#no one be super angry in comments I can't deal with that energy
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lifeofmysteries · 3 months ago
my opinions on the bnha ending (not that anyone asked but I'm having thoughts so u also have to see them), generally the ending of bnha is framed like a bittersweet tragedy. the villains stick to their core values and get what they want
tenko's heart is saved and what afo did to him is revealed, and he goes out proud in being a hero to the villains. he's not fully a victim hapless in afo's wits, he would have been there again for the lov if he could
touya wanted his father's attention his whole life and was willing to burn himself up to get it, and he finally does as he's dying and also manages to connect with his siblings
toga finally gets loved and seen for herself, and dies to keep that returned love alive (and then gets to haunt ochako's thoughts for the rest of her life)
i don't have an issue with these in a vacuum. what the issue is is with the execution. bnha is a manga where a boy can lose his quirk and somehow his best friend can feel it in an unexplained soulmate like connection, and this same guy gets his quirk back offscreen
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bnha is a manga where they defeat the main villain over the series using the power of friendship where the whole of class a bands together
bnha is a manga where the class hosts a festival to help people's spirits
the issue with bnha is not that it has tragic endings, the issue with bnha is that the tragic endings don't feel congruent with the rest of the manga AND that these tragic endings occurred at a time when the manga's pace was sped up so much that a lot of smaller emotional elements were now lost
the whole 431 debacle is part of the same problem for me. as pikahlua has said, 431 breaks the fantasy because izuku no longer seems to care about being a hero. he's okay to commit to being a teacher and doesn't seem incredibly excited at being able to be a hero once more. heroism has been made into a job much like other law enforcement, with attempts to reduce it from the celebritified mess it was once was. given izuku's and the rest of the classes desires, this feels like a tragedy. the dream of becoming a hero is replaced by the mundane realities of adulthood. i think this is an interesting concept to explore, the issue is is that bnha is not the manga where this feels tonally consistent, given it has so many illogical almost-magical emotional beats like reaching out to someones heart to heal them, people staying alive through pure strength of will. it feels too real to fit amongst those plot beats.
bnha is not the manga where people wanted a tragic ending.
those r just my thoughts, and i wish the ending could have had a bit longer to cook without the insane pressure of the manga industry, but oh well. its interesting to think abt in hindsight. I'm thankful at least for the joy I got out of what horikoshi gave us, even if the ending didn't match expectations.
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normalestenstars · 5 months ago
I'm so curious about the responses about the customer service regarding shu, I just know they would be really funny. He's a freakazoid weirdo
sure, i can copy & paste them! they're under the readmore because it's 29 responses and the post is super long
Shu responses
his demands are not on my level sir...
him or izumi. i feel like i would start crying instantly
Just remembering that one time he axed a pc, I know this isn't the same situation but it's still worrying.
He would be so rude. it was between Shu and Izumi aka the Karens of ES. Like sure wataru would pull some weird shit but that would be funny and I’d play along. Shu and Izumi would just scream at me as if it’s my fault that their favourite ice cream flavour ran out on a regular ass Thursday afternoon I’m not being paid enough to care about
i feel like it should be obvious. nightmare customer.
It. It's Shu. What else is there to elaborate, bro fought with a first year junior over bread in the cafeteria you think he's gonna cut ME some slack??
Shu was banned from using Twitter, I feel like he would be an awful Karen if he had to use customer service
he would have a really hard time speaking into the phone and following directions. i can deal with angry, miscommunication kills me
Karen energy
i feel like he would yell at me and i would cry then he would proceed to yell at me more for crying. or maybe Izumi would do that idk
I vaguely remember hearing that there was an incident where he axed (or almost axed) a computer bc of online comments or smth… so uhhhhhhhh yeah
if i mess up ONE THING he's going to start screaming at me in french
I hate the French language (I am French)
He can be really mean. And I don't speak French
i love shu but he's insufferable
itsuki shu axed his computer. itsuki shu is banned from social media. i have no doubts in my belief that he would be the WORST customer to be ever dealt with. you will hear this man be insanely specific about whatever kind of thing he's dealing with while you're stuck in your shift wanting to jump off a cliff as you speak to him. at some point in his complaints it strays away from what he actually wants from you and starts ranting about eichi and how he fucked up his life. if itsuki shu ever calls me im declining and blocking his number ASAP.
