#{Ruaidhri Answers
arcxnumvitae · 8 months
#Eilidh's probably going to try to round up folks for ice skating
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"Eilidh, love, dear, sweetheart, while I appreciate the enthusiasm." Ruaidhri glanced out at the expanse of water before them. 'Water' being the key word. "But in order to ice skate, you first need ice. A frozen lake. This lake is not frozen."
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"We could go swimming if you all do not mind the cold!" Beside him, Leithe (who was not invited but tagged along with her fiancé) grimaced at the suggestion.
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"Icicles may actually form on us if we were to try that, dear."
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"Nonbelievers, the lot of you. Look, here approaches our solution right now!"
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"Eilidh, you called for me? What..." He stopped upon noting the small gathered crowd. "Um, what is this about?"
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pryings · 8 months
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The Setup.
Congratulations, you have chosen to undergo a psychological experiment in order to test the bounds of relationships and what the average individual deems appropriate behavior with a speed-dating simulation. You will be placed in a space with other like-minded subjects, where you will then converse about specific topics provided to you.
Your goals are to be as well liked as possible. We will act as facilitators for this simulation and watch the outcomes. We will be taking notes.
The Rules.
Signups will be from February 8th-13th. If you miss this window, your muse will not be allowed to enter the mini event. This is to give time for the organizers of the event (Ruaidhri and Arden) enough time to generate the lists.
The event will run from February 14th until February 20th.
You can sign up as many of your muses as you would like, but please note that the event runs for just over a week. Don’t overextend yourself!
Please tag all interactions #toaLoveHypothesis2024
Every participant will be paired with one other muse per round, which will be posted on Knoll’s blog. You may choose to do a thread with your partner, or you can send an ask. Please communicate with your partner to decide which works best for both of you!
At the start of each round, you will be assigned a random partner and a random conversation topic suggestion (you do not need to adhere to this topic, it’s just a suggestion for if your muse doesn’t know what to talk about).
The goal is to get your partner to like you! You want to impress your partner, and get them to give a thumbs up approval for the next round. Liking or disliking you does not affect whether you progress to the next round, only your score at the end.
At the beginning of each round Hubert or Knoll will go into each participant’s inbox and ask whether or not they like their paired partner. This ask is to be answered privately. You cannot change your mind once the ask has been answered.
Additional Info and Signup Form.
My muse is in a relationship/currently isn’t looking for a partner, can they still participate?
Yes, if you think they would sign up. The ic phrasing of the event as a psychological experiment or the logistics of a gathering like this appearing open-ended could lend itself to misinterpretation. Maybe a muse just showed up to make new friends. Whatever you want, they don’t need to have shown up with the goal of speed-dating if you don’t want them to have. Confused participants can also make for interesting threads. This, too, is data.
Do we have to follow the set topics assigned to us?
No, you can chat about whatever you wish. These suggestions are optional, to be used if you don’t know where to begin your conversation.
How many asks per round should we expect from the organizers?
One at the beginning of each round. Knoll or Hubert will ask you whether or not you like your partner. Answer it privately at any point before the round closes; unanswered asks will default to a ‘no.’
What happens if we’re disliked?
That’s unfortunate.
How will partners be chosen?
We will randomize the list of participants (rerolling only in situations where someone gets two of their own muses paired up).
Can we join the event late?
No. Once signups are closed, they’re closed; this is to make sure everyone is paired up evenly.
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Of course as an advisor, the fae would be busy. And while they could have decided to come closer to their appointed time, Eriskyne preferred to be early. Less chance of overlap between them and their father, the better. Of course that left the older scribe but he tended to be overlooked when he wasn't actively attempting grace.
"Young lord, have you considered...marriage?" the man brought up, breaking the quiet of paging through one of the many books present within the library the Ìomharach maintained. They leaned against one of the table-like desks.
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"That is a question for Lord Allanach, not myself," Eriskyne said, crossing their arms. The book laid to the side, "and do not call me that, you will confuse any passerby."
"You can be convincing when you want to be," the scribe reasoned, "and besides, you are the one that has to live with the arrangement."
