#no lights outside besides my flashlight
swagging-back-to · 2 years
it's so fucking weird when youre the only one awake in the house and youre just waiting with your dogs
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edsbug · 3 months
I just realized I don’t think I've ever requested a fic from you and I'm???? appalled???? Please forgib 🥺🖤 I'd love to see how Eddie x reader deal with a big storm coming into Hawkins; currently holed up bc of Hurricane Beryl at the moment. 🌀🌩
hii steph!! i hope you made it through the hurricane alright. thank you so much for requesting this, it was so fun to write! i hope you like it<3
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pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader.
summary: eddie and reader prepares for a storm. (wc. 1.1k)
contains: horror films, uncle wayne makes a cameo, pure fluff.
The first rumbles of thunder rolled through Hawkins as the sky darkened, heavy clouds gathering in an ominous, bruised mass. You looked out the window of Eddie's trailer, watching the branches of the old oak tree sway in the rising wind. Eddie sat at the small kitchen table, fiddling with a string on his acoustic guitar, his usual energetic demeanor subdued by the approaching storm.
“Hey,” you said softly, stepping away from the window. “Need any help with that?”
Eddie looked up, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Nah, just trying to get this thing to stay in tune. But thanks baby.” He set the guitar aside and reached for your hand, pulling you gently into his lap.
As you settled against him, the first drops of rain began pounding the roof of the trailer. “Looks like we're in for a big one,” you remarked.
Eddie glanced up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Perfect night for a horror movie, don't you think?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “You're impossible. But yeah, sounds good.”
The two of you spent the next hour fortifying the trailer for the incoming storm. Eddie found a stack of old towels and you helped him roll them up, pressing them against the bottoms of the doors to prevent any water from seeping in. You checked the windows, making sure they were securely latched, while Eddie double-checked the flashlights and gathered some candles and matches, just in case the power went out.
As you worked, the wind picked up, howling through the trees and rattling the metal siding of the trailer. The sky was almost black now, flashes of lightning illuminating the landscape in brief, eerie bursts.
You and Eddie settled on the worn-out couch, a stack of VHS tapes and snacks spread out on the coffee table in front of you. The opening credits of Nightmare on Elm Street had just started when the phone rang. Eddie jumped up, nearly tripping over the coffee table in his haste to answer it.
“Hello?” he said softly. “Oh, hey, Wayne.”
You could hear Wayne's voice faintly on the other end, his tone filled with concern. Eddie glanced at you, his expression softening.
“Yeah, we're okay. Just getting ready for the storm,” he said, his voice reassuring. “I've got everything under control. Don't worry about us.”
Wayne's voice rose slightly, and you could make out the words “stay safe” and “call me if you need anything.” Eddie nodded, even though his uncle couldn't see him.
“Thanks, Wayne. We'll be fine. You stay safe at work, okay? Yeah, talk to you later.”
Eddie hung up the phone and turned back to you, a sheepish smile on his face. “My uncle wanted to make sure we were alright. He's stuck at work until the storm passes.”
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you at the concern in Wayne's voice. “That's sweet of him.”
“Yeah, he's a good guy,” Eddie said, plopping back down beside you. “Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Freddy Krueger.”
As the movie played, the storm raged outside, the sound of rain pounding against the thin roof and thunder cracking in the distance creating an eerie soundtrack. You and Eddie huddled together under a thick blanket, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. The flickering light from the TV cast strange shadows on the walls, adding to the spooky atmosphere.
Every now and then, the power would flicker, the screen going black for a few seconds before the backup generator kicked in. Each time, Eddie would squeeze your hand, his touch reassuring.
“I've got you, sweetheart” he'd whisper, as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head.
As the last credits of Nightmare on Elm Street rolled off the screen, the exhaustion from the night caught up with both of you. Eddie's arm around your shoulders felt warm and comforting, and the rhythm of his breathing lulled you into a peaceful state. The flickering TV screen provided a gentle glow as you and Eddie drifted off to sleep on the couch, wrapped in the warm, thick blanket.
Outside, the storm continued to rumble, but it was a distant sound now, more soothing than threatening. The rain had lessened to a gentle drizzle, and the occasional flash of lightning was just a dim flicker on the horizon.
The first light of dawn seeped through the clouds, casting a soft glow over the drenched landscape. Wayne pulled his truck up by the trailer, the engine’s low rumble mixing with the distant sounds of birds starting their morning calls. He stepped out, stretching his tired limbs after a long shift, and glanced at the trailer. The sight of it standing unharmed brought a sense of relief.
Wayne quietly let himself in, careful not to make too much noise. He walked into the living room, a smile creeping onto his face as he saw the two of you on the couch.
Eddie's head was tilted back, mouth slightly open, one arm draped protectively around you. You were curled into his side, your head resting on his chest, the blanket cocooning you both. The TV was still on, a static-filled screen casting a dim light over the room.
Wayne shook his head fondly, moving to switch off the TV. The sudden silence was almost jarring, but neither of you stirred. He then picked up the empty snack bowls and soda cans, placing them quietly on the kitchen counter.
He stood for a moment, just watching the two of you sleep, a sense of pride and affection filling his chest. Eddie had always been a handful, but seeing him like this, so caring and protective, made Wayne’s heart swell.
When you woke up, it was to the smell of coffee and bacon. You blinked, momentarily disoriented, before realizing you were still on the couch, nestled against Eddie.
Eddie stirred next to you, his eyes fluttering open. He gave you a sleepy smile, his hair a wild mess. “Morning,” he mumbled, his voice rough from sleep.
“Morning,” you replied, stretching. “I think your uncle's home.”
As if on cue, Wayne appeared, a mug of steaming coffee in hand. “Morning, kids,” he said, a twinkle in his eye. “Hope you two slept well.”
Eddie sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Yeah, we did. Thanks, Wayne.”
Wayne nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. “Good. There's breakfast in the kitchen. Figured you'd be hungry after a night like that.”
You and Eddie exchanged a grateful look before getting up and heading to the kitchen.
“Think it's safe to say we survived?” you asked, a teasing note in your voice.
Eddie chuckled, pulling you closer. “Survived Freddy Krueger and a thunderstorm. Not bad for a night in Hawkins.”
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
Shaken Not Stirred
Summary: Reader attends an investigation with her boyfriend Sam and best friend Colby. Unfortuantely for her, it doesn't quite go as smoothly as she'd hoped it would.
TW/CW: Reader gets scratched by a ghost and scared a few times. Sam Golbach x Reader
Requested?: No
A/N: Writing a spoopy imagine while watching spoopy Sam & Colby videos all with the lights off aside from red lights to up the spoopiness is fantastic. Surprisingly, I'm less spooped than I would be just watching Sam & Colby vids with the lights on and not multitasking lmao.
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As we stepped into the abandoned, slightly decrepit haunted prison. We had spoken briefly with a friend of our guide outside before starting this tour and she had warned me, “Girl you are braver than I am.” Upon tilting my head at her, she continued, “I won’t ever step foot in that place after hearing so many stories from other ladies. Stick close to your boys.” Apparently, the entities in this place enjoy messing with and scaring ladies the most.
Colby’s voice brings me out of my thoughts, “Dude, look at this place!” I scan my eyes around the immense entry hall. The cement walls impose a sense of dread. The stuffy sour smell of the place makes my stomach roil.
I instinctively inch closer to Sam who’s at my side. I can already tell the warning wasn’t falsely founded. Just being in here makes me feel extremely uneasy and very unwelcome. Dating a paranormal investigator means I’ve visited plenty of haunted locations but this one was much worse than any other.
As our guide began the tour, I practically glued myself to Sam’s side making him look down at me. “You alright?” He questions, concern written plainly across his face.
I think for a moment before nodding, “Yeah just already feeling unwelcome.”
The guide breaks in, “Ladies typically do feel set apart from the gentlemen. As this was a male only prison, they don’t typically take kindly to female visitors.”
Sam looks even more worried now, “You can always sit this one out.”
I shake my head, “I’m alright for now but I’ll let you know if I need to step out.” Sam nods as our guide takes that as his cue to continue on. The first bit of our tour goes pretty quietly. Just as I am starting to loosen up and shake the uneasiness, I hear someone or something whisper yell very closely to my ear. Having stepped away from Sam, I race back to him and nearly leap into his arms.
“What?!” He questions, voice full of worry, “What happened?”
I look up at him and then around at our group, fear etched across my face, “Did you guys not hear that?” Everyone shakes their heads spurring me to explain, “I just heard something whisper super loud in my ear. Like, I don’t know how you guys didn’t hear it.”
Sam wraps his arms tighter around me, “Do you need a minute?”
I bury my face into his chest to take a few deep breaths before shaking my head, “No, I’m alright. Let’s keep going.” Carrying on with the tour, I keep my head on a swivel and my hand tightly clasped around Sam’s.
By the time we begin our investigations, I’ve loosened up again. Sam sets out the two flashlights after explaining for the video what they do. Colby also sets out a REM pod and shows the camera what it does. As everyone steps away from the devices, the REM pod starts going nuts. “Alright, I guess that’s a good sign that we should get started,” Sam states to the camera. The boys begin bouncing around questions and receiving responses but the REM pod just keeps screaming at us.
Finally, having had enough of the high pitch shrill, I gave up my courage and speak up, “I’m sorry to interrupt boys but whoever is beside our little red light over there could you please step away? It’s starting to hurt my ears.” The device goes silent immediately upon finishing my sentence. Sam, Colby, and I look at each other in shock before they continue on with questioning the flashlights. After only a couple questions and answers, I jump close to Sam. Something had just whispered again. I bury my face in Sam’s chest once more as he rubs my back.
“I heard that one,” Sam says more to Colby than me, “There was a whisper.”
Colby shakes his head, “I didn’t hear it but she sure did,” he says motioning to me. I back away from my shelter and motion for the boys to continue.
After a while and a couple of investigations, Sam and Colby decide it’s time to bring out the Estes Method. As Colby goes under, Sam leans over to whisper to me, “Do you want to sit this one out?” I shake my head but take his hand in mine. Sam begins asking questions and immediately receives answers. As the questions get more intense, I hold Sam’s hand even tighter trying not to show how terrified I am. I know that if Sam knows how scared I am he’ll cut it and we’ll leave.
“Is there anything specific you’d like us to know before we leave?” Sam asks. We receive, “Yeah,” from Colby just as something grabs the back of my neck. I leap from my seat and scream so loud that Colby yanks the headset and blindfold off looking around slightly panicked. Sam jumps up to collect me in his arms, checking me over as I try to calm my shaking and my eyes dart around trying to pinpoint the source of my fear.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Colby asks, standing from his chair.
Sam, whose inspection has brought him around behind me, waves Colby over out of the corner of my eye. Colby steps behind me as I feel Sam lower the back of my shirt slightly and lift my ponytail. “Holy shit,” Colby mumbles as I see a flash and hear a camera shutter.
I hide my face in my hands as Sam gently spins me around to face them. He places his hands on either side of my face, “I’m here. I’ve got you. You are safe,” he pauses taking a deep breath, “Do you want to see it?”
I nod shakily, knowing he’s referring to the picture of whatever is on my back. Colby shows me the screen of Sam’s phone. There is four long scratches from my hairline to between my shoulder blades, thankfully not drawing blood. Saying nothing I simply bury my face in Sam’s chest once again and his arms immediately wrap around me. “She’s shaking,” Colby notes.
“Yeah, we need to leave,” Sam states already moving toward the exit. Colby collects the gear before quickly catching up to us. About halfway to the car, Sam stops and lifts me into his arms. Once we reach the car, Sam opens the passenger door and gently sits me down in the seat. I clutch onto his shirt, not wanting him to pull away but he takes my hands in his, kissing them before placing them in my lap and squatting down in front of me.
Sam brushes my hair away from my face and that’s when I finally notice the same fear from my face copy and pasted onto his. His hands shake slightly as he kisses my forehead. Looking into my eyes once again, “I love you but the next time I see you so shaken just walking into a location, you’re sitting out or we’re leaving. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you.” I nod my head and finally seeming content that I’ve calmed down he stands, “Pull your legs in, Darling.” I do as instructed before Sam closes the door and makes his way over to the driver side door as Colby slides into the backseat.
Colby leans forward and pats my head as Sam cranks the car and begins exiting the property. “You’re gonna be okay, Kid,” Colby affirms before he leans back to get comfortable for the ride home. Colby’s always been like a brother to me and no matter how well he hides it, I know he’s just as scared as Sam and I. Sam takes my hand in his as we make our way back to the hotel.
More Sam Golbach Imagines
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Fun and Dangers with Hovercycles
When the spaceship is grounded for a mechanical checkup that most of the crew helps with, but your knowledge of alien tech is limited to “That button means go, right?” then there’s not much to do. I’d been stuck with cleaning duty on other similar overhauls, which was fair enough. But it sucked. So I was delighted today to find that Mur was giving the hovercycle a once-over in the cargo bay, and didn’t mind letting me help.
“Is it hard to ride?” I asked while he shone a flashlight into the fuel tank, standing on the tips of his tentacles to get a good look. “I’ve never actually gotten to.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he replied. “The balancing function is top-notch, and the brakes are reliable.”
Paint sorted through the toolbox, organizing wrenches and whatever. “It’s a little high off the ground for my taste.” She craned her lizardy neck to look up at me. “But that may not bother you.”
“Probably not,” I said with a smile. “Can I try it? There’s never been a good chance before. It’s always in storage unless we need it for some rush delivery on the far side of a space station.”
Mur sighed and clicked off the light. “Yeah, and that’s usually my job these days. Mimi is a great rider, but he’s usually busy, and Coals is respectable but doesn’t like to…”
“I don’t like to either!” Paint exclaimed, holding a scaly hand to her chest. “He always has a better excuse!”
“Why don’t you like to?” I asked.
“Too fast, dangerous.” Paint shook her head. “I don’t like the pressure of urgent deliveries when a minor distraction could leave me and the package smeared across the scenery.”
“Okay, fair,” I said.
“It’s not that dangerous,” Mur said. “It won’t tip over, and the brakes have an impact sensor.”
“It feels that dangerous!” Paint insisted, lashing her tail and looking away.
I said, “I guess you can’t really drive slower without being late, huh?”
“Oh, some deliveries have plenty of time. But it’s still too high off the ground.”
“Can I try?” I asked again. “It really doesn’t sound that scary to me.”
“Sure, why not.” Mur tightened the fuel cap and consulted the checklist. “We’re almost done here.”
The rest of the checklist was quick. I helped by holding things and occasionally reaching with my long human arms, while Paint was in charge of the toolbox and unscrewing things with her claws.
“Annnd done!” Mur said as he finished the checklist with a flourish. “Let’s take it outside where you won’t crash into a wall.”
“I thought you said there were impact sensors for that,” I reminded him as he clambered into the seat.
“Eh, they’re not perfect.”
Paint hit the controls for the bay door, toolbox already set aside, and I followed as the hovercycle whirred quietly out onto the alien landing pad.
I reflected that this really was an ideal place to practice riding. Only a couple other ships were parked at the moment, some distance away, and the settlement was set far enough back that people wouldn’t be bothered by the noise and whatnot of landing spaceships. Everything else around us was dry, rolling ground, with hills in the distance and not so much as a cactus to dodge around.
“You twist this to go forward,” Mur said. “Turn it the other way for backward, or just a little to slow down. It’s pretty intuitive once you’re moving.”
“Just don’t twist it too far!” Paint said. “It can go really fast!”
“Right, I’ll be careful,” I said. “Do I steer by leaning or turning the handlebars?”
Mur gave me a few more pointers on the basics, with Paint adding cautionary tips, and soon enough they let me get on. It wasn’t really human-shaped like an Earth bike, but it was close.
“Okay, so I’ll just aim to go over that way, then circle back,” I said. “This way for forward, this way for backward?”
