failingsofage · 11 years
I JUST PASSED FIRST YEAR - I GOT A FIRST IN PRODUCING AND DEBATING JOURNALISM! I can't believe my friends supported me, I genuinely thought I had failed. 
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gublerluvr, silliestlovesongs, war-horse-can-dance started following jimmyletmeloveyou
omg thank you so much guys ♥♥♥
i thought i was gonna ending up lonely here 
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atleastpizzalovesyou · 12 years
11 Questions
The Rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
I got tagged by:
1. Who’s currently your top Tumblr crush?
You silly!
2. What Hogwarts house are you/ do you think you’d be in?
I think I'd be in slytherin because of many reasons
3. If you owned a celebrity for a day, who would it be and what would you do with/ to them?
Misha Collins, I'd like to just be his friend for a day and do amazing things or just hang and watch supernatural
4. Most useless fact you know?
37 magnets is the lethal amount of magnets you can eat 
5. How did you get onto Tumblr?
people were talking about it so I thought why not, haven't regreted it since
6. How many people are you currently following?
7. Fandom you tend to reblog most?
I'd like to think its a nice ration between Doctor Who, Sherlock and Supernatural 
8. Favourite artist, on Tumblr or not?
9. How do you cope when overwhelmed with feels?
OMG I kinda just howl and lay down then read fluff 
10. Last book you cried in?
Probably The fault in our stars but thats if you don't count fanfiction but if so Twist and Shout
11. What’s the story behind your icon/ url/ blog title?
My Icon is Misha Collins because he is cool, url (people-have-died) so that it tied in with my blog title which is Thats what people do, the line from sherlock (ehehehe)
1. Who is your OTP?
2. What is the funniest game you've played recently?
3. Would you rather forget all of the things you've ever watched (like Tv shows and movies) or know the secrets of the universe?
4. What's your favorite Sherlock theory?
5. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
6.  What's your favorite song at the moment?
7. What is something you'll never forget?
8. If you could have ONE superpower what would it be?
9.  If you had to eat one thing for  the rest of your life what would it be?
10. What's your morning ritual?
11. Is it organized chaos or just messy?
I'm Tagging
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ayda-agueforts · 12 years
Might take Italian next semester, because my damn university isn't offering courses in Greek or Latin for like the next year at least...
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failingsofage · 11 years
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Mourning a bit with my second favourite necklace. 
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labryinth · 12 years
favourite blogs?
I hate this question because I always feel obligated to put my friends. This time I’m just not putting any of them. 
1) the-trembling-of-my-hand
2) ladygwens
3) silliestlovesongs
4) jacoblasher
5) smile-please-for-me
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bird-internet · 12 years
Your blog is magical and I just realized that you're following my jimmyfalpal blog!!I fangirled a little :')
Aww that's so sweet!
I hadn't seen your personal blog before, I like it too! I'm following you now girlllllllllll
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thingsvivlikes · 12 years
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failingsofage · 11 years
(in response to your and sara's crush-ignore concern.) Watched 'Emma' last night... I'm starting to feel like my life is starting more and more to look like hers. With the clutching fear that one day, it might be too late, and I'd be too afraid to speak up to myself. And see my possible happiness drip through my hands like water. I want the same happy ending as in Emma, doesn't have ot be now... But it's horrible to be 19 and lonely. And strange. And picky. (C)
I’ve never seen ‘Emma’, but don’t think like that. You’re 19 - that’s so young. You have so much to do with your life, and you’re going to have amazing times as well as sad ones. Honestly, though I wouldn’t mind having a love interest, I’m too busy figuring my life out and having friends to even think about that for now. 
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fedelovesuniverse · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
Quante belle persone. Anzi no, al primo posto c'è sempre la solita BRUTTA PERSONA.
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mumblinbee · 12 years
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imfuckingspock · 12 years
most attractive people on tumblr?
