#no read kobold
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koboldgirltailtuft · 2 years ago
A certain big blue dragon named @neververy4 tagged me!!
Favorite Color: Purple!
Currently Reading: nothing :c
Current Fav Reading Topic: Uhhhh I guess niche trivia??
Last Song: 1,000,000 by Nine Inch Nails
Last Series: Pikmin
Last Movie: Everything, Everywhere, All At Once (with my beloved spider <3)
Working On: Website, sm- I mean stories
Tagging: I guess anyone who wants to! Did tagging recently so don't wanna bother more c:
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patrothestupid · 1 year ago
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they put the wrong trap in the chest
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sharpibees · 6 months ago
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Devil Waltz Ch3 p40-42
First page | WebComics App | Tapas | Webtoon
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stargazingdustbunny · 2 months ago
Silly Fantasy Creature Poll
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orcanist · 2 years ago
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This kobold told a red dragon not to be evil, you won't BELIEVE what happened next!!
Read the story
🎨 : @bluescale (bluesky) 🐉 : @orcanist
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polycraftory · 6 months ago
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We are back with this week's book haul! This is everything we got between 9/24/24 - 9/30/24.
Tuna (our littol cat friend) is shocked! Shocked!!! at what a good deal we were able to get on the full series of Solo Leveling. It was too good a deal to pass up (even this close to NYCC when we are trying to save money😅)! We also snagged @rainbowcrate's edition of Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender, which is another book with polyamory rep to add to our collection!
It was the best sort of surprise when my very first Rosemei danmei novel: You're Too OP! by Yi Xiu Luo arrived from Yiggybean (Rosemei's US distributor) this week. I am really working to expand our danmei collection beyond what Seven Seas is translating.
Also!!! TWO whole Kickstarters that I backed came in this week: Many Hands, a polyamory erotica anthology, by @duckprintspress and the Game Master's Guide for the Tales of the Valiant TTRPG by Kobold Press.
We are really in the depths of con crunch in this last few weeks before NYCC, but we are still trying to make time to read so wish us luck!
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eddybelly · 2 years ago
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I wanna share this too because I want the kobolds under my influence to slowly become Big to the point they're mistaken for dragonborns, and probably eventually just look like biped drakes... big bellied ones.
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jattazo · 2 years ago
hello tumblr i'm going to ramble about an OC now
my brain is being Shitty and Mean and A Bit Rude to me today, so i'm gonna make myself feel better by talking about some worldbuilding and lore stuff surrounding one of my favorite d&d OCs: Froyin!
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featuring this beautiful art made by the wonderful @majixium
froyin is a kobold i made for a friend's campaign and she's very near and dear to my heart if only because i think she is very sweet and cute and sometimes that's the vibe ya wanna project yourself onto y'know?
in the world froyin hails from, there are a multitude of different kobold clans, each with their own societal norms and such. hers is the Clan of The Endscale: a group of kobolds who took up refuge long ago under the watchful eyes and wings of an ancient black dragon.
as time went on, the dragon became more and more hostile towards them, viewing them as leeches more than worshipers. this led the dragon to begin acting much more antagonistically towards the clan, and eventually outright fighting the clan as a whole.
through a stroke of what was probably pure luck, the clan managed to triumph over the dragon, and now bares its legacy in their name: Endscale. the clan that took down a dragon on its own.
their modern day society is somewhat matriarchal, extremely organized, and very strongly tied to tradition. i made a little flowchart showing the hierarchy of the clan actually, here it is:
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so anyways, the way things work is basically like... until you reach maturity, you're not really expected to do anything besides learn from others in the clan about whatever. you aren't locked into a Sib or anything just because that's where your family might be.
once a kobold reaches maturity, their right horn is shaved down in a mix of celebration and as a way to tell where their position is in the clan. once you have your horn shaved, you're expected to start seriously considering where you truly want to be in the clan in regards to Sibs or other roles.
after a while, and after a kobold has trained and learned enough to earn a title and place in the clan, whether that's something as simple as being a Gatherer or as high ranking as being a Scribe, that's when they get their other horn shaved down.
the shaving of the second horn is celebrated even more than that of the first. it gets brought down to match wherever the first had grown back out to, so they can grow out together normally from there, but that's not the important part. the important part is that once that happens, it solidifies that kobold's place in the clan for pretty much the rest of their lifespan.
with this in mind, it's extremely rare to see older kobolds that have asymmetrical horns unless they had some intense battle wound or something. it's less uncommon for younger 'bolds though, since they're still sorta finding their place.
anyways, back to Froyin. Froyin is still a very young kobold overall, having only had her first horn shaved down maybe a couple months prior to the start of the campaign she's from. it's fairly common for kobolds to venture outside the clan's territory while in this phase of their life, but Froyin's story is a little different.