I would cry he's scary
can you fucking imagine.
shu would have me killed i fear he has the strongest karen energy out of the entire enstars cast
shu seems like he would feel entitled to getting a discount because i mispronounced a french word which offended him
He’s my silly little bingus freak but god he needs to calm tf down every once and a while… he also famously had his socmed privileges taken away by single hardworking mom ibara if i remember correctly… in conclusion, i’m handing the phone to someone else bruh never meet ur idols
i can't elaborate i'm getting scared just thinking about it
Not only do rich people have no idea how to treat retail workers like human beings, but Shu has a history of lashing out, sometimes violently! Love Shu with all my heart but is so picky and sensitive and i know that I will be yelled at
The second he pulls out 'non!' im gonna throw myself into a river
He’s really fucking perfectionistic i would cry but mayoi as a close second because he would just stay silent and not say anything but also not hang up for like 3 hours, he would be breathing heavily in the phone before letting out a squeak and hanging up ountil someone convinces him to call again and it just repeats
shu would yell at me :((( and i would start crying :((((
he's just kind of unbearable (complimentary) especially as any kind of customer
Everyone else's flavour of weird I can handle but I'd hand in my resignation if I needed to deal with Shu regularly. And I live a car ride away from France—I mean it.
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himebushou · 2 years ago
I finished watching Shaman King 2021 yesterday! Some scattered thoughts on Episodes 38-52!
So much happened in this episode but absolutely everything has been wiped from my brain because WHAT is Marco's battle outfit —
Episode 38
Episode 39
I really need Team The Ren to win this fight!
Yoh finally gets to share his big news, lol
Man, the X-Laws' reveal was a big deal but again, it went at a 100 miles an hour so there wasn't much space/time to absorb everything... and I can't believe how huge that table has gotten, lol
Marco is. A dope.
Episode 40
For me, a Team Horohoro fan, this episode was... truly a lot. I want to know his full story (and despite what Yoh and Ren say, I know that they do, too). He was seriously amazing and guh, just such a fantastic character. I loves the kanji and etymology lesson from Hao, too.
I'm still kinda shocked that Yoh is back in the Shaman Fight as I thought that his being out of the game was a massive divergence that was going to set the series apart, but the way things have worked out is pretty cool!
And the Five Elemental warriors are gonna come from Gandhara, huh? Nice!
The new ending is GORGEOUS. Whoa whoa.
(Also, finally getting some closure for why Yoh has felt so off — poor chilled boy is so stressed.)
Episode 41
I think Marco is dead dead (unless he'll be revived?) and phew, the stuff with the X-Laws' satellite was cool! ALTHOUGH. I'm wondering what the heck they saw that made Hao so damn angry.
Sati doesn't waste any time taking prisoners fjdk
Honestly, some moments have been jawdropping fjhfh
And Oh!Oni was back! And beloved Matamune!
I love this Yoh and Amidamaru focus, eee
Episode 42
I am just becoming increasingly incoherent EVERYTHING IS SO EXCITING but phew, so many people kicked the bucket in this ep?
I am emo about Yohsen oh maaan
Episode 43
And now one of Manta's relatives is getting in on the action and trying to nab the Great Spirit PHEWWW
Jun having trained with Sati? Whoa! And having the mana to resurrect THREE people? When Faust could only do one? I have some questions, but I'm happy my girl is involved!
But since Anna has also mastered the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, surely she should also be able to resurrect people?
This is so wild but it's exciting so I'll roll with it!
Episode 44
ANNA VS HAO and there are still so many secrets there? THE TENSION.
And then the coffee!! I'm so glad that Yohsen is somehow still around fjfjf
Though damn, Hao, you cheapskate: pay your damn bill!