“Right,” Mur said, tentacle-walking up onto the ramp.
“Start gently!” Paint said as she scampered up beside him.
“Got it.” The motor was already on and burbling away, so I held on tight and gave the throttle a minuscule twist. The bike scooted forward.
With Mur and Paint offering encouragement behind me, I eased it out across the smooth ground with no trouble, giving a couple experimental leans to get a feel for the auto-balancing mechanism. It really was good. Then I sped up a little, and was honestly impressed with the stabilizing gyros or whatever. Even on sharp turns, I didn’t feel like I was in danger of being thrown off or skidding out of control, which was pretty great. I still had a traumatizing memory of bike-riding as a kid and running over a tin can that slid out from under me. But there would be no scraped-up arms today! This hoverbike knew what it was doing. I gave it some proper speed.
I zoomed over a couple low hills, laughing at the change in pitch while the hover engines adjusted to catching air. I spun in tight circles and a gradual curve, leaving a faint trail of dust behind me where the wind of my passing had kicked it up.
Then I got a look back at my coworkers on the ship’s ramp, and they were waving their hands urgently. I straightened out and looked around in alarm; was some local beastie or natural disaster right behind me?
Nope. Not unless it was invisible. Which I wasn’t ruling out.
I powered back toward the ship, worried now, and braked to a stop that felt pretty darn perfect for my first time out.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” Paint yelled, rushing over.
“Yeah, why?” I looked behind myself again.
“Wait, you weren’t out of control?” Mur demanded. “You were going that fast on purpose?”
“Uh, yeah? Should I not have?” I took in their worried faces. “It felt pretty safe. You’re right about the balance; that’s great.”
“WHAT?” Paint exclaimed while Mur laughed. “Why would you go that fast on purpose?”
“It’s fun?” I asked, shrugging. “I really didn’t think it was that big a deal. Do neither of you like going fast ever? I mean I can understand not wanting to worry about getting an urgent delivery there on time, but what about casual joyriding?”
The way Paint was sputtering for an answer and Mur wasn’t even trying to come up with one told me I’d stumbled into another unexpected bit of culture clash.
Paint finally settled on, “No, that is terrifying!”
Mur straightened up from where he’d collapsed into a puddle of tentacles and helpless laughter. “I’ve been doing all the time-crunch bike deliveries because I can hold on best! You’re doing the next one.”
“Okay,” I said, smiling a bit myself. “You know I thought you were trying to tell me there was something chasing me, right?”
Paint covered her eyes. “I can’t believe you flew over that big hill deliberately.”
“Oh, that was great!” I said. “I want to do that again. Can I?”
Paint spun to walk back up the ramp. “Have fun! I’ll tell whoever’s in the cockpit not to call for bandages unless you ask.”
Mur told her, “You should probably tell the captain about the roster change too.”
“On it!”
“Thanks,” I said. When Mur waved me forward, I zoomed back out into the desert for more joyriding. It really was fun. I made sure not to do anything reckless like standing up during a jump, as much as I wanted to. The crew in the cockpit was probably worried enough already.
I looked forward to the next urgent delivery, though.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Can I request a John Dutton x Reader Fic?
John and Reader have been dating for a year or longer now and they’ve been keeping it a secret from his kids, they sneak around like teenagers running through the house after hours sort of dynamic and sneaking through the ranch after hours. I’m thinking maybe they stayed up late and took two of the hours on a little “trip” and get caught by Rip and Beth and Kayce who come looking for the horses ?
Noisy Kids Can’t Ruin This
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When I first thought of agreeing to go on a date with John Dutton I certainly didn't imagine this. I didn't imagine that we would end up dating for close to two years. But the thing that really is throwing me off is the fact that we have been sneaking around for that long without his children knowing about us. Getting out of my truck I walked through the dirt gravel until I reached the white barn with the Yellowstone Y above the doorway. “John! Are you here?”
“In the back stall, darling.” He called out to me quietly but loud enough for me to be able to hear.
Entering the barn the lights were dim yet I could still see where he was. John was standing outside the last stall throwing a saddle over one of the two horses he had taken out of the wooden stables. “So why did you call me saying to meet here. I thought we were eating at home?”
“Oh we still are. Just a little differently than you thought.” He said, offering his hand to help me up onto my horse. I swung my left leg over the saddle and got as comfortable as I could on the horse. John climbed on his own horse looking at me before he ran out of the barn and I did my best to follow after him. “Follow me, Y/n.”
We rode past the fences and up through the mountains. The stars were above our heads since it was the middle of the night and everyone else was asleep. Normally we would spend the night with cooked dinner by the fireplace. Half the time we would sneak around so his kids didn't find out about us. John dismounted his horse holding his hat down on his head with his hand. He comes over helping me off my horse where I tilted my head seeing there was a small fire going, two chairs, and a tent pitched up. “John, what’s all this for?”
“Since we normally ate dinner at my house. I thought I should change the scenery for our date.” He explained to me slowly walking down to the fire with me at his side. He sat down removing his black hat from his head.
I sat down hugging my knees to my chest smiling at him. “Well I have absolutely no problem with this. It’s actually cute and reminds me of camping.”
“My family does call this the summer camp actually. I thought it was time you got to see it for the weekend.” He replied, turning his attention back to the burning fire in front of us.
John opened us each a beer and there was a comfortable silence that fell between us. It was rare that we got to spend time together given that his ranch was everything to him. Raising the bottle to my mouth I had almost drunk half the bottle before I felt John drape his arm over my shoulder. He turned his head slightly so we were looking the other in the eye. “I don’t think I could be happier anywhere else. You’re all I need Y/n.”
“I feel the same about you, John.” I smiled, leaning forward and kissing him slowly. He leans forward moving one hand to cradle my cheek deepening the kiss enjoying the other's company until we heard someone coming in our direction where we seperated from one another.
Three horses came to a halting stop and two flashlights were pointed at us. Blinking my eyes I could recognize Rip since I had seen him working late at night when I would sneak out of John’s house to go home. “There you are, sir.”
“Daddy, what the hell are you doing out here with a random girl. Are you trying to replace our mother?” The blonde female that I had to assume was Beth scolded.
Kayce dismounted his horse standing right beside it lowering his flashlight towards the ground. “Beth, don’t jump to the point of wanting to rip her head off.”
“What the hell are you all doing here?” John questions sitting his beer bottle down and I could hear the anger in her voice by the fact that they were here right now.
Rip nodded towards his boss. “I’m sorry for the interruption, sir. But I saw some missing horses when I went to close up the barn and then these two we’re getting worried when you didn’t answer your cell.”
Running a hand through my hair I sighed laying on my back on the blankets. I couldn’t believe that they were freaking out about us and even more so that we had now been found out. “I can’t believe this is happening…” Beth glared at me still sitting on her horse like she was about to hurt me.
“I am a grown man with what I thought were fully grown children. I can take care of myself so what made you think that you needed to start panicking about me?” John said back to them.
I glanced over to John out of the corner of my eye nervously rubbing the back of my neck. “I guess we should have expected this after we’ve been hiding this secret for so long.”
“You mean the secret that you have been sleeping with my father which is making me now want to kick your ass!” Beth dismounted her horse stomping up to my direction with her hands turned into fists.
I slowly got to my feet, not sure when she was going to start a fight with me. “Beth, look I am not sleeping with your father. Yes, we are dating. But I swear that is it, nothing else.”
“Now I’m the bitch about to attack you like a bear.” She growled at me.
Rip moved forward wrapping his arms around her and holding her back from attacking me. She grunted against him while Kayce shrugged his shoulders looking at me. “I’m sorry for my sister. She can be a little overprotective of anyone in our family.”
“Alright now that you see I am alive and not in danger can you all leave me alone until tomorrow evening. I have been planning this date for a few weeks now and I don’t want you ruining it please.” John got up to his feet standing in front of his children and led ranch hand.
Rip tipped his hat to him climbing back on his horse. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sir. You have a good night, you two.”
“Be safe you two.” Kayce nodded his head kicking his horse and he rode away with Rip into the dark and I knew both of them were waiting for Beth before they would leave us alone.
Beth still glared at me waving her finger in a warning tone climbing back up onto her horse going to meet the boys down the hill. “If she hurts you I will make her pay in ways she’s never thought of in her life. Mark my words!”
“I’m sorry about all the drama tonight. I had no clue they would come looking for me. I hope I didn’t make the date go down too badly.” John came back and sat down resting his hands on his knees giving me a half smile where I could tell he was nervous now.
Snuggling up against his side I wrapped my arms around him whispering in his ear just focusing my attention on the beautiful stars above our heads since nothing else mattered, just the two of us. “They didn’t ruin it, John. Nobody could ruin this as long as you’re here with me cause I am falling in love with you.”
“I’m relieved, Y/n. Because I am falling in love with you too.” He smiled longingly down at me, cradling my face in his hand kissing me. He used his other hand placing his cowboy hat on my head and that was how we spent our evening together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
I just had a bit of a spooky experience, and I was wondering if you could do something fluffy with Aaron and a reader whose afraid of the dark? Just need something sweet and reassuring. Love your stuff xx
hold onto me
omg i'm so sorry i hope you're alright <333 cw; mild descriptions of anxiety and fear of the dark, established relationship
storms were scheduled on the forecast all week, so it was bound to happen at some point. and of course, at the most convenient of times.
aaron and yourself were in the old bau bunker, or as dave strictly corrected you both - the bsu bunker. the two of you were in search of some old files that had been collecting dust, files that would hopefully be helpful and a reliable reference in a project the team was collectively working on.
you had to admit, going through the contents of the room was fascinating. it held an extensive amount of history and memories; it was the literal beginning of the bau and what it has come to be. in addition to the ancient files, both of you would occasionally come across other various items to show one another: old photographs, some of gideon's ancient bird books, and aaron happened to find an old wedding ring lost in a drawer - which you swore had to be one of dave's.
and both related and unrelated, the most important factor to you, the bau had brought you to your aaron.
it was another world down there, so you'd nearly forgotten that it was storming gravely outside. but, a sudden crash of thunder shook the entire building, and the room submitted to darkness faster than you could blink. and it being as old as it was, it didn't contain emergency lights, or windows for that matter, hidden deep in the basement. the two of you were surrounded by a seemingly endless void; you wouldn't even be able to see your hand in front of your face if you tried.
you jumped immediately, the side of your thigh hitting the table and rousing all the items on it, some even clattering to the floor. you didn't even notice the instant ache that shot down your leg, your fear all-consuming.
"shit. stay where you are." you could hear aaron moving about, bumping into things as well as he attempted to make sense of the darkness, and to get to you, fully aware of your intense fear of the dark, "honey, are you alright?"
you didn't answer, eyes squeezed shut as you shrunk back against the closest wall you could find. besides the sounds of aaron cursing under his breath, 'of course my damn phone is in my office' or his reassurances, 'i'm almost there, it's going to be okay', it was deathly silent; so quiet it was almost threatening.
you didn't even realize you were shaking profusely until you were in secure in aaron's arms. he wrapped you tightly in his embrace, your face pressed into his chest as he shielded you. instead of the grimy, stiff smell of the bunker, you were encircled with the familiar scent of aaron, something soft and sweet but still vastly masculine.
"you're okay sweetheart. here, let me..." he reached into your back pocket, finding your phone and turning the flashlight on, unforgotten to yourself in your panicked state. the light illuminated his face, thankfully, but also casted shadows from the furniture and whatnot onto the walls. it made the musty old room more menacing, terrifying.
your fingers gripped onto his dress shirt, closing your eyes once more as your face burrowed into the crook of his neck, searching to be closer, "aaron."
"i know, i know you hate it." he consoled you, one of his hands spanning your back. "stay close, hold onto me."
his hand placement, and the fact you were clinging onto him, allowed him to guide you easily, without you having to remove yourself from him - to be fair, you couldn't even if you tried. he navigated the two of you out, vaguely manhandling you and taking the brunt himself as he ran or tripped into lingering objects. he only had one objective, removing you from the situation as safely and quickly as possible.
once in the hallway, could you finally breathe. the power was still absent, but it was brighter, emergency lights on a bit further down the hall. it took you a second to regain your senses, your heart rate slowing to normal.
aaron's hands cupped your face, his thumbs running against your cheeks gently. his eyes searched yours, lined with concern and a gentleness, "you okay?"
you nodded, pressing your forehead to his for a brief moment.
"you're okay. you're safe." he repeated, in case you needed another reminder, another reassurance. he pressed his lips to yours for a moment, a hand moving to the small of your back, "i'll have dave and reid head down here a bit later instead. let's get you upstairs love."
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itskattkm · 10 months
Day & Night | Part II
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Mabel (finestkind) x G!P reader
Warnings: violence, bruises, mentions of blood, junkies, bad translation :)
A/N: I think it’s even going to be more parts now :) hope you guys enjoy as always
Part 1, Part 3
I sighed and looked beside me to see that the space was empty "sure" I said disappointed and took a deep breath before I exhaled. My hands found their places on my face when I tried to cover it.
It was to good to be true. I should have know better... or maybe if I'm being honest with myself... I knew the truth. Why should Mabel even choose my place for "help" it was so obvious but i was totally blind.
I rubbed slight my eyes and looked to my open bedroom door. I felt suddenly so lost again. Somehow like I was at a wrong place at the wrong time. But mostly I felt unwanted.
So why did Mabel do what she did? Why out of sudden? And why did she leave? Well I could have a good answer to the last question but why did she even sleep with me then? I didn't understand.
I pulled the blanket over my shoulders and tried to get a clear head.
At some point around 11:00 in the morning I woke up again. This time I left my bed and took a long shower. After the shower, I turned on the TV so that I didn't have to drown in this silence in my apartment.
I ate some cereal and went to the bar around 1:00 p.m. to work. The day felt slow. Outside it was cold and slightly foggy. My shift was over in the evening. I decided to go to the pier like almost every day.
Now I entered the middle of the bridge and ran up the scaffolding "hi Maria" I said kindly to the slightly older lady who had her shift today.
"Hi y/n" come in... Today it's very fresh.
So I went into the cabin and sat down at the other end of the room. Like that I could observe the sea and was able do watch it through the window, stay dry and warmed up.
I took out my laptop and watched one of the online videos of my studies. In between, my gaze fell on my cell phone. I hoped to get a message from Mabel, but in vain. I sighed loudly as I turned my phone over slightly pissed.
Maria turned around in her wheelchair and looked at y/n worried "is everything okay y/n? Today it seems to be one of the less good days again?"
I nodded silently without looking at her. But since it was getting dark very slowly outside, I could see her reflection in the window. And then I suddenly saw it. A light in the distance. It flashed twice. I had to smile and took one of the larger flashlights when I left the cabin and ran out to the site.
I tried to show the boys that I was here. After not even three flashlight signals, the horn of the finestkind echoed back.
"The boys are back..." a part of me was happy because this meant that there would be fun evenings again, but another part in me was worried. What about Charlie?
After twenty minutes I went down and greeted the boys. Laughing, they called me
"Y/N Lighthouse!" I shook my head and said "you are so stupid guys" after they had all solid land under their feet, I greeted everyone with a hug.
"This time you've been away for a really long time, why?" I asked curiously.
Charlie began to explain "we have found a new route that allows us to make stops at other yards... that's why we will be on the road longer than usual in the future" I nodded "that sounds hard".
Tom chuckled "it's business"
I left the harbor with the boys. Following Tom and Costa a little further back with Charlie.
"Have you seen Mabel?" He asked me calmly. My heart began to race when I tried to answer him "yes... last time yesterday" Charlie nodded and seemed to be deep in his thoughts "was she okay?" He asked.
In my steps, I stopped and looked crookedly at him "what's wrong Charlie?" He turned around and scratched the back of his head "we sort of broke up"
I looked at him with wide eyes and almost a open mouth. On the one hand I was shocked, on the other hand I already thought about it and accordingly did not feel so bad after sleeping with her.
