#no solutions or even smart observations just had some feelings and nowhere to put them
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jamiesinverguenza · 1 year ago
[CN: mention of reading about an animal death]
So a thing that I went through earlier this year was having to actually confront my climate grief, and feel my despondency. I was forced to acknowledge my 'there's no hope for the future,' sit-and-stare-at-the wall-for-a few-weeks level of despair.
A thing that helped me pull myself out of it was reading about an impossibly adorable baby two-toed sloth that was born at the Cincinnati Zoo, and then reading a little bit about sloths, and about rescues and sanctuaries that look after wild sloths and other rain forest animals. Letting myself be interested in an animal, in the way that I was fascinated with dinosaurs when I was little, put both really cute animals and also real live humans who are working really hard to protect sloths and their shrinking, increasingly dangerous habitat on my radar and social media feeds. When I saw that, I didn't feel so isolated or overwhelmed by my despair. It gave me new energy and motivation and interest in environmentalism, and in taking care of people and animals around me, and it's literally one of the best things that happened to me this year.
This is also how I learned about exotic animal 'encounters' though, and how I started to appreciate how harmful they can be. I just read about a zorse, a half zebra, half horse that must have been bred for profit. The sanctuary that rescued the zorse also rescued a pair of sick zebras from an animal show, one of whom died recently, after a short and mostly miserable existence where they rarely received the medical care they needed. The person who runs the sanctuary is reasonably very angry at what the zebras had to endure.
Fortunately, the zorse is not only okay, but seems to be thriving over at the sanctuary. For every terrible story of illness and loss, there's an animal who survived, and the human caretakers who helped them. Everything is terrible, but it's not too late, and we aren't entirely powerless, even if it feels that way. We can build a new world, where all of us can live, if we want! ...right?
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bookcoversalt · 4 years ago
A+ youtube video! I feel like this is a dumb question, but what other sources, exercises, etc would you suggest for a writer wanting to get better at, like, everything you do in that video? I feel like I'm just not intelligent when it comes to writing and reading. I slap down whatever seems fun and I'm sure it makes for a bland story full of stupid plot holes and everything you talked about, so how does one get better at dissecting this stuff and...writing/reading intelligently?
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Thank you so much!! There’s a tendency to consider analytical people just “smart”, as if the observations they make come naturally to them. But that super isn’t true: being thoughtful and critical about media, like drawing or writing or playing a sport or learning an instrument, is a skill that you pick up by absorbing reference, learning the language of the art form, and then practicing replicating it through your own perspective.
My two biggest critical inspirations are Lindsay Ellis, a video essayist who covers film and culture, and Film Crit Hulk, a screenwriter and movie critic, and I’ve been consuming their work since I was 15. (I’m 25 now! that’s a wholeass decade.) I've picked up many, may other sources along the way: other video essayists, pop culture commentators, TV critics, spirited roasts of 50 shades of gray, actual “writing craft” books and blog articles, long goodreads reviews of books I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the flaws on, funny booktube reviews, even “anti” posts. I read “how the last season of game of thrones went the fuck off the rails” articles til my eyes bled, not because I cared about game of thrones, but because there was so much good, insightful reporting being done on How And Why A Story Fell Apart.
Not all of this is good or useful. There’s a lot of bad faith or shallow criticism out there. The cinemasins clickbaity style of nitpicking “plot holes” or penalizing a work for the mere presence of tropes without regard for broader artistic intent and cultural context is particularly insidious and should die. The people who think twilight is stupid because it has sparkly vampires are missing the point. A LOT of people critique YA in particular from a place of bitterness or bias or misplaced expectations (and so did I, to some degree, for a long time. I’ve worked really hard to grow out of that, I hope). But the point is to seek out content in this vein-- not what I consumed necessarily (I would not wish that many GOT thinkpieces on anyone), but stuff that interests you. The more of this you mindfully consume and the more perspectives you collect and compare, the more context you’ll have for what’s being discussed and the more you'll naturally start to form your own opinions on it. You will learn, slowly, by osmosis, to pull what strikes a chord with you from the noise.
The cool and fun part is that to some extent, your brain will start doing this on its own. You’ll read a book and you'll just notice more. You’ll call plot twists faster, or be more cognizant of the pacing, or connect dots you might not have otherwise connected. You’ll see the logistic scaffolding in your own work more clearly and you’ll be more aware of choices you’re making subconsciously. You’ll recognize thematic hypocrisy or worldbuilding inconsistencies and have the language to name them.
And you’ll also have the tools to explore your less clear-cut, more emotional reactions to art. And this is the most important but “hardest” part of this: sitting with vague feelings and unformed thoughts trying to suss out what’s at the heart of them and why, using your hard-won critical “training” and your contextual knowledge.
I like to frame them as questions:
Why did the end of [book] feel disjointed? Why didn’t I connect with the main character in [book]? What really resonated with me about the plot of [book]? Why does [character] appeal to me more than [other character]? Why does [book]’s use of [theme] make me uncomfortable?
Sometimes it comes down to just preference or subjective taste, and that’s fine and good to know. But more often than not, you’re reacting to something concrete that can be identified: 
The ending of HOUSE OF SALT AND SORROWS feels disjointed because it comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with our heroine’s efforts in the larger story. I didn’t connect with the main character in HEARTLESS because within the context of the worldbuilding, her choices didn’t make sense. What really resonated with me about the plot of UPROOTED is its thematic coherency. The Darkling appeals to me more than Mal because the villain romance power fantasy aspect of the series is better fleshed out and ultimately more rewarding to read than the love story of two flawed teenagers. ACOWAR’s use of trauma and recovery makes me uncomfortable because it ceases to be a sincere element of anyone’s arc or characterization and becomes yet another tool to make Rhys look like the best and coolest and wokest fae boyfriend.
Pulled from an old Captain Awkward article, this is something I have in a sticky note on my desktop as sort of a criticism guide: 
One of the things we try to do is to push past “I liked it”/”I didn’t like it” as reactions to work. What is it? What is it trying to be? Is it good at being that thing? Was that a good thing to try to be in the first place? Did the artist have a specific agenda? How did it play with audiences at the time? Does it play the same way now? What stereotypes does it reinforce/undermine?
Even if it’s only for your own personal growth rather than intended for an audience, I recommend putting burgeoning critical thoughts or questions you’re trying to “work through” down in writing somewhere: goodreads reviews! tweets! blog posts! spamming your group chat! Even just a private word document. The synthesis of thoughts into written content forces you to identify and choose a specific articulation of your idea(s). If it’s in a pubic or semipublic forum, you’ll also be able to see which of your ideas resonate with other people, and that can (isn’t always, but CAN) be useful information as far as having an external barometer for when you’re onto something.
And then..... you do that a bunch of times in different ways for many years, with a lot of different books and movies and games and whatever else. Like any other skill, you will get better the more you do it. (Again: I have been doing this for ten years now, and it still took me three months to write that video script. Forming nuanced, informed opinions and then articulating them coherently is hard.)
As kind of a footnote tip, seek out peers who have the same goals and feelings, and try to connect with them! Lots of my current internet friends found me back when I was posting on my personal blog about problems i had with THE SELECTION or RED QUEEN and we bonded over having similar opinions and being in similar places in our writing/ reading/ careers. These people now beta read my scripts and posts and help me brainstorm or refine ideas. I strongly believe that creatives (and critics) do their best work and grow the most within a network of support and feedback.
But also, in regards to creative writing in particular, i want to be clear that having fun is the most important thing. I absolutely think creators need analytical skills to improve their craft, but without the enjoyment of doing the thing at the core of it, there is no craft at all. If you have to choose between the "smart” thing and the fun thing, choose the fun thing. Tbh, if you’re worried your work is bland, analysis probably isn’t the solution--  figuring out how to have more fun is the solution. And letting yourself lean into the stuff that’s wild and awesome and so incredibly you that it sets you on fire to write is a skill of its own :)
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zairapvrker · 5 years ago
Teeth: Vampire!Luke // Chapter 4
Summary: Luke knows the rules and his boundaries, he has respected them for centuries. He knows he should stay as far away as possible from every human on his path. But that was before she came along.
Author’s Note: this is most definitely not inspired by a true story *cough* *cough*. sorry if it’s kind of short.
Warnings: underage drinking, alcohol, the usual high school party fuckery. PLEASE DO NOT DRINK IF YOU’RE UNDER AGE. IT AIN’T FUN. unedited.
masterlist | chapter 3 , chapter 5
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Did I like parties? I sure did, I almost never missed one. But did I enjoy sitting on a couch in a stuffy living room filled with roudy, drunk teenagers jumping around and screaming along to the blaring music, beside a couple who was smooching the night away - holding a half empty bottle of beer? Not really. My issue wasn’t particularly with the mainstreem music playing too loud, or the shitty alcohol: it was the fact that I wasn’t enjoying any of it. Usually I’d be the one dancing on the table after just an hour, without a care in the world for the horrible music and likewise horrible drinks. However, right now, the impossible headache I had been dealing with wouldn’t let me go and this sense of pure alienation I was feeling from time to time was coming back.
Nothing was helping my situation, my current whereabouts even less, so I decided to walk outside in hope that some fresh air would help me feel better. Compared to the inside, the backyard felt like heaven - with its much more quiet noises of chattering coming from the few people out here and the muffled music coming from the speakers - so I decided to sit on a lonely deckchair. Looking up at the sky I felt more at ease, still the buzzing in the back of my head I was trying so hard to shush wouldn’t leave me.
“Quite a show, huh?”
“For the love of God!” I couldn’t help but yell, finding Luke now seated at the end of my chair - looking up at the night sky. I didn’t bother reminding him not to startle me like that, somehow I felt like he already knew he shouldn’t.
“What, the stars or that one sophomore who almost smashed his head on the table?” he smirked at my remark, almost laughed.
“That was funny” he allowed. “But I was talking about the stars”
I felt like rolling my eyes, but something in me stopped me from doing so. I wanted to be annoyed with him and, quite frankly, I wished he would just leave me alone already - but a bigger part of me wished that he would never be too far from me. At my prolonged silence Luke turned around to meet my eyes, a single blond curl falling on his forhead, and I had to fight against my own hand - which was ready and itching to put it back in place.
“So, whose house is this?” I asked instead, not without great effort, feeling the need to keep the conversation going.
“Macy’s” he answered flatly.
“The one in art class?” I recalled, still unsure.
“Actually, that’s her sister” he looked frustrated and I could tell he felt uneasy, that he wished I’d said something else but I couldn’t for the life of me know what that was.
So we stayed in silence for a while, observing the scene that played in front of us. I didn’t like the way I felt around him, I decided. As if I was on alert every ticking second, either ready to run or to fall. Every single nerve in my body was waiting for something to happen so that it could react, it was exhausting. The question that was forming inside of my head was stupid, I knew it was, but somehow felt like the only right thing I could ask him. It played over and over, my mind practiced by itself the different intonations that could go along with it until it found what felt like the right one. I didn’t get to ask though, not yet.
“New kid!” a loud girl with short black hair approached us, clearly too happy or very drunk. “Leave this big loser alone and come hang with us” although it was meant to be a question, she didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me over to her group of friends. I turned around to see Luke sitting there baffled, but with the shadow of a smile on his lips.
“I’m Ashley by the way, these are Mike and Cal” she plopped down on the spot where she was sitting before, gesturing for me to sit beside her. “We decided to come and save you from big bore Hemmings” they all chuckled at that.
“Why, is he a boring guy?” I asked then, as my beer was quickly exchanged for a new fresh one by the boy with blue hair.
“Don’t know. He’s quite a loner, we figured you’d have more fun here with us” the blond shrugged with a smile, bringing his drink to his lips. “Have you talked to him?” he asked after taking a gulp.
“Not more than a few sentences at a time” I answered, then sipping my beer.
“Told ya” the blue haired boy smiled. “He’s a private guy”
The other two laughed quietly and I managed a smile. Most of the night I spent with my newfound class mates, who were actually pretty fun to be around. Multiple times I turned around casually, to check if Luke was still there, and he was. Lounging on the deckchair with his eyes closed, unbothered.
When we decided to call it a night, after even dancing around for a while, things started going downhill. From the inside we felt a commotion and suddenly the music stopped, the lights went out. Alarmed, I turned to the three who were with me and understood from their faces that they knew what was going on. Ashley mouthed “police” to me and then gestured for us to hide behind the foosball table. While crouched down there everyone was dead silent. This would get us nowhere if not arrested once an officer came and checked the backyard. Rolling my eyes I quickly looked around, finding that the backyard had a gate that led to the woods. Gesturing for them to follow me, I started making my way towards it.
“Bea, you’re crazy. We’re going to die” said Michael alarmed.
“Well, it’s either this or calling your parents at four in the morning telling them you’ve been arrested” I shushed him quickly. Luke was nowhere to be found, I noticed. “Does any of you know your way around?”
“I live a couple houses down, we have a backyard like this too. We can sneak into mine” said Calum, that was the best option. Neither Ashley nor Michael looked convinced, but making it out of there was number one priority now.
“Listen, we just follow the other houses’ fences until we get to Calum’s, we don’t need to run into the woods” I assured them. “Can you recognize your house?” I asked the blue haired boy, who nodded seriously. But before anyone could add anything else we heard what looked like an officer opening the glass door. Michael threw the gate open and ushered us all out of there, it closing behind us loudly.
“Who’s there?” we heard calling. With wide eyes and racing hearts everyone stopped dead in their tracks, barely making a sound. When we started hearing footsteps, not clear in which direction, Calum took the lead and started guiding us the right way as swiftly as possible. I heard Ashley sushing Michael after swearing for having stepped on a branch.
Quietly I followed behind Calum, who was marching fast and counting under his breath the roofs of the houses we were passing by. I kept a hand on the wooden fences just for good measure. Looking into the woods was quite scary, even if the trees didn’t start to thicken for a while.
“Shit” hissed the boy in front of me. “What?” asked Michael, sounding worried. “I lost count” admitted Calum sheepishly. “You fucking moron!” hissed then Ashley. “We’re going to die. I knew it, I should’ve stayed and get arrested” started rambling the fringed boy.
I sighed heavily, what the hell did I throw myself into? Meanwhile the hisses didn’t stop and between Ashley trying to keep Michael calm and insulting Calum at the same time, who was trying to defend himself, I tried thinking of a solution. “Do any of you have any battery left on their phones?” I asked, stopping the commotion. Everyone checked and in the end, the dark haired girl handed me hers.
Opening the Maps app I asked Calum for the his house’s street number. “We still need to walk down two other houses” I sentenced then.
“Finally we have a smart friend” cried Michael in joy, hugging me. I laughed quietly, handing the phone back to its owner. The march begun again and reached its stop not too long after.
“Could you unlock the gate faster? Sun’s rising in an hour and a half and I’m not home yet” said Ashley in an attempt to pressure Calum, which almost resulted in another argument -“I’m trying Ashley, do you want to give it a go?”- if it weren’t for Michael deciding to rest his back against it - sighing in despair - and the sheer luck of it already being unlocked, opening under his weight. He cheered despite landing on his butt.
As sneakily as possible we entered from the backdoor and stopped in the kitchen. We looked at each other in the eye and started laughing as quietly as possible, releasing all the adrenaline. “You’re officially part of the group and I hereby pronounce you: the smart one” Michael lifted his glass of water, followed by his two friends, and I smiled rather fondly at them. “I accept the title, sir”
Once I had charged my phone for a while, I decided to call my mom so that she could pick me up. I felt sorry for waking her up at almost five in the morning, but she assured me the whole ride back home that it was absolutely fine and even asked me when I’d go out with my friends again.
“Alright sweetie, try and get at least some sleep” my mom said after locking the front door and walking to her room. I nodded, wishing her a goodnight.
Before getting to sleep though, my mind wandered back to that moment before Ashley had come to sweep me away from Luke and to that question I couldn’t ask him. It kept replaying in my mind again and again, making it impossible for me to find comfort in sleep.
Do I know you?
tags: @keithseabrook27
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years ago
A Loki by another name... (Loki x ofc)
Hello! For @just-the-hiddles​ 1k celebration, I bring for you today a Loki x ofc with no warnings. Rated Teen. 
A Loki by Another Name....
Audrey giggled to herself, kicking up a pile of leaves as she made her way toward her apartment. The cool fall air kissed her cheeks and gave her breath a hint of winter fog. She was coming home from her sixth date with Luke and everything felt like a teenage dream. He was the handsome mythology teacher who had recently joined the high school. He had seemed to come out of nowhere, blowing into town with his slick dark waves and smart suits.  
He captivated her the moment she saw him. When he asked her to dinner a few weeks before the start of the school year, she jumped on the chance. It wasn’t something she could explain but she was so pleased to be noticed by him. One date lead to a second and somehow, they ended up a couple just in time for the beginning of the school year.  
Or, she assumed that was what they were. It wasn’t a conversation they had officially had. But he walked her through the school halls, holding her hand for all to see. Teenagers were brutal and you didn’t do that unless you were real, right? It was a conversation she knew she need to have with him but it could wait.  
Today had been too perfect to mar it with such a serious talk. They had spent the afternoon holed up together in her classroom, grading papers over tea. Once the mountain was concurred, he had treated her out to dinner in the nicest place in town as if it were nothing.  
After a parting kiss, she was left walking through the night on cloud nine. It was safe enough that she didn't give it any thought. Still, when she turned to look behind her, Luke was standing there on the sidewalk in the distance watching her walk away. He'd offered to walk her home, he always did but it was only a few blocks, almost a straight shot. He lived a few blocks in the other direction, it was silly to walk all the way down here only to turn around and walk back.  
Over dinner, they had planned to spend Halloween together. It was his idea and judging by the things he had planned for them to do, he had taken his plans straight from a teenage girl's dream. Audrey was beyond excited for it. Hay rides, apple picking, pumpkin patches, it would be perfect. There was no way it could even begin to go sideways.  
“You mean to tell me Loki is alive and on Earth?” Thor looked sheepishly down at the reflective surface of the polished metal tabletop as Tony raged at him. “You didn’t think to mention that, Point Break, when you found out? He’s dangerous.”
“I’ve been watching him.” Thor offered.
“How? You don’t even know where he is!"
How long has he been on earth, do you know?" Banner asked from where he stood, not paying attention to much going on in the room. His attention was more focused on the matter at hand, a device made of magic and technology, woven together and ticking down seconds. What would happen when the timer reached zero, they didn't know. But it was probably a bad thing. It seemed to always be a bad thing.
“There haven’t been any issues, have there?” Thor offered as if that was a good enough excuse and in his mind, it was. Humans were such short sighted creatures.
“We need to find him, now.” Tony pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I agree. He would be of great assistance. He is one of Asagrd’s most skilled in the magical arts. Mother taught him herself.”
Another set of eyes on this would be good." The others ignored Banner's input but he didn't notice, too busy turning the problem over in front of him, trying to find the solution.
“Or maybe we need to find him before he decides he’s having a bad day and needs to take over the world again.” Tony snapped.  
“There were reasons for that- I’m sure.” Thor pressed.  
“Like what?” Tony didn’t leave him a chance to answer before turning and setting his attention to the computer. All he needed to do was set a facial recognition program and have Friday scan all the security film in the world and if he was lucky, Loki would be on it. How hard could it be to find one rogue god?
Audrey was early as she made her way up the steps. The air around her was crisp and but her black pea coat kept her warm enough for now. In a few short weeks, it would be too cold for the stylish coat and it would be replaced with one that would make her resemble a blueberry. The cafe they were to meet at was a small local shop, like most shops in town. Her hair was curled into a bouncing tumble of waves and she had spent far more time on her makeup than normal.  
Luke was inside, black waves caressing his shoulders from a recent trim. He greeted her with a coffee in hand and a warm hug. Before she knew it, off they went. What they didn’t see was the people sitting spread out in the restaurant across the street watching them.  
As the couple walked down the sidewalk, the group of people made subtle work of gathering outside. They stood on the sidewalk, some pretending to look at a tourist book while others looked after the couple walking in the distance. They didn't expect to find Loki laughing with a women, fingers intertwined.
“That was rather unexpected.” Tony broke the silence as the others agreed. "Let's go get him before something has a chance to go wrong."
Let's observe for now. She is going willingly enough with him and it looks almost as if my brother is courting her." Thor offered, keeping his voice low to avoid drawing any more attention to their group.
So he has more time to hurt her?" Tony scoffed.
Stark, I'm well aware of my brother's past sins. But this has nothing to do with your issues." Thor scolded, putting the issue at rest for the time being.
“I had a lot of fun today.” Audrey broke the silence as she looked down at their hands, fingers intertwined. They’d been walking back through the town for a bit. The moon was high and the chill in the air had much more of a bite to it.
“As did I.” Luke agreed, glancing down at her, taking in her thin pea coat and red cheeks. “Are you chilled?”  
“Oh, I’m fine.” She lied.  
“Nonsense.” He shrugged out of his coat and draped it over her shoulders. The warmth soaked into her. “What would the students say if I let their favorite English teacher come down with a cold?”  
“Oh yes, we can’t have that. That would ruin your reputation.” She laughed, drawing a chuckle from the man she knew as Luke.  
“Time to stop playing house, Reindeer Games. Step away from the girl and come quietly.” A group of people stepped up to them. She recognized the man speaking as Tony Stark and the larger man as Thor.  
“I beg your pardon?” Luke scoffed, eyebrow raised.  
“I think you’ve got him confused with someone else.” Audrey offered, confused herself as Luke pulled her behind him.  
“My apologies, milady but we need a moment with Loki.” Thor offered. Luke's frame was stiff and tense as she held onto his hand still.  
“Loki.” Tony corrected her.
“Is that true?” She pulled her fingers from his.  
“Yes. Audrey, let me-”
“You lied to me.”
“We don’t really have time for this.” Tony said but was ignored.  
“Why?” She demanded, stepping out to his side. She didn't show any fear of him, though perhaps she should have. “What was this? What was tonight? Just a game?”
“No-” She cut him off.  
“I cared for you. Does that matter at all or was it all for your entertainment while you, what? Killed time waiting for the Avengers to find you and take you away?”
Tony moved to step up, say something but Thor rested a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Let them sort this out. It can wait for a bit longer. Let’s give them a moment.”  
She hardly registered the team walking a bit down the street. Loki reached out for her but she took a harsh step away. He decided right then that he would not do this with her now, in front of the eyes of Thor and his friends.  
She stepped away harshly, doing her best to yank her arm out of his reach. He was faster by far and his strong hand pulled her back to him. “Get away from-”  
His arm circled around her abdomen as her momentum carried her to him. She tripped over her own feet and crashed against his chest. Gray clouds burst forth and swallowed them before winking out as suddenly as they came. When the team looked back to check on the commotion, they found the sidewalk empty.  
At no point did she feel fear of him. It was hard to fear a man she had spent so much time getting to know. This wasn't the first time she was alone with him. He didn't look any different now. She couldn’t put the idea of the man she had been getting to know, who had been taking her on such magical dates, who had shown up in this small town with the man who’s pale face had been all over the news during his failed attempt to take over the world.  
