#no... it would be so lameeeee
anthro-cat · 9 months
wouldn't it b fun to take comissions for a dollar
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omgeto · 1 year
what about the "doing whatever karma says" era? 🤨🤨🤨📸📸 + can i be karma anon for funsies 😶‍🌫️
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chiyeko-kurea · 3 months
one of my favorite poems + my analysis
i wanted to share it with you guys:)
(VERY poorly translated, sadly never as good as the original)
« Je vis, je meurs » Louise Labé, Sonnets, 1555
« I live, I die: I drown and I burn,
I endure at once extreme heat and cold;
Life is at once too soft and too hard,
I feel boredom mingled with joys.
At the same time, I laugh and I cry,
And I endure many torments of pleasures,
My fortune fades away, and lasts forever,
At the same time, I wither and I Bloom.
Thus I suffer love’s inconstancies
And when I believe I will suffer more,
Without knowing, I find myself at peace.
Then, when I feel my joy is certain,
And I am on top of what I could wish right now,
Love casts me back into my former grief. »
So there’s a few things i would translate differently.
1) I would write « I drown and burn » without the other « I » because in the original poem, the idea conveyed is really that the feeling of drowning constantly is parallel to the one of burning, happening in the same time in the author’s mind while being completely opposite.
The idea of drowning constantly (that I personally really relate to) = therefore maybe also feeling like suffocating/ choking constantly, not being able to breathe and a constant weigh inside the chest.
+ sinking further and further until one day reaching rock bottom -> the idea of giving up on ourselves?
Or you could also interpret the word ‘drowning’ as fighting to stay above water, to gasp for air, being between sanity and trying to stay there because if you give up you will drown into insanity and darkness that is trying to pull you in. With that interpretation you also get the idea of tiredness and eventually having to give up if you know you’re doomed to drown anyway, but you can’t stop trying to survive.
But i think in this case ‘drown’ is more that achingly slow, constant, oppressive feeling of slowly sinking opposed to the complete chaos of burning fire and being actively consumed alive/ having a fire inside ur mind.
2) Second verse is also poorly translated. It would be more like ‘i burn while enduring chilblain’ which is completely different from the original verse but closer in terms of meaning, to me. Same idea of opposite feelings, i think everyone interprets differently.
3) 3rd verse IS JUST SHIT!! WHAT IS THAT TRANSLATION?? It’s so lameeeee! Ugh. The idea that i felt in the OP (original poem) was like ‘Life is to me too listless/ limp/ (=basically ‘soft’ but in a pejorative way. Life is boring, tasteless, nothing worth much, nothing that excites her mind.) Also she says ‘TO ME’. To her. Her life, not life in general. Basically, how life is to her, « towards » her. But at the same time, life is too hard to her (not « for » her!) to the point it’s like torture.
4) The next verse is kind of a résumé of her whole fucking life. That i would translate as ‘i have great ennuis intertwined with joys’. « Ennuis » could be, indeed, translated as ‘boredom’, (the way i understood it) but also as ‘problems’/‘worries’. Basically either a long, dull, boring, worthless road with sometimes great joys/ or if you got for the different meaning of ‘ennuis’: lots of terrible problems and disasters in your life but sometimes also great joys, both mingled.
5) « love’s inconsistencies » -> Love is written in the OP with a capital letter. I don’t really think it’s necessarily romantic love, but love in general: what you experience, live, feel, discover, which is basically essential to life. Imagine a life where you don’t love any type of music, book, movie, food, weather, people, feeling, taste, smell… But primarily, I think she means that Love (as an entity rather than a simple feeling) kinda throws her around; and she is a ‘victim’ of it, she suffers from it and its intensity, unpredictability, force. She is condemned, as a human, to be a subject/ slave of love. She is not, and never will be, in control of that -and therefore her life.
6) The two last verses are so poorly translated it should be a crime. The idea behind them is really interesting!
« And I am on top of what I could wish right now » -> when she has everything she could wish for, she has obtained and achieved everything she ever dreamed off, longed for, ached for, when she has reached what is the ultimate completion of her desires that would grant her happiness; and finally everything that bothered her and kept her from tasting a freedom and peace of the soul is gone; when there’s nothing more she could possibly need or even wish for; she doesn’t. Feel. Happy. Anymore. She loses it. She feels the same as she used to before. It’s a never-ending cycle. She thinks she finally has it all, but it all crumbles, again and again and she can never keep it. She can taste it for a bit, but then it vanishes and she is right back in her ‘primary misery’.
She feels joy, she feels happy, she thinks it’s gonna last forever: it never does. For me, it really convey the idea of relapse. You get clean, you feel great, life is good, but then, how could you even think it was gonna last anyway? You relapse, fall right back in your misery.
