#no mutuas
jestr333 · 1 year
So, Rap Monster learned english from watching "F•R•I•E•ND•S", yeah? Sooo,,, does that mean that if I listen to "No Mutuas" by "Fake Fruit" while reading the lyrics to "No Mutuals" by "Fake Fruit" for, say, 4 hours, and then listen to "No Mutuals" by "Fake Fruit" while reading the the lyrics to "No Mutuas" by "Fake Fruit" for, say, 1.27 hours, for a few weeks straight, then will my SPANISH improve? Or will it get worse because I cannot hear anyone who would like to converse with me in SPANISH or teach me preterite tense in SPANISH? Por favor, mis mutuas, necesito ayuda. (Gracias para tu ayuda tambien mis mutuas, de antemano.)
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ya-no-la-quiero · 5 months
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Qué hacer con estos pedazos / Piedad Bonnett
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latinotiktok · 3 months
siempre que sale un "argentina vs algún pais latino" aparecen los "ay yo quiero que se besen" LA TENSION SEXUAL QUE TIENEN TODOS CON NOSOTROS, MAMITA. Nos quieren coger de alguna forma, cualquiera
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summer04rayne · 5 months
Omg this is hilarious 😂 Such a gen z reaction. I would’ve literally reacted the same way 😭
Good luck Darwiiiin 🫶🏻
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redspotted-deer · 7 months
I need more Hazbin loving friends to talk about my love of the show to before I blow up and go insane 😔
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My New Addiction. Pt 1
Yeah so I went very overboard with this and I think I’ll make a part 2 eventually. Def a slow burn mutual pining type thing.
Also lmk if the Spanish is off at all!!
Octane x Fem!Reader
CW: mutual pining, s l o w burn, swearing,
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You did it. You finally did it, you were a Legend! An Apex Legend! You worked your ass off and you made it, you were on the way to meet everyone and get settled into your new home. Yes you were nervous, you’re a fan of almost all the legends and now you were one of them, how could you NOT be nervous? You breathe in and out as the momentum slows and you realize that you’ve arrived. The door gets opened by the driver and you exit, your bags already being taken up to your room.
As you were lead to the main area where everyone was gathered, you heard music and chatter before you got there. Everyone got quiet when you entered and the first one to say something was none other than Mirage.
“Hey hey! There’s the new gal! Welcome to our uni-un- special group! I’m Elliot, also known as Mirage.” He takes a little bow and suddenly another one of him wraps his arm around himself. It was confusing but you laugh nonetheless at his greeting.
Soon Ajay came up and shook your hand, smiling. “Hey now, welcome to da family! I’m Lifeline on da field but you can call me Ajay. What’s ya name?” You smile back, shaking her hand. Thee Lifeline, she’s literally so iconic and you’re just buddies with her suddenly. It was hard to maintain composure. “I’m Y/n! Nice to meet everyone!” You say cheerfully.
Fuse hollers out “and she’s a looker! What a deal!” The typical thing Fuse would say, soon being nudged by his own partner Bloodhound. That earned a chuckle from the one eyed Aussie and a kiss was placed on the masked hunter’s temple in apology. You thought they were flirtatious with each other but didn’t know they were actually together!
You went down the line of greetings until Ajax sighed and looked visibly annoyed. “Now where is that fool? I told him ta show up! SILVA YA BETTA GET YA ASS OVA HERE RIGHT NOW!” She shouted, soon enough you all hear distant mechanical sounds at a hurried pace. “Sorry Che! Sorry! Got a little carried away with the livestream! Did I miss the new guy?” He asked absentmindedly as he entered the room, everyone basically just gestures towards you and he soon looked over himself. “Oh! Hola! Welcome welcome! I’m Octavio! Nice to meet you, chica!” He walked over and greeted you personally, taking off his goggles revealing his eyes to you. He doesn’t reveal his face online or during the matches so you hadn’t seen his face before. What you did see though, was extremely attractive.
