#no lie it makes me real happy to know other people are enjoying it too
avocado-writing · 1 month
Hi dear! I would like to appreciate your works. I really enjoy everything you wrote, Wish you have a great day! 💗
Since you're taking requests, could you please write Wade with a polite, sweet and delicate partners. He's with a person who's the definition of "Too pure for this world and MUST be PROTECTED at all cost" His partner showers him with love and validation, and always love to listen to him! Thanks! 💓
possibly based on real life events.
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Wade Wilson is so in love, it must be sickening to everyone around him. 
In fact he knows it is and he does not care. He’ll say “look at this meme the love of my life sent me!” and the person who he shows will roll their eyes, as if you don’t have incredible taste in cat pictures. He’ll monologue constantly about how cute you are and how much he loves that scrunchy thing you do with your nose. He’s recited committed-to-memory facts about you so many times that his friends can parrot them too. 
“Yes, I know what their favourite film is, I know you took them to a special viewing of it for their birthday. It’s cute, Wade,” says Laura, patting him on the arm condescendingly. Well, it’s not his fault you’re so wonderful! There isn’t a single thing about you that’s not perfect. He’s constantly bowled over about just how much affection he can fit in his body for you. The other night he was going on about something stupid - he can’t even remember what now, maybe it was about the new Taco Bell menu? - and then realised you hadn’t interrupted him once to shut him up like most people would.
You’d looked over the top of your magazine at him when he’d pointed this out, brow cocked.
“Why would I want you to shut up? I like listening to you talk, Wade.”
Marry you. He’s going to marry you. Every day, then divorce you every day too so he can marry you again. 
You are probably too good for him. Most of his social circle thinks so. You’re patient and kind, when you’re not at your job - where you work at a charity adopting out senior animals, as if you could be any more of a fucking angel - you like to spend your time in his shitty little kitchen, baking desserts for him to get home to. He’ll find you getting Al to taste test for you and his apartment full of laughter and joy. 
Man, he’s definitely put on like, six pounds since the two of you started dating. He needs to be stronger in the face of your cupcakes. 
They are really fucking good though. 
He walks in that night with a plushie under his arm. It’s a cow. He remembers you mentioning offhand how cute you thought cows were, so he decided to grab the biggest one the toy store one the way home had just because he knows it’ll make you smile. You don’t need any more stuffed toys; you sleep with them all in the bed and they’re pushing him off the side at this point because of their sheer number but, well, he likes seeing you happy. 
And then he hears sobbing. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks, immediately panicked. Are you injured? Has someone come to hurt you - has he painted a target on your back because of his job? Bile fills his throat as he stumbles forward…
…and there you are, sitting in front of the TV, PlayStation controller in your lap as tears run down your face while the end of the game plays out. Wade has never felt such relief in his life, laughing as the ache of it is taken from his chest. You turn to him with wide, watery eyes. 
“Don’t you laugh at me, Wade Wilson!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But babe… are you crying at the end of Kingdom Hearts?”
“No!” you lie, trying to mop your face off with your sleeve. Then the music hits its crescendo from the crappy speakers and you start wailing all over again. 
He loves you. He’d kill a million billion people for you. It would take a hell of a long time but hey, one word and he’d do it. If anyone even lifted a finger to hurt you he’d execute them so thoroughly that every generation of their family would be wiped out of existence too. 
To put it in terms you’d approve of, he’d do anything for you. But he also knows you’d never ask him to. You’re just that wonderful. 
“… would it help if I got us take-out and you started playing the second one?”
“Uh-huh,” you manage to confirm. 
“I could be in this fucking game, beat Donald Duck’s little feathery ass. Disney, make it happen.”
“Don’t worry about it. Pizza or Chinese?”
Taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
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ashipiko · 6 months
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All information on Niko Cimarron ATM! Will most likely be updated ☆
Class: 2-A
Birthday: October 24
Height: 176cm
Dominant Hand: Right
From: Land of Pyroxene / Shaftlands
Club: Film Studies (visits on occasion, inactive member)
Favorite Subject: Magic Analysis
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Likes: Making a profit
Dislikes: Getting outsmarted
Favorite Food: Berries / Berry flavored things
Least Favorite Food: Anything too hot
Specialty: Balancing on the line of lie and truth
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— Scarabia Dorms - Niko’s Room —
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for easier reading, all yuu dialogue will be in italics and all niko dialogue will be in a normal black font instead of green.
There you are. Surprised you came to visit me, Carrots.
> You know what I’m here for, Niko.
> Why are you surprised?
No need to act like that. Interview, right? Or should I say an interrogation? If you wanted to hang out with me, you didn’t need to hide around the bush, you know…
It’s cute seeing you all dodgy, but still. ♡
> I think it matches your vibe.
> You’re one to talk.
Yeah, yeah. How many questions do we have planned for today? Don’t take too long, now. I’ve gotta start pumping out those treats for my profit.
…Oh. No need to worry about a pen and paper, I’ve got one for you.
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> I didn’t expect for you to be so prepared.
> (…They’re cuter than expected.)
Something something about matching the vibes… They’re modeled after an old movie about cops and so, interrogating. Figured you’d like them. A carrot for Carrots. It’s cute.
It’s about time to start though, huh?
> Yeah.
> No more wasting time.
1. Can we get some basic info about you from… you?
A second year Scarabia student who’s a fox beastman. I guess I’m what you’d call a charmer, thief of the heart, man of your dreams… I’ve heard it all. But the real name’s Niko. Niko Cimarron. My surname means “Wild”, so you could call me Mr. Wild if you like that too. Heh, actually, it’s a business thing, so I guess you’d only call me that if you bought my products… Say, Carrots, you feeling like you need a snack? I have some lefties if you’d like.
> No thanks.
> Why not?
They’re tasty, I prommie~.
2. Speaking of which, what are your “pawpsicles” made from? How do you make them?
Those little things? Why, I’ll let you know I put my blood, sweat, and tears in those treats. Makes me happy to see other people happy, like the faces on a thaumark. To make ‘em, it’s just some tasty berries from the school grounds that get mushed up to get juice, where they go into a mold and freeze up. It’s hard work! I’ve gotta walk so many steps around the school and all across campus… You’re lucky you never saw me in my first year. Took me a while to get used to the schedule… Though, I’m a well-organized man now, I’ll have you know. It’s good for the public image.
3. You’re from the Shaftlands, aren’t you? Do you have any connections to Vil, Cater, or Jack?
Connections? I have them with everyone, really… though I don’t think those three are really aware I came from the same place as them. To be fair, the Shaftlands is a pretty big area. People even go as far to call it a utopia.
If anything, I’ve talked to Diamond more at NRC than anywhere in the Shaftlands. Is that because I never even saw him once? Maybe. So I can’t say about back then, but I can enjoy a good conversation with him now. He’s a good customer and a good influencer. Back then, he got me a good chunk of costumers off of a Magicam post, so I’ve got to give it to him. Who knew people could just follow trendy things at the drop of a hat? Crazy, right?
Vil is a major celebrity, and Jack, I didn’t even know existed ‘till this year. I’ve got nothing to say about Mr. Hardhead, but I’ve had my fair share of talks with Vil. When we were kids, I got a wave from him once… It was great bragging rights. Heh, he kinda freaks me out now though. The reason why I don’t actually participate in club activities. He’s probably too high of a standard for a lowlife like me, so it’s not something that bothers me anyway.
4. You don’t seem to have a Unique Magic. Any reason why?
Ah. Magic? A little bit of a sour topic for me, Carrots, ow… I’m just a late bloomer, is all. I’ve got magic in me, but I never played around with it when I was younger, so I’m way more rusty than all of the other guys here. It doesn’t mean I don’t know the brain stuff, though. Just inexperienced.
If I’m being dead honest, it’s kind of a miracle how I got into NRC. I guess they wanted the fox vote, huh? Heh.
5. Not sure if I’ve seen you around a lot with one particular person. Is there a secret someone?
Secret someone? Getting jealous, are you? Haha, I would’ve never taken you to be the type!
> Not the focus of the question.
> That’s not…!
It’s your fault for wording it like that. You’ve got to watch your words, Carrots. Well, the business life is a cold one, isn’t it? Being around a bunch of highschool guys isn’t really the “ideal” grounds for making business partners either, so it is what it is. At least this way, I get all the profits, so I don’t mind. If you want, I can save a spot for you by my side. ♡
> Again, no thanks.
> Maybe after I get a break from all the things this school brings.
Keep me in mind~.
6. Our last question. You say a lot of random stuff. People get annoyed with it pretty often. How do you feel about that?
…? Oh, you picked up on it, huh? Heh, I mean… I guess I could come clean. I think it’s interesting you haven’t walked away from me yet, y’know. Usually people aren’t into this stuff.
> You are annoying, but…
> (Would it be mean to say something?)
I appreciate you, Carrots. A little too much than I’d like.
Usually people don’t really like the stereotypical foxiness I bring to the table. They run away because I’m either something they don’t wanna get mixed up with, or just something they don’t like. I think you’re a weirdo who’s looking for entertainment when you come into my room and talk to me like this.
…But I guess that just means that you like the way I talk to you, right? You can’t get enough? Is that what’s happening here? ♡
> For a second, I thought you were going to need some comfort, but I guess not.
> Really, it’s fine, Niko…
Don’t pretend like your cheeks aren’t a little red. I like the reactions I get out of you. ♡
Is that all you wanted? Yeah? Alright, we’re done here, then. Hand me the pen, would ya?
> It was nice being able to talk to you like this.
> (That was a quick turnaround.)
…Yeah. Hurry on up, shouldn’t you be studying up on actual things worth studying? Live up to that Smarty McSmart Pants title. Bye-bye now~.
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> (I feel like Niko’s more than meets the eye.)
> (I feel like Niko’s… hiding something.)
Niko is twisted off of Nick Wilde from Zootopia!
Niko is actually magicless. Not entirely, as he does have some running in his blood, so he didn’t lie, but it’s not enough where he can successfully conjure spells. Because of this, at NRC, he often has to get by with con-artist type excuses and acts. It works most of the time, as he has Crowley’s support. For now, he’s getting by with the excuse of being a late bloomer, but I’m sure suspicions are beginning to rise… Perhaps, if it were to be found out that he’s unable to conjure spells, he would be kicked out of NRC.
He made it to NRC after being dared to attempt to con his way in by his magicless best friend. His name is not noted, but he’s a very angry and violent French fennec fox. Niko is often bullied by him.
He can be considered a fan of Vil.
Niko enjoys the pop genre a lot, but is embarrassed to admit it.
Despite being a playboy, Niko is easily flustered at the thought of someone seriously making moves on him.
Niko can also count as a bit of a heartbreaker. For the romantics around the school, everyone knows Niko as that kid who’ll charm you for a week and leave you heartbroken when he inevitability rejects you. It’s not anything against anybody, really, but more so the fact that Niko can’t ever imagine dating someone before he tells them his secret. It feels unfair to him. But people take offense to it nonetheless, the heartbroken people usually cutting Niko off as soon as they figure out that there won’t be anything working between them.
Because of the way some people leave him as soon as they sense no romance, Niko finds the concept of love to be sort of flaky. It takes a while for him to develop a crush, despite his flighty, flirty attitude.
Due to being a class 2-A student, Niko often ends up selling his treats most often there. Kalim and Silver are his number one customers, as Kalim buys bundles of them to give to Scarabia members, and Silver buys them for Lilia to enjoy.
Niko attends the Playful Land event and ends up staying in contact with Fellow Honest afterwards. This relationship ends up contributing a lot to Niko’s development.
Even though he doesn’t want to, he feels obligated to play into the deceitful foxiness of himself, because that’s what people naturally expect of him. It stops them from getting curious about him, as it seems like they’ve already got him figured out.
He says things that are considered shallow, like flirting or bargaining because he wants to get a reaction out of people. Niko does small things like this for small reactions — enough of these small reactions will fulfill the same satisfaction of seeing someone he loves flustered or happy, he thinks. In truth, he knows it won’t amount to much. Niko tries to satisfy himself enough so that he won’t need the real thing.
Niko feels very guilty for deceiving everyone at NRC, especially the prefect. Even still, he doesn’t have the heart to tell them that he truly doesn’t belong here, taking up a spot possibly for somebody who deserves it much more.
Niko’s way of thinking suggests that if he acts distasteful enough, it will cause people to stray far away from him. He believes that he really is just a lowlife fox, but the truth of his actions is something he think people would hate him for most; living in a lie. Because of this, he acts like a playboy and an annoyance in attempts to get people to stay away, preventing them from finding out the even uglier truth of him.
Additionally, he’s afraid to have the truth leak out because he doesn’t want to leave NRC. Though he doesn’t have much, he doesn’t want to lose the little bit he does have, and the little bits he keeps on gaining.
Even still, Niko craves for someone who will take time to understand him. Which is why he’s so attached to the prefect.
More to be added!
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^ the pawpsicle icons in this relationship chart represent whether if the character is an avid pawpsicle enjoyer (has the icon), has experienced it once but never had it again (once!), and if they have never had it.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 months
“Did you sleep well? Don’t lie to me, I watched you.”
