#no this wasnt for a class or anything im just Like This for some reason
9 straight hours in the library reading, marking and scanning Old English, Victorian Celtic and Orkney/Shetland texts.
when my brain recovers enough to look at written words again, I have some STUFF for yall
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nanaccused · 1 year
I'm officially the side character in a romance drama
#its stressful#but really how can this be so cliché#i never thought stuff like this actually happened#get ready for some long tags#my friend has had a crush on this guy since a class trip about a year ago and has been talking about him and pining after him since then#some like 18+ stuff even happened between them#but they were never officially together or anything#and now her best friend since 7th grade is together with that guy even though she kept saying she wasnt interested in him and is aro/ace#which okay you dont have to come out if you dont feel comfortable and nobody should force you to out yourself ever#but that bitch asked him to be her biyfriend even though she knew exactly how my friend feels about that guy#like she was there when she first developed that crush and has been listening to her pine after that guy for a year#and then she dares to lie to her best friend about not liking him and that he asked her out#my friend found out about their relationship from the guy she has a crush on and he told her that she asked him out#that guy is too stupid to lie about it#so that girl lied even more so she doesnt seem like she lied before or soem other stupid reason#if she had at least talked about it to my friend or waited until she was over him it would've been semi-okay to ask him out#but really#how childish and immature do you have to be to just go behind your best friends back#im sure she had her reasons and everything since she isn't really a bad person or anything#but im still angry at her#and im going to be for a while
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asimpletinbucket · 23 days
i fucking HATE cornell notes. the style is rigid and strict and it doesnt give me enough room to write down whats important, and too much room for information that doesnt really matter (at least to me). for me, it makes taking notes a hassle and makes it even more difficult to understand what the fuck i actually wrote down, its outdated and infuriating and theres a complete lack of wiggle room for extra relevant information later on. i hate it, like it feel physically unpleasant for me. a had a a teacher in 6th grade who mandated taking notes cornell style and ive detested it ever since
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motherforthefamicom · 1 month
do you think me having been horribly depressed all summer is a good enough excuse to not have my ap summer work done
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butt-puncher · 5 months
I wish that I was more
#sad hours at the huskin bee#personal#graduating soon and the animation department is collecting photos of everyone in the drive#and seeing all these group photos of everyone in the program makes me realize how distant i am from them#and how close knit everyone else has become...#ive never been good at making friends and within like the first few weeks of school it was like everyone got to know each other#and the few friends i made in the program left after the first year#i wish my social anxiety wasnt so bad i tried harder to make friends in college#also i have an essay due on monday and i might just not do it#or itll be really half assed#ive been doing well so far in that class so if i dont do it i think the least id get is a C#idk maybe i can still make friends w these ppl after college somehow but itd still feel weird bc i had a completely different shm experience#than they had#ahhhh#i can imagine a future reunion where ppl will talk to be about old drama that was big among this giant friend group#that consists of most people in my year that ill have no idea what theyre talking abt#bc im never in the loop abt anything ever lol#this actually happened at my hs animation reunion except i actually knew and talked to most ppl in that class#i wasnt like super close to most of them but i had a few closeish friends#and i know one of those friends probably werent/arent in the know#also like i did hear abt relationship drama back in the day bc gossip spread p easily#anyways i was told completely new information abt someone getting stalked back then so thats wild#and apparently there was a super handsome guy in our class that i for some reason have zero recollection of#point is i be the last person to know something and if i know smth then everyone probably already knew#which is annoying. i wanna hear gossip too. even in my own family my sisters will tell each other and our mom about shit that went down w#their friends or our cousins and i only hear abt it when im in the room#so i end up hearing a lot but never directly and sometimes not in full#man i shouldve gone on more college field trips#shouldve done a lot more in life that my insecurities get the way of#tbh i genuinely think i might have a form of undiagnosed anxiety; tism; or some other mental disorder
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starlightazriel · 3 months
bad boy az part 5
warnings: 18+ , 16/18 age gap, angst, death, overdose, heartbreak, self loathing/sabotage, childhood trauma/abuse, drug addiction/abuse, dark rough az, degradation, smut
wc: 4.4k
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Visiting my grandparents with a broken heart was like torture. Forced smiles and laughs at dinner, which they insisted had to be an outing every single night, since it wasnt often that we came to visit. Christmas dinner had been the only exception. I checked my cellphone relentlessly but there was absolutely no sign of him, not on social media, no texts... No calls... As if none of it had ever even happened, my only reminder that it was all in fact very real were the text conversations which I was now re reading over and over.
There was one particular day that I had been sick, and he sent me a photo of himself a bored solemn expression on his face, I had saved that one, not even believing how incredibly sexy he was. That someone that sexy was even talking to me, let alone fucking me.
you could have told me you were ditching today butterfingers. horrible without you.
im sick, im not ditching. it can't be that bad, you haven't even spoke to me at school all week azriel
i know im not good at saying how i feel but everything is better with you
I remembered the way my heart had nearly jumped out of my chest reading that. How could he say things like that but not want anything to do with a relationship with me? How could we have sex like that and him not feel anything for me?
Maybe it wasn't that, maybe he was just afraid of what he felt. I knew that he had been different around me, I knew that I had gotten a version of him that no one else did. Maybe he had just created that for me, maybe he just really needed help with his classes.
It didnt matter the reason. He was gone anyway, he had offered to be friends but ignored me, granted I had only sent one text, using every ounce of self control that I had not to call him our keep texting him until he gave me something, even if it was just to let me know that he was okay.
Azriel was out of his mind. He was spiraling. Nothing helped, nothing worked to get her out of his head. Sure, he could dull his senses enough not to feel anything, but whenever the substance of choice wore off it was always just her there. Her crying and puffy face, her eyes that showed him pure heartbreak, her first heart break, and he knew all too well how that felt.
Though for him it hadn't been a girl, it had been his mom, leaving him alone with his monster of a father. Saving herself but not taking him with her, for all she knew she could have been leaving her little boy to die. He remembered how his first heart break had felt like darkness consuming him, like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs, like no matter how hard he tried to swim up there was something holding him under water. And he did that to y/n. It was haunting almost every one of his thoughts, it made him feel sick to his stomach with guilt. And there was the fact that he missed her, more than anything or anyone that he had ever missed, more than he had missed his mother even in those first few years after she left.
The first night, he had gone to a rave with Rhys and Cass. They raved until 4 am, rolling on Molly, a sea of bodies and heat. He had fucked someone that night, figuring that if anything got his mind off of her it would be some new pussy. Of course that hadn't worked, and really it only made things worse since he had woken up to a text from her. im sorry for anything i said when i was drunk. maybe we can talk when i get back. He hadn't responded, feeling too guilty that he had fucked someone the very night after he broke her heart. While she had been thinking about him, thinking that she had done something wrong, he had been high out of his mind fucking some random in a dirty bathroom. But this was the very reason that he knew breaking it off was the right choice in the first place. He was and always would be a shit bag.
He had been at Rhys and Cass' place every day, they knew something was wrong with him but they didnt pry. They let him cope how he always did, skated with him at the indoor skate park til they were all battered and sore, drunk with him, partied with him, got stoned and high with him.
"You sure you don't want to talk about it? You've been dipping into your stash a lot, starting to get a little concerning," Rhys raises a brow, scaling out some weed into eighth bags. He hadn't realized how quiet he had been. He also hadn't necessarily realized that they'd noticed he was dabbling in substance just a little bit more than usual.
"Yeah, no Im good," he shrugs, rising to his feet, dusting off ashes that had collected on his clothing from smoking. "I should go," he bid them both goodbye before exiting the apartment.
He didnt miss the look of concern they exchanged between each other.
Azriel stood in the door way to his living room, almost frozen in shock. The tv was distant background noise even though the volume was almost all the way up. If he didnt know any better he thought the days of rolling were getting to his head and that he was hallucinating it.
His father was face down in vomit and broken glass, he must have fallen into the coffee table and shattered it when he passed out. He didnt have to check, the silence, the white noise buzzing in his ears to the point he almost couldn't hear anything else at all told him that his father was dead. He had probably been dead for hours based on the dryness at the edges of the pool of vomit underneath him.
He didnt feel an ounce of sadness, he didnt know how to feel really, right now, he thought it had to be pure shock. Azriel reached down and picked up a cigarette from a pack that head been on the floor, he lit it, staring down at his fathers body, thinking about every horrible thing he had put him through. The scene before him reminded him about a night when he was fourteen years old, he had stolen his dad's bottle of Jameson and drank the entire thing out of boredom. Rhys and Cass had been away that summer, so he remembered how horribly bored and how much trouble he had gotten into that year. He remembered being so sick never having drank that much before, he remembered throwing up on his hands and knees, his dad kicking him down into his own pile of vomit beneath him. He had watched him struggle to get up, time and time again, he would just laugh kick him down again until Azriel was so weak and dehydrated and physically exhausted, with nothing left in his system to vomit he had just dry heaved, laying there in his own throw up. "Lay there and think about what you did," his dad had growled while tying a thin piece of plastic around his upper arm in preparation to shoot up.
"Goodnight dad," Azriel smirked, letting out a small chuckle at the irony of the situation. He threw the cigarette butt into the center of the pool of vomit, watching it sizzle out. "Lay there and think about what you did," he says and turns before retreating upstairs to his room. His fathers body would be a tomorrow issue.
Before the police had come, Azriel gathered every bit of paraphanelia and all of his drug money that was hidden under the floor boards and stuffed everything into a bag that went into his trunk. He knew he wasnt a suspect or anything, the town cops were well acquainted with his father and it was an easy open and shut overdose case. Still, he didnt want to risk getting bagged for something else when they were collecting evidence.
Azriel sat on the porch now, smoking a cigarette while he watched the paramedics haul his dad's black plastic wrapped body into the ambulance to be taken to the morgue, a bored expression on his face. He felt more empty than he had in a long time, he didnt know if it was the fact that he had been doing ecstasy for almost the entire week, the fact that he had found his father dead and overdosed the night before, or if it was the fact that he couldn't just pick up his phone and call y/n anymore.
He had been asked to do a news piece. Of course they were covering his deadbeat, nothing father's death on the local news. In a small town like this they had to cover everything for there to be anything to talk about. He had obviously declined, though he knew they would still use his fathers name, probably show his house... "Chief, I gotta get outta here," Azriel had tossed the cigarette off of his porch and was standing now, his hands shoved into the pocket of his hoodie.
"Youre good Azriel, just leave the door open for evidence and the hazmat team," the place chief nods and Azriel retreats to his room, packing his things to stay at Rhys and Cass' place for a few nights. Death was like a blanket that now covered his entire house, and he couldn't handle it.
