#no skin off my nose
Hear is everything I have to offer that isn’t my invader zim stuff if my invader zim stuff interests you that would be located at @unlikelytrashcreation otherwise welcome to all the other stuff please enjoy.
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thelastattempt · 10 months
I promise you Louis wasn’t thinking ‘right I’ll use the white rose, the most popular symbol of Yorkshire, and this from the rose of Lancaster’ or whatever (Lancaster isn’t in Yorkshire and has no significance for Louis - Lancashire is in a completely different part of the country) but sure Louis is a history buff now 👍 Sometimes the simplest explanations are the correct ones instead of trying to find all these layers
I actually agree that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one and I’d refer you back to the differing side by side images.
And I’m not sure why you find the idea of Louis knowing his history so bizarre? It’s an extremely well known period of English history, with far reaching connotations for the political and religious landscape for generations. But okay, whatever you want. He’s just a silly guy doing silly things.
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rebellum · 11 months
The whole transandrophobia discussion thing is weird bc it feels like it's a bunch of poc and jewish trans people being like "here are my experiences of how specifically being MASCULINE had affected me, and the discrimination and violence I experienced based on that. And here is how that relates to me being a racial/ethnic minority"
And then a few loud white trans people going "ohhh you wanna be oppressed so bad you *slur*. This is why there aren't any poc in your movement it's because REAL poc understand intersectionality"
#hot take white culturally christian or athiest leftests do not properly interpret white jewish ppl#like as a poc i and other poc understand that white jewish ppl often get racial privilege#but a) not always b) they experience oppression based off of their ethnicity#idk from my perspective it seems like white goyim either see jewish ppl as 'the disgusting exotic enemy' or 'basically WASPS but they#wanna feel special'#with no nuance. no recognition#look maybe this next part is bc i didnt grow up with jewish ppl and therefore didnt know until I was 18/19 that jewish ppl can count as#white. but like. idk how to say this. i dont wanna speak over white jewish ppl. but like.#jewish ppl that have obvious jewish features (whether Ashkenazi facial features OR they dont have those but wear eg kippahs)#arent like. white. idk pls correct me if this is antisemitic or incorrect or something.#but like. light skinned =/= white obviously.#i just struggle to see how my bestfriend with her lovely dark eyes and curls and nice nose counts as 'white' when ppl call her the k slur#across the street. ykwim?#like white doesnt mean light skinned. it means 'part of the in-group of white ppl'#like my ex who is white and jewish? yeah hes white. if he didnt wear his necklace then goyim wouldnt know. you know#like obvs he still experiences ethnic oppression but he doesnt experience racial oppression#but other ppl with more prominent eg ashkenazi (im singling them out bc most jewish ppl here are ash.) like i dont GET how they have racial#privilege.
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bananonbinary · 6 months
just spent 50 DOLLARS on 5 whole covid tests for the family to take (we have immunocompromised friends and don't take any chances with them)
this is a fucking travesty
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bloobluebloo · 2 months
Match my donations and I will write you a little prompt!
Between yesterday and today I have donated: $5 CAD to Rana and her family
€5 to Yusuf and his family
€5 to Omar
$5 CAD to Ahmed, Malk and their family
€5 to Ruba and her family
€5 to Mohammad and his family
$5 CAD to Mahmoud and his family €5 to the Almoghrabi family €5 to Sahar and her family €5 to Youssef and his family $5 CAD to Mutual Aim for the Congo and Sudan Send me proof of your donation to any of these matching my donation (block out whatever personal information you don't want me to see) and I will write you a 500 word prompt! You can pick a prompt from here or send me your own idea (just don't be too crazy because it is only 500 words) and of course a character or 2 characters of your choice. I am most familiar with LoZ but I'm pretty familiar with a lot of franchises, just ask! Screenshots of the receipt under the cut!
