#no. it was phase 3 i mistyped
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vanityloves Ā· 4 years ago
Hey I just remembered I dreamt of you and Murdoc and the rest of gorillaz and I was like, a time traveler for some reason. I don't remembee anything else just that you and Murdoc were there djfnfn
damn bro you got the whole squad laughing. we are just standing there.
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ok thats so crazy that yall keep having dreams ab me,,are you hiding sumn bestie šŸ˜³ /jjj you and murdoc can bounce from different time periods bc i guess 'the book of m.a.n' or sumn idk gorillaz lore is stupid ā¤ thank you for your wisdom today, my liege šŸ’ž
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random-esfp Ā· 5 years ago
Hi! I wanna ask you about BTS' MBTI. Jin, Jhope, Jimin, and V were satisfied with their types. RM is okay with being an ENFP now, but he seems INFJ? Suga admitted INFP didn't suit him at all. (lowkey INTJ) JK gave 3 stars for INFP. So, if you think that Jin, JK and RM are still mistyped, then what's your opinion about their rating of the accuracy?
Hello! And thanks for asking. This is a very smart question indeed.Ā 
Thank God someone sees RM is INFJ and Yoongi INTJ (I think itā€™s widely accepted among those who know more about MBTI that just their test results)
About why they rated that, well, the first thing that came to my mind was: is Yoongi the only one who thinks twice before stating something or is he just the only one truthful with himself lmao) -this is my biased self talking Iā€™m so sorry-
Being serious, I think the key here is the MBTI DESCRIPTIONS.
I thought I was ENFP for a long time because tests said me so and... the description actually fits me (now this seems crazy given all that I know about ENFP vs. ESFP). But the truth is: THERE ARE ALWAYS TYPES WHOSE DESCRIPTIONS COULD FIT THE SAME PERSON. Firstly because there are similar MBTI types, and secondly because descriptions are so vague...
But you can only be one MBTI type. And you can only figure out which one by cognitive functions. The big problem is most of the people take as good the first thing they got because it somewhat fits them. You have to know yourself very well, or be very critical/sceptical with this kind of things to be willing to investigate more.Ā 
Throughout my life, Iā€™ve gotten ENFP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFJ and INFJ in MBTI Test. And guess what? I felt related to most of the descriptions.Ā Seems crazy especially in the INFJ case (but Iā€™ve noticed that a lot of healthy ESFPs can come across as ENFJs on tests, Iā€™m still wondering why).Ā 
Indeed I did a Youtube Video doing a test from an App and I got ENFJ. Sorry itā€™s in spanish:Ā 
I honestly have no idea what Jin is. Iā€™d bet ISFx so.... the only reason that I can think of him being ok with getting INTP is.. that he has aĀ ā€œhiddenā€ personality we donā€™t see on screen (even tho I donā€™t see him using Ti at all), and he sees himself different from what we see of him.Ā 
But honestly, an INTP doing this?? no thank you kljags
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About Jungkook and Namjoon....Ā  I stick to what I said for myself.Ā 
Jungkook has yet to mature a little and I somewhat feel like heā€™s in that teen emo-phase we often associate with INFPs, so I donā€™t think itā€™s rare he saw himself reflected in some parts of the description (remember he gave 3 stars, which is just average). But thereā€™s no obvious trace of he using Fi at all.Ā 
From what Iā€™ve seen in BTS Run and Bon Voyage etcetera, he uses Se A LOT. Heā€™s such a physical guy, he often doesnā€™t know how to respond/react to things with just his thoughts (as, for example, Taehyung does), he struggles with verbal communication (heā€™s been progressing lately tho) and he canalizes with actions what he wants to express. Heā€™s an introvert for sure, and as I see no Fi in him he canā€™t be ISFP so... ISTP for me. Also, inferior Fe is easily spottable in him. Lately, Iā€™ve seen more proves he uses Ti also!!
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ENFP and INFJ are both reflexive, both usually like to spend time alone but are sociables since they like knowing people. Theyā€™re also called idealists. I imagine Namjoon felt identified with those things. But he isnā€™t as chaotic, random, social butterfly and independent as a natural ENFP is (Taehyung).
And, honestly, why the fuck does Namjoon think he is an EXTROVERT for Godā€™s sake he spends hours alone simply reflecting on the evolving of the human being. I just want to have a conversation with him.
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MBTI test descriptions can be very tricky.Ā 
Itā€™s like astrology (no offense if you believe in that), but they always seem to fit you... when theyā€™re kinda generic and ambiguous most of the time.Ā I HAD to learn about cognitive functions to spot myself using Se instead of Ne and stop believing I was ENFP. But if it were for the descriptions... I could be ENTP or ENFJ or who knows...
E.g. I often joke saying that deep down Iā€™m my opposite, INTJ (we share the same functions so), because Iā€™m not that stereotypical ESFP, and thatā€™s why I usually donā€™t fit 100% in any ESFP description and I can relate with others.
- usually most of the people arenā€™t stereotypical so they can fit with more than one description :( -Ā 
Anyway, AN ESFP BEING INTJ? Well, letā€™s talk about Yoongi, who is INTJ.Ā 
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Apparently, we arenā€™t alike at all but... if we do an MBTI test and the result says:
ā€œYou are a trustworthy person, straightforward and sometimes blunt and brutally honest. If you have something to say, you just say it. You are also very passionate about things you love, you often like to joke around and you are a very private person with your concernsā€.
It fits both of us sklgjh.... and we are MBTI opposites... thatā€™s because the description has nothing to do with cognitive functions, which are the very basics of MBTI. Thus, you can feel related to them no matter what MBTI type you actually are.Ā 
THATā€™S why I DONā€™T trust MBTI Test and MBTI Test Descriptions. I only trust cognitive functions.
So sorry if it was long but I found the question very interesting!!
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Thanks for asking <3
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1\Hi Em! Iā€™d like your typing help if you donā€™t mind but first I just want to thank you for your advice I read about a year ago to go out and be a Person first before being a Type. That advice pulled me out of a slump where I was way too hard up about defining myself and other people with theories without considering their empirical basis. Anyway, I suspect Iā€™m an INFJ 1 (162?) but Iā€™m a little sceptical of actually being this supposed rare unicorn hype-type and would appreciate your input.
2\I really like planning ahead ā€“ daily schedules, which classes to take each semester, etc. Iā€™ve been organising my personal schedule with detailed monthly calendars consistently since I was 18 (Iā€™m now going on 22). I get frustrated easily when there are sudden timing changes, like people cancelling or being very late, and tend to need at least a dayā€™s notice to be mentally prepared, even if it wouldnā€™t really affect my other activities, which I acknowledge can be a bit irrational. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 3\Iā€™m a good listener ā€“ Iā€™ve been told this by several friends. I havenā€™t always been the best at advice but my strat is to ask the heck out of the situation thatā€™s bothering them to help them open up about all the different aspects of their concerns. I think it makes them feel thoroughly heard and I enjoy helping them to process their thoughts and feelings without sharing much about myself, if I can see they donā€™t have that capacity in the moment. Their confidence is rewarding for me too. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
4\However, Iā€™ve realised this might be an unhealthy double-edged sword because I apply the same standard to people whoā€™d like to share my burdens. I tend not to volunteer much info unless asked directly/shown clear signs that my listener wants to hear me out, leading me to dismiss the good intentions of my more easily distracted friends. Also Iā€™d have analysed my feelings from 1000 angles before verbalising so I usually wonā€™t open up unless Iā€™m sure theyā€™re willing to stick around for all of it. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
5\In middle/high school, I was naturally sporty enough/had decent enough spatial awareness to be selected to join sports teams (I did netball and then ultimate frisbee) but performed quite poorly in competitive training because I just couldnā€™t get a lot of basic stuff right. I also could never really get along with my teammates, who tended to be louder and more social, in contrast to how much better I fit in and how many more interests I shared with my more academically-inclined classmates. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
6\I read a lot of fiction, but ironically Iā€™m terrible at telling stories about things that have happened to me. I remember random details about people like their birthdays and little habits, but when it comes to reimagining a specific event, I can never string together a retelling that comes across as engaging to a listener: either I rush it and give the gist/punchline too early or spend too long filling in atmospheric details that give the ā€œvibeā€ of the scene but with poor narrative structure. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
7\Iā€™m interested in analysing group dynamics! and how subtle behaviour can affect the overall atmosphere of a social setting. Lack of consensus bothers me, although I try to understand where each person is coming from and rationalise whether their logic ā€œmakes senseā€. I picked civil engineering as my major because it felt like a waste to drop STEM subjects, which Iā€™d been doing well in, but Iā€™m increasingly leaning towards pursuing urban planning in future because of its sociological aspects. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
8\Other facts: I didnā€™t have much of a Rebellious Teen phase, Iā€™ve kinda always been the good/smart kid growing up and am probably still lowkey elitist (though Iā€™m working on that). Hypocrisy bugs me a lot. I track my expenses religiously and rarely splurge. I really enjoy learning but Iā€™m all for conceptual understanding ā€“ having to do heavy memorising puts me off. Ā  Thanks for your time in reading this and let me know if you need clarification/better examples on anything. Have a nice day! Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 
Hi anon,
Iā€™ll go through this but everything here sounds a lot more like the Si-Ne axis than the Ni-Se axis. I think aux Fe is possible but not guaranteed, and Iā€™m not really getting anything for enneagram except possibly 6.
My guess is ISFJ, but there were a few things that implied a certain rigidity and I donā€™t know if itā€™s coming from Si+Fe, or if your Si is actually auxiliary. Iā€™m pretty sure ISFJ is correct but if it doesnā€™t seem right, that would be worth digging into.
The part about disliking interruptions to your plans is more a high Ni or Si thing. The part that gave me pause is the super-detailed schedule because Iā€™ve never done that and a lot of the high Si users or Ni users I know donā€™t - like, they have a clear mental schedule, and important appointments are obviously marked off, and they donā€™t like sudden changes, but unless theyā€™re exceptionally busy (and maybe you are) a lot of it is purely in their head and not a detailed start to finish day. If Iā€™m misinterpreting and thatā€™s what you meant, then disregard this.