Returning to school was just as miserable as being at my grandparents house. There was a buzz in the air about something, I didnt bother to try and figure out what it was. Nothing besides grades and Azriel really mattered anymore, even though the latter was only an empty hole in my chest at this point. I didnt expect to see him at school, I knew he would probably skip the first few days, and even if he didnt I knew I was the last person he wanted to see.
"Y/n," Maggie says a little breathlessly, jogging up to my locker at the end of the day. "Ive literally been looking for you all day, did you hear about Azriel?" she asks, my head snaps to the side, my eyes landing on hers. She knew about everything that happened with Azriel and her stance was that all boys are the same and he was just afraid to commit. No matter how many times I tried to tell her that Azriel wasn't like anyone else, she didn't listen.
"What happened?" I asked quickly, immediately assuming the worst, jail, car accident. I should have paid more attention to the gossip earlier.
"He found his dad... Like dead, in his house, drug overdose, you didnt hear?" she says, her brows furrowing slightly. "Literally like two or three days ago. It's so fucked, have you talked to him?" she asks, I just blink a few times, staring back at her. The thought of Azriel finding his dad like that made my gut twist, I wanted to cry.
"Um, no," I said quietly, hugging my text book to my chest. "He's still not speaking to me," I tack on quietly, now feeling guilty for not trying to reach out again. "I gotta go Maggie, thanks for letting me know," I close my locker, turning toward the door.
"Are you okay?" she asks, I could feel her watching after me, I turn my head back to give her a reassuring nod.
"I'm fine."
I knocked on Azriels door after school every day for three days straight. He didnt come to school, he didnt call, he didnt text, despite the number of texts I had now sent him. It was a new day now, Thursday and still he wasnt at school, so I took the familiar route to his house and knocked on his door three times. My heart leapt when the door swung open only a few moments later, my lips parted in surprise when it wasnt Azriel there, but a woman.
"Can I help you sweetie?" She was middle aged, wrinkles forming around her eyes and corners of her mouth. Tan skin and black hair like Azriels, and that wasnt the only thing they shared. She had Azriels eyes. Those beautiful, pooling, mysterious hazel eyes.
His mother?
"I-" I stuttered softly, staring up at her. "I was just looking for Azriel," I finally manage to get out.
"Well that makes two of us," she says and clicks her tongue. "Ive contacted the school, and he hasn't been there, police say I can't file a missing persons yet because he's eighteen-" she rambled before stopping herself. "Come in, it's freezing," she adds but I shake my head.
"Oh, no that's okay thank you. Ive got to get home," I swallow hard, turning away from her, I hear her bidding me goodbye and I only wave in response, not turning back around.
Azriels brows furrow in confusion at the silver, new looking car in his drive way when he returns later that night to grab fresh clothes and take a good shower. He planned to stay home that night, needing a bed instead of a couch, his back was aching. Not that he had been sleeping much, he was doing too much molly, he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep since the last night he had slept with y/n which had been weeks ago now, since he stupidly hadnt taken his chance to sleep next to her one last time after she declared her love. He had been too afraid.
He was sure though, that she didn't really love him, she loved the way that he fucked her, the way he ate her pussy, maybe even the way he looked. But he wasn't lovable, someone like her couldn't just love someone like him.
He pushes the door to his house open and cautiously walks in, stopping in his tracks when he sees his mother sitting at the counter. He turns around, looks back again, rubs his eyes once. Surely this was a hallucination. She was quiet, surveying him, after eleven years he had changed a lot, he wasn't the little boy that she had left. He was tall now, built, covered in tattoos.
"What are you doing here? What do you want? Cuz' there's sure as fuck no inheritance or will if that's what you're after," he practically spits, coldly, as he surveyed her as well. This was real, it was very real. He noted the wedding bands on her finger, and nearly laughed out loud. She winces at his tone and aggression, rising to her feet as she continues to stare at her son that she hadn't seen in so long.
"Ive been waiting for you all day. I came to see if you needed any help with the funeral or if you wanted to come stay with me and your sisters-"
"Just stop there, because they are not my sisters. You are not my family. I don't want to see you, I don't want you here," eleven years of anger was coursing through him. How dare she come here. How dare she show her face here like everything was just normal. Guilt flashes across her face and her throat bobs as she clutches her bag in her hand.
"I am sorry Azriel. I was young... I made a mistake-"
"It's too late for any of that. Im grown now," he scoffs, watching as tears threaten to fall from her eyes. He didnt feel the least bit guilty, he hoped that she suffered from her choices. "You left me here to die, you only cared about yourself. You promised a seven year old boy that you would come back for him and you never did. Do you know how many times he almost killed me?" the words were flowing from him and he wasnt sure if it was the lack of serotonin from too much x or if it was simply all the pent up anger and aggression that he had. She just stood in stunned silence, silent tears running down her face. "You come back now? Like that makes anything better? Thinking what? That I would run into your arms and away into the sunset with you and your new family?" He walked to the door, opening it for her and jerking his head toward it. "I don't know why you would come here, you're sick for even thinking that it was a good idea. And Im sick looking at you, get the fuck out of my house," he growls quietly, and she stares back at him opening her mouth to say something else but realizes there was nothing she could say that would ever make him forgive her.
He slammed the door shut behind him, his lungs felt like they were caving, his chest physically ached from the emotional turmoil. Seeing his mother was far more painful than his dads dead body days ago. He noticed though, that with the pain, there was some sort of closure he felt from screaming all those things at her.
He knew that he should go back to Rhys and Cass' place, he knew he shouldn't stay here, especially after that. He shouldn't be alone right now, but being alone was what he did best. It was easier than anything else.
The next day after school, I had been much more hesitant when I walked toward Azriels door. I noted his car in front though, which made my heart leap, my stomach churned with nerves.
Something had unsettled me about Azriels mother being there. Something felt wrong about seeing her there yesterday. There wasnt exactly much I knew about Azriels childhood. I knew it was abusive, I knew she left, I knew that he didnt deserve any of what he went through. I knew it tortured him more deeply than he let on, no one in the world was that strong. I hoped she wasnt there again today. I needed to talk to him, I needed to get him to myself, there was so much I wanted to say to him, though, I didnt know if I would really have the courage once we were face to face.
I knocked three times, just like I had yesterday, I waited a few minutes, knocked two more times. "Im fuckin coming, damn," his voice sends my heart soaring and my gut reeling. He swings open the door, and my eyes instantly meet his, he's surprised, I can tell that much. But his eyes are distant, besides the slight surprise he's not wearing any emotion besides maybe exhaustion, his normally tan skin is slightly pale, dark circles ringing the bottom of his eyes. "Y/n, I didnt realize it was you. Im- Im sorry," I wonder if he's as much at a loss for words as I am.
Worry gnawed at me as I stared up at him. I couldn't see any light there, he didnt look okay. He clears his throat expectantly and I realize that I haven't said a single word. "Im sorry you found your dad," I blurt out before swallowing the lump that was growing in my throat. I didnt exactly think that Im sorry for your loss was the right thing to say in this scenario, I knew Azriel better than that. I had seen the hatred burn behind his eyes when talking about his father.
Azriel softens only the tiniest bit, he lets out a small sigh, "did you want to come in?" He asks, stepping aside so that I could walk in. I found myself wondering where Azriel had found him, less than a week ago someone died in here. I tried not to think about it too much. "Sorry about the mess," he mutters, shutting the door before nodding toward the stairs, I walk the familiar path toward his room and the sight of his room makes my stomach turn as I recalled how clean it had been the first time I saw it.
Definitely not okay. There were clothes everywhere, random pills on random surfaces, some crushed up and some still whole, if it hadn't of been for the few random pizza boxes I would have thought he wasnt eating at all, there were empty liquor bottles, some paperwork strewn about that probably had to do with the funeral... It was bad, I felt sick. I swallowed a lump in my throat and turned, he seemed so distant, so unfazed. Was he on something?
"Azriel..." I whispered, he stared back at me, reading my expression before shaking his head.
"Don't say anything butterfingers," I take a step toward him, he visibly tenses which makes me hesitate. I just wanted to run to him. I wanted to take all of his pain away, I almost didnt even recognize myself anymore... When had I even started caring about things other than school? Of course I was still at the very top of my class, but I was so damn distracted these days... His eyes drift to my lips and my cheeks flush slightly, I was so damn nervous, the last time I saw him he had ripped my heart out of my chest. "Come here," his voice is husky, almost a whisper, his eyes are still jaded and dark. It almost scares me, the way he's looking at me. I advance slowly toward him my fingers shaking, breaths ragged.
"You want me to fuck you don't you?" he turns his chin up, looking down his nose at me, his words are rough now, a little louder and more forceful as he looks me up and down, my lips part in surprise, at a loss for words. "You just can't stay away can you?" he chuckles softly, and he grabs my face roughly, forcing me to look up and fully meet his gaze, I gasp in surprise, making him huff out another amused breath. Adrenaline courses through me and I can't tell if Im more afraid or more turned on, my heart pounds wildly against my chest as I stare up at him. "You just want my cock, stuffing you all night making you scream," he moves his fingers down, gripping my throat now, his long fingers lightly squeezing. I moaned quietly, gasping for breath.
"They do say it's always the quiet ones, the shy ones," he snickered softly, I felt so small underneath him. He squeezed a little tighter, the way he was looking at me. He was so cold, angry even. Did he really believe that's all I wanted from him? Did he really think I didnt mean it when I told him I loved him? "You like the way I fuck you don't you? You like the way I eat your pussy while you cum over and over again? My greedy little slut," his voice rattled through me, I couldn't speak, I only whimpered in response as he pushed me down roughly onto the couch. My body buzzed, my pussy aching with need for him, I didnt care how he was treating me. I didnt care about anything except the fact that I could have him again.
"Is this what you want?" he asks, shoving my face into the arm of the couch, I moaned softly as he ripped my shirt down, my nipples rubbing against the rough fabric of the sofa. My pants are next, and he rips them down with such force I have to hang on tightly to the couch to brace myself. He grips my hips tightly, not even bothering to get me fully undressed. I cry out as he slams his cock into me, filling me all the way up without so much as a warning. Yes, this was exactly what I wanted... What I had been needing. Him. Filling me, close to me, panting over me. "I fucking missed you," he admits, his fingers digging into my hip bones as he fucks me harder than he ever had. I cried out in pleasure, the feelings of pain and pleasure mixing in the best of ways.
