at an explanation, but Derek backs him up, and is the one to shift when the sheriff threatens to have them all arrested unless they tell him the actual truth.
How could they not? His son, his only living blood, looks like he’d been in a one-on-one match with a woodchipper. The hospital did well to keep Stiles alive, but he’d flat-lined on the operation table twice, and Derek had nearly cracked his teeth from clenching so hard. Once stable, Stiles had been set up in a private room, though he hadn’t woken up yet.
Derek’s been at his side for three straight days.
Isaac brings him a change of clothes and something to sleep in, saying that even the nurses were starting to complain.
Sheriff Stilinski doesn’t seem to know what to make of the twenty-something-year-old young man that never leaves his son’s side longer than it takes for him to use the shower or restroom. But, well, he can guess. He’s not really happy with it, of course not. All things considered, however, his son is still alive, isn’t some kind of creature of the night of myth or legend, and has what likely constitutes to be as close to a superhero as you can get at his son’s back; things could have gone a lot worse.
He’ll give Stiles a week before he’s grounded until he’s eighty.
— — — — — —
Derek slides the window open. He sees Stiles partially sprawled out on his bed, laptop balanced precariously on top of a pillow.
“Hey, sourwolf,” he greets. His eyes look less sunken in, though he still hasn’t gained back all of the weight he’d lost.
Clothing the window, Derek toes his shoes off and comes to rest on the other side of Stiles’ bed. It’s small, more than a little cramped, but they make it work.
He gets comfortable, and, as soon as he’s settled, Stiles hooks a leg over his, then reaches out and laces their fingers together, all the while never moving his eyes from the screen.
It’s slow-going, this thing between them, partially because Stiles is still very much on the mend, and partially because Derek still has a hard time with intimacy, especially showing affection.
If it bothers Stiles at all, Derek would never know because it’s never been brought up. Stiles is perceptive, can obviously guess why Derek sometimes still stiffens when they touch, but he doesn’t push. It’s sweet, he thinks, the way they are slow-dancing around one another. They hold hands and watch movies, with legs or heads in laps. They press their shoulders against one another when they go out to eat and take up a single side of the booth.
They kiss.
That’s something new to Derek, the slow press of lips without the promise of something in the distance, kissing just to kiss, tasting one another for the sheer thrill of it, and then backing off slowly, with no one’s feelings hurt.
Stiles falls asleep, his head resting on Derek’s shoulder.
The avalanche has passed.
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murdergrandpa · 4 years
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So I’m super proud of my cosmetics and I wanna show ‘em off ^^
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alshtrikul · 4 years
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commission for @noahreidhours
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pretty-bratty · 5 years
Got tagged by @anti-social-prettyboy
Thanks, sweetheart!
March 25th
Astrological sign
Aries baby!
Last song I listened to
Sia - Unstoppable
Uhh skateboarding, drawing, basketball, singing, writing (it's my job but fics and something like that can be considered as a hobby too?), video editing. Basically I love telling stories in any creative way and never sitting still getting outdoors and moving and playing.
Fave color
Blue and turquoise
Last movie I saw
Home Alone. Tis the season.
Fave book
Well I do have a lot and it's changing. All times favorite is probably Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.
It used to be Lord of the Flies and The Beach for quite a while. I also love children books a whole fucking lot, like Astrid Lindgren's ones, and the first Harry Potter books are so magical.
Dream job
Author, film director, showrunner.
Meaning behind url
Well it's kinda two things that describe me the most according to what people are saying, so I thought it would fit. I also love this 'pretty bratty' pun because that's obviously true as well. Oh and also loved how it sounds together.
I dunno who's been tagged already, so sorry in advance and ignore me if you did it haha.
Tagging: @strangergrove @bentnotbroken1fanfiction @bambixxblue @billy-baby @thepunkwhitch @cameorabbit @wickedlydevious @elysiumwaits @avalonlights @noahreidhours @rien713 @steviebcy and really whoever wants to!
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rachel-bloom · 5 years
Fleabag made me laugh more than anything else I've watched in a long time but also triggered my depression for the couple days following (I binged the whole thing in one night so that probably didn't help). It's so funny but painfully sad at the same time.
it only has like 13 episodes in total right? that means i could easily watch it in 1-2 days. 
0 notes
unkn0wncryptid · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @billy-baby <3
Show us your:
Phone wallpaper
Most recent photo in your camera roll
Most recent song you listened to
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I tag: @obliqueoptimism @swallowedastar @noahreidhours and whoever sees this and wants to do it
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rose-lily-hale · 5 years
tagged by:  @eyehairs
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Pats
Sign:  Leo
Height:  5’7”
Last movie I saw:  Precious
Last thing I googled: how long does bad breath last after t&a surgery
Favorite musician: Queen
Song stuck in my head:  Truth Hurts - Lizzo
Other blogs:  aka-patsy
Do I get asks:  Sometimes! Feel free to drop me a line!!
Blogs Following:  So so many
Amount of sleep:  usually 8 hours
Lucky number: 52
What I’m wearing: tshirt and boxer briefs
Dream job: Psychologist
Dream trip: Euro road trip (mostly Ireland tho)
Favorite food:  Chinese food
Play any instruments: Nope :/
Languages:  English
Random fact: I have 10 tattoos
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A creaky old house set back in the woods. The fresh feeling that comes in the air before the sun rises. The buzz in a tattoo parlor.
Tagging: (21 people?!?!) 
@queerasaurus-rexx @jullietterose @eaudewolf @anteroom-of-death @psychicalicecullen @cullenedward @cullen-collective @cullen-trash @kristeenstewaart @virgoisabella @edythesdimples @edwardemmett @edwardcullenisace @edwardcullenisgay @noahreidhours @beaulingshirt @angrywerewolfwife @marcusofthevolturi @bluegreentint @shiny-volvo-owner @shinyvampireass
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