The part about being a good listener definitely sounds like an Fe approach. It also sounds like a possible low Ne approach. An INFJ wouldnā€™t really be approaching the problem from every possible angle or focusing on asking direct questions; you also note that you look for clear signs or cues that itā€™s okay for you to share, rather than making inferences. The extensive emotional analysis sounds like lower Ti, as does the interest in group dynamics.
The part about sports isnā€™t super helpful; I think a lot of exceptionally good at sports people have high Se, but mediocre or bad at sports doesnā€™t really mean much. Similarly I havenā€™t really seen a pattern of if someone can tell a story well and MBTI; there are at least two factors (recall and understanding whatā€™s engaging to others) and you have to be good at both to be good at storytelling. The difficulty with your teammates sounds probably just like general introversion and perhaps some social awkwardness.
I will say your statements about picking civil engineering and group consensus made me briefly think INTP, but I think unless youā€™re fairly unhealthy your lack of spontaneity rules that out.
Finally: I want to cover conceptual understanding here. You are very specifically interested in very pragmatic, applied things: civil engineering and sociology. You provided a ton of details elsewhere. And then, at the end, you mention a preference for conceptual understanding with no details about it.
This doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not true, but it does call into question what you mean by conceptual understanding. I think people divide things into rote memorization and conceptual understanding with no middle ground between, and thatā€™s a big factor in people mistyping as intuitives. I think very few people actually enjoy rote memorization; I went into the physical sciences and math, in fact, because I dislike the rote memorization of, say, biology, but I like things where you can reason through problems from a few first principles and derive things and do actual hands-on experiments.
If ISFJ seems really off to you, let me know, but in that case I would guess aux Ne with something else driving the ā€˜needs closureā€™ aspects of your personality, rather than anything with Ni.
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virieu Ā· 6 years ago
tagged by @new-born-1997 and @satannsĀ 
1. are you named after anyone?
no my parents wrote down the 12 most basic and common names, threw a dart and since then i have been going through life asserting my status as the alpha lauraĀ 
2. when was the last time you cried?
what do i know
3. do you have kids?
yeah i keep them in theĀ basement in case i get hungry
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
(mistyped tumblr intp voice) hahah yea.. xdĀ 
5. whatā€™s the first thing you notice about people?
(se voice) everythingĀ 
6. whatā€™s your eye colour?
7. scary movie or happy ending?
are those the only two options now
8. any special talents?
i can drop freestyle raps, i can draw furry vent comics about normal day situations that donā€™t require a furry vent comic, i also write/draw a lot and translate stories
9. where were you born?
10. what are your hobbies?
coming up with plots/characters, listening to mediocre german rap, creating pinterest aesthetic boards for characters instead of writing them, going for walks at 3am
11. do you have any pets?
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
i used to be in the track team as a kid, i used to skate, i had a phase where i regularily went jogging two times a day, i did mma as a teen, went windsurfing a few times with friends and now i'm looking for something i can do besides work
13. how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
i didnt have one. sad
15. dream job?
director / actorĀ 
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kisaragizan Ā· 7 years ago
ā€œEndless Blue Wavesā€ [Aqua Force]
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So today, Iā€™m going to talk about the infamous Blue Waves and their support from G-BT13ā€²s Ultimate Stride along with my overall thoughts of the archetype. However, instead of my usual one deck list featured in the discussion; Iā€™m going to show off two deck lists with reasons Iā€™ll explain towards the end of each one. Also spoilers, this will be probably the lengthiest deck discussion on this blog so be prepared for a lot. I will try to keep the profiles first with minor chatter about the cards like normal but the bulk of it is really just the differences between the two decks. Itā€™s also for this reason, I wonā€™t have anĀ ā€œAlternative Cardsā€ section, but they will be listed in the cards themselves.Ā So without further delay, letā€™s get started.
For the sake of simplicity, both decks will have two names. The first deck Iā€™m going to cover will be focused on Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos as the main grade three. So Iā€™ll be calling this one theĀ ā€œValeos Variantā€. Iā€™ve seen others call thisĀ ā€œPure Blue Waves" or evenĀ ā€œNew (Style) Blue Wave" but semantics.Ā 
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x4 Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos:Ā The newest Grade 3 of the deck, who also happens to be the Admiral and the creator of Aqua Force is here. I was honestly surprised that he was even in Blue Waveā€™s considering I would think the creator would be a universal unit or at least have some synergy with Maelstrom considering Glory drew power from him, but nonetheless. As a unit himself, heā€™s pretty good, with his heartbeat skill being one of a kind: restricting the opposing vanguardā€™s power from increasing/decreasing from 11000 if you stride a Blue Wave G Unit. This skill is very revolutionary to Aqua Force because it eliminates one of the pesky counters to the clanā€™s aggression: damage triggers. Especially good in match ups whose clans/cards allow the vanguard to gain power on the opposing turn like Angel Feathers. His other skill, available at the start of ride phase: calling a blue wave card (said card gains +2000) to draw another, is really good to dig into your deck for pieces or key cards. Especially handy when looking for Brutal Troopers, which Iā€™ll touch on more later. Overall a really solid boss card: focusing on aggression by restricting the opponentā€™s power.
x3 Blue Wave Dragon, Anger-boil Dragon: The original heartbeat of Blue Waves, Anger-boil is a good alternative to ride if you cannot find Valeos since he does come equipped with his Generation Break 2 in addition to his heartbeat skill to re-stand two rear-guards when Tetra-boil Dragon attacks second. Both of these grade 3s help reinforce the aggressive nature of the deck but in two separate paths. Valeos restricting the opponent down to let everything hit, while Anger-boil powerā€™s up everything to make solid numbers. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses but combined together you virtually have a pretty solid ride regardless of whom you favor more.
x1 Blue Wave Dragon, Arsenal-fleet Dragon:Ā This is the newest grade 3 for Blue Waveā€™s. While he isnā€™t a good ride target (the worst of all of them in fact), and a subpar rear-guard skill, his Drop Zone skill is what makes him a great utility card to warrant at least 1 as a staple. His rear-guard conflicts with Anger-boilā€™s 2nd attack (including Tetra-boil) but does allow him to re-stand and becoming a 15000 attacker. However, when heā€™s in the drop zone: when your vanguard has re-stood: you can soul blast one to add Arsenal-fleet back in hand. Heā€™s the perfect discard fodder whether itā€™s to stride, perfect guard, or to pay for costs, because as long as your vanguard re-stands, youā€™ll be able to add him back to hand. My biggest gripe about Blue Wave was that it had no ability to secure stride fodder compared to the other decks outside of digging through the deck via bubble edge, draw triggers, brutal trooper, or through Bright shooter (via a boost on Wave-4+). Arsenal does fix this in a gimmicky cliche manner which is gladly appreciated.
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x4 Blue Wave Marine General, Foivos: Foivos is personally the best grade 2 Blue Waves have ever received. His ability alone rivals even that of Tidal Assault, being early and can make the Tetra-boil (Anger Heart) re-stand with just him alone. That being said, Foivos still remains in the deck because his role in the deck is very crucial especially given that the entire deck is now Blue Wave, heā€™s able be active as early as grade 2.
x4 Blue Wave Marine General, Galleas: So this is one of the newest Grade 2s for Blue Wave, featured in the anime too. When Galleas attacks while you have Generation Break 1, you can discard one Blue Wave and counterblast one and until the end of the turn he gets the ability to stand back up with +2000 when your vanguard attacks. In addition, if Galleas attacked on the first battle when you pay the cost, he immediately stands back up. Galleas by himself is able to attack three times and fulfill the conditions for a Blue Wave vanguard to re-stand, which is amazing by right. My issue with this card is the heavy restrictions: discarding a blue wave, needing a vanguard whose original name hasĀ ā€œBlue Waveā€. His ability also clashes with many of the other Blue Wave re-standing rear-guards like Foivos and not to mention it has no synergy with Tetra-boil (Angerā€™s heart) since the skills will overlap. In other words, this card specifically exists for the moments where you arenā€™t on Tetra-boil+Anger-boil and with little to no back up rears. The cost and restrictions of the card does turn people away however the pay off is good so itā€™s up to preference. (Alternative: Blue Wave Marine General, Lucianos)
x3 Blue Wave Marine General, Medla: Medla (originally Medora so please forgive any mistypes) is the second newest grade 2 for Blue Wave. While she is an 8000 base, which gives me some paranoia, the pay off is again, extremely good. She has constant Resist but on Generation Break 1, if you have a Blue Wave Vanguard, she can attack from back row and becomes an 11000 for the battle she attacks. Again, a grade 2 that can hit from the back row on their own and with an added resist bonus, thus making waves flexible and durable even in the face of itā€™s counters: a good step to improve Aqua Force as Iā€™ve talked about this before. While she is a Blue Wave, sheā€™s probably not the best Vanguard to sit on but if youā€™re able to go for the aggressive approach with Foivos, itā€™d probably be best to ride her. Iā€™ve played her at 2 and didnā€™t seem to make an impact, four is a tad clunky for me since there are some grade 1s youā€™d want in the back row, so three is generally a safe number to go with.
