#no productivity lists for me in the next few days I think
the---hermit · 1 year
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The mound under which Dante's remains were layed in 1944 and 1945.
I am officially on holiday. I am staying at the seaside with my parents for a relaxing couple of weeks, while travelling here we took a stop in Ravenna. It's a city I visited multiple time and that I adore (and of which you'll be seeing pictures for the next few days). It was very rainy and moody, but honestly the admosphere was very nice. As with every visit of mine to this city I went to pay my respects to Dante's tomb, and this time for the first time I got to hear the bell that rings for him every night. The prospects for my chill hobbit summer at the seaside are pretty good. I have a few trips planned to visit places, but I will be mostly reading, doing crosswords and hopefully finishing the bookmarks I am making for my friends.
📖: Nona The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
🍵: kokeicha tea (I have never had this tea before, so I felt like it was a good excuse to bring the tea drinking section back. It was very light, I am not sure I let it infuse enough but the herbalist gave me no instructions. It's good but not my favourite I'd say)
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... how am I meant to get any sort of restful sleep when it's like 85F indoors in my bedroom at NIGHT .. hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#why the next poll adventure and everything else has taken so long lol.. I straight up have just not done anything#the past few days... staring down my todo list and sweating hopelessly#AT LEAST it;s relatively low humidity. the highest it's been up to is maybe 65%. but is usually around 50 or 40ish#There is one small window air conditioner in a roomate's room that can KIND OF be shared by nailing a sheet up to block off the hallway#with the rooms in it so the cool air goes into the other bedrooms but doesnt flow out into the kitchen or etc but#wjhen it's the time of day that the sun is directly hitting the window & it's like 102F outside even that doesnt help much. to cool 3 rooms#and I always feel like we're going to explode the air conditioner or something running it too much with direct heat on it. sometimes it#smells like hot plastic or whatever ghj.. so it's mostly just.. block off all windows with 5 layers of blankets and cardboard#starting at 10am (meaning.. no indoor light for days basically.. no natural lighting.. time passes weird. hard to determine time of day).#throw water on the bed every night so you sleep in wet sheets and keep your clothes and hair wet at all times. ice. cold drinks. keep a#little fan running pointed directly at you nearly 24/7 even when sleeping with a fan blowing air on you makes your eyes and throat painfull#dry. etc. etc.. and i KNOW people have it worse in plenty of places blah blah. i am just complaining on my little blog that is about me lol#I think the biggest thing about lack of adequate/central air conditioning for me is just the LACK of productivity!!! I am working on games!#and novels!! and so many other crafts. costumes! sculptures!!! things I want to do!!! we all have a limited amount of time on this planet a#nd I have so many goals!! To lose basically 4-5 days straight or producivity - when if I had been able to temperature#control my environment better I could have easily gotten more done because I wouldn't be laying around nuseous and too hot#and sick to do anything all day etc. -- is like.... GRRRRRR... it just feels so senseless.. i could have USEd that time...#Every CEO who has contributed to global warming owes me 1million doallrs to fund my art projects and make up for all the time#I've lost on them due to their stupid bullshit.. also they should be stoned to death in a public square. but redistribute the money FIRST#to everyone on the planet. but especially people who have been affected by floods. fires. etc. etc.#poor people who have limited choice in housing and access to air conditioning. homeless people in cooling centers. people with disabillitie#and health issues that are worse in the heat so the entire future just seems increasingly terrifying for them. etc. etc.#ANYWAY.... eughhhgh.... It can cool down SLIGHTLY at night but the past few nights I have been sleeping in an 81 degree room and I wake up#and first thing in the morning its like 82 by then and I'm so nauseous and nasty feeling... just so so tired of it.. I NEED SNOW#literally not even joking.. snow would heal me. .. oughffff...#AND i got the new nasty stinky poo poo pee pee tumblr dashboard update lol.. e v i l
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justwinginglife · 1 month
Love your fics so much!!! And your writings!! Can you do one where dense reader thinks she’s getting sick and checks herself into a hospital as she mistakes falling in love symptoms an illness and accidentally confesses to soshiro she’s in love with him “you doofus it sounds like your in love with me” 😍
Ahh thanks so much! I appreciate your support. Also this is the cutest prompt EVER. I love it. Thanks for sending!
A Case Of The Butterflies
You'd been sick many times before, but never in your life had you ever had such a ridiculous, confusing, selective fever. Your heart rate would spike, your temperature would increase, your sweat would drip, your lungs would ache, but only at certain times. Only in certain moments around a certain person. You started to wonder if maybe Soshiro Hoshina was sick as well.
It seemed that every time he was around you, you had a flare-up and you just knew you had to be catching whatever he had.
At first, you tried avoiding him, which relieved your original symptoms but caused a new one to surface- your chest would start hurting if he wasn't nearby. You figured it was heartburn. A severe case. You wondered if it was some sort of lotion or cologne that he was wearing that soothed the throbbing in your chest, so you kept asking him what it was that he wore. He was thoroughly amused and gladly procured a list for you, saying he was excited for you to smell like him. After you tried every single product and had no results to show for it, you decided to just stay by his side. You weren't sure what about him soothed the pain inside you, but it worked so you clung to him like you were his shadow.
When you started wearing a mask around him -it was your poor attempt at resisting whatever sickness he had passed onto you- it further entertained him to no end. He thought you looked cute with it on. Though he did miss your pretty face, as he frequently told you. In the end, you gave up on the mask, your symptoms just as intense with them as they were without them. Whatever condition the two of you shared, it was strong, and it penetrated any barriers.
You wondered if you should just give in to your ailment. If it was hopeless. If you should just let the sickness seep into your bones, take hold of your muscles, infect your bloodstream, fill every inch of your lungs. And then, you wondered if it was possible for you to build up a resistance to this disease.
Thus began a long series of ridiculous experiments aimed at building a better understanding of your condition.
Hoshina got quite the laugh out of watching you slowly inch towards him, your eyes trained on your smart watch, monitoring just how high your heart rate jumped and at what length from him it did so. It turned out your heart rate was always abnormally high when he was in the same room as you, but any form of contact with him was what sent it into a frenzy. Even if that contact was just his breath on your skin from a few inches away, or his gaze penetrating yours. He didn't have to be literally touching you, his presence did enough damage.
This puzzled you further and so your experiments continued.
Next, you paced around him with a thermometer in your mouth to deduce how his proximity affected your temperature. Just like with your heart rate, the closer you got to him, the more feverish you were. You hurriedly jotted your results down in your notebook, which resulted in a smirk from him, but he allowed you to continue anyway. He was very easygoing and didn't mind the random trials you put him through, but more than that, he just loved an excuse to spend time with you. So he encouraged your experiments, told you that you couldn't rest until you got to the bottom of this. He had no idea what you were trying to get to the bottom of, but he supported it fully.
Then one day, completely by accident, you stumbled upon the interesting discovery that you slept better when he was nearby and even your dreams were significantly more pleasant when you had interacted with him right before you dozed off. You had been studying beside him in the library, searching for more evidence to backup your research, when your exhaustion took hold of you rather suddenly. He smiled at you and gently rubbed your arm, telling you to take a nap and he'd wake you up when the library closed. You had the most wonderful dreams of your entire life after that.
How could one man be so disease-inducing and yet his very presence soothed you to no end?
You wondered what the prognosis was for such a severe condition. Would you be stuck with this feeling for the rest of your life? Or would you be dead tomorrow, your heart overloaded from the sheer intensity of it all.
It was that train of thought that led you through the hospital doors, anxious to get yourself checked in posthaste. You rattled off your symptoms, leaving out one very important detail (that it was only around Hoshina that you experienced these things). The amount of symptoms you were experiencing, the severity of them, and the frequency in which you were experiencing them concerned the hospital staff and you were rushed in with some urgency.
The nurses performed all sorts of extensive testing on you and you patiently waited for the results.
Suddenly you got a text on your phone.
It was Hoshina. Again. Ever since he got your number, he'd been abusing the privilege, eagerly messaging you any chance he got. At this point, if he didn't spam you, you were concerned.
What you up to and can I join?
Your heart pounded rapidly in your chest and you wondered if maybe he didn't need to be near you after all to transfer his sickness.
Just in the hospital. You sent the text as if it was no big deal.
I'm sorry, WHAT?
Hospital. Can't you read?
No, I got that. Why? What's going on? Never mind, I'm coming to find you.
You texted him back repeatedly, telling him you were fine, just a little under the weather, and he didn't need to worry. He didn't care. Within a few minutes, he came crashing through the door to your room.
He collapsed on the ground, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He must've run here.
You bent down to get a good look at him and, feeling your presence, he gazed up at you, a shaky smile spreading across his face as sweat dripped from his forehead. He definitely ran here. What an idiot. What a sweet, sweet idiot.
"Are..." He panted, "Are you o-okay?"
You laughed. "Are you okay? You look like you just ran a marathon."
He chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "And so what if I did? You said you were in the hospital- I was worried."
You shrugged. "I think I've just got some weird cold or something."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Some cold. And that's why you're in the hospital? Are you dying??"
You flushed, suddenly self-conscious. You didn't know if you should tell him. But he was one of your closest friends. And you knew he'd be as supportive as he could be about your condition; he did just run the whole way here. It's not like he'd laugh at you.
So you told him everything.
He did laugh. He laughed so hard he rolled around on the floor, holding his sides.
You rolled your eyes at him. "What's so funny?"
"Darling, I love you."
You choked. "S-sorry, w-what?"
“The heart palpitations. Feeling sick to your stomach but also feeling even worse when we’re not near each other. Difficulty breathing. Feeling warm, too warm, like you’ve swallowed the sun. I feel all that too. Because I’m in love with you. And, I think, you’re in love with me too- you doofus.”
You blinked. Then, as his words sank in, your face turned a bright shade of red and you buried yourself underneath the sheets.
He tugged at the blanket. “Oh come now, you can’t hide from me. Let me love you, let me love all your troubles away.”
You clenched the fabric tight in your trembling hands. “Could you maybe love me a little quieter? I’m busy being embarrassed.”
He laughed and yanked the blanket down all the way so he could fully take in the sight of your flushed cheeks. “And why would I ever do that? I plan to love you as loud as I possibly can, especially now that I know you love me back. So what do you say, be my girlfriend?”
You bit your lip but you couldn’t hold back your smile. “Only if you get me out of here before I have to confess my shame and humiliation to the doctor.”
He grinned. “It would be my honor to break you out, my darling girlfriend.” He kissed your hand, kissed up your arm, up your neck, and then finally pressed a kiss to your lips.
Then he scooped you up in his arms and took off with you.
Years later, even after countless romantic dates and wonderful adventures together, Hoshina still counts your first date as him smuggling you out of the hospital, stealing a couple things of jello on the way out, and splitting them with you in the getaway car.
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prettieinpink · 11 months
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LIST YOUR ACADEMIC STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. This is so you can allocate time accordingly and avoid wasting any time. 
PRIORITISE ANY SUBJECTS. These may be subjects that will help you in your future career or just a subject you especially want a good grade in. Anything for these subjects then becomes the most important on your to-do list.
DIVIDE TIME EACH DAY. Not all days you are going to be able to sit down at your desk at the same time. Instead, according to your energy levels and planned activities, divide your time.
E.g I have cheerleading after school and I'm going to be so tired, so I’ll do my studying in the morning instead. 
ESTABLISH BREAKS. Depending on how long you can study for, place a suitable break in between. This helps make studying more productive, but only if your breaks are. 
USE YOUR TIMETABLE. On days you don’t have a specific subject, dedicate more time to that one. 
CONSIDER YOUR LEARNING STYLE. This helps to be a bit more specific when creating it, instead of winging it and just doing anything. Having a consistent way of studying helps us learn better. 
E.g I’m a visual learner, so I’ll watch animations. I'm an auditory learner so I’ll watch a video of someone explaining it. 
KNOW WHAT YOU WILL DO DURING STUDYING. Do not just wing studying, it’s unproductive and you’re more likely to waste time instead of using it.
 Before you start studying, write a to-do list of everything you need to do during that session and how you will do it. Less time time-consuming and allows you to use time productively. 
SAMPLE – this is Lanny’s daily study routine without any upcoming tests, as an early bird, kinesthetic learner and needs breaks to think with clarity.
Review my flashcards in preparation for any test. 
Write/note any flashcards I'm struggling with. 
Check seqta/school website to access my courses, in which I’ll write down which subjects I had. 
Do a few quick blurts on paper of everything I learned in those subjects with prior reading. I only do this for HASS, math and science + any electives that require it. (blurting method)
Then I recheck my blurts, add in anything that I’ve missed and correct with a different coloured pen. 
After, I push those papers aside but I do not discard them. I’ll then complete my online science homework + class workbook. If I happen not to understand anything I’ll watch a video on it and then complete some questions on that. 
I’ll take a break around now because, on an estimate, it has been around 20-40 minutes since I started depending on how my science homework is. I usually eat something and then get back to it. 
Math is next. I’ll complete any math homework, then I’ll practice doing math questions on my own. What I like to do is watch a math video, pause the question without the answer then watch to see if I got it. Effective because they explain it and I can see where I went wrong without analysing my working out which is rather time-consuming. 
I take another break. Math stuff usually takes around 20-30 minutes. 
I then do HASS, which is the easiest. I usually read an article or watch a video on hass then apply that knowledge by answering questions OR doing assigned chapter work. 
I do not study English after school, but I usually read an assigned passage/book and then try to apply any techniques/knowledge by taking that paragraph apart and analysing it. Sometimes, I write my paragraphs using any taught techniques and then mark them. 
Then, I redo my blurtings again but without prior reading then recheck and correct. Then I am finished for the afternoon!!
Review flashcards then watch a video/read an article on what I was struggling with in the morning but I do not do anything to consolidate this knowledge. 
That is all, please feel free to ask me about any questions about studying as I don't really post much about it, I'll love to help out any fellow students! 
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being-addie · 1 year
Sunday Resets
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Setting aside time for yourself is so important. I don't think people understand how vital it is to pay attention to your body and just take a day to let your body r-e-l-a-x. We're all so busy fighting to reach the top, that while climbing the corporate ladder, we lose ourselves somewhere along the way. Burnout, depression, and monotony come into play when we don't listen to our bodies telling us they need a break.
Once every two weeks or so, on a Sunday, I turn off all my notifications and have a day dedicated to me. Giving my body some TLC, resting and preparing for the next week. If I have plans on a Sunday, such as brunch or a meeting, I shift that day to Saturday, or at the very least, a day where I have at least 4-5 hours to spend leisurely.
Things I like to do on my Sunday resets:
Wake up early/sleep in: Depending on my mood, and how much sleep I've had during the week, I'll either be up at the crack of dawn or still in bed till it's nearly noon. There's no shame in staying in bed till 11:30 if you're particularly exhausted, but I recommend waking up at least before 11 AM because then you'll feel tired and groggy (of course, this doesn't apply to everyone)
Clean my room: I always make my bed without fail, and if my room is messy, then I'll clean it. Clean the vanity table, my desk, closet, art cupboard and bookshelf, and then the bathroom. If my mom needs help around the house, I do that too.
Food: I make myself a good breakfast, taking time to move around the kitchen and just breathe. I'm getting to eat good food, the sun is shining and I'm alive. It's great. Sometimes my dad cooks for the whole family and we just sit and eat together.
The Everything Shower: I take my Everything Shower on Sundays, where I wash my hair, deep condition, use a hair and face mask, exfoliate and do a face massage. I don't shave because I get my waxing done in a salon. I then slather myself in cocoa butter lotion and apply lip balm. Then do my hair routine (curly hair). It takes a few hours, but it's worth it.
The Next Week: I prep for the next week by cooking something I can take to my classes, like granola bars or homemade pita chips. I also sit down and plan my schedule (any dinners, meetings, parties, etc) and make a rough plan of my goals for the week, like assignments and deadlines.
Errands: I usually make a list of things I need to do during the week, like any specific separate groceries that I use, art supplies I'm low on, or needing to top up the air in my tyres. Then I go complete all of those in the afternoon.
Walks: In the evening, I take a walk around the block with a friend. I usually am too busy to do this during the week, so getting some fresh air is always a treat.
Relax: The rest of the evening is spent relaxing. I watch Netflix with my family, chat with my younger sister, read a novel/play the piano/write poetry. We have dinner together and then either watch a movie or just spend the time talking about our week, or the news. It's fun.
Double-check: Before I go to sleep, I make sure to double-check that my work is done, my bag is packed, clothes are folded and all my devices are charged. I'm in bed by 10:30 PM.
Remember that not all Sundays will be like this. Sometimes I'm extremely drained, so I'll sleep in, order food and just lay in bed recuperating. It's okay to take a rest day. This guide is if you want to be more productive, and it helps the week go smoother. Be the person who has their life in charge. You've got this.
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
Two idiots in love
A Theodore Nott imagine
I’m back! Apologies for my silence. Especially to the ones who’ve been sending me love, but I was really busy and barely had any time to open this app or my phone in general. I got this post and a few more coming in the next few days. I had a very productive evening and day so, yey me. Sending you lots of love! Happy readings!
— The request —
Plss do a Theodore fic where he tutors the reader in potions or something and he’s a bit rude but like sweet at the same time??? Idk like he thinks she really cute but can’t believe someone can be so dumb
— The writing —
Theodore was a quiet guy and not one to make a move on just any girl. Unless drunk, then he might end up in a bathroom with some equally wasted girl for a little make out, but actively searching for a girlfriend just seemed like so much work to Theo. He much rather just hang out with his friends and skip class to have a smoke. 
However, this did not mean that he was immune to having a crush. Oh no, he had a crush and the worst case of crushing. He was constantly thinking about you and stealing glances whenever he could. It wasn’t on him, you were just too damn perfect. It was almost annoying Theodore how amazing you were. 