Tao Ran and Tao Yúan on screen together, yahoo! (Flipping heck, I loved those moments when Ren was so embarrassed about his family cheering him on, lolol)
BUT BLOODY HELL THIS BATTLE. TBH I really want Team The Ren to win because I do feel that they've got Yoh outclassed... the Ren/Horo lightning/ice combo is just too good. Though wow, Horohoro is MAD.
Episode 45
I'm so close to the end and I'm so sad!
Phew, so we find out which elements the boyos are going to have! I was fully expecting Yoh to have fire, so I was super surprised that it'll be Lyserg instead. Joco with the 'Wind of Change' makes sense, as does Ren with lightning (though I'm surprised that this was an element over metal, tbh, especially since Ren made some comments about Yoh's mastery of metal where Spirit of Sword was concerned) and Horohoro with water. Yoh as the sturdy earth guy is good.
(I'm slightly angsty for Ryu... there wasn't much of an explanation from Sati and Gandhara about precisely why the Elemental Warriors had to be kiddos, apart from the established conversation about adults knowing their ceilings. I assume that there's a bit more detail in the manga.)
This fight against the rest of the world, though? Huh, dramatic! I'm a bit sketchy about the whole laser thing becaaause I thought that was spiritual energy that was fired at the island, but it couldn't have been if the whole world is aware of it? So I have questions!
Everyone chillding in the hot spring is so cute, good gracious.
Episode 46
Wow, show's over. Hao is the Shaman King.
Episode 47
HOW is this going to wrap up in a satisfying way when we still have another 8 Patch Officiants to get through djdjd the Lyserg OST hits so haaaard...
Episode 48
Waaaa the adults are having a barbecue and the kids are fighting for their lives and we are losing healers left and right and Opacho can read minds and there are still SO MANY REVELATIONS crikeyyyy
Episode 49
The tone changes are so odd to keep up with; one second, Redseb and Seyrarm are dying and the next, Kalim is bringing everyone dinner and the guys are taking a break to recover mana when it's been explicitly stated they have 15 hours to save the world! This is so whack to me.
WAIT I nearly missed that there was a ton of stuff after the credits and djhff Horohoro doesn't like his full name?
Episode 50
Oh man, the way Tamiko died was actually harrowing and then she's revealed to be Kororo and Ren's just like. Horohoro is now in dope mode we must ignore him fhfjjlfj
Ren has been taking on most of these fights and his battle against Nichrom was swift, but cool; I loved Joco vs Thalim though — and Thalim himself was adorable!
Episode 51
I'm weeping Shaman King is so special the whole thing is just WE WILL DEFEAT THE BADDIE WITH THE POWER OF LOVE.
urgh urgh this OST!!
Episode 52
I definitely cried during the last episode because parts of the ending were so beautiful; everyone coming together to show Hao that he could be saved — that salvation is in accepting your humanity and believing in the humanity of others. And I found Hao's mother's words so freaking soothing... I'm glad that Hao missing his mother was foreshadowed earlier, but we could have had more of that, I think.
And sure, they haven't fixed the world by 2007, but that is OKAY — most of them are around 22 and at that age, I was a wreck! So they have time and their lives to look forward to and... and I guess I disagree with the folks who say that the end of Shaman King is bad because they feel 'everything was pointless'; there's a lot to do and, even with guardian ghosts, shamans can't do everything alone.
I think this is an anime I could definitely rewatch, at some point. Wow. I love these characters and, as much as I griped about this, that and the other, I loved this story.
And I think it's so interesting that Yoh just. Didn't end up as the Shaman King djbdfh that;s definitely not what I was expecting!
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fewsystemsinonebody · 1 month ago
Talking about dangerous inner worlds
A lot of singlets think this disorder is "people in your brain". Some systems are angry when they hear about "evil alters" which is understandable as they worry we will be demonised. We used to be fakeclaimed by one person because our head space isn't a comfort zone which is ridiculous and I'm not going to comment that more than the fact it's part of an illness and I can't "imagine" it to be better in an instant somehow when for me it's all about mirroring and processing trauma through pseudomemories.