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x4 Blue Wave Soldier Senior, Beragios: Beragios serves as Valeosā€™ Abyssal Owl clone: checking the top 7 for a Valeos Grade 3 and dropping cards whose grades equal 3 or more. Again: another Grade 3 search which, while nice, using this does more harm than good unless you have a stride fodder or another grade 3 in hand (preferably and ideally Arsenal fleet), youā€™re going to end up dropping some cards that suit better on the field. If you have no grade 3, I do not recommend using this card as a means of getting one for this reason. The reason why Abyssal Owl works is because you can ditch cards to fuel your drop zone for Ritual, not to mention Luard can free stride and recycle those cards back. Valeos - nor Blue Waves - depend on the drop zone, Valeos canā€™t free stride, nor can recycle from the drop zone to the deck. Beragiosā€™ other skill is that he can re-stand if the vanguard stands. I feel this works better as a front unit in most cases or have a column of him, otherwise: without Anger-heart beat, thereā€™s almost no front row unit thatā€™ll be standing for Beragios to boost (save for the Vanguard), in most cases for this deck in particular. Other than that heā€™s a good ride target, something to call but his skills although handy do not shine a lot.
x4 Kelpie Rider, Nikki: Probably shouldnā€™t have to talk to much about this. The stride fodder getting reprinted in this set is extremely helpful since the only reprint it had was an SP pack edition which is already difficult to obtain.
x4 Blue Wave Shield General, Yorgos: Yorgos is the Blue Wave exclusive perfect guard that was surprising yet saw coming given the set advertised Blue Waves could be built from this set alone. It was surprising considering the amount of counterblast this deck does, I thought perhaps this wouldā€™ve been a reprint of the currently out of stock/out of print sentinel Ocean Keeper Plato. However, this card is not bad, as you would expect: it can protect any Blue Wave unit. His secondary skill turns any Blue Wave rear-guard into a back row attacker at Generation break 1, by binding himself from drop zone. Which makes Blue Waveā€™s endless assaults even stronger by having your grade 2s (save Melda) be able to attack repeatedly from the back row, especially good against locks. (Alternative: Ocean Keeper, Plato)
x2 Blue Wave Soldier, Bright Shooter: Lastly, I recommend Bright shooter because it keeps the decks theme consistent with Blue Wave names, it still ensures your ability to stride without Arsenal-fleet. Not to mention, Arsenalā€™s cost is a soul blast: the same cost as Valeosā€™ heartbeat. Granted you wonā€™t always use Valeos, but there is a limit to how many times you can get back Arsenal-fleet.
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Blue Wave Dragon, Dagger Master Dracokid:Ā Dagger returns here as the best starter for this build (and I do say best sparingly). Originally, youā€™d play Bubble Edge here but Bubble Edge canā€™t exactly trigger in this deck in a traditional sense. Dagger is basically Bubble but with a counter blast one and a generation break 1 restriction but more consistent, especially taking into account this deckā€™s first stride. Dagger letā€™s you draw per Vanguard attack on Waves 2 or more but on the fifth Wave, the vanguard will get +1 critical. Blue Waveā€™s also have two other starters but one is a worse Andrey and the other one is not really ideal. in addition since Blue Wave rears can consistently re-stand over and over, Andrey doesnā€™t really fit here either. So it goes without saying: Dagger Master is the better choice here with some obvious flaws being his restrictions and is a good lock target/retire target.
x4 Blue Wave Soldier, Brutal Trooper: The staple critical of the deck and of course the deckā€™s main draw engine. Originally Brutal Trooper existed as a sort of luxury for the deck where, it wasnā€™t a must have in order to profit. However, the deck has changed to where the deckā€™s ability to get about anything and to maintain your defenses and resources is dependent of Brutal Trooper. A comparison can be drawn to Luardā€™s Belial Owl, where without it, it was subpar but with these critical triggers, the deck flows much better.
x4 Supersonic Sailor: This deck also has an counter-charging issue where Supersonic is also important here to fuel the soul and get back counter blast. This is especially true if you do not have Plato.
x4 Blue Wave Soldier, Bluegill Trooper: A blue wave draw trigger that acts like Marika, though the Blue Wave is important since there is a lot of costs that rely on the name either for discards, soul blasts, and especially counter blasting. Beyond here, I will say you can even go 6 critical / 6 draw trigger to draw a bit more to get anything you need considering how aggressive Blue Waves are and maintaining that aggression and getting those resource cards rival the offensive critical trigger. Additionally, the new Blue Wave Stand Trigger (or any Stand Trigger) is good too since you have many ways of attacking from both front row and back row that hitting a stand trigger wonā€™t go to waste.
x4 Blue Wave Engineer, Refit Sailor: Set 13ā€²s Ultimate Stride introduce a new series of heal triggers for specific archetypes that activate by discarding one for the cost of a G-Guardian: by binding another heal and herself from the drop zone: youā€™re allowed to either counter charge or soul charge. These are really good heal triggers especially given that this is by far a better heal trigger than Ihoannes whom only works with a specific G-Guardian and discards a grade one or lower to draw. As an added bonus, if it wasnā€™t obvious enough: sheā€™s a Blue Wave.
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x4 Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon:Ā Flood Hazard is the newest G Unit for Blue Wave. At the end of the fourth battle and a Blue Wave rear-guard attacked; you may counterblast one, flip up one Flood Hazard in your G-zone, and discard two cards from hand to the drop zone to re-stand Flood Hazard with drive minus three. In addition, Flood Hazardā€™s Generation Break 3 gives all Blue Wave front row rear-guards +2000 and Flood Hazard gains Drive+1. In short, this is another Blue Wave re-stander but can become a Quad-Driving vanguard, but the most important note to take away from this is that Flood Hazard can re-stand as a first stride. Overall I love the card and it is a truly solid card but it does have itā€™s flaws. Letā€™s start with the fact that while he can be re-stand first stride: Flood Hazard is heavily dependent on outside elements to make up for his cost i.e. Brutal Trooper. The straight up discard 2 and the lack of drive checks on the second attack is not worth. Flood Hazard is a little bit better when he goes from GB2 --> GB3 on his re-stand because he does drive check one at least but at that point: I believe Tetra-boil is the better re-stander. Finally, when Flood is at GB3+ is where he truly shines and matches pace with counterpart due to the 2000 power buff on the front row and the ability to drive check four from the start and safely go into a drive check one. Ultimately, Flood Hazard is better in the situations where you have a lot of Brutal Troopers, if Valeos is the vanguard, or when youā€™re at Generation break 3+. Additionally, Flood Hazard is the reason why Dagger exists here now because even though the second attack has no drive check (if first strode), he will be given +1 critical which more often than not will be something to guard. Also a trivial note: Flood Hazardā€™s +1 Drive isnā€™t Blue Wave restricted.
x4 Blue Wave Marshal General, Tetra-boil Dragon: The original boss of Blue Waves. Because you play Anger-boil, Anger-boil + Tetra-boil is by far the strongest re-stand combination because of Anger-boilā€™s heart beat. Standing a column for free is super good and makes Blue Waveā€™s easy on costs. However, Tetra-boil and even Anger-boil specify Wave 2 so it will clash with some of the other unitā€™s. In addition, it isnā€™t restricted to Blue Wave rear-guards so youā€™re forgiven for playing essential non-Blue Waves but other than that: if you just want to constantly re-stand or if you have nothing else to play: Tetra-boil is the go to G-Unit especially considering he got a reprint in this set. Although, truth be told, with this deck: you can get away with playing just 2 Tetra-boil or even none if you value other G-Unitā€™s either as finishers (Lambros) or for utility (Commander Thavas/Sebreeze), since spacing is important and being able to have an answer to situations (whether itā€™s field management or cost management to use skills) is extremely important. However, if you do end up removing Tetra-boil completely, Iā€™d recommend removing Anger-boil and adding more Arsenal-fleet since Anger would lose purpose without this card. (Alternatives: Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros | Storm Dominator, Commander Thavas)
x1 Marshal General of Wave Honor, Alexandros: Alexandros is the newest G-Unit for all of Aqua Force. On Waveā€™s 2nd and 3rd only, at the end of the battle that he attacked, generic flip one card in the g zone face up: stand two units and give 5000 to both units per each face up card in the g zone. Iā€™m just going to break the silence if the effect didnā€™t already do so: this G-Unit alone is amazingly good in Aqua Force in any variant. Heā€™s a good first stride (especially if you donā€™t wish to use Flood Hazard without the necessary cards), heā€™s an unstoppable finisher (more on that in Thavas), he makes the G-zone flexible by being a generic flip: something Iā€™ve always wanted. The effect itself is crazy because Aqua Forceā€™s whole game plan was for the rears to get up to a specific wave and the vanguard takes care of the rest. Alexandros now in a sense generates more waveā€™s by making the rear-guards stronger and reusing their abilities such as re-standing, drawing, retiring. Lambros does do the same but you need to have a specific set up to reserve those abilities when they re-stood. In addition, this is a pretty safe stride to go into almost any time during the game, the later the better. On his own he does double of what Commander did first stride, later on heā€™s stronger than Lambros. For such an amazing card, why do I only have one here? Well, the other two G slots are taken up by Tetra-boil but I feel you only need one either as a first stride or a finisher ,if you first strode Flood Hazard. That and Alexandros being a GR might be difficult to obtain: so while two Alexandros is ideal, youā€™ll be fine with one.
x1 Storm of Lament, Wailing Thavas: With the introduction of many solid mid-range strides, Wailingā€™s original role as aĀ ā€œsafe finisherā€ (especially in non-Blue Wave decks) can be re-purposed as just a niche alternative units as GRs should be. You still play one because well removes the opponents board and blocks their sentinel though you will find that at times, you probably wonā€™t need to go into this unit as much as you needed to before.