"Azriel," I moaned, feeling closer and closer as he pounded into me so deliciously deep. Hes rough, hands needy and gripping me hard, I knew I would be covered in bruises. It felt too damn good to worry about anything. "Oh yes," I moaned again, my body going limp as I came all over him. He lets out a long low groan, continuing to fuck me with everything he had before he collapses on top of me. We lay like that in silence for a few long minutes as we catch our breath, my heart is still racing, nerves churning as I didnt even know how to feel or what to say.
"Are you okay?" I finally break the silence, I instantly regret it as the second I do he's off of me, pulling his pants back up and tucking himself away.
"Im fine, I'll give you a ride," he says coolly and a lump rises in my throat as I scramble to get dressed. It felt like the room was spinning.
"I thought maybe we could hang out or-"
"I told you y/n I can't have a relationship with you, you want to have sex with me, I gave you what you wanted. Im sorting shit out right now. I can't give you anything else," he shrugs, looking down at me now, I could see his mask. I could see he was putting on a face, no matter how well he could fool everyone else.. I could see the cracks.
I didnt hold back when I screamed at him.
"You're fucking scared Azriel!" I wanted to throw something at him, I wanted to hurt him, embarrass him like he had just done to me. No matter how much I had enjoyed it he had just degraded me and fucked me and was now trying to kick me out. "You do this to yourself! You're so fucking afraid of feeling something besides hate or anger that you just push it all away and look at you now I mean what the fuck are you doing? You're doing all kinds of pills and shit every day now? Now you're acting like your father. You are your own worst fucking enemy Azriel," I cry out watching him wince at my words, visibly flinch like they had dealt him a blow.
I knew I was cruel, I knew the things I said were horrible and hateful but I hadn't been able to help myself. Not after he treated me like that.
a/n ooooops lol thoughts????
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hyunjinswifelol · 9 months
study session. h.hj
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warnings: weed, getting high, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f!receive), reader wheres skirt, reader is called y/n, reader is also fem mostly, hyunjin wears rings, reader is a teachers pet, use of slut
summary: reader goes to hyunjin to study, knowing hes really smart. they end up getting high together and do interesting things.
“excuse me, do you know which dorm room is uh.. hwang hyunjins dorm?” y/n asked. the front desk lady gave her a weird look. “why do you need to know?” “hes the smartest in my class and i need tutoring lessons” she said. “hes in room 238 on floor 4. be careful, hes not really a good kind of boy” “i-.. okay thanks!” y/n ran to the elevator, trying not to drop everything, including her bag. she pressed floor 4, and hoped he was even in his room. “room 238.. where is it” she questioned herself, wondering the halls. she found it. her heart was racing. she knocked. “y/n?..” “hyunjin!! hi, can you tutor me please? the math is terrible and-“ “you want me to tutor you?” hyunjin asked, sarcastically laughing. she nodded slowly, afraid he’ll turn her down. “is it too much? are you busy? do i need to come another time-“ “no y/n youre fine. i just wasnt expecting you to come to me” hyunjin said, scratching the back of his neck. she nodded again, less worried. he was much taller than her, she just realized. he was about 5’10, and she was about 5’2. hyunjin opened his door more and let her in. “thanks.. im sorry. i didnt mean to bother you or anything” she said, slightly looking down. “hey its okay.. i understand, schools hard you know? dont worry about it” she smiled and nodded. he was really cute she thought. “do you want a drink?” he asked. “sure.. do you have sweet tea?” hyunjin nodded. “oh sorry.. you can set your stuff down on my table and ill get everything ready” hyunjin said, pulling a chair out for her. “thanks, youre really a gentleman” she said, patting his arm. he blushed. “thanks.. i try to help nice to women. i also try to be nice to you, youre the most favorite in the school you know? the teachers love you” “my parents donated a bunch of money to the school, thats the only reason they love me” “youre really kind to them, they probably like that too, respecting teachers is really important” she nodded. he poured her a glass of tea. “do you smoke?” he asked, sitting down infront of her, handing her the tea. her eyes lit up, and went wide. “do i.. smoke?” he nodded. “do you? i have some weed, we can share a joint before we study, it’ll calm your nerves. youre tense honey” she nodded. “ive never done this before hyunjin.. is it okay?” “ofcourse it is, i wouldnt harm you” hyunjin stood up and went to the kitchen. y/n followed him. he went to roll a joint. he was rolling it up and making it a cigarette type to smoke. y/n was staring at his hands the whole time. the veins, the tings, the tendons, his long fingers. she wondered what they felt like inside her. no. she cant think like that. this is her classmate, and possibly new study friend. “your rings are cool” she softly said. “oh thanks! im glad you notic- how did you notice?..” he said. “i was staring” she mumbled, slightly embarrassed. “you were staring st my hands?” he said, genuinely confused. “yeah.. i mean you have nice hands” “thanks.. are you like.. obsessed with my hands?” “no.. i was just staring cause theyre nice. your nail polish is cool too” she smiled. “thanks” he smiled back at her. “okay done. wanna hit first?” “can you?.. i dont know how to do this” she said, looking at the floor embarrassed. “its okay, dont be embarrassed.. i wouldnt expect you to know how to smoke anyways” he said. he took a big hit, then blew out. “when you take a hit, you’ve gotta inhale it, be careful, it’ll make you cough” he handed it to her. “thanks” she said. she hit it, inhaled, choked a little, then blew out. “wow.. i feel weird” “its normal, after a few more puffs youll feel like youre floating, trust me sweetheart” he said. her cheeks got red at the pet name. she never really liked pet names if she’s completely honest, but she feels warm when he calls her pet names. he took another hit, and did it like a pro. she took another hit, but coughed alot. “its okay, youll get the hang of it” hyunjin reassured her. they took turns back and fourth. after a while, y/n felt very high, and very clingy. “hyunjin.. can we watch a movie?” she asked. “arent we supposed to study?”
“fuck studying” she said. his eyes went wide. she just cussed? “i-.. sure hun, what do you wanna watch?” “romance. like.. shrek!” “thats not a romance honey” he said laughing. “dont laugh.. and yes it is” “okay then..” he took her to the living room. he sat down. she was still standing though. “you can sit down you know..” he said smiling, but slightly confused. “can you spread your legs?” she mumbled. he nodded and did so. she sat in between them. he froze completely. “can you scoot back a little? i dont wanna fall off the couch” she looked back at him smiling innocently. he nodded. he scooted back. she layed back to where her back was against his chest. he got the remote and found shrek and started playing it. she hit the joint again. “jinnie i think im getting high.. am i okay?” she said, now being serious. “its normal love, trust me you’ll be okay” she nodded. she got herself comfortable. her head was resting in ghe crook of his neck, her thighs pressed together between his, her back against his chest, and her hands on his thighs. “this is comfy” she whispered. “good. it is” he smiled. her hair smelled really good. his arms were right beside his thighs, and y/n took that as an opportunity to gran then and wrap them around her waist. he looked down at it, and smiled. “hold me” she said. “okay honey” he said, smiling brighter than ever. she held the joint up to his lips and hetook a hit. she took a hit after him. she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. his arms were loosly wrapped around her waist. “hi lovely” he said. she blinked a few times. then smashed her lips on his. he immediately kissed back. his arms tightened around her. she pulled away after a moment. “can we go to your room?” she shyly asked. “what are you wanting to do in there that we cant do in here?” he asked messing woth her soft hair. “can you make me feel good?” she mumbled. hyunjins pants got tight, and she felt that. she was acting so innocent but shes not at the same time, hyunjin loved it. y/n got up and waited for hyunjin to. “right down the hallway lovely” he said, and held her hand softly. she went and sat on his bed, and he closed his door. the only lightin there was a lamp. she stared at him. he stared backat her. “are you sure you want this?” she nodded. “ive never done it before but i want you to be my first hyunjin. please?” she whispered. he nodded. he wanted this as much as she did. hes fucked multiple girls, but none like her. hes always thought that y/n was special and innocent and pretty, but that innocent thought was long gone. hyunjin kissed her, and they started making out. his tounge slid in her mouth, and he bit her bottom lip- making her whine. hyunjin felt his dick get harder. he slowly pushed her down to where she was laying on her back. his hands roamed her body, and she loved it. her mind and his were all fuzzy, most likely from being stoned, but for her it was that and the feeling of his hands all over her. his hand went down to her wet pussy. he broke the kiss. “do you want me to touch you sweetheart?” he asked, teasing her. “yes please” she whined. he rubbed her clothed clit and she moaned. “lets take these panties off okay?” he said, rubbing up and down her thighs. she nodded. he slip them down to her ankles and threw them somewhere across the room. hyunjin rubbed her clit, and it felt even better with her panties off. “you like that? you like my fingers touching you?” “yes- feels s-so good” she moaned out. hyunjin pushed his middle finger in her entrance. she whined and threw her head back on the bed. “you wanna lay down love?” he asked, still fingering her. she nodded. she scooted back to where her back was slightly against the headboard. he crawled in between her legs and he was face to face with her pussy. “can i?” he asked. “please” she whispered. and just like that that, his face was burried in her pussy. his tounge going in and out of her entrance at a fast pace. y/n’s mind was fully blank, only the thought of hyunjin eating her out like a pro. she grabbed his hair.