"As we have witnessed with the farce of an engagement, he does not quite care as to the quality of life when it comes to those. Unfortunate for you, he likely will not settle for less than a Moireasdan at this point."
The man sighed, "He and every other gentry but he needs only one to achieve that and unlike Ruaidhri, you have your prospects open."
The mention of the other soured their expression, completely missing what they had over him, "Your aim is lofty but I doubt he would accept a common blood in the house."
"Oh no, I dare not think I could attain anything such as the Allanach family," he gave a wipe of his glasses. And Eriskyne could sense where this was going, "but the Oir--"
A book slammed against the ground at the same time as the family name would have slipped out. It and its echo drowned it out. Eriskyne warned, "Refrain from speaking so casually in regards to our friend."
Honestly, they could understand the unease their father felt about the scribe. His ability to traipse unnoticed was impressive, certainly. But it was the keeping of his mouth shut and keeping other mouths from speaking was where problems developed. And they'd be damned it was loose lips that cost them that persona.
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"...that is also a matter beyond myself and again to be deferred. But, and I mean this with the utmost care, Scribe Ìomharach, but your daughter is an eccentric even by the standards of the Court. Further accentuated by her usual grace that is found wanting even for a fae. You would have better success with her adopting a new pupil and setting them up for someone in the gentry. But now I must ask, why are you so desperate to have her marry?"
"Your words are harsh...but not untrue," the scribe ceded, "but the answer should be obvious. I want for my family, my position to rise. As anyone else would be looking to do. I dare not ask for the Allanach name for that's far too greedy and far too much at once. It is how one garners a reputation. It is also how one loses their low profile. So one milestone at a time. If I was the one to establish this position, then I have Ceilidh to raise us to nobility. Who knows, maybe with a grandchild or great-grandchild there will be a thought to court the Moireasdan but that will be long after my role."
Even a fool can make a point. Playing a long con, was it? Eriskyne called it such but with the lifespan as long as a fae's, it was possible this was merely the norm. They couldn't imagine such a span. They could however imagine schemes with even their own as a pawn. Thinking aloud, voicing their own curiosity, "Does it make it easier because of her heritage?"
Eriskyne wondered that for as well as themselves. The fact they were here seemed to tell of something with their father. Was it easier to assign them to all this dirty work simply because they were not of the 'correct' blood? Was it easier to the scribe to give away his child regardless of whom that may be because of similar reasons?
"Her heritage has little to do with it. This is a good opportunity for herself too, I just wish she would see it. Ceilidh is an eccentric, it's true but that eccentricity makes her brilliant. Why even the book you were looking at were from the collections she has been restoring for centuries. She has a vision for what it means to be a scribe. Now, I can't imagine the grandiose and strange things she says but I do know it will get nowhere without the push from a commoner to a gentry. If she put aside her foolish pride, maybe that'd come sooner."
The door opened and the scribe separated to see if someone was looking for a book or if it were the last component of this meeting. He gave a last quip, "Do consider the offer though."
Eriskyne watched the man. Though their expression bordering contempt, their thoughts were contemplative. How strange...
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ruaidhri · 2 years
4 wolves you'd like to get to know better?
"That's such a hard question to answer considering there are so many wolves living in this quaint little camp. And how am I certain we will end up getting along?" Ruaidhri asked this like he didn't always try his best to include himself in the community, since he always thought if they treated him with respect he'd do the same.
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"Well, one things for certain, in my time here I have met a lot of people but I am always open to the opportunity to meet some more. There are a few wolves I have constantly, so I can't help but feel like it's the ether telling us to talk. One of them being is the caretaker I see often (@wclfpackers). I don't want to sound arrogant, but I have some impressive blue eyes, and yet, I believe he comes close to them. I have to see them up close."