All I want to say is that this is no fun and games when inner persecutors torture you there either to symbolically show what happened outside before, to show emotions that were felt during the tragic event we went through or to punish us, as a self harm, due to guilt. I know it's not very common comparing to pwDID we've met. Usually someone has an alter who is a persecutor, sometimes even an introject of their abuser, but we have NPCs that are dangerous or headmates that turn into persecutors later (which I won't explain right now further). Meaning our past inward as well as sometimes moments during the day in hs can be super scary, embarassing and dangerous even to our body via phantom pain, dissociative attacks, flashbacks, choking/stopping breathing, visible movements indicating we fight inside, crying when we see what is happening in our head and more. In the meantime we have to deal with responsibilities like grocery shopping or washing the dishes and talking to our family etc pretending everything is alright. That is hard. We rarely talk about it (even to our doctor as we have not enough time during sessions) to not be laughed at, misunderstood and judged (especially to not be seen as bad people) by others not to mention some people could be grossed out by the events we went through. It's personal in most cases. Even our exes didn't know some stuff that occured as we were too scared to fill them in or didn't know about some shit just yet as it can be "added" to a part even as a memory later and not only upon splitting. Unsure if anyone gets that anyway...
We are aware this isn't really real but it doesn't help much when your mind is making you experience all that no matter what you tell yourself. It's probably not going to stop while it already started. Sure it's much better/safer/easier now because we work on this every single day but it's still part of how our brain learned to cope and it's hard to get rid of that mechanism or even get ready for the patterns we already know as it takes a lot of time and energy analising (with ocd, anxiety and BPD on top of that) and still we can fail in some ways or make it happen by accident believing it will if you know what I mean.
So yeah - shout out to everyone who's head space isn't a safe comfort place that they can change whenever they feel like it. Shout out to those who have horrible pseudomemories they are ashamed/afraid to talk about. Shout out to those who have to deal with inner persecutors. I see you, I hear you, I believe you and I'm so sorry you have to deal with that among stuff from reality.
For us inner persecutors aren't really parts of us. They're our fears, intrusive thoughts, feeling of guilt and such indeed but not who we are personality wise meaning we hurt ourselves due to belief we deserve it, to show how much something outward harmed us or to process is as a lesson like in a book. This isn't danger to anyone close to us - friends, family, partner. It's happening to us and those aren't even alters. It's something we are scared we might become or are told by people we are, things that we worry might happen, things that part of our brain decided we have to go through to understand things, do better, get punished, change, learn and such - you name it. Metaphorically. Like Maylo said - if our body/host/we as a kid fell on our knee so hard it would leave a scar and we start to avoid certain place accident happened then it can make an alter who will have a memory of being shot in the knee in the inner world as it's so emotional for the kid and then that alter is processing it instead of host/alter who went through an event themself but a) someone had to shot them and that is an inner persecutor b) we can feel guilty for being "so stupid" to fall and inner persecutor might hurt us for that somehow too. It wasn't like this before but we mendled too much in how our brain/system works and fucked up some things because we weren't ready for changes and our mind mixed mirroring with punishing (we tried to gather everything negative in us into one let's say group and avoid/ignore that but it came out in a worse form). This means we have to fix ourselves slowly now, step by step, untangling all that and sorting it out learning how to cope with every single thought, emotion, memory... until we know how to ract to each.
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minty-playhouse · 2 years ago
Round 2 of Eurovision let's GO!
Same deal as last time, just worrying down my thoughts as I watch it hah
Really liking the Denmark song, yes yes! The energy is very good!
Also speaking of energy I'm very salty about Malta not making it to the finals like what the hell, they should have removed Croatia and put them!
Armenia is pretty OK. Just not really my kind of music I guess? It's not even bad but it didn't get me hype, sadly. The presentation is lit though.
