#no mortifying ordeal of being known for me someone looks at me and says one accurate thing about me and im euphoric for days
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imaginarypasta · 6 months ago
insane that people who have known me less than a month in my friend group w/i my year have a better grasp on who i am as a person than people who have known me for years
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writing-for-life · 9 months ago
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known
Or: Does Morpheus really have commitment issues?
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[Bear with me, I’ll get to this panel 🤣]
I’ve read many times that Morpheus supposedly has commitment issues, and it always has me scratching my head a bit…
I personally rather think he is desperate to commit. He so badly craves a serious relationship that he is prone to rush into it and build it on wonky foundations, but he has certainly no commitment issues as we would commonly understand them.
Is it in his nature though to be truly seen and understood when he is [a] Dream? And can dreams ever last? These are the much more interesting questions in my view. Let’s have a look at the romantic relationships we know of…
Killalla: Walked out on him. That wasn’t his lack of commitment. If anything, he came on a bit strong while she was still assessing her feelings for him.
Alianora: He fully committed to her despite basically being bullied into it by Desire. And they were happy for “a goodly while”. For those in doubt: “Goodly” doesn’t mean “a bit”. It means “great, large, long.” And the fact that Alianora couldn’t go back to her own plane because she had stayed in the Dreaming too long corroborates that they were together for a long time. Probably longer than any human relationship ever lasts, because I doubt “a long time” means “a couple of years” for someone who is 12 billion years old.
And now I’ll sandwich the relationship we hardly know anything about between some random (?) panels to also make a point why I think it might sit here in the timeline…
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Titania: Who knows. Sounded like an affair, and as if they both had no intention of committing. He was clearly very fond of her though, and I can never shake the feeling that we should look a bit deeper into AMND and find the parallels between Auberon, Titania (not hard, and they are pretty much pictured as estranged) and Bottom. There are many ways to get confused with a jackass, you know? 🤣 Plus, Bottom is the one who gets to play Pyramus in “Pyramus and Thisbe”. That’s the ultimate blueprint for “Romeo and Juliet”: Ill-fated love of catastrophic proportions, people are dead by the end of it. That’s why I often wondered if the affair with Titania was actually pre-Nada, and the inspiration for Shakespeare wasn’t random (it wasn’t random for The Tempest either). I mean, it wasn’t random anyway because it was a parting gift, but I also don’t think it was entirely random with regard to their relationship. Wild head-canon of course, but maybe not that wild (he also says that Wendel’s Mound was already a theatre before humans walked the earth, so there’s that)? And even if he wasn’t committed (we quite frankly don’t know if he intended to but she didn’t or couldn’t), she and the Fae meant enough to him to give them a play as a parting gift.
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Nada: Killed herself after one night, but that wasn’t down to lack of commitment on his part. Again: If anything, he came on far too strong, wanted to be with her and was far too pushy about it.
Calliope: We don’t know how long they were together before they had Orpheus. Could have been a while, could have been only a shortish time. But even if we assumed they had him fairly quickly—they were still together when Orpheus, who was mortal, got married to Eurydice, so even if he got married young, we’re still talking something in the realm of +/- 20 years, and that’s the absolute low-ball-estimate. And while they had started to drift apart (considering what we know from Calliope), they were still on good terms and had no intention of splitting up until the whole Orpheus drama caused a rift they couldn’t mend. Again: That’s not someone who has commitment issues. It’s a relationship breaking down over hurt, stubbornness and grief.
Thessaly: Again, she was the one who left him and caused his dramatic interlude in the rain. Were they ill suited? Yes. Did she feel neglected and went into a strop over it? Yes. Did he not get that she felt neglected? Also yes, but that’s not lack of commitment. That’s his not getting that people aren’t mind readers (must be hard if you’re probably one yourself 🤣) and, by and large, need assurances of love. He doesn’t get that these women don’t understand they have his love; he can’t grasp that line of thinking because it is all so clear to him when he loves someone: They have him, what’s the issue? Is that a not so great way of (not) communicating when you’re having a relationship to someone? Absolutely. Is it a commitment issue though? Absolutely not.
I think Morpheus doesn’t really have commitment issues in romantic relationships—wouldn’t that almost be antithetical to his nature? Rules and responsibilities. Yeah, about that one…
What I do think is that he struggles with the mortifying ordeal of being (not) known by his lovers. Because how could he? He is Dream. That is his problem. Dreams cannot be fully known or understood. He is very eloquent but at the same time a very… confusing communicator. I don’t want to say “bad”, because I feel that’s not getting to the bottom of it. Again, it is the nature of dreams to be confusing and strange, open to (mis)interpretation, hard to grasp and understand. And they also stop being dreams once they become real. All of that is true and hence makes relationships both hard for him and those involved. Is he truly not willing to commit though?
I still find that hard to believe…
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buddierecs · 6 months ago
break up/make up buddie fics
this list has different rated fics, so please look at the rating (no explicit tho) make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
let the golden hour wash through the room by: hattalove "in which there is a breakup, a doorway, and four years of building a life." word count: 2k rating: teen and up audiences important tags: post-break up, getting back together, ex-lovers after the fire, after all the rain by: wenttoafortuneteller "two weeks after eddie breaks up with buck, a storm traps the two of them together." word count: 5.6k rating: teen and up important tags: post-break up, angst, the mortifying ordeal of being known, getting back together i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe
by: turningthepages
"just another hollywood amnesia story the fandom probably didn't need but lived in my head rent free for too long." word count: 128k rating: mature important tags: married!buddie, car accidents, hurt/comfort, family feels, insecure!evan buckley, future fic in the cracks of lights (i dreamed of you) by: cuddlyobrien "a month after buck breaks up with eddie, he’s trapped underneath rubble with a life threatening injury and asking to speak to eddie over the radio." word count: 4k rating: mature important tags: near death experiences, post-break up, dispatcher!eddie diaz when it comes back to you by: giselleslash "the one where eddie and buck meet when they work together on eddie’s uncle’s ranch, and again when eddie walks into the 118 eight years later." word count: 21k rating: mature important tags: different first meeting au, first love, internalised homophobia, emotional hurt/comfort, soft!buddie, boys in love, past and present timelines all these broken hearts, but mine's the one bleeding by: smilingbuckley "buck figures out a new step-parent struggle when he has to discipline christopher, and the boy tells him buck isn't his father. this causes buck to spiral, thinking christopher disagrees with buck being his step-parent, so he breaks up with eddie even though he's madly in love with him. what he doesn't realize is that chris is becoming a teenager, and teenagers say stupid shit like that when they're angry at their parents." word count: 5k rating: mature important tags: miscommunication, emotional hurt/comfort, fighting, step parenting freedom ain't nothing but missing you by: justhockey "it was a gentle love, so warm that buck couldn’t ever fully believe that he deserved it. so he had to go and ruin it, because that’s all buck is good for, all he knows how to do." word count: 4.7k rating: not rated important tags: insecure!evan buckley, protective!eddie diaz, emotional hurt/comfort, idiots in love i was getting kinda used to being someone you loved by: zashizawa "eddie and buck break up and find their way back to each other." word count: 2.7k rating: not rated important tags: angst, hurt/comfort, hurt!eddie diaz, crying, getting back together my words are paper tigers by: hattalove "buck breaks up with eddie, even if it means losing a part of himself, because it's the right thing to do. the universe decides to test that conviction." word count: 19k rating: teen and up important tags: time loop, pining, angst, temporary character death, emotional hurt/comfort, happy ending home by: bccalling "nine weeks after he and eddie ended things, buck finds the ring. post break-up au." word count: 2.8k rating: teen and up important tags: post-break up, angst with happy ending, TW: suicidal thoughts, self-hatred
waiting room (two part fic) by: goforeddie "buck and eddie break up, buck and eddie make up" word count: 2.8k rating: general audiences important tags: emotional hurt, boys in love, angst, pining, getting back together without you by: orphan_account "a buddie sweet home alabama au" word count: 43k rating: mature important tags: exes to lovers, married buddie, falling in love again, jealous!evan buckley, hurt/comfort, getting back together
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mapicccubito · 19 days ago
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The truth comes out. An answer to the oldest dismp question in my inbox, one that has been living in my personal tumblr for far too long. @holybasementdweller your answer is here. below the cut because I’m not a monster.
Do you like dogs?
Today, I’ll be real with you. No lies, no pretty words to cover up horrible desires or plans. Do you know how hard this is for me?
The thing about dogs on this server is that they have something I want. Not only are they powerful, capable of being completely fine on their own and simply bowing to the whims of their “owner” by their own accord, but they’re wanted.
When someone’s mad at me, there’s a 75% chance they’ll send their dog after me instead of getting their own hands dirty. You could say I’m a hypocrite, but I act when I want something done. Retaliation should be swift and brutal.
There are many different types of dog on this server. Herding dog, guard dog, wild dog. Those are what I’m familiar with. All have good qualities. All are respectable in their own way.
But here is where I become vulnerable:
I have always been afraid of dogs.
To know your enemy is to put yourself in their position. Here, in some way or form, anyone can be seen as an enemy. The level of devotion that comes with the title is something that makes me sick to my stomach. To have someone else care so much about you that they would listen to your every word, do whatever you say — the concept scares me. I know, deep down, I probably wouldn’t be able to do it myself, not for just anyone. I find the whole ordeal mortifying and embarrassing. I listen when only three people tell me what to do; even then, it’s a struggle.
Here is where the worst comes in:
At the end of the day, dogs are wanted. They’re useful, helpful. Even if they bite or growl or are known to be horribly violent, they’re still wanted.
To be wanted despite your flaws, the violence that follows you, to have that excused and still be seen as trustworthy, just, respectable, worth wanting, it’s something unfamiliar to me.
When someone comes to me, they come wanting a result. They come wanting something from me, and if I don’t give it, they take it. I am not often wanted in a way that matters, in the kind way in which someone cares for you, doesn’t expect anything but what you’re willing to give. It’s all about the result, and if it isn’t, I’m so unfamiliar with the situation that I can’t recognize it.