"Fortunately, I know the name of the second wolf, Godric, but I want to know more about him. We're in the same pack and even work together, and yet I feel clueless as to who he actually is. That may be my fault though (@ofwolfandmuses). The third, would be Gale. I have only made polite talk with him when retrieving our tools for the ranch, but he does fine work every time that I can't help but know more about the person who makes it (@showmetheheaven). And finally, the man with the impressive hair. I mean--I could talk about his impressive height and build, but I'm sure people have pointed that out to him several times already (@kiefermorgen). "
if i didn't name them, it's probably because i feel like they would have already known each other. but if i didn't name your characters, just send me a dm and we can create a connection
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ichiigotsukii · 3 years
“It sounds like it,” he agreed, weaving the glamour tighter around the man as he leaned closer. A finger traced lightly against the rim of his new glass while his other hand came to playfully rest atop the man’s knee. Ruaidhri gave an answering laugh, “And it sounds like he was not nearly as enjoyable a conversation partner as you.”
Mikael thinks he’s beautiful. Actually he doesn’t think that’s a strong enough word, if he’s being honest. Ethereal. Otherworldly. If he’d had less to drink he might even try waxing poetics as a form of flattery. Because he’s into him. Really into him. 
But hates assuming, always wary in bars to take friendliness as something more. The hand on his knee starts to clue him in though, that it’s not all in his head and perhaps the head in the room is felt mutually. At least he hopes it is.
“You think so? That’s quite flattering coming from someone as charming as yourself. You flatter everyone who buys you a drink like this?”
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delldarling · 4 years
How long have you been writing for? Do you have any tips for someone just beginning + new to tumblr?
I’ve been pursuing writing in some form - writing stories for myself, or my friends, or with my friends for.. Like 16 years?? Not counting baby Dell (and I was fond of stories about cats and pixies and my imaginary friend then lol), like right around 11 or 12 I started writing fanfiction and original stories. Actually, my Unseelie Fae Ruaidhri, from the kinktober list, was a character I wrote about when I was 12! (though he was much more innocent then, gracious)
When it comes to advice, I can talk about personal motivations and why I’m writing and sharing art here, but advice for actually running a blog in the monster-loving community? Or just running a blog in general?
I don’t know that I actually have any. I know for sure that a lot of us go about things in very different ways, and honestly it depends on your goal when making a blog. Are you looking for a lot of back and forth interaction from followers? Are you looking to just share your stories? Are you looking to make this a full time job, or are you doing it for enjoyment? Advice and answers would vary wildly depending on what you’re looking to get out of things!
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ashesofavalon · 7 years
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Vampire | Vampire Order | Slave | Queen's Domain
6'2 / 188cm | Age Unknown (40)
“All monsters must die except the beautiful ones.”
Ruaidhrí’s beginnings was full of questions that only lore could suffice as answers. Some say he was the first ever recorded Vampire while many believe that he was one of the originals that have walked the Earth. But one thing was for certain, the creature skulked in the shadows of the dark nights, his crimson eyes eliciting fear to anyone who came across them as it was a known evil omen across the land. “When eyes the color of the devil deem you his prey, the creature of the night would reveal it’s tempting form only to present you with a bloody death.” Being feared was all Ruaidhri knew his entire life. However, through time, that fear became twisted and turned into some sort of respect forced out of people. He became untouchable. He was the epitome of power. And things may have appeared to turn for the better in his life. The master thought he was able to feel genuine happiness as he made the discovery of a long lost son, and might have deluded himself that he found himself a family. Which became his weakness. Soon the powerful Vampire Lord got captured by the opposing side. Kept as a prisoner. Tortured. Used. Everything the vampires did to the slaves, things he has done to other people. However, he kept a strong will, keeping quiet about any personal affairs. Now, three years has passed, and he is still kept as a slave in the Queen’s Domain, unsure what’s happening around him. What’s real or fake. Or if there is a future for him.
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patheticnugbaby · 7 years
Wrote a little Pavellan drabble, I need to put some more work into Ruaidhri, I really do. Shameless fluff.