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¡Yandere!Dark Raiden mk11
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy. I’m sorry I haven’t ever written Raiden and so if it’s a little off…no it isn’t. Lollll I’m going to replay mk11 so I can get more into his character. But there’s a serious lack of mk11 Raiden fics??? Like what is going awn??? Y’all don’t like granddaddy??
Warnings: Yandere/Toxic themes, mentions of kidnapping, violence, threats, sleep watching…
Requests: open 24/7
Raiden isn't someone who finds himself resting much of his own. There’s too many things that he has to attend to and so much of his time would be wasted if he slept most nights.
Besides who would watch over earthrealm and you if he was fast asleep…
Actually he just prefers to watch over you at night. Someone else can handle the latter but..you are far too precious for him to not protect.
Usually he’ll wait a few hours or so after you’ve finally dozed off. Giving you plenty of time to drift into a deep slumber so you cannot be disturbed by him, creeping into your bedroom.
It’s fairly enjoyable for Raiden to watch you rest. You are a very delightful sleeper. You don’t often move around or snore much. When you do make noise it is usually a sweet mummer or giggle.
It’s a huge contrast to during the day when you would be by his side. You were a very timid person and rather fidgety. Raiden understands just how intimidating he can be, but he had hoped you’d come around to it. That you’d understand his demeanor wasn’t personal against you.
He craves your affection and he’s seen how you truly are with others. He doesn’t mind your real personality, any more than the next man would. So if you’re worried he may think lowly of you for being energetic, he won’t. On top of that, he just doesn’t know how to be more inviting.
He absolutely despised how comfortable you were with other people compared to him. You’re not even this shy with his brother, Fujin.
Eventually Raiden had enough of it and decided to forcefully make you comfortable with him. No longer are you allowed out of his home or to socialize outside of him.
(Yeah that made you waaayy more comfortable 🙄)
He now has you all to himself and no one else has the right to your smile anymore.
Unfortunately though the only times you smile at now is when you are fast asleep, dreaming up your own perfect world.
Raiden didn’t mind this too much, it was enough for him just to watch over you. A little while longer and he’s sure you’ll get used to him.
The only thing that could make this any better is if he had the ability to see into your dreams.
What exactly were you dreaming of? Him? Tonight you seemed to smile more than usual, so delusionally he figured it had to be about him. Or maybe you’re thinking of the children you’ll have with the thunder lord.
He almost chuckled to himself as he proudly pondered the idea of the two of you teaching your children how to safely wield their powers. How cute it would be when they'd play tricks on you, of course he’d scold them but it would be kind of cute…
Before he could go any further into thought, your beautiful voice broke the silence—
“Heh…I wish we could have fun like this all the time..”
Could you read his mind? Were you dreaming about what he was thinking of?
The lord, becoming increasingly more intrigued by your dream, leaned in closer. Hoping for you to speak once more..hoping that it was true.
It would be just the confirmation he needed. You dreamt about a life with him, which means all of this was the right choice. You’re finally coming around sooner than he’d previously thought.
What did you just say..?
Is that why you’re so happy tonight? It’s because of that imbecile??
Hearing you flirtatiously coo the other man’s name ‘Johnny’ was like poison to Raiden’s ears. Something sinister entered his body and before he knew it a fierce thunderstorm of emotions began to brew deep in his veins. Electric red currents started circulating his body as he stood up and towered over you. He tightened his balled fists until his knuckles grew pale white. With a tense jaw and a scowl that omitted a pure crimson color, he remained still. Not wanting to act out just yet in the height of his anger.
As much as Raiden was furious, he was also a devastated lover. You’ve betrayed him. He’s given you so much of himself only for another to occupy your mind…do you know just how much he’s put aside for you?? He’d risk all of earthrealm if it meant an eternity with you.
How DARE you…you will be punished for this. There was no way that Raiden would ever let these trifling feelings go without such.
And for that Johnny…..”Cage volume iii” isn’t going to be coming out anytime soon…
It was as if you could suddenly sense the shift of energy in the room. The warm, cheeky smile ran cold and a bolt of terror struck your core.
Tossing and turning, trying to get away from the darkness that started to overwhelm the dream, you cried out.
“….j-johnny…please help me. He’s going to find me and take me away. Please- that monster is going to get me—”
Jolting up in a cold sweat, your heart sank deeper into your chest after you noticed the narrow, crimson eyes above you.
Frantically you began to speak..
“R-Raiden?! What are—-“
“Did you sleep well? Don’t you even think about lying to me, I watched you.”
Raiden’s voice is as low as it was venomously commanding.
A beat, which felt like years, passed as you mustered up an answer to him. You were currently still too tired and distraught to even know what exactly pissed off Raiden.
“…I-I’m sorry Lord Raiden but I don’t really know what’s going on—“
“BE SILENT, Y/N!.” Raiden’s voice boomed throughout the entire tower, followed by a rumbling of thunder from outside.
From what was just a minute ago, a nice cool night turned into a heavy thunderstorm with heavy winds.
“You think of me as some kind of monster?!…” Raiden scoffed, his once balled fist turned into a sharp point of the finger.
“I understand that your feeble, human mind cannot even comprehend all of the things that I’ve been protecting you from…all of the devotion I’ve dedicated to you. But for you to blatantly disrespect your master is something I never expected from you.”
“ You’ve committed such disgusting sins….you need to be cleansed.”
“Wha- Raiden? I-I don’t understand. What did I do?.” Your eyes began to swell with tears and your voice became an unsteady mess
Raiden sneered down at you.
“Hmhp. Your pleas will not save you, my love. When I’m done with you, Johnny’s name will be scrapped from your memory and you will learn how to become properly devoted to me….and only ME.”
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 3
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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It's Chuseok right after their trip, so they went and filmed this at the end of September 2023
JK was so sassy about Tae inviting himself along for their Jeju trip! Lol
Jikook singing along to Vs Slow Dancing 🥺🥺🥺
Not my baby Jimin already having a stomach ache 5 minutes into the episode! We just got here and it's already travel sickness round 2?! 😅😂
Jimin yelling at Taekook to go inside while he is still in the car. Just to turn around and claim abandonment lmfao. He is just like me for real. I hope the fresh air helped him feel a little better. And JK immediately ordering Pork Cutlets, one of Jimins favorites, as soon as he gets inside is just 🥺🥺
Jimin finally coming in and JK pulling a whole "oh my God, my crush is here" type of routine. Lmao boy, the hair tucking, the giant smile. Boy, stand-up!Istg they are perfect!
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Caressing Jimin's thigh as soon as he sits down talking about the "view" being so beautiful 😍😏
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And Tae just fawning over Jimin being cute as soon as he enters too? Lol Jimin really has these men wrapped around his finger!
Not Tae going oh we do this stuff all the time. And JK and Jimin going "bro then leave!!" Lmfao you chose to be here Tae! Enjoy your time with your besties!
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Tae getting fish and Jimin asking if he should take the bones out for him 🥺😍 that's his baby! Lmfao and JKs immediate "no" 😂🤣 no one asked you Jungkook! I too, don't like de-boning anything, I need a friend like Jimin 😂
It was giving perilla leaf, not going to lie 😂😂 Jimin babying his best friend and Jimins boyfriend being like "that's a whole grown man, excuse me?!" Is the vibes being given here. And I love it 😂
Me being sat and riveted for Jimins de-boning lesson knowing I will never do this myself. Because I'm a #spoiledbitch
The way he just info dumps too 😂
JK just stimming and loving his food so hard! And I love how vmin just let him do his thing. Baby is so loved 🥰😍 it really makes my heart so happy
Jimin making a ssam for Tae just for him to leave and Jimin to chase him running and giggling down the street, even losing his shoes, to make him eat it 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 why are they like this? Lmao!!
JK just collecting his boyfriends shoes for him too. Lol and Tae coming back and eating as soon as Jimin tells him he doesn't have shoes. Lol he is so loved.
(x is so loved is clearly going to be the theme of my post here!)
Vmin driving in the car all leaned into each other. I love them. So freaking much. Them singing Seven and Arson too. BTS forever supporting BTS!
Jimin saying "let's take pictures together later" and Tae going "couple pictures?" Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣
Jimin having to talk Tae through how a drive through works 😂😂 my baby? How is this new to you? Lollll Jimin is suchhhh a caretaker 😍
And the way he makes sure JK stops and is hydrated too! He loves so hard!
"I'm fine!" "Im not!" That was so boyfriend, my god
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"Jhope would've loved this. Ah, I miss him." God me too!
JK always going along with whatever skit or roleplay Jimin or Vmin start doing. Lmfao Jimin being like "oh, did you see his tattoos?!" Yeah, we get you 🤣
Jimin caring in JKs bag for him into the house 🥰
The 3 of them cuddling and laying on the floor together 🤣😂 before the cut to crazy head banging and Jimin having a stomach ache again 🤣 what a tonal shift lol
I'm obsessed with the pull back from touching that keeps happening. In all 3 episodes. One person on Twitter called it "controlling your habits" and I'm just ughhhhhh just hold hands 😭😭😭
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Jimin singing 3D!
JK shooting Jimin in both the ass and the crotch with the water gun 😅🤣😂 the caption being an innocent 5 year old.... Lol not sure that was super innocent, but he was certainly giggly and having fun 😂 Tae also joining in and shooting Jimin, but only a few times in the ass, mostly on his back 😂 and the way Jimin just laid there and took it lmfao
The way JK watched over Jimin briefly while he was napping on the floor. That stare, those heart eyes 😍
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Taekook being the absolute cutest puppies in the pool 🥰😍
Taekook drop the cuddly selca!!
JK jumping up to play as soon as he heard Jimin 😂 they are so cute! Why did they cut the entirety of Jikook playing upstairs? 👀😂
Followed by the mini wrestling match of taekook vs Jimin over the water guns and being shot again 😂
"you look pretty. You really look pretty" Jungkook please! My Jikook 🥺🥺
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The distance Jungkook got with every skip in that parking lot man. Lol he is super human!
How many Jimin-ssi's did we hear in like 30 seconds when Jikook were climbing that wall together? Lmfaooo in that tone too? They like each other's muscles when watching each other climb. I get it 😂
"Jiminah, I'll show you I'm not the kid I used to be" "yeah, you are an adult now" 😂😂 Vmin lol I love Jimins dry sense of Humor too 😂😂
This whole climbing/go cart section felt very Run BTS esque lol bringing back those vibes for a moment here. Including JKs giant ass smile whenever Jimin starts messing with him or fake boxing him. That happened so often in Run
The way JK and Tae's faces immediately dropped as soon as they noticed Jimin was bleeding. There really is so much care there even when they are silly. JK saying that Jimin always gets hurt when they travel and breaks his heart 🥺🥺
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"Going in order" with Jimin, Tae then JK on the go carts. I appreciate the editors acknowledging and feeding my Jimin is the hyung enjoyment 🥰
JK saying "how immature, all hung up on competing" boy you just feel left out! Lmfao because competition is at your core 😂
The way Jungkookie was looking at Jimin when Vmin were praising him 🥺🥰
Tae recording himself instead of Jimin being silly 🤣
I don't think anyone understands how much I love them and adore them.
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Wrap up thoughts:
Hyung Jimin moments give me life and this episode had me well fed. He takes SUCH good care of the people he loves, and taekook in particular. He really has those men wrapped around his finger too. The love shared there is so so special and I'm so tickled anytime I get to witness it.
I also just wish for more peaceful episodes for Jimin! I'm curious how the next Jeju episode will go because after Connecticut, where they didn't have a choice but to talk about his stomach bug, they clearly were going to try and cut those moments out at first but it was so bad they couldn't. But it seemed like they are now low-key leaning into Jimins struggles as a bit with the cuts and edits now. Like it's part of the silliness of the show. Regardless, I do hope he feels better faster and doesn't get sick in Sapporo too! My poor baby 🥺😭🥰
Even with Jimin feeling sick, he still appeared to be at the center of that trio. Even when taekook were playing, they were doing so in a way that revolved around Jimin, constantly getting out to go annoy him. JK shooting him with the water gun to soak his pants in the dick and ass area was a special kind of stupid horny boy humor 😂 the way the editors covered it up (even sometimes with just camera angles) after his pants were soaked too, I know that outlines had to be on DISPLAY. Which I wouldn't be surprised if that was either one of the goals or just a nice reward for JK 😂 Poor Jimin. At least they let him nap in peace eventually!
We know Jimin did get in the pool with them at some point since they have promo shots in the water together. I'm looking forward to seeing that next episode! Or I'm going to be salty with Hybe for not giving us any of that footage! Lol
Jikook also had much larger suitcases than Tae did, who was also already there on vacation with his other friends. Did Jikook stay longer than Tae did or was it because we know they went to Busan shortly after to visit family too? It's really nice knowing that Jikook spent an extended trip together to their hometown also even if we didn't really get to know about it or see anything from it
The more hyungs that are around, the more maknae-esque our Jungkookie gets. Lol it was so cute. It IS an interesting aspect of Jikooks dynamic though, the inclusion of others and how that changes how they behave. It absolutely gives them an air of "us" at times. I know y'all know what I mean. It also highlights how much more they behave as equals, chingus, "them," when they are alone too. Because that is such an unusual dynamic and they've normalized it so much we barely blink at it anymore and some people don't even notice. He was very baby with his hyungs this episode whereas in USA, he took the lead with Jimin alot, which I did mention in my posts over those episodes.