I haven’t analyzed (corrected) the 2nd quatrain and the first tercet because this post is already very long (so i just corrected the most important ones)
and i don’t wanna bore you😭 but if you like poetry we could discuss it together if you want🫶
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northernlightalaska · 5 months
How they would ask you to prom!
WARNING BAD PICKUP PROM LINES (the gangs lines are in bold!)
Also I'll do part 2 with the Shepards+ the some of the socs tomorrow
You were getting ready to cheer for the football game it was about 2 weeks before prom then darry tapped you on the shoulder
"hey y/n"
"hey what's up?"
"wanna tackle prom with me?"
Y/n laughed a tiny bit
"yes dar I will go to prom with you"
"oh thank gosh Oh uh I got you flower by the way! oh and those candies you told me about!"
he was def stressing since he needed it be prefect (sodapop gave him the pick up line)
He spent at least 30 minutes trying to pick out the best flowers
(just image he didn't drop for the plot please 😭)
Him and Steve definitely practiced for hours
"hey uh will you uh"
"dang it soda! get your head in the game she ain't go with you if don't act with bravery!"
"Oh shut your trap Steve you ain't got no date at all"
"hey Y/n wait up!"
soda walked up to as you were getting ready to get in your car
"oh hey soda whats up?"
Y/n smiled at him and he took a deep breath
"You know since your such a bright star maybe you should light up my night at prom?"
"Oh sure soda! I'd love to go to prom with you!"
Soda flashed his a million dollar smile
"well great! can't wait to see your dress I bet it'll look great on you"
"awe thank you soda! You'll look great too now see ya!"
"yeah,yeah see ya!"
"Yo dude she said yes!"
"hell yeah man!"
add in high five
He went to darry to ask for some advice since he didn't know what to do at all
"hey dar.."
"yeah pony whats up?"
"I wanna uh ask out this girl to prom but I don't know how... can you help me..?"
"oh yeahs sure ponyboy I forgot it was prom season"
Darry gave him the run down about flowers,what candies to get and maybe a little extra gift
You were at the park watching the sunset and ponyboy taped your arm
"hm? oh hey pony oh whats with the flowers?"
"oh uhmm I got these before since I wanted to ask you something.."
"yeah what is it..?"
"I think it'd be a real page turner if we went to prom..?'
"I loved to go to prom with you pony!" *y/n smiled*
"Oh uhm I got you that book you were talking about"
"thank you pony boy I love it"
He was screaming in his pillow because he said the pick up two bit told him and two-bit started to laugh his ass off when he found out pony said the pick up line
Now did he have almost all the girls in Tulsa wanting him yeah? but he'd got bored of most of most of them and thought he'd try this prom date thing.. and he wanted to at least do I good so he bought (stole) you a pack of cigarettes and some cd he was pretty sure you liked and wrote on the inside of the cigarette box to ask you (a lot of effort for dally)
You and him were at a rodeo and he thought he'd get over with and ask you
"Hey Y/n"
"Yeah dal whats up?"
*Dallas handed you pack of cigarettes and the cd*
"oh thanks dal! but it ain't my birthday yet..?"
"just look inside the cig box!"
"Okay man jeez!"
*y/n opened the box and read it*
"Oh uhm Yeah I'd love to go with ya Dallas you ain't pranking me right?"
"No y/n I ain't pranking It was hard work to stea- I mean but that stuff!"
he needed to ask ponyboy and Dallas for help since he didn't know what to do
"Guys what do I do..?"
"man do you just want us to beat up then make her say yes?"
"No! Dallas none of you are beating her up!!"
"Well I think You should pick her some flowers and-"
You were laying in the lot waiting for johnny since you two usually hung out at the lot
*johnny hide the flowers he picked in his jean jacket pocket*
"Oh hey johnny thought you got busy"
"nope just lost track of time"
*johnny sat next to y/n*
"so uh you know how proms coming up right?"
"Oh yeah my families super excited for me since I get to go this year"
"So since Proms coming up I was wondering if you could go to the dance with me? and maybe we could go to the movies ro the dinner atfer..?"
*johnny took out the flowers and handed them to you*
"oh.. johnny yes of course! I'd love to go to prom with you! and I'd love to go the dinner after prom we could get some sundaes or something at the dinner!"
Y/n smiled and johnny and so did johnny
"heyy y/n!"
"Oh hey two whats up"
"Maybe you should not be a meanie and go with this-"
*y/n laughed*
"I wasn't done with the joke yet!"
"sorry sorry I heard you telling it to Dallas earlier and had to laugh at it sorry sorry keep going!"
*loud dramatic two-bit sigh*
"will you go to prom with me?"
"Yes I will two then we can watch mickey after"
Steve randle
(guys he didn't drop out your crazy talking)
he was practicing with sodapop and made sure he was going to get everything right
"man I'm so sacred what if she says no? what id she says no!"