Froyin had been a natural spellcaster from a very young age. wow no way a sorcerer who's a natural spellcaster, who's ever seen that before? she planned on going into the role of a guard since she knew she'd be able to use her magic more openly there, as well as help protect the clan with it.
while she was out shadowing a guard patrol one day however, she stumbled upon something strange. a discarded black dragon's scale, seemingly ripe with a strange magical energy she'd not experienced before. pocketing it and bringing it back with her, she didn't really mention it for the rest of the patrol.
when she was back in the village though, the guards took her through the routine patrol process of reporting findings and such to the higher ups. this was when she mentioned the scale. it was no secret that she was a spellcaster, so when she mentioned that she could tell it had magical energy of some kind, it was submitted for review by a more practiced spellcaster.
eventually, this made its way all the way up to the priestess of the clan, which is where things went south real fast. the priestess called a public meeting of the clan, wherein she publicly announced that Froyin had "knowingly" brought the will of the ancient black dragon back to them.
Froyin, just as confused as everybody else, had no fucking idea what was going on. unlike everybody else though, she wasn't frightened by this announcement since she didn't really see the scale as evil. it wasn't controlling her or anything, this isn't some One Ring situation.
one thing led to another, and she was effectively exiled from the clan entirely and forced to take the scale with her. she was instructed not have her second horn shaved down as a mark of shame for what calamity she'd nearly brought about, and off she went.
her parents protested, given she was so young she must not have understood what was going on, but the decision was final. she was given anything her family could give her on the way out, including her staff, and just like that she was alone.
Froyin ended up wandering for a long time, using what little scavenging skills she had to keep herself fed, but eventually found a small village to take shelter in. she attempted to offer simple services to earn coin, like being a farmhand or cleaning people's clothes for them, but ran into a pretty big roadblock:
Froyin did not speak Common.
her clan was somewhat isolationist, and spoke in their native tongue above anything else. she was never taught any other language. thankfully, perhaps due to her age and attitude, the people of the village were kind enough to understand she needed help.
slowly but surely, over the course of a month or two, she began learning very basic common while helping around the village with various odd-jobs. by the time the actual campaign starts, she'd have a fairly strong understanding of most common, though she still couldn't speak it perfectly.
something she has yet to understand however is just how right the village was about that dragon's scale. that's something she'll get to learn about much much later in the story.
i'm not really sure what else to say besides i love Froyin so much, she is a precious little creature who deserves nothing but good. :)
WAIT NO I DIDN'T GET TO TALK ABOUT THE MAGIC SHE USES okay okay okay so here's the thing-
Froyin is able to tap into a very special type of magic called Negentropy. if chaos and evil and entropy and all that were put into a single type of magic, this would be its polar opposite. it is the Right to the universes Wrong, the Up to its Down.
negentropy can be used to heal the sick, to mend the broken, to bring life to the withered, to spring plants, shine armor, all sorts of different stuff that would be categorized under "good :)" for lack of a better term
she doesn't have some crazy godlike capability or anything like that, but this magic is incredibly versatile and incredibly important because it's like the one single thing that can combat an ancient evil magic successfully.
that magic is something that thankfully has been mostly eradicated from the world, but with that in mind, so was Negentropy 👀 if one of those is back in somebody's hands, then...
all the lore behind where those magics came from, and the things tied to THAT are for a whole different post that i wouldn't even be the one to write. that'd be up to @uprising-trolls to handle ;3c
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vivanightcity · 1 year ago
5e race and class for my cyberpunk bubs for shits and giggles
Ivan - hadozee illusion wizard
Adiel - human kensei monk
Didier - Half elf college of whispers bard
Cai - longtooth shifter assassin rogue
Lyric - high elf battle smith artificer
Yash - forest gnome college of eloquence bard
Broom - harengon circle of starts druid
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daniellethamasa · 2 years ago
Tabletop Tuesday: Gen Con Wrap Up
Get ready...it's a LONG post today, because we have a LOT to talk about. Gen Con was an incredible four days of gaming and geekery and we have a lot to say about our experience. Don't worry, there's lots of photos in the post too.
Hey all, Sam and David here. Okay, this might end up being a bit long. Well, at least it’s certainly going to be a whole bunch of photos, so I don’t think we’re going to take too long with the intro section. We’ve tried for the most part to divide things up day by day at Gen Con (with the exception of the Writer’s Symposium photo dump). It was a jam-packed four days of gaming and geekery and…
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slexzo · 19 days ago
It’s the last day of school on the last period before the summer break inside of a classroom filled with around twenty students who are all around 12 years old. There is one who isn’t that much like all the others, he’s equipped with a full plate armor with slight bits of rust.