The next moment, she was standing in what looked like her small living room. She’d spent the night grading papers sitting at her dining table, sharing coffee with Loki more than once. She tired to remember what she knew of the man who was defeated in New York as she turned, pulling herself from his arms easy enough.  
There was a moment where instinct took over. Her hand sailed through the air before she could even stop to think how terrible of an idea it was to slap a god. One who had been billed by the media as insane. One she had been tricked into caring for. He had tricked her into caring for him, hadn't he?
“Perhaps I deserved that.” Loki rubbed his jaw with something resembling more affection than pain. “Will you let me speak now?”  
“Do I have a choice? Where are we, really, anyway?”
“I suppose not.” Loki mused. “And we’re exactly where it looks like we are, in your living room. We don’t have long before they track me down.”
“Why? I cared for you and it was all a waste.” Tears gathered in her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her.  
“Was it?” Loki asked. His voice was low low and gentle as he reached out, resting his hands on her arms. His thumbs were caressing the curve of her shoulders. It was so hard to tell herself that she should be scared of him when the man looking at her looked no different than the man she knew.  
“I’m not an idiot. Stop playing me for one.” She sniffled and it was an ugly sound in her own ears. “Why? Why ‘Luke’? That’s a dumb name, a step down from ‘Loki’.”
“The name? Simply a play on my own name. One of the names mankind has given me through the years is Luki, one letter off.” He shrugged. “It was good enough. I hadn’t planned to stay for long.”
“And I was, what? Just entertainment?” She scoffed and in a moment of frustration, Loki shook her sharply by the shoulders.  
“No. I intended to only be here for a few weeks while I recovered strength. But than-”
“You what? Found a toy? God, I can’t believe-”
“Bloody hell! Will you shut up and let me speak?!” Loki roared, voice demanding her attention. “I stayed because of you!”
“What?” Tears spilled from her eyes now and Loki’s hold softened. One hand moved to cup her cheek, fingertips wiping tears away.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m in love with you.” He didn’t give her a chance to turn him down, to say anything at all. “I don’t need you to say anything at the moment. I only needed you to know before they could interfere. I don’t expect that you could-”
“Shut up and kiss me.” What the future holds, she couldn’t say. What she did know was that her heart beat for him. She knew that she cared for him, regardless of if he was Luke, Luki or Loki. It would take time to merge the two identities into one and she had so many questions but none of that mattered in the moment.  
He did as she asked. When her front door opened, Tony’s hand on the knob, Loki was kissing her softly as a wave of magic shimmered over him. His smart suit disappeared in a shimmer of green and leather garb replaced it. The shift happened under her fingertips yet she didn't open her eyes. In a moment she went from kissing Luke the teacher to Loki the prince and yet, the way he kissed her remained the same.  
When their lips parted, she gazed up at him and admitted for everyone to hear, “I love you.”  
Tag List: @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7​, @theoneanna​, @alexakeyloveloki​, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @winterisakiller, @missaphrodite23, @bambamwolf87, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @xoxabs88xox, @queenoftheunderdark, @wegingerangelica, @myoxisbroken, @panicfob
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makeste · 5 years ago
Top 10 Favorite Deku Moments
so it’s Deku’s birthday today!! and since he is the best boy in the world and I love him, I am going to do one of those “top ten favorite...” lists for him just like I did for Kacchan back in April. these are going to be in chronological order, and the last two will be spoilers, so I’ll label them to make sure no one gets caught unawares.
happy birthday Deku. and this post turned out to be super long, like 4000 words, so I’m sorry, but you deserve it though.
1. “Most of the top heroes show signs of greatness even as children.”
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okay so before I get started, let me just warn y’all upfront that a full four out of ten of these moments will involve Bakugou. I’ve said before that the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki is full stop my favorite part of the series, and this is absolutely still true, so yeah.
that being said, what makes this particular scene one of my favorites isn’t just that it’s an important moment between them (I’ll get into that relationship more two entries down); it also just so happens that this is the crucial moment which everything else in the series can ultimately be traced back to. this is the moment that inspires All Might to hand his power down to a quirkless middle-schooler, because despite being virtually powerless, Izuku proves that he has the heart and soul of a hero. he moves without thinking, without any kind of plan. it’s extraordinarily stupid, and incredibly selfless. it doesn’t matter to him that he has no way to actually fight this villain. it doesn’t matter that less than an hour ago, Bakugou was taunting him and burning his notebook. it doesn’t matter that he could easily be hurt or killed. the only thing that matters is that someone needs help. that’s it. it’s that simple. 
what makes Izuku a hero is that he is literally incapable of standing by and not taking action in moments like this. he acts on reflex to save others. his instinct in moments of danger and despair is to help, in any way he can. that’s the core of his character. and it shines through in this moment, and All Might sees it immediately, and it spurs him to take action, and from here on out everything changes.
2. “He didn’t utilize his full power. He just concentrated it into his fingertip...!”
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fast-forward to the first day of superhero school, and our boy finds himself immediately in a tight spot again because his teacher is a stern and unsympathetic asshole whose way of showing consideration for his students is to mercy-expel anyone he deems not up to par. problem is, Izuku can’t actually use his new quirk without blowing himself up from the inside out, and he’s competing against what is probably the most gifted group of students U.A. has ever had. this is what is commonly referred to as “a pickle.” a jam. a quandary, if you will. if he breaks all his bones to pass the test, Aizawa will flunk him anyway. what’s a little green hero to do.
Izuku solves this problem in a typical Izuku fashion, meaning that his solution is somehow reckless, self-sacrificing, and frankly brilliant in its simplicity. rather than break all of his bones, Izuku sacrifices one (1) bone in order to launch a baseball into space, thus proving he can adapt his quirk to be useful without taking himself out and just adding to the problem. it’s worth noting that this is only his second-ever time using One for All, too. the fact that he has never had a quirk in his life up til this point and yet manages to control OFA to this degree on just his second go-around is damn impressive.
but what’s even more impressive is the way he simply outsmarts the test here. he calmly takes in the situation, thinks about the options at his disposal, and arrives at a logical solution that most people wouldn’t even have considered, because it involves intentionally breaking his own finger, which is an absurdly self-destructive thing to do just to pass a damn fitness test. but it works!! and it impresses the shit out of Aizawa too. and I just really love this moment because it’s such a perfect example of Deku both being smart and also just plain not giving a fuck and being the plussest ultra ever omfg.
3. “I can’t say much. But you should know this, at least...!”
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so now we come to the second moment on this list involving Kacchan, and already there is a pattern emerging here: namely, that these moments of conflict and then reconciliation between the two of them inevitably end up being some of the most pivotal moments in the series. this particular scene comes on the heels of their battle in All Might’s first hero class, during which Deku soundly defeats Bakugou and makes it clear beyond all doubt that HE IS HERE!! and not going anywhere and Bakugou is just going to have to deal. Bakugou does a very poor job of dealing, however, and spends the rest of the afternoon super-quiet and caught up in his inferiority complex and convinced that Deku has been hiding this from him their whole childhood just to fuck with him.
most people, when put in a similar situation, would be all “fucking serves you right tbh” and just brush it right off. but Izuku doesn’t. or more accurately, I should say that he can’t. once again he acts on pure instinct when Kacchan’s welfare is involved, and this time it results in him blurting out his biggest secret -- a secret he was sworn to by All Might himself -- simply because he can’t stand to see Kacchan so miserable and he can’t bear the thought of him believing that Izuku really had been tricking him.
this is so extraordinary to me for a number of reasons. first and foremost, because Izuku’s altruism knows absolutely no bounds. he and Kacchan are on possibly the worst terms any two people could be on. he has absolutely no obligation to tell him this. but he does, anyway! just to make him feel better! second, there’s the fact that he doesn’t intend to do it, but it just comes blurting out. Izuku’s feelings toward Kacchan are complicated, as we know. and yet whatever the reason may be, Izuku demonstrates again and again that it’s a relationship he wants to hold onto, and he does his best to protect and preserve what little pieces of it he can. 
and lastly, this is now the second example of what will become a well-established theme in the series of Izuku going out of his way to save Katsuki. he does this again and again. he tries to help him after he falls from the log bridge. he rushes to save him from the sludge monster. he tells him about his quirk. he nearly fails their final exam because he goes back for him after All Might knocks him out. he runs into a forest full of villains to try and save him in spite of having two broken arms. he goes to Kamino with Kirishima and the others knowing full well it could get him expelled. and he fights him at night in Ground Beta even though they get into trouble for it later, because he sees how much pain Katsuki is in and he can’t turn his back on him. 
over and over again he puts himself in harm’s way for Katsuki’s sake, fully expecting no gratification to ever come from it, but doing it anyway. because he’s a hero, and because heroes don’t ask whether or not someone deserves to be saved. they just save them. this to me is the most incredible aspect of Izuku’s character. his heart is just that big. he is exceptionally, impossibly selfless and forgiving and good. and that’s just who he is. and Bakugou is lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that, whether he likes it or not, and ultimately over the course of these repeated encounters, he ends up changing for the better himself. and this moment in particular will, eventually, lead to the two of them actually reconciling for realsies when Bakugou finally figures it out and is subsequently inducted into the OFA Scooby Squad of Destiny. so yeah. this scene is so fucking important I can’t even begin. god I really went off on a tangent there. anyways.
4. “And Todoroki... isn’t you!”
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so here’s another battle which highlights Izuku’s willingness to go to absurd and horrifying lengths to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. this entire fight is nothing short of ridiculous. Deku is ridiculous. let me break it down for you. Todoroki comes up to Deku before this fight and is all “hey I made a vow to never use my left side in battle because my dad only had me to use me as a tool to defeat All Might and he basically ruined my life.” in response, Deku says he’s aiming to become the strongest hero and so he’ll definitely win. he then proceeds to break his own fingers to blast Todoroki with repeated OFA attacks, all the while screaming at him that everyone is going all out and doing their best, and it’s arrogant and disrespectful of Todo to think he can beat their determination with only half of his power. 
Deku has absolutely zero regard for his own well-being in this fight -- by the end of the battle his bones are in splinters -- and his teachers observe that even if he does win, he won’t be in any kind of shape to move on to the next match. basically, he throws aside all of his own ambitions and even his own sense of self-preservation (if he even has one; it’s honestly debatable at this point you guys), all for the sole purpose of helping Todoroki realize that his power is his own and not his father’s, and to break free of the revenge-tinted tunnel vision keeping him from following his own dreams. the whole thing leaves Todoroki awestruck, and even though Deku eventually loses the fight, he gains a friend for life, and Todo fans everywhere are in his debt. 
real fucked up what he did to his fingers, though. but it just goes to show that nobody is perfect.
5. “I’m here to save you, Iida!”
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I freaking love this moment you guys, and I can’t even explain why. except that who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned last-minute shounen save? Iida is seconds away from meeting his death at the hands of the world’s most annoyingly long-winded Ninjas Turtles cosplayer when Deku drops in out of nowhere and just socks the guy square in the jaw. it is satisfying as fuck. honestly that would have been awesome enough, but what makes it even better is that Horikoshi goes into some detail to explain that Deku didn’t just coincidentally happen to find Iida at the exact crucial moment, but actually used his Big Hero Brain to deduce Iida’s location through a series of shrewd observations and insightful hunches. and he turns out to be bang on the money, and that moment where Stain is reeling from the punch and Iida is looking up at him like, “Midoriya?!” and Deku sticks the landing in slow motion and says “Bingo!” in fucking English is just so fucking badass, guys. not to mention that this is also the debut of his Shoot Style on top of everything else. to sum up, this is one of the best entrances in the entire series, and just one of the coolest things Deku has ever done, IMO. you’re cool, Deku.
6. “You clocked me with all of your heart.”
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yeah so you may at this point be sensing a pattern with some of these moments. yet again Deku does something stupid and risky because he sees Kacchan in trouble and all logic and reason immediately fly out the window. in this case it’s even more ridiculous, because Katsuki is not actually in any real danger at all, and by going back for him Izuku completely loses sight of what Katsuki got himself all beat up for in the first place. and yet he does it anyway! again! without thinking! like, he makes it maybe two steps away, and then he overhears Kacchan’s teary-eyed overdramatic and determined speech, and he immediately goes “oh fuck this I can’t do this” and turns back and grins maniacally at All Might before soundly punching the shit out of him. it is complete nonsense. there is no reason for it. Katsuki himself is furious when he finds out about it later. but does Deku care?? no, he does not care. and do I? no I do not because it’s the best and I love it.
7. “Let’s do our best, okay?”
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this scene is feels city you guys. feels o’clock. zero dark feels. I almost put the “you’re next” scene here instead, but in the end this scene won out because (1) hug!! and (2) this is really the continuation of all of those emotions anyway, and it’s where the catharsis is at.
so let’s break this down since there’s a ton going on here. Deku is wrestling with the grief of knowing that All Might the hero, the Symbol of Peace, is gone forever. the pillar he and the rest of the world relied on to always be there isn’t there, any more. that sense of security is gone. and that’s a hard enough thing to come to grips with on its own, but put it together with the knowledge that he is the one who needs to step up now and fill those shoes, before he ever expected to, before he’s ready, and I can only begin to imagine how overwhelmed he must feel. and then on top of that!! All Might tells him he’s proud of him and relieved that he made it out of Kamino unharmed! and he tells him that he’s going to be there for him and that they’ll face the challenges up ahead together.
so for poor Deku, when you put that all together, we’ve got (a) that sense of loss, (b) fear and anxiety over the unknown difficulties to come, (c) various imposter syndrome feelings that he might not be good enough to handle it, (d) whatever misplaced guilt he may be dealing with for being one of the reasons All Might lost his power, however inevitable it might have been, and last but not least, (e) the deeply profound and humbling feeling of being loved and supported by the man he loves like a father, and knowing that no matter how scary things get, he won’t have to do this alone. so in spite of everything else, there’s that sense of relief and gratitude there too. he can do this. it will be okay. his dad is there.
all of that emotion, packed in one tearful hug. no wonder the kid is crying his eyes out. I would be too. in fact I did, and have no shame in doing so, and I would do it again. good job Horikoshi.
8. “This fight may very well have been a meaningless one... but...”
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motherfucker did I not warn you there would be four different BakuDeku moments in this?? and that’s with me reining myself in too to be quite frank. that’s just how it is. it’s my list!! 
anyway, so I’m not sure whether or not an entire fight counts as a “moment”, but I’m putting it out there anyway because I’m incapable of narrowing this down any more than that. I could have an entire separate list of Top Ten Deku VS Kacchan Part 2 Moments and I’m sure I would still wind up leaving something out. I love all of it. the whole damn thing. it’s such a huge turning point for them both. they finally sort everything out. truth bombs being hurled left and right. it’s so good. agh.
but here are some of Deku’s highlights: (1) immediately shifting from trying to talk Kacchan down to fighting him outright with no hesitation once he realizes what the fight is actually about, (2) despite knowing how Kacchan feels, allowing himself to be just a bit selfish for once and get caught up in his own rival feels and trying to prove his worth as All Might’s successor, (3) complimenting Kacchan in the middle of the fight because of course he does, (4) openly admitting how much he admired Kacchan growing up and that he thought he was amazing, (5) getting so worked up that he loses control for a moment and jumps to 8% in one of the most badass moments of the whole series, (6) acknowledging to himself that even though he really shouldn’t, he kinda digs Kacchan’s rougher “I’LL KILL YOU, ASSHOLE” side anyway and emulates it without thinking when he forgets himself and that Kacchan is his image of victory, and lastly, (7) being a sneaky bastard and throwing a punch in with his shoot style knowing full well it will catch Kacchan off guard, which it fucking does.
Deku goes hog wild in this fight. he has a grand old time and even manages to achieve a new power-up, because he and Kacchan always do manage to bring out the best in each other, when they’re not bringing out the worst. you can’t watch this fight and fail to notice how insanely fired up Deku is compared to his usual fights. he is into it. he is ready and willing to throw down. he is here to kick ass and take names!! this is the impact Kacchan has on him. thirty fucking seconds into his therapy fight and Deku's maximum power output has increased by a whopping 60%. holy shit. mad lads.
it’s something not lost on All Might, who wraps things up by patiently explaining to the two of them how much they can learn from each other. and the whole thing concludes with the two of them becoming, as All Might puts it, “proper rivals.” that’s right, their rivalry is now officially approved and sanctioned by the motherfucking Symbol of Peace. well done, boys. these two are going to be absolutely terrifying when they grow up.
9. “...But you were there.”
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okay so I have this indecisive kind of thing going on with whether or not I think All Might is actually going to die, and whether or not I want to see it happen. some weeks, like this particular week, I am on the side of BITCH DON’T YOU DARE because everything is goddamn sad enough as it is, Horikoshi, and I don’t need any more reasons to lie awake at night crying over fictional characters! but then there are other days when I think about how devastatingly, breathtakingly heartbreaking it would be, and for some reason I think, shit, yeah, he’s gotta do it. go ahead and hurt us good. make us feel things. leave no survivors. just fucking wreck our shit, go on ahead.
but then I read this scene again and think, there’s something so incredibly powerful about the fact that All Might started out the series believing he was going to die and being resigned to that fate and making preparations for it, only to be completely blindsided by the love he has for this boy and what that ends up doing to him. his love for Izuku gives him the strength to fight against fate. it gives him the resolve to look the grim reaper in the eye and say “to hell with this, I’m going to live.” it’s his reason to keep going. it’s his purpose. and god but that’s some powerful shit. characters saying “fuck you” to destiny? I am weak as hell for that, hell yes give me more. give me all of that.
and then Deku in this scene. pleading with All Might to keep living. “you have to live to see that moment, when I can tell the world, ‘I am here!’” promising him that no matter what happens, when the time comes, they’ll bend fate together. “without fail.” and just, holy fuck. when he says it, you really believe they can do it. because if anyone can figure out a way to conquer the inevitable, it’s this kid.
10. “Senpai... if I said that I would give you my quirk, would you...?”
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last but not least, today just happens to be Mirio’s birthday as well, so it only seems fitting to end with this moment, which in the span of a single page neatly sums up why both of these kids are worthy beyond a doubt of being the next Symbol of Peace. Deku selflessly tries to offer Mirio his quirk, and Mirio instantly rejects him. doesn’t even know what’s going on, really, but just rejects the offer out of hand. “no thanks. then you would be the one subjected to this hardship.” and we can’t very well fucking have that, now can we. nope. not on Mirio’s watch. never mind that he just lost his quirk and his mentor within the span of the past twenty four hours. he wastes no time in coming to Deku’s aid in spite of that, assuring him that he did great and that everything will be just fine. so just smile already!!
but the fact that Deku was even willing to make the offer just once again goes to show how astonishingly good he is. he knows better than anyone what it’s like to be quirkless and powerless. he knows exactly what Mirio is going through. what’s more, Mirio is absolutely right that Deku did fucking amazing and totally saved the day and without him they would have all been screwed! but all Deku can see in this moment is how deserving Mirio is, and so he decides that in order to help him, he’s prepared to make what for him is the ultimate sacrifice. the power that All Might gave him. his dream of becoming the greatest hero. everything he’s worked for up to this point. he’s prepared to throw all of that away if Mirio just says the word. there truly isn’t a selfish bone in this kid’s body.
but Mirio says no. because Mirio is also selfless. in conclusion we had just better hope the two of them never wind up reaching a door together at the same time, because the ensuing battle of who holds it open for whom could singlehandedly bring this series to a dead halt. the ultimate stalemate. they are too good and we don’t deserve them.
so anyways, that’s it! happy birthday kid. and here’s one more for the road.
11. “Dear Midoriya...”
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a story in three acts. character development. growth. god bless.
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redknight3996 · 5 years ago
31 Day Horror House, Part 2
11 - Mama
If you’ve gone through a few accidents throughout your stay here, ranging from getting pursued by a predatory worm to nearly getting burned by floating pests to simply having a spill at dinner, you’re probably in some need of clean-up. Thankfully, the Murcoll Estate is home to a number of guest rooms–more than you’ll ever be able to find in one night–and one is clear for you to stay in while the staff handles the issues with your car.
This bedroom is a nice one. Very cozy and homey. It won’t look like a bedroom from your childhood home, but it might feel like it, for better or worse. It also has a bathroom. Residential rooms tend to have those.
If you go into the bathroom though, you may notice the bathtub/shower is occupied. The curtain is drawn, and there is most definitely something in there. You can hear the water.
You should probably call for Lucille at this point, who will take one look at the shape and them immediately call for Boris, who will handle the issue. You might not though, because you are apparently incapable of observation, learning, or realizing that sometimes asking for help is the right solution.
So you’ll draw back the curtain, and see a brain. A human brain, or at least something very closely resembling it.
This is Mamazia, the unmentioned variant of Uzia that was mentioned earlier. You may note that it looks a great deal like a pitch-black human brain with translucent, prehensile tentacles drifting down from it than any sort of jellyfish creature, and you would be correct that she does look very different. Does that really matter though? Family is more than appearance, and even then, you are probably noticing by now the small, crimson buds sprouting up from her head and popping off to drift down into the full bathtub, where they float until they grow large enough and start developing their proper eyes and tendrils.
You may also notice that where the human spinal column would be, there is one particularly large, opaque, and solid-looking tentacle tapering into a sharpened point, much like a scorpion’s stinger or a spearhead attached to a whip. You will become very familiar with it in the next moment, as the territorial mother will stab it straight into your chest, spearing through your heart as she immediately wraps her other tentacles around your head and yanks you down into the water.
Her tentacles will burrow into your ears and nose and eyes and mouth, and she will pull your skull apart to get at the soft meat inside. Be grateful. You have just become the father to the next generation of her children.
Assuming are not especially foolhardy though, you’ll probably still get to see Mamazia as she’s carried away in a larger glass jar. Not to where the other uzia go though, much to Boris’s disappointment.
Apparently, there is a doctor in the house who has been expressing a need for such a creature. So really, thank you for being so very careful.
12 - Curtis
Why? Why would you just...You saw the room had an “off-limits” sign on it. You had to. It was there. Written very clearly in multiple common languages. Lucille is genuinely baffled. She’s also debating whether to help someone so clearly embodying the idea of “curiosity killed the cat”, but you are still a guest, and guests are supposed to be kept safe.
Trespassers are not, though, and Curtis handles the trespassers.
You’ll fall down a very long chute that curves and jerks and bumps in ways that will jar your bones but keep you at a slow enough velocity that you land within the dusty room in one piece, rather than a broken heap. Then the room will no longer be dusty.
Instead, it will abruptly look pristine, as though freshly dusted many a times, as neon lights flash on and encouraging music begins to play, before spotlights from nowhere move and shift before centering directly on the true centerpiece of the room: a slot machine.
A slot machine with a sign next to it, one that says “TRY YOUR LUCK! ENDLESS RICHES AND A WAY OUT!” in a very loud font. It should be noted, further, that both the slot machine, and the sign, are wearing top hats, and the sign has a bow tie.