"steve she won't say no I mean look at you! you look so tuff man!"
He made ponyboy write you a wrote so he could put in in his toolbox to ask you out to prom
"hey Y/N uh pass me that wrench!"
"oh sure stevie here ya go!"
"hey can you go in my tool box and uh get me the rag outta their Please?"
"Oh sure I guess"
Y/n opened the tool box and saw the note and read it
_dear y/n please to go prom with me if yes say so if not you never saw this note and you've never saw this! Xo steve!_
"Oh here's the rag steve and yes I will go to prom with you I think theirs a drag race going on the day after and maybe we could go?"
"Oh yeah we should do that!" Later
High five!
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windupaidoneus · 4 days
hi thistle ! idr if youve talked abt it before but what were ur ideas for hildemet post endwalker ? i remember u posted abt meteion and them after endwalker but i wanted to learn more abt ur thoughts or how the ship develops ! idk if this makes sense i hope it does LOL (@dmclr)
hiii clara :3 ohhh post endwalker. (lies down face first) this one's a real doozy bc i have yet to properly work out the timeline of events... there are two ways it could go & i dont know which i prefer. oh under the cut as per usual. this is actually probably my longest ramble yet LMAO
either hildegarde really did go through with bringing emet back with his own two hands (& aether. & magic. but like it's intentional is what i mean) or emet chose to have another pass at life bc the time spent during post shb/edw up until elpis gave him that want again, & his soul would've held on until a suitable vessel was nearby (so like, very likely one of the solus clones bc he'd rather not go for possession if he can help it lmao). fuck i also thought of the possibility of like... just it happening without either of their direct involvement, maybe something that kinda just happened because of emet's longing but not in the way that he would've actively orchestrated his return so to speak - his soul just doing that i suppose.? because of the power of love sparkle sparkle or something. they all have something good... um.. i started typing before opening the game i think but then i opened the game & now it's like 12 hours later & my head hurts BADDD but i want to answer this.
in the case of hildegarde intentionally bringing him back is. it being intentional is very yummies & good to me. in the sense of defying fate itself & whatnot to bring a loved one back. i am a lameeeee romantic so that shit always gets me..... but at the same time there is a part of me that like, thinks maybe at that point in time it wouldn't be narratively satisfying? since he has messed around with necromancy before then gave up on it it coulddd be interesting to ahve him go back to it bc like he's still a flawed character who does questionable things & all that but this one idk if i want it to be the case all that much. i like when he gets a little fucked up but i dont know about this specific flavour of fucked up... but i DO want emet alive for dt. so much to consider.
for emet willingly coming back... i mean. points at "i am a lameeeee romantic". additionally i think it brings something interesting into play - because the way i see it his death was intentional to start with, the only possible end for someone who had done so much to reach his goal & thus backing down would mean it was all for nothing yet at the same time the awareness all those things he's done were awful, unconscionable, & no amount of work he could've done in the hypothetical rest of his existence would make up for it, in which case death becomes the only suitable consequence for his actions. (there's also a layer of "emet is putting on a performance as a tragic antagonist & is aware of his role within the story to a degree, as he is playing a role of his own volition, making himself more detestable yet likable at the same time in very intentional ways". not all of his endearing traits in shb are intentional but some are, & them being intentional doesn't make them less... genuine? he pulls at the wol's heartstrings or attempts to, but that doesn't make his own longing for the unsundered world any less real, basically. but this isn't relevant right now)
with that in mind if emet were to bring himself back to life fully... well. it would say quite a lot about.. him. as a whole. just. choosing to live once more to be by hildegarde's side, going against his own previous implicit wish for death (which, beyond the whole guilt thing, he probably would've wanted anyway! he'd been alive so fucking long & all of it had been miserable! death was both something he deserved & deliverance.), tearing himself from something that was punishment & relief to trade it for a different kind of punishment & a different kind of relief. living with the things he's done as opposed to being able to just dissolve into the aetherial sea & no longer worry about it all i suppose, but being reunited on more proper, less high stakes & "we have to kill each other" terms with.. pretty much his soulmate. i'm not big on soulmate stuff necessarily but um (gestures at the entirety of the whole thing with emet & azem/the wol in canon) they make it so easy.
oh fuck i got distracted from finishing my custom deliveries before reset oops. well anyway i'm TALKING!