The evening started to liven up, as you were shown to your room and got to change. Wraith, who you came to know as Renee, told you about the welcome party they were throwing for you at the bar they go to. It was a special bar exclusively for the legends and higher ups in the industry to keep from getting bombarded with fans, paparazzi and onlookers. It was the best place for them to unwind other than their personal quarters. You nod and decide to change into something a little nicer. A form fitting top, with a loose sweater over it and some jeans. Nothing fancy but it was nicer than your typical outfit.
First thing you see was Elliott, Loba, Octavio and Natalie (Wattson) on the dance floor having a ball. They were tearing it up and once Loba caught sight of you she rushed over and dragged you to join. “Come on beautiful! You’re the guest of honor tonight! Want something to drink?” She asks as she pulls you into the group of friends dancing about.
You nod and tell her to get something strong but fruity and she just winks and says ‘leave it to me’ and waltzed off to the bar. A few songs and drinks in, you were feeling pretty loose, you were sitting in a booth with Ajay, Octavio, Renee, Loba and Elliott. They kind of already inserted themselves as your clique for now until they all get to know you and you basically choose yourself. You couldn’t complain though, you were enjoying every moment of this and as the night went on, the more comfortable you got. Not to mention you got to see Octavio’s full face for most of the night and holy hell he was attractive. You already had a crush on the daredevil but now seeing his face, his smile, his eyes. Your heart melted, you tried extremely hard not to stare at the man, failing and getting caught a few times. The girls were quick yo notice and once Octavio left the table to go to the bathroom, Loba immediately leaned over.
“Someone’s got an eye on the speedster hm?” She grinned, chin on a hand, leaning closer onto the table. Your face flushed red and you attempted to deny it but everyone already knew. Ajay not understanding the attraction but she didn’t judge. He was also basically her brother so it was weird for her to see him in that light in any way.
The rest of the night went great, nothing crazy happened. Just a party and getting to know a few of the legends you’ll be fighting and fighting along side.
About a month or so passes by and it was your first time to be in a duos match with Octane. He knocked on your door early in the morning already hyper. You groggily open the door and see him bouncing a leg while he waited. “What’s up Tavi?” You ask through a yawn, he grinned and handed you a coffee he had just gotten. “Here! It’s got an extra shot in it, gotta make sure you can keep up with me! Don’t want you falling behind, besides we gotta kick ass today and get a win! It’s our first time getting paired up!”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was more excited than you thought he would’ve been, not that you thought he was gonna be excited in the first place but it was nice to know he was looking forward to fighting with just the two of you. You had been in trios together and he was as chaotic as you’d imagine. Rushing in. Losing sight of him entirely. Him leading squads to you. All the fun stuff Octane does. One thing though was you’d never actually used his jump pad. You have done your best to avoid that, you didn’t know what it was. You could drop out of the airship fine so it wasn’t the height that bothered you, you weren’t sure as to why you didn’t want to fly off that thing.
“Thanks Tavi, we’ll do great today.” You take a sip of the slightly stronger coffee that was gifted to you with a hum. “Mmm, delicious. Wanna come in? I was just gonna start making some food.” You offer and he shrugs. “Cant turn down a free meal can I?” He walked inside your little place with you and plopped himself onto a chair, leg bouncing as he sat. He really could just never keep still. As you were cooking and making conversation a few other legends come to the door, Octane opening it for you while you had your hands full.
A few familiar voices chime in, saying good morning and good luck. You heard Ramya nudge her way in. “Heyy newbie! How’s it goin? Wanted to see if you wanted to make a bet with me ya?” You had been warned about Ramya’s bets and stakes. You squint your eyes with a grin, brimming with curiosity. “Depends on what the bet is. Shoot.” She chuckled and placed both hands on her hips. “If my team wins, you gotta do something for us for a week. If you win, vise versa. Easy.” You raise your eyebrow and look over at Octavio, he’s smirking. Always up for a challenge. “HahHAH!” He laughs loudly and wraps an arm around you. “WHEN we win, be sure not to be sore losers.”
