#no one knew about the dad and the mom was a neglectful absent parent who hooked up with a teenager at her daughters funeral
enobariasdistrict2 · 11 months
no because like how were vicki and matt related, was she the older sibling or the younger one?? also how did he literally just forget about her like she never got mentioned in matt's character arc until the very end... idk even if i didn't have a good relationship with my sibling i would still be sad and traumatized for DECADES if she went missing for days and then i found her body buried in the woods somewhere ....
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youremyheaven · 5 days
Momagers, Stage Mom's & Mama's Boys: The Dysfunctional Moon Child
Moon influenced people often come from households where they had a very dysfunctional relationship with their parents. Both parents are usually toxic but the Moon person forms a close, overly sympathetic and anxiously attached bond with one parent who they perceive as the victim or martyr in some way. (Dad's abusive or neglectful and mom's the one trying her best, for example).
WHY does this happen?
Moon is said to be the most Yin of the planets. It's passive, feminine and emotional.
Most of the time, these bonds are toxic because its overly protective, overly nurturing, controlling, overly caring as opposed to say Sun influence which will create bonds that are too independent and unattached (aka female friendships vs male friendships lol). Moon influenced parent-child bonds become toxic because there's TOO MUCH love, care and attachment and neither party can have a separate independent existence.
Moon influence is prominent in the charts of momagers/stage moms AND the kids who are under their control.
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Priyanka Chopra, Rohini Moon
Pri and her mom are attached at the hip and they're literally ALWAYS together. She has managed Pri's career since she was a teenager. And since she's not a nepo kid, it's known that she's had affairs with several married men in the industry, especially when she was starting out, to secure work :((
And I think its fucked up to have a parent basically pimp you out to make money. Be it PC getting a nose job or her army doctor mother quitting her job to open a cosmetic surgery clinic or her family running a pub?? PC is the golden goose and her family has just been living off of her money and encouraging her to basically do anything to make it. I think its a bit fcked to be smoking with your mom and its not bc I'm Indian lol
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Alia Bhatt, Shravana Rising
Now Alia's dad is a pretty well known asshole who is infamous for being abusive. And Alia had a pretty rough upbringing, so its no wonder that Alia is as attached to her mom as she is. Alia's own marriage is pretty fucked up and toxic.
Alia started her career when she was 17 and to this day, her mom manages her finances. She was recently in the news for being scammed out of 1 crore rupees (119,000 dollars) so like I guess her mom's not exactly brilliant at what she does lol
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Katrina Kaif, Hasta Moon
Katrina Kaif who is British, came to India when she was 17 and met and started dating the violent, toxic abusive Salman Khan, who was 20 years older than her. He helped her establish herself as a huge star but she went through a lot including physical abuse.
Kat endured all that because she had 7 siblings to support and her mom was a single mom. She's extremely close to her mom but I still think its fcked up that a literal teenager had to become the breadwinner of a family of 8 and endure all kinds of abuse in a toxic industry and in a country where she knew nobody just to break even.
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Bella Hadid, Hasta Moon
Yolanda is a toxic mom in general but she has a particularly toxic bond with Bella for sure
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Britney Spears, Shravana Moon
She's probably the most notorious example of being controlled by her toxic , abusive family :(((
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Brooke Shields, Rohini Sun/Jupiter/Rahu
Her mom made her pose naked for playboy when she was 10. That should say enough about how fcked up her momager was. She has spoken about how her mom was an alcoholic and she felt like she had to do everything she could do to keep her mom alive :((
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Ranbir Kapoor, Shravana Moon
He grew up in a toxic home where his dad cheated on his mom and was an alcoholic. He's KNOWN to be a mama's boy and his mother lowkey influenced all his previous relationships until he finally tied the knot with someone his mom approved of ://
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Today his wife dresses and emulates his mom lmao
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Leonardo DiCaprio, Hasta Moon
He's another infamous mama's boy
It's interesting to me how in most of these cases, the fathers were either absent or neglectful. These people grew up under the sole care of their mothers and it created an overly possessive, toxic, codependent bond. All of these people have spoken about how hard their mom's lives were and how they're grateful for everything their mothers did for them. This tendency of the Moon to make its natives be entirely sheltered from Yang or male influence or in some ways find Yang influence repulsive is very telling.
Similar to how Sun influenced people find it difficult to relate to or connect with Yin themes (like being clingy, attached, being nurturing in a traditional way, being openly loving etc) Moon influenced people struggle the most with detachment, letting go, independence etc. The extremes of both these can be unhealthy. It's important to learn how to be balanced and not give in to the tendencies that can harm both us and the people in our lives.
That's all for this post<3
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stevesbipanic · 9 months
Billy was not racist. He was trying to protect Max and Lucas both from his father, who would have harmed both of them plus Billy if he knew they were even hanging out let alone romantically involved. Billy was a victim of abuse at the hands of his father, and his mother abandoned him to his father despite knowing what cruelties he would suffer just to save her own ass. Was Billy an asshole? Yes. Was the shitty way he treated people especially Max okay? No, never. Nothing excuses it. But you try living with the sorts of abuses his father heaped on him, and on his mother before she left, and the abuses he would have been heaping on Max's mom too. I have zero doubt that Billy's father r-worded both Billy's mom and later Max's mom because "wifely duties" or some other misogynistic garbage. Billy would have overheard the sounds from it pretty much any time it happened while he was home. You try living with all that and see how YOU turn out. Billy did deserve a redemption arc. He got one of a sort when he sacrificed himself despite "the mindflayer's" control over him, all to save El, Max, Max's mom, and even people he hated. Because he knew what "the mindflayer" had planned. Did you not see Billy's tears when "the mindflayer" was speaking through him? Did you not notice Billy told Karen to stay away from him rather than give in to "the mindflayer" and kill her? Did you not notice Billy flat out lied to his father when his father demanded to know where Max had run off to? There's no way Billy didn't have some kind of clue where to find her. But he lied to his father, to shield her and to shield Lucas, from whatever harm would absolutely have come to them at the hands of Neil Hargrove. Billy is not the embodiment of evil you clearly think he is.
Did Billy somewhat sometimes care about his stepsister? Yes. Did he get abused by his dad? Also yes. These facts don't excuse him from his actions in both seasons 2 and 3.
In our early meetings of Billy he highly threatens to run over the party while they're on their bikes. A normal same human being wouldn't do that. He also beat Steve to the point the kids thought he might be dead. He continued beating Steve even once Steve had been thoroughly knocked out, and likely would've killed Steve if Max hadn't knocked him out.
Also YES HE WAS RACIST WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? Did you know that Billy's line "certain type of people" in regards to Lucas, was originally a black slur? He was a racist character picking up the trait from yes his abusive dad. Just because his dad was abusive doesn't mean Billy didn't become racist because of his upbringing with him.
You can definitely say that line is to protect Max from abuse from her stepdad if he found out she was talking to a black boy. But it certainly wasn't protecting Lucas, billy couldn't care less about Lucas' safety (SEE TRYING TO RUN HIM OFF THE ROAD).
His character was written to be a bad person, accept this. Characters aren't always written to have redemption arcs or all be good people. He was a racist bully from the 80s with an abusive dad. Just because you think he's hot doesn't change these facts.
Also, abuse doesn't inherently make your character grow up to be a bully. Lonnie Byers is heavily written as an abusive father, even going so far as it was suggested he killed Will in season 1. But neither of the Byers grow up to be bullies. Eleven is brought up in an abusive environment and moves past these traits. Steve's parents are seen as hard on him and in some ways absent and neglectful and besides Jonathan we never see him fight anyone that wasn't for protection.
Billy is the only older character that shows complete disregard for the kids safety. And him dying in st3 doesn't forgive these actions nor rewrite his racist abusive character.
You're allowed to hate characters that are written to be the bad guys. No one attacks anyone for hating Dr Brenner because he's the villain. Many people including myself didn't like Steve in season 1 because he was written to be the popular asshole. Characters are written certain ways for reasons. So go enjoy your self insert fanfiction where you really just want Billy to be a hot ooc. But for the rest of us it's totally fair to hate on one of the villains of the series.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Trope, trope with Ruaidhri!
@thewolfisawake || For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse || Accepting
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Brilliant, but Lazy-- Yes, he's smart, I swear he is. Ruaidhri is incredibly skilled when it comes to social interactions and working people, and he has a cleverness and wittiness that actually surpasses many of his fellow gentry. The only thing is that...he would rather use it to engineer shirtless practice sessions at his home to watch at his leisure than for something like advancement in the Court or garnering favor with others.
It's because of this "laziness" that's led to his father reaching the belief that his son is dull, unintelligent, good for nothing, sex-obsessed, and only interest in partying. Of which only the latter two are true. Anyways, Ruaidhri's apparent ditzy air and flighty, shallow, air-headed personality make plenty of the gentry believe the same as his dad does, not knowing that his hedonistic veneer also hides a keenly intelligent mind that's usually only interested in working towards whatever personal goal he happens to have at the moment.
Aur's started to catch onto that as of late though, and has started to utilize it by putting Ruaidhri to work and having him be the front man of Seelie when interacting with other rulers and nobility, much to Ruaidhri's chagrin.
...I had this all ready to post until I saw that second "trope".
Parental Neglect (small tw for discussions of Seòras not really raising his kid): Ruaidhri was largely left to his own devices during his childhood. He could do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted, and no one was there to tell him no. The mortals that served his family only had to make sure he was clothed, fed, and not doing anything that might accidentally get him killed.
Seòras had made it clear from an early age his entire purpose for siring Ruaidhri-- to provide a child that might be married off to the next ruler of Seelie. Past that, he didn't care what Ruaidhri did, so long as he knew to fall in line when it was time to organize an engagement. That's the rule that Ruaidhri lived by his entire life-- do what you want, but when father says it's time to listen, then listen.
Ruaidhri asked only once about the person who gave birth to him, to which Seòras answered that she was a wandering fae who had no real interest in raising a child, not that Seòras himself particularly wanted to bother co-parenting with her. Nothing would come of marriage to a wandering fae, and he had his desired heir anyways. Ruaidhri doesn't think much about his mom though since his father was the only one who wanted the child and she'd made it clear she didn't want to become Ruaidhri's mother and raise him.
As for his father's largely there but still absent presence in his life, much like some of the other gentry, Ruaidhri wouldn't even think to label it as "neglect' or "absence". To him, it's just how things were, and he feels that he was done a better deal having his freedom as a youth than having his obviously disdainful father hovering over him every second.
...Oh the irony.
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - TS Parental/Familial
On The Off Chance (Tony Stark X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of spitting in a drink and some threats of violence, and mention of violence Request: Tony stark parental figure with “i know you’re joking but on the off chance you aren’t, no”
Arranged Plans Cancelled (Peter Parker X Fem!Stark!Reader) Warnings: Bad friends Request: Stark!Reader is often hurt by others, like people will arrange plans + blow her off/friends will make plans in front of her + not invite her. people will get her to do their homework for them bc they know she can’t say no. Peter Parker thinks its really unfair but she handles it really well + doesn’t make a fuss. one day Steve/Tony/someone accidentally upsets her (maybe they cancel plans she’s been really looking forward to or something) and Peter just loses it. she’s really shocked that he noticed and he’s standing up for her. She goes to Midtown too …
Homework Struggles (Tony Stark X Fem!Teen!Reader) Request: What about a reader x father figure tony where the reader is really struggling in school and feels like she’s failing him but instead of being upset he just helps them out and discovers they have adhd and gets them the help they need?
Accidentally Coming Out (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Accidentally coming out, fear of homophobia Request: … reader accidentally makes a comment about being gay and panics bc she’s not out to him yet? And she tries to run away but someone catches her and brings her home?
Taking the Lead (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers to Infinity War and Endgame, death Requests: … the one who survives in infinity turns to dust and the one did is alive. the reader didn’t urn to dust and he missed his father, even throught they don’t have nice relationship. he learns that he has a sister and he helped to take care of them as he is like a father figure to Morgan. when endgame happened, the reader do the snap. it like the reader do the snap instead of tony
More Like Pepper (Tony Stark X Teenage!Reader) Request: Could I request a fic where the reader is Tony’s kid but lowkey has no time for the teams shit and is savage?
Hiding Hickies (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hickies/bruises Request: Would you be open to writing a tony x daughter reader where the daughter goes out with a boy for the first time and has to hide hickies? And tony finds out and she’s expecting him to freak out but he just accepts it and is really chill about it?
Metallic Limbs (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of injury and loss of limbs, mention of surgery Request: … Reader is a quadruple amputee after the Chitauri attack in Manhattan. Tony, As the one who found her in the rubble, feels inclined to watch over her and help her in any way he can. So he has her fitted with state of the art cybernetic limbs. Years later, reader is coming to the avengers HQ to get a tune up and she meets the friendly neighbourhood sideman without the mask. Tony is unsure if he’s okay with them being so chummy together.