yeah that. he would get to be with one of his biggest motivations for doing all of this in the first place, & while the source is not a perfect world i do genuinely believe he is lying hard as fuck when he pretends he finds no beauty in it. the harsher he says it the more convincing the performance, for everyone & for himself. end of edw cutscene to me says that he does have an actual appreciation for the sundered etheirys, & i also think without zodiark's influence he would be more amenable to properly acknowledging the flaws of the unsundered world as well. now. would he think he deserves to have a happier "second chance"? probably not. but that's where hildegarde's feelings would sway him... how could he not be influenced knowing the one he loves is grieving him so desperately? hilde has lost many, many loved ones & never really learnt to properly deal with his grief because it's just too overwhelming for him to feel. he continuously drowns in it & that'ssss something he has in common with emet for sure. & emet, knowing how horrible it feels (though in his case it was probably worse. still, he's sentimental & also a tank so i know he's got that protectiveness in him ☝️), would likely want to spare hilde that trouble if even a little. he can't bring himself to bring other souls back to life (too similar to what he did with amaurot, probably something he'd like to take some distances from & not recreate too closely...) but he could at least bring himself back. make hilde smile. that would be nice.
now enter the "neither of them did anything about it it just Happened" path. this one is really just reliant on it feeling like an actual miracle. something that would probably bring emet some distress bc oh no he has to deal with all these things now & it's not on his own terms, buuuuuut... miracle of love 🫶 even if to be fair things would definitely be awkward at first. because they wouldn't really know how to approach each other after everything. they would work it out though, it's not unique to this potential timeline of events & they Will work it out no matter what. they have to! it'd be a miracle of love 🫶 all the same. ohh, maybe something kinda like sleeping beauty or something (loose comparison.) in which during the bit in garlemald in post edw hilde would look for the remaining solus clones in the imperial palace (not for any nefarious purposes if we're not looking at the "he does it himself" timeline it's probably just morbid curiosity at that point. also masochism a little honestly) & when chancing upon them emet's like... his soul would always be "near" hilde in some sort of sense, so maybe it could be made to inhabit one of the clones - kind of pulled into it? & yeah. bam. wakes up upon being observed. i don't know! it's an option. they're all options & they're GOOD & i haven't picked one & i don't know what to pick rahhhg. kicks a rock. Whatever... onto the actual answer to the ask now... (wipes forehead) this took a lot of .. preamble? not sure what i'd call that but the yapping before the ACTUALLY relevant yapping
the way they develop (chews on rocks) YAYYYY!! we got there!!! ohhh my god it's so AWKWARD in this room everyone is happy but wants to cry & feels guilty it's kind of beautiful.
emet keeps some reasonable distance & is actually decent at doing it this time since he's not tempered & not trying to get something out of hildegarde. came back for him but does not want to overstep by getting too comfortable too soon. hildegarde on the other hand really badly wants to have conversations & to be more open & vulnerable but he does not know how to even do that voluntarily. with anyone! he's really bad at being vulnerable! he's been able to do it "properly" with nero & cid (nero has big brother privileges so he's the one hilde & various other alters will run to if they are experiencing Too Much of life, & well. cid is cid. kind of cemented himself as an older sibling figure as well, even without taking into account the doozy that is cidnero) & perhaps surprisingly estinien (very detached & to the point, clear cut way of going about things, not judgemental the way others might be because he's not really giving a fuck abt that ascian business. his meatheadedness wins ☝️) but even then it was mostly him reaching a breaking point & having no one else to pretty much drop it all on.
the scions are great but busy all the time & while urianger probably would be best placed to hear of his troubles hilde rarely wants to tell him much of them because urianger's own problems always seem to far outweigh his own, & he doesn't want to put more on his plate. he's close to thancred but thancred would be the least understanding of his woes... & i think he really struggles with approaching y'shtola bc she hasn't exactly been vulnerable with him either. sucks bc he can tell she would probably be a fine person to be straightforward with but just... hasn't come up. he can be vulnerable with aymeric but aymeric is constantly busy & i do strongly believe if he hadn't been so occupied w his desk job they could've had something. he could be vulnerable with haurchefant but WELL. & the scions not mentioned are all younger than him so no way in hell he's relying on them emotionally when for someone as #unwell as him "relying emotionally" comes with SO SO MUCH shit.
i did ignore hancock & that's because i don't like him. (lying) no he can be vulnerable with hancock too on occasion. hancock is detached from this whole world so to be honest i don't think he gives that much of a fuck that hilde is mourning the loss of an evil immortal guy who was also the garlean empire's founder. on a moral level this has got nothing to do with him on an emotional level he's not sure when they ended up getting close enough for hilde to sob in his office about how he can't do anything right & so many people he could've saved he just didn't manage to & it's all his fault blablablah... but sure he'll do the comforting
but but, back to hildemet. it does happen eventually. hilde's not good at being vulnerable on purpose but he's also pretty earnest despite that... so without necessarily overwhelming emet with his emotions & thoughts he is at least capable of going, "hey. i want to talk. have conversations, about anything and everything. about the weather, about everything that happened. i am happy to come home and see you, and to know that i will come home and see you, but there is a gaping pit between us & i want to bridge it. i want to stand on that bridge with you & talk about the pit, how scary it is, & how we're going to overcome it anyway. can we do that? can i step closer to you, & will you return the embrace if i hold you?" which, he will, & he does. & maybe they even have a shared cry about it. emotions really catching up to them in the moment, not realising the extent to which they'd missed & love each other up until they get to really embrace each other fully. i know songs do this to me a lot i'll think i'm fine then suddenly BOOM i'm crying hard as fuck because holy shittt why didn't i tell myself this made me feel THINGS... horrible!