"What do you mean by sort of?" I asked seriously. Charlie smiled nervously "well... we now have this new strategy while fishing and that means that we will be even less at home... and I didn't want to do that to Mabel"
I shook my head
"Charlie... I understand your thoughts behind it but that's Mabel... she... she is-" I began, almost starting praise Mabel and Charlie interrupted me smiling "I know..."
I sighed "how did she handle it?" I asked worried.
Charlie raised his shoulders "I'm not sure... she was a little angry... but understood the reason" I nodded.
A thousand questions went through my head. Did she love him? Was she sad? Was she angry? What went through her head? How did she feel?
"Maybe I should have a look at her," said Charlie. My stomach turned around. But I doubted that Mabel would say anything about us, because as it seemed to me, she didn't seem to be interested in what happened between us.
"Maybe" I repeated quietly and looked at him and the other boys.
Days passed and everyday life quickly became my usual old routine. Online lectures whenever I could.
Later shifts in the bar and hanging out at the harbor. I still haven't had a message from Mabel. I had also given up to be honest. Charlie seemed to have visited her. He doesn't told me anything and honestly I didn't ask either.
I didn't want to know what was between them because I wouldn't have a chance anyway.
"Y/N! Another round of beer for us please!" Called the boys at the other end of the bar.
I wiped the bar and grabbed three bottles of beer. I ran over to them and put them at the table "please slow down today for once," I said laughing. "I don't feel like cleaning behind you guys" I shouted to them as I ran back to the counter "boss I'll get new beer in the back" I said and went to the storage room.
I didn't know what was happening while I was gone, within a few minutes I heard the rattling of glass, falling furniture and something that sounded like a brawl.
I immediately reached for the baseball bat I had near my locker and ran back to the bar.
Within seconds I saw what and who the problem was "you fucking asshole!" I shouted angrily and jumped over the counter. Skeemo was back with his junkie friends and had beaten Tom, Charlie and Costa up. Skeemo was just choking Charlie. I ran towards him from behind and hit him on the back of the head "fuck you!" I shouted angrily.
Skeemo let go of Charlie, who was now coughing on the floor. He cleverly looked at me when he scanned the back of his head and saw blood on his fingers "you fucking bitch" Skeemo hissed and then I saw red.
I didn't remember what happened afterwards. I only knew that I was questioned by the police after a team of paramedics checked my wounds.
If there was a secret about me, it was my uncontrollable anger and aggression. It was hard to get me to this point... but if you succeeded, it was hard to stop me. After I saw Skeemo, it came over me. Not only was he the reason for Mabel's injuries at the back then, but he had also whistled the boys....
After all the interrogation and a small visit to the hospital, I wanted nothing more than to go home.
My face hurted. My fists were beaten bloody and my ribs were slightly broken. I held back the pain. Something I knew too well. Something that made me feel alive in dark times.
"Thank you Y/N... what you did today... you should not be underestimated," Tom said when he took me off at home.
I looked at him with hidden pain "Charlie... Costa?"
Tom smiled slightly "they will recover" I nodded and slowly opened the door of his car. In the end, I had tried to mess with each of the junkies. They beat me... but they had it much... much worse then me. The ambulance was not called for me or the boys. It was called for Skeemo and his new gang.
I hoped they would die. But the possibility that they would survive and later die of drugs was higher.
"Take care of yourself Y/N" Tom called after me before I disappeared into my apartment.
I slightly held my left side where my ribs were damaged and moved towards my couch in slow painful steps. I wouldn't make it to bed. I bit firmly on my teeth when I tried to sit down and suppressed screams of pain. I held my breath and leaned back carefully. I closed my eyes and a tear escaped me.
The bruises on my face hurted. Probably everything had already turned purple. My hands were shaking. They were full of bruises and dried blood.
When it knocked on my door, I cursed the person behind it. I breathed heavily with pain when I supported myself with a trembling arm and walked so slowly to the door that the person began to knock again more and more impatiently.
I leaned against the wall exhausted and held my side as I opened the door only one gap to be careful.
"Y/N... hey- oh my God what happened?!" The next moment Mabel stood in front of me and held my face very carefully in her hands with a worried look. I squeezed my eyes in pain and breathed heavily as the pressure of my ribs pressed on my lungs.
"I'll help you..." she said calmly and gave me the feeling of security. Carefully she put my right arm around her shoulder and took me to my bedroom.
She held my hand tightly as I slowly sat down, I could only weakly suppress a painful moan. Mabel's dark eyes scanned my face and every other injury on my body. It seemed like she was falling from the clouds.
"I heard about a brawl in the bar but..." she began and stopped when I closed my eyes exhausted and lowered my head.
She went to her knees in front of me while resting her hands on my knees when she looked up to me worried.
She carefully touched my chin and lifted it. I opened my eyes and was now forced to look at her pitch black ones.
"What happened?" She whispered so quietly that I got goose bumps. I swallowed hard "can you... help me?" I whispered and looked slightly to the side. I was too weak to say more, but Mabel seemed to understand what I needed.
She helped me to lie down.
As soon as I lay on my back, Mabel covered me a little with my blanket, turned off the lights in my apartment and only turned on the small night light on my bedside table.
She disappeared from my room and came back with a glass of water and a pill. She put both on my bedside table and took off her jacket before she sat down with me on the bed "drink that... it helps against the pain" she said gently.
I breathed heavily and took the pill from her hand, I swallowed it down with water and tried to find some recovery.
Next I heard the sound of a plastic bag "fuck..." I hissed when I felt the burning pain on my ankles. Mabel had previously moistened a swab with alcohol to disinfect my bruised and blood-dried ankles.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered worriedly and continued cautiously.
Why was she here? And why was she so caring? Was Mabel interested in something for me?
My heart began to beat faster again at this thought.
"Skeet was suddenly in the bar with his junkies... and it escalated" I explained weakly. Mabel nodded silently, the way she looked at me... she hadn't looked at me since the day we met like that. This time I knew... that she really looked at me and perceived me.
"As I know you... I assume that Skeet and the others look worse..." said Mabel with a grin that brought out her dimples.
A smile escaped me. Even if it hurt, it still felt good.
I put my head aside and watched Mabel carefully take care of my hands. Her touches felt so gentle and good... I almost felt safe.
"Feels like it was yesterday when you beat up the junkie because he wanted more drugs from me" Mabel began with a smile.
I had to laugh a little and closed my eyes when it hurt. "... yes I remember... that day I was looking for trouble... and this guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time" Mabel grinned wider when she remembered.
At that time, as always, Mabel had to make the deals for her mother. It was New Years Eve and most people went crazy anyway. But when Mabel had just made a handover, the junkie wanted more from her and started going crazy. He grabbed her by the arms and yelled at her, high from the drugs he had taken before. Before the guy could get closer to her y/n came around and had boxed the guy so hard that he was immediately unconscious. That evening she was slightly drunk and was looking for a reason to hit someone. Luckily for her, she found Mabel and the junkie.
"You okay? Looked like you were in trouble" y/n had said at the time. Mabel looked impressed at the unconscious junkie.
Y/n grinned wide and held out her hand "I am y/n" Mabel was fascinated by her at the time. How could anyone be so harmless and at the same time too unpredictable. She laughed and shook her hand "Mabel... you always walk around and punch people like that?"
Y/n had a sparkle in her eyes that caught Mabel's attention right away "nope... but i was looking for some trouble today so..."
Mabel smirked seductive and said "then it's your luck... I'm always surrounded by trouble"
That's how they met. In the chaos of violence. A miracle.
"Where you ghosting me?" asked Mabel with a dirty grin as she held my hand in hers.
I looked at her seriously "you're joking, aren't you? I would rather say that you ghosted me..." I said seriously.
Even if she was here now and we shared a moment of the past... I was still disappointed and even a little angry.
Mabel continued to smile.
"Sorry..." she whispered and lay down next to me on the bed the next moment.
She watched my reactions and when I didn't show any, she supported herself against her arm and carefully stroked the bruises on my left cheek.
"You should rest now..." she whispered and gently stroked with her fingertips my jaw as she lay down closer to me.
I began to feel calmer, relaxed and more secure. The pain was not as strong as a few minutes before, probably the painkillers from Mabel had helped. Slowly she put her hand around my neck and began to scratch me.
I felt goose bumps all over my body and my eyelids slowly felt heavy. My head was lying to the right side and I slowly fell into an exhausted sleep.
After Y/N fell asleep, Mabel watched her calm face. The bruises had turned purple. What did you see in me? Mabel asked herself as she continued to caress her neck. She never thought to see y/n in such a state. It hurt... it really did badly and showed her what a bad friend she was. Y/n had always cared. She didn't cared what people said about others... she always made an impression on herself. She was never reproachful... she was always friendly, showed interest in others and was always there. But who was there for her? Who listened to her thoughts and worries? Who was interested in her? Who cared for her?
"Im right by your side" I whispered as I continued to stroke her neck and carefully gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Y/n had fallen asleep deeply and Mabel didn’t had planned to leave y/n side. She wouldn’t wake up alone this time.
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piss-pumpkin · 6 months
🕷️restless nights🌑
Douce amere chapter 14, (older)Dipper pines x reader, ~4.1k words Prev Masterlist
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Quick tw- gets a little angsty at the end. But like y’all probably knew that was coming.
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Sleeping at the mystery shack seemed to be the only cure. Each night spent outside of its walls yielded a worse nightmare than the last. Shadows that swallowed and ate you, creatures out of creepypasta stalking you, your friends dying, your brain had it all. 
It only took twice more for you to crack, text dipper in the night and go sleep at the shack, much to Mabel’s annoyance when you woke her up getting in. The nightmares always seemed to fade in the attic, next to Dipper. So how could you mind? It was an excuse to stay over there more. Aunt Susan didn’t mind. It’d seemed like you found a refuge.
And how could you complain? You spent night after night burning through mystery thrillers with Dipper under the blankets, always smiling when he was able to guess the ending. 
On the second night in a row you stayed there, you both finished the book you started with him, the mystery story with the two brothers, and their detective partner. And it broke broke both of your hearts when, just after the partner and the brother got together, the partner betrayed him. Ending in the death of Dippers favourite character. 
You and Dipper gasped together when you read those lines, waking Mabel up, much to her annoyance. In truth you were mostly shocked that the page turning, quiet comments, and flashlight weren’t enough to do it. 
As she complained, Dipper mumbled, “hey, we’re grieving here!” To her across the room. 
It didn’t take much for her to grumble and roll over, quickly falling back asleep. 
You made a dramatic show of leaning your head on Dippers shoulder. “I hate that you were right,” you sighed. 
“I wish I wasn’t,” he responded hollowly. Guess he was really into it too. “I don’t think this was necessary.”
You slithered and squinted around, filled with restless energy, properly woken up by the tragic ending. “I guess it’ll be just him and the other brother at each others throats in the next one, huh?”
Dipper nodded, “It won’t be as good without my favourite.” 
You gently patted his back, nodding along.
”Y/n, he was my boy,” he complained, nearly whining. He leaned his head back to bang it against the headboard, earning another groan from Mabel. 
“Dip,” you sighed, “I know. It’s a grieving time.”
”For the love of fuck, please grieve quieter,” Mabel shot. 
Dipper groaned, and you sighed yet again. “Fine, fine,” you whisper-yelled across the room. You lightly grabbed Dippers arm, and shook it a little. “Come on, kitchen,” you said simply, rolling out of the bed.
He looked up at you bitterly where you stood, refusing to move, and crossing his arms. The book was discarded on the sheets beside him now. He was almost pouting. 
You sighed, raising your brow and offering a hand. Wordlessly, you gestured with you head towards the door, and then with your eyes at Mabel. 
Not without grumbling, he accepted your hand, clasping you at the forearm. 
You smirked. With one fatal motion, you heaved him off the bed, sending him tumbling forward, feet hitting the ground running. One of the blankets came falling after him. 
He let out a startled yelp, and Mabel quietly snickered. You could faintly hear her murmur a small ‘deserved’ under her breath as she rolled over under the covers again. 
You released Dippers arm and slithered your hand down to lace your fingers together as you led him out of the room. His hand quickly squeezed yours in response. 
You shut the door behind you as you left. When you were alone in the attic foyer, Dipper lightly head butted you. His forehead landed between your shoulder blades. “You’re just salting my wounds, Y/n,” he muttered.
You smiled softly at the floor, and turned around. Your hands easily found their way to his waist, even in the dim light of the moon through window. Now it was your turn to rest your forehead on him, leaning on his chest. “We deserve snacks after an emotional ordeal such as this, Dip.”
”Ugh, when are you ever wrong,” he muttered, resting his chin on your head. 
“I can still hear you fucks!” You heard fairly from the bedroom. 
You snickered. Dipper giggled. And you pulled apart to go down the stairs. 
The kitchen wasn’t amazingly stocked. Mostly ingredients, less snacks. And the shelves were half full of Stan’s apocalypse prep meat, which Dipper advised to avoid at any cost. 
Scrounging around in the back cupboards yielded a half empty bag of chips and a box of graham crackers. Good enough, you supposed. You sat on the counter beside the stove, tearing into a pack of the crackers. “I just can’t believe his partner would do that to him. His boyfriend, at that.”
Dipper stood beside you, leaning in the counter with his elbows. “What I can’t believe is that the authors would just kill off a main character like that in the first book!” He said, whisper yelling. He angrily crunched a chip. 
“Bold move, bold move,” you nodded, eating a cracker of your own. Then a chip. Trades. As you reached into his bag, he reached into yours. 
“I hope the next books aren’t boring without him,” Dipper whined. 
“I’m willing to hear the authors out on this one,” you mused, kicking your feet back and forth. “It could be good character development, and it definitely raises the stakes.”
”But at what cost,” Dipper said, looking over at you dramatically. 
On another, similar night, You, Dipper and Mabel were cramped together on the couch, watching the worst Gravity Falls horror movies on the ‘used to be about history channel’. It always seemed to play absolute trash at one in the morning. You were in the centre, with the twins on either side, and doing your best to annoy both by man spreading incessantly. 
“Hey, do you guys think Pacifica likes girls?” Mabel asked out of the blue, stealing your attention away from ‘Evil Vampire Clowns.’ You and Dipper turned your heads towards her in unison, brows raised.  
You pursed your lips, thinking back to her old crush on Dipper. “I mean, she’s never said anything about a girl,” you, said, nodding your head back and forth to try and shake out a thought. 
“Yeah, I don’t know,” Dipper said, adding nothing. 
You crossed your legs, and leaned back on Dipper to fully face Mabel. “Why,” you asked, suppressing a smirk  and shooting her the gay hand gesture. 
She giggled, “you know,” and did the gesture right back. 
A grainy scream from the tv cut through the room as you snickered, and Dipper laughed, “since when?”
She shrugged, “Well, now I guess,” she said, flipping her phone around to show you. It was open to Pacificas Instagram. She had just posted a few pictures of her posed with her pony. You snickered as you saw, thinking of all the complaining she did about having only one pony. And at her horse girl antics. Mabel smiled, retracting her phone, “I mean, she’s kinda cute… I guess I’ve been thinking about her more lately,” Mabel mused.
Dipper shifted slightly behind you, also turning away from the tv, putting his back to the armrest. “Have you asked her yet?” He put and arm around you as he moved, trying to better himself as your pillow. 
Mabel suppressed a small nervous smile, “No, not yet,” she said, waving her head side to side. “I don’t know if I wanna come on too strongly right now,” she admitted. 
You raised your brow, “That doesn’t sound like you.”
She winced, and then her face softened as she looked at the floor. “You’re not wrong…” she pursed her lips, and smiled slightly, voice brimming with optimism, “I kinda wanna scope it out.”
”You should,” Dipper shrugged.