“Hey, Theo mate. I have a question.” Enzo quips as he takes a seat opposite of Theodore and reaches for some toast. “No.” Theodore answers without looking up from his plate, making Mattheo and Blaise smirk, but Enzo isn’t fazed at all. “Fine. Your loss. I’ll just have to tutor (y/n) myself.” Theodore’s eyes shoot up to meet Enzo’s with a piercing look to determine whether his friend was bullshitting him or not. Enzo’s smile reveals his amusement but also that he was telling the truth. “She needs a tutor?” Theodore says with a calm voice, though there is an obvious hint of excitement in it. “Yes, apparently she blew her last potions test… like big time. And she’s so desperate to fix her grade she asked me to ask you, apparently ‘the smartest guy in class’ - her words not mine - to tutor her. I’m assuming you’re interested?” She thinks I’m the smartest guy in class. So she’s noticed me. She knows who I am. She knows I’m smart. That’s good. Really good. She knows me. “Theo?” Enzo askes breaking Theo’s train of thoughts. “Uhm-Yeah-I… I’ll think about it. If I have time. And stuff.” Blaise, Enzo and Mattheo stare Theodore with wide eyes. “Someone hit him.” Blaise finally speaks and Mattheo nods before raising his hand to smack Theo’s head. “If I have the time, bloody idiot.” Theodore pushes Matt’s hand away and narrows his eyes at Mattheo’s mockery and insult. “Just say you’ll do it.” Enzo urges and Theo looks at him for a second before nodding in agreement.
Pretty. Perfect. Potions-Peanut. Theo thought as he watched you screw up a simple brew for the third time, like he hadn’t just explained to you step by step how to do it. He was falling in love even more as you sighed and stared at your cauldron and back at your instructions. “I think I messed it up again.” Theodore chuckles at your sad and defeated expression. “You think?!” Theo jokes, but immediately worries that that might be a bit rude of him. “But uhm-do you know where it went wrong?” He asks and you focus on your instructions again in search of which step you screwed up. Your eyebrows knit together even more and Theodore can’t help but roll his eyes. “You really don’t have a clue what you’re doing, do you?” You drop your head a little. Great, I'm making a total fool of myself in front of Theodore Nott. Not only am I ruining my fantasy of ever having a chance with him, now he and his friends will be laughing at me for the rest of the year… 
“You can’t be this dumb? Check again, you’ll find it.” Theo breaks the silence and your eyes meet his with a hesitant look, before quickly searching for an answer on the list of instructions. Yes, I just called her dumb. Good work, Theo. Theodore grits his teeth as his anger with himself grows. After a few seconds of you searching for how you screwed up your potion and Theodore searching for something right to say, you are the first to speak up. “I give up, I suck at potions.” You let the paper in your hands fall on the desk in front of you and turn to look at Theo who gives you a surprisingly sweet smile. “Yeah you do, but don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I’ll explain it again…and better this time.” 
Your heart melts at his sweet voice and you feel your cheeks heat up. “You really don’t have to waste your whole evening explaining potions to me, I’m sure you have better things to do.” Theodore smirks at your blushed cheeks. “I’m sure I won’t be teaching you potions all night. At some point you’ll get it and successfully brew this… and then we can move on to more interesting subjects.” You look back at the papers on the desk and press your lips together to keep yourself from smiling like a love struck fool, while Theo's smug eyes scan your face with satisfaction. “Dumb, but so adorable.”
“What?” You look up at Theo and he looks absolutely horrified. “I didn’t mean to say that outloud.” He chuckles awkwardly and you can’t help but laugh. “I might be dumb, but you’re a first class idiot as well.” Theodore rolls his eyes, while an amused smile tugs on his lips. She’s right about that. I am an idiot. He reaches for the books on the desk, forcing his smile into a line. “Let’s just focus on potions.” You chuckle at his flusteredness. “Sure.” 
Both flustered your glance over at one another only to catch the other one already staring. The potion might not have been right, but the chemistry definitely was.
“Sooo, how did the tutoring go?” Mattheo asks as he catches up with Theodore in the hallway. “Great.” Theodore answers, but avoids eye contact with his friend, making him suspicious. “Great? What does that mean, she understands the material now?” Theodore chuckles and his tongue darts in his mouth. “No, she still doesn’t get it. Which means she needs another session. So, it went great.” Theodore explained, unable to hide his happiness now that he gets to spend more time with you. Mattheo just shakes his head in amusement. 
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Claim Her Name (Caitlin Foord x Reader x Steph Catley)
A/n requested smut
Star marks the start of smut 18+, Minors DNI
Also apologising in advance
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There's a small breeze that blows through the house on a hot summer afternoon. The heatwave had been practically killing any effort to try and get anything productive done, but the cool air was a nice turn.
So you'd opened up the house and started on the list of chores you hadn't touched yet.
Clad in one of Steph's black arsenal jerseys, and just underwear, you clear out most of them within a few hours.
Midway through scrubbing down the benches in the kitchen and cooking, your ears perk up enough to hear a car pull into the driveway, and two doors slam shut.
You continue to hum with a small smile, knowing it was just Steph and Caitlin.
What you aren't expecting is the bickering coming from the two. And what you definitely aren't expecting is the conversation they're having.
Lord knows they didn't have a filter when they got like this.
"Oh come on Caitlin, like she cums any harder in your jersey than she does in mine."
"She does! Thank you very much. That was proven a week ago."
"How? She wasn't even in your jersey. She was wearing a plain Arsenal 22/23 kit."
"Still counts."
Theres a huff.
"If that counts, that means she was technically wearing my jersey too!"
"Like shit! I was the one to make her cum, therefore it counts for me, not you."
You shake your head as you hear them slowly approach the kitchen. Only then do you realise there's a name on the back of your jersey, and you quietly curse, knowing you won't hear the end of it from either of them.
As they approach the kitchen, Steph pauses mid argument, spotting you standing with your hands leaning against the bench, watching the doorway.
"Alright babe, who do you think is right here? Who makes you cum the hardest in who's jersey?"
"Wooow, 'Hey baby, we're home, we missed you so much, wow, what smells so good? Thank you for cooking dinner. We love you.' Aww, thanks, my loves, I missed you both so much as well, I hope training went alright, I love you too!"
Caitlin bursts out laughing, and Steph slaps her palm against her forehead before shuffle jogging over silently to apologise. Her hands find your waist from behind, turning you to her, and she mumbles a soft apology against your lips, noting your lack of pants.
"Hey baby, sorry, you know us getting into it. Dinner does smell really good. Thank you for cooking. And might I say, you do look absolutely ravishing with my name on your back."
You glare playfully at her, poking her in the shoulder.
A cheeky grin crosses her face.
"I'd definitely do that."
You roll your eyes and turn to the now pouting Caitlin.
"What's up with you?"
"You're wearing her number over mine."
Your brow raises.
"Babe, I was wearing yours yesterday... and the day before that... and five out of seven days last week."
Her cheeks flush a little, and she huffs.
You just chuckle and shake your head at her. While you're having this conversation, Steph slides her hands down to your hips, admiring the sight of her name on your back.
One hand slips up your back again and gently rubs at your shoulder, and she presses into you, nearly pinning you against the counter.
"God baby, you're killing me here." It's muttered next to your ear.
"Oh, I'm killing YOU, am I?" It's said with a soft giggle that escapes your lips.
Your head tilts to the side regardless, and she takes the opportunity to make eye contact with Caitlin as she presses soft kisses to your neck, looking her dead in the eye with a daring gaze.
Before they get too far, though, you shake off the slight haze and duck out from Steph's grip to continue watching the pans on the stove.
Steph huffs, but you silence her with a 'look'.
"Set the table goofballs, dinner's nearly done, and enough with the bickering about my orgasms."
They both quickly rush to do as they're told, always swift to outdo the other. They do love each other, and you can swear they were intimate in their own right, but jesus, were they competitive.
This definitely isn't the first time they've been caught bickering about you, and you're sure it certainly won't be the last.
In the past, it's usually been about who can get you to laugh first or who buys the food closest to what you're craving when you're on your period. But orgasms?
That was a new one. Even for the ever horny Caitlin Foord. You swore her sex drive was through the roof at all times of the day.
Her challenging Steph like that wasn't new, but doing it while walking in the door from training was just taking it to a whole other level.
So you were certainly on guard for the possibility that you were getting jumped tonight. You'd already completed most of the stuff you needed to anyway.
As you all sat and ate at the square table in the dining room, Steph and Caitlin sat either side of you. Occasional chatter comes up, you prompting them about training and them asking if everything went alright today, and if there was anything they could help with after dinner.
That was something you would forever be grateful for. They had one of the busiest careers out there, playing, training, doing media, and prepping for national team duty. Hell, Caitlin had a second job working as a physio.
Then there was you. You worked from home and did most of the chores around the house, and they still insisted they help you with that.
Sure, it was a decently paying job, and you were thankful for that opportunity, but... was it enough? They certainly deserved so much better than what you could give them, right?
Funnily enough, you'd made the mistake of having that same thought about two months ago. You'd expressed that you felt a little lacking in terms of how much you did and nearly took on a second job.
It's not like you needed it. You just felt like you weren't working hard enough.
Of course, Steph and Caitlin were quick to tell you otherwise and prove it. You made sure there was always company at home. You were there for them in ways any other person couldn't be. You always had a fresh, cooked, healthy meal for them.
You still worked your butt off with your current job. You earned nearly half the income in the house. On top of that, the house was always in top shape. You did maintenance, yard work, cleaning, organising, laundry. To them, that was more than enough.
So you kept that one to yourself, knowing you'd only be told otherwise and made a promise to yourself to work on that one later. Maybe a volunteer position might ease that?
Everything you did, your girls were right there with you when they could be.
God, you loved them.
As dinner slows to soft chatter, and as soon as you put your fork down, about to stand to clear the table, both of them stand up, Caitlin grabbing the leftovers to container them and put them away for later, Steph grabbing the dishes to put in the sink to wash.
You watched them move around the kitchen with ease, occasionally ribbing each other lightly, playful banter in the air as they cleaned up.
This was just a routine you'd have to get used to. You get scolded every time you try to do the dishes after dinner.
"Nuh uh, you cooked for us and cleaned all day. Pretty butt in chair baby, we'll finish this."
You took the opportunity to go and start the next load of laundry while they did that, not wanting to sit still for too long.
You hear footsteps pad from behind you into the laundryroom. And you turn to look at Steph, who's now leaning against the doorway, watching you.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, just admiring." A small smile pulling at her lips.
You shake your head slightly and bend down to pick up the next basket to move it, but a pair of hands pull you up, spin you around, and press you against the washing machine.
Steph quickly takes your lips with her own, and it just about knocks the air from your lungs. She lifts you to sit on the machine, and her hands are hot on your thighs, keeping you as close as possible.
Your legs wrap around her, and you chuckle softly as she immediately goes for your neck again.
She had a thing for leaving marks on you. Not that you minded. You never really had anything to do in town and were easy enough to cover when you did. Plus, you enjoyed the feeling of both of them claiming you like this.
Her mouth trails over the junction of your neck and shoulder, teeth pulling at the skin and lips soothing the ministrations. Your hands slip up the back of her shirt, gently scratching the skin where you know it riles her up.
Her grip on your legs tightens a little as you do so, fingers digging into the skin, leaving you keening as she kisses you again.
Her tongue dips between your lips, leaving you whimpering softly, melting completely into her.
"You're so fucking sexy dressed like this baby. You have no idea how much I love seeing my name on your back."
You breathlessly chuckle as she returns to work on your neck.
"Oh, I think I have a little idea."
At that, she pulls you to the edge of the machine, nudging you to lift your hips as she pulls your underwear off from beneath you.
"I'm sure we can remedy that then and give you the full idea."
She drops to her knees, pulling her hair back with a hair tie and a small wink that, if you'd been standing, would have taken your knees out from under you.
Thankfully, the window in the laundry room is frosted, so it's not entirely obvious to the outside world what you're doing.
"Jesus baby, you're killing me."
Her breath fans your centre as she pulls you right to the edge of the machine. Her eyes meet yours as she wiggles her brows at you and you laugh.
"All in a days work."
"Yeah, yeah, now hush and fuck me."
Steph kisses at your inner thigh, a teasing smile on her lips. "So demanding."
With that, she kisses at your clit, tongue peaking out to swipe up your slit.
Your head lulls back, and you lean back fully on your hands with a soft moan. One hand moves to grip the back of her head as she moves her tongue in zigzags, moving just enough to work you up, but in no way near enough to finish from it.
"Steph." It comes out as a soft sigh, almost pleading with her.
"Shh baby, we've got time."
Her tongue lazily drags up your taste into her mouth as her lips wrap around your clit to suck gently.
You look down to make eye contact with her, fingers running through the loose hair, gripping it slightly. It makes you moan a little louder this time as she dips her tongue inside you.
"And to think, you told me you were just helping her do laundry."
You meet Caitlin's eye in the doorway, wondering how long she'd been standing there off to the side.
Steph pulls away for a moment, making you whine softly.
"Was wondering when you were gonna get in here."
"Baby, please." You urge Steph's head back towards you.
She tuts playfully at you, hands pressing your legs wider, as she signals your other girlfriend to join her. Caitlin just shakes her head.
"You said you could make her cum harder. Prove it."
"Technically, you said that, I only said it wasn't true in your case."
You groan out, a little frustrated now.
"Guys, fuck the techinicalities, can one of you please just continue, your head is between my legs, you should be making me cum, not arg- shiiitt"
Steph dives in just about straight away. This time, it's much more aggressive and leaves you bucking your hips against her face.
One hand slips away from your inner thigh and moves to press two digits to your entrance. Her fingers dip inside slow, teasing, and it sends tingles up your spine.
Her arm moves with her thrusts, bicep tensing with each stroke. Steph feels you clench around her fingers and speeds up her strokes to match your hips thrusting against her.
Her other arm has to eventually move to hold you down, though, in order to keep her mouth where you need it.
Your hips start to jerk a little more, and as her fingers curl just right inside you, you clench tightly. She knows you're close and speeds up a little, tapping your g-spot, throwing you closer as your chest starts to rise and fall rapidly.
Her tongue zigzagging harshly over your clit is what sends you over with a squeaked cry, curses tumbling from your lips.
Your toes curl, your eyes are clenched shut, and your fingernails bite into your palms as your orgasm crashes through you.
What Steph hadn't seen as she fucked you was Caitlin leaving the doorway and returning a second later. With something in hand.
She spots the forward, now wandering into the room with a short sleeve black away jersey.
As you come down from the high, a little hazey from the impromptu orgasm, you see Caitlin and spot whats now in her hand.
"We're gonna run a little experiment, baby, tonight is all about you."
You lift your head off the wall with a slight kink in your brow.
"Like y'all don't do that ceremoniously every other night."
Her hand comes up to rest on your cheek, thumb tugging gently at your bottom lip.
"But, if you let me finish, we see who can make you cum harder in who's jersey."
You whimper slightly, at the same time Steph removes her fingers from you and stands to your level.
"You get to cum as much as you want, but, at the end of each orgasm, give us a rating."
"Seriously?" You look at them a little unimpressed, you weren't physically prepared for tonight by any means and plus, they know well and true that you won't be able to answer them after the fifth or so orgasm.
Steph moves back to stand between your legs and kiss at your neck, mumbling into your ear.
"We can take it easy, and take as long you like baby, but you'll be cumming later either way."
You huff slightly before nodding.
"Jesus, you're both gonna be the death of me." You murmur, closing your eyes as her teeth nip at the new unmarked skin.
"Then, 7/10, the mouth work was 10/10, but the location was questionable. My ass hurts now too."
Her lips detach from your neck, and she pulls away with a pouty look on her face. "Sorry baby, rating's a rating."
With that, you feel a new pair of hands grab your legs.
You sit up to kiss Caitlin as she hikes you into her arms, lifting you off the machine completely and walking you to the bedroom, Steph trailing behind.
Your arms tighten around her neck, pulling her down with you as she tries to set you down, and you giggle softly at the look on her face when she lands on top of you.
She's nestled between your legs, and her hands keep her from entirely leaning on you, though you put an end to that and pull her down onto you, keeping your legs tight around her to take her full weight.
She smirks against your lips, and her hand slips between you, riding up under the black jersey. She grabs at your chest, palming it as she leans off to the side slightly to get more access.
You moan as she works at your chest, kneading and pinching at your nipple.
Suddenly, her weight disappears off you as she sits up and pulls you with her. You barely register her hands, pulling one jersey off and replacing it with her own.
The moment it's back on, you're pushed backwards again. This time, she's settled on either side of your left leg, straddling it. Her hands pull her own shirt off with you staring at her stomach as she does so.
She chuckles at your expression and leans down to capture your lips again.
Caitlin's hand moves between your legs, and you jolt slightly, still a little sensitive. Her finger rubs slowly at your clit, making you sigh softly into her mouth.
She pulls away with a small nip to your lower lip and kisses to your collarbone and slips down to level with your pussy.
You feel the bed shift to your left. It's Steph, but she doesn't move to touch you. You beckon her over, but she doesn't move, only shakes her head no at you.
You whine softly, "Why not?"
"Because we're not allowed to touch you while the other is doing her thing, those are rules, sorry baby."
You huff slightly, "Fuck the rules."
Caitlin raises a brow at Steph.
"Or you could let her do her thing and fuck you instead?"
You almost protest, but Caitlin's tongue interrupts you.
Her first swipe makes you let out a breathy sigh. Her next is much harsher, and you moan into the cool night air. She dives straight into you after that, and your head drops to the pillow beneath it, eyes clenched shut.
She works you up the same as the defender had, but when she sneaks two fingers into your entrance, you notice she's paired it with something else and it sends heat straight to your gut at the thought.
It's a vibrating ring.
When she snuck that on, you had no idea, but that thought quickly gets wiped away, as she fully pushes the first two fingers in and holds her third tight to the other two.
You can hear Steph protest from next to you.
"Cheating little shit."
Caitlin just winks cheekily at her and doubles her efforts. To your credit, you hold off for as long as you can, but in the end, her lips sucking harshly at your clit is what sends you over. And fast.
Caitlin has a smirk on her face as she brings you down. And when she pulls away, you give her a joking thumbs up.
"8/10, sneaky choice with the ring, but didn't it last long enough. Great mouth work, still wearing pants, though."