Ruaidhri gathered his hair in his hands, tying it lazily behind his head as he made his way up the stairs. His feet ached, so did all the way up to his knees if he was honest. He felt a stubborn knot in his shoulders and his head pounded at the temples and behind his eyes, yet that didn’t dull the radiant grin that curled his lips as he came into the library. He heard the dim rustling of pages being turned, the tell-tale clicking sound Dorian made when he was dissatisfied with the text he was reading. Ruaidhri grinned a little wider as he poked his head into the little alcove Dorian liked to read in.
He had his ankle crossed over his knee, book propped up in front of his face, his other hand supporting his chin. There were soft circles under his eyes like he hadn’t been sleeping well, little wrinkles where his nose met his eyebrows while he scowled softly at the book before his gray eyes flicked up to Ruaidhri.
“If you didn’t smell like a forge and the desperation of Orlesian nobility, I’d never know you were coming,” A flicker of a smile pulled at Dorian’s lips as he set the book aside.
“I like to keep you on your toes,” Ruaidhri answered smoothly, folding his arms and leaning on a bookshelf, “what’re you reading?”
Dorian tutted, “Apparently another useless piece of rubbish. Your people do know I asked for accounts of actual history, yes?”
“Yes, and I’m sure they purposefully got the wrong books just to vex you, vhe- Dorian,” He smirked at Dorian’s indignant scoff.
“They couldn’t irritate me this much if they tried,” Dorian grumbled, standing and rolling his neck a little.
“I’ll have a word with them,” Ruaidhri soothed, reaching for the back of Dorian’s neck, “May I?”
“Mm? If you like.”
Ruaidhri smiled, gently massaging the back of Dorian’s neck, “You’re tenser than I am. Is something the matter?”
“Beyond the ever-looming threat of Corypheus and his cultists? The mounting pressure of nations on your shoulders? Endless favors that send us scurrying around the South like glorified carrier birds?”
Ruaidhri laughed, taking a step closer to give Dorian a warm hug, ignoring the sound of the other man clearing his throat.
“Amatus, you’re doing the hugging again.”
“So I am,” He agreed with a little squeeze of his arms, “Ara’vhenan.”
“You’re going to need to tell me what that means,”
“I’m sure you can find out with the right book. Or you could ask Solas, he knows more elven than I do.”
“Oddly enough I don’t think he’d share,” Dorian chuckled softly, his hand squeezing Ruaidhri’s.
He let go, stepping around to face Dorian, the back of his hand brushing his lightly, “Walk with me? It’s a nice night for the ass-end of the Frostbacks.”
“You mean to say I only need one coat as opposed to three? Say no more!” Dorian whisked his coat from the back of the chair, slipping it on over his shoulders.
Ruaidhri gave him a wide smile but he didn’t reach for his hand, instead staying close enough to occasionally brush the fingers of his gloves against the back of Dorian’s hand. They climbed down the stairs, through the rotunda and out onto the battlements. Below, fires burned brightly over the infirmary, and in the windows of the mage tower. Inquisition banners snapped in the wind, shimmering in the moonlight.
“You’ve made an impressive home for yourself, amatus,” Dorian was smiling, gaze cast towards the grand doors of Skyhold, closed against the cold.
“I can’t say I’m familiar with the concept,”
“Of course, you’re right, you’re Dalish,” Dorian said it like it was a foreign thing, granted, to him it was, “I’m-”
“Shh, I understand,” Ruaidhri smiled easily, leaning the weight of his shoulder on Dorian, just for a moment, “Skyhold is an impressive place, given enough time it might not feel so strange to stay in it for so long.”
“I can scarcely imagine what that’s like.”
“I can scarcely imagine what it’s like to live in one place for so long,” Ruaidhri chuckled, giving Dorian a good-natured nudge.
“Yes, my apologies, we should all be so lucky to have such a charmed life as the Dalish do,” Dorian shot back, “Getting up at the crack of dawn, wandering barefoot through the woods, surrounded by halla!”
Ruaidhri laughed, one of his big laughs, the kind that made everything just a little more bearable, “You’ve forgotten being surrounded by several dozen people all the time, none of which have access to proper hygiene.”
“Well, you certainly know how to woo a man.”