-Oh god this is killing me!
Exclaims Slexzo, the armor
-You dummy! This is nothing!
Responds Kora
-Like hell it is! I’m dying of boredom here! Class is so stupid!
Is it now? Looks like we have someone who needs a good beating.
Said miss Emilia, pissed at Slexzo. She won’t show him mercy whatsoever.
-Well, it was a good life. Goodbye friends, my time has arrived.
Responds Slexzo.
-Miss Emilia, what was the purpose of teaching Slexzo if you kill him? Would have been for nothing right?
Gildberg points out.
-Huh, fair point. Guess i’ll just beat him an inch away!
Barks the teacher while she cracks her knuckles.
-Well then, back to subject. As i was saying, there are two types of energy in your life force. The first, known for spells is named Manus. The second, used for running kilometers and swinging a mighty blade is called Engus.
Furthermore, combining both forces can make powerful new attacks. What will happen will depend on many factors like how much you
put of each, how you do it and what is your magical affinity.
-You’ve lost me there teach. Manus, Engus, life force, magical affinity. Sounds like nonsense to me.
Said Slexzo
Emilia looks at the clock before exclaiming that class is over. In half a minute, there are no signs of life left in the class. Everyone left except Slexzo and Emilia.
-Why are you still here?
-Let’s just say i’ve got nowhere better to be. Unlike all the other student, no one waits for my return and nowhere to go. However I try, I never found someone like me. I’m the only conscious armor in Paxum. Some even call me a monster.
Slexzo removes his helmet, confirming what he just said. Slexzo’s truly is just an armor. No one inhibits the armor, its completely hollow.
-See? Because of this people hate me.
-I don’t understand why they do and how you’re alive.
-Me neither. That makes you the third person to accept me for what i am. Now, I’ll head out for my forest.
-Wait, you don’t have a home? I didn’t know… Come with me Slexzo.
-There’s no need, I got used to the woods.
-I said come with me. You’ll be way better in a house than in a forest.
Chapter Two:
They arrive at Emilia’s home. It’s a bit small but could fit at least four people easily. The wooden interiors smell like wine. Not like Slexzo will notice because he doesn’t have a nose.
-So, this is how the inside of a house looks like.
-Wait, you’ve never entered a house?
-Poor thing. You could have told me about that earlier you know.
-The thought never crossed my mind.
-Do any thoughts cross it at all?
-Follow me, I’ll show you your room.
-I get a room? Never had one before. Thank you so much Emilia!
-A private room is the least I can give to one of my students, especially one with so much potential like yourself
-I’ll go prepare supper. During that time, get used to your new surroundings Slexzo.
Continued Emilia
-About that, as an armor, i physically cannot eat. I just don’t have the organs to do so or any organs at all. Although i would happily have eaten one of your meals. Sorry.
-You can’t do anything about it so don’t be sorry. You’ll only make yourself look pitiful.
Afterwards, Emilia made her way to the kitchen and Slexzo climbed up the stairs. The rustic interiors really fit the teacher’s personality.
Three doors to the left, the armor finds his room. A bit small but meets all the necessary criteria: a bed, a desk, two chairs, a window and one magic-fueled lamp.
Interesting, so this is what everyone has inside their homes. And now, i have one too.
Slexzo thought.
He looks out the window. Emilia has a big, opened backyard that leads to the woods. Five training dummies stand in line in the outside area close to the shed. It seems she isn’t in need of more money, does it?
Thirty minutes passed since Slexzo went upstairs.
-Hey Slexzo! I’ve got something to show you! Come to the backyard!
Emilia shouted
The armor happily obliged, once it opened the back door, Emilia signaled him to come see her in the shed.
-Finally, you’ve arrived. I’m curious about something. You seem to possess a grateful of life force but can hardly use it. Your biggest flaw is your great difficulty at transforming your type of manus to another, correct?
-So it shouldn’t be that hard to use
magic? Interesting.
Emilia points to the stone tablet on the desk.
-Put your hand onto it, the artifact will determine what element you are the most compatible with. It could explain many things.
-If you say so.
Slexzo lays his palm onto the magical stone. It brightly glowed in white neutral light.
-Oh my! I’ve never seen something like this before!
-Do you know what it means?
-We’ll know in a moment
Emilia takes out a small booklet, rapidly turning the pages until she reaches in the middle.
