Francis watched Arthur, absolutely astounded by his ability to miss so bad. It was almost like a skill. He smiled, forgetting about everything that just happened. He laughed and picked up a ring, then stood in front of a bottle. He took his aim, and then tossed the ring. The ring landed perfectly onto the bottle. He giggled lightly and looks at Arthur, poking his side. He turned back to the bottle and concentrated, trying to throw the rings right. Once he heard a loud ring coming from the stall, he looked at the rings that were all perched on the bottle and smiled. "Looks like I won, hm~?" He giggled. Patting Arthur's shoulder, he walked past him to the winged bunny and picked it off the stall and turned back to him. "For you mon amour..." He said, holding out the rabbit and leaning forward for a kiss.
“Francis, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” Arthur asked, noticing how Francis wasn’t looking at him. He gently touched his chin, and rotated his face to meet his own. “Are you crying?” He asked with alarm. “Hey shhhh, it’s okay.” he whispered soothingly, wiping away the tears with his thumb. “It’s going to be okay.” Although he was taller, Francis looked so small and scared. He placed both hands on Francis’s shoulders, and looked directly into his eyes. “I will always protect you.” He promised, before pulling him into a tight hug. The Ferris Wheel began to slowly descent. They sat there on the way down, in beautiful silence. After a while, he broke himself apart, and placed the Frenchman’s hand, before giving it a small kiss. “That’s a promise.” He whispered. “You can trust me. I would never do anything to betray you. You have my word.” They reached the bottom, and Arthur climbed out of the car, holding out his hand to help Francis out.
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Francis sniffed lightly, then smiled at Arthur. Maybe everything will be okay? Maybe it will all sort itself out? He looked at Arthur happily again as he took his hand and climbed out. Maybe he was just overreacting? 'But look at all that I've done that's betrayed you...' He thought. The constant voice in the back of his mind that was telling him he was an idiot, a lying bastard, a cheater was getting loud. He shook his head, trying to get it out of his mind. Why now? Why must it invade his mind now? He was making himself look weak, he was making Arthur worry and he was starting to feel more guilty by the second. His shaky hand was gripping Arthur's as they started walking. He took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. "Sorry I... I don't know what came over me there... I'm spoiling the mood I'm sorry." He smiles lightly and squeezed Arthur's hand, now a little calmer than he was before.
Francis stared at Arthur wide eyed. Did he really feel this strongly about him? His heart was beating uncontrollably and his breath hitched in his throat. It slowly started to sink in; just how much this mean to Arthur. Quickly he pulled Arthur into a tight hug, hiding his face in his shoulder. He did that both of our happiness, and also in a way to hide the tears of guilt that started to build up in his eyes. “I love you too Arthur. I don’t know If there will be a forever for us demons, but I… I really will love you till the end of my time.” He quickly tried to blink the tears away before he had to pull back. For a moment the focused on staring outside, trying his best to simply think of this moment, and how much it meant to him. But that only managed to make his chest hurt more. He relaxed against Arthur, still hiding his face. “And mon amour… Please don’t say that. You are beautiful. You have amazing sparkling eyes and soft hair and such shiny smooth skin and I could simply stare at you all day if I could.”
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"Well it's interesting for me! I'm a demon who rarely fights so it's nice to hear from someone who does." He grinned happily, his tail swishing behind him. "And I am not strange! What is strange about finding you interesting?"
“I guess.” Natalya replied, looking unconvinced. “It seems awfully troubling, though. How do you do it?”
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Francis stared at Arthur wide eyed. Did he really feel this strongly about him? His heart was beating uncontrollably and his breath hitched in his throat. It slowly started to sink in; just how much this mean to Arthur. Quickly he pulled Arthur into a tight hug, hiding his face in his shoulder. He did that both of our happiness, and also in a way to hide the tears of guilt that started to build up in his eyes. "I love you too Arthur. I don't know If there will be a forever for us demons, but I... I really will love you till the end of my time." He quickly tried to blink the tears away before he had to pull back. For a moment the focused on staring outside, trying his best to simply think of this moment, and how much it meant to him. But that only managed to make his chest hurt more. He relaxed against Arthur, still hiding his face. "And mon amour... Please don't say that. You are beautiful. You have amazing sparkling eyes and soft hair and such shiny smooth skin and I could simply stare at you all day if I could."