Liking the Romania vibes already from the looks alone 👀
Wha- Not the song I was expecting but it was a pleasant surprise! Really like the different style of both song and presentation, hoping they make it to the finals!
Estonia is OK as well. Also not super my type of song, but I can see the merit.
Ah, no way Belgium is 100% gonna deliver, they already look cool!
YES I KNEW IT I WAS SO RIGHT!!! Those are some funky fresh vibes!!!! PLEASE SEND THEM TO THE FINALS LET'S GO LET'S GO!!!! We haven't had this type of music in a while, we should bring it back!
No way I love this so much, PLEASE I WANT BELGIUM TO WIN SO BAD!!!!!
Ah, that's where Graham is, can't wait to see him comment the finals!
I'm sorry Cyprus, this is not impressing me much after Belgium blew my fucking mind lol
OK now that Iceland didn't really hype me much, regardless of how I'm feeling for Belgium, this second round of semi finals is being much weaker than the first, I'm not really getting excited by many songs, which is a bummer because if Belgium doesn't make it I'm gonna side eye a lot of finalists lol
Alright I'm glad I waited to say something about Greece because I'm actually digging this, but it started a little weak. But I quite like the beat.
Yeah OK this song grew on me, good on you Greece!
SYNTHWAVE AESTHETICS??? Hey now, the song kinda slaps too. Really liking the early 2000's pop group vibe.
AH NO WAY THAT'S SOME PUSSYCAT DOLLS SHIT!! Very good, hope they make it to the finals too.
Really cute guy alert on the Slovenian group 👀 Also loving the looks specially the singer's shirt! And the song is pretty good too!! We need more rocking tunes on Eurovision! Please go to the finals!!!
OK I was proven wrong this round is now delivering some good content! Finally some good fucking food.
Was not prepared for that in the slightest! Really damn awesome presentation and the song is so unique, I like it! Rooting for Georgia as well! It's like Middle Eastern electronic music, what's not to love?
Yeah, damn this round isn't pulling any punches now!!
Honestly Eurovision is such a fun way to look back into fashion, music styles and styles from the ages they are from. It's a super fun time capsule of European vintage tastes.
Oooh, more rock boys with San Marino?? I'm listening!
OK, pretty cool, but the Slovenian boys were still a bit better, but that's because I liked their style more. But I really dig them visually! (and of course the weirdest guy in the group is the one playing the bass, it's always like that!) ((please know that I use the term weird affectionately because I too am weird but I can't play the bass.....))
Austria girlfriends????? 😮
NO WAY EDGAR ALAN POE BOPS???? ABOUT WRITING??? No way, easily my second favourite after Belgium, this is GENIUS!!!!
No way this song is too lit!!!! They didn't need to go so hard, and yet!
Albania's performance is looking and sounding top notch too, great job everyone! When everyone began singing together it was hella cool!
OK Albania just keeps getting better what the hell!
Lithuania's song just changing like that without warning! But it made it a little more interesting for me, I'll admit. The backing vocals are also a mice addition.
Woah, wait up, Australia bringing some fire too! Very cool song and presentation, I'm here for it! Hoping to see them in the finals!
KEYTAR?? NO WAY! That was really good!
Argh, no I will not narrate my reaction to the countries that make it to the finals because I will get angry, I can tell! So let me just post this!!!
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
hihi, can I request smth! Idk of this comply to your request rules cause I can't find it in your blog (sorry!!) The request is hc with Atsumu, Kuroo and Iwaizumi with an s/o that is considered a bitch by people. Like they don't let anyone walk all over them, people are scared of them but admire them esp in terms of academics but they're actually v loving and a big clumsy mess.
hii!! yeah i don’t really have a set of rules for requesting mainly cause i couldn’t think of any haha, but your request is more than okay! i’ve been obsessing nonstop over atsumu especially recently, and today wasn’t the best of days for me, so this was nice to write heh. thank you for requesting it. i hope you enjoy <3
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miya atsumu 
atsumu is obsessed w you
seriously, he is just enamored by you. the way you hold your ground and always stand up for yourself, never letting anyone saying anything about you pass by you, your presence so intimidating. he loves it so much. he’s especially fond of the way you’re not even a bitch, you’re just confident in who you are, and everything you’re good at.
