emofuckingloser · 10 years
i was tagged by wheres-the-pie-bitch
Rule 1: Post Rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked then make 11 new ones (tag the tagger as well) Rule 3: Tag 11 people
1. if you could meet anyone dead or alive (or fictional), who would it be and why? i just want to meet hannah hart, i mean i think that'd be awesome, she's the best
2. if you could buy anything (money being no object) what would you buy? fame? idk can i pay to make myself well known, then i could do anything
3.What is your favourite memory? damn, idk, it's probably something really stupid like that time i made brownies at like 2am with my friends. idk something like that
4. which season do you like the most and why? winter. i mean there's snow, and it's cold - i mean that's seriously the best it could be
5. if you could be of a different Nationality, would you? and if yes, which would you be? nah, i kind of like this. i mean idk, it's a bit subjective really, like do i get to keep the same friends and the same experiences? because if not, i'd stay like this. but if i could then i guess i'd just want to be from somewhere colder
 6. Do you like your own company or do you prefer being around people all the time? i'd rather be alone, i mean being around people makes me so nervous, it's kind of exhausting 
7.  What is your opinion of tomatoes? they should just stop
8. if you were going to a desert island and you could take one person and two items who/what would you take? i'd take hannah hart, a boat to sail back to somewhere we could be found and some water for drinking on the journey over 
9. What movies have you cried at (if any)? oh god, i can't remember, i do know the last movie i cried at was camp takota (i just have a lot of feelings about the holy trinity okay) but i can't remember what else
10. What is your favourite item of clothing? my one pair of black skinny jeans with massive pockets (idk why they have such big pockets, but i love it)
11. are you ok? (if no, message me if you need to talk to someone) yeah bro, i'm alright
my questions:
cake or pie?
what are your favourite three tv shows?
what are your favourite three songs?
what are your favourite three movies?
what is your favourite thing to do when you're home alone?
what's your favourite thing to sing when you're alone?
who's your favourite youtuber? (if you have one)
what book have you read most recently?
where's your favourite place you've ever been?
what's your favourite band/singer/whatever the fuck you want to call it?
what is your favourite thing (out of all the things)?
i'm tagging:
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thinwhitefuckboy-blog · 11 years
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My Tumblr Loves <3
Galathrien - 9% 
Sensual Thorki - 7%
TomHiddleBlog - 5%
LokiMyHiddleston - 5%
Loki For Ruler - 4%
Train To Amsterdam - 4%
Farbenfrei - 4%
Loki Perfection - 3%
SS Frostiron - 3%
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