I know, as the world ends and the cycle starts anew, I’m going to lose everything. I’m uncontrollable and violent and impulsive. I know what path is carved out for my future, and it’s one that I hate but I must shoulder anyway. I can’t help but look at my situation now and think I’m going to miss all of it, even the parts that I hate. The likelihood of resentment growing is inevitable, because everyone I know has someone else they can turn to, and no one would ever willingly sign up for the… misfortune I bring without some ulterior motive.
I don’t think I can trust anyone like this again.
Conclusion: What I do, what i am, isn’t pretty or desirable.
Evidence: I am difficult, violent, and impulsive. Outside of my team, the amount of people who care for me become near insignificant compared to those I have wronged. The amount of people I care for can easily be counted on one hand.
I could never be a dog, though I can’t help but envy them as much as I fear them.
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flores-desyatov · 5 months ago
hi i've been in my feels a little bit since vanya posted the family pics and i just need to share it with someone. i am very much following all the competition updates and polls and rankings and techical elements and sport mumbo jumbo, but that's not what i'm in the mood to talk about. i need to rant about mushy emotional things.
i don't know, i just feel like this partnership/friendship/whatevership that b&v have has helped them so much in growing into good grown people and we're still only at the start of it. i can see it in vanya specifically. over the course of this last year he's becoming softer and more relaxed in his own skin and his new life. you can tell that this place bella lead him to has allowed him to be more carefree than he was before. which is especially important considering he lost his parents so young and had to leave his home to escape war. all people he knew before coming to the us, sadly including his brother, he has to chase around the world to actually be with them in real life. places he considered important to him he won't be able to see for years. i can't imagine not being able to see my family home or visit my family cemetary. those are very emotionally difficult things to deal with at such a young age and of course i'm just a spectator on the internet, but i feel like this place he managed to find half way across the world is safe and caring. and he found it by meeting the world's sweetest girl. a girl that believes in herself in spite of the odds and loves people very openly. she is fucking lightning in a bottle and her smile could power cities!!! people like that are rare to find and that girl is his partner. her energy and light make it so easy to forget how hard life can be. it's such an admirable quality of character. it's why people connect to her and her videos, she's welcoming and she radiates warmth and joy. she spreads it wherever she goes. i just find all of that so very moving. there's something so vulnerable and human in their circumstances. because if you really dissect it, them becoming partners saved her career and his life. they found each other by chance, managed to understand each other beyond language barriers and chose to do this thing they love more than anything else together. he repaired the trust her ex-partner broke. he never lets her doubt herself and always tries to catch her when she falls. she gives him peace and space to be childish and silly, even if it's at her expense. again i'm just a spectator, but i think he makes her bolder and she makes him softer. whatever they may be to each other, there's no doubt that they truly enjoy one another. i think that's the exact thing people get so attached to beyond the whole will-they-won't-they booktok fantasy. they make each other grow and you can feel it!!
sorry for waxing poetic about random athletes we found on the internet hahaha. there's just something very "mortifying ordeal of being known" about them, you know? kinda makes me slightly believe that the right circumstances will just find you when you least expect them.
My first instinct was to kinda deflect and say they're in their 'character development era' but honestly this is just such a beautiful message you sent here. I just wanna let it see the light of day (hope you don't mind) because I'm sure others have felt the same about B&V. I know I have.
It's part of what makes their chemistry to interesting to watch. Here are two people who have found themselves in the same place (for a second time), both of them with a dream of success, both of them going through a big change, adjusting to a new reality and still managing to make each other better people in the process. It's a beautiful story, even from the outside looking in 🤍
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pebblume · 1 year ago
I never realized how liberating writing fanfiction would be. I hadn’t written creatively in years. It’s been so long that I kind of forgot what it felt like. The childlike rush of pouring your heart out onto a blank page, not caring about the results as long as you were having fun. I’ve tried writing fanfic a couple of times, for different fandoms across the years, but never finished anything I was really happy with, nothing that I felt comfortable sharing with the world. But something just clicked for me this past week. I realized how much fun it was to stretch out my writing muscles, to get inside the heads of my favorite characters. I realized that it didn’t have to be perfect to be worthy of being shared and loved by others. I realized that I had so many stories inside myself - more than I thought possible. 
But perhaps what I’m most in awe of is fanfic readers. The people who read my work and leave kudos and bookmarks and comments - one word comments, sweet comments, silly comments, paragraph-long comments. I love them all. I used to be afraid of leaving comments on AO3, afraid I wouldn’t have enough words, wouldn’t have the right words, to depict how I felt. But when I felt firsthand how much those comments meant to me I started leaving more and more of them, spreading a digital paper trail of love to all my favorite authors. More and more often I recognize the profile names and images in my comment section and think, Hey, I know you! Now I’m not just a guest on AO3, or a passive reader. I belong here. 
I won’t lie and say I don’t miss drawing a bit, my previous creative outlet. There are plenty of drawings inside me too, itching to be realized. I really just don’t have the time for two time extensive hobbies, not when I need to balance school and practicing and little things like sleeping and eating and relaxing. I miss it, but not as much as I thought I would. There’s a level of investment to sharing a story online that feels…special. When I post my art, I get engagement, and it feels nice, but ultimately, most people are only spending about ten seconds looking at the work I spent eight hours on, if that. When someone reads my fics, we’ve now spent time together. You’ve lived inside my head for a bit, made it your home. It’s about feeling seen, I think. Writing makes me feel understood in a way visual art sometimes doesn’t. It makes me feel vulnerable in the same way performing music does, but less exposed too. It’s interesting to me. 
The only downside, if you can call it that, is now that the writing bug has infected me, I’m finding it harder and harder to stop. I’ll have an idea and then suddenly five hours have flown by because I’m on a creative streak and I just want to write one more idea down, which turns into two, and so on and so forth. I dread stopping, because what if I forget something? What if I get into a writing block later? Suddenly I have people who want to read the things I write and I want to provide it, I really do, but I also have responsibilities. I say, as I write this, ignoring my audition tomorrow afternoon. 
I still have a bit of embarrassment attached to fandom works. When I tell acquaintances that I like to draw or write, I rarely tell them I mean fanart and fanfiction. As if loving something that deeply, that sincerely, is inherently shameful in this age of irony and soulless remakes. Especially when my interests usually consist of media marketed towards children, nevermind the fact that it has more emotional maturity than most ‘adult’ works. But I’m trying to get better about it. A lot of my closest friends know about my hobbies, and some I’ve even let see my work. It’s terrifying but also giddying, seeing them like an art post or comment on a fic. After all, to reap the rewards of being loved, one must submit themselves to the mortifying ordeal of being known, or something like that. 
I realized today that I’ve written over 30,000 words in the past two weeks about about two characters who don’t belong to me, but whom I’ve made my own.
And I’ve never felt happier
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year ago
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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riddlesmoon · 2 months ago
stop using character.ai. i know youve heard it before, i know you want to keep using it because youre lonely, or scared of being called cringe or made fun of, or you dont trust anyone enough to open up about your kinks, or people posturing about ai have gotten on your nerves because all they do is shit on you for using it without addressing why you actually want to use it! i get it, ive been there. still, with all the love i have, i promise you, there are better options that dont dubiously scrape from other peoples work or use a metric fuck ton of electricity. or has a shitty ass filter that stops you from progressing beyond heavy petting 😒
1. at the very least, if you are still insecure about your writing skill or dont want to involve other people, you can run an LLM on your own machine. the less people use big websites like char.ai (especially those that try to monetise themselves and thus have an incentive to expand as big as possible), the less servers they will buy (and keep running all the time, unlike a locally-run ai that you only turn on once in a while!). everything is stored locally too, so trust, no one will judge you. but i know it requires a fairly beefy pc (though i think there are some mobile options too? your phone might also have to be beefy tho im not sure i havent tried) so if you cant do that, a secondary option is to use a smaller site which doesnt plan to monetise (as in large-scale advertising and premium plans. nearly all sites will have a paid plan to support their servers, but these should be like donations rather than something that locks major features behind a paywall) since that still reduces the demand for char.ai's servers. (and you might say well it just moves demand to another site but i think char.ai is probably the worst with its premium plan. its better than nothing!) not to mention most sites that dont limit your content generally arent looking to monetise. cuz advertisers would not really want to work with that lol
2. rp with someone. i knowww this is scary and a lot of people have bad experiences. unfortunately, such is the mortifying ordeal of being known. trust me, i did not grow up roleplaying, i have only rped with real people like, less than 5 times. but it still makes the best content: when you can find someone you agree with, you can share some of the thinking and planning workload with them, they might come up with ideas you didnt, and every sentence they send is thought out and intentional. but yes, finding that perfect partner is hard, and it may not last. something something friendships. (also if everyone has the same reasons to use char.ai, it means youre all kindred spirits! CRINGEred sprits! your cringe partner might be out there!!)
3. write it yourself. i know this one is hard especially for beginner writers. what you write doesnt match up to what you have in your head. but if youve used ai extensively youll know half the shit they say doesnt match up to what you have in your head either. you mightve spent more time editing their responses. thats a good sign that you want to and can write! and theres plenty of people willing to look over and beta your work, whether for grammar and spelling or to smooth out major plot points. of course its harder to find the latter, but i would say its easier than finding the perfect rp partner, since they dont necessarily have to be entirely invested in your story.
ai chatbots are far from perfect anyway. they make a ton of mistakes, not least because they learn from prompts given by the bot creator, which simply cannot encompass knowing the actual media in your head because bots have a limits to how much info they can retain. even in a single rp, if it gets too long, they will start to forget details. if youre an aspiring writer and dont mind fixing those as you go, you can definitely dive into writing your own fics instead. i believe in you!
and if youre still scared of being called cringe or exposing your deepest darkest fantasies, message me and we can work something out. im pretty open to the craziest stuff and im already like bottom-of-the-barrel cringe in fandoms as a yumejo (selfshipper), so trust, youre not getting ANY judgement from me. i also like beta'ing cuz it fulfils the urge to write without having to think of plot and shit LMAO. or you can pay me to write the full fic idk
so yeah lets get out of this ai hole together!!! 💪
(and if youre not really looking to rp or write seriously, or are lazy and just pop into char.ai for a short convo or two, i cant exactly stop you, but just think about what youre doing. there are better hobbies i prommy. love you)
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months ago
Highly recommend this for challenge monday, a fic with 5/5 chapters: Foreswear Him of my Sight by Writer_Maxtli
I really enjoyed it and I hope others will too!