he observes from afar at first, the way people shrink in comparison to you regardless of your height. your aura just seems so. powerful? he really wants to approach you, and because this is miya atsumu, the first thought that crosses his mind is this person needs to be mine <3 no he will not take criticism.
so he does. approaches you, introduces himself in a way like you’re already meant to know who he is and he’s just doing you a favor. his heart breaks into tiny little pieces when you just go, “sorry, but no.” 
like literally just that you don’t go in detail or anything. you just reject him so plain and simple it’s actually worse than a full fledged out angry rejection. osamu’s so impressed he ready to have you added to his future will. 
he grows on you, though, over time. atsumu’s so quitter, and your rejection had only spurred him on. he would’ve backed off, because is a consent king, as they all are and should be, but you’re always so prepared with a quip back at him and you never actually push him away. it’s like a flirty game of tug of war between you two. eventually, he asks you out again, and just for old time’s sake, you jokingly say no lmao. all blood drains from his face that you actually kinda feel bad.
generally, he’s very proud to have you as his s/o. he himself has dealt with people constantly being put off by him and his attitude, so to see you deal with it so well is kind of? encouraging? uplifting? yk? 
he also likes how people are both scared of you and admire you. like. he relates to them! you’re incredible! 
he’s always snickering when he sees a student approach you literally trembling like a leaf and asks for your help in something academics related. you always say yes, which is something that just. pinches at his heart. the student is also always so surprised at the fact that you’re willing to help. god. atsumu will never have enough of their reactions to you. 
when you grow more comfortable with each other, and he discovers what you’re truly like, the person you really are beneath, atsumu just straight up falls in love. he didn’t think you could be any more perfect for him, honestly. 
he’s loves the way people are so intimidated by you but he knows that just a few minutes ago you were doodling little hearts in his notebook. 
a part of him wants so many more people to be aware that sometimes you can trip over air, and that you’re not as elegant and stoic as everyone thinks you are, but then he’s reminded of the fact that only he knows you’re truly like this, and he shakes that part of him off. atsumu genuinely adores knowing this additional, secret part of you. he doesn’t think you’re fake at all for having what’s seemingly a facade. he just thinks not enough people know what you’re truly like, and that you’re a gem, truly. 
he’s also like weirdly obsessed with the two of you as a couple? he knows people are intimidated by him, and it’s so painfully obvious people are intimidated by you. he just. eats that shit up. 
he’d also be really supportive if it ever gets to you. super ready to fight anyone. he’ll always tell you “these fake bitches don’t matter babe we the only real ones 😼💯” god havejkdkd 
anyways i been fantasizing about having miya atsumu as my bf somebody help im going insane 
kuroo tetsurō
kuroo knows of you. everybody does. you’re like, exceptionally good at being one of the most talked about people and also being the most mysterious person in school. the duality has him heart eyes for you. 
what probably catches his attention is the way people talk about you, in general, but specifically regarding academics. he overhears a group of people like whispering to each other about you while you’re just standing there minding your own business. they’re just encouraging one of them to approach you and kuroo’s like hm ! let me butt in bc why not ! 
as a joke, he slides up next to you and points at the group of students and whispers, “they’re talking about you.” 
this obviously ticks you off and without looking back you stomp over to the students and just go, “if you have something to say about me say it to my face!” and kuroo’s just watching like ,,, damn that’s hot. the students are so confused and ten times more scared than they first were and one of them just squeaks out that they only wanted to ask for help and you just , “oh. okay! :D.” kuroo’s just ,,, he’s losing his damn mind. 
he finds you really interesting, honestly, the way you’re just so strong? like mentally especially. you’re really mature, and you have a strong sense of self. he admires that about you, and continues to love that even when you start dating. 