”We should,” you snickered, idly taking Dippers hand in yours as it rested over your shoulder. “I think together, with our expert deduction skills, could figure it out.” It seemed like you knew more than them… but maybe you didn’t know everything. You leaned your head back onto Dippers chest further, squeezing his hand. Good chance, even. 
Mabel smiled, and kicked her feet out to annoy the both of you, resting on both your laps. “You might be onto something there…” she said deviously, clasping her hands together. “It may be time to do some, investigating, sussing, if you will.”
You could practically feel Dippers brow furrow. “Are you scheming?” He asked tentatively. “You’re not just gonna ask?”
Mabel blew a few stray hairs out of her face, “Bro, you’re one to talk,” she sighed. 
He did his best to kick her, but it was difficult, considering where he was on the couch. His foot ended up lightly tapping her on the shin. 
Your phone was somewhere in your pocket, and after a minute or so of fishing, you managed to get it out. “Okay,” you said, unlocking the screen. “Scheme or no scheme, let’s make some plans.”
You started to text Pacifica, pursing your lips as you thought, “What if we go shopping?” you said, idly typing it in, waiting for them to confirm or deny. 
Mabel clapped her hands, grinning, “Oh! Yes!” 
You knew Dipper opinion on shopping days was far lower than Mabel’s, but he didn’t object, instead shrugging his shoulders behind you. Probably as good as you’ll get. “Then it is done,” you said, sending the text. 
Mabel grinned, “based.” 
You phone vibrated right away as she replied. “Damn, that was fast,” you muttered. Your eyes skimmed the message, squinting from the blue light. “Okay, she’s free on Saturday,” you said, pleasantly surprised. “Looks like we’re set.”
And that Saturday eventually came, believe it or not. And lucky you, Stan let you take his car. Even luckier, there weren’t any cops on the road to pull you over for driving without a license. 
When you stepped out of the shack, and into the driveway, the sunlight seemed blinding. You shielded your eyes, trying to fight your rapidly growing headache. Sunglasses. You dug around for them in the car before you started driving.
Finally some fresh fucking air.
It was true that you had spent most of your time in the shack. And it was very nice outside, you as to admit. 
Dipper was in the passenger seat, and Mabel in the back, told to lay down if there were any sirens, or suspicious looking cars on the side of the road. You adjusted the seat, plugged in your phone for music, and turned the keys. To the Gravity Falls mall. 
“You guys really need to get your licenses,” you sighed, pulling out of the driveway. 
Dipper turned to you, brow furrowed, “you don’t even have yours,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah,” you exaggerated, “If y’all had yours I wouldn’t have to be driving you around illegally.”
Mable chimed in from the back, “But then who’d be your little passenger princess?” She asked, punctuating herself by kicking the back of Dippers seat. 
You rolled your eyes, grinning as you looked over to Dipper, “I could be the princess for once,” you beamed, pointing at him with a free hand.
He looked horrified. “Y/n, I’m begging you, please look at the road,” he utter quickly. 
You laughed, swerving slightly as you looked back in front of you. “Will do, princess.”
You saw her when you drove into the parking lot, Pacifica was waiting at the mall. She stood outside, leaning against the walls and scrolling on her phone, ever punctual. You tried to park near her, grinning as you shut the car door and locked up as Mabel waved at her. 
Shooting star always comes off a little desperate.
What? You scrunched your face as you and Dipper caught up to Mabel, who was already chatting up Pacifica. You grumbled, zipping the keys up in your bag. That was a weird thought. 
Your confusion broke when Dipper nudged you. He leaned over slightly to whisper as you drew closer to Mabel and Pacifica. “Dude, you look like you’re thinking up a scheme,” he said. Half asked.
You shook your head, staring at the concrete beneath your feet as you walked. “No, not that…” you mused. “I dunno.”
Dippers brow raised, but he didn’t say anything. You’d caught up with the girls, it was too late for any plots, plans, or any such schemes as he thought. You bit the inside of your cheek. Let him think that. 
It had been an hour and a half at the mall, and you were starting to break. Between the dull and persisting headache, and Mabel’s increasingly unsubtle ways of trying to sleuth out if Pacifica would date her, you were nearing the limit.
Drastic measures were necessary. Or at least seeming like the better option. So eventually, you shot Dipper a knowing look, redirected Mabel’s attention to a knitting supply store, and walked off with Pacifica.
And fortunately for you, there was a cute candy store with a shelf of plushies, immediately stealing your attention away from the task at hand.
“So like, what’s up with her?” Pacifica asked dryly, coming up behind you as you looked through the shelf. 
You sucked a breath in through your teeth, picking up one stuffed animal, then another, then a third, cycling between putting down and picking up. Too many choices. “Yeah, I suppose you would’ve noticed, huh.”
“Yeah,” she snickered. “Hard not too. So do feel free to let me know what’s going on.”
You sighed, putting a plush down back on the shelf. “Do you, per chance, like girls?” You asked optimistically. 
Her lips parted, brow raised. “Why?” She asked cooly, brow raised. 
You rolled your eyes, “take a wild guess,” you laughed. You picked up a different stuffed animal, a little frog this time. ”I know a girl that likes you, but…” you started, looking over and squeezing the frog. “I guess she doesn’t know about your kinda-sorta crush on Dipper?” 
Pacifica sighed, and pointed a finger gun at the shelf. “Just pick one, if you’re really that cheap I’ll just buy it for you, daddy’s money and all.”
You grinned, eyes racing back to the shelf to find the cutest little guy.
Pacifica snickered, but then sighed again. “I dunno,” she shrugged while you touched every last one of the plushies. Trying to find the softest. One of these guys could cure any headache, probably. “I mean, I do, actually-“
You turned to look at her, mouth wide open in surprise.
”-but,” she continued, “my parents don’t really like that kind of stuff, so I don’t think about it much.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
”Oh,” you couldn’t help. “That’s not good.”
Pacifica snickered, “yeah. I mean, it hasn’t been a big issue.” She crossed her arms, brow raised. “Since I liked Dipshit for a while.”
You hummed, finally deciding on a plushy, and holding it close to your chest.
“I’m pretty much over that, though,” she shrugged, starting towards the till. “So, I guess the question is relevant again.”
You nodded, “So… what should I tell the girl who likes you?”
Pacifica paused, presumably to think, as she stood in front of the cashier, and pulled out her card. She declined when they asked her if she wanted the receipt. As you walked, putting your new little stuffed friend into your bag, Pacifica sighed. “Do I know who she is?”
You looked around, checking the coast was clear. “Maybe,” you relented. “I mean, your free to guess.”
”After the events of today, I think I do have my suspicions,” Pacifica said, pursing her lips and looking at the floor.
Ah. “Well, then I feel less bad about hinting,” you said. 
“Please,” she chuckled. “Subtle isn’t in that girls vocabulary.”
You looked around for signs leading to the food court, eventually finding one far off to the right. You pointed it out to Pacifica, and started in that direction to regroup. “She actually was trying to be, today, I think,” you said.
I guess she always fails! 
You shook your head. That’s mean. 
Pacifica smiled, “yeah, oddly enough I did get that impression.” She sighed as the food court came into view, and you both started to scan the crowd for the twins. “Okay, here’s what to tell her,” she started, hands in the air in declaration. “I do like girls, but right now what I need is…” she pursed her lips, “time to think,” she finally said. “I’ve never thought of her like that, and I still kinda-sorta have my other feelings…” she looked over at you, and smiled, “so the verdict is; I need a little time, I don’t know.”
You nodded, “a respectable position, I’ll pass on the message.”
She grinned, “perfect. Come with me to get sushi,” she said, pointing at one of the restaurants. 
You got the sushi. And sat with the twins. And rested your forehead in your hand to try and ease your head. And Dipper raised his brow at you in questioning from across the table. And you smiled at him, nodding as if to say, I’m fine.
You sure are! 
Pacifica ate her sushi. Mabel had fries. And Pacifica shot you a look of optimism and understanding before she left with Mabel to check out some expensive chocolate store. Good for them. 
If there was one thing you never had to buy, it was sweaters, because Mabel was an absolute beast. So when you and Dipper went to a clothing store, both of you skipped right past the wooly section and into the summer. 
I honestly don’t know how she does that. Super weird. 
You nodded along with yourself as you carefully skimmed each hanger for shirts. 
“Y/n, yes or no?” Dipper asked, holding a pair of baggy jeans. You nodded yes, wincing as your head moved. What was up with your head today? 
Yeah, probably that. Dipper seemed happy with your answer, turning around to start towards the fitting rooms. “Hey,” you called, before he could go. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to the washrooms.”
He nodded, and when his back was turned, you felt your forehead. Maybe splashing some water on your face would do it. Either way it was a breather. You traced your hands along the clothing racks as you made your way out into the halls. Soft under your fingers. 
The mall wasn’t crowded today, lucky enough for you. And the people of Gravity walls were more then notorious for noticing little. You felt okay sighing and groaning on your way, knowing nobody would pay any mind.
In a blink, your dull ache of a head pain started to throb. 
Wow! You’re dumb!
 What? You shook your head. This was dumb. This fight you were having with your thoughts lately. You punched the bridge of your nose, and tilted your head back, trying to get back on track.
No, no no. You gave me the perfect opportunity. We’re on my track now. 
You stopped, like deer in headlights, your blood ran cold. What? You stood in front of the bathroom entrance, locked in a battle with yourself. What. Was happening.
You know, for such a fighter, you really are an idiot. 
You had to fight to turn around, somehow. This… you needed to find Dipper.
What, you think pine tree can save you? You make me laugh! No, you’re not making it back to him. You really shouldn’t have left.
You scowled, even as your thoughts screamed at you.  Fuck you. Yes I am. You took a step. A single, shaky step, but it was a full foot closer to the clothing store than you were a second ago. Maybe if you were lucky, you’ll be able to make another one. 
Even still! You’re still going! You humans are crazy! 
You were sweating. And took a few more steps until you got dizzy, your vision blurring and spotting at the edges, and sending you sideways to lean on the wall for any support. It was cold under your fingers. The ambient voices of the mall seemed to fade away as your ears started to ring. Dipper would probably know what to do. He was good with… weird stuff. 
He sure is. Ha, maybe that’s why he likes you! You’re not getting there though, Y/n. As much as I respect how much effort you’ve put in, you’re done now. You couldn’t stay in that shack forever. 
Stay in the shack? You groaned, leaning your head against the wall as you blinked, and the world with your eyes closed looked too similar to when they were open. Ugh. What did you do? 
I’m shocked you haven’t realized. But glad! I didn’t think I’d be back so soon.
Realized what? You winced, you headache throbbing. Okay. This situation is workable. You trailed down the wall to the ground, sitting. This had to be workable. 
Not this time. 
You stood up. 
I need to find Dipper. That’s the win condition. Once I find him, this is a winnable situation. 
“Not anymore,” you said, grinning. 
What? You tried to look around, but nothing happened. You tried to move at all, but nothing happened. 
But you were moving. You were digging around in your backpack, you were clutching it close to your chest. Your finger finally landed on a pair of sunglasses, the ones you kept in case it got too bright while driving. The ones you wore on the way in.
“Nice,” you said. Your voice. Not your words. “You make it too easy for me.”
What’s going on? 
You could feel yourself smirk. “It’s my body now,” you laughed. “Not yours.”
What are you?
”Smarter than you?” You put the sunglasses on, and suddenly your vision was darker. Your head fell slightly as you laughed under your breath, and you whispered, practically to the floor. But you heard. “It’s Bill,” he said. With your voice. “As in Cipher? That guy your boyfriend hates?” you said sarcastically.
Oh. Fuck. 
“Yeeeeahhh,” you nodded. “They’re finally getting it.”
You stood up. Or… he did. And you were a passenger. And he started to walk. And you stared aimless in front of you. And you were glad you couldn’t hear his thoughts like he seemed to be able to hear yours. Even if knowing could help you. Or save them. Knowing what somebody like him was thinking might drive you over the edge. If you had any control over it, you’d probably be crying. 
“I’m gonna find him,” you said. He said. Not you. He shook your head, “yes, it’s me, not you. Glad you’ve caught on.” He walked, a bounce and strut in his step as he found his way back to the store you left Dipper in. “I’m going to torture your pine tree, I think,” he said under your breath. 
Please don’t. Your thoughts were growing all the more desolate. Desperate. Defeated. 
You got to the edge of the store, a wide grin plastered on your lips. Then you saw him. And so did Bill. And he started walking towards him, your feet, your legs, your arms swinging at your sides. His sides now. Until you were so close to Dipper.
”Hey Dip,” Bill greeted happily. You pointed at the glasses, “you fuck with the shades?” You laughed.
They were heart shaped. Your silly shades, if you will. Dipper smiled, brow raised, “eh,” he said, tilting his hands side to side. 
Bill rolled your eyes, “Whatever, man, your one to talk when it comes to style.”
Dipper put his hand on his heart, feigning hurt. He quickly recovered from his heartache though, as he stepped closer to ask, “Are you good? You seemed a little,” he paused, giving you a so-so gesture with his hand. 
Bill nodded, “Yeah, I think I was just dehydrated,” he said, waving your hand in dismissal. “I was drinking bathroom sink water, and now I feel great.”
Dipper grimaced, “That feeling great shocks me.”
“Suit yourself, but you’ll never find more… quenching..  water,” Bill smiled playfully. “You think we should rendezvous with them,” he tilted your head side to side, smirking. “See if anything crazy happened?” 
Dipper chuckled, “Think Mabel’s asked her out yet?”
Dipper. Please notice. It’s not me. I love you.
Bill stifled a laugh, covering your lips. “I’d say it’s fifty-fifty, despite my advice.”
Dipper rolled his eyes. “I’d take those odds,” he said. “Let’s go.”
He has pretty eyes. While Bill spoke, you stared at Dipper. He seemed so normal. The same. He had hot girl eyelashes, somehow. 
“Awesome,” Bill smirked. “Let’s.”
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Yeah. We’re in this part of the story now. Pray for me. I need it. For everything. Finals are next week and I’m sitting here doing this.
Taglist: @cipheress-to-k-pop @dead-esque (oops I forgot to add this when I first posted)
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thisonehere · 2 months
May you do anything with Lord Raiden pleeease? nsfw, sfw, angst, headcanons, ships oh my god, im will glad anything 😹 You’re the best!
Rain, Rain, Go Away
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A/n: *slowly cranes my neck around to look at you*
Plot: You stay at Raiden's place to wait out a storm, and things get st(cr)eamy.
C/w: smut, fluff reader gets scared, Lao tries to be a wingman (it goes as well as you think)
"It was a dark and stormy night." Raiden ominously says, flashlight casting shadow over his face. "Hm, How original." Kung Lao briskly jokes causing you to chuckle dryly at Raiden's attempt at a story. Raiden sighs defeatedly as he sits the flashlight beside him and slumps over. "Well, do you have any ideas?"
It was at some point late in the night. A thunder storm had caused all the electricity to go out so it was you three huddled together around a few candles, the light that warded off the darkness around you. You've been at Raiden's place many times, but seeing it at night, during a thunder storm with all the power off, it made you a little nervous.
The rain outside fell down on top of the roof giving a strangely soothing sound, which was the. Disturbed by occasional thunder claps. It got so bad that you were too scared to go out in that.
The darkness combined with the sto had scared you a lot. Embarrassing, you know, but you were just scared that you couldn't fall asleep. So Raiden insisted on you all staying up a little bit late until you felt comfortable going to sleep, much to Lao's protest. Yet here all were.
"Maybe, we could play a board game or something." You say, pulling out a lighter to light another candle. "Fine. Truth or dare." Lao asked, side eyeing you. At this, Raiden's head pops up and his eyes fall on you. "Lao, we both know you get carried away with this game." Raiden gave his friend the most stern looks he can give, but Lao just shrugs. "And when I do, I always get carried in the right direction too. So you two in?" You and Raiden look at each other for the answer. "Only if Y/n's okay with it." Raiden stares at you causing you to blush a little. Thankfully, it's hard to tell thanks to the candle light. "I-I'm okay with it."