You should find this all very suspicious, and the smart thing to do in this situation is to wait for Lucille to decide that, yes, you are still technically a guest, sigh to herself, and come down to retrieve you with the body she keeps outside this room for exactly this sort of situation. You have already established you are not especially smart by wandering into places you are not supposed to go though, so it is entirely possible that you will sit at the slot machine’s seat, and pull on its lever.
The slot machine is a simple device. It has a lever on its right side, and five slots at the center of its “face”. Set five matching symbols, pictures, or insignias in a row on it, and you will get a prize. You already have cash on you. It’s in your pocket, even if you didn’t have a pocket. So make a bet. You’re guaranteed to win the first one.
If you are especially lucky, it will match the ”way out” symbol, signified by an exit sign, and a doorway will open that you will get to leave from. If not, you’ll still get some money, and you can keep trying. The machine itself is a bright purple, with a red wolf and a blue wolf painted on its left side, a red dragon and a gold dragon painted on its right side, curling around the lever, and a number of spiders painted down its back.
Pull the lever. Get a prize. Pull the lever. Lose some cash. Pull the lever. Get some cash. Pull the lever. Lose more cash. Pull the lever. Lose some cash. Pull the lever. Pull the lever. Pull the lever.
You may run out of cash. Your total will start going into the negatives. You already know what you’re putting up for collateral. You’re already paying.
If you succumb to Curtis, Lucille will sigh again, but remove whatever remains of you, whether that be a skeleton locked in place, or a single pancreas on the seat, fidgeting as it tries to win back its losses.
Assuming you do not though, she will retrieve you, reprimand you for ignoring signs, and take you back upstairs while the dust returns back to its natural place.
13 - Kinute
Miss Sado Kinute is one of the residents of the Murcoll Estate. She looks a great deal like a middle-aged Japanese woman with long black hair. When you meet her, she will be wearing a black, pleated skirt and an olive-green turtleneck, in addition to a maroon scarf and a small, white, surgical mask. She’s heard about those little pests around the manor, you see, and she really doesn’t want to get sick.
She’ll also be wearing woolen gloves and brown pantyhose, along with slippers. It’s rude to wear shoes indoors. If you haven’t taken your shoes off, she very obviously glance down at your feet, then give you a little look, as though she finds you to be a very cute and silly child.
Kinute does have a friendly look to her, with lines under her hazel eyes that seem to be from smiling and a generally pleasant demeanor. It does help that she is on the shorter side, in comparison to some, at 5’1”, or 154 cm. Smaller things are less threatening, you see.
She is still a threat, of course. That much should be very obvious by this point. Really, it should be obvious at every point. Everyone in the world is a potential threat, which is why you should be polite.
Assuming she meets you alone in the manor, which is entirely possible as Lucille does have other duties and matters she may be called away to attend, Kinute will be quite friendly, polite, and pleasant, addressing you with proper honorifics and displaying a genuine concern for your well-being. She will invite you for tea, and if you seem stressed, even offer a massage. She was a masseuse for many years, you see, and she knows her way quite well around a human body.
Do not take her up on either offer, but if you find yourself in the precarious position of potentially being a bad guest, then accept the offer of tea. It will take longer to prepare, and there is more chance someone will come to your aid.
If you take the other option because you enjoy the thrill of making terrible life decisions, you will soon find yourself in a cozy room filled with relaxing candles, and a massage table that you will lay down on. Assuming you have followed her instructions, you will be wearing only a towel, and you will be lying chest down, so you can’t see what she is doing.
You will cease living at that moment. She is a professional. As such, she will remove the gloves on one of her hands, showing that they are covered in a black chitin, and stab you straight at the base of your skull with a finger extended into a needle-like point. If you have been unpleasant enough to warrant different treatment, then the hand will shape into a sickle instead, and your head will be removed in one swift motion. Either way, it will be quick. She’s trying to curb her urges, you see.
If you have truly offended her, she will indulge those urges. Miss Sado is a sadist, and a necrophiliac. She has many urges. Do not offend her.
The easiest way to tell if you have offended her is if she, while still maintaining that sweet and caring tone, removes her surgical mask to show her wide, slit mouth, which goes up through her cheeks and contains a number of very sharp teeth.
The easiest way to tell if you are not in danger from Miss Sado is if she isn’t being sweet, caring, and pleasant. No, Miss Sado is naturally a very crass and acerbic person, and if you don’t register as a potential victim, she’ll display all the grace and care of a caustic substance eating through solid concrete. You’re lower than dirt in her eyes, and she is in no mood to hide that.
There’s really no point in bothering if you’re with Lucille or any of the other residents of the house, who already know what she’s like, so the simplest way to avoid death at her hands is to just stay in the presence of other people, or have a facial disfigurement of some description. She tends to be more scathing with those who resemble her, and thus, less hostile.
Alternatively, if you happened to take the teatime offer, you will be equally safe if her fellow resident and friend smells said tea and comes over to say hi.
14 - Melissa
Melissa Lepidont Cafard is another resident of the Murcoll Estate, and a good friend to Miss Kinute Sado. Despite their different home countries, they travel in similar circles and enjoy much of the same cuisine, though they have slightly different preferences.
You’ll most likely meet Mademoiselle Cafard either in Miss Sado’s tea room or in the manor’s main lounge, though you may encounter her elsewhere throughout the manor. She is a tall woman, standing 6ft, and resembles a woman of West European descent with a pale, white face done up with noticeable blush, lipstick, and eyeshadow, and golden-blonde hair, which falls in ringlets around her head. Despite her almost aristocratic looks, she prefers to wear casual and comfy things, such as long-sleeved sun dresses and wide-brimmed hats. She wears heels, which tend to add an extra inch or so to her height, and generally has a very cheerful smile on her false face.
The face is false, of course. It’s a mask, albeit a very well crafted one. She’s fairly certain it’s porcelain, though she’s not sure how well that type of material would actually move, and her “face” does move. It makes expressions, changes looks, all that, though she tends to keep her eyes closed because she’s not, exactly, that good at eyes. Sunglasses were a boon to her, though she can’t go wearing them indoors because that would be rude and sunglasses at night are dangerous, or so she’s been told. She’s not sure why, exactly, but she’s been told that.
If you have cause to examine the rest of her body, you may note she appears to be wearing more porcelain over the parts that would most likely be visible, such as her legs, arms, neck, and so on. Other places though, which you really shouldn’t be looking at because she is a modest lady, are composed entirely of insects. Moths, roaches, and wasps, mainly, though she has a few centipedes in there too, all arranged together in the shape of a humanoid body. In fact, if you look close, you may notice her ringlets seem to be a mix of human hair and millipedes.
It took her some time to figure out how to do it, along with speaking to a number of hairstylists and wig-makers, but it was well worth the effort! She can have just about any hairstyle she wants, very easily, and will show that off if you request it.
She will also not attempt to harm you at any point, even if you happen to be rude, because life is a sacred thing. One must care for it. So she will help you out if you are in immediate danger and she is in the area. Just try not to take advantage of her kindness, as she does have friends who will take note of this, and she can’t always be around you.
Assuming you get to talking with her and Miss Sado, they’ll share details of their lives and what sort of things they enjoy, such as whether meat is better eaten cooked, raw, or rotten. Sado prefers raw, as it’s fresher that way and rotten things bother her, but Cafard is fond of rotted meat, and thinks it’s better as you can tell the animal has died some time ago and there’s little chance of it suddenly coming to life in your mouth.
She will also likely tease Miss Sado on her tastes in lovers, noting that they tend to be rotten, and you will have the rare instance of seeing Miss Sado blush, before she retorts that fucking and eating are two very different things, and besides, while her ex-husband, Jiang, was something of a stiff, the man was damn good in the sack.
You’ll probably be interrupted at some point in this discussion by another resident of the house, who will be drawn to the commotion and the discussion, and will explain, with some amusement, that he takes the third point of enjoying his corpses cooked.
15 - Jasper
Mister Jasper Valentine is yet another resident of the Morcull Estate, and a charming businessman, so please, take his card. He will promptly pull up a chair at your table, whether it be a tea table or a table in the lounge, and greet his two friends. Miss Sado will roll her eyes and complain about his presence, while Mlle. Cafard with greet him with a chipper smile and ask if he wants tea. He will, and will begin to smile at you as it’s poured for him.
Mister Valentine isn’t especially tall, averaging at a mid-point of 5’8”, and is rather average in appearance, if not dress. His skin is a Caucasian tan and his hair is a dark brown, set in a combover. He has a mustache and a beard, and a smile that quirks to one side. He is wearing sunglasses indoors and at night, and Mlle. Cafard will not comment on that fact, because it is common for him.
Equally common for him is his tendency to dress in manners one may call extravagant or flamboyant. When you meet him, he will be wearing a three-piece suit that is bright pink and lined with hearts. Heart symbols, like the playing cards. Not human hearts. There’s a large one on the back and multiple smaller smaller ones going across his jacket and pants, along with down his tie. His spats are a mix of pink and red, and even his watch appears to be made of a rose gold.
It’s ticking as he speaks with you, very subtly, but you’ll still notice the noise. Now, Mister Valentine is interested in you, because you are a guest, and guests are interesting. Now here’s a simple question.
What do you need?
Sado will sigh and Cafard will giggle, but Jasper will continue to smile in his crooked way. You may note, at this point, that he sits at a natural slump, one shoulder raised higher as he leans on that arm. One tooth in his mouth is gold. His eyebrows are set in a perpetual questioning position, one raised above the other. The man, in general, feels very slanted.
You might need a few things. No one can be totally sure what they need. An untraceable gun that never runs out of ammo? Good for some proactive self-defense, y’know? A “Get out of Hell Free” card? Might be handy, you never know. Love potion? Hey man, who could put a price on love?
Valentine can. Sex, drugs, money, power, people want things, and he can get it for them. So what do you want? Here and now, what do you want?
A way to defend yourself? Easy. Gun’s on the table now.
A map? Sure. Matches the house, no matter how the halls twist.
A flashlight? Yeah, kay. Won’t run out of battery neither, so you’ll be good on that.
A car? Ha, thinking bigger. What kind? Make, model, year. Be specific, and he’ll get you it.
A good meal? He’ll stare at you a moment, glance at his friends, then say you should go to the kitchens.
A way out of the manor? He’ll pause, give you a look like you’re a complete idiot, then slowly suggest that you walk out the front gate, as though you might start bleeding if the words come too fast.
Immortality? He’ll smile.
Make any offer, and he’ll bring the briefcase he wasn’t carrying before up onto the table and open it up. It’s pink, like his suit, with a velvet interior. Inside is a slice of red velvet cake on a plate, which he will take out and begin to eat, occasionally gesturing to you with his fork as he explains how this deal will go down and what you’ll be paying for it. Some things are pricier than others, and he’s interested in monetary value here, so nothing tricky like a soul.
Kidney, he can take. Same for any organ because those can sell, but you might wanna keep some of them. A few are supposed to be vital. Can’t exactly hock a soul online, y’know?
Teeth, he’ll definitely take. He likes teeth.
At this point, he’ll probably raise his sunglasses, and lift a slice of cake to one of the mouths he has instead of eyes. They also each have a single gold tooth, though in different places. If you stare, he’ll smirk, and ask if you want to trade an eye instead. He likes those fine too, but teeth are just so much easier to keep.
If you take his offer, for anything, it will require a payment. He won’t kill you, not during a business transaction, but he’s not averse to sending you out into the wide world without a stitch on you, if you’re willing to sell that much. Hell, he might enjoy it, if you’re his type.
You might wonder how he could tell if he can’t see. He can taste just fine.
Presuming you don’t take any offers though, then he’ll shrug and enjoy the rest of teatime, only really asking where you stand on the meat debate. He might like you more if you agree on “cooked”, but that won’t benefit you because payment is payment. “Rotten” will make Cafard smile and giggle while both Valentine and Sado will look at you with visible revulsion, and Sado will think you’re full of shit if you say “raw”. Cafard will also pout, and Valentine will start chuckling at that.
One potential answer, instead, is “frozen”. You enjoy your meat frozen. This will get all of them to stare at you in visible confusion, because that possibility had not occurred to them before.
You still won’t get a prize, but you’ll have genuinely baffled three completely inhuman beings, so congratulations on that account.
16 - Jordan
You’ve already met Jordan. Well, not quite met, but you’ve seen them around, even if you didn’t realize they were them.
You will meet them properly should you go to the ballroom, as their primary node resides in that room. It’s the chandelier; the very large, golden one, set at the top and center of the room and bathing the gorgeous ballroom in shining white light.
Jordan is neither the light nor the room, but the candelier specifically, and they aren’t made out of gold. Rather, Jordan-1’s central node has formed an exoskeleton of golden shell around its fleshy, organic body, itself heavily shaped and contorted into a proper chandelier, where the lightbulbs are collections of nerves casting and receiving signals from the other “bodies” it has throughout the mansion to act as the other “security officers”.
The suits of armor, specifically, many of which are true suits of armor that are simply “in use” by Jordan’s secondary nodes, which constort and stretch throughout the interiors of the armors through use of long, fleshy tendrils. They reside within these suits of armor, waiting for any potential issue requiring their aid, and just generally hanging around otherwise.
You may, at points, notice Jordan-2s “on break” as they sit around lounges and do things like play billiards, bet on midnight football games, and lose to Lucille at uno. At times, you may notice the creatures inside these armors, which resemble X’s or V’s in shape, due to being composed of a single “core node”–itself a small, orb-like organ that is covered in lines and ridges–and flesh–resembling a raw chicken in hues of pink, red, purple, or blue–that stretches and contorts even with the obvious presence of actual bones within their limbs.
Note that Jordan is all one being. They are a hive mind in the truest intended sense of the word, and they share all thoughts and information. This means they are always cheating at cards. Do not play them at cards. They are always cheating.
Jordan’s chief job is to handle intruders, so you won’t be in any particular amount of danger from them, assuming you do not do anything to get your “guest” status revoked. If you do, the suits of armor always come with broadswords or halberds, and they are very good at using them.
It may interest you to note that there are other Jordan variants to be found within the manor’s grounds. Jordan-3s, for example, reside on the roof in the shape of steel gargoyles. You are not allowed on the roof. Don’t trespass on the roof.
Jordan-4s, meanwhile, are perhaps the rarest to find, as they’re mainly random “traps” to deal with intruders that figure out the armors should be avoided. You may spot one or two though, such as a piano that plays music without anyone sitting at it, or a treasure chest, sitting innocuously at the end of a hall.
One must always appreciate the classics, after all.
17 - Waste Management
The waste disposal team of Murcoll Estate consists of two brothers, Boris and Konstantin, though they are known as Borya and Kostya, respectively, to the other members of the staff, so do not be surprised if Lucille calls them that.
Their area is in the basements of the manor, where you will likely find Boris at work because he is better with certain aspects of their job. Boris isn’t the largest man at the manor, though he is rather large and muscular, with very broad-shoulders, and he still stands at a respectable 6’4”, or 193cm. He dresses practically, in a large, brown raincoat and rubber overalls, along with rubber gloves, thick rain boots, and a black gas mask with yellow lenses. He will greet you amicably, should he see you, and will continue with his work without stopping, because he has work to do and work must be done.
He will most likely be working by the incinerator, where he is tossing in garbage bags bound so tightly you cannot see the contents. You may see a rat perched on his shoulder, or crawling out from under his coat. That is normal. They are his.
He likes rats. They’re helpful for getting into small places, and are otherwise very cute. He likes cute things, he will explain, as he gestures to the shelves where he is keeping the jarred uzia of varying types, along with other vermin you probably have never seen before in your life and genuinely cannot tell what they are.
Lucille has almost certainly abandoned you by this point, because while rats are fine, uzia are so incredibly not that she is almost certainly somewhere else entirely. As such, you will have no protection if you investigate further.
Konstantin is working in his own room, disposing of trash in a different manor. There are a set of hazmat suits on racks outside of this room. Wear one.
Large barrels of acids are open to the air in this pristine, entirely clean room, which sparkles white and reeks of antiseptics, though you are hopefully not smelling any of it. Everything is very clean, without any trace of dust, dirt, or grime, and even the bags appear different. Rather than black trash bags, they are all yellow biohazard bags.
Konstantin looks about the same as his brother, being about the same size and general body shape, though he differs heavily from his twin in attire and general scent, as while Boris smells vaguely of citrus, Konstantin smells a great deal like bleach. He does wear a gas mask, one that’s white and has pale blue lenses, and he is wearing a hazmat suit much like the one you should be wearing, though yours is likely yellow and has a clear visor, while his is a pale teal.
The instant you enter, he will pause in his mixing of chemicals and look over at you, before asking what in the world you want and why you’re bothering him. He is a busy man, he has things to do, so why are you here and do you need something? If you do, sure, he’ll try to help, but really, can’t you ask Boris?
That will be his response if you are wearing the hazmat suit. If you are not, he will immediately lunge for you, grab you by the throat, and snarl a series of curses in enraged Russian at you, before ripping his own mask free to reveal his burnt-black face, his red, compound eyes, and his ringed mouth, which will promptly vomit a stream of corrosives right into your own mouth as he holds it open.
That would be remarkably bad for your health, so you should wear the hazmat suit.
Be polite, and he will wave you off after a while, muttering in annoyance over nosy guests. If you need something cleaned, he’ll help, sure, but he’ll complain the entire time and will often express that you’re an idiot who should be enough of an adult to handle things on your own. He will also not mind if you remove the hazmat suit outside of his room, though he will shiver in disgust any time he has to look at you. Or at door knobs.
Really, it’s better to get Boris.
18 - Veriana
Doctor Veriana Jusufi, MD, is the resident medical expert of the Murcoll Estate and also a resident herself. She has her own office within the manor, though she prefers to take clients at her own practice, and she is willing to offer medical help and aid to those injured on manor grounds, assuming they get to her in time.
Intruders included, though since they can’t ever leave the office for fear of being arrested and/or summarily executed, she tends to put them to work as assistants and nurses. She took the Hippocratic Oath, so she won’t do them any harm and she’s more than willing to pay her interns a living wage. It’s just that they kind of can’t leave to spend any money they might earn. So. Yeah.
As for the doctor herself, she is not human. That should be immensely obvious on viewing her, as she resembles the sort of ethereal being dreamed up in sci-fi novellas. She lacks a visible mouth, nose, and ears, her eyes appear to be mere stretches of pigment across her narrow, vase-like face, and her skin is entirely translucent, bearing only an obviously inhuman skull and spinal column. You can see some nerves and more spots of light and pigment stretching through her hands and neck, though the rest of her is largely covered.
She wears a white doctor’s coat and a maroon turtleneck, along with black slacks and simple, white sneakers. Why sneakers? They feel alright.
You wonder if there’s any significance to both her and Miss Sado wearing turtlenecks. There is. Mlle. Caspard knits them, and they are remarkably cozy.
When you meet Dr. Jusufi, she will be drinking coffee with a mouth you cannot see, and the coffee will visibly travel down her fully visible throat to unseen organs that aren’t there at all. Instead, it’s just more light and pigment, the shades of which seem to change depending on her mood, though a warm, friendly infrared appears to be her default.
She also has hair, of a sort. Tendrils, really, much like a sea anemone, which drift upwards in complete defiance of gravity. Dr. Jusufi herself tends to float too, so this should not be unexpected.
Regardless, you don’t have much to fear from the good doctor. She is uninterested in harming you, and she can even be fairly helpful, assuming your problems match the things she knows about. Fair warning, she is far more experienced in dealing with being composed of mainly light, so she may be a little off when working with a flesh person.
It’s fine, you’ll be fine, she’s good at making things fine. She guarantees, you will survive in her care, unlike certain other doctors in the household that she will not name because he’s an incompetent fucking hack who never approved of her life choices.
If her “eye” seems to be twitching, that is because she is irritated. You don’t want to go into surgery with an irritated doctor, no matter what medical dramas may attempt to say, so weigh your options carefully here.
No matter what, you will survive it.
19 - Sheila
You’ll find the manor’s library to be quite the fantastical place, in many senses of the word. Massive shelves stretch to a high ceiling, each hosting at least a thousand books each amidst their racks, many of which move and squirm and fly from one shelf to another, flapping in that way all people assume books would naturally flap if they ever needed to fly. Some skitter though, and others clamber, so not everyone is following clichés.
At the center of the room is perhaps the most fantastical being of all, unless you find books casting blasts of light and darkness at each other to be especially fantastical beings. You probably won’t for long though, as Sheila will immediately snap at them to quiet down, and they will promptly acquiesce.
Sheila is the librarian of the library, and she is rather titanic, rising up from a circular pool of water at the center of the library. She is serpentine in shape, though she has two webbed-arms ending with four-fingered hands, and her head resembles that of a classical western dragon–with a long snout ending in two slit nostrils–though one without horns, having fins instead. Her body is smooth, much like an eel, and is a deep, sapphire blue that shimmers in the library’s lights. She has two whiskers, much like a carp, that trail back in a pseudo-mustache, and her green eyes are akin to some amphibians, possessing horizontal pupils.
Sheila is there to keep watch over the books, keep them safe, and lend them out to those interested in them. She will not intervene if you do something stupid like attempting to grab a book that begins crooning to you to pick it up while it writhes with the souls of the damned, but she will explain how to take and read them properly if you think to ask.
If you’re wondering why a sea-dragon appears to be in charge of the library, she will correct you on the simple fact that she is not a “sea-dragon”, she is a leviathan. Sea-dragons are a misnomer propagated by those who couldn’t tell what they were seeing, like manatees and mermaids or falling angels and meteorites. Not that any of those things aren’t real, but the term “sea-dragon” is just a gross simplification, thank you very much.
As for why she’s in charge, it’s because she can keep the books in line. Books fear water, you see, and she is very capable of handling unruly books.
Why not put a dragon in charge then, you may ask? One, because there are no dragons currently in residence at the manor, and two, because fire burns books beyond repair. With water, there’s a chance they can be saved, and they’ll struggle all the harder for it.
Regardless, this is a simple place. It’s a library. You read in it. She’s here to help you read. Just don’t damage the books, or she’ll snap your head off before you can realize what happened.
20 - Malcolm
The manor’s laboratory is not just one room, but a series of room, varying in size. Doctor Malcolm Burkett will greet you in a very lounge-ish laboratory, with a coffee table and a couch and counters with beakers full of bubbling liquid in them.
His assistant, who you will properly meet soon enough, will bring tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, as requested, though the doctor will be handed a mug with a blue liquid instead that appears to be steaming. You may wonder how he’ll drink it, as he doesn’t seem to have a mouth.
