chaoticjuless · 8 years
Thank you for tagging @nu-davaj!
Always repost the rules
Answer the 11 questions posted for you
Create 11 new ones
Tag 11 people
What’s your favourite book and why is it your favourite?
I couldn’t pick just one, so let’s say: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, because I just love the language and the way how they approach problem of racism through the eyes of a child it’s really interesting / Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, because it got me into reading and rereading it’s always as satisfaying as reading it for the first time
ahhh there’s so much more, i love books okay
Foreign languages you don’t like the sound of? 
I don’t really like the sound of german, I know it’s a beautiful language, but it sounds a bit harsh
3 celebrity crushes?
There’s so many ahhh, how could you limit me to only 3 people
 Let’s say Chris Pratt, Emma Watson and Tom Hiddleston 
If you could change one thing about your looks and one about your personality, what would it be?
probably everything xD
What helps you when you’re sad?
taking a bath, listening to sad, sentimental music, sleeping, watching youtube
What personality traits do you value the most in others?
creativity, honesty, being open minded and non ignorant, sensitivity, inteligence
Do you drink alcohol?
On occasion, I don’t get hammered drunk every weekend
Village or city?
If you could get a free ticket anywhere, where would it be?
England, I fell in love with London
Describe your most memorable dream.
I had a recurring dream, where I would go to a huge castle and the vampire that lived there would give me poisoned candy, Idk, my mind is weird
Describe some of your tumblr friends.
I’m shit at developing relationships, so let’s don’t talk about that xD
My questions:
1) If you could go back in time, where you wolud go?
2) 5 things you’re really into right know
3) What’s the one thing that you really want to do, despite that it really scares you?
4) 10 movies you can watch over and over again and never get bored
5) What’s the one thing you love about yourself the most?
6) Do you have any tattoos? Do you want any?
7) Most nerdy/geeky thing you did?
8) The best make up/beauty tip?
9) What are you looking forward to this year?
10) Do you like poetry? What are your favourite authors?
11) Funniest joke you’ve ever heard?
@queen-of-mind-palaces, @gottagobackintime, @spankyhole, @the-inedibles, @no-rest-for-destka, @exterminatethesockgremlins, @iwillneverbeyourchosenone, @peace-love-and-the-tardis
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milusia · 10 years
no-rest-for-destka reblogged your post:i miss simon amstell
it was amusing to see the guest hosts struggle on nmtb but now that there's only rhod gilbert, i feel the lack of simon even more :(
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werewolftushie · 11 years
no-rest-for-destka replied to your post “mamo, mamo! mogę nie iść do szkoły? :”(”
możesz, dziecko, pod warunkiem, że spędzisz ten piękny Boży dzień na czytaniu homosexualnej pornografii w internecie. *głaska po głowie z matczyną miłością*
deanyoulater replied to your post “mamo, mamo! mogę nie iść do szkoły? :”(”
pierwsza mama dobrze mówi, słuchaj się matki to wyrośniesz na ludzi :D
ZJADŁO MI TO CO ODPISAŁAM!  AGRRRRRR! Mamo #1 i Mamo #2 - byłam dzielna i poszłam. Było nudno i chciało mi się płakać i internety nie działały i nie mogłam czytać homosexualnej pornografii, a miałam tylko książkę o czeskiej prostytutce, która nie była w połowie tak fajna. :"< a nadużywanie słowa "wtykacz" jest chyba nawet gorsze niż "there"
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minyoulater · 11 years
Marina & The Diamonds - Homewrecker
Boys and their toys and their six inch rockets
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evviejo · 11 years
no-rest-for-destka said: Charlieeeeeeeeeee <3
That's pretty much how I feel about her. Only like ten times more strongly.
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perelka-l · 12 years
hands: four things you've created that you're proud of.
just went throught everywhere i post art and chose my proudest moments. yuuuuuuuup. i have also loads of sketches that i just love love but no skanner, huh, be thankful for that or else the art spam would be like 99% shitty scans *shrug*
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slugirlfriend · 12 years
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Oh I wonder what these guys are listening too?
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werebohen · 12 years
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gayfather · 12 years
12. ideas of a perfect date
probably eating chicken nuggets and wearing footsie pajamas while watching scary movies
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werewolftushie · 11 years
I was tagged by Vultan, who is an evil, horrible, very bad, not good at all person, because I'm really bad at this and it took me three days to complete it.
Rules: 1. Write the rules  2. Answer the questions and make 11 new ones  3. Tag 11 people  4. Let them know you tagged them
ONLY THREE?? I’ll put a few more, ok? Ok, maybe for some saying that they changed the view of the world is a bit too much, but I really enjoyed reading them:
“Invisible Monsters” by Chuck Palahniuk – Ok, so it’s Palahniuk and not everyone likes him. But even if someone loaths Fight Club I’m still recommending this one. It’s perfect.
“Cut & Run” by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux – because it’s basically every slash FBI AU fanfiction I’ve ever read, but on paper (or well, kindle in my case). Cute as fuck, fuck involved. Btw, first sex scene - I was in the train and of course the guy sitting next to me was checking out what am I reading. Dear god, his face... I think I broke him.