hyunjin looked up at her. she closed her eyes and whined. hyunjin came up and kissed her, and started fingering her again- but with two fingers. “hyunjin” she moaned. “yes darling? you like it? you like taking my fingers?” he softly said, playing with her hair in his other hand. she nodded and whined. “you look so fucking pretty. a princess getting fucked in that slutty skirt.. my princess getting fucked in her slutty skirt” she moaned. she liked him calling her a slut. “im your slut?” she whispered. “yes darling youre my little slut okay? youre my princess, my slutty princess” he said, fingering her at the fastest pace possible. “hyun- your fingers” y/n moaned out. “my fingers? you like them? they making my princess feel good?” he asked kissing her forehead. “yes they feel so good-your rings they feel” she said before moaning. “they feel good dont they” he said. she nodded. “lets take this little shirt off okay?” he said, pulling her little pink crop top off. she covered her chest. “hey dont cover or be shy my love” he said slowly pulling her arms softly. “here ill take mine off so youre not alone lovely” he said removing his fingers from her pussy. “hyunjin-“ she whined, feeling empty. “i know darling, youll get what you want soon, i promise” he whispered, taking his shirt off and going back down on her again. “you taste like heaven darling” he whispered. he sucked her clit, and she almost screamed. she bucked her hips in his face, practically riding it. “hyunjin im gonna cum- please can i?” she cried. “yes love” he tounge fucked her for a minute and she came right in his mouth. he slurped her juices and came up to kiss her again. she tasted herself. “lets get this slutty skirt off hm?” he said. she nodded, and he ripped it right off. he got off the bed for a minute. he unbuckled his pants and slid them off, as well as his boxers. his cock sprung right out. her eyes went wide in fear. it looked about 9 inches. she was worried it wouldnt fit. “will it fit hyunjin?” she whispered. “yes love, dont worry okay? ill take care of you” he said, laying her down. he aligned his cock with her hole. “im gonna go in slowly okay? squeeze my hand if it hurts” he whispered. he offered his hand and she held it. he pushed in his tip. she squeezed his hand a little. “you okay darling?” he whispered, his thumb carresing her knuckles. she nodded. “you got this” he whispered. he pushed in another 3 inches. he waited a moment and pushed in a few more inches. he still had about 4 more inches to go. so, he went balls deep in her pussy. “youre tight love” he said, smiling at her. “youre big hyunie” she said, eyes welled with tears. “do you want me to move now?” he asked, holding her hand tight. she nodded. he moved about halfway out and pushed back in very slow. he repeated that for a few minutes. “hyun.. faster please” she whispered, eyes shut tight. he hummed an ‘mhm’ and picked up his pace. “shit” he whispered. he went faster now. she moaned his name a few times. “hyunjin faster-“ she said, and then he went at a rapid pace. she moaned even louder than before. “im gonna cum darling, can i cum in you?” he asked. she nodded, tears streaming from her eyes. she felt herself getting closer too. she clenched around him, and then he came. she came a few seconds after him. he layed beside her. she was panting. “you did great love” he said, still holding her hand. sweat was dripping down his neck. she lookrd over at him, and stared at the sweat. she caused that sweat. “lets get cleaned up and head to bed hm?” he said. “im staying here tonight?” she asked. hyunjin stood up and went to grab a towel. “yeah.. if you want to obviously” he said and smiling at her. “can i sleep in here?” she asked, stars in her eyes. “ofcourse lovely” he cleaned themselfs off. she put her underwear and bra on. he put some boxers amd sweatpants on. “hyunjin?” “hm?” “can i borrow a shirt?” “ofcourse, let me get you one” he said. he walked to his closet and found a white t shirt. he handed it to her and kissed her forehead. she smiled and giggled. “what?” he asked.
“you give me butterflies when you kiss my forehead” she said, looking up at him and smiling. “then ill do it more often” he cockily said. she put the shirt on and collapsed on his bed. he layed doen next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. she rolled over and shoved her face in his chest. “you smell good” she mumbled. “do i?” “mhm” he smiled. he kissed her forehead. “goodnight darling” he said. “goodnight jinnie” “love you” “love you too” she smiled. her face was in his neck and her arms were around his neck, while his was around her waist. they both eventually fell asleep.
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foxieee-bee · 1 month
the longest I went with a full accident in my pants was probably a full day almost i guess, and I filled my pants twice (once in public) and peed them so it was quite the ordeal…
i woke up late and had to get from my dorm to college to have a meeting with someone, I knew from the moment i stood up out of bed that i was going to run into bathroom problems at some point… i already had to go for both reasons but I had no time! Classic scenario!
so I rushed to get dressed and brush my hair so it was somewhat presentable and ran out the door to catch the campus bus. Sitting on that bus I knew I was close to my limits and could feel my tummy pushing. My need to pee wasn’t too bad but it made itself known for sure…
i got to the stop, I was doing that awkward leaning thing just to idk keep my butt occupied lol i wasnt about to mess myself but was certainly not far off if i pushed a bit.
so I head to my meeting walking mostly normally, was only 10 minutes late so quite good for my standards! (time keeping skills are about as good as my potty skills)
the meeting was about an hour but oh. my. god. It felt like an entire day. And idk what it is about when i have to go potty for both reasons but if I try to hold one the other feels like it’s on the verge of losing control and if I swap then im suddenly feeing like I’m about to pee so it’s just a back and forth game of desperation and seat-potty-dancing
im sure the college person knew there was something up but they never said anything probably because im already a bit weird and twitchy anyway lol
by the end though I had my hands in my crotch holding back the flood while my butt was firmly pressed into the seat holding back the other potential accident waiting to happen. Thankfully I didn’t lose control of either and the meeting ended and i got up
i nearly lost it right there though 😅 wow that would have been embarrassing and i probably would have dropped out on the spot lol
so that’s fine and done and I have no classes so time to go home. One thing I must admit is that I enjoy making messies in my pants because it’s just easier to hide most of the time as long as you don’t completely lose control no one will notice as it’s not like a bit wet patch all down your pants hehe
so my priorities shifted to holding my pee in and i awkwardwalked to the bus stop. That’s when the first part of my prediction in the morning came to fruition, i think my muscles were super tired at that point because as much as I tried to hold it in I could just feel myself having an accident very very slowly as I walked and as much as my instinct was to prevent it the kink side of my brain was all just “ok we doin this” and the first part of my accident slowly pushed up to the seat of my pants and I probably started to turn red from embarrassment… 🥺
so I get to the bus stop and sit on one of those stupid half-seat-bench-lean things which helps my hold the rest in. At this point there’s a small mess in my pants but no pee accidents yet so I’d call that a successful venture so far!  just one bus ride to go and a short walk and I’m allllll good!!
obviously my body has other plans, the bus finally arrives and I sit at the back because that’s where cool kids who poop themselves go 😎 im thinking I’m on the home straight and my body goes haha nope ur gonna fill these pants and my stomach cramps up and i can’t help but lean forward as a significantly larger mess pushes it’s way out while I start to also pee my pants too so that’s great!  sat at the back on this bumpy bus ride with my butt squished on my accident filled pants and a nice big wet patch underneath, so glad I was wearing black 😣
at this im shifting from “hehe this is fun innocent kink play” to “fuckfuckfuck ive had an accident in my pants and im still desperate to go potty”
bus arrives at the dorm and I literally walkrun off, up the road and into my dorm building, stairs are an absolute killer when you’re in this state
at this point im already losing it so i just give up while unlocking my door and we’ll and truly *fill* my pants while my black jeans soak up my unstoppable peeing 
I stayed in my messed pants for basically the rest of the day and just kinda got myself all feeling cosy and warm and relaxed and watched videos and ate snacks.
by the evening my pee soaked pants had mostly dried off (well not like actually dry as they’re jeans but like yknow not soggy) and I had to go again so I got on my knees in the puddle i had been in for most of the day and just pushed the rest out, I re-warmed my pants, made the puddle bigger and most importantly filled the seat of my pants up so much they … uh, overflowed a bit 😞
messy fun js not usually my thing but it was fun to just completely lose control and go potty all over myself like that… 
i probably stayed in my soiled soggy pants and jeans until midnight before finally going through all the clean up…
anyway that was probably the longest i have ever stayed in pottied pants!
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aita for not inviting a friend of mine into my dnd campaign?
so i (18nb) have a friend (18nb, Martin) who i play in a main dnd campaign with with all our other friends (Ill name them Dan, Virgil, Mark, and Ray). Dan is our DM after we kicked out the old one bc she was horrible. We're a pretty close group of friends, but lately we've all been really busy with respective school & work, ect. so we didnt play dnd for a solid, like,, 4 months. I DMed a one shot for everyone besides Ray cause she was flaky anyway, and added in my boyfriend Zeke for it.
Everyone had a really fun time w it and I loved everyones characters, especially Dan's. I watch a lot of dnd shows, so i just keep getting more ideas- but while the one shot was fun it was messy as hell. Ive been wanting to write a campaign for a smaller group for a while, (because when i tried making a campaign with the whole group the character creations were... disappointing to say the least. this sounds mean but i created a fairy world that was very magical & told everyone to go crazy on character creation in a world with few/no humans, and like 5/6 people opted to be a human with a fighting class :/ )
ive been writing a campaign that im really proud of and have a good vision for, and decided to include Mark (because we're best friends) Zeke (because he wants to play dnd more and has no opportunities) Dan (bc he never gets to be a player) and then another close friend of mine outside the group named Gabe (who i love but never get to see) I love their characters & we're all super excited.
Thing is. I was briefly talking with Dan, Zeke and Mark about it at school bc I'd sent everyone a little intro message for the world and they were all super excited and wanted to talk to me about their classes. Virgil had no problem with this and was excitedly asking abt the world + characters along with some other friends from school, but Martin got quiet and went and sat by himself. I could tell they were off, but Martin is generally a quiet person anyway and is often sad + doesnt want to talk for like a hundred different reasons, so i left her alone. Later that day in a different class I have with Virgil he showed me his phone where Martin had sent him a message saying she was really disappointed & felt left out that i hadnt invited them to my campaign.
i instantly felt bad and started to text him, but,,,, to be honest, i dont think im at all responsible for this.
i have reasons for leaving Martin out, the main one being that they just..... arent a very active player. Hes soft spoken and doesnt actually like rping their characters- her character in our main campaign is/was literally mute bc they said they didnt want to have to speak as him. (theyve since taken this back and went through with a curse breaking thing to be able to speak, but her character,,, still doesnt talk much.) he writes really good, sad backstories but doesnt actually play or do anything with them and gets uncomfortable acting. Their characters are not only emotional, but like. crazy. they play a bunch of cool tieflings with insane magic classes & features and then, again,,,, dont roleplay them. I didnt want the group to be big and had a good reason for including everyone that i did, and our other friends that arent in it (Virgil, Ray who is Martins sister btw, all our other d&d interested friends at school) literally dont mind at all. i just wrote a campaign that theyre not in. Martin also has their feelings hurt very easily, so to be honest i just find her being sad about not being in it just... stupid. id never say that to his face & i get that he feels bad, but like....cmon.
im aware im a very very incredibly low empathy person- to be honest i struggle with depression and bpd very heavily and am often mean to my friends & loved ones without really processing why or how much it affects them. i told Virgil that i thought Martins reaction was stupid, and he said that that wasnt fair bc Martin had always been in my campaigns before (which is, yknow, one. Martin and I were even in a campaign with a completely different group a while back and Martin willingly left it very early because the group was loud & their character wasnt doing anything (yeah)). Every time Martins expressed (or i guess not expressed) sorrow for not being invited to it ive just sort of ignored them. this again isnt that uncommon cuz when shes sad he doesnt like to talk about it, and also they havent directly confronted me with this at all.
ive been talking about the campaign a lot because it occupies frankly a lot of my brain because i have so much to write, and i especially talk to the people that arent in it bc theres no risk of slipping up and telling them something they arent supposed to know. The other friend, Gabe, is friends with Zeke and Mark and I, and Dan is good around new people,, but Martins really quiet around people he doesnt know well, so if i invited her anyway they'd probably play the game even less than they already do.
again, im really bad at having an actual perspecitve on this. Virgil said he feels bad for Martin but not for himself, as far as i know Dan doesnt know about the situation, and i literally just dont wanna involve Mark and Zeke (Zeke HATES conflict and when people fight so he really doesnt have to be involved.) Mark Martin and I have all been really close friends since literally 7th grade and I guess Martin especially feels left out that I involved Mark and not them but Marks both really good at character creation and also talking in character, and like, hes my best friend who i do everything with.