Foreswear Him of my Sight by Writer_Maxtli
Rating: Teen and Up
10,165 words, 6/6 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson Lives, Fix-It of Sorts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Good Babysitter Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Needs a Hug, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Has PTSD
I see that ugliness inside of you, Eddie Munson, and it doesn’t scare me. He wanted someone to say those words. That he wanted that someone to be Steve was something else entirely, but he’d settle for anyone at all. Steve looked at him. "One day you’re going to look at yourself in the mirror and be happy you lived, Eddie.”
Thanks for the rec!
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks!
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herotome · 1 year ago
Devlog #123
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
So... it's out! If you somehow haven't heard despite my modest-yet-incessant marketing efforts, Herotome's Super Demo is now out on itch.io!
People seem to really enjoy the game. My notifications are blowing up. Everything seems to be going really well - it's all coming up Wudge, one might say!
Which means it's time to talk about 𝓜𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓵𝓵𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼.~
Y'all weren't expecting that one, were ya? Boom, baby! Haha!!!
So, let me know if this sounds familiar: I spend most of my waking moments worrying that something bad is going to happen. I'm perpetually waiting for the other shoe to drop. (Thank you to @hummingbird-games for reminding me that idiom exists, and taking it in good humor when I excitedly babbled that "YES! It's like there's this giant centipede with shoes in my ceiling and I'm convinced I hear him walking around and someday, someday he's gonna throw all his shoes at me like that one guy did to George Bush--!"
...I'm worried that someone is going to find a reason to be rightfully angry with me. I'm worried that, through the mortifying ordeal of being known, I will be punished with the harrowing gauntlet of rejection and misery. I worry that, any day now, I'm going to get a random half-thought-out message that obliterates my heart into smithereens and kills me on the spot. I am a sea slug, cautiously edging a tendril into the light and praying not to be noticed by the eldritch fish above that will devour me in a single gulp.
I find myself flinching even when there isn't a blow coming.
Putting out a piece of yourself for the public to consume is really fucking terrifying. I did it anyway, which is cool of me, but I want to make it known that there is not eternal bliss and satisfaction and rose petals on the other side. Is this better than my cave of solitude and darkness I emerged from? I think so. But I'm still perpetually scared, as Toby Fox might once have described it, "like a small dog startled by a thunder storm."
I'm still really tired, too.
I don't write this to complain; I'm conscious that some people are now looking up to me and the way I do things, and I want to be transparent. I don't want anyone to think I'm perfect or have always been perfect and will always be perfect, or that I've ~found happiness~.
I'm not. I have never been. I will never be. I haven't.
But I'm okay, at least. I'm okay and I'll be okay, and I'm grateful to you all. Every single one of you. Thank you for not submitting me to the harrowing gauntlet of rejection and misery…yet.  :^)
Alright what's the takeaway here. Uhm.
Be yourself! Follow your dreams! Never give up!!!
That's sincerely what I'm trying to do. It's a challenge every single day; I have to choose Herotome every single day (something something married to my own game blah blah blah). It is worth it. And I believe in you - assuming you're not a cannibal or a murder or, worst of all, a plagiarist (gasp!) or anything else terrible and bad - I believe in you. (… But honestly, I'd believe in you if you were a bad person too, I'd believe in you to continue to do bad things but I'd hope that you'll stop and turn yourself in to the proper authorities lmao…)
… I went on a weird tangent again…
I don’t know if any of this is making sense. Maybe it will be insightful to someone out there, maybe it won't.
I uh, did some writing for the next part of the game, and I plan on working on some character expressions today in honor of my Ko-Fi donators.
Oh, and there's gonna be a stream on Wednesday 10pm Pacific. I'll be there! Come say hi and please don't squish me!
… Yeah that's all I can think of writing for now. I absolutely wish you all the best with every speck of love I have in my current flesh prison.
Tata for now. Stay safe and keep warm,
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zukkaoru · 11 months ago
kunikida & nikolai + "me and this guy? we spooned last night."
yosano & fitzgerald + "is my integrity worth anything at all?"
dazai & poe + "promise me you'll think about the implications!"
ranpo & naomi + "hey, babygirl" *throws a piece of candy*
jouno & gin + "give me your gender"
fyolai + "i'm nobody's pawn, i'm a queen"
tehe i am SO helpfullllllll actually no for realsies i hope these help ilyyyy
oh boy okay let's go i hope you enjoy beloved ily <3
“Me and this guy?” Nikolai grins, goofily, and jabs his thumb in Kunikida’s direction. “We spooned last night.” Kunikida immediately flusters, his face going bright red. “WHAT?!” He demands. “We— That’s not— You—!” “Wow…” Dazai drawls as Kunikida continues flailing. His gaze flits back and forth between the two. Kunikida’s embarrassed stammering and Nikolai’s easy amusement. He doesn’t believe for a moment that Kunikida was casually cuddling with a literal terrorist, but it’s much funnier if he pretends he does. “I didn’t know Nikolai-kun was your type! Has he seen your list? Does he really meet all of your requirements?” Kunikida stops. Nikolai’s smug grin also dips into confusion. Dazai is about to have so much fun with this.
send me a sentence (+ a ship) and i'll write the next five sentences
(the rest are under the cut. we've got angst, silliness, chess sex if you squint really hard, and.. omg is that-- dazai and ranpo fake dating?!)
“Is my integrity worth anything at all?” Yosano demands. Despite the fire in her words and the unspoken threat wedged beneath them, Fitzgerald holds his confident posture. One leg crossed over the other, hands folded on his knee, meeting Yosano’s gaze head-on.
“We made a deal,” he states.
Yosano’s hands clench into fists at her side. “I will not use my ability like this,” she growls. “If it didn’t work the first few times, then I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do. I refuse to fruitlessly bring someone to the brink of death so many times.” She doesn’t want to give up. Truly, she wanted to help Fitzgerald and revive Margaret, but she knows what so many repeated deaths does to someone. Even if it’s only near-death. Even if they remain unconscious.
She won’t do it.
She can’t. Not again.
“Promise me you’ll think about the implications!”
“Erm…” Slowly, Dazai peels Poe’s hands from where they were clutching at his shoulders. “Yeah,” he says slowly. “We’ve thought about it, I promise.”
“Have you though?” Poe challenges. “Have you really?”
They haven’t. Definitely not. But Dazai is not going to admit to Poe, of all people, that he and Ranpo decided to start fake-dating on a whim two weeks ago just to make their coworkers uncomfortable but now that the gossip has spread beyond the Agency and they’re having to face the mortifying ordeal of being known head-on, Dazai is sincerely starting to think maybe he should have considered the implications before agreeing to this.
So instead, he simply offers Poe a sympathetic smile. “I promise I’m being at least a mildly decent boyfriend to Ranpo-san. And, hey, they’re totally polyamorous so you might still have a chance!”
“Hey babygirl,” Naomi calls across the office. Ranpo looks up, opening his eyes just long enough to successfully catch the piece of candy she tosses at him. Once it’s secure in his hands, he snaps his eyes shut and grins.
“Thanks, babygirl,” he responds. He unwraps it and pops it into his mouth as Naomi giggles.
Over at his desk, Kunikida lets out a long-suffering sigh.
“Don’t worry, Kunikida-kun,” he calls over. “You’re still the ultimate babygirl!”
Naomi’s giggles erupt into gleeful cackling, and Ranpo grins. Someday, they’ll get Kunikida to crack and join in on their little game. But until then, they’ll simply continue playing with their fun coworkers. Like Naomi.
“Give me your gender.”
Gin and Jouno both freeze immediately, looking over at Tachihara (or, in Jouno’s case, simply turning their face towards him). As soon as he realizes they both have their full attention on him, his hesitant smile turns fearful.
“Me?” Gin signs “Or them?”
“Yes,” Tachihara says. And then, “No. I don’t know! I just wanted you two to stop fighting!”
Jouno frowns. “Tachihara-kun, I do not have a gender for you to take. You know this.”
Gin snorts, which only results in Jouno turning back towards them. They point an accusing finger. “I am not done with this argument! We will resume as soon as I’ve figured out what is wrong with Tachiahra-kun.”
Gin raises their hands in surrender, which they hope is a movement Jouno can hear.
To their left, Tachihara sighs.
“I’m nobody’s pawn!” Nikolai proclaims. He moves a piece across the chess board. “I’m a queen!” He folds his arms over his chest, grinning triumphantly.
Fyodor frowns. “Kolya…you can’t make that move.”
“Hah!?” Nikolai looks down at the board. “What do you mean? That’s the queen; I can move her anywhere!”
“No.” Fyodor sighs. He pinches the bridge of his nose and wonders why he even agreed to play chess with someone notorious for breaking every rule he comes across. “She cannot jump over other pieces. You jumped her over two pawns and a rook.”
“No I didn’t, ‘cause I zig-zagged her around them.”
“That’s not how chess works.”
“It’s how my chess works!”
Fyodor closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath. This is going to be…a very long night.
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D20:FH Characters as Tumblr Text Posts
Kalvaxis: I'm so sick of being thwarted. I swear to you, my next plot shall not go comically awry. The Bad Kids: I'm not like other girls. I don't die when I'm killed./ Loneliness is so stupid let's do illegal things together instead/ This is how I win *loses*/ I don't think we can 'lmao' our way out of this one, girls. Fabien: Self-care is being evil when you want to, especially if it's revenge./ One day I'm gonna say, "fight me!" and someone's just gonna fucking deck me Kristen: The doctor just diagnosed me with kindness in my eyes that can't be put into words. Riz: it sure is fun being private and closed off but just once i would like to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known without it being such a mortifying fucking ordeal/ violence is always the answer because it's funny Riz to Biz: Bro unlearn your victim mentality already you're scaring the hoes Adaine: Imagine being able to handle things. that's wild/ Being intuitive is just like...i don't like this and no i will not elaborate Fig: Take me down to paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are (remembers that I'm playing at a gay bar on bear night) men Gorgug: In my defense, your honor, I really am the dumbest bitch alive/ You are small potatoes to me. And brother I'm about to start mashing Biz: putting "live laugh love" and "home" signs in my MURDER MAZE DUNGEON to make my MURDER MAZE VICTIMS feel more at ease Aelwyn: oh of COURSE "miss"demeanor and murd"her" are illegal. just admit that you hate to see women having fun Gilear: he's got that previously neglected shelter dog rizz. he looks like he wants to quietly sit next to you on the couch while you watch TV. he looks like he lets out a pathetic little sigh sometimes for no reason
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slickshoesareyoucrazy · 3 months ago
Time and Time Again
A year ago today was your last day alive.
