#no protagonist is better or worse
epickiya722 · 2 years
Honestly the "this Shonen protagonist vs this Shonen protagonist, who would win" is so boring to me, it is.
It gets played out when people will go back and forth trying to explain why this protagonist would win, insults get thrown, etc.
It's like ship wars.
Instead, I like to think about how amusing it would be if Shonen protagonists switched places or something.
Like... imagine one protagonist handling another's biggest enemy with ease and telling the other one about it.
"Bro, it took like two punches."
"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! Now I can just worry about my grades! I gotta graduate, you know!"
Like, a lot of the protagonists could relate to each other since some of them be high schoolers!
If they did do competitions, it wouldn't even like out of malice. Just friendly competition... and accidents.
"I did not mean to break your arm!"
"Ha, I'm used to it! No big deal!"
This is just me and I'm just saying, arguing about "who would win" is just so boring to me because what point is being made here? Where's the fun in that?
Yeah, who would win, but like... do you also know how vague that is?
Who would win in what? A tennis match? Jeopardy?
Also, consider the different elements that play into it! Settings, how their powers work, etc.
Seriously, open minds!
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Tragic! Gorgeous game with extremely moving premise deathly afflicted with 2011 dialogue writing
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abbey-abdominal · 2 months
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Hi, I’m a sad lesbian obsessed with these two sad women. Have a nice day.
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ur-local-kiwi · 6 months
i feel like we need a knk slice of life spinoff thing. the doomed yaoi storyline we have rn is good and all, but tbh i wanna see all my favorite goobers just hanging out and doing normal people things. i think thatd just be nice honestly
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pausescreen · 2 months
comparison, first to retry
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littlelesbianknight · 2 years
it’s fascinating to me that from a character-build perspective, only two of the bells have what I’d call main character energy: imogen and ashton. the difference is that imogen knows she’s a main character, and she’s furious about it. ashton, meanwhile, is operating under the assumption he’s a bit player and wondering why they keep getting punched in the face by the Narrative
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july-19th-club · 11 months
how to make a character who sucks so bad and nobody likes him but he is genuinely a good protagonist (good as in interesting, maybe on a rare day good as in decent but also, just like, an incredible jackass) . i need to make him worse i need to make him MEANER!
#i think the key to getting this kind of character right is that he can't try to be anybody's boss#that's not the fun and engaging kind of jackass that's just reminding the reader of all the bosses they've hated in their time#the engaging and likeable Guy Who Sucks So Bad is a loner who might CLAIM that he will take over the group or whatever and lead#but never actually has any intentions of doing so because part of the things he sucks re: is responsibility of any kind#he does however know that leaders dont like other people horning in on their territory so he will say things like#i'm gonna wreck your shit and then all your lackeys will follow ME! ouahahahahaha . despite having zero plans to follow up with that#the ideal engaging asshole protagonist is a rebel without a good cause: maybe he has a sad backstory; maybe he's just a dick#but if there's one thing about him you can count on it's that he is Opposed To Shit. doesnt matter what it is his primary entertainment#is picking a fight with it for no reason and then saying what the fuck ever i didn't care about it anyway (he didn't)#ideally this is all done in such a way that he is SEXY . but you'd never want to hang with him because he is deeply obnoxious#he is not bossy. he is not controlling. he is maybe even a bit of a wife guy except he hates everyone else and wants to make their day wors#because making someone else's day worse makes HIS day better . the ideal wife for him is the one from ordinary day with peanuts#by shirley jackson#and i have GOT to figure out a way to engineer this guy without copying examples of my favorite versions of him wholesale#i have the scaffolding. but because of my own confrontation-averse tendencies#im terribly concerned that i will never be able to actually make him the asshole he was born to be#q
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yotd2009 · 3 days
it's been 3+ years but i stay a jmart hater btw
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wipples · 4 months
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What is it like to lack a sense of agency?
What is it like to have it?
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mystery-salad · 2 years
Heeheehoohoo time for a random not so popular opinion✨️
Mai Trin did not need and was not looking for redemption. She made it clear through dialog, especially with Marjory, that she couldn't make up for the people she killed and the lives she ruined. She didn't particularly care enough to even properly remember names.
She joined our team not because she left the Aetherblades, but because Ankka lead a mutiny and took them from her. There was no crew aside from Ivan for her to return to. She held onto Scarlet, a woman who inspired her and spurred her on, but who was equally unapologetic about her past.
She worked with us because it would also help her make things up to Joon, which she still clearly wasn't sure if it was even possible.
She helped us because in the face of a world ending, what else do you do. She liked her fresh start in Cantha, she loved working with new tech as did Scarlet. The two found a peaceful balance, and the world ending because of Ankka was gonna ruin that.
She didn't die because she was martyring herself or looking to be forgiven and wipe the slate clean and be seen as a hero. She died because she wanted the world to keep moving like most people do, and Scarlet in her head was the only one who could turn off that power grid. Ankka just unfortunately happened to catch up to her and corner her in that moment too. It sucks, but that's just how it goes.
Ellen Kiel can suck my ass.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 3 months
Also speaking of my son Dism scrolling through windows help forums is so fun because yay :) that's my son :)
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There ain't nothing Shera does that Lego Monkie Kid doesn't do better.
#and obviously tdp but like#Spop and LMK do similar things with ''chosen one'' trope deconstruction and main protagonists who think they make everything worse#Except god.#They resolve that part of Adora's arc TERRIBLY. Like. They just give it to her. Nothing happens to inspire her to change they just went#''Okay now she doesn't think she's a weapon! She has some self-worth!'' at the end of s4#But that's the entirety of spop smh#They just do whatever they want and everything is so tonally inconsistent and none of the characters are ever written consistently#I've been doing a watch through of it with some friends and god. God is it terrible#Maybe if I liked the jokes I'd enjoy it more. And also if I turned my brain off#But with the way I interact with media like oof. Not the show for me#Ougghghg it's so sad Adora should be EXACTLY my type of character (the narrative's favorite) (not a good thing) but like#They just do everything so lammmeeeeeeee#It's soooooo baaddddddddddddddddddd#God the s4 conflict between Adora and Glimmer makes no damn sense. No fucking sense. It doesn't get resolved#the way Shera handles war and grief is so weird#Like. Just go watch tdp it's better there#But for destiny and chosen one stuff and ''not being a weapon''? Living in the shadow of those who came before?#Super mentally ill protag with the lowest self-worth you've ever seen? Friends who struggle against their fates?#A ''reboot'' that treats it's source material with love?#LMK is the way to go man#spop critical#lmk rant#imp tag#imp's a little feisty
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bmpmp3 · 11 months
and by the way if i see one more story with themes of not fitting in with ten thousand white outcast main characters and then the only non white character in the entire plot is a black cop minor antagonist i am going. to intervene
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seventeendeer · 29 days
finally got around to giving carol and the end of the world a try and this is definitely the meanest possible takeaway from only having watched one episode, but christ it's really serving "chubby introvert brunettes are the most oppressed people in the world" right out the gate huh
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detectivenyx · 2 years
how to tell tumblr that i like danganronpa posts but komahina and saiouma make me physically ill
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gh-0-stcup · 2 years
WOW are you serious Angel?! Bitching about being given a soul because it forced you to confront your own actions. Whining about how unfair it is that it took you 100 years to pull head out of your own ass and start doing something about your guilt, while Spike managed to push through.
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