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Francis leaning into Arthur, the mood between them bringing him in. He loved this. He loved every second of it. He could smell Arthur's amazing scent, and it felt as though it would drive him crazy. His hands were a little rough, probably from battles and such, but that definitely didn't mean they didn't feel nice to hold. He rubbed the back of Arthur's hand with his thumb and leaned closer to him until he could rest his head against his. He felt at peace. He felt at home. At home with Arthur. He didn't care where they were, as long as he was with Arthur. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around him and bring him closer as they stared at the shiny night sky.
"I love the stars. They're so beautiful... Like these two here..." He mumbled, turning to Arthur and staring into his eyes as he put his hand on his cheek. The song was perfect for the mood, and Francis felt himself lean in to kiss Arthur on the cheek.
“Right.” Arthur grabbed on of the park maps out of a stand, and pulled a packet of powder out of his pocket. “I always keep revival powder handy. In case I kill someone I’m not supposed to, you know?” He explained. Carefully, he flattened out the map, and sprinkled a pinch of the powder over it. He took a step back, and made eye contact with Francis. “Now the magic begins.” He switched his focus to the map. Animatus!” Arthur called out, clapping his hands twice. There was pop sound and a cloud of green smoke. As the smoke cleared, the entire park lit up. The roller coasters began running, the carousel began playing a jingly tune, the bumper cars whirled, full of life. Arthur gasped, a little out of breath. He quickly regained his composure, and turned to Francis, smirking.
Arthur showed Francis the enchanted map. The little drawings were moving around on the paper as if they were alive, an effect of the spell. He pointed out several attractions. “So what do you want to go on? there’s the ferris wheel, or the tilt a whirl can be fun if you want to start small.” He suggested, purposely not pointing to the Swan Boat ‘Tunnel of Love’ ride.
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Francis' heart stung a little as he listened. He felt... Like an asshole. An insensitive asshole. How could he do this to her? How could he be with Arthur and Erzsébet as well? With neither of them knowing? He sighed and nodded at her. "Yes I get what you mean. It's insensitive, it's cruel it's.... Heartless." He sighed and hugged her tight, almost in an attempt to comfort himself more than her.
“A-Are you being serious about this?” she asked, her voice a strained whisper. “I-I don’t know why I’m so concerned about this… I just wanted… To make sure…”
Erzsébet looked up at Francis, staring into his eyes.
“You’re really being truthful about this?” she persisted. “You promise me?” Her tone had darkened slightly.
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Francis couldn't hide his excitement as he watched everything come to life. This was absolutely beautiful. Out of all his time on earth he's never been to one of these parks, and he most certainly regrets it. Francis looked around, completely entranced by every single ride. He almost didn't care what he went on, as long as Arthur was right beside him. His eyes landed on the Swan Boat ride, looking over it curiously. He hummed a little under his breath, then decided they should save that for later. He turned back to Arthur and gave a wide grin. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel. It's rather romantic, non?" He giggled, then began to take Arthur along. He felt so happy. Just... So happy.
The strong hand entwined with his own gave him a small sense of security, as they began making their way back. “How’s the hand holding up?” Arthur asked, examining the injury. He noticed it looked remarkably better, and he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “You might not even need a band aid.” He attempted to crack a joke. They passed the gates to an older amusement park, clearly closed for the night. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he got an idea. He’d always had a knack for animation spells. Surely he could get the rides working with the wave of his hands. He wasn’t all that into amusement parks, as he found them childish, but he was eager to show off his skills and impress his new boyfriend after making a fool of himself. “Francis follow me.” He gestured over to the gates. “Since you seem perfectly fine, how would you like to see some magic?”
Without waiting for a response, he snapped his fingers, and the locked gates flew open. A wave of dizziness overtook him, and he stumbled a bit. “Right then. Come along.” He pulled Francis inside.
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"I'm sure not many of us have had a good revival experience... There's only so much good that can come from hell." He chuckled a little at his own joke, and cautiously put his hand on her shoulder. "You're good for a lot more things my dear. Like now for example, you're very interesting to talk to."
“I guess.” Natalya replied, looking unconvinced. “It seems awfully troubling, though. How do you do it?”
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Francis stared at Arthur as he did his magic, his eyes sparkling with interest and joy. Did Arthur really just do that? He glanced back at Arthur, instantly feeling worried about him as he stumbled, but calmed down once he saw that he was okay. He grinned and took his hand quickly, following him in. He made sure to stay beside him in case he needed anyone to lean on.
"That's really impressive Arthur! It's amazing..." He giggled, squeezing his hand a little harder. He looked around the park. It seemed as though this would be a great place for them to spend time together. He leaned into his more, happiness filling his heart. He can honestly say he's never felt so happy in his life (or death). He had the man he found he loved beside him, and there was no one to stop them form loving each other, and he could honestly say that the pieces of his shattered heart that were broken a few hundred years ago are slowly starting to come back together again. All because of Arthur.