At work, there's a big white board in the break room where someone writes a 'staff question' every couple of weeks. In late January, for whatever reason, someone wrote, "If you could go back in time to any place at any point in history, where/when would that be?" A lot of my coworkers (we're all book nerds at the library obviously) answered really suspiciously: I wouldn't go back in time...or...it would depend on if my activity or even my mere presence could/would somehow affect the future. Some of them answered heroically: I'd stop Titanic from sinking, I'd stop (insert war(s) here), I'd stop 9/11. Some of them answered voyeuristically or fantastically: I'd go to Renaissance Italy, I'd go to the time of dinosaurs, I'd go to Woodstock. I said I'd go to December 7, 2023. I didn't explain myself. But I think it's obvious what I'd do if I could go back in time exactly 1 year. I'd drive to see you. I'd say all the sappy, difficult, embarrassing shit I always just basically said anyway, but I'd say it directly to your face so I'd know you heard me with certainty; you'd know I meant it. And I'd get you in the car with me under the guise we were going to some sports bar to eat wings and argue about college basketball but I'd take you to the emergency room, and I'd say, "I know he doesn't look sick, and I know he's telling you himself that he's fine and he seems pissed at me that I brought him here, but he'll be dead tomorrow, and I don't want him to be. I CAN'T have him die. So find what's wrong and fix it. Now."
Today, I'm having 'friends' over for lunch. Because my son says I need to build a community. I don't have a community, and it's bad for me, he says. So I invited these women over. But I wish I was traveling back in time to keep you alive. You were my community. God the prospect of, at 46, having to go through the mortifying ordeal of being known...again...sucks. I'd really rather not. I'll miss J and my son who are leaving me with these ladies today and wish they were home with me instead. I'll miss you. Still.
I've had 2 unexpected people contact me to 'get together' this week. Out of the blue. And of course there was the Counting Crows CD at work last week. A coworker brought in a few boxes of donations from a patron. "We just got a HUGE donation of DVDs and CDs if you want to look through them!" I wasn't even supposed to be working, but I was making up a half hour from taking off early to go visit you at the cemetery, and I never looked through the donations before. I did that time though. And Counting Crows' August and Everything After was the top CD on the stack. One of the best albums of all time, but I never owned it when we were young, because I didn't need to; you did. When we were kids and we bought each other gifts for birthdays and Christmases, you always bought me CDs. Mr. Jones is the song that played at your funeral, it was the song you were playing on the guitar in my favorite photo of you. It really felt to me like you were giving me a Christmas gift. And it really feels to me like you agree with my son and you want me to 'build a community,' so you're even like...weirdly sending me people.
Nobody, including these very people coming to my home today, contacting me to 'get together' now ever showed up for me before. You know that, man. You're the only one who ever showed up until J came along. Remember my 16th birthday? Where was T? Where was R? Where were my old elementary school friends? Where was my family? Absent. Just you were there. I don't trust these 'connections.' I still honestly don't believe these women are going to show up today even though I've (I think) casually checked several times. This nebulous lunch and brunch shit supposedly coming up in the next couple weeks feels off too. I know you want me to count on it like I could always count on you. I'm trying, man. I'm trying to 'build a community.' But really all I want is J and our son and our dog. And you back.
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loverboyjamespotter · 1 year ago
all's fair in love and war
rating: T
pairing: james potter/sirius black
warnings: none
words: 6k
author's note: none of my work is for terfs/transphobes, fuck off right now.
summary: james potter's brilliant plan to fake being bad at algebra so the love of his life will tutor him. remus and lily are good friends (reluctantly). disastrous results ensue. or alternatively: james potter's love life is a comedy of errors.
This is such a good idea. 
‘This is such a bad idea,’ says Lily, frowning. 
James scowls at her and flops backwards onto Remus’ bed. 
‘Your negative energy is really putting a damper on my mood.’ 
‘You mean my firm grasp of reality is discouraging you from carrying out the most idiotic plan known to man? How tragic.’
James haphazardly throws one of Remus’ cushions at her without looking and manages to clip her foot. He can tell she’s still unimpressed even without sitting up. 
‘Um. It … is quite an odd plan, James,’ Remus says cautiously from where he’s perching at the edge of his desk.
‘It’s not!’ James says a touch defensively. Clearing his throat discreetly he tries to adopt a more measured tone. ‘It’s not even the worst plan I’ve thought of this week.’ 
Lily makes a face at Remus and says, ‘You know, I really really have to agree.’
Remus glances at her sidelong, ‘He told you about his idea to ask his parents to write to the faculty board to ban orange juice from the cafeteria after someone bumped into him and spilt some in his general vicinity?’ 
Lily leans forward with relish, ‘Try asking the sports department to change the uniforms because and I quote ‘They’re not sexy enough’.’
‘Stop talking about me like I’m not here!’ 
‘Sorry James, it’s just that … You can’t seriously be considering what you just said?’ Remus asks hopefully. A beat of silence. ‘Right?’ He prompts weakly. 
‘I don’t see what else I can do!’
Lily rolls her eyes. ‘How about walking up to him and asking him out? It’s a tried and tested method, I’m told.’ 
James sits up, leaning heavily on one elbow, and narrows his eyes at her. ‘You can’t be serious.’ 
Lily grins despite herself and Remus mouth twitches in amusement although he tries to hide it. 
‘Oh shut up, no one make the joke! Don’t. Don’t make the joke - don’t! It’s literally not funny - ’
‘I’m not serious. But he definitely is.’ Lily says with visceral enjoyment. James groans loudly and flops back onto the bed with the a dull thud. He can tell Remus is trying not to laugh. 
‘You two are no help at all,’ James says plaintively. Remus considers him for a moment and sobers up a tad. 
‘James,’ he says placatingly, ‘I’m sorry it’s just that … it’s not like you to be nervous to ask someone out. You get that, yeah? I suppose that’s why it’s so hard to take this … seriously. You’re not exactly an introverted person. I mean, you’re usually so outgoing. I think that’s why me and Lily are having a hard time trying to grasp the issue.’ 
‘You’re actually the most arrogant person I know,’ Lily cuts in helpfully. 
‘Yeah, thanks a million,’ James retorts irritably, ‘I know I’m not shy. If it was anyone else I would have just asked him out already,’ James hesitates, seems to be about to say something, thinks better of it and stares moodily up at Remus’ ceiling. 
Remus and Lily share a look. Lily sighs and seems to resign herself begrudgingly to kindness. 
‘But?’ She says patiently. 
‘But Sirius isn’t like everyone else. That’s the bloody problem. And it’s driving me mad! I know it’s ridiculous, alright? Three times I’ve gone up to ask him out and if it was literally anyone else in the world ever, I would have done it the first time round! But whenever I walk up to ask him I get …’ James shifts around on the bed in uncharacteristic embarrassment, ‘Nervous.’ He finishes, wrinkling his nose in distaste. 
Any semblance of sympathy seems to instantly evaporate from Lily’s demeanour. 
‘Oh, you mean you feel bad because you, the great James Potter, are going through the mortifying ordeal of being nervous to ask someone out? Oh no, however will you recover? You mean because everyone else is tripping over themselves to date you, you never realised you could feel nervous to ask someone out? Oh God, call the press.’ Lily drawls sarcastically with an astonishing degree of vitriol. 
‘That isn’t what I meant and you know it,’ James whines, sitting up. It’s never more clear that he’s the pampered and adored only child than in moments like this. Remus knows it annoys Lily but he’s mostly unbothered by it. That’s just James. 
‘No please, do go on about how mortifying it is that you’re a bit anxious to ask someone out for the first time in your life,’ Lily says with vehemence. Remus shifts uncomfortably; he really, really hates conflict. 
‘Lily, that’s not what I meant! I know I sounded like an arse, alright? It’s not just that - and don’t be pissed at me okay, okay? - every other time I’ve asked someone out, I knew they were going to say yes,’ Lily makes a snorting noise but James continues his tirade, talking a bit louder to be heard over Lily starting to make some kind of acidic comment, ‘It’s not just that! It’s like this. I like him more than anyone else I’ve ever liked. Even if I knew he was going to say yes if I asked him out, I’d still be nervous because I - I - I can’t even talk to him properly! I like him so much I sound like an idiot every time I even try and say hi to him when he passes me in the corridor! I like him so much that even if you told me right now he’d fall to my feet in raptures if I asked him out, I still couldn’t do it because I can’t even say a single word to him without making a fool of myself! It’s not about me! It’s about him! I like him so much that anytime I try and talk to him I say something stupid!’ 
The fight seemed to drain entirely from Lily when James was ranting and now she leans back in Remus’ desk chair thoughtfully. 
‘So you can’t hate me - I’m too pathetic.’ James finishes weakly. 
Remus blinks at James incredulously, ‘Oh wow. I’ve … never heard you talk about anyone like that.’ 
‘Right? It’s all ‘I know they’re dying to go out with me’ with James,’ Lily says mildly, her tone lacking any real punch. A generous person would say she was edging towards sympathy again. 
‘That’s what I mean! He makes me … feel things,’ James hisses, leaning forward a touch hysterically. 
Lily looks taken aback but Remus can see from his periphery she’s trying to not let it show. ‘Uh, right. He makes you nervous; we established that - ’
‘No, no that’s not what I mean. He makes me feel things which in turn makes me do things.’ 