Never There (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Absent father, swearing, threatening Request: ... reader has been under Tony’s financial care since she was a child but he never saw her as his child and saw no need to spend time with her until after the Ultron situation. But with all the years or ignorance, is the damage already done?
Science Fair (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Warnings: Mention of neglectful parent Request: Son male reader x tony stark where tony wants to be better of a parent than Howard to male reader
Bitten (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Blood, near death Request: One more please if available. Tony stark and daughter were she gets bitten by a vampire and tony and team are extremly worried and strange is the only one that can save her? Fluff and angst. Pepper is her mom.
Left Behind (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent, a wittle bit of swearing Request: … Tony wants to adopt a kid and he choiced the reader. But the reader is actually Tony’s child by blood m, but he doesn’t know that. and she knows that she is relateted and hates Tony for ‘leaving’ her. …
Looking for Advice (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) Request: Could you maybe do a tony stark x son male reader where the male reader ask for advise to ask a girl out
Dentist Appointment (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: Could you write one where the reader needs to have oral surgery to remove some problem teeth but she’s petrified to make the call. But she’s in tears all nigh from the pain? Her dad Tony stark, makes the call behind her back cause he hates seeing her in pain. When they arrive at the hospital she nearly freaks out saying he betrayed her so he hugs her and says it will be ok; but when he did that he also got her in the neck with a sedative to knock her out to make it easier on everyone? Lol
Session (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM AND DEPRESSION Request: … reader is Tony’s daughter and has a history with self harming so he sends her to therapy for depression. Tony went to intro session with y/n and she says that she doesnt cut anymore and still maintains the lie and then Tony begins to notice all of the signs that point to her self harming and realises she never actually stopped? If thats okay? If not, i understand?
Dip (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Depression, self-doubt Request: Tony stark x daughter reader where her grades slip bad because of depression and she panics but Tony’s there for her and makes sure she knows it’s okay to fail?
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Feeling Loved Again (Father!Tony X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Swearing Request:I had an idea. Where the reader is Tony Starks daughter (15-16 yr old) but she lives with her mom. She’s kind of tomboyish and dyes her hair funky colors so her mom gets sick of it and drops her off at the tower unexpectedly and tells tony she’s his problem now. So he gladly signs the custody papers. He totally adores her and celebrates her first night with him with take out and movies with the whole team.
Parker! (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Bit of bullying, angry over protective dad. Request: Tony Stark’s daughter is popular and in a band and at a concert, Peter is getting picked on for being alone so Reader goes and kisses him and hugs him, surprising everyone with their secret relationship, much to Tony’s disapproval.
Five Days (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) SERIOUS WARNING: EATING DISORDER Other Warnings: Bullying/ teasing Request: Hey love! I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of where the reader has been in recovery from an eating disorder and then has a hard relapse? Maybe with a platonic or father Tony Stark?
It’ll Work Out (Stony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War, emotions Request: Hey can you do one where reader is stonys daughter and it’s just about how the family is torn apart lots of angst ends in fluff
New Environment (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of bad background and illegal activities. Request: Do you think you can do a roleplay where tonys daughter doesn’t come from the same background as him and maybe is coming from the ‘ghetto where she lived with her mom and she’s trying to act tough and stuff buts she’s actually really scared? …
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: I was wondering if you would write one where the reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: … reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? …
Fight Me (Peter Parker X Fem!Reader, Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Threatening (not serious) Request: Hey can I get a Tony x daughter reader where she’s always says fight me like someone says “I Was sitting there” and she says fight me ect. Anyway lots of fluff a little Peter x reader too- Og I forgot Tony x daughter reader fight me she like pure™ thanks😘
To Make You Happy (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Hints of depression Request: … She’s been depressed and going through a rough time. So to cheer her up her dad gets her a kitten even though he isn’t fond of animals. He knew she always wanted one. And she does start to cheer up and they share a dad daughter fluffy moment.
My Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Mention of death of a parent Request: … Tony has a teenage daughter he didn’t know about but the mom dies, so he takes custody and introduces her around and just overall becomes a dad of a teenager? (You don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable)
Supporting Dad (Tony Stark X Reader) Request: Could you do reader being Tony’s kid and they’re as smart as him and decide to go into music instead of inventing? Like with Tony being the super proud band parent at every concert or somth about him being supportive
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: … reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony (their bf, or dad, you choose!), being the overprotective dad/bf he is, has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. Can it be really fluffy?
Delirious (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Sickness Request: Tony stark x daughter request? Where she’s sick with a really high fever and completely delirious and keeps saying crazy shit. As concerned as tony is he can’t help not to laugh at some of her antics so he takes video. When she’s better he shows her the video and they both share a laugh over it.
Bookworms (Loki X Fem!Reader) Request: Hey could I request one where the reader is Tony’s daughter and she does a bunch of reading with Loki, but finds out he hasn’t read Harry Potter, freaks, and makes him read all of them?
Your Daughter (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Minor Spoilers of Civil War Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter and he doesn’t know about her and during the airport scene in Civil war this teenage girl arrives in an iron man suit and stops the fight and Tony’s like who are you and then she’s replies with “your daughter” ...
Telling Him (Peter Parker X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of coming out and past murder Request: ... reader is Tony’s son (probably an adoption situation?) and is closeted gay… maybe after Peter is already a part of the avengers, and not during Civil War? ...
I’m Here Now (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Mention of car crash, death, injury Request: ... Her and her mom got into a bad accident. The mom dies and reader needs a blood transfusion so when the drs test her they match her to Stark. He gets the call and rushes over. Realizing he’s a dad to a teenage girl now he has the team ready a room and he welcomes her into his heart and makes her feel extra special since she lost her mom.
Who Is It? (Tony X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Request: ... Tonys daughter is sitting in the living room being like ‘hey I hacked into your system 'cause I’m your super smart daughter and have no where else to go’ and Tony starts to get really protectiv over her. And then finds out that she is falling in love with Peter, but Tony is basically the last one to find out? ...
Missing My Voice (Tony X Fem!Reader, Peter x Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, surgery, needles, injury Request: ... reader loves to sing and play the guitar and a ton of other instruments but goes mute during a mission (due to an injury), and how it impacts Peter and Tony? And can Tony like, go to a ton of doctors and stuff to try and find a solution? ...
Sit Down (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Injury Request: ... reader sprains her ankle and still tries to do loads of things and won’t let it heal because she’s stubborn af and tony gets all protective? ...
Being Tony Stark’s Adopted Daughter Would Include…
Be Careful (Tony X Daughter!Reader, Peter X Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood, getting shot Request: ... reader is Tony’s teenage daughter who’s dating Peter and she’s just the type of person everyone loves but she’s also a really good hacker and fighter so she does missions sometimes and she ends up getting shot? ...
Caring Father (Tony X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Self Conscious reader, protective father, verbal abuse, body shaming Request: ... reader who is on the phone with their mom and Tony ... has been noticing that the reader has been skipping meals. Like, the reader would only eat around lunchtime, and sometimes dinner, but thats it. He overhears her mom chastising her about how the reader needs to lose weight, ect. ...
Approving (Peter Parker X Reader, Tony X Daughter!Reader) Request: ... Tony says to his daughter that he doesn’t like the idea of them dating but behind her back he’s talking to the Avengers about how happy he is that his daughter found a good guy. ...
Warning Signs (Tony and Peter X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse Request: ... reader goes to peter Parkers school and she also started interning at the avengers tower as a lab assistant? She gets along with the team and considers them family. She ends up not showing up at school or the tower for a few days so Peter goes to her house to check on her and finds out she’s being abused by her parents. ...
Parental Advice (Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Teasing Request: ... Tony goes on with his life as an Avenger and all and it’s getting harder on him ... Meanwhile, you’re struggling with your social life ... you become pretty lonely and your favorite place is the tower with the avengers ... Finally, one morning, you and Tony are both up early(like, 4 am) and you talk to each other about your troubles. ...
Being Pepper’s Adopted Daughter and Tony Adopting You Would Include…
A Little Dense (Tony Stark X Sister!Reader, Clint Barton X Fem!Reader) Warnings: A bit of swearing Request: Clint and tony’s sister. You are trying to tell him that Clints gonna be a dad and tony is gonna be a uncle? The rest of the team finds out at the end. Some cute and fluff.
Meeting Her Husband (Loki X Stark!Reader) Warnings: Pregnancy Request: Tony and sister reader: he and the team discover you are in a secret relationship with Loki and you both are happily married and you are a few months pregnant with loki’s baby and he is not happy about it.
A Little Talk (Tony Stark X Brother!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Swearing, alcoholism Request: one with Tony as your big brother and you’re both going through a hard time or something?
Unfinished Business (Tony X Brother!Reader) Warnings: Death, death of parents, presumed death, a lot of emotions coming your way Request: … Reader is Tony Starks brother who, at a young age, runaway and now is coming back at Tony? But like Reader has some sort of a supernatural power like seeing ppl? …
I Still Love You (Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Civil War Request: With the stark reader and Bucky one, can you do where he blames himself for the death of readers and Tony’s parents, but she still loves him, even though Tony doesn’t allow it. Eventually Tony and reader have a heart to heart and gives her his blessing. Bucky puts aside his guilt?
Passing The Test. (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Death threats, unplanned pregnancy, minor violence. Request: … reader being Tony´s sister. She dates Pietro for a long time and gets pregnant, and the avengers find out (exept tony) and their reaction, and at the end Tony realize because of her tummy and wants to kill pietro but at the end he is proud …
Better Choice (Tony Stark X Cousin!Reader, Peter Parker X Reader) Warnings: One swears and mentions of bed relationships and breakups Request: The reader is Tonys younger cousin (teenager) and she starts falling for Peter and tony just pets it happen because he’s better than any boyfriend the reader has had before
Where’s Nat? (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Blood. Looooots of blood. Request: teen reader has period and goes to avengers for help but Nat isn’t home – Tony is her uncle!
Overprotective much? (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: One swear word, threatening, flirting, drinking and attempted murder by an overprotective brother. Request: ... reader is Tony´s sister and she is really beautiful (thats why Tony won´t introduce her) and the avengers are surprised and start bothering Tony and he gots really jealous and protective ...
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flashfuture · 3 years
What’s the timeline with Iris/her deal anyway, at least pre-New 52? I’m really confused about her like. Everything
So is DC babe so is DC
But yes let’s do an Iris West break down cause I love her lots
So 1956 she was introduced in Showcase #4 alongside Barry Allen as his fiancé. They would be engaged for a decade till their wedding in 1966
In 1960 Iris takes her 10-year-old nephew Wally West to meet her fiancé, Barry Allen. It’s on this visit Wally gains his powers and he keeps this a secret from his aunt. It wasn’t until 1961 so the next summer that Barry told Wally his secret identity. 
But Barry didn’t tell Iris he was the Flash at all. She heard him talk in his sleep on their wedding night. She told him a year later in 1967 on their 1 year anniversary that she knew all along. 
It’s around that time that Iris learns she was born in the 30th century. Her parents, to spare her from a war, sent her back in time where she ended up with the West family. Her dad Ira an emotionally neglectful and absent-minded physicist chose Iris as his favorite daughter. Her mom Nadine was well a mom I guess we don’t know much about her. But Iris’s two older siblings Charlotte and Rudy sucked. Rudy is Wally’s dad. 
Iris travels to the future to try and find her family but Barry convinces her to go home with him to the 20th century. 
In 1979 Iris was supposedly killed at a costume party by Clive Yorkin. About a year later we find out this was actually Professor Zoom who vibrated his hand into her skull and killed her. Again Barry was drugged heavily so
In 1985 it is shown that her parents in the future saved her by bringing her body to the 30th century.  They made a clone body and dropped her consciousness into it so that was that. Around this time she also helped get Barry acquitted on his trial for murder which is when he learned she was alive. 
Barry spent a month with her in the 30th century before getting sucked back to 1985 and dying in Crisis. 
Iris raised their twins Don and Dawn in the future. She rescued her grandson Bart who’d been kidnapped and was hyper aging whisking him away to 1996. 
She lies low for the next few years trying to you know not let anyone know Iris West isn’t dead. She does go to Wally’s wedding and is around. She helps save Johnny Quick from Savitar.
In 1997 the Life Story of the Flash is published which is actually really good I highly recommend reading that one. It’s presented like a book Iris wrote. 
She shows up back again in 2007 during Bart’s awful awful run as the Flash trying to save his life but he dies anyways. 
In Final Crisis, she’s back and has the anti-life equation on her which Barry kisses her and it breaks it. (also de-aged her if I’m remembering right cause can’t have her be like a decade older than Barry) 
In New52 she’s there but Barry is dating Patty so she’s a side interest I guess? She was raising her nephew Wallace as well. Honestly New52 was really bad. 
But Rebirth is where she remembers she was married to Barry. She kills Thawne to cause fuck Eobard am I right? But yeah she and Barry are back together but the new stuff has not been kind to the Flashfam. She did slap Batman and I love her forever for it. 