"Great! Now, Raiden, I dare you to stand on your head." Lao looked over at Raiden with an exited grin. "Wait, aren't you supposed to ask us the truth or Dare first?" Kung Lao rolls his eyes in an cartoonishly exaggerated manner. "Fine, Truth or Dare? You pick dare? Good! I dare you to stand on your head. Happy now?" Raiden shakes his head as he and you stifle a laugh, you don't want to encourage him.
And the game went on as the storm raged harsher and harsher outside. Raiden had Lao to tell the truth, if he actually forgot his wallet or lied to get Raiden to pay Madame Bo. He did in fact lie. You asked Raiden to truthfully tell you if he has full control of his powers. He doesn't know how powerful he can get, but the amulet sometimes lets him send future messages to his past self, but he's not sure when he'd ever use it. Lao dared you admit who you thought was the hottest, with a sigh you gave a list of movie stars and singers you thought were pretty cute, including Johnny Cage. "And me, right?" "You're not a celebrity, Lao." This caused Lao to rear back and gasp to show that he's offended. "You don't consider me, the Great Kung Lao, descendant of the great Kun Lao, a celebrity? How could you, Y/n?"
"*Sigh* Alright, alright, I think you're pretty cute to Lao, Happy?" At this Lao, now satisfied, happily laid onto his back and rested his hands behind his head. "Very." You try to hold back a laugh as you roll your eyes. As you do, you can't help but notice that Raiden is staring at you hopefully, like he's wants you to say something to him. "I think you're pretty cute too, Raiden." You say, turning to him.
Raiden's eyes widen in shock and he avoids your gaze, it's hard to tell from the candle light, but you can swear that he's blushing. "Alright, it's mine turn again." Lao said as he sits back to face you both. "I dare you two to make out." He says, not showing a sign of hesitation or shame. This time, both of your eyes widen so big that it might even pop out. "What!?!" You gasp. Raiden shook his head in disbelief. You both couldn't believe what Lao just said, all you could do was stare at him dumbfounded.
"What? A dare is a dare. Or are you both...Chicken!" At this, Lao made a clucking sound to mock both of you. "By the Elder Gods." Raiden sighs as his face falls into his hands. You also sigh and look away from him. Even though you were still in shock at what Lao dared, you noticed your face was getting hot. You were blushing again. You looked over to Raiden, his face was covered, but you swore you could catch a hint of blush on his face.
The thought of kissing Raiden, no, making out with him, made you feel hot all over. You never did anything like that before, the same can be said about Raiden. You felt your lips tingle, you don't want to encourage Lao anymore, but you have had a crush on Raiden for the longest. Whenever you were around him you were reduced to a pile of giggling and blushing, you're surprised that you got this far being next to him. He has things about where his calm nature make you feel so safe and peaceful around him. Raiden's peaceful spirit was a strange contrast from Lao and all of the other people he was friends with.
"What? Are you really not going to do it? C'mon, the way you two have been looking at each other, I thought you'd jump at the chance." Raiden raised his head from his hands to look at Lao. "You always go too far, I knew this was a mistake." He said in a stern disapproving voice. "Yeah, And I don't even like Raiden like that." You quickly pip up defensively. You're lying of course, you don't understand your feelings for Raiden and why he made you feel so nervous.
Raiden looks over to you as you say this, there is a glimmer of hurt in his eyes. You immediately regret saying this. Lao raised his hands defeatedly. "Well, excuse me for trying to have some fun." You sighed and shocked your head in disbelief, hoping that neither of them how painted red it was with blush.
You all try to move on with the night, but things aren't the same now. Now, there is a tension between you and Raiden, worse than it was before. It's almost painful to watch, and Lao is sick of it.
"Where are you going?" Raiden asked as Lao grabs a candle and rises to his feet. "To bed. You two can feel free to carry on... whatever's going on between you." The idea of being alone with Raiden made you panic. You were already a blushing and nervous mess in front of him with Lao, fears of what you'd do, how you'd embarrass you, how you'd make Raiden like you less and other such thoughts rab through your head. You watch as Lao walks into the dark, the dim candle he held with him is swallowed while by the dark.
You and Raiden are officially alone.
It is here now that this story divides into two possibilities:
Possibility #1: You and Raiden confess your feelings for each other and cuddle *fluff*
Possibility #2: You and Raiden fuck *smut*
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whorekneecentral · 10 months
Black Out
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John Stones x Fem!Reader
Warnings: power outages, john being very husband and him being very cheeky per usual, wax play, one of those massage oil candles, nipple play, penetrative sex (p in v), cream pie, 'slut' used in a sexual way.
Word Count: 2,158
Author's Note: you guys don't understand the struggle I went through to find a pic of this man that matched, why does he hide from the cameras and make my life so hard??
merry smutmas series
Your husband blows a fuse with the Christmas lights and you’re stuck in the dark, but you find a way to make the best of it. 
It was no secret about what sold you on the house you were living in was the neighbourhood; the photos of the houses covered in lights and lawns decorated like a winter wonderland was enough to get John to give it to you.
You were a winter girl through and through, you started counting down to Christmas the moment you saw the first orange leaf on the trees. You had already dreamt of having your own place; the white picket fences, the wrap around porch with the massive 10 foot Christmas tree in the window.
It was 4 weeks to Christmas and you were in full fledged Christmas prep mode. John had finally had some free time in his schedule to help you get the house ready for the holidays.
You had bundled your husband up, sending him outside to put the lights up around the house and you had done most of the stuff around the house while he was at training and gone for away games. You had been putting up the last few ornaments on the tree.
The last gold ball had been placed on the empty branch and as you go to take a step back and admire your work, the power to the house cuts out.
"What the f-" "Babe?!" John calls, walking into the house.
You look over at your husband, clearly confused and he makes a face. "Crap, it's out in here too?"
"I take it the lights are off outside?"
John nods, walking down the stairs to the basement to check the fuse box. You shout for the top of the stairs, "did you blow a fuse?"
He appears at the bottom of the stairs, the two of you look at each other in the dark, the only light coming from your phone flashlight that was on. "I tried all of them. Nothing's coming on, so I don't think I did that."
Your phone buzzes in your hand, there's a message from your neighbour. "It's Andrew," you tell him as he comes up. "He says the power's out at their place too, looks like it's the whole block."
"Did we do that?" John makes a face, and you shake your head. "I'm sure it's just the weather. They'll probably be able to fix it in the morning, so let's go find the candles."
You leave your husband in the stairway, walking to the kitchen with your phone flash light lighting the wooden floor path. You set the phone on the counter in such a way that the lights shine into the drawers as you search for the candles.
John pinches your hip, startling you. "John!" You laughed, smacking his arm. The man smiles, looking around for the lighter when you set the candles on the counter.
He comes up beside you and lights the candles that you had set on the counter. You were tumbling through the drawers below, trying to look for more so you could put some in the living room. With all your hurriedness, you didn't realize that John had already lit the candles on the counter, and you accidentally knocked one over onto the floor.
"Ow!" You winced, pulling your foot away when the hot wax splashed onto it.
John bends down, carefully picking up the candle and setting it back on the counter. "Are you okay?" He crouches back down, rubbing the top of your foot.
You nod, "fine, just a bit hot."
He smiles at you, rubbing at the soft wax that was starting to dry on your foot. "C'mon," he takes your hand, leading you to the living room.
The two candles that you left in the kitchen are carried over to the living room, and John sets them on the coffee table. You are another smaller, white candle in a glass jar in your hand, that you set on the coffee table and then light.
You and John find yourself on the couch, your husband's arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him. Now the power is off, so is the heating. Which meant the two of you were going to get very cold very quickly.
A few minutes had passed and the candles were starting to smell, but one more than the others; the one in the glass jar.
"Is that vanilla?" John asks, looking over at you. You hum, head on his shoulder, the orange of the candle light caskets a glow over you.
"Yeah, one of those oil ones."
John's head tilted, clearly confused as to what you meant and you continued speaking to further explain. "It's one of those massage oil candles. When it melts, it turns into oil you can use for massages."
"And if you don't use it?" He asks.
"Hardens again, until you decide to relight it."
John hums, leaning forward to smell the candle on the coffee table. "Doesn't seem like something you'd buy."
You laughed, shaking your head. "It's not. It was part of the gift basket that Sasha gave me for my birthday."
The room falls quiet, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence. You hoped the power would come back on soon, otherwise you were certain you were gonna freeze to death. You know how most guys run hot when they sleep, girlfriend's jokes that they're like a human furnace? Not John. That man was like an ice cube, freezing your whole body anytime you cuddled him; perfect for the summer actually.
Your husband leans his neck to one side, groaning as he rubs the space between his shoulder and his neck. "What's wrong?" You looked over at him, concerned.
"Just sore, probably from putting up the lights."
"Want me to rub it?" You offered and he nodded. "Lay down, take your shirt off."
John follows your instructions, taking his shirt off and lying flat on his stomach. You climb on top of him, legs on either side of his hips as you sit on his butt. He can feel you move around, you shift a bit before something hot lands on his back.
"Ow! What the hell, woman?!" He groans, trying to wiggle away.
"Sorry!" You giggled, setting the oil candle back on the coffee table. "Was that hot? My bad, babe."
John rolls his eyes, making you laugh before you start rubbing the oil in with your hands. Smoothing the yellowish liquid over his skin, paying special attention to his upper back and his shoulders. John lets out a soft groan when you press into his shoulders, thumbs working over the small knot you felt.
He hums, satisfied as your hands slide back down his back, resting on his sides. "All done."
"So much better," he smiles, sitting up when you get off of him. "Your turn." He pats your hip, waving his finger to get you to take your top off.
Playfully rolling your eyes, you comply. Your top tossed on the floor with his before you lay on your stomach, pulling your hair out of the way. "Don't burn me," you warn him.
John scoffs, "you mean like what you did to me?"
Shrugging, you purse your lips. "No idea what you mean.. just a warning, Mr. Stones." He hums, gesturing for you to lay down.
You get comfortable, John's cold fingers causing you to shiver as he unclasps your bra. He whispers sorry before you hear the sound of him rubbing his hands together. He asks if you're ready and you nod, telling him you are.
John picks up the glass jar, slowly pouring the liquid over your back. You let out a small whimper at the hotness, waiting for the feeling of it dripping down your back, like you had watched it do on John but it never came.
Instead, it felt as if it had frozen on your skin. You glanced back at your husband, "what is that?" The angle you were at was awkward, trying to see what was in his hand.
John reached over you and set the glass jar down, some nonsensical name slapped on the front and it was a candle, an actual candle. Not the massage oil you had poured onto him.
"Why-" You start but he cuts you off. "Don't think I didn't notice that sound you made in the kitchen."
"What sound?" You asked, looking away. John smirks, shaking his head at your faux innocence. "The same sound you made a few seconds ago."
"Shut up." You whispered.
"Turn over," he tells you, tossing a throw pillow down for you to put your head on and you get comfortable. John looks at you, the candle back in his head before he tilts it, pouring a bit on your stomach. "Is that okay?" He looks up at you for your reaction.
You hum, nodding. "More than okay."
He smiles, tugging at your leggings and you help him get them off, adding them to the pile of unwanted clothes. John continues pouring the wax slowly, letting it drip up and down your thighs, the red wax drying and sticking to your skin.
You knew it would be a mess to clean up but you couldn't care less at the moment.
You look at your husband, watching as he kisses down your chest, over your tits before his lips wrap around your nipple, tongue lapping over it.
Your hand tangles in his hair, his name falling from your lips. You feel him shift, his hand dropping to pick up the candle once more and without warning, he lets the warm wax drip over your tits, the red liquid drying against your skin.
“You’re having too much fun.” You giggle, propping yourself up on your elbows. John sets the candle down next to him as he sits, back resting on the couch. "So come have some fun," he smiles, "it's only fair to share in the fun, isn't it?"
You climb back onto his lap, pushing on his sweatpants. John's hand drops down, smacking your ass. "So pretty like this," he mumbles against your skin, kissing along your neck.
"So I'm not pretty otherwise?"
"You're the prettiest, ever." He smiles, kissing you as you sink down onto his cock. John groans, his hand on your hip to steady you and his head tilts back, resting on the couch.
Your hand rests on his shoulder, giving you a moment to gather yourself before starting to bounce on his lap.
John's hand stays on your hip, his firm grasp keeping you in place as you rock back and forth. You reach behind him to grab the candle, pouring the wax over his bare chest.
The red stood out in comparison to his pale skin, John smiles when you do. “So handsome like this,” you mumbles, glancing down to watch how your finger smudges the almost tacky wax around his chest.
John flashes you a smile, looking up at you. "Not handsome otherwise?"
You shook your head, "no." You smiled, kissing the man. You rock your hips forward and his head drops back into the couch again, his eyes fluttered closed. “God, you’re perfect.” His hand pats your hip, “made just for me.” He tells you.
He can feel the way you were clenching around him and he knew you were close; you knew he was close, his eyes closed and head back. Your husband has you bouncing in his lap, his hands wrapped around your waist resting on your lower back, all while your face is buried in the crook of his neck. Your lips on his soft skin - a trail of marks and sloppy kisses being left along his neck.
“John fuck, oh god-” your hips rock forwards and you feel him pull you closer.
“This pussy was made just for me, hm? That's my pretty slut." He whispers in your ear and it's like something switches in you.
He can feel you clench around him and bounce a little more, your clit brushing against him with each bounce and rock. Your arms are over his shoulders and fingers tangled in his messy curls, tugging it back and his head tips back, leaving his neck exposed for you to mark.
You pull him down onto you, his chest pressed to yours and your hand rests on his cheek.
Your husband kissing you and with a few sloppy thrusts, you feel yourself being pushed over the edge. John groans, feeling you clench around him and he follows behind you, now coming down from his own high.
You pull away from him, leaning back in his arms; the two of you feeling the after effects of your orgasms, covered in wax, massage oil, cum and sweat. You can't help the giggle that slips out.
"What?" He asks, chuckling at your giggling.
"The power should go out more often," you tell him, picking at the wax on his chest.
John laughs, smiling at you. "Yeah, it should."
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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the-purity-pen · 1 year
Lights Out
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Santiago Garcia x AFAB!Reader (no y/n)
warnings: oral (afab receiving), fluff and feels (be warned)
words: 2.9k
a/n: this comes from a request from my lovely bestie @flightlessangelwings. it uh... well it got away from me a bit and therefore is a full fic. talk about coming back to tumblr fanfic writing with a vengence. sorry not sorry.
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The storm outside was loud. So loud that every boom of thunder felt like it was shaking your entire house. You held your cat on your lap while on the couch, curled up with your favorite blanket, and the television turned on to the romance movie you had started earlier in the week. The plus side to working for the small town bar was that your boss, your best friend, didn’t force you to come in during storms.
The unexpected night off meant you got comfy in a large oversized t-shirt and soft cotton sleep shorts. Which was the call for the blanket as the temperature outside cooled down more than you were expecting. Your calico Ellie also helped keep you warm as she purred on your lap.
The lights flickered, but nothing else seemed affected, so you ignored it and returned to watching the movie. After months of built-up flirting, the male protagonist had just gotten the nerve to kiss the female protagonist. His hand on her chin made goosebumps rise along your skin. You were hopelessly romantic and loved all those movies and seeing the characters kiss for the first time. It was electric, and you always dreamed of having that for yourself.
The lights flickered three more times in rapid succession before everything went dark. Even though your heart rate elevated with anxiety, you managed a breath before muttering, “Damn it,” and getting up from your comfortable spot. Ellie gave a soft chirping meow to let you know that she didn’t like being moved, but she managed to get to the other end of the couch and curl back up to sleep. You shook your head at her before heading to the kitchen. In one of the drawers, you dug through the piles of receipts and take-out menus, rubber bands, and scotch tape until you found the little purple sparkly flashlight.