Lily gives up all pretences of tempering her astonishment. ‘What … what kinds of … things?’ She says slowly. Remus braces himself for the worst. 
‘I mean,’ James says frantically, ‘That when I went up to ask him out the last time, which happened to be yesterday, I panicked and tried to sell him my breakfast bar.’
Lily balks.
Remus blinks at James, horrified. 
‘Why … did you do. That?’ 
‘I don’t know Remus! Okay! I don’t know why I did that! That’s the problem!’ James all but shouts, springing up suddenly and starting to pace around the tiny dorm room. ‘And what makes it worse is that this time I was certain I was going to do it! So I walked up to him - all confident and everything! - and then he turned around and said hi and I forgot how to speak English. I genuinely couldn’t even remember my name. So I was just staring at him and he was staring back at me because I walked up to him and was just standing there silently, not even saying hello or anything and I panicked and asked him whether he wanted to make a small donation to charity by buying a breakfast bar.’ 
‘… Did he buy it?’ Remus asks with morbid curiosity. 
‘I really really don’t think that’s the issue here,’ Lily snaps irritably, but then hesitates and leans forward with undisguised interest, ‘Did he?’ 
‘Yes! Of course he bloody well bought it! Because I said it was for charity and he’s a nice, kind, thoughtful person!’ 
‘How much did you sell it for?’ Remus says, fascinated. 
‘… £1.50.’ James admits reluctantly. Another beat of awkward silence.  
‘Wow,’ Lily breathes wonderingly, ‘That is so pathetic.’
‘I know! I know it’s pathetic! That’s why I need help!’ James shouts, pacing faster, arms linked behind his back like some kind of old war general.
Lily clears her throat and sits up from where she had slumped into Remus’ chair. 
‘Okay.’ She says finally, ‘Alright.’ 
James looks at her impatiently. ‘Alright what?’ 
‘We …’ She starts, then glances dubiously at Remus. She sighs long-sufferingly then says, ‘We’re going to help you. Because you’re so pathetic that it’s sad, really.’
Because James is James he’s literally incapable of letting it go at that. Which Lily knows because Remus can see her steel herself. 
James spins in place then falls backwards onto Remus’ bed again, his hands over his face. 
‘Just forget it,’ He says sullenly, his voice muffled, ‘It’s stupid. I don’t think I have a chance anyway considering I’ve already embarrassed myself in front of him more times than I can count. He’s probably afraid of me, honestly, the amount of times I’ve accosted him.’ 
Lily looks at him with open contempt. ‘Oh, will you stop it? You’ll never know until you try. And you moping on Remus’ bed is perhaps the only thing more pathetic than you pining over Sirius.’ 
‘I’m not … moping.’ James insists petulantly. 
Remus crosses his arms over his chest and raises his eyebrows at James. 
‘Stop looking at me like that, Remus.’ James says balefully from under his hands. 
‘Oh my god, this is ridiculous,’ Lily says, annoyed, ‘Okay. Okay. So.’ She seems to fully resign herself to the ludicrous nature of the task (she’s never been one for half-arsing things) and stands up to loom over James. 
‘We’re going to help you get Sirius Black. We’re going to help you stop being a whining loser.’ Lily says determinedly. Then adds, almost as a note to remind herself, ‘Because we’re your friends. And that’s what friends do.’ 
Remus nods in wary solidarity. ‘Yes. We’re going to … help you.’
‘Really?’ James asks hopefully, scissoring his index and middle finger open to reveal his face. 
‘Yes. Really.’ Lily says reluctantly, as if she can’t believe she’s agreeing to this. Remus nods again. 
James shoots up with his characteristic incredible speed and bounds over to envelop both Lily and Remus in a hug. 
Despite herself, because no one can resist James Potter, Lily grins tiredly at Remus over James’ shoulder. ‘I’m so going to regret this.’ 
The plan which James had mentioned in Remus’ dorm room was this: Sirius Black, after getting notoriously disowned from his affluent (filthy rich) family, often tutored other university students for extra cash. James would pretend to be struggling in his algebra class and ask him for help. After charming Sirius with his many, many qualities, James would swoop in for the kill (ask Sirius to go out with him). 
They’re in Lily’s room this time to hash out the finer details of the plan. 
‘The reason why this is a stupid plan, and dear God this has never been less evident than now, is that you’re really clever,’ says Lily. 
James preens smugly.
‘Yeah, I know,’ he says, grinning, ‘I’ll just pretend to not know anything about algebra.’
Remus looks at James doubtfully, ‘James, you do realise you got top marks in Algebra 1 last term? Why couldn’t you pick another subject to pretend to be bad in?’ 
James shrugs. ‘Because I’m not bad at any subject. I got top marks in everything.’ 
Remus makes a wry face at him, ‘Your modesty is astounding.’ 
James shoots Remus another grin. ‘It’s my strong suit.’ 
Lily grimaces. ‘Can we stay on the topic at hand? Please?’ She says the last part rather desperately.
‘Yes, well. Do you think you can … fake being bad at Algebra? Convincingly?’ 
James’ automatic response, from years of intense confidence, is to scoff and say yes. But then he realises it’s Sirius they’re talking about, Sirius he’s going to have to pretend in front of. Sirius with his characteristic piercing gaze, his disinterested genius. This suddenly seems a monumental task. 
‘Er …’ James hedges. ‘I can … practice? Being rubbish?’ 
Lily leans back in her chair and snorts disparagingly. ‘Jesus, I cannot believe I have to sit in a room with you and watch you practice being mediocre. God, you’re insufferable.’ 
‘I can’t help being good at everything, Lily,’ James says earnestly but the mischievous tilt of his mouth gives him away. 
‘And again, I reiterate: so very humble.’ Remus remarks ironically. 
‘That’s my middle name,’ James says brightly, ‘I’m absolutely awful at algebra, didn’t you know?’ 
Lily chucks a textbook at him. ‘Let’s see if you can put your money where you mouth is.’ She drags her desk chair over to where James is sitting on the edge of her bed. ‘Pretend to mess up a question.’ 
James flips open the textbook to a random page as Remus sits down next to him. 
He glances at the question. He’s pretty sure he can do it in his sleep. (Well, actually he guesses it would be tricky for someone who was actually struggling with algebra.)
He resists the urge to solve the equation correctly and instead confuses the division in the very first step. 
‘Is that right?’ He asks Remus innocently. Remus gives him an amused look but obligingly flips to the back of the book for the right answer. 
‘Not even close.’ 
‘Oh dear! I wonder where I went wrong?’ James says, looking imploringly at both Remus and Lily in turn. 
Lily leans back in her chair, crosses her arms over her chest and nods; impressed, despite herself. ‘There may be hope for you yet, Potter.’ 
‘Really?’ James says anxiously, wringing his hands, ‘You think I’ll finally pass this class?’
Lily rolls her eyes and smacks him lightly over the head with the textbook. 
‘Although …’ Remus says suddenly, ‘The thing is uh. I don’t really know how to say this but - ’
‘Sirius Black is known for being …’ Remus shifts uncomfortably on Lily’s duvet, ‘Mean.’
Lily’s face twitches in annoyed recognition. 
‘Oh my God, wait. You’re right. You reminded me. You know my friend Mary? Well, she was struggling with algebra last term and she went to Sirius for tutoring but she said he gets impatient with you if you don’t understand by the second time he explains something,’ Lily frowns, ‘He’s horribly arrogant.’ 
‘God, that is so hot,’ says James, sighing wistfully. 
Lily instantly grimaces in disgust. ‘Oh my fucking God, that’s so disturbing. Jesus Christ, you two are made for each other.’ 
Remus blinks, bewildered and visibly chooses to ignore that entire interaction. 
‘The problem remains that if he gets annoyed when tutoring you, it’s not very likely he’s going to be in the mood for romance.’ 
‘ … Right. Well. I’ll just … I won’t be too rubbish.’ 
Lily looks at him tiredly. ‘That’s the plan? You’re not going to be that rubbish? How are you even qualifying ‘too rubbish’, you pompous sod?’ 
‘I’ll just avoid what Mary did, yeah?’ James retorts. 
‘Oi, don’t you have a go at Mary - ’
‘Alright!’ Remus says quickly before they can resort to bickering, ‘So you’ll what? Mess up every third or fourth question? And get the other questions right most of the time so he doesn’t get annoyed at you?’ 
‘Yeah. And I could you know … ask him to explain stuff twice.’ 
‘Stuff.’ Lily echoes mockingly. 
‘Algebraic equation theory,’ James amends in his best posh accent. Lily rolls around in her desk chair once in exasperation but both Remus and James can see she’s amused, like she always is whenever James makes fun of rich people. 
‘Okay, then. So, we’ve got a plan. That’s something, at least,’ she concedes. 
‘Comrades, I think it’s safe to say Operation: Big Romance is a-go.’ James says, throwing his arms around both Remus and Lily. 
‘I can hardly contain my excitement.’ Remus deadpans. 
James, Remus and Lily are in the library waiting for Sirius. 
Earlier, Lily had looked intensely disturbed. ‘How … how do you know Sirius is going to be in the library today?’ 
‘Because he always goes to the library on Wednesdays before his third lecture.’ James replies without missing a beat. 
Lily winces and looks at Remus pleadingly. ‘That’s creepy, right? You think it’s creepy he knows that, right?’ 
‘… Have you been stalking him?’ Remus says finally, but looking like he’d rather not know the answer.
‘No! I only know that he goes to the library on Wednesdays because he’s reading Wuthering Heights  but he can’t check it out because he’s already checked out the ten books you’re allowed so he reads it before his third lecture then hides it in the astronomy section so no one else can take it out.’ 
‘So you’re stalking him.’ Remus concludes tiredly. 
That was an hour ago. Now, they’re camped in the astronomy section, books deliberately planted around them as if they’re studying. Lily even takes out a highlighter and brandishes it over a paragraph about Venus for good measure. 
‘I hate to say it but … is it very obvious that we set this up?’ Remus says, glancing around at the artfully strewn books. 