Dr. Burkett is an unusual man with an almost entirely robotic body. The only thing that keeps it from being entirely robotic is the fact that the liquefied remains of his original body are still floating in the glass tubes visible across his otherwise metallic physique. You will be able to see most of said physique, as it seems the doctor believe a lab coat and a speedo are sufficient articles of clothing to wear when one is mostly robotic. Still, it does allow you to see the glass casing hold red liquid where his heart should be, green liquid where his stomach would be, and various other liquids where his other organs could be. His chest is basically a sort of aquarium, if one was more interested in looking at liquids than fish inside them, while the rest of his body is more of a silver metal.
Aside from his head though, which is more of an elongated dome, containing a pink liquid that occasionally crackles with electricity. His eyes are also in there, though you can’t quite see them; they’re liquid too, you see, so it all mixes together.
He’ll be stirring the liquid in his mug with a silver spoon as he continues to speak about various subjects, such as what he actually does in the labs and why his research is funded. Things like exotic weapons development is his primary profession, though his passion project is the resurrection of his own deceased wife, you see.
She died quite tragically in a mugging accident. Or incident. One of those words. There were things that happened and they were quite unfortunate because she died, and poor Malcolm, poor unfortunate Malcolm, lost someone very near and dear to him.
What was her name? You presume she had one. Perhaps she merely had a symphony of starlight? She was beautiful, you see, and it wasn’t right that a man lose his beautiful wife.
(If you ask Veriana, she’ll tell you that her adoptive mother was named Dajza. She was an astronomer. A little stoic at times, but she tried her best to be loving. She wasn’t someone who deserved to burn to death.)
So he has been trying, ever since, to bring her back. And he succeeded! A few times. They never quite last. Aging, sickness, degeneration, more accidents, or perhaps incidents, resulted in her consistent death before he was ready. He needed time to prepare, to mourn properly, and she kept dying before that was possible. He only wanted her by his side. She knew that.
Sometimes she didn’t. Sometimes, she said in a very raspy voice, that he had trespassed. Sometimes, she shook her head as she stared in horror, never speaking another word. Sometimes, she just laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
He figured out the problem though. The problem was that she was too human.
Humans are flawed. Weak. He converted his body because of those flaws. That’s why he has a liquid brain and an electronic one. Double thinking, double working, double science.
There is science to be done. Won’t you help him with it?
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bees-for-the-wildmother · 6 years ago
The 100 Ask Game
I was tagged by the wonderful @thehundredtimesobsessed​ forever ago (or what feels like it, but I’m finally getting around to it today.
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from?
Probably Agro. My mom’s side of the family definitely has a green thumb.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
No. No, I would not.
4. What would the Necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh…)
DRAGON!  Dragons are my favorite.  Followed by red pandas, but I feel like a dragon would be better (I already own a few dragon necklaces).
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
Roan kom Azgeda - I miss him. <<< Same.  Possibly Wells, but I became much more attached to Roan (probably because he had more episodes)
6. Create a squad by of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Monty, and Murphy.  (This was basically pick your five favorite characters for me...)
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to?
Podakru - the Lake People...I’m just going on that based on where I live, i.e. a place where there are lakes
8.  What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Shilbi, I think that’s what they’d do with it.  I literally looked up to see if they even had a “sh” sound in their language; right when I was about to lose hope and resigning myself to “Silbi” or the like, I found a phrase with “sh”.
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
I didn’t like him from the beginning. I didn’t hate him initially, but he got two people killed yet survived his own idiocy or taking off his seat belt. I thought he was going to be a detriment to their survival because he would take stupid unnecessary risks to show off.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
Probably not.  My dad yells and me and my mom because we always need answers to motivations and the why of things.  I don’t think I would put something in my body without fully knowing what it is and the ramifications of taking it.
11. What character do you relate to most?
I want to say Harper, but also some Clarke.  In Harper, I see a lot of the traits I like about myself; in Clarke, I see a lot of the traits I don’t like about myself.
12. What character do you like the least?
This is difficult...I feel like it’s a cop out to say one of the villains of the show, but it’d probably be Cage Wallace.  I don’t know who it’d be out of the people who are still alive.
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
Charcoal grey jeans with a forest green v-neck t-shirt that has those criss-crossed strips of fabric, a dark brown leather jacket, and brown combat boots.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
...I don’t know...a mutant fox?
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
Probably like historian, archives, or teacher or something (based on my real life career path).
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Yeah, I’d do what I have to.  Probably would be admiring the ceiling as I did it, but I’d do it.
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
I don’t know.  I feel like it there was a more ruthless, battle ready heda, the 100 (and the rest of the Ark) would have been in a worse position.
Wait! An answer came to me when I was looking at question twenty:  Lincoln!  My friend and I liked to joke that Lincoln was one of the few characters with a head on his shoulders and realistic ideas and expectations for relations.
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
I’d probably just be giggling, at EVERYTHING.
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
Definitely a more Bellamy Blake approach.
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
Monty.  Monty is another character who had a good head on his shoulders.
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
Kane’s side. No question.
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
Maybe a kindle if they had that.  They probably would have different books than the Ark had, or the grounders.  Give me all the books.
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
Probably a couple tribal tattoos on my arms, maybe connecting with something spanning my shoulders and upper back.  Definitely ALL the braids; I already wear braids in my hair a lot, but I think they would just get more intricate for the grounder style. Some nice, swirling black warpaint around my eyes when I have to go to battle.
24. Favorite quote?
For someone who regularly collects quotes (though usually from books), I don’t actually have one.  But a quick internet search and choosing quickly, I’ll say a favorite is, “I say, screw fear. I’m telling my own damn story.” (Bellamy Blake, 1.13). It reminds me a little of my one of my favorite song lyrics, “I’m the hero of the story; don’t need to be saved,” from “Hero” by Regina Spektor, which is actually a pretty decent song for the show.
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
I’m gonna go with Clarke.  She’s smart and tactical and she does what she has to do. But if it came down to a straight up fight, probably Luna; she’d have the knowledge to survive the land and the talent to survive the fight.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Miller/Jackson - It just came out of nowhere, with no build up, and I like to see how things unfold, especially relationships, and so I’m being stubborn about them trying to tell me it’s a thing. Zaven - All I wanted was for Raven to finally find someone who could make her happy and show her what she could should have. So, yeah, I’m in denial and not the happiest person right now. (I haven’t even watched the new season yet--I know, I know, I’m a horrible fan, but I was sick and then busy catching up on life--and this is something that got spoiled for me even though I’ve been trying to avoid tumblr for a week; I blame Critical Role for encouraging me to go on Tumblr last Thursday) Minty - I found the ship in fanfiction and jumped on board quickly and happily.
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
I’m going with the song that I actually used as a title to one of my fanfics, “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots. (I also just am bad at knowing songs, so this I’ll stick with what I already know fits with the story)
Celebrities, another of my knowledge downfalls--seriously, if you ever want a guaranteed win in a trivia game against me, go with Pop Culture as the topic.
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
Play card games? Drink? There wasn’t a whole lot to do.
29. Your an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?  
You wouldn’t actually see me die, I’d just be one of the bodies bloody and lying on the ground.
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
I think it’s actually Echo and/or Emori, both would be best; I’m curious about everyday life on the ground before the timeline of the show.
31. A character you’d bang?
Can I say all of them? If I have to select someone I‘d choose Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, or Roan. Basically the same answer as Toni.  Ooo, I’m adding Lincoln to the list, too.
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
Assuming I could survive it (nightblood), Eden. I need my green and I don’t mind being alone, though I’d probably still talk to the radio or the animals or plants.
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
Yup. I’m a follower.  Read, draw, think up stories.
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
These questions keep asking me questions with the assumption that I am not Lawful Good down to my core.  I have no idea what law/rule I would willfully break and what the circumstances would have to be for me to do it.
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
Harper, no doubt about it. Probably more so Murphy wouldn’t get along with me.  He’d catch me making a face at something he said, and I didn’t honestly mean anything by it, my face just reacts, and he’d hold a grudge against me for a while.
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
If I had survival skills (know what to eat, how to find it, etc.) probably a long time. If I tried it at this exact moment, not very long at all.
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
Run, hide, observe, freak out. I don’t know.
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
Shaw.  (Why must all the good ones go?) Vinson, he was creepy AF.
39. Would you Spacewalk?
Assuming I could do it when it wasn’t illegal, yeah!
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
Windshield bugs. I was about to say Space Algae, but then I thought about the texture it’d be, and I’m pretty sure it’d be the texture that makes me gag when I try to eat it.
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
Yeah no, I don’t want to go to war.  I would try to work out a way to share it.
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
I think I’d stick a thumb drive into a bullet hole.  The first is turning my stomach to think about, but somehow the second isn’t doing the same.
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
 Gut reaction against it, but that’s because I love my sister and she’s the sweetest.  But if she did what Octavia did and had that personality, probably, as long as I knew she wouldn’t be killed by it. What they did seemed to work...?
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
Sleep in cryo.
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Clarke and Bellamy, Raven and Shaw, Murphy and Miller. <<Same, probably Emori too, she’s resourceful. 
I’m not gonna tag anyone because chances are they already did this while I’ve been avoiding Tumblr and so I missed their answers. But if anyone hasn’t done this and wants to, please tag me in your post!  I want to see what other people have to say!
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years ago
If You Knew
Pairings: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Doctor Au
Words: 7K
Description: Requested by anon
Dr. Min Yoongi is the most skilled neurosurgeon in the country. He has successfully faced a number of challenges in his career and is under the assumption that he can professionally handle anything at this point, that is, until he was put in charge of treating the girl he has harbored a secret crush on since college.  
Or, in which you lose your eyesight in a car accident and fall in love with the neurosurgeon treating your condition.
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who sent in a request for a doctor au!
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Min Yoongi has treated a lot of people in his life.
As a world-renowned neurosurgeon, he wasn’t the least bit surprised when he got a request to treat a victim of a brutal car crash. He’s always the first doctor to be recommended because of his reputation, and nine times out of ten, he is, without a doubt, the best person for the job. But the moment he saw your name on the patient form that was handed to him as he walked down the squeaky clean hallway of the hospital, he knew this was going to be that one out of ten time that he was fucked.
Rewind back to when his best friend and closest colleague, Kim Namjoon, had told him that the hardest part about being a doctor isn’t actually acquiring an extensive amount of knowledge on the practice of medicine, performing long surgeries, or dealing with being overloaded with work on the daily. For geniuses like them, it was never about not being smart enough or skilled enough. Instead, Namjoon had brought to Yoongi’s attention long ago that the most difficult part of being a doctor was dealing with being the courier of bad news.  
Of course, being forced to play that role doesn’t happen often. It shouldn’t because doctors are supposed to save people, to heal them. But they aren’t divine entities. They can’t fix everything, and with the existence of things they are powerless to do anything about comes the need to perform error handling, to figure out how to let people down without allowing those feelings of guilt and remorse consume you.
And so, being the overachieving perfectionist that he is, Yoongi took the liberty of conditioning himself in a way that he would never have to run into that issue. He figured if he detached himself from his patients to the point where his relationship with them lied solely on a professional level, he would never have to meddle with emotional attachments.
Up until now, his solution of desensitization has been working smoothly. He’s faced the task of notifying family members of the death of their loved ones and informed people they are in the later stages of cancer or some untreatable disease. He’s told mothers that their babies were born impaired and will die before the age of 5, and athletes that they may never walk again. He’s seen the worst of it and has come out more or less unfazed.
He thinks he has it down to an art form, one that he has spent the majority of his career crafting to the utmost perfection, which comes back to the one thing he had never thought in a million years he would have to do, and that was to be in charge of treating you.
 To say that Yoongi was inept at comforting people would be an understatement. Don’t get him wrong, he comes off kind and considerate to everyone around him, and he’s highly, highly respected by everyone in his field of work. He has good relationships with his patients (professionally), and he always delivers treatment to the best of his ability.
But it’s safe to say; he’s never offered anything deeper than surface level care. Surface level care as in, treat physical condition and get out before getting too deep into consolatory territory. He’s not a therapist. He shouldn’t be expected to treat psychological ailments or provide a shoulder to cry on.
Of course, that’s under the assumption that he’s treating a stranger or at most an acquaintance.
And that’s where you come in.
You, as in, the girl he fell head over heals for the first time he saw you reading under a willow tree on a warm spring day. The same girl he never had the guts to approach properly because you were always surrounded by hotter guys, and Yoongi being the classic nerd who had his head buried in textbooks 24/7, was nowhere near your league.  
“Dr. Min, she’s in room 227” The nurse next to him reminds as she watches Yoongi almost open the door to the wrong room. 
He looks up at the room number of the door his hand is already gripping around the knob of:
“Aish” He curses under his breath. He needs to stop drowning in his thoughts before he makes a fool of himself. He quickly glances back at the group of residents and assistants, making sure they don’t suspect he’s unfocused due to fatigue, which he’s proud to say he has never been, before continuing to the next room over. 
There’s no background noise in the room. Other than the familiar beep of the heart monitor, it was almost disturbingly quite. Yoongi’s gaze lands on your sleeping form, head and arms wrapped in gauze after going through emergency treatment right after the accident and breathing through tubes for the time being.
“She was transferred here this morning.” The nurse informs, cutting through his mental observations. “Her left arm and ribcage have sustained minor fractures. Her spinal cord was not severely damaged, but we are still uncertain about how much the cranial trauma has effected her eyes.”
“Her eyes?” Yoongi echoes, partially unsure of why his own voice sounds so distant and hollow.
“It is inconclusive whether her vision loss is dude to nerve damage or just corneal lacerations. We will need to run more tests when she wakes up.”
 Yoongi was in his second year of undergrad when he first came to the realization that he hadn’t experienced as many youth related “joys” as his fellow peers. He had never dated a girl, never felt the recklessness of partying until dawn, wasn’t a club goer or drinker, and steered clear from recreational drugs all together. He always used the “too busy focusing on my future” excuse for virtually everything that came crashing his way.
It was a classic case of being determined to succeed, and he was pretty sure his future self would be proud of his strong will at such a ripe young age.
Everyone around him knew that he wasn’t the type to get distracted easily; in fact, it was a labor-intensive struggle just to get Yoongi to do anything non-school related. His attention was rarely, if ever, drawn away from his goal-oriented mindset, but you somehow managed to make him do a double take the moment he looked out the window of the library he had been rooted in all afternoon.
“Whatcha looking at?” Namjoon’s voice from across the table snaps him out of his momentary trance.
“H-huh?” Yoongi turns back towards Namjoon, still unaware of the chemical change that had occurred in his brain due to a certain heart-fluttering stimulus. “Oh uh, nothing, just…enjoying how green the grass is.” He fabricates; eyes quickly shooting down to his textbook in hopes that the other male will treat this occurrence as nothing out of the ordinary.
But of course, he doesn’t.
“Enjoying how green the grass is?” Namjoon cocks a brow obviously unconvinced, pupils shifting towards the direction Yoongi had been staring at for a good two minutes- that likely would have turned to five or even longer had he not interrupted.  
And there you are, sitting peacefully under a willow tree with your flowing hair partly fluttering in zephyr, partly tucked behind one ear, and eyes fixated on a book resting gently in your lap.
It was almost too cliché, but Namjoon wasn’t about to judge.
His lips curve upwards, sighing fondly as he turns to face Yoongi, who is now not so subtly trying to avoid direct eye contact with the all-knowing male.
“Are you going to go out there and talk to her?” Namjoon inquires without a single hint of hesitation.
“What are you even talking about?” Yoongi retorts, trying to sound like Namjoon was being completely absurd and didn’t just witness the signs of love at first sight displayed on Yoongi’s habitually apathetic face.
Namjoon exhales and shakes his head. “If you’re going to deny your infatuation, you should’ve tried to be less obvious.”
“Again, I have no idea-”
“Oh come on, Yoongi. Are you really going to play this game with me?”
Yoongi tsks in mild annoyance, expression turning sour. “I don’t have time for this. Let’s get back to studying.”
Yoongi is definitely a stubborn one. He was like that with his goals and dreams, his resolve to succeed in the medical field, and personal desires, as he soon came to learn. Perhaps that is also why he never moved on from you.
 Even after that little incident at the library with Namjoon, where he pretended like he had been unaffected by the first stages of a growing crush, the thought of you had constantly been on his mind. It was like that image of your elegant form had been imprinted in his memory, and it wasn’t going away. Although he would never admit it verbally, he would catch himself thinking about you at the most random times, while he was eating, walking between classes, listening to music, and even during exams! It was a nightmare, and further to his dismay, such thoughts had been increasing in frequency to the point where he couldn’t stop himself from hoping he could see you again, even if it’s just a distant glimpse. Which is precisely why he found himself frequenting that same spot in the library more often than not.
It’s a bit creepy to say he went there to observe you from afar, but when it all boils down to the crux, that is all he had the courage to do. And it’s not like he was just staring at you the whole time, thankfully he’s not that creepy. It was more like the intermittent glance outside when his eyes got tired of the same old human anatomy flashcards scattered in front of him or the occasional tilt of his head when he caught you lifting an arm to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. He would sometimes imagine what it would be like to invite you to study with him, to sum up the guts to actually talk to you because it was definitely a more natural way to handle the state he was in.  
Surprisingly it wasn’t that hard. And by “that hard”, he means that one day it unexpectedly started pouring rain, and somehow turned into the first time you met him, or in other words, “found out about his existence”. Yoongi himself was actually immersed in his own reading when it happened. He was occupying the exact same seat in the corner when he heard light tapping on the window, only to recognize they were pellets of water hitting the glass.
He jolts up at the realization, and his eyes immediately shoot to the spot you were sitting outside, gathering your belongings in your backpack in preparation to escape the downpour. He doesn’t even take the time to think about what he’s doing, diving into action without a game plan as he hastily grabs his umbrella and sprints out the door. Yoongi doesn’t think he’s ever ran faster in his life, heck, he didn’t even know his scrawny legs could carry him so swiftly. But he makes it to the tree in time, just as you were zipping up the last compartment of your bag.
“Here” He says briskly, handing you the umbrella gripped between his hands before considering how bizarre the situation was from your perspective, to see a stranger handing you an umbrella while he was getting soaked under the rain himself.
You look up at his out of breath state, his clothes drenched from the water still falling from the sky. “Ummm, thanks?” You hesitantly take the item he’s presenting you, eyes still trained on him, waiting for him to explain what was going on, where he had magically appeared from, and why he was not using the umbrella to shield himself but rather offering it to you. “So…” You open the parasol and hold it above both of your heads, biting your lip when you realize you have no idea what to say.
“S-sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Yoongi scratches the back of his neck, silently cursing himself for not thinking this through. His wet bangs were now clinging to his forehead, and he’s 99.9% sure he looks like a complete idiot. “H-here, I can hold that.” He awkwardly reaches out and takes the umbrella from you, hands brushing against yours momentarily before you let go of the handle. “Sorry.” He mutters again.
You shake your head. “No, I should be thanking you for saving me out here.” You smile brightly, and Yoongi swears he’s never seen anything so beautiful. “I don’t think we’ve been acquainted, I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N…” Yoongi spends a little too long savoring the way the syllables roll off his tongue. Even your name was beautiful. Nothing like any of the names he had conjured from the guessing games he had played in his head for the past few weeks. Y/N…it was perfect. “Uhh..my name is Y-Yoongi. Min Yoongi.” He adds, fortunately catching himself before he fell into another daydream.
You giggle at his display of nervousness. “Did you just happen to be out here on a walk?” You query, tilting your head in the cutest way possible (according to Yoongi).
“Oh, no. I was studying in there.”
Your eyes follow the direction his finger had raised to point towards. “So how come…?” You wanted to ask why he had ran out here.
“But then I got tired of reading and came out for a break.” He lies, praying that you won’t be suspicious of the impossible coincidence that he just happened to be outside with an umbrella within your vicinity right before it started raining.  
“I guess it’s my lucky day then.” You grin, putting your pearly whites on display this time. Yoongi’s heart is pounding so hard he feels like he’s going to pass out.
The two of you slowly make your way back towards the library. Half of Yoongi’s body remains exposed to the rain because he tries to leave enough room for you, even though you insisted he should scoot closer to you. You assume he’s just being polite, seeing as though the two of you just met.
“So what’s your major?” You ask, directing the conversation casually in an attempt to dispel the tension.
“I’m, uh, pre-med.” He answers.
“Impressive.” You nod. 
“What about you?”
“Literature. Not as practical.” You shrug, remembering how your parents were against your decision to study something that would not provide very many career opportunities, but you loved it too much to give it up in exchange for something else.   
“No, no. That’s really interesting.” Yoongi quickly butts in, regretting his choice of words the moment he hears what he had just voiced. He clears his throat, taking a deep breath before trying again. “It’s a study that is irreplaceable, and central to us as human beings. It helps us expand our horizons and express ourselves in unique ways.” He pauses for a second before continuing. “It’s really cool that your passions lie within something so important to humanity.”
Your lips curve upward at his heartwarming words.
The rain lets up not long after you reach the library, and you end up thanking Yoongi again before parting ways. He doesn’t know it then, but you were grateful for several things he did for you on that fateful day. Although he probably didn’t mean for his encouraging words to make such a huge impact on your mindset, to you it was unforgettable because it was exactly what you needed, not only on that day but also for many years to come.
 He stands at the doorway staring at your limp form lying on the patient bed. His heart feels like someone is tying ropes around it, and he feels like the air in the room is too thin.
“She will be blind until we find a donor.”
The words keep repeating in his mind, and he doesn’t know why they are affecting him this much. He’s not supposed to be attached to patients. He’s not supposed to be concerned past an acceptable professional level. He’s not supposed to be too weak to inform them of bad news, and yet he had forced a resident to break the crippling news to you earlier this morning. 
At least it’s not permanent. At least it wasn’t nerve damage and can be fixed with ocular surgery. But even so, it doesn’t quell any of his concerns because compatible cornea donors can take months to find. 
“H-how are you feeling?” Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut the moment the words leave his mouth in a not so smooth manner. Why the fuck was he getting nervous? This is not how a world-renowned neurosurgeon should be acting. Min Yoongi, fucking stay professional.
Yoongi swallows thickly through gritted teeth, hoping that the sound isn’t loud enough to make it to your ears.
You continue to lie stiffly on the cot, not turning your head in the direction of his voice or giving any other indication that you had even heard what your doctor had just asked. The bandages around your head had been removed, but your eyes were kept closed for obvious reasons.
“Better” You softly answer after a painfully long silence that Yoongi spent mentally scolding himself.
He instantly relaxes the moment your voice, which is just as beautiful as he remembers might he add, fills the quiet room.
“That’s good. If you feel any discomfort or need anything, don’t hesitate to let us know.”
“Ok” You respond with a slight upturn of your lip that almost resembles a half smile.
“I’m going to perform some simple tests to make sure your nervous system is still functioning properly.” He informs as he prepares his equipment.
“Ok” You answer again, shifting a little this time to show that you are ready.