Steph growls at that.
"What happened to no outside influence?"
Caitlin shrugs, a cheeky grin on her face.
"It was technically inside her."
Steph huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Fine, how about we rework the rules since you so clearly won't stick to them. We'll make so we can use any toy to make her cum."
She turns to you, which you'd been watching them with hooded eyes and a small amused smile on your face.
"What about you, baby? Any input?"
"You know I'm not gonna have input, babe, I'm here for the orgasms and the entertainment."
She rolls her eyes and turns back to Caitlin.
"Well? What's your input?"
Caitlin taps her fingers on her chin, pretending to think for a moment.
"We can use anything?"
Steph sighs and nods.
"Within reason and at the discretion of Y/n."
Caitlin immediately sticks her hand out.
Steph raises both brows at her before shaking her hand and her own head at the girl. You giggle at the two. Your goofballs.
"Alright, back in a second."
She steps off the bed and heads into the walk-in wardrobe, pulling out a box you know all too well. She pulls off the lid and tosses it, setting the box down at the end of the bed before kneeling to dig through it.
You wiggle your way down, leaning on your elbows to look over at what she's pulling out. She goes to grab a small vibrator but stops when she notices you watching her.
She quickly shoos you back up the bed, and you whine but do so. She pulls out a few objects that you can't see and leaves them layed out on the carpet where you can't get a glimpse from your position.
The first thing she does is grab the blindfold and shift up the bed, straddling your waist. Damn, you were banking on her not doing that.
You sit up obediently, and she ties it around your head tightly, making sure to shift it so there's no chance for you to peak.
"This stays on for the rest of tonight, so there's no chance she sees what we're about to do. Senses heightened kind of thing. Tends to make you cum harder."
You hear Caitlin speak up from beside you.
"Eye contact is pretty hot though."
Steph scoffs.
"Good luck getting her to keep it."
You make a mock offended noise.
"Excuse me." You huff.
"Yeah, no, sorry babe, you kind of make it difficult when you won't sit still long enough." Caitlin chuckles slightly.
"Yup." Is Steph's answer and you pout softly.
She shifts off you and the bed moves as she steps off it. You hear some rustling for a bit before she gets back onto the bed.
"Turn over on your stomach."
You do so carefully as to not just fall off the bed, and Steph's hands guide your hips up slightly to slip a pillow beneath them.
A bottle lid is cracked open, and you assume it's lube.
"We agreed no butt stuff, right?"
Two seconds of silence.
"Baby, we talked about this, and been there done that was a big no, so yes, it's a no, no butt stuff."
"Just double checking" There's a little tone behind it. Steph sighs slightly, and Caitlin stifles a laugh.
"Alright, so the brat tone ends now."
"Geez sorry." You work out why she says it pretty quickly.
A smack to the left cheek makes you jump slightly.
Another smack to the right cheek.
"Yes Ma'am."
You can hear your other girlfriend snort behind her hand and your cheeks burn as you realise what you said.
"Not what I meant, but that's a better answer." You hear the surprised but amused tone behind it.
Steph continues, and you feel her fingers dip into you, the lube cold, and it sends shivers up your spine, and you sigh into the pillow.
There's some more rustling as Steph leans back off you for a second.
"God, Steph, you're gonna kill the poor girl."
That makes you perk up again suddenly.
"Caitlin." It's said in a more stern tone.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Yes, Ma'am." She says it jokingly, and your cheeks only go redder at that.
You whine into the pillow lightly.
"Can we please drop that? It was in the heat of the moment."
"I'll think about it." Yeah, no, she's not gonna let that one go.
"Oh for the love of fuck Cait, please?"
"I said I'd think about it." Her tone is mocking yours now.
"Will you stop shit stirring?" Steph's a little annoyed by now.
You snort.
It's a not so soft smack now. And you yelp.
"Okay, sorry...Ma'am... Sorry, Ma'am."
"Are you done?"
"Caitlin." It's her final warning tone.
You assume Caitlin at least acknowledges that silently because you feel Steph's hands move your legs apart, and she kneels between them.
At first, you think it's the vibrator she went to grab earlier, but it feels much bigger than that, and it's definitely not any dildo you own or the red and white strap you have for that matter either.
You can tell it's a strap, though, judging by the fact you can feel Steph lean over you as she pushes the tip in.
It stretches you out enough that you have to gulp in air as she moves in slowly, eventually bottoming out, hips against your own.
"That's it, just breathe baby, you're doing so well. You can take it. I know you can." That has you whimpering as you grit your teeth and bury your face into the pillow below you.
You wiggle your hips a little to adjust to the stretch of it.
"That's a girl. Take your time."
Your hips push back a little, and you relax a bit more to take it better.
"Good girl." It's a little breathy now, and it sends goosebumps up your arm, and you keen under the praise. Her lips press soft kisses to your back and shoulder, a comforting touch when you need it.
She slowly pulls out and pushes back in. Her hips move carefully, letting you feel it drag against your insides as you calm your breathing to relax more and let the strap in better.
Her thrusts speed up a little, hips slapping against yours a little harder now, and you moan softly into the pillow.
The thrusts start moving faster, into more of a pounding motion, and she grabs your hair to turn your head to the side, away from the pillow muffling you.
"No hiding those noises from us, baby. Let them out. We want to hear you nice and loud."
That's paired with a particularly harsh thrust, and you cry out. She readjusts her hips, thrusting in at the new pace, and her arm wraps around your neck, pulling you back into her body while the other holds her up beside you.
The new angle makes the strap hit and brush against your g-spot and with a renewed vigor at that. You're moaning loudly and in time with her thrusts now.
She's fucking you so hard, the bed starts to shift a little, the frame rocking in time with you both.
Your legs start to shake around her, and she feels the resistance with every thrust.
"Taking my strap so well for me, baby, you wanna cum?"
Her voice is murmured next to your ear, breath hot on your skin.
"So c-close, p-please!"
You stutter each time her hips slap against your ass.
Steph sits back slightly, hand now pushing against the back of your neck, holding you against the mattress.
"Go ahead then, baby girl, cum on my strap, cum for me."
It only takes a moment, and her words make the knot in your stomach snap. Your vision goes white under the darkness of the blindfold, and your mouth drops open with a loud cry.
Steph's thrusts become a little ragged, but she pushes down her own orgasm and slows her high, instead continuing to help bring you down with slow thrusts.
She stops when you whine a bit. Your back rises and falls rapidly with your head buried back in the pillow.
A moment passes, and you're still silent.
Caitlin is now leaning forward on her elbows, sitting in a chair facing the bed, and her pupils have dilated from watching you both.
She watches as Steph leans down carefully, so as not to move her hips. She kisses your shoulder softly.
"You okay?"
You don't move, and you're silent for a second.
"...gimme a minute..."
A smug smile crosses Steph's lips.
"Take all the time you need, sweet girl."
You don't even have to see her face to know it's there. Her voice is enough to know.
"...I think... my deaf grandmother could have heard the smugness in your voice then."
Caitlin recovers enough to snicker at that.
Steph shoots you both a glare, you can feel it burning into the back of your head, and she purposefully jerks her hips, which makes you yelp slightly.
"Baaabe, geez, you just made cream on your cock, be happy."
Caitlin has to hold in a bigger laugh.
"Baby, from my perspective here. If you want to be able to sit on your ass tomorrow, I suggest shutting your mouth. Just, ya know, if Steph's expression is anything to go by."
Steph rolls her eyes.
"Fucking brat."
"Me? Pft never." There's a small smile pulling at your lips now.
Dead silence.
You feel her lean down, her breath fanning your neck, and you tilt your head slightly.
"Sorry.. I love you? 9.5 out of 10, couldn't watch you fucking me but I'm very grateful you made me cum. In fact so grateful, I'll be a good girl for the rest of the night...?" You let out a nervous laugh with it.
A soft chuckle in your ear.
"That's what I thought."
She sits up again.
"Still could have gone without the blindfold, though."
"Babe, oh my fucking god. Mouth." There's laughter behind it.
Steph just sighs... and pulls out without warning. Fast.
It leaves you shakingly empty, and you release any air you have left in your lungs.
"Jeeeesus fucking christ."
Two spanks to the left and right cheeks swiftly make you close your mouth.
"Alright, my turn." A thud where Caitlin suddenly gets up and goes to the end of the bed. Steph moves away from you and off the bed with a shaky wobble.
You sit up and pull Steph's jersey off, knowing the course of action now. You hold it out in the direction you think she is, and you hear her laugh from your other side.
Your face flushes.
"Sorry." And you hold it out in the direction of where she was laughing from. She takes it from your hand.
"That's okay, baby."
You can hear Caitlin moving things around in the crate. A couple of items drop onto the bed. One of them jingles slightly and you have a feeling you know exactly what that was.
"Okay!" And she claps her hands together.
"You good?" You ask, mainly concerned she might have lost it somewhere between Steph railing you and finding the handcuffs in the crate.
"Perfect, why?". "Also, you can turn over for me. Leave the pillow under your hips." You can hear the evil grin on her face as you do so.
"No reason." You flash your best innocent smile.
"Jesus, Caitlin, if I didn't end the poor girl, you will."
"Oh, don't you start." You laugh at that.
You hear Steph get up from her spot on the chair. And a small kissing noise.
"I'm sorry baby, proceed."
She returns to her seat.
"I'm gonna combust here if you wait any longer."
"You don't start with me either, because I can make this very complicated for you if you decide to get bratty with me."
"I can't help it. The 9.5/10s bring it out in me."
You hear Steph spit take. You were gonna get it now.
It took about three hours overall. But it finally comes to an end. In the end, it's Steph who lasts the longest, but you nearly called it quits three orgasms ago.
Caitlin ends up with a leg cramp and has to throw in the towel. Your stubborn girlfriends finally managed to get it out of their system for the night.
Though they do end up bickering about who's jersey you should sleep in and you just sigh and order them to just grab you a plain Arsenal hoodie. They're more comfy anyway.
They're idiots sometimes, but they're your idiots. Your extremely territorial, competitive idiots.
You never did end up telling them who won.
Oh god it's so fucking long, im sorry 😭
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mydearzero · 2 years
Come As You Are | J.M. x Reader
Summary: You and Joel have a run in with a Clicker and he's not amused by the way you handled the situation. Your dad doesn't know what happened, but forces you to fix things between you and Joel. He might just have to teach you a lesson, you'll have to show him you're as tough you think you are.
Warnings: dadbsf!Joel, fem!Reader, age gap, smut, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), NO Y/N, cockwarming, praise kink, degradation, dacryphilia, rough sex, creampie, choking, talk about contraceptives, angry & mean Joel - If I missed any warnings please tell me!
4.8K words
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The pharmacy's windows were broken years ago. Moss had begun growing over the shards of glass left in the frame. Your mind flashed back to the early days after the breakout. The shared panic felt throughout the entirety of society strangely brought everybody together, and goods and supplies were distributed equally, to an extent. Only in the beginning, though.
Either way, it meant there wasn't much left on the shelves as Joel and you made your way inside the building. Joel took the lead, gun loaded and pointed, but his finger was not on the trigger. When everything seemed to be in the clear, Joel walked in without sparing you a second glance. You knew to follow him at all times, but his silence spoke a thousand words.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected. Joel hadn’t spoken to you, not since last night. Hushed tones exchanged with your father upon his return were the only glimpses you could catch of his voice. You came to a silent, mutual agreement to go into a nearby pharmacy to get the needed supplies the morning after.
You scoped out the pharmacy, looking for anything that could prove itself useful while you were there anyways. Pregnancy tests might be on that list, you realized, stuffing more than you could need in your bag. Wouldn't hurt to take a couple when you got back to the house, just to be sure. You also took two cans of deodorant discarded behind a fallen rack. 
After finally finding the product you'd come for, the stupid Plan B, you took two pills and swallowed them dry. You stuffed the remaining pack in your bag, turning to Joel to suggest leaving. 
His eyes darted over to you quickly at your sudden movement. You raised your hands in defence and gave a tight smile, lips pressed together awkwardly. 
"You find 'em?"
Those were the first words Joel spoke to you, finally acknowledging your presence. You nodded and let him know you'd already taken two, for good measure. He nodded and walked down another aisle, presumably looking for left-over medical supplies. 
You did the same, walking in the opposite direction of where Joel had gone. You scanned the shelves, where nothing much but dust remained. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of a neglected box of condoms. You scoffed inwardly. Could've used those a day earlier. Should've taken them last time you were here. 
You looked around for Joel, seeing the back of his head stick out a couple of isles over. When you were confident he wasn't looking, you slowly put your bag on the floor and sank to your knees, condoms in hand. You reached for the zipper and tried opening it quietly so as not to alert Joel. You put the condoms next to the tests and reached to close your bag. Just as you were about to zip it, you heard a different, rattling noise in the distance. 
"Did you hear that?" You asked as your head whipped to look at the origin of the noise. It must've come from outside. Your hand was still on the zipper, ears straining to try and catch what you'd heard. You realized your mistake the second the words left your mouth. You might've grown slightly paranoid in the last few years, but there was no denying you recognized that sound. 
A Clicker. 
You zipped your bag as silently as you could and put it around your shoulders, getting yourself off the floor with the support of the shelf. Your eyes immediately met Joel's, who already had a finger to his lips, eyes warning. 
Shut up and stay there. 
Adrenaline coursed through your veins. Every fibre of your body yelled at you to run. Your feet were rooted to the floor, eyes glued on Joel. You watched as he inched forward, trying to get a look at where the Clicker was. When he didn't see it, he beckoned you over. 
You watched the floor for any obstacles that would alert the Clicker of your presence when you crept over to Joel. You knew if it heard you, even for a millisecond, it wouldn't stop searching until it found and killed you. Joel watched as you approached him painstakingly slowly. He pointed in the distance, and you followed his finger, seeing the stray Clicker near a few stores down the street. 
Joel must've decided it was far enough out of range to be able to hold a hushed conversation. "The second we get behind it, I want you to leg it. No hesitation, no turning around. Am I clear?" 
You nodded, but that didn't satisfy Joel. 
"I said. Am. I. Clear?" 
"Attagirl. Now follow me." 
You followed close behind Joel as he made his way out of the store in the most unobtrusive way. You felt your heart beat out of your chest. You could feel it beating all the way from your toes to your eardrums, and if you didn't know any better, you might've been scared it would've alerted the Clicker with how loud it was. You took ragged breaths in time with your steps, hoping to limit the intervals of potential sound. 
When you were parallel to the Clicker, Joel turned to you. It was on the other side of the street, but there wasn't anything but his broad form shielding you from the creature. He motioned for you to keep walking, and you were going to, really, you were. But the second he started making his way over to the Clicker, you knew you couldn't just leave him behind and run as you'd promised. 
You walked a few feet to ensure you were behind the Clicker, whose attention was on a songbird perched on the lamppost nearby. You watched as Joel walked within killing range. At moments like these, you were glad he was able to think on his feet, gun already loaded to the max and off the safety. 
He didn't dare to take his eyes off the Clicker now that he was this close, but he knew you hadn't run. You could see it in his posture, he was frustrated. You weren't going to hear the end of this, but you couldn't just leave him and not know whether he survived until he walked through the door unharmed. 
The next few seconds seemed to happen in slow motion. A rat walked by your feet aimlessly, squeaking. Your eyes widened as the Clicker screeched and turned its attention in your general direction. Joel made the mistake of turning around, meeting your panicked stare. The Clicker prowled towards him, and he acted quickly, firing at it. It didn't seem to do much but slow it down. 
When the Clicker came too close to Joel, you saw him panic for a split second. Your mind seemed to switch to survival mode, and you moved on autopilot. You rushed to get a can of deodorant out of your bag. You fished a lighter from your pocket and proceeded to scream at the top of your lungs. The Clicker whipped its head in your direction, shrieked and ran over to you, dashing straight past Joel. 
The man in question had a dreadful expression. You sprayed the deodorant and clicked the lighter in one fluid movement, igniting the Clicker. Your face was red-hot with the heat radiating from the beast engulfed in flames. Loud screeches and howls escaped the creature as it stumbled away from the both of you, burning alive. You watched with a slack jaw as Joel regained his composure and shot at it for good measure. When it stopped moving, he turned to you.
"What the hell was that? I explicitly told you to fucking run!" He growled. You'd never seen him this angry. Seriously? He was mad at you after you'd saved his ass? He didn't give you a chance to speak as he grabbed you by the collar and pulled you close so he was right in your face.  
Joel's jaw was clenched, the muscles in his neck straining as he struggled to stay composed. His eyes searched your face for any regret and responsibility. You looked into his enraged eyes before letting your gaze flicker to his lips. He sighed at the action, shutting his eyes tight and taking a few deep breaths before harshly releasing his grip on your clothes. You all but fell at his feet, scrambling your belongings together as he stalked towards the car you'd parked around the corner. 
His silent treatment returned when he drove back to the secluded house. He watched you, though. It'd been years since you'd been inside a proper, working car. He might be furious with you, but he too could appreciate the small, quiet delights life still brought. Witnessing you enjoying the soothing hum of the engine was enough. 
He pushed a cassette into the player and twisted the volume knob, filling the car with soft tunes for the remainder of your drive through the vast and empty countryside. You watched the horizon as the sun began to set. Just like that, another day seemed to have passed in a flash. 
When you returned, your dad had already begun cooking a late dinner. He asked how your run went, and you'd shrugged. Your dad didn't usually let you come with him, making you promise to lock down the house and have a gun by your side at all times. He was just glad to see you come home seemingly unscathed. Joel didn't mention the Clicker, probably for the better. As far as your dad knew, you'd gone to check the pharmacy for any leftover supplies, and that was all. You left it up to Joel to tell your dad whether you'd actually found something useful besides contraceptives. 
You ate dinner in more silence. You missed the sound of cars driving down the street, kids yelling, and loud music from your neighbour's high school band. Yet the one thing you wanted to fill the void was Joel's voice, telling you everything was going to be okay and that you did the right thing.                                                                               
Joel went to take a quick shower while you and your dad cleaned the kitchen. You heard him walk down the hall, coming into the kitchen. You made the mistake of taking your eyes off your task, washing the dishes, to look at him. You didn't care he was glaring at you, obviously still ticked off. He looked amazing with the droplets of his wet hair dripping down. 