“I do, don’t I?” Ruaidhri gave him a sideways grin, leaning on the wall a little and taking a deep breath, “If we’re lucky enough to be alive after all this I should still like to return to them. I don’t think I could settle back into that life after this, but I should see them.”
“I’m sure they miss you dearly,” Dorian replied, hesitantly sliding an arm around his waist.
“They ask about you, you know,” Ruaidhri grinned as Dorian’s sudden cautious expression, “You said it was alright to write to them about you.”
“I didn’t think they’d actually asked.”
“Of course they asked, they’re my clan,” Ruaidhri chuckled softly, “If I don’t share every tiny detail of my life here my mother will show up and terrorize Skyhold herself. I can’t even imagine how she’d deal with Solas, and Sera for that matter.”
“Is it wrong of me to imagine her dragging them both around by the ears?” Dorian chuckled, earning another big laugh from Ruaidhri.
“Not immediately! Only after either of them said something truly offensive.”
“So, immediately.”
Ruaidhri snickered, tucking a stray lock back behind his ears, “Yes,” he leaned on Dorian, head against his shoulder, “Would you like to meet them someday?”
Ruaidhri’s ears flicked a slight heat in his cheeks, “They’ve been asking if they’ll ever get to meet you. I’ve been evading them.”
“I’d rather not get dragged away by the earlobe by your mother, Amatus.”
“She wouldn’t,” Ruaidhri chuckled softly, hand resting on Dorian’s, “you are ara’vhenan, she’d happily, easily overlook any flaws of yours.”
“Oh! You wound me, amatus, I thought I had none.” Dorian squeezed him a little, prompting a soft chuckle.
“I didn’t say you had many,” Ruaidhri grinned, “and I didn’t say I didn’t love you for them.”
“So it’s not my wit and charm? And here I was thinking you had good taste,”
“I adore many things about you, Dorian, not the least of which being your ability to dodge a question.”
Dorian sighed a little, Ruaidhri recognized the nervous crease in the corners of his eyes, the soft downturn of his mouth. He squeezed Dorian’s hand.
“You don’t need to answer me now, Dorian, I’d be grateful if you considered it.”
Dorian shot him a look out the corners of his eyes, something sad but extraordinarily warm in them, “I will consider it, amatus.”
“Thank you, vhenan,” Ruaidhri smiled and leaned back on Dorian’s shoulder, “We aren’t really walking, are we?”
“No,” He felt Dorian lightly press his lips to the top of his head, “you’ve done enough walking for one day, honestly, it’s tiring just to watch you.”
“Most days I’d rather run, but I’m told it’s undignified.”
“Well that’s just in poor taste, isn’t it? I could watch you run all day.”
“If only I could run Skyhold solely on your good opinion, Dorian,” Ruaidhri gave him a nearly feline grin, ears pricking forward.
“Oh please, Josephine would kill us.”
“She would. May we never incur the wrath of the esteemed ambassador.” Ruaidhri agreed, nuzzling his head a little on Dorian’s shoulder, “Would you like to head back inside?”
“What, are you cold now?”
“No, but I think I should like to retire for the evening,” Ruaidhri idly stroked his thumb over Dorian’s hand, “Join me?”
“You only have to ask, amatus.”
“I know, vhenan.”
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arcxnumvitae · 9 months
my boo (Ruaidhri)
Anon || Unprompted
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"Do I have a secret admirer?"
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"Or a stalker!"
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arcxnumvitae · 7 months
We know you’re a babygirl Ruaidhri
"Anon" || Baby girl-pocalypse
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"And you would be correct. Now dote on me."
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arcxnumvitae · 9 months
A sense of humor. Good. “Careful, little lamb.” Hand rakes through his hair as the weapon is tossed to his companion. A bead of sweat rolls down his neck, muscles long warmed after an impromptu sparring session — or should it be called a bar brawl? Perhaps it didn’t count when it took place outside the building.
Corners turned upward as he neared. Eyes unable to help but take in the sight with noted mirth. “Might be more than you can handle.” (Ruaidhri)
@lunarxdaydream || Continuation
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Was that so? Overconfident. Cocky even. But he could make something from this. After all, men who were overconfident, whether earned or not, were something he was used to toying around with.
