#no veronica option because too many songs
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nanoa1foryou · 2 months ago
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hersweetrevenge · 2 years ago
ahhh this is such an interesting chapter, in so many ways !! we all know i'm not an expert, so bare with me while i botch this explanation, but the way the structure really works for the pacing and tone in a pretty unusual way is blowing my mind a little bit 🤯💗 the way we start with corey and his thoughts and feelings and perspective, then there's this build up in tension and narratively as the perspective is switched to be more reader-centric. even though corey isn't even there for the later half of this chapter, his presence feels so overbearing. there's this weird sort of discomfort that comes from so many aspects of your physical work (like the actual words on the page) and the ideas that you're constantly weaving through this story !! i'm so deeply in awe of you 💗
They all feel wrong, everything feels wrong. 
these little mentions of corey's developing taste and personality and interests soothe me so much. and reader giving him the option to be the car dj, where every song is his choice from his collection/playlist, ahhh !! 💗 but then this first taste of his nervous, it runs right through this chapter and is set up so well. i love thinking about our perspective vs. the in-universe perspective. we know exactly why he's so nervous, but in-universe it's so interesting to think about how people perceive him, how his anxiety plays to people who have no idea.
also, this sentence alone works so well !! maybe the repetition? but just the sense of how overwhelmingly big everything feels for him. corey can't have just a "regular" bout of anxiety, it always goes to the upmost extremes for him. he's just going to a party, but everything is terrible.
He feels pathetic, but he misses you when you’re in the next room.
💔 nooo !! but you're so right. it's the abandonment issues, it's the obsessive personality. i love these details so much where you can see it as just someone who is really, really lonely (or has been really lonely and still isn't used to company, who expects people to leave as soon as they arrive) or as some major red flags.
He fights the urge to ask you how many people will be there, a third time. You haven’t given him an answer he can work with... How many people is everybody? On top of the everybody already there.
(i see you 👀 lol) man he's so real for this, this is just anxiety💔 wanted murderer or not lol. i totally feel that corey gets stuck in his little echo chamber, he can't let go of a certain thought -- the need to know how many people will be there, in this case -- but knows he can't keep asking or it'll be suspicious, which just further reinforces his need to know the answer because he needs to know how to not be more suspicious. poor thing.
He knows he sticks out like a sore thumb among all these cool people... He should’ve asked you to pick his outfit or something.
noo !! baby, you're so cool, i promise !! 💔💗 you always get these little character moments so right for him, the way this is really a pretty reasonable thing to be worried about but seems so insignificant to the rest of corey's worries. i feel like it's something that actually comes up a lot for him because he never got the right kind of socialisation, like he plays at being a real person but doesn't feel like one.
ohh but him wishing reader had just picked his clothes for him 💀 something something, stockholm syndrome, boundaries, seeking familiar behaviours even if it's unhealthy, reverting to past versions of himself when things get too stressful. or maybe he doesn't even realise the connection? maybe it feels far enough removed that this time it'd be okay.
Corey wouldn’t trust the bottle she holds out to him if she hadn’t popped the cap right in front of him, but now that she’s here, he does feel a small sense of relief.
!! oh this is brilliant !! the way he's developed such a complex about it, i knew (lies, i thought lol) he'd latch onto the idea of veronica purposely sabotaging him. and even then, when he's so untrusting of her, she's familiar enough that he wants her there.
For some reason Daddy is the one thing from his past Corey tells you about without hesitation
i love, love, love how you write corey thinking about his dad !! the same way that joan will always be momma in his mind, wally is always daddy.
and i love the idea of his dad being this safe point of reference where it is personal, he is absolutely telling the truth when he tells reader something about him, but it's also in that sort of ambiguous space of him never really having known him. maybe it doesn't feel so difficult to talk about when the person he's talking about is half-imagined.
Do they all have to fucking hug you? He feels a little better when you give your chair up to a new addition to the circle and perch on his knees instead, draping an arm around his shoulders and fluffing his hair.
it's not hot that he's so jealous, it's not hot that he's so jealous, it's not hot that he's so jealous it's so fucking hot that he's so jealous 🥵😈 you're right for writing him so jealous, but not in the classic(?) way. he's so scared of losing you, he's so desperate for love and affection that it morphs into this anger of like, why is he always so wanting? why won't the universe just let him have something without having to compete all the time?. he doesn't necessarily want to control you, but things would be so much easier if he could control situations you are in.
They aren’t using enough kindling, and it isn’t getting enough airflow when they set the big log on top, so they just keep snuffing out the whole thing.
corey's internal mean streak 😈 i love when he knows that he knows what he's talking about !! i love when he has even the slightest bit of confidence in his own abilities. how really he knows he could help but it's more than he could bare when he doesn't know the response.
The last time Momma slapped him she didn’t leave a mark, but other times she had. Fucking Doug had knocked the air out of his lungs on the Allen’s front lawn.
commence the joan cunningham hate club meeting. but seriously, i love this detail, joan's specific brand of violence and affection is complex and its so important to recognise that duality. it was never just violence.
i'm also so very intrigued by the way in which violence has weaved its way through corey's life. it starts in insidious but (unfortunately) mundane ways: his momma hitting him, his parents fighting. and then the more intense instances simply stem from that beginning: his automatically violent reaction to jeremy's prank, his own accidental violent crime, the police brutality, his want to turn the welding torch on other nonspecific parts of his life, the casual violence from people who know that no one will give them shit for fucking with the local kid killer, and finally his own intentional violent crimes. tbh, i've never agreed with hcs that suggest he gets beaten up on the reg. just in the street. i think his ostracization is a lot more psychological (or verbal) than that. not that i don't think he's never been shoved around before, but i doubt it happens frequently. but it doesn't need to, not in that way anyhow. seeds of violence have been planted from the very beginning and it culminated in the worst possible breakdown.
where was i going with that? idk, but corey's rationalisation of how he killed the people that abused him first (and he was right to do it) reflects that cycle that in some ways he is trying to break, but also doesn't really know any other way. he knows what happened to him was bad, but it's been so watered down and no one else seemed to care (because ignorance can seem so very uncaring) that it's difficult for even corey to reckon with. why he weighs up what he did vs the song, whether he was really justified. but he knows he did what he had to, just like the protagonists in that song...
If he was all you had then it would be fair.
literally just beat me to death next time lol 😭💔💗 this line is my new epitaph. this is it !! this is everything, boiled down into one sentence. it's not fair that corey has to share you, that he isn't enough when you're enough for him !! i will not go on another spiel about how the way he learnt love was very dysfunctional, because you already know what i'll say lol, but i'm obsessed with how he views relationship dynamics. how he never feels wanted or important or loved enough if there are other people in the way. how he really doesn't have anything (or anyone) else but you but that is enough for him, but only if it's the same for you.
He is the king of the long smoke break. His face is so expressive, sometimes you feel like you’re eavesdropping on his thoughts, but if you’re ever left wondering what kind of mood he’s in, all you have to do is time his absence. 
the switch in perspective here is soooo well done !! it's the perfect moment -- leaving corey on a very tense, unstable moment where we do have some uncertainty about him -- to go to reader and let corey's thoughts simmer in us as her concern grows and radiates this really restless energy.
ohh that is such a good phrase, eavesdropping on his thoughts via his facial expressions !! it's so real, and i can actually imagine feeling bad about it, with how guarded corey is, it feels wrong to be able to read him so easily. but i love how reader learns these habits, knows when he'll be gone for a while and when he'll be back soon. it's a really cool contrast between corey's clinginess and reader's understanding of when he needs to be alone.
“Looking for Corey? You haven’t found him yet?” “No! I keep getting sucked into conversations and shit. Have you seen him?” You don’t like the desperate edge in your voice. 
this whole movement -- from reader starting her search through to finding rose in the laundry room -- is so, so, so good !! there's a real sense of unease and restlessness, we really feel what reader feels. it's like there's a countdown somewhere, and we are begging her to find corey in time -- in time for what? we don't know, but you make us feel that it is deeply imperative for her to find him asap !!
each new interaction has corey's presence hanging over it, and it's such a great metaphor(?) for the broader dynamics of their relationship. these conversations would (mostly) be of interest to reader, with old friends, or about her work, or her career, but corey is (inadvertently) in the way of her enjoying those moments. she loves him, and cares about him and wants him to be happy, but at what point does that start to compromise her own life unfairly? you've worked this idea in a fascinating way, where the necessity of finding him almost does seem to outweigh reader's other connections, until you look again and think, is this sort of tension -- brought on by something that would be pretty minor in regards to anyone other than corey -- not actually a blaring red flag? [the previous paragraph was written by a certified corey lover, who would absolutely kick everyone else to the curb for that precious man lol 💗]
Maybe he found an unlocked bedroom to hide in, or maybe, against the odds, he made a new friend and they’re holed up somewhere discussing fuel pumps or something. 
the way i want this for him so badly !! for a miracle to occur: corey makes a friend. but no, it cannot be 😞 as truly sad as i find it that corey never really got any good chances for socialisation and therefore has had very few strong relationships (of any variety), i do find it incredibly funny that reader is like hmm i hope my weird surly boyfriend made a little friend today, a little buddy to talk about manly car stuff with heehee
That should’ve been the first place you looked, somewhere hidden and familiar he could retreat to.
this !! corey loves familiar. he's been thrown into a new and scary and social experience, i totally believe he'd retreat somewhere safe and quiet when it gets too much. and idk if he did it on purpose, reclining so far back he couldn't be seen, but i do love that his instinct is to hide.
i feel like what happens next is going to be a sick parallel to the halloween party and his, "you threw me in the middle of it" moment. maybe not so accusatory, but his inability to adapt (or choice not to, because we know he can, when he wants to) to any form of social situation is bringing up so many possibilities !! i'm so, so, so excited to see where you go with it 💗
also, me showing up to the annual plymouth records summer solstice bonfire with corey:
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edit: ahhh re-read this and i can't believe i overlooked the midwest emo comparison 😭 he's so midwest emo. he's literally the midwest emo. working class job, failed romance, juvenile perception of drug use, never escaping your hometown even when you leave. ugh.
Clean Again
Chapter 13: LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR read on AO3 | previous chapter | tumblr chapter index make sure to check AO3 for this fic's playlist and other extras! there is also a (smutty) deleted chapter that was replaced by this chapter that can be read on tumblr and AO3 The Annual Plymouth Records Summer Solstice Bonfire general warnings for this fic - angst, fluff, smut (MDNI), canon-typical violence, canon-typical gore contents/warnings for this chapter - drug and alcohol consumption, angst, mentions of abuse 5,115 words @rebel-blue @heartrot666, @wolvesandvampires @cordelium @toxicanonymity @multifandom--mess @hersweetrevenge @futurewife @yllcm @ethanhoewke
Corey snaps the headphone jack spooling from the cassette converter into his phone. It was your idea for him to be the DJ, to help him relax on the long drive to Gordon’s uncle’s house. He appreciates the suggestion, but it isn’t helping him at all. He struggles to make it more than 45 seconds into a song without skipping it. They all feel wrong, everything feels wrong. Every fiber of his being is screaming that this is a very fucking bad idea. His hands tremble as he taps skip over and over.
You put a sympathetic hand on his thigh when the tight turns in the narrow country lanes don’t call for both of them to grip the wheel. When you brought the bonfire up a few days after Rose spilled the beans, you told him you knew the party was exactly the kind of thing he despised, that you weren’t going to ask him to come. Your intentions were to just tell him you had to go, and let him make his own choice to ask to come if he wanted. He was relieved, and thankful that you weren’t going to make him say no directly. Until you delivered your Final Smash. I’ve already accepted I’ll just have to miss you the whole time. Game fucking over. Corey misses you constantly when you’re not around. He feels pathetic, but he misses you when you’re in the next room. He assumed you’d miss him if he was gone forever, and hopes you miss him during the three days apart you maintain less and less consistently. He never dreamed that you would miss him for one single day, surrounded by other people. He texted Will the moment you left the room, before he could come to his senses. 
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Eventually he gives up on DJ duties, turning the radio off to focus on the rumble of the road and the rattle and slosh of the coolers weighing down the trunk. He fights the urge to ask you how many people will be there, a third time. You haven’t given him an answer he can work with. Not that many people during the day, just all the employees and their partners or whoever their guests are. That doesn’t sound like not that many people to Corey. That sounds like a lot of fucking people. He can think of at least six of your coworkers by name, plus your boss and his wife and at least one kid. He’s never around that many people at once. He runs his errands at midnight to make sure he’s never around that many people. When it gets closer to sunset, we build the fire up bigger, and that’s when everybody shows up. Everybody! How many people is everybody? On top of the everybody already there.
When you arrive there are several cars and trucks parked in the grass away from the house. He doesn’t recognize Veronica’s Jetta among them. He isn’t sure if that makes him feel better or worse. She may be the harbinger of his demise, but she’s also one of the only people who will be here that he’s met. On this night, if not any other, she’s an enemy he might prefer to keep closer. He wishes he knew what Rose drives. 
“We can sit here for a minute if you want,” you tell him as you put the car in park. “As long as you need to.”
Corey is deeply grateful for the way you try to anticipate his needs, but no amount of sitting in the car will prepare him for what he's about to endure. 
“Let’s just go,” he says.
You hold his hand as you walk across the yard. You stop at the top of the step to give him a kiss before you let yourself in the front door. The entrance to the house is insane, the whole foyer open to a loft above. A drippy chandelier dangles down in the center. The massive first floor is empty, except for a commotion in the kitchen. Several people all lean against the kitchen counter in a big circle, talking and laughing, already a couple beers in. You recruit a few helpers to carry your coolers to the back yard. So many of them come out to your car that Corey ends up empty handed. He doesn’t know what else to do, so he stays close to your heels like a shadow, right behind you as you make your rounds to say hi to everyone, present Drew with your contributions for the barbecue, and finally settle in a lawn chair in front of the unlit pile of wood set to become tonight’s fire.
He pulls another chair as close as he can to yours, so your toes and elbows touch. He can’t help but bounce his leg, even as he worries it makes him more conspicuous. He knows he sticks out like a sore thumb among all these cool people. They’re all dressed like they got a memo he missed, in black shorts that used to be pants and black band shirts that used to have sleeves. Corey feels out of place and overdressed. He should’ve asked you to pick his outfit or something. Now everyone he meets tonight will remember him as the guy who was dressed like he was at work. Even his boots are wrong, Red Wings when everyone else is in Docs and Timbs and cowboy boots. 
More people arrive, entering the backyard in small groups. A couple of guys lumber onto the back porch with big speakers on stands. Veronica appears with three beers in hand, announcing herself with the same lilting “Hey y’all!” as she did at Krelborn’s. Corey wouldn’t trust the bottle she holds out to him if she hadn’t popped the cap right in front of him, but now that she’s here, he does feel a small sense of relief. She wanders away when Shelly comes into the yard. You wave from where you’re seated and Corey’s thankful you don’t make him choose between sitting by himself and trying to fit into that conversation. He doesn’t remember her from the pub until you mention it. Then a hazy vision of her setting water in front of him surfaces. You look like you could use that, she said. A burst of static erupts from the speakers, causing everyone around to jump. A man sticks his head out the window and shouts “Sorry, y’all!” Then music flows from the speakers, starting small but growing quickly as the man inside adjusts the volume.
“Country music?” Corey asks, leaning even closer into you.
“Don’t judge,” you say. You sound like you have to defend country music often.
“Never. I’m just surprised. Just cause everybody here is…” He shrugs. You know what he means.
“Well you are in Georgia. Rednecks and punks have a lot of overlap around here.” You gesture around the yard, indicating everyone in attendance. “There’s even a whole country-slash-punk crossover genre I should introduce you to.”
“I’ve listened to country music, some. My dad liked Merle Haggard. I found some of his tapes, when I found the ring.”
For some reason Daddy is the one thing from his past Corey tells you about without hesitation, even as anxious as he is right now. He just finds himself spontaneously telling you the few other facts he knows about his father. He informed you that the ring had been Dad’s the first time you laced your fingers with his in the flickering light of the grocery store late at night, telling you how he hadn’t taken it off since he found it, but that he did have to move it from his middle finger to his pinky at some point. Last time you said something about wanting another tattoo, he confessed his desire for one of a duck like Daddy had.
“That’s so awesome. Merle is one of the all time greats. I love hearing Dad Facts.” 
Veronica and Shelly drag more plastic chairs over. People join and leave your little group so quickly it makes Corey dizzy. Rose sits next to him and tells him she’s glad he decided to come. Her girlfriend and Shelly’s boyfriend both pass through. One of them is Jesse and one of them is Bobby, but he doesn’t know which is which. Someone you introduce as your first sewing customer shows him all the patches you attached to their vest. Current and former coworkers appear to wrap their arms around your waist and smack their lips against your face before vanishing again. It makes his stomach sour. Do they all have to fucking hug you? He feels a little better when you give your chair up to a new addition to the circle and perch on his knees instead, draping an arm around his shoulders and fluffing his hair. He’s reluctant to let you go when your old seat is free again. 
In time the circle is reduced to just you, Corey, and Veronica. In front of him, several partygoers attempt to get the fire started. They aren’t using enough kindling, and it isn’t getting enough airflow when they set the big log on top, so they just keep snuffing out the whole thing. He could help, but he’s already spoken to multiple years worth of people this afternoon, and he knows the end is nowhere in sight.
A long chord organ chord pours out of the speakers, met by a cheer from all corners of the yard. You hold your hands out to Veronica and start singing. She takes them, singing back to you, a huge grin on her face. The lyrics you belt into each other’s faces are about a pair of high school friends. It irks Corey how long she’s been in your life, that if you had to choose between them, she has a massive amount of seniority in her favor. She’s been through everything with you. He’s just another thing you’ll get through with her help.
The instrumental picks up and you pull Veronica out of her chair to dance. The song isn’t just about high school friends. The song is about two women murdering one of their exes. It didn’t take them long to decide that Earl had to die!, you and Veronica and all the other guests shout. You hook your elbow with hers and the two of you skip circles around each other like children, gleefully detailing poisoning a man’s dinner and wrapping his corpse in plastic. The case goes cold, the women start a business together, and they don’t lose any sleep at night after they toss the body in a lake. 
The man in the song was a violent abuser. He beat his wife, so she killed him. Corey can relate to the protagonists. People like that are vermin to be exterminated. Everyone he killed on purpose had beaten him, verbally if not physically. The last time Momma slapped him she didn’t leave a mark, but other times she had. Fucking Doug had knocked the air out of his lungs on the Allen’s front lawn. Corey’s blood still boils knowing he doesn’t know the half of what that shit stain put Allyson through. So he enjoyed the killing. It was fun. Even more fun than the song makes it sound. Under other circumstances this might be a new favorite of his, prompting him to ask you for  recommendations of similar songs, a playlist of jaunty tunes about the consequences of being scum. There’s just one problem — Veronica.