He grabbed a can of beer and made his way to the living room. When the sound of his body dropping on the couch was heard, your dad turned to you with a stern gaze. 
"Look, I don't know what happened, but you need to talk to Joel. I'm gonna finish some maps for tomorrow and head to bed, but if things haven't been talked out by morning, there will be consequences. G'night." Your dad spoke, not leaving it up for discussion. He walked down the hall and shut his door, ending the conversation. You groaned, running your hands over your face in exasperation. 
You contemplated just heading to bed and leaving Joel to brood. You sighed when you thought about how upset your dad would be if you didn't fix things. Why did you have to be the responsible adult in this situation? Couldn't Joel try and fix things? Was this what his visible sour mood was about? To force you to take responsibility for something that wasn't even a problem in the first place? Fine. If he wanted to do things this way, then this way they would go. 
You put away the last of the dishes, giving yourself a few seconds to mentally prepare before heading into the living room to confront Joel. You watched his slouched form on the couch, eyes closed and head hung back. When you didn't say anything, he opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow.
"Well, you heard your dad, no?" He grumbled. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. It was almost unbelievable you'd almost considered apologising a few seconds ago. Joel clearly still felt like he was in the right. 
"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me, kid. You need to learn your place. That stunt you pulled this morning? You could've died." Joel pointed at you angrily. 
"This all could've been avoided if you kept it in your pants." You crossed your arms and poked the inside of your cheek with your tongue, awaiting his reaction. You knew the comment was crossing the line. You understood where he was coming from, but if he was going to be unreasonable, so were you. 
The silence that felt like a century was interrupted when Joel's eyes finally met yours.
"Sit down." 
You moved to sit next to him on the couch, but he tutted and gave a pointed look at his thigh. You searched his face for any emotion, whether it be lust or anger, but you found neither. He looked amused, even if only the twinkle in his eye gave it away. Your feet were rooted to the carpet. 
Joel sighed and leaned forward. Before you could react, he'd pulled you towards him, making you tumble forward and land on his lap. You let out a yelp of surprise, but Joel was quick to cover your mouth with his hand. 
"I can see why your dad wants you to learn how to shoot a gun. You're helpless and weak." He whispered in your ear as you got settled on his thighs. You grabbed his wrist with both hands to get his hand off your mouth.  
"I'm not weak." You finally spat when you'd pried his fingers off your lips. "Do you think I could've survived all these years if I were weak? Did I or did I not kill that Clicker?" You challenged, looking down at him from your position. The respect you had for the man you used to admire was slowly trickling down the drain. You cursed inwardly when you recognized the familiar warm feeling bubble in your stomach.
Joel looked at you with an expression you couldn't read, as usual. His brows were furrowed. "Y'think you're so tough, huh?" 
You didn't answer his mocking question. Your lips stayed pressed together as you held his gaze. You refused to give in to the rising tension. 
"Fine, don't talk. But you know I'm right. Y'wanna prove you're so tough? Fight me off then." He suggested. Your eyebrows furrowed, and he undoubtedly gained joy from your bewilderment. 
His hands clasped your wrists and pulled your arms apart. You struggled against his grip, but it was futile. You tried pushing your body away from him, tried standing up, but nothing seemed to work. His elbows held your legs down, digging into your thighs, hands still holding your wrists. Even when he was the one with his back against the couch, you were the one trapped. He saw the defeat in your eyes and smirked. He gave you a few more seconds to trash around before sushing you derogatorily. You stilled in his grip.  
"That's what I thought." He groaned. He leaned back and repositioned your legs to straddle him properly. Your heart was racing at the implication. He was so set on never talking about it again, yet here you were, back in an incriminating position. Joel released one of your wrists, adding it to his grip, now holding both wrists with one hand. The other went up to caress the back of your head, slowly pulling you to his chest. You felt his breath on your neck, and your eyes fluttered in anticipation. 
"Here's what's g'n happen. You're gonna be a good girl for me and stay real still and quiet. Think y'can manage that?" He questioned, hot breath sending shivers down your spine. You nodded frantically, in disbelief. 
He released your wrists, moving his hands between your bodies to undo his belt. You placed your hands on his shoulders, awaiting his actions. He was making moves to take off his jeans but struggled to get them off with you in his lap. 
"Take yours off, too." You hurried off him to make quick work of your jeans. He got rid of the layers separating your lower bodies and yanked you back onto him. 
While normally he would've prepared you before shoving inside, he felt that you didn't deserve it. You hadn't noticed how hard he was before, but once he was sheathed inside, it was hard to ignore. You yelped at the sudden intrusion. Joel from last night had been careful, too careful, maybe, to make sure you were okay. You thought back to the condoms still hidden away in your bag. Was it bad that you felt like not having mentioned them before was a good thing? 
You brought your hands to his chest and made moves to start grinding your hips against his, but Joel grabbed your waist harshly. You looked at him with furrowed brows. Did he not want you to start moving? 
"You're gonna sit here, on my cock, and you're gonna listen to me for once in your fucking life," Joel whispered. You stared at him in disbelief. He was gonna lecture you while his dick was inside you? 
"What you did this morning, that can't happen again, you hear me?" He smacked your ass lightly. Soft enough to not make much noise, hard enough to sting. You nodded, but it wasn't enough. 
"Yes, Joel. No, Joel. Sorry, Joel. That's how you reply. No nodding or shaking your head, understood?" He grabbed your chin firmly. You went to nod again, but the hand on your chin stopped you in your tracks. 
"Yes, Joel." 
"Good girl. Now we're gonna try again. This morning, never again. Agreed?" He didn't let go of your chin when he asked the question, but his other hand started rubbing the inside of your thigh.
"Yes, Joel. Won't let it happen again." You writhed in his lap, trying to subtly gain some friction, movement, anything to better feel his cock inside you. 
"Sit. Still. You don't get to move, don't get to cum, not until I say you can. You're gonna learn to listen to me." His face was vicious. He was still livid. It made you clench around him. Joel chuckled darkly at this. 
"You're un-fucking-believable, y'know that? Clenching around me like a little slut like that." His tone was nothing but derogatory. The degrading nickname only made it worse, but you had a feeling Joel already knew that.
"Joel, please." You whined, begging him to let you move. He shook his head and leaned back into the couch, waiting for you to shut up. You quickly got the hint, and a wicked smile spread over his face.  
"No matter the situation. You do as I say, understood, kid? I don't care if it's as stupid as me telling you to eat chicken instead of steak. What I say goes." Joel laid out the rules, and you nodded. You couldn't help but find it hot. The way he wanted to take care of you, keep you safe. You'd give up all autonomy if it meant pleasing him. 
"What'd I just fuckin' say about nodding? Repeat after me. You do as I say. What I say goes. No questions asked." Another light slap found its way to your ass. You had to bite your lip to keep another cry from escaping. 
"I do as you say. What you say goes. No questions asked." You repeated with a trembling voice.  
"Good girl. Now, remember what I said. You're gonna sit still and stay quiet." Joel demanded before lifting the bottom of your shirt over your head. You sat still as a statue, letting him explore your now fully naked figure. Joel watched you try to hold yourself in. 
When he flicked your nipples, you had to hold your hand over your mouth to obtain from making any noise. He toyed around with your breasts for a bit, sucking on your nipples as you tried to sit still. When his hand trailed downward, you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation. 
"Eyes on me," Joel demanded. You took an unsteady breath and opened your eyes, meeting his darkened eyes. His gaze didn't leave yours as he cupped your mound. He revelled as you fought your body's urge to buck your hips against his palm. He felt you squeezing around him when he slowly applied pressure to your clit. You struggled to keep your eyes open, wanting nothing more than to close them and throw your head back. 
You felt yourself get wetter around him, slowly soaking his cock and lap. You saw the mischievous glint in his eye before he suddenly bucked his hips just once. You moaned loudly, and Joel had had enough. He placed his free hand on your neck, fingers wrapping tightly and slowly cutting off your air supply. 
"I thought I told you to be fuckin' quiet." He growled as he leaned forward to spit the words in your face quietly. You couldn't form any words, brain short-circuiting with one hand around your neck, the other on your clit. Joel scoffed. 
"Desperate whore" He whispered under his breath. He threw you off his lap and onto your back on the couch. Your head hit the armrest forcefully, making the room spin. Joel didn't give you time to recover, hovering over you and shoving his cock back inside. He wrapped his hand back around your throat. 
"You're gonna shut up and take my cock. You better not make any fuckin' noise or your dad will come to see what a little slut his daughter is. Wouldn't want that, would you? Have your dad see his best friend fuck your cute little pussy?" Joel rambled in your ear when he finally started moving his hips. 
You placed your hands around his wrist. Not to take it off your neck, but to have some leverage as Joel pounded you further and further into the cushions of the couch. 
Joel looked lost in pleasure. The new position had his head poke at the best spot inside of you repeatedly. You had to find a solution, or you were gonna start screaming. 
"Joel," you stammered. You could hardly breathe. Joel's pistoning hips didn't still as he acknowledged your inquiring tone. A suppressed moan left you as you mustered up enough air to continue your request. 
"Kiss me, please." You begged hopelessly. He complied, tugging you forward by your neck and planting his lips on yours with a grunt. It was a mess of tongue and teeth, but it was enough to shut you up. The wet noises of his balls slapping against your cunt were audible over your haggard gasps. Low grunts came from Joel's chest as he focused on chasing the pleasure. 
He took his mouth off yours, probably for the better. You were starting to become overwhelmed, all your senses filled with Joel. Every thrust of his cock hit the right spot inside you, sending tingles up your spine. You felt your tits bounce to the rhythm of his movements. Strained moans were strangled in your throat as you refused to let them out. 
You felt the coil in your stomach wind up faster than you'd anticipated. Joel noticed too, as you clenched around him impossibly tight. He groaned as his grip on your neck tightened. He leaned forward to whisper in your ear. 
"Relax, baby. You're not coming yet. Not until I say so." He sneered.  
"Please, Joel. Can't. S'too much. Please." You whimpered. Tears started to form in your eyes at the mere thought of having to hold back. He dared to laugh at your desperation. A single tear ran down the side of your face as you felt yourself nearing the edge. 
"God, look at you. Fuckin' cryin' on my cock." Your mind went numb at his words, tears rolling freely from your eyes. You tried to hold back everything. Your moans, your orgasm. But not your tears. Joel seemed to appreciate it, pumping even harder. 
"So pretty, cryin' for me. Listenin' to me so good. Takin' my cock so well. Doin' what I tell you to. So good 'n quiet, just for me." Joel blabbered. Choked whines rose in your chest at his words. 
You felt yourself come closer and closer. You wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. One of Joel's hands reached down between your bodies and made contact with your clit, rubbing around it hastily.
"Cum for me," Joel grunted. His hand finally moved away from your throat, but before you could inhale deeply, it slapped over your mouth. He'd anticipated your body's reaction before it happened. The rush of air filling your lungs, combined with his fingers rubbing your clit and cock pounding away, was enough to finally send you over the edge. 
Your back arched off the couch as you wailed ferally against Joel's hand. It could only do so much to dampen the noise. Joel kept pumping inside you mercilessly. 
The feeling of you coming around him drove him crazy. Desperate for his own release, he was relentless with his thrusts. He wiped a few stray tears from your cheek when you'd quietened. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna come. You took the Plan B, right? In your bag? Tell me you took 'em with you." Joel was desperate for your answer. You nodded and Joel growled, landing a smack against your tit. 
"Yes or no?" He pounded against your most sensitive spot over and over, awaiting a verbal answer. Though you were too sensitive and overstimulated, you could feel another orgasm creeping up at lightning speed.
"Yes, took them. They're in my bag. Also brought condoms." You replied deliriously. You gasped for air when Joel got confirmation he was safe to come inside again. Against your better judgement, you were glad you'd forgotten about the condoms. 
"Fuckin' slut. Told you we couldn't do this again. Wanted me to fuck you so bad you brought fuckin' condoms." Joel groaned. You hoped your dad was asleep by now because Joel was disregarding his own rule. His grunts increased in volume, and you felt your stomach tighten again. 
"Had condoms and still let me fuck you raw. Knew better. Know I'm gonna cum inside. Fill you up. Such a little whore for my cum." Joel was hysterical now, desperate to cum himself. 
"Know you have another one in store for me, baby. C'mon, be a good girl. Come on my cock." He increased the speed of his thrusts, angling his hips and pressing a hand to your lower stomach. Your hands found their way to his biceps, nails scratching the skin as you latched onto him. 
"Shit, gonna come. Gonna fill- fuck- fuckin' hell, so pretty, so good for me." His thrusts faltered as he throbbed inside you, filling you with his spend. The sensation was enough to give you your second orgasm, milking all the cum from his cock as you squeezed around him. Your vision went white. 
You were sure you blacked out for a minute. Joel was whispering to you, stroking the side of your face until you came to. He pulled out of you carefully, knowing you'd probably be overstimulated and sore. 
You expected him to give the whole 'We can't do this again, talk about it and I'll kill you' talk again, but he didn't. Instead, he told you he was sorry for being so rough on you. He walked to the bathroom and got a washcloth with warm water, wiping you down carefully. 
"I'm sorry for being so harsh. Know you tried to do what you thought was best. But please, in the future, run. I can handle myself, and I'm not trying to be mean when I say I'm not sure you can. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died for my sake, baby girl." Joel finally spoke. 
You pecked his lips softly and told him you understood. "Know that it works the other way around, too, Joel. I don't wanna see you die, especially not if it's to protect me." 
Joel tucked you into bed before going to sleep on the couch. 
The next morning, the tension was no longer present. Your dad noticed and seemed glad the two of you had made up. 
'If only he knew' you thought, swallowing a tiny white pill with some water just out of his view. 
___ TAGLIST: @totalfinalgirl @s1xthirty @playboyjoestar
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azzypzazzy · 10 days
hear me out… schlatt helping you relax after finals (its finals for summer semester i am dying rn)
ok so i misread this and didn’t see the after finals but i refuse to go rewrite everything because i am sleepy. hope finals went well and you enjoy regardless <3
smut warning btw!! it’s not too explicit, but it’s under the cut. dont wanna read it? don’t. it’s also my first one, so it might be bad
Droopy eyes stared at your laptop, blue light reflecting onto your face. All you had to do was finish the chapter, you just had to finish it and hope to retain enough to lazily reread the rest later. That’s all you had to do. 
You grabbed your water bottle, sipping down the reminds of a cheap energy drink you got this morning, when you were a far more ambitious woman. Maybe if you drank enough of these you could have a heart attack and sue. Drop out and live your limited years on some beach making stupid decisions, instead of this. 
That’s it. You can’t do this anymore. You would just have to continue tomorrow, because if you spent another second trying to read the mess in front of you you’d explode. 
Was there anything else vaguely productive you could do? You weren’t gonna sit and do any more work, but you still had to do something. You switched over to your email, leaving your study tabs open “for later”. You seriously have to check this thing more often, 223 unread? You skimmed through them, deleting as you went. Fortunately, most were only from Google Classroom or websites you landed on the spam list for, meaning you didn’t miss anything. Anything except an email from some guy in your Spanish II? Spanish II. You never should’ve taken that awful class. It wasn’t even required, but you took it regardless, and you were too deep in to drop. You opened it, confused on what it could even be. 
Eric Thompson <[email protected]>  to: me Found a great quizlet for the exam https://quizlet.com/940117849/spanish-2-flash-cards/. Please let me know if anyone's having a study session (I’m desperate.) 
This just felt cruel. Like a cruel sign reminding you you were gonna fail, and probably him too. And for some odd reason, this email seemed to be the thing which made you realize that. 
You shut your laptop, grabbing your phone. Before you could even think, you went to Schlatt. 
to: Schlutt busy?
You set your phone down, leaning back in your chair. You just needed to relax a bit, that’s all. One night off and you’d be back. 
You grabbed your phone, realizing Schlatt already responded. Maybe you weren’t the only one having a rough night. 
from: Schlutt  Nope. You
to: Schlutt just exhausted
from: Schlutt  Want me to come over?
to: Schlutt please
from: Schlutt Be there in five
You opened the door, immediately going in for a tight hug, “Hi!” 
“Hey, missed you,” Schlatt said, resting his head on the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, me too,” you whispered, taking a deep breath. God, he smelled good. Did he usually smell like this? Must be a new cologne. 
After a moment you pulled away, letting him in your cramped dorm. You turned around, realizing how much of a mess your room actually was. “Sorry for the mess, I’ve just been so busy with finals and completely forgot to clean.” 
Schlatt shook his head, taking a seat on your bed, “No worries, not like I gave you much time. This is nothin’, you should see mine.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I want to,” You grinned, sitting next to him. “Finals beating your ass too?” 
“Yeah,” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Trying not to think about it for a bit.” 
Now that you’re looking, his head was pretty messy today. Most of him was, and it definitely fit. “Well, we’ve got time. Chloe’s not here,” you whispered, leaning a head on his shoulder. 
He smiled, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, “Then maybe we could watch a movie or somethin’?” 
“Sounds good to me,” you stood up, moving to your desk. You paused, looking at the mess of papers and trash which piled up in the past few days. You unplugged your laptop, opening it to close out your previous window, “Netflix?” 
“Sure,” he replied, eyes fixated on you as you sat back down next to him. He shifted over, allowing the two of you to lay down on the small space. 
You grabbed one of your pillows, using it as a table on your lap for the laptop. “Anything you wanted to watch?” You asked, entering the search bar. 
“Up to you, toots.” Toots. You felt your stomach flip, face looking straight forward to avoid the embarrassment of Schlatt seeing how flustered you were over a simple nickname. 
You nodded, scrolling until you landed on some old detective show, hoping it would be plain enough to bore him, “How’s this?” You clicked on it, “Says it’s a crime drama series following two detectives who have to solve a case 21 years after it was closed.” 
His eyes never went to the screen, still watching you as you chose, “Perfect.” 