He also was incredibly bratty and sassy in many moments of these episodes. Jimin even called him on it once 😂 this would've been the time that they had just applied for the buddy system together. And I think as much as they miss their members when they aren't there, JK also was looking forward to spending alone time with Jimin and the quick plan changes right before the trip happened put him in extra brat mode 😂😂 you could tell he was excited and happy to have Tae there though to play with. Those two had so much fun together and it was nice JK had a goof off buddy while Jimin wasn't feeling good. It also gave Jimin a much needed break I think from feeling pressure to entertain even when he wasn't feeling his best.
There were some soft and really cute moments in the first two episodes, but while there was so much chaotic energy in this episode, between Jikook, there was almost more softness. Like they save the bickering for home when they are out with others 😂 all the little touches and fondness killed me.
The cuts were horrendous this episode. Lol this was one example and there are a million more.
The episode timeline was cut all over the place. Lol so many conversations had music cut over them so we couldn't hear, so many continuity errors due to cuts. Like part of me gets it, but why was it so bad?!
Plus I'm sad we missed out on most of what was shaping us to be a Jikook wrestling match over the water guns. Oh the fanfic that'll inspire 😂 if they don't give it to us in the behinds, it's going to look incredibly suspicious 😂😂
It's also crazy to think about how this was Jikooks second trip to Jeju together. Think they went together before to scout out things they wanted to do together and enjoy the minor smaller vacation together sans cameras? Just like how they went back to the restaurant in NY alone before going back home. I really love that for them.
Sorry for only getting this post out like a week late! At least it's done before episode 4! Lol hope you all are loving AYS and having fun with it!
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sgiandubh · 8 months
The Ascent of Lying
Why, Mordor people? Why do you lie?
Is it stupidity? Hunger Greed for clicks? That #silly, #silly itch to be FIRST? And RIGHT?
The Ascent of Lying started in this fandom with *urv. Her Google sources, her undying obsession for S (and the mandatory hypocrisy that comes along with it), her paltry stories fit for people who never took a flight overseas in their entire life (not something bad at all, but in this context, this makes you incredibly fragile), her remake of the Twilight fandom hullaballoo and her chutzpah.
It continued with Jess, on this side of the fandom: her OTT girlish enthusiasm, her elusiveness IRL and finally, her capitulation and resurrection, under the same name, but with a totally opposed POV. For perhaps you don't know it, but Jess 2.0 has been back since quite a while ago, now making amends about her former strong beliefs. Even taking full responsibility for some 'receipts' (remember the S lemon pin/wedding ring one? she confirmed it was her and it probably was a #silly, horrible lie). How convenient and how depressing, isn't it? Reading her new, sparse blog brought along two firm thoughts: why this need to robotically inform us about her happiness and her change of heart? Also, how many Anons did Jess 2.0 send, since her comeback, to this side of the fandom?
Let this disappointment be my sin, then and let the link to her new hole in the wall remain undisclosed by this page. I have no wish to either start a flaming war, nor give this woman more space than she deserves:
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You'll have to deal with the very childish LMAO and this completely irresponsible explanation: 'it was fun to fantasize at the time'. No, lady: you LIED. You lied through your teeth and because you had the privilege of having a thirsty audience, you thoroughly enjoyed this strange avatar of fame, as you say it publicly yourself, now. You even were, most probably, heavily used by ***'s PR and even S (that is a very firm belief), just like another very fragile individual, who switched sides in a far more vocal and pathetic way. That makes for a mixed bag of truths and lies, something I think we all are way too familiar with, by now. But that does not preclude, nor excuse in any shape or form, your eagerness to ahem, 'embellish" a very real love story and twist it according to your naivete and parochial life experience. Morally, you are 0, to me: a sentimental troll, completely on par with *urv.
I could blather on and on about Jess's main competitor, Puffy, too. I think I already wrote enough about her, if only because many believed me to be her latest avatar, which is completely ridiculous, but ridiculous with an agenda. So, did Puffy lie, too? Probably, especially while creating Stella and Deep Throat out of thin air. Let's agree she heavily extrapolated, which is a shame, because some of her analysis is really spot on.
The Ascent of Lying then morphed, along with an US busy social and political agenda being more and more sensitive to the 'fake news" issue, towards the Factchecker Anti blogs, who mimicked neutrality and promoted online stalking to unprecedented levels. Along came people like Meowkabob, who even manufactured their own facts/evidence and released them online. That was perfectly premeditated and done for increased credibility (I have debunked her shite last fall, if you remember), being fully aware that her libel could not be justified only by a prior, questionable, 'London experience', of which we conveniently have no concrete details. The other blog, you all know and sometimes visit: whether she is a PR plant or lonely rider doesn't really matter, yet a stalker and a hypocrite in her own right, too. The fact that both these persons suddenly felt an urge to express themselves during the heavily conspiratorial climate of the first COVID pandemic wave is not innocent at all, I think.
Lying is the real Uncharted Territory of this fandom and one of the main reasons we seldom have nice things to talk about, anymore. I barely scratched its surface and merely stated the obvious. If anything, it only comforted and strengthened my own beliefs, which I always strived to base on personal findings and facts, along with other likeminded people's experience. And I'd rather take the general brunt and simply say 'I don't know", than embellish. Also, when I am wrong, I am wrong: it happens to the best of us and it's always either immediately edited and explained or taken full responsibility for.
What I do know with a reasonable degree of certainty is that These Two are together. And this is all that matters to me, justifying my presence here.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. There's more, but here is just an overview of the sentiments that prompted my next investigation.
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beetlejuicyy · 10 months
How about Bada lee angst based from a song, exile - Taylor swift. Bada in Bon iver pov while reader's Taylor. Sorry if there's any mistakes in my grammar, English is not my first language
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Pairing: Bada Lee x idol! reader
Synopsys: you and Bada meet at the the W party after your break up
Warnings: angst
Notes: i love writing based on songs apparently. ty anon for requesting this and i hope you enjoy!!
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
She couldn’t say she didn’t expect you to be here. The W party meant famous guests and a great chance to networking. Bada would lie if she said a part of her was not happy to see you after so long. But she didn’t expect you to be on a man’s arm. And you were ironically enough sitting at the same table just across each other.
I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin’, but the joke’s not funny at all
You were your ever charming self, paying attention to every word he said, laughing whenever he made some stupid jokes even a middle school kid would find cringe. You were wearing a classic little black dress that fit your body like a glove. You were as gorgeous as she remembered. Of course she saw you everywhere; makeup advertising, promoting your new song, thirst traps on tiktok. You haven’t been in touch for a while but she always kept an eye on you, no matter how ugly things ended between the two of you.
Now you showed up here with that creature. He wasn’t even handsome. It took her utmost control to keep smiling and navigate through all those people, exchange compliments as a possible beginning for future projects. But you were always somewhere in the corner of her vision, introducing your partner to people. Fans on the internet were saying it was just promotions for your new role in a drama. Other people said you were dating for real. She couldn’t tell.
And it took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it
Holdin’ all this love out here in the hall
She showed her cool self as always, although, as she stepped on the carpet in front of all the cameras, the lights blinded her and for a moment she felt like running. Bada was still in love with you, she was very much aware of it. As she walked to the sea of people, finding familiar faces that brought her comfort, she tried to hide the toll your presence was taking on her mood. You were the one who broke up with her after all, she could find the minimal amount of dignity left in her to look fine at least.
She couldn’t ignore you though. You worked together before and everyone knew you were close. You flashed her a dangerously frozen smile, large and perfect, the kind you had to rehearse for. On the outside it looked friendly and excited but behind your eyes was emptiness. She waved her hand back at you from the distance, faking excitement. Your partner must have known her because he waved too, eager to get to know Bada Lee, the dancer with all the spotlight on her at the moment. You dragged him somewhere else, away from her.
I think I’ve seen this film before
And I didn’t like the ending
You’re not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
Bada knew she had no right to be jealous. Your relationship was over a long time ago. But the seed of hope buried in her heart gave birth to the thought of talking to you alone. You had broken up several times and made up the moment you stumbled upon each other again. Maybe this could be one of those times when you would realize you loved her more than your ego allowed you to.
The hardest part was finding out you were seated at the same table, across each other nonetheless. She was well aware that death stares at your partner would be obvious. So she looked at you instead. Elegant and delightful, you looked around carefully, making sure you greeted everyone around the table while maintaining your graceful posture. Bada’s stare softened, remembering seeing you after schedule, when you would throw away your high heels and devour the biggest portion of instant ramen she had at home. Carefree and natural, loud and dramatic, full of life. That’s how she knew you. And she knew that behind the meticulously planned behavior you displayed, you were still the same girl she fell for. But you weren’t together anymore.
 Taking another sip of champagne, she quietly went backstage to change her outfit for the performance. She had to let go of these regretful thoughts that didn’t fit at all with her dance tonight. She had to be powerful and charming, deliver what the people liked. What you liked.
I can see you starin’, honey
Like he’s just your understudy
Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me
You noticed Bada’s eyes were lost lingering on your figure. You were used to people staring at you, especially when you were the main attraction in an expensive outfit at the top of the guest list. But her eyes always unsettled you.
It wasn’t a surprise for you that she was here. After all you had friends working at W who generously updated you with the full guest list before the event. But by the time you found out she was going to be here too it was too late to talk to your manager and go without a partner. You had to promote your upcoming drama in every way possible. But you wished you could have been here alone in front of her.
You noticed, of course you noticed how she was staring at him, questions popping in her head. You knew her better than you knew yourself. And maybe that’s why you weren’t together anymore. Had it not been this time and place, she would have started messing the poor man up out of jealousy. But he had no fault. He was a young guy with a dream of making it big, having just landed the role of his life with you.
Second, third, and hundredth chance
Balancin’ on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury
You looked back at her a couple of times across the table, trying to hide the hurricane of feelings in your chest. How many unresolved issues you had? You stopped counting long ago. Her eyes were cloudy and lost, at times it seemed like she was looking through you. She never tried hard enough to make it work, and loving each other like crazy was not enough to fix things. Or was it?
She seemed happy and excited to be here, you followed her at all times form under your lashes. You were proud of her for winning the competition, but any more than the simple congratulatory text you had sent her would have pushed you back in the same cycle. Breaking up and making up like none of you could make up their mind for good.
I think I’ve seen this film before
And I didn’t like the ending
I’m not your problem anymore
So who am I offending now?
Although you were at work, although all eyes were on you, although you haven’t spoken in months, although she never listened to your complaints, she was looking at you like you belonged to her. Like you betrayed her by showing up with someone else. You wished she would just look the other way so it would be easier for the both of you. Instead, you had to play this stupid game of looking like the total opposite of what you were feeling, deciphering each other’s body language and fake smiles, pushing through the shock of seeing each other in order to portray the role you had to play.
When she performed she was breathtaking like she always was to you. Her facial expressions, the way she would enjoy the song, play along with the audience, her flirty looks for the camera all of those things melted your heart once again, after months and months of trying to lock it up.
I think I’ve seen this film before
And I didn’t like the ending
You cheered for her. You had been supporting her all this time from afar anyway. But you could sense the shift in your heart and recognize the same pattern that always led to your making up. You swore to her on the night you broke up that it was the last time. You simply couldn’t work out. With every time you went back to each other your issues grew deeper and deeper the more you avoided talking about them.
You quietly excused yourself to the bathroom after the performance, a perfect moment to disappear unnoticed. You took a good look at yourself in the mirror. Perfect, without a single trace of the pain you felt inside.
So step right out, there is no amount
Of crying I can do for you
You had ran out of tears long ago. You only needed time to breathe, a break from the theatre play you had been performing tonight. You could go back makeup untouched, voice cheerful in any minute. Because you weren’t going to cry because of her.
I couldn’t turn things around
‘Cause you never gave a warning sign
Bada was taken over by the people requesting pictures and sharing impressions on their performance. She saw you watching, she was sure, but where did you disappear now? She never knew what you were up to, what you were truly feeling or thinking. You knew so well how to hide the ugly aspects of life that you hid from her too, even unintentionally. She couldn’t know you were in the bathroom almost crying because you never looked the least affected by her.
Your partner showed up in front of her, as he had been waiting in line to get the chance to exchange some words of admiration. Bada greeted him politely, like any other person. He seemed to know nothing of your history.
Now I’m in exile, seein’ you out
You appeared out of nowhere, grabbing him by the arm, apologizing once again for disappearing. As close as you were, the closest you had been the entire night, you felt like an invisible wall separated the two of you. It was your cue, your turn to tell her how amazing she was on the stage. Your lines were already thought and well aligned with the social script like always.
“I can’t wait to watch your new drama.” She took you by surprise, and you lost your composure for a moment. Your partner laughed and thanked her. You wanted to reach out and grab her hand run away right then.
Now I’m in exile, seein’ you out
But there was this wall between you, separating what you had been from what you were now.  