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
Obligatory writer’s block Everett content. Not whumpy just rambling really
CW: Smoking, self harm, mentions of abusive and neglectful parents
He woke up abruptly, blinking rapidly as he realized he was awake. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and sighing heavily. It was another bad dream, another nightmare. He didn’t have ones involving his father that often, which made him even more unnerved. He knew he wouldn’t fall back asleep easily so he got out of bed, sighing as he stretched his arms above his head before snatching his jacket off of where it had been thrown at the end of his bed. Looking over he saw Eli still fast asleep, curled up with his shark. He figured he’d be fine for a few minutes, so he pulled his jacket on and quietly left the room, leaving the apartment all together.
It was cold out, he hadn’t bothered to put on shoes and the concrete outside the door was freezing, but he hardly cared. He made his way over to the railing and leaned against it, not in the mood to make his way all the way downstairs. He wasted little time in getting a cigarette and his lighter from his jacket pockets, holding it in his mouth while he lit it. He usually didn’t smoke so close to the apartment, in fact he’d been trying to quit lately, though he was still quite young, as Eli was getting older he didn’t want him to pick up that habit from him in the future.
He tried to remember the nightmare that was already fading from his memory. He believed there was a lot of importance in dreams, but this one was already getting blurry and hard to recall in detail. He could remember the walls closing in on him though, and his father was there, refusing to help. Claustrophobia and daddy issues, he thought, snickering to himself. He hadn’t spoken to his father in roughly four years now, though he had been thinking about trying lately. He didn’t know why, a part of him knew it would be useless, after all, it was his dad who told him not to call him anymore, he doubted he’d get an answer if he tried. Just thinking about the situation made him angry all over again, angry that he’d been abandoned, even angrier that their dad never even tried with Eli. His little brother deserved more than an absent father and neglectful mother, Everett wanted him to have the best life possible and it seemed the whole world was against that happening. It wasn’t fair, which only added to the anger.
He took his time out there, despite the fact that the cold was beginning to hurt his feet. Once he decided he had enough, he pushed his sleeve up, taking his cigarette and putting it out on his arm, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth as he did so. He didn’t know why he did it, but it was just another mark among several other identical ones. He tried to reason it to himself many times, the one he’d settled on was that it would deter him from smoking if he did that every time. So far, it hadn’t.
He planned to stay outside at least a little bit longer, but he heard the apartment door open, quickly whipping around and expecting to see his mother. Instead, he saw Eli, tiredly rubbing his eye with one hand. His brown hair was a wild mess around his face and he was only wearing one of Everett’s old t-shirts and a pair of shorts, not dressed for the cold weather outside.
“Ev…?” He asked softly, but he was already heading over to him, quickly scooping him up into his arms.
“What are you doing up, kid?” He asked, carrying him inside and shutting the door behind them, making sure to lock it. “You know you shouldn’t go opening the door at night.”
“I- I- I know, but- but I- but I had a- a bad- bad dream…” He murmured, his skinny little arms locked around Everett’s neck. “Had a bad- had a bad dream and couldn’t- couldn’t find you…” He felt a twinge of guilt at that, upset he hadn’t been there for him.
“I’m sorry…” He said softly, carrying him back to their bedroom, careful not to risk waking up their mom. He shut the door and then took Eli over to his bed but he refused to let go, so Everett sat down, holding him on his lap, wincing when the fresh burn on his arm rubbed against him. “Still scared?” He asked him, trying to ignore the pain, and Eli nodded. “Wanna tell me what the bad dream was?”
“Ch-chased by a- by a monster…” He murmured. “The-the uh- the monster I saw- saw on tv last night…”
“That’s enough late night tv for you.” He told him. “Will you go to sleep if I check the room for monsters?” He asked, and after some hesitation Eli nodded, allowing Everett to set him down on his bed. He sat there and hugged his shark while he watched Everett move about the room, checking the closet, under both their beds, and once he’d assured him the room was safe, he let Everett tuck him into bed, happily curled up beneath the blankets.
“Th-thank- Uh- thank you…” He murmured, smiling as Everett ruffled his hair.
“You’re welcome, kid. Get some sleep, okay? No monsters here to worry about.” He told him, and Eli nodded, his eyes finally closed. Everett stayed up until he was sure he was asleep again, once he was out he went and collapsed back onto his bed. He laid there staring at the ceiling for only a few moments, he quickly accepted he wouldn’t be falling back asleep anytime soon and grabbed his phone, preparing for a long night awake.
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the-satellite · 4 years
Hello nobody but me gives a shit but I'm in a mood so here's my kinda ridiculously detailed headcanons for the Marble Hornets boys' families bc if the boys wont give em canon families I will
Undeniably a single child, one was all his parents needed no matter how much he begged for siblings. Had loads of cousins tho, first and second gen.
P good relationship with his parents! They supported his hobbies and passions well enough, they didn't divorce, honestly he's the luckiest one here in terms of family ngl.
Casually religious, a last supper painting here, a cross there. Service on Sunday and you could do whatever after that. Most of that free time was spent with an old recorder doing skits with whatever cousin visited that day.
His dad definitely wishes he was more sporty but like whatever makes you happy buddy. Mom was very excited when he moved out bc she wanted to run a b&b.
Doesn't know what happened and probably gave up after a year. He might've just moved. They still have a missing persons poster at the local gas station. It's the little hope ya know?
Oldest of three, had 2 younger sisters. Total bastard of an older brother but god he loved them. Nobody loved like Brian loved his sisters. Called em everyday in college.
Parents were emotionally neglectful bc I project. They provided a house and food and clothes but if Bri wanted praise for his lead role in the school play or the middle girl needed therapy kiddos were SOL.
Lived in a city and moved south just before the middle girl was born. If theres a trailer park in Alabama someone in there remembers the Thomas' without fail, usually bc a kid bullied one of the girls and got rocks in the window via Brian.
All the kids are a lil brain weird. Brian has empathy related issues and is extremely vengeful, the middle girl is obsessive and emotionally fragile, and the youngest is mute and detached from her own humanity.
Parents stopped trying to figure out where he went after like a month. He's an adult his choice. The middle became a journalist and specializes in old missing persons cases. The youngest ran away bc the entire environment was going to kill her.
Younger of two boys, had an older brother he was extremely close to as a child, but they kinda fell into passive contact when the older boy moved out. Kinda rekindled once Jay hit college
Parents split when he was p little, it was amicable and the boys mostly stuck with their mom and saw their dad every other weekend and visited on most holiday breaks.
Family's kinda halfway loaded via inheritance, they have the ability to live upper middle class but nobody wanted to move and eating out makes Jay anxious so they didn't change their lifestyle much. Zebra cakes for days in the cupboard tho
Absolute mama's boy, adored his mother. It wasn't that he didn't like his dad his dad was good he just vibes harder with his mom. Misses her alot in college.
After some time of radio silence they got a mystery call from a random number about his death, they got him a grave they mourned and learned to live again. Didn't get the body tho.
Only child and a complete accident. His mother supposedly a single woman in the middle of the bible belt you think this kid was planned? Absolutely not hes the ultimate unwanted mistake.
Had a single mother who was literally the exact same circumstance except everyone knew her father was a high ranking church member. Nobody knows who Tim's father was but mom says kiddo looks alot like him. Alabamians don't learn /j.
Honestly was barely raised by his mom, he was mostly taken care of by teachers at school and later nurses. She was so absent Tim can't even remember her face or voice, he'd be able to pick it out if asked but can't bring it up on his own.
His family doesn't have much history of the mental health issues he has. No documentation of dissociation, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies, none of it. Its theorized to be from the dad's side.
The two haven't spoken since Tim was in like 5th grade, she doesn't know shit and probably doesn't want to. She loses her mind with grief when she looks him up out of curiosity one day and finds the channel. Her son killed a man. Her son probably killed himself. How do you cope with that?
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Enemies to Lovers Noah Sexton x dawson!reader
requested by: @bitweird1​
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, child neglect, slightly Dawson bashing but they really just didn’t know, canon compliant threats
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You had spent your entire life struggling and working your ass off. No social life, extracurriculars for the sole purpose of applying to universities, and spending the majority of your life studying because according to your dad at least one Dawson had to become a doctor and your older siblings had decided that it wouldn’t be them, leaving you to do nothing but prepare for the future that had been hand-picked by the man you felt abandoned you. And then Noah fucking Sexton just waltzes in having put in half the effort and riding the coattails of his much more intelligent sister who gave up a career as a doctor because of sexism. He spent far too much of his time flirting with everything that had boobs and a pulse. You didn’t like him because he took nothing seriously and didn’t have a responsible bone in his body, and he hated you because you were incredibly uptight and didn’t have a sense of humour.
“Maybe you’d have more friends here if you didn’t have a stick shoved up your ass.”
“I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to become a doctor.”
Everyone was getting really sick of your fighting, so they banded together and made things worse. They had badgered you until Doris had enough and dragged you to Molly’s. You refused to drink or eat anything, resulting in more snide remarks between you and Noah. Just when everyone was developing a migraine before they were anywhere even close to drunk your parents burst through the door and marched over to you. And suddenly, everyone in the bar, including your siblings, were subjected to and twenty-minute rant from your parents about how you should be grateful they pushed you towards medical school and all the activities that got you scholarships, that they didn’t abandon you, and that they clothed and fed you because a third child cost so much money, how you never took anything seriously and were always joking around, and how you were a disgrace to the family. Once they finished, your dad dragged you out by your arm, your mom followed muttering about why couldn’t you be more like Gabby and Antonio.
You walked into the ED the next day as robotic as ever. The pitiful and awkward stares were ignored with ease, it was something you were quite used to if you were honest. Your parents were always scrutinized by your teachers and DCFS. At the end of the day, though, they weren’t abusive enough for any charges or housing changes to be set. They weren’t like that with Gabby and Antonio, who had mostly moved out by the time you were in kindergarden, you were their last chance to help them prove to their family that they didn’t fail as parents. And they made sure you knew it.
“Dr. Dawson, you’ve got a patient in treatment one. Also, uh, are you okay? I feel pretty bad about last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about anything. I’m fine, and my parents were right I should’ve been studying. It was a poor decision on my part not to. I’m gonna get to this patient, but you really don’t need to feel bad, okay?”
She nodded absently as you turned your back to her. ”Hi, I'm Dr. Dawson, can you tell me what brought you in today?”
Your patient had just gone up to the OR to have a blood clot removed and you made your way to the doctor’s lounge, followed by Noah Sexton. ”Hey, Y/N, are you-”
”Yes, Noah, I am okay. Yes, I'm sure. I am fine, I am always fine.”
”From my experience when people say they're fine they're usually not.”
”Noah, I am okay.”
“I don’t believe you.”
The next few weeks were a maze of pitiful stares, hushed concerned words, and a silent Noah. All of it was completely unnerving. It all came to a head when Dr. Charles approached in the ED you about starting therapy with him, talking continuously about all the points ‘brought to his attention’, not even giving you the time to tell him the majority were false. “Excuse me?” 
Your stomach coiled in anger at his words. Not only were you more than capable of doing your job, but you already had a therapist. With basket case parents like yours, it was blatantly obvious that therapy was required. But the audacity of your co-workers to gossip so much that it came to the point over half the points Charles brought up were complete BS was astounding. Not only that, but he’d apparently spent the last few days internet stalking you to try and find some of your demons. “Dr. Charles, do you consider me a danger or liability to any of the patients or doctors at this hospital because of my relationship with my parents?”
“No, you actually seem to be well balanced mentally.”
“Then what, on earth, made you think it was appropriate to go around behind my back asking everyone at the hospital their opinion about me and what happened at Molly’s, or stalk me online to try and get a read on me, and then ask me blatantly at work, in the middle of the shift, in front of all my co-workers and superiors? What made you think it was okay to loudly bombard me with rumours and hearsay while I’m working?”
“Well, I thought that since it’s my job to check on all the ED docs, I’d check on you.”
“... You’re joking, right? I am the only person in this department who goes to therapy. Don’t kid yourself, you don’t check on anyone here. You judge them and make sure they know it. And quite honestly, you don’t have the best reputation for looking out for the mental and emotional state of your colleagues. This confrontation was not only completely inappropriate, but rude, obnoxious, presumptuous, riddled with unchecked errors, and unprofessional.”
“That’s not how I would word it.”
“It’s how I see it, and how I’ll word it with HR.”
No one was pitying you anymore, not since the tongue lashing you gave Dr. Charles, who was on very thin ice with the hospital. While bringing up Robin and Sarah may have been a bit of a low blow, it exposed some issues with Dr. Charles that needed to be addressed. The only person who acted as if you were made of glass was Noah Sexton. While he had been a bit of a pain in the ass, this was worse. He was being sickeningly nice to you and it was getting on your last nerve. Yes, your parents were abusive. Yes, you had a messed up and traumatic childhood. But did that limit your abilities? No. Did that make you mentally unstable requiring therapy and fragility from your coworkers? Absolutely not.