You weren’t sure how long you two had been watching this crap, but it had been long enough. There was no way you could even try to focus on the show, but you were far too nervous to make a move. 
Luckily, a warm hand reached your thigh under the covers, circling slowly. 
It didn’t take long for you to realize what Schlatt was doing. Leaned on him, glancing up at him from the corner of your eye to see him staring back. 
Within seconds you found your arms around his shoulders, ass on his lap, tongue in his mouth. 
Schlatt moaned into you, the kiss becoming sloppy and desperate. You pulled away, heart beating out of your chest, a rushed confession escaping your mouth, “I really like you, Schlatt.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, throbbing under you, “Love you too.” He planted a hand on your ass, his breath hot on your face, “So fuckin’ much.” 
You bit the bottom of your cheek to stifle a moan, before wrapping him into another frantic kiss. Schlatt fingers gripped your hair, pulling you in closer. He was seriously gonna be the death of you. 
You slid a hand under his shirt, able to feel his heart erratically beating under your touch. His lips left yours, panting. You rested your forehead on his temple, admiring his eyes. Fuck. Without thinking, your free hand slipped to his shorts, toying with the waistband. 
Schlatt tilted his head back, mumbling a plea. You stopped, looking up at him with a cocky grin, “You’re gonna need to speak up.” 
“Please,” he looked back down at you. 
Now this was a sight. The way his chest rose and fell, the way his eyes shined in the low light, it all was perfect, and you could feel it. Days of pent up tension and stress weighing on the both of you, begging to be released. 
okay i got tired and gave up. hope it was okay though!! maybe ill continue it eventually not sure be nice please
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takecareluv · 2 years
hi hi, can you do something with vin where he’s just have a bad few days and he wakes up on day and is just clingy and soft spoken with reader all day, and reader is like ???? you’re kind of annoying me but more so freaking me out wtf is wrong with you???? and just something that ends super fluffy. i feel like i always see the guy take care of the reader when they’re sad or stressed but never the other way around and i think it could be cute
cuddle day || vinnie hacker x reader
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vinnie had been having a rough few days. first, he was getting over a bad head cold that kept him from attending not one, but two events he had been looking forward to for several months. and now he just received word that something had gone wrong in the production of his upcoming collection for purgatory, and the release would have to be pushed back another six weeks.
to say vinnie wasn't in the best mood would be an understatement. 
but one thing he would never do is take that out on you. in fact, you were his saving grace during times like these.
it was common knowledge that you and vinnie were an extremely affectionate couple, it was just how you showed your love for each other; but when one of you was feeling down or unwell, that affection grew to a whole other level. some saw it to be a little too clingy, but neither of you minded. all it meant was some extra cuddles and taking care of the love of your life, and how could you say no to that?
 you had woken up a little earlier than usual on this particular morning, wanting to get a head start on the long list of things you had been putting off and desperately needed to get done. 
you expected to have an extremely productive day, that is until you felt vinnie’s strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his body so you were trapped by his warmth, unable to get out bed and begin getting ready for the day like you originally intended. “stay, please.” he mumbled into his pillow, not even bothering to open his eyes, probably still half asleep. and how could you say no to your adorable boyfriend and his raspy morning voice a total weakness of yours when he was begging you to stay and cuddle. 
your to-do list could wait. 
you leaned into his touch, wrapping yourself back under the covers, although you didn’t much need it from the way vinnie was like a human radiator, keeping you warm and cozy almost always.
“you okay, bub?” you hummed, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before nuzzling your head into his neck.
“just need you today. stay with me please,” he faintly whispered.
“of course, baby. i’m not going anywhere, promise.” you cooed, your hands instinctively running through his curls knowing that always soothed him. “you wanna talk about it?” you asked gently, not wanting to press him.
he shook his head in response, “just want to cuddle.”
“okay, love. we can cuddle all day if that’s what you want. i’m here.” you felt his body further relax at your words. you realized he probably just needed a distraction from all the craziness going on from the last week, or more so last year, of his life.
you grabbed your phone from the bedside table, placing an order at one of vinnie’s favorite breakfast spots, getting his usual burrito and yourself a bagel. once the order was confirmed, you turned your phone to silent, wanting to devote all your attention to your sweet boy today.
knowing your boyfriend like the back of your hand, you knew exactly what he needed on a day like this.
cuddles, check.
his favorite foods, check. you even made a mental note to make a batch of your famous homemade chocolate chip cookies he adored so much, that is when he lets you out of his hold.
next thing he needed was an anime to watch; that was something that never failed to comfort him on his worst days. especially ones he particularly loved as a child. you quickly flipped on the tv, opening up netflix, and searching for his current favorite show. that’ll surely keep his mind distracted, you thought to yourself. 
and the last thing he always needed on a day like this: family.
there was no doubt about it that vinnie was in fact a momma’s boy, and with that being said, you made sure to send a short message to maria letting her know how vin was feeling and that he might need a call from his beloved mother later that day.
she was quick to respond with a simple praise, thanking you for letting her know and always being so caring towards her eldest son. i’m so happy he has found someone who loves him as much as i do. thank you for being there for him when i can’t. 
you smiled after reading the text, sending her a few hearts before turning your attention back to the ever so clingy boy next to you. “i love you so much, vin. i’ll always be here for you.” 
you watched as he titled his head up to face yours, a small smile spread across his lips. “i love you too. thank you for everything.” he quietly responded, placing a soft kiss on the top of your shoulder before cuddling closer to you. neither of you moving for the remainder of the day. 
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snoopyana · 7 months
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one day.
the prequel.
“who’s truly to blame when it all came crashing down?”
so gone, over them. you had cut all contact, because truthfully it had left you in a state of despair. falling victim to such a cruel scenario. but who’s fault is that? it had taken you so long to even start to recover, and it took him five words to get through to you.
song eunseok or park wonbin??
smut, angsty, inner monologue(it’s just me)
i got carried away with the colors, forgive me.
you wanted to be able to say it didn’t affect your life, but it did. he changed your life. and you were still struggling to accept it. finding yourself getting jumpy at the mere thought of him. of them. some part of you had hope that he’d come back and apologize. but something deep down told you to just forget it. forget the one night that left you undeniably scarred.
but who exactly did you want to see?
eunseok or wonbin.
whilst unpacking groceries, the silence consumed your mind as your hands gripped onto a few boxes. you had thrown some of his favorites into your cart subconsciously. placing them in the back of the pantry, you continued to unload the products. it was late, around 10PM. opting to do late night runs to avoid the crowds. and to lower the chances of seeing him. it seemed like after it all happened, he was everywhere.
no, they were everywhere.
as you placed items into your fridge, a knock rang through the apartment. no one was supposed to swing by. who would swing by at this time? placing whatever you had in your hands onto the counter, you made way to the door. cracking it open just enough to see who was there, assuming they were at the wrong door.
“hello?” you spoke through the crack, looking up to meet his gaze and in that moment — it was almost as if the world stopped spinning. was he really at your door? what did he possibly want from you? there was silence, a ringing in your ears as you held your breath. staring at his face. a face that you desperately tried to forget, but couldn’t.
“can i come in?” he spoke in a whisper, your grip on the door left your knuckles a faint white, letting his words float around your mind. “no.” a no so shaky that it could compete with a 7.9 earthquake, and win. your face also being so hot, steam was practically coming from your cheeks.
nodding his head, he took a moment before speaking, again in a whisper — not wanting anyone to hear. “i’m so sorry for showing up out of the blue,” giving you time to process his words before continuing, “i just felt like we’ve pushed this whole thing off for far too long.” it made you mad that he was right. you hadn’t spoken to anyone since then and it’s been doing more harm than good. eating you alive every second of the day.
and he knew that.
“no we don’t. there’s nothing to talk about .” lies flowed from your lips. come on now, really? you had nothing to say to him? eyes fixated on the ground beneath you. you hadn’t even spoke to sungchan, shotaro, anton, the fucking list goes on. but they probably know what happened by now. wonbin was always one to talk about what happened in your relationship..
he searched for his words, his usual chill demeanor being replaced with one of guilt. guilt overcoming his sense as he tried to put together the reason he was here without sounding like a complete loser.
he was there to beg for forgiveness.
staring down at you, the male took in a shaky breath. “i don’t have all day.” lifting your head, eyes scanning his face, he finally spoke. “i’m gonna be honest with you, i was gonna say it was all my fault, but we need to stop lying to ourselves.” he stopped, conjuring up his next set of words , “everyone took advantage of the situation. and you just couldn’t control yourself.” as he spoke, he thought about what happened that night. but all you could think about was how he’s attempting to blame you for your misfortune. yeah, you knew what had happened was wrong. but you weren’t in the right state of mind. and he knew that.
five months prior.
“this is your fault by the way. should have gone home.” eunseok spoke while standing along side a wide-eyed wonbin. he was crying. you had never seen him cry before. watching as he sniffed, tears rolling down his reddened cheeks. your eyes drifted away from his face, and down to his clutched fists.
was this really happening?
your mouth was dry, hands clammy as they rested on your sides. the silence was fucking sickening. “hurry up, we’re going home.” was all he said, slamming the vehicles door shut. in that moment you realized just how bad it was looking for you. reaching for your pants, talking could be heard through the door. just loud enough for your ears to catch onto some of the conversation.
“why didn’t you just take her home”
“what can i say? golden opportunity”
“golden opportunity? oh my god. you’re fucking insufferable.”
“she’ll get over it.”
you in fact, did not get over it. actually, you did the opposite. wonbin breaking it off and you seeking pure isolation. it was a turning point in your life.
and you were now a rock stuck in a hard place. standing in your doorway, fighting back tears as you took in his face. but who was he?
oh, it was eunseok. didn’t i mention that? wasn’t it obvious?
wonbin wasn’t the one who used you to get off in the back of his car, now did he? wonbin wasn’t the one who used your fragile state of mind to get you to trust him, now did he? it was all eunseok.
and it was now eunseok who was staring down at you, waiting for an answer. only a minute or two of silence had passed, but you were quick to spiral. shallow breathing quickly morphed into staggered gasp for air. “I couldn’t control myself?” even while ‘apologizing’, he still found a way to blame you. he managed to still be an asshole. what’s next?
is he gonna try and find a way to be a hero again?
“yeah, you should have chased after him or something.” he rocked on his heels as he spoke. hands stuffed into his pockets, eyes wandering around. is he serious? how can he take something so important and make it seem like it’s nothing?“you would probably let it happen again. but i wouldn’t be the one to do it, because i care for you. you know that, right?” and here we go again.
it was bound to happen. it started with tears running down your face at his words, specifically his little ‘because i care for you.’ stumbling back into your home and he’d followed. hugging your body, holding you tight. maybe a little squeeze to reassure you that he’s here for you. rubbing circles on your back, moving small pieces of hair that clung to your face. using the back of his hand to wipe. away. any. tears.
sound familiar?
because it should. who knew he’d be one to reuse his tactics so soon. leading you into your own living room to sit down and most importantly — calm down. but there were no others to surround you now. it was just him. sinking into your couch, pitying yourself for breaking down so easily. again. his hand oh so gently rubbing the skin on your leg. but you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell him to stop. maybe because you didn’t want him to. wow, but who am i to judge?
it was silent. it was almost always silent when it came to eunseok. but his silence said so much while saying absolutely nothing at all. but everyone has to break their silence every once and awhile.
“do you forgive me?” well? do you? don’t be scared, tell the truth. because it determines how this ends. say no and he might go home. say no and he might try and persuade you into a yes. say yes and he might laugh at you for being so forgiving. say yes and he might leave satisfied. say maybe? we don’t know what might happen if you say maybe.
try it.
“maybe, i’m not sure.” bingo. you got him. his hand came to a stop, digesting your words. “maybe?” your eyes drifted towards his direction, meeting his gaze. confusion written all over his face.
“you lost a lot of my trust back then, so yeah. maybe.” his hand came up to wipe your face, but you were quick to swat it off — using your own palm at an attempt to comfort yourself. but his felt better.
“and i’m here to try and get it back if you let me.” if you let him. as your mind processed his sentence, guard down, he was quick to jump at the opportunity.
another golden opportunity.
eunseok wanted that maybe to be a yes. and it would be, with a little gentle touching. a few more sweet words, maybe a kiss here and there. gently gripping onto your jaw, his hand on your leg tightening around the flesh. forcing eye contact, his lips mere inches from yours. he waited for resistance, any sign of backing out. but you didn’t give him a single reason to pull away. it’s pathetic really. weren’t you just crying a moment ago?
eunseok was quick with it, his lips clashing with yours — letting his weight slightly fall onto you. basically pinning your body against the arm rest and the cushions. your throw blanket slipping onto the floor with the sudden movements. shivers darting up your spine when his fairly warm hand, that was situated on your jaw makes its way under your shirt. slipping over your cold stomach. in response to the sensation, your muscles tensed and your hands were quick to grab onto his wrist. in response, eunseok pulled away.
“too much already? bet you would have killed for this the first time around.” he couldn’t go more than ten minutes without making another snarky remark. but who were you to complain? pushed against your own furniture by a guy you had sworn to stay away from. a small slap on your stomach made you come back to. “asked you a question, i know you aren’t that dumb and can answer for me.” shaking your head, your hands slowly returned back to your sides, now focused on keeping your body up.
his hands continued to venture your body — something they couldn’t do months ago. leaving small kisses on your neck and any other exposed skin. god, this felt so wrong. but this time it was for a different reason. biting back any and every moan or whine that threatened to slip past your lips.
“can i take these off pretty?” the way he switched from so mean to so sweet was sickening. oh but you loved it. “yeah..” was all you could muster up. raising your hips, eunseoks’ fingers tugged at the waistband of your shorts, slipping them off your legs and onto the floor. adjusting his position, one leg planted on the floor, the other sinking into the couch — the male hovered over you. his hair fell into your hair as he looked — no, stared — at your panties. a small wet patch already present. his fingers dragging along your clothed clit. hands clinging onto his shirt for dear life. it wasn’t much, but it was enough.
slipping the fabric to the side, he slowly pushed his middle and index into your hole. the thickness of his fingers combined with the small circles he traced onto your stomach was mind altering to say the least. not once did he look at your face while he worked his way inside. halting his movements — just long enough to give you time to adjust. one of your now horribly shaky hands made its way to his face, moving the hair that blocked his eyes, only to be greeted by a half assed smile and heavy eyes.
“you wanna see me so bad. what happened to not even being able to look me in the eyes?” he cooed at you, whilst his fingers sped up. ramming into you at a brutal pace, a choked up moan escaping from your throat. curling his digits to hit that spot just right. tears blurring your vision, the pleasure too much to handle.
you were so close already, but it’s barely been 3 minutes.
wrapping your arms around his neck to push him down, lips aligned with his ear. “ ‘m gonna cum. slow down..” all he did was laugh and to your dismay — the fucker only got quicker. “go ahead, let it out. this is to make up for what i didn’t give you last time.”
the filthiest, guttural moan filled the air as you came. gripping around his fingers, hands clenched in his hair.
“is that maybe, a yes now?”
note- yeah i just dropped a pt.2 outta no where. why? because i got the motivation to be active. hope it didn’t disappoint. maybe. maybe. maybe.
101 notes · View notes
illiterateaffairs · 1 year
behind the scenes chapter one | i enjoyed our meet cute
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masterlist | next
pairing: jamie tartt x actress!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 4,722
summary: you’ve been in richmond one day and you’re already having chance encounters with famous british football players, what are the odds?
a/n: welcome to the first chapter of my new jamie series, behind the scenes! fake dating is a god tier trope and i’ve always wanted to write something for it. it will also be very rom-com-y, just like ted would like. i really hope you enjoy the first chapter, i’m so excited to kick off this new story and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. also wanted to shout out @buckychristwrites​ who wrote an incredible fake dating jamie series called could this be and you should totally check it out if you haven’t already ♡
Your alarm goes off at 8AM on the dot but you’re already wide awake. You’ve been in London for 48 hours and instead of taking in the sights, you’ve been trying to reset your sleep schedule. After landing at 10AM Friday morning, you pretty much passed right out as soon as you arrived at your rented, two story brownstone. 
See, London was eight hours ahead of Los Angeles - your home base. While you were used to traveling for work, you’d never had a job in another country before. And jet lag was a bitch.
You’re an actor. You have been since you were 15, when you got a recurring role on a kids show after an opening casting call. Some called it luck, but you called it busting your ass in theater classes as soon as your mom could afford them. You’d been a “drama queen” since you were in diapers and you begged her to sign you up for every class, camp and play in your small town and she did everything she could to support your dream. She’s your biggest fan.
By the time you were 20, you’d had a sitcom and several supporting roles in films that made you an underrated fan favorite. Your biggest break came, though, when you were 22 and were given the opportunity to star opposite A-list actors in the superhero film of the summer. After that you blew up, you did a few more action movies and a couple other dramas. 
Now, freshly 25, with a lot of credits filling your IMDb page, there was one genre you still hadn’t tackled: romance. And that’s what brought you to London. You were filming your first romantic comedy in the beautiful town of Richmond. Usually when your job brought you to a new place, the first thing you wanted to do was explore it. However, spending the last couple days in and out of sleep was preventing you from doing so. Today was Sunday, your last day before production kicked off tomorrow, and you’d be damned if you didn’t get the chance to get out and do something before you were swamped with work.
You get ready quickly, eager to not waste another second inside. However, just as you swing your front door open, you come face to face with your assistant, who’s hand is poised to knock. 
“Oh, good, you’re already up,” she chirps, brushing past you and into your temporary home as she taps away on her iPhone. 
“Margot, I thought we agreed on no work this weekend,” you sigh, reluctantly following her into your living room.
“I agreed and you agreed, but Harry on the other hand,” she frowns holding up her phone, “He didn’t agree.”
You groan. Harry was your publicist. You’ve worked with him since getting the role in one of the Spiderman movies. He always had some crazy idea how to boost your public image, most of which you’ve shot down, but his most recent pitch he hasn’t been able to let go of. 
“He’s still bugging you about that shit?” you question, flopping down in an armchair. 
