#no ser
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bocadosdefilosofia · 4 months ago
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«Y que no es ambas cosas, lo que es y lo que no es, es fácil de demostrar. Pues si es verdad que lo que  no es es y lo que es es, lo que no es será lo mismo que lo que es en lo que respecta al ser. Y por esta razón no es ninguno de los dos. En efecto, se admitió que lo que no es no es. Y se ha mostrado que lo que es es lo mismo que este. Por lo tanto, tampoco lo que es será.» (Sexto Empírico, Adversus mathematicos 7)
Gorgias de Leonitini: Sobre el no ser. Universidad de Los Andes, pág. 53. Bogotá, 2014.
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000constantine000 · 2 months ago
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Cada vez peor pero no hay nada que hacer
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darymont28 · 6 months ago
Y debo decir que confio plenamente en la casualidad de haberte conocido. Que nunca intentaré olvidarte, y que si lo hiciera, no lo conseguiría. Que me encanta mirarte y que te hago mío con solo verte de lejos. Que adoro tus lunares y tu pecho me parece el paraíso. Que no fuiste el amor de mi vida, ni de mis días, ni de mi momento. Pero que te quise, y que te quiero, aunque estemos destinados a no ser.
Julio Cortázar - Rayuela
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ghosthidden · 2 years ago
La presión en el pecho y los suspiros podrían ser manifestaciones de ansiedad o estrés. La ansiedad puede manifestarse físicamente en el cuerpo, y la sensación de opresión en el pecho y la respiración entrecortada (suspirar) son síntomas comunes de ansiedad.
La conexión entre la ansiedad física y que estás experimentando dolor emocional por la ruptura, podría estar relacionada con una preocupación o miedo subyacente a ser reemplazado o a no ser lo suficientemente valioso para otra persona.
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pixeltacto · 2 years ago
Después de hacer todo lo que hacen, se levantan, se bañan, se entalcan, se perfuman, se visten y, así progresivamente, van volviendo a ser lo que no son.
~Julio Cortázar
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seratlantisite · 4 months ago
Nice try Bioware, but I know the state of Southern Thedas better than you do.
First off, it matters if the Hero of Ferelden is alive or not. When the First Warden recalled all wardens, our hero knew that was a bad call and refused, finally splitting off from Weisshaupt after years of mismanagement and taking scores of wardens with them. Their presence and leadership makes all the difference, rallying southern Thedas once more against the blight. If you have only an Orlesian Warden Commander in Amaranthine they’re less inspiring, but as long as you’ve done Awakening they are a boon nonetheless. There is someone to lead the fight against the darkspawn while other focus on the Venatori.
If you 100% completed Awakenings and also Soldier’s Peak, the Ferelden wardens have never been so prepared. They’re organized, they’re outfitted and they’ve been ready for this for years. Also, if you allied with the Architect then you have scores of strange research to give you an edge.
If Merrill completed her Eluvian then she moves south once again and joins the effort. She’s managed to cleanse the blight before and she’s ready to try it again. And her knowledge of the crossroads gives the south an edge on their movement and supply lines. If Hawke’s sibling is a Warden they accompanied her.
If the Inquisitor let Briala have power in any way, the Dales become the leaders in the war against the Venatori, forming a formidable alliance with Ferelden, Orzammar and the Marches, the likes of which have never been seen. And if you completed Jaws of Hakkon then their alliances with the Avvar and Chasind are stronger than ever.
Of course, if the Inquisitor kept the Wardens around after Here Lies the Abyss then their numbers are bolstered. It may cost Wiesshaupt later, but that’s Rooks problem. And if you completed the Descent, then the Inquisitor and Warden had a much better idea of what was coming and spent ten years getting ready.
They will not be broken.
They will weather this storm.
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serinfinito · 13 days ago
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rawranansi · 4 months ago
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A life that eats and eats and eats and crunches your bones but leaves your heart
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its-sweet-like-cinnamon · 7 months ago
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bocadosdefilosofia · 3 months ago
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«Pues aquello con lo que damos a conocer algo es el discurso, pero lo que subsiste y lo que es no es discurso. Entonces no damos a conocer a nuestros interlocutores lo que es, sino discurso, el cual es distinto de lo que subsiste. Entonces, exactamente como lo visible no puede volverse audible y viceversa, así lo que es, dado que yace afuera, no puede volverse nuestro discurso». (Sexto Empírico, Adversus mathematicos 7)
Gorgias de Leonitini: Sobre el no ser. Universidad de Los Andes, pág. 57. Bogotá, 2014.
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deusadosubmundopersefone85 · 2 months ago
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hkthatgffan · 5 months ago
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The image used in the background of the Gravity Falls logo HAS BEEN FOUND!!
It's located in France!!
I made a thread on Twitter explaining the full story and how I even asked Ian Worrel and Alex Hirsch about it, but lemme run down quickly how it was found and where it is!
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After 3 years of searching with some friends on and off, we had no real luck. I've been working on a video about it for a while but decided to try one more time. My friend @trickengf suggested looking at international logos as they may have more of the image available and sure enough...we found logos like the Japanese and Russian GF logo had more visible detail of the image.
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From that, Tricken made a remake of the image and used it to find it. He ended up finding the source at about 3AM for me, lol!
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My friend Fried Oreos then confirmed the image was old enough to fit the criteria of pre GF pilot, by determining the image was on the Textures website it was sourced from since 2008!
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Then, my friend Alex M managed to buy the HD image and we were able to analyze its metadata for more info!
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Turns out, the image, called "LandscapeMountains0009," was taken by a Nikon D70 camera on April 18, 2007!
From there, we began looking for the location. The meta data had no location, but other images taken around the same time showed signs of maybe the location being in Europe.
After over a day of searching, Tricken, Alex M and Oreos FOUND IT!!
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The location of the image is a mountain range near the town of Sers, France...near the border with Spain.
Exact coordinates of the closest viewable angle of the image is 42°54'23.2"N 0°06'05.6"E
This is a major discovery and one I cannot believe we did. While this search was started by me in 2021 with some friends, it was TrickenGF, Alex M and Fried Oreos who deserve all the credit for this discovery! They were the geniuses who tracked all of this down and were able to connect the dots to get to this point.
You guys are amazing and I am beyond grateful for all of this.
Finding this image means that fans can now recreate the Gravity Falls logo as they want with anything they want. For example, Tricken made this for me using the image :D
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Or, you can do this, lol
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We now have it!
For 12 years as we looked at the Gravity Falls logo...we were in reality looking at a mountain in France...NOT Oregon!
So, I guess this is a major W for France but sorry, Pacific Northwest, Gravity Falls is actually French, lol!
I still can't believe we found this. I'm so happy :P
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txttletale · 1 year ago
venezuela has announced it's sending 30 tons of humanitarian aid supplies to gaza
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realidadposts · 6 months ago
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zipadeea · 1 year ago
I don't mind that Walker Scobell doesn't look like book!Percy because 1) he's absolutely got the spirit. Walker basically is Percy, you can see and feel that in every one of his scenes, and
2) If book!Percabeth had a baby, he would look exactly like Walker Scobell, and I think that's hilariously perfect
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