note that no matter the choice made earlier it's more than likely hilde did hold emet when they first reunited, in which case emet would've at most placed one hand on hilde's back without it being an actual hug. he's not really the "outburst of physical affection" type but especially not under such circumstances while he's Just returned & is parsing where he stands on what joys he deserves to experience in his newfound existence. because of course there's that too. he'll indulge if hilde reaches out for it but for a while it is only half-hearted & the guilt eats at him more everytime he leans into it, which fortunately isn't often by that point since hilde is working out how to go about everything. yay!! not very yay okay you got me
BUT THEY WORK ON IT they have to. the weird distance is unbearable & neither of them want it. they understand they now have a chance at this for real, & they have limited time to do it! emet does not have much of a limited lifespan still but he knows he's turning in the moment hilde dies. maybe he'll stay long enough to ensure hilde is remembered & honoured as he feels it should be but like that's It. hilde's gone he's GONE. & until then they get to learn to love each other all over again
which goes pretty great all things considered once the early stages of weird awkwardness are behind them. it would be easier & go faster if they were allowed to settle down properly but you know how it is when you're The WoL. hilde's wol duties can actually be a bit of a cause for concern for emet, which he himself was caught offguard by. probably chastised himself about it a bit too. being worried for the wol?? ridiculous. he's not capable of dying from unnatural consequences it's like he's got plot armor or something (looks into the camera). gets a bit embarrassed about his worries but they don't really go away, & it does lead into him attempting to keep hilde home more often & longer. hilde doesn't really catch onto it until it becomes a little too egregious to ignore but well. when emet expresses reluctantly that ooooo he cares & is worried about him & also a little bit lonely too it actually makes hilde laugh. because that man is CUTE 🫵 & he will in fact tell him just that. to which emet gets "offended" (did not expect a compliment of all things out of that, & compliments when he's not "in control" of a situation are the number 1 way to destabilise him in a harmless way. lest we forget he is the unsundered world's original tsundere) & denies & protests. & it's probably the point where they start acting genuinely more relaxed around each other, & subsequently emet gets less roundabout about keeping hilde around as long as possible.
he also gets the offer to tag along! which he doesn't want necessarily, it's a lot of effort & it would mean being around the scions (he doesn't hate them or anything but well if i was emet i would not want to be around thancred either. just like if i was thancred i would not want to be around emet either) who at this point in time are not aware of emet's presence in hilde's life & also more generally the world lmao. the twins, tataru & krile most certainly have bets on why hilde seems less available & perhaps even a bit flaky & while alphinaud is genuinely worried hilde might finally be crushed by the weight of responsibilities :( (buddy that was an expansion ago catch up) alisaie is like. scary close to the truth. she suspects hilde is trying to settle down but duty keeps getting in the way of it. this gets everyone involved very curious to potentially find out who he's settling down with of course because for some reason they're all willing to entertain that theory. tataru simply wishes hilde isn't trying to settle down with hancock of all people (close! It's Worse)
he takes it up from time to time. bearing a different appearance (keeping his face but he probably wears a face cover around the scions & doesn't speak much) & going by a different name to avoid being recognised, y'shtola absolutely works it out the moment she sees him buttttt that's why emet avoids hanging around if he knows she'll be there lmao her aethersight would clock him instantly
um. yeahg! my fingers hurt from typing this much & also that's like many paragraphs already oops. uhh. yep.! post edw hildemet. they have rough conversations about their respective places in the world & what they deserve & don't deserve to have. sometimes hildegarde gets very upsetting memories from lachesis' life & emet has to be there to ground him. sometimes emet is overwhelmed by the thought of his actions & hilde has to be there to distract him since ruminating won't really change anything.
they're also gossipy queens who go out to big fancy events to comment on the people they don't like there (in hilde's case it'd probably usually be lolorito & gegeruju honestly but it's fine emet can be irritated at minimum by most people for the both of them). they have to take care of each other delicately & they don't always get it right but they gotta keep trying so they do.