Margot perches on the arm of the sofa, “He’s only bugging me because you keep ignoring him. He still thinks it's a good idea.”
The good idea in question was agreeing to a fake relationship with another celebrity - or anyone really. Usually the goal of a PR relationship was to gain attention for one or both parties, or their upcoming projects. While that wouldn’t hurt, your publicist thought the benefit of having a fake boyfriend was that you’d appear more desirable. 
In your previous roles, you’d been typecast as the funny best friend or snarky sidekick. Not only was this movie you were about to film your first as the leading lady, it was the first where you were playing a romantic lead. You also haven’t been known to be seen with many suitors in your personal life as well. Not that you hadn’t had any significant others since entering the spotlight, but they’d been short lived and you tried to keep those relationships under the radar, not necessarily wanting the public’s opinion on your dating life. 
Of course, that didn’t stop journalists and people with Twitter accounts from speaking on it anyway. Since you got cast in this Rom-Com - Hopeless Romantics was the working title - you’d been subjected to criticism over how you couldn’t possibly be seen as a realistic love interest when you’ve yet to be painted as such both on and off the screen. Though, you’d love to point out that just because you hadn’t played a romantically driven character before didn’t mean you couldn’t now. You’ve learned to just ignore trolls like that. 
That didn’t mean from time to time the odd comment didn’t get under your skin. 
Still, you didn’t see the point in faking a relationship just to get these people off your back. You had the best fans in the world, who’d watch you do anything no matter the genre. And your co-star was Charlie Knox, who’d been pegged as this generation's Hugh Grant, so plenty of people would be buying tickets regardless. You could hardly argue, feeling flushed after your chemistry reed with the actor even though he was doing just that; acting. Harry had even previously suggested faking a relationship with him, which would be the perfect scenario according to him, but Charlie was of course already taken. 
“He’s going to have to give up eventually,” you shake your head, “Because I’m not doing it.” Margot makes a weird face and you tilt your head, “Don’t tell me you think I should do it.”
“No, of course not. You should have the autonomy to make your own decisions about your love life, real or fake,” she insists, “I just wish Harry didn’t make such a big deal about it.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry he’s bugging you about it. I can talk to him again.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” Margot sighs, “You should be enjoying your day off. Were you on your way out before? What were you thinking of doing?”
You shrug, not really having had a game plan, “I was thinking breakfast or something to start, and then seeing where the day takes me.”
She nods, once again tapping on her phone, “That sounds nice. Don’t be out too late, though. A car will be here to get you at 6AM for the read through.” As she stands up and starts walking to your door, she glances at you, “And wear a hat please. Last thing we need is you to be stampeded by fans like in The Lion King.”
“Margot, I love you, but there is no need to bring Mufasa into this,” you tease, “I promise I will be discreet, but only if you promise me you will also take time for yourself today.”
“I promise,” she says with a small smile, but before you know it, she's already back on the phone and out your door. 
You can’t be too hard on her. You were also known to prioritize your work over everything else most days. But she was not only the best assistant you could ask for, she was also one of your closest friends, and she deserved some time off. You’d have to talk to Harry at some point tomorrow to get him off her back. And yours. 
But first, food.
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It had been one month - one fucking month - since Keeley had gotten back together with Roy. And it was the worst month of Jamie’s life. 
Yes, he still has feelings for Keeley. Yes, it hurt him to see her choose Roy, even if it had nothing to do with him. And it was twice as bad that Roy and him had finally started becoming actual friends after all these years. But that wasn’t really the problem. 
It was the way everyone has been looking at him since it happened.
It started with the apologetic look on Keeley’s face that greeted him when he answered the door one summer morning. Before she could get a word out, he knew what she was going to say. In fact, he’d seen it coming. Despite Keeley insisting she wasn’t choosing between him and the grumpy old fart who was now his head coach, the two had been spending more and more time together. Keeley was around the club more and Roy was less grumpy. That morning, Keeley told him she wanted him to hear it from her that they were thinking of starting things again. His stomach twisted, disappointed that he’d practically lost her for the second time. But, God, the look of sympathy she was giving him felt even worse.
That was nothing compared to the way Roy looked at him when he walked into the locker room later that day. Roy wasn’t one to talk about or express his feelings, but he still managed to somehow convey his guilt and apology through a single look. Jamie just shook his head, eager to not speak a single word about the topic and move on. For the first time he wished Roy would just yell at him like he usually did. 
Then a week later, Roy and Keeley were publicly a couple again. The rest of the team and staff were elated, but the few who’d known Jamie had been pining for the bubbly blonde again looked on at him sympathetically, patting him on the back and muttering affirmations on the way to training. In the grand scheme of things, they were just being nice, but he fucking hated it.
He was Jamie Fucking Tartt. He could be with anyone he wanted. Sure, the only girl who’s liked him for him and the only one he’s truly loved would rather be with someone else; someone else who was one of his best friends now. So what? The last thing he wanted was everyone around him treating him like a wounded puppy. He was fine.
It didn’t help that he saw Keeley and Roy all the time. At work. At team celebrations. At friendly gatherings. They were everywhere. In fact, they went the extra mile to include him in things to make him feel better, though it had the opposite effect. He felt like a charity case. He didn’t need them babysitting him, like he couldn’t spend a single night alone without collapsing into a full mental breakdown. 
To be fair, the last time he’d had a night to himself, he’d made the mistake of turning on The Notebook for the first time out of morbid curiosity and he wept for an hour. But it was The Notebook for fuck’s sake, what else was he going to do?
Things improved little by little as the weeks had gone by. Sam and Colin stopped giving him glances everytime Keeley visited the locker room to drop something off for Roy. Keeley stopped looking at him with guilt riddled eyes, but there was still a weird energy between them when they hung out. And with Roy things felt mostly normal. 
At least he thought so, but this morning Jamie’s been wandering around his house aimlessly waiting for Roy to show up for their regular early morning training. He’d been ready at promptly 4AM but there was no sign of his coach. He waited thirty minutes before calling but no answer. So, he plopped on the couch and watched some cooking show for another hour or so before trying again. It wasn’t until 8AM - four hours later - he got a call back from Roy.
“Hey, I thought old people were usually up early,” Jamie teased upon answering, “Did you oversleep, grandad?”
Instead of Roy’s gravelly voice responding, he hears another familiar voice in the background, “Is that Jamie? Tell him I’m sorry.”
Jamie’s stomach twists. Of course.
“Uh, yeah,” Roy’s voice eventually says, “Keeley was here and I forgot to set an alarm. We were going to get breakfast but then we can meet at the park if you still want?”
Roy grunts as Keeley speaks up again, voice distant, “Oi, ask if he wants to join us.”
Roy sighs into the phone, “Yeah, unless you want to come to breakfast with us?”
Jamie closes his eyes. Another pity invite. “Um, thanks mate. That’s alright, though. Think I’ll get some running in on my own and maybe we can meet up later tonight.”
“Yeah, that works…” Roy says before tacking on, “Sorry, Jamie.”
Jamie chuckles humorlessly, “Not a problem. Talk to ya later.”
He hangs up and tosses his phone across the couch. Not only did Jamie not like feeling like a third wheel, he didn’t like being one because the other two felt guilty. Especially when he was still getting over his feelings for one of them. He groans, forcing himself off the couch, eager to stay true to his word. He needed to run off these feelings. 
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You’d been leisurely walking through the streets of Richmond for a little while, enjoying the early fall breeze and the sights as the leaves started to change color. You’ve been trying to keep an eye out for a place to grab breakfast or a snack, but you’ve been distracted by the shops and the people walking around you. For your part, you were donned in sunglasses with a ball cap tilted low on your head. So far no one has stopped you, which was nice. Not that you minded meeting the occasional fan. Most were sweet and you adored connecting with people face to face, but there was always the risk of someone just in search of an autograph or selfie despite not caring about you or your work, not to mention nosy paparazzi who pop out of nowhere to get a photo. So, you’re enjoying the semblance of normalcy while you can. You sense that once filming starts, those in the area will be eager to catch a glimpse of you and your costars any chance they get. 
You’re a little too comfortable with flying under the radar, when as you’re turning a street corner someone runs right smack into you. You both fall to the ground, your sunglasses flying clear off your face. Your heart hammers in your chest, wondering if someone had done this on purpose, but the stranger next to you also appears to be scrambling. 
“Fuck, sorry,” they mutter, grabbing your discarded sunglasses for you before pulling you both up. As he places the glasses back in your hands, his eyes meet yours for the first time, “Oh shit, are you…”
You smile sheepishly, his eyes alight with recognition. You’re still a little anxious from the encounter, as you try to get your breathing to return to normal. You vaguely wonder if this guy is going to ask for a picture or something, when you actually hear the familiar click of a camera and your blood runs cold. 
“Hey Jamie Tartt!” an accented man calls, “Who’s the girl, Jamie?
The man in front of you looks back at you with wide eyes and grabs your hand, “Shit, come with me.”
You can barely process what he’d said as he pulled you down the street, “What? Where are we going?”
“Somewhere private,” he explains as you continue jogging alongside him, “Where there’s one paparazzi, ten will follow. But I’m sure you know that.”
You can’t argue with him. But you do wonder who the hell this guy is that he’s so familiar with paparazzi. You also briefly consider if following a guy you’ve never met through alleyways is a smart decision, but you hardly have the time to dwell on it. 
After a few minutes, this mystery guy, who you can only presume is named Jamie if the paparazzi was right, leads you through an unassuming storefront that ends up being a charming and quaint little café. You look around curiously. It’s not completely vacant, but the patrons don’t bat an eye when the two of you enter. The middle aged barista behind the counter looks at your companion with a warm smile and greets him, once again, by Jamie.
After your heart rate returns to normal, you turn to the man beside you. He gives you a tiny shrug, “I come here when I don’t want to be bothered. Not many people know about this place but it has the best scones in Richmond.”
You squint at him in curiosity, “So, I’m guessing you’re…someone of note then, too? If that paparazzi was taking your picture and you have a secret hideout.”
He chuckles, looking a little bashful, which you have a feeling is out of character for this guy, “Uh, yeah, I’m Jamie Tartt? Premier League footballer for AFC Richmond?”
Your cheeks heat up, “Oh, uh, sorry, I’m not really familiar with…”
He cuts you off, “No need to apologize. Wouldn’t expect an actress from the states to know anything about English football.”
You chuckle, despite yourself, “Well, if it helps I don’t know much about American football either. Or any sport for that matter.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up again, “I know you, though. From that thing.”
You snort, “Well, I’ve done a couple of things.”
He shakes his head, “No, no, no, you’re in that one movie, what’s it called,” he snaps his fingers, “Meet Me in Melrose, that's the one!”
“Wow, that’s a deep cut,” you comment, the film being an indie you worked on years ago; one of your first bigger roles despite the lower budget project.
“Yeah, my old coach? It was one of his favorites, so the whole team became obsessed. We’ve watched a bunch of your stuff,” he explains.
“That’s cool,” you nod with a small smile.
He nods along with you before suddenly becoming very aware of his situation, “Uh, can I order you something? Or, shit, you probably had somewhere to be. I usually try to wait things out for a while here, but if you have to go…”
You once again consider the oddity of casually hanging out in a cafe with a man you just met, but he seems trustworthy enough. And even a bit intriguing.
So you respond, “No, I don’t. I was just out exploring before. I was actually looking for a place to eat so this is perfect. I’m happy to hang out here for a bit.”
“Okay, cool,” Jamie nods again, still feeling a bit unsure of what to do when a Hollywood movie star is suddenly in your midst, “Uh, do you like coffee? Tea?”
You shake your head, “You don’t have to buy anything for me.”
“Well, I was the one who crashed into you and abducted you here so it’s the least I can do.”
You giggle, “Okay fine, I’ll take a hot chocolate. Coffee makes me anxious and tea tastes like a worse version of water. No offense.”
Jamie laughs to himself before walking up to the counter to order for you both. He returns moments later with a hot chocolate for you and coffee for him, as well as two of those scones he mentioned, before leading you over to a small booth in the back of the cafe. 
“So, uh, you must come here often if the staff knows your name,” you say as you blow on your drink for it to cool, “Unless they’re all soccer - sorry - football fans?”
“Actually, Olive, the owner of the café doesn’t know shit about football. It's part of the appeal,” he tells you, “I manage to avoid photographers most of the time, but even if they’re not hounding me, I still like to come here to get away from things.”
“That makes sense. I feel like it's hard to do that in LA. Even the small businesses are overrun with influencers trying to find the trendiest spot nowadays,” you muse.
“Is that where you live? LA?” he asks.
“Mhm. Have you been?” 
“Nah. Been to New York before, but spent most of my time in some clubs,” he tells you, “Have you been to London before?”
“No, actually,” you admit, “I’ve always wanted to come but never got around to it. I’m actually here for a film.”
“Oh, yeah, a Rom-Com, right?” he asks and you nod, “It’s all anyone can talk about around the club these days. We’ve never had a big movie shoot in Richmond before.”
“Hmm, wait til everyone hears how you kidnapped one of the stars,” you joke, finally braving a sip of your drink.
Jamie laughs, “I think I’ll keep that one to myself. Plus, I don’t think they’d even believe me.”
You laugh along with him, thoroughly enjoying his company as well as the delicious cocoa. You also finally try the scone Jamie placed in front of you. Your eyes light up after the first bite.
“Is that blueberry?”
Jamie’s eyes widened, “Sorry, I should have asked…”
You furiously shake your head, “No, no, don’t apologize. I love blueberry.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up, “Me, too. It’s my favorite.”
You smile back, but it drops when you feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you see that you had a missed call from Harry along with a few text messages. Instead of responding, you roll your eyes and put it away, eager to forget that the man exists until tomorrow.
“Uh, everything okay?” Jamie asks tentatively. 
“Oh, yeah,” you reassure, plastering another smile on your face. Then you find a part of yourself that desperately wants to vent about your situation to an unbiased party, “Actually, uh, I’m not sure how much pressure football players are under for their image, but have you ever been asked or been in a fake relationship for PR?”
Jamie leans back, processing the question, “Uh, no. I haven’t really had a problem finding my own girlfriends.”
You snort, “Of course.”
“But I’ve heard of it happening with other footballers,” Jamie adds, “And there was this whole reality dating show I did and none of that was real.”
You gasp, “You were on a dating show?”
Jamie nods reluctantly, “Yeah. It was called Lust Conquers All. It was a low point.”
You can’t help but laugh, “Wow, I’ll have to check it out.”
“Please don’t,” Jamie groans, rubbing a hand over his face, wondering what possessed him to even bring it up.
After your laughter quells, Jamie eyes you curiously, “Why do you ask? About PR relationships, I mean.”
You sigh, looking down at your hands in your lap as you answer, “My publicist wants me to do the whole fake relationship thing.”
Jamie’s eyebrows furrow, “Why?”
You shrug, not eager to admit but still wanting to know his take nonetheless, “Apparently, I don’t seem like a romantic person, because I haven’t done a romantic role or publicly dated someone before.”
Jamie continues to look confused, “So? Isn’t that what actors do? Play new roles even if they haven’t done it before?”
“Yes, thank you,” you agree, nodding furiously, “But since I’ve only played cynical or sarcastic characters, that’s how people see me. Apparently, I don’t seem like a good choice for a movie called Hopeless Romantics.”
“But you’re not like your other characters in real life right?” he asks, “You’re not completely cynical about romance.”
You falter, your eyes flitting away from his. Jamie scoffs.
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me you’re anti-romance.”
“I’m not,” you sputter, “I just think dating is a little more complicated than the movies make it seem.”
Jamie doesn’t listen, “Wow, I can see why your publicist thinks you need a fake boyfriend for this to be a little more realistic. You can’t be against love and in a movie about love.”
You gasp, lightly shoving him, “Hey! I’ll have you know I’m not against love. It’s just…hard to come by for me.” You sigh, trying to figure out what exactly you’re willing to admit, “The last few guys I’ve dated weren't so great. They either only wanted to date me for the exposure or connections or money.”
Jamie’s expression sobers, “Oh.” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “My last relationship, if you could even call it that, was so short lived. It ended because he stole this fancy vase thing from my house.”
“Wow,” Jamie whispers.
“And jokes on him, it was from pottery barn,” you huff, “But yeah, basically its not love I don’t believe in. It’s other people. So I’ve been pretty content to be on my own these days.”
“I get that,” Jamie says softly after a beat, “I’ve dated plenty of girls who only wanted me cause I’m a footballer. Or cause I’m great at sex,” you snort, shaking your head, but he continues, “Not that I really wanted a real relationship, but it still hurts when someone doesn’t want you for you.”
“Exactly,” you nod, picking off pieces of your scone, “I’ve never been with someone who felt genuine. Have you?”
Jamie sighs and you sense there’s a story there, “Once, but I fucked it up. Didn’t realize what I had until it was gone. Classic right?”
You huff lightly.
“The worst part is she was kind enough to stay my friend even after the way I treated her,” he continues, “So not only does she treat me with kindness that I definitely don’t deserve, but I have to sit by and watch her be with someone else.”
You frown, “That must make it hard to move on.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckles humorlessly. 
“And you haven’t been with anyone else since?”
“A couple girls, but nothing serious. And no one recently. Haven’t really seen the point.”
“So I guess I’m not the only one who might be a little cynical then, huh?” you ask with a teasing smile.
He gives you a half smile. “Yeah, I guess I can’t be one to judge.”
You study him for a few more moments. After your introductions, you would have guessed Jamie Tartt was another classic playboy athlete, and after conversing with him that seemed to be his reputation. But now you weren’t so sure. He was…peculiar. 
You continue chatting for a while longer. He tells you more about his football team and you tell him a few spoiler-free details about the movie you’re shooting. Before you know it, you’d been camped out in this cafe with Jamie for a full hour. Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself. You had to imagine the paparazzi had to have left the area by now. And while you weren’t in a hurry to cut your conversation short, your hot chocolate was no longer hot and your scone was long gone. 
“Hey, this place is really nice by the way,” you comment, as you gather your trash, “I might have to come back here. That is, if you don’t mind sharing your secret hide away with me for the next three months?”