he does ask you out, and he’s a little surprised you said yes, he’s not gonna lie. but you did, from the first time, and he just took you out to a simple picnic date. it was very cute, and the whole time he made you laugh and you were a completely different person than what he had first seen and expected. 
he really likes the fact that you’re really confident in yourself in that you won’t let anyone step on you or walk all over you. like he just loves watching you hand someone’s ass to them because they decided they wanted to make a smart comment about you. seriously, he’s insanely in love with it. 
he realizes pretty quick that the only reason people are so thrown off by you or are scared to approach you is because no one really gives you a chance to be yourself? like they’re always expecting the worst from you, having heard all these terrible things about you that half aren’t even true, that they don’t even bother trying to get to know you. and that fact really bothers him a lot, he’s not gonna lie, because he believes you’re the best person he’s ever had the pleasure of meeting. 
he really loves that you don’t let it bother you though. he’s impressed with how it doesn’t matter if some friends turn out fake, because, in your words, “good riddance.” 
the two of you kind of feed off each other’s energies? like he’s super confident in himself, and so are you, so you two only benefit each other in your presences. 
to put it simply, kuroo is incredibly impressed with who you are as a person, and it warms his heart so much how you’re so incredible of a person in so many ways, in that you neither let anything pass you by, and in that you’re the cutest, kindest soul he knows. 
iwaizumi hajime
brat tamer #1 <3 
i think iwa genuinely doesn’t care. not about you! about the things people say. like he hears so many rumors about you and he’s like .... ok. oikawa’s always feeding them to him but he’s just? not bothered by it? doesn’t care? it’s irrelevant information for him anyways? 
but then. 
but then. 
he walks past a scene where he sees you just destroying this poor kid. you’re verbally destroying him. the kid’s buried six feet under at this point. you’re not even yelling, but the guy’s shrinking under your gaze and your words and iwazumi’s so mesmerized by the way you do it so flawlessly. you don’t stutter because you’re so sure of your words and so confident in your stance. iwazumi. hums in approval. like. hm. good for them. as they should. 
after that he starts paying more attention to anything he hears about you, because he wants to know more. he doesn’t know why. he just does. and then he hears all these different things like “they’re so good at everything they do they can’t be real” and “i would never speak to them if they were the last person on earth” like ? he’s so confused WHICH IS IT
so, because iwaizumi’s a pretty straightforward person, he approaches you. 
do not confuse this though, because iwa is a blushing and flustered mess as he asks you to hang out. he’s never done this before, and this is not his style, but he’s just so interested in who you are as a person he was doing it before he realized it happened. 
the way you react is so? sweet? 
it’s so different than that day he saw you murdering that guy for talking smack, you seem so light and loving he actually feels his heart beat a little too fast in his chest. 
as his s/o, iwaizumi likes that he can trust you with yourself. like a part of him will always have that protective side to him, because that’s just the person iwa is, and he’ll always feel the need to step up and speak for you. but another part of him is really amazed by the way you can and are so able of speaking up for yourself. he feels really proud at the lack of insecurity. 
he also feels really smug about being with you. because he knows people are intimidated by him, and especially by you, but now that you’re together, he feels untouchable, and he knows you are too. he likes that feeling of power a little too much. 
if you ever step out of line at some point, iwaizumi will definitely let you know. he’ll point it out, and if you resist, he knows how to get you down off the pedestal. he’s had brat taming training for years lmao 
but he doesn’t think you’re a brat, not at all. in fact, he thinks you’re the sweetest person ever. he loves the versatility of your personality and attitude, in that you’re not just black and white and there’s so much more to you, there’s always grey in between. he likes that you’re endlessly dimensional and that he’s always learning something new about you. 
he especially loves the side of you that’s so soft spoken. it’s so endearing to him how you’re one moment so angry you could murder someone in cold blood but then all of a sudden you’re pinching his cheeks and kissing the tip of his nose telling him how cute he is. 
yeah iwa really loves you hehe <3
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