‘No, no it looks real. No one’s going to be reading about,’ Lily pauses to read the subtitle of an upside down book, ‘the ‘mathematical grounding behind the convalescence of the planetary alignments and their affects on numerology’. Jesus, only someone who had to read that for a class would pick that book up. Even then, that’s doubtful.’ 
‘Sirius would.’ James mutters faintly. He’s been looking increasingly the worse for wear as they wait for Sirius. He keeps fidgeting then touching his forehead. ‘I think I’ve got a fever. Literally, I have a fever. This isn’t a good idea. Maybe we could do this next week. Or never. Never works really well, actually - ’
Lily cuts off his rambling by elbowing him in the ribs. ‘Shut up!’ She hisses under her breath, ‘Here he comes! Act natural!’ She picks up her highlighter again and squints at the book on the table in front of her. Remus holds up a calculator. James sits frozen to the spot as Sirius walks up. 
He doesn’t notice them at first, he’s too busy reading a slim paperback novel as he walks. He jumps a little to see them all cluttered in an otherwise pretty abandoned section of the library. Lily waves around her highlighter over the page pointedly. 
‘Oh.’ Sirius says. ‘Hi.’ 
The greeting is clearly only directed at James. Lily notes with irritation he doesn’t really acknowledge her or Remus. God, he’s already insufferable and she’s only known him thirty seconds. 
It’s only belatedly Lily realises James hasn’t said anything back. He sits there, staring at Sirius blankly. It’s so absolutely at odds to how she’s seen James that it’s immediately discomfiting. Another agonising second passes where James doesn’t say anything and Sirius looks increasingly confused. Lily elbows James sharply again and he jumps visibly. 
‘Hello.’ James manages, way too formally. 
‘… Yeah. Hi.’ Sirius repeats. He gestures to the bookcase on the left side of the alcove. ‘I’m just here to get the book I’m reading.’ 
‘I know.’ James says automatically. 
‘What?’ Sirius blinks at him. 
‘He means,’ Lily cuts in quickly, then flounders for too long because she can’t think of what to say to disguise James’ blunder. 
‘He means he knows you. That’s what he meant.’ Remus tries. 
James nods desperately, not trusting himself to speak. 
‘I know.’ Sirius says slowly, ‘I know he knows me. We have three classes together.’ 
‘I know that too!’ James shouts suddenly, his short lived self restraint ebbing away entirely, ‘Of course I know we have three classes together! I mean I’m self-absorbed but not that self-absorbed that I wouldn’t notice that I had three classes with someone. Well actually, I have done that loads of times but not with you. I did know we have three classes together. You always sit at the back.’ 
Lily is horrified. She has never, ever in all the years she’s known James seen him be flustered. She resists the urge to turn and gape at him disbelievingly by forcibly schooling her expression into something studious and grave, completely unlike someone who just had to listen to their otherwise perfect friend embarrass himself in front of his crush. What mortifying rant? She can tell from her periphery Remus has adopted a carefully neutral expression to mask the same sinking dread she feels. 
Sirius looks stunned. But after a second something clicks in his mind and he takes James’ rant in stride and thankfully chooses to be bemused. 
‘Seems you’ve been paying an awful lot of attention to me, Potter.’ 
‘You know my name?’ James says weakly. 
Suddenly, Sirius grins at him. ‘Yeah. Don’t know if you noticed but we have three classes together.’ 
James fake laughs stiffly, once. ‘Yep.’ He says awkwardly and then the fights drains out of him and he just slumps in his chair dejectedly, looking anywhere but at Sirius. 
Offence flashes over Sirius’ features at being dismissed so clearly and in such an abrupt fashion but just as quick his usual bored, aloof mask falls back into place. 
‘Alright. See you, then,’ he says dispassionately. James barely grunts in response, seeming to be absorbed in the volume in front of him. Sirius turns coldly on his heel and makes to stride away. 
‘Wait!’ Lily says loudly, garnering some dirty looks from students at nearby tables. 
‘What?’ Sirius asks, turning back and raising an eyebrow at her. Lily sits up to her full height, staring him down and declares, ‘James is rubbish at algebra.’
James groans silently next to her and sinks further in his seat, until his shoulders are almost level with the table. ‘Please, please let it go. He hates me now, please let it go,’ he mutters quietly to her under his breath, chin tucked inside his hoodie. He’s mortified, Lily realises finally. 
Miraculously, the spirit of friendship (and pity) rouses her from her stupor so she leans back confidently in her chair, flips her hair over her shoulder and levels Sirius with a look she perfected when she was Head Girl in Sixth Form. 
‘We’ve heard you tutor, yeah?’ She continues determinedly even as James hisses at her ‘What are you doing!’
‘Yeah.’ Sirius says finally, after looking at her for a second. 
‘Well, James here,’ she says clapping him on the shoulder briefly, ‘Could really use the help.’
‘No! It’s okay! I don’t!’ Says James, embarrassed beyond belief, ‘It’s okay! This was a really bad idea - ’
‘There’s no need to be embarrassed, James,’ Lily tells him firmly without looking at him since she’s still locked in some kind of eye contact battle with Sirius. 
‘He,’ Siris says pointing at James who has now succeeded in sinking further into the depths of his hoodie, ‘Is failing algebra?’ 
‘Yep.’ Lily lies. 
Sirius looks back at her skeptically, ‘The guy who shouted ‘Yes, fuck yes! Full marks again!’ in the middle of a lecture when the Algebra 1 results were released online … is failing Algebra 2 this term?’ 
Remus barely suppresses a wince. Lily bites the inside of her cheek to refrain from turning a withering glare at James. 
‘Sorry if I find that hard to believe.’ 
‘No, it’s true. He peaked last term, he’s past his prime. His used up all his potential in Algebra 1 and now he’s utterly failing Algebra 2. He can’t understand a thing,’ She pauses to laugh in a horribly fake, piercing way even to her own ears, ‘He’s an idiot, really!’ 
‘I think he gets the picture, thanks very much.’ James interjects acidly, scowling sideways at her. 
Sirius considers James for a moment and when James notices this he visibly squirms in place and goes back to pulling his hoodie string. It must read as genuine embarrassment, which it is but Sirius must think it’s because James is too proud to discuss the fact he’s ‘failing’ the class. 
‘Alright.’ Sirius says after a moment, raising an eyebrow. ‘I’ll tutor you. But you know I charge £25 an hour, yeah?’ 
‘Oh, don’t worry about that,’ Lily answers, waving her hand dismissively, ‘He’s loaded - '
James’ mouth chooses exactly the wrong moment to intervene, ‘It’s true, I’m loaded. My parents bought me a car when I was 14 before I could even drive just because I wanted one - Ow!’ 
Lily had stamped on James’ foot with the heel of her boot before he started ranting about the fact he didn’t even use the car when he turned 18 because it was ‘too old now’. 
Remus runs a very obvious hand over his face and mutters ‘Jesus Christ’ under his breath. 
Sirius smiles without mirth and rallies. ‘Yeah, when I was 14 my parents got me these expensive as fuck leather suitcases with my initials embossed on them. Ironic considering the amount of emotional baggage they saddled me with.’ 
‘Ha!’ James says awkwardly. Then, horrifyingly, as if to explain himself, ‘That was a good one. Childhood trauma. Lol.’ 
A series of deeply stunned silences follow James’ comment. Remus abandons all composure and gapes at James incredulously. Lily feels her face burn in second hand embarrassment, but resolutely resists the urge to look around at James. She can tell James is about two seconds from bolting into the aquatic life section adjacent from them. She thinks he’s absolutely stopped breathing. Even Sirius looks haunted for a good thirty seconds before he visibly gets a grip and nods slowly. 
‘… Right. Uh, I’ll text you to figure out a time and place?’ 
Lily cuts in before James can speak. ‘Yes! Here’s his number!’ She says before scrawling it on a bit of scrap paper. She thrusts it at Sirius and says quickly, ‘Bye now!’ 
Sirius looks up at all three of them once more. Remus is pinching the bridge of his nose, Lily’s face is so red it feels aflame and James has sunk so far in his seat he’s in danger of disappearing under the table altogether. 
‘Yeah. Bye.’ He says shortly before turning and walking away. 
A horrible beat of silence passes between the remaining three in which Lily genuinely feels like she’s catching her breath after a mad sprint. 
Finally, she rounds on James. ‘Lol?’ She demands, appalled. 
James leans forward until his forehead collides with the table with an audible bang. 
It’s James first tutoring session with Sirius today. He feels like he’s dying. 
‘You’re not dying,’ Lily says irritably, flipping through a magazine. 
‘You cold, unfeeling woman - can’t you show any sympathy?’
Lily pats his shoulder absentmindedly. 
Remus sips at his mug of tea, amused. 
‘Think of it this way. The chances of spontaneous combustion are very low. So probably things are going to go okay today.’ He takes another noisy drink from his mug, ‘Maybe.’ 
James face plants into Remus’ bed and groans. 
They decided to meet up in the library. It was the best place for it, really. Lots of escape routes in case James messes up and he needs to evacuate the premises immediately. Not that he’s thinking about that. It’s going to be fine. At least that’s what he tells himself as he walks into the library. He repeats it to himself again as he walks up to the astronomy section and then he loses the ability to form coherent thought altogether when he sees Sirius. He’s reading Wuthering Heights turned away from him. James palms are so sweaty that when he goes to wipe them on his jeans he leaves little wet smudges behind. 
‘Hi,’ James says as he draws level with the table Sirius is sitting at and because he hates himself apparently he tacks on ‘Come here often?’ and immediately winces. 
Sirius turns around in his chair at the sound of James’ voice, then processes what he said. 
‘Actually yeah, I do.’ Sirius says mercilessly, clearly not choosing to give James an out on this one. He seems annoyed.
‘Oh. Good. That’s good. Reading is very … ’ James trails off. 
‘Good?’ Sirius finishes sardonically. Yep, definitely annoyed. What a brilliant start. 
‘Will you excuse me a moment? I’ll be right back.’ James says, smiling wanly. He turns quickly and marches into a neighbouring alcove. 
He frantically pulls out his phone and texts Remus. 
James: he’s pissed. 
It takes about a minute for Remus to respond, which seems like an hour to James who’s barely staving off hyperventilating. He jumps when his phone lights up with the notification. 