I dont wanna blow off Martins emotions but but i truly dont give a shit that they feel betrayed by my not inviting him. especially because they havent bothered actually telling me this. objectively i dont think its my fault even a little, and Martin is really horrible at handling their emotions anyway (this isnt an insult, just a fact. i am too). aita for not inviting him + not caring that shes upset by it and acting like they arent?
sorry this is so long i really like providing context
What are these acronyms?
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msxrik · 1 year
. . ."Ill give you a real lesson". . .
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☾ Content- /oral, dom!male!reader, slutshaming, virgin/subby!Idia, overstimulation, orgasm denial, fingering,/dubcon
☾ Pairing- Idia x Male/afab/reader. (the reader is from savanaclaw cuz jock x loser is the best and yeah the reader has ears and a tail. And idia has makeup on idk if his lips r blue naturally but)
Idia was nowhere to be seen for the last... days, weeks even. You started to worry about him as you two grew a little closer after ditching P.E once a week, he hates sports and you're just lazy. Now that you think about it, you haven't seen him since Crowley decided to add sex-ed classes, and during the first class you caught him staring. not that you mind....
You decided to go to his dorm later that day knocking on his door
"On god Ortho i told you im fine! and yees im doing ALL my work, im not playing games non stop!!"
yeah yeah of course... after a short while you entered the room as quiet as you could hoping you could scare him... oh my god it smelled awfull in there, and you know exactly what smells like that, god damnit he was jerking off for the last week, and he didnt even bother to throw away most of the used tissues. and you were so worried???
"c'mon nerd we're going to my place" you slurred out as he turned around fucking petrified.
"how did you-"
"your fucking deaf you know that? come on it smells disgusting in here..." a single drop of sweat ran down his face, he got so nervous as he got up and followed you to savanaclaw, he was hiding behid you the whole walk, when you finally reached your room it was getting dark outside. He sat down on your bed playing with his fingers mumbling something to himself.
"sooo why did you bring me here....?" he asked nervously looking everywhere but at you.
"remember that sex ed lesson last week? the one you were staring at me for the 45 minutes we sat there?''
"yeah.. no! i mean no. i wasnt lookingat you i was-"
"you were what? maybe you were thinking about me fucking you?"
idia officialy lost it he looked like he was about to pass out. As he was looking at the floor boards you got on the bed and sat right behind him leaning your face on his shoulder, he jumped slightly as you whispered to his ear.
"what? i mean you missed one lesson so maybe ill tutor you? so you dont get behind??"
"o-oh god, n-no im fine, really- m-mnhh~.." he yelped as you gently brushed your fingers across his hardening cock,
"oh come on, how old are ya' its pathetic you know, you never touched anybody beside yourself.... ill take good care of you~"
after a short moment of silence he nodded his head, still too flustered to say anything. as you sat him down between your legs undoing your belt.
"go ahead, use that knowledge from your pathetic little novels"
For some reason your words only aroused him more, he moved closer to you, his shaky hands lowered your boxers and you hummed gently when your lenght rested on his face, the pure shock on his face only made it better.
"What. Never seen a dick before? Or is it to big."
"t-thers no way thats gonna fit- it won- M-Mnh...~" he moaned as you slipped your tip past his lips
"come on open up that pretty mouth of yours"
He eventually did hiding his pride in his pocket bobbing his head gagging slightly when you hit the back of his throat, blue lipstick allover your lenght
"Fuuck your so bad at this" you tangled your hands into his hair as it turned that pretty pink color.
"are you getting off on this? God you really are a loser. A perverted one too"
You pressed the tip of your shoe on his crotch earning a loud yelp from him as you giggled at his reaction. You held his head in place as you fucked his throat
"fuck gonna cum...~" you pulled out pumping your lenght over his face, as he opened his mouth so you can avoid making a mess
"thats a good boy~"
"W-wha- Y-Y/n.. owhh~ t-this is.. Humiliating g-god."
He licks you lets say "clean" after you finish avoiding eye contact at all cost. You pulled him in bending him over on your knee sliding two of your fingers covered in all the cum he missed knuckles deep inside him as he whined
"you are feeling good tho? I can feel your dick twitch against my leg, never knew you were such a slut.."
He cried out in response, making a mess allover your black sweatpants
"c-cumming..F-fuuuck... Mnh Y-y/n im-"
"did you just come over my fingers? Or was it the degradation? God 'ya really are a pervert"
You flipped him over making him face the pillows sticking his ass out
"c'mon beg for me Shroud."
His hair turned another shade of pink as you sat back looking at him waiting for his cute little stutters and his begging.
"do i h-have to..? Cant you j-just do it.."
"You earn it or im leaving you like that"
"who's the pervert here...." He sighed out as he spread his ass before you
" h-hmph.... p-please Y-y/n... 'need you so badly. " He bearly hiccked up that out all flustered
"well that will do it. Thats a good little boyy~"
You said walking up to him slamming your hips against his. He was so sensitive to your touch tears running up his face
"i-i hoped mnh.. i would t-top you y-ya know.. but this feels g-good mmhm.. k-keep going please..." He was fucked dumb saying such things wich you knew you will tease him about later.
"fuck. G-gonna cum.." he moaned out
"me too.. fuck you got so tight..."
Your pace got so sloppy you didnt even pull out cumming deep inside him.
"F-fuuck... Y-y/n u-ugh...
After you catched your breath you lay down next to him.
"what are you looking so cocky for?" He asks slamming a pillow in your face
"Pftt-Haha sorry sorry... Should i help you ot to the toilet-"
"N O." he almost screamed when you said that he was already embaressed as it was..
"hate you" he said in a loving voice
"love ya too little flame"
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cat-autism-wizard · 3 months
five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
4- valerie gray
valerie was a smart girl but her rage and grudge often clouded her judgment. she knew phantom was doing so much help to humans but she still held a grudge since hes the one who ruined her dad's career and her life. after learning he was after the mayor she decided she was gonna do anything to capture phantom.
but everything changed when she saw him risking everything he had to save the little half ghost girl. he even risked his own life. valerie hated ghosts but she was not a monster. she could never hurt a human even if theyre half human. so she helped him save the little girl. maybe phantom wasnt too bad.
after they rescued the little girl and the mayor from that evil ghost plasmius both phantom and ghost girl went away. valerie was on her way before realizing she didnt check on the mayor and she went back to the lab.
she saw the mayor he was smiling like a crazy man. then she saw glowing rings on his waist. then he transformed..
no no no no.
there was no way that was possible. mayor masters tranformed into plasmius. was she helping him the whole time? the stories about phantom being evil and attacking the mayor, they were all lies. valerie felt betrayed, she felt stupid. the whole time she was being tricked into thinking phantom was the enemy while the real enemy was manipulating her.
maybe she was wrong. wrong about not hurting a human. all she felt was rage. she took a deep breath. she saw what plasmius could do if she attack him now there was no way she could win. she tried her best not to be impulsive as she left the lab.
that day she learnt so much. there were half ghosts some were evil and some were just trying to survive. she was so wrong about a lot of things. she always thought ghosts were all evil but now she sees theyre just like people and phantom was one of the good ones.
"shit" she said as she let herself fall to her bed. the she started to think if whether phantom was also a half ghost. he did look like he knew the little girl in her both forms.
next day in school everything was the same. between classes star walked with her.
"girl are you okay? you seem really tired." star asked worried. she was right valerie was looking like he hasnt slept like ages. it was partially right she couldnt get much sleep from overthinking.
"yeah i am, just have something on my mind. dont worry." she smiled reassuring star that she was telling the truth. but it wasnt really convincing for star.
"i dont want to push you but i hope you know that im here for you val." star gave a small smile.
when the bell rang they went to their classes. valerie was happy to have a friend like star. she might be the only reason why she was still sane. she wished that she could talk about ghost stuffs with her.
in the class valerie noticed danny looking tired more than usual. after class valerie wanted to ask danny if he was alright but right as she was approaching him a ghost attacked the school. valerie saw danny ran for the janitor closet. 'thats by far one of the worst place you could hide' valerie thought. she had to save him before something happened but first she had to become red huntress. before she could do anything she saw phantom flying towards the ghost attacker.
'huh' she thought. phantom was pretty early which gave her some time to get danny out of that terrible 'hiding space'. she opened the janitor closet only to find nothing. danny wasnt there.
valerie started to panic. where could he be? what if something happened to him? valerie was finally gaining friends that was really her friends and not some jock who drops her the moment shes not rich. she was not gonna lose her friends because of some lousy ghost. she found a place to transform into red huntress and searched the whole building but there was no trace of him.
it was only when the attack was done and phantom souped the ghost she could see danny again. she took her suit off somewhere safe and rushed to danny.
"danny where were you?" she asked worry apperant in her voice. danny was taken aback a little.
"i was hiding from the ghost." he said. that was a lie, she knew it but danny said it way too calmly.
"in the janitor closet?" valerie asked not believing the boy.
"yeah it was the closest place i could hide." he said absentmindedly. if valerie didnt check the janitor closet herself she might have believed him which irritated her more than anything. she sighed in an attempt to calm herself down or at least to seem calm.
"im glad youre safe." she left them without they get to say anything more. she had to think to make things make sense.
danny lied to her. which was annoying but all valerie could think was how natural he sounded. danny couldnt lie to save his life, she would know. when he doesnt have his homework he couldnt make up a single lie nor can he tell them without looking like hes gonna shit himself. no, danny fenton was a lot of things but being a good liar was not one of them. it only indicates that he told that lie before so many time. it was a practiced lie.
but why? why would he lie about a hiding place? what was he hiding from valerie? where did he go when he was not in the closet? and more importantly how did he go elsewhere?
valerie was sure she did not look at somewhere long enough and far enough for her to not to notice danny leaving the closet. if there wasnt a secret passage in the closet or danny didnt suddenly gain ghost powers it would be impossible for danny to go out without valerie seeing him.
no no it was stupid, there was no way.
there was no way that danny out of all people was a half ghost. everyone knew he always hid away the first when there was a ghost attack because he was scared and danny only knew ghost stuff because his parents were ghost hunters. no other reasons. it was just a coincidence that he looked like that half ghost girl. or that he was always close to the places that attacks happen. or that he only comes out when the attack is fully done. or that phantom uses a thermos that looks exactly like his thermos thats written 'fenton' on it.
oh ancients.
oh ancients.
danny was phantom. how could valerie be so blind. of course he was. it was as obvious as the sun in the sky. she couldnt believe she couldnt see it before. to be fair she didnt know half ghost existed. but still it was obvious.
she cursed herself in her mind she also cursed danny because danny phantom? really? he couldnt find a better name? at least to his credit it took valerie so much to figure it out but it was still a dead give away. but she also cursed danny because why didnt he tell her? she couldve hurt him real bad.
valerie sighed and tried to think how can she help him. and how to compensate all the times she hurt him.
