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oheziraphael · 2 years ago
There has been such an unbelieveable amount of antisemitism on Tumblr, so, I'll just say this.
Lilith is closed.
The Kabbalah is not an occult-y thing you can just use, It is closed to Judaism, always has been, always will be.
The Jewish G-d is not just every other abrahamic deity, they are not the same.
Abrahamic religions are not evil, stop generalizing, if you had a bad experience with Christianity or Judaism or Islam, that is not the whole religion, do not put others down because of it.
and i'll just ask this; why are goyim so, so, interested in jews? why? why does it matter to you? If you aren't trying to learn and be respectful, why are you so interested in telling them why something is closed or open?
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spale-vosver · 2 months ago
Noachidism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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rabbiaharon · 3 months ago
”Can a Goy be among the Chasidei Umos Haolam (righteous among the nations) if they believe in one G-d, but have never heard of the Torah.” I’ve been asked this question recently in a few different places, I’d like to iron out my answer in brief. I’ll divide my answer into a section in the theory of the issue, and a section on the practicality of the issue.
In theory, a non-jew is held responsible fully for not keeping the obligations set out for them in the 7 Noahide Laws, regardless of whether or not they’ve had a chance to learn about them. This is outlined in many places in the Talmud, as well as in midrash, such as the section regarding the stones placed by the Jordan River by the Jewish people in their passage, on which the torah was written in 70 languages so that the non-jews could come and learn for themselves, and seek out the correct action. The midrash then comments that the Goyim will come before Hashem when Moshiach comes to judge them, and complain that they weren’t told the proper course of action, and that the answer to them is that the Torah was made public to them, and the responsibility of “not knowing” ultimately falls on them. This theoretical, higher expectation for responsibility comes in stark contrast to the responsibility placed on a Jew who does not know about the 613 commandments we have been charged with, as a Jew who does not know about the 613 is not held responsible. There may be a variety of reasons behind this, I’ll leave that issue for another day.
The practicality of the matter is quite different. The Rambam in Hilchos Malachim (The Laws Concerning Kings) discusses that in order for a non-jew to be considered among the Chasidei Umos Haolam, they must not only keep the 7 laws according to their proper details, but that they must do so because they were (re)received by Moshe at Mount Sinai in order to teach to the nations. Keeping them because they are logical, or because they are forced to keep them by their government (an unusual possibility indeed, as I don’t believe there is any government on Earth who enforces all of the 7 equally and without exception) does not qualify them as “Chasidei Umos Haolam”, and they will still be considered among idolaters in halachos which govern the way we interact with them.
There are other poskim which argue on the Rambam concerning the importance of intent to the classification of non-Jews in their observance of the 7 Laws, all agree that theoretically a non-Jew must keep all the laws, including all of their details (which are far more than 7), in order to be classified as “Righteous Among the Nations”. Ergo, someone who does follow the 7 commandments in all of their details, while they are classified as a noahide (insofar as the technicality of not being responsible for the violation of those commandments), they aren’t classified as “righteous among the nations”.
Nevertheless, many poskim (such as the Chazon Ish in Yoreh Deah) suggest by implication that there may not be a difference - in terms of Hashem’s mercies - between a Jew who was raised with the knowledge of a goy (no knowledge of halacha or torah), and a non-jew who lives in a situation where there is no accessibility or knowledge base for accessing the Torah, conceptually or practically. Hashem ultimately holds someone only responsible if they have the ability to learn, or if they have access to someone who can teach. If a non-jew in a corner of the world separates from and nullifies his idolatry and expresses his belief in the one G-d, they may still be considered a noahide, even if they have no access to a learning base to understand that they have an obligation of the 7 noahide laws. In modern times, there is certainly more access and learning opportunities than any other era, with the advent of the internet. However, as we have seen socially and politically, it can sometimes be extremely difficult to sort through information and disinformation on the internet to come to a single, true set of facts, so the existence of the internet may not, in fact, alter the equation in this situation.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe outlines our responsibility in educating the non-jews of the world in the observance of the 7 Noahide Laws in all of their details, and regardless of how I personally feel in light of the past years’ events, the spreading of knowledge of the 7 laws remains an integral part of preparing the world for Moshiach. Through our hard work in this area, and through Hashem’s great mercies upon those who do not know what to do, we should merit to see the world in it’s ideal state, as the Rambam concludes in the Mishnah Torah: “The world will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem like how the water fills the seas.”
