You there... Freeze! You're under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful❤
aaaaaaaaah thank you so much!! 
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slutneto · 11 years
I have been tagged by Beata. She's wonderful, her blog is awesome, you should probably go and just follow her.
Rules are simple: always post the rules, answer the questions and post 11 of your own, tag 11 people, let them know they've been tagged too.
Just one thing guys: if you plan on doing this, could you maybe link me your answering post? Answering the questions usually takes time and it's very hard to find the post. And I really want to read it.
Okay, so, here come my answers:
1. Sam or Dean? This is tough (tougher than the usual questions) because while I fell head over heels with Dean, Sam is actually the only character in SPN I can recognise myself in. So I guess it's Sam.
2. Favourite TV-series? I have just so many. And kind of find new one every couple of days. My latest discovery is Happy Endings it's everything a sitcom should be like. Such a sham it's been canceled. Besides, my favourite shows close down to the usual: SPN, Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Merlin, Misfits. Oh and also Heroes.
3. Favourite episode? Of the forementioned TV-series? For SPN it would be Death's Door (I like to cry) or A Man Who Would Be King (I loved Cas' POV). I am very impressed with Motel California so that's what I would choose in Teen Wolf departament. As for Game of Thrones it's Rains of Castamere (once again I like to cry, but that's not the most important reason which is the fact that I loved every minute of it, even the scenes that are not compatible with the books). Hannibal - Savoureux. Merlin - The Diamond of the Day Arch, Misfits - 2x03 (that was some serious fan-servicing) as for Heroes definitely Parasite.
4. Favourite song? Currently it's Queen's Polar Bear. Overall my last.fm says it's Genesis' That's All. (Oh, that one went pretty well.)
5. Favourite band? Shit, I, once again, cannot give you just one. I listen mostly to rock; Queen (the best band of all), Led Zepellin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Genesis, R.E.M. and tend to turn to something heavier from time to time, I mean AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or Motorhead. I am unusually fond of Tenacious D, too. 
6. Describe myself in three words. Ambitious extroverted introvert. (Nailed it.)
7. Do you have any pet? I've got three bettas.
8. First favourite actor? It was Karl Urban. He started being my life ruiner when I was 9. It's been 11 years and he's got a special place in my heart.
9. Me or you? Definitely you. You are awesome and caring. Me? Not so great.
10. Harry or Draco? Another tough question. But I think Draco because, while I still think that what Harry did was great and grand and important he kind of settled into a life everybody expected him to have while Draco made 180° turn.
11. Have you seen Harry Potter? How many times? Yes, I have. Countless of times really. When I was in junior high school, after classes, I used to go to my friend's house and watch the HP movies like at least once a week. I've learnt all of the lines from the first 5 movies by heart. I should not be proud of that.
And now my questions (quick reminder that I am really shitty at this):
1. If you were of the opposite gender, how different your life would be? 2. Are your decisions based on emotions or logical train of thought? 3. Cake or pie? Favourite kind? 4. Does any of your family members know about your tumblr? Who? And why? 5. If you could send 12 characters from any fandom to the Hunger Games, who would you pick and why? 6. If you are a superhero, which power would you have? 7. I am still looking for ideas, so: the last three books you've read and thoroughly enjoyed? 8. And two movies you've watched? 9. And one TV-series? 10. Your most inappropriate fling/crush? 11. That one hobby you've always wanted to take on but for some reason never actually did it? This was awful, sorry.
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pixieheart42 · 11 years
Oh god! So my friend Lily is shipping me with one of my friends... Which wouldn't be that bad except he lives opposite me!
She keeps putting OTP and how the hell will I be able to show my face outside! I will not be able to look this guy in the eyes D: 
Lily. I hate you. Just so you know.
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winchesterangelandwinchester started following you
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pixieheart42 · 12 years
Are you Winter? Because you're about to come ;)
I.. I.. OhMyGod xD
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