Just as you pull it out to turn it on, a loud knock at your door makes you jump—your heart races as you try to steady your breathing. You get the flashlight turned on just before you reach your front door. You peeked out the top window from your tiptoes just enough to see the top of a head covered in onyx-colored curls. You opened the door to find Santiago, your neighbor, soaked to the bone and panting.
“Santi,” you sighed as you lowered the flashlight and stepped back to allow him inside. His head is lowered as he steps in but remains on the indoor welcome mat, seemingly trying not to drip water all over your hardwood floor. You closed the door, rushed to the oven to grab the hand towel, and handed it to him. He offered a soft “thanks” while drying his face and arms.
“Well, I see you’re out of power too,” Santi mentions as he stands up straighter and looks around your living room with a soft chuckle, then back to you.
“Just lost it. Interrupted my movie too,” you offer with a soft laugh; turning off the flashlight as the moon glows from outside is enough to see Santi as you converse.
After an awkward silence, Santi hands the now-damp towel back to you, and you put it on the counter beside you.
“Didn’t know if you and Ellie needed anything,” he finally spoke after clearing his throat. His brows lifted as he looked at you. Even in the dark, there was no denying how handsome Santi was. Add in how wonderful of a neighbor he had been over the last year since you moved in, and he was pretty accurately the perfect man.
He had helped change the spark plugs in your car, repaired the front gutter, helped build your back deck, and replaced the upstairs bath’s faucet. All for free. He never asked for anything in return except for some free pastries when he’d stop by your bakery. You couldn’t say no. His sweet tooth was like no other, and for the rugged man he appeared to be, knowing he had a soft spot for your cupcakes and brownies made you just that little bit mushier.
“It’s fine. We’ve survived worse,” you commented, a wry laugh being pulled from you. The words and meanings were heavier than you intended them to be. Santi seemed to catch on as he stared after you, watching you move further into the kitchen.
“Did you want some water?” you offered as you reached into the cupboard for two glasses. The fridge, thankfully, still worked for a few minutes after a power outage. You knew it would eventually run out of the reserved energy to keep things cold, but at least you had the water jug in there.
“Sure,” Santi answered, wiping his feet before venturing toward you over at the sink. But as he waited, he did so very close to the side of the fridge. You turned after filling the first glass and bumped into him with your elbow, causing the cold water to splash onto you, eliciting a shriek.
“Oh! Shit, I’m so sorry,” Santi started apologizing and immediately grabbed the towel from the counter you had let him use. He started patting you down with it, but the dampness of the towel from his usage and the cold water already absorbing into your shirt caused you to shiver and shake your head. You set the glass on the counter by the fridge and mumbled to him that you were okay. He handed you the towel but stood dumbfounded as he watched you.
“Are you sure? Can I get you something else? Where are your other towels?” he asked rapidly before hurrying around the kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets to find something else to dry you off.
“Santi,” you said with a laugh. “I’m good. Let me get changed. Help yourself to the water, though. I’ll be right back.”
You disappeared around the corner and down the hall. Stripping off the T-shirt once in your bedroom, you opened your wardrobe to find... nothing else in the comfort level to be worn. Your dirty laundry was still in the washer in the basement, and you hadn’t switched it over to the dryer before the storm. You mentally and physically facepalmed. “Great,” you muttered before closing the drawer and moving to your closet. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but it would have to do.
Walking back out toward the kitchen, fiddling with the buttons on your ex’s dress shirt, you didn’t notice Santi had moved, and you ran head-first into his solid chest. “Whoa,” he laughed, his arms coming out to steady your shoulders. His hands were warm on your cold skin, even through the shirt's material.
You swallowed thickly as you looked up at him. The moment was fleeting, but it was there, and you swore you saw the sparkle in his deep brown eyes. But perhaps that was just the lights flickering back on. You heard all the machines in your kitchen turn on, and it must have cleared Santi’s mind because he, too, backed away and cleared his throat.
“Well, look at that,” he said and nodded slowly, looking around to see everything turn back on - including the television. The movie must have paused when the power went out because it picked right back up where it had left off. The two main characters were getting into their kissing, and the music was swelling, indicating which direction things were going in.
“Oh!” you shouted as the moans from the actors started to fill the room and romantic close-ups of their bodies began to show on the screen. You practically fumbled and ran from Santi to find the remote. The moaning and panting got louder, and you swore the remote was on the couch. You bent in strange ways, trying to see it, lifting the blanket from where it had crumpled, and felt your heart racing faster and faster with each passing moment.
Santi looked on, bemused, a smirk on his lips, taking a mental note of what kind of movies you enjoyed. Was it because he wanted to know you a bit better? Yes. Was it also because the noises from the tv sounded erotic and affected him? Also yes. And how you bent over at one certain angle, perhaps giving him the slightest hint of the bottom of your backside? Absolutely yes.
He walked over after you seemed to be failing at locating the remote. “Can I help?” he asked, standing closer to the tv, the actors getting into the steamy sex scene now. You could barely hear him over the thumping in your ears from your heart. Where the fuck did that little remote go, and why was there so much moaning on the television now?
You turned and saw Santi watching the tv as the sex scene played. It was rather raunchy for being a romance film, but it was steamy and sexy, and you swallowed thickly. You cleared your throat, staring at how Santi watched the scene play out.
“What movie is this?” he asked before facing you and noticing you staring at him.
Caught off guard, you stumbled through an answer. “Oh, uh, it’s just some romance movie based on a book series.” Vague, yes. Keep it vague.
Santi’s smirk took over, and your knees would buckle if it were a romance movie like the one on your screen. He was so ruggedly handsome, and you were brought back to just a few minutes before when his hands were on you. The feeling had this moment of staring at each other, turning you into a puddle. Especially as Santi moved away from the tv and toward you, his head cocked to one side, seemingly studying you.
“Do you like romance novels? And movies?”
There was no judgment, no mocking in his tone. He was genuinely asking. You quickly ran through the scenarios of what a yes answer and a denying no answer could look like. You opted for honesty. After all, other than your crush on him, your neighborly friendship with him had always been honest and straightforward.
You nodded as he moved closer and now stood directly before you. His nod was much slower than yours, thoughtful, and you noticed all of the stubble along his jaw. That hadn’t been there the last time you had seen him. But it suited him. His hand gently came up in front of your chest but paused, his eyes searching yours. Your gaze flicked from his eyes to his lips and back as your head gently nodded.
His rough, calloused hand ghosted in front of your chest and to your jawline. The contrast of the feel of his hand against your jaw and your skin caused both of you to take shuddering breaths in. “So you enjoy the idea of being kissed… softly?” Santi asked, his soft, graveling tone sending a shiver down your body.
Your heart felt like it had jumped into your throat, making words hard to come out. Instead, you nodded and breathed in, holding it. Your gaze on Santi was soft but begging him to move even closer. You had wanted to feel his kiss for so long, but you didn’t know that he even had an inkling of romantic feelings toward you.
“May I?”
The question surprised you. Santi didn’t seem the type to ask. You had seen him with women at the neighborhood picnics and gatherings. He always seemed so in control and cocky. The first time you officially introduced yourself to him, his smirk nearly made you hate him because he looked so full of himself.
But it was becoming more apparent that that was a facade, and with that, you nodded and mumbled a soft “please” in answer. His look was pure contentment as he leaned in, his hand sliding over to hold your chin and lifting it ever so slightly. He leaned in, his lips nearly at yours before he spoke, causing you to whimper.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for six months.”
You blinked and looked up at him. Your face did a slight double take, blinking harder.
“I came over to help you fix more stuff because I had this ridiculous fantasy of coming over sometime and finding you half-dressed. I’d take you on the couch and devour you, tasting all of you. Like some romance movie,” he admitted, and your entire body became alight with lust. You couldn’t even stop your hands as they lifted to his fitted t-shirt and gripped the front of it, pulling him to you so that his lips had no choice but to land on yours.
The groans he let out let you know that you had done something right in taking the first move. His free hand slid down the side of your body to your hip, where his rough fingertips dug into your flesh, crumpling the shirt. You took a step back, tugging him with you until your knees buckled at the couch, and you both landed, Santi’s knee on the left side of you on the sofa.
Your hands moved up to his face, cupping his scruffed jaw. His lips chased yours, but you had other plans as you held his face and moved your lips along his cheek and to the soft spot behind his ear. Your tongue played against it, licking him before moving to his jugular. His hand on your chin slid down to cup your breast through the shirt, and you moaned, arching your back into his touch.
“Oh, that’s what you like, hm?” he breathed out, moving his face down to echo the licking and nibbling at your neck that you had just done to him. His smirk could be felt against your skin as you mewled in pleasure.
Hands moved all over; mouths continued to explore the upper parts of your bodies until they were reunited again in a heavier, hotter, more passionate kiss. Santi’s hand trailed down your body to between your legs, where he found your moist center. He groaned, his thumb pressing gently against the sensitive button that had your hips wildly thrusting toward him. His hand continued to move but in such a teasing manner that it was starting to frustrate you. Just having his body on yours was better than anything, but having his hand at your most needed part was already better than all your nights with your toys.
His mouth ventured down, suckling at your breast through the shirt, moistening it before moving down until he was on his knees on the floor in front of the couch and you. His hands slid up your thighs, pushing the oversized shirt out of his way. He leaned in, kissing up one thigh, then, when he barely reached your apex, his mouth moved to the other, starting the trail north.
“God, Santi, please,” you murmured, a mumble. Your brain was working on overdrive that this man would do this to live out the fantasy he had admitted to you.
His hands worked down your shorts and panties in one fell swoop. A master at undressing you already. Either that, or you were just that needy and desperate. He leaned in the moment he saw the glistening of your sex. His tongue swiping along your slit, bottom to top, your hands nestled into his curls.
“Santi.” You breathed out his name in pants and moans, and he was done for. His mouth closed over your warm cunt, lapping at you before stiffening his tongue and pressing into you. The curl of the muscle of his tongue pushing into you had your breath catching in your throat. His mouth was magic, and you were sure to come undone quickly.
But just as your peak nearly hit, your hips pressing up against his face, he pulled back, his hands pushing your hips back down. “Oh, baby. Not yet. I want to see you crumble and hear you scream, but I want to keep tastin’ you. I want to know that I’m making you shudder and shiver from pleasure. Okay?”
You whine, but if the last few minutes were any indication, Santi had no plans to leave the space between your legs soon. His tongue gently licked at you, to which you shuddered from sensitivity. His hands worked in slow circles on your thighs, and when his mouth wasn’t against you, his eyes were studying his fingers played gently against your clit, watching the way you would tense and clench around nothing.
And you were right. Three orgasms from his lips and mouth alone later, Santi finally comes up for air, his scruff glistening with your wetness. You reach out for him and pull his head up to you so that you can lean forward and capture his lips against yours. You moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue and in his mouth as you deepen the kiss.
When you broke the kiss, Santi leaned his forehead against yours to catch his breath. “I.. am not done with you,” he grinned as he kissed you chastely and pulled back. Showing you the wicked grin on his lips and the devilish glint in his dark eyes. You laughed and shook your head.
“You really shouldn’t wait six months to kiss me next time,” you quipped. His chuckle seemed to rumble deep into his chest.
“Oh, so you’re sassy too, huh?” he laughed as his hands gently tickled your sides before sliding one up to hold your chin again to you could look directly into his eyes.
“I’m never waiting to kiss you ever again. Ever,” he told you sternly, the laughter dying off as his lips retook yours in a soft, gentle, but firm kiss.
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howlsofter · 1 year
Nextdoor ii.
John Wick moved in last year but you’re just home for the summer. He hires you to dog sit for him while he’s on business trips but it doesn’t take long til you’re pushing the limits of your “professional” relationship. Part 2, first here. John can’t keep ignoring your desperation for him, especially not after this.
Word: 2.2k
Tags/warnings: weed, drinking, smoking, voyourism, masturbation, no sex yet but def nsfw
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John ignores me. Really I just think he’s busy working, he’s back on his usual schedule. I’ve heard him walk outside with daisy, talking to someone on the phone looking serious. He doesn’t ever glance my way from where I peak at him from my second story window. I wonder if he can feel my eyes. He doesn’t act like it, but John likes to play it cool.
My room is small, and it’s mostly items from before college. All my dorm stuff is packed up in boxes. My bedsheets are different and my room is more normal, since guests are the only ones who get any use of it besides me. I don’t mind, I don’t want to feel like I’m in my exact childhood bedroom.
I feel stupidly needy for his attention, getting all my shit out to go to the back porch. I don’t preroll myself one this time, bringing all my items and setting up my phone flashlight so I can see.
I don’t put on anything to drown out my thoughts, biting my lip as the metal grinder softly clinks. I dumb the herb out onto the small tray I’d brought, carefully pinching the end of my paper.
It’s not that noticeable at first, the burning smell of nicotine. It’s so out of place in our suburban neighborhood, the smell of cigarettes are saved for college. Imprinted in my mind for when I’m hazily stumbling onto the back porch of some fraternity, easily bumming a cigarette from the nearest person perched against the wall.
It’s John, I know it without checking. That empty ash tray on his porch. In all my nights out here I had never caught him smoking. I tsk to myself like he’s my kid.
I roll my joint hurriedly, scared he might finish before me. When it’s mostly done and I don’t think any crumblies will blow into the wind, I push myself up. The grass is soft underneath my socks, it makes a quiet crunching sound I try desperately to mumble. Up against our wood fence, I grab the taller metal post that stand between the wood panels. Hoisting myself up how I used to when I was young so that I could peak out into John’s yard.
Sure enough he’s sat, white button up tucked into his loose slacks. He’d ditches his belt and tie, the top mostly undone and a cigarette perched between those strong fingers.
“Smoking kills, you know,” I try not to yell, my normal talking voice carrying enough in the silent neighborhood for John to peer over to me. He looked shocked, like he’s 12 and I’m a police officer.
Once he realizes it’s me he relaxes back, flicking the ash off the tip. He reaches out to his glass in front of him, the amber liquid still just above the ice. He tries to move it from my view, turning his head away in a chuckle.
“And what are you about to do?” He throws back, I readjust my hand. It’s getting sweaty against the metal, my foot slips from the thin ledge I’m balancing on but my hold is firm.
“…it’s a different kind of smoking.” I can’t see but I feel John roll his eyes. Already caught, he takes another drag and gestures for me to join him. I lower myself from the fence, considering.
I finish up my joint and pack my shit, dumping it by our front porch before heading out the side gate into John’s.
He’s almost done with his cigarette, not bothering to sit forward when I join him at the table. He blows the smoke away from me, ashing it against into the tray in front of him and taking another small swig from his drink.
“I didn’t know you smoked,” I light mine up, watching him stare into his cup.
“On occasion. I’m not a smoker.” He says it while reaching for another. I hold the joint out for him and he pauses, shaking his head, “no I’m already… it’s fine for now.” He retrieves the second cigarette and I pass him back his lighter.
“You look like one,” I tease him carefully.
“What else do I look like?” He asks, turning his gaze up to me and tilting his head. I stare at him in silence, suddenly feeling wayyy higher than I thought I was already.
“Like, uh, hmm,” suddenly scared I’d say something insanely offensive, John blinks back to me with real expectations, “a tired business man.”
John actually laughs. He follows it with another sip, trying to shut himself up. “That I am.”
“What do I look like?” I ask him. He focuses in, I’m actually kinda intrigued. This John is different, more casual. Even looser than high John. He has to be drunk.
He seems to bite his tongue, his eyes scanning me like Sherlock deducting clues. “You look… bored, usually. Like you’re waiting for something to happen.”