“A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore – hilarious! I think I need to reread it soon. :D
“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman – because of reasons! :D
“The Contortionist's Handbook” by Craig Clevenger – he’s compared to Palahniuk a lot, so yeah...
David Hunter Series by Simon Beckett because I’ve read the first 3 (out of 4) during one hell of the hot summer and they will forever be something like “the summer read” for me. They are really short, a little bit of cliché mystery with a forensic anthropologist as main character.
2. And two movies.
Again – two?
„Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” because no one seems to know this movie and it’s soooo good. Also Tim Roth+Gary Oldman, very young and very hot.
“Thank You for Smoking” – again – no one knows it, it’s really good, I’ve hots for Aaron Eckhart, I believe in Harvey Dent. ;)
“Pitch Perfect” – perfect is in its title!
“Disturbia” because at first I thought “ugh, Shia LaBeouf... ugh, not-officially-but-let’s-face it Raer Window (which I LOVE!) remake... ugh, NO!” But I actually liked it and I was pleasantly surprised. And again it something I’ve seen for the first time during summer.
One huge Jim Jarmusch marathon.
A little bit smaller, I think, Wes Anderson marathon.
 “I Know What You Did Last Summer” since it’s summer :)
3. Also one TV-show.
(ok, Mon, you can make it, choose ONE tv series, that should be easy!) Archer And maybe Blackadder. (stop it, it was suppose to be ONE) Battlestar Galactica (ONE!) Ripper Street is also really good. (why am I doing it...?) It’s always good to rewatch some X-Files. (I just can’t pick only one...) I've just started watching Orphan Black and Copper and both seem really good so far. :)
4. What do you normally listen to? (I know this previous 4 questions may appear trivial and cliché, but for me they are really important)
Right now it’s pretty much only mainstream - The Black Keys, Kanye, The Heavy, Macklemore, Florence, Little Mix, Daft Punk and I’m still saving rock’n’roll with FOB. 5. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
I would go pretty much anywhere since I haven’t been to many places. I was struggling with really bad case of motion sickness up to teens so my parents couldn’t really take me anywhere far. And I’m scared of flying
6. The same goes with time period.
Can it be future? I seriously can think of time period in the past which I’d like to visit. I don’t like to romanticize past, because let’s face it, most of sucked in one way or another. If I really have to choose then maybe an ancient Greece.
7. I am really bad with stating those questions, but is something seriously bothering you right now?
Not really, at least nothing too serious.
8. Do you want to talk about it (hey, I’m a great listener and my mailbox/askbox is always open)?
Thanks, if I’ll start feeling worse I’ll spam up your inbox. Buahahahaha! :D
9. What was your first ship and how did you came to conclusion that you actually ship it?
Probably Naru and Nephrite from Sailor Moon? My feels and tears told me it’s my first true otp. :D
10. Do you have this one fandom you would like to join, but you for some reason cannot make yourself do it?
Not really I’m in the worst ones already. WHICH I LOVE OF COURSE.
Yeah... deep, true love!
11. Also, have you ever regreted joining a fandom (don’t name it, we do not want anon hate, just yes or no)?
My questions: 1. What is one thing you can’t live without and why? But beside basic things like air, food and internet connection! 2. Your fav toy from childhood? 3. The last movie you have seen? 4. What are you wearing right now? *wink* 5. Who was the last person that texted you? 6. Do you have any quirks? 7. Your fav game? Video, board, whatever. :) 8. DC or Marvel and why? 9. If you could be a cartoon character who would you be? 10. Fav sweets? 11. I’m really bad at this... Um, so how are today?
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minyoulater · 11 years
heeeee 4, 8, 22, 47, 51 :D
4) What do you think about most?
Probably food.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Lately, lying under a tree and reading fic or listening to WTNV.
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
Uh, nothing much… except failure But I live with a permanently stuffy nose, so. I’m just thankful that I can’t smell the fucking plant that we have right outside my room, and that blooms these creepy waxy flowers and smells so musty at night, ugh.
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Wow I hate you. Uhhh. Generally speaking, getting into fandom. That’s something that I never regretted. And it all started with Harry Potter, so yeah, picking up the first HP book - that’s a good answer.
51) What is your current desktop picture?
This. I think I’ve had it for half a year, but I’m not sick of it yet. Fun fact: I almost always have pretty but boring wallpapers (that is, nothing showing how much of a hopeless fangirl I am) because I’m paranoid, except my last desktop was a fanart of Stiles with wolves.
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littlegirltree-blog · 12 years
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no-rest-for-destka started following you
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2cajuman2 · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
Supremely unsurprised <3
Love you all! <3
Even you who didn't make it on here!
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minyoulater · 11 years
31 & 56 :D
31. Favorite animated film.Does The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore count? Otherwise it may be Hercules.56. Best cinematography.I usually don’t pay much attention to that, actually, but that makes answering this easier because Anna Karenina.
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gayfather · 12 years
your blog is so quality
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werewolftushie · 12 years
28: If you had to look at one city skyline for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I don't really know. I was born on the east of Poland and I love Lublin because that's the place there all best things happened to me... I met so many amazing people there.... I also love Cracow, where I live now and it's really awesome. I'll probably get here my own flat next year but I'll be fun to live somewhere on the north of Europe. Plus I'm learning swedish so I might go there someday....
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