Could be it’s only his imagination, being on the run so long causing his already weak ability to trust to rot and wither past the point of no return. But he swears as she sings, she makes meaningful eye contact with him. Over your shoulder her glare says Watch your step, motherfucker. This song could easily be about you. It doesn’t matter that all of the lives he ended were Earls. People who had to die for what they’d done to others. Because he knows she’ll think what he’s done is worse. Stabbing someone with a corkscrew or a kitchen knife is worse. Setting someone on fire is worse. Poisoning someone isn’t that bad. Stomping someone’s skull in and driving over their corpse is much, much worse. He generated just as much evil as he extinguished, and should Veronica ever find out, it won’t take her long to decide that Corey has to die too.
The only reason he’s here right now is because you said you would miss him if he wasn’t. How could that possibly be true? Your friends love you so much, and you have so many of them. What do you need him for? The yard and the house are full of people more eligible than him, people who understand your hobbies better than he ever could, who know how to act at parties, who aren’t endangering your life and their own every moment they spend with you. You’re all Corey has in the entire world. When Veronica sprinkles the poison over his food, you’ll have him replaced with one of those assholes who lined up to hug you before his body is even cold.
He wishes again that there was a way to have you all to himself. If he was all you had then it would be fair. He could mean to you what you mean to him. You would have no choice but to miss him. You and Veronica are still dancing, shrieking the lyrics to another crowd pleaser he’s never heard before. The day is scorching. It already feels like he’s burning through the sunscreen you smeared all over him before the drive out here, and you’re dancing, with only a rag that barely qualifies as a tank top to cover your sports bra, skin sparkly with sweat, 10 feet in front of him. That is what he should be focusing on. Not doing mental inventory of the weapons he’s seen so far — a pile of sharp grilling utensils next to the smoker, shovel, rake, and pitchfork lying in the grass beside the idiots who still can’t get the fire to light right, the knife he gave you, clipped to your pocket as you swing the hips he’s trying so hard to think about instead. 
Corey’s major concern earlier in the afternoon had been someone recognizing him for something he had done before. If he doesn’t get the fuck out of here right now, he fears he’ll do something new for people to recognize him for. 
The fifteen minutes Corey was gone to smoke the night he met V was nothing. He is the king of the long smoke break. His face is so expressive, sometimes you feel like you’re eavesdropping on his thoughts, but if you’re ever left wondering what kind of mood he’s in, all you have to do is time his absence. 
The bonfire is such an event, you can barely believe he agreed to come. When he whispers in your ear that he’s going to step away to smoke, despite the fact that he is already outside and a respectful distance from everyone but you, you know he’s going to be gone for a long time. 
You have another beer. A joint is miraculously placed between your fingers and you take two puffs before you hold it out for someone, anyone else to take. Your sense of time warps, and you wish you looked at the clock when he left. You keep thinking you’ll give him five more minutes, until you notice how much the sun has moved. He’s definitely been gone too long. You drop your eyes from the sky to scan the yard, making sure he isn’t just sitting off to the side in the shadows of the trees, or stuck talking to some verbose asshole and waiting for you to come save him. You don’t see him anywhere.
“Haven’t seen Corey in a minute,” Veronica says, following your gaze. 
“Yeah…” You send him a text.
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To give him time to text you back, you go get water out of one of the many coolers on the deck. You grab two bottles and dry them with paper towels from the snack table, sliding a bowl of watermelon cubes out of your way.
“Hey, cutie,” says a man pouring Doritos onto a paper plate.
You ignore him.
“Hey! I’m talking to you,” he says, waving orange dusted fingers in your face. 
“I have a boyfriend.” You don’t look at the man as you drop the wet paper towels into the garbage bag tied to the deck rail.
“Yeah, I saw you with that guy earlier. He looks like a whimp. Don’t you wanna be with a real man?”
“Sure, I do!” You say, in a fake chipper tone, finally looking at him. “But you know, I just don’t see any around here.” You tuck the water bottles under one arm and stomp off the deck before he can say anything else.
Corey still hasn’t answered, so you send him another message as you walk back to Veronica.
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“Ugh, some sleazeball tried to talk to me,” you tell her, bumping the backrest of her chair with your stomach.
“Are you good?” She asks, looking back and up at you.
“I’m okay. Be better if I knew where my boyfriend was. I’m gonna go look for him. If you see him, tell him to text me.”
“You got it,” she says. 
You start in the front yard. As you walk past the front porch, three overlapping voices call your name. On the swing you can make out three familiar faces. You wave and keep walking but they beckon you, chanting “Come here! Come here!”, and pretending to fish for you. You feel pulled in the opposite direction, down and over the wide yard, but you allow yourself to be caught and reeled in. You do “Hi” and “How are you?”, but when one of them asks what you’ve been up to lately, you cut the long hello short as gracefully as you can.
“Are you gonna be here all night? I would really love to catch up later! I’m actually looking for someone right now, though.” You start to slowly back away as you speak. 
“Aw, okay.” “Hope you find them!” “Good luck!” 
When you turn away from the porch, you see a pod of people coming up the slope from the direction of the cars. You wave to them, and they wave to you, and you hope that’s that. But a guy you recognize and a girl you don’t wander off the driveway to intercept your path.
“Hey! I have a sewing question!” He declares as he jogs towards you. 
“How can I help?” You smile your customer service smile, feeling obligated not to piss off a potential customer.
“I’m thinking about buying a machine to try to make some of my own clothes. Do you have any suggestions or advice or anything?” He asks.
“No, I’m sorry. I hadn’t even like, totally decided I wanted a sewing machine when I bought mine. I didn’t do any research or anything, it was just an expensive machine that was basically new and dirt cheap at an estate sale. And it’s not designed that great, I don’t know if I would’ve bought it if I read reviews first. I had to have my boyfriend clean it out once when it jammed.”
“Damn. Okay. Thanks anyway, dude.” He holds out his hand and you allow him to do some kind of secret fist bump handshake to you. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome. Sorry I can’t be more help. But speaking of my boyfriend, I’m looking for him right now. Did you see a guy that’s like 5’9”, broad shoulders, curly, shaggy brown hair down there? He’s got like, Midwest Emo vibes, kinda?”
“Can’t say I did.”
“Alright,” you sigh, “Good luck with your sewing if I don’t see you later.”
If he didn’t spot Corey down by the cars, there’s no reason to walk all the way down there, so you cut across the yard toward the pond and the gazebo instead, looking over your shoulder to the cars at the edge of the yard anyway, just in case.
A few people sit in lawn chairs under the scattered trees. Thankfully none of them call out to you. There are no bodies on the benches around the koi pond, but there are silhouettes in the gazebo. As you approach, you can tell none of the shapes belong to Corey. Instead, it’s Gordon and his family. You recognize his wife from other work events. You’ve never met the person on the other side of Gordon, but you recognize her too. A young woman in her late teens or early twenties, who looks like someone put a girl filter on Gordon’s senior photo. There’s no one else in the world who’s daughter she could be. Despite how excited you are to finally meet her, you try to back away before you’re spotted. You can talk to them after you find Corey.
"Hey you!" Gordon says from the shadows. Shit.
"Hey!” You climb the two little steps to join them under the pointed roof. 
"Got another customer complaint about you."
You feel like the air has been knocked out of you. Another? What was the first one? What could you have possibly done that was complaint worthy? A weak "huh?" is all you manage.
"Yeah, this lady said she was looking for a record for her little sister, she wanted a recommendation based on a list of bands she knew her sister liked." 
"I thought that went well?" You remember the interaction now. It had been a lot of fun, the kind of day where you really appreciate how cool your job is. You can't possibly imagine what she would've had to complain about. 
"Well, so did she! She called the store and went on and on, talked my ear off about how her sister loved your suggestion so much that they're going to see the band you recommended in Orlando next month. She said you're a genius, and it was great how you didn't judge her for not knowing anything." 
"Wait," you said, concerned and confused, "so what was the complaint?" 
"That you're too fucking good at your job, and I'm gonna have to give you a raise. Oh shit, did I say that was her complaint? Sorry, I meant my complaint."
You exhale sharply, ending in a huffy little laugh. All you can think to say is “How much?”
“We’ll talk about it next week.”
"You're such a dick, Dad. You actually had her scared," his daughter chides.
“Have you met my lovely daughter, Dani?” Gordon asks. 
“Hi, Dani.” You wave and introduce yourself. 
“Do you have someone for us to meet tonight too? That elusive boyfriend of yours, maybe?” Gordon wants to know.  
“He’s here, but you’re right about him being elusive,” you say with a forced chuckle. “I’m looking for him right now.”
“Well, don’t let us keep you. But bring him to meet me when you get a chance.”
“Sure thing, Boss.” 
Once you’re away from the gazebo, you walk as fast as you can towards the house, not even really processing that you’re getting a raise. Gordon’s joke wouldn’t bother you normally, you know your boss is one of those nice assholes. When he doesn’t make jokes at your expense is when you need to worry. Taking it the wrong way rattles you. Corey still hasn’t texted, so you try calling him. It goes straight to voicemail. Goddamnit. 
You vault the concrete stairs up to the porch and swing open the front door, getting blasted in the face by the music pouring through the speakers in the ceiling throughout the first floor. The sun is sinking lower in the sky, and the crowd has grown a lot. You get stuck in a traffic jam in the sitting room, pinned on all sides by the bare limbs of strangers. Through the open French doors you can see someone finally got the fire to burn tall and strong, and a new supply of logs has arrived in the back of Harker’s goofy white pickup truck. For a second you feel like you should give up on searching the house for him and go through those French doors to where Corey’s surely tending the fire, finding a way to be useful like he loves to do. Your little arsonist. 
Something clicks into place for the first time. The story about his neighbor’s garage. Was that another coded confession? Are the “bullet holes” in his shoulder actually burn scars? Was he stabbed in retaliation for a fire? Did he set a fire in retaliation for being stabbed?  
Finally somebody gets out of the way, and the tangle of bodies you’re trapped in spits you out. You stumble over your own heavy feet, taking several bumbling steps away from the doors, and away from that train of thought. Later tonight you can match up all the evidence like you have with your other theories, trying to find the situation that seems most likely. For now, it will only distract you, when you need to focus searching the house. Maybe he found an unlocked bedroom to hide in, or maybe, against the odds, he made a new friend and they’re holed up somewhere discussing fuel pumps or something. 
You kind of remember the layout of the house from last year’s bonfire and the holiday dinner in December. You head towards the kitchen, and get tangled up again before you can even cross the threshold. As you pass through the kitchen on your way to the garage, a girl standing in front of the fridge mistakes that for your destination, and yanks the door open wide for you, blocking the exit. When she realizes her mistake, she swings the fridge door closed harder than she meant to and it slams closed. She squeaks out an apology, face turning bright red, and you assure her there’s nothing to be embarrassed about as you edge past her. In the garage, five or six people stand in a circle, pocket knives poised to puncture horizontal beer cans in their hands. They offer for you to join them in their impending shotgun, but you decline and duck back into the house.
You cut through the dining room and run up the stairs. The second floor is comparatively much more quiet, even with the big hole looking down to the first floor. Soft voices guide you out to the huge balcony that floats over the portico below. The people on the chairs and benches outside are all strangers. They ignore you. When you come back in to the loft you spot Veronica with a couple of people across the opening to the foyer below, racking pool balls. 
“Wanna get in on this?” She asks, removing the plastic triangle from the balls and hanging it back on the wall.
“No, thanks. I still have bruises healing on my ass from how hard you kicked it last time. And I’m still — “
“Looking for Corey? You haven’t found him yet?”
“No! I keep getting sucked into conversations and shit. Have you seen him?” You don’t like the desperate edge in your voice. 
Fuck. If she hasn’t seen him, then he probably didn’t help get the fire going. You’re starting to worry he might’ve wandered down one of the trails into the trees and lost his way or something. You excuse yourself and Veronica wishes you luck, twisting chalk onto the end of a pool cue. You wander down the long hallway that branches off the loft. Unlocked bedroom, empty. Locked door you remember leading to a bathroom. You knock and the voice that calls back “Occupied!” is too light to be him, not enough grit. Another empty unlocked bedroom. A couple of locked doors, and a third bedroom at the end of the hall where you stop to send him another text.
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You barrel back down the stairs, checking the rest of the first floor as quickly as you can, just glancing into the open doors of another bathroom and an office where someone cuts lines on the glass topped desk. The last room to check is the laundry room where several people sit on the counter over the washer and dryer, Rose and Jesse squeezed in with them. 
“Hello my love!” Rose exclaims and hops down from her perch to wrap her arms around you. It only takes one sentence for you to tell that she is very drunk. 
“Have you seen Corey?” You ask without much hope.
“When we got here, yeah!” She nods. 
“Have you seen him since then?” You always hate when you see a drunk girl’s less-drunk friends be condescending to her, so you do your best to keep the anxiety and irritation out of your voice. 
“Noooo.” She shakes her head. The long, low sound she makes reminds you of a dove. 
“That dude we met with you earlier? We saw him again after that,” Jesse says.
“Oh, yeah!” Rose confirms.
“Where!? When!?” 
“We had to get bug spray out of Jesse’s truck before we went for a hike. He was laying all the way back in your car. I wanted to wave but he looked like he wanted to be left alone.”
“How long ago?” 
Rose looks to Jesse.
“Like, 20 minutes ago?” 
“Fuck, I’m so stupid,” you mutter. That should’ve been the first place you looked, somewhere hidden and familiar he could retreat to. You should’ve been more thorough than just asking someone and taking a quick glance. If Corey’s been reclining in the car this whole time, he would’ve been practically invisible unless you passed right by the windows.
“You're not stupid. You're so smart,” Rose corrects. “Do you want me to come with you to get him?”
“No, I need to go by myself. You stay here. And drink some water.” You offer her one of the bottles you’re still carrying around.
“I got her,” Jesse says and indicates a half full bottle she pinches between her knees. 
As soon as you pry Rose's rubbery drunk arms from around you, you rush out the front door and over the yard to the treeline where your car is parked. 
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emotionallychargedtowel · 2 years ago
Getting-acquainted questions from the lovely @waitmyturtles​, who I’ve been enjoying getting to know and would love to continue to know better. Thanks for the tag!
I’m going to skip the tagging part myself, sorry. Tagging people on things like this always makes me off-the-charts anxious. If you see this and are interested in it, though, please feel more than welcome. The tagging prompt, should you choose to accept it, is to tag nine people you would like to get to know better.
Three Ships:
Hira x Kiyoi - These two are frustrating and deeply weird but their story is so compelling in a way that’s relatable despite, or maybe because of, their weirdness. And then occasionally they are the absolute sweetest. Their relationship isn’t likely to closely resemble viewers’ real-life relationships, yet the issues and emotions that get explored in their story resonate much more broadly. My forever blorbos.
Togawa x Nozue - Old Fashion Cupcake is like the Jane Austen novel version of a BL. Things look calm on the surface but so much emotion is simmering underneath and every stray word, glance, or social gesture is invested with an immense amount of meaning (and often, misinterpreted). Totally my wheelhouse. Nozue’s mixture of charm, competence, and frighteningly low confidence is super endearing, while Togawa’s assertive, purposeful side is undercut by how vulnerable his feelings for Nozue make him.
Seo Joon x Ji Woo - I love the subtle, complex way their story developed in season 1 of To My Star and although season 2 was like a punch in the gut, it ended up working well for me in the end. There’s something so special about when an incredibly guarded person finally opens themselves up to caring for and being cared for by others, like when a feral cat finally lets you pet them.
First Ship:
Like, first in my lifetime, or first since I got into BL, or something else?
The first time I ever heard about ships/shipping as a term was when I was watching Veronica Mars in my 20s. I was pro-LoVe, Logan and Veronica, 100%.
I think the very first time I rooted for two characters on TV to get together was probably watching Moonlighting as a kid and wanting Cybil Shepherd and Bruce Willis to get together. That or Sam and Diane on Cheers. In both cases, when those people finally got together, the aftermath was a huge letdown. I think I still have baggage from both those shows!
I think the first BL ship I really felt strongly about was probably Hira x Kiyoi. I’d already seen some BLs and enjoyed them but hadn’t gotten really invested in that way until Utsukushii Kare.
Last Song:
KAYTRANADA fr. H.E.R. - Intimidated
This song is a bit outside my usual area but I’ve been trading song recommendations with a friend lately, and as a result, I’m listening to a bunch of things I normally wouldn’t. This is one of my favorite things my friend has shared with me so far.
Last Movie:
I’m part of the way through watching Minari with my husband and really enjoying it (although it’s also stressing me out). I have young kids so seeing a movie from start to finish with no interruptions is rare. If we’re only counting movies I’ve seen from start to finish, the last one I watched was Broker, which I loved.
Currently Reading:
I’m listening to the audiobook version of How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith--I highly recommend the audiobook specifically. Smith is a poet as well as a journalist and his style of narration in the audiobook is engaging, artistic, and just contributes a lot to the work.
Re-reading portions of The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Intimacy by Harriet Lerner for a post I’m thinking about. 
I’m also reading a couple of books about UX research for job search reasons but y’all don’t want to hear about that.
Currently Watching:
Utsukushii Kare season 2
Ameiro Paradox
note: I keep almost starting Bad Buddy but there are a bunch of options for watching it online and I’m getting a little paralyzed by too many possibilities. If anybody has any advice about the best place to watch it, please let me know.
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Revice
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
American stuff:
Poker Face
Abbott Elementary
His Dark Materials
Currently Consuming:
Just had an everything bagel. Currently obsessed with an NYT recipe for “creamy doenjang pasta.” Probably going to raid my husband’s stash of dried mangoes at some point here. Well, raid in the sense of stealing a couple of pieces.
Currently Craving:
Chinotto (the Italian soda). I had a place I could buy this stuff in Austin but I don’t know of a place that has it here in the Seattle area. It’s bitter and aperitif-ish, made with a kind of sour orange. It’s basically like if cola was a bit more complex and weird.
It’s such a cliche, but chocolate. I’m not a big fan of the chocolate we keep around the house for the kids (Cadbury’s Dairy Milk) and don’t have any of my own, so I may have to bake something.