I take another hit so I don’t have to explain myself. If he knows what he’s talking about he’s onto me. And what would that be, John?
“Trade me,” I hold out the joint so I don’t have to confirm his analysis. He hesitates before passing me his cigarette.
I watch him take a shallow huff and he watches me take a long drag, blowing the heavy smoke from my nose. It coats all my senses just like weed, smells utterly familiar. Maybe this was the key index to John’s scent, the ever fading smell cigarettes. Subtle nodes I wouldn’t have been able to identify prior.
He passed it back in the silence, staring off past the fence.
“I think you’re waiting for something too,” I break it, John doesn’t even throw me a glance.
“Waiting for what?” He finishes his drink finally, pushing it away from him. He answers almost bitter, like I had struck something in him.
“Tired is really just another synonym for bored,” I explain, going quieter so he could move on if he wants.
“So what do we do?” He throws it back at me.
I should kiss him now, but he won’t look my way. I carefully nudge his outstretched foot with my sock.
“Continue to wait, I guess,” I shrug, he still doesn’t move, “or do something about it.”
Now he turns, making eye contact with me in the darkness. He takes another drag of his cigarette.
“You’re so…” he begins, burying his face in his hands, “fuck.” A response is better than none, I set the roach against the corner of the tray, not moving my foot away from his.
He sits up straight, putting his cigarette out beside the joint and peering back at me. He had reset, suddenly looking like a professional in the remnants of his suit.
“So you’re just offering yourself up to me, like that?” He asks, resting his elbows against the table and I’m in the second round of interviews.
“Well- no, I was just saying.” I stammer, loosing all the courage I’d mustered up the past thirty minutes.
He leans forward slightly, my eyes dip to his lips, “really? You’re not just waiting on me?”
That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. Word for word. But hearing it come directly from him has me out of commission. I blush, turning my face away.
God himself set this moment up for me, but I’m cracking under the pressure.
“Why don’t you do something about it?” I ask weak, the words almost getting lost in my throat. John is still looking at me when I manage to turn, blinking back in thought.
He readjusts in his chair, turning to me more fully. I want to sit in his lap so badly, let him cradle me. I can tell he feels blurry, probably a little crossed. He rubs his palms against his clothes thighs, biting his lip.
“It’s not that easy,” is all he can say. I am stoned, sliding my heavy arm over to touch him where his hands had just ghosted over his thigh. He breathes in sharply, I can see him debating with himself.
“Why?” I coo, trying to lure him into me. John. John John John, I’m begging him in my mind, dragging him closer to me. He doesn’t move in his seat. He already knows where I stand, there’s no point in my shame now.
John takes my hand off him him, pulling me this time. I follow his directions promptly, pulling my chair up closer so I could kiss John with ease. He meets me halfway lazily, pressing firm lips against my soft open mouth. He tastes like whiskey and cigarettes. I hate whiskey with a passion but on John’s tongue it’s intoxicating. He lets me push up into his lap, tilting his head up and to the side as I climb there. I don’t straddle him, sitting sideways and keeping my legs up on my own chair. He wraps his long arms around my waist, holding me loosely.
I moan into the kiss, tilting my head slowly and making John chase me. We stay like that for awhile, it feels too nice to stop. I run my fingers along the line from John’s ear down his neck, he tilts to let me into the sensitive space there.
Trying to deepen it is useless, John cuts me off when I lick inside his mouth. He turns his head away, catching his breath.
He excused himself in the next one, but not before requesting I watch Daisy in a few days while he’s gone for the weekend.
I fucking hate him. His sudden coolness and casual glances to my window when he comes home from work. He sends me a thank you the day I go over to check on Daisy and I have to stop myself from sending him a Fuck you back.
I come over to check on her and let her out, keeping an eye on the camera in the living room.
I’ve reran our conversation through my mind a hundred times over, trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. No man has ever expressed interest in me and not wanted to fuck immediately after.
Maybe I haven’t been waiting on John, but instead a challenge. Stubborn John Wick giving me enough confidence to strut in his house in my bikini, all my other items for the night tucked away in my tote bag. It’s 7pm when I decide to go settle in over there, telling my mom I love her before rushing off.
He’s not checking the cameras when I’m first there, dumping my belongings on the kitchen counter as usual.
He doesn’t check until that evening. took a quick shower and changed into my tank top and sweatpants, climbing down the stairs carefully to the living room. He’d sat in that spot on our movie night, the corner of the couch the camera had the perfect view of. I grab the remote and switch on HBO, lounging back as I try to find what to watch. I restart the Last of Us.
I try to lounge casual but sexy, which just results in me splayed out, leaning up against the arm rest. I let my hand rest in my sweatpants, pressed right up between my thighs warm and comfy. Halfway into the first episode the light of the camera flicks on.
I try not to panic, it was part of my plan, but now I’m embarrassed. I wait, frozen there, trying not to look directly at the camera, seeing if he’s going to click out.
When the light stays on for a solid few seconds I start to move. I carefully lift my hips, pushing my sweatpants down to my thighs. I expose my black underwear the the camera, looking up to see if he’s still watching. The light is unwavering.
My heart begins to race as I lean back, continuing to look through the camera to him. I run my hand along them tantalizing, pulling my lower lip between my teeth. Just the pressure feels good. I slide my middle finger passed the material, dipping into my unacknowledged heat.
The lights still on.
I slowly fuck myself with one finger, bending back against the arm of the chair. I angle up the best I can, grinding against the single digit. I peek once in awhile, reaching my other hand forward to touch my clit. Both the feelings the repetitive drum of John echoing in my brain got me close quickly. Already shaking and stuttering over myself I forget about the whole goal.
I cum hard, whining as my hips stir. I slowly pull my fingers out, wiping them off on my sweatpants and slumping back. I breathe shakily before I’m shocked awake, remembering where I am.
That stupid red fucking light flicks off the second I look back up to it.
I can excuse my insane actions with weed. To myself anyways. Maybe cumming on his couch isn’t the right path of action after feeling mildly rejected, but it sure made me feel better. I sleep in the guest room and wash the sheets in the morning before fleeing back to my own home. John venmoes me $200 for the weekend without saying else.
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soleilars · 1 month
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summary: the marauders solving crimes.
warnings: my writing
a/n: this is so silly i love it, really inspired by scooby-doo
the ghost is inspired by this nice looking dude here
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“there’s no way this is real.” remus said as they walked through the abandoned building. the atmosphere was heavy and the feeling that the walls could crumble down any moment wasn’t going anywhere. they had found a man walking around the perimeter one hour ago, he went inside the exact moment the marauders yelled for him and he’s currently nowhere to be seen. now remus had to deal with the mixed feelings of knowing there was someone in here besides them and that for an abandoned storage the place was quite polished. he swore he hadn’t saw even one spider web in twenty minutes inside, only making his suspicions grow stronger. was the stranger frequently coming in here? if so, how come no one from the little town that surrounded the storage area knew him and his night — oh god, maybe even diurnal — habits?
“what are you talking about, moony? the neighbours said no one stepped a foot in here since the nineties,” sirius contemplated before clearing his throat and adding“well, besides us and the gentleman that’s somewhere in here!” he made sure to put emphasises in the last part making james shake his head in agreement — or a quiet laughter — as they kept doing their best. by ‘their best’ it actually means illuminating dark corners with their flash lights, looking for clues on old screwed papers… peter even pulled all the books from a bookshelf expecting to find a secret passage to a mad scientist’s lab, only to put them in their place later.
remus heard one of his friends sigh as a lot of dust spread through the air when the one sat down on a visibly old chair. “mate this place is huge. there’s noway where finding anything here with only one night.” peter complained, pointing out the place as a whole. james chuckled in response, thinking in ways to gently point out that his evident tiredness is a consequence of his search for a secret passage. “were almost done here, pete. aren’t we moony?” james asked instead, only earning a shrug from remus as an answer.
they continued to walk around for what felt like 3 hours — 30 minutes, before ‘calling it for the night’. the four boys made sure to be as loud as possible, explaining how they would come back tomorrow with the cops to search for the missing man. the plan was clear; make the guy go out of his hidden spot on his own instead of playing hide and seek with him. james and peter where on the entrance, their backs facing the outside of the lawn as they made sure to use their flashlights to scan every corner the light could reach on the inside. remus and sirius sat on some old chairs, chatting about something irrelevant as they waited for the man to come out of his spot. when they understood it would take longer than 5 minutes they started moving. sirius walked around the perimeter like a security guard, eyes searching for some endangerment not yet revealed. it all happened to quickly. peter floor, james jump, figure down, running, shock, running, helping, level zero.
after 10 minutes of that little hide-and-seek game peter saw something - or someone - moving in the shadows and pointed his flashlight to it. the thing is, the guy had also met this ghost mate or the ghost mate and the guy were the same person. which doesn’t make any sense, remus and the rest of the boys were pretty sure the man was an alive human being. each of them prayed not to be insane at some point after that night. now, the problem: peter down, - how can a ghost have the strength to push someone down? - james jumping on the ghost’s back and being flown away with him, sirius and remus grabbing a rope to enlace the ghost’s ankle and throwing it and failing miserably. james, wisely enough, threw himself in an old mattress at the ground bringing the man-ghost with him.
“well done prongs!” sirius yelled, his voice echoing through the whole storage.
- 🕸️ -
after, not the most relaxing, 20 minutes of their lives the sheriff of the town had showed up. the sight was… interesting at the most. three teenagers, one of them with a rat on their hands with someone on a costume tied up to a chair.
“well, what can i do for you kids?”
“get the guy who had been terrorising the neighbourhood, vandalising public places, stealing supplies from this place for over five or more years and committing arsons.” sirius explained, feeling very proud of himself as he watched the sheriff’s reaction, who takes the spectrum’s mask off, revealing a middle aged man.
“If it weren't for those darn kids and their stupid rat, i’d have gotten away with it!”
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loversberceuse · 2 months
v-valkyrie lore🤲🤲🤲 valkyrie lore pls, how did we save his eye🤲🤲
(i am in love w/ your writing btw, and the entire concept of this all is just so interesting i am extraordinarily invested🥺👉👈)
that is so sweet, thank you so much :) i'm happy you enjoy it!!
valkyrie lore, you say...
(TW for blood and injury!!)
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Sneaking out of your hideout in the dead of night seemed genius at the time. The plan was simple. Run out, head to a local shop for supplies, and come back before anybody even noticed you were outside.
Yeah, right.
Getting out of your hideout has been much easier than you'd expected it to be. It does make sense, considering you have no yandere after you. How lucky.
You decide to exit through the back door of the small mattress shop you had managed to take shelter in when the chaos had begun. While it is a comfortable place to sleep, the lack of general supplies makes the location less than ideal. Oh well, it's definitely better than nothing at all. You grab your backpack off the hook next to the door. While there isn’t much in it right now, it does hold some medical supplies.
You gently shut the door behind you and begin your cautious walk to the shop. The night air, though usually crisp and clean, is now stale. There's no lights on in the city anymore, no more fast food places open, no more normalcy. Despite the odd feeling of the new world you now have to get used to, you push yourself to walk further away from your safe haven.
Rounding the corner to the alley you like to take as a shortcut to the shop, the stench of copper wafts up to your nose. Stopping in your tracks and turning on your flashlight, you decide to look around the small alleyway. While there's nothing directly nearby, a shadow at the end of the alley draws your attention. With a bout of confidence, you decide to approach.
There's a mysterious figure sitting on the ground, leaning their back against the wall, head in their hands. You tilt your flashlight away from their face as to not blind them, and you kneel down just far enough away enough to be considered a safe distance. You squint your eyes to make out the figure. After a bit of silence, a faint dripping sound becomes audible.
Startled, you muster up the courage to speak, "Is.. Is everything okay?"
The figure, for the first time since you'd seen them, decides to move their head up to look at you. They let out what seems to be a soft chuckle, but it's easy to be unsure considering the situation. "I've been better, but this isn't too bad."
Although you're happy to get a good look at their face, you can't help but notice that the left side of it is absolutely caked in blood. “How.. Uh.. Aren’t you bleeding..?”
The figure shrugs, “Yeah, I am. But it’ll stop eventually, right?”
“I dunno if that’s how that works, but.. Is there anything I can do to help?”
They slowly reach up to move their red-tinged hair away from their face, and you move the flashlight a bit closer to get a better look.
Upon closer inspection, it seems as though they’ve lost an eye. This person seems to be a guy, his hair dyed blonde at the ends. Despite the pain he must be in, he still offers you a soft smile. “No idea! Can you?”
You’re unsure of where the person that did this to them went, so you immediately look around to be sure it’s safe to stay here.
“If you’re worried about where the other person went, it’s fine. He’s gone, no worries.” He continues to smile. For once, though, it’s not unsettling. He seems to be trying to make light of the situation by making jokes. What a weird guy.
You sigh and scoot closer to him. “I can help. Luckily for you, I brought my bag with me. I just have bandages right now, but we could fix it a little better later. Is that okay?”
His working eye narrows, and he stares at your face for a couple of seconds. After this small pause, he shrugs yet again. “Okay.. That’s fine.”
You nod and take your backpack off, gently tossing it on the ground beside you. As you begin to look through it, the man moves a bit closer to see what’s inside. You grab the bandages and push the bag closer to him. It’s better to establish trust in this situation, so you figure letting him see what’s inside is a good first step.
“Okay, I’m going to move closer and wrap your eye up. Are you okay with that?”
He’s busy looking through your bag, and he just offers you a nod. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
With his approval, you scoot even closer to him. Unfortunately, you’re close enough to him for your knees to be saturated in the liquid that was falling from his face just moments ago. What an uncomfortable feeling. Despite this, you begin to unwrap up the bandage. Once you think there’s enough, you start to wrap it around his face. “Everything feel okay?”
“I dunno, I can’t see now.” He chuckles, a real one this time.
You sigh at his joke, continuing your work. “Okay, that was.. That was funny. I laughed.”
“But.. You didn’t laugh.”
“I laughed in my head.”
Wrapping up his eye is complete, and you attach a few strips of medical tape to keep it secure. It’ll work, at least for now.
He finally moves to stand up, and you offer an arm to help. He doesn’t take your arm, but he does use the wall to support himself on his way up. “I’m Valkyrie, by the way, but you can call me Valk if you wanna.”
You introduce yourself as well, grabbing your bag up off the ground as you do. “If you wanna come with me, we should hurry. It’s not exactly safe out here.”
He offers you a warm smile and holds an arm out for you to take. You accept the offer, linking your arms together, and the two of you start heading back towards your little mattress shop.
Maybe this is a good thing. You’ve found yourself a companion, after all. While you’re unsure of whether or not he’ll stay, you do secretly hope he does. Maybe, just maybe, you finally have someone you can call a friend.
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Alrighty, this is a good start! I’ll write more Valk lore later, but this is all we have for right now. :)
It is a general backstory! If you want more of what happens after this, I’d be happy to write it.
Thanks for the ask again, and I hope you enjoyed!