-Intriguing. Your manus type is extremely rare and hard to use. The amount of spell you may cast are very limited Slexzo.
-Slexzo nods in agreement, waiting for Emilia to elaborate further.
-To be more precise about your situation, everyone possess some kind of property in their life force. For example, Gildberg’s manus specializes in fire type magic. But for you, let’s just say that your body forgot to pick one. Now, you would think that you would be an all-rounder, right? Wrong!
-So, what am i?
-You Slexzo are a user of blank life force. Not that versatile but powerful.
-Well, I hope that with your teaching I’ll be able to master it, Emilia.
3 weeks past since Emilia brought Slexzo to her house. He’s been training in the yard with a tree. To clarify, he isn’t using the tree as a target but as a very big and heavy sword. I, the narrator, don’t even know how he does that. Just don’t question the guy.
Anyways, he’s been at it for a couple of weeks now. The end of the summer break is coming soon, the armor will see his friends again very soon for his third year of magic school.
-Hey Slexzo! How’s your training going!
Exclaimed Emilia as she ran to the backyard before noticing the armor’s strange yet intimidating way of training
-Doing fine here, just a little tired that’s all!
Replied Slexzo.
Now that the armor finished responding, The Dark elf noticed him Swinging around his huge oak tree, around 10 times his height. So around 50 feet.
-Uhm Slexzo… What’s that in your hands and how are you even able to lift it yet alone use it like a Zweihander?
-That is an oak tree Emilia
Bluntly responded Slexzo
-You know that an oak usually weighs around ten tons, right? How can you even lift it! It’s like a hundred times your entire weight!
-Don’t worry about it. It’s just that I’m not organic that’s all. Anyways, how much time is it before we restart school?
-That would be tomorrow Slexzo. You better put all your efforts this year. Anyways, it’s getting late, come inside prepare for tomorrow. You’ll have a busy day.
The next day came rather quickly, Emilia woke Slexzo up at an early hour to make sure he had everything ready.
-Everything seems ready now; off we go then. I still have a couple of things to do here. I’ll be there soon, okay? I’ll catch up don’t worry
The path to the magical school wasn’t that hard for Slexzo to traverse. He’s been using it for the path 6 years. Then, out of the blue, when Slexzo was traveling through the forest, a small sparrow flew quickly in-between the trees and leaves to rest onto the armor’s head. Slexzo didn’t try to do anything to stop it or shake the bird off. He just kept walking.
Exiting the woods to travel on the long dirt road, the sun shined brightly down onto Slexzo and his newly acquired companion.
Every school day, upon reaching the main road, Kora would meet up with Slexzo to walk all the way to school together. Today was no exception.
-Oh, hey Slexzo! Long time no see, huh?
-Whoa there, didn’t see you coming Kora
-And would you explain why exactly you have a bird on your head Slexzo?
*Asked the kobold*
-uhhm... I honestly dont know. It just perched itself on my head out of the blue. Anyways what have you done during the summer?
-For starters, i learned a couple new spells and practiced even more my control over magic. I would really like to have more life force, it's under average.
*The two friends finally arrived at their school. The small etablishment only has three classroms. All the interior was made out of wood. Walking down the hall, the armor and his friend arrive to their class and sat next to each other at the back like usual.*
*Ten minutes after that, miss Emilia enters the room.*
"Good morning class. We'll take this week more slowly since you just came back from a long break. Let's see if your life forces increased since last time. You know the drill, one at a time, put your hand onto the stone tablet and read the number out loud or in your head if you're shy."
*First off as always, impatient Kora took the test with the stone plate*
"Wow, it increased by one! 7 spell slots!"
*Exclaimed the kobold*
"I knew my training payed off"
*She added*
*Then, Gildbert, the gnome of the class quite literally walked towards the tablet before putting his hand onto it*
"It didnt change but at least 10 spell slots is good"
*He commented*
*After which Bert, Lily and Arthra in that order passed without saying something*
*Slexzo took a deep breath before riding from his seat. The armor walked towards the front of the class, the bird still on his head. Some looked confused to why there were a sparrow on top of the armor like Emilia and others just accepted it as ususal Slexzo. Once he got to the front, he laid his metallic gauntlet onto the stone plate. He looked shoked at the result.*
"It says 60 spell slots. This can't be right. Maybe Spera is interfering with the score"
*The armor remarked. He then gently tapped the bird to wake it up. Spera then stood on his nest's finger. Slexzo slowly descended the bird from his head to Lily's desk*
"Mind keeping Spera there Lily? Just for the time i do the test"
*The girl noded in agreement*
"Thank you"
*Once again, Slexzo put his hand down onto the stone tablet. He still looked shocked*
"Wait it wasn't Spera who interfered with the test? It still says 60"
*Emilia then points out*
"Well seems you're quite gifted Slexzo."