Remus: He’s drunk???? Wtf? I know he has issues but that seems a bit extreme. U should get ur money back.
James blinks at this text in confusion before he scowls and angrily stabs out out a response. 
James: NO!!!!!!!!!! 
Remus replies instantly this time. 
Remus: Y?
Oh, fantastic. What a help. James locks his phone again and tries to take a deep breath. He has to deal with this situation, he can’t just skulk in the library all day. A small, very unhelpful part of his brain cheerfully suggests he could sneak out when they take the rubbish out at night by disguising himself in a wheelie bin. 
He seriously considers this for a moment before he mentally shakes himself. He’s gotten this far. What’s the worst that can happen? Right. Okay. James takes another fortifying breath, pulls his shoulders back and strides quickly back to where Sirius is sitting. 
He’s slumped in his chair looking bored. 
‘You know I’m getting paid for the full hour, whether you actually choose to get tutored or not, right?’ Sirius drawls as James comes into earshot. 
‘Huh? Oh yeah! That’s not a problem!’ James fishes out his wallet and takes out the money for the session. He places it on the table next to Wuthering Heights. 
Sirius doesn’t say anything and instead elects to just stare angrily at the cash. 
James fidgets uncomfortably with the strap of his backpack. ‘Look, are you … alright?’ 
Sirius finally drags his gaze up to James and gives him a grim smile. ‘Why do you ask?’ 
James knows he can be tactless, but most of the time he’s not trying to be rude. He just genuinely prefers speaking his mind. Which is why he says, ‘Cause I know you have like. Stuff going on and everything. You seem angry.’
‘Stuff?’ Sirius says, his smile widening into a grin that’s too sharp to be truly friendly. 
‘Yeah.’ James says simply, shrugging. 
‘What do you know about my stuff?’ 
‘Nothing. Just what everyone else is saying.’ 
 He can see a muscle twitch in Sirius’ jaw. 
‘Well you know what they say. No such thing as bad publicity.’ Sirius articulates slowly. James nods at him cautiously. 
Something James can’t quite place passes over Sirius’ face and he sits up suddenly, ’Alright then. Let’s get on with it.’ 
James sits down opposite Sirius and pulls out his algebra textbook from his bag. He looks up expectantly at Sirius. Sirius is still staring at him with an inscrutable look but the undercurrent still seems to be irritation. 
James really, really doesn’t know where it went wrong this time. Usually he can tell where exactly he made an idiot of himself when he talks to Sirius but this time around, he’s barely said two words to him. God, this was a horrible, awful, terrible idea. 
James clears his throat and dejectedly gestures at the open page in front of him. ‘So, uh … what should I do?’ 
As if animated by some outside source Sirius leaps into Tutor Mode. He seems to materialise a spare bit of paper from thin air and begins outlining the theory behind the first question. 
He goes on for a couple of minutes while James deliberately nods at intervals as if he’s listening really closely. In actuality, he’s trying to figure out why the mood is so tense, why the session is going so badly and finally, why he was ever born. 
‘Did you get that?’ Sirius says finally, eyeing James with alert interest for some unknown reason. 
‘Um … Can you explain the second part again?’ James says. 
‘Alright.’ Sirius says tightly and if James looks closely he can see he’s gritting his teeth. 
James wants to die. This is utterly mortifying. Sirius hates him, okay fine (not fine at all), but what did James do to make Sirius hate him? 
James is trying to figure that out when he finally manages to process what Sirius is saying. He frowns. 
‘What?’ He says, interrupting Sirius’ explanation. 
Sirius points at the equation in the book. ‘If you solve for x in the first instance, that’s going to help sort out the division.’ 
James looks down at the page, bewildered. 
‘What?’ He repeats. 
Sirius gives him a look and says slowly, ‘You have to solve for x first.’ 
James scans the page again and frowns harder. He grabs the pen on the table and starts jotting down the equation in long form. 
‘How did you figure that? That’s possibly the longest way to figure out the question, I mean you just made it so much harder. It would be much simpler to solve for y in the first instance, that cancels out the division portion altogether.’ James says, scanning over the book again and the notes he quickly scrawled. It’s only then he realises what he’s done. 
Oh God. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. 
His eyes shoot up to look at Sirius and as expected, he’s leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, scowling at him in grim triumph. 
‘Uhhh,’ James says pathetically. ‘I suppose you’re wondering how I knew that?’ 
‘Yeah. Crossed my mind.’ Sirius says coldly. 
‘… You’re a really great tutor?’ James tries weakly.
‘Fuck. You.’ Sirius replies, snatching up his bag and slamming back his chair so hard it squeaks. He turns to start storming away but James grabs his arm desperately. 
‘Wait! Sirius, I’m sorry!’ 
Sirius twists his arm cruelly from James’ grip and looks down at him with such derision James actually recoils a little. 
‘You’re sorry?’
‘Yes.’ James says in a small voice, shrinking back into his denim jacket both from embarrassment and Sirius’ tone of voice. 
‘Yeah, you bloody well should be sorry, you fucking arsehole.’ 
James frowns at him, suddenly a little offended. ‘Sirius, it isn’t that big of a deal - ’
 ‘What?’ Sirius says icily. 
James winces and rubs his eyes under his glasses. ‘Okay, poor choice of words. It is a big deal but - ’
Sirius throws back his head and laughs mirthlessly. 
‘Actually, you’re right. It probably isn’t a big deal for someone like you.’ 
Any explanation James was about to produce comes to a screeching halt. He looks up at Sirius warily. 
‘What … do you mean?’ 
Sirius suddenly leans over the table, right in James’ face and hisses, ‘I know exactly what you’re doing.’ 
James gapes at him. ‘Well, then do you mind telling me? ‘Cause I haven’t got a clue.’ 
‘I don’t want your charity.’ Sirius says furiously. 
James continues to stare at Sirius, slack jawed. After a second he says, ‘Mate, no offence, but what the fuck are you talking about?’ 
‘Do you think I hadn’t worked it out? I know you’re brilliant at algebra you dickhead, we’ve been in the same classes since first year. What other reason would you have to hire me to be your tutor except that you’re taking pity on the poor little disowned heir. Well, you can keep your fucking money.’ 
A loaded beat of silence. 
Absurdly, a giggle bubbles in James’ chest. Before he can stop it, he’s spluttering with laughter. 
Unsurprisingly, Sirius isn’t amused. 
‘This is funny to you?’ 
‘Well, yeah! You idiot, I’m not paying you to tutor me out of some form of pity, or charity or whatever.’ 
Sirius stands up straight, face contorted in contempt. ‘I’m sorry if I don’t believe you. It’s just that you’ve just been lying to me for the last hour.’ 
Suddenly, the situation isn’t very funny anymore. James winces and makes a face, ‘Okay, fair. But you have to believe me. That’s not why I wanted you to tutor me, I swear.’ 
Sirius throws up his hands in frustration. ‘Then why? Why did you?’ 
James opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. He seems to have lost his voice. 
Sirius stares at him expectantly for a second before scoffing and turning to go again. 
James springs up from his chair and reaches to grab ahold of Sirius again. 
‘Wait! Please! I can explain!’ 
‘Then explain.’ Sirius says exasperatedly. 
Every excuse seems to flit across James’ mind but when he looks at Sirius standing there, angry and irritated and almost … insecure, James sighs loudly. 
‘Oh fuck it,’ he says finally, ‘I was never very good at this subtlety lark.’ 
And with that, James throws his arms around Sirius’ neck and kisses him long and hard. 
When he pulls back, Sirius is looking at him cautiously. ‘You did … all of that. Because you like me?’ 
‘Um, yeah?’ 
Suddenly, Sirius’ whole face breaks out into a grin. ‘God, you’re such an idiot.’ 
James smiles at him ruefully. ‘A hot idiot?’ 
Sirius rolls his eyes at him fondly. ‘Yeah. A hot idiot.’ 
‘I can take that.’ James says brightly and rushes forward for another kiss. 
17 notes · View notes
winterhawkhood · 1 year ago
Tomorrow is the big day to start the big month!
To set the mood and hopefully help inspire, we wanted to share links to the 28 current AO3 tagged Jason/Clint/Bucky works!
Check them out, kudos/comment/bookmark, boost, and get ready for - hopefully - dozens more!
(make my love) like a circle by @flowerparrish, rated T:
"You're not a barista because you're gay," Bucky says, speaking just a moment before his hand drops down onto Clint's shoulder and squeezes once. He nudges Clint away from where he's apparently been mumbling aloud to the espresso machine, beginning to deftly prepare a cappuccino with one hand quicker than Clint could have with two.
He's beauty, he's grace, and Clint wants to kiss his face.
The podfic! also by the amazing @flowerparrish
another the podfic! by @yuurei
Get Into Your Slide by @bittercape, rated E:
“Jay,” Bucky says. He can hear the steely undertone in his own voice. So can Clint, judging by the way his shoulders tense. Jason looks up, eyes dark and mouth slack and wet. “Make him beg.”
Jason grins, wide and feral.
“My pleasure,” he says.
oddly good to hurt by @flowerparrish, rated T:
He’d kind of assumed they’d ignore his non-responsiveness until he was better, but apparently not. It took Jason a long, head-achy moment to focus on the words in Clint’s last text, but he seemed downright worried.
Now Jason felt shitty, but at least he felt a different kind of shitty? Yay for variety.
[podfic of] oddly good to hurt podfic by @kbirbpods
getting you off is my new favourite hobby by @veryrach, rated E:
A series of drabbles for Kinktober.
the mortifying ordeal of being known by @flowerparrish,rated T:
Bucky makes another confused noise. 
There's no point in keeping silent now, so Clint explains, “Nat made me shorts that say ‘call me buir’ika’ on them for Christmas last year and I wore them in front of Jason once."
“I’m just doing what they say,” Jason points out. Like an asshole.
“Why?” Clint groans.
“Because you’re cute when you blush,” Bucky tells him immediately. “And Jason likes to make you squirm.”