Utsukushii Kare season 2, episode 2. I’m not used to watching BLs as they come out weekly so the wait for next Tuesday is making me a bit cranky.
Diptyque Eau Capitale - I’m obsessed with this perfume but I only have a small sample so I’ve been hoarding it. It’s a really classy, complex, well-blended rose-patchouli thing. Super cozy. I should honestly go put some of it on right now, to heck with hoarding.
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rocket-69 · 4 years ago
Notes from JE Sawyer's stream:
Toward the end of development, every location would have a day or half a day to complete. Most of the border locations suffered from this like Searchlight Airport, and thus did not have a lot of time for Lore™
Something specific JE Sawyer wanted to add if they had time: more bug testing, postgame, more Legion content
Testing for Caravan took place during idle times like lunch. Implementation was not difficult. JE says he regrets making it not as easy to understand.
The musical cutoff point was JFK's assassination
"Arcade is not my self insert 🎵"
JE sang the Lonesome Drifter's songs because there weren't many options when they realized they should implement performances. He didn't put them on the radio because he felt it wasn't professional enough. When Bethesda used his Home on the Wastes he was surprised
He chose Goodsprings because when he visited it he liked the idea of starting somewhere small and isolated.
"I feel people responded well to Veronica and Arcade at a time when lgbtq representation was not very common"
"Arcade does not represent me in the game."
Arcade was JE's player character but so was Jean Baptiste-Cutting, and he is also not JE's self insert
He is happy that Arcade is part of the conversation about how representation happens and that as a result there is a broader spectrum of representation. He has seen the discussion about whether being "gay" is a character's entire personality
Carry weight can be a good part of playing a game, but sometimes it just feels vestigial
He feels that karma was more or less vestigial and unnecessary
JE designed cazadors
Vault experiments: were mostly recycled from their time at Black Isle
There's one JSawyer mod, other modders can use it and do what they like just be clear that their mod isn't his
The reason why the Legion has less content is because the devs designed the content on the map from the inside out
He likes the feel and aesthetic of Fallout 4's power armor, but doesn't like getting power armor early. Prefers a sense of progression in equipment depending on stage of the game
Lip sync for NPCs is procedural
Likes Zachary Levi :)
New Vegas's orange tint was found early. Pre-Fallout 4, the lighting engine was not strong, and without a tint everything washes out.
Multiple currencies was JE's idea
JE disagrees with Avellone about the setting being "too civilized" and prefers post-postapoc where people try to rebuild
6, 10, Kings, Jacks are his suggestions for Caravan
The only planned possible "romance" was getting elvis-weddinged to Cass
His rules for music: nothing past 1964, mostly country, some ratpack, more down tempo and mellow songs
John Gonzalez did the writing for Benny, and the Tops characters
Sunny Smiles was never supposed to be a companion
Ulysses' dialog was so big it wouldn't fit on the disc to be a vanilla companion
Cass was the second largest companion
"The ghosts in Baja" are an intentional mystery
Fallout Berlin. Fallout Midwest 2. Fallout New York. Fallout Quebec
Camp Forlorn Hope was a lot of work, mostly by Charles Staples
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fyeahvarchie · 3 years ago
I think the main problem wasn't where they were going to live, because their life would have been the same, more or less. The important thing was that the writers did not give them the chance to talk, real talk, about what they wanted for themselves, and for both of them as a couple, in the near future. I think it was an important part but the writers decided to go with THAT because it was the better option to break them up AGAIN. It was the easier way to get those ships together.
According to them.
It's riverdale by the way, we know something like this will happen again, but with these new couples, and I don't really know what they are going to come up with. If the other fandom thinks this is the end, they are probably watching another show lol.
This reminds me of a line, one of taylor swift's song: "I think I've seen this film before"
By the way I wish you all a great weekend and I hope you're doing great ❤️
IF the intent was to have them actually tackle their problems and talk about them -- then we would have seen everything you've mentioned. But it was indeed obviously a plot device they came up with out of nowhere just to break them up.
Everything about Veronica this season has been the opposite of what she said in 518. That's a real shame, but they've simply decided to throw her under the bus this time around.
Unfortunately, we've seen this film too many times. 😭
Drama, angst -- it can all be pretty great and rewarding in the end. But that's not Riverdale.
There's been nothing rewarding about this season regarding Varchie. I mean, 517 will live on forever. But that reunion was supposed to be the climax of their arc. Not just a pit stop.
Anyway, nothing we can do about it. But ultimately, they're going to bring them back. I just wish I could be confident in the way they'll go about this -- though, I'm not at all.
Hope you'll have a great weekend as well, anon!
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scabopolis · 4 years ago
C A T S (i saw you already did a so give me another pairing or talk some more about them. u know who)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably absolutely never will. 
Oh man. There are too many to name them all (I might be slow to warm up to a ship, but once my embers of hatred are set aflame, they never go out). 
Duncan x Veronica (Veronica Mars): Setting aside the “he thought she was his sister and sexed her anyway” element, which that is a wild statement to write, he’s just such a slice of American cheese trying to convince the world he’s brie. SHUT UP, DUNCAN! YOU’RE NOT A SLICE OF BRIE! I WOULD NEVER HAVE YOU WITH HONEY AND APPLES. 
Jane x Rafael (Jane the Virgin): This one is tricky for me, man, because I have a hard time explaining why it didn’t work for me. I think I resented the way the writers setup a false equivocation between Michael and Rafe - that Michael was the fun safe one and that Rafael was the passionate edgy one. I think it did a big disservice to both Rafael and Michael. 
Chuck x Blair (Gossip Girl): Back when Gossip Girl came out, my friend was a big fan, I’d never seen it, and she had the first season on DVD. We had a girls weekend in Portland and ordered room service and watched the first several episodes of s1 and I hated Chuck on sight and kept hating him. And my friend kept telling me he got better and I kept waiting and kept hating him. So...I do not want to see his marble mouth face on my TV and I do not want to see him messing with my girl Blair who might be one of the greatest TV characters from the past 15 years. No further questions. 
Others include Katniss x Gale (The Hunger Games), Dawson x Joey (Dawson’s Creek), Ted x Robin (How I Met Your Mother), Cristina x Owen (Grey’s Anatomy), Dan x Vanessa (Gossip Girl),  Fez x Jackie (That 70s Show), Josh x Donna (The West Wing, just going to sneak this one in and hope no one notices), etc. etc. etc. 
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. 
Alright. I know what you want. To quote one of the Olsen twins in the cinematic masterpiece It Takes Two, “I can see right through!” 
Let’s talk Will Cooper and Angie D’Amato from the cancelled too soon show Single Parents (I have gotten 3 people hooked on this show and I will not rest until my reign of terror widens). 
There’s a blithers fic for Will x Angie (that you, @thelillykane absolutely need to read!!!) that includes an incredible description of who Will is from Angie’s POV: 
Will isn’t the type of guy she’s normally into. He isn’t some tall skinny dude with amazing hair and/or the ability to scream-sing his feelings into an unfeeling world. Will is a big old goofball of a dad, dependable and kind and sometimes manic, with undercurrents of a real weirdness that Angie gets such a kick out of every time she taps into them. Will is intense about the things he cares about, but he doesn’t write cryptic songs about his repressed man-emotions or play guitar while looking soulful about it or anything awesome like that. Will acts on his feelings. He organizes and works and makes life better for the people he cares about.
And it’s that undercurrent of weirdness that Angie sees in Will and that Will sees in Angie that unites them and that I love. Yes, Angie is predisposed to think the worst of people and Will is predisposed to see the best. But! they are both giant weirdos who absolutely are like “yes, when one has transgressed in friendship, the thing one buys to make up for it are giant turkey legs.” 
I think the series focuses more on how Will’s labradoodleness betters Angie’s life, but I also see so many ways that Angie’s skepticism of the world would be good for Will - “not everything always works out, dude, and you have to find a way to be okay when it doesn’t.” And also, like, Will gets Angie. I think from the Pilot episode, he sees that her bossiness and meanness and zero tolerance for nonsense is how she cares. Most importantly! It works for Will to have that in his life! Because otherwise he never would have stopped wearing zip-off short cargo pants. He would still be carrying that mermaid bag around. He might have convinced himself to give his marriage with Mia another shot, etc. etc. etc. 
Anyway, I probably just need to write my fic about them to get my feelings out. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Not really, I’m afraid. So utterly boring, I know. Idk, man, send me an example of a headcanon you’d die defending? I feel like the things I get heated about are when I feel canon is interpreted in a way I don’t agree with. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Single Parents: You and I have talked about this, but Will does not remember what he said to Angie. There’s no possible way. And Angie absolutely rides out the summer in Barstow because there’s no way she’s confronting her complicated feelings head on. Hell no. 
Veronica Mars: This one’s for you, girl, but Lilly Kane would have been fine if she’d lived past 16-years old. I don’t think she would have been a forever giant hedonist or super destructive, because her acting out had a very clear origin. And I think her getting out of that house, getting away from her parents, getting away from Duncan, a lot of that chaos would have cleared in her mind. Yes, she might have always struggled with this feeling of inferiority, but I think she would have been okay. 
Once Upon a Time: This is a small silly thing, but I like to think that the reason Emma was never adopted or found a stable foster family was because Regina’s curse reached into the Land Without Magic. Later seasons establish (I think??? I basically haven’t watched 3 seasons of the show) that there is magic in the real world, but it’s dormant and hidden because people don’t believe. Regina’s curse took away the happy endings, and so doesn’t it make sense that it would follow Emma to ensure she also didn’t get her happy ending even separated from her family? I have a premise for a fic in my head where the family she lived with felt this need to return her to the foster care system. That there was a pressing on their chests, a squeezing of their hearts if you will, a voice in their ear whispering to send her back. Instead of listening to it, though, they fight against it. And that’s one of the first moments, right from the start, the love of these adopted parents weakening the curse. 
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andsmile · 4 years ago
I really wanna know if even a little part of you doesn’t feel like A doesn’t wanna lose V because he was already rejected by B? He was fully ready to risk it and didn’t even respond to “... and you love V right?” I know he loves V but that convo he had with B where she rejected him is the final thing that made me leave the V/A ship and want better for V. Or are you just looking at the silver lining. A just makes V doubt his feelings for her so much (with her “BFF” don’t even get me started on her) and I absolutely hate it so just broke away. She’s happy with him so if she ends up with him, good for her but how can she trust him fully again? I’ll just always feel like she deserves way better
Okay, time for an honest conversation about this, and I’m putting it under the cut because it’s gonna be long!
People cheat. Real people cheat everyday for a lot of reasons, and when someone cheats on someone else, it rarely is because “OMG I am so in love with this other person that isn’t my S/O that I cannot CONTROL myself anymore”, although fiction often justifies it like that. 95% of the times people cheating has to do with something going on inside themselves--sometimes it’s not even because their relationship sucks. Sometimes it’s because they’re seeking reassurance, sometimes it’s a matter of ego, and sometimes it’s a matter of confusion. Cheating isn’t a nice thing and it’s not something that needs to be forgiven so easily or at all, but it’s something that happens. Some people can forgive being cheated on; some people can’t.
Now, Archie Andrews isn’t a real person, and neither is Betty or Veronica or Jughead. They’re all written to act in a certain way, and sometimes the way they are written doesn’t make any sense. It makes zero sense to me for Betty to cheat on Jughead and Archie to cheat on Veronica when they did. Ok, they had their brief fake dating thing and possibly some feelings that were buried (don’t even get me started on how the narrative never showed this but anyway) but there’s absolutely nothing in the narrative that backs up their point of view with the cheating, that they’d gravitate towards each other and start this emotional affair out of nowhere because they were having problems with their S/O’s. So, why they cheated? Remains to be understood. My guess? Drama. Shock value.
The following episode was written to expose Betty’s reasons for the cheating--she was caught up in nostalgia and wanted to feel safe since everything was changing. Archie was not given the same chance of point of view exploration, so you just see him being confused and, well, willing.
The little POV we have from Archie is when he talks with Fred’s grave and says he doesn’t know where his heart is pointing. He says he doesn’t want to lose or hurt Veronica. He clearly just wanted to have a ~moment with Betty to be sure of whatever he was feeling for her--it’s even what his stupid song says, that they have to try to find out what’s up. Betty shuts him down and doesn’t let him try. I know he didn’t answer that he loved Veronica when Betty asked the second time, but his answer wasn’t “No, I don’t love her,” (love doesn’t work like this anyway). His answer was, “but then what is this all about?” referring to their emotional tryst. If they weren’t going anywhere with it and they loved their S/O’s, why were they even doing anything? Then, he admitted to his mom that he was being flaky and that he needed a fresh start.
Now, the season was interrupted and according to RAS, I think Archie possibly will be given a point of view about his confusion and why was he so willing to start something with Betty. We don’t know! It’s hard when we don’t know. But, honestly, as an Archie fan and especially as an Archie and Veronica fan, I think that Archie has never before made her doubt his feelings. Honestly, he’s always proven himself and his love for her, in numerous occasions, when the fandom was always expecting him to let the other shoe drop. Yes, this time he did act flaky and it might have something to do with Betty--of course with Betty whatever happened would be more significant than with any other girl, they do have history. When it comes to Archie’s character in the comics and in general, it’s always Veronica or Betty for him, normally B when Veronica isn’t there--but it’s definitely a lot more about himself and his own confusion, how lost he’s feeling with his future and his life since his dad died. A few times we saw Veronica and Archie saying they didn’t know where they were going in the future, and that might’ve contributed as well--the uncertainty of their own future. Not trying to justify that he cheated, but Betty did get an explanation, and I expect that we might still have one for Archie too, and that might be crucial with how I view this ship in canon.
It sucks that the writers didn’t write this better. It also sucks that they write Veronica as someone who’s confident in so many things but so insecure when it comes to Archie...but that’s because it’s Betty. And I don’t think it’s because of their shared history or anything, it’s because Veronica views these two kids as the second coming of Jesus, since she doesn’t think she’s a good person. Both her and Jughead have this tendency of seeing Archie and Betty as the purest, best thing that ever happened and they’re the evil that touched them and fucked it up, so why would Archie ever choose her instead of B, in her mind? And I absolutely hate that she tricks herself into being insecure about Betty but that’s how the writers write her, and that’s not on Archie or how he acts. Before the cheating plot he never gave her a reason to doubt his feelings for her, and she always does when is someone she feels inferior to.
(If we take into account that this is a latina character feeling inferior to two white characters so many things are wrong, but anyway)
If she’s written to forgive Archie and to trust Archie again, if Archie is written to love her more than anything again, she will forgive and trust Archie, Archie will love her, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. And I am pretty sure this is where this is heading, whether it’s satisfactory or not. Some ships I can forgive after the writing screws them up. I did it with Brucas. I did with Stelena. Some ships I cannot forgive because I am presented with a better option: I didn’t forgive Chair, and I started shipping Dair.
Now, does Veronica deserve better? I don’t think she deserves better than Archie himself. I think Archie is a good boyfriend for her despite his latest screw up. What I do think is that she deserves to be better written as a character and not to feel inferior to him or Betty, and not to always go back to her father regardless of their emotional abuse. I think she deserves to be strong in other points of her life and maybe holding her head up with Archie is one of those points, but we don’t know what’s coming, so I probably am looking at the silver lining. What’s better than Archie for her in canon so far? We don’t have it. The Riverdale girls don’t have a lot of options when it comes to love interests, do they? Especially the WOCs. Reggie, arguably, but he asked too much of her and dropped her too, and lowkey manipulated her into things. She was not in love with him as she was with Archie. We are not going to see her with a good new love interest, we are not going to get her around Jughead or Cheryl or other potential ships, so why not root for the redemption of the ship I already love?
So, yeah, as much as it’s hard to cheer for canon Varchie and being a Veronica fan in this moment given these writing choices, I choose to cheer for them knowing that there’s no character destruction without character redemption, and also looking at them through some other lenses. I have learned to separate fanon from canon from the comics from whatever. Ideally, Riverdale would be better written, but it’s not. That’s why we have fanfic and that’s why I don’t wanna watch the show anymore. But I’ll keep on supporting canon Varchie as long as I find that they can overcome the obstacles in their way--Archie’s confusion might be one of them, if it’s written to be.
Now, mwah! Hope you have a nice week.
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Cheryl//she means everything to me
Request: Can I request a Cheryl Blossom request where the reader is Archie's twin (a girl) and a super close with her brother and his friends so she doesn't like Cheryl but one day she finds Cheryl crying over Jason and comforts her so Cheryl falls for her and becomes like her best friends has her join the vixens constantly by her side and eventually the reader falls for her and like a super fluffy ending please ps I really love everything you write
hey! i had so much fun writing this, you have no idea! its also super gay!
“Well would you look at that, the sad breakfast club have reunited at lunch.” Cheryl’s cheery voice stops all conversations happening and everyone turns to look at her, her red hair blows softly in slight breeze and her eyes twinkle with whatever chaos she’s going to cause today. 
“What do you want Cheryl?” Betty is the first to speak, dropping her fork on her tray as you all wait for her to start her insults. 
“Well, cousin, I actually wanted to see how you were. But however, if you’re going to be like that.” She clears her throat before narrowing her eyes. “Betty, your ponytail is wonky and that sweater really washes you out, your hobo of a boyfriend really needs a bath because well, I can smell him from here, or maybe thats just the ridiculously childish hat he refuses to take off. Archie, you’re hair is so ridiculously bright today, its actually blinding me, and it looks like you’ve put enough product in to drown all the little lice that lives in it, Veronica that dress was popular last season, and the shoes a decade ago, and Y/n, I actually didn’t realize you were here. Like I kind of forgot that you existed for a few minutes. What’s it like in your brothers shadow?” She finishes her little speech with a bright smile and the five of you sigh before starting to eat again. You can never read Cheryl, one day she can be sweet and lovely and want to help, the next she’s the worst person you’ll ever meet. 
“Probably a lot nicer than being in yours...I can imagine Jason’s shadow is particularly cold.” Veronica retorts and your eyes widen in surprise...that was cold, even for Veronica. Archie smiles proudly at his girlfriend and presses a soft kiss to her head while the rest of the table laugh, including yourself, all 5 of you ignoring Cheryl as she turns on her heel and storms off. 
“Lovely talking to you!” Jughead calls after her causing you all to laugh even louder. 
“Will she ever stop being a bitch?” You wonder aloud and the laughing pauses, giving everyone a chance to look at each other for a few seconds before you start giggling again. 
“I don’t think its possible for Cheryl to be anything other.” Your brother replies through a mouthful of sandwich and you nod in reply. 
