snailfic · 9 years
Hi! I was wondering if you'd mind telling me where (if?) I can download Samaira's scars and eyes? She's just so beautiful.. in fact, all your sims are so beautiful :)
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Hi there! Thank you so much here and her eyes are by @alf-si here. :)
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slutneto · 11 years
I have been tagged by Beata. She's wonderful, her blog is awesome, you should probably go and just follow her.
Rules are simple: always post the rules, answer the questions and post 11 of your own, tag 11 people, let them know they've been tagged too.
Just one thing guys: if you plan on doing this, could you maybe link me your answering post? Answering the questions usually takes time and it's very hard to find the post. And I really want to read it.
Okay, so, here come my answers:
1. Sam or Dean? This is tough (tougher than the usual questions) because while I fell head over heels with Dean, Sam is actually the only character in SPN I can recognise myself in. So I guess it's Sam.
2. Favourite TV-series? I have just so many. And kind of find new one every couple of days. My latest discovery is Happy Endings it's everything a sitcom should be like. Such a sham it's been canceled. Besides, my favourite shows close down to the usual: SPN, Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Merlin, Misfits. Oh and also Heroes.
3. Favourite episode? Of the forementioned TV-series? For SPN it would be Death's Door (I like to cry) or A Man Who Would Be King (I loved Cas' POV). I am very impressed with Motel California so that's what I would choose in Teen Wolf departament. As for Game of Thrones it's Rains of Castamere (once again I like to cry, but that's not the most important reason which is the fact that I loved every minute of it, even the scenes that are not compatible with the books). Hannibal - Savoureux. Merlin - The Diamond of the Day Arch, Misfits - 2x03 (that was some serious fan-servicing) as for Heroes definitely Parasite.
4. Favourite song? Currently it's Queen's Polar Bear. Overall my last.fm says it's Genesis' That's All. (Oh, that one went pretty well.)
5. Favourite band? Shit, I, once again, cannot give you just one. I listen mostly to rock; Queen (the best band of all), Led Zepellin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Genesis, R.E.M. and tend to turn to something heavier from time to time, I mean AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or Motorhead. I am unusually fond of Tenacious D, too. 
6. Describe myself in three words. Ambitious extroverted introvert. (Nailed it.)
7. Do you have any pet? I've got three bettas.
8. First favourite actor? It was Karl Urban. He started being my life ruiner when I was 9. It's been 11 years and he's got a special place in my heart.
9. Me or you? Definitely you. You are awesome and caring. Me? Not so great.
10. Harry or Draco? Another tough question. But I think Draco because, while I still think that what Harry did was great and grand and important he kind of settled into a life everybody expected him to have while Draco made 180° turn.
11. Have you seen Harry Potter? How many times? Yes, I have. Countless of times really. When I was in junior high school, after classes, I used to go to my friend's house and watch the HP movies like at least once a week. I've learnt all of the lines from the first 5 movies by heart. I should not be proud of that.
And now my questions (quick reminder that I am really shitty at this):
1. If you were of the opposite gender, how different your life would be? 2. Are your decisions based on emotions or logical train of thought? 3. Cake or pie? Favourite kind? 4. Does any of your family members know about your tumblr? Who? And why? 5. If you could send 12 characters from any fandom to the Hunger Games, who would you pick and why? 6. If you are a superhero, which power would you have? 7. I am still looking for ideas, so: the last three books you've read and thoroughly enjoyed? 8. And two movies you've watched? 9. And one TV-series? 10. Your most inappropriate fling/crush? 11. That one hobby you've always wanted to take on but for some reason never actually did it? This was awful, sorry.
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lumpiaful · 11 years
these are fun to do. questions thingy tagged by  avulcanwolf. 
1) If you could go any where in the world for free, where would you go?
Back to the Philippines so I can visit my family :D
2) What are your favorite books? Anything good for me to read?
Sadly I don't read a lot of books. I'm still making my way though The Hunger Games series. I'd probably be more interested in dystopian novels? Like Fahrenheit 451, George Orwell and stuff. I'm like the worst person to ask for book recs ;_;
3) The song you listened the most on your Itunes?
Overall? This one. It's jpop :>
4) How did you discover Tumblr?
omg i have no idea. I think it was someone through livejournal (i literally just typed tumblr lmao)
5) Do you like video games? If you do, what are your favorites?
Nah i don't play. I've wanted to play minecraft since I became a fan of roosterteeth. i play on my friend's ipad sometimes.