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seongminiz · 1 year
hotdemonsummoner . com - kang minhee
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minors dni ; demon dom!minhee x human sub!reader ; 2.4k words
warnings : fem reader , dubcon , not rlly proof read (thats my trademark atp) , reader is an idiot and a monsterfucker (just like me fr)(very mild monsterfucking btw bc he literally looks human with horns like ..) , crack-ish in the first half but i swear it gets smutty quick , minhee is kinda mean , spit (minhees spit works as an aphrodisiac ehegegheh), its just messy overall , unprotected sex , breeding but its not rlly breeding but ,, whatever , possessive minhee [pretends to be surprised] , manhandling , size kink , strength kink (reader is referred to fragile/small but its just in proportion to a literal demon n has nothing to do with how she looks !), oral (f receiving) , biting , marking , dumbification ? , praise , dacryphilia , minhee calls reader 'little human' (giggling kicking my feet) . hopefully i didnt forget anything
tagging my lovely @ajaxsbeloved hope u like this 🫶🏻
the warning list is ,,, long . it might be a little cringe but i literally give zero fucks‼️⁉️ but i do feel like the smut part kinda sucks but also it might be that im just sad while posting this n its affecting how i view my work idk ANYWAYS wrote this while i had a cold n then a mosquito bit me on the eye so any and all mistakes r bc of that real no clickbait . had so much fun writing this uhhh happy spooky season idk i want demon!minhee in a way that is concerning to feminism lesbianism and my gender identity amen
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demon!minhee whom you not so accidentally summoned in your room one uneventful night.
you're bored to death. your favorite show hasn't had a new episode in weeks, all your friends are busy - studying for exams, working, on dates while you're sitting in your lonely bedroom, staring at the ceiling as if it'll solve all your problems in life.
you start considering it might be able to do that when, out of nowhere, you're reminded of the stupid website you visited a few days ago with your friend when she was sleeping over at your place. something about the occult, hot demons and summoning rituals. you grab your phone, opening an incognito tab and typing the link you somehow remember by heart (hotdemonsummoner.com? seriously?)
if this was a horror movie you'd probably be dead in the first ten minutes. you grab a pen, paper and a candle - the tutorial talked about multiple small ones, but you'll have to make do with the cinnamon scented ikea christmas candle that has been sitting on your desk for at the very least three years. and once you're done, you wait for the magic to happen.
five minutes later, there's no sign of any hot demon summoned instantly in your room. you're pretty sure- no, you're certain the problem was the candle. either that, or the site is complete bullshit, but you refuse to believe that. there's no other explanation, screw ikea and their stupid christmas candles.
you sigh, placing everything back where it belongs and letting yourself fall on the bed, picking up your phone just to be met once again by no notification, no nothing, just that stupid 'SUMMON A HOT DEMON INSTANTLY!' title in neon pink with a little devil gif floating right beside it, mockingly staring back at you.
that's when you see something from the corner of your eye, a shadow sliding across the wall. it's probably just the light outside hitting a tree weirdly and casting a creepy shadow, no big deal. but there's no trees outside your window, you're a broke college student who lives in a sad gray apartment complex in an equally sad and gray city.
you gather enough courage to look up from the screen of your phone, your eyes slowly adjusting from its blinding brightness to the darkness of your surroundings. at first you don't see anything, half tempted to turn your phone flashlight on. and then you make eye contact.
he looks just as confused as you are when he quite literally spawns in front of your bed. the normal human reaction would have probably been to scream, instead you just gasp in surprise, followed by a small 'oh.' as you look at him with wide eyes. he takes slow, calculated steps towards you and you have half a mind to hastily turn off your phone, hiding it under a pillow.
'what the fuck?' you say under your breath, studying his figure. if this isn't some extremely technologically advanced burglary and you're not having an expired candle fumes induced hallucination, then this is the demon you tried to summon. and he's actually hot, which means the website was not a scam and the candle is the problem. he seems to read your exclamation and general confusion as a question on why he's there. 'you summoned me.' he explains, taking yet another step towards you.
'no! wait! don't get close!' you order, your self defense weapon of choice being the pen you used to summon him. 'listen,' you start, raising your hands defensively 'i did not think the random summon a hot demon instantly tutorial i found on a sketchy website would actually... well, summon a hot demon instantly.' the creature - minhee, you don't know how you got his name, if he telepathically shared with you or what - raises an eyebrow, amusement clear on his face. 'so you think i'm hot?'
'no! i mean yes! but like not in a i want to fuck you way! just in a... you're an objectively beautiful man- demon, sorry, way...?' you can feel your body temperature rising, getting restless under his unwavering stare. and minhee can feel it too, he can hear the way your heartbeat hasn't calmed down for a second and he can see how your thighs have been clenched together ever since he appeared. his eyes linger for a few more seconds on them, observing the way your shorts ride up everytime you anxiously squirm under his gaze.
'so, little human, why would you want to summon a hot demon instantly? is there anything in particular you need from me?' the nickname has your stomach doing backflips, you swallow thickly before speaking 'will you steal my soul if i say yes? take it as a payment for whatever favor i may ask?' the demon laughs, leaning down so his face is just a breath away from yours. 'not really. i could make an exception for a pretty girl like you,' his eyes flicker to your lips for a split second, so fast you don't even notice it.
thing is, minhee usually does feed off of human souls, but there's something about you that's telling him to not do it just yet, wait it out and see how it goes. maybe he could feed off of something else, something he doesn't get to do that often nowadays. surprising, but the monsterfucker demographic - even the milder ones who would only ever go as far as fucking his semi-human form - is basically an endangered species nowadays.
before you can answer with what favor you actually need (not that you'd actually know what to ask.. what, were you going to offer him to play UNO or something?) minhee's hands are on top of your thighs, spreading them slightly as he presses his lips to yours. you shiver at the cold sensation of his skin, way too cold for a human, and minhee can hear your heartbeat quickening, as you weakly grab his wrists in a failed attempt to get him off of you - or at the very least slow down the process of whatever is going on.
minhee finds your fighting amusing, he knows no human could ever overpower him physically, let alone a little fragile thing like you, but he still indulges in giving you the small hope you could break free from his hold, just to take it away immediately after. one of his hands leaves your thigh to grab both of your wrists, pinning them over your head, the other one staying on your thigh, pushing it to spread even more as his thumb runs along the hem of your shorts.
his mouth is on you once again, and this time minhee forces his tongue past your lips - the tip of it is slightly pointed, not enough to actually hurt you in any way but enough to make you wonder what exactly it could do. you panic for a second, just for everything to slow down, your body relaxing under minhee as the arousal between your legs grows tenfold, you can feel your panties sticking to you and minhee doesn't give you an answer once you look up at him in confusion, your eyes welling up with tears. you can barely come up with a coherent sentence, 'wha- what did you do?' you manage to stutter out, every word getting harder to say as your mind slips, you don't even know where.
minhee's hand leaves your thigh, going to gently wipe the tears that started running down your cheeks. 'mh, that's interesting,' he says, more to himself than to you, fingers sliding down your face to lightly brush against your lips. 'i've used this on other humans before, but their reaction was never this strong.' you don't have time to ask what exactly 'this' is - you don't even know if you have the brain power to do it, really - as minhee forces your mouth open and spits in it. you gasp at his action, but still end up swallowing, your body shuddering with another wave of what could only be described as raw pleasure.
you don't know how he's doing that, but you feel pathetic, getting this horny over someone who hasn't even touched you yet shouldn't be normal. but, honestly, what exactly is normal about a demon appearing in your room and trying to fuck you?
your shorts have been discarded somewhere in your room, and your panties are quick to encounter the same fate - not before getting ripped off of you, to which you whine in disappointment, but minhee cuts you off saying something about you 'not needing them when you're with him' you don't really pay any mind to.
he takes his time with you, biting your thighs to the point you're sure you're bleeding, and then running his tongue along the small cuts he caused, letting whatever the obscure substance mixed with his spit is enter your bloodstream in a matter of seconds, reducing you to even more of an incoherent mess.
when minhee finally gets to eating you out, it all escalates far too quickly for your slowed down brain. for a second he's sucking on your clit, and then he's fucking you with his tongue, reaching spots a human could never dream to reach with their mouth alone. the stimulation is too much, your hands search for any kind of support, something you can grab onto, your fingers running through his hair and pulling slightly before minhee grabs your wrists, moving your hands to hold onto his horns instead and letting out a groan when you do so.
he works on you until you're on the brink of consciousness, until you've lost count of how many times you already came - around three, probably, but they feel like ten times that when each orgasm is more intense than the other and your perception of reality is fading with it. minhee notices it, ignoring your pleas about it being 'too much' and how u 'cant take more' and slipping two of his pretty slender fingers in your sopping cunt. you sob, shaking your head as you uselessly try to squirm away from his touch, subsiding to the unbearable pleasure just a few seconds later.
'already tired, little human? how are you going to take my cock if you can't last a few rounds with my tongue and fingers? maybe you don't want it that bad, then,' he's just fucking with you, deep down you know it, but the thought of minhee just leaving you like this after everything he's done is enough for you to desperately shake your head as you grab his free hand - a far too intimate gesture for this whole 'fucking a random demon you just summoned out of boredom' situation you've found yourself in - pulling him into yet another kiss that leaves the both of you breathless. you never knew it would happen in your lifetime, but you managed to make a demon, a being who doesn't need to breathe, breathless.
'is that convincing enough?' you whisper in a split second of lucidity, your mind and body already subsiding to the effects of his spit you might as well have grown addicted to, half tempted to kiss him again and only interrupted by minhee slowly slipping his fingers out of you. your complaints about it are short lived, so focused on the emptiness between your legs you don't realize minhee has pulled out his cock until his tip is pressing past your entrance.
the stretch is almost unbearable, despite all the time minhee spent overstimulating you he's still too big, and you tell him exactly that in an attempt to slow him down. it only feeds minhee's ego more, though, he chuckles as he pins your hips to the bed, telling you to 'stay fucking still and just take it,' forcing his whole size inside of u until he bottoms out. you've never felt this full, struggling to even breathe as the feeling of minhee inside of you overcomes all your senses.
minhee gives you no time to adjust to the way his cock is stretching you out, immediately thrusting into you and reaching even deeper. all your pleas for him to go slower fall to deaf years, quickly being replaced by the moans you're struggling to quiet down. it's not long before you're getting close again, still sensitive from all your previous orgasms.
'need to cum' you whine, your hips buck up to meet minhee's, feeling his tip hit spots you never knew existed. he chuckles, slowing his thrusts until a fresh wave of tears is filling your eyes at the idea of being denied of your release. 'you need to?' his tone is mocking, but you're so fucked out you can't notice it, quickly nodding 'yeah, need to cum all over your cock.' that's all it takes for minhee to pick up his pace again, aim even deeper than before and have you quickly approaching your high as you incoherently moan his name.
you feel like your soul has been ripped out of your body, gone through each and every layer of hell, and then put back where it belongs. your legs shake as minhee keeps mercilessly fucking you, mumbling something about how he's going to 'fill you up and keep you forever' that, even in your fucked out state, slightly alarms you, your hands pushing at his shoulders to no avail just to be once again pinned above your head.
minhee knows it's physically impossible for a demon to breed a human, and yet, the idea of somehow making you his through it sounds so appealing, as you sob in overstimulation and keep begging him to pull out. he might be aware of there being no consequences if he cums inside, but what would a human like you know? the way you squirm under him, trying to convince him to pull out is almost endearing.
'you're so well behaved, little human, it would be a shame to let all the results of your hard work go to waste, right?' you keep shaking your head, a high pitched moan leaving you as minhee finally cums deep inside of you, tightly pressed against your cervix to make sure you're marked by him, completely ruined for anyone else who'll ever try to fuck you.
minhee doesn't know why he did that, despite having no plans to keep you he still found himself desiring, needing to claim you as his little human. as he stills inside you, minhee thinks that maybe, just maybe, he might bring you 'back home' with him.
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writingduhh · 10 months
Ted Nivison || Snowed In
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Pairing: Ted Nivison x Y/n
Summary: Y/N and Ted are best friends, but when a heavy snowstorm traps them indoors together, they finally confess their romantic feelings for each other.
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Your heart raced as you knocked on Ted's front door, anticipation tingling through your fingertips. Ted greeted you with a warm smile,
“Y/n! Come in!” His voice boomed, extending his arms for a big hug before you made your way inside.
You and Ted had been best friends for as long as you could remember. It was a tale as old as time: you were completely in love with him, your best friend. Despite your deep feelings, you never intended to tell him, cherishing your friendship too much to risk complicating things. You adored the bond you shared and the comfort of having him in your life. The two of you spent almost every day together, or at least hung out a considerable amount of time each week. There was no way you could risk your friendship.
“Oh wow! It’s coming down out there. Maybe I should head out.” You murmur looking at the worsening weather.
“No you shouldn’t, don’t be silly! I want you to stay.” He grins, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
Though physical affection wasn’t new between the two of you, you couldn't help but feel your stomach erupt in butterflies whenever you touched.
“Oh alright, just because you said so.” You agree, laying your head against his shoulder.
Unbeknownst to you, Ted's face turned a light pink hue, a grin forming on his lips. He had been in love with you for just as long, if not longer, than you had been with him.
As you sat there together in comfortable silence, the lights began to flicker before the room plunged into darkness. Outside, the storm had escalated into a full-blown blizzard, its howling winds and swirling snow creating a wintry fortress around the house. You nervously glanced at Ted, realizing you might be snowed in. Ted, ever the optimist, simply smiled and saw this as a good thing.
"Welp, I don’t want you driving outside in that. Especially now since the powers out. I guess you might need to spend the night here… If you’d want to, of course!" Ted nervously states, his tone tinged with concern as he gestures towards the raging storm outside.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” you respond, feeling a mix of gratitude and apprehension about the unexpected invitation.
Ted doesn’t reply immediately. Instead, he lets out a hearty laugh, the sound filling the room with warmth and easing any lingering tension.
"You’re so funny, Y/N. You could never overstay," he assures, his eyes twinkling with sincerity.
You can't help but smile at his reassurance. With Ted by your side, the prospect of being snowed in suddenly seems like an unexpected gift rather than an inconvenience.
Rather than sitting in the dark, Ted tasked you with picking out some card games while he rummaged around for flashlights. You took your time browsing through the collection, selecting a mix of classics and new favorites to keep you entertained throughout the night.
After carefully choosing the games, you returned to the living room, which was now bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. Ted had managed to find multiple candles that now scattered around the room, casting dancing shadows on the walls and creating a cozy atmosphere.
“I couldn’t find any flashlights, so I guess candles will do,” Ted remarked with a soft chuckle as he lit the last candlewick.
“Ooo, romantic,” you teased, settling onto the couch and arranging the games on the coffee table.
"I know, right? Super sentimental vibes," he joked, settling in so close beside you that your shoulders touched. The flickering light accentuated the playful glint in his eyes as he shuffled the deck of cards.
As the two of you played and the clock ticked on, you suddenly realized you had no pajamas or anything to sleep in.
"I didn't plan on staying over so I didn't bring anything to sleep in," you admitted with a sheepish smile, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at the oversight.
Ted, with a reassuring smile, offered up some of his own clothes—a simple T-shirt and shorts. As expected, his shirt was absolutely massive on you, draping over your frame like a cozy dress.
Exiting the bathroom, you couldn't help but feel Ted's gaze on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your borrowed outfit.
“Well, how do I look?” you asked, playfully spinning in a circle to give him a full view.
“Gorgeous.” He softly mumbles, his eyes still locked on you
“Did you just call me gorgeous?” you ask, questioning your own ears.
“I did. It’s just the truth. I’ve always found you beautiful, since the day I met you,” Ted admitted, his voice soft and sincere as he took a few steps closer, softly brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear.
Without saying a word, you closed the gap between you, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. His large hands instinctively found their way to your waist, pulling you in deeper.
“I feel the same way about you.” You smirk, him leaning in for another quick kiss.
Soon, you found yourself nestled in Ted's bed, his arms wrapped securely around. As the snowstorm raged outside, its howling winds and swirling snowflakes creating a serene backdrop
"Who would've thought being stuck inside could be so nice?" Ted spoke softly, his breath gently tickling the back of your neck as he held you close.
You shifted slightly to meet his gaze, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, it's also funny how being snowed in can reveal so much," you teasingly responded.
Ted chuckled, the sound vibrating against your back. "It was about time we admitted it. I was going to go crazy if I held it in any longer.”
“Me too,” you softly giggled, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over you as the truth had finally came out.
The room was filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by the occasional crackle of the fireplace and the distant rumble of thunder outside. Wrapped in each other's arms, you both felt a sense of contentment wash over you, as if this moment was exactly where you were meant to be.
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