“Do you wanna ride Y/n?” Archie shouts across the parking lot as he gestures to the truck behind him. Veronica is already in the passenger seat scrolling through her phone and you so desperately want to go with them, even if they’ll do gross things in Archie’s room until your mom gets back from work, but today apparently is not your day,
“If I’m not back when mom gets home tell her that I haven’t been kidnapped or murdered, I’m just going to be late because Cheryl set her Vixens out for revenge and they’ve stolen my bag so I get to play a fun game of hide-and-seek with all my stuff.” You huff, blowing a piece of hair from your face as your shoulder slump in defeat. The fact that you could be spending up to a few hours extra at this stupid school actually hitting you, and Archie gives you a sympathetic look in response to your frown. 
“Do you need some help?” He offers but you shake your head. You don’t want to drag him into this, plus you can imagine the Vixens are already planning what they’re going to do to him and the rest of your friends, so you may-as-well give him some peace while he can get it. 
“Nah, I’m sure I’ll be fine. I was always the best at finding things when we were younger.” You shrug. “Plus, you don’t want to keep your girlfriend waiting.” You nod towards Veronica who’s hanging her head out the passenger window. 
“I suppose not.” He replies, a soft smile playing on his lips as he looks back at his girlfriend and you can’t help but feel a little sad. You’re glad Archie and Veronica have finally worked everything out and are madly in love, but a small part of you feels left behind. 
Practically all of your friends are in relationships or are dating, leaving you to be the odd one out at literally any get together. However you have very limited options when it comes to dating, there’s not a lot of queer girls in Riverdale, or even the surrounding towns, at least not a lot of them are out and the ones that are you don’t really like that much. *cough* Cheryl *cough*. And no matter how hard your friends try to set you up with someone, they always seems to pick the worst people. No matter how many times you tell them what your type is. 
Three weeks ago Veronica set you up with a girl who came into Pop’s a lot and the only reason she went on a date with you is because she liked Veronica and wanted to know her ‘deal’. Which you can imagine she was very surprised when you told her she was dating your twin brother...yikes. 
Maybe you should join a convent. Or get one of those apps that Kevin uses, but only weirdos...and Kevin are on those types of apps. And do they even have them for gay girls. 
You ponder your options as you walk behind the bleachers, humming a song you heard in the car this morning as you go. You’re also trying to figure out how to get back at Cheryl and her minions when you hear sniffling coming from a little further ahead of you. Stopping in your tracks you look up and towards the noise to see none other than Cheryl Blossom crying by herself. Thankfully she hasn’t seen you yet and and you quickly look around to see how far your escape is. You're about to turn on your heels when the nice side of you decides to show up, unfortunately. 
God, why do I have to have a conscious.  
You take a deep breath and send a prayer to literally anybody listening that she doesn’t bite your head off, before you slowly make your way towards the red-head. 
“Cheryl?” Your voice shakes with uncertainty and as soon as she hears someone say her name her head lifts up and she’s wiping the tears from her eyes, a look of distain taking over the previous sad expression. 
“What do you want Andrews?” She spits and looks you up and down.
You decided to ignore her tone, and try to keep your nice one as you continue your conversation. “Are you okay?” 
“Just fine.” She crosses her arms over her chest and her jaw locks as she looks away from you. 
“Are you sure?” You ask and sit on the floor a few feet away from her. “Because, you don’t seem it.” 
“What’s it to you anyway?” She snaps and you roll your eyes. 
“You’re right. It is none of my business.” You sigh and stand up, dusting your jeans off once your stood. “I hope you feel better soon.” 
“Y/n?” She calls after you and you huff before turning around. “I’m sorry.” Your eyes widen at the words thats just come of of her mouth and you need to sit down.
“What?!” Your jaw drops and she rolls her eyes at you. “Did you actually just apologize to me?” 
“Yes, but I can take it back if you want.” She mutters and you force a smile away as you sit down beside her again, this time a tiny bit closer to her than before but she doesn’t seem to mind, instead your pretty sure she shuffles a little closer to you too. 
“Sorry.” You mumble and a small smile appears on her face. 
“Did you just apologize?” She mocks and you giggle a little. 
“Okay, I deserved that.” You nod. “Do you want to talk about why you’re sat on the floor behind the bleachers after everyone has gone home, crying?” 
“Well, when you put it so delicately, sure.” She replies and you send her a look. “I miss Jason.” 
“Oh.” You say and look at the your hands. You’re not really sure what to say to that. It’s not like you can bring him back, or even take away her pain. As much as you don’t like her, Cheryl’s been through an awful lot. Far more than anybody else and you can’t help but feel slightly sorry for her. 
“Yep.” She take a quick glance at you before deciding to look straight ahead. An idea pops into your head and you sit up a little before looking at her. 
“What do you miss about him?” 
“What?” She furrows her brows as she looks at you and you take a deep breath before explaining. 
“Well, in my experience...it kind of helps to talk about what you miss about them. Because it doesn’t push away the fact that they’re gone, and it also helps me remember the best bits about them. So even though it always stings, overall it makes me feel a little better. If that makes sense?” 
“Yeah.” She nods and you can tell she’s thinking about what you’ve just said. “I get that. That was surprisingly insightful for you.” 
“Thanks.” You laugh and she giggles a little. “So what do you miss about him?” 
“I miss...how he always used to tell me stupid jokes whenever mom or dad had been mean to me or if they’d argued.” She smiles a little at the memory, despite the sad undertones and you can’t help but think how brave Cheryl actually is. “And how when we were younger we used to share a room and he would always tell me bedtime stories. Usually after my mom had come in and told us scary ones. As soon as he’d hear her walk down the stairs he would slip out of his bed and climb into mine and tell me magical stories, usually involving the two of us. We’d be superheroes or we’d live in a caste and we’d be happy.” 
“Thats sweet.” 
“Yeah. He was. He was just the best. He always looked after me, no matter what. None of his friends were aloud to make fun of me no matter how old we were, and when I didn’t have many friends when I was younger he’d make sure I never felt lonely...he was a good person.” 
“He was yeah.” You nod in agreement. “When I was about ten, he was playing football with a bunch of his friends and I was walking past them, trying to get away from them as soon as possible. He ended up throwing the ball and it hit me right in the end making me fall over. And instead of laughing, he ran over to me and he said sorry while helping me up. Then he took me to the nurses office and waited with me until my dad picked me up.” You smile flickers for a moment at the mention of your father and Cheryl seems to pick up on it, placing a gentle hand on your arm making you smile a little. “If that was any other boy, they would have laughed. But no, he helped me and I think that sums up Jason perfectly.” 
“Yeah. It really does.” She looks at you properly, for what is probably the first time ever and she feels her breathing quicken. How was she ever mean to you? Your eyes are sparkling in the sunlight as you talk about the very few memories of Jason, and she has to fight the urge to cry. Nobody apart from her brother has ever been this nice to her, and after Jason’s death, nobody really said anything nice about him, they usually just talked about the theories surrounding his murder. 
A soft smile dances across your lips, the corners of your lips curled upwards and she feels herself mirroring it. Your hair blows a little in the slight breeze and you tuck the stray bits behind your ear, leaving the rest to fall around your face. She giggles when your nose scrunches up at a particularly gross part of a story involving puke and a swimming pool and she frowns when you stop laughing, due to a sad part in a story that also involves your father. She just wants to wrap her arms around you and forget about the entire world and all of the horrible things in it. 
“Did that help?” You ask and she nods, a sweet smile on her lips as she looks at you. 
“No problem!” You reply, a bright grin on your face and she feels her heart flutter at the sight. She’s never really seen you smile like this, and even if she has caught a glimpse of it, its never directed at her. She feels like she needs to go back in time and right all of those wrongs because she needs to see you smile like that more often. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why exactly were you skulking around the bleachers in the first place?” 
“Oh. I was looking for my bag.” 
“How’d you lose a whole bag?” She laughs but when she notices you looking at her, your eyebrows raised, she remembers how you could lose a whole bag. “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.” 
“You can make it up to me by telling me where it is.” You nudge her shoulder and she grimaces. 
“Yeahhh. About that. You’re not going to like where they put it.” 
“Where did they put it?” You narrow your eyes at her. 
“The bin...in the cafeteria.” 
“Damn.” You sigh. “Well, I suppose it needed a wash anyway.” 
“Sorry.” She sighs, looking at the floor. 
“Its fine.” You grab her hand and she looks at you surprised making you pull your hand away (much to her disappointment). “I kind of deserved it. What Veronica said was pretty harsh and I didn’t say anything.” 
“No, no. You didn’t say it, you didn’t say anything actually. I was really mean to you and you just took it. I’m so sorry.” 
“If it makes you feel any better I did call you a bitch after you left.” You shrug and she looks at your surprised. 
“You know.” She stands up and dusts her skirt off, offering you a hand afterwards. “That does kind of make me feel a little better.” 
“I’m glad.” You grin and let her pull you up. 
“I can help you find your bag and then give you a lift home...thats if you want to.” She trails off at the end, she never feels nervous, but suddenly you’re making her more nervous than she’s ever felt before. 
“Sure.” You nod. “You can tell me more stories about Jason if you want.” You ask and its only now that you realize you’re still holding her hand. You mumble a quick sorry and let go before starting to walk away. “You coming?” You look back at her and she swears her heart actually skips a beat as she stares at you, the sun behind you makes you look ethereal, and she’s always believed in angels, but its only now that she’s actually seen one. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “Y/n?” 
“I don’t think anybody could forget that you existed.” 
especially not me...not now
“Did you find your bag honey?” Your mom asks as you walk into the kitchen. 
“Mom. You’re back early.” You smile awkwardly at her and then to Archie, who’s stood on the other end of the kitchen with a worried expression on his face. It doesn’t take you a minute to figure out Veronica is upstairs and he’s trying to sneak her out. 
“Well, yeah.” She nods and takes a sip of coffee. “I was finished my work and I wanted to spend time with my babies.” She pinches your cheek softly making you roll your eyes. Archie is still looking towards the door and you can hear the slight creaks of the floorboards as Veronica tries to sneak down the stairs. 
“I-” Archie is about to practically shout over the noise but your mom puts her hand up in the air, effectively stopping him. 
“Just tell her to come down. She can stay for dinner if she wants.” She shakes her head and sends you a quick smile making you giggle. 
“Right. Yes. Okay.” He nods and quickly makes his way to the stairs. There’s quiet mumbling before Veronica appears by his side in the doorway of the kitchen, both of them with sweet smiles as they look at your mom. 
“Hi, Mrs Andrews.” Veronica waves. “Hey Y/n. Did you find your bag?” 
“Yeah. It was in a bin.” You shrug and they all look at you. 
“Honey, why would someone do that? Do you want me to call the school?” 
“Its fine mom.” You shake your head. “Its just Cheryl and her friends.” 
“Well we should talk to someone. They can’t go around putting people’s belongings in the bin. The law clearly state-” 
“Mom.” You interrupt her as you sit at the table. “Its fine. She was actually very sorry about it.” 
“What!?!” Both Veronica and Archie’s jaws drop while they look at you wide-eyed. 
“Cheryl was sorry?” Veronica asks in disbelief. 
“Yeah.” You shrug. “She helped me look for it.” 
“Yeah. I don’t believe that in the slightest.” She replies. 
“Definitely. She’s got something planned. And its big.” Archie agrees. 
“Or she could just be being nice. That does actually happen you know.” You reply and he laughs sarcastically. 
“Yeah, I don’t think she knows how to be nice. Why are you even defending her? Earlier today you asked if she would ever stop being a bitch.” 
“Archie! Language!” Your mom scolds and the two of your roll your eyes. 
“That was before I had an actual conversation with her instead of insulting her. Which is what you do.” 
“I don’t insult her, Veronica insults her.” He replies.
“Archie!” Veronica slaps him arm lightly and he mumbles a quick apology. 
“Yeah, but you don’t do anything to stop the insults.” 
“Neither do you.” He retorts and you cross your arms. 
“Well, I’m doing it right now s-” 
“Okay!” Your mom shouts instantly shutting everyone up. “Thats enough. We’re going to have a nice family dinner and we’re going to enjoy each others company. Now stop shouting at each other. And say sorry.” 
It takes a few seconds and a lot of glares and huffs but eventually you say sorry to each other and Archie sits on the opposite side of the table of you, followed quickly by Veronica. 
“Do you like Cheryl?” He mouths while your mom is plating up the food and when she isn’t looking you make sure to kick him under the table, earning a death glare from him. 
“God no.” You huff, scrunching your face up which makes him laugh. 
maybe a little
“Here comes the she-devil.” Jughead mumbles quietly and you all look in the direction that he was nodding to. Cheryl is walking towards your table, with a look you’ve never really seen before. Not one thats directed at your friends anyway. She looks happy. A lot different to how you found her yesterday and you’re glad she’s not as sad, a smile really suits her. 
“Oh god.” Veronica mumbles as she takes a sip from her drink. “Hey, did we tell you where she hid Y/n’s bag yesterday?” She asks, lowering her voice as Cheryl gets closer and Betty and Jughead shake their heads, leaning further towards her. “In the cafeteria bin.” 
“Gross.” Betty scrunches her face up. 
“Thats just unhygienic.” Jughead adds.
“You’re telling me.” Veronica replies. “Mrs Andrews had to wash it three times to get the smell of the soup out.” 
“Ewww.” They laugh and you send them a quick glare before looking at Cheryl. 
“Greetings fellow students.” Cheryl stops in front or your table and the laughter stops. You swear you can see a flicker of sadness flash through her eyes and you decide to quickly change the subject. 
“Cheryl!” You smile brightly at her and the sadness you thought you saw disappears completely. Its not everyday that somebody has been this happy to see her and she decides to grab it with both hands. 
All night she was up thinking about you, thinking about how she could have gone so long not noticing you, and how she needs to make sure everybody notices you. Everyone needs to know about you. Y/n Andrews, the girl who could take some of Cheryl Blossom’s sadness away, something that has never been done before. 
“Hi Cheryl.” Betty greets her and she forces a polite smile to look at your friends, making it a little bigger as she looks at your brother. 
“Hi.” She replies. “Can I sit?” She’s now looking back at you, pointing to the seat beside you and you nod, quickly moving down so she can sit beside you. Archie huffs as he’s pushed off the end of the table and he quickly grabs a seat so he can sit back down. 
“Are you feeling any better today?” You voice is quiet, barely above a whisper as you ask her a question and she can’t help but fall a little more for you, because you didn’t shout her business, not like everybody else does. You made sure only she could hear you. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “Much better. I still miss him, but it doesn’t hurt as much.” 
“I’m glad.” You smile. “Anyway.” Your voice is louder and the quiet mumbles from your friends have stopped. “Can we help you with anything?” 
“Yes actually! Y/n, how would you feel about joining the Vixens?” Her smile is warm and kind but the words that have just come from her lips make your bold run cold. Your friends look at each other before looking back at you and you can feel yourself getting hotter and hotter. 
“I don’t know Cheryl.” You start, your voice nervous as you try and find the best way to let her down gently. She’s only started being nice to you but you’d rather stick forks in your eyes than be a cheerleader, not with them anyway. They’re mean and rude and they think they’re better than everyone...but you’re not going to say that to Cheryl, so instead you decide on something a little nicer. “It’s just not really my type of thing. Plus, I don’t think they really like me.” 
“Can you imagine, Y/n as a cheerleader.” Archie chuckles making you and Cheryl roll your eyes. 
“Whats wrong with being a cheerleader?” Cheryl asks and crosses her arms. 
“Yeah, Archie. Or are you forgetting that your girlfriend is a Vixen?” You add and Cheryl sends you a small smile which makes your head feel a little fuzzy. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being a Vixen. But Y/n being a Vixen is just funny.” 
“And why is that dear brother?” You raise an eyebrow and he gulps. He mumbles a quick ‘nothing’, before going back to eating. 
“I really do think you should at least try-out. I think you’ll be great. Plus, if any of the girls say anything, which they won’t, they’ll have me to answer to.” She explains and you think about it for a minute. Would it be really bad to be part of the school’s cheerleading squad. The reasonable part of your brain is saying, more like screaming, yes its the worst idea in the world. But the slightly less reasonable and the slightly more gay part is screaming hell yeah. Surrounded by wonderful, smart if not slightly intimidating girls...plus, Cheryl!
“Fine.” You give in. “I’ll try out.” 
“Yay!” She claps her hands excitedly before standing up and brushing her hair over her shoulder. The small gesture has you mesmerized and you have to force yourself to remember where you are in order to regain all your thoughts, the number one being, ‘what the hell was that about?’ “I’ll see you after school! Goodbye Y/n.” She waves at you before starting to walk away and its only when Betty clears her throat that she turns around again to wave everybody else off. 
Your brother decides to wait until she’s out of earshot until he starts talking again, and the first thing he says is something that doesn’t really surprise you. 
“Y/n and Cheryl, kissing in a tree.” He teases, making a kissy face and you throw a handful of food at him. The rest of your friends let out the laughter they’ve been holding in and you roll your eyes so hard you swear they’re going to fall out. 
“How old are you?” You huff. 
“Old enough to see that Cheryl fancies you.”  
“Shut up!” 
Cheryl didn’t just fancy you. 
She liked you. 
Actually she was head over heels, doodling your initials in a heart, mind goes fuzzy anytime she sees you, in love with you. 
And you? Well, you were none the wiser. 
You just thought she was being friendly. Maybe more than the average person but Cheryl hasn’t had many close friends so maybe this is the only way she knows how to keep them. 
She’s holding your hand? She just wants to make sure you know you’re not alone. Her hugs are a bit longer than normal? Come on, the girl deserves a long hug. She always finds a way to include you in conversation? She’s just being sweet. 
Yes, Cheryl Blossom was becoming a slightly more bearable person, and it only seemed to happen when you were around. Leaving everyone to have their own conspiracies. 
Archie’s was of course that she was in love with you. “Yeah right. Like that would happen Archie.” 
Veronica’s was that it was one long prank to get back at everyone who’d hurt her. “Veronica, thats just sociopathic.” 
Betty’s was slightly less weird, that she probably just wants to make a friend and so she’s being overly nice to fool people into thinking she hasn’t got a heart made of ice. “Thats just mean.” 
And Jughead’s was that she’d either been possessed by a poltergeist. “Aren’t they supposed to be mean?” Or, that she’d been taken over by aliens. “I think they’d have better things to do than make Cheryl nice.” 
Plus there was all of the other ridiculous rumors flying around school, but she either seemed to not hear or just ignore them. 
“Y/n. Are you even listening to me?” You’re pulled back down to earth by Cheryl waving her hands in front of your face. 