He came in with coffee exactly the way you liked it, again. With a muffin, again. “You have to stop.”
“Stop what, Y/N?”
“Stop acting weird. You don’t like me, you hate me, actually. The only reason you’re being nice to me is because my parents resent my existence. I do not need or want your pity. So stop treating me like a china doll, and start treating me like your coworker.”
“Okay, okay, I uh... I’m sorry. I just, I feel guilty, okay? I gave you such a hard time for being so frigid and then when your parents showed up at Molly’s and started screaming at you for existing and having a life of your own, it just all made sense. And I gave you shit and trouble for coping with your crazy-ass parents. And then Dr. Charles came by to talk to you and I just felt even worse because even though I didn’t tell him anything, it was our fighting that put the spotlight on you in the first place. You shouldn’t have had your dirty laundry aired to the entire hospital, that’s happened to me a few times and it’s horrible, and I feel bad because I know that I was a contributing factor to all the shit you’ve had to deal with at work.”
“I get where you’re coming from, but let’s be real, everything would’ve turned out exactly the same way if you weren’t involved. The gossip mill runs strong at Gaffney.”
“Yeah, it does. I still feel bad.”
“Well, you’re forgiven then. So you can stop treading delicately, buying me coffee, and being creepily nice to me.”
“I am not being ‘creepily nice’! And how can being nice be creepy anyway?”
“Yesterday you followed me around offering to help me take my gloves on and off constantly, to the point where a patient who came in for falling out of the ceiling above the women’s changeroom said ‘that’s just weird’.”
“... Okay. I’ll stop. But I gotta be honest, I don’t think I can go back to arguing with you all the time.”
“That’s fine, just stop acting so weird that a couple I caught having kinky sex after an STD swab said ‘that made us really uncomfortable’.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Seriously, you didn’t have to tell me twice.”
You and Noah had actually managed to become good friends and roommates. Shortly after he started acting like a normal person around you, not an instigator or a psycho, you found yourself enjoying his company. And yesterday, when you’d come home to find your room completely torn apart by your mother because your father had tried to frame you for using weed, you were done. Most of what you owned had been destroyed in your mother’s search, which sucked, but it made packing up all your stuff into your car much easier.
So far you’d ignored 43 texts, 12 calls, two visits from Gabby when she brought in a patient, and one visit from Antonio who didn’t even bother trying to lie to you. He also threatened to impound your car, you threatened to tell Voight about the time he and Lindsay got drunk and hooked up. It didn’t even matter that she was in New York now, Voight wouldn’t even blink before bludgeoning him down. He swore at you, “how could you break mami’s heart like this?”, and “can’t you just behave and do what you’re told for once?”
You looked him dead in the eyes, heart beating erratically at you older brother supporting your parents belittling and abusing you, “You sound like dad Antonio.”, watched his face fall, and left. Noah stopped him when he went to follow you. “You good?”
“Uh, not really. I don’t have a place to go tonight.”
“Did your mom kick you out?”
“No, I left. I can’t do it anymore. I break out in hives whenever I even think about my mother now. I just can’t go back.”
“Well, you don’t have to. I have been looking for a roommate, we can move you into my place after shift.”
“Are you sure?”
“Now come on, it’s prank week. Stohl pissed off Manning last week and she’s been planning revenge ever since, you do not want to miss this.”
And you didn’t. You entered the ED to find one of the most hated doctors in med spitting out Gatorade. “WHaT thE heLL?! That was sooo-ughghghg-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence before running to the doctor’s lounge to throw up in the bathroom. To Natalie’s credit, she didn’t crack a smile or react at all as she gracefully stepped over the spilled orange Gatorade. She briefly reminded you of a fae, graceful, beautiful, and cunning as all hell. You made a mental note never to cross her. Later at lunch, Natalie opened her sushi container, slightly deconstructed each piece, loaded all the pieces up with wasabi, reconstructed them, and popped one in her mouth. Everyone sitting near her had their eyes flash in recognition. Stohl had a habit of stealing other people’s food, and no matter how many times anyone told him to stop, they were just bullied into compliance. As a result, everyone had to dictate their food choices around his palette. Which meant no spicy food. Something that sucked for nearly everyone because hot food was a favourite for most people in the ED. But Manning wasn’t taking his shit. Not today. Something that worried everyone sitting around her because she would get in trouble for eating her own food how she liked it. It wasn’t until one of the HR workers, Holly, sat down beside Natalie and engaged in conversation that everyone realized the full scope of her plans. Stohl plopped down beside you and stole half of your sandwich right out of your hand. Ranting and raving, insulting everyone, stealing food, he made his way all around the circular cafeteria table until he got to Nat. He scooped up to pieces and threw them in his mouth just after he finished the words ‘insolent underlings’. Everyone held their breath as they watched his pale face redden exponentially. His eyes widened. And then he screamed. 
He yelled, he swore. “I’m going to report you to HR! You tried to poison me!”
“You stole food from everyone, something inappropriate, unethical, and unprofessional. You stole her food. That she made spicy to her tastes. She didn’t try to poison you.”
“And just who the fuck do you think you are?!”
“Holly Scott, from HR.”
You and Noah were doing great, as roommates and as friends. “Hey, do you have any plans for dinner tonight? My parents invited me over for dinner and they asked me to extend an invite to you. It’s nothing major, they wanted to meet my previous roommates, too. Make sure you’re not a hooligan.”
“Okay, sounds fun. What should I bring?”
“It’s rude to show up at someone else’s home without a gift.”
“You don’t need to bring my parents a gift.”
“Oh, I’m bringing a gift. I’m just asking you for some input.”
“Okay, well they really like wheelie shoes-”
“Ha, oh my god, I meant for what your parents would like, not you. And want wheelie shoes? Those have been out for a while, Noah.”
“Hey, do not laugh at me! They are just a very effective and fun way to get around.”
“Would you like them to light up too?”
“... Is that an option?”
You knocked on the door while Noah rolled his eyes at you. “I grew up here!”
“Well you don’t live here anymore and it’s rude to just barge into someone’s home and act like you own the place.”
“Oh, you must be Y/N! I wasn’t expecting anyone to knock, usually, Noah just barges in and acts like he owns the place. Come in, come in. It’s freezing outside.” You gave Noah a side-eyed smirk as you took off your coat, while he looked bashfully embarrassed. “Uh, here Ms. Sexton, I brought some homemade empanadas, they can be put in the fridge or kept in the freezer, and it’s best to reheat them in the oven. 350 F, ten minutes from the fridge and about 20 if they were put in the freezer.”
“Oh, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“I was raised that when you go over to someone’s house for dinner or an event, you bring a gift. And it was either this or a house plant.”
“Ha, good idea going with the food, it’s a Sexton family trait that will kill all the plants we touch. Thank you very much.”
“Hello, you must be Y/N. It;s wonderful to meet you- and what smells so good?”
“Y/N brought empanadas, and they are going away so that you and I can enjoy them later. Now everyone, to the dining room, dinner is just about done.”
Things started to change a bit a few months later when Choi had to physically restrain Noah from attacking a drunk bar fight patient who called you a slut in the middle of the ED. You’d been confused but Maggie just kept saying that it was a matter of time.
When you’d been hanging around at Molly’s with Noah, Sarah, and Darren, Noah had his arm casually wrapped around your shoulders, something your sister gave you the eyebrow for from her place at the bar.
After you’d been mugged and beaten, you’d run to the 21st, where your brother promptly unleashed the most fearsome demon hell has ever cowered from, AKA Hank Voight, he also called Noah. And when your brother finally made an arrest and got Voight to calm down a little, he’d entered the breakroom to find you fast asleep, curled up against Noah. Who sat in an incredibly uncomfortable position, holding you and stroking your back. You missed the dark look that crossed his face, or the one of fear that had crossed Noah’s but something of an understanding had fallen to Noah. The two of you needed to talk.
So you did, and it went well, so well that you planned a date. Then another one. And another one, until you two had been dating for six months and figured it was time to tell your families. You were shaking in your boots, the Sexton’s were all incredibly close and incredibly doting on Noah, so even though they liked you, you had absolutely no clue as to what the reaction would be. To your relief, it was happiness, they loved you as much as Noah apparently, and they relished in the changed you’d caused in Noah.
Your family, on the other hand, did not react well. Which was why you’d made sure that you told them in a very public place, and had only ordered waters before you told them. There was yelling, screaming, your father waving his arms around so much Antonio had to use his cop voice on him. In the end, you and Noah had been there for around five minutes before throwing some cash at the waitress as a tip for leaving her with your family, and hauling ass out of there. The two of you had ended up just eating pizza on the boardwalk in your fancy clothes and heading back to the apartment late.You both had work the next day, but while you were an intern, Noah was not. And while you were off giving a patient a sponge bath, your siblings cornered Noah at the nurses desk. “Sexton, is there a place the three of us can talk?”
“Uh, sure, this conference room is free...”
“So, I take it this is about-”
“Nuh-uh. You do not talk. We do.”
“You are dating our baby sister.”
“We may not be as close to her as you are with your sister, but she still means a lot to us.”
“We love her. We are two people with some pretty dangerous skills. It is for these two reasons that you will not hurt her. Ever.”
“And if you do, don’t forget who I work with.”
“No one will ever find your body.”
“Are we clear?”
“Uh, hmmh... Clear. Crystal clear.”
“Good. Now do you know where Y/N is? We’d like to take the both of you out to lunch or something, just the four of us, to make up for the dinner of many disasters.”
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salt-warrior · 4 years
Chapter Seven: Loner Loser
"And how did you get locked into that classroom, Miss Linh?" Principal Strom stared down at Selene, his eyes empathetic and kind. Selene wished to tell him, but it hurt too much to admit the betrayal of her best friend.
"I, uh- I accidentally locked it." Selene glanced down at her shoes, her stomach churning with guilt. "I don't really know how. Someone might have locked it earlier and I just got shut it."
Shrugging her shoulders, Selene continued the lie. "I passed out because it just had this horrible stench of smoke. I think some kids were smoking in there before me because it was awful." Selene wrinkled her nose at the memory of the real smoke and how it had made her feel. "I have these really bad allergies and don't do well with smoke. Or cotton, for that matter." Selene coughed for special effect. She was a master liar.
Principal Strom remained skeptical, his too big shoulders hunching as he analyzed her. "And you're sure that there was no... sabotage? Are there any students who may be out to get you? Have you been bullied at all in the past or at the present?" He was on to her, but there was no way that Selene was going to let him get her.
"Nope, I'm fine." Selene smiled her most brilliant smile. She was good at pretending. She was excellent at deception. She was clever and sharp as a knife; but that had never made anyone want to be her friend. She had a brain, but no one to share her witty jokes with.
"Well," Principal Strom sighed. He looked worn and tired, and Selene felt bad for the man. He tried so hard to do his job and help kids; but at the end of the day, he was still getting lied to. "I hope that you will report any behavior that is against school policies, especially bullying. We have no tolerance for it here at OHS. Have an excellent day, Miss Linh."
Selene stood from her stiff seat, paying a brief goodbye. She knew that what Pearl and her cohorts were doing was wrong. They were terrible people— monsters even. She hated them all, but some small part of her couldn't tell the Principal; because she couldn't bring herself to believe it had actually happened.
Cress Darnel was supposed to have been her friend. She had been the only person to stand by Selene after Peony's death, but times change. She must have been the one to tell Pearl and her friends her fear of fire.
No, Selene wasn't scared of what Pearl and her cronies would do to her. She was used to pain and heartbreak— but betrayal was something entirely new to her. Selene had never opened up enough to a person to allow such a tragedy, and admitting it would hurt her more than any physical wound.
Selene had lost too much in life, but losing her friend to betrayal was the ultimate tragedy.
The buzz of a telephone over one thousand miles away tickled at Kai's ear. It had taken him only a few hours to locate the Linh's phone number and only a few more to figure out what he was going to say. By now, it was nine in the morning.
He had checked everything, making sure that it would all be perfect. The time zones had only an hour difference and it was a Friday morning. No one should yet have left for work. It would all be perfect.
"Hello?" Said a voice from the other end. It sounded young and feminine.
"Hello," Kai said in his chipper voice. He had only slept for an hour and a half, but he felt more awake than ever. "My name is Kaito Crown, and I was hoping to speak with Garan Linh."
Silence followed, and Kai wondered if the girl had hung up on him. "Hello?"
"You can't speak with my father." The girl's voice was angry— defensive. "What kind of sick prank is this?" The girl sounded upset now, and Kai felt bad even though he didn't know what he had done wrong.
"I'm sorry," Kai cut in quickly, before she could call him out for anything else he hadn't done. "Who is this?"
"Pearl Linh." The girl—Pearl— huffed.