1 2 3 4 5 +1
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Why Pokemon Legends: Z-A Should Not put any focus on AZ:
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but with the Pokemon Legends: Z-A announcement and all the discussion about it. for some reason so many of you can only talk about AZ. and honestly i hope we get nothing about him.
i hope he doesn't appear at all, if hes mentioned its about the history of Kalos and he never interacts with the player.
AZ's story is over, we got his backstory, his lasting effects on Kalos, and reunited him with Floette. there is nothing left to his story arc. his major role was being the explanation for how Team Flare got a super weapon. that's it. AZ has so much presence in the fandom even though he appears like 3 times in game and thats enough. hes not a major player in the game! he's a sad dishevelled man, cursed because he did genocide cuz he thought it would somehow get him his floette back. and by the end of the game he's repented, his superweapon is destroyed for good this time, and he reunites with Floette.
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please note how broken up this man is that he finally reunited with his beloved pokemon.
AZ is only ever brought up when people want to discuss their wild fan theories or to salivate of "The Lore" as if AZ's actually done anything that wasnt dealt with in X&Y. Did his super weapon make the Area Zero crater? no because the Area Zero crater in 6 million years old -did you not go to the history class? What was AZ doing for 3 thousand years? after he got imortality he mostly moped and wandered cuz mass genocide didnt get him his Floette back. what happend to Kalos in that time? Kalos moved on? most of this "Lore" is either obvious, addressed in universe or absolutly not game changing! In my opinion: any poketuber talking about how AZ should info dump about what he did during his 3000 year mope are idiots who want a history textbook more than they actually want a pokemon game. and their reading comprehension sucks.
this is a bit of a tangent but i gotta get this off my chest: some of this focus on AZ is because some fans only want the opportunity to catch his unique floette. because you people are weird and must have everything for yourselves, i guess. I find it strange and bizzare that so many people are desperate to take this man's partner pokemon at all. like why? cuz its a unique floette? i don't really get it. I've seen so many pokemon youtubers who are desperate to talk about how they hope PL:Z-A will let them catch Floette and im sorry but do you(these poketubers) not understand pokemon? pokemon is about bonds and friendship and you want to break this one up because he has a special pokemon? have you people been watching and playing the same Pokemon i have!?
... anyway.
moving on, PL:Z-A is going to be focused on Lumiose City, on either its construction or some other aspect of it. AZ should not be involved at all, first its cuz AZ is still in his moping phase pre X&Y and will be until the events of X&Y. secondly because Lumiose is a modern city and AZ only affected changes during his reign as king, yanno 3000+ years ago? and thirdly, its called pokemon legends: Z-A. not ZA like some people keep reporting, the hyphen is important.
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its not just AZ backwards, its an acronym Z-A. whether Z-A stands for Zygarde is up in the air, i mean the font choice points in that direction but who knows. either way i dont think PL:Z-A is gonna be about AZ at all and why would it Lumiose is about looking to the future and the trailer highlights this, why would they spend time looking to the ancient past in the game that in all likelyhood is gonna be about innovating and advancing into the future! and AZ is characterized by clinging to the past and not moving on!
In conclusion, I hope AZ doesnt appear in Pokemon Legends: Z-A, his story was complete in X&Y and theirs nothing to expand on that would be actually interesting to the majority of players.
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animestsstuff2 · 6 months
•Sickly Sweet•
Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Content warning: blood, bullying, cursing, death, fluff, light smut? (Characters are aged up 16/17 but smut would just be kissing if even)
Part 4
“Hey Yuri!” Kirishima called after you as you walked through the halls. You stopped waiting for him to catch up.
“Hey Kiri, whats up?” You asked, both of you walking to your next class.
“Some of us are heading to the mall after school, you gotta come!” He told you and you smiled, stopping in front of your classroom door.
“Yeah sure, are we meeting somewhere after school?” You asked. There were a few shopping malls near you. A big one and two small ones but they both needed a car or train to get there.
“Yeah we are meeting at the shin train station around fourish then getting the train in” he told you and you nodded.
“Oh! Wait before we go in whats your number?” He asked and you felt your cheeks heat up instinctively. You knew Kirishima didn't mean it like that. Kirishima immediately realised what he asked and his cheeks turned red like his hair.
“N-No not for that reason. I mean so I can call you when im there but I wouldn’t not ask you out!- I of course I mean we are only friends but I dont want you to think thats what im doing. Theres way manlyier ways to ask a lady out!“ You giggled at the poor boys desperate face as he rambled on. You pulled a pen from the pocket of your shirt and grabbed his hand writing your number down. He thanked you sheepishly rubbing the back of his nape.
“Its okay kir-
“Move you damn extras! What are you even doing flirting with her shitty hair! As if you have a chance with anyone” That gruff voice that youve come to just love so much! Ugh not. You turned to see Bakugou standing beside you both, glaring at Kirishima in particular.
“He wasn’t flirting with me Bakugou, not that you would know what that looks like! You scare women away by just your presence” you snapped at the blonde, turning to glare up at him. His eyes flickered over to you and he stepped forward. That familiar smokey caramel scent drifting up to your nose.
“What did you just say you extra?” He growled, leaning down slightly and moving closer. You turned to look for help from Kirishima but to your actual surprise hed left you! So not manly kirishima!.
You felt a slightly nervous grin form on your face as you stepped back only to bump into the wall and you froze. Bakugou stood, leaned over you as his teeth gritted. He had a bad temper and everyone annoyed him but you, you seemed to be the worst. He couldnt get you out of his head since he met you, always looking at you, laughing and smiling with everyone. You were so friendly to everyone and distracting! He could never focus with you in the same room.
“What? Not gonna answer. . . Where did all that confidence go? You sure had a lot; giving Kirishima your number so boldly” he glowered, you just wrote your number down so quickly for the red-headed idiot. You’d only known him for just over two weeks!
“I-“ You couldn’t speak let alone think, after realising the distraction of Bakugous smell you had to stay away. It must be his blood type. . . Not anything else. You looked at him. His blonde hair sticking out over his red eyes. He stepped closer and you stepped back, pushing yourself into the wall.
“Tsk. You’re such a weakling” he snapped and you clenched your fist as you shook your head. You opened your mouth, trying to ignore his strong scent.
“No im not and you do scare girls with your presence! You’re always glaring at people!” You snapped, looking straight at him and his brows raised at your little outburst.
“No im not! Stop lying you stupid extra” he growled. He wasnt some creep always glaring at people, why would he even waste time looking at others.
“Yes you are. You always stare at me!” You stepped forward, poking a finger into his chest as you furrowed your brows at the boy before you.
“W-What? No i dont. You dumb extra!” He snapped, stepping back, did he always stare at you? If he did its only because youre so annoying and loud.
He shook his head, grabbing your finger and hand that was poking his chest pausing when he felt how cold you were, like you weren’t even alive. You froze again, feeling the warmth of his palm seep into your hand. Youd never felt this type of warmth and your eyes flickered back to his.
“AHHHH! Guys look theyre so cute!” Minas recognisable squeal broke you too apart. Bakagou immediately stepped aside and into the classroom.
You turned to Mina and seen Uraraka and Jiro with her. You felt your cheeks warm ever so slightly as they eyed you up. Mina was practically bouncing on the spot as she stepped forward and grabbed your arm.
“M-Mina! We are not cute. We were literally just arguing!” You pointed out, trying to quell her excitement. Her grin only grew.
“Nu uh! You cant lie to me Yuri! I know flirting and youuss were flirting” she exaggerated. You were arguing with Bakugou not flirting. You didnt even like him as a person let alone like like him. You shook your head.
“Um. . Sorry Yuri but I agree with Mina. He was totally jealous of you and Kirishima!” Uraraka piped up and you groaned.
“No Uraraka not you too!” The two girls grinned at you and you looked to Jiro who just smirked slightly and shrugged walking into the classroom.
“You guys would make such a cute couple! Its so obvious he likes you” Mina cried excitedly and you shook your head in protest of the idea of dating Bakugou.
“Yeah Yuri, he is always staring at you and talking about you” Uraraka piped up and your eyes widened, you were curious, what did he say?
“What does he say” you asked, looking at them.
“Well. . . He mainly talks about how annoying you are but its all the time! My mom said when a boy likes you they act like they hate you because theyre too ashamed to admit they have feelings!” Mina explained and you relaxed for some reason youd tensed up nervous of what Bakugou could be saying about you.. what he really thought about you.
“That doesn’t really make sense Mina but anyways, lets go class is starting now” you told her and all three headed in as the bell rang.
“Hey dad! Im going out with some friends if thats alright!” You called to your dad as you walked downstairs. Aizawa sat at the kitchen table with some folders and paper.
“Who are you going with? and when will you be back? and where are you going?” His quick questions made you roll your eyes. You didn’t really have any friends as a kid being homeschooled up until U.A so this was new.
“With some friends from your class. We are just going to the plaza mall” you told him and his already hooded eyes narrowed more before he nodded.
“Okay, do you need money? Here” his scarf floated and picked up his wallet as he grabbed it and pulled money out for you. You sheepishly thanked him, feeling slightly bad but nonetheless grateful.
“Ill be texting you so make sure you reply quick or ill come and get you” you nodded quickly. He has always been so strict.
You left and headed for the station. It was a pretty warm day which was nice considering it was early April.
You arrived at the train station and smiled as you seen everyone else. Kirishima spotted you and waved his hand over. You grinned and headed over to him as he threw his arm roughly around your shoulders and smiled.
“Hey you came! Awesome” he grinned and you nodded, stepping away from him as he dropped his arm.
You didn’t expect so many. Mina, Uraraka, Kirishima, Kaminari, jiro and Deku. You liked everyone here, especially Uraraka. You both have been close since the villian/hero training a few days ago, ever since shes been sitting with you at lunch and break and in most classes.
“Oh bakugou! You came too!” You froze as Kirishima yelled to the grumbling blonde who joined your group. You sighed, of course Kirishima is too nice not to invite him.
“Yeah whatever. Im only here because you begged me to come” he grumbled and you felt your mood dampen slightly as you turned to glance at him only to find him already staring and you quickly turned away. You immediately thought back to what Mina and Uraraka had said about him
“Okay the train is here everyone!” You chuckled at how Kirishima was acting, almost like Iida as he stood by the door and watched everyone get on.