“What? Yeah. Huh?” You ask and she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“I was talking you through the routine for Friday. You know the whole reason why we’re in the gym after school.” 
“Yes. Yes. I remember.” You stand and she shakes her head, despite the smile thats threatening to ruin her facade. 
“Okay.” She stands beside you. “Are you watching?” She asks and glances at you, a smile making its way onto her face as she watches you go over the steps in your head. Your frowning slightly at you try to remember the steps and she can’t help but giggle a little as your arms start to move to. 
“What?” You ask. 
“Nothing.” She shakes her head. “Ready?” 
“Good.” She nods. The music starts and she begins to go through the steps, you following a step behind her. However half way through you get distracted by the way she’s moving and then it hits you. 
I’m in love with with Cheryl Blossom. 
“Shit.” You mumble and she turns around quickly. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I erm. I just got a bit distracted. Sorry.” 
“Its fine.” She smiles brightly. “Lets go again, I’ll help you this time.” 
“You’re already helping me.” You reply and she rolls her eyes. 
“I’ll help you even more.” She hits your arm lightly and your heart goes hay-wire at the small interaction. “Stand there.” You do as she says and the next thing you know she’s stood behind you were her hands on your hips. 
“Wha-at, are you doing?” You stutter, your breathing getting quicker with each second. Her perfume is suffocating you, but in the best way and her breath is hot on your neck as she leans over you a little. 
“He-helping.” She replies, also stuttering a bit and your swear you hear her breath hitch when you move your head to look at her. Your lips are millimeters away from hers, and if you leaned in just a little more you’d be kissing her, something you really want to do right now. You wonder what her lips would feel like against yours, how soft they’d be and if her lipstick would stain you, forever leaving a mark on you. “Y/n?” 
“Yeah?” Your eyes flicker up to meet hers and it feels like she’s staring directly into your soul. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Absolutely.” You reply and within seconds her lips are on yours, her hands gripping your waist tightly to turn you around. What you thought kissing Cheryl would be like, and actually kissing Cheryl, are completely different. Her lips are softer than you could ever imagine. Her lipstick tastes like cherries with a hint of maple syrup and you don’t think pancakes are ever going to taste the same again. 
You both pull away, a bright blush on both of your faces and she giggles a little as she wipes the lipstick from the side of your face. But it doesn’t matter, she left a mark on you that day behind the bleachers, and you don’t think you’re ever going to be the same again...not that you’d really want to be. 
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bogmommy · 4 years ago
3, 10, 15, 20 and 28?<3
3. 3 three songs you were recently obsessed with
according to my last.fm it's:
1. no children by the mountain goats
2. i dont love you by mcr
3. me and my husband by mitski
but according to my heart its
1. la valse de l'amour by edith piaf
2. this is how i disappear by mcr (this version to be specific)
3. i dont wanna get over you by the magnetic fields
10. three fav halloween/spooky songs
hmm i may be possibly bending the rules a little with these bc i dont really care too much for halloween but
1. i can't decide by the scissor sisters (idk theres mentions of murder and ghosts heh)
2. rats by ghost (yknow like the plague? thats spooky right???)
3. ooo can i go with ghosting by mother mother??
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
omg i have so many..............
1. i wont share you by the smiths
2. candy may by alex cameron
3. dont worry baby by the beach boys or baby im yours by arctic monkeys i cant decide :((
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
1. because by the beatles. 100% everytime i hear it i think of you
2. my way by frank sinatra?? i saw it on your playlist and i was like OMG what a great idea and put it on my own playlist and i imagine you waving a knife around in a kitchen while i listen to it <3 very nice thought 10/10
3. idk somehow i always think of you when i listen to cocteau twins?? not sure why :0 probs either cherry colored funk or lorelei
4. and ofc. mayb godlike by kmfdm? :3c
and honestly a bunch more idk theres so many songs i hear and think of you? prob nirvana/hole especially :*)
three best songs to get drunk/high to
1. ok imma be basic but the best song to listen to while high is 100% let it happen by tame impala, every other song is forbidden bc its always goes either too fast or too slow compared to how it usually sounds if that makes sense.
2. fun-drunk: hmm honestly like any song that everyone knows the lyrics to. most recently my friends and i scream-sang along to teenagers by mcr and it was such a blast! but another good option is still into you by paramore or maybe some 80s hit like take on me or abba or something hehe
3. a little less drunk, maybe threw up, ready to sleep: hela huset by veronica maggio sjfbsnskfkd this is such a swedish houseparty classic
ty for the questions luv <33
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer), Chapter 2 (Branjie, Jankie) - Joley
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Jackie stood in the center of her apartment, hands on her hips, and exhaling deeply. She had spent the past few hours cleaning the place from top to bottom. Had it been a bit over the top? Perhaps, but she felt like she would be better off being too thorough than not enough. Maybe it wasn’t the first impression Jan would have of her, but it was one that would count.
She checked the time on her phone – she had finished with ten minutes to spare. Regardless of anything else, she was pretty proud of what she had accomplished, and she probably could put off cleaning for a couple weeks now. Who knew all she needed was just the right bit of motivation? With the time she had left, she poured herself a glass of wine. She earned it. Beyond that, she needed it.
A few moments later, there was a knock at the door and Jackie narrowly avoided spilling what was left of her wine as she set it down on the counter and raced to open the door. “Hey Jan,” she greeted casually, as if she hadn’t nearly tripped over herself to race to the door.
“Hi Jackie,” Jan chirped as she walked in, unaware of what had transpired, nor did she pick up on the fact that Jackie seemed slightly out of breath. “Okay,” she prompted, setting a purple folder on the table, “I’m ready for audition prep 101 with Miss Cox.”
Jackie picked up the folder, hand lingering on the counter while she decided whether or not to grab the glass as well. She settled against it, leading Jan into the living room. “So, how many songs do you have it narrowed down to?”
“I got it down to three,” she replied, waiting for Jackie to open the folder to see the pieces of sheet music as well as a few typed up monologues. “I have a couple tried and true ones, and one that’s a little new to me, but I think it fits the vibe of the show better.”
“Smart thinking,” Jackie praised, looking at the sheet music. “Who are you auditioning for again?”
“I thought it over, and I’m gonna go for Veronica. It’s kind of out of my comfort zone, but that’s what excites me about it, you know? If there was ever a chance to break out of what I usually do, this would be it,” Jan explained. “So, if that narrows it down any further…”
“Oh, it only leaves one option,” Jackie said simply. “‘Everything Else’ is the only one with the right energy, the other ones are too… cute, too lighthearted.” She handed Jan the sheet music.
Jan nodded and took the paper. “I trust you implicitly.”
“At your own risk.” Jackie chuckled. “Will you sing for me? I’d like to hear you go through your number, see if anything needs to be tweaked,” she told her, but she also just really wanted to hear her sing. Jan seemed so bright and confident, she was eager to know where that came from.
And Jan seemed more than willing to oblige. “Of course, I have the music on my phone, if you have a speaker or something that I can plug into.”
Jackie nodded and helped Jan get set up. “I want you to run through the whole thing, that way we can pick out the best section for your sixteen bars,” she explained. She sat down on her couch, looking as Jan stood in front of her, the student taking a few preparatory breaths.
And then Jan started singing, and everything made sense for Jackie - why Jan was in this program, why she exuded such a positive confidence. Her voice was immaculate, it captivated Jackie’s attention even more than their first meeting. And she must have shown her approval, because Jan seemed excited by her expression once she’d finished the song.
“So that was good?” Jan asked, eyes bright and hopeful.
“Perfect, are you sure you even need my help?” Jackie teased. “Here, I’m gonna highlight the bars on the sheet music,” she said, standing up and motioning her over to the dining room table.
Jan moved to stand right behind Jackie, perched up on her tiptoes to rest her chin on her shoulder, hand resting on her waist. “I’m excited about this. I wish you could be in the room or something, like a good luck charm.”
Jackie let out a soft chuckle. “You think I’m a good luck charm?”
She shrugged and smiled. “I dunno, I feel a good energy with you. Like, your presence is warm and calming. It’s a good balance, considering my default is the same as a person that took half a bottle of caffeine pills.”
That brought a slight blush to Jackie’s cheeks. She turned, giving her a hug, one she wanted more than she would ever let on. “Well, that’s very kind of you to say.”
“You smell nice,” Jan observed before Jackie pulled back from the hug.
“Oh, thank you.” Jackie grinned, doing her damndest not to get flustered. “Um, do you want something to drink? I was having a glass of wine myself,” she said, already walking over to her glass.
“I’m not twenty-one, but I won’t tell if you won’t,” she hummed.
Jackie chuckled, pouring Jan a glass as well. “I’m from Canada; it’s eighteen there, so we can play by my rules.” She winked.
Jan’s brow rose as she accepted the glass. “Oh, so you’re the boss here?” she asked as she took a sip.
“This is my house,” she pointed out with a light laugh. “Ergo, my rules.”
“Oh, we’re using our fancy adverbs now. Point taken,” Jan teased, then held her glass up. “Cheers!”
Jackie grinned, clinking their glasses and taking a sip. And for a moment, everything was calm and relaxed, but then there was a sudden, loud crack of thunder that made them both jump. They both looked out the window and saw that rain was pouring down as if it were a storm of biblical proportions.
“Shit, it’s really coming down hard out there,” Jan observed. “Wasn’t even raining when I got here.”
“I can’t let you go back out there,” Jackie shook her head. “You can stay here at least until the rain lets up, I don’t mind if you crash here if it doesn’t,” she offered.
Jan let out a small sigh of relief. “Yeah, if you don’t mind, of course,” she replied, as if she hadn’t been hoping for the offer. “It’ll be fun, we can get wine drunk and watch bad reality TV.”
Jackie started to open her mouth to agree, then paused. “Have you eaten yet? You should definitely have some dinner if you’re going to keep drinking,” she said, setting her glass down so she could go and rifle through her fridge. “I have leftover sushi if you want, or I can make sandwiches or something.”
Something about the naturally kind and doting demeanor Jackie had instantly put Jan at ease. It made her feel warm and comfortable, like they had known each other for years without the awkward pretenses that sometimes came with meeting someone new. “Whatever’s easier. I’m not a picky eater.” She shrugged.
While Jackie decided on the sushi and got that out, Jan was pouring herself another glass of wine, and topped Jackie’s glass off as well. “Thank you,” she hummed when Jackie handed her the plate, setting it on the table and sitting down to eat. “Y’know, everyone always says that sushi never tastes as good on the second day, but like, they’re just snobs. It’s totally just as good. Or maybe my standards are low, whatever.”
Jackie giggled softly as she listened. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol that made Jan ramble like that, or if that was just part of her personality. Either way, she thought it was adorable, and sat next to her as she hung onto her every word. “I think leftovers are underrated as a whole,” she agreed.
“You get me.” Jan beamed, one hand over her heart and the other on Jackie’s shoulder.
She bit down on her lip, not knowing how loud the laugh that nearly escaped would’ve been, and put her hand on top of Jan’s. “I try,” she cooed, then stood up. “Come on, let’s go watch TV,” she said and moved them to the couch, then topped off their glasses.
Jan sat down next to Jackie, as close as she could physically be without sitting on her lap. In her defense, this was always how she’d get after a couple of drinks – touchy-feely, flirty, and yes, even more talkative than normal, as demonstrated by the tangent she went off on about the show they were watching.
And Jackie wasn’t exactly complaining – especially about the touchy-feely part. The alcohol was affecting her as well; the part of her brain that was constantly plagued with overthinking and worry was always the first to go once she started to get tipsy, and neither of them had stopped drinking as they continued half-watching TV.
“God, you’re so pretty,” she said, not realizing it was out loud.
Not that it would’ve been a problem, as Jan just seemed to appreciate the compliment. “Aw, thank you! I think you’re super pretty too.”
“Do you really?”
Jan scoffed. “Of course I do. I thought you were hot since I first saw you,” she said, tossing her ponytail off her shoulder as she picked her glass back up.
“This is news to me,” Jackie admitted as she had more to drink as well.
“That’s why I’m telling you, duh,” she giggled, then turned to better face her. “Your hair is so nice and thick and shiny,” she observed, immediately going to play with it, running her hands through it and twirling pieces around her fingers.
Jackie let out a content sigh as Jan’s fingers wove through her hair. “Careful,” she warned, “this is practically foreplay for me.”
Jan smirked, her arms draping around Jackie’s neck. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Maybe it was the alcohol, but neither of them would’ve been able to say who initiated the kiss, just that one second they weren’t kissing, and the next second they were. They could still taste the wine one each other’s lips as they let the deep, languid kiss continue.
Jackie pulled Jan onto her lap, arms wrapping around her waist. She trailed her lips along Jan’s jaw and down her neck, starting by just kissing and nipping along the expanse of skin before leaving a mark just where her neck met her collarbone. Her hands moved up and down Jan’s body, starting to push up her shirt.
Jan was a bit more direct, swiftly undoing the buttons on Jackie’s blouse and slipping it off her shoulders. Their lips reconnected in another heated kiss, and she gripped Jackie’s hair with one hand while the other pushed her bra up and palmed over her breast.
That gave Jackie enough reason to follow her lead, pulling Jan’s shirt off and pulling her close, their bodies flush up against each other. She unhooked her bra soon after, tossing it aside and letting her hands explore Jan’s bare torso.
The way Jackie’s hands felt against her body sent goosebumps all over Jan’s skin. Jackie’s hands were smooth and warm and made her arch into each touch. She started to grind against Jackie as well, straddling her thigh to better do so.
Jackie was fairly certain that she had never seen anything hotter than Jan grinding on her thigh, or heard anything hotter than the little whimpers and whines she let out. It landed on top of Jan’s sheet music, pushing a couple pages onto the floor, but neither of them noticed in the slightest.
Any sense of control or inhibition that Jan had entered Jackie’s apartment with had long since gone out the window. She tossed her head back, letting out sharp, breathy moans as she continued to grind on Jackie’s thigh with more and more fervor and desire.
Jackie caressed Jan’s body, hands moving up and down her sides, memorizing every curve with her fingertips. She pressed open-mouthed kisses between her breasts, down to her stomach as far as she could reach, eyes flicking up to watch the expression of relaxed pleasure on Jan’s face.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” Jan’s voice was higher, more strained, and it wasn’t long before she realized she was chasing the orgasm that was rapidly approaching. Her hips were bucking more erratically and she was grabbing onto Jackie wherever she could.
“That’s it, come for me,” Jackie cooed, kissing and sucking at Jan’s neck as she held her through her orgasm. And once she felt Jan let herself go limp in her arms, she scooped her up and carried her into bed.
They laid in bed quietly, nothing but the sounds of thunder and rain hammering against the windows to be heard. It was calm, but with the distant tinge of anxiety because neither of them knew what to say. What was there to say after that?
Jackie turned to face Jan, hoping the words would come to her. But to her relief, Jan had passed out. And Jackie had to admit, she looked just as beautiful asleep.
Jan was the first to wake up the next morning, groggy and disoriented, but not quite hungover. She wasn’t sure how she should feel about waking up topless in Jackie’s bed – guilty? Confused? Stressed? It wasn’t that she regretted it, but she was afraid that it would complicate what was supposed to be a friendship at most.
Time was ticking away before Jackie would wake up, and Jan needed to decide what she wanted to do, and quickly. She pushed herself out of bed and went into the other room to get dressed. As she went back into the bedroom, she noticed that Jackie had personalized stationary on her desk (because of course she did). Jan decided that leaving a note and bailing was the best option - it was more personal than a text and she was still able to avoid confrontation.
Hi Jackie!
Sorry to run out on you like this, I had to get somewhere in a rush. But I had a great time with you last night, and I’ll see you in class on Monday. :)
Jan ♥
Jan wondered if the heart was too much, but decided it would be worse to erase it, so she left it on Jackie’s nightstand and quietly left. And she kept her fast pace, making it back to her dorm in record time. The second she got back to her dorm, she flopped onto her bed and screamed into her pillow.
“Rough night?” Lemon asked as she casually looked over at her disheveled and distressed roommate. “Not like you to spend it elsewhere.”
“Got caught in the storm, stayed with a friend,” she mumbled as she sat up.
Lemon arched her brow. “You get hickies from your friends often?”
Jan’s eyes widened as she turned to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there were multiple visible bruises littering her neck. “Oh, fuck me.”
“Looks like someone already did.”
“We didn’t have sex!” she insisted, unable to keep the defensiveness out of her voice. “I mean, even by lesbian standards, it wasn’t sex. We weren’t even naked.”
Lemon continued to look at Jan as if she were insisting the Earth was flat. “First of all, as a lesbian, I have no fucking idea what ‘lesbian standards’ are and I don’t want to know. Second, Even if it wasn’t ‘technically’ sex, it was enough to get you all worked up like this.”
Jan groaned and laid on her back. “It just shouldn’t have happened… It was my TA, Lem.”
“Damn, you gonna get some extra credit at least?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know why I tell you things,” she murmured, reaching for her phone. She knew telling Gigi wouldn’t be any easier, but it wasn’t exactly something she would be able to keep as a secret.
And when Jan did meet up with Gigi, she wasn’t dreading the confession any less. They sat in a booth at a nearby diner, placing a brunch order before she decided she needed to just rip the bandage off. “I spent the night with Jackie.”
Gigi nearly spit her coffee out at that. “You did? Why? What happened? Don’t you skip any fucking details, Sport.”
Jan chewed on her lip. “The storm was really bad, so we decided I’d just stay there. Then we had some wine… well, a lot of wine. And we… We didn’t fuck, per sé, but things got very heated.”
“That would explain why you’re wearing a scarf in seventy degree weather.” she nodded as if she were making an astute observation. “So what happened when you guys woke up?”
Jan’s gaze drifted down to the table. “I woke up before she did, left her a note and went back to my dorm while she was asleep.”
Gigi looked at her friend like she was ready to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. But instead she just asked, “Are you fucking stupid?”
To which Jan shrugged and replied, “Maybe.” There was a brief pause as they received their meals. “But can you be specific as to why, though?”
“This was literally a sign that you guys have a connection, at least a physical one. The least you could’ve done is talk to her, how’s she going to take it as anything other than you not being interested, and don’t you try and act like you’re not.”
“I’m not not interested,” Jan conceded. “I just… It shouldn’t have happened like this, you know? I went over there to practice for my audition, not to dry hump her fucking thigh.”
Gigi did her best to listen and be the supportive friend that Jan clearly needed. “Look, you can’t un-fuck up how you handled that,” she started. “We just need to figure out where to go from here.”