Ā x1 Zeroth Dragon of Distant Seas, Megiddo: Meggido is the newestĀ ā€œZRā€ G-Unit that can be used by every card in the specified nation, along with itā€™s new mechanicĀ ā€œUltimate Strideā€. Dropping a unit of the same name as your vanguard to stride while having three face up cards in the G zone but at the end of the turn: the G zone is excluded from the game. Meggidoā€™s effect is pay 2 counterblast on placement, choose up to five rear-guards from your hand or drop zone and call them to your field and they all gain 5000 and after an attack they can swap places with another unit on itā€™s board. An ability that represents the finer attributes of all three Magallanican clans. Iā€™m not exactly a big fan of this card or any Zeroth Dragon in general because the punishment of not being able to finish your opponent is too steep especially with most decks being reliant on their generation breaks. Not to mention, Aqua Force has a plethora of finishers to choose from and all of which can succeed in even the most harsh conditions: lock, control. If Megiddo could call over locked cards: maybe. It also doesnā€™t help that counterblast two is almost a myth in this deck in the late stages of the game. Finally it also doesnā€™t help that Megiddo himself cannot protect rears from hazards like Lacus Carina, Impede Dragon and Defeat Flare who will almost guarantee the opponentā€™s survival due to the removal of rear-guards. So why is Megiddo in this deck? Well the nature of Valeosā€™ Blue Wave deck is anĀ ā€œall in, one shotā€ or so to speak. Everything from the heart beat, to Flood Hazardā€™s first stride, to the perfect guardā€™s the costs of other rear-guards: all of it is just speaks to me that this deck is entirely a one-shot especially since this deck has no plays outside of Foivos in the early stages of the game. If itā€™s able to profit then you live but if not and you arenā€™t able to kill: you will more than likely lose or be left with next to nothing. At the very least, Megiddo can give you a free field back and at minimum 6 attacks.Ā  (Alternatives: Marshal General of Wave Honor, Alexandros | Air Element, Sebreeze. Additionally, you can add these alternatives by removing two Tetra-boilā€™s.)
x2 Guard Leader of Sky and Water, Ihoannes: Ihoannes is still a pretty solid G-Guard because it protects your board and can be a huge shield buffer in any wave. Flipping a face down G-Guardian also helps contribute to Alexandrosā€™ power especially one that you probably wonā€™t use.
x2 Blue Wave Armor General, Galfilia: A new G-Guardian for Aqua Force whom which current stands as being the best G-Guardian for the clan. For starters she gains 5000 shield on 2nd and 3rd Waves: so finally we have a Wave 3 G-Guardian. In addition, when sheā€™s face up in the G-zone, by paying a soul blast and flipping her face down: she can choose a card in either your damage or your circle and turn it face up. So in addition to being a strong shield, she can recycle herself and the amazing part is that not only can she flip up damage but she can unlock and un-delete your units. Simply amazing.
x1 Blue Storm Deterrence Dragon, Ice Barrier Dragon: Standard 25000 shield on 1st Wave and any Wave on 4th or more. I generally found myself playing one in other decks because Galfilia and Ihoannes cover the Waves where the vanguard usually will attack in but these G-Guardians are pretty versatile so the numbers is up to you but I feel two Ihoannes is good for the G-zone acceleration and protecting board.
Deck Conclusion
As I started in Meggidoā€™s section: this deck is really a hyper aggressive glass cannon one shot style deck because it heavily depends on itā€™s first stride being able to generate resources from individual cards such as Brutal Trooper, Dagger Master, Arsenal-fleet, Brightshooter, Draw triggers. While in doing so, restricting the opponentā€™s power to 11000 to lock them out of damage triggers and power bonuses. The less key cards: namely Brutal and Dagger, that youā€™re able to use during your first stride the less youā€™ll be able to profit meaning the more vulnerable you are because of the costs you had to pay. I severely am not a fan of this style of play because while aggression is the name of the game, the heavy commitments need to pay off and those commitments involve hoarding Brutal Troopers. Me personally, I prefer having some flexibility in all stages of the game in case of match ups or if things start to go south very early. In addition to needing to have the correct grades, rear guards, the ability to stride, the ability to guard, you also need to hold onto these critical triggers: which ideally is not possible without you hitting draw triggers. Iā€™ve even seen some Blue Wave builds playing 8 draw triggers which: I can understand why. This deck very much reminds me of Sanctuary Guard in which you drop everything on the first Regalie turn and if you failed, you had very little resources to work with in terms of defense, except the aggression is cranked up higher in Valeos being able to attack endlessly from all fronts without fear of damage triggers. However, that being said: if you are able to get everything you need, sure enough you will definitely have a significant advantage over the opponent and if you are a fan of this style of play of hyper aggression supported by eliminating power ups during the battle phase: I truly do recommend it. While I do prefer flexibility, I cannot lie that this deck does shine with everything comes together and has the tools to alternate their battle strategy and is a pretty overall fun deck.
Following the simplistic naming scheme, Iā€™m going to call this next deck theĀ ā€œAnger Varientā€ because it does revolve around Blue Wave Dragon, Anger-boil Dragon as the main grade three. It does have another name such asĀ ā€œOriginal Blue Waveā€ since long story short, is the Blue Wave deck that has been played before Set 13 with just newer support. There is another name but Iā€™m going to save that for later. That being said, Iā€™m not going to cover too much of units Iā€™ve already talked about: Iā€™m just going to rush through and only talk about the units not present in the Valeos deck. Also special shout outs to two of my friends and teammates: Cherry and Anjaro for giving me the idea to try this out. Because of them, this deck is probably one that Iā€™m dedicating myself to in real life until Iā€™m able to complete Thavas.
[Grade 3s: 7 Units]
x4 Blue Wave Dragon, Anger-boil Dragon: While I say Anger-boil can used here, truth be told you can use Valeos here as well but I prefer Anger-boil more since Tetra-boil is theĀ ā€œgo-toā€ re-stander of this build.
x2 Supreme Ruler of the Storm, Thavas: Supreme Thavas, originally known asĀ ā€œChampion Thavasā€, is the greatest card to come out of Set 13 save for Alexandros. The obvious thing to note is that if you should ride him, your Blue Wave engine falls however his presence in the deck is pretty impacting. Supreme Thavas has a rear-guard ability on Generation Break 2, 1st and 4th Wave only, when he attacks at the end of the battle, counterblast one, and he stands. In my older deck profiles, I always kept one Thavas in Blue Waveā€™s to search him out while placing Nikki on the board just to maintain the ability to stride and never to ride. With Supreme Thavas, you actually have a benefit to having him since he can be called as an additional rear-guard. So good that I even encourage to at least run two. Should you have to ride him: he gives any unit resist and if that unit hasĀ ā€œWaveā€ ability, it can attack from the back row. The deck is also built to accommodate the situation should he be the vanguard, since better this than Arsenal-fleet if you canā€™t get Anger-boil. You can put Thavas in the Valeos build but since Flood Hazard takes priority, it could clash with the other units or even with Flood Hazard himself.
x1 Blue Wave Dragon, Arsenal-fleet Dragon: I feel two Arsenal-fleet is good because again, having at least once is super good but this deck has means to get Arsenal in the drop zone faster for a more preferred ride. Although if you prefer seven grade 3s, you can minus one Arsenal-fleet.
[Grade 2s: 12 Units]
x4 Tidal Assault: Man of the hour, the staple of Aqua Force. Again, shaving off a lot of counterblast usage from the deck by having this guy here. I will mention that there were times when it felt like Tidal Assault would get kicked out of the deck but I feel that rather than completely invalidating a really solid card, the support across the entire clan made it so that you donā€™t need to have Tidal but more so as a want.
x4 Blue Wave Marine General, Foivos: Foivos again, being on par with Tidal for best grade 2. For added trivia, Foivos is the only Grade 2 in the deck withĀ ā€œWaveā€ ability. So calling him with Supreme Thavas will give him back row and resist. His re-stand ability will come from striding Flood Hazard since Flood Hazard being a Blue Wave will fulfill the conditions to activate Foivos and Flood Hazardā€™s GB3 is not restricted to a Blue Wave heart so he will be a Quad Driver which is better than nothing I suppose. I give credits to the Flood Hazard+Thavas+Foivos to both Cherry and Anjaro. (Alternative: Blue Wave Marine General, Medla)
x4 Magnum Assault: Magnum Assault a blast from the past. Originally I disliked Magnum Assault because of how sluggish he was and how awkward heā€™d be fighting against Link Joker since heā€™s not a standalone. But, Magnum actually has some really cool synergy with Beragios should your Vanguard re-stand giving you another column to work with. Shame Magnum is once per turn too. Although, the purpose of Magnum is to allow non-conflicting waves across any of the boss units, especially if you have to ride Thavas. (Alternative: Blue Wave Marine General, Medla) Ā 
[Grade 1s: 14 Units]
x4 Kelpie Rider Nikki: As mentioned above in Thavas, you can just call him, search your grade 3 Thavas for either stride or to call as a rear-guard later. Other than that, usual stride fodder.
x4 Ocean Keeper, Plato: Since this is deck has a lot of non-blue waves, having Yorgos would not be ideal at all. Plato is still the best perfect guard for simply counter charging.
x3 Blue Wave Senior Soldier, Beragios: Beragios I have three here because I feel that without Valeos in the deck at a maximum, Beragios loses a lot of importance outside of being a re-standing booster. (Alternatives: Blue Wave Soldier, Bright Shooter | Battle Siren, Orthia | Battle Siren, Stacia)
x3 Dispatch Mission Seagull Soldier: The Seagull is back in business. On call, you soul blast one to add 3000 to a unit and on generation break one; if he boosts on wave four or higher, you can add him back to hand. This helps Tidal reach those numbers, or can make Supreme Thavas a 21k column. The alternatives for this card are the same as Beragios.
[Triggers & Starter]
Bubble Edge Dracokid: The bubble shines best here because there are a majority of rear-guards that can attack twice in succession meaning being able to trigger the draw back to back on Wave 4th & 5th is easy. from Tidal, Magnum, and Thavas, you have numerous ways. You can alternatively put Dagger Master but is useless if you ride Thavas (until you stride Flood Hazard). (Alternative: Officer Cadet, Andrey)
x4 Blue Wave Soldier, Brutal Trooper: Again, best critical in the deck. However, in this build it returns to itā€™s role as being a luxury since Bubble Edge takes off some of the strain by drawing cards as early as grade 2.
x4 Supersonic Sailor: Another staple critical for the clan being a counter charger that I feel shouldā€™ve gotten a reprint.
x4 Blue Wave Soldier, Bluegill Trooper: Either Bluegill or Marika will do fine. You donā€™t need the Blue Wave name since thereā€™s only one unit that especial counterblasts but their skill will most likely not see standard play. Originally, in older profiles, I used to play 12 critical Aqua Force for the maximum aggression because Brutal Trooper and Kelpie Rider, Petros allowed me to draw more and maintain a higher shield value. I will possibly look to try playing them again but I feel with how aggressive and fast paced this game is: you need to see as much of anything as quickly as possible from defensive cards, rear-guards, stride costs, everything. Drawing into heals or even Brutal Trooper & Supersonic isnā€™t bad since one is your defensive card and the other can shuffle itself back into the deck, while the other can replenish your damage.
x4 Blue Wave Engineer, Refit Sailor: Again, best heal in the clan so far.