You sigh in defeat as they leave, now the stakes were higher. You didn’t want to do things for Ramya and Ajay for a week! Let alone knowing that Octavio would literally never let you live it down. You look over at the green haired daredevil as he was eating the simple breakfast you had made. “Tavi, we gotta win now.” He chuckled and looked at you. “If we lose, you owe me a kiss.” You owed him what now? Your face must’ve said the same thing because he smirked. “Good incentive huh?” He teased. You just sipped your coffee with a gaze. “Maybe I don’t wanna win now.” You say softly, kind of hoping he heard but also not. He did though and his eyebrow quirked. He licked his lips, getting a little speck of food off. “Well well, don’t threaten me with a good time, Señorita.” God he was hot. You were no stranger to getting distracted by him during matches, he was always laying down casual flirts to you but you assumed that was towards most people, like how Elliott flirts with everyone.
Wasn’t long til the match began. Octavio was laying it on thick, if you had slipped up or got knocked he would wink and say things like;
“Wow someone really wants that kiss.”
“Come on, Chica. I know you want to kiss me but this is a bit much.”
“Should I kiss you now so you keep up?”
All of it was NOT helping you with this ordeal. Soon enough though you hear the announcement of
You take a breath and heal up from the last fight you just finished, looking at Octane with a grin. “Hey we might actually win this thing!” You say excitedly. He nods and snaps a selfie with you. “Maybe you should kiss me if we win. How ‘bout that speedster?” You tease and he laughs a bit. “Like I said before. Don’t threaten me with a good time, hermosa.”
You cocked your head a bit, asking what that meant and he ignored you. As he ran off to find the last couple squads. You roll your eyes and follow in suit. All and all you didn’t win and Ramya and Ajey had, they were cheering and happily teasing you two for just barely losing. If Octane hadn’t rushed in when Ramya was downed he wouldn’t have gotten himself killed. You sighed and made your way back to the ship to return home. Octavio returning soon enough himself.
It was awkwardly silent between you two as the whole group returned, you both walked towards the winning duo, who both has smiles plastered onto their faces. “Don’t worry mates, we don’t have anything planned just yet. Enjoy your freedom for now!” Ramya patted both you and Octavio’s back and pushed you along. You two chuckled and you sighed a bit “I’m so nervous to find out what they have in mind for us.” Octavio shrugged and looked over at you “Eh I wouldn’t stress about it, Cariño. Whatever they come up with won’t be the worst thing.” You look at him, yet another nickname you don’t understand.
You don’t even bother trying to ask because you figured he wouldn’t tell you anyways. You sigh once again and rub the back of your neck. “You ok? Sore or something?” He asks with concern, looking right where you just massaged. “Yeah kind of. My neck is bugging me.” You admit and soon you feel two hands on your shoulder and where the base of your neck is. You let out a breath of relief as you started to feel the knots surface and loosen under his touch. Surprisingly he was really good at massages. You let out soft sounds of pleasure due to the tense muscles finally being worked on. “Oh my gosh Tavi..” you whisper out. What you didn’t see it the pink flush under his mask, the sounds he’s getting out of you was getting to him, his core beginning to heat up and his shorts slowly getting tighter, he felt dirty and a little ashamed his body reacted to something so innocent.
Soon enough he stopped and chuckled a bit “Yeahhh I kind of got magic hands Y’know?” He wiggled his fingers by his face, smirking in a silly way along with it, making you laugh a bit. There was a moment where you both kind of just looked at each other in silence, you catch him glance at your lips and back onto your eyes, you did the same thing. You heart skips a little when you see him leaning towards you, only to be interrupted by Elliott coming literally out of nowhere. “HEY! You guys almost had it! Good game.” He held out two fists for you guys to bump knuckles and you jump from the sudden voice and happily give him what he was lookin’ for. Can’t leave him hangin like that. He smiled and put his hands on his hips. “Well what you guys have planned? Anything fun? Can I come? I’m not doing anything and if you need some company I’d love to join you… I’m really bored.” He admitted his true intentions that he just wants some buddies to hang with and you both chuckle.