“You’re as good at dance as I remember.” You chimed in, earning a shy smile from her as she looked to the ground, thanking you. That’s all you could do. “See you around, Bada.” You said, your voice taken over by the nostalgia you had been feeling the entire night. The words weighted heavier than you had planned in your head and you wondered whether it was a mistake.
“I’ll be around for sure.” She said. The other members of Bebe called for her to take a group picture. With awkward smiles and lingering eyes that yearned for each other you both turned around, tending to your own business.
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harrysmimi · 1 year
The Missing Co-writer
Synopsis: Harry doesn't feel to hide anymore
CW: Loads of fluff and sliver of a cute little drunkrry.
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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Guess what?!
YN got an offer to write along with one of the most genius and know artist of her generation. Harry couldn't be more proud of his fiance!
Well, she took up on the offer just because how much she loved writing music with her Harry. He won Album of the year, for the album they both wrote together. Kinda. But there many songs he wrote with her which his fans love so much. That's what he wants, his fans to enjoy what he makes.
When Jeffery told YN about this offer she contemplated it like every life decision she has to make. Harry on the other hand was just so stubborn on getting her to agree on this because one, she loved to do it the first time around, two, she's got a fucking degree in music, and three, she get paid for it, which she so deserves. She didn't get paid it the first time around, well, she didn't wanted to.
She was there with him at the Grammy's, though she insisted on staying away from the cameras. Harry respected her decision to do so.
They had a great night afterwards at the after party. He introduced YN to all of his closest friends in the industry, the ones he knows would respect his privacy and not talk about this publicly.
But today, he missed her like hell!
He was at the Brit awards. Nominated for four of the categories. But his love was away to work on this new project she seemed so excited for.
He doesn't want to hold her back so, when he told her he was having a great time preparing for the award show... he lied. Whilst she wouldn't be able to make it back home in time, he doesn't want her to be lost and feel guilty for anything. He's sure she'll be watching him on the TV anyway. At the end, he gets to have her all to himself and celebrate all over again for achivement he got for the work they did together.
He asked Gemma to go with him, lile he did last time and she did agree. They were having a good time but he still missed his YN there. All three times he mentioned people who helped him write this album so special to his heart, he contemplated on mentioning her name. Not because he doesn't feel like he should or anything of the stupid reason, just because he wants to keep her protected so badly!
YN already got enough hate, even though people don't know her name, who she is, what she does, what she is like in person. No one deserves that.
Yes, he did kissed Lewis Capaldi drunkenly but he knows YN will be laughing more when they're reunited by in three days.
With a drink in his hand and his phone in the other, he made a treck to the bathroom. He wanted to call her and talk to her. He needed to.
One ring...
Two ring...
"Hello Hazza!" Her happy voice chirped through the call.
"Hi, baby." Harry smiled with his phone held upto his ear. He could hear the award show playing in the background from her side.
"I am so proud of you, Harry. Three put of four, and you got to kiss Lewis!" She gasped in pure joy. "Not gonna lie, Niall is going to be real mad at you and it did made a tiny bit jealous."
That earned a giggle from him, "I'm sorry about that. I miss you so much, I wish you were here with me baby." His voice wavered as his eyes got teary. "We did this together. For the first time, this is happening to me and couldn't be more proud of us. I wanted to call you up and say how much I love you. I fucking love you so much, YN. Without you this wouldn't have been possible. Thank you for being my muse and my rock throughout these years. I'm gonna need this till my heart stops pumping inside me chest. I know how right of s decision I made by asking you to marry me. I want you to know how I appreciate you for everything you do, even though I don't mention you tonight in any of my speeches. I just want to protect you."
"I know you do love me Harry," YN sighed on the other side. He was sure she's crying too by now, "I know you appreciate me, and you exactly know why. They say 'don't meet your heros', but I'm so fucking glad I did! I wish I was there with you too. You don't have to mention me any of your speeches to tell me how you about us. I'd have it just between you and I."
"I just don't want you to feel left out, my love. Because you're not." Harry sniffled. "Also, I don't want to hide anymore. I want to be able to hold you close and not worry about being photographed, and, and want to kiss you wherever we are. Want to brag about how amazing my love is! I truly do. But I want to protect you, you already get enough slack for choosing to stay by my side."
"I know but we can't control it, can we now?" He could hear her sniffle on the other side, "I want you to do what you want to. Not going to hold you back, we can get through anything and everything together, right?"
"Mhmm." He nodded to himself. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much!" She reciprocated, "now tell me the truth, you're crying because you're drunk right?"
"Hey!" He whined just to hear her soft giggles from the other side, "you're a meanie!"
"No, I'm not!" She teased him, "stay safe Hazza, I'll be home day after tomorrow."
"Mhmm, I'd stay longer and talk to you hut Jeffery is calling me now." He shared. "Maybe I'll skip the party later."
"No, I want you go. Please Harry?" She requested, "I don't want to skip on anything because pf me. You already don't go out when you're home."
"Okay." He sounded. "I love you!"
"I love you more." She chuckled. It was like almost the tenth time he's saying that to her.
"This is not a compitition but," he slurred, "I love you more!"
"Okay, you win."
"See it wasn't that hard to agree, was it?"
"Hmm, I think you would be in trouble as Jeffery is texting me to ask you to get off the call they're about to announce Album of The Year." She shared.
"Fuck! I should go." He sighed.
"Mhmm, I'll see you soon."
"See you baby, be safe okay?"
"You too, Harry." He could hear her smile through the phone, "and no, I wasn't going to admit, it's a fact I love you more. Bye!" And the call went dead before he could argue.
"And the winner is..." Stanley Tucci opened the envelope to announce the winner, "Harry Styles."
Harry was ecstatic. Hugging Gemma and fist bumping everyone on his way to the stage.
"There is literally no one I love more in this world than Stanley Tucci. Thank you very much!" Harry chuckled as he looked at his award and pauses for a moment, "umm... This uhh... This night has been really special to me and I will never forget. Thank you so much for the welcome home. I appreciate so much there is no place like home. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so so proud to be an British Artist out there in the world, I'm so proud to be here tonight celebrating British Artists, British Music. Thank you, thank you, I'm going to hand it to Tom and Tyler. Thank you so much for this. I'm so grateful, thank you!"
Harry glanced at his friends who are also his co-writer on the album. But one of them was missing and it was bugging him so much. He took in a deep breath.
"I want to thank my missus, who, who uhh... has been a great support. She wrote this album with us too. I couldn't be more in love with or grateful to a person than I am to you. Thank you, thank you so much for being my muse and my rock through all these years. And... I love you!" He flashed a sheepish smile and blew a little kiss to the crowd before he walked down the stage.
"Harry you did not!" YN exclaimed the first thing after she entered through the door of their flat, dropping her bags on the floor.
"Yes I— owh!" He grabbed onto her tight as she launched on him with a bear hug. "Yes I did baby!"
"You won all four of them!" She celebrated, "I am so fucking happy for you," she placed a smoothering kiss on his mouth, "you deserve every bit of happiness and success out there. I'm so, so, so, so proud of you!"
"Thank you, darling." He chuckled at her excitement as he hugged her again, "I thought you were going to kill me for saying I love you to you on TV!" He pulled away to get another deserving kiss.
In her own words; he deserved every happiness in this world!
"I would be mad if you didn't." She rolled her eyes.
"Did you..." he sighed, "just rolled your eyes at me, baby?"
"Oh come on, I am so proud of you Harry!" She clung onto him like a Koala bear again.
No, she's just that short in front of him.
"I missed you!" He picked her up and waddled his way to the sofas so they can sit and talk.
"I missed you!" She reciprocated. "When did you get home after the after-party?"
"At five in the morning the next day." He smiled sheepishly as he sat both of them down, YN straddling gis lap.
"Look at you!" She playfully punched his arm. "No but seriously Harry, I do think you hold back to go out and have fun with your friends like you used to. You don't have to stay back just because I have the most boring personality ever!"
"Who said you have a boring personality?" He scoffed, "I'd rather stay home with you and teach Milo new trick, make some new recipe and make a disaster of out kitchen or just watch TV, or, wait for it... this one is my favourite: have sex." That earned a laugh from her, "Than go out and drink, torture my kidneys and have a hangover for next three days."
"Okay." She nodded.
"You did not install twitter on your phone again, right?" He asked.
"Nope." She assured him. Because she didn't.
"Good because ee don't even want to go there." He took in a breathe of relief. "We still need to plan more for our wedding though, don't we?"
"Mhmm!" She nodded. "You sure you want to go for The Savoy than your villa in Italy, or better Anne's backyard garden that she offered for us to use?"
"What's wrong with the hotel?"
"Haz, it's very expensive!"
"So is going to be the villa." Was his only argument.
"Well, no, you own it. And it's less expense. You can even make that money back, by putting it on for rent. For maybe a month or so, I'm sure." She suggested.
"What's wrong?" He could just read through her, "you know you can share it with me, baby. Is something bugging you.
"I don't know," she sighed, "I want to be an equal part on this. I'm saving up for when we get our new place. And everything adding up gets very expensive. On my side at least."
"Mm." He sounded and took his time to think.
Look, he does want to be a part this whole planning thing. The only thing he doesn't want disrupted is their wedding. The hotel provides more privacy, he can have his team sign and agreement with them. His mum's backyard garden and the Italian villa can be invaded. In fact his pictures were taken ages ago with a drown in his private property.
"We'll split it." He answered, "I don't want our special day be ruined by people invading our privacy. The villa isn't that... How do I put this? Safe enough for our privacy. I don't want to force you nor do I want to make you feel less. Just chip however much you can or we'll figure something else, yeah?"
"Hmm, I'll think about it." She nodded.
Milo jumped up on the sofa spooking his mother and making his dad laugh, meowing for attention. Harry has been a amazing cat dad since day one!
"Hello my love!" YN cooed and picked the little feline up. He started purring immediately.
"He's very fucking partial!" Harry gasped looking at the kitty. "He never comes upto me like this."
That just made YN laugh.
N O T E :
Pls lemme know how you liked this one.
And if you have any requests for THIS particular couple, I'm taking in requests.
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@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @supersanelyromantic @tenaciousperfectionunknown @haarrrys @originalsoulcollector @harrysgirl-1d @lomlhstyles @allthelovehes @im-an-overthinker
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scekrex · 7 months
I saw some of your Adam x readers and really enjoyed them! I was wondering if you could do an Adam x reader where the reader is a trans man but still likes to wear dresses, skirts, and has like either medium length or long hair, but is also insecure about the fact that they won't be seen as a real guy. Have a wonderful day/night!
Omg as a trans guy myself writing this was some sort of healing I swear, I adore you for requesting trans reader! Also I hope you like it!
What it takes to be a man
pairing: Adam x trans!male!reader
warnings: a lil angst maybe? It's mainly fluff
note: not beta read bc idc
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Things were rough up here in heaven, you thought that once you had died things would get easier but they didn't. Your body was still the same, still wrong. Everything was wrong, to be honest. Your voice was still too high for a guy's voice, your chest was still… well, too big for a man's chest and your curves weren't really helpful either. Waist too small, hip bones too pronounced.
When Adam entered the room you flinched for a moment, but only for a moment because as soon as the man entered the room he took his helmet off and greeted you with a cocky smile, “How’s my babe doing?”
You sent a small smile his way, then looked down to your hands. Yeah, how were you doing? That was actually a pretty good question. Not fine, that much you knew. So you said just that, there was no reason for you to lie to Adam after all, “Y’know I thought things would be different here.”
Adam's smile dropped almost immediately, a serious expression took its place. He put down the helmet on the bedside table and sat down next to you. “Yeah? In which way?”
You inhaled loudly, you tried to find the words, tried to explain how you felt, but it was just so hard to find the correct words to express your feelings. “In a ‘my body is still not it's way,” you then chose to say. “I’ve been struggling with that back on earth and I thought that here it might be different, that I'd get here with the body I feel like I should have been born in, you know?”
Well to be completely honest, Adam didn't know, nor did he fully understand the entire concept of body dysmorphia, but he didn't need to understand it, he was trying his best to keep you happy and that was what counted in the end. “Babes, why does it matter what other people think huh? You feel comfortable in dresses and skirts and those slutty crop tops, fuck, you look so fucking hot wearing them too,” his hand came to rest on your knee. He knew that being seen as a guy by others was a big deal to you, he didn't understand why though.
“No but that's the point, I wanna feel comfortable and confident but then people come up to me and tell me ‘what a pretty lady I am’ and I'm so sick and tired of being seen as a lady when I'm really not. I'm a fucking dude just like you're a dude, why can't people just see that?” It was exhausting, really. Because even when you corrected people they would try to take your identity from you, they usually said things like ‘men don't have long hair the way you do’ or ‘you wanna be a man? Then stop dressing like a woman'.
You weren't trying to be a man, you were a man.