emet is a complainer by nature but he also complains in bad faith a lot & is quite unpleasant specifically when he's lying or dancing around the truth, which all remain true to his personality still, however when he allows himself to be entirely truthful & more open he is painfully romantic & loving. not without teasing here & there of course. it's very good for hilde though. getting to be flustered & giggly & just happy after the everything is such a breath of fresh air, very good distraction from the wol shit. he even gets to tease emet back & have it work! love can be so beautiful & augh! they make me sick
emet did not expect the many people hilde's adopted in a found family sense however. he does think he was a little foolish for not expecting it bc. lachesis. wanderer. the guy who makes friends everywhere all the time. but also how was he supposed to expect so many kids were out there calling hilde their big brother or sometimes even "like a dad"..... he's just pickin everybody up off the street at this point & emet's getting a little concerned about the amount of kids he's going to become a bad influence to just by following hilde around. lmao. & ofc the kids love him bc kids fucking love it when there's a guy who's kind of an ass
i keep saying "okay i stop typing there" & then i keep typing SORRY AHHH. i'm not even out of thoughts i just need to end the post somewhere sobs. i really need to sleep 😭 thank yoy so much for the askkkk wah
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cindol · 30 days
heavyyy on it !!! i agree with you and that one anon.
putting anime said i want to jump onto what you said about shows in general we literally have nothing.. there’s some stuff but.. ehhh
i want to see movies + shows abt sexy black vampires, both male and woman, i want to see black witches, i want long tv shows that revolve around black characters going on some crazy magical journey or experiencing some weird paranormal shit.
OH & sick and tired of in shows there being that one token black character who’s the friend of the white main character. yawning… boring… LAZY!
YES YES YES! I notice in vampire and fantasy shows in general there’s never a main lead that’s black. For example : true blood. There’s a black female character who was a vampire but she literally gets killed off.
I noticed usually with these vampire fantasy shows the main lead is almost never a black fem, like it would be so cool to have a black fem vampire slayer but these fuckass white producers are lameeeee !!!!!
The token black character trope really ties in with the vampire fantasy shows too! Usually I always see a black side token character for diversity
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ladylooch · 8 months
those were the days i wore a juicy couture tracksuit and chunky, zebra print sandals
I wanted a Juicy tracksuit so so so so bad. OMG.
I'm like this will get me respect. MHM.
I feel like 15 year old me would be so disappointed and annoyed with 30 year old me. Rolling her eyes like you're so fucking lameeeee.
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smulnsander · 9 months
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GIRLLLLLL SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS IS SAD 😭 top ten things that aren't happening and never happened 😭 bisexual lesbian discorse is so lameeeee legit get a hobby 😳 like this is worded like terf posts I would see when I was like 13 that where like "MEN ARE INVADING OUT LEASBIAN SPACES!!!!" Like completely missing the plot on purpose.
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2-braincells · 2 years
I'm studying writing styles in English right now, and we had to write a car crash witness' report from people with strong styles. This was one of the examples.
Okay, so, basically, his face was almost as beautiful as Benedict Cumberbatch. Like, have youseen Bennie??? Like, perFECtionnnnnnn, not even joking... like, gosh....THEFEELSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! But he had lameeeee tattoos, not even as good as Sam’s demon protecting one...... It’s not even like, cool to do that... BUT THAT EPISODE THO!!!!!! His truck was superrrrrr weird, not at all like the TARDIS......The TARDIS is a beautiful thing, but that guys truck was uglyyyyyy, it was camo or something??? And it was super tacky...Not gonna lie, Dean would be soooooooo disappointed in his choice of vehicle. Like, I can’t even... He ran into Nino’s tho.... like, what is air!!!?!?!?!????? Ermagoodness...... Like that’s worse than what Justin Bieber did, and that was soooooo stupid, like, who does that?????? I Khan’t believe that someone would do that tho...Ruuuudeeeee...... He was actually not even close to anyone I stalk...I mean, what??? I don’t stalk people..... Nope, not at all...
I don't even know what to say ya'll.
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amimons · 5 years
Instead of this being me working from home it has turned into me working at home during my Animal Crossing breaks
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laikahh · 2 years
tragic ! guy who op of this post finds kinda haha Ummm 😳😳😳 said he would like to become a priest
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kisakunt · 3 years
I can spell! I was taught by the little shinobu!!. woman even forced me to stay with her at all times to learn things! lord inosuke is a prodigy! bow down to me peasant!
you love me?! is this a trap!? a set up?! I won't fall for it, how dare you challange me, weak human !!
lord inosuke insists you fight him!
-inosuke h.
i will literally kick her ass ‘forced me to stay w her at all times’ ok?? and when my hair falls out what then
okay when 🧐 you n me shorty! i’m gonna type like you do!! that cool !?
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sydriians · 2 years
you’re all so lameeeee like i wouldn’t trade mid season 6 spuffy for anything and we literally would not have had season 7 without it and whether you admit it or not that stage for them was a key part of their development and nobody understands that if they kept that early season 6 dynamic it would’ve became stagnant and that’s not what spuffy is
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boukken · 7 years
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just some eyes i guess (〃´∀`)
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lesbiantriphosphate · 2 years
hi! hope this isn't weird or anything but I just wanted to say that your fics for Batman unburied are really good and that it's cool that you're writing them and producing content even though the fandom is made up of like ten people and a house plant! (which is a shame tbh you'd think a big podcast like that would generate a bigger fandom but no? not even my friends who are into comics have listened to it so finding someone to talk to about it is literally like looking for a needle in a haystack it's so weird) but anyways: cool fics cool concepts cool writing thanks for helping keep the tiny fandom afloat!