“We don’t have anything specific planned, just chillin until we gotta go do something.” You typically had a conference with paparazzi and interviewers after games but today it was scheduled for later so you’d all go get dinner afterwards. Elliott shrugged a bit and the three of you just hung out, Elliott being the metaphorical ‘cock block’ for Octavio. He unintentionally stayed close to you throughout the hangout session before you guys split off from Elliott to head to each of your rooms. Octavio sighed a bit and ran his hand through his hair “Well chica, as sad as it is we must depart from each other to go get fancier than I’d like.” He chuckled a bit before taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. “See ya!” He winked and ran off towards his room.
Once he was behind his closed door he ran his hands over his face, sighing. A lot was going through his mind, well more than usual. His attraction to you was gonna get him in trouble if he wasn’t careful. He tried to distract himself and actually make himself presentable for this press conference thingie that he hardly enjoyed going to. Only thing he enjoyed was his fans seeing him and interacting with him. At least he would see you dolled up right?
Oh God. He was gonna see you dolled up.
Next part.↪️
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blumenkidmia · 5 months
Madrid Open Winner 2024 - Andrey Rublev everyone!!
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kurjakani · 9 months
My fave mutuals r:
Anyone over 30. Thank u for existing
Blogs w black & red themes
Cannibalism queers
My mutual w a special interest in popes
U light up my day every day
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transbeeduo · 10 months
Ctubbo is a fat hairy bear and he is so hot (canon fact)
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deathbydran0 · 5 months
Reasons to watch 2016 Year Friends
It's unhinged as shit
The plot simultaneously makes complete sense and no sense at the same time
The low budget makes the physical comedy funnier
It's free (on YouTube/Vimeo)
The February episode (just don't question the ending)
Tbh all the episodes
If you've watched Stath Lets Flats or Ellie & Natasia, you probably know half the cast
Short episodes (so it's easily digestible - the April one is literally 3 minutes long. The majority of the others are around 10 minutes)
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
remember months ago when you were talking about horror movie final girl tubbo
i didnt see it back then but now i get it
he is the final girl that as the story goes on and things get more dire you realise he could be scarier than the villain itself
No one believed Jesus but he spoke the truth…
He is so final girl coded it’s not even funny like he would be covered in blood and gore at the end and save everyone from the killer only for them to find out that he only made them believe that he killed the killer when he was actually the killer the whole time.
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luzmyway · 5 months
So, Carlitos... No news, good news? 🙏
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twelfth-dykector · 6 months
should i change my url to twelfth-dykector
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kingdom-tears · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
what a silly little copypasta. am i a sucker for it? yes
my boyfriend (@sceptiica1)
my few but very precious friends (@overly-distressed-mouse and others, other ones dont have tumblr ((that i know of?...))
bungo stray dogs
getting comments on my fanfics
ryuunosuke akutagawa
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yumeyleo · 6 months
Uh question. Do you think anyone that's part of the lgbtqia+ community can say the f slur or smth? Especially if they've been called it before in a mean way?
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mothmore · 5 months
I just read "An Epiphany of Fondness, Oh My Love" for like the trillionth time, and i decided to look in the comments and i see??? Mothmore??? AND I GO⁉️⁉️⁉️ MOTHMORE??? LIKE MY MUTUAL????????!?!!?? So erm i never realized that was your fic, anyways its literally so cute im sobbing😞🙏🙏🙏
HELLO ???????? oh my god this is so sweet 😭😭 i wrote that in like one sitting in a clervalstein induced daze and it is so nice to know that you like it this much. <3333 you’re so kind it literally means the world to know someone likes something i wrote this much :,)
i have another clervalstein fic ive been working on casually on the side for a while , it’s in my university au >:3
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