Jan nodded in agreement as she picked at her food. Where did she go from here? Her heart said back to Jackie, but her brain said into a coma, ideally.
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missjanjie · 5 years ago
Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) | (2/?)
Title: Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) Summary: A sequel to Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa are back at NYU, but with new and improved positions. Brooke’s ready to start her career as a professor when, as fate would have it, she realizes her TA, Jackie, might have the hots for a student named Jan. The couple just might see it as a sign to give two new girls the love story they found in the same place. Word Count: ~3k (this chapter) / ~6.1k (total) Relationship(s): Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Jankie (Jan Sport/Jackie Cox) Rating: E
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Jackie stood in the center of her apartment, hands on her hips, and exhaling deeply. She had spent the past few hours cleaning the place from top to bottom. Had it been a bit over the top? Perhaps, but she felt like she would be better off being too thorough than not enough. Maybe it wasn’t the first impression Jan would have of her, but it was one that would count.
She checked the time on her phone – she had finished with ten minutes to spare. Regardless of anything else, she was pretty proud of what she had accomplished, and she probably could put off cleaning for a couple weeks now. Who knew all she needed was just the right bit of motivation? With the time she had left, she poured herself a glass of wine. She earned it. Beyond that, she needed it.
A few moments later, there was a knock at the door and Jackie narrowly avoided spilling what was left of her wine as she set it down on the counter and raced to open the door. “Hey Jan,” she greeted casually, as if she hadn’t nearly tripped over herself to race to the door.
“Hi Jackie,” Jan chirped as she walked in, unaware of what had transpired, nor did she pick up on the fact that Jackie seemed slightly out of breath. “Okay,” she prompted, setting a purple folder on the table, “I’m ready for audition prep 101 with Miss Cox.”
Jackie picked up the folder, hand lingering on the counter while she decided whether or not to grab the glass as well. She settled against it, leading Jan into the living room. “So, how many songs do you have it narrowed down to?”
“I got it down to three,” she replied, waiting for Jackie to open the folder to see the pieces of sheet music as well as a few typed up monologues. “I have a couple tried and true ones, and one that’s a little new to me, but I think it fits the vibe of the show better.”
“Smart thinking,” Jackie praised, looking at the sheet music. “Who are you auditioning for again?”
“I thought it over, and I’m gonna go for Veronica. It’s kind of out of my comfort zone, but that’s what excites me about it, you know? If there was ever a chance to break out of what I usually do, this would be it,” Jan explained. “So, if that narrows it down any further…”
“Oh, it only leaves one option,” Jackie said simply. “‘Everything Else’ is the only one with the right energy, the other ones are too… cute, too lighthearted.” She handed Jan the sheet music.
Jan nodded and took the paper. “I trust you implicitly.”
“At your own risk.” Jackie chuckled. “Will you sing for me? I’d like to hear you go through your number, see if anything needs to be tweaked,” she told her, but she also just really wanted to hear her sing. Jan seemed so bright and confident, she was eager to know where that came from.
And Jan seemed more than willing to oblige. “Of course, I have the music on my phone, if you have a speaker or something that I can plug into.”
Jackie nodded and helped Jan get set up. “I want you to run through the whole thing, that way we can pick out the best section for your sixteen bars,” she explained. She sat down on her couch, looking as Jan stood in front of her, the student taking a few preparatory breaths.
And then Jan started singing, and everything made sense for Jackie - why Jan was in this program, why she exuded such a positive confidence. Her voice was immaculate, it captivated Jackie’s attention even more than their first meeting. And she must have shown her approval, because Jan seemed excited by her expression once she’d finished the song.
“So that was good?” Jan asked, eyes bright and hopeful.
“Perfect, are you sure you even need my help?” Jackie teased. “Here, I’m gonna highlight the bars on the sheet music,” she said, standing up and motioning her over to the dining room table.
Jan moved to stand right behind Jackie, perched up on her tiptoes to rest her chin on her shoulder, hand resting on her waist. “I’m excited about this. I wish you could be in the room or something, like a good luck charm.”
Jackie let out a soft chuckle. “You think I’m a good luck charm?”
She shrugged and smiled. “I dunno, I feel a good energy with you. Like, your presence is warm and calming. It’s a good balance, considering my default is the same as a person that took half a bottle of caffeine pills.”
That brought a slight blush to Jackie’s cheeks. She turned, giving her a hug, one she wanted more than she would ever let on. “Well, that’s very kind of you to say.”
“You smell nice,” Jan observed before Jackie pulled back from the hug.
“Oh, thank you.” Jackie grinned, doing her damndest not to get flustered. “Um, do you want something to drink? I was having a glass of wine myself,” she said, already walking over to her glass.
“I’m not twenty-one, but I won’t tell if you won’t,” she hummed.
Jackie chuckled, pouring Jan a glass as well. “I’m from Canada; it’s eighteen there, so we can play by my rules.” She winked.
Jan’s brow rose as she accepted the glass. “Oh, so you’re the boss here?” she asked as she took a sip.
“This is my house,” she pointed out with a light laugh. “Ergo, my rules.”
“Oh, we’re using our fancy adverbs now. Point taken,” Jan teased, then held her glass up. “Cheers!”
Jackie grinned, clinking their glasses and taking a sip. And for a moment, everything was calm and relaxed, but then there was a sudden, loud crack of thunder that made them both jump. They both looked out the window and saw that rain was pouring down as if it were a storm of biblical proportions.
“Shit, it’s really coming down hard out there,” Jan observed. “Wasn’t even raining when I got here.”
“I can’t let you go back out there,” Jackie shook her head. “You can stay here at least until the rain lets up, I don’t mind if you crash here if it doesn’t,” she offered.
Jan let out a small sigh of relief. “Yeah, if you don’t mind, of course,” she replied, as if she hadn’t been hoping for the offer. “It’ll be fun, we can get wine drunk and watch bad reality TV.”
Jackie started to open her mouth to agree, then paused. “Have you eaten yet? You should definitely have some dinner if you’re going to keep drinking,” she said, setting her glass down so she could go and rifle through her fridge. “I have leftover sushi if you want, or I can make sandwiches or something.”
Something about the naturally kind and doting demeanor Jackie had instantly put Jan at ease. It made her feel warm and comfortable, like they had known each other for years without the awkward pretenses that sometimes came with meeting someone new. “Whatever’s easier. I’m not a picky eater.” She shrugged.
While Jackie decided on the sushi and got that out, Jan was pouring herself another glass of wine, and topped Jackie’s glass off as well. “Thank you,” she hummed when Jackie handed her the plate, setting it on the table and sitting down to eat. “Y’know, everyone always says that sushi never tastes as good on the second day, but like, they’re just snobs. It’s totally just as good. Or maybe my standards are low, whatever.”
Jackie giggled softly as she listened. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol that made Jan ramble like that, or if that was just part of her personality. Either way, she thought it was adorable, and sat next to her as she hung onto her every word. “I think leftovers are underrated as a whole,” she agreed.
“You get me.” Jan beamed, one hand over her heart and the other on Jackie’s shoulder.
She bit down on her lip, not knowing how loud the laugh that nearly escaped would’ve been, and put her hand on top of Jan’s. “I try,” she cooed, then stood up. “Come on, let’s go watch TV,” she said and moved them to the couch, then topped off their glasses.
Jan sat down next to Jackie, as close as she could physically be without sitting on her lap. In her defense, this was always how she’d get after a couple of drinks – touchy-feely, flirty, and yes, even more talkative than normal, as demonstrated by the tangent she went off on about the show they were watching.
And Jackie wasn’t exactly complaining – especially about the touchy-feely part. The alcohol was affecting her as well; the part of her brain that was constantly plagued with overthinking and worry was always the first to go once she started to get tipsy, and neither of them had stopped drinking as they continued half-watching TV.
“God, you’re so pretty,” she said, not realizing it was out loud.
Not that it would’ve been a problem, as Jan just seemed to appreciate the compliment. “Aw, thank you! I think you’re super pretty too.”
“Do you really?”
Jan scoffed. “Of course I do. I thought you were hot since I first saw you,” she said, tossing her ponytail off her shoulder as she picked her glass back up.
“This is news to me,” Jackie admitted as she had more to drink as well.
“That’s why I’m telling you, duh,” she giggled, then turned to better face her. “Your hair is so nice and thick and shiny,” she observed, immediately going to play with it, running her hands through it and twirling pieces around her fingers.
Jackie let out a content sigh as Jan’s fingers wove through her hair. “Careful,” she warned, “this is practically foreplay for me.”
Jan smirked, her arms draping around Jackie’s neck. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Maybe it was the alcohol, but neither of them would’ve been able to say who initiated the kiss, just that one second they weren’t kissing, and the next second they were. They could still taste the wine one each other’s lips as they let the deep, languid kiss continue.
Jackie pulled Jan onto her lap, arms wrapping around her waist. She trailed her lips along Jan’s jaw and down her neck, starting by just kissing and nipping along the expanse of skin before leaving a mark just where her neck met her collarbone. Her hands moved up and down Jan’s body, starting to push up her shirt.
Jan was a bit more direct, swiftly undoing the buttons on Jackie’s blouse and slipping it off her shoulders. Their lips reconnected in another heated kiss, and she gripped Jackie’s hair with one hand while the other pushed her bra up and palmed over her breast.
That gave Jackie enough reason to follow her lead, pulling Jan’s shirt off and pulling her close, their bodies flush up against each other. She unhooked her bra soon after, tossing it aside and letting her hands explore Jan’s bare torso.
The way Jackie’s hands felt against her body sent goosebumps all over Jan’s skin. Jackie’s hands were smooth and warm and made her arch into each touch. She started to grind against Jackie as well, straddling her thigh to better do so.
Jackie was fairly certain that she had never seen anything hotter than Jan grinding on her thigh, or heard anything hotter than the little whimpers and whines she let out. It landed on top of Jan’s sheet music, pushing a couple pages onto the floor, but neither of them noticed in the slightest.
Any sense of control or inhibition that Jan had entered Jackie’s apartment with had long since gone out the window. She tossed her head back, letting out sharp, breathy moans as she continued to grind on Jackie’s thigh with more and more fervor and desire.
Jackie caressed Jan’s body, hands moving up and down her sides, memorizing every curve with her fingertips. She pressed open-mouthed kisses between her breasts, down to her stomach as far as she could reach, eyes flicking up to watch the expression of relaxed pleasure on Jan’s face.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” Jan’s voice was higher, more strained, and it wasn’t long before she realized she was chasing the orgasm that was rapidly approaching. Her hips were bucking more erratically and she was grabbing onto Jackie wherever she could.
“That’s it, come for me,” Jackie cooed, kissing and sucking at Jan’s neck as she held her through her orgasm. And once she felt Jan let herself go limp in her arms, she scooped her up and carried her into bed.
They laid in bed quietly, nothing but the sounds of thunder and rain hammering against the windows to be heard. It was calm, but with the distant tinge of anxiety because neither of them knew what to say. What was there to say after that?
Jackie turned to face Jan, hoping the words would come to her. But to her relief, Jan had passed out. And Jackie had to admit, she looked just as beautiful asleep.
Jan was the first to wake up the next morning, groggy and disoriented, but not quite hungover. She wasn’t sure how she should feel about waking up topless in Jackie’s bed – guilty? Confused? Stressed? It wasn’t that she regretted it, but she was afraid that it would complicate what was supposed to be a friendship at most.
Time was ticking away before Jackie would wake up, and Jan needed to decide what she wanted to do, and quickly. She pushed herself out of bed and went into the other room to get dressed. As she went back into the bedroom, she noticed that Jackie had personalized stationary on her desk (because of course she did). Jan decided that leaving a note and bailing was the best option - it was more personal than a text and she was still able to avoid confrontation.
Hi Jackie!
Sorry to run out on you like this, I had to get somewhere in a rush. But I had a great time with you last night, and I’ll see you in class on Monday. :)
Jan ♥
Jan wondered if the heart was too much, but decided it would be worse to erase it, so she left it on Jackie’s nightstand and quietly left. And she kept her fast pace, making it back to her dorm in record time. The second she got back to her dorm, she flopped onto her bed and screamed into her pillow.
“Rough night?” Lemon asked as she casually looked over at her disheveled and distressed roommate. “Not like you to spend it elsewhere.”
“Got caught in the storm, stayed with a friend,” she mumbled as she sat up.
Lemon arched her brow. “You get hickies from your friends often?”
Jan’s eyes widened as she turned to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there were multiple visible bruises littering her neck. “Oh, fuck me.”
“Looks like someone already did.”
“We didn’t have sex!” she insisted, unable to keep the defensiveness out of her voice. “I mean, even by lesbian standards, it wasn’t sex. We weren’t even naked.”
Lemon continued to look at Jan as if she were insisting the Earth was flat. “First of all, as a lesbian, I have no fucking idea what ‘lesbian standards’ are and I don’t want to know. Second, Even if it wasn’t ‘technically’ sex, it was enough to get you all worked up like this.”
Jan groaned and laid on her back. “It just shouldn’t have happened… It was my TA, Lem.”
“Damn, you gonna get some extra credit at least?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know why I tell you things,” she murmured, reaching for her phone. She knew telling Gigi wouldn’t be any easier, but it wasn’t exactly something she would be able to keep as a secret.
And when Jan did meet up with Gigi, she wasn’t dreading the confession any less. They sat in a booth at a nearby diner, placing a brunch order before she decided she needed to just rip the bandage off. “I spent the night with Jackie.”
Gigi nearly spit her coffee out at that. “You did? Why? What happened? Don’t you skip any fucking details, Sport.”
Jan chewed on her lip. “The storm was really bad, so we decided I’d just stay there. Then we had some wine… well, a lot of wine. And we… We didn’t fuck, per sé, but things got very heated.”
“That would explain why you’re wearing a scarf in seventy degree weather.” she nodded as if she were making an astute observation. “So what happened when you guys woke up?”
Jan’s gaze drifted down to the table. “I woke up before she did, left her a note and went back to my dorm while she was asleep.”
Gigi looked at her friend like she was ready to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. But instead she just asked, “Are you fucking stupid?”
To which Jan shrugged and replied, “Maybe.” There was a brief pause as they received their meals. “But can you be specific as to why, though?”
“This was literally a sign that you guys have a connection, at least a physical one. The least you could’ve done is talk to her, how’s she going to take it as anything other than you not being interested, and don’t you try and act like you’re not.”
“I’m not not interested,” Jan conceded. “I just… It shouldn’t have happened like this, you know? I went over there to practice for my audition, not to dry hump her fucking thigh.”
Gigi did her best to listen and be the supportive friend that Jan clearly needed. “Look, you can’t un-fuck up how you handled that,” she started. “We just need to figure out where to go from here.”
Jan nodded in agreement as she picked at her food. Where did she go from here? Her heart said back to Jackie, but her brain said into a coma, ideally.
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alastairsqueen · 5 years ago
Katy Keene Predictions
If the show gets picked up for a second season, I have some predictions/plots for the show.
I’ve seen some speculations that Pepper’s mother might be Gloria and her father Leo Lacy, that Gloria gave her up to avoid shame. I don’t think people realize the actress’s name is Julie Chan (her father is Chinese), therefore it’s likely at least one of her parents would be Asian. That means the likelihood that both Gloria and Leo Lacy are her parents is unlikely. 
Since Pepper just came to terms with her who she is and her adopted father truly caring about her regardless of everything, I think it’s likely there might not be further exploration of her birth parents until later in a 2nd season. Pepper starts to become more comfortable with her life, and then BAM, someone shows up claiming to be one of her parents and tears her world apart. Now that she’s been arrested - and if she does that exclusive article for the paper - it could be that one of her parents realizes she might be their daughter via a newspaper article, especially if there are details about how she was adopted after being left inside a hotel.
Now, I have one other possible theory about her parents. We see her end her ties with Ms. Freesia, but what if Ms. Freesia seems upset because she’s actually Pepper’s mother? It could be why she taught Pepper all those cons and helped her out throughout the years, why she also seemed genuinely upset. Of course, that could be just because she has no potential partner now, but in some ways, it makes sense. If you’ve built your life on all these hustles, it seems likely you wouldn’t want to raise a child on your own, especially if you’ve grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle. 
But yeah, I don’t think we will have anything right away with Pepper’s parents. I think she will take some time to grow into her own with her changed ways, and focus more on the Pepper Plant and being Josie’s new manager.
Speaking of long lost parents, next we have Katy. There was an exchange between Leo Lacy and Katy at the end of the episode, and the way he looked at her suggested he recognized her name. One of two options could happen here; either Leo Lacy is her father, or they play out a season-long plot where the two get to know one another only for her to find out he is not her father. Perhaps he just knew her mother and the two were exceptionally close. Maybe they even dated, and he did give her the sewing machine, but I think Leo Lacy being her father seems almost.........too obvious.  With that said, if the two did date and he isn’t her father, it still provides an entry point for Katy to learn more about her mother. 
As far as romance is concerned, I know K.O. is a huge part of the comics, but I feel like not many people liked the actor/character in the show, and so I don’t know if K.O. is going to come back, or they might take Katy’s love interests in a different direction. I feel like they intended for K.O. to eventually be endgame, but I’m not so sure. I’ve seen Zane Holtz in other shows, and I feel like there is definitely something off about him in Katy Keene. It’s like he’s just sort of......there. 
With Errol now owning Lacy’s, that opens up opportunities for Katy and him again, even if he supposedly did marry Patricia. I honestly wouldn’t care for a back and forth between Katy and past love interests, but that’s just a personal opinion. I do think her story line with Guy is done for now, or he might pop up randomly at some point or another for them to have some closure. Even though she turned down his job offer and did the fashion show for all those designers he stole from, he did claim to love her, and obviously she didn’t feel the same. I’m not sure his sentiments were genuine, but I do feel like there wasn’t any closure on Katy’s end. Granted, her moving on without his help could be the show’s form of closure, but I feel like maybe there should be a little something more.
I think Katy will continue to work between Lacy’s and going to school at Parsons, but I have a feeling Parsons won’t be what she expected and she might end up dropping out. I feel like the show will have a hard time juggling all these different locations, especially adding on a school. A school means the potential for more cast members, and more cast members means time taken away from an already decently sized cast. Riverdale suffers from not enough character development at times, and I’d hate for Katy Keene to meet the same fate. 