You took your seat. Kaminari, Jiro, Deku and Mina sat across from you whilst Kirishima took a seat beside you. You smiled at Uraraka who went to take the seat next to you when Bakugou planted himself down and your smile dropped. Uraraka just wiggled her brows at you two and you stuck your tongue out at her as she moved to sit across from Deku and beside Kirishima.
“What are we doing anyways Kirishima?” You asked. You’d been to this mall a few times. Its pretty big with three stories lots of shops and restaurants and even some entertainment establishments like the cinema and arcades.
“Im not sure. Mina was the one who asked me. I think its just a hang out” he explained and you nodded. The train jostled along and you noticed everyone in conversation except for Bakugou. Who sat relaxed against the window of the train staring ahead.
“Are you excited to go to the mall Bakugou?” You asked quietly, if Kirishima invited him he couldn’t always be mean, maybe he just hates school.
“Nah! This is such a stupid thing to be wasting time on but Dunce face and shitty hair begged me to come” he grumbled and you rolled your eyes, huffing back into your seat.
“Of course you’d say that, why even come if you’re gonna be miserable. Is there anything you like?” You grumbled feeling your mood dampen. You were even more annoyed at him for spreading his legs and touching his warm thigh to yours. It was distracting.
“Of course i like things! Just not stupid things like you” he countered and you rolled your eyes at him. He definitely hated everything and anything. You sighed, trying not to let him get to you as you tried again to be nice.
“yeah, like what?” You asked, turning in your seat slightly to face him. His brow raised at your inquisitive tone and change in demeanour, what were you doing?
“Why do you wanna know?” He asked, not fully giving you his attention as he glanced down at you. This was a lie, all he could focus on was were your now two knees touched his thigh when you turned.
“Because we are in the same class and friend group. Its nice to get to know your friends” you were quite literally biting your tongue to not snap at him right now. Mina said if hes mean he likes you so if he acts nice then he doesnt and she will drop it.
“As if id be friends with a damn nerd like you” he quipped and you bit your tongue harder as your hand squeezed your waterbottle tight.
“Fine! Dont tell me. You’re impossible you know! Im trying to be nice and youre just being rude” you snapped as you turned back to face forward, crossing your arms. He opened his mouth to retort but decided against it, what was he feeling. . . Was he feeling bad?
“Tsk, I like spicy food and horror movies. You happy?” He groaned and you felt a smile grow on your face. He was nice! Well as nice as he can be.
“Really? I don’t really like spicy food! Too much heat, whats your favourite spicy food?” You chimed, feeling slightly proud to finally get a proper answer from him. This made you happy for some reason, more so than talking with Kirishima and others.
“Of course. You’re too lame to be able to handle any spice! My favourite is spicy ramen with extra chilli oil” he told you, of course having to add an insult.
“I love ramen too! My favourite is chicken flavour, sometimes the curry one too” you told him. He rolled his eyes at your smiling expression and turned back to face the window before him. You felt good about that small interaction and turned to your friends who all quickly got back to their conversations, hoping You didn’t notice them eavesdropping on you and Bakugou. You also failed to notice the small half tipped smile on the blondes face.
You all arrived at the mall and separated but decided to meet up in a hour at the food court. You went with the girls of course to different shops, going through different clothes and accessories all while gossiping.
“Sooo. . . Yuri! You and Bakugou on the train huh!” Mina wiggled her brows and you rolled your eyes as you looked through the clothing rack trying to ignore her.
“What about us on the train” you mumbled, feeling your stomach twist slightly. You were probably just hungry.
“Oh come on! You have to admit Bakugou is pretty attractive..” she coaxed, pinching your side making you jump as you turned around.
“Mina! I dont like him” you told her firmly, feeling annoyed by her. She only rolled her eyes at you and smiled.
“But he spoke to you! And he smiled after the conversation ended” you stilled. He smiled? You made him smile. You shook your head at your thoughts. Why was he getting to you. You didn’t care if he smiled, probably his first smile since he was born.
“I think yous would make a cute couple” Uraraka piped as she looked at her self with a shirt in the mirror.
“Oh yeah what about you and Izuku” you piped and her face turned bright red as she quickly spun round.
“What about Izuku! Did he say something about me!?” She asked as she grabbed your arm. You were taken aback and you, Mina and Jiro burst out laughing at her.
You all left the store and headed for the food court to meet with the boys. You got some new clothes. You spotted Kirishima which wasnt hard given his spikey red hair. He waved yous over and you all sat around the big table.
“Hey guys! Get anything nice?” Kirhsima asked and you all nodded. He flashed his toothy grin and pulled out a big black graphic hoodie out if his bag.
“Woah thats so nice Kirishima” You smiled as you reached out to touch it.
“I love boys clothing, especially jumpers theyre always so much comfier than girls” you hold him and he nodded agreeing with you.
“So what are we all feeling for lunch?” Denki asked, everyone piped up with different opinions but the food court is huge so everyone got up to get their food.
You were craving some hot ramen. You headed to the little takeaway ramen shop. You could pick your own broth and toppings. You waiting in the line, going onto your phone to message your dad back.
“What are you ordering?” His deep voice piped up behind you and you jumped. You immediately knew who it was. His caramel scent wafting up to your nose as you felt the hear radiating behind you.
“Oh-um, just some tonkotsu ramen” you told him as you turned around. His eyes stared down at you, red circles piercing you and you froze slightly.
“Boring and lame like you” he tsked. His brow raising when You didn’t quickly retort. He noticed your pupils were slightly dilated and your cheeks flushed, were you overwhelmed by all the food smells.
He leaned down his face close to yours as you felt your mind race. His smell so strong; you couldn’t smell the hot food behind you. He rolled his eyes at you. How would you be a good hero when you got distracted so easily.
“Next!” Bakugou glanced up at the employee pointedly looking at Bakugou and you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you forward to the counter. Bakugou ordered for himself, yelling for extra spicy which the employee rolled his eyes at the rudeness of the boy.
“And for her?” The employee asked. He turned to you, seeing you were still slightly dazed.
“She’ll have tonkotsu broth with chicken, egg and green onion toppings” he told him and the employee nodded, handing Bakugou the ticket number. He turned and walked to the collection end, still holding your hand.
“Are you done zoning out yet?” His voice snapped in your ear and you jumped. You blinked a few times and looked up at him, subconsciously gripping his hand tighter.
“Huh? Oh I didn’t order” your eyes widened at your stupidness. He overwhelms you so easily. Your mind raced with thoughts as you turned to go join the line when Bakugou dragged you back by your joined hands which you only now realised. Your cheeks heated as you turned back and looked at them.
“I ordered for you nerd. Its rude you know to make others pay for your food” he grumbled and you immediately felt bad.
“Im so sorry! I have change I can pay you back, how much was it?” You asked as you pulled your purse out and fished in. He grabbed your hand back and you looked up at him.
“Its fine, you can pay me back by stop being so stupid and dont zone out next time” You opened your mouth to argue but his glare hardened and you quickly shut it.
Your number was called and Bakugou grabbed the tray with your ramen bowls on it, bringing it back to your table which all your friends were at again yous sat beside each other and grabbed your bowls.
“Bakugou. Your ramen is the same colour as Kirshimas hair!” You exclaimed, looking at the fiery red broth. The smell was even making your eyes water. He rolled his eyes at you as he began digging in.
You all sat and chatted as you ate and enjoyed your food. You smiled as you watched your friends, enjoying today with your basically first friends unaware of the blonde who just stared at you, slightly puzzled and feeling something else that he wasn’t familiar with. . .
He didn’t like you. You were just an extra in his movie. A person who annoyed him, who he couldn’t get out of his head. . . He shook his head, grumbling as his narrowed eyes watched you and Kirishima chatted. You were awfully close to that red head and it bothered him. It was just you. You bothered him, always on his mind.
You remained blissfully unaware of the blondes thoughts as you all ate and headed home, happy with the day out with your friends.
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urapunk · 14 days
bryce montrose headcanons? and if you ship him with chad, hcs for their ship as well ?
i dont know literally anything about bryce but im gonna try
Bryce Montrose & Chad Morris HCs!
Some are about Bryce singularly, some are about Chad singularly.
Bryce loves debating. He loves making up valid arguments and having the exhilerating feeling of being correct. Bullworth once had a debate team but after like 3 months everyone in it left except for Bryce and... Gord for some reason? I HC he likes debate too. Chad loves to support this, to give him topics for him to write on.
Speaking of writing, bryce loves writing ANYTHING. He writes like he talks, fancy words sprinkled in with a bit of 'like, uh' unless the paper is supposed to be professional.
Grape Soda Gobbler. He LOVES grape soda to no end, and would probably sell his friends on the conditions he gets an endless supply. He just likes grape soda... And only he likes grape soda. He and 3 other folks at bullworth, ew. Special mention; cherry coke. The preps love cherry coke, but nobody loves it more than derby.
Has an odd love for board games. He will rip you apart in Monopoly or Sorry, just becaude he can. He loves to ask chad id they can play a board game because it's just fun. And chad usually complies, modtly because when it comes to bryce he think son thing and one thing only. 'Whatever you say beautiful'
Chad LOVES Lesley Gore. His head'll be totally gone while he's humming Little Girl Go Home. He also adores other 1960/50s artists, like Paul Anka or A LITTLE bit of Johnny Cash. He thinks his music is pauper music.
Chad cannot stand the winter. He hated the cold, hates how his feet feel like ice cubes and mint gum when he walks, and how his lips get more chapped in the winter. Also, nobody likes a stuffy nose.
Bryce likes to help with his hate of the cold, they are certified cuddlebugs your honor.
Chad cant eat without something distracting him sometimes. He just cant, it's boring like that. He's like the 2006 version of an ipad kid, just always infront of the TV in his spare.
Chad loves Purple. His silk sheets? Purple. Journals and notebooks? Purple. PENS? PURPLE! His first car would be purple too, maybe with gold colored accents. His car would be expensive is what I'm saying.
They dont like to he seperated. Bryce likes knowing that chad is there so he could smush his cheek against chads shoulder, or hold him and sway with his face buried in the collar of chads polo. They hook pinkies when they're sitting in class all focused because bryce never wants to stop touching chad.
Chad's face flushes insanely. It only shows up as a slight blush on his skin but trust me, he's redder than a tomato in lipstick. Bryce always gets worried when he feels chads face is insanely warm.
Chad once threw a tennis ball into a bush of flowers for chester to return with.. A sloppery half attempt at a wedding photo worthy moment and bouquet, but Bryce got the idea and nearly melted. It was adorable.