6) Any allergies? (Can you have a cat? Or am I the only poor soul who can’t have a little ball of fur?)
No allergies :)) I can have pets but I don't have any.
7) Star Trek or Star Wars? And why?
Star Trek. Idk, I just see/follow more star trek material tbh. I dont really follow Star Wars.
8) What was the fandom of the very first fanfic you ever read? (Was it any good? XD)
Uhm the Akame pairing form the jpop group KAT-TUN. Lol my first fandom. It was good when I read it at the time! Looking back it probably wasn't lol.
9) Am I boring you yet? Are my questions very lame?
10) Do any of your real life friends know about your tumblr?
Yep. Only the closest.
11) The movie(s) coming in theater soon that you will definetely go see?
Monster's Inc, Despicable Me 2, and White House Down :D
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werebohen · 11 years
So I was tagged in things
by avulcanwolf
1) If you could go any where in the world for free, where would you go? probably Spain to live and USA to visit 2) What are your favorite books? Anything good for me to read? well if you haven't i surely can recommedn a hundred years of solitude by marquez and slaughterhouse 5 by vonnegut, they probably are my favorites 3) The song you listened the most on your Itunes? Peace of Mind by Boston (can you guess I'm stressed?) 4) How did you discover Tumblr? as with all the newest things in my life it was teen wolf. Season 2 to be exact, I have been a lurker in various fandoms for years but then this came along and I saw all the art and all the awesomeness and I kept saving things in my computer and I started wondering what if I join? almost a year later here I am 5) Do you like video games? If you do, what are your favorites? I'm a nintendo guy so Legend of Zelda all the way. Ocarina of Time is the greatest thing ever. I also love strategic games and point and click so also Monkey Island and all that series of Crusader Kings, Victoria and such 6) Any allergies? (Can you have a cat? Or am I the only poor soul who can’t have a little ball of fur?) I'm allergic to dermatophagoides, both farinae and pteronissimum. So dust. I could have a cat but I don't like them 7) Star Trek or Star Wars? And why? though I don't think they are mutually exclusive cause they don't have anything to do with each other I never was that much into the star trek franchise so I'll go with Star Wars cause I've loved those movies since i was 4 8) What was the fandom of the very first fanfic you ever read? (Was it any good? XD) I believe it was probably a drarry one from Hp. God it was at least 10 years ago you can't ask me to remember that 9) Am I boring you yet? Are my questions very lame? Nah they're fine, I like typing about myself 10) Do any of your real life friends know about your tumblr? don't like the expression "real life" this is my real life too. Though I have one "off internet" friend, and one of my best friends too, who knows about this cause she's on here too and she draws stuff sometimes which is really cool. Also I think another one knows? Frankly it's not something that I hide I just don't have that many friends obsessed with tv shows as I am so that they'll stand me talking their ear off about stuff I enjoy here 11) The movie(s) coming in theater soon that you will definetely go see? I'll definetely go to see Monster University when it comes here
by tylerhoechelin
1) What was your first otp ever? probably drarry 2) favourite movie? Casablanca 3) what do you think of alternate universes? THEY ARE MY FAVORITE THING (especially school aus but really any au, like seriously from bakers to fiirefighters to medical to lawyers to ANYTHING) 4) would you be happy if you could live forever? if some people could stay alive with me forever than yes. otherwise no 5) do you wish you had a particular tlaent? which one? I wish I was a visual artist, like painting sculpting glassbowing anything. It's the most subtle yet hyperemotional way of express yourself I think 6) what is the first thing you do in the morning? dread the fact that I have to get up 7) what is your current phone lock screen? a picture I took of the sea down a cliff near Dublin 8) have you ever dyed your hair? I had a blue streajk in my hair for sometime but that's it. I like my hair color 9) do you have any pet peeves? I particularly dislike when people talk too loud. And touch too much. this all reverse completely once I'm drunk 10) what is your favorite food? pizzaaaaaa 11) have you ever been to italy? (eheh) duh. Also everyone should visit Genova cause it's beautiful ok? So come already
Thank you both for asking!
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shionch · 11 years
avulcanwolf tagged me (thanks! :D)
1. Write the rules 
2. Answer the questions and make 11 new ones 
3. Tag 11 people 
4. Let them know you tagged them
1) If you could go any where in the world for free, where would you go?
Japan, probably. There is that amazing flower garden, I would like to see it, t's very beautiful. Or some tropical island, with ocean and stuff... Yeah, I know, boring :D
2) What are your favorite books? Anything good for me to read?