Francis looked down at his finger that had by now stopped bleeding, then looked back at the Brit. He could tell he was internally panicking. Sighing, he brought his finger up to his lips, and without meaning to look seductive, he licked the blood off bit by bit. “I must congratulate you mon amour. This is the first time I’ve ever been lost in the human world. Now what do yo suppose we do?” Francis had his wings securely folded behind his back. He knew they could easily just fly out of there but he decided to not point that fact out. He started to find Arthur’s little worried face a little more amusing than he thought he would. “Arthur ma cherie do not worry. I’m sure if we turned around and retraced our footsteps we’ll find our way out.” He linked his uninjured hand with Arthur and turned around, starting to walk back the way they came from.
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"Oh come your face isn't broken! You just need a little motivation." Francis smiled a little, as if to prove his point. "Come on, just... Think of something that makes you happy!"
“I guess.” Natalya replied, looking unconvinced. “It seems awfully troubling, though. How do you do it?”
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Francis looked down at his finger that had by now stopped bleeding, then looked back at the Brit. He could tell he was internally panicking. Sighing, he brought his finger up to his lips, and without meaning to look seductive, he licked the blood off bit by bit. "I must congratulate you mon amour. This is the first time I've ever been lost in the human world. Now what do yo suppose we do?" Francis had his wings securely folded behind his back. He knew they could easily just fly out of there but he decided to not point that fact out. He started to find Arthur's little worried face a little more amusing than he thought he would. "Arthur ma cherie do not worry. I'm sure if we turned around and retraced our footsteps we'll find our way out." He linked his uninjured hand with Arthur and turned around, starting to walk back the way they came from.
Francis was a little worried when he saw the knife but then brightened up at the idea. This was perfect! A little something for both of them to remember their love by. But… Erzsébet very commonly came to the human world… What if she saw? What if she suspected something? He bit his lip a little in worry but then quickly shook his head. He was being stupid! The human world was huge there was no way she would be able to find it. And even if she did why would she possibly think it was him? There’s probably plenty of human couples by the names of Francis and Arthur out there!
He turned to Arthur and grinned. “That’s a perfect idea for a perfect couple…”
He watched Arthur work his magic as he carved his name into the tree. The name looked even more beautiful when it was written down (or carved as it was). He took the knife from Arthur when he was done, and proceeded to carve is own into the bark. He also ended up taking the time to carve a heart around the two names. He retracted the knife from the tree to examine the results, but gasped a little when he felt the knife cut into his finger.
Arthur put a hand to his mouth in shock. “Francis are you alright?” He asked quickly. He noticed the blood, and his breath hitched. “Oh my god I’m sorry!” He panicked, and grabbed the knife out of Francis’s hand, and muttered something, turning it back into a branch. He hated to see Francis hurt, and it made his stomach even weaker thinking about how it was entirely his fault. He felt around his pockets, looking for a bandaid, or something. To his dismay, he found nothing. “Bollocks.” He cursed. “I don’t carry any first aid supplies with me.” He explained sadly. Although demons had an accelerated healing factor, they could be injured. “I’m sure there’s one of those 24 hour pharmacies around here. Humans have the bloody things on every street corner. We can go to one and get you patched up, alright.” He placed both hands on Francis’s shoulders, and locked eyes with him.
He navigated their way through the small park, (it wasn’t terribly difficult. The moonlight illuminated the pathway) and sure enough they found it was located in the middle of a city. “I know exactly where we are.” Arthur laughed nervously as they crossed the street. “There’s a pharmacy just around the corner.” But there was nothing around the corner. Arthur shrugged. “Guess I was wrong. I’m sure we’ll find one though. Don’t you worry.” After 15 minutes though, it became apparent Arthur had gotten them very lost.
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do you use conditioner on your stubble? it's so luscious.
No mon amour ;) im just luscious like that
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Francis was a little worried when he saw the knife but then brightened up at the idea. This was perfect! A little something for both of them to remember their love by. But... Erzsébet very commonly came to the human world... What if she saw? What if she suspected something? He bit his lip a little in worry but then quickly shook his head. He was being stupid! The human world was huge there was no way she would be able to find it. And even if she did why would she possibly think it was him? There’s probably plenty of human couples by the names of Francis and Arthur out there!
He turned to Arthur and grinned. “That’s a perfect idea for a perfect couple...”