Jamie chuckles, following you back to the front of the café. “Feel free.”
You smile at him softly, as you walk out the door, “Maybe, I’ll uh, see you around?”
He shrugs his shoulder, “Yeah, I’ll be around. Maybe you could catch a football match while you’re in town.”
“I’ll definitely keep that in mind,” you nod, “Well, thank you again for the rescue. I owe you one.”
“Nah, it was nothing. Get home safe, yeah?”
“You, too. Bye Jamie.”
He bids you farewell, before you two reluctantly turn and head in different directions. You wrinkle your nose, recapping your encounter in your head. What a random coincidence to run into an apparent famed football star on your first day in town. You wonder if you ever will run into him again, but you assume the odds of that are low.
Meanwhile, on his walk home, Jamie is questioning whether or not he should have asked for your number. In a strictly platonic sense, just to keep in touch or to be available in case you needed a friend while you were in town. But he brushes the thought away. Like a famous actress would want to willingly hang out with him if she wasn’t hiding from paparazzi. Yeah right. Odds are this was all a dream and the boys would laugh in his face if he brought it up tomorrow. 
Real or not real, he’d remember your morning together fondly. 
a/n: please let me know any and all those! again, so excited for this story and brand new journey for jamie x reader. also! i will be starting a fresh taglist for this story, so let me know if you’d like to be tagged. the distractions taglist will stay the same for any one shots i may continue to post in that universe. <3
taglist: @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog​ @royalestrellas​
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k-n0-x · 6 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 3·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hii everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little later than usual, burnout happened, school happened, the whole shebang! This chapter is a doozy though, hope you all will love it <3
The sun rays peek through your window and the birds’ chirps awake you from your slumber.
Or maybe it’s the snoring of a drowsy Adam, who was lying beside you, though you’ve inured yourself to his unconscious noises for ages.
You get up from your bed, just to almost have your legs give way under you, thanks to the fact that you had to be pounded by your husband, as you promised to him.
Last night felt like a chore. You feel really bad for thinking it, but it really did. 
You’re not an expert, but sex should feel enjoyable, by all sides involved, but with Adam, it feels like an obligatory activity.
You spend the next 25 minutes brushing your teeth, showering and getting ready for the day. Since there’s nothing to do at home (well, there’s nothing to do at home) you decide that this is a good time to be productive.
You head into the kitchen and scrutinise each and every ingredient that graces your pantry.
“Hmm, maybe this would work…”  You grab flour, eggs, milk and a frying pan…
The smell of buttery pancakes drifts throughout the kitchen. You sit down in your chair and take a bite of your breakfast.
The pancakes themselves were lovely; the consistency was just right and the flavour was something to die again for, courtesy of Heaven’s always perfect ingredients.
‘Perfect’ Heaven.
Up until a few weeks ago, you would have believed that sentimental saying that you hear being thrown around on multiple occasions, but now, those words seem like direct opposites of each other, an oxymoron even.
The mere thought of it sets an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
You shakily finish one pancake, and neatly leave the rest in the microwave. 
You have more pressing matters to get on about today, and pancakes aren’t one of them, though you want it to be. 
“Welcome to Heaven, how can I help?” The Saint looks up from his logbook with a face coloured with surprise when he recognises you.
“Y/N! How’ve ya been?” 
“I’m doing good,” you smile up at the angel behind the pedestal.
“So, what can I do for the wonderful wife of Adam, hm?” St. Peter clicks his tongue and finger guns.
“Well, Peter, is there a chance you could show me the list of Heaven’s recent residents? There’s a certain person I’m looking for…” Realisation hits you like a truck. Would this information be classified? You wouldn’t know until-
“Yeah sure, here!” The Saint passes you a page with written names and dates.
“This is a list of  Heaven’s newest angels from up to a month ago. I hope you find who you’re looking for!” 
“Thanks Pete, you’re a Saint,” 
“Well, I am Saint Peter after all, ah bye-bye!” 
Well that was easier than anticipated. 
Now you need a private place to mull it over…
You walk through the brightly lit heavenly streets and bump into someone, sending you and your papers flying.
“Oh my, misss, I am ssssso ssssorry,” The person bends down to collect the papers.
“No, no it’s fine, sorry-” your voice gets stuck in your throat. You take a close look at the person collecting your papers.
The person, or, you should say snake, was sporting a smart coat, top hat, and eyes in his hair?
He was familiar. Where have you seen him before?
Your eyes dilate in recognition.
He was pixel perfect to the mural that Charlie showed you the other day.
“Excuse me for asking, but are you Sir Pentious?” 
The snake demon, or angel, looks around before leaning in. 
“Depends on who’sssss asssking,”
“Oh uh,” you think for a moment. How do you explain that you know he was a demon, without seeming like a stalker of sorts. 
Clearly, this isn’t the subject to have casually in the street.
“Here, let me explain over tea and cookies, hm? My treat!” You grab the hand of Pentious gently and head to the nearest café.
“And ssso, thisss Adam guy just sssnapped me out of existence, and now I’m here, but without my egg boisss,” Pentious explains while indulging himself with a Pain un Chocolat, eyes welling while doing so.
“Huh, I see. So Charlie’s plan does work,” you mumble to yourself. “And I apologise for my husband, by the way,”
The snake pales, his skin now ashy.  “He’ssss, your husssband?” he instinctively pushes away from you in his seat.
“Yes, but don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just promised Charlie that I would help her with the hotel and redemption and all that…”
“Oh I sssee. Here’ss my card if you need anything more,” He produces a card and hands it to you, and you accept it graciously, despite it having a slimy residue on it. 
“Great! I have to go now but it was nice meeting you,”  you shake his hand and leave the café.
“So, what’s it like having sex with the first man? What are your orgasms like?”
“Angel, don’t torment the poor girl,” 
“Whaat? Just askin’” Angel groans and puts his phone on the countertop of the bar.
Apparently, Charlie has gone AWOL, along with Vaggie and Lucifer, the three people that deserve to be the first people aware of the gratifying information you are holding.  
This tension is getting you antsy, but you answer your newfound bestie’s question.
“Overrated to be honest. Not meaningful in the slightest,” Your blunt answer stuns Angel and Husk for a moment.
“What’s this about orgasms?” You turn back to the entrance of the hotel.
The one person whom you didn’t want to hear you say that, was standing in front of you, holding about 10 shopping bags, his daughter and his daughter’s partner  following suit.
God, what must he think? You want to slam your head into the table, but you refrain yourself.
“Uh Dad?” Charlie taps her dad’s shoulder.
“Maybe let’s refrain from talking your way into the sex life of guests? Anyway, how are you, Y/N? I hope everything’s alright?” Charlie inadvertently snapping you out of your apparent embarrassment.
“Oh yes! Not just alright; absolutely amazing actually. I have important information to tell you so forgive me for my impromptu visit, but it clearly cannot wait,” you practically jump out of your chair, bursting with energy. 
My, you haven’t felt this emotion since…
Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
“Well, I did some digging and…” you grab the crusted card from your bag.
“Well, congratulations to you, Miss Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell, because your dream is a reality!” You flourish the card to Charlie, and she takes it.
She blinks. 
Everyone else blinks.
“Uh, what is this exactly?”
You groan. Fun police much? 
“Sinners can be redeemed, I found Sir Pentious in Heaven just this morning,” you concede, impatiently tapping the card.
“Wait really? You aren’t just messing with me?” Charlie’s eyes practically shone with stars.
“Angels aren’t known for that darling.” 
As soon as you say that Charlie squeals and jumps up and down, ecstatic.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyooouuuuuu!” She gushes and hugs you extremely tight, constraining your lungs, but you really don’t care.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” You pull away to have Alastor behind you, with that ever-so-familiar-yet-unpleasant grin. 
When did he get here?
“Seems like out little Morningstar is becoming quite the entrepreneur,” Alastor places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, as though they are father-daughter.
Father-daughter, where the daughter’s biological dad is directly beside them. 
“Hey, hey now, get your slimy claws off of my daughter, would ya?” Lucifer asks the Radio demon, half laughing.
“Oh? The same daughter you’ve abandoned for countless years on end? The same daughter who had to build this establishment by herself, with no support. The same daughter I’ve been faithful to, in comparison to you? I’ve stuck through thick and thin with her. Hell, I probably fit the Dad position by definition,” 
The room is loud with silence; you could probably hear a pin drop.
Alastor’s voice carries those words in a seemingly defensive manner, but you can tell that those words don’t hold any meaning to him.
It seems like you’re the only person to realise that, because with the slam of a door, Lucifer exits the room, leaving an aura of pure anger and jealousy behind.
“Charlie, maybe you should give him a breath of fresh air-” Vaggie tries pulling her back.
“No! Vaggie, he needs someone to be there with him. God knows what he will do and what if-” Charlie is in a craze to get to the door. 
“I’ll go,” you say abruptly. Without question, you go through the door.
“Hey, it’s really hot out here, you know,” you stand at the garden door, as the king gazes out on Hell’s not-so-perfect landscape depressingly.
“Alastor was just pulling your leg back there, he just wanted to piss you off,” you stand beside him, keeping an appropriate distance.
“I know. That’s not the problem. The problem is that-” his voice hitches.
“Go on,”
“The problem is, is the fact he’s not even wrong; I left Charlie with nothing, she had to support herself before help came along, I barely was there for her throughout all of this, until the very last moment, when she didn’t even need me anymore,” The King of Hell rambles, and fidgets with a small yellow thing in his hand. A bird of some sorts.
A duck? 
“I can’t do anything right,” he continues.
Okay, you have to stop getting sidetracked by meagre things. 
“Lucifer, listen. Yes, you may not have been there for her before, but you’re here now, and you are ready to help. Yes, I know it’s scary, yes I know it’s hard, but I have an inkling that Charlie would love to start having a bond with her father again. Also, you know her and how she is; she isn’t the type to shut you out. Just try to put some work into it, okay?” 
That felt like more of a ramble, than advice, but it seems to suffice for the King of Hell. 
“Thank you. I really know why Charlie has taken a liking to you…” he trails off, continuing to fidget with the rubber duck. He squeezes it, and it plays a short, spunky tune. 
“And see? Atleast you’re doing something small for now, you should take it easy. By the way, that’s the most adorable rubber duck!” You gush at the plastic fellow, earning a smirk from Lucifer.
“Oh? Changing the subject are we?” The fallen angel teases.
Well, that was out of nowhere, but you just go with the flow.
“Yeah, and what? That’s a fuckin’ cool duck, so I apologise for acknowledging that fact,”
“Ah well, I have better. By the way, why are you talking about orgasms to that porn star- I mean Angel, back there?” 
Oh yeah. That happened. 
“Gee, why does everyone want to know the juicy details of my life? But really,he was just interested in my sex life, that’s all,” 
“Interesting. You know I slept with 2 of Adam’s previous wives?”
“Don’t even try,” you give him a playful shove.
“Eh, worth a shot,” 
You and the blond-haired demon go back inside, giggling about some disastrous function you went to when you were younger, and how you may or may not have been the leading cause.
Thankfully, the only person in the lobby was Charlie, who jumped to hug her father the second she saw the two of you, making them both cry and profusely apologise to one another.
Yeah, maybe it’s a good time to go. Maybe quietly too this time. 
You open the portal, and you are back in Heaven again, in front of the pearly gates of the place you call home. 
As you open the door and turn into the living room, you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey,” The sound of your husband’s voice rings through your ears.
“I ate your pancakes from this morning,” 
“Alright. I’ll make dinner soon, but I’m tired right now,” you pave your way to your bedroom, when Adam pulls you back.
“Where were you even?”
“Places,” you try to pull away, but the First Man doesn’t relent.
“Where? You weren’t in Heaven, were you?” 
“Alright fine. I was in Hell, cleaning up the mess you and your little play soldiers made by the way,” 
“Were you not there the other day? Why are you so attached to this-” Cogs turn in Adam’s head.
“You were with him, weren’t you? You fucking slut,” Adam’s hand swiftly slaps you across the face. A small cut of golden blood streaks down your face.
“What the fuck? Of course Lucifer is gonna be there, you dumbass?! Why do you think I’m gonna sleep with-” You dodge a flying porcelain jug that was headed in your general direction.
“That fucking demon, thinking he’s hot shit and- and all, just fucking whoever he wants-” The Angel starts storming around the living room, just throwing random shit about, like a kid having a tantrum, making colourful insults while doing so.
You sigh and go into the kitchen to make dinner; hopefully Adam would have blown off enough steam by then.
“Oh and- You better not go back there again, you got it?” 
“…Fine,” You slam the door behind you.
Clearly, you have to be more furtive about your visits to the underworld.
For now, maybe you should cook some dinner, and a warm bath.
Your back really hurts.
Word count- 2264
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sirfrogsworth · 10 months
Froggie's (Almost) Very Productive Day 2: Electric Boogaloo
So, the plan was to have my one productive day and then rest for however long the consequences of post exertional malaise decide they want to take.
But I needed to bring the working key fob back to the tire place so they could calibrate the tire pressure sensors. So, the day after my day, I napped until about 4pm and summoned the last bit of energy I had to finish this task.
After they fixed the sensors, I looked out over a beautiful sunset in the Discount Tire parking lot.
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It's weird the places you find beauty sometimes.
I was about a mile away from my family's favorite pizza place. We've been going there since I was a tadpole. So I decided to grab a pizza as my Thanksgiving meal.
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I didn't realize that the day before Thanksgiving would be just about the busiest night of the year. And they have the world's worst parking lot, half of which is a steep hill, and they didn't have enough spaces.
Google Maps has flattened the appearance of the hill. That thing is nearly a 40 degree angle. If anyone with a sports car wants a pizza, they are going to scrape their paint trying to get it.
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So, I tried to park around back. Unfortunately someone was exiting the back parking lot and there is only one lane.
So... I backed up... into a pole.
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I was going extremely slow and I barely tapped it. But I still felt pretty stupid. Thankfully no scratches or dents.
I finally find parking and head inside.
The Italian kitsch is always a "welcome" sight.
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Every time I look it takes me like 10 seconds to figure out the configuration of his face. I find it is best to look at the mustache first, and then orient yourself from there.
I head to the counter and she asks for my name, assuming I am picking up a phone order. I explained I was just "dropping in" and then she gave me an "oof" face. The wait was nearly two hours. I told her I could get a few things from the grocery store and return for my pizza. She charges my card and I hop back in my car. Just as I was about to exit the parking lot of doom, a customer from Angelo's starts yelling at me.
"You forgot your card!"
Clearly my brain fog is starting to get to me. I left my damn bank card on the counter. So I have to exit the parking lot, drive into another parking lot, turn around, and then park again. I retrieved my card and headed to Nice Schnucks.
The GPS took me on a wild journey to the NS. I've lived in this area for 40 years and I had no idea some of these roads existed. I'm sure it was 3 minutes faster or whatever, but I think I would have preferred a route with streetlights. Unlit streets give me a bit of anxiety. Especially if I don't know them.
I get to NS and realize I was about to have the same problem I did at the pizza place. It was the night before Thanksgiving and the entire neighborhood was scrambling to get food for the next day.
I filled up on soups, frozen pizzas, and I got a few more bottles of my beloved soda. There is a Shirley Temple flavor I have yet to try. (Update: A rare Fitz's fail. Tasted like cough medicine.) And then I headed to the madness of the self-checkout.
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I managed to kill about an hour, but my legs were getting wobbly. I really shouldn't have gone back out this soon. And I probably should have just headed home after the car was fixed. But I feared if I didn't do *something* special for Thanksgiving I would probably have a difficult time being all alone.
I head back to Angelo's. This time I was able to park in front and avoid hitting any poles.
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The pizza was cooking and needed another 15 minutes. So I sat at a table and worked on finishing writing my to-do list for my trip to Florida. I was trying to tell Amazon that, yes, I do want a tiny bottle of shampoo to comply with the TSA security theater. But, no, I do not want 8 tiny shampoos.
Oh, did you know they charge you a "9/11 tax" when you buy a plane ticket?
Spirit Airlines has a pretty funny alternative name for it...
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"After 9/11, the U.S. implemented the “9/11 Security Tax”, which was a fee of $2.50 each way of a trip on top of the price of a plane ticket. In 2014, the 9/11 Security Tax was increased to $5.60 each way. So, for a round trip this fee would cost $11.20"
We are literally still paying for 9/11. And there is no evidence the enhanced security does much of anything.
So we pay this tax so they can force us to buy tiny shampoo and go through scanners that have to detect and blur our genitals so the TSA agent can't see.
Anyway... I finally get my pizza and head home. When I pulled into my driveway I noticed a bright moon in the sky. It looked so massive compared to other nights, so I tried to capture a moon selfie.
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As a photographer, I should have realized that a wide angle lens is not going to capture how big the moon looked in the sky that night. Wide lenses exaggerate distance. So things close to the lens look huge and things far away look tiny. That's why we look like aliens if we hold our smartphones too close to our face. To the lens on your camera, the distance from the tip of your nose to your ears is quite vast. Which meens a celestial body that is 240,000 miles away looks like a tiny dot in the picture.
I still kept trying.
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That could be a moon I guess.
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Umm, Froggie... you got some moon in your hair.
Later I did try to capture the moon with my DSLR and an 80mm lens, but I guess the moon is just really far away or something.
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A.I. upscaling reveals it is, in fact, the moon.
I ate my pizza and did a quick tire test and photoshoot.
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And then I spent way too long Photoshopping this X-wing flying into my deep-as-heck tire tread.
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And that was my day after the day.
Today, which is currently Thanksgiving, I slept.
I slept all night.
I slept most of the day.
I still want to sleep.
Weirdly, I am too tired to feel lonely. Though now that I wrote that, I am thinking about my parents being gone, so I just screwed that up.
But hey... at least my pizza was tasty.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 28: pumpkin patch
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
“Remember that to choose the ideal pumpkin we have to check that it doesn’t have bruises or soft parts and is decomposing, this will make the carving much easier and the final product will last longer”
“Don't worry, pretty, I'll be sure to check with you first,” you murmured, trying not to sound too amused at your boyfriend's excitement.