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samijey · 9 months
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It's quite nice to see Jey be the one to seek out Sami backstage and be supportive when he's struggling after how many times Sami did it for him in the past (Monday Night RAW 16/10/2023)
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phatkochi · 2 months
That is not Steven Rudboys/neg
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thepoisonroom · 7 months
that post that's like "learning social skills helps with social anxiety" applies to dating also btw
#i guess they have a circular relationship because also going on lots of first dates was really trial by fire for me in learning lots lf#new social skills#meeting new people was never my strong suit and i was very afraid of it and would avoid it but like!#when i first tried going on first dates i learned a lot about how to meet people and met types of queer people i'd never met before#and actually it was good for me even though it was often weird and stressful#and it was a lower-stakes way to practice social skills that i otherwise would've just avoided using until they atrophied#anyway whenever i see a dating profile that's like 'i'm afraid of talking to women lol' i'm like ok relatable but what's your plan to learn#i think also just like it doesn't have to be through dating but it is good for you to meet other gay and trans people offline if possible#when i moved to wisconsin i only knew my coworkers who were mostly also twentysomethings who'd been hired straight from college#and it was good for me to meet and make friends with other local gay and trans people who were involved in different stuff#idk i just don't know how many more 'i'm obsessed with romance but scoff at the idea that i should do anything about that' posts i can read#like if i said i wanted to run a marathon but i never practiced running people would fairly be like okay that's prob not gonna happen#idk i know it's no skin off my nose i'm just like. if you never take any steps towards expressing your desires#how do you think they're going to just happen to you#personal nonsense
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t4llhum4n · 8 months
I gotta be honest, the second I heard Sam call Alexis a bitch, I knew this discourse was going to start up again.
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oldpotatoe · 7 months
im sorry my american followers and friends for saying this but it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach when you all approach next year's elections with such a blind 50/50 mindset while this shit happens
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yeah trump's a fucking monster. but instead of sticking with your two options of eating poisoned shit and eating slightly less poisoned shit, why is america so fucking complacent with any option that leaves you with shit dripping from your mouth i fucking beg
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ear-motif · 10 months
would you rather hannibal be your dietician or your cosmetic surgeon. no you cannot kill yourself
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actually if i fail this exam in two days it will be an epic and subtle sodapop curtis reference and not an academic failure at all. the [redacted] markers simply do not understand my outsiders swag
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swaglet · 1 month
u look like lea seydoux. i have a crush on both of u. water sign women >>
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at first i did not see the resemblance but then i took a picture of myself and then found a random pic of myself to compare both of them to her and anon i think you are right. it's the Angles. i feel lucky to be compared to such a juicy looking water sign woman i appreciate it thankyou
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birchbow · 2 months
how do you feel about people having fantrolls/trollsonas in the pof verse? because i might have thought a little too much about how i'd fit into murderclown society
I don't mind! Have fun. :)
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Willow doesn't like Hunter romantically. We aren't even sure if Hunter's possible feelings are even romantic.
1. Okay, if that's how you want to look at it.
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"We aren't even sure if Hunter's possible feelings are even romantic"? Are we looking at the same images here, anon?
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Hmm brain just conjured up another fictional little guy; at this rate, I am eventually going to run out of room to accommodate all of these fictional little guys, they will have to find a motel or something
#writing#writeblr#writer things#his name is tommy because that is the first name that came to my head#dark curly hair tanned skin hooked nose and dimples and dark eyes#an easygoingness and just genuine passion about him that's contagious#he may be a mechanic and wears loose oversize clothing a too long red button up with the sleeves rolled up#he smokes more out of habit and boredom than wanting to do it he hates it#he's got that classic awkward nerdy but strangely appealing best friend in a movie or show kind of vibe to him#except instead of being in that standard best friend role he is currently trying to usurp the role of love interest in my mind in the vague#new wip i had been thinking about making#though maybe i should make a new wip as this other wip is already new and has different vibes but...#i have made three new wips in the span of the last few days i am not making another i am not i am not#shoe meet horn#he's also mentally ill and the narrative is going to be f*cking normal about it#alright maybe i'll make a new wip#god am i going to make a new wip#my other brand new characters staring at me as i barely even got them off the ground yet like really come on dude#but don't worry oh god I remembered a 4th wip from the past two weeks don't worry bennett i haven't forgotten you#and the several hundred others up there#hmmm thinking about tossing him into a scifi#yes he looks suspiciously similar to some of my other ocs but different maybe i'm pulling a t*m b*rton#and hiring the same actor for all my movies
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