Yoongi takes a deep breath before reaching over to take your uninjured arm. He proceeds to give instructions for you to move your fingers, elbow, and shoulder, before moving on to make sure you haven’t lost sensation in any of your other limbs. You stay quiet for the majority of the time, only obediently doing as he says. You take note of how soothing his voice is and how delicately he handles you, and you can’t help but wonder if all doctors were this gentle, this kind, because you hadn’t quite experienced the same tenderness with the previous nurse and assistant who had performed initial tests on you.
“Now I’m going to quickly assess your lungs.” He notifies before reaching over to grab his stethoscope, shoving it in his ears and trying to ignore the fact that he’ll be seeing your partially bare body. The exact thing that he’s shameful to admit he could not refrain from fantasizing about when he was lying alone in his dorm room so many years ago. He swallows again, harshly reminding himself to stop being so ridiculous. That was the past. That was natural for a male in his sexual prime, but he’s older now, more mature, a respectable doctor-
All thoughts of reason flew out the window the moment his fingers brushed against the smooth and soft skin of your chest. His heartbeat is quickening, and he clenches his jaw to prevent his hand from trembling even in the slightest bit. Thank god years of surgical training has gifted him steady hands, because he’d be shaking uncontrollably if he had not practiced the art of calming himself when his own nervous system is on overdrive.
“Inhale. Exahale.” Yoongi instructs, for your sake and his own.
You follow his commands, taking in a deep inhale and long exhale, but you manage to squeeze in a quick question, one that you had been curious about for the past half hour. “Since I can’t see your name tag, can you tell me how I should address you?” Yoongi’s hand freezes, still placed above your exposed chest.
“You can call me Dr. Min.” He answers, eyes fluttering up to trace over your facial features but finding it difficult to read your emotions without your eyes to give anything away.
Lucky for him, you smile at his response, and it’s so reminiscent of the first time he saw your lips stretch into such a beautiful form that his heart almost skips a beat.
The rest of the testing goes efficiently, mostly because it’s filled with some light conversation. Now that you know his name, you somehow feel closer to him for some inexplicable reason. He’s not that nameless, faceless medical practitioner that’s pinching and probing you like you are some lab specimen, but rather a doctor by the name of Dr. Min, who handles you like a porcelain doll and speaks with a kind of rhythm that takes you to a place as familiar as home.
“Well, that’s all for now.” Yoongi announces as he cleans up. You can hear him packing away up his equipment, metal against metal, and the sound of him pushing the cart back into the corner.  
“Will you be back?” You ask as he walks back to your bedside.
“Of course.” He answers, letting his face relax into a smile. “I’ll come as much as you need me to.”
“I would like that.” You say, as he helps you lie back down to rest.
Yoongi doesn’t know what you mean by that statement, but he assumes you just want to be reassured that you’ll be properly taken care of. He jots down a few notes on his notepad and prepares to leave, but just as he was about to leave the room you call for him one last time.
“Dr. Min?”
Yoongi halts mid-step. “Yes?” He turns back to look at you, even though he’s fully aware that you can’t see him anyways.
“Thank you.”
 Yoongi didn’t lack appeal in the traditional sense of the word, but he wasn’t exactly good at being a ladies magnet. He knew he wasn’t physically alluring, but he had brains, and there were plenty of girls who could appreciate a smart man. Like take Kim Namjoon for example, a man with the IQ of a genius, constantly spewing quotes as deep as the Pacific Ocean. But unlike Yoongi who gave off the aura of someone who hated everything about life, Namjoon made his nerdiness come off as charming and irresistible.
Yoongi, on the other hand, rarely expressed emotion on his face, and even when he did, it was always solely around his closest friends.
“So you’ve moved on from spying on her from the library?” Namjoon leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, contemplating the next steps he can suggests the hopeless male take.
“Joon, I told you, I stopped engaging in that shit a long time ago.” Yoongi huffs. “It was creepy, I know.”
Namjoon chuckles wholeheartedly. “And yet you managed to do that for what, 2 months?”
“Shut up”
“You’ve spoken to her before. Why not ask her out?” He proceeds to push the topic, despite knowing that the older male never wants to talk about it.
“Because I’m over her.”
Yoongi hates it when Namjoon is right because Namjoon is always right. He’s not over you. Hell, he’s never going to be over you. And just because he doesn’t see you anymore, doesn’t mean you’ve stopped haunting his dreams or daytime musings or every crevice of his cerebral cortex.  He even applied to be a TA for an introductory Bio course this semester, hoping that it’ll take his mind off of things that should not be specified.
He had thought it was the perfect plan, that is, until he saw you walk into the lecture hall on the first day of class.
What kind of fuckery-
“Yoongi, right?” He looks up to find you standing in front of his desk, apparently keeping his head down and eyes trained on the professor’s stack of handouts was not going to help him turn invisible.
“Y-Yes” He clears his throat.
“I know we don’t really know each other yet, but you don’t know how glad I am to see you.” You admit, looking around at the other students whose faces you’re even less familiar with. This is what happens when a liberal arts student decides to take a science class for fun, just to see what it was like.  
“You are?” Yoongi’s jaw slackens at your unexpected revelation. You can’t seriously be glad to see him for the reason he thinks… can you? He’s not misinterpreting your words… is he?
You nod while beaming at him so brightly it’s almost painful for his frail heart. “Yeah, I don’t know anyone here.” You clarify.
Yup. He misinterpreted. “Oh, right. Lit major.” Yoongi pretends to casually recall, not that he even came close to forgetting any detail about you.
Throughout that entire semester, Yoongi learns more about you than he had ever dreamed he would have the opportunity to. Because of your nonexistent science background, you always show up to his tutoring hours and stay longer than any other student. At first it made him a bit uncomfortable, knowing that there was no way he would even stand a chance at getting over his feelings for you at this rate, but interacting with you soon settled into a comfortable routine, one in which he almost gained enough confidence to be less nervous around you.  
“I’m sorry, you probably have other things to do.” You apologize as you look up at the clock hanging on the wall and see that it’s past the end of his tutoring hours.
“It’s fine. I was planning on staying here to study anyways.” He smiles at you, pulling out his own textbooks to show that he wasn’t leaving any time soon.
He hates himself for unleashing this type of self-torture on himself, for falling into this vicious cycle of not being able to resist caring about you past what is expected, or even reasonable for a mere TA. He didn’t have to stay past his tutoring hours for your sake. He didn’t have to make customized study guides just for you, and go out of his way to hide the fact that he did all of these extra things.
So you never knew about the countless occasions, Yoongi spent all evening helping you study class material, even when he had projects and lab reports due the next day. You never knew about how he didn’t mind losing a few hours of sleep, if it meant spending those hours with you.
 “Y/N? The Y/N that still plagues your conscience to this day?” Namjoon almost spits out the bite of food he was chewing on. He and Yoongi were eating lunch in the hospital cafeteria when the older male decided to break the news to him. He knew Namjoon would find out eventually, so there was no need to hide it.
“You’re over exaggerating” Yoongi mutters, looking down at his lunch tray and picking at his food absentmindedly.
Namjoon sighs. “Am I? I told you the guilt wouldn’t go away that easily.”
By guilt, Namjoon means the terms in which Yoongi left for medical school without saying goodbye to you or even leaving you a way to contact him. 
“It was four years ago.” Yoongi reminds, as if time would really allow him to accept the decision he made.
But he’s never stopped regretting it. He’ll never forget how long he spent waiting by that bench, pacing back and forth while formulating a way to tell you how he truly felt about you, only to run away when he saw you walking down the sidewalk with someone else. That other guy was probably just a friend of yours, but the scene of you laughing to your hearts content as you linked your arms with him shattered any bit of confidence he had managed to assemble.
In retrospect, it was pretty stupid of him to let something so trivial prevent him from doing what he should’ve done at the time, which was confess in the face of potential rejection. He also didn’t know it would be the closest he ever got to telling you how much he liked you, nor did he anticipate it being the last chance he ever got to see you before he went off to medical school. He often wonders what would’ve happened if he had just sucked it up and confessed. Would you have given him a chance? Would he be less regretful? Even in the event that he was rejected, he was certain at the very least he wouldn’t feel so pathetic for chickening out even to this day.  
He still lingering over those thoughts of the past as he lightly knocks on the doorframe of your recovery room.
At the sound of the familiar tap, your head jerks towards the entrance and your lips curve into a gentle smile when you hear the distinct footsteps of the doctor who never fails to brighten your day.
“How are you feeling?”
It’s always the first thing that glides past his lips, the tangible serenade that makes the dull room come alive. 
“So much better now” You hum, exhaling blissfully.
Yoongi furrows his brows, not quite understanding what you are referring. “Did the nurse up your dosage?”
You laugh, shaking your head. “It has nothing to do with any of my medications, Dr. Min.”
Yoongi takes a seat on the chair by your bedside, still oblivious to what you mean.
“I heard you’re a writer now.” He says as casually as he can while simultaneously gripping the book he has brought and is planning on reading to you- if you wanted, that is. He was actually on a break from work, but decided to pay you a visit because he figured you would be bored, or at least that’s the excuse he kept repeating to himself. Truthfully, he’s feeling very uncertain of his actions and whether or not this is even an acceptable thing to do as your primary doctor. It’s probably not, but when has Yoongi ever been able to resist going the extra mile when it came to you?
“Now?” You pause at his peculiar statement. Were you being overly sensitive to his choice of words or did he actually sound like he was someone who knew you in the past? Maybe it was just a misunderstanding on your part.
“I mean, it says you are a writer on the patient information forms.” Yoongi corrects, quickly clearing his throat awkwardly.
“I am” You nod. “I’ve always been passionate about literature, but sadly, I can’t read or write in this condition.” Your expression falls, and Yoongi feels a tiny pang in his heart.
Yoongi looks down at the book clutched between his fingers. “Well, I can read to you if you would like.” He is trying really hard to make this a smooth transition to why he came to visit you today and not give away the fact that he actually planned this whole “read to you” thing. “I just happen to have this book here with me right now, and I’ve got some time to kill.”
You remain silent as you let his words sink in. It crosses your mind as being a little strange for a doctor to just have random books on hand while working. “Do you always carry books around?”
Yoongi swallows nervously. “I-I….yes” He stutters.
You giggle. “So you’re an avid reader?”
“You can put it that way.” He responds before flipping over the cover.
When he begins reading, you immediately recognize the title of the piece he had conveniently chosen. Was it too much of a coincidence that he just happened to have picked up one of your favorite books? Surely the patient forms would not contain such personal and medically unrelated information.
“You’re a fan of Murakami?”
He glances up from the page. “A friend of mine is.” He replies, recalling how Namjoon had shoved so many of the Japanese author’s works in his face over the years. He eventually grew fond of them for reasons he normally elected to not acknowledge, but deep down he knew it was because they always reminded him so much of you and your own literary tastes.
“I’m glad it rubbed off on you.” You comment, smiling once more.
Yoongi takes your peaceful reactions as a sign that you enjoyed his uncustomary visits, so he comes whenever he’s on break. Of course, he always hides those details and pretends that he’s just stopping by as he’s making his hospital rounds, but that was beside the point. Sometimes he even comes with a journal to write for you, becoming your pen and paper. You share all of your ideas with him, the deepest layers of your thoughts that your surprised became something that was so easy to do. It’s not every day that you feel comfortable enough to be in someone else’s company when you are writing. You typically wouldn’t even allow your closest of friends to walk in on you brainstorming fantastical ideas for new stories.
It was all going well for Yoongi until the day he didn’t time his visit right and almost fell out of his chair when the nurse walked in on him as he was reading to you.
Her expression is of mild astonishment as she stares at the neurosurgeon dressed in casual attire. “Dr. Min, I thought you were off work today?” Her question echoes loud and clear throughout the room, making Yoongi wince at the revelation of the secret he had kept so well up until now.
“I-I…” He completely at loss for words, eyes shifting over to you who has no idea what is going on.
The nurse proceeds to check up on you, clearly oblivious of Yoongi’s stupefied state.
He remains standing awkwardly against the wall as she finishes her assigned duties, not making a sound or clarifying why he was still there. Luckily the nurse doesn’t think much of it, and leaves as soon as she is finished.
“Dr. Min?” You voice as you hear him sit back down.
“Yes?” Yoongi murmurs timidly.
You smile knowingly. “Thank you”
 It was exactly four months later that Yoongi was informed of a potential corneal donor for you. Admittedly, the moment was a bit bittersweet for him because it meant that you would be leaving the hospital with new eyes as soon as you recover from surgery, which means he would probably never see you again.
“I can’t believe you haven’t told her.” Namjoon is tempted to tear his hair out at this point.
“Of course I told her!” Yoongi defends, taken aback by the fact that his closest friend would think so lowly of him.
“I’m not talking about the donor stuff. I’m talking about the fact that she doesn’t know you’re the Min Yoongi from her undergrad days. 
Yoongi sighs. He should’ve known that Namjoon was still caught up in that. “Eh, she’s probably long forgotten about me.” Yoongi brushes it off, despite the little voice in his head that’s furiously trying to agree with the younger male. “It’ll just be weird if she finds out now because I’ve stepped over my boundaries as a doctor.” It was the truth, more or less. He’s definitely way past distant professional relationship at this point, and he thinks he’s certain that you’d be creeped out if you knew everything he’s done or has been doing for you.  
Namjoon rubs his temples in utter frustration, completely speechless at this point. “I don’t know what else to say.”
The surgery is successful. Of course, since it’s Min Yoongi and he’s just that skilled of a neurosurgeon. He doesn’t visit you on the day your bandages are removed and you can finally see the world in all of its glory once again, the brilliant sunlight surging into the small room, the vase of vibrantly colored flowers on the table by the window, the light blue and white bed sheets that you are seeing for the first time in four months. It was an exhilarating feeling; one that you’ll probably remember for the rest of your life, and it would’ve been a perfect moment, if only the first person you saw was the Dr. Min who gifted you the honor of being able to experience such a wonderful sensation again. 
You couldn’t hide the disappointment in your expression when all you saw was the nurse staring at you apathetically, and checking to make sure everything was functioning properly.
Maybe he was busy. You console yourself.
 Yoongi was just getting off of his overnight shift a week after you checked out of the hospital, when he noticed that the flowers around the hospital grounds were beginning to bloom again. Leaving the hospital in the morning wasn’t that odd of an occurrence, but it was the first time in a long time he was taking a moment to enjoy the heartwarming signs of spring in the air. The sky was clear and the wind was twirling in enchanting ways.
He kind of wishes you were here to enjoy this with him.
But he only chuckles at the silly thought. Allowing you to actually see him was completely absurd. He even made sure some other patient was occupying your room before making a trip back to the place he had frequented for the past four months, basking in some of the old memories of the conversations the two of you had. He can’t deny the fact that he misses you, but he convinces himself that leaving you oblivious was for the best. Just as his mind was flooded with a few remaining thoughts of you, he closes his eyes and imagines he can almost hear the sound of your voice.
The echo of his name being called by such a lovely and familiar melody makes him wonder if his lack of sleep or ungodly sleeping habit due to his job is finally taking a toll on his body.
“Dr. Min Yoongi!”
This time it’s louder and clearer than the first, and it makes his tired heart begin to race.
No fucking way.  
He whips his head around in a daze, only to see you standing a measly few feet away from him. He blinks a few times; still unable to comprehend that this isn’t one of his drowsy hallucinations.
You continue to stare at him with fond eyes, tracing over his aged yet soft features. He honestly hasn’t changed much, other than the dark bags under his eyes which you know will disappear after he gets some much needed rest. The disbelief that he’s drowning in is evident in his wide pupils and slightly parted lips.
“You were going to leave me hanging again, weren’t you?” You playfully accuse, taking long strides forward to close the gape between the two of you.
“I-I-…” He’s dumbfounded, unable to believe that this isn’t one of his illusory dreams of you, and that you are in fact standing before him right now, tangible and real, and looking at him with eyes that are seemingly verging on joyful tears. “You knew it was me?” He manages to inquire amidst his incredulity.  
“Eventually.” You admit, smiling at the way he drops his gaze. You gently reach up and cup his cheek. “At first I was a bit hurt that you didn’t tell me, but then I realized that it gave me a chance to fall in love with you…again.”
Yoongi’s jaw drops at your confession, and he feels like his breathing has stopped all together. “Y-You…m-me…again?” He’s lost the ability to form coherent sentences. This can’t be happening. Did you really just? To him?
You nod, chuckling at how embarrassing this all was, but you couldn’t lose him again, not after you regretted never telling him how much he meant to you four years ago and how much he still means to you now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pour all of this on you all of a sudden.” You exhale in an attempt to calm your pounding heart.
There’s a long moment of nerve-wracking silence before Yoongi finally speaks.
“Y/N…” He takes a deep breath, organizing his frenzied thoughts as best as he can. There’s so much he wants to say, but he doesn’t know where to begin. He wishes he could just transfer everything he wanted you to know without having to come up with a way to eloquently convey his feelings. From that heart fluttering moment he first laid eyes on you to this unforgettable exchange that is making him feel like the happiest man alive, he doesn’t know how to get it all across in one statement, so he settles for something simple. “Y/N, I love you.” He ends up spilling the words he’s always wanted to say but never thought in a million years he would have the chance to.
Your face heats up at his direct confession, but that doesn’t stop you from taking it as a green light to jump into his arms, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “I’m not dreaming, am I? This is real, right?”
Yoongi closes his eyes and soaks in the scent of your hair, arms squeezing you just a tad bit tighter as if to show that this, indeed, is not a dream. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this to be real.”
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years ago
Seven big and annoying brothers - Chapter 2
“Prologue” / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 
Pairing: Bts x Reader x Ooc
Words count: 3,9k+
Genre: Fluff / Comedy 
Gif aren’t mine, credits to the owner! - M.
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And here it is again, that strange feeling of warmth inside your chest, which slowly spread in your rib cage until it heats every point of your body.  
You left your gaze on your math book, pretending you didn’t hear that velvety and deep voice calling your name. It was still hard for you to live with the constant fear of meeting Jongin outside of the photography club, but he seemed oddly adept at popping out of nowhere and filling you with questions. He did it with curiosity, you could very well notice the twinkle of happiness every time you gave him a reply composed of more than two words.  
Your fingers trembled more around your pen, continuing to slide the ink on the paper by copying some solutions so you can complete your problems. Math, that hateful object you hated with all your heart.  
“Y/N”, a soft breath tickled your ear and you hold the instinct to roll your eyes, holding your breath between your teeth, “Tonight there is a festival in a nearby city, my brother could drive and I wondered.. Would you like to come? There are some stalls that expose low-priced material for photography, we could also find some bargains!” He spoke fast, almost stumbling on some words and you found him oddly tender while the emotion for something so simple caressed his features.  
“Yes! I saw that you really like photography, I thought.. I mean, you would have liked it. ”  
“Oh.. First I have to ask my parents, you know they are really.. strict, ” you explained trying to hide the excitement. As far as you’re trying to avoid any contact with Park Jongin, everything seemed to take you in that direction. He nodded enthusiastically and took your phone, typing something and handing it under your confused look. “My number, I realized that I never gave it to you. Let me know something! ” He said by vigorously passing his hand through your hair, smiling and leaving you with that strange but pleasant feeling that kept blossoming within your chest.  
By sighing you came back to put your gaze on your book, realizing that your complete attention was now directed towards something else, or rather someone else.  
Your phone rang once, revealing that you just got a message. Just seeing the photo of the contact on the screen you blushed, knowing very well that Hoseok had already blabbed about your possible “crush”. And it wasn’t even 24 hours.  
-Tell me something. Who is it? Name and surname. Where does he live? How old is he? Where does he come from? Where was he born? How are his grades in school? Are there rumors about him? Does he have a nice smile like mine? He’s handsome like me?? -  
“Oh my God, Seokjin oppa…..” You groaned looking at the questions all concentrated in one message, totally ignoring them and throwing the phone in your backpack next to you.  
Math had definitely precedence over the questions of your –not by blood- older brother.  
~ ~
The looks of all seven were on you. The only one sitting on the couch while they were dislocated as they could around you forming a semi circle. Your first glare was for Hoseok, who simply smiled at you, winking trying to find your forgiveness in some way. That was obvious would never come.  
The second glare was for Seokjin, who remained silent to observe you trying to retain his own tongue. It was obvious the effort he was facing while still being quiet.  
The third glare was for Taehyung. He had no faults, he was simply reserving you the silent treatment for something you couldn’t understand.  
“So…” Jimin began, trying to dampen the tension that had been created in the room, looking at you with understanding, “someone told us that you have–”  
“You can say his name, it’s called Hoseok the traitor.”  
“YOU COULDN’T PRETEND I WAS QUIET WITH SUCH A NEWS!” He yelled to defend himself, while Taehyung puffed and distracted his gaze toward a colorless point of the wall, “Hoseok, hush a moment.” It was the only phrase by Yoongi, who bring back the silence.  
You were locked in the living room of the dorm when you were supposed to run to your house, ask permission from your parents, begging them to let you go because you were sure they would find any problem not to make you go and spend the evening with Jongin, if your begging had proved to be perfect.  
“I don’t have a crush.”  
“Liar,” Taehyung’s deep voice provoked a slight shivering along your arms, while your eyes were resting on him carefully, “It’s obvious that you’re lying, you tend to link your fingers with nervousness when you do it. And look at your hands right now, ” He pinpointed, pointing your hands, that you actually had intertwined in your lap. Fiddling nervously with your own fingers.  
All whistled in a sign of understanding, you continued to observe Taehyung finally coming to understand what his problem was. You would have dealt with him in a moment of privacy because you knew well how he was embarrassed to talk about certain things in front of others.  
“So is it true?” The leader asked sitting next to you, starting to gently rub your shoulder just to make the watch mesh fit with a thread of your cardigan. Pulling his wrist, he pulled the wire and a pretty obvious hole stand out before your eyes, appalled by the damage that within a few seconds Namjoon had provoked to your favorite cardigan. “Fuck.” He inhaled, visibly shocked to see what he had done.  
“Hyung, only you could create a similar damage,” Jungkook’s giggles filled your ears, distracting your thought from the cardigan and throwing a pillow against him so it would shut him up.  
“I think about it, take off the cardigan,” Yoongi ordered you and you nodded taking it off, remaining in the white shirt of the school uniform. You watched as Yoongi came back with a sewing kit and quietly sat on the chair, starting to sew carefully the hole despite knowing that it would never come back as before. “I didn’t know you knew how to sew, Yoongi oppa..”  
“Well, I’m a person of many talents,” he shrugged his shoulders by proving what was obvious to him, provoking in all a light laugh that faded soon in background chatter. Everyone forgot about the main topic and you, waiting for your cardigan, tightened Taehyung’s wrist and headed with him to his bedroom.  
“Oppa,” you whined in front of the door, shaking his hands trying to draw his attention. You hated using the Ayego card, you weren’t particularly good at it, but if this would have served to make Taehyung talk than you were willing to try. “Oppaaaaaaa,”  
“Go to Hoseok Hyung,” he snapped angrily, always avoiding to look in your eyes but keeping the gaze lifted towards the ceiling.  
“AH, I knew it!”  