As for Josie, I hope she’s honestly done with the Cabots. I think watching that back and forth between those three was probably one of the least enjoyable aspects of the show. Am I the only one who thought the actress playing Xandra could not act? It’s like she tried to be a villain but fell short most of the time with her delivery. Like the plots were there, but she personally didn’t work for me. And I hate that the whole point of Josie coming to New York was to work on her music career, and then they attach her to Alex to hopefully jump start her career, but it kind of ruined it for me. It seems like almost every time Josie was on Riverdale, she was associated with some guy or her singing, and that was it. I feel like the one downfall of Katy Keene this season was how they still kind of missed the mark until later in the season with Josie. I hope that’s something they work on for season 2.
Personally, my hope is that in season 2, Josie moves on from Alex and when she does create new songs, she’s out on her own and the Cabots have no future control over her. The redemption they tried to pull with Xandra and her in the finale really didn’t work. “You can be part of my band.” You mean JOSIE’S band? I could have seen a middle ground being reached if Josie was properly credited for the song and earned some kind of residuals for her credits. 
Josie and the Pussycats really need to shine in season 2, or bringing Josie over to Katy Keene was kind of pointless. Their band is exclusive to the Pepper Plant, yes, but I’d love to see them play in other locations. 
As for Jorge, we saw both of his ex’s in the finale, one at the show in the park, and the other Jorge asked for help. I hope both of his ex’s are gone in the next season and he moves on and finds someone who treats him right. Bernardo wanted to try again and Jorge even said he needed to work on himself. I think the fact Bernardo was already running with Buzz right after they had been broken up for a day speaks volumes. Sure, he treated Jorge alright, but the threesome really messed them up. I don’t think either man is right for him. Jorge needs to be with someone who is already out but also doesn’t make him feel insecure about himself either. 
I’d like to see Jorge trying out for more broadway too. I love Ginger, but I feel like the second half of the season took a step away from most of the broadway stuff aside from Kiss of the Spider Woman, which was technically put on by the Pepper Plant. Like we need to see him doing more auditions and pursuing that part of his life still.
And then there was the other shoe dropped at the end of the finale with Hiram Lodge showing up as the man who wanted to buy the building. Honestly, NO ONE asked for Hiram Lodge to be a potential villain in Katy Keene. I’m sure he’ll be around trying to make their lives a living hell. It also means Hiram isn’t dying or that whole plot is going to change in Riverdale. I think the biggest issue I have with this is Veronica and Katy being friends, and obviously Veronica would know where Katy lives, and yet Veronica didn’t give Katy a heads up? I guess that could be a hint that maybe Veronica gets out from under her father so she has no idea what he’s up to, but that is some pretty bad inconsistency, otherwise. Obviously Jorge’s family owns the building, but Jorge and Katy have been friends for years, so it’s likely Veronica would at least know about him too, unless they’re not intending Veronica and Katy to be THAT close of friends, even though they are technically cousins in the comics. 
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tinysupervicki · 5 years ago
It’s hard to stay away, huh? I did turn off my notifications on twitter but I still peeked. Why are y’all so amazing to me? What did I do to deserve this love? This community?
Since y’all have been there for me ever since my mom passed three years ago, I’d do anything for y’all. I felt I did let y’all down because I’m a content creator and haven’t done anything in so long. It sucks because I’m yearning to do so but lack the time due to now being an adult, working a grueling adult job and living with family.
I believe I will be able to get a place of my own later in the year, I’m really hoping for that. As for my full time job, I’m actively looking for another one. The one I’m at, I feel I work so hard but I’m not appreciated enough. It’s a healthcare industry and I work hard to help people with their needs while management focuses on metrics and numbers. I wanna get out of there.
I haven’t had time to myself and just be selfish for once? So I’m glad I was able to take time off to have a pretty long weekend to enjoy Sizecon 2020 and spend time with friends.
Let’s get started on the recap, shall we? Bare with me, I talk a lot (and not well might I add).
Day 1: Thursday 2/13/20
I woke up at 4 am to catch my flight that leaves at 6:45 am. I thankfully had all my bags packed, I just needed to shower and be ready. My dad took me to the airport and wished me off. At this point, I had plenty of time, even seeing the long TSA line at the Houston airport. I had internally groaned a lot but managed through. After having some minutes to spare, I grabbed a quick bite to eat at one of the dining places, a lovely breakfast bowl that I can have (those of you who don’t know me, I have celiac disease and I have to eat gluten free). Jumped on my flight and comfortably slept in my seat on the plane. The plan was to have a connecting flight to Charlotte, NC and then to Newark, NJ.
Two hours later, I woke up to not at my destination but at Colombia, SC. Apparently, while I was asleep, they had to divert us to the next airport because the weather was really bad in NC. We had two options: stay on the plane and wait it out until we’re back in the air to NC, or get off the plane and figure out another alternative. I stayed, I had plenty of time until my connecting flight was scheduled (which I actually got alerts that it ending up delaying a lot) so I stayed in my seat and watched greys anatomy. About almost an hour passed and we’re finally back up in the air, with more space to breathe since there were people that did leave the plane. Landed safely in NC and I ventured off to find snacks and wait at my gate. It kept delaying but I finally was able to get on my flight to NJ, making my total time at the airport and in the air...all day, I can’t do math lol. I safely landed in NJ at 5:30 pm, I had been awake since 4 am. It was a day.
Yo, I’m gonna get him and his wife a gift, I swear to god, but DJ (aka Giantgripper) saved me by picking me up from the airport and letting me stay the night at his place. When he’s the host, he does one heck of a job as a host. Since I hadn’t eaten a proper meal since 5 in the morning or so, DJ took me to a Mediterranean little mom and pop restaurant that I fell in love with. Had a stuffed pepper and practically cleaned everything off my plate. After we ate, I accompanied DJ while he did some errands for extra things he needed for the con (which did include articles of clothing for the giant cafe lol). I was happy to help as much as I could. After that, we made it back to his place. Once his wife Adri (chibiana) came home from work, we watched a documentary while trying (and failing with me because I’m a turd) to make different mixed drinks to taste. I ended up going with hot chocolate, I’m a simpleton when it comes to alcohol. A little bit afterwards, I had to pass out, it was a long ass day.
Day 2: Friday 2/14/20
Valentine’s was just another day for me. Woke up, got dressed, and DJ surprised me with a fresh homemade breakfast. It was magnificent, I scrapped the plate then too. Plans for the day was to get allllllll the stuff we need and travel to the hotel, which apparently was an hour and a half away from DJ’s house I believe. Adri had to go do another thing for work and was gonna meet up later. DJ and I traveled to the hotel first. I passed out again in the car, I was so exhausted from before I guess it had hit me again.
We made it to the hotel and unpacked the car with my stuff, his and Adri’s bags, and things for the con. I got to say quick hellos to people I knew that were already there (gave a big ass hug to Miss Kaneda, she’s so precious and a big hug to IamFilledwithStatic). I was going to be sharing a room with shortmarcy, Morgana (Moe), and Guiri. So since I had arrived first, I will check in first; Morgana and Guiri were still flying from Spain and shortmarcy didn’t come until the next morning. Since it was under shortmarcy’s name and the deposit was paid under her, She had to call to have the hotel let me check in for her. In turn, I had to put my card on file. I thought I was being a responsible adult and I thought it was gonna charge like half of the charge or something but...they charged the full price of the hotel. Which was $503...which was basically everything in my bank account. I didn’t know that was gonna happen, I panicked and just sat on the couch outside of the con area while Robyn (goddess-rei) comforted me. I had to come to terms that shit happens and I had no money for the weekend. But I graciously had the best of friends this weekend, I’ll get to that in a sec.
After my bumming out, I changed to put on my blouse for the valentines banquet (one of my guaranteed dinners that night lol). I met up with Morgana and Guiri and also sillylilbug (she’s so adorably sweet). We had our own table along with my friend Joe (CaptainRandGTS, who is a phenomenal photographer btw). We ate some good food and they took account of my gluten free (however I think the chimichurri steak may have upset my stomach). I said goodnight and went to my room to basically turn the bathroom up XD I had changed into my pajamas to head downstairs to get water and pain medicine when I turned the corner and saw a group of people walking down the hall. Guys, I’m still getting used to this, but the group was like, “Is that Vicki?!” “That is her!” And I was like WHAT. It was my lovely friends sviolet, mansquishers, mister finch, Joseph moestar, and Strongshadow2018. I was so surprised and honored, I was gushing. I got to hang out with them in their hotel room for a bit, played cards against humanity (I WON!) and ate ridiculously delicious gluten free cookies misterfinch made.
Day 3: Saturday 2/15/20
Con day. This day was a bit of a blur honestly (my mind is not the same people) but I know I took this day to “try” and relax. I was still bummed about my money problem but I had enough to buy the breakfast buffet meal ticket. My idea was to chow down a lot of food (since it was a buffet) so I won’t ask for food but that did not happen because I have wonderful friends?? Towards noon, I went to ihop with my crew (we called each other the sizecon crew lol) with sviolet, mansquishers, mister finch, Joseph moestar, and strongshadow2018. We had a nice time and I was so grateful for the lunch! Once we headed back to the hotel, we split up to do more con shenanigans. I met so many people, it was amazing. People I already knew and new people as well. It was awesome to match names to faces, it was so cool. I’m telling you though, my mind is not the same so I can’t list out the whole list of everyone I’ve seen. Then I got to see my good friend Steve (Miles Striker). I’m so fucking proud of this dude. He showed me a film he wrote, recorded, and edited all by himself, it was mindblowing. We had to go back downstairs after that because I forgot I had a social to lead and he had panels to go to. I stopped by the giant cafe, that was fucking wild. I ran the Fluffy Feels Social and I did my best because I’ve never ran something like that. But I’m glad we all liked the same thing and we just kept talking! It was getting late to when the Playroom was gonna start, so I headed back upstairs. Chilled a bit more with my crew and then headed back downstairs. I don’t know what got over me, but I gathered enough courage and joined the nude swimming party. I cannot believe I did that, that was a big step for me. Kinda sucked getting out though because I didn’t have extra clothes and it was fucking cold.
Day 4: Sunday 2/16/20
Technically last day of the con but it was the busiest. I spent all morning practicing my skit for the Tiny Cafe. I was nervous and pacing around in my hotel room, making sure I get it right. Around 12:30, I headed down to meet up with the rest of the cafe to get ready when we start at 1 pm. I could not describe how nervous I was. I wanted to make sure I didn’t mess up and I know I was lip syncing (graciously provided by Anoka’s vocals) I was still nervous as fuck. This was a performance and I’m now more confident talking to others about my kink/aesthetics but performing? Oh lawd. We had a big crowd apparently, I was surprised. We had to get more chairs and apparently turn people away? THAT MADE MY NERVES SKYROCKET. The cafe starts with a wonderful performance by Adri (Chibiana) then followed by cute transitions from our servers mini-moo and shortmarcy. Then it’s time for our skit: Veronica (Jitensha), me, and Aim were shrunk and sung songs about our giants. I was first (omg) and mine was in the style of “Maria” from west side story (Veronica called it Shrunken side story). I was shaking like a leaf and tried my best to get through the whole song while doing silly quirks of mine. Once that was done, I rushed back from my spot XD it was Veronica’s turn to sing about a giant dick lol and Aim serenading a giant lady. After our skit, it was the grand finale of Morgana performing a dance in a giant hamster ball. It was incredible. Despite my anxiety, I’m glad I did this and we did so amazing (we made tips!!!!).
Right after that was done, I had to rush to lead a social of Giant men and Tiny women. It was a small turnout but we still got people and we talked a lot. When that was done, I rushed to be on my first panel of the day: Owning what you love. After that was the Macrophile panel and then after that was the Diversity panel. I was on all of them and they were back to back, I was a busy lady lol. After that panel, I was free! Since I made tips from the cafe and I was broke from the hotel, I got to buy a few things in the vendor hall. Was able to say hi to some people I knew like scridam, the reducer, miss kaneda, iamfilledwithstatic, robclassact, and aborigen. It was also mister finch’s birthday so since I was free for the night, I went with the crew to go celebrate at a restaurant. That was such a nice time, I swear everything I did this weekend I wanted to experience again. When we came back to the hotel after dinner (after a quick stop to the liquor store lol), I was able to make it in time for the closing ceremony. Hearing everyone’s words touched my heart and reminded me why I love this community. So I was able to give a speech to say that; this is my second home when I lost my only home when my mom passed. God, that room was filled with so much love. I went back upstairs and hung out more with the crew and watched Promare (pretty sick movie). I was gonna head to bed but I hung out more with Steve and we watched a movie before passing out.
Day 5: Monday 2/17/20
It was time to say all of my goodbyes to everyone that had to leave. I gave so many hugs and love, I just miss them all. Most of the crew had to head out, except for sviolet, she had her flight in the afternoon. So we went out to breakfast at a Mexican restaurant, reminiscing this whole weekend. We came back to the hotel to chill in my hotel room. Morgana and Guiri were leaving to the airport back to Spain and shortmarcy wanted to venture to NYC before she went home the next day. So sviolet and I chilled in my room before she had to head out.
Then for the rest of the evening, I had the room to myself. I watched law and order svu whole packing and double checked I had everything. I waited up for shortmarcy to come back (I was so worried) but she made it back after 10 pm safe and sound. At that point, I had to go to bed because my flight in the morning was at 5:45 am.
Day 6: Tuesday 2/18/20
I woke up at 3 am to get to the airport on time and my Lyft driver I got...I had a feeling he was having a bit of fun by himself before he picked me up. Because it stunk in the car of cum. Whatever, I held in my breath and made it to the airport safely. My flights were on time and I slept on each one. I did not want to go back home.
Back to reality and I hate the after con blues! Especially with how much this con and community means to me.
Hoping there’s a next year and I’m ready to help as usual.
Y’all have a goodnight ❤️
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chonidale · 5 years ago
any speculations or guesses on who might sing what in the musical episode? i'm hoping choni will sing origin of love or in your arms tonight.
I’m not really familiar with Hedwig at all and most of my Heathers guesses were off, so keep that in mind! But I looked through the different soundtracks on Spotify and gave the songs a listen and my best guesses would be:
Midnight Radio - we already know that’s what the Core 4/Kevin perform on stage at the speakeasy, so that’s one down.
The Long Grift - this is this year’s Lifeboat to me, where on first listen, I immediately guessed Veronica would sing it. I can easily picture her breaking out into this after seeing Betty/Archie and their ~blossoming showmance.
When Love Explodes - strikes me as a Core 4 song, given their current situation with all the Betty/Archie stuff. So if they do this one (I don’t think it was on all the soundtracks so I’m doubtful) then I can see it fitting them well.
Origin of Love - almost has to be one of the songs they do, I’d think? Seems to be one of the biggest/most popular songs from the show, so. I’d imagine this would be a big number featuring the three main couples (and possibly Fangs/Kevin), but like intercut in a montage of sorts, like Seventeen was.
Wig In A Box - this immediately struck me as a Toni song, and not just because of the wig. Madelaine and Vanessa filmed at Pop’s with those Pop shirts from 2x02 and for some reason, I can just easily picture Toni performing this there with dancers and stuff. But, I can also imagine this being the girls/Kevin number at the sleepover, since they’re all wearing wigs in it and it’s a fun number about dressing up, etc. If I had to guess, I think the second option is most likely, since I can’t really picture a different song for that scene.
Tear Me Down - I think this will be a Kevin number. Based on the promo, there’s a big group number in the hallway, which probably ends (or begins?) with the confrontation with Honey, and this just makes sense for that scene, both sound wise and lyric wise.
Sugar Daddy - a lot of people mentioned this being a Toni (/Cheryl) number and I can definitely see it. Especially if they do a performance on stage like the Core 4/Kevin do. I can see this being a cute little number.
In Your Arms Tonight - I wish this was a Cheryl/Toni number, but I’m not even sure if they’ll do it. I only saw it on one of the soundtracks, though there’s only so many love ballads they can do (in reference to Brian’s tweet), so maybe. If so, it really could go to any of the couples.
Wicked Little Town/Wicked Little Town (Reprise) - I’m guessing this will be the big group intro song and possibly the final group number too? I know it’ll definitely be featured, since RAS mentioned it’s one of the reasons they picked Hedwig at all, and I can’t really picture any of the other songs working, so.
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alwaysspeakshermind · 5 years ago
Top 5 Anti-Varchie Arguments & Why They Make No Sense
#2: “Varchie’s too rushed/forced/there’s no development.”
[Note: this is one of the arguments that really grates my cheese, because the refuting evidence is so! Very! Obvious! that I don’t even know how anyone can bring themselves to actually use it. So be warned...this post is long. Also, it definitely jumps around a bit, because I was in a serious ‘Really, dude? Really?’ mood when I wrote it, and upon calmer reflection, I decided to remove a few overly sarcastic things I put down in the heat of the moment and add a couple of clarifications so it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to insult anything I’ve no intention of insulting.]
Varchie’s too rushed? Varchie’s too forced? Varchie has no development?
Yeah, no.
I’m trying to not lose all pretense of tact here, but this falls in the “anyone saying this must be too young to grasp the concept of abstract reasoning because people cannot possibly be this dumb” type of arguments.
Because again...no.
Since the beginning of the series, Archie and Veronica have been Riverdale’s best-developed couple. (Yes, even better than Bughead, who, no shade whatsoever because this is by no means a post meant to disparage one of the other three pairings I’m 100% on board with in this show, didn’t even interact in the pilot), and anyone with more than an ounce of common sense can recognize that. Even if they hate it with every fiber of their being and wish it weren’t true—it’s true.
Development (particularly that of the onscreen relationship variety) does not fall in the category of artistic elements that lend themselves to subjective interpretation. It is a technical, structural element, meaning it is either there, or it’s not, and deliberately ignoring or refusing to acknowledge its existence does not render it null and void. Though they are the first of the canon couples to kiss onscreen, Varchie is also the only ship on the show that takes longer than two or three somewhat-romantic interactions to begin a relationship.
No, seriously. 
Give it a second and really think about it…
In six episodes, how many the-average-person-would-recognize-this-as-romantic times do Betty and Jughead interact before they kiss and begin a romantic relationship? [Note: and by “the average person,” I mean “would even your clueless dad who would probably rather be watching something else instantly recognize this as a Definite Romantic Moment™?”]
How many times in twelve episodes do Cheryl and Toni interact at all before romance is inarguably hinted at [in 2x14; 2x14 is where their half-second interactions become more than fanon and the average viewer learns what most of the rest of us already knew anyway]? 
How many times do Alice and FP interact at all in ten episodes (the point when people suddenly decided they had an entire romantic history and “needed to be put together”), and how many times do they interact after that before they begin whatever kind of relationship it is they have?