I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire saga recently, the writing is incredibly well. Harry Harrison is a great writer, too; I used to love his Steel Rat and Deathworld series as a kid. Then, there's The Birthgrave Trilogy by Tanith Lee - oh, I loved it so much! And the Amber series by Roger Zelazny, it's really great. There are many other books I love, but let's just say I really love fantasy and sci-fi, otherwise I could go on for ages :D
3) The song you listened the most on your Itunes?
Um, I don't have an Itunes?? I can name you my favourite bands, though. Red, Yellowcard, and Linkin Park. And okay, I love a lot of songs, I really don't know.
4) How did you discover Tumblr?
Via fanfiction. A writer I admire mentioned she had a tumblr, so I had to go and check it out, and whoa, did I love the place. I felt like home instantly, so I stayed :D
5) Do you like video games? If you do, what are your favorites?
Okay, I love video games. Mostly RPG, quests, and strategy. My 2 most favourite RPG game series of all times are Dragon Age and Mass Effect. These games I s2g!!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I love them! I've beaten every game of the series several time, and it's never boring. Because of the characters - they are amazing! And the choices! That's how games should be written! Absolutely awesome!
My favourite quest is Monkey Island series. It's brilliant, hilarious, with interesting plot and I just love it, okay? LucasArts used to make the best quest ever.
And, of course, there's Sims. But you don't want to ask me about my sims, I can literally go on for hours. I played Sims 1, I play Sims 2 and Sims 3, and I most likely will play Sims 4 if it comes out. I love Sims.
6) Any allergies? (Can you have a cat? Or am I the only poor soul who can’t have a little ball of fur?)
Oh dear, that's so sad :( I don't think I have any, but I'm lactose intolerant. So ice cream, or a cheese pizza, or a milkshake? not a good idea. I love cheese and ice cream though, so sometimes I eat them anyway, because the pain is worth the pleasure of deliciousness~
7) Star Trek or Star Wars? And why?
STAR TREK. Because, well, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've never watched any Star Wars movie... but even if I did, I'm sure I won't love it more than Star Trek. Because Star Trek is everything, and nothing can beat it for me. Because Kirk and Spock andthe amazing positive hopeful future with equality and asdjaldsg captain Kirk. "Where I come from, size, shape or color makes no difference." To boldly go where no one has gone before. The spirit of Star Trek gives me hope. It makes me believe that there is still future for this world. Something that's worth living. Star Trek even saved my life once, when I was so desperate I didn't want to live anymore, and the only thing that kept me going was the thought, "I want to see the new Star Trek movie". So yeah, Star Trek is... I don't even know the word to describe how much it means to me.
8) What was the fandom of the very first fanfic you ever read? (Was it any good? XD)
Oh my god, it was terrible. It was RPS about a certain German band with twins. I was 15, and uh. I don't want to remember that time. I was so dumb omg can we not talk about this ever again.
9) Am I boring you yet? Are my questions very lame?
No, your questions are quite good! :3
10) Do any of your real life friends know about your tumblr?
Some of them. But none of them are actually on tumblr, so it's no big deal.
11) The movie(s) coming in theater soon that you will definetely go see?
None. I rarely go to the movies. Maybe if they'll film another Star Trek... :D I might go to see Thor 2, though. I liked the first one, and the Avengers.
1. Who are your favourite female characters?
2. Have you ever tried to become a vegetarian? Did it work?
3. If you had to describe a fantastic creature of your own making, what would you describe? What features and powers would you give it?
4. What are your top 3 favourite dishes? Can you cook any of them?
5. Have you ever tried to write and/or record a song?
6. Let's talk about your school memories. Do you have that one memory that makes you ashamed and proud at the same time? Can you tell about it?
7. If you could make one thing a law for the whole world, or delete one existing law, which one would you choose?
8. What are your favourite flowers?
9. Top 5 slash ships.
10. Top 5 non-slash ships.
11. Top 5 actual ships (as in, vessels).
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werewolftushie · 11 years
I was tagged by Vultan, who is an evil, horrible, very bad, not good at all person, because I'm really bad at this and it took me three days to complete it.
Rules: 1. Write the rules  2. Answer the questions and make 11 new ones  3. Tag 11 people  4. Let them know you tagged them
ONLY THREE?? I’ll put a few more, ok? Ok, maybe for some saying that they changed the view of the world is a bit too much, but I really enjoyed reading them:
“Invisible Monsters” by Chuck Palahniuk – Ok, so it’s Palahniuk and not everyone likes him. But even if someone loaths Fight Club I’m still recommending this one. It’s perfect.