"Well, Pearl, like I said, I would like to talk to your father on behalf of his ward, Selene." Kai stated patiently. He couldn't quite understand why Pearl sounded so annoyed at him, or why she wouldn't let him talk to her father. It wasn't as if he were trying to scam them or anything.
An agitated snarl sounded from the other end. The animal-like sound scared Kai into nearly dropping the phone. "What is your problem? Do you like causing people emotional pain, or are you just insensitive?" Kai flinched at her words. He had not expected such a retaliation to such a simple and easy question.
"I-I'm sorry." Kai stuttered the apology, a chink in his armor.  "I don't mean to bring up anything upsetting. It's just that Selene has been in a terrible car accident and has suffered major injuries. I know that she's been estranged from the family, but I thought that you may still want to–"
"We don't want anything to do with that monster." Pearl's voice dripped with malice. She was furious. "Not after everything she did to our family. She took away not one, but two members of this family. She's a menace to society."
Kai felt his breath hitch. He knew that many children in Foster Homes struggled and often rebelled, but this sounded serious. Maybe the girl he had saved was mentally insane, or had done something terrible to this family.
"If you don't mind me asking," Kai said, "What did Selene do to you?" Kai hurriedly explained himself, "I'm the person who pulled her out of the car. I never met her before the accident, and she's been in a medically induced coma for about a week."
Pearl sighed from the other end. She seemed to be more relaxed knowing that Kai was just a random citizen. "I'll tell you what happened only if you promise to leave my mother and I alone. She hates talking about these kinds of things. Her mental state is already terrible and I don't need it getting worse."
"I promise." Kai said, his stomach jittering with butterflies. He almost didn't want to know whatever Pearl was about to tell him, but he couldn't help himself. He was a curious person.
"My dad took Selene in when she was sixteen. He knew what it was like to have bad parents, though he had never been in a Foster Home. He really liked her and decided to adopt her into the family. My mother was against the entire thing, and I agreed with her. The only person besides my father who wanted Selene was my younger sister, Peony. Funnily enough, they're the two who got the worst of it from Selene.
"Peony worshipped Selene. She thought that the sun shone from everything that she did. I despised her. Call it psychic abilities, but I knew that she was a rotten one. I did not expect her to murder my sister, however. I knew she was bad, but I didn't think she was so horrible as to murder a child. My sister was only fourteen.
"There was no proof that Selene did it, but everyone knew. It only took her a less than two months before she realized that no one wanted her anymore, and so she left.
"My parents had mixed emotions about her leaving. My mother was thrilled, and while my dad wasn't too fond of the thing anymore, he still wanted to help. My mom told him not to tell anyone that she'd run away. After all, Selene was almost eighteen. When Social Services found out that she'd run away and my dad hadn't told anyone, they were furious.
"My father was charged with child neglect for not reporting Selene's disappearance and being her legal guardian. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for not wanting to keep a monster in our house anymore.
"I hope that accident hurt Selene, because she ruined my life. My mother is destroyed because of what that fiend did, and left me all alone to pick up the broken pieces of my family. Don't call again." A dull buzz filled Kai's ears, and he knew that he would never speak to Pearl Linh ever again.
Kai smeared ketchup onto his french fry, lathering it up until it was fifty-fifty ketchup to fry ratio. He hated eating naked french fries. Thorne, on the other hand barely tapped his three fries into his BBQ sauce. Kai didn't quite understand the sauce choice, but Thorne had something against tomatoes.
"So how did Selene murder the little sister again?" Thorne asked around a mouth of french fries. Kai squirmed at spotting the specks of food in his friend's mouth. He hated when people talked while chewing food.
Kai swallowed his single fry, taking time to answer by swigging his water. "Pearl didn't say. She just said that Selene killed her and then ran away."
Right after Kai's conversation with Pearl, he had called Thorne. The phone call had drained him and set his mind into panic mode. Kai had dished out the entire story to Thorne, who seemed to think of the entire thing as one fat joke.
"Great," Thorne deadpanned, picking up his burger. "You rescued a murderer from death. Maybe she'll kill you next." Thorne tilted his head downward in a teasing way, pointing a fry dramatically at Kai.
Rolling his eyes, Kai began to dip another fry. "The thing is, I have a hard time believing it. I don't just want to condemn her for something another person thought about her. For all we know, maybe Pearl murdered the little sister and used Selene as a cover story."
"Too cliché." Thorne said. "But I do agree with hearing Selene out before judging her. This Pearl character sounds a tad bit biased."
Kai nodded his head absently, biting his lower lip. The phone call with Pearl Linh had upset him more than he thought a phone call could. He didn't want to believe that Selene was a bad person, but something inside him yearned to learn more about the angel.
"I think I want to go to Olympia." Kai said, looking at Thorne to gage his reaction.
Thorne munched on another fry. "You must be getting overconfident with your looks then." Thorne said, his words mushed by food. "Because I'm pretty sure that girl would be more than happy to punch you in your perfect nose."
"I don't mean to visit the Linh's." Kai corrected himself. "I want to talk to the school, or maybe even some friends of Selene." Kai had been thinking about doing this even before his phone call with Pearl. He wanted to understand the person he was now connected to.
"How do you know if she even has friends? The girl sounds like a loner loser to me." Thorne wiped his mouth with a scratchy brown napkin. Kai threw him a glare. "I mean," Thorne continued. "If she doesn't have any friends here after two years of living here, why would she have any up there?"
Kai had never thought about that before. He always assumed that there must have been somebody that cared about Selene, but maybe there wasn't. Perhaps she was more alone than Kai could ever imagine.
"Everybody makes acquaintances in high school whether they like it or not." Kai rubbed his eyes. He may have been energized during his call with Pearl, but getting no sleep the night before was finally wearing on him. He needed a nap.
"Alright then, Mr. Superhero. Fight valiantly, die bravely. Go figure out your girlfriend's backstory. I'll stay here... doing nothing." Thorne sipped on his Coke, pinky up.
"Like you're getting away that easily." Kai smirked. "I need you to look out for Selene while I'm gone."
Thorne choked, spitting brown bubbles onto the tabletop. "No way. Aces and spades, I am not going to watch over your murderer girlfriend. I've sworn off all women, especially those who may want to hurt or kill me." Thorne shook his head adamantly. "You can go to Olympia and do whatever you want, Crown, but I have my own stuff."
"Come on," Kai pleaded, knowing exactly how to win this kind of battle. "I'll only be gone for a day or two, and all you have to do is talk to her for ten minutes. I just don't want her to be alone again."
"I'm pretty sure she's used to it by now." Thorne muttered under his breath, earning a blazing glare from Kai. "But alright, I'll visit her."
Kai grinned at his friend. "Thanks, mate."
"Anything for my lovestruck idiot best friend." Thorne reached across the table, beginning on Kai's fries.
Kai swatted at Thorne's hand, but he had already stolen five of his fries. "I am doing you a favor though," Kai said.
"How so? I thought that I was the one visiting your murdering angel." Thorne guffawed, shoving all five fries in his mouth at once.
"Because, my dear friend," Kai simpered. "I think your lady-charming skills needs some touching up. If anything, you're the loner loser, not Selene." Kai laughed, and Thorne glared.
Thorne stared at Kai's fries, a mischievous grin crossing his features. Kai yawned, stretching out his back and closing his eyes for a split second. By the time he looked back at the table, all of his fries were gone, and Thorne was laughing.
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betaamity · 3 years
Can I have a nice long list not organized in any way about your Amity memories?
I can absolutely do that! I'll probably just put things down at least in order of events but past that it's just which ones are more clear and all!
- Basics are I was trans, Luz was nonbinary, Lumity in at least one timeline was a nice sapphic t4t relationship. Also on terms of identity, I was a demi lesbian (never bothered to figure out if it was aro-spec or ace-spec) and Luz was the first and only crush I ever had
- I was autistic (despite there not really being words for neurodivergency on the Isles) and I kind of got really good at masking it, but Luz made me feel at least safe enough to not mask everything
- Honestly, a lot of my childhood/pre-teen years are really fuzzy because I tried to repress memories from then as well. I still held the fond ones I could recall with Willow, but past that it was a big period of trying to repress memories of that period of time when I just acted like what my parents wanted
- Which I can confirm now that when I acted like what my parents wanted, I just mirrored mom's behavior and that was it. She was the one I feared the most because dad was just emotionally absent and neglectful, but mom was very proud in casually saying her manipulation and guilt-tripping. So I just mirrored who I feared the most at the time, and words can't even begin to describe how thankful I am that Luz came along to make me feel safe enough to end that
- My palisman was a cat. My staff was purple but for some reason my palisman itself was white (well,, close to white at least), I mainly remember that detail because my palisman helped calm me down at times so when they aren't constantly on your staff it's a bit easier to remember what color they were themself
- Luz's palisman was a bird of some sort, but I want to say specifically it was a blue jay? It's a bit fuzzy, honestly, but I know it was a bird and was at least some shade of blue and it was a constant 50/50 if our palismen would get along or not (after a while it was at least majority getting along)
- I can't remember how, but Luz did end up finding the other half of my Grom note. I want to say she already knew beforehand either way
- Luz confessed in Spanish and it was awkward all around but also it was genuinely very cute
- I didn't really keep my hair purple. I did for a good while because in my mind and probably according to actual color theory, it was the exact opposite color of what mom wanted. I could go with anything else, but purple was far from green and felt safe
- I didn't start going with anything new until I moved to the human realm with Luz. Camila and I had mother-in-law/daughter-in-law bonding by having nights where she would re-dye my hair when it grew out or faded enough to call for it. She got to pick the colors and I like to think that detail alone made her so happy
- I tried my best to cut ties with mom and dad after our wedding because I did not want to see or hear the fit mom would've had if we didn't invite her. It was at least just a bit difficult when I just tried to keep living a normal life of still working at the library
- Yes! I still worked at the library! It was still a nice job to have, I didn't really like the idea of giving up that job but for some reason the human realm just felt safer, so I made a compromise on how to easily go back and forth
- I did still keep in contact with our friends along with Ed and Em. I want to say sometimes Hunter would stay with us, considering the fact he did basically become an adopted older brother for Luz
- Luz actually went out of her way to get custom wedding rings. They seemed at least a bit normal, but it was for smaller touches like engravings inside of the rings
- ,,,yes we had a child, yes we named her Azura, yes she did just so happen to have a twin we named Hecate, you didn't hear anything I'm not taking criticism on the names of children that I don't have anymore
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schrijverr · 4 years
Take care
The perspective of a teacher on a young Dean, both in school and a brief moment outside of school.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warning: Sam and Deans youth, you know the neglect John put them through. Tell me if I missed anything else!
Mr. Johnson had been a Math teacher at the same school for ten years now.
It was a school in the better part of town and most of the kids in his classes could afford to go to college without much fuss. That made them easy to read and easy to see through the characters they were trying to put on, no bad boy is really a bad boy if he was born a silver spoon, Mr. Johnson thought.
This is why he was very surprised when Dean Winchester walked into his class.
The boy was sixteen, but had eyes that were wise beyond his years, he wore secondhand clothes and a too big leather jacket. He had bruises under his eyes, but a smirk firm in place. He was exactly the type to skip, but he was always present with completed homework, most of the time, just sleeping in the back of the classroom.
When Mr. Johnson had asked why he even bothered to show up if he wasn’t going to pay attention, he had looked at him with a raised brow and answered: “If school is already a waste of my time, how much do you think detention would be?” and then he had continued his nap.
Dean got along with everybody and anybody. He was a people person, knew how to navigate crowds and with the track record of different schools that made sense. Dean was used to being the new kid. But Mr. Johnson noticed that although he got along, he never fit in. Dean kept his distance and kept to himself.
The puzzle that was Dean Winchester grew, when Mr. Johnson spotted him in the local store, it was the cheaper option in town and Mr. Johnson always went there to avoid his students. Yet, here Dean was comparing two different macaroni packets, while a younger boy hung on his arm with a whine-y face. He heard the younger one say: “Why can’t I get, it’s a book. What’s wrong about getting a book?”
Dean looked at him with tired eyes and got down to eye level as he said: “I have 50 dollars, Sammy. Dad won’t be home for three days and we need food, laundry detergent and gas, if we buy the book we won’t have enough money in case of an emergency.”
The boy, Sammy, sulked: “You mean in case dad stays away longer.”
“Sam,” Dean have the kid a sharp look, “I know you hate it, but what dad does is important, so put yourself aside for a sec, yeah. You can ask dad to buy you the book when he gets home.”
“Like he will. He never does anything normal.” Sam pouted.
From his place Mr. Johnson could see Dean sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose like a tired parent, who had to explain something too many times, again and again. Mr. Johnson wondered how he hadn’t seen this Dean, a Dean who was all alone with a huge weight on his shoulders.
Suddenly the dark bruises under his eyes made sense. He had to do his homework, but also parent in wake of an absent father. Mr. Johnson of course didn’t know of the nights spend watching the windows in the hope nothing would show up, except maybe a big black car.