“I see it,” Adam said and shot you a small smirk. Your head snapped sideways to look him in the eyes, “You do?” Adam made a hand gesture that was meant to say ‘Isn’t it obvious?’. “When I look at you I see my handsome boyfriend, you don't give two shits, you dress in what you feel comfortable, you wear your hair in ways that make you feel good and hands down, that's the hottest thing you can do, doesn't make you any less of a man.” His wing wrapped around your back softly, the tips of his feathers wrapped over your shoulder to gently pet your cheek. “You’re the most interesting angel I ever got to meet, babes. Don't let these assholes bring you down just because they can't see the most obvious thing.”
You tilted your head slightly, curiously looking up at your boyfriend, “N that is?” “That you're a motherfucking dude, babes,” he spoke like it was the most obvious thing, and to him personally it was. You've always been you, always been a man, nothing could ever change that. His hand slid smoothly through your hair, pushing the long silky strands out of your face. “And if some fuckface ever tries to claim anything else, you're gonna head straight up to me and I'll handle it, got it?” You knew he meant it and it warmed your heart that he cared so much. You leaned against his arm, your head was resting against his shoulder as you whispered a quiet “Thank you”.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
i think it's telling that so many of the responses to imogen's convos with liliana and laudna were 'this is kinda fucked up and i am fascinated by it and am enjoying it' and but the response to THAT was like 'STOP trying to make everything toxic, ugh fandom never should've learned therapy speak'. like. ignoring that's NOT what that is, people are pretty clearly interacting POSITIVELY with these moments but because what they're enjoying is the parts that are messy, that's somehow bad too???
YUP! There are definitely people who use therapy speak inappropriately, including about Imogen and Laudna, and honestly I pretty specifically avoided using the word "toxic" (or "codependent") about their most recent interaction, but like...there is nothing wrong with enjoying the relationship for being messy! A good deal of the people who are calling it toxic or messy are people who support it and enjoy it! A good deal of people who don't particularly like the relationship for being flat and bland and the conflict constantly fizzling out into nothing, myself included, perked up at yesterday's conversation! It was fascinating: Laudna went to comfort Imogen and told her she loved her, and Imogen's response was to say "oh, you love me? well then why did you go running off to Delilah the second we were apart? why did you lie to me a second time [Laudna did not lie to her the first time, which by now Imogen knows]?"
I don't actually think Imogen's opinions re: Delilah are inconsistent - I think she very specifically started becoming uncomfortable after encountering Delilah in the middle of the night in Whitestone (and I think Laura said as much on a 4SD too), and so her previous assertions about digging into their power sources are not hypocritical. However, yeah, I think we should talk about how both of the two big kisses between these characters are specifically Imogen trying to cut off an emotional speech from Laudna - I don't think it is intended as manipulation, but rather coming from a place of profound fear, but that's still something you need to deal with because this is now three pretty significant cases of kicking the can of conflict down the road and it's only snowballing. I think we should talk about how actually maybe it's valid that Imogen, who has had to make a lot of difficult decisions regarding her engagement with Predathos's power and could be risking losing her powers through her actions, is frustrated that Laudna hasn't done the same with Delilah, but neither of them are working it out. Imogen is letting an assassination of her mother go forward - and I agree with her choice - and Laudna hasn't done anything to extricate herself from Delilah in 30 years despite expressing interest early in the campaign. Imogen is about to lose her mother because her mother declared her reliance on a potentially evil power as an inevitability and wouldn't listen to her, and Laudna's now doing the exact same thing.
And on the other hand, again, Laudna hasn't lied to Imogen. Imogen cut off Laudna's angry, hurt, and extremely valid rant about being betrayed by Bor'Dor by asking to kiss her and so Laudna, trying to make Imogen happy, never worked out these feelings and they've just been building up. Laudna can't express her fears to Imogen because Imogen will demonstrably cut her off. If Imogen is disgusted by Delilah, and that's not going away, what does that mean? Like, is the love enough? I don't know? Could be, but not without actually having a means of resolving all of these extremely valid hurt feelings, and they don't have that. And maybe some of us would like to have some resolution, and are getting real tired of the particularly dim children going "uwu let me have my cottagecore stardew valley dream you all are such MEANIES let people like things" which. Again, if the fact that other people want different things from this relationship is genuinely preventing you from liking things, that's entirely your problem, because I like all kinds of things other people dislike. If you cannot stomach any dissent from your personal interpretation and perceive it as an attack, that says a lot of things about you and none of them bode well.
There is a deeply frustrating tendency that is not limited to this fandom, nor to discussion of Imogen and Laudna, to deny that traumatized characters can hurt other people. You see it with some of the dumber discussions of Ludinus that presume he is specifically a survivor of Aeor (valid as a theory, but unconfirmed); his (hypothetical) trauma does not negate how many other people's lives he's ruined. Percy is deeply traumatized but he did still introduce the gun to the world. Fjord is traumatized but had he willingly completed Uk'otoa's unsealing that would have caused untold damage. Astrid is traumatized but she's still done terrible things as a Volstrucker. FCG and Yasha are both traumatized and both were not even in control of their actions when they caused their worst harm, and they both feel terrible about what they've done. I mean, touching on this episode, it is not actually a contradiction to say both "Liliana is traumatized and has been indoctrinated by a cult and is a victim of said cult and genuinely believes she is doing this for Imogen's benefit" and also "Liliana is a fucking shitty mom." These are both true. This is what cycles of abuse and generational trauma look like. This is what that "blorbo-centered morality" is; suddenly when it's your favorite character they can do no wrong and every explanation becomes, instead, an excuse.
I've been talking a lot about the harassment in this fandom and it really is like...look, I don't know if this harassment is coming, from some of those partaking in it, from a personal trauma. I do not want to ascribe shitty behavior to mental illness, because some people are just assholes. But if it is - it doesn't make it okay! If you are lashing out and sending hate because you project a lot of your own trauma onto Imogen or your own relationships to that of Imogen and Laudna and you perceive every bit of criticism as an attack on you, guess what! You're being a fucking asshole by trying to hurt other people and it does not ultimately matter that it might come from a place of your own hurt and you need to stop.
I've been going off about this and related topics all morning and so I do want to step back and say that I believe this is a relatively small group of people with an outsized toxic impact. I do think that many people are enjoying the relationship for its complexity and unhealthy, messy aspects, that most people would love to read more Imogen meta that covers her as a whole, complex person and not as a tee hee just a silly guy girlfailure. But yeah, I think everyone is getting increasingly done with the group of people who throw a tantrum and retreat into the most idiotic See Spot Run-levels of conflict fantasies whenever there's actual grit and friction and mess in the relationship.
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roxanneslosteyes · 2 months
Spill thy nightmare mode backstories, mootie patootie
I only got some (the rest of nightmares are backstories haven't been thought of yet)
Anyways you are going to hear me yap about these nightmares and their backstories! Anyways I hope you enjoy mootie! ^w^
Tw/cw: mentions of murder, death, brief mention of cannibalism, animal death, cheating and not super detail but mature/suggestive themes (For Zoth that is), implied racism
💀Yan Luo Wang Diyu's backstory🐉
Yan Luo Wang Diyu was born in a small unknown village in somewhere of Ancient China. Her mother was a mortal woman who fell in love with a man who was dragon shifter.
Yan Luo Wang Diyu only saw her father every night, the reason why was her mother being worried that villagers who are bad people would tell bad people about Yan's dad so they can harm him.
One night, A villager saw Yan's father in his dragon form. The villager was happy to see this so they told other villagers about Yan's dad. The villagers saw this as amazing sight to see.
However the rumour of the dragon got to dragon hunters from another country. The Dragon hunters learned Chinese before sailing to the village.
When they got there, the hunters talked to the villagers. The hunters lied to the villagers about how they were interested in the dragon. The villagers didn't think they were hunters so they told the hunters to follow the dragon at night.
The hunters stalked Yan's father to his house where his wife and daughter lived and broke in.
The hunters killed Yan's father in cold blood and cutted off his tail in front of his wife and daughter.
Yan's mother ran for the hills with their 12 year old daughter to keep her safe from the hunters.
Soon they met a hooded figure who saw the crying and stressed mother with her crying child. The stranger offered to help them if she explained what happened.
Yan's mother explained everything, she wanted her daughter to be safe.
The stranger told her "I will keep your daughter safe. However you can't come with me unless you are asleep. Even if you are asleep you can't stay. You are a mortal, my world doesn't accept mortals to live but to visit until they wake up. Your daughter is adragon shifter so she can live in my world."
The mother agreed and the stranger took Yan Luo Wang Diyu away from her mother to keep her safe. The stranger raised her like she was the Stranger's own flesh and blood.
Years later, Yan wanted revenge of her father's death so she hunted down the hunters and killed them in the same way they killed her father giving her the name "The Princess of death".
😇Quachil Uttaus's backstory👁
Quachil Uttaus was once an angel, a very young angel that was childish and naive
She was seen as the most of joyful angel of Heaven. Cheering up angels the best she can!
One angel of the Heavens gates told her she can't mess around with the humans or she will fall. The young angel agreed to this lesson and only went to humans to cheer them up or reward them for their good deeds.
One day, She met a group of kids. These kids were pranksters who enjoyed thr suffering of people with their cruel pranks.
Quachil didn't know they were cruel pranksters, the pranksters befriended her to take advantage of her angels powers.
They told her to play cruel pranks on the people using her angel powers in the name of "fun". They knew she was easy to lie too.
Quachil started to make people do horrible actions with her angel powers. She was causing misfortune to the humans.
The older angels found out about this, when Quachil Uttaus defended herself after knowing the truth. The older angels didn't believe her so she was kicked out of heaven and became trapped in a void world for over 200 years before a worm thing summoned her then leaving her with a vampire.
⚰️Nyogtha Z'Mog's backstory💀
Nyogtha was a human in the Victorian Era, Her real name was "Elizabeth Feathergill". Her family were getting on their feet after centuries of the dark history of their ancestors. Sadly Elizabeth's family had to change their names to "fit in the society" when Elizabeth was very young.
Her father was a musician while her mother was shopkeeper selling food she made or fruits and vegetables to sell. Her mother helped the poor children by giving them her food or fruits.
Her father sang his songs to people of the local places. People of his neighbourhood enjoyed his songs. While the upper classes looked at him disgusted and called him horrible things.
One day, Her mother and her father fell sick. Elizabeth looked after her parents until their last breath.
She knew how the world treated her so cruelty and her people. So she decided to become a undertaker, so she could protect her family or anyone like this after death so no one rob their graves.
People were uncomfortable with her being a Undertaker. One day, a man broke into the graveyard and decided to dig up an older man's grave. Elizabeth saw this and tried to stop him but he shot her. Elizabeth walked to her parents graves for safety until someone find her and get her help.
She sat by her parents graves with a bleeding gun wound. But help never came and she died by her parents graves. Her body got ripped apart by animals after she died.
soon she woke up in a strange world, she was so confused what happened. A elephant told her she is dead and she is in a realm to keep her soul safe. Nyogtha goes to the humans realm to help them bury their love ones because they trust her bury them instead of another human.
👻 Dagda Crom Cruach's backstory👻
Dagda was a just a normal scarecrow on a farm, but the farm had a dark secret. The farm was owned by a cannibal farmer who killed his victims in brutal ways relating to what farmers do.
One day, A couple thought they could have a make out session in the farm because they thought it was "run down". The bloodthirsty farmer found the couple and broke in the car. He grabbed the girlfriend and dragged her away. The boyfriend ran after the farmer and his love one.
But the farmer atabbed her to death with a scythe. The boyfriend ran through the corn fields while a bloodthirsty farmer with a pitch fork.
The boyfriend fell in front of Dagda. The farmer killed him with the pitch fork. The soul of the man went into the scarecrow.
Dagda became sentient due to the possession. Dagda doesn't remember anything of the human's soul past.
Years passed, Dagda was left to rot. Due to negative energy that was left by the farmer, his soul became corrupted.
Dagda started to scare humans who come to the old run down farm.
Dagda only got to Astral Circle thanks to Xezbet due to his interest of Dagda scaring humans. (They are best friends)
✨️Lilith Lilitu Lilit and Anazareth Anazarel backstory🥀
Anazareth and Lilith who was twins in medieval period, Anazareth's real name was "Anastasia" while Lilith's real name was "Lillian".
Lillian and Anastasia was secretly witches. Anastasia would cursed men who did horrible things to their children or to women while Lillian focused on witchcraft as a whole.
The twins came from a big family of witches. They wasn't the only witches in their family.
Soon, the village found out their secret and buried them alive in their cottage.
Lillian and Anastasia hated humans for what they done to them so they continue doing witchcraft against humanity for their sins.
🔪Orcus Dis Pater backstory🐰
Orcus was a mad inventor back in early 1900s. His real name was "Winston Afton"
He created crazy inventions that was literally death traps. Using humans and animals to be in these inventions causing them to die.
He didn't care, he thought they were too weak for his genius mind.
One day, he decided to jump into one of his old inventions which didn't go well and he well die. He thought he was too smart he couldn't die in his own creation which he did.
His creation ripped off his skin and he was nothing but a skinless man.
He woke up in the astral circle and the first thing he did was ask himself "why am I ourple" then forgetting about it before trying to find skin for himself. Orcus only has one brain cell now.
His silly behaviour drawn in Yan Luo Wang Diyu and the rest is history.