The podfic! by @kittonafoxgirl @vexbatch @kbirbpods @flowerparrish
another the podfic! by @yuurei
I Know You by @claraxbarton, rated E:
“I really thought the Hulk dildo would be more impressive.”
Some days, Bucky really, really wondered what the fuck he was doing with his life.
the beauty of discovery by @flowerparrish, rated E:
Clint hasn't had sex in a while, because it's weird and uncomfortable and he's got a complicated enough relationship with his body that he doesn't need to go pressing buttons marked Do Not Touch for no good reason. Plus, when living with Nat, she'd just go to the gym if he needed alone time, and now he lives alone.
He also, now, has the complication of two really attractive boyfriends and a habit of panicking whenever things get a little too steamy.
of people wrapped up tight in things that will kill them by @bittercape, rated M:
Tragically, this is not the first time Clint wakes up on a concrete floor to the exciting view of metal bars. At this point in his life he’s not even sure why he expects anything else. On the bright side, he’s not trussed up like a turkey or even cuffed, and he’s still wearing clothes. His own clothes, even. That’s two whole bright sides, which frankly is unprecedented.
It'll Only Last by @claraxbarton, rated E:
Fun fact: Gotham had the highest concentration of whatthefuckery in the entire world. Or it would, if anyone bothered to record those kind of metrics.
Someone should.
Then again, Gotham so obviously won the title that maybe it wasn’t necessary. Still, there were some other places Clint had been that should definitely come with a warning label. Someone should definitely write a guidebook.
It was in the middle of a firefight between assholes who worked for the Black Mask, assholes who worked for The Penguin, and an asshole going by Red Hood that Clint allowed himself the very brief daydream of him and Bucky fucking off and traveling the world and writing a guide book about whatthefuckery.
And then someone shot him.
The One Where Clint Goes to Preschool by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock, rated G:
"I keep petitioning for hazard pay, but — please don’t grab, Cassie! Let’s use our polite asking words.”
“You don’t get hazard pay?” Clint asks.
She gives him a look that clearly says, Don’t ask stupid questions, but what comes out of her mouth is, “Nobody teaches pre-k to get rich, and nobody lives in Gotham for the peace and quiet. Simon, buddy! Walking inside, not galloping, okay? Anyway, it’s a nationwide problem, really, but full-time daycare options in this city are — no thank you, Quincy! Excuse me for a second.”
She bolts over to the other side of the room, where two kids are locked in a screaming tussle over a toy.
In a shocking twist of events, Simon trips and eats it in spectacular fashion a couple feet away from Clint. He props himself up on chubby arms, looking down at the traitorous ground and then up at Clint like he’s expecting commiseration.
“Let me guess, didn’t see that one coming?” Clint says.
Maroon Kind of Mood by @claraxbarton, rated E:
Clint Barton, bloody-nosed, black-eyed, hair mussed and shirt - just gone - grinned at him from his slump against the doorframe.
“Hey,” Clint drawled, stretching out the last syllable in a way that quite literally spelled trouble.
Jason rolled his eyes.
The One Where They Connect A Couple of Dots by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock, rated T:
“Did you swallow a Gender Studies 101 textbook?” Steph asks.
“No, but my boyfriend has been super into dismembering the patriarchy lately.”
“You mean dismantling?”
“Yeah, that. Totally.”
Odd Man Out by @claraxbarton, rated E:
“Batman’s dead,” Bucky said before the engine had even fully cut out.
Clint blinked, wondered if that last explosion had been close enough that maybe he was suffering a concussion and hallucinations. Again. 
“Huh?” he said, just to be safe.
Bucky scowled, not his listen up scowl but his shit, are you concussed? scowl. So that was probably a point in the favor of Bucky being real.
“Batman’s dead,” Bucky repeated.
Okay. So. Real. And that was… some real shit.
The One With All The Dick Jokes by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock, rated T:
Jason groans and drops his forehead to the table, thunking it on the wood a couple times for good measure.
“What’s wrong?” Clint asks.
“He’s just so… Dick,” Jason mumbles.
Parade by @claraxbarton rated M:
When Natasha had asked Clint to house-sit for her while she was out of the country for six weeks, she had given him a very specific and very concise list of rules to follow:
Feed Liho at 6am and 6pm.  Feed the fish at 6am and 6pm. Feed yourself at least two meals a day. Coffee is not a meal. Change the litter machine every four days. Pick up the mail every day. Delivers at 3:37 except Saturday at 11:18. Do NOT talk to 2B/ Alice Lucello. Do NOT carry her groceries. Do NOT go into her apartment. Do NOT call the super to fix anything. Fix it yourself or call me. Do NOT let him into the apartment. Do NOT use the stove. Do NOT fuck 4C.
The One With The Kittens by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock, rated T:
“Be nice, it’s not every day someone gets tranqed for the first time,” says another voice, low and steady, the speaker still out of sight.
“You never forget your first,” says Red Hood.
Ronin chuckles, flipping Drew’s fake ID between his fingers. “Is that like a coming-of-age ritual around here?”
“What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned bar mitzvah?” grumbles the third voice, its owner appearing in the doorway — and it’s then that Drew knows he’s really, truly fucked, because that flickering light is now glinting off a metal arm.
Salt in the Wound by @claraxbarton rated M:
“Well, well, well, you come here often?”
Despite himself, despite the goofy line and even goofier delivery, Bucky can’t help the grin spreading on his face when he hears the familiar drawl and looks up into a very familiar face.
Bucky’s been nursing a drink at the open bar for the last twenty minutes, avoiding as much small talk as he can at the Stark Charity Gala, and he’s been pretty successful up until now. Something about his ‘murder face’ keeping the ‘civilians’ away.
But Clint Barton, shit eating grin broad and stupid and handsome on his face, and Jason Todd, fuck-off smirk deadly and handsome on his face, clearly don’t care about his murder face. And they aren’t civilians.
Clint pulls Bucky into a hug and holds him close and tight like they’ve just come through a war and not just another season of professional baseball.
He lets Bucky go with a squeeze to his neck and a brush of lips against his cheek that probably no one else but them and Jason catch.
The One With The Overheard in Gotham Blog by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock rated T:
Man 1: Babe, you’re so cute I just wanna smush your face sometimes. Man 2: Babe, I am the scourge of the underworld, can you not?
Third Wheel by @kangofu-cb rated E:
“Listen,” the guy says, and his voice is low and kinda rough, and he’s got an accent Bucky can’t quite place. “I’m not tryin’ to overstep, but I overheard kind of a lot and like. I know you’re, uh… trying to work through some shit, man, and I get it. I, uh, had kinda a fanatical upbringing myself. But I’m not sure this guy is the one to work it out with, you know?”
Bucky… is going to kill Clint. Suddenly all of Clint’s odd comments and strangely demure behavior and even his clothes start to make a kind of insane sense. He’s play-acting at more than just a first date. Clint’s pretending to be someone else entirely, and Bucky’s not sure if it’s a joke or a bad attempt at seduction, but either way a heads-up before the evening started would have prevented a hell of a lot of confusion and maybe prevented Bucky from nearly murdering his husband in a bar in Hell’s Kitchen on a Wednesday night.
The One With the Pottery Barn Couch by @noxnthea, @there-must-be-a-lock rated T:
"Just kidding," Jason says. “I have a dog, a boyfriend who wears an apron when he bakes, and a couch from Pottery Barn. Domestic as fuck.”
That gets a solid laugh before Dick continues, “I know that your, um… profession complicates things —”
“What could you possibly mean?” Jason asks innocently, wiping blood off a knife.
“ — but everybody deserves to find love.”
Throw My Body In The River by @claraxbarton rated T:
The thing was, Jason was twenty three and had spent his teenage years as a vigilante and then some more of his teenage years dead and then brainwashed and then hell-bent on revenge. Middle school had been hell and he’d never even had the chance to go to high school for more than a month before his life very abruptly ended.
He knew, from being around Dick and Roy, and now Clint and Bucky, that being twenty three and still a virgin wasn’t exactly normal, even - perhaps especially - considering his circumstances. But, well. Jason was twenty three and a virgin and it sure as hell didn’t seem like that was going to change anytime soon.
You Can't Be On Edge Forever by @vexbatch rated G:
Prompt: your scrungliest meow-meow gets a nice thing for once
Bucky and Clint try to surprise Jason with a nice time. It doesn't go exactly as intended.
you know i live to fill you up by @mightymightygnomepriest rated E:
5 Christmases Jason got laid, and then another one he also got laid. And then another other one he got laid, too.
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arcadekitten · 2 years ago
Arcadekitten, how do u deal with sm people loving your content and loving you? My friend wants to make a game but they’re absolutely terrified in the spotlight, if u have any links or anything may i please have them?? No pressure or force ofc!
I'm not sure what kind of links you mean. Like, links of things to help? I don't got anything like that!
Putting anything out into the world is scary, and I can only imagine it's more so when you desperately want to share your art but are terrified of being perceived. But as that one saying goes, "if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known."
And I too am a human and it can be hard not to get overwhelmed by it all sometimes, even with a small following like myself! But there's ways to take breaks from it too. Not to sound like a "touch grass" kinda person, but I find that often times even just stepping outside into the sunshine helps put things into perspective. It's great to step away from social media and just go about your daily life or do things with your friends! Even if it's just for stuff like doing chores or playing a game for yourself in your room. You don't have to become your art.
Similarly, you are entitled to your privacy and you don't have to share more than you want to ever. If all you wanna do is post a game and then not touch it afterwards you're more than welcome to. You're also free to just exist on your own social media without having to explore outwards from it to see what people are saying about it.
Block buttons also exist for a reason, and if someone is giving you trouble then block them and move on with your day because your time on this earth is finite and you're better spending it not interacting with people who give you a hard time or make you upset.
I hope these help? Again I understand how scary it is to put yourself front and center and be like "look at me! Look at this thing I made! Please don't hate it!", but you'll never know how you really feel about it until you try it.
I am often afraid of regret, and I think that if I went through my whole life and never shared my art in a way i felt was meaningful I would've regretted it. And that's why I make things like this now! And maybe your friend will feel the same way and maybe they won't but you can always try it and see! I wish them luck in whatever it is they plan to do!
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