Mr. Johnson listened to the answer Dean gave Sam: “Sam, will you shut up about it. Normal isn’t always better, okay. I don’t want to fight with you, so save your complaining for dad.”
“But,” Sam started saying, but Dean talked over him: “No buts, or there won’t be marshmallow mac ‘n cheese. Now, let me focus.”
He stared at the prices of the different packets and the size, then he grabbed a pen and started writing something down. Mr. Johnson took this as his chance to walk by and peered down to what Dean was writing.
It were equations, Dean was trying to figure out which one had more for cheaper. Mr. Johnson raised his eyebrows, then turned to the shelves on the opposite side of the isle.
When Dean got up with one option in hand Mr. Johnson stepped back to “accidentally” bump into his student. After they had collided Dean got big eyes as he said: “Mr. Johnson! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, sir.”
Mr. Johnson smiled at him and said: “No, no, it’s my fault as well, don’t worry about it.”
“Who is this?” Sam asked.
“Just my Math teacher, Sammy.” Dean answered, before turned back to Mr. Johnson.
He let his gaze glide to Deans basket and then over Sam, then he asked: “Helping out around the house?”
Dean smiled tightly and just nodded slightly, but stayed silent. Sam on the other hand had no qualms about opening up, he said: “Dean is in charge now that dad’s on a trip, but he’s being a mean-y. You are a Math teacher, right? Can you tell him that he can buy me the book, no problem, please.”
Dean shot him an angry look and Sam stuck out his tongue in return. Mr. Johnson was trying to figure out what to say to that when Dean saved him: “Sam, quit it. Go grab something to drink, you know the drill, big bottle, cheap, no caffeine.” and when Sam didn’t move he snapped: “Now, or no TV when you’re done with your homework.”
Sam ran and Dean turned back with an apologetic smile and said: “Don’t mind him, just starting puberty, you know how those can be.”
Mr. Johnson raised his eyebrows and with a concerned voice he asked: “Are you alright, Dean? Because if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had a kid very young. You sound like a parent.”
Deans eyes got big and he said: “No, no, don’t worry about it. I’m not-, I’m not Sammys parent. I’m his older brother. My dad just has to travel a lot and without my mom, well, I’m just the best baby-sitter option. It’s nothing, really.”
Mr. Johnson sighed when he realized Dean didn’t want to be saved and decided on saying: “Well, if it becomes too much, don’t hesitate about talking to me, alright?”
“I won’t, Mr. Johnson, thanks for the offer.” Dean said and Mr. Johnson could see in his eyes that they weren’t ever going to talk about this again.
They said their goodbyes and went on with their shopping. Mr. Johnson tried to keep the siblings in his peripheral vision, so he saw Dean chew Sam out in a quiet voice, he was gripping Sam by the shoulder and wagging his finger in front of Sams face, just like a parent, again.
He stood by another check-out at the same time Dean and Sam were and he heard Dean count the change under his breath and check receipt, before leaving the store with their meager purchases.
He also saw Dean get a book out of his jacket in the parking lot and hand it over to a happy Sam, who gave his brother a side hug. Mr. Johnson was certain Dean had stolen it, but he also know that Dean didn’t care, not when he looked at Sam with such a soft look in his eyes while the kid babbled on happily.
The next day Dean skipped his class for the first time since he arrived and two days later Dean Winchester was gone, without saying goodbye to anyone. Three weeks later and the school had forgotten about his existence, everyone except Mr. Johnson, who cried years later, when he saw on the news what had become of the boy he hadn’t helped.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My problems with LIS:BTS
I love Before the Storm, but I do have some problems with the game in relation to the first game. Here I will explain the problems i had with BTS and why I think Deck Nine did not understand the characters. This is very long, if anyone has the time to read it all, I’d like you to finish to the end! 
1. Continuity issues
Rachel’s parents. I always got the feeling Rachel’s parents were neglectful, which REALLY showed when Chloe said they are in denial that Rachel is missing. Rachel having neglectful parents and Chloe having an abusive stepfather and abuse enabling mother, would show just why Rachel and Chloe wants to leave Arcadia Bay. What happens in BTS? Rachel has kind and loving parents and a bio mom that is a horrible representation of drug addiction(everything about how D9 wrote Sera sends a horrible message, wtf D9?) and all of sudden James just pretends that Rachel isn’t missing? The fuck? Also, Rachel’s parents are not called James or Rose. Rachel’s student information we see in Episode 3 about her parents is not readable, but he Initial letters of the names written within the Parent(s) field on Rachel’s file do not appear to match the names James or Rose (or even Sera)
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Rachel’s address. Rachel’s  Blackwell Student Information Sheet shows Rachel’s home address. Rachel Amber has an address of “6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon”. There is a piece of paper covering the Home Address field, but we can make out a “gon” from the end of “Oregon”, so we know it is within the state. As her address in the top-right corner is different to what appears to be the dormitory address on the other student files, we can assume that “6 Sa(?)u/n(?)tle Road” is implying her home address (just like on Chloe’s file). However, in Before the Storm, her home address is 2420 Blackfriars Road, Arcadia Bay, Oregon.
My friend/one of  my Amberprice favs @thelittle-scribbler​‘s idea of Rachel’s parents makes more sense. “the idea I had of Rachel is that she was a relocated student from Cali from a very problematic absent family who didn’t give a fuck about her, coz well they gave up looking for her! And if her dad was the city da, he would have never gave up on the search and also, he would have known about her being involved with drug dealers. Unless he got his ass fired after hiring those guys to kill his ex wife lol”
Chloe’s blue hair. In Episode 3 of Before the Storm, Chloe is shown dyeing her hair blue for the very first time. However, we know that in Life is Strange, Chloe had been dyeing her hair with a blue streak on or before her 16th birthday (two months before Before the Storm takes place). indicating that Chloe had already been using blue dye in her hair by the time of her 16th birthday. It would have made more sense if we had seen Chloe with a blue streak in Before the Storm Episode 1.
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Max’s contact of Chloe. "You were happy to wait five years without a call, or even a text.“ In Before the Storm’s Episode 1, "Awake,” Chloe’s phone clearly shows that Max has been texting her during her time in Seattle and had even initiated text messaging after admitting to being “bad about emailing”. Max has texted Chloe on the following dates in November 2009: 2nd, 13th, and 28th. Max was supposed to have not emailed, called or text Chloe ever since she left for Seattle, it should end in  9/28/2008, but it began again a year later.
Joyce and David’s relationship.  In Before the Storm, David and Joyce are currently unmarried and had started dating not that long before the game’s events that are set in May 2010 (Chloe is 16 years old at this time). David is also about to move in to the Price household, which is seen happening by Episode 3. But in Life is Strange, a chronological timestreammontage shows that Joyce and David were already married before Chloe’s 16th birthday. A picture of a married Joyce and David appears prior to an image of Chloe on her 16th birthday in this timestream montage
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The Blackwell problem. Victoria Chase’s sole reason for being at Blackwell is Mark Jefferson. Jeffershit is not in BTS. Victoria is introduced as a sophomore at Blackwell Academy in Before the Storm and wants to be in theater for…reasons, but the age for Victoria in the first game suggests she should be a freshman in BTS. Warren is a Blackwell student at age 13. Max is said to be a sophmore with Chloe in her own school in Seattle at the time, but problem there is Max turned 14 in 2009 after the September 1st cutoff date. This means that she wouldn’t be starting high school until September the following year (fall 2010). The normal age requirement to start high school as a freshman is age 14 (i.e. turning 14 before the September 1st cutoff). It is currently unknown why Max has advanced two grades in 2010. She has a 2.8 GPA on her 2013 student information sheet, which suggests she is a low B / C / high D student (not an exemplary student). Her GPA is also said to fluctuate and she acknowledged in 2013 that she should be doing better. and there’s the fact that Chloe is in Blackwell with some of the characters in the first game  and dialogue (or text messages) between these characters seems to suggest that she did not know them as fellow students or even classmates prior to the original game’s events. For example, Stella is in Chloe’s class photo, problem with that is that Stella doesn’t even know who Chloe is, she just refers to her as “some girl” Warren. Warren does not know who Chloe is at the beginning of Episode 2, yet in BTS class photo he is seen with Chloe.  Other dialogue gives the impression that Warren does not know Chloe beforehand. For example, the text messages Max receives from Warren in Episode 4 if she kissed Chloe/but declined Warren’s invitation to the drive-in or didn’t kiss Chloe/ but accepted Warren’s invitation.  There is no mention of the fact he knows Chloe from when she was going to Blackwell, her complete change of appearance, or that he’s surprised that Max knows her too! There are also a couple of points in Life is Strange where, if Warren knew Chloe from the past, he would have likely opened a dialogue with her about that it’s good to see her again or even asking how life is outside Blackwell. Not even Chloe seems to recognize Warren, as she refers to him simply as “your friend” to Max. Justin.  When Max encounters Justin at the Blackwell Campus in the first episode of Life is Strange, “Chrysalis”, she has the option to talk with him about Rachel and “her punk friend”, as Max does not yet know the identity of the blue-haired punk girl that she had saved in the bathroom earlier. "I can’t remember her name… But she was hot. Tats. Blue hair. Hardcore. She stopped hanging out with us after Rachel disappeared… or ran away.“ As we see in Life is Strange, Justin refers to Chloe in a very vague way as Rachel’s "punk friend” and as though he only knows her second-hand through Rachel. Yet the Before the Storm prequel game puts Justin in the same Blackwell student photograph as Chloe (standing directly in front of her), furthermore implying they are in the same classes. He would have had frequent contact with Chloe as a classmate of just that handful of students. Also in Before the Storm, Chloe interacts with Justin at Blackwell and they seem very familiar with each other. Justin refers to her as both “Chlo-ee” and “Price”, so he definitely knows both her first name and surname. They also are texting with each other in Before the Storm. Then again, they ARE friendly with each other in episode 4, Justin not remembering who she is in episode 1 might be the case of him being blazed and just narratively teasing Max of the girl she saved. Nathan. In Life is Strange Episode 1’s Cliff chapter, Max will ask Chloe about Nathan. Chloe will tell Max:“I met him in some shithole bar that didn’t card me. He was too rich for the place and too wasted. And he kept flashing bills…” in Before The Storm, Chloe knows Nathan from Blackwell.  but the way she describes her predicament to Max sounds like she is describing her first impressions from the first time she ever met or had one-to-one dealings with him (i.e. no previous encounters before that).
Chloe is left handed in the first game and right handed in BTS. Yes she does use her left in some points, but Chloe’s dominant hand in the first game is her left hand. Throughout BTS, Chloe smokes and drinks with her right hand, lights the Amber House candles with her right hand and even writes graffiti with her right hand. In the first game Chloe smokes and drinks with her left hand and lockpicks with her left hand. DONTNOD confirmed she was left handed. I am just baffled by this decision. The only time I remember Chloe using her left hand as her dominant hand in BTS is when she burns evidence for Damon.
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Chloe is expelled in 2011 in the first game. Chloe is expelled in 2010 for BTS. Max looks at a report card in Chloe’s bedroom which shows that Chloe was still attending Blackwell Academy up until the end of her junior year, which was in May 2011. BTS gives us the choice to defend Rachel and get expelled or suspended if you don’t. There is also no mention by the Principal of a recent suspension for “spray-painting graffiti in the parking lot” as was clearly mentioned on her school file in his office in Life is Strange, nor any mention of the “police reports.” Although the suspension is temporary and she is to be hopefully reinstated in the fall to start her junior year on condition of her good behavior, the suspension was not over graffiti. Being expelled in 2010 completely contradicts the circumstances of the original game, and the suspension (although being the least non-canon consequence) is over the wrong reasons. Even if Chloe was suspended, it is not unreasonable to believe that she would be expelled anyway over the extensive graffiti she left in the bathroom.
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Chloe being good at chemistry. It is never stated in her report card in the first game if she were ever good at chemistry. Chloe comes off as someone who doesn’t care about getting grades, hell Chloe seems only interested in the Arts class as shown in her report card. A friend pointed out to me it kind of feels like “BtS took away a lot from Warren, as if it were a "competition" "Warren is good at chemistry" and so the BtS crew thought "Let's make Chloe good at chemistry too!" Another point is also that Warren has green as his personal color, and in Farewell Chloe he wears a green shirt. Chloe in episode 1 uses Warren's phrase "Power". I don't know, I felt like they took things from Warren to give to Chloe, and that really pissed me off.”
Chloe knows about Pompidou’s name despite not knowing the pupper’s name in the first game. Also "The only way you know my dog’s name is if you broke into my RV.“ Why would he say that if he told Chloe Pompidou’s name?
Frank was just a drug dealer to Chloe and who she and Rachel hung out with in the past. Now Frank kills someone to protect Chloe. Chloe and Frank are not friends. 