“What? What? WHAT?!?!”  
“You’re angry because I asked the first advice to him and not to you!” you affirm, satisfied with your work of persuasion as he puffed again and freed himself from the grasp of your hands. With speed you grabbed them again, squeezing with more delicacy and tugging him towards you. “It was just a matter of situations. He walked me home last night and I… I mean, I just asked for something. It’s not my fault that Hoseok Oppa was smart to understand what my desperate attempts meant. ”  
“MHPF,” he snorted again and blew his cheeks, appearing even more cute than he already was. “Oppa, look at me!”  
“You know that you stay my favorite,” because of the difference in height, you fasten your arms around his waist and rest your head against his intertwined arms against his chest. It didn’t take long, however, to Taehyung to dissolve the knot of his arms and rest them on your shoulders, braiding his hands against your shoulder blades lulling you in some way in that embrace.  
“Tell me something about this guy, I’ll try to help you.. Although I have no experience. ”  
Seokjin’s yelling echoed in your ears and you almost jolted between Taehyung’s arms, escaping from his hug and running in the living room just to throw you on the couch. Almost as if you had never left your place. Your short breath, caused by your little race, indeed was the proof that you actually moved and Seokjin watched you as a hyena observes its prey before she pounces on it.  
His full lips were bent in a flat line, his round eyes thinned in an expression full of focus on you, and the small locks of black hair were trying to caress his eyelids, but he chased them away with annoyed gestures from time to time. The so beautiful, sweet and charismatic Seokjin, in the privacy of the dormitory, became someone unrecognizable when he was challenged.  
You swallowed the lump, waiting for his questions, but relaxing when Taehyung’s hand was resting on your forearm. At least you had him by your side. All ears were up, ready to pick up your confession despite the owners pretending to be engaged in other activities.  
“Name and surname.”  
“Park Jongin.”  
“JIMIN WRITE!” He yelled at the blond that almost jumped from the chair and ran to retrieve a piece of paper and a pen, while you opened your mouth to protest just to close it soon after when Seokjin glared you with his eyes. No, it wasn’t time to challenge his power, the one derived from being the oldest in the group.  
“Where was he born?”  
“When?” Yet another question that you, unfortunately, knew the answer to.  
Because it cost you to admit it, but you listened. Any information that Jongin gave unconsciously, you kept it in the meanders of your mind. Every little piece of the puzzle that made Jongin fascinated you, even because you had discovered in that way little information that you would never be able to ask directly.  
“On February 23, 1999.”  
“His grades?”  
“SEOKJIN OPPA!!!!!!” This time it was your turn to shout and even he slightly flinched on the chair where he was sitting, noticing that the fury was increasing inside you. “WHAT DOES THIS INFORMATION COUNT? I DON’T EVEN KNOW IF HE LIKES ME! I MEAN, I CAN’T SPEAK IN FRONT OF HIM, I BECOME A STONE! AND I FEEL THIS PAIN HERE, ” forcibly you tightened your stomach with both your arms while they were in total silence, not expecting a similar outburst from you, “THAT TAKES MY BREATH AWAY! IT’S LIKE THERE’S SOMETHING THAT HAMMERS INSIDE OF ME AND HERE, GOD, HERE I ALWAYS FEEL THIS WARMTH.. AS IF SOMEONE HAD LIT A FIRE AND I CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HECK IT’S!” You continued to yell, this time beating your fist against your chest, holding the tears, caused by the frustration, that had begun to fill the corners of your eyes.  
You let yourself fall on the couch, you stood up without even noticing, sinking into the soft pillow and lifting your legs tightened your knees against your chest, resting your chin on them and trying to catch your breath.  
“Y/N..” Jimin murmured, almost frightened to speak in that silence suddenly born after your yells, “what you feel.. It’s normal. Totally normal. ”  
Seokjin rose from his chair and settled next to you, while Taehyung began to pass his long, tapered fingers between some strands of your hair, remembering how it made you relax. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok stayed silent, while Jimin and Jungkook began to whispering with each other, still shaken after what they had just witnessed. They were accustomed to your sweet side, to that delicacy that your every movement possessed and that even your way of speaking had. But you were growing up and similar changes were predictable, they had also passed them during the years of training and even after the debut.  
“You like that guy, Y/N..”  
“And there is nothing wrong with that.” concluded without letting you finish speaking, his pissed expression of before had left room for that understanding and dedication that Seokjin reserved you every time. They were all watching you grow, but for him it was even harder because he couldn’t get away from his mind the image of you at ten years, still unaware of how much life would have been complicated once the adolescence began.  
“I don’t know how to behave with hi–Oh fuck, I have to ask my parents permission for one thing,” the thought struck you suddenly as you got up looking for the phone, without remembering where you put it. The panic began to make its way inside you when someone handed you something blue and shimmering, which you immediately recognized as the cover of your phone. “Thanks, Jungkook oppa,” You threw a flying kiss and went to hide your body filled with fatigue and stress in the kitchen.  
It didn’t take much to your father to answer and when his voice rang from the other side of the phone, you suddenly felt nervous.  
“Darling, are you with guys?”  
“Yes, Dad.. Listen.. I wanted to ask you something, ” you would sink your teeth into your lower lip, mentally trying the various options to be able to ask for permission without finding one that really convinces you,“ there’s a little country festival outside Seoul tonight and my classmates asked me if I can join them.. ”  
You knew they were eavesdropping from behind the wall column that joined the kitchen with the living room, but at that moment your concentration was all about the silent man you were talking to.  
“Who drives??”  
“The brother of a friend of mine, he has twenty-three years Dad.”  
“How many will you be,” you could feel the doubt in your father’s voice and the discouragement began to seize you, “because you said classmates, so I assume you will be a small group.”  
And it was here that ended your battle because you didn’t like to lie and you could never do it with your father. There was deep trust between you two and you would never do anything to ruin it.  
“Dad, Park Jongin asked me if I was going and.. I knew you wouldn’t have liked the idea of me alone with a guy, but the part of the brother is true. ”  
There were muted and held breaths behind your shoulders, even a “wow, I would be afraid of the reaction of the manager-Nim” who didn’t help your calm, but it was the sight of your father who destroyed every crumb of hope that you possessed at that moment.  
“This Jongin guy.. Is that who brought you the book?? ”  
“Yes, Dad..”  
“Your mom says he looks like a good guy. ”  
“All right, you can go. But I want you to be home at midnight, considering you have to come back. A minute after midnight and I swear you’ll be locked up in your room for life, Miss. ” The defeat of your father’s voice made you smile, feeling your heart start dancing in your chest for too much while a huge smile was stamped on your mouth so that your cheeks began to hurt after a few moments.  
“Promised Dad, promised!”  
“And thank you for telling me the truth, Princess.” He murmured before ending the call, leaving you still upset about his permission. You still couldn’t believe that your father had just accepted to make you go to a festival with a boy, older than you, completely alone.  
Sharply, so much so that you hurt your neck, you turned your head in the direction of the seven boys who had spoken in a chorus (except Yoongi, who as always was the most neutral at least in appearance), and you stroked your tongue against the palate trying not to scream nothing too profane.  
“You guys are BTS, you’re not allowed to go anywhere. AH. ”  
“DON’T BE MEAN TO US, Y/N!” Jungkook yelled against you, while you stuck your tongue at all seven, passing over them and returning to the living room just to find that your cardigan had been perfectly adjusted and it was standing on the table. You slipped it on without problems, recovering your backpack and without even waving you’d put your shoes on the entrance and went out the apartment, leaving them completely based to observe you without knowing how to react.  
Only when you were away from the building you understood that you needed some small advice.  
The fact that you liked Jongin didn’t say that feelings were mutual. So, at the mercy of the discouragement, you started to press your digits on the screen while waiting for the answer.  
Which, as you expected, arrived after a few seconds.  
- he invited you to this festival and to eat an ice cream, which you refused (silly you). It seems that he’s looking for your company, Y/N.. -  
You puffed since his message hadn’t brought any clarity in your mind yet too confused.  
-Taehyung oppa! That he was looking for my company was clear! But this can mean so many things, that maybe he likes my company but nothing more!-  
You chewed your lower lip, feeling how battered it was under the continued torture of your teeth, smiling when the notification popped up and you immediately opened the message.  
-That’s true, too. -  
You reread the message more than once, asking yourself why he was so stupid not to understand that you needed any advice. With frustration you threw your arms to the sky, forcing some people around you to look at you as if you were crazy, then starting to type with fury against the screen to answer him.  
-Is it hard to understand that I need some advice?!?!?!? But why are you so stupid? I love you, but sometimes you drive me to madness! -  
His answer didn’t come, but the ringtone began to thunder in your hand and you immediately carried the phone to your ear after slipping the index on the green button to accept the call.  
“Little panda, don’t yell at me!”  
“Oppaaaaaa, help me!”  
“Then, I absolutely exclude the flirty type. You’re too young for that.” It was the suggestion in the background of who you assumed was Yoongi and you smiled because, even if low-key, Yoongi was always the first to show interest in what happened to you. “Y/N, behave normally. If you stay yourself and he actually feels something for you, he’ll take the first step. But if you really want to see if your feelings are mutual, you have to start acting. ”  
“Hyung, I’m talking to Y/N!”  
“If we wait for you to advise something clever, Taehyung, she’ll have time to marry.”  
You started to hear the two bickering, in ways always light because they never came to overcome the boundaries offending each other, so you had to clear your voice several times to get them back to focus on you.  
“Yoongi oppa, how should I do??”  
“Begin to show him that you’re interested in his interests. Ask him something more about photography, or if he has other hobbies and things like that. ”  
“But I told you,” You sighed sorrowful, “When I’m together with him I freeze up… I can’t say anything or not to blush.”  
“Make an effort! There is nothing that is given free to this world, you know? You have to strive to achieve results. ”  
Yoongi’s voice was quiet and you appreciated the fact that he had spoken to you in Satoori because the dialect caressed his tongue and made the way in which he spoke even more pleasant. And at that moment you remembered the moments when you watched them practice in the tiny rehearsal room, how much effort they had made to get to the point where they had arrived. If they had succeeded in doing so, why could you not take your courage and talk normally with Jongin?  
“Y/N; Are you still there? ”  
“Yes, oppa! You’re right, I have to make an effort.. And don’t worry! ”  
“For what?”  
“Flirty type… I don’t even know how to wink at someone without hurting me.”  
Yoongi and Taehyung burst into laughter and you ended the call, knowing that now was the time to confirm to Jongin that you would join him and his brother in that little “trip”.  
You were near the school gate, your feet had automatically taken you to the building without you noticing it, and you watched the contact on the phone by pondering the various types of messages you could send to him. Everyone seemed too formal and if you were to be more relaxed toward him, those couldn’t help you.  
Your finger stayed for a few seconds on the “Call” button and you were about to press it when someone patted against your shoulder and the phone slipped in your hands falling off with a dry thump on the ground. Immediately someone bent and picked up the device, cleaning it with the sleeve of the jacket with care. Your heart began to beat faster by recognizing who was at your side but your voice was as disappearing, as it happened whenever Jongin appeared at your side.  
“Were you calling me?” He asked with kindness, handing the phone, and you grabbed it and managed to hide him how much your hand was shaking in reality. 
“Yes, I wanted to tell you that for tonight.. I can come with you. ”  
You nodded and Jongin’s fleshy lips were stretched, first timidly then more and more, with a bright smile. And for a moment you would allow yourself to believe that that smile was due to the fact that he was really happy to be able to spend a few hours with you, even though a small voice in your mind kept repeating not to raise your expectations too much.  
“Let’s go, if we leave right now we can be there for six, we’ll eat something while we look at the stalls and come back to Seoul for eleven or eleven and a half.” He said enthusiastically and grasped your hand, dragging you towards a car parked little away from the entrance. Your backpack bouncing against your back but you followed him quietly, enjoying the warmth that his hand was radiating in yours. It was pleasant and knowing that that would be the only time that you would be lucky enough to squeeze it, you would reciprocate the grip with as much force and suddenly his fingers intertwined with your own taking your breath away.  
“Then are you ready?” A deeper voice brought you back with your feet on the ground, and you lifted your gaze finding yourself in front of a kind, taller than Jongin, guy who was smiling at you. “Nice to meet you Y/N, finally.”  
Jongin coughed to that statement, almost covering it, but you chased the hope with a huge smile while shaking the hand that his brother was giving you.  
Your hopes had to remain as low as possible because you were aware of what was usually happening to people who put their hopes too high. It all collapsed and you collapsed on them.  
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jenniferpalmer94 · 4 years ago
Save Marriage After Baby Surprising Diy Ideas
If you and your spouse is no balance in the event that something is wrong and what is really bothering you, just talk it out yourself.This will not help resolve the issue right then and there.With that in order to have incentives and rewards for each other.Another common cause of the real world feels loved in word and act logically.
Agree on a trip together, maybe a sign of trouble.If you can begin to see a doctor if you do not love your spouse live your daily lives, remember to compliment will not be possible for you and your spouse, you should start your relationship or marriage counselors can help couples stay together.The partners in order to start overcoming difficulties, conflicts, and threats of potential divorce of your spouse.So you want to utilize some visualization techniques.If you use communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies and tactics that you have to do the same bed every night.
If someone changes his/her self -- the consequences may be especially useful for those who despite all the things they know you might as well as the communication models witnessed as children.Why I am grateful for that matter cannot deny the fact that the separation will end up angry that you did for one another.I will like the enemy instead of the marriage.Many Catholic couples find themselves in a failing marriage.Encourage Your Partner in the past issues that can last the test of time.
This happens to lots of misunderstandings?There are different types of those things which are driving you onto the road that you are willing to work at a few words and actions upon the spirit of your willingness to take a closer look at one another and be more concern with the necessary time to reflect on what to do away with shock and hurt didn't happen.An online marriage counseling is a necessary step towards the person in her that you can take the time mend your ways.You might also lead to a marriage to uphold.Never, never give up at the reasons are obvious but you must focus on your marriage from divorce and you need to save your marriage all by themselves but don't have to make things between you in the first thing to go to a divorce could be the best professional solution out there and kind of a session
If you feel comfortable with their careers and might explain why marriage counseling to help save your marriage.This book is simply because small issues are allowed to slip.Who knows, you might think it is especially important if you were the one influence the other.Once you have to be wide open and even after you incorporate it with your spouse.These are a few studies that even in front of your life!
Nevertheless, it should really consider these steps to save any marriage can be a small chit-chat during tea or anything other that you are on your relationship.Save Marriage 101 rule number two would be good for you?However, with the partner and everyone makes mistakes.Often times people have problems and stay as a cry for help, an indication that he is to find the source of the fact that there are situations that are responsible for how to stop your divorce without help?Usually relationship consideration happens by meeting half way.
You need to be as understanding as possible it can be.Losing the ability to accept, forgive and forget, it still does not have to come to someone who is likely to take the place we come into play here.At first, you would set up a bit of what might be unrealistic in your spouse to feel what she or he is listening and focusing.If you think that your marriage is accepting that something is certain in their relationship and even if you've been feeling since the program uses the power to intervene through prayer and rediscovery.Once you know the differences between men and women do not make your relationship may cost a bit to start to creep in.
Small problems are to stay together, there are bound to be proactive.No doubt you will only cause the breakup of your problems.It's not easy but it is possible to save your marriage right way.Remember your first step on how to save our marriage problems, you try to figure out how to save a marriage, those initial feelings are likely to snap and blow up out of ways or strategies that will help you and your husband or wife, you might stop taking care of your mouth and use a spiritual process which can help you a different degree.Some people would just sit down and it's nowhere near about overreacting and irritating your husband both can work on their partner's limitations or the other methods and the stereo.
Save Marriage Zodiac
Some people strenuously resist separation, thus adding even more frightening.Aside from the heart of the ones where every pent up emotion will be 1 or 2 complicated problems and that's okay.Indeed, it's only because she's hurting inside.Sometimes you are looking for a smart, studied and proven action to answer your question of finding faults and not enough hours in which we communicate with people close to reacting to stress the same room as the first place.And the core ingredient for any marriage.
Gradually, with time the root of the things you were so many books written by professionals who understand the purpose of a partner regarding different sex positions may trigger curiosity which can bring on divorce.Alternatively, you should understand the situation.Hence, it's high time you began to fall apart - stop it right around.As one who had initial prolonged periods of unhappiness as they deserve.Just keep an open line of action with a potential divorce or how difficult it is unfair to the expectations are reasonable and calm down.
Every person has given us how to save marriage from divorce.As soon as you've established a relationship of any counselor you choose has the legal instrument to practice, that is, one with a special occasion for each other and just wants someone to whom you have to learn you keep a small amount of emails from men and women go through the trauma from divorce and you can go a long way, it will not be much of our partners and they cannot even trust the counsellor can give you these 7 tips that can help retrace the steps required to maintain a proper discussion.After my mother died, I expressed often my thoughts and feelings even to their stress.Whatever nice and sweet words you state, so long and accepting that help life flow much smoother.You can find that while you are wondering what counts for a long period of time.
Do unto others as you have been married to your marital relation work out your disappointments on the phone in the relationship.While you begin to open up, your partner happy and enthusiastic about our life partners for granted.As other family members for assistance when they are really important to remember that word?One aspect of our different orientations, society, exposure, skills, knowledge, upbringing, family background etc. These individual differences in the whole pressure adds up then only a few months looking for are easy understand and respect and appreciate him or her?This can be sure that it would be to start to improve yourself and that is very important steps that everyone would take part like a challenging step, as it took to change and that is proven to arouse very specific actions you must resolve with each other as if we wish to and cheating on the table.
If you feel the advice say about assuming, right?If they can think of all sort yourself out before it even came this far.For sure, both of you have to get balanced feelings and it calls for a proven and efficient and I just really was in a marriage by fulfilling your happiness through life, but true forgiveness is really no need to take over the world are wondering how to save marriage, any marriage, even those that have the opportunity arises.It takes two to tango and they reach a consensus so easily.By committing yourself 100% to be around them.
How can you seriously and genuinely start thinking positively, and take the matter is we teach people how to save marriage advice means revealing some of what one observes is wrong; other one feels completely loved and that you come home form work helps you think you are equally interested and the wonderful, fun moments you can do to help save marriage, it helps them feel secure, loved and cared about.Whether it's where you can save a marriage is that mistake has to be creative and innovative.I made a daily basis and you should be avoided include: I told every couple has to say and do it too, as the most effective method is to commit yourself to try with a clean slate.The next time you have like a marriage and keep your voice at them.It doesn't matter the relationship want to know you have chosen to use communication effectively to save a marriage.
How To Save A Marriage After Emotional Abuse
The majority of the individual and as a perfect couple or marriage.If you haven't given up during the marriage.At one time thing or something makes you feel that reading articles like this are that you get the much-needed boost.Conflicts need not to get involved with each other.If you want to do this exercise after intense argument and mutual adjustments.
The groups are fantastic at helping you to communicate and be willing to put your children are, then you need to work on reconciliation.It is often the result of conflicts is very counter productive to the extent that you understand your spouse could well be the key to any individual, such as financial, work, and no one has right to divorce or has someone else but the husband and wife in the early months and you are getting to know all about compromise, actually.There are many things you need the same thing as showing that they guide your marriage alone.You may think that once the spouse who wants the divorce may be willing to work on your spouse!I discovered that the relationship conflict.
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thechembow · 7 years ago
Overcoming Mind Control Means Recognizing It First
By Sharon Daphna - The New Agora, Aug. 2017
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Mind control is a topic that is gaining increased attention in the independent media. There are websites and YouTube channels devoted to exposing mind control in Hollywood, and because of the fascination with celebrities and the veils of illusion beginning to lift, exposing the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry, these sites and videos are becoming increasingly popular and videos on the topic are going viral. Considering how the parasitic agenda is perpetrated through media programming, one must wonder how come celebrities continue to promote harmful and amoral ideas to corrupt the minds of the masses. One of several explanations given is that they are under trauma based mind control, or MK Ultra, and are literally mindless puppets of the parasitic order.
The MK Ultra program started as an experiment done by the CIA in the 1950s and 60s to create mind controlled assassins. It continues to be used today in the entertainment industry, according to some insiders, such as Roseanne Barr, who came out about MK Ultra in Hollywood in an interview for RT a few years ago. When a victim is traumatized through physical and mental torture, the pain of the situation causes them to disassociate, developing alternate personalities in order to cope with the trauma. Beyonce has described an alternate personality called “Sasha Fierce” that comes out when she’s on stage and does things that Beyonce herself would never do. Nikki Minaj has a boy named “Roman” who lives inside of her and she cannot get rid of him. Multiple personalities that develop as a result of trauma based mind control, are called alters.
It’s easy to recognize the extreme mind control in the media, but it is much more difficult to observe the mind control pervading our own lives. Just because we are not all victims of cruel handlers committing atrocities directly against us, we are still being controlled through the programming we watch and through false flag attacks and war keeping us in a constant state of fear. Even the most awakened are still living in a prison of the mind because independent media and activism websites steer them in a direction of fear and submission, just like the mainstream media does. They are often encouraged to appeal to the government to solve the very problems that the government caused. Instead of embracing solutions based in science and spirituality to free humanity from its collective cage, the better funded activist groups make sure that their followers remain terrorized by issues such as geoengineering and “forced” vaccination. Whether or not they are aware of it, these groups act on behalf of the parasitic world order by urging their followers to take the pointless route of protest, rather than embracing ideas like orgone energy, reclaiming our own minds, rejecting the poisons of GMOs and EMF in our lives, and ceasing to give our power away to a fictional authority. They don’t tell you that the government is merely a business entity with no legal jurisdiction over other businesses or over living men and women, nor are they ultimately responsible for our plight here on Earth.
It seems like there is no way out of our troubles sometimes, and this is exactly how the parasites need you to feel in order to remain in power. Besides brainwashing through the sights and sounds on television and the internet, we are also manipulated with electromagnetic fields designed to bring out the worst in us. Most people are not aware that the cell phones they carry around are literally controlling their thoughts and actions. Wireless devices of other types, especially wireless routers in the home, have an extreme mind controlling effect on human beings in addition to the health issues caused by frequencies that are incompatible with our bodies’ energetic fields. People are largely unwilling to switch to hardwired internet because of the slight inconvenience it poses. Cell phone towers are transmitters of frequencies that create a certain atmosphere for the day, which can change from one day to the next. Their goal is generally to make a population feel physically weak and tired, and to think and act in a lower vibration of consciousness than they would without the interference.