“Cut & Run” by Madeleine Urban and Abigail Roux – because it’s basically every slash FBI AU fanfiction I’ve ever read, but on paper (or well, kindle in my case). Cute as fuck, fuck involved. Btw, first sex scene - I was in the train and of course the guy sitting next to me was checking out what am I reading. Dear god, his face... I think I broke him.
“A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore – hilarious! I think I need to reread it soon. :D
“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman – because of reasons! :D
“The Contortionist's Handbook” by Craig Clevenger – he’s compared to Palahniuk a lot, so yeah...
David Hunter Series by Simon Beckett because I’ve read the first 3 (out of 4) during one hell of the hot summer and they will forever be something like “the summer read” for me. They are really short, a little bit of cliché mystery with a forensic anthropologist as main character.
2. And two movies.
Again – two?
„Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” because no one seems to know this movie and it’s soooo good. Also Tim Roth+Gary Oldman, very young and very hot.
“Thank You for Smoking” – again – no one knows it, it’s really good, I’ve hots for Aaron Eckhart, I believe in Harvey Dent. ;)
“Pitch Perfect” – perfect is in its title!
“Disturbia” because at first I thought “ugh, Shia LaBeouf... ugh, not-officially-but-let’s-face it Raer Window (which I LOVE!) remake... ugh, NO!” But I actually liked it and I was pleasantly surprised. And again it something I’ve seen for the first time during summer.
One huge Jim Jarmusch marathon.
A little bit smaller, I think, Wes Anderson marathon.
 “I Know What You Did Last Summer” since it’s summer :)
3. Also one TV-show.
(ok, Mon, you can make it, choose ONE tv series, that should be easy!) Archer And maybe Blackadder. (stop it, it was suppose to be ONE) Battlestar Galactica (ONE!) Ripper Street is also really good. (why am I doing it...?) It’s always good to rewatch some X-Files. (I just can’t pick only one...) I've just started watching Orphan Black and Copper and both seem really good so far. :)
4. What do you normally listen to? (I know this previous 4 questions may appear trivial and cliché, but for me they are really important)
Right now it’s pretty much only mainstream - The Black Keys, Kanye, The Heavy, Macklemore, Florence, Little Mix, Daft Punk and I’m still saving rock’n’roll with FOB. 5. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
I would go pretty much anywhere since I haven’t been to many places. I was struggling with really bad case of motion sickness up to teens so my parents couldn’t really take me anywhere far. And I’m scared of flying
6. The same goes with time period.
Can it be future? I seriously can think of time period in the past which I’d like to visit. I don’t like to romanticize past, because let’s face it, most of sucked in one way or another. If I really have to choose then maybe an ancient Greece.
7. I am really bad with stating those questions, but is something seriously bothering you right now?
Not really, at least nothing too serious.
8. Do you want to talk about it (hey, I’m a great listener and my mailbox/askbox is always open)?
Thanks, if I’ll start feeling worse I’ll spam up your inbox. Buahahahaha! :D
9. What was your first ship and how did you came to conclusion that you actually ship it?
Probably Naru and Nephrite from Sailor Moon? My feels and tears told me it’s my first true otp. :D
10. Do you have this one fandom you would like to join, but you for some reason cannot make yourself do it?
Not really I’m in the worst ones already. WHICH I LOVE OF COURSE.
Yeah... deep, true love!
11. Also, have you ever regreted joining a fandom (don’t name it, we do not want anon hate, just yes or no)?
My questions: 1. What is one thing you can’t live without and why? But beside basic things like air, food and internet connection! 2. Your fav toy from childhood? 3. The last movie you have seen? 4. What are you wearing right now? *wink* 5. Who was the last person that texted you? 6. Do you have any quirks? 7. Your fav game? Video, board, whatever. :) 8. DC or Marvel and why? 9. If you could be a cartoon character who would you be? 10. Fav sweets? 11. I’m really bad at this... Um, so how are today?
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werebohen · 11 years
avulcanwolf ha risposto al tuo post : I won’t feel sorry for not multishipping derek 
Exactly my thoughts. I mean, as long as I don’t bash your ship, why do you care who I ship? .. this is so dumb.
it's a weird world, i guess mean fans are on any side of any ship
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