Bryce loves to buy things. Small, or big, if chad wants it he gets it. He mentioned a particular scent? Bryce searched for hours to find it. He's dedicated and its adorable, especially when it's just something small like a specific flavor of lip balm or a discontinued drink he likes.
Bryce loves Chad's dog Chester. He cant stand when the slobbery little animal looks at him. He goes straight to scratch attacking his body before behind the ears and chin. If chester is laying down Bryce will sit criss cross beside him and rub his tummy like he needs to make electricity with the friction.
(i was wondering why i wasnt getting anyone to interact then i realized I FORGOT TAGS. I DIDNT ADD ANY TAGS THE FIRST TIME.)
(Chads favorite Lesley Gore song. vvv)
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vypridae · 3 months
9!!! 10!!! 11!! 12!! 13!!! or pick and choose <3
9. worst part of canon
ok the worst part of dgrp canon has to be the way they handle characterization, like especially with trauma. specifically in mind i have korekiyo rn, like they mega rushed his entire Thing and wrote it in a way that paints HIM in a terrible awful light when it very likely (or definitely) wasnt that at all, but the way it was written just fucks up so, so much. also the Danganronpa Repitition TM (flashbacks to
bsd uuuh oh my god i have to think about this one cuz i love bsd with a passion BAHAHA its hard to find flaws with that one (in part i havent consumed the media in forever), ik it might be just bc the series is still being written but its irritating that some things from like the first seasons are just not touched upon again? and maybe its because ihavent read the manga but like. did atsushi join the ada and suddenly the bounty on his head is just Gone? am i misremembering if they went back to that or not its been like a year since ive watched bsd i need to rewatch it but thats about all i can think of. im not even mad about the not killing any characters because fyodor is alive still
10. worst part of fanon
dgrp has a TERRIBLEEEE shipping fandom. i hated oumasai for the longest fucking time because i encountered this one rper way back when that like was a mega red flag SBGJKFDHGKA i hated them for a while after that (then they grew on me). you get shit on for liking, like, the more toxic ships in the fandom no matter your reasonings or whatever, and i feel like its just a really negative place to be a shipper that likes to explore bad dynamics (such as i)
i think the worst part of bsd fanon is similar. shipping sides of fandoms are ALWAYS bad i feel like, and there are a lot of people that will be like "skk is real fuck you for shipping anything else" or like "if u ship nikolai with anyone but fyodor i dont trust u" or something like??? its a fucking ship chill out its fictional it doesnt hurt anyone irl CALM DOWN
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
for bsd uh . only two surprisingly, and its two ships that i cannot physically make myself like?? thats all apparently
for dgrp i have uuh two and its literally also only two ships that i dont like BHASFKAHSK
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
for bsd am i allowed to say fyodor? idk if he necessarily counts as "unpopular" but i see way more hate of him than i see people liking him, but god fucking dammit i love him with my whole heart. hes so evil and those kinds of characters litearlly just make me gravitate towards them, hes so smart and cunning and you can do so much with his character, especially learning his ability oh my god? jhes so complex and i love him
for dgrp, i feel like every character is "unpopular" BAHSAJKAHk but for this i think i wanna go with chiaki. people hate chiaki because shes "boring" or at least they Did back when i first got into the series but shes so different in the game compared to the anime because the game shes based on her classmates' memories of her! shes only this "perfect" individual because thats how her entire class saw her, like she was made the class rep for a reason
13. worst blorboficiation
ok this one im trying to figure out what the fuck the definition is BAHAJSHFAJK from what im SEEING its like, the character that doesnt deserve to be liked as much as they are. (i dont think i answered this one correctly but shh its fine)
for bsd thats really hard for me to think of because i like literally every character but uuh if i had to say one ig i'd say uuh . maybe dazai? i feel like this is in part because people typically take away from dazai's entire complex everything because he's too complex for a lot of people (including me) to truly understand, like im not saying i understand him but i feel like a lot of people will take the wrong parts of him/exclude anything they dont like about him and go with that? if that counts but idk i still like dazai so i cant say that too much
for dgrp its the exact same situation with kokichi. they take his character, of which is incredibly complex, and dumb it down into the typical fandom woobification of "uwu baby who cant do anything wrong" LIKE!!! STOP!!! NO HE IS NOT!!! HE IS SO COMPLEX AND YOU'RE LIKING HIS CHARACTER FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!!! people that dont understand the complexity behind certain characters and are incapable of taking that as their blorbo and instead creating this silly incorrect version in their mind and making THAT their blorbo i just. thats not ur blorbo atp thats ur oc my guy
hazbin/helluva answers
9. worst part of canon
both of these shows are kinda not the best when it comes to being serious???? like there are some topics that shouldnt be joked about i feel like, and there are points in the shows that joke in relation to these topics. also theres not enough voxval but thats a criticism for another time
10. worst part of fanon
not even just the ships tbh, its liking any character thats either painted in a negative light or is just generally unpopular. the ships too but i could get to that another time. for EXAMPLE, me, i like valentino. a lot. he's one of my favorite characters. i feel like i cannot express the fact i love val because i will get called an ACTUAL rapist for saying it because "if you like val you condone his actions and thus are a rapist/terrible person/etc" when thats absolutely not at all how it works. i acknowledge that val is terrible, i understand that its bad, but i can still enjoy him as a character otherwise. his actions are what i dont like, ive never liked him (i actually hated him at first because of it but then i saw him being more silly in the series with vox and he grew on me), but you will actively get told to kys if you say that you even REMOTELY enjoy vals character
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
i have none for helluva but for hazbin i have four. three of which are for the sAME SHIP and one is another ship i dont like
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
MIMZYYYY dude she gets so much unnecessary hate. like, everyone sees her as annoying and terrible and i GUESS i can see where they're coming from but a. theyre in hell, everyone's terrible, b. people just see her as annoying because she interrupted hells greatest dad and they dont like that because they want their radioapple song or wtvr. i love her and no one can convince me otherwise
13. worst blorboficiation
ok THIS one i might actually be able to answer with the correct definition of blorboification. i feel like alastor gets way too much unnecessary love, and maybe thats just because i think hes too popular for being what he is but hes just not all that to me. like, hes a good character, yes, but some people like him to an extent that i feel like doesnt do him justice?? its like i said with uuuuuh the dgrp side of this question, they dumb down his character a lot and are just generally bad at making him ACCURATE to the point its irritating. (hey so yk how i said i could answer with the right definition of this i lied)
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
I'm in the car and I'm bored en
Vaugly related to my fanfic
Tetrology of Fallot (tof): congenital (born with it) heart defect that is basically 4 defects in 1 (I do not have the energy to look up or type all those scientific words rn so sorry)
I've had 3 open heart surgeries to fix it o e at 8 days 10 months and 5 years
Died 6 times on the second one 😃
Ngl life isn't too different with it
If you don't count the yearly doctor visits and can't play contact sports
I mean there's more to it that that obviously but it's mainly small things like getting out of breath quicker and I bruise easy because of having to take baby asprin
BUT the doctors ORIGINALLY said I was never gonna be able to walk or talk or do anything for myself
God vetoed that decision 😌
Got a nifty battle scar down my chest as a souvenir ☺️
And I used to be called smurf baby cause I turned blue alot
I make jokes about it now (hush I'm allowed to )
Ngl pretty sure I'm short cause failure to thrive as a baby cause of that 😭
Don't think there's any scientific backing on that tho for tof patients
Imperferated anus + colostomy bag: basically means I was born without a butthole
Not even joking on that i wasnt
But had to have three gastrointestinal surgeries from that
Don't know the ages or many details but I'm pretty sure I was two for the last one
And I had to have a colostomy bag
Thankfully don't remember it
Buy my waste went into a bag that had to be changed out
Ik it got infected so the scar is bugger than it should be
Seizures: if you've read my fanfic that's explained in detail for how it feels
But that was from aged 5-10
We never found the specific reasons for it
But we do hypothesize it has something tk do with possible scar tissue on my brain
Either from a heart attack/stroke/lack of oxygen from my second heart surgery is what we think it could be from
During a seizure my heart would start beating weird (not good description ik but idk how to describe it really) and my vision would start to tunnel out my tongue would tingle and then I'd black out
During a seizure I couldn't hear anything or see anything but my head would completely start to tingle
From my parents I was told during them I would stiffen up and lock my joints and almost seem to hyperventilate
It was control moderately well by medicine but I thankfully do not have them anymore
Hard hearing: im not like deaf or anything nor do I use hearing aids but my hearing isn't what it should be for a normal teenager lol
This is because during one of my heart surgeries they gave me a drug used on horses and a little too much if it at that (ketamine?)
Legally blind: yeah come to find out last year found out my eye sight is actual crap
Without my glasses I am legally blind
I've got 20/200 vision 😭
So I've got these crazy thick glasses now
Tourretts: neurological disorder where I make these random noises and movents
Got diagnosed back in sixth grade
My tics ate ill make various sounding noises (all kinda of variations of a hiccup for visualization) and my head will jerk back
It was awful before we found out what it was
Got picked on for it quite a bit and a certain teacher of mine essentially told me "just stop bro lol" and I'd get sent out of class for it even after we had doctor notes for it
Just get up out of that wheel chair then then buddy ☺️
They'd get set off my certain things
Music being one of them so I would carry around these earbuds when there was music around so it didn't get set off
I'm on medicine now for it and it's a LOT better
And a recent development (in the past 6 months) I've been able to listen to music again!
The tourretts aren't going away tho
If over been without medicine for more than 2 days it's BAD
Ovarian cyst (possible pcos?) : this has happened over this summer so you already got some rants on that lol
Buy I've got an 8cm cyst on my left ovary
Hurts like a beach 😃
In fact this Friday I was holed up in my room hyped up on narcotics cause of it
Fun stuff 🙂
Surgery is supposed to be on October 5th so we'll see how that goes
Yeah so medical history of mine 😃
That's fine
We'll see what comes next to the collection I can add
Also here's some pics of a couple of my scars (that I can show several are in places I'm not keen of people seeing 😅)
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That's my colostomy scar
And near the top you can see a scar from a chest tube from my third heart surgery
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And here's a really good picture of my heart surgery scar that I have (goes down to under the ribcage)
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On my neck you can see a breathing tube scar
At least I think that's what it is
Also the corner of my lip I have a scar from some sort of tube from surgery (can't see it well on camera
Tbh idk what half these tiny scars are from
I just know they're remnants of surgery
Any way I do know kw I have a couple of other chest tube scars
But they are not in places to be shown
Same with a few dimples near my tail bone from gastrointestinal surgery
But those are there too
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