[Generation Zone: 12 G Units & 4 G-Guardians]
x4 Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Tetra-boil Dragon: Tetra-boil is this deckā€™s go to re-stander because you run a lot of non-Blue Waveā€™s that makes Flood Hazard somewhat situational. Not to mention of course, you have the heartbeat of Anger-boil which turns Tetra-boil into the strongest re-stander of the two. Lastly, there arenā€™t any units that would clash with the skills of either Anger or Tetra-boil. Truth be told, you can actually get away with playing 2 Tetra-boil since you have other finishers to go into.
x2 Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon: Of course, if you are able to go into Flood Hazard Dragon especially on Generation Break 3 or higher, Iā€™d advise going into it since the fourth drive check is pretty worth. Same with Tetra-boil, you get away with playing no Flood Hazard because youā€™ll go into Tetra more than Flood in addition to other powerful finishers, but the quad drive makes this pretty solid to have. However, I feel I should mention that, going into Flood Hazard vs Tetra-boil depends entirely on your situation: if your Generation Break is lower than 3 or if youā€™re lacking a Blue Wave rear-guard: Tetra-boil is better.
x2 Marshal General of Wave Honor, Alexandros: Alexandros is your first stride, ideally. He can enable bubble edge to go off twice by standing up the other rears. Having two is important because if nothing else, going into the second one will be death for your opponent in most cases.
x2 Storm Dominator, Commander Thavas: Commander exists as an out to Link Joker but if your deck is built with enough back row attackers or with resists, you can side this out for Lambros who can serve as another finisher. If you donā€™t end up fighting against Link Joker, you can flip Commander for Alexandros. (Alternative: Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros)
x1 Storm of Lament, Wailing Thavas: Like before, having the option to stop grade 1s from guarding and removing the opponents board is always a reason to keep Wailing Thavas but there arenā€™t really much times youā€™ll stride into him.
x1 Air Element, Sebreeze: Sebreeze was a card that you either ran or didnā€™t because having a space reserved for the situation that comes up very rarely can make him a wasted slot. But, because you have Alexandros, having Sebreeze for those situations are good because then if you donā€™t need it, you can flip him up. Otherwise, I prefer using the CB2 to overwhelm the opponent than to go for a very situational finisher that punishes me for not winning on that turn. (Alternatives: Blue Swirl Marshal Dragon, Last Twister Dragon | Zeroth Dragon of Distant Seas, Megiddo)
x2 Blue Wave Armor General, Galfilia:Ā See below.
x1 Guard Leader of Sky and Water, Ihoannes: See below.
x1 Blue Storm Deterrence Dragon, Ice Barrier Dragon: So I only have four G-Guardians because of the space and that I would need to cut a persona card for another non-persona stride (preferably Alexandros) and a G-Guardian. However, Galfilia can recycle so if you do use all four and have another heal left, you can just flip her face down and refund your G-Guardian.
Deck Conclusion
This build exists as a moreĀ ā€œall purposeā€ deck, being able to make plays early, mid, and late game with very little to no restrictions whatsoever. I feel this is rather the better variant of playing Blue Wave, because itā€™s aggressiveness while not hyper like Valeos, is still stable and strong and is very similar to the top contending deck, Thavas, in every way except with the lack of resist. This is also adjustable across different formats/meta a lot easier than Valeos because it can pick up cards from the entire clan as opposed to being restricted to Blue Wave only, making it very techy. This deck is also very reminiscent to my original deck creation theĀ ā€œDivine Stormā€ since it can utilize the Thavas engine while still having the Blue Wave bosses, however, I feel it wonā€™t be effective because Alexandros essentially gave Thavas a mid-range play that Tetra-boil gave the deck, so itā€™ll just default to using Thavas engine with Blue Wave bosses which although good is not really good if you ride Anger-boil (because youā€™d have to force yourself to a Thavas stride to benefit from the Thavas rears). This deck does however still has itā€™s flaws since itā€™s sort of aĀ ā€œjack of all trades, master of noneā€ while Valeos and the other AQ decks each have a specialty that it excels in better than than build: Valeos being the more aggressive while Thavas is more resourceful and flexible, field and attacking pattern wise. This build isĀ ā€œaverageā€ and flexible building wise and can appeal to those who arenā€™t able to build their ideal decks and still trying to make something with what they currently have.
Thank you all for reading this profile~ It took a lot of time for me to organize this because I wanted to talk about the differences of both decks and bring awareness that there are two separate decks for this archetype. These decks may not be built exactly like either of the listed builds but each one carries a different style and game play which differs across. For anyone curious: I have an originalĀ ā€œrantā€ that I wrote to my team about each deck before I began working on this for more of my immediate thoughts of the archetype. I donā€™t think the archetype is bad, I still love it and I find it interesting that they went this route. However, this set actually resolved an internal crisis of sorts that Iā€™ve been having to decide between Thavas or Blue Waves, and I finally decided on Thavas for reasons thatā€™ll be explained in the next and final deck profile featuringĀ both the standard build and the Wave keyword build. So stay tuned and look forward to that.
(See Here For Original Blue Wave Rant: https://pastebin.com/CwtdKJRpĀ , Just copy the link rather than clicking the link.)
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iamhumanpresident Ā· 8 years ago
i love you but all the other infjs i know are annoying...how do i get over this so that i can love this blog even more
I love you too!! So, I will give you my best answer as to what might be up with Those Other INFJs. Maybe that will do a help?
1) INFJs that are in earlier stages of development can be really prone to falling into thought-traps of ā€œIā€™m such a good person; Iā€™m so sensitive; No one understands me or is as deep as I am.ā€ This is more true of some enneagram types than others. From an outside perspective, itā€™s really frustrating to watch. I see other INFJ blogs do this on tumblr sometimes and I just want to shake them and say ā€œNO youā€™re doing it wrong!ā€ Theyā€™ll probably get over it eventually though. (I had my phase, and at the time I didnā€™t realize I was doing it).2) Ni, at least from my experience, can be kind of a dark and scary rabbit hole of doom. It has been since I was a kid. Iā€™m now okay with that, and I like to explore and understand fully how it works. Iā€™m also aware itā€™s not a super power by any means. I think there are some INFJs who would rather still keep some distance from their Ni, and treat it like it is some magic psychic super power - and just embrace those silly mysterious INFJ stereotypes along with that, because thatā€™s easier. Sudden ā€œeureka momentsā€ and all that.3) Consider that they might not actually be INFJs. A lot of people mistype themselves as INFJs, and so I run into blogs of people self-typed where theyā€™re an INFJ but are clearly something else. What clearly stands out is a post where an ā€œINFJā€ was explaining how she uses her ā€œNiā€ and ā€œFeā€ and it became clear she was talking about Ne+Fi. Other people were using that post to then inaccurately confirm their own self-typing, and it was a whole mess. Outside in the real world though, INFJs are particularly hard to spot. Even with it being my own type, itā€™s taken me a while to learn how to find and type others. Several I have typed only after being totally stumped on their typing and ruling out so many other options (including someone I used to be really close with). INFJs are sneaky in person. They hide behind Fe. I know INFJs in their 30s and 40s who at first I would swear were ENFJs. Or, if theyā€™re teenagers, they might just be super awkward (that was me).
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crystaljjohnson Ā· 8 years ago
What the *Edit*Ā is the Problem
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Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again, Iā€™m a fan fiction snob. Iā€™m an avid reader and I want it all in a book, a great plot line, proper grammar, detailed descriptions of the prevalent settings and characters I feel connected with. It might sound like Iā€™m asking for a lot, and trust me, I am! I want to be sucked into a story to the point my real-life problems fade to the background for a bit and I get to live the life of someone else. I want to see, hear, taste, smell and touch what they do, go where they go, feel what they feel. I need to get lost in the story.
Nothing messes up my reading flow like a mistake, and itā€™s not just word errors. Flip-flopping physical characteristics, contrasting setting descriptions and misplaced sentences, they are hard for me to move past and are guaranteed to make the next two to five sentences incomprehensible. I get it, we are Wattpad and/or Tumblr authors, we donā€™t have a ton of money to dish out for professional editing of our books, but it doesnā€™t mean we shouldnā€™t strive for perfection. Here are four easy steps to help edit your fanfic and avoid tripping up your readers groove.
1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Character Profiles ā€“ Ever read a fic and three chapters in you are flipping back to the beginning of the book because you swear the writer changed a characterā€™s eye or hair color? Annoying, isnā€™t it? Any reoccurring character should have a basic profile write up. Jot down in a notebook the physical features and basic history of the characters, this will act as a reference point and help lock the info in your head.
I choose to complete very detailed profiles on all my main characters and a slightly less thorough one for my supporting characters. It is hella time consuming but worth it, and here is an example why. In my first fanfic, the Only Exception, I had written that my MCā€™s parents never got married and then later in the book wrote they were. YIKES! I published the book with that doozy. Thankfully, a reader pointed it out to me, but I was totally embarrassed. The relationship between Autumn and her parents was pivotal to the plot and Iā€™d botched it. Since then I have created Excel spread sheets with all the info I would need about my fictional beings. I solemnly swear, I am doing everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen again.
2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Artificial Intelligence ā€“ Most apps focusing on writing like Wattpad and Tumbler will automatically underline misspelled words, but they are unable identify grammar errors. I am a huge fan of Microsoft Word, is my best friend when it comes to getting the thoughts in my head down on paper. It is not perfect, but it does catch a majority of my grammatical blunders and mistyped words. I also use the Find function in Word to identify any overused words like, that, just and very. Iā€™d honestly, be lost without Word, but I donā€™t solely rely on it. I use it in conjunction with Wattpad, I write my chapters in Word and when I paste them into Wattpad I scroll through and see if that program finds any errors. I double up, doing whatever I can to avoid typing mistakes.
3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Read Aloud ā€“ I know you might sound crazy reading your book to yourself out loud but you gotta let go and do it. When you read to yourself, you have a tendency to breeze through phasing which may sound ridiculous out loud. Trust me, I do it every damn week with this blog. I read it to myself over and over again, it seems perfect until the minute I read it to Tony. What I found to be a masterpiece when internally read, is a mess coming out of my mouth. If you want to know how your story is going to sound to your reader than read it aloud.