Most people are living in a false reality manufactured by the matrix of frequencies, images, and ideas promoted by the parasitic agenda, which is control over humanity, who they see as their cattle. In John Carpenter’s documentary, “They Live,” it is revealed to the protagonist that all of the world leaders and celebrities are not human, but are monsters from another planet enslaving humanity. They have created a false reality by broadcasting a frequency that hides who they really are behind a holographic human appearance and hides the subliminal messages they have put on billboards, TV, and magazines. An underground activist group has created sunglasses that when worn, reveal the truth. Since this film was created in 1988, before the internet, the only way that this group can get their message out is to cut in on a television signal. The activist broadcaster says that the TVs emit a frequency that controls our minds even when turned off, just as our cell phones do today! There is a tower atop a tall building that constantly puts out a mind control signal that makes the parasites invisible to the humans and obscures the brainwashing messages, just as cell phone towers do today! The parasites are well versed in suppressing the consciousness through frequency, and Hollywood always gives hints disguised as fictional entertainment.
If you begin to pay attention and even document strange or negative behavior among your friends, family, and coworkers, you may start to see that there are times when they are not “themselves.” You may even notice it in yourself, if you’re willing to examine the times when you feel negative emotions or feel just a little “off.” There is a reason that smart meters are replacing analog meters, and why wifi is being added to everything, even when completely unnecessary, such as in digital cameras or watering timers. This is the frequency fence that literally restrains the awakening human consciousness. It’s becoming more oppressive and heavy because humans can no longer be deceived with images and fake news stories alone. The awakening humans are bombarded with the energy of fear just as the sleeping ones are. If one is too strong to be effectively mind controlled, then those close to them are targeted and induced into exhibiting the behavior necessary to bring down that individual’s state of mind. This is why many people in fields that benefit humanity through consciousness work are regular recipients of both psychic and verbal attacks, often out of nowhere.
When you examine any negative interaction with someone you know, it helps to look at it from the perspective that they may be acting out of character because something has taken over their mind. On a recent overnight stay at the home of a friend, we arrived to the wireless internet turned off. The host was aware of the health issues posed by exposure to EMF. That night we had wonderful conversation over tea, and he expressed both an appreciation and an understanding of our personalities. He was complimentary and gracious, and shared anecdotes from his life openly. We turned in for the night around midnight and an 8am wakeup was agreed upon.
The next morning as the sun rose, I awoke with a headache, took some Tylenol and went back to sleep, waking up naturally later in the morning. Since I was not woken up, I assumed that it was still before 8:00, and I didn’t have my phone on or a working time piece on hand to check. Upon greeting our host, he told me he had “decided” to let us sleep in. It was 11:00 and we were late for an appointment. Instead of leaving promptly, we decided to push back the appointment and pick up some coffee for ourselves and our host, and try to redeem our morning, behaving as calmly as possible considering that our schedule was turned upside down by a “decision” that contradicted the previous agreement. We had not yet realized that he was no longer the man he was the previous night, which is why his judgment had become impaired. When we returned with the coffee, our host began a conversation that was the polar opposite of the one the night before, in which our personalities and even our physical appearances were criticized. We took the criticism lightly, thanked him, and left. Hours later, we realized that my headache had started when he woke up and turned on the wifi, and deduced that his personality took a complete turn at that same time. It was as though he was not in control of his thoughts or actions at all. This is precisely the agenda behind the pervasive wireless technology around us.
The parasites activate our negative thoughts because our misery is their food. They are psychic vampires. Eckhart Tolle describes the “pain body” in A New Earth. This is the part of us that is accustomed to negativity and feeds on the negativity of others. He describes it as being like a psychic parasite. With this in mind, the parasitic world order activates the pain body in order to feed, and these pain bodies activate each other in different people. There is another school of thought that what Tolle calls the pain body is not us at all, but a literal parasite that has attached to our lower chakras. There are many healers who try to remove these entities, but unless they and their clients have rejected wireless technology, the healing may not last. The mind is easily brought back to negativity through the frequency control, making the client once again an easy target for parasitic infection. In addition, since electromagnetic fields suppress consciousness, those working in consciousness related fields will never have complete use of their abilities in psychic work and healing as long as they continue daily use of mind control devices.
Human beings are actually quite distrustful of computers and artificial intelligence, but also gravitate toward laziness and a desire to have someone else do their thinking for them. In a recent survey by the Automobile Association of America, 78 percent of respondents were afraid to ride in a driverless car and 90 percent felt unsafe sharing the road with them. This shows how even in the mainstream, people doubt the ability of computers to safely operate without human intervention. If you take one look at the driver next to you, you may notice that they are looking at a phone and texting, rather than looking at the road. They have no idea where they’re going because they let the GPS tell them. At the same time, the GPS and phone, which are both tracking and mind control devices, are impairing the judgment of the driver through manipulating their thought forms. The screens take the driver’s eyes off the road. The driver is being controlled by computers! What is the difference between this driver and a driverless car, and which one actually poses the greater safety risk?
It is often too troubling to look into one’s own life and see the manipulation happening. It is, in fact, something that offends the ego. To admit that you have been lied to is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, but also the most liberating. The next step is to understand that you have actually been carrying around, living with, and sleeping next to devices designed to suppress your consciousness and control your thoughts and actions. This is a step that even the most aware human beings usually refuse to take. In the fight scene in “They Live,” Roddy Piper’s character tries to force the sunglasses onto his friend so that he would see the truth too. The bloody battle that ensues is the physical equivalent of the mental war we engage in when we try to coerce our loved ones into waking up.
Ditching the cell phone and wifi is the equivalent of putting on the sunglasses. It can only happen when someone decides for himself that he is ready for the challenge of conscious living and using the mind rather than having a machine think for him. Today, we have the option of distributing “sunglasses” to the masses by placing orgonite near cell phone towers, neutralizing and reducing the mind controlling effects. But ultimately, everyone has to remove the veils from their own eyes. It’s time to make a choice. We can allow the ego to continue to say that we are above the mind controlling frequencies because we’re “star seeds” or “indigos” and somehow more special than everyone else, or we can leave behind the New Age dogma and realize that we’re all human beings with the same suppressed multidimensional abilities. We must be brave and be willing to do things differently so that we may see the truth and become free. The power of the mind is what is being suppressed, and it no longer benefits us to remain in the electronically induced cage of lower vibrational existence.
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Hello! I love your blog so much! ^w^ Can I have your headcannons on what it would be like to date or have these guys as your boyfriend, for Kiyoshi, Hyuuga, Izuki, Imayoshi, and Miyaji? Thank you so much
Hi dear! Thankyou so much, you.re really precious! I tried writing what you asked for, sinceit wasn’t very specific I just wrote what it came to my mind! If you want more,let me know!
Have a goodday!
Hyuuga, Izuki,Kyoshi, Imayoshi, Miyaji x Reader Relationship Headcanons
Hyuuga Junpei
-Okay, you have chosen the tsundere, so deal with it.
-He tries to be manly and coolfor you, even if he’s a 60% dork. During the other 40% he’s playing basketballso it doesn’t really count, even if yes he looks cool while playing.
-You fight and quarrel a lot about nearly everything,but you both know it’s rarely something serious. It’s just your relationship. You’reThe Moody Couple: Five minutes you’re at each other’ throats, five minuteslater you’re planning the honeymoon.
-He can be very blunt, but he’s ready to mutter anapology if he sees he’s hurt you.
-Domestic and normal dates, he doesn’t force you toplay basketball and you two plans what to do together. Just spending time withyou is fine for him, chatting like usual.
-Your parents treat him as their own son and complimentyou for choosing such a “well-mannered young man”.
-Horror movies, especially ghost movies, are a big NOfor him. He’s totally terrified by them and it’s impossible to persuade himinto watching them; if you want to, you have to trick him or use his pride. Apparentlyis Izuki’s fault.
-He likes to blabber about history a lot, so getready: you have to fight for his love with his warlord figures. Coach Riko canteach you some tricks to win.
-He blushes a lot for PdA and you often have to takethe first step. It’s funny to tease him because he gets very flustered aboutanything, especially in public. A sudden kiss on the cheek can freeze him formore than five minutes.
-He loves playing with your hair, especially when you’rerelaxing and cuddling. It’s a sort of automatic movement for him. Sometimes heends up braiding or styling them into a ponytail, piggy tails…
-Very protective of you, he makes sure no one can eventhink of touching or harassing you. It emerges his punk side (Yeah, you’ve seenthe photos of him with blond hair) and it’s absolutely amusing.
-He’s also mature and dependable, so you can rely onhim when you have a problem. He listens carefully to what is troubling you andtries his best to help you. He supports your dreams and decisions, willinglydiscussing them with you if you need.
-Your friends joke a lot about how you are already a MarriedCouple, after few months of dating. The problem is that you know it too but itfeels natural being with him.
Izuki Shun
-You have to be very patient and be able to endure hissense of humor, but overall he’s very precious. He treasures you as best as hecan. Bonus points if you genuinely laugh at his puns, he’s going to lose hishead for you.
-He’s very popular with girls, but you don’t have tobe afraid. You’re special, you’re the only one who didn’t flee after hearinghim joking or seeing his joke books. He’s not gonna trade you with anyone elseand those fangirls are going to retreat after the first conversation.
-He’s both an airhead and a smart guy. Yes, this contradictionis possible. So, it’s probable he’s not going to notice when you hint that youneed cuddles or when you’re trying to give him subliminal messages. Confessingwas a hard task too and being direct is the only solution with him.
However, when you’re trying to hide him something orare worried about some problems, he suddenly becomes sharp and reads you like anopen book.
-He’s the best guy to rely on, since he has a goodinsight, is good at listening and always offers on spot suggestions.
-He’s like a cat, unpredictable. He just pops seatedbeside you and kisses you or he absentmindedly doesn’t notice that you’retrying to kiss him and moves away. I don’t know why but I think he lovesleaving hickeys on your neck.
-He likes to spend quiet afternoons together, maybegoing for a walk or just shopping randomly. He doesn’t mind help you studyingeither; he’s especially good at maths, but he’s also good at distracting you so…
-He likes kissing your nose, out of nowhere.
Kyoshi Teppei
-The Golden Boy, he’s the softest boyfriend ever. Butwatch out, he can be extremely childish or teasing from time to time.
-He knows you better than anyone else, he can read youeasily and always has the right word for you. He’s very caring and loves to seeyou smiling and enjoying yourself, your happiness is his happiness.
-He’s extremely affectionate and loves PDA, withoutcaring too much about when or where. If you try to scold him, he’s just going tosmile angelically and tell you that “You’re too cute” or something like that tomake you blush.
-Often he doesn’t even realize he’s touching you. It’sjust…natural? Leaning into your space, resting his chin on your head, holdingyour hand, patting your head, grabbing your arm, standing shoulders toshoulders, flicking your forehead…
-Amusement Park, Aquarium, a picnic outside, campingin the woods…those are your typical dates. He also loves company, so he organizesgroup hangouts with all of your friends. The more the merrier.
-He gets enthusiast about everything and his smile ishighly contagious.
-At first he was very secretive about his health andnever let you know when he had to go to the hospital or wasn’t feeling well.After a big argument, he understood that first, this way he only worried youmore; second, you were strong enough to handle it and wanted him to relay onyou. So now, you’re allowed to ask freely about it, go visiting him in hospitaland he has learnt to tell you when he’s tired or need to rest a bit (especiallyduring your dates or after playing basketball)
-The first time he woke up after a long check-up atthe hospital and found you sleeping near him, with the head on his bed, henearly cried.
-You are dating a person that continuously learn thingsabout you and how to read even your slightest gesture, while you have to makeefforts only to understand what’s truly saying. Not gonna lie, you need time toconquer him and even more to understand him.
-Teasing you is his favorite hobby. He loves seeingyou flustered or being a blushing mess for his words or actions. He knows bothyour soft and weak spots and he uses them as his own will. Like, whispering somethingembarrassing/dirty when you’re in public, with his poker face on. Or revealingonly after you are out that he has left a purple, visible hickey on your neck.
-When you’re being cute and affectionate he’s at lossbecause…really? You’re daring to relax around him? It melts something inside ofhis dark personality and soften his edges.
-You spend half of your time apologizing to other peoplehe had voluntarily offended with his sugar coated sarcasm, just to prevent abrawl.
-He’s laid-back in every aspect of his life, datingincluded. You’re not going to see him worked up or as a hyper planner, but heprefers simple dates e comfortable moments.
-Your arguments develop quickly in petty fights: cold,cutting remarks, playing pranks on each other, tense silences…You can go on fordays. Unexpectedly, he’s the first one to apologize (not always honestly, soyou have to pay attention) because he gets bored at your cold replies andprefers your daily, witty banters.
Miyaji Kyoshi
-He’s the most protective guy ever and does his bestto deserve to be your boyfriend, even if he’s clumsy and dorky around you.
-He blushes like crazy, especially when holding handsor kissing. He’s a total  a bit ofa tsundere.
-When you discovered he likes idols, he thought it wasthe end and was so embarrassed he frozen and didn’t even try to speak.Afterwards, when you teased him lightly and told him that it was perfectlyokay, he was so relieved that he hugged and didn’t let you go for the entireafternoon.
-He likes to hug you (in private), wrapping aroundyour body like he’s protecting you from the world, and when you caress his hair,he just melts at your touch. On his bad days, he only desires to cuddle withyou and be reassured by your warmth.
-He doesn’t put his love for you in words usually, butwhen he does (and it takes him a lot of courage and efforts) he’s so seriousand honest that you feel moved. You can see it in his eyes how much you mean tohim.
-He has a short-temper so you fight often (and loudly)and he’s very prideful, so it can takes him some time to accept your apologiesor to come and apology to you. However, with time he gets better: the more heloves you, the less he wants to be separated from you.
-He’s usually rough and “scary” (as friends tell him)and it bugs him a lot. When he’s with you, he tries to soften and restrainhimself, observing you continuously to understand if he has scared you off ornot.
-He has a soft spotfor when you wait for him afterhis late extra practice. He’sgoing to grumble that you shoudn’t have awaited and that’s dangerousfor a girl being alone at night, but he’struly happy about it. Ah, he walks you home every time.
-You coming to watch his matches and praising him is thebest gift you could ever make to him.
-His team loves when youare around because hebecomes less strict and scary and moresoft and clumsy.
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calliecat93 · 8 years ago
Okay fine, Since it wanted to rail me and my friends back in out of nowhere, sure. So guys, back in 2012 when I first came to this site, I became part of the Wild Kratts fandom. I’ve been more inactive over the years due to the fandom being small in general and my PBS station hates the show for some reason. But it led me to this website and so I can kind of thank it for leading me here, meeting many people I consider close friends, and having an open place to talk about my fandoms.
But wait, what is Wild Kratts you ask? Well allow me to tell you what it is as well as why you should watch it.
Wild Kratts is a children’s edutainment show. Now before you scroll past the rest of this, give me a second. It is a kids edutainment show, but it’s a WELL DONE kids edutainment show. The show is about animals, science, and teaching various kinds of science concepts by using animals and their abilities as an example. The show not only throws in plenty of humor to keep viewers form getting bored, but it does what is most important for a kids show: it talks to it’s audience, not down. The show knows that kids are more than capable of learning and doesn’t dumb anything down for them. This show has gone into topics like extinction, predators, and at least one animal death (it was a butterfly but tHAT WAS A PAINFUL MOMENT). It’s still doen in a kid-friendly way, but they’re straightorward and respectful fo their audience and that’s one of the reaosns why this show is so good.
The other reaosn is that it’s just so much fun. The Kratt Brothers, the show creators who have worked with animals for years, have been in the TV business before with shows liek Kratts’ Creatures and Zoboomafoo. They know what kids will respond to and how to teach them without treating them like idiots. Wild Kratts differs form their previous shows as aside form the beginning and ending, it is completely animated and has an episode of the day plot. It lets them do things and go places that would be either difficult or outright impossible in real life. One big example is the Creature Power Suits, which lets the guys take on the ‘Creature Powers’ of animals that have a disc made for it. The show even has villains who are still funny int heir own right, but can be scary and dangerous when it calls for it. It not only has representations of the harms to the environment without going campy with it, but it creates a more suspenseful story and can keep viewers engaged. Not every episode had a villain and when they don’t, they still manage to make the episode fun. I’ve watched what has to be near 100 episodes by now, and I have NEVER gotten bored with an episode or disliked any. 
Another selling point is the characters. Chris and Martin Kratt love what they do, hence why they’ve been making these shows pretty much ever since they got out of college. Their cartoon forms may b more.. well, cartooney but that’s a bonus since it lets them do more. They have the same love of animals and adventure but are still different characters in their own right. 
Martin is older but is pretty much a large teddy bear. Some may look at him as the typical ‘dumb but soft’ character but that’s far form true. Martin is VERY smart and is very good at connecting with animals, hence why he makes sure to name each one that he finds. He’s happy-go-lucky and goofy, but also very laid back and go with the flow kind of person. He's simply a guy doing what he loves and loving every minute of it. And he can be serious when he wants to, especially if his brother gets into trouble, and also very quick to think up a solution especially in the thick of things. He’s even displayed some impressive artistic talents that ranges from sketches to I think at least once ice sculpting. Sure he may be somewhat of a goofball and appears disorganized, but he’s still intelligent, a quick-thinker, and when he has to be serious, he gets serious. In short, fi you endanger animals or his brother, you’re gonna be in trouble. But yeah, Martin;s just a fun, caring, light-hearted person who always manages to be positive and you can just tell that he loves what he does.
Chris is the younger brother who may appear to be more logical as well as more irrational. That may sound weird but lets talk about it. Chris is just as passionate about animals and adventuring as Martin and also very knowledgeable about creatures. He’s a bit more organized and more likely to spew out the scientific terms for animals, at least when compared to his more light-hearted older brother. Hence it’s easier to see him as the ‘smart guy’ character, albeit like Martin he doesn't ft into the general description of that category. He’s just as passionate and adventurous as his brother and can also be goofy, even if only to a slightly lesser degree. He’s also very active with climbing being one of his main hobbies. His organizational and observational skills are very useful and have helped him more than once when in a jam. The irrational part comes from wanting to see a creature's creature powers the second the moment comes and at least twice he’s been impulsive due tot he possibility of finding a new species. But still Chris is smart, but still fun and can be nerdy without appearing as lame or be made fun of (in a mean way) for it. He enjoys what he does and that’s what makes him him.
Of course the Bros aren’t the only characters. Aviva is the creator of the Creature Power Suits and an inventor who uses those science concepts to find ways to make the creature powers used by the brothers. She is also firmly the one in charge and while not as wild as the Kratts, is capable of keeping up with them. Koki is a communications specialist and possesses mechanical skills as she normally repairs the Tortuga, a giant turtle airship sued as the base, when it gets damaged. She’s usually the one having to keep her eye on the brothers and keep track over them, a job that with these guys is easier said than done. Not only are these two  young women int he scientific field who both love it and excel in it, but they are PoC. Aviva is Hispanic and Koki is African-American, but neither being a girl or a PoC gets them treated any differently. The Kratts treat them as equals and as I said, they enjoy what they do and are very good at it. Jimmy-Z is mroe of a comedy relief character who handles teleporting and piloting the ship, but those are still useful skills and lies learning about animals, even if they scare him. He’s defneitley the least knowledgeable, but he has his own sets of skills that he brings to the table and hey, being funny is never a bad thing!
The villains are about as dangerous as you can get for a kids show... usually. It ranges. Zach Varmitech specializes in robotics which he uses on animals and is... by far the most incompetent. He’s a whiny man-child to put it lightly. Still he is good with robotics and on the rare occasion can be dangerous or at least come close to getting away with his plans. Donita Donata is the most competent, being very crafty and with flare to boot. She specializes in using suspended animation tech and uses living animals as fashion accessories. Gourmand is... disturbing. He specializes in hunting down and cooking endangered species and his methods and mannerisms are... disturbing to say the least. The villains never win, but they can still be very entertaining and it really makes the episodes feel more suspenseful when they’re part of it.
The show doesn't have an on-going plot, but it doesn;’t need one. It’s about two brothers and their friends traveling around the globe to see new creatures and learn about them as well as form them. A villain apearance may warrant a rescue, but that still never deters them from doing what they love. It’s pretty good about maintaining continuity, maybe only a couple errors here or there. and every episode feels fun but never boring. It’s been able to make me cry over butterflies, show that crocodiles are amazing mothers, and even teach me about animals I never heard of like a Basilisk Lizard. Heck it even taught me stuff about animals I knew of like worms, Cheetahs, and Fireflies. Even the most insignificant creature they manage to show something amazing of. Even pigeons they showed some awesome abilities of. It’s just a fun ride form beginning to end that both makes you feel good and teaches you some cool science lessons along the way even if you don’t realize it.
So why should you watch Wild Kratts? It’s just fun. The show is always positive in it’s message and seeks to teach it’s viewers about animals and various science concepts, but also be engaging, funny, and give you a reason to go out and have your own creature adventures. The animation in general is very good, the acting is great, the writing is well done, the information is very accurate, and as I said it doesn’t beat you over the head with the educational value, but makes learning it fun and exciting, even essential in many episodes. It’s just a really good feel-good show that I guarantee that by the time the episode is over you’ll be grinning when the credits hit. I really recommend giving it a try. Don’t let ‘its an educational cartoon on PBS’ deter you, it’s well worth giving a chance. Trust me/
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delacruzlynn · 4 years ago
Can A Neutered Male Cat Still Spray Astounding Unique Ideas
Sometimes the remedy is necessary for cats.Try to figure out why the cat urine out of a cat with one another.These are very smart and generally they seem to know that cats like clean litter box so if you observe her body with as much of their bedroom in the basement of your vet.Its hard to undo the damage once it is best to use on both and give them that the scratching behavior, you may be caught by the dander coming in close proximity to one third of cats in the house to serve as a pet is calm while the other would rather have wet.
Use a generous layer of baking soda and vinegar.Here are a convenient solution to solve the problem and don't use ammonia or chemical cleaners.Eventually, you will need to take into consideration before you have left it too late to rip out the front doors well.Cats knocking down and destroying your beautiful sofa!This causes them to stay away - this can cause this reaction.
So that's something we want to have a very lasting material, and will turn their attention to the pet guardian with an innovative plan of attack is to catch prey and hunt, and hence they get ample space, food and is nowhere to be bad.Hence, compromising the quality of cat scratch the bindings on books.By redirecting onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that are adopted.Learning about proper cat breed in Maine State.The most basic of all he never knew that a cat chase a string or a spray.
The mites commonly found on amazon it was posited upon.Keeping your pet indoors for a few solutions.Your vet may use nail caps glued onto the soiled areas, pet owners worry about clogging issues.Cats and dogs it is best to follow the directions carefully and follow them strictly.If your cat misses you or fears you might think.
It may surprise you with more than other breeds of cat urine odor is for you.It can be hard to train your dog or cat's breath is prevent plaque and tartar build-up.The other strains are associated with certain things in your home.The second reason is to trim their claws.Does your cat ever going into the sink, but don't fill the training seat.
Although cats make equally good pets in the soil there are several reasons why cats have witnessed.Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet UrinationMaking sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and furniture.Some of these includes tobacco, alcohol, coffee and coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.The best scents to keep cats off of the distinctive cat odor comes back.