And Benedict haha 
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she-talks-to-rainbows · 12 years
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[ahaha, concedimi un po' di sano fangirling perché ti seguo da tanto e adoro il tuo blog XD Scommetto che è stato merito di AHS.... *si guarda intorno circospetta* XD]
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destielswings · 12 years
I'VE BEEN TAGGED BY: david-tenninch71
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 10 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them.
1. Favourite book?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's a book I think I'll read over and over again until I no longer live.
2. Have you ever been to a live concert? 
Indeed I have :)
3. What was your best year?
I have a feeling 2013 will be my year. Please, 2013, don't disappoint.
4. Who’s your favourite actor? (This is easy :P)
UUUUUGHHH. No. This is not easy. NOT, I tell you. I cannot get enough of Hiddles' stupid face, but if I could only have one, I think I'd say Emma Watson. She's always been a role-model for me and I think she will always be. (Sorry, Tom).
5. What’s your favourite band?
The Beatles :)
6. Do you have a Tumblr-Friend?
Actually, no. Or at least, I haven't got to know anyone on here. I did, however, get to know a friend on Twitter and she's now one of the best friends I have. x's and o's to ellehnn. Also worth to mention enchantinglyspeakingnow x.
7. Favorite BBC Doctor Who’s  character? Why?
Lady Cassandra! JK, this is a tough one. I might go with Jack, because of reasons.
8. Favorite warm drink?
I am currently drinking coffee and yes, it is probably my favourite.
9. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Wake up ;)
10. do you still have your favorite childhood toy?
I'm not letting go of it. Ever.
My questions:
1. Who is your favourite fictional character?
2. What is the best thing about tumblr?
3. If you could choose any vehicle to ride in to school/work, what would it be?
4. Would you like to live in a different time, in that case which?
5. OTP?
6. Have you ever met any of your favourite actors?
7. Weirdest ship?
8. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
9. Favourite tv-series as a child?
10. Favourite tv-series now? :)
I tag:
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perny · 12 years
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edrahil · 12 years
Tag game!
Question game: I got tagged by feathery-assbutt
Rule 1: always post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: let them know you’ve tagged them
My questions to you.
1) If you had to choose only one fandom for the rest of your life, what would that be?
This is hard. Good start. I'll go with The Lord of the Rings
2) Would you rather be part of some fandom as a character (you know, like being Doctor’s companion as yourself) or see your OTP coming canon?
I'd love to be a character, of course! Maybe an elf. Or a crazy wizard. 
3) Food or sleep? Why?
How can I choose between the two?? You are killing me. They are my life. But I have to say food, because I don't only love eating, but also cooking
4) What’s the biggest succeed in your life that you’ve done so far?
Getting into Med School.
5) Pick only one song: “I Am The Doctor”, “Carry On My Wayward Son”, “Misty Mountains Cold”, “Staying Alive”, “Hedwig’s Theme”, “The Avengers Theme”. Why did you choose that one?
"The Misty Mountains Cold" because it gives me shivers.
6) Would your life be more interesting or more boring without fandoms? Have you ever thought what your life could be without any your obsessions?
Without my obsessions I would be less crazy, more socially acceptable, I would go out more and study a lot more. So obviously my life would be as boring as balls
7) What’s your guilty pleasure?
Unluckily, I smoke
8) If you could have the Tardis, where would you travel to and why?
I always dreamt about going to Saturn, I don't know why
9) Are you enjoying your life at the moment?
You know what? I think I am. Weird, right?
10) If you won the lottery, what would you do with all that money?
I want a house in London with all my heart
11) What would you do without Tumblr?
As mentioned before, I would study more, go out, be socially acceptable and extremely boring.
My questions for you:
1) What do you want to be when you grow up?
2) Where do you live and where would you like to live?
3) Would you ever wear a R2-D2 dress? 
4) If you could meet anyone from the past, who would it be?
5) Which historic event would you rather live? Past or future?
6) Do you think that your fandoms taught you something? What? 
7) What was your favourite toy as a child?
8) Have you ever lost someone very important for you?
9) What's the most important trait about you?
10) Has there ever been a perfect day in your life? Tell me about it
11) If you could have one wish granted.. What would it be?
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