4.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Question It ā€“ The other day I was on a road trip with my niece and we were reading fanfictions which fell in the same genre as mine. Yep, I check out your fanfics and yes, I am comparing just like I do with a published author. Itā€™s homework, my friends. Anyways, back to the story. So, this fic was riddled with contradictions. One minute, the MC was in a dark alley where she couldn't see anything, and the next Harry is down from her at the opening and she can make out the ā€œsparkling green of his eyesā€. What the hell? Was it pitch-black or was it dimly lit, it canā€™t be both at the same time. The character was going to quietly sneak away from her pursuer and then she decided to run with no explanation as to the change of heart. This book was giving me whiplash from all its indecisiveness. Pick a direction and roll with, donā€™t make the character everything all at once.
Rule of thumb, if you have to reread your sentence or paragraph because you are confused about what you were trying to convey, re-write it. Donā€™t try to reason it, because your reader sure isnā€™t. A shitty phrase will remain a shitty phrase. Ā 
But C, I donā€™t have time to do all of that, I just want to post my story and jump to the next chapter. Iā€™ll fix it later.
Have at it, who am I to tell you how to post your work? Perhaps your mistakes will be outshined by your intriguing storytelling and readers like me are a rarity. Maybe most people just want to read a cluster of words with no rhyme or reason, or maybe they are not looking for something which transports them from their real-life. Maybe you like writing but you donā€™t have a goal to make a profession out of it. Maybe you should buckle down and not procrastinate when it comes to editing your work before you share it with the world. Just some thoughts.
Let me finish by telling you what is going to happen if you choose not to edit before you post. You are going to put up a half-assed story and the reader is going to see that. They are not going to feel drawn back to your book for the next update because the last one was a mess. Ultimately, your number of readers will never increase, and without readers you will lose your motivation to write and your story will go unfinished. Donā€™t set your book up to fail by being lazy and putting off this crucial process. To create an amazing story, you have to perfect it, and to do that you must edit. Ā 
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intjsarchive Ā· 6 years ago
Wow, these questions are great šŸ˜Ž Reblogging to save!
1. I discovered MBTI through my friend. I was the one to discover Enneagram and she was looking for other personality test. She showed me MBTI and that's how it started šŸ˜œ
2. My MBTI type is INTJ
3. Yes, my Enneagram type is 1w9, although when I took the test last time I got 8w9. Maybe it has something to do with the tritype thing, I don't know. For now it's too complicated for me
4. MBTI helped me realize that I'm, in fact, different, and that's why I was bullied and no one understood me (I thought I was like everybody else and didn't know why everyone made such a big deal about me)
5. From what I observed, people I get along with the best are Fi dominants. My current good friend is an ISFP, in the past I had many INFP friends, although I also have two INFJ friends and one INTP friend.
6. I don't think I was ever mistyped. (THANK GOOOD)
7. For me, astrology isn't a reliable source of personality information, though my ISFP friend educates me about it xD
8. Yes! For years I couldn't stand my personality. When others complained about being fat or ugly, I complained about being "weird", not liking pop culture, having a bad time at parties and constantly feeling like me and my body aren't one. When I found out about my type, I understood why is that and what I can do to grow-which meant working on my Se. (It was VEEERY helpful)
9. I still don't think I'm understood, but I can now act like others and they think they understand me šŸ˜‚
10. My parents are both INTJs (no one believes me, but it's true-that's the big part of why I believed I was ordinary-I was just brought up by people like me, when, in real world, INTJs are rare)
11. My favourite subjects are languages and I hated Physics when I had it. I also hate Maths as I'm forced to have it. I understand "trends" and I know what to do to do the excercise, but I don't know what to do exactly+I'm extremely bad at numbers in general so that my results are usually wrong. I hate sports too, despite working out at home. Team games are NIGHTMARE and people always put the blame on me for losing games. Stupid... They won't even remember them in a week!
12. I first discovered MBTI through my friend, as said in point 1.
13. I want people to know that they don't have to talk to me during social gatherings just for sake of talking... It drains me... Actually, I know an ESFJ who thinks I need socializing and always asks me about my mood even if she doesn't want to know... SMALL TALK HELL
14. I hate the stereotype that all INTJs are Maths geniuses and don't use their Fi and Se at all. When I developed my Fi and Se on a certain level, it even started to be entertaining, especially when used around my ISFP friend-simple observing and attending things.
15. I don't know if the INTJ "former friend" who showed me MBTI is still into it. My INTP friend has phases of obsession on typing people she knows and I don't. Current ISFP friend sees MBTI as my hobby and listens to my monologues about others (she seems interested, but it may be the effect of being a good, active listener) and she sometimes does research on ISFPs and ENFPs, because she doesn't understand why she is prone to doing some things (and they ALWAYS come from low Te, from what I see, for ex. procrastination and no motivation) and why her mother does things (crazy ENFP). Other than these people... I make everyone I know take the test and, as for now, no one is as obsessed as me (I even made my driving instructor and English teacher take it-both ISFJs)
16. Pfff! Cognitive functions are the reason I started understanding everything! They are a great way of seeing MBTI for me. When there was no electricity due to a heavy storm, I drew a table with functions and put it above my desk šŸ˜‚
17. When I think about changing my type, I always see flaws in other types. There is no good type. You just have to grow as a person and every type will be great. I appreciate being an INTJ now, because of the dominant Ni. I sometimes wish I was an ESFP, but then I see my ESFP friend who CAN'T. SIT. QUIET., and then I understand the dominant Se problem sooo... I would prefer to stay an INTJ. xD
18. Am I confused about my type?... I can't think of anything right now. I don't think so. I find other types confusing because I don't know them a) at all, b) I don't know they are the type they are. For example, before I got to know my ISFP friend, ISFPs were the biggest mystery to me. Now I still don't know any ISTP and ENTJ that well. It doesn't bother me though, as I have the tools to imagine them (similar types+YouTube+Tumblr+cognitive functions).
Thank you for the questions once more! If I get to know anyone who's into MBTI-I will take them into account when creating a conversation \(^ u ^)/
Mbti asks
1. When did you first discover MBTI?
2. What is your type?
3. Do you know your enneagram?
4. What has MBTI helped you realize about yourself?
5. What is your best friend/friend groups type(s)?
6. Were you ever mistyped?
7. Do you enjoy astrology as well?
8. Has MBTI helped you become more accepting of your personality?
9. Did it help you feel understood?
10. What type(s) are your parents?
11. What is your favorite subject in school or was your favorite subject?
12. How did you first discover MBTI?
13. What do you want people to know about you?
14. Is there an annoying stereotype of your type that you donā€™t like?
15. Are any of your friends into mbti?
16. Do you understand cognitive functions?
17. If you could, would you want to be a different type?
18. Are you confused about your type at all?
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envirae Ā· 4 years ago
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SUMMARY: When the campus heartbreaker suddenly finds himself in a slump over his ex, he decides heā€™s ready to do whatever it takes to win her back. The problem? Sheā€™s now in a happy relationship with her dream guy. In a battle that seems to be two against one, what can Beomgyu do to show her heā€™s got way more to offer, even after breaking her heart?
PAIRING: ex!choi beomgyu x f!reader x bf!jake sim
GENRE: social media au, fluff, angst, crack
WARNING(S): cursing, crack, dirty jokes, and mentions of death (in a playful way)
STATUS: completed
my taglist is closed!
series playlist
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profiles: when we jumpin and popping // bts fanboys // flawed judgement
pt 1 - HUMBLE HIM šŸ’³šŸ’„
pt 2 - men (derogatory)
pt 3 - downgrade much šŸ’€šŸ’€
pt 4 - take the L šŸ˜­
pt 5 - beomgyu get some brain cells challenge GO
pt 6 - phase one BEGINS
pt 7 - wanna analyze me?
pt 8 - MISTYPE!
pt 9 - barackini
pt 10 - boi what the hell
pt 11 - study sesh
pt 12 - ventriloquist
pt 14 - fila šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
pt 15 - downward spiral
pt 16 - off the grid
pt 17 - royally deep shit
pt 18 - wasnā€™t that a dream?
pt 19 - (in)genuine?
pt 20 - hey check out how hard i can CRY
pt 21 - how impossible it is to train the heart to sit
pt 22 - liam didnā€™t like that kittenā€¦
pt 23 - smell of jakeā€™s bullshit
pt 25 - sunoo the undergrown pistachio
pt 26 - uh oh šŸ˜
pt 27 - sufart
pt 28 - bro... šŸ˜Ž
pt 29 - according to plan!
pt 30 - the janitors closet
pt 31 - worlds collide
pt 32 - i forgive you beomgyu šŸ˜šŸ˜
pt 33 - i think it was implied ;)
pt 34 - shameless
pt 35 - go away stupid bitch
pt 36 - edinburgh
finale - i think i've got everything figured out
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current taglist (closed!): @youreverydayzebra @rae-blogging @so-jays @jaemsluvr @icywhatim @sseyk @iuwon @igyus @bluhr @yeoforce @junityy @tar0txsailor @riki-zone @witheeseung @ncityy04 @enhacolor @mykalon @20-cube @cosmiclele @baekhyunstruly @ctrl-ji @tyongolden @milkycloudtyg @shinkailovebot @ddeonuism @softkons @kyleeanne @jayparkfromenhypen @eissaaaa @tyunningfiles @goldenxddeonu @simpforsung @afiaaaa19 @cobzies @xoxojayd3n @jdyunvrs @viscoolreal @papiibuprofen @hobistigma @hobqs @kac-chowsballs @oobsworld @shawkneecaps @heejojo @eternallyhyucks @heefeels @akaashisbunny @yourstruely @taejinxkoya @deezarenotmynutz @hanniesss @imissjuyeon @soobuble @ohmy-fandoms @ilyaera
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My tritype is 459, but I'm finding it hard to figure out my core type because while I've always been able to spot parts of each in my personality, which one is strongest has varied greatly during different periods of my life. I've had a phase where I was obsessed with the idea that understanding everything on a technical level was the solution to all life's problems, a phase where I deliberately selected my likes and dislikes to try to form an identity and a phase where I (continued in next ask)
(Part 2 of tritype ask) a phase where I was just tried to avoid any kind of conflict. So, what I don't know is how to figure out which of these is overall strongest. I've typed myself as INTP so that makes 4 unlikely unless I'm mistyped, but 5 and 9 both seem plausible. I act more like a 5 when I'm healthy, and more like a 9 when not. Usually, when I act like a 9 it's because I've lost confidence in my ability to work out a solution for problems and just kind of given up. I have the dreaminess
(tritype ask part 3) and vague thought patterns and ideas of a 9, unless I really zone in on a problem, at which point I start isolating myself to pick it apart so I can later return to the world and deal with it properly. I tend to go through phases of extremely focused and completely passive. To complicate matters further, though, a lot of my recent attempts at improving myself have taken the form of critically assessing my values and beliefs, which sounds a lot like 4 integrating to 1(part 4) so it's possible I'm actually an INFP 4 - I don't think I'm INFP, mostly because I understand other ti&fe users quite well but when I try to talk to te&fi users we always end up miscommunicating, but I do have some traits like the strong individualism, interest in aesthetics and emotion, tendency to see myself in fictional characters and so on. I'm not sure I've given enough information for you to tell me which type I am but if you could tell me what to look out for it would help.