He watched Arthur work his magic as he carved his name into the tree. The name looked even more beautiful when it was written down (or carved as it was). He took the knife from Arthur when he was done, and proceeded to carve is own into the bark. He also ended up taking the time to carve a heart around the two names. He retracted the knife from the tree to examine the results, but gasped a little when he felt the knife cut into his finger.
Arthur’s eyes glistened with happy tears. He didn’t know what to say. This was the best he had ever felt. At least as a demon. He was immortal, he could spend eternity with the Frenchman if he wanted to. He wrapped Francis into a tight hug. “Love is such a remarkable thing. Even the most cold hearted creatures can feel it.” He laughed. The beautiful scent of roses, no, of Francis, filled his nose, and he gave a dreamy sigh. Was this his happy ending? Was he at peace? After 700 years, had he finally found his soulmate? If that’s what you could call it. Demons didn’t exactly have souls. Arthur suddenly remembered something humans did to show their love. He gently removed himself from Francis, and smiled. “I’ll be right back.” The two had been seated next to several trees. Arthur approached them, and picked up a fallen branch. Whispering several words, Arthur placed his hand over it, and it transformed into a small knife. “Francis, come here.” He beckoned the other demon. He showed the knife to Francis, allowing the moonlight to reflect off of it, then suddenly stabbed the tree. “I’m not quite sure how this works, but I’ve seen humans do it. Apparently it’s traditional for lovers to carve their names into a tree when they’re…in love.” He placed his own hand over Francis’s. “Would you like to do that?”
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“Well because I’m certain you’ll look even more beautiful than you already do. Plus I’m sure you can. Everyone can. It might just be a little harder I suppose.”
Francis was feeling a little determined, now wondering just what she would look like if she did smile.
“I guess.” Natalya replied, looking unconvinced. “It seems awfully troubling, though. How do you do it?”
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Francis’ breath hitched in his throat. Love? Did Arthur just really say that? His mouth kept opening and closing for a few moments. He was simply at a loss for words. How was he supposed to react to this? He’s never felt love before. Was this it? Did he love Arthur back? He wasn’t sure. He knew there was a connection between them; a strong one at that. He knew he felt for Arthur deeply, even if he had only known him a short time. But was love really the word to describe it? He was a lust demon, not a love demon.
He gulped lightly and looked to the side a little, seemingly lost in thought. This wasn’t easy for him. He didn’t want to make another mistake and end up with his heart broken again. But with Erzsébet in his mind as well, he was almost sure it was a little too late for that.
“Arthur... Are you sure? I... I feel... Overjoyed that you think that. No one has ever said something like that to me and I believe no one has ever felt such an emotion towards me. I think... I think I’m in love with you too Arthur. But... I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want you to feel regret for this. If you’re certain about this then... I love you Arthur Kirkland.”
“Francis…” Arthur whispered, smiling slightly. The moisture of the grass had seeped into his clothes, but he didn’t notice. His eyes were locked with the gorgeous aquamarine ones of Francis. The enchanting eyes that were so much older than the rest of Francis’s appearance. They had seen so much pain and agony. They had seen heartbreak. They were breathtaking. “My eyes aren’t that pretty.” He pulled on his hair shyly. “Not compared to yours.” Arthur broke his gaze with a soft blush, and laid his head onto Francis’s chest, listening to the strong heartbeat. “I’ve been thinking a lot recently.” He said softly. “I think that even though I’m a wrath demon, I’m capable of possessing emotions I didn’t know were possible for me. After all, I’d never felt them before I met you. Francis I…” he paused. It was so soon. He had just met this demon. But it was so real. “I think I’m in love with you.”
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“How do I do it? Well believe it or not I don’t really have any friends either. I’ve recently... made a few but who knows how long that will last. It’s the whole lust demon thing. No one wasn’t to be friends with one of those because god forbid their genitals will stay intact.”
Francis rolled his eyes and grumbled a little more under his breath. Stereotypes really did piss him off. He looked back up at her and thought for a moment.
“You know.. I’d really like to see you smile.”
“I guess.” Natalya replied, looking unconvinced. “It seems awfully troubling, though. How do you do it?”
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“Of course you need friends ma cherie! You said it yourself! You start to get lonely after a while. It’s not healthy for the mind. But if you really think that you don’t need friends then who am I to have a say in that, eh?”
He helped he up off the ground, making sure to stay a considerable distance incase she decided to throw another punch.
Natalya took his hand after a moment of hesitation.
“That’s the idea, though. So they leave me alone. I’m not good with people. Besides, I don’t need friends anyway.”
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