2. The first LIS game told a different story for Chloe and Rachel’s relationship
Chloe’s “Rachel was my angel” comment showed a lot to how Chloe loved Rachel and how much she meant to her.  Chloe tells Max that Rachel entered her life when was at her absolute lowest and that it was she who helped her deal with the grief of having lost her father but the entire game is centered around Chloe being the one who is supporting Rachel as she deals with a serious family drama of her own.  What Before The Storm should have been. Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life. If Rachel had stopped Chloe from committing suicide… as was the commonly believed interpretation to what happened between Chloe and Rachel up until BtS, then Chloe’s ”“she was my angel” would have meant it was truly special and real. But instead they bump into each other at an illegal concert and Rachel distracted some thug who works for Damon and we spend the game finding out who Sera is in a reveal we all saw it coming and only to have Rachel taken out of the third episode where Rachel never talks to her and makes the whole thing feel pointless. What the game should have been was Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out, becoming girlfriends and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe.
3. Deck Nine did not understand Chloe.
I don’t feel that Deck Nine did Chloe justice. The writers attempt to evoke empathy with Chloe feeling grief which is done via exactly one emotion- which is a very childish understanding of how loss and coping works. She had no character arc, considering she was the exact same character that we already knew in LiS Episode 1 (A bitter disaffected teenage youth with no regard for authority) so we didn’t get to see Chloe evolve into the character we loved in the first game. She just already was it.  The gameplay undid the narrative we were given about Chloe being a loner in that you can talk to and make friends with pretty much anybody and they all acted like they liked and were genuinely happy to see Chloe. Very rarely were there interactions with Blackwell students that ended with Chloe’s presence not being welcomed, only Wells, Victoria and Nathan showed contempt for Chloe(even with Nathan that goes away when he claps for her at the play)  The reason this is done is because the game wouldn’t be fun if Chloe actually was a loner. The core mechanic of Life is Strange is being able to talk to people and experiment with your surroundings. A game where nobody wanted to talk to Chloe works against the core mechanic. But in making her the main character it undoes the weight of the narrative of Chloe being alone until Rachel/Max. I just strongly feel that Deck Nine did not understand Chloe as a character and did not do her justice. We should’ve gotten Chloe at her lowest, evolving from Max’s best friend to the character we know in the first game and Rachel helping lift Chloe through the worse point of her life.  Chloe and Rachel together having fun rocking out and Chloe starting to live again and show that Chloe Price loves Rachel Amber and Rachel loves Chloe. Chloe losing Rachel and showing how Chloe has to deal with Rachel missing, how she became in debt to Frank and how she got involved with Nathan and how Chloe ends up in the bathroom. 
4. There is no plot...until the last minute
The biggest problem I have with BTS is there is absolutely no plot. In the first game we absolutely KNEW what the plot was. There was a storm, a missing person/serial killer and all of our friends have problems that Max has to help them with. In Before The Storm....there really is nothing. We go to a concert and because we ruined an asshole’s shirt, we were threatened and saved because Rachel was there. Then the rest of episode 1 spends on spending time with Rachel. Same with episode 2. They only gave the plot at the last minute cause Deck Nine probably went “oh shit, we just realized we don’t have a fucking plot” then we spend the majority of the game trying to get the identity of the woman Rachel’s scumbag father was seen kissing. Turns out the girl is Rachel’s biological mother! James and Sera's story doesn’t make any sense. He still loves her, gives her a final goodbye kiss and then orders some drug dealer to kill her because she was a drug addict?! Damon was hired to kill Sera and protect Rachel, but stabs her instead?! He wants Sera to die because she was a former addict....despite Sera wanting to be clean and Sera doesn’t want her to ruin Rachel’s life???? What kind of fucking message is that to send to people struggling with addiction??? They dropped the fact that Sera was supposed to have powers and it was passed down to Rachel and that Rachel is the storm. Hell, Rachel was taken out of the final episode 90% of the fucking episode. Damon was a lazy thrown at the last minute villain. The first game shows you what’s at stake right away, with Before The Storm there’s no clear danger, conflict or mystery. We only get it halfway through the second episode and even then it’s a bad mystery and conflict and  if it takes that long to add conflict or mystery, then I really think they failed the game. The best parts about the game are Amberprice, episode 2, Steph, Mikey & Drew and Samantha. But that’s kind of it. Before The Storm was kind of a disappointment. 
5. Forced to give David a chance
Deck Nine doesn’t understand that Chloe does not have a good relationship with David, or even Joyce. Deck Nine forces us to be nice to David and every time we choose to pick the most Chloe like choice we are punished.  The game outright makes us look like jerks for being true to Chloe’s character regarding David.  Deck Nine screwed up everything when it came to Chloe and David. Before even meeting David in episode 1, Chloe’s only complaint is he calls her “girly” that...that’s it? The only thing I felt they got right was his comment about  “vacation from not having a father figure” and saying he’ll show what a stable home is like.  The way he said that he can FINALLY show Chloe what a stabilized home looks like…..like she didn’t have a stable home when her father was alive. That really got under my skin. But let me explain, Deck Nine did not understand Chloe’s relationship with David and did their best to villainize Chloe for not giving him a chance. I do not want to feel bad for David. Stop trying to make us feel bad for this abusive piece of shit and make Chloe out to be the villain for not giving this asshole a chance.  He emotionally, mentally and physically abuses her and joyce normalizes it, violates her privacy, installs cameras in the house without her or Joyce’s knowledge cause he will not trust her and Rachel,  David makes Chloe feel like a prisoner in her own home. David getting a job at Blackwell makes her want to get expelled, whenever he is around she does not feel safe. He makes her so afraid that she feels like she’s living with a Nazi. They are not meant to have a good relationship. As for Joyce. The fandom likes to paint Joyce as this great mother to Chloe, and she was when William was alive but she chose her own happiness and interests over the safety and well being of her own daughter. Joyce enabled an abusive stepfather and ignored her daughter being hit and verbally abused (and there is a word for that: culpability. Joyce is guilty of child abuse. If we do not back up Chloe in episode 1 and we tell Joyce David hit Chloe, Joyce just brushes it off like it’s not a big deal…and this is who the fandom perceives as a good mother? What Deck Nine should have done is have it open with it stated that Joyce and David are married.  Chloe’s life is a living hell. David does not understand nor does he care about Chloe’s depression and grief for losing William and Max moving away. Show that David physically, mentally and emotionally abuses her. Joyce normalizes it like saying “you keep pushing him, what did you think was gonna happen” you might think that’s out of character for Joyce, but she put her own interests over the safety and stability of her own child. Joyce didn’t want to be alone anymore, so she settled down with the first guy that came her way. The abuse is normalized in their household and Chloe’s definitely internalized it. Keep in David’s comment about “vacation from not having a father figure” David violates her trust and feelings and boundaries and bosses her around and calling her a loser who has no friends and burdens her mother. Show why Chloe is terrified of him to the point where she labels him a Nazi and to the point she feels like he will kill her if he finds Max in her room, so make a hint that David starts to put surveillance around the house because of his unwillingness to trust Chloe and Rachel. Chloe and David do not have a good relationship and fuck Deck Nine for making us feel bad and look bad for not giving David a chance. Fuck you.
6. The choices D9 made with Nathan make no sense.
I already explained why Nathan being in Blackwell with Chloe doesn’t make any sense, but the choices Deck 9 did with Nathan doesn’t explain anything about the character he would become in the first LIS. If Nathan had to be in the game, I don’t think Samantha should’ve been in the game. Nathan’s social circle is Rachel, Victoria and Hayden. There is no missing persons posters in Arcadia Bay aside from Rachel. Samantha being the first Dark Room victim does not hold up. And that’s the problem, we don’t get to see Nathan being friendly with Rachel, Victoria or Hayden. We see him being bullied by Drew North. Wouldn’t it make much more sense for Nathan and Victoria to be bullying Drew and Mikey and Chloe and Steph defending them and Nathan and Victoria trying to get Chloe expelled for that? Okay if what they were trying to do was  a timid Nathan who slowly gets to become the king of Blackwell who was being mentally and emotionally abused by Sean and Jefferson, it did not work. We never see Nathan with his friends. We never see Nathan with Rachel aside from one picture. We do not get to see Nathan and Hayden. Nathan and Victoria are as close as brother and sister, we never get to see that and I think that’s where BTS failed Nathan. Hell, if they were to keep Nathan’s character as it were in BTS, I think Chloe and Nathan should have been friends. I cannot find the video because the person who made it deleted their YouTube account, but a few years ago when BTS was first out, someone made a video suggesting that Chloe and Nathan could’ve been friends in Blackwell. The video was SO convincing that I was so on board with the idea and Samantha pointing out how similar they are. If Hell Is Empty wasn’t a bad episode, maybe they could’ve gave Chloe and Nathan a chance to talk. depending on our choices it could go good or bad. If it goes bad, then they remain on bad terms. But if they are on good terms depending on our choices, you are given a choice to choose to become friends with Nathan. They bond over their similar music taste, their mutual love for Rachel and find common ground with everyone expecting the worst out of them and their abusive father/stepfather. And Nathan could thank Chloe for stepping up for him. And they share a smoke together. I think Chloe and Nathan being friends before their lives goes on a downward spiral and hits rockbottom would’ve been nice and sure as hell would’ve been better than giving Chloe, Stalky McFuckboy as a “friend” instead
7. Deck Nine does not understand Rachel Amber
I don’t feel that Deck Nine understands Rachel Amber as a character or understands what made the fanbase love her from the first game. Rachel is a character shrouded in mystery. The vibe I got from Chloe indicates that Rachel Amber saved her at her lowest and made her feel like she could live again. I also got the vibe that Rachel had neglectful parents who cared very little of her and Rachel was tired of the pressures of being little ms perfect and the bullying she suffers at Blackwell. So Chloe and Rachel wanted to be free from Arcadia Bay. Chloe wanted to be free of an abusive step-father and her mother who allows the abuse to go on and Rachel wanted to be free from everything at Arcadia Bay. Started a knew life as a model in LA. It was their Santa Monica Dream. The characterization of Rachel Amber in BTS just feels like D9 does not understand Rachel. Rachel Amber is meant to be a morally grey character. There are hints that she wasn’t this perfect angel Chloe thought she was and then backed away from that perspective out of fear fans would be angry at their depiction of Rachel. Rachel Amber who I knew in the first game was just not there. She had no interesting perspective or enlightenment to offer to Chloe or be the positive force to Chloe or even showed why she was this mysterious chameleon who fit in so perfectly with everyone who was adored by everyone. She was just a pretty looking character model with a great voice actress that would sometimes say very wistful, wide-eyed things. She would also quote boring poetry. Rachel in BTS has no aspiration to be a model and instead of Rachel helping Chloe deal with her grief, the game makes it about Chloe helping Rachel with her family drama. We never get to see Rachel meet Joyce(Joyce in LIS makes it seem like her and Rachel got along) we never get to see Rachel defending Chloe from David or Rachel as this ambiguous character. She’s portrayed as this character that must be protected at all costs, like she’s neither ambiguous nor does she have any agency. It is perfectly okay to show her drift away from Chloe.  Yes they were in love and had this great relationship and they loved each other. It’s important to see and know the people we romanticize are not who we thought they were. Rachel was looking for a way out of Arcadia Bay. She first thought both her and Chloe can escape to LA together. But over time she did not think that was possible anymore. Chloe dodges her car payments and her family is in debt and Chloe is in debt to Frank. She still wants to leave with Chloe, but Rachel needed an alternative way so she and Chloe can escape. So Rachel turned to Frank, she used him for her drugs because as  time goes on, Rachel turns to drugs to numb the pain. She parties with The Vortex Club and as Nathan said “Rachel partied like a fiend on her own.” Hell, she was so desperate to leave Arcadia Bay she even asked the trucker to take her to LA. Then, Rachel meets Mark Jefferson. Rachel saw him as her way to LA. She wanted to have her pictures modeled by a professional, which he was, but Rachel never saw him for what he was. A sheep in wolf’s clothing, a monster. He saw her as the perfect subject. A human chameleon with many visual possibilities and he felt they had a connection. Manipulating her into believing that he is the father figure that James never was for her. Rachel wrote a letter to Chloe in the shack but discarded it. She feels that he changed her life but the discarded letter shows that she felt ashamed about the whole relationship. Her shame indicates that she was apart of the Dark Room. At first she just saw it as a big photography project outside of school, but then Rachel started to look into Jefferson’s past models and figured out something was wrong. In Jefferson’s own words “Not like Rachel, who was always looking in the wrong places. Poor Rachel.” Jefferson of course finds out because The Dark Room is under 24 hours surveillance. So out of fear of Rachel telling everyone, Jefferson kills Rachel, doses Nathan and poses Nathan’s unconscious body with Rachel’s lifeless body. The vibe I got from the first game is that Rachel and Chloe have this very important and special bond. But Rachel just wanted to be free of Arcadia Bay by any means necessary. Rachel would go far to get what she wanted. Someone who is willing to lie to the people she cared about to satisfy her own needs and goals. Personally, I see Rachel as being okay with manipulating everybody BUT Chloe, which gives everybody a foothold to try and gaslight Chloe and Max about her, trying to get them to doubt that Rachel genuinely cared about Chloe.  Rachel wanted a way out and she thought she had her way out, but in the end she played with fire and got burned.