🔪Barbatos Barrabam's backstory💀
Barbatos was once a humanoid monster living in his cave with his mother, his father and little brother.
Barbatos and his family never hunted humans, they only hunted animals to feed on.
Barbatos taught his his little brother his hunting skills.
Near their cave, there was a village. Full of humans. The humans saw Barbatos and his family alot. They never wanted to go near him or his family as they were scared of him and his family.
One day, a man who was a famous monster hunter came to the village. He told the villagers he will slay the beasts so they will be free of the endless fear.
The hunter went to the cave with a bow and bag of arrows at the dead of night while barbatos and his family were sleeping.
The man killed his mother first then father then his little brother.
Barbatos woke up to the corpses of his family, At that moment he saw red. He rushed to village, killing everyone.
He grew a hatred of humanity for killing his family. His hatred lured in Exael, Exael felt bad for Barbatos. Exael took Barbatos to the astral circle and they both grew a brotherly bond.
🍷Yog Sothoth Backstory🫀
Yog was always a vampire, he was born a vampire to two vampires.
Yog grew up in a vampire court, he was raised there.
As he grew up, the more attractive he got. Female vampires were dropping at his knees like a fly.
He wasn't getting any human blood to survive off at that time because of the humans putting garlic at their homes
He decided to seduce lonely women, to get the blood he needed. He took advantage of his good looks.
he seduced women left and right to drink on their blood to survive
One day, the town found out about the dead women and decided to hunt Yog down. Lucky he got out unharmed thanks to a lady of the Pests.
🥀Ishtar Ereskigal backstory🪳
Ishtar was the daughter of a god and a monster. She never knew her mother nor did she know what happened to her. She was raised by a god of insects.
Her father was very neglectful of his daughter as he was rather fool around with mortal women and female monsters then look after his daughter
He trapped his daughter in a pit full of bugs so his goddess wife didn't know he had another monster bastard child.
Ishtar was raised by a bug monster, the bug monster taught her everything she needed to know to be a lady of Pests.
Ishtar befriended bugs and animals who were seen as gross.
She slowly broke out of her prison thanks to her new friends. To show the world her powers however the humans found her scary and scared her away
Ishtar hidden in the shadows until a witch came along and took her to Astral Circle to have a better life.
🔪Abducius Morail backstory🫀
Abducius has always been a sadistic masochist. He loved hurting people because he gets off to it.
He was always been crazy ever since childhood or that what he says, he always put himself in danger. There is no explanation for his behaviour at the moment because he doesn't like talking about his past.
🪱Zoth Ommog💀
Zoth was once a human, he was a cult leader for multiple horror gods and goddesses back in Ancient times.
Zoth was known to be a very lustful man, sleeping around with women and men, cheating on his ex wives he had and fooling around.
His real name is unknown, he always called himself "Zoth". He even fooled around with humanoid monsters.
He was good friends with Yog.
Zoth also knocked up multiple women so he has multiple children.
One night, his first ex wife killed him in his sleep out of revenge for cheating. She also cursed him to be a worm thing to reflect hid gross lifestyle
and Zoth became a worm.
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delzinrowe · 7 months
Not ready [PART B] - HEADCANON
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A/N: This was requested by @zarazmnie-cos; WARNINGS: None, but you might get your heart broken. F!Reader SUMMARY: When they are not ready to commit to a relationship just yet... INCLUDES: ☆ Choso, Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, Toji, Utahime, Yaga, Ijichi ☆ → PART A -> If you enjoy my fics, please consider buying me a ko-fi, thank you!
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CHOSO… He’s half cursed spirit. That’s enough to make him convinced that he doesn’t deserve you anyways. He’s not fully human like you or others. He might feel human emotions, but essentially he’s too inexperienced to sort out most of his feelings. Emotionally he’s on the level of a child that’s only just learning to deal with certain emotions. But he’s not stupid at all, he knows that he’s not good for you. So no matter how much his heart yearns for you, his mind reminds him that he’s not the right choice for you. He’s not what you need and he’s dangerous. Choso knows that pretty much from the start, he’d put on his apathetic facade when you’re around just so he wouldn’t give you any false hope. But it’s difficult when just your smile melts his heart. At one point he’d catch himself wanting to hold your hand. When he decides for himself that he needs you to realise that he’s not the one for you he’d be plagued by his inner turmoil. It takes him a long time to build up the courage to tell you all that, and he regrets it almost instantly when he sees the fake smile on your lips, while tears fill your eyes and you just tell him everything’s alright. Both of you know that it’s a lie.
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SATORU GOJO… For what it’s worth Satoru can be romantic and full of rizz, but a real relationship? He’s not the guy for that. In a different universe, maybe. But as of now, with how things are in this situation? Absolutely not. He’s loyal and he does have a big heart, no one can deny that. But not enough to commit to a relationship, especially when he has such clear goals in mind (turning around the Sorcerer Society). He’s too committed to his students and his goal to commit to something else. He wouldn’t show you any sadness or regret when he lets you down. Moreso, he’d put on a smile to hopefully not hurt you too much, but a few hours later, when he sits in his private room and looks at the sunset he can’t help but wonder if maybe he made the wrong choice.
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SUGURU GETO… With his goal of wiping out all non-sorcerers he’s got his hands full. He’s collecting curses left and right, all the time he has is spent with his two daughters. There’s simply no time for a real adult relationship. Not that he would be sad about it particularly. He’s already experienced the pain of being left behind and losing himself in the shadow of someone else. He’s not really fond of it possibly happening again if you decide to leave him behind once you realise what his actual goals are. He’s left you in the dark for most of his plan and his doings, but the risk of you walking away from him is too grave for him to outweigh the happiness you bring him. It’s with a lot of pain (hidden behind his nihilistic smile) that he tells you to find someone more suited for you. Possibly he’d even throw in an insult, just to make it easier for you to hate him and move on. Because after all, he does want you to be happy.
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SHOKO IEIRI… Now this woman can be very casual but also stoic, the purpose of both of these traits is to hide her true feelings. She opts to keep her own emotions hidden, showing less of her personal feelings each time. It’s due to this that she often forgets how to engage in her own feelings. If you haven't been in touch with your emotions, how can you distinguish them? It’s become a habit for her, just like smoking. It would even take her a little while to notice that you’d want to be close to her romantically. Having lost too many people and being ridden by waking nightmares of the injuries she has to treat, she’s not someone who easily relies on others. She’s closed off and that wouldn’t change. She’s someone who’d rather sabotage her only chance with you instead of getting out of her comfort zone to be happy. Shoko’s blunt as she smokes in front of you, telling you that there is no chance for the two of you. She’s tactful enough to wrap the words in nice sugar-coating but it doesn’t soften the blow at all.
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KENTO NANAMI… He’s strict about it. Nanami doesn’t commit to any relationship as long as he is an active sorcerer. That’s what he swore to himself, and that’s what he holds himself to. It doesn’t matter that your smile is enough to brighten not only his day but his entire world. It doesn’t matter that your soft voice is more melodic to him than any summer symphony. It certainly doesn’t matter that it just feels so right when you hold his hand. He cannot and will not put you in any danger if he cannot guarantee your safety, much less his own. But he’s not the type of person to break your heart in a cold way. He’d invite you for one last date, telling you that his lifestyle is too dangerous to get close to you. It hurts him to see you cry. Oh how he just wants to hold you in his arms and wipe away your tears.
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TOJI FUSHIGURO… After the death of his true love he let himself go in the terms that he became reckless and didn’t care about anything anymore. After the marriage with his second wife he told himself to not ever let his feelings come into play again. Even if he didn’t love his second wife anywhere as much as he loved his first wife. He is known to be ruthless, but he’s not truly heartless. Now that you came along it would be difficult for him to hold himself true to his words. You have a way to get close to him and always find holes in his walls. But the life he lives is not a life for you. He’s not willing to get out of this rut that became his comfort zone. He doesn’t show you any emotion when he tells you in a rather impolite way to leave him alone. He’s numbed himself to not feel anything, so he can continue to appear like the heartless and cold assassin for hire.
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UTAHIME IORI… You don’t know what’s going on inside her head, she’s not the type of person to talk about everything she thinks about. She’s also trying to be proper and well mannered at all times. Something that drew you in at first, but now it’s the cause of distance between you two. While you’d want to be closer, to be with her, she’d keep you at an arm's length and never tell you why. It’s painful to say the least, since you thought that you guys hit it off well. Eventually however, she’d tell you that she’s simply not ready for a committed relationship. Without any reason, she’s leaving you to guess and assume, albeit it doesn’t matter in the end, things were over before they began.
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MASAMICHI YAGA… It should come to no one’s surprise that the man who devotes his life to creating cursed corpses is not particularly the best choice for romantic partners. What many don’t know about him is that he was married once, which ended in a divorce for reasons he doesn’t like to discuss. You wouldn’t be wrong to assume that his countless secrets (about his cursed corpses), his constant working and his dangerous life as a sorcerer in general was the reason for it. Much to his dismay, he it’s become his comfort to work too much and spend every minute creating (or thinking about) cursed corpses. He cannot let you in too much, or else he’d risk you being a target. It all comes down to the cons outweighing the pros of your (could have been) relationship, and ultimately he tells you straight up that he is not ready for this kind of commitment again. He’s stern and reserved as you try to fight the tears but even if you’d yell at him or insult him, he would bear it because he’d know you need this to move on.
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KIYOTAKA IJICHI… Ijichi’s entire life revolves around his job, he might seem like someone who’s useless on the front, but practically all the paperwork is on his desk. Outside of exorcising curses he runs everything, even doing paperwork for countless other sorcerers (among them: Gojo and his students), that barely leaves any room for hobbies or romance. Even the fact that he met you is somewhat of a miracle for him, that you want to spend time with him is something he still cannot fully grasp. But as much as he would love to be with you, he’s also immensely anxious and insecure in himself. It’s the first time he’s ever in a situation like this. His work (that he loves) and his insecurities are getting the better of him. He would have immense trouble telling you straight up, because he’s a coward in that sense. He’d write you a letter but eventually with everything going wrong all the time he would lose it somewhere and you’d never know what happened. You’d simply wait for him to contact you, text or call but there’s just nothing anymore.
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justmeinatree · 10 months
A Hard Man To Lose
Summary : part 2 to Teasing Louis Request … the smut.
TW : smut
Word Count : 2.4k
A/N : a day late, a buck short 😬 .. just realizing now that i was supposed to post this yesterday. stoner brain is real yall, and my memory SUCKS. enjoy ✌️
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niall walks up to you, slinging his arm around your shoulders, happy, drunken smile gracing his mouth, “coming back to mine tonight, right ?”
your eyebrows furrow, because you are absolutely, positively certain that you’d never spoken about staying over at his place. “uhh, i am ?”
“yeah, i figured,” niall shrugs, “we have breakfast with mam tomorrow, remember ? ya always spend the night.” 
he’s right. fuck. he is absolutely right. you always end up staying with your brother the night before meeting your mum, saving you the extra trip to and from the city.
“christ, ya don’t have to look so disappointed,” he laughs, “have other plans or something ?”
instinctively, you shake your head. you know how important it is to louis that niall not find out tonight. and it seems as though the universe wants to cockblock the hell out of you. “no, no, i just forgot is all. surprised me. i was expecting to go home, have a cozy night in after this,” you quickly lie, trying to hide the severe level of disappointment.
niall leaves a wet, smacking kiss on your cheek, “got me tonight instead,” he smiles playfully, patting your shoulder, before sauntering off to chat with someone you honestly didn’t recognize.
you use the opportunity to go find louis, slithering through the people, noting him by the bar. walking right up to him, your body pressed against his, arm resting against his shoulder, as he’s sat at the one of the stools.
his head snaps, not expecting anyone to lean into him, taking a big sigh of relief when he notices you, “fuckin hell, darling, scared me.”
“sorry,” you giggle, biting your lip, “m’not gonna be able to sneak off with you tonight. have to spend the night at my brother’s,” you groan.
louis’ eyebrows furrow for a moment, before standing, looking through the crowd to make sure niall’s nowhere near, his left arm wrapping around your back, hand landing on your hip, pulling you close, “don’t want to let this opportunity slip. m’gonna take care of this,” he murmurs against your ear.
your eyes flutter shut, senses invaded with louis. his fresh scent, masked with the lingering vodka from earlier. the firmness in his grip. the warm puffs of air as he speaks, hitting the delicate skin of your neck. the command he seems to already have over you, his towering height helping the allusion. “what are you going to do ?”
his other hand lands on the side of your neck, thumb stroking your jaw, making you look up at him, lips ghosting yours as he speaks, “promise me right now that you can be very fucking quiet tonight.”
you can almost feel your pupils dilating, breath leaving your lungs, hands gripping fistfuls of his shirt, as your teeth dart out to nibble into his bottom lip, “promise, fuck, i promise.”
“good girl,” louis coos, hand dropping from your neck to your upper chest, thumb and forefinger spread to cup the base of your throat, holding you in place as he takes a step away from you. “now, m’gonna go invite myself to your brother’s place,” he smirks, walking off in niall’s general direction, leaving you stunned and catching your breath, reaching for his unfinished beer, and polishing it off.
louis walks up to niall, smiling wide, too wide. niall knows something is coming as he hears, “can i crash at yours ?”