"But why me? I can't even cast a fireball. I could never use this power. Tell me teacher, is there a way to give life force to others?"
"I think that's exacly why it was given to you. Slexzo, rather than keeping it all to yourself, you asked to share it with others. Quite the kind soul indeed. Well for your question. I guess that it is theoretically possible. If you're able to change your manus to fit the receiver's you could give it to them." *Emilia paused for a second*
"Well that would be a good choice for this year's training result exam"
"Thank you Emilia. You too Lily"
*Slexzo extends his finger out. As soon as he did, Spera flew straight to it then perched onto the finger. When the sparrow did. The armor walked back to his place*
*Everyone finished passing 15 minutes later. Then, the teacher spoke out*
Well, it seems all of you grew since last year. I’m proud of everyone here, good job. Now, I will give you the rest of the week to prepare for your next project. In pairs of two, no more no less, you will work onto making a duel casted attack. Can be magical, physical or any other way you want. You could mix the types together. The sky is the limit. You may choose who you work with. Also note that this will be graded via a 2 on 1 spar match against mister Yan, the teacher next door. He’s a lot better than me for battles and its theories”
Everyone knew each other in the class due to the many years spend working with each other in this room with miss Emilia. So, making teams only took around 20 seconds.
As always since they both met, Slexzo and Kora teamed up together. In but a span of half a minute they already knew what they’ll do. The armor would pass his partner around 40 spell slots worth of manus and Kora would use her advanced mastery in magic to cast an even better version of any of her spells. During the battle, they’ll only be able to cast it twice.
-Well first thing we should do is make me more used to manipulating such an enormous quantity of magic and once and learn how to use your life force like its mine, don’t you think?
“-Wait! I have the perfect idea! How about you stay inside my armor during the training and fighting? Its going to get you used plenty to my life force and reduce the time needed for you to receive my magic by quite a large margin. Also, you’d be protected from direct confrontations. After all, iron is tough.”
-Finally, you made a good plan Slexzo. Was it Spera’s idea?
-Let’s just start already. Just get in now, you remember how right?
The kobold holds the hollow armor’s torso up, separating it from the lower body. She then put her legs inside of the lower body. Once she slid in completely Kora put on the rest of the armor. Her arms entered the metallic sleeve, clearly too big. Finally, she put the helmet onto her head. As soon as Kora did. Slexzo remold himself to fit perfectly onto the kobold’s smaller frame. All the excess iron turned into a pair of functional wings, too big just for showing off. They clearly had a purpose.
-It’s been so long since we did this. Forgot how it felt to be wearing you Slexzo. It’s not like wearing a typical suit of armor you know.
-That’s because I’m no ordinary hollow shell.
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pyomatic · 2 months ago
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writing about the evidence for house spirits and how demons in the house differ from demons in the natural world in the 12th c and earlier for my phd and thinking about the designs of house spirits that i drew for my medieval fantasy comic back in like 2019. i still love them. they start invisible, just like a draft you feel, an unexpected creak in the house. theyre the force that makes your threads tangle with dead hair. and then over time they start to collect Things, start to fashion themselves bodies out of lint and dirt and things you mutter under your breath. peak friends.
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beingsimplyme · 5 months ago
today me and my d&d group spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to leave a hotel room because of a riot (they had torches, the building was wooden)... they could've used the door but they decided to jump out of the window.
also, came up with an elaborate plan with both of our rogues (a vampire and the human who thinks he's just autistic) decided to drag ME (the bard) into it and now we must act as a happy family of three.
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wp100 · 7 months ago
ngl, the hallowfall campaign is my favourite part of the expansion launch so far, next to dalaran (tho, i hate that they destroyed dalaran... again)
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tidalshores · 10 months ago
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Middle of the night me thought it'd be a fun idea to draw Lumi in some Prospit moon jammies. So I did. Y'know, as one does in the middle of the night. And middle of the night me was right, I had a blast drawing this :D I decided to go with a sketchier style than I usually do, since I thought it fit more with the dream-like setting, and I think it came out pretty nicely! So here, have a Prospitian Plushie :)
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lammergeierdust · 1 year ago
Accidentally put my whole post in the tags, so please refer to those.
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✨ Golden Child ✨
I got into a new game and had to give my baby girl her first full reference ever! Lua is a Draconic sorcerer of the gold variety, may or may not have been part of a cult, and is the most babygirl ever
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