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angeliccoffee · 19 days ago
I’m a young woman who loves reading and learning more. I’m always open to new ideas. I was raised Christian but now I’m a noahide. I love Judaism and the Jewish people and might want to convert one day. Overall I just live Gd and want to learn more about him. I also adore modest fashion. If anyone has any questions feel free to DM. I’m also a Zionist.
Bigots DNI
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sheydandcherub · 2 years ago
Are meshumadim welcome! ✡️
Hello! Thanks for the ask :)
Of course meshumadim are welcome! Anyone is welcome as long as they’re not attempting to proselytize their religion. I’ve also seen some meshumadim who are directly hateful of Judaism— that of course, is not welcome.
For anyone who is not aware, a meshumad is a Jewish person who does not practice Judaism nor follow Jewish law.
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captious-solarian · 1 year ago
Your postie is obeying the commandment to destroy idolatry. He is earning his place in the world to come.
The fedex guy threw my package full of priceless fingerbones of various saints and apostles over the fence into a big puddle because he couldnt figure out how to use the front gate. This is the tenth or eleventh time this has happened now.
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shakir2 · 2 months ago
Critical analysis of Judaism 
Jewish scholars claim that Christian scholars are increasingly monopolizing the research and interpretation of our cultural heritage, and the results bear a purely Christian stamp. Christian scholars often have a peculiar viewpoint that The Talmud spreads hatred and thus cannot be included in the work of the scientific world because it is full of foolish, fantastic tales and…
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judahmaccabees · 9 months ago
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aranyadev · 1 year ago
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shalom-iamcominghome · 11 months ago
Context: my rabbi was telling a story in our judaism and hebrew class about going to israel and a funny thing that happened with transliterating english into hebrew (we were learning alef)
Rabbi: So I was in front of this store reading the sign and spelling it out to myself *points to ס ו פּ on our alef chart* and I couldn't figure out what-
Me, obliviously interrupting: oh it was a supermarket???
Rabbi, amused: ........yeah, it was a supermarket, you'd do well in israel
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undaughtered · 29 days ago
situationships are OUT for 2025 practicing the noahide laws is IN
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verilyverily · 3 months ago
So if I continue speaking out against Trump as I have been then that will be considered an act of treason punishable by death. Think I'll shut my mouth? 🤣 Nope 
The Coming Reality of Project 2025
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agreenroad · 9 months ago
Adam's 2 Laws, Noah's 7 Laws, 10 Laws Of Moses, Commandments Of Jesus Christ
FIRST ADAMIC COVENANT LAW AND 2 COMMANDMENTS – FIRST REBELLION, FIRST KILLING AND FIRST BLOOD GUILT ESTABLISHED FIRST LAWS OF GOD FOR MAN Genesis 2 16 And the Lord God [s]commanded the man, saying, [t]Thou shalt eat freely of every tree of the garden, 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for [u]in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die…
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years ago
It is very fascinating to me that, in a hypothetical situation in which a religious Jewish state is conquers a territory, the demand for that conquered population to adopt the seven Noahide laws as a condition for their surrender is:
considered obligatory by Maimonides, who lived in a primarily Muslim (whose status as Noahides was not really questioned) society.
deemed not something that should be taken into consideration by Nahmanides, who lived in a primarily Christian (whose status as Noahides was much more controversial) society.
(Source: Michael Broyde - The Bounds of Wartime Military Conduct in Jewish Law: An Expansive Conception, page 23)
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Zionist Chabad Rabbi said a prayer for a future based on the Noahide laws at a Trump rally…
Few realize how serious this is.
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sheydandcherub · 2 years ago
“Dearer to God is the proselyte who has come of his [her] own accord than all the crowds of the Israelites who stood at Mt. Sinai. The Israelites witnessed the thunder, lightning, quaking mountains, and the sound of trumpets. But the proselyte, who saw not one of these things, came and surrendered himself [herself] to God and took upon himself [herself] the yoke of Heaven. Can anyone be dearer to God?”
— The Midrash, Tanchuma Lech Lecha 6
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