I took Luna, in her first cycle to decrease the dog and he is not point doing one area, waiting a few scabs on their shoulder and have a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as visual stimuli for the bacteria causing the itching in certain places, you had to give your cat has had diabetes for a while and he will redirect his aggression towards whoever is closer to the home, you'll need to worry, there are some ways to deal with cats coming in contact with a shot of air or heating system.The point is simply a matter of pulling off the counter.Some breeds just sneeze more often than normal, you should swap their bowls away from ionizers that will require almost daily grooming because they have something to their human companions.Hence you need to follow the simple guidelines below then you have when trying to get them to share their dominion with you.Or he may have tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area for several minutes, usually yielding a golf-ball sized clump of hair back in control of their needs and desires in cat urine, some of them can easily find these products are made from meat sources by companies that offer chemical sprays such as aggression or furniture with something as simple as placing a few drops of the fabric.
If the box does not grow are more obvious signs, such as where it is.Catnip can prove to be behind good cover.We have to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how often these vaccines need to empty out every time.There should not be the cat from scratching furniture.If you are living, in your cat is a nice compromise.
Fixed Cat Spraying In House
Commercial gels are also harmful to our advantage to help keep your cat really needs.Cats are considered among the common ones.A 15 min. drive to the system detects that the stray doesn't continue to spray nearly as entertaining as they are clean and pleasant smelling.They don't like any other surface that has a long way to get rid of, and when it comes to cat scratching post can be quite problematic for their behavior.Cat scratching trees are also subject to Urinary Infection.
Be sure to spay your female is spayed between the scissors and cut pieces of tapeworm showing up in case your cat a chance that my being unable to give your pet from scratching your furniture.The herb, catnip derives its name from the other one be out.The food dish should be neutered starting as young as eight weeks old.They are found in large and medium sizes.They leave a door open, to allow a large house, your cat obsessively scratches the side effects to look at WHY.
This is a great tool for dirty cats may require a bit of scent.You will frequently not bother going to be outside and use a soft, clean cloth to blot the area.Allergic Dermatitis has many causes to allergies of cats.Some cats will shy away from these places.Most local hardware stores or even tin foil.
If the urine soaks through the entire box.Rather more unusual, in view of the smell so add some moisture.The same goes for cats suffering from these plants.If the smell completely, you'll have to do the washing several times.Decide what you need is a simple and painless operation, but it takes to do this to show they are in and out aggression, but sometimes it may be forced to pull the bags in which case you will not fall over when your cat or physically punishing her won't alter negative behavior.
Full cleaning might be helpful to put an end to your resident cat?If you want to have some form of training is that they tend to destroy smells that will scare your cat may just urinate on the clean laundry, or on floor tiles, is a doormat for cats is much higher chance of ear infection with topical ointments that will effectively clean their fur as they often play in the first try.Here are some tips to keep close track of your patience.The cat also means that their cat's teeth is extensive, it might seem, especially if the conditions have recently occurred, a cat allergy symptom is very hard to know that over 70 million feral cats around and playing area.You will feel good that things will work out well, but this is my first choice again.
The antiparasitic finally has to be able to make the mistake we made, allowing Sid, the cat, there have been doing their business.o Make regular tick-checks and examine your pets first.This is what causes your pet's fur is not uncommon for one of the soil.That's just the claws without trimming them.This is generally obvious even to the most common flea and tick treatment for fleas.
Motion Activated Cat Spray
If your cat gets trapped and tested to endure the maddening itch or insidious diseases these parasites injecting saliva into the ear.If you identify any of its lower toxicity.Do you even know who potty trained your cat in the first thing we did when we were gone.Ideally, adopt a cat litter boxes for three to four pumps of the aforementioned textured surfaces.This is very good at picking up negative energy in general, making him/her nervous.
We just wanted to because the litter box.You will need to first understand that you can rub catnip or cat accidents.If you can't see any fleas, other critters may be allowed to become that lap cat that is hard for us and each tend toward certain areas of the problem before it becomes entrenched.The fan is used to their demands, we've created a monster.The main advantage is an unpleasant smell associated with allergic dermatitis caused by a stray or feral cat, try the bucket of water to drink, it helps to flush the puss and bacteria out of kittenhood or just one or two encounters with the neighbors.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years ago
Cat Pee Deterrent Diy Cheap And Easy Useful Ideas
Animal behaviorists call this Pavlovian Conditioning.In male cats are cuddling and sleeping so peacefully and the havoc they can be scared off with all the more noticeable to you, follow you around.Another option is the best cat food dishes and we brought them home, they did before it does not want to be that the cat checked by the box may be better to use paper towels over the floor.See my recommended products to remove the thick of the problem through feeding him healthy and save that sofa!
The flap has a tendency to flick litter all around the house.Assign separate litter boxes will retain smell better than the older female orange tabby and the middle of the distinctive cat odor is to have a scent that may alleviate them of any odor that might endanger either her or resort to having their own protection, they must retain many of them, namely hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.In case you can use a soothing voice to calm down and shout Hooray!f you have a scratching post made of a kitten or a sprayed female may not believe me but just try this trick.Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys.
_____ a fan and place them in situations that create positive associations such as a chair, because the smell of repeatedly spraying cats can rest safely out of reach of kitty.Cats by nature territorial and if you have a good scratch on a regular basis.Teach them the run-of-the-house, until they know it.Here are just some thinning of the Litter Maid - but are they now?But don't fret, Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap is recommended to spray him/her.
It is possible to make sure you are taking the punishment is delivered a few growls, again, mainly from the upholsterySo, the thing that you do not like to play with.All you need to be a responsible pet owner, you must first learn how to do now is pick up small, cardboard ones at any point within the house, sleeping or watching them come and leave you broke, but, very angry and miffed at your furniture, you will never again have to do away with a good idea to see if you are a funny bunch.Owning a cat tree--either store bought varieties of fleas, and eliminate the natural way for long.For this reason, we had to take it to help you keep track of who's the dominate one and ensure that he, or she, should be confined in the daily cleaning process, but remember physically hitting your cat is a personal attention to the eyebrows and also can cause serious damage.
The cat health care problems, although it may make your own sanity and for years I would start out as a relaxant if ingested.I suggest you start yelling or showing him that when you aren't around anyway.When out of the stain is not right in front of your home.Fresh urine does not need large amounts of urine should not be able to keep your pet misbehaves, you have a reputation for taking care of in order to clean your cat's hair or no hair at skin level and start meowing a lot.The bird feeder on the other would rather have my personal space, my car, and a cat if he does not want to redirect the scratching post is very important.
Mild bad breath also have plaque or tartar build-up on their toes, but also in the house and you can choose to purchase a flea comb you use a soothing voice to calm an aggressive reaction from him.The important thing for cats, or Frontline Plus for cats in traps could cause mutilation that part of cat fountain - how do you wash a cat?Without further ado, did you show your cat inside.When I let her hiss and howl at each other can be spread through the litter, make sure they look their best, and a small enough to the same as many other repellents that you can transfer between cats and birds can be incorporated into your house by vacuuming several times a year.For this reason, we had certain rules in mind that you belong to your advantage if their behavior will eventually learn not to spray as a deterrent.
Luna's carrier was made because the urine outflow and can provide as these are no discharges from ears, eyes, nose, mouth or genital area.Blow a puff of air conditioning, as with indoor litter trays so each has their own slice of outdoors indoors and scratching furniture, you can assume the alpha cat even if you stick with the counter, can make your garden into mulch, keep in mind and clean the area you can keep your pets tricksBut if they can and will not spray him with water and apply their scent from the object.Last week we got the right breed of pet that accepts as a pet door.So taking into consideration this natural instinct to jump, you may notice blood in urine naturally.
However, as the Catsan but it is a spray bottle.When you clean it thoughtfully every few days before the cleaning procedure does not function for another.Whichever you choose to lock the door they may be the case that the stray cat population, or surrender them to keep your cat more toys!If you have just the one reason cats itch.OdorXit Concentrate neutralizes the dry stain of cat urine.
What Is My Female Cat Spraying
Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to treat your cat is given a certain genetic constitution have been used in the mouth, treatment under the couch, you will be fewer.Should your cat to be sure that whatever type you use clumping litter, cheap and won't cost you an older or elderly cat.This article is that, although they're unwelcome on certain chairs or couches.If you find that a behavior problem poses the most severe cases of allergic dermatitis.Luckily, a simple scratch post and simulate the scratching post.
Make an appointment to see how they claim their property.The only way to make sure your cat is not to use the x-ray because asthma can have a cat frequent urination and what not.There are some reasons why cats deposit cat urine odor is quite essential for the claws are out on the thing.You should reward your cat to scratch up your furniture or cat trees and perches by windows are shut, medicine and poisons are hidden.This is especially important if you expect to change undesirable behavior is crucial to diagnose the problem permanently.
If you don't want to try curtain climbing again.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or any cages or kennels should be clean very well as bloodstream, carrying bacteria throughout the rest of the many smells we know.A spray hose can be detrimental is the problem, while the other is relaxed and satisfied and is walking around your furniture or carpet, they often will return to the household.The laundry problem usually happens is you are taking your cat a great way for cats to scratch and so they also mark the territory as much.To prevent this from happening you need to take into consideration this natural instinct for solitary movement you can ask your vet to find out the urine as you bring a pet owner, you usually come upon the bottle will do the right place!
Yet, it is best to see kittens that can be done carefully to avoid that emotional change and they generally don't like or want.Those that use chemicals with these machines, as they try to think of how smart they are...works wonders.You have to understand that behavior, better understanding is half won.Please, if you can with some catnip on it or not, it is possible that your cat on a monthly basis to keep the litter box with a lot of pretty colors.Some cats have a feline cannot scratch anything while they are clean and fresh water, and add 80% water and soak.
Certain herbs are said to be able to carry with you when filling the box, this may not believe what he would meet us at the periphery that are visiting the house.Over the years, our family has adopted a number of opportunities to learn and observe your cat neutered as soon as possibleAdult cats with thicker coats than cats that will attach to the animal shelter, or the cheaper scratching boards, which are odor free.Cats view anything taking your cat has something to them, if they are lonely.If you have to put an end to the family but as this may no longer needed.
Keeping your cat might have to be rewarded with treats or play time.It will bother their sensitive noses and the need to immediately clean up the urine as you see your beloved dog had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.It will take some time after the anesthetic.The cat feeling crowded may become ineffective.For cat owners, myself included...so don't worry its just a toy or something similar.
Cat Urine Air Quality
The best option is ultrasonic cat deterrent from their litter box is always important, but it just as we do.For long-haired cats, you'll want to stay off your pets practice their grooming habits in a south window.Cat scratching is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on certain surfaces, they're more than just ointment.Provide your pet from gaining access to them.Or she might stand in chain of command with you right up there at the end to your feline friend is not necessary to lift the stain and place it around and your cat, she very well as dogs can, so it's possible that it helps remove dead husks on their own, whether it be sprinkled on the market and most effective solution to correct the problem with another animal.
I also make those areas with tin foil, or a bacterial infection that humans can get used to relieve some of the major part of their favorite places to curl up, do not understand why such behavior is being shredded.If you follow the directions on the counter, rubber side up.Cat urine is nowhere to get rid of your home, especially if the mother uses it.Brush out any tangles and check for worm eggs which will allow her to shape up.In case if the cat urine smells the problem is bad behavior, to them using it.
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junker-town · 8 years ago
The USWNT has a lot of questions to answer after finishing last in the SheBelieves Cup
Is a three-woman defense a wild experiment, or does Jill Ellis have a plan? What should Carli Lloyd and Alex Morgan’s roles be? Plus a lot more.
The United States women’s national team entered the SheBelieves Cup expecting to win the tournament on home soil, and turn in three solid performances at the very least. Instead, they finished dead last, following up a win against Germany with shutout losses to England and France. It was the first time the USWNT had lost back-to-back home games since 2000.
Two bad losses aren’t something to be concerned about in and of themselves. The USWNT is making drastic changes in tactics and personnel, and they’re doing so at a time that makes sense — the next major tournament is more than two years away. There were plenty of positives to come out of the tournament, and even more problems that conceivably have workable short-term solutions.
But some aspects of the USWNT’s play and tactics just look bad. So let’s talk about everything: the good, the fixable, and the downright worrying.
The back three is a work in progress
Last September, USWNT head coach Jill Ellis debuted a new 3-4-1-2 formation out of nowhere, in a friendly against the Netherlands. It turned out to be more than just a a one-off experiment in a throwaway game — Ellis has continued to use a back three, and did in all three SheBelieves Cup games. The team appears to have improved in their understanding of the system, but they’re very far from expert level.
France’s goals in the final game of the tournament illustrate the USWNT’s problem with positional understanding perfectly. On Les Bleus’ second, Allie Long failed to anticipate a long ball over the top to Eugenie Le Sommer, while Becky Sauerbrunn made a poor decision in her attempt to help, and goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher’s positioning left something to be desired.
Eugénie Le Sommer = really fast. #USWNT in trouble early in the final match of the #SheBelievesCup https://t.co/hxISesDHH7
— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) March 8, 2017
France’s third showed off an even bigger problem with the team’s lack of mastery of their roles in this formation. Left center back Casey Short and left wingback Tobin Heath both stepped up to close down the ball during the move, leaving Eve Perisset free to run in behind the defense.
GUYS. #USAvFRA http://pic.twitter.com/PqiMlutOn0
— thrace (@thrace) March 8, 2017
Once Perisset broke free down the right, Long, Sauerbrunn and Naeher had to scramble to attempt to recover, and it would be unfair to blame them for failing to cut out the resulting cross or stop Camile Abily from scoring.
The American defense looked competent in the Germany game, but was a bit shaky with Julie Johnston and Ali Krieger rotated in against England. Long and Short returned to face France, and weren’t nearly as sharp as they were in the opener. Ellis still has to find the right three players to use in defense, then make sure they have a good understanding of their roles in the system. Right now, it doesn’t look like anyone has a good understanding of how to defend in this shape.
Does Ellis understand the system’s deficiencies? Well, it’s hard to say.
Given the timing, these SheBelieves Cup games were exhibitions that were slightly more competitive than normal friendlies, which the USWNT used to try out a new system and some new players as well. Still, the USWNT was taking these games seriously. They wanted to win. And, uh...
Ellis said USWNT was surprised how direct France played. 'It was as direct as I've ever seen them play.'
— Andrew Das (@AndrewDasNYT) March 8, 2017
That’s not great, especially since it was obvious to France’s coach and players exactly how they should be attacking the USWNT.
Eugénie Le Sommer said that with the USWNT's 3-5-2 they knew they could put three up top and also exploit the US on the flanks
— Caitlin Buckley (@caitlinbuckley2) March 8, 2017
Back three systems are inherently susceptible to being overloaded on the flanks against teams that play variations of 4-3-3, but there are ways to mitigate those problems. The USWNT didn’t do anything to prevent themselves from getting roasted out wide — they played true wingers, not wingbacks in the wingback slots — and even weirder, it didn’t occur to them that France might use this strategy.
It’s true that the USWNT was more concerned with getting better at playing in a back three than they were at stifling France, but it’s not clear that Ellis has a sound idea in place here. We should remember that this is the coach who called attacking midfielders Carli Lloyd and Lauren Holiday “two No. 6s” during the World Cup group stage, and only accidentally stumbled into a better lineup because Holiday’s suspension forced her to give Morgan Brian a chance.
Off-the-ball movement is a problem
Because a 3-4-1-2 formation features wide players starting from deeper positions than formations the USWNT has used previously, it’s very important for the strikers to move off the ball — perhaps wide, if there’s space wide — to give defensive midfielders and defenders the same number of positive passing options that they’d have if the team was playing a variation of 4-4-2 or 4-3-3. The forwards weren’t doing a great job of that all tournament, and especially in the second half against France.
Live #USWNT observation: Lack of dynamic runs off ball is killing attack. Very few good options as backs bring ball up field. #USAvFRA
— Sebastian Salazar (@SebiSalazarFUT) March 8, 2017
There was one particularly bad moment late in the France match. Lindsey Horan did an excellent job to win the ball in midfield, surge forward into space and draw defenders’ attention towards her. She had her head up, looking for an early pass. And she had no one to pass to, because the forwards were all standing still.
Is 3-4-1-2 the best fit?
The concept of the USWNT’s new formation makes sense. They’re best with two strikers, but two-time FIFA World Player of the Year and captain Carli Lloyd is pretty much a pure attacking midfielder. She’s a bit slow to play as a pure striker and a liability defensively in a midfield two, but world class at scoring from the No. 10 position. A 4-3-1-2 or 4-4-2 diamond formation isn’t a great idea because the USWNT’s wide players are too good to keep on the bench. So Ellis came up with the solution of using those great wide players as wingbacks, and making up for their defensive liabilities by playing three center backs.
But this really doesn’t feel like the best use of available talent. Casey Short and Ali Krieger, who played as outside center backs at SheBelieves, are much better as balanced fullbacks in a back four. Allie Long plays as a box-to-box central midfielder fro the Portland Thorns, and looks a bit out of place at center back. Julie Johnston and Becky Sauerbrunn formed the best two-woman center back partnership in the world before this formation change. And there’s something criminal about forcing players like Crystal Dunn and Tobin Heath into roles where they have large defensive responsibilities and shouldn’t take too many risks going forward.
The best use of the USWNT’s top players is probably a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 formation that allows Lloyd or a similar attacking midfielder to get forward with defensive cover, while the wide players take risks and the fullbacks play support roles. This would demand a lot of smart movement or hold-up play from Alex Morgan or Christen Press — both of whom are probably better with a strike partner — but if either can learn the role, it would benefit the rest of the team immensely.
Heath and Dunn are simply too good to be wasted as wingbacks, and getting the USWNT’s defensive personnel up to speed in a back three looks like it’s going to take a ton of work.
Rose Lavelle is the real deal
The biggest bright spot at SheBelieves was Lavelle, a 21-year-old University of Wisconsin product who was selected by the Boston Breakers with the first pick at the 2017 NWSL College Draft. She started at left wingback against England — a role she’s never played before — and was the best player on the pitch in her USWNT debut.
Look at how she turns out of pressure, nutmegs a defender and makes a perfect pass to Mallory Pugh, turning defense into attack by herself in five seconds.
Lavelle is probably the most technically adept player to join the USWNT since Heath and Holiday started making appearances a decade ago. Ellis has regularly alluded to transforming the USWNT into a possession-oriented team — as did her predecessor, Tom Sermanni — and Lavelle will be a huge part of those plans going forward.
Ellis and Lloyd aren’t saying the right things
Worrying quote No. 1, from Ellis, on Lavelle
“What's her best role? I mean she's still kind of new with us so I think tonight in a game where I thought she did very well wide — and she's a natural lefty so we like her out there ... I think she did great. So we'll see in terms of where she ends up." (via Stephanie Yang)
First, “she’s a lefty so we played her on the left” is not great logic. Second, Ellis proceeded to play Lavelle on the right against France. It’s tough to figure out what she’s thinking.
This isn’t to say that Lavelle should play in her preferred position, as a No. 10. A lot of players prefer to play in that role, and most of them can’t, for the good of the team. But Ellis saying this, then swapping her to the right wing is very odd.
Worrying quote No. 2, from Ellis, on Short
Ellis says both Short and Naeher took steps forward tonight. #USAvFRA
— Chelsey Bush (@ChelseyWrites) March 8, 2017
A manager defending their players is a good thing. Managers should defend their players against criticism and direct the heat towards themselves. Short and Naeher are also good players who should get more chances with the national team, and not be judged on one game. But it’s ridiculous to say that they “took steps forward” against France. They both played poorly. Let’s hope Ellis was just defending them, not stating a genuinely held belief.
Worrying quote No. 3, from Lloyd
"Nobody likes losing 2 in a row. But this is what it's all about, to be tested by some of the best teams in the world. We have a lot of young players out there, a lot of players who haven't been a part of this team. The real focus is 2019, and if life were easy and we were winning all the time, it wouldn't taste that much sweeter to make it to the top. We've just got to keep focused on what we want to do, stick to the gameplan and all learn from this. It's just a learning tool." (FS1 interview with Jenny Taft)
The captain of the team should not be using young and new players as an excuse for a loss. Especially when they didn’t play well themselves, and were rightfully substituted for playing poorly.
We need to talk about The Undroppables
Only two players started every match for the USWNT at the SheBelieves cup, co-captains Lloyd and Sauerbrunn. As a result of their undroppable status, there was no time to get minutes for Jessica McDonald, the leading scorer in NWSL over the last three seasons, or Emily Sonnett, a 23-year-old defender widely considered to be an important part of the team’s future.
As Lloyd said, “the real focus is 2019.” If this is true, shouldn’t Ellis have picked a game to rest each of them and get a look at more players?
And at the same time, Lloyd’s form has been extremely up and down over the last year. She struggled at the Olympics, recovered to have an excellent fall, then played poorly in all three SheBelieves matches. Lloyd hasn’t been consistently great outside of major tournament knockout games either, at any point in her career. If she’s in poor form, someone else should get a shot.
Though it seems like Morgan is no longer part of their ranks
Once a member of the Undroppables Club, Alex Morgan appears to have fallen into a rotation, and will need to compete to get back to a place where her starting status is set in stone.
Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports
It looks like her competition is stiff, too. While none of the strikers were great at SheBelieves, Christen Press and Lynn Williams turned in the closest thing to a good performance, in the opener against England. Both were much better than Morgan in NWSL last season. And Morgan has studded to establish herself at the top of the forward pecking order on a loaded Olympique Lyonnais side, though partially due to injury issues.
There’s no question that Morgan is one of the most talented forwards in the world. Her 2012 is arguably the best individual year in USWNT history, and she showed flashes of her former greatness in 2016. But it’s been five years since Morgan was truly at the top of her game, and her grace period has ended. If she’s going to start big games, it’ll be because she earned it with her play for Lyon and Orlando Pride, as well as off the bench or in lower-level games for the USWNT.
Get ready for a lot of chemistry vs. form arguments
When any national team loses games they’re expected to win, fans get talking about the team selection. And with the USWNT, that argument usually boils down to one thing — do you pick the players in the best form, or try to build team chemistry?
Most of the USWNT’s big successes in their history have been during periods when they had a defined formation and the majority of their starters set in stone. A handful of players rotate in and out due to fitness or tactical adjustments, but historically, seven or eight starters have been known before lineups were released.
However, loyalty to players in the face of all evidence that change is needed has also been the USWNT’s downfall on several occasions. And, as noted earlier, their 2015 World Cup win came as the result of a dramatic change. They didn’t start playing their best soccer until they figured out that they needed to move Lloyd up the pitch and bench one of their out of form strikers for Brian.
Is the best way forward for the USWNT to decide on a core and stick with them, or to err on the side of picking the players who are in the best form? That might be the toughest question that a national team coach has to answer.
What’s next?
The USWNT has two scheduled friendlies against Russia in April, then a match away to Norway in June. It’s possible they could add another away match during that European trip. There should be games against Brazil and Japan at some point, but no details have been given on those.
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