8. The last episode
It was lazily thrown together. The actual GOOD aspects were cut altogether. Rachel does  not dye Chloe’s hair. Chloe and Rachel do not work on the truck together. Rachel does not stand up for Chloe against David. Rachel and Chloe do not kick Eliot’s fuckboy ass. Rachel has to be taken care of instead of Chloe and Rachel working together to save Sera. All the good Amberprice stuff is in the montages. Hell Is Empty was a huge disappointment.
9. Unlike Max, Chloe has no agency in defeating the villain of the game.
The difference between LIS and BTS is the player has a hand in defeating their villains, while in BTS, we do not. Max Caulfield who was tied up and was about to be killed, guides David in defeating and capturing her abuser and villain of her story Mark Jefferson. Max is instrumental in defeating the villain of her story. Chloe Price is knocked unconscious and saved for doing nothing while Frank kills Damon Merrick off screen. Chloe is not instrumental or has any agency in leading to the defeat of the villain(the rushed villain at the last second) of her story
10. Farewell. 
While Farewell is cute and tragic to play, it ultimately does not make any sense. If this is the same day as Max’s last moment with William and before Joyce comes home to tell Chloe the news of William, WHY are Max and Chloe in different outfits? Wouldn’t it make more sense for this to be Max’s last day in Arcadia Bay instead of the last day of William? I feel this especially cause in the BTS Graffiti side of the notebook, it is shown that there is one final episode under episode 3, I kind of feel like this was meant for Farewell and it was meant to be Max’s Farewell, but something changed. It also kind of comes off as wanting the player to hate Max for not staying to say goodbye. What I would prefer is this takes place on Max’s last day in Arcadia Bay and despite William’s accident, Chloe wants to do her best to make sure her best friend gets the best damn send off before her farewell. And Max and Chloe part on good terms instead of Max’s asshole father preventing Max from saying goodbye lol
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Sort of fanfic idea : the ghosts love Hermione.
So the idea is that when she gets into Hogwarts at 11, all (and I mean ALL) the ghosts and the people in paintings instantly love her. There *could* be a reason for that but ngl I didn't tought of any.
She was prepared for not having friends, but suddenly a whole bunch of dead people love her?? It's weird ! Also nice. Most of the ghosts and painting-people would do almost anything she asked without even asking for a reason and they're all very happy to answer her questions! Hermione learns so many things from the ghosts - they lived historical events and they just know so much!! They protect her from some bullies and I just really love the idea of Peeves being absolutely smitten with Hermione. He teaches her some harmless pranks and prank the students that insult her!!
I just like the idea of Hermione having a whole school worth of Ghosts and people in the painting being super protective of her (and then after hogwarts she discovered that actually ALL the ghosts and paintings are like that with her and like. Nice, very nice, but why???)
Ooooh another idea. Hermione being haunted by Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuf and Rowena Ravenclaw!!
Like. They've been with her for literally all of her life (and they have no idea why they're drawn to this particular young witch, but like. Why not, right? They have nothing else to do.). She grew up with those four ghosts that her parents believed to be imaginary friends. She believed it too for some time - but they knew things she couldn't know and. She did magic. That's proof. If I go with my headcanon that Hermione's parents love their daughter but are slightly absent and neglectful - she's practically been raised by those four ghosts (she MIGHT have called Salazar and Godric "dad" and Helena and Rowena "mom" ONCE. Or twice. Or more actually. When she's 10 she stops trying to stop herself. Salazar officially becomes "dad" while Godric becomes "papa". Rowena becomes "mom" while Helena becomes "mama". She still considers the Granger her parents! But... The four ghosts ARE the ones who raised her :/) and like idk. I just want Hermione raised by the founders (?) And how that would affect her.
Or or or or.... Hermione raised by Sam and Dean Winchester!! And their extended supernatural family. Let's say it's a universe where any big boss has been taken care of and Sam and Dean are just... Normal hunters like in season one, yeah? I said "and their extended supernatural family" cause I don't think those two really could raise a kid alone... (also! Bobby and Benny are alive!! I want Hermione to have a cool grandpa and a vampire uncle!!) and like. They don't really teach Hermione how to be a hunter cause :/ but they teach her how to recognize any supernatural creature and if they're hostile or not. Also how to fight!! Cause even if she doesn't wants to be a hunter, Hermione has to know how to defend herself! Sam and Dean and everyone are not really surprised she's a witch cause hello accidental magic?? Hey but since it's in America wouldn't she go to an American magic school...? Mmmh that could be interesting. Orrrr she still goes to Hogwarts for some reason because it would be funnier. She would be the weird kid :( American accent, has a GUN in her bag, puts salt around her bed at night?? Draw pentacles under every carpet ? She says it's just to be safe but safe from what? (Hermione lived with hunters and friendly monsters all her life and those are normal security measures!!). By the end of the first semester she's friends with all the ghosts and half of the forbidden forest, even the centaurs. Also. Kinda want like... Castiel appearing in the middle of the great Hall at breakfast to deliver a letter (cause Hermione got no howl yet) and it's like *everyone is dumbfounded* "Hermione, here's your letter. Your dads wanted to come in person but I thought it would be better if they didn't." "oh thanks uncle Castiel! And yeah you're right it would have been weird". And then Castiel disappears like he appeared and chaos comes. It's impossible to apparate in Hogwarts!!! Who was this man??? Was he human?? (it would be a very complicated situation so I like to think that Castiel comes back to erase the incident of everybody's memories. Don't remember if he can do that but if not, he should). Also Hermione knowing almost more about magical creatures than Hagrid... She's not afraid of vampires cause 1) they're just people 2) please my uncle is a vampire. She'd be respectful of the goblins uh. The goblins would like that! A polite witch. Nice for once.
How did I go from "wouldn't it be funny if Peeves juts really really liked Hermione?" to "Hermione raised by the Winchester". I just REALLY REALLY like the fanfics where Hermione is raised by someone else or has a weird family (I remember an awesome one where she was a Holmes).
About that, if you know any good fanfics where she is raised by someone else/has a weird family, please tell me in the comments!!
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doctorcarson · 4 years
introducing wheeler’s town doctor, GUS CARSON...
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hi everyone!! my name is tara (she/her; PST) and i’m excited to write with all of you!! under the cut is a snapshot of who gus is and what she’s about as well as some fun random headcanons. content warnings for parental neglect, abortion, emotional abuse, infidelity, sexual assault, & murder
&& basics––
full name: augustine carson nicknames: “gus” (do not call her augustine, you don’t want to know what will happen) or “doc” age: thirty-five sexuality: bisexual monster gender & pronouns: cis, she/her character comps: clytemnestra ( oresteia ), villanelle ( killing eve ), dolores abernathy ( westworld ), camille preaker ( sharp objects ), bellatrix lestrange ( harry potter )
&& history––
gus was the kind of messy chaotic kid who was always getting into trouble and no one ever really expected much of her. her dad was the town doctor, and he was a good person, but being one of the only medical professionals in a place like wheeler is a fucking hellish job, and therefore, the one positive influence on gus’ life was pretty much absent her whole childhood, leading to rebellion and anarchy.
everyone was therefore surprised when gus proved them all wrong and got a full ride to university of michigan. she was pre-med, finished early, started her residency at johns hopkins, and everything was on track for her to be a great and brilliant success.
until, of course, she fell “in love” – or as close to love as she’s capable of – with one of her fellow residents, accidentally got pregnant, lied about her abortion to spare his feelings, and then started sleeping with the senior resident because she was feeling so trapped in her relationship that she decided to burn it all down for fun
it all came out, as things are inclined to, and she naturally felt pretty shitty about her behavior (but not shitty enough to apologize ayoo) so she fled to aleppo in a doctors-without-borders type of situation with one of the head surgeons at the hospital. she, for once, felt good about herself and the work she was doing because it was actually meaningful and impactful, but.... nothing can ever stay easy can it....
hobbs, the doctor she was with in syria, was a shady character, and gus started picking up on that, but she had no proof. until she caught him sexually assaulting one of their patients in the triage tent. what a shitbag. and he tried to blackmail her into staying quiet, and she did stay quiet, but that didn’t mean she was going to do nothing. her moment came in a drone strike, and they both got pretty badly injured. gus could have saved him, but she didn’t. she sat there with him and watched him die.
gus was different after that. changed. like something slotted into place and now she finally knew herself and what she’s capable of. and while it wasn’t pretty, it did make sense. but before she could do anything with her newfound self-actualization, her dad died in a car accident back in wheeler on the day that cassie went missing.
she came home for the funeral and saw how badly her mom was doing. her mom, who never loved her, her mom who resented gus for ruining her life. early onset dementia plus intense alcoholism is never a fun combo, and gus’ first impulse was to leave. but then she realized: if she stays, her mother is indebted to her. if she stays, she’ll be the last person georgia carson ever sees. if she stays, she can do what she did to hobbs: watch him die and do nothing to save him. and that is the only resolution gus needs.
&& random facts––
can’t sit properly in a chair bc she’s queer
EPIC sweet tooth. bring her sour candy as a peace offering if you must
played soccer in college, her legs are fucking jacked
sleeps very little, drinks too much coffee because of it
total night owl
always running late
doesn’t have a car, bikes / runs everywhere, give her a ride if she asks for one or she’ll spit in ur drink when ur not looking!!!
gets way too much enjoyment out of making people look like idiots. don’t trust her any farther than u can throw her!!
is actually a good doctor, but has the literal worst bedside manner in the world. “sorry ur dying sucks 2 suck”
lost her phone in syria, hasn’t bothered buying a new one, is just going through burner phone after burner phone as though she has something to hide
VERY skeptical about religion, let’s get into some science vs faith shit!!!
has a giant tattoo of a snake on her back, you are LUCKY if you get to see it
fashion wise, she’s very utilitarian – short hair, no make up, and she will rANT AT YOU about the necessity of pOCKETS if you let her
while she has had a few epic benders, gus is def missing the addiction gene. or at least, her insatiable pit of a soul can’t be filled with booze or pills, but something far more sinister...
shes probably a psychopath but don’t make me put in the effort of diagnosing her just let me be flowery and pretty hannibal style!!!!!!!! (i say this facetiously and with no disrespect to the profession of psychology and psychiatry – if we’re being real, i’m writing her with psychopathic tendencies, but she does have a capacity for empathy, even if it’s small, and because she hasn’t been diagnosed, i’m not trying to diagnose her, but anyone who wants 2 chat about psychology and her psyche, hmu)
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dykerachelsummers · 5 years
They were sitting in Tim’s room, on the now bare bed. “Talk to me, honey,” Dana said, wrapping her arm around Tim’s shoulder.
“Dad’s been dead for almost three years now and I’m not even all that sad about it,” Tim said. “And I feel terrible about it. Don’t, don’t get me wrong. I miss him. But in an absent way? I’m used to missing dad, this isn’t out of the blue. Just like I’m used to missing mom. The only difference is that I know they’re never coming home. And I’m...okay with that.
“I loved them but I barely knew them and neither of them were very good at being parents and sometimes dad scared me, which is ridiculous because I’m Cardinal? I was Robin! My dad never hurt me or anything, he just yelled a lot, but that yelling scared me. But I don’t hate him and I don’t hate mom but I’m also barely sad that they’re dead.
“It’s just...my life is so much better now. I have B, I still have you, I have Crystal and Dick and Babs and Steph and Cass and Duke. I have friends and a family who likes to spend time with me and who cares about me and it’s so much better than it used to be. And—and you and Crystal are so much better than you and dad ever were and—!”
“Okay, sweetheart, you’re getting off topic,” Dana interrupted, pressing a kiss against Tim’s temple. “Take a deep breath.”
Tim obeyed her, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. He rested his head on Dana’s shoulder. “I’m not all that sad that my parents are dead and I feel like a horrible person about it. You miss him,” he whispered.
Dana was silent for a moment. “I do miss Jack,” she said. “I loved him, a lot. He wasn’t a great man and looking back on it, I see that he was an all-out bastard more often than not, but you’re right, I do miss him. But I wasn’t the one he neglected, sweetie. I wasn’t the one he hurt. It’s okay that your feelings toward him and your mom are complicated and it’s okay that you’re happier now than you were when they were alive. You don’t owe them anything.”
Tim let out a shaky breath. “Thank you, Dana,” he said.
Dana smiled and kissed his temple again. “You’re welcome, sweetie. I love you.”
“I love you too. I’m happy you stuck around.”
“I am too.”
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