“what’s wrong with your place ?” niall asks, both of them knowing full well that louis would end up at niall’s regardless of whether or not he was properly invited. but niall still played the same game every time, not wanting it to be too easy for him.
“s’too far,” louis groans, “c’mon, please. s’not like you dont have the space. and we both know you love the company.”
niall rolls his eyes, not wanting to admit that it was true. simply because he would never live that down with louis. “gotta take the couch though. my sister’s got the spare room tonight.”
“fine by me,” louis smiles wide, “thanks mate.”
and that’s how louis’ ended up sneaking into the guest room of niall’s house, slithering his way into the bed with you, lips mingling with yours instantly.
you groan into his mouth, fingers gripping tightly in his hair, throwing your leg over his hip. you couldn’t help yourself, you’d been waiting at a shot with louis for over a decade, and now here he was, kissing you just as, if not more, eagerly. 
“louis,” you breathe against his lips, your heel pressing into his bum, trying to feel more of him, needing to feel more of him. he’d left you so incredibly horny back at the bar, you were fucking craving him, “want you, please.”
“impatient little thing, you,” louis chuckles breathily, rolling himself on top of you, your legs opening instinctively to allow him space. 
louis’ mouth trails open mouth kisses from your chin, down your jaw to your ear, nibbling on the shell, and taking tentative little licks. you could feel his hot panting breath, a shiver running down your spine, shooting straight for your pussy.
you were clenching, trying to buck your hips under his weight, needing to feel more of him. with the alcohol coursing through your veins, your brain already fuzzy with louis, louis, louis. a part of you was flabbergasted that this was even happening. that finally, fucking finally, your advances towards him were being reciprocated.
truth is, you would never have let yourself chase after a man for so long. but you knew he was interested, you could feel it radiating off of him. and now that you’re actually privy to the reason why, you’re happy that you hadn’t read the situation wrong, and he’s not completely disinterested in you. but also angry that your brother would stand in your way of potentially being with someone so right for you.
the feeling of his breath, warming your skin. the sound of his voice, breathy groans, and soft moans. the tickling wisps of his hair against your neck and chest. the weight of his body as it perfectly moulds with yours. the firmness of his grip, hands now roaming under your shirt, over your hips, up your sides, cupping your breasts.
a small whimper escapes your throat, his thumbs flicking over your nipples. your face presses into the top of louis’ head, buried in his hair, willing yourself to be as quiet as possible. 
the downside, however, being that you’re absolute shite at staying quiet. it was something you had a hard time controlling. it’s like if your brain shuts down, your body taking over and doing whatever it needs. loud moans being one of the things it seems to need.
“lets take this off, yeah ?” louis asks quietly, slipping your shirt as high as he can, helping you lift your body from the bed, to take it off completely. as soon as his eyes fall on your breasts, nipples pert from the attention they’d just gotten, a groan rumbles from his chest, eyes fluttering shut, mouth suctioning to your skin.
he was everywhere. from your nipple to the valley between your tits, to the swell of the underside. it’s like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to be. louis’ been so deeply in denial of his feelings towards you, not letting himself truly feel, in a way to avoid disappointment, and tonight felt like the dam finally breaking from all the pressure. he couldn’t focus, too preoccupied with touching, licking, nipping, at every single inch of your body, not wanting to leave any bit untouched.
your mind was reeling. it was so much louis, you didn’t know how to even begin focusing. your skin was tingling, prickling, fuck you felt like your entire body was about to burst like a firework. your heat was throbbing, clit aching, hips bucking into him, as you plead, “need more, louis, please. please give me more.”
louis’ forehead rests against your stomach, eyes closed, taking a calming breath. christ, he thinks he could cum in his pants just hearing you beg for him. the sheer desperation in your tone, hearing his name slip from your lips in such a sensual way. his nails dig into your skin, taking a moment to centre himself, to ground himself, because fuck, this was really happening and there was no way he was going to let himself cum too early.
“fuck, beautiful girl, say that again,” he breathes, needing to hear it all over, as his hands slip into the waist of your pants, shuffling them down your legs. 
“please, louis,” you whimper, legs trembling, your cunt clenching hard with the cool waft of air hitting your most sensitive parts, a dribble of arousal bubbling from your entrance.
louis’ eyes were locked on your centre, the sound of your voice hitting his ear drums, his mind turned to mush. his hands grip into your inner thighs, spreading your legs apart as far as they’ll comfortably go, tongue darting out to wet his lips, watching the glisten of your soaked pussy.
gaze stuck to you, louis’ fingers reach out, tentatively swirling through your folds, gathering some of your arousal, and spreading it all over your labia and clit. with another clench, and another drip of arousal, louis bites his lip, fingers twitching for more.
a tug of your hands on his shirt pulls him from his trance, eyes snapping up to meet yours as you mumble, “want you naked too, please.”
“so fuckin polite, how can i say no to you ?” he hums, shuffling himself out of his clothes, his shirt then his pants, his cock bobbing up against his stomach. instantly, you reach out, hand wrapping around his prick, giving a few slow but solid strokes. 
you notice his eyes flutter shut, a moan of relief echoing through the room, as you notice his shoulders relax, drips of precum accumulating at his tip.
your thumb flicks over the head, gathering the thick liquid, before your hand leaves him entirely, sucking your finger into your mouth.
louis watches as you hum around your thumb, your tongue poking out from between your lips as it swirls through your mouth, tasting him, “taste so good,” you groan, fingers reaching out for more.
he’s quick to grip your wrist however, a shiver running through his body, “m’so fuckin worked up, darling. m’not gonna last if you keep doing that,” he explains, all those years of pent up frustration rushing to the surface.
you nod, understanding, as you also feel like you’re about to fucking burst. as he lets go of your wrist, your hand grips onto louis’ hip, pulling him closer to you, and with a few swipes of his dick through your sopping folds, the tip was breaching your entrance.
in one fell swoop, his cock is entirely seethed inside you, a loud moan reverberated through the room. instantly, louis’ mouth is on yours, muffling any sounds that may threaten to escape.
“gotta be quiet, lovely,” he coos against your lips, cock unmoving inside you, as he takes a moment to calm his heart rate, feeling your walls spasm around him.
“please move,” you whimper, entire body trembling, nails digging into his skin, the sudden fullness fuzzing your brain.
with louis’ elbows rested against the mattress on either side of your head, fingertips playing soothingly in your hair, he takes a bite at your bottom lip, tugging on it, his hips rolling at a steady rhythm.
“christ, you feel so fucking good,” he groans, feeling your pussy suck him back in with every thrust.
you moan, attempting to stay quiet, your body completely overheated, orgasm already forming in the pit of your stomach, your inebriated brain unable to focus long enough to hold anything back.
louis notices. notices you losing your senses. notices the breathy whines getting more urgent. notices the fluttering in your tummy. notices the added slickness to his thrusts. notices the roll in your eyes. notices the sting of your nails in his skin. notices the clamping down of your cunt. 
and in one final greedy moment, one of his hands grips the underside of your knee, pressing it up to your chest. his cock instantly slides its way into you, impossibly deeper, a loud gasping moan, knocking the air straight out of your lungs, orgasm crashing over you.
“fuck,” louis groans, louder than he’d like, your cunt clamping down on his member in a vice grip. with his mouth on yours again, willing you to quiet down, his request falling on deaf ears, the ringing in your brain too loud to even hear him.
“shh, you’re okay darling,” he coos, as you seem to relax a bit, his cock still delving deep inside you.
“fuck, louis,” you whine, bottom lip trembling, “can’t stop, fuck, i can’t stop.”
and for a moment, he’s confused as to what you’re referring to. that is, until the clench of your cunt picks up momentum, “christ, are you cumming again ?”
you nod around a whimper, tucking your face in his neck, body wracking through another strong orgasm, louis joining you over the edge, not a minute later.
through a mess of breathy moans and pants, both of you staying as quiet as possible, you make your way down from your high, light sheen of sweat sticking your bodies together. louis gently peels himself from your body, leaving a series of pecking kisses over your nose, lips, and chin, as he pulls his cock out of you.
he smiles softly at you, leaning down to nibble on your lip, murmuring, “you’re fucking irresistible. can’t get enough of you.”
you hum, a shy smile gracing your lips, giggling quietly, “we can do that again sometime right ?”
“that, and much much more. do this again when we can take our sweet fuckin time,” he chuckles. “think nialler heard us ?” he asks.
“oh, he heard you,” you both hear muffled through the wall, eyes growing wide, strong blush taking over your cheeks, as you both burst out in an embarrassed laugh, slightly too blissed out at the moment to really care about the consequences of being caught.
tags : @gorlsinmultifandoms @cc-horan
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wormswurld · 8 months
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first taste // cattonquick, one-shot, 1k words, dom/sub undertones, mean! felix, pathetic! ollie, wrong use of cigarettes, ollie gets a little pissy and felix teaches him a lesson; enjoy! 🚬
"s’ fucking hot." felix exasperated, restlessly moving his long form against the red carpet of his dormitory, trying to find some semblance of comfortability. "i know." oliver responded monotonically, keeping his piercing gaze upon the tanned god before him. carefully letting his eyes linger down felix's sweaty physique, fixating his sights on the cigarette that hang lazily between his lips. if only that were him.
snapping to his senses, oliver foolishly shook his head in an attempt to rid his mind of the lewd thoughts that stuck to the crevices of his brain. he shouldn't be getting turned on by this. this heat is driving him insane, he thought.
"check this out" felix called out to ollie, beckoning him towards his spot on the floor. slowly getting up, oliver left his previous position on the windowsill. his safe space that kept him of equal distance away from the siren that lie leisurely across the maroon carpeting.
sitting himself near felix, yet leaving a comfortable space between them, oliver watched him fidget with his steel lighter, beautifully encrusted with his family crest. "you were gonna" click "uh.." click "show me something.?" click. oliver stumbled through his words anxiously, his attentive eyes set on examining felix's long fingers fiddling with the lighter's button, as he impulsively pulled a cigarette out from behind his ear. pay attention.
tilting his head to meet the other's wavering gaze felix smiled. "yeah, look" he said. tongue pressing to the top of his mouth as he formed the word that commanded oliver's attention. clicking his lighter felix lit his cigarette, taking in a deep deep inhale. captivated, oliver ogled at felix's lips as they slotted their way between the orange tip, fitting his mouth perfectly. he always knew felix had an oral fixation but seeing it up this close. this personal. it was driving him mad.
lightly smirking, felix gradually exhaled the smoke into the sweltering air surrounding them. he was caught. sunbeams cutting through the translucent vapor, oliver watched as smoke faded into the encompassing atmosphere; though, before he could appreciate the ethereal sight before him, a medium-sized plume of residual smoke was being blown his way.
trying to conceal his laughter, felix grinned mischievously. if it was someone's duty to piss ollie off it was his and his only. but oliver wasn't amused, not even in the slightest. "you're a real prick for that y'know" he snapped, instantly breaking felix's cheeky demeanor. this was serious now.
to be truthful, oliver wasn't exactly too keen on why he was so emotionally moved to react the the way he did, though he knew one thing for sure; felix ignited something within him. whether it be anger, lust, or a combination of the two he was certain felix knew of this fact. in turn, this made him shake his head in disapproval. "i'm a what?" felix replied, his typical happy-go-lucky tone being replaced by a cold demanding one.
oliver scoffed, leaning inwards towards the boy in front of him, if felix had the right to be an asshole so did he, right? it's only fair. "you heard me" oliver retorted, "you're a prick" he spat, making sure to put all emphasis on the insult that that hurled straight towards felix's ego. what the fuck has this heat done to him. he only ever really had the gaul to say such things to felix when they were in a group of people, never really thinking about the repercussions that lurked around the corner. but here he was.
fiercely grabbing the sides of oliver's cheeks with his right hand, felix brought him in closer. two can play at this game. "i'm afraid you shouldn't say that oliver.." felix declared daringly, cigarette still assuming its lively position in his left hand. taking note of this, a shiver ran down the small of ollie's back.
oliver. oliver. oliver. the sound of felix saying his name reverberated infinitely through the chambers of his head. this very act causing all of his blood to instantly rush towards his already pitifully twitching cock. felix, delightedly taking notice of this, squeezed the sides of his cheeks harder.
tensely gasping for air, oliver attempted to regain his scattered thoughts, fighting for some appearance of "normalcy." though, nothing was normal about this. "w-wh-..." oliver began.
"wh-y not?" stated the newly soft spoken boy, voice just barely over a whisper. felix still maintained his tight grip on the sides of oliver's cheeks. thumbs carelessly deepening the dimples that reside there. oliver hoped he would leave marks. he was practically begging for it at this point.