Autumn had already fallen and with it the pumpkin harvests also appeared, whether to prepare pie, soup, or carve a beautiful design to decorate. Your boyfriend had insisted that you accompany him to one of the first activities in a long schedule of Halloween preparations, and since your porch had enough space to put up decorations, you would take an afternoon to carve some pumpkins.
You were holding his hand when you walked towards the entrance of the pumpkin patch, where there were already some people and families choosing the best specimens on the piles of straw or placed in huge wooden boxes. The field was huge so the two of you would be busy enough walking around it for a while; not that you were complaining though, you loved spending time with him.
"Are you cold?" he asked, once you stopped at the first pile of pumpkins, while he adjusted the scarf you were wearing. Although the day was sunny you had to admit that the air was cool and you were grateful to him for insisting you wear something warm.
Spencer, for his part, had decided to wear brown pants, boots, and a blue plaid shirt that was very messy; open collar, untucked, and with the sleeve folded three-quarters over his muscular arms. However, that wasn't what had you enthralled, but the black-rimmed glasses on his face. The doctor had recommended using them again for a few weeks so that his eyes could rest, and of course you hadn't made a single complaint about that.
“No, everything is perfect,” you smiled, stretching out so you could press a kiss to his cheek and watching him form a smile of your own “These pumpkins here are cute, do you want to see them?”
Your boyfriend was an expert in many things and choosing those kinds of vegetables seemed to be another one to add to the list. There were various colors, some paler than others, some in shades of green, and others completely bright orange; small, large, elongated, all with curious and varied shapes.
You kept walking next to him, exchanging a few words from time to time, while he felt the specimens in front of you. At some point you got distracted by something else and when you looked back you found him in a position that made you sigh. His body was facing you, but his head was focused on something else, as if he were debating with himself whether to carry a third pumpkin, allowing you a view of the length of his neck and the profile of his face. There were soft rays of sunlight bathing his hair and skin, giving it a golden glow that contrasted with the coldness of the time, and you simply couldn't miss the opportunity to capture the moment.
Spencer turned at the sound of your phone's camera and smiled shyly when he realized you had just taken a photo of him.
"What are you doing?"
“You looked very handsome,” you laughed, proudly showing him the image on your cell phone screen.
"You think?"
“Of course, you are my ray of sunshine,” you called him affectionately, stretching out a hand to caress his face that had already completely blushed.
“Do you like these? I thought we could make soup with them.”
“They look good”
“Do you want me to pick one for you to carve?” he asked excitedly, nodding toward the pile of small, round pumpkins.
In no time Spencer's hands were full and then, laughing, you suggested looking for a wheelbarrow to make your job easier.
“Will this do?”
“I think so,” your boyfriend smiled at you, carefully placing the pumpkins that you had already chosen and then approaching to take you by the waist even more carefully. “What if you give me a kiss?”
“Hmm, I guess I don't feel like it,” you lied, wrinkling your nose and shrugging your shoulders slightly.
"And what is that for? If I can know”
“I don't know, I just don't want to.”
Normally Spencer would insist until you laughed and ended up kissing him or he would just try to get it without asking you, but right now he just opened his eyes wide, feigning understanding, and then walked away from you.
“Well, we have to continue then”
“No, if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you.”
“Spencer!” you complained, grabbing his arm in a struggle to get his attention while he tried to hide a smile.
He resisted a little, but when you finally had the opportunity, you didn't even hesitate to capture his lips with a playful kiss to which he responded with pleasure.
“A little,” he replied with some disdain, but from the mischievous glint in his eyes, you knew he was just pretending. Just to be sure you gave him another one and that one managed to make him smile.
“Will you take me in the wheelbarrow?” you asked with a smile, and he just couldn't refuse.
You opened a space between the pumpkins so you could sit down and when you were ready your boyfriend raised the tool so that you could start moving toward the dirt road. A couple of people looked at you disapprovingly, but there were a few others who smiled at you, most of them children or couples in love like you.
Spencer made a few stops to choose from and asked your opinion, but for most of the ride you remained your boyfriend's princess passenger.
“I think this is enough, what do you say?” he asked, after almost an hour, when you already had a considerable amount of pumpkins and you were practically buried under them.
“Yes, let me get up to…”
“Wait,” he interrupted you, gently placing a hand on your stomach to keep you in place. You were going to ask something until you saw him take his cell phone out of the back pocket of his pants, imagining what he was about to do “You already have one of mine, so it's only fair that I have one of yours, right?”
"Yes, it's fair"
“Show me a smile, my girl,” he requested and you obliged his whim, hearing the camera click a few times. You couldn't know it, but he was so pleased with the photo that he would later ask Garcia how to use it as wallpaper “That's it. You can come here now”
Spencer helped you up from your uncomfortable but fun spot and you were finally aware of the amount you had chosen, a little impressed with yourselves.
“My porch will be the most decorated in the entire neighborhood.”
“And I was thinking that on the way back we can go to Target and buy some things, so it looks even prettier”
“What happened to that consumerism kills the planet and is a form of imposition and control by the bourgeoisie?”
Your boyfriend blushed at the way you were using his own words against him and opened his mouth without saying anything for a second, as if he was thinking through his answer.
“Can we make an exception just to have a happy time?” he tried and you nodded with a wide smile.
You would literally do anything just to see that man happy.
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 11
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. Like why are you even here leave. Very domestic, lots of fluff, established relationship, some anxiety, shower sex, P in V, Oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, marking, biting, possessiveness, slight sub/dom if you squint, cleaning, idk look I am tired and trying..
Synopsis: Updated synopsis, Travelling down to LA for the first time on Red Eye, you're both tired and a shower leads to some exploration.
Note: These are going to be spacd out going further as I have a fallout AU I want to start releasing. But these will still be coming out every 2-3 days <3 Thank you for all the love and support it's greatly appreciated!
The airport was somewhat quiet, the perks of taking a red-eye flight. The week had been a blur, Liz had resigned Wednesday leaving them to try and pick up the pieces. It meant a lot of early mornings late nights and meetings with production to try and make sure the end of filming went smoothly. No one batted an eye when you and Walton would hold hands on set. Or steal kisses in between trailers. It was nice to not have to hide things. Even though it seemed like everyone had known about the relationship long before you’d said much. From what you'd heard Walton never shut up about you. The thought made you flush, he'd taken to hanging out at your place. Making sure you actually consumed something besides coffee and whatever craft services had cooked up. 
Waking up next to him would never get old. He would often keep you snuggled in most mornings, playing with your hair, talking about people he had met. One evening you'd fallen asleep listening to him read one of the novels he had. There was a night he'd paced around your room spouting off lines as you plug info into your laptop. He had a heck of time sitting still, always moving and wiggling. 
You'd seen a few people watch the two of you move through the airport. It was a strange feeling always being watched. Security had recognized Walt asking for a photo which he happily obliged to. You’d snapped a couple of photos and then continued to your gate. The two of you tucked yourselves a good distance from everyone. Walton’s hand rested on your knee as his eyes moved over the sparsely filled space.
“Are you excited to see the city?” He asks, fingers playing along the inner seam of your pants. 
“Yes, I haven't traveled in a while. Little nervous,” You say, hand laying on top of his as you lean your head against his shoulder. 
“I'll get you used to traveling. Have a few places in mind we could go to.” He smiles, kissing the top of your head.
“Mmm, what plans do you have for us?” You reply, watching as a woman walks by for the third time. 
“Think maybe South America, I've always wanted to explore Peru, go south to Chili, see where it takes us. Go hike up the mountains, explore the jungles, and lie on beaches. Where no one will know us, just the two of us some good drinks and long nights.” He winked at you. 
“Going to sweep me off my feet, go on a grand adventure,” You tease, your hand dragging his up your thigh. 
He looks down at where his hand is situated, licking his lips before looking back up at you. 
“Oh, I am gonna take you on adventures, baby,” That southern drawl dripping out as he traces small circles over your inner thigh.
You let your hand slide along his pant leg, eyes still fixed on his face. Watching his cheeks turn pink. “So many promises, Mr. Goggins.” 
He grins leaning in to kiss you, his hands cupping your cheeks. You kiss him back leaning over the seat divider, you nip at his lips wanting access. Walton pulls away shaking his head.
“Gonna have to wait till we get home,” His voice is thick as he looks at you. 
You groan shifting in the chair, feeling yourself get hot as you rock slightly. “That is an awfully long time to have me wait. Don’t want to join the mile-high club.”
A chuckle escapes from him as he continues to rub at your leg, “I don’t know about you but those bathrooms are a lot smaller than they make them in the movies.”
“Well could always have a little nap,” You sigh resting your head on his shoulder. “Got to make sure I can keep up to my old man.”
“Hold on a second, who are you calling old? Pretty sure you were the one drooling in the car over here.” He poked at you, his hand grabbing at your pants.
“Cause I didn’t pass out in my trailer at lunch,” You jest, returning the squeeze.
“I am pretty sure you could have come over,” He grins standing up as the flight attendant calls for them.
“Kristy was having a breakdown, pretty sure she’d have quit if I hadn’t come to help.” You state as you walk up with your ticket on your phone.
The flight attendant blushes slightly when you walk up with Walton, she fumbles with the scanner slightly, apologizing several times. Walton assures her it’s fine and runs a hand over your waist. Her eyes looked between the two of you before handing you back your phones.  The two of you walk down the walkway to your plane, his hand firmly around your waist as he lead you into your seats.
“Oh, this is nice,” You state, first-class seats, enough legroom you could easily stretch out. Bags tucked away you settle in, the week seeming to catch up to you now that you’re finally on the plane. 
“Want to make sure you were comfy,” He says, getting himself settled beside you, lifting the armrest out of the way so he can drag you close to him. 
“You seem awfully possessive tonight,” You whisper in his ear as you slide up next to him.
“Got to make sure everyone knows that the pretty lady is mine,” He whispers back, voice so low that only you could hear. 
You can’t help leaning in to kiss him again, you loved kissing him. “Didn’t take you for the jealous type. Then again the number of bruises I have may have been an indication.”
Walton shifted in his seat, watching as the few remaining passengers boarded. “You interested in getting a few more marks added to that collection you have.”
You go pink and turn your face into his neck failing to hide the flush. Things had been pretty vanilla still besides the marking, but you knew he had plans for this weekend. What those plans were he wouldn’t tell you, but he had hinted that Saturday and Sunday were for you two to explore new things together. Then Monday and Tuesday would be spent going to various interviews and keeping him company. You had to stop yourself from wondering if you’d be able to walk on Monday if the ‘vanilla’ sex was any indication you were in for a ride. 
You woke to Walton kissing the top of your fingers, you had fallen asleep on the short journey to LA. The plane was unloading and a car was waiting for you both. The night sky was ablaze with city lights for as far as you could see in either direction. The airport was surprisingly full of people moving in and out. The one nice thing was everyone was way too busy to pay attention to you. 
Awake now as the car took you through the city, the lanes on the highways were insane, and you wondered how anyone could even drive there. You travel through the various streets and highways that would have you yelling at google maps. You finally pull up to his place, it’s sat back on the streets, with a tasteful rock garden out front. The driver drops you both off, helping to unload your bags into the house. It was beautifully decorated, with large windmill palms in the front entry, and several skylights to let in the sun. The walls are filled with tasteful artwork, it's a barrage of colors as you get into the living room. A patterned soft with a velvety green rug, one wall lined with heavy wooden bookcases full of books. You can see how each piece is something he picked out and has a story for each. You pause looking out to the backyard, a covered pool shaded by various trees. The place was glorious, elegant, and at the same time so him. You feel fingers twining with yours, turning to follow him down the hallway. Big wood doors open into a large bedroom. The bed is a simple navy bedcover with several large pillows, a wood headboard, two side tables everything matching, and plush carpet squishing under your toes. You tuck your suitcase against one of the walls, the far wall is all windows leading into the backyard. Turning all the way around you can see an open entrance to a large bathroom. 
Walton comes up behind you and wraps you up in his arms “Not too shabby hey?”
“It’s beautiful, can tell you put a lot of love into this place.” You say with a small smile, leaning against him, eyes closing as you just let yourself relax. It was nearly three in the morning and you desperately needed to sleep. But also the gross feeling from travel made your skin feel tacky. 
“Shower,” Walt, asked unwrapping himself from you, his hands pulling his shirt over his head. 
“I would love that, I always feel sort of gross after traveling,” You reply, as both of you strip out of clothes, you grab your toiletry bag out of your suitcase and follow him. A large deep tub was set against one side, and an equally large glass shower was at the foot. Walton dug out some towels, turning on the water. 
You couldn’t really remember the last time you’d been comfortable being completely naked with someone else in the room, besides during sex. A creeping realization that you had never really been in a ‘long term’ relationship. You’d dated and flirted, but nothing like this. This right here was so new, it froze you in place watching the man completely bare move around the space like he was clothed on a set.
“You alright, darling,” Walton asks moving over to you, your eyes watching how his skin moved, the way his hands came up to rest gently on your hips.
You had long since given up trying to hide anything from him, the man saw through your bullshit like he could read minds, “I’ve never been with someone like this.” Your cheeks grow hot as he watches you,  “I’ve never been in a long-term relationship.” 
The words hanging in the air for a moment, Walton pulling you closer to him tipping your head up to look at him. He leaned down and kissed you, the two of you standing chest to chest. Space cool and warm at the same time as he held you close. It was so strangely intimate and soft. Gooseflesh rippled over you as you just took in the moment. 
He pulls away just enough that you can both speak. “I couldn’t be happier, that you are comfortable here. But. Let’s not forget it’s 3 am, and I have several ideas for tomorrow that will not be half as fun if you’re exhausted.”
You smile snuggling against him, “Why do you always make sense?”
“Cause, I am wise beyond my years,” He scoffed leading you into the hot water, the water feeling incredibly comforting for a change.  
You lean into the water letting it flow over your body, his hands reaching out with soap to start cleaning you. Taking his time to wash your legs, and feet, scrolling up under your ass, and hands staying there a little longer which made you wiggle. He came up over your back, spinning you to face him, his eyes watching the water go down over your breast and stomach. Your eyes doing the same, his hair is wet and disheveled in his head, droplets following the expanse of his chest down along his abdomen. You lick your lips leaning down to lick from the middle of his abs up in between his pectoral muscles. Eyes looking up at his, the way his lids drooped eyes darkening. It doesn’t stop him, continuing to drag the soap over your stomach, under your armpits, breast fingers brushing against your nipples which make them perk up. You grab the soap from him turning him so he is more under the water, and you treat him to the same treatment he gave you. You stop, moving to drop to your knees, but his hand wraps around your waist and drags you up. 
“We need sleep first,” He says, but you can feel his cock poking against your abdomen. You can’t help reaching forward fingers sliding over the soft but hard skin.
You watch him swallow, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, as you work your hand up and down his shaft. A small hitch in his breath as his head tips up, you grin knowing you’ve won this battle. You let yourself slide down he moves so that you aren’t going to drown under the water. Licking your lips you keep your hand moving, you drag it out slightly, his eyes following you. Mouth parted slightly, delicious groans coming out, you look back down to where your hand is. You open your mouth and lean forward licking along the slit, his hands running into your hair, swirling your tongue under the head before sucking at it. The wide head and shaft fill your mouth as you do your best to take him all the way in. Breathing through your nose you hum at the salty musky flavor, holding yourself there until his fingers grip your hair. 
One hand resting on his hips, the other finding its way between your legs, you suck in through your nose and swallow. Getting a lovely echoing moan from the man above you. His hands gripping the side of your head adjusting your pace. You can feel between your folds how wet you are. Looking up at him his head tipped back as his hips move. You still yourself letting him use your mouth, he doesn’t push all the way pulling back when he feels you gag. You aren’t having it grabbing at his hips and pushing yourself down until your nose touches his stomach. Throat pulsing at the head as you do your best to fight your gag reflex. A stream of curses comes out a his thrust picks up speed, one of his hands coming to cup under your chin so he can feel himself going in and out. 
Pulling you off, you groan rocking against your hand as he pops out of your mouth. He motions you to stand and you comply, strong hands guiding you up to your feet. His mouth slammed against yours kissing you deeply, before he turned around, pushing your legs apart and tipping you over. Your hands catch you as you lean against the glass, water running over your back. His fingers push their way into your cunt, the quickness sending a small jolt of pain down you, keening as he thrust in and out quickly. Fingers were replaced soon with the tip of his cock. You rock back on your heels standing on tips so that it can slide in. Filling you up in ways that make you whine. 
His hips snap in and out of you with a fast pace that makes you feel almost dizzy as you try to keep yourself up, his hands gripped onto your hips tight enough that there will be bruises. He lets go briefly only to rub at your aching clit. Whimpering at the strain of keeping yourself on tiptoe and the punishing pace making you dizzy. The pressure on your clit having you right there. 
“Oh god, don’t stop,” You whimper, free arm tipping you up so that his cock changes his angle. Stars blind you as you climax, his fingers not stopping the movements around your bud, and your legs are shaking. He goes to pull out, but you’re grabbing him holding him there. His hips stutter until he pushes in holding you tight against him. You groan as you feel him filling you up, your breath caught in your throat as you go near limp. The water of the shower started to feel cool. He slips himself out, fingers running over your now aching hole. You move to stand but the day has finally caught up to you, he easily holds you up. Angling the shower to clean both of you of your excursion. 
“You just had to push my buttons,” He grins at you helping you out of the shower and wrapping you up in a fluffy towel. 
“Didn’t seem to mind,” You grin, eyelids heavy as you flop yourself down onto the bed. 
He humms his approval getting you under the covers before he snuggles up against you. 
“You better not complain tomorrow about being sore,” He pokes, letting himself slide in so he can rest his head against your chest. Your hand tucks under him running through the mess of wet hair. 
“No, complaints,” Your free hand making a cross over your heart. He chuckles kissing at an old bruise.
“Get some sleep,” He grumbles hand wrapped around your waist. 
Chap Twelve here
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*sharing iscaring, and I am so happy you're all here. Much love <3
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