OMG this is so sweet anon thank u! not weird at all i promise <3 this fandom may be tiny but everyone is so lovely and wonderful. (i hope you told ur friends to listen to unburied!! i told mine but none of them are rlly into batman or comics. lameeeee.)
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youngcollectedtired · 4 years
haikyuu captains x insecure reader who finally feels pretty x reader with a toxic friend
This story has like all of my favorite characters. I don’t even know how long this is but enjoy. 
Warnings? None
Pairings? You’re friends with everyone so... 
Characters? Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Sugawara, and... others 
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You’d admit you’d had friends in your past. People who’d undermine your relationship. One relationship had scarred you in more ways than one and another had shown you what it meant to have true friends. If you were being honest, you never thought you deserved any better, and standing up for yourself against her seemed harder than it looked.
You'd tried in the past but you'd gotten nowhere, your friend attempting to blame your anxiety, depression and other health issues for the causes to your change. She'd blamed you for things you couldn't control and you believed her.  Believed that it was your fault, that your change was negative. She'd manipulated you into believing that she couldn't be herself around you and that was your fault. That you were sensitive and that jokes don't hurt.
Slowly you realized your worth but no matter how many times you tried to help her understand how you felt... everything was suddenly your fault. None of it made sense, to your or your friends. You tried.
You did.
So tell me why after 7 years of blind friendship and 3 years of taking the blame and hiding behind a mask one silly thing ended it all?
Why after all that did it take that one tiny moment to break you?
Funny enough you were hanging out with friends. The captains of the volleyball teams, frenemies and rivals alike. You all we’re hanging out a few of your friends meeting you guys soon. The mall wasn’t as packed as you’d expected and you were grateful.
You had a few things to do while hanging out with the guys. Today was your day.
You’d traded your long sleeve, big sweaters and heavy jeans for something you’d been planning on wearing for awhile.
Bootcut fitted jeans, tank top, and a button down tight sweater. You’d never felt more beautiful with your makeup look, vans for shoes and jewelry. Everything fit perfectly.
To make the day even better you just so happened to get paid yesterday and cash in your $100 bonus.
Sugawara nudged your shoulder, “you’re sparkling more than usual today.”
You smiled, “I don’t know I just feel...” you didn’t know how to describe it. Was it confident? No you just felt, “pretty.”
A soft look passed in his eyes, “you’re always pretty,” he added, guiding you to the others.
Having heard his statement the others smiled, “yesss you are!” Bokuto hugged you quickly, as Kuroo smirked, “today’s look is different you sexy thing you.”
You blushed not expecting that compliment much less from him. Their words of encouragement made you feel even more confident and pretty.
Your mood however changed as a familiar ring tone shook your purse.
Lena 💋: what are you doing today?
Distracted for a moment by Bokuto who shook you and waved wildly at your friends. You instantly grinned forgetting about the message you’d read.
“Guys, thanks for coming!” You hugged all three girls.
Jasmine laughed, “you think I’d pass up a moment for our third piercing together? I think not!”
Reese rolled her eyes, “well what are we waiting for?” Everyone crowded the girls walking with them and complimenting their outfits. Oikawa and Iwaizumi not too far from behind them.
You stepped up to the crowd prepared to give your own compliments only to be stopped by a buzz.
Lena 💋: so you’re gonna read that and not respond? some friend you are
You knew she was joking. That was in her character. But dang.
You 🦋✨: sorry I’m out with some friends.
You looked up, “you guys look amazing!” And quickly added before another ding interrupted your mid compliment.
“Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly to the girls before walking to the side.
Lena 💋: you mean the boys? Oh
You 🦋✨: some boys some girls, but what?
You knew what was up but you wanted her to say it.
Lena 💋: I just thought we were gonna hang out today
You knew she knew you had plans today. In fact you’d told her when you could this week and she’d been excited for you.
You tried to be nice. You did. But it was getting harder and harder too.
Lena 💋: are you sure you should be out? what if your chronic pain acts up and you burden them?
You should have seen this coming. This wasn’t the first time. And you had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last. You were so tempted to close your phone.
Jasmine could see you on the side and to be truthful everyone else did too. They figured it was important if you’d stepped away.
Reese sighed, “let me guess it’s Lena?”
Jasmine shrugged, “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Caylie your other friend groaned, “today was a good day and now y/n is sad,” and true to her word your mood had deflated drastically.