Hi anon,
So hereā€™s my starting question: where exactly did you come up with 459 as a tritype if you couldnā€™t figure out the core? This isnā€™t an accusation - itā€™s actually a genuine question because my experience with tritypes has always been that tritype descriptions can be fun but a 549 would look pretty radically different than a 495, for example. I always saw the core as sort of the linchpin and without it itā€™s really hard to know the fixes.
Overall I donā€™t really have any insight but I have a couple things that may have gotten in the way in case youā€™d like to send in some more specific details:
First: I see the wordĀ ā€œdreaminessā€ pop up in enneagram questions a lot and I donā€™t entirely know where this started, but Riso and Hudson do mention actually that 4, 5, and 9 are all to an extent the daydreamers of the enneagram. Vague thought patterns, meanwhile, are pretty typical of any INTP (or for that matter INFP) so I wouldnā€™t use this for enneagram typing in your particular case.
Second: Iā€™ve mentioned this before, and thereā€™s never a nice way to say this, but basically I donā€™t trust anyone elseā€™s typing of people around them. You say you understand other Ti/Fe users well, but for all I know youā€™re a mistyped INFP and as a result of that have mistyped people you get along with as Ti/Fe users when theyā€™re really also Fi/Te users. Itā€™s a tautology, from my perspective, and so it doesnā€™t really give me solid ground to stand on. What specific things do you clash on with other people? Do you find them too illogical? On what topics? That is often far more helpful in typing (for example, Iā€™m a high Te user and a sensor and lot of my clashing with people is when theyā€™re being impractical or inefficient).
And finally: thereā€™s not much here about the core fears, and I always believe those are where to start. You do mention that you donā€™t act like a 9 when healthy, in which case thereā€™s a decent chance you are not one, but Iā€™d want to know what your driving fear is to have any sort of confidence in typing
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funkymbtifiction Ā· 6 years ago
I have fluctuated enough between a 3 fix and 4 fix for long now. My mom is a core 3, and I know some others who are high 3s. The way they approach things is completely different from the way I approach things, which are image centre related. My mistype happened because I am a 7 core. They both share the positive, energetic approaching to problem solving. This mistype is more common than you think. It also happens when you don't know yourself all that well. Image fix is tricky to figure because very few of us have an accurate perception of our self image. How can we, when the self is dynamic and ever changing? But the biggest indicator is that 4s tend to have a negative self image more than 3. 3s are basically like Barney Stinson saying "I am awesome. In place of a shame gland, I have a second awesomeness gland" repeatedly to mask his own insecurities. 4s do not say such things. There is a perverse enjoyment in identifying oneself with the under dog. I wondered if there was such a thing as contextual 4-ness because I have had some life circumstances that could point to the formation of a 4 fix contextually. This was before I realised there was no such thing as a contextual 4. Reading up also helps. When I read Riso and Hudson, Beatrice Chestnut, Baron and Wagele and a couple other Enneagram authors, I wondered why I couldn't relate to the 3 fixers. The cognitive lie for the image fix did not line up. I had accepted the 3 fix but in some ways, it deeply troubled me because the pieces did not fit, in my head. I thought it made sense because I am a workaholic and don't do well with free time. My approach to problem solving in relationships can be quite 3 like. I don't dwell on my emotions, in fact this is the part of 4 that I cannot identify with. Emotions seem intrinsic to the identity landscape of the 4. However, the defence mechanisms, cognitive lie and self image are all things which line up when I consider it as a whole. The most un-3 ish thing about me is that I dislike self promotion, I am perfectly capable of it. 3s aren't just capable at it, they excel at it. They breathe it. It is their M.O.
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Regardless of whether they can or cannot, 3s will never let you know they can't. I have certain 3 wing characteristics but not enough to call myself a 3 fixer. My motivation has never been to change myself according to the environment I am in, to obtain success. I crave success and adulation but on my own terms. In fact, I wouldn't even consider it success if I just became lost in a sea of faces. This and other reasons is why I partly chose to intern with "boutique firms" as a law student. Even as a child, I always envisioned creating a position for myself that nobody else had. Like Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective. A real breakthrough of sorts came when my friend told me he was watching Daria, and said she was SO me in many ways. I binged through it faster than he did, and it hit like a ton of bricks! The way she draws away from people and is snobbish about them, did fit my social strategy in my awkward teenage phase. That had actually caused me to mistype as an introvert on 16personalities. Jodie Landon is the 3 on that show, Jane and Daria are the 4s. Different wings though. There is an episode where they have all applied to a scholarship. Jodie tries to sell herself as the picture perfect candidate, Daria with her harsh 4w5 edge calls the interviewers out on their company policy. While my own TiFe will not shy away from being disingenuous at times since I have no moral qualms, it is not without the cost of knowing. This is more common to 4w3 than 4w5. As much as 4w3 can sell out in order to succeed, they cannot keep up the act for long. I can sell myself superbly to potential employers, partners but it is always embellishment of the truth rather than total misrepresentation which I have noticed 3s do. At their worst, they can be sociopathic while 4s just end up being depression prone, isolating people. I have a flair for the dramatic, I am more of a raconteur. At the end of the day, I don't have much of a connection to my own inner emotions but a significant/unique/different identity? I must have it.
When you combine 7-3, you get a very high energy, double positive and assertive combination, one who is always jumping into things and brushing feelings aside. When you combine 7-4, you get someone who is energetic but sensitive, positive but more willingly to acknowledge and explore the darkness within themselves and others, somebody who waits before jumping into things. In fact, there is a statement which I read somewhere that said the life of a 7-4 has a waiting quality to it. Aside from focusing on what we don't have, or what is missing; we have a tendency to wait for someone or something to set the wheels in motion.
When you are typing yourself, it is worth considering if your IV lines up with the Enneagram type or not. The pieces have to fit separately and congruently as a whole.
- ENTP Mod.
I'm not sure if you answered this before but, why did both mods (ENFP and ENTP) use to think they had a 3 fix? What made them change to a 4 fix?
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I can only answer for myself, I assume ENTP will reblog and add her thoughts.
I considered a 3 fix because I am motivated and find it hard to take time off, but when I compare my motives and self-image to that of the 3, I align with 4 more than 3. It helps that I know several people with a 3 fix for comparison.
We were kidding each other one day, and one of them said, ā€œIf I had to pull an all nighter to ace a test, and people complimented me on my high grade, Iā€™d act like I had not spent all night studying. I would shrug and say it was ā€˜easy.ā€™ You on the other hand would stress how HARD it was, and make sure everyone knew how much you had SUFFERED for that grade. =P"
All kidding aside, several things constantly swing me back to 4.
Self-image. 4ā€²s assume you do not want them. 3ā€²s assume you should want them based on their achievements. I assume people do not want me. I am not good enough. Not a good enough friend, daughter, writer, person in general. People praise me, I dismiss it, because it cannot measure up to my own feelings of inadequacy. It sucks, but thatā€™s my battle. And I never cover it up with achievement like a 3 would. I just brew into a stew in it.
Melodrama. Like it or not, 4ā€²s are into drama. 3ā€²s downplay drama or flat out ignore it as it relates to their image. 3ā€²s are much more able to keep their cool because to break down would shatter the illusion a 3 has that everything is fine, under control, and that they are whatever ā€˜imageā€™ they want to project ā€“ that of a competent and skilled ace. I long to project an ā€˜imageā€™ but most people see through it, because itā€™s not real. Iā€™m not good at it, unlike a 3 fixer would be. I habitually make things a much bigger deal than they actually are, the reverse problem of the 3, who downplays everything and refuses to deal with it.
Always pointing out the differences. I constantly emphasize how much I am different from other people. I point out how responsible I am, how I finish every creative project I start, how I do not make emotional decisions, how I am realistic and not flighty, how I have a linear thought process. I look at every stereotype of an ENFP and make damn sure you know it does not fit me. Over and over again, in private and public ways, I constantly remind you of HOW THAT IS NOT ME. My 4 is more focused on the differences than the similarities; my 4 wants you to know I AM SPECIAL, NOT LIKE OTHER ENFPS.
Always what you lack, never what you have. Painful as it is to admit, I relate to that ā€œyou do not appreciate what you have, you long for better things, and you push the person awayā€¦ only to really miss them when they are gone and wish you could have them backā€ thing that average 4ā€²s do. Itā€™s lame. I have a fun time with friends, I come home longing for something else or more. I miss the people that have left me and romanticize them, choosing to forget about all the crappy times and just wallowing in what a lousy friend I was at the time (I was not, I am a good friend in general ā€“ loyal, protective, kindā€¦ but 4 does not see that, 4 focuses on that time I insulted their hair and did not defend them :P) as a way to wallow in my own deep inner longing.
Knowing my social stacking helped. The so/sp 3 is not me. So/sp 3s are more self-confident of their abilities and successes than I am. I like you to know my accomplishments, but in a low-key way that does not draw too much attention because my 4 also fears you will reject it. So/sp 4 is me. They self-compare negatively with other people and always lose. And the irony of it is, even though I cringe telling you all this, because itā€™s pathetic, Iā€™m also a bit proud of it. Because itā€™s melodramatic and shows you Iā€™m damaged.