How many times do Kevin and Joaquin interact at all, period in one episode before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times do Kevin and Moose interact in thirteen episodes before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in one and a half seasons do Kevin and Fangs interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times do Archie and Val interact at all, period in six episodes before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in two and a half seasons do Archie and Josie interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in two and a half seasons do Veronica and Reggie interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship and how many of those scenes also include Archie? 
(I’d also mention Josie and Reggie, but apparently I’m the only one who remembers that pairing. And also Josie and that summer fling “relationship,” but I’m kind of still trying to block that one from my mind because it really horrifies me that my girl kissed a dude who looks like he pours axle grease on his hair every morning, walks around wearing plaid shirts with cutoff sleeves like Larry the Cable Guy, but still has the nerve to whine publicly about her not wanting it to be anything more, so I won’t.)
But, etc., etc. You get the picture.
This is not, of course, to hurl accusations of “worthless!” at any of the above-mentioned ships or those who ship them; it’s just an example used to illustrate the following point:
If any or all of those pairings seem[ed] cute/promising/full of potential and/or not rushed or forced to you when none of them were so much as hinted at in the pilot (and the show goes for long periods of time without those characters even sharing screentime, let alone actual interactions or even glances), Varchie shouldn’t either. 
Especially in light of the fact that Varchie has a stronger romantic buildup in one episode than most teen couples get in three.
For instance:
Varchie Development In 1x01
Diner scene: Archie and Veronica meet at Pop’s and the romantic interest on both sides is made obvious from the beginning.
School Hall scene: Walking with Betty and Kevin, Veronica spots Archie, asks about him, and makes her interest in him explicitly known (“In that case, mind putting in a word?”) once Betty says “we’re just friends.”
Lunch scene: Veronica immediately addresses Archie regarding the song he’s playing, and Archie surreptitiously checks Veronica out  (it’s quick, but he does. If you don’t believe me, go back and watch Archie during that scene while keeping in mind where Veronica’s at.)
Invitation-to-the-dance scene: Veronica calls Archie over from practice in order to give Betty a prime opportunity to finally ask him out, and Archie pays more attention to Veronica during the conversation—jogging over right away, smiling at her, even agreeing to go to a dance he’s indifferent to because Veronica jokingly insists and agrees to come with him and Betty. Also, “Archiekins,” Veronica’s pet-name-of-choice (besides “Lover”) for Archie in the comics, makes it first appearance.
Dance scene: Veronica jokes about how Archie needs to drop the fine arts/sports question for a night so they can all have fun, Archie refers to her as Ronnie for the first time and tells her he’s trying. Veronica teasingly tells him to work faster, and Archie watches her leave with a look similar to the one he wore in the diner when they first met.
Seven Minutes In Heaven scene: As soon as Archie’s name is suggested, Veronica looks his way, and she visibly leans forward to watch the bottle make its selection. Although it does not “clearly [point] to the new girl” as Cheryl claims (the bottle actually lands in-between Betty and Veronica, meaning no one can say for sure who Archie’s going to kiss), Archie’s eyes immediately cut over to Veronica, and Veronica immediately looks at Archie.
Closet scene: There isn’t much doubt what’s going to happen as soon as the door shuts behind Archie and Veronica, because the sexual tension is palpable, and the entirety of their conversation is like a very awkward dance around the fact they are interested in each other. By the time they kiss it feels inevitable, and even the kiss itself is postponed until the end of the scene so that it acts as the exclamation point to the story arc.
 Once they exit and find Betty gone, the next eight to nine episodes consistently juxtapose Archie and Veronica’s new Friendship™ status with mildly flirtatious and subtly romantic moments that hearken back to the 1x01 makeout; by the time they become an official couple toward the end of Season 1, their relationship development is already slower and stronger than that of most of those previously-listed canon ships after three seasons. So, quite frankly, if you can’t recognize/acknowledge exactly how well-developed and non-rushed a relationship Varchie is, the problem is not the show/writers/the Varchie shippers.
The problem is YOU.
When it comes to fictional relationships, development is not the same thing as a preexisting history between characters. In all forms of fiction, everything important—whether it directly impacts/advances the plot or not—must take place on the screen, stage, or page. (The motto is show, not tell.) Character interactions are not excluded from this rule, particularly when it comes to film or television, where narration is an optional touch to be used sparingly, rather than the default mode of conveying information to the audience. While you can absolutely try to argue that “Barchie has the best development, not Varchie” on the grounds that the former has a long history of friendship, the reality is that at this point in the show, Barchie does not have enough onscreen interactions period, let alone romance-tinged interactions over the course of three seasons, to qualify them for a slow-burn status, let alone a good slow-burn status.
I’m not sure exactly why, but the concept of slow-burn has lately become so popular and so synonymous in fandom with “best development” and “superior quality” that the term gets thrown around until its original meaning is all but lost and everyone seems to think that if a certain potential pairing doesn’t happen right out of the gate, it automatically = EPIC! SLOW-BURN! ENDGAME!** while any pairing that does happen first automatically = boring. forced. predictable.
Which is…just…not…true.
[**Yet another side note: I LOATHE the word endgame. Always have, always will, and one day I will write the essay on the ever-swirling debate regarding Riverdale’s use of that word and why Veronica had to say it in-narrative for the pure and simple reason that people wouldn’t shut up about Kevin saying it that one time back in the pilot, and in math we call that an inverse operation, BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.]
Fictional relationships are about character dynamics just as much (if not more) than they’re about story, so it really doesn’t matter if the relationship that winds up being the E-word relationship is expected/planned or unexpected/unplanned. Slow burns can be great, but they are not the only type or relationship with value. Furthermore, not every ship that doesn’t show immediate progress on the romantic front is a slow burn, and not every attempt to create a slow burn works.
In TV, there are epic slow-burns, there are mediocre attempts to create epic slow-burns, there are bad attempts to create epic slow-burns, and then there are blatantly terrible pairings that attempt to cloak their pulled-out-of-a-hat-for-drama-ness beneath the heading of “slow-burn.” (Come to think of it, maybe that’s why people are so confused about what actually constitutes a slow-burn???)
Using another Friends example, think the J/R pairing…did they have the potential to be a good slow-burn relationship? Yeah, sure. All the actors on that show had chemistry and everyone interacted enough to make everything narratively plausible. Were they a good slow-burn relationship? No, because they came from left field, happened so late in the game and, worst of all, had to follow a strong relationship with better romantic chemistry and multiple seasons of solid storylines behind it. There are some people who prefer them together, yes, but even everyone who does like them (at least everyone I’ve ever come across) fully admits that they would also have preferred that pairing occurred much earlier in the show, when not so much water had gone under the bridge.
[Or, if Friends isn’t your sitcom, think instead of the giant misstep in How I Met Your Mother’s finale, where 7-8 seasons of plot and character development were bent, clipped, and otherwise torpedoed to splice existing material onto the plan for an ending that was concocted back when the show’s creators expected to only get maybe 3 seasons. Could that ending have worked after 2-3 seasons? Yes! It could’ve even been great. But after all those seasons, and all that story/character/relationship development in directions that wound up being more compelling than the original plan, it just didn’t work. It wound up feeling like someone luring you on a fun-but-long car ride with the promise of dessert at the end, and then being like “Ta da! Here’s a fruit parfait! Eat up!” Because while plenty of people enjoy fruit parfaits and wouldn’t mind eating them for breakfast or a snack, no one really appreciates being served berries, yogurt, and granola when they were led to expect ice cream/cake/cookies/pie. When you expend a lot of time and effort building something up, you absolutely have to deliver. You can’t pull a switcheroo at the last minute and call it good, because all that does is beg the question if this was your plan all along, why did you waste so much time developing everything but this?]
When it comes to creating slow burn, there are no shortcuts. It’s a delicate and tricky road, because in addition to needing to make sense from an in-narrative and character aspect, it also requires careful, unflagging cultivation over an extended period of time. It can’t show up and disappear at random for the sake of plot convenience; it needs normal and consistent onscreen interaction (i.e., frequent everyday conversations with and without other characters present), readily-observable-by-audience romance-tinged interaction every 2-4 episodes (flirting, furtive or longing glances, touches that linger, special smiles, noticeably consistent too much attention paid to the other person’s dating or personal life, etc.), as well as an unwavering attraction/willingness to go there from both parties.
In other words, slow-burn is exactly what the name implies: a long, slow, process where each step depends on the one before it, and you can’t rush it, skip steps, or let it fade into the background for a couple seasons while you work on something else. It must be shown, not told, the connection must be inarguable from the beginning, and there must be so much sizzling sexual chemistry between characters that even interactions in platonic settings resemble mutual flirting rather than friendly banter. After one season, Barchie doesn’t have any of that. After two seasons, Barchie doesn’t have any of that. After three seasons, Barchie still doesn’t have that.
But you know who does have all of that? 
In every. Single. Season. 
(You know who else does? Bughead, but that’s a different essay.)
S1 takes about thirteen episodes to bring everything that begins the second A&V see each other to fruition, and is peppered throughout with flirty interactions, wistful glances, etc., and every few episodes, they share a moment that unmistakably hints at romance/their continued interest in one another. 
In S2, even their breakup is handled along the lines of a slow-burn formula…they sit on opposite sides of the room and exchange glances at the beginning of the episode. Their “we’re still friends” moment is awkward and laced with obvious sexual tension where a direct reminder of the relationship they’re trying to forget is introduced (the watch), and Veronica’s instinctive grab for Archie’s hand makes everything worse. Their I Love You Too reunion beneath the fake mistletoe is built up to like a first kiss scene. 
In S3, in order to make other pairings seem remotely plausible, the narrative goes out of its way to separate Archie and Veronica and keep them from interacting, but still throws the two of them together every few episodes or so for a moment that underscores their connection and shows how even their best attempts at friendship are sabotaged by the very non-platonic feelings they have for each other.
They are not rushed. They are not underdeveloped. They are most certainly not “forced.”
Oh, and speaking of forced...
Some quick definitions of “forced,” because we seem to be very confused about this word in relation to fiction as well:
(1) Obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
(2) (of a plant) having its development or maturity artificially hastened.
(3) (of a gesture or expression) produced or maintained with effort; affected or unnatural.
Beyond the fact that definitions 2&3 clearly refer to plants and facial expressions and thus maybe shouldn’t be used as an argument against a fictional relationship in the first place, none of these apply to Varchie. Their relationship involved no coercion/exercise of physical power whether you look at it from a meta or in-narrative perspective. Neither development nor maturity was hastened; if anything, it was deliberately stalled to create conflict between three of the main characters and then grown on an episode-by-episode basis. It is effortlessly produced/maintained thanks to the actors’ dynamic (which is also the point where the affected/unnatural part collapses; KJ Apa and Camila Mendes work too well together to make their interactions seem anything but natural) and the ease with which the characters’ personalities mesh.
But, hey...you know what could be reasonably construed as “forced?” You know what does actually fit all three of those above definitions? The contortionist-level attempts it took to break Archie and Veronica up in order to pair them with characters they have had hardly any onscreen interactions with in three seasons. If you truly despise forced fictional relationships, then perhaps it would be better to focus more energy on decrying the plot gymnastics that were required in S3 to break up Varchie and bring Archie/Josie and Veronica/Reggie into existence. Because regardless of whether you like or dislike those last two pairings, they are, by positive rather than normative standards, extremely forced.
So, once again...Varchie: not rushed, not underdeveloped, not forced. 
And once again (I’m getting so tired of typing this, but hey, it will never not be applicable, so oh well): You’re perfectly free to be mad that Archie and Veronica  prevent your ship from happening, and/or get all the scenes you’d like your favorite pairing to get. But arguing that they have no development when they are objectively the best-developed and least-rushed pairing on Riverdale is just ridiculous. 
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scabopolis · 6 years ago
pre-series au: logan x veronica - you just sway
This was supposed to be a 5-times fic (5-times Veronica asks Logan to dance and 1-time he asks her) but your girl is wordy and can’t write anything without trying to get too cute, so this turned into a pre-series little ficlet (that has more I’ve written so might get finished and posted to AO3). I’ve never ready a 10,000 word 5-times fic and genre bending moves are not within my capacity at the moment.
Written on my bus commute to work and edited hastily. 
This is a pre-series choose your own adventure type situation. Want it to be canon compliant? Go for it! Want it to spin off into a whole world of imagination? That works, too. 
Be kind. Rewind. Er, reblog?
pre-series au: logan x veronica - you just sway
So, you just sway back and forth?
For the past hour, Veronica’s been watching as the girls and boys in her seventh grade class step into their first slow dancing foray with trepidation. And here she stands, off to the side drinking fruit punch and munching on generic Oreos puzzled by the enterprise. It doesn’t come off as romantic as the movies make it look. Frankly her classmates don’t really seem to be enjoying themselves.
She wasn’t sure what she was expecting.
Okay, that’s not true.
She’s been to a few gatherings at Lilly’s house (a term she coined to sell them to her dad who believes she is far too young for parties) and they led Veronica to expect the night to be a veritable bump and grind fest. But instead when Low came on all the girls clumped together, giggling at their poor attempts at dropping it low, and the boys hung off to the side looking bored by it all. Lilly isn’t even here, deciding the fête wasn’t worth her time. Duncan is there as his dad informed him it was his duty as seventh grade vice president to be there for his constituents. (Lilly eye-rolled handily at this and Veronica couldn’t tell if Mr. Kane was joking or not.)
As Veronica contemplates dunking her bargain basement Oreo into the fruit punch (would it be like a crunch chocolate covered strawberry situation?) someone pushes her from behind. She thinks it must be an accident until it happens again and continues until she’s standing in the center of the dance floor. She whips her head around, determined to give the personal space bubble violator a very intense lecture, and is met with the smiling face of Meg Manning. Sweet Meg. Sweet Meg who looks so proud of herself. Sweet Meg who looks, dare it be, a little mischievous?
“What are you –“
“I’ll take those, thank you.” And Meg does. Takes the remaining stack of cookies and the cup of punch away from Veronica. “Your wallflower days are numbered.” 
“I was enjoying those.” She’s not sure if she’s defending the cookies or her decision to be a wallflower. Maybe both.
“No you weren’t. And even if you were consider this an opportunity to enjoy something else.”
“Like what?”
“We’re at a dance, Veronica.”
She walks away with those words, and Veronica watches as Meg munches on one of her cookies. But maybe she has a point. Veronica did take extra time to iron her dress for the party. And spent her weekly allowance on a new lip gloss. Dancing is, when she thinks about it, the most logical thing to do. She doesn’t want to waste good lip gloss. Her resolve fades, however, as she approaches a group of friends from her earth science class and the song changes to something slower. Another slow song. God, what is with this DJ? She did not come here to slow dance.
Except when Veronica turns around she sees Meg looking at her. All big eyes and hopeful. She doesn’t have to say the words “I’m rooting for you” but Veronica knows she is. Fine. She’ll consider it an anthropological exercise. She couldn’t figure out the appeal of the whole slow dancing thing by watching, so maybe doing it herself will provide some heretofore missing insight.
Now the decision on who to dance with.
Veronica’s first choice is Duncan. She’s been hanging with Lilly almost every day after school, and Duncan always smiles at her in this way that makes her insides feel a little warm. But Duncan is currently dancing with Susan Knight, a friend from student council, so there goes that option. Casey Gant is always nice to her but in a way that makes her feel she’s being made fun of. Plus she knows he and Sean have been sipping something from a flask all night and she’s too familiar with the scent of bootleg vodka to find that appealing. Which leaves her with very few options.
There’s a tap on her shoulder and she breathes out a sigh of relief, certain it’s Meg taking pity on her. But of course she is just not that lucky.
Logan. Of course.
She likes Logan. She thinks. Well, he’s kind of dating her best-friend (Lilly laughs at her whenever she asks if the two of them are going out) so she kinda has to like him. It’s just –
Well, it’s just --
It’s just a bunch of little things. Like, he has this habit, usually when she just finished swimming and she’s in the Kanes’ kitchen making a snack, of catching her off guard. It makes him laugh to see her jump and he doesn’t ever flinch when she socks him in the shoulder in response. She also can’t tell if he thinks she’s stupid, or if he just thinks he’s better than her. Her middle school survival tool is sarcasm she cuts with a smile. People don’t understand it usually and she moves through the halls unscathed. But then there’s Logan. For every biting piece of commentary she offers, he has at least two more at the ready. It’s incredibly annoying. Can’t he just let her have the last word for once?
He’s looking down at her with his usual faintly mocking expression and she really wants to knock him down. Comment on the fact that he has way too much hair gel in his hair. But he also looks sort of nice. Most of the other boys are wearing ties and jackets but Logan is only wearing well-fitting navy slacks and a white button down shirt. Somehow he looks more put together than anyone else. Must be really expensive fabric or something. So she ignores the voice telling her to say the first mean thing that comes to mind. She also ignores the second (So, did the bottle of CK One break, or did you bathe in it?) and takes a step back.
“What do you want, Logan?”
“You have a problem.”
“I don’t have a problem.”
“Oh, yes you do. Looks to me like the founder and sole member of the spirit committee insists you dance, but here you are with nary a dance partner to your name.”
“Thank you for the synopsis. I would be so lost without you.”
Logan ignores her. No, that’s not true. She used to think that Logan ignored her, but it’s just this thing he does. Where he pretends not to and then, bam, you’re talking to Duncan about why mushrooms should never be in lasagna and Logan throws in a, “it’s a texture thing, right” and you realize he listens to everything. That’s another one of Logan’s annoying things.
So, Logan doesn’t ignore her. But he does put his hands in his pockets, roll back and forth on his heels, and then duck down a little so he can conspiratorially whisper, “I know someone who could help you with that.”
“Mm,” he hums. “It’s just this guy has very low self-esteem. Hollywood brat, you know. Consistently needs validation.”
Veronica snorts at that. Because Logan is so many things but someone with low self-esteem is not one of them.
“What do you suggest, then?” she asks.
“Well, fragile ego that he has, I think he just wants to be wanted, you know?”
“So Hollywood.”
“All it would take, I think, is for someone to ask. A simple, ‘Dear Logan’” – he pauses, an imperious hand waved in her direction – “we’ll call this poor soul Logan for ease, ‘Dear Logan, please help me in my current state of social misery and dance with me? Please?’”
She carefully considers her options. While not usually one to take the path of least resistance, she opts for it this time. “Logan, will you dance with me?” She puts out her hand.
Logan looks like he’s about to take it and then frowns. “You didn’t say please.”
“Oh god,” she groans, taking his hand. “Shut up.”
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