The others followed her gaze again to see that to be true. Your eyes were on the floor and you messed with your outfit clumsily as if second guessing. You pulled your purse down unzipping it, they’d heard the banging and clanking and they saw your determined eyes as you found what you were looking for.  
You began rapidly texting.
Jasmine and Oikawa walked up to you. (Oikawa mainly to greet and compliment you.) That didn’t really matter once they both saw the last few messages.  
Y/n 🦋✨: I’m fine I brought my medicine.
Lena 💋: that stuff will end up killing you before your actual disease
Jasmine was furious. What kind of person would say that? Oikawa was confused. How could this be the same girl he’s seen so many pictures of you with?
Lena 💋: anyways I miss you can we at least meet tonight?
You bit your lip debating on how to tell her that you’d be spending all day with your friends and the night with the girls. She didn’t like your friends hating how they “stole” you away so to speak.
You began typing slowly attempting to form your thoughts.
Y/n 🦋✨: I have plans tonight too and possible tomorrow what about maybe Monday or Tuesday afternoon?
Lena 💋: 🙄 lameeeee
You rolled your eyes and everyone saw it. You gripped your phone tighter. To be honest you didn't want to hangout, you'd dreaded it the last few times, but you’d done what you could. You tried to make new plans and you’d even held conversation while you’re supposed to be with your friends. You felt bad to be texting someone else while hanging out. You hoped they could forgive you.
Y/n 🦋✨: you’re lame Lena
And you turned off your phone. You looked up to see the concerned look of your friends.
You smiled sheepishly as if trying to hide your frustrations. But they’d seen it first hand.
Caylie frowned, “Was that Lena?”
You looked away your eyes falling on the sidewalk on the outside of the mall.
Jasmine shook her head, “You can’t ignore her today?”
You shrugged, “She wanted to hangout today.”
Reese was fuming, “I’ve seen you guys texts these past few days she knew you were busy today and she was even excited for you,” she added confused, “what game is she playing?”
Sugawara furrowed his eyebrows, “Game?”
Oikawa jumped in exchanging glances with Jasmine and you, “Wait Is this that girl who’s been your friend for years? That Lena?”
You nodded slowly tired.
You tried to ignore the buzzing only imagining what she could be saying.
Kuroo humorlessly laughed, “She seems desperate sounds like she doesn’t have a life.”
Reese snorted at his words, “I’ve been trying to say that for years now.”
Akaashi was confused, “I’m sorry how long have you guys been friends?”
Caylie, Reese and Jasmine turned to you.
You smiled nervously, “Give or take 11 years?”
Kuroo’s eyes bulged, “11 years and she treats you like that?”
Jasmine clapped, “thank you!”
You shrugged, “I met her when I was 5 and we were kids so you know the first few years we were friends. Close even. And now we’ve slowly grown apart,” you sighed pulling out your phone, “I want to take a step back and she wants to be roommates,” you smiled emptily.
Everyone could see how this affected you. Your mood changed so quickly. Almost as if you were tired of it or her. They knew you’d never want admit it not wanting to hurt her feelings but from what they’d seen she didn’t care about you like you cared for her. Her friendship had drained you. And today those few moments proved it. To them at least.
You opened your eyes surprised to see 43 messages and more coming.
Jasmine and Oikawa took the initiate to look over your shoulder.
“Holy crap!” Oikawa exclaimed, “she has no respect for your time or for you!”
That grabbed everyone else’s attention. Reese was prepared to fight and Caylie was concerned for you.
You attempted to calm everyone down, "Guys she didn't say anything mean-," you cut yourself short your phone recognizing your face as the messages finally showed.
They weren't mean, but you could tell by the way she worded things she was prepared for a fight. Whether it was sarcastic or not, you were sure it would all depend on how you answered.
She'd caught you at a bad time to make jokes.
Lena 💋: How am I lame? Come on with it y/n.... how?    
That was the first three messages and the next 40 were counting in order to spam you.
Kuroo shook his head scrolling through messages himself careful not to click on them, "She's crazy!"
You groaned, of course you had to ruin everyone's mood with your own problems. You pulled your screen down, hitting the moon to silence calls. Everyone you wanted to talk to would either be meeting you soon or was right in front of you.
You smiled, "Sorry guys my phone is silenced, so i won't be worrying about her until after we hang out," you pushed your phone into your purse, "Yall now have my full attention."
Oikawa beamed, "About time! So happy you're fully with us now."
Caylie grinned, "I'm proud of you."
Reese furrowed her eyebrows, "You know she's gonna give you hell later right?"
You shrugged. On the inside you were terrified. The longer you don't answer the more agitated she'll get until eventually she won't even be able to talk to you without insulting every inch of your being. You'd been there before and thinking about it made your bones ache. You looked up seeing various faces, some proud, some confused and others nervous.
"Yeah, but today is about us, so let's enjoy it."
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