"Is that what you think?" Ruaidhri drawled, letting the man approach. "Well, there is only one way to find out, hm?" He was going to eat him alive.
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arcxnumvitae · 7 months
“It is only appropriate considering you have brought us quite the entertainment.” A box is laid out against the table before plucking the glass back up. “We are in the middle of célébration de fleur and figured our guests deserved a gift of their own.” It certainly suited the fae when taking their aesthetic choices from hues to fabrics. Now Loraine could only hope the silken gown, free flowing with slits and chiffon, would be acceptable. Worst case, she could simply send one of the seamstresses to make any necessary corrections. “Only hard part is trying to get past that stuffy man to give your king his own gift.” (Loraine)
@lunarxdaydream || Valentine's Day Sweetness
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'That stuffy man.' His lips twisted at the moniker. It was accurate at least. "?" He was unfamiliar with the term, but could hazard a guess-- "Is it similar to our Latha Naomh Bhaileintin?" It was around that time for them as well, not that he ever paid it much mind.
Ruaidhri reached out, deft fingers making quick work opening the box to reveal what was inside. He gave a delighted clap of his hands. "Ah, beautiful! I see my amazing penchant for taste was taken into account. Your court has my thanks." He made a mental note to prepare a return gift to send along with Loraine, but soon a mischievous twinkle entered the man's golden eyes, and he leaned closer.
"Now, let us figure out a way to get your gift past that stuffy man."
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
“Now what do we have here?” Arms cross with a flicker of mischief roaring in his eyes. “Are you lost little lamb or have you come looking for trouble?” (Haurum-Ruaidhri)
@lunarxdaydream || Unprompted!
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"Oh?" The sound of a confident voice ringing out had Ruaidhri turning with a smile already in place across his lips. He did so love confidence, and he'd hoped to find some entertainment at the Novian festivities. A win-win.
"While I was having trouble finding my way around, I am in general always looking for trouble anyways."
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
“Ruaidhri, isnae? Ah hoped you were amongst the retinue. Ah ken we met before,” Balmoral remarked as he took the gentry’s hand. Like the first nip of cold air was the brush of his lips. His gaze directed towards Ruaidhri hinted something more teasing with an eye alight like playful stars, “but ah found it uncouth tae attempt content without the proper time fir extolling such a vision. Allow me tae remedy such a misfortune.”
@thewolfisawake || Unprompted Revelry Fun
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"Ah, who does not adore a king with a silver tongue?" If only Camhlaidh had half the charisma as King Balmoral. He remembered the Unseelie's visit to their lands not so long ago and the difference between the two kings were night and day. Camhlaidh had been born into his position and had nothing to prove. King Balmoral had had to fight for his. But he supposed he shouldn't be too hard on poor Camhlaidh.
"Indeed, amidst all of the festivities both now and back during your visit to our land, it feels like we have hardly had the time for a proper chat." His smile deepened at the brush of cool lips against his hand. The man was certainly a charmer.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
And 🥵 fot Ruaidhri
@lured-into-wonderland || Send a 🥵, and I’ll give you a spicy headcanon about my muse!
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I just made the joke about the fae and nature but actually, Ruaidhri is the complete opposite of that. Absolutely no nature for him. He refuses to lay on anything less but the finest of silk sheets for his smooth and beautiful skin. He's a snob like that.
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
💕 (Mhoirbheinn-Ruaidhri)
@lunarxdaydream || Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are || Accepting
Dr. Love thinks a relationship might work out between Mhoirbheinn Branan Maoldeigh Fearchar Geadais and Ruaidhri Finn Harailt Allanach, but the chance is very small. A successful relationship is possible, but you both have to work on it. Do not sit back and think that it will all work out fine, because it might not be working out the way you wanted it to. Spend as much time with each other as possible. Again, the chance of this relationship working out is very small, so even when you do work hard on it, it still might not work out.
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"That sounds about correct."
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"I, for one, agree."
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