atleastpizzalovesyou · 12 years
11 Questions
The Rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
I got tagged by:
1. Who’s currently your top Tumblr crush?
You silly!
2. What Hogwarts house are you/ do you think you’d be in?
I think I'd be in slytherin because of many reasons
3. If you owned a celebrity for a day, who would it be and what would you do with/ to them?
Misha Collins, I'd like to just be his friend for a day and do amazing things or just hang and watch supernatural
4. Most useless fact you know?
37 magnets is the lethal amount of magnets you can eat 
5. How did you get onto Tumblr?
people were talking about it so I thought why not, haven't regreted it since
6. How many people are you currently following?
7. Fandom you tend to reblog most?
I'd like to think its a nice ration between Doctor Who, Sherlock and Supernatural 
8. Favourite artist, on Tumblr or not?
9. How do you cope when overwhelmed with feels?
OMG I kinda just howl and lay down then read fluff 
10. Last book you cried in?
Probably The fault in our stars but thats if you don't count fanfiction but if so Twist and Shout
11. What’s the story behind your icon/ url/ blog title?
My Icon is Misha Collins because he is cool, url (people-have-died) so that it tied in with my blog title which is Thats what people do, the line from sherlock (ehehehe)
1. Who is your OTP?
2. What is the funniest game you've played recently?
3. Would you rather forget all of the things you've ever watched (like Tv shows and movies) or know the secrets of the universe?
4. What's your favorite Sherlock theory?
5. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
6.  What's your favorite song at the moment?
7. What is something you'll never forget?
8. If you could have ONE superpower what would it be?
9.  If you had to eat one thing for  the rest of your life what would it be?
10. What's your morning ritual?
11. Is it organized chaos or just messy?
I'm Tagging
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