4ā€²s like to be a bit broken. Itā€™s dramatic and it appeals to us. ;)
- ENFP Mod
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filipeteimuraz Ā· 7 years ago
How to Write a Double Opt-in Landing Page That Converts Well
Itā€™s always great news for a business when their subscriber list starts to grow.
The growing list of subscribers implies that people are interested in your company and you have the opportunity to increase your revenue.
But thatā€™s not always the case.
People ask me all the time why their bottom line hasnā€™t improved as their subscriber rates increase.
Itā€™s because they donā€™t have active subscribers.
How do you stay connectedĀ and make sure your customers are actively engaged with your content?
Take a step back, and assess your current opt-in process.
It may have some flaws.
Sure, you may see your number of subscribers grow.
But thatā€™s useless if these people arenā€™t actually interested in your company.
Switching to a double opt-in strategy may be the solution.
Iā€™ll show you how to use a double opt-in landing page to increase conversion rates.
Whatā€™s wrong with the single opt-in landing process?
If you donā€™t know the difference between these two types of landing pages, itā€™s safe to assume youā€™re currently using a single opt-in form.
A single opt-in is simple for both you and the subscriber.
They enter their email address and automatically get added to your subscription list.
Hereā€™s an example from Loweā€™s Home Improvement:
All they ask for is your email address and zip code so that they can send you relevant promotions based on your location.
Once you click ā€œSave Today,ā€ youā€™ll instantly join the email list.
Itā€™s easy for users, and itā€™s a great tactic to increase the number of newsletter subscribers fast.
However, there are some problems with this strategy as well.
You may end up with some invalid or useless email addresses on your list.
Here are a few scenarios.
The customer mistyped their email address.
The customer intentionally submitted a fake email address.
Someone signed up for your list by mistake.
People make mistakes when they are typing.
So itā€™s not uncommon for someone who wants to join your subscriber list to incorrectly enter their email address.
This person may eventually realize the error if they donā€™t receive any messages from you.
Hopefully, they will go back and submit the correct information.
However, their invalid address will remain on your list.
Sometimes a customer could purposely enter a fake email address if it means they can receive a discount on their order.
To prevent this, you should always email the sign-up promotion instead of automatically applying it to their checkout page.
Hereā€™s an example from Topshop:
Itā€™s also possible that someone entered their email address by accident.
Sometimes people may get confused and think they needed to submit an email address to continue, especially if you have a popup form.
Hereā€™s another possibility.
Letā€™s say youā€™re an ecommerce store that requires an email address during the checkout process.
The customer may want to get shipping details and an order receipt sent to their email address, but that doesnā€™t mean they want to join your newsletter.
Hereā€™s an example:
If that box is checked off by default, you may get subscribers who donā€™t actually want to be on your list.
Depending on your email marketing service provider, you may be paying a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee based on the number of subscribers on your list.
Youā€™ll happily pay if all those subscribers are active and engaged.
But if you have fake emails, invalid names, and people who signed up by mistake, youā€™re wasting money.
Plus, all of your analytics will be thrown off.
You canā€™t effectively analyze the success of your campaign without accurate data.
Double opt-in landing pages are more efficient
The double opt-in strategy can eliminate some of the problems we just discussed.
Your company may be experiencing some of those issues if youā€™re currently using a single opt-in strategy.
So, whatā€™s a double opt-in?
Itā€™s a form that appears after the visitor clicks your call-to-actionĀ button.
Hereā€™s what Kholā€™sĀ double opt-in page looks like:
Basically, itā€™s a two-step verification process.
Sending a confirmation email is another great way to accomplish this.
Look at the impact double opt-ins can have on your unique open rates:
Here are some more top benefits of a double opt-in email:
increased user engagement
no spam or fake email addresses on your list
more accurate analytics
a great way to start a drip campaign
Letā€™s continue to break down the double opt-in email.
The subscriber has to verify their email addressĀ before they get added to your list.
Earlier I mentioned that incorrect or fake email addresses could be plaguing your single opt-in strategy.
This wonā€™t be an issue if you send the prospective subscriber a confirmation message.
Donā€™t get me wrong.
This isnā€™t a perfect system either.
Since it requires more steps, some users may not complete the process.
Some people may think the double opt-in emails could be too much.
This is especially true if youā€™re sending a confirmation message and thenĀ a welcome message after their address is verified.
So, hereā€™s what you can do.
Combine your verification email with the welcome message.
Thatā€™s how nearly 80% of email marketers are handling their double opt-in emails.
Otherwise, it can be an overload of messages, which the subscriber could mark as spam.
Confirmation email
Welcome message
Promotion or discount
Thatā€™s potential four messages your subscriber could receive within the first few days of signing up.
Itā€™s too many.
Yes, once they are added to your list, it makes sense to send out a drip campaign.
Just donā€™t do it all at once.
Space the messages out over a longer period of time so you arenā€™t perceived as a spammer.
How to create a double opt-in email
Now you understand the basic differences between a single and double opt-in landing page.
Itā€™s time to learn the step-by-step process for your double opt-in email.
Depending on your email service provider, the wording on each page may be slightly different.
In this example, Iā€™ll show you how to set up a double opt-in email on HubSpotā€™s platform.
Step #1: Select ā€œDouble Opt-Inā€ under the ā€œEmailā€ section of ā€œContent Settingsā€:
Navigate to the ā€œContent Settingsā€ tab.
Next, click on ā€œEmail.ā€
Youā€™ll see the ā€œDouble Opt-inā€ option about halfway down this menu.
Step #2: Customize the double opt-in message:
From the double opt-in page, click ā€œEdit email.ā€
This will be the message your prospective subscribers receive after they complete the first step of your opt-in process.
The message should be delivered immediately so the user can proceed and officially join your list.
Step #3: Create a confirmation page and follow-up email:
Once the subscriber verifies their email address and completes the second opt-in phase, they will receive a confirmation.
There are two types of confirmations:
confirmation landing page
email confirmation
The landing page will open in their Internet browsing window after the subscriber confirms the first message.
At the same time, they can receive a follow-up message that also confirms their subscription.
If you donā€™t want your new subscribers to receive too many messages in a short period of time, simply uncheck the ā€œInclude follow-up emailā€ box.
I would recommend using this opportunity to send a welcome messageĀ to your newest subscribers.
Itā€™s much more practical than another confirmation email.
Step #4: Review the ā€œEnableā€ options:
The enable section allows you to choose when to put the double opt-in option on your website.
By default, this option is marked as disabled.
I recommend enabling this option for all your pages.
This will increase the chances of getting higher conversions.
But itā€™s not required. You can enable your double opt-in on specific pages only.
If you want to include the opt-in on most of your pages, but not all of them, check off the ā€œDisabled for some pages onlyā€ box.
Itā€™s pretty straightforward.
Step #5: Manually send an opt-in (optional):
Hereā€™s a scenario.
Letā€™s say you forgot to change the default enable options in our previous step.
If a user subscribes, they wonā€™t receive your opt-in email verification when the page is disabled.
In this case, you can manually send a new subscriber an opt-in message.
Just navigate to your contacts page and click on the user.
Click ā€œActionsā€ under their name, and select ā€œSend opt-in email.ā€
That will ensure that your new subscriber receives the message you customized in the second step.
HubSpotā€™s platform is really easy to navigate and understand.
So if your current email marketing software doesnā€™t have this feature, you may want to consider signing up for an alternative.
Additional tips for getting sky-high conversions
Before you can send out your double opt-in email, youā€™ll need the user to click on your CTA button in the first place.
Otherwise, they will never have the opportunity to receive a confirmation message.
One of the first things you should consider is the placement of your opt-in button.
The majority of companies are putting their opt-in CTAs in the footers of their websites.
Just make sure itā€™s big, bold, and clear so that the visitors canā€™t miss it.
Your page should also have:
a strong headline
a clear call to action
value and benefits
social proof of concept
All of these factors can help increase your chances of getting customers to proceed with your double opt-in.
Hereā€™s something else you want to consider.
It may sound silly, but itā€™s one of the most important components if youā€™re sending a double opt-in email.
Donā€™t leave your subscribers in the dark.
Especially if youā€™re putting them through a two-step verification process.
Making the customer wait could lower their interest and engagement.
Maybe they wanted to join your list to receive a promotion or a discount.
If the customer doesnā€™t get that offer right away, they may be more inclined to make their purchase elsewhere.
If your email list is growing without benefiting your business, you may want to consider changing your opt-in strategy.
While single opt-in forms are simple and a fast way to grow your email list, they are not always effective.
Youā€™ll get some incorrect email addresses that will:
cost you more money
increase your bounce rate
give you incorrect analytics for each campaign
Instead, you can create a double opt-in landing page to increase engagement.
Consider the componentsĀ of an opt-in email:
Make sure your message is active.
This will get the subscriber to complete the two-step process and join your list.
A double opt-in also ensures that your subscribers are legitimately interested in your brand, products, and content.
Ultimately, this will increase your conversions.
If your current email marketing software doesnā€™t allow you to write double opt-in messages, you may want to consider changing platforms.
Then you can follow the step-by-step guide outlined above for creating the perfect double opt-in email.
Make sure your initial opt-in button on your website has a clear CTA. Otherwise, visitors wonā€™t be able to start the two-step process.
How will your offer entice website visitors to confirm their email addresses before officially joining the subscriber list?
https://www.quicksprout.com/2017/10/25/how-to-write-a-double-opt-in-landing-page-that-converts-well/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2017/10/how-to-write-double-opt-in-landing-page.html
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A quick reminder: itā€™s okay to compare yourself to other people to try and figure out your type but Iā€™ve also mistyped a lot of ISTJs as ISFJs because they just had way better people skills than I did, and my roommate is an ISFP but of theĀ ā€œhad a serious goth phaseā€ variety and not theĀ ā€œI love puppies and art and teaā€ variety which is the kind Iā€™m used to so I was stuck on ISTP for her for a long time. Iā€™m trying to work on this actually because part of why Iā€™m not good at enneagram typing is because I basically think everyone who doesnā€™t write a 3-page document and threaten to go to the next escalation level when they have an inconvenient meeting time has a 9 fix when actually I am the one who needs to fucking chill. So ask around but remember youā€™re not going to be exactly like everyone of your type.
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