"because..." felixed trailed teasingly, wetting his lips before he started talking again, "this would happen." in one swift motion felix shifted oliver's cheeks in hand, now having a solid grasp on his jaw. thumb finding its way between oliver's dry lips, forcefully commanding rule of ollie's mouth.
starstruck, oliver complied, seeing no other use in fighting his inevitable punishment. in the end felix always knew best. always knowing his weak spots and taking full advantage of such whenever he got the lucky chance; and it just so happens to be that felix won the lottery.
ceasing his thumbs exploration, felix began tenderly putting out the remaining bits of his cigarette onto oliver's tongue. grunting in pleasure as he heard the slight sizzle of the ashes being eaten up and silenced by oliver's wet entrance. "good boy" felix growled hungrily, moving his own jaw as he watched in awe of his own doings.
in that moment, oliver's low humming whimper swept through the confines of the heated dorm room, relishing in the pain and pleasure felix executed upon him. he was not religious by any means, not typically boring himself with the debate of there being an afterlife; though, he knew after today that heaven was real. "better?" felix inquired menacingly, pulling back the ashen cigarette butt from oliver's agape mouth.
in that instant all oliver could do was mindlessly nod his head in agreeance, finally experiencing his first taste of felix catton. and my god, was it delicious.
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skania · 1 year
Aqua, Akane and their relationship during his "Freedom" period
I know a lot of people dismiss Aqua's words to Akane in Chapter 97 because he wasn't shown being all smiles during their time together, but I think those people forget that Aqua has a very complex, very difficult, very painful rapport with happiness.
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He has lived his entire life, be it as Goro or as Aqua, feeling guilty. Goro quite literally felt guilty for existing: he couldn't forgive himself for living at the expense of his mother. This guilt is accompanied by a feeling of powerlessness: he beats himself up because he couldn't do more for Sarina, and as Aqua he blames himself because he couldn't save Ai.
He assigns no worth to his own life. He has panic attacks when he lets himself enjoy things. Even something as innocent as Ruby reminding him of Sarina makes him think that he is unforgivable because he doesn't deserve salvation.
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After living this way for so long, it's only natural that he still struggles with allowing himself to be happy during his "Freedom" period.
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To make matters worse, this newfound freedom was born from Aqua running away from the truth and from all his issues. Ichigo said so himself, there is no way Aqua didn't notice the loophole. Himekawa literally tells him what age he was when his dad died, some simple math would've automatically let Aqua realize that the timeline didn't add-up.
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But Aqua didn't want to realize it. He blinded himself to the truth because Himekawa gave him the escape he has been desperately yearning for since (at least) the TB arc.
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Since Aqua didn't actually solve any of his issues and traumas, it's to be expected that they keep weighting down on him throughout that year. After all, healing takes time.
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We see this weight very clearly in his dynamic with Kana, since his Ai-related trauma is the biggest factor in him completely avoiding her.
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We naturally also see it in his dynamic with Akane.
Three examples come to mind:
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Akane tells him that she enjoys being with him. We know for a fact that Aqua is reluctant to part ways with Akane, which means he enjoys being with her too. But he isn't used to letting himself enjoy things. So, how does Aqua react?
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His guilt flares up and he focuses on how undeserving he is of her, even trying to convince her (and himself) that their relationship is nothing but a lie.
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Something very similar happens here:
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Akane tells Aqua that she wants to see him, and Aqua looks torn before admitting that he wants to see her too. It'd be easy to interpret his expression as Aqua feeling guilty because he is about to lie to Akane, specially since this page is followed by a page of Kana crying over him. But I believe it's the opposite.
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We see him that very chapter asking Akane about her schedule so they can see each other. This alone shows that Aqua does want to see Akane, and the fact that Akane later says that Aqua has been doing his best not to lie to her confirms Aqua is being truthful when he tells her that he wants to see her soon, too.
So, why does he make that sad face?
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I believe it's his guilt flaring up again. Knowing him, I bet that thoughts like these ran through his mind:
Does someone like me really deserve to live a normal relationship like this? Would Akane want to see me if she knew that I'm the reincarnation of Goro Amamiya? It it okay for me to want to see Akane even though I know Kana is hurting because I've been avoiding her?
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Still, it's important to notice that we can see the positive effect that time has had on Aqua. During that first example, Aqua tried to put up a wall between him and Akane by claiming that their relationship wasn't real; during the second, he hesitates but ultimately admits that he returns the feeling and wants to see her too.
This trend of Aqua becoming more open with time continues in the last example, which comes precisely from Chapter 97:
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Akane confirms that she is glad that she is dating him, that he makes her happy, and Aqua looks utterly caught off-guard, as if the thought of being able to make Akane happy was shocking to him.
His most telling reaction happens right after, though:
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Aqua's lips tremble. He looks near tears. Why?
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Because to him, who felt like he was underserving of salvation, being with Akane has felt remarkably close to it.
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I feel that this moment right here contextualizes all the examples I mentioned before: Akane does make him happy and he doesn't know what to do about it half the time, because he isn't sure if he deserves that happiness at all. But Akane makes him feel like he just might.
And the truth is that he doesn't want to give up on it—on her, because to him his relationship with Akane has become synonym to the happiness that has been eluding him all along.
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So I personally can't dismiss his words to her during Chapter 97, because to me they are actually meant to reveal the way Aqua has been feeling all along.
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imaginefan · 6 months
My Baby
Chris Halliwell X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 776
Requested: Anon
Request: Reader and Chris are having their first kid, Piper is concerned cause she doesn't want them to go through the pain that her and Leo had to go through with forbidden love witch/angel thing and she tells Chris to break it off with reader but he won't. Leo on the other hand doesn't agree cause they broke the rules and in the end still got to keep their kids. Reader and Chris dont give up. (Not sure where else to go with this idea). Thank you in advance. One shot
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You and Chris had found out that you were expecting your first child, the first people that you decided to tell were your parents, yours seemed happy enough, they were excited to have a grandchild but you didn’t sense the same excitement from Piper (Leo seemed quite happy).
You were standing in the kitchen, your parents were all talking while you pulled Chris to the side “your mum doesn’t seem very happy.” You said softly. “What do you mean, she said that she’s happy for us.” Chris answered. “She doesn’t look happy.” You said “your mum has never been good at hiding how she feels.” “It’ll be fine.” Chris answered.
Chris knew that he needed to talk to his mum to see what it was that was bothering her, he just really didn’t want you to worry about it, he was taking his parents home when he decided to talk about the issue before the baby got her, he wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it the same way that he remembered his mum and her sisters did with him and his brother. “Mum, what's going on?” Chris asked. “Hmm?” She asked. “You’ve been real quiet since we said that we were having a baby, is there something you wanted to say? Is there something wrong?” Chris asked. “There’s nothing wrong.” Piper answered. “Don’t lie to me mum, we have to sort this out, we're going to have this baby, it’s not going away so we have to talk about it.” Chris explained. “Do you know how dangerous this is, you know what me and your father went through after we had you and Wyatt.” Piper explained. “It might be easier for all of you if you were to leave now before they tear you apart.” “We don’t know that’s going to happen this time, there’s a lot that is different.” Chris argued. “He’s right Piper, for one he wasn’t assigned to her as her protector, he’s also only half whitelighter, there could be a lot that changes.” Leo explained. “You can’t ask him to do what you wouldn’t.” Piper looked between the two of them. “I just don’t want either of you to get hurt.” She explained. “Mum I know that you're worried but I can’t just leave (Y/N) not now, I love her and the baby too much for that.” Chris answered honestly. “Alright.” Piper finally nodded “just be careful both of you.”
Chris got back to your shared apartment in record time after the conversation that he had with his parents he found himself missing you, even the thought of leaving you an explanation or not induced the feeling. Chris walked into the living room and saw you sitting on the sofa, legs curled up and a blanket wrapped around you, the remains of a snack that you had just been eating left on the table. Chris walked over flopping down on the sofa and resting his head on your thighs. “Are you okay?” You asked gently, running your hands through his hair as he looked at you. “Yeah, everything is fine.” He answered. “And your parents are okay?” You asked, he knew that you were going to ask but he didn’t want to upset you by telling you what they had talked about, on the other hand keeping it a secret was only going to make it worse if you ever did find out, which was definitely possible and as much as he wanted to make the decision himself this was something you should have a say in as well. “Mum is worried that we’re going to go through the same thing as her and Dad, with the Elders.” Chris answered and you nodded. “It’s possible, I’ve thought about it myself.” You answered. “You have?” He asked. “Yeah and I decided that no matter what I’d fight just as hard as your mother did to get back to you.” You answered with a shrugged “didn’t think there was much more to discuss then that.” “You're not afraid?” He asked. “Of course I am but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to turn away from you.” You answered. “I love you.” Chris leaned up to meet you in a kiss, soft, slow as he did his best to show you the truth in his words. “I promise that I will fight just as hard for you.” “I love you too Chris.” You smiled, shuffling to get more comfortable, eventually Chris moved you both so that he had you laying on his chest so that you could watch your show more comfortably, where you both stayed for the rest of the night.
Requests and general question!
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tojiscrack · 3 months
is it weird that i wish y/n existed in the actual jjk verse. like her personality fits so well with almost every single character, and the chemistry between megumi and y/n is THE BEST ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
her personality is so real and unlike any other reader i’ve come across in other reader x [insert character] fics. the chemistry between her and other characters doesn’t feel forced, if you understand what i mean? i thoroughly enjoy reading EVERY scene because of that! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
you said to look out for foreshadowing which is what i have been trying to do but perhaps i’m being a little silly looking way too early, considering other chapters have not been released yet. but one thing i have noticed is that megumi only really has shown CLEAR signs of liking her more than just a friend when he is about to leave her (not the scene where he’s silently fighting over sitting next to her at yuji’s place because that could arguably be seen as platonic too despite me seeing it as him liking her) - for example; when he’s going on vacation without her. now i understand that this is only one example but i have a feeling that this may become a reoccurring theme - what was it, absence makes the heart grow fonder? i have a feeling he’ll only ever understand his feelings for her when he is away from her. and given the angst hashtag, it wouldn’t exactly be surprising if for any reason they moved away from each other, whether figuratively or physically.
i could be completely wrong though and if that’s the case, then this is embarrassing ( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄◡̶͂ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )و
but regardless, i’m so happy i stumbled across this fic. seriously, the way u write is awesome and i can only wish to be as good as you when it comes to writing! the dialogue, the chemistry between the characters is so cute and feels like a coming of age sitcom. i love it i love it i love it and i love you!! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
please keep up the good work, soldier. i salut you for your hard work keeping us all sane after gege shattered our souls (stay alive, don’t let him find you) ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
liar, liar masterlist here
it is not weird at ALL. i created this y/n with the sole thought that there should be a character as wild as her (i love goofy characters sm you have no idea). like my fav character from aot? connie. fav from jjk? gojo. fav from haikyuu? tanaka and hinata. fav from death note? L (don’t lie, that man was funny af).
read that entire sentence about her chemistry with megumi and the relationship she has with the other characters not being forced with a FAT smile on my face 🙂‍↕️ an author knows they’ve won once someone points this out using their own free will. thank you for that 😭💞
the second i saw the word ‘foreshadowing’ in ur message, JAISJWISJWJSJ. YES, YOU HAVE A PREDICTION? TELL ME MORE (i feel like a mastermind rn muahahahaha) 😋 you are nawt silly for looking for it earlier. i’ve dropped so many hints and no one’s picked it apart yet (surprisingly). some are more obvious than others, but let me tell you now, once you’ve noticed it, you’re gonna smack ur forehead and think ‘why didn’t i see this before?’.
i LOVE how you’re playing devil’s advocate for yourself (you’re so smart omg). like you’ve mentioned how the only in-your-face type of thing we’ve seen so far is the airport scene (i mean, if gojo pointing it out wasn’t so obvious, dk what is, really, lolol). and i also like how you’ve made it so that the arguing in yuji’s room can be easily seen as platonic despite what you might think (we need smart people like you so pls don’t die tyvm).
and OOH, IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU WITHOUT SPOILING IT. distance makes the heart grow fonder… yeah, can’t reveal whether this trope is for them or not. i can, however, confuse you a little and say that you’re half right. maybe, like, forty five percent right if i have to slap a number on it. yeah. but there is something that occurs later on (you guessed it, with the angst hashtag) that makes me want to say that you’re actually fifty five percent right. idk, you’ll see what i mean once the main story’s out 😭
this would NOT be embarrassing for you if you’re wrong, let me tell you that much. this fic’s been out since the end of december (beginning of january?) and no one’s come to a prediction as well thought out as yours. for that, i will NOT forget you when i write out the half-correct prediction of yours in the coming chapters.
i’m so happy you stumbled across my fic too! 😭 i’m having sm fun writing this out and laughing to myself (not at you babe, just as the evil mastermind that i am). i’ll be responsible for your complaints once the angst chapters get out (plural because there’s a LOT of them planned). tysm for ur kind message, i’m so flattered my writing pleases you 😭 dialogue is hard to write, trying to match it with the characters ofc, so i appreciate your support on that 💘
girl, gege will never find me. after what he did to my satoru, i will find him. don’t get it twisted.
on the contrary, i’m so upset you wrote all of this anonymously but i respect it, there might be a gazillion reasons why you’d like to remain anonymous. so if you ever send a message again, just lmk it’s you. call yourself the ‘big brain anon’ (😤) because you’re so smart and ily and don’t be humble about it, you are SO smart <3
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