#no i dont care about genetics why do you ask
irregodless · 4 months
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oh yeah? could a mentally unstable person make this?
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tokyo-1842 · 12 days
Zoro x GN!Scientist!Reader
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TW: Uhh reader not sleeping for days (Possibly weeks), READER PURRS😭 (I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE CUTE), Pet rat, Zoro taking care of reader, fluffy fluuff that’s all folks, little suggestive in one sentence.
“Day…I’ve lost count…” You muttered to yourself as you wrote on the medium sized white board in your lab. The bags under your eyes becoming more visible day by day. The crew worries about you and both your mental and physical health. God…weeks it’s been since your last rest. But it’s not your fault! Science!
Yes science…all you need…you don’t even need sleep!
Ok well maybe a few screws in your head were a little lose during these past months. But it’s nothing to worry about! All the progress and research you’ve made was worth it!
*Squeak, Squeak*
Ah right that’s what this was all about.
So you see, you’ve loved animals your entire life! And one day you decided it’s not fair they don’t get to live as long as humans! The Sunny wasn’t going to be at another island for a long time too. So why not figure out a way too give longer life expectancy to animals.
And so you did but at what cost.
So this brings us here.
“(Name) Open up!” A gruff voice shouted on the other side of the door. “Yeah…give me a second..”
You opened the door to see a seemingly concerned Zoro. “What’s up? Need anything?” You look at him. Only if you could see how tired you looked. “The hell you mean “WhAtS uP”. What’s up is YOU for too long!” “I’m fine I swear…” You take a seat near a table where the mouse you were testing on was laying. (DONT WORRY THE MOUSE IS BEING TAKEN GPOD CARE OF :p)
“What could be so important that could have caused you to not sleep in WEEKS!?” Zoro grunted. “Oh man I’m glad you asked! I’d really like to drag out the years of my life and live past human expectancy. But I can’t.” You paused. “So I made a little buddy who could! This isss…hm (Mouse Name). I called him subject A I never gave a normal name, But anyways-“
Zoro watched as you babbled on about your experiment, he only payed attention to how you looked like you could fall over any moment now.
You pulled out a brush to groom the little critter, slowly stroking is fur.
“(Name)! Are you not seeing the problem here?” “What problem…? Hm are you talking about how I made (Mouse name) to look like me? oh yeah I forgot to mention! I did give him some of my DNA” “(Name)” “I extracted some of my blood and used the cells to form a similar genetic structure to mines” You slurred out while staring into space. “(NAME)! Can’t you see what this is doing to you! You’re clearly not even mentally stable” (That’s a drag) Zoro practically shouted. “Haha…what makes you say that…?”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOUR BRUSHING AIR RIGHT NOW!” You look down to see a comical dotted outline on where (mouse name) should be. Your brain is so tired out you couldn’t even notice nothing was being brushed.
You let out a chuckle. “Funny I could’ve swore he was there…” You sweat dropped. “That’s it. Your putting that mouse to bed then your going to bed.” “But-“ “Do you understand?” The swordsman commanded.
After wrapping up your lab equipment with the help of Zoro (because you would fall over) you changed out of your lab gear.
Roronoa let you borrow one of his T-Shirts. (Totally not just to watch the way the shirt hugs your curves)
“Alright finally let’s head to bed” He picked you up bridal style and you let out an adorable gasp he chuckles at.
Finally your curled up to him getting some well needed rest. You snuggled impossibly closer to his chest. Zoro massaged your scalp as he stared off into the moon lit ocean. Observing the way it glistened like a gem and listened to your soft snoring.
That was until he heard a…PURR?
Purring…you were..
The shock wore off as he found it adorable. There were many things about you he never knew but this one is new. It provoked him to keep on petting you as the cat like noises you made were like music to him.
- When ever the strawhats have a lil sleepover (idk) when you fall asleep Zoro likes to rub your back until you purr to show it to everyone. You always wonder why your throat is sore in the morning..
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
i know when detective yoongi goes into heat mc's not going to be safe. 🫣🥵👀
Hmmm... 🤔
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When you wake up, you immediately sense somethings.. off about the detective.
He's barefoot, dressed comfortably rather than in his usual attire, hair a bit unkempt as he makes himself coffee at his small kitchenette. He's got his back turned towards you, and on his backside, there's a bump where you'd assume his tail might be hidden. It moves every now and then, so you're pretty sure that's what it is, underneath his sweater and cotton sweatpants.
"You're up." He comments as he looks over his shoulder a little, and your suspicions are confirmed with the way he seems a bit.. wary of you. "Dont worry. I've got good self-control." He simply says, noticing the way you seem to tense up for a moment, before he turns around. "Do you want breakfast? I can heat up my leftovers if you want them." The detective casually says, and you just hum an affirmative response.
He's clearly in his hybrid heat. So why does he seem so.. calm?
You can't help but have your interest peaked. He outright told you time and time again that basically, he could see himself get involved with you, so he must find you attractive in some way, no matter which one. So why is he so unaffected by you, neither when you're in heat, nor when he is?
And right now, you both are. Any other hybrid would be absolutely in no way capable of being this calm and collected about it.
Maybe he's just not as affected considering his situation. He didn't tell you what exactly his genetic mutation changed or altered specifically, apart from the things you can see, so there's really no telling. "You can ask, you now." He chuckles faintly, bringing a bowl of re-heated fried rice to the table, making you get up to walk closer.
You're still naturally wary of sitting down, so close to him at least. After all, he's sitting right next to you at the small kitchen table, around the corner.
"Are you.. like, not actually feeling anything?" You mumble, picking up your spoon to eat- never letting him out of sight. It's cute, in his opinion. And it also makes him rest easy to know that you're not easy prey to anyone once you both have to inevitably part ways again after everything's done.
"Oh, I am." He shakes his head, leaning back on his chair with crossed arms. He does this a lot around you. Like he's trying to shield himself from you, even though you're not doing anything. "Just.. not controlled by it."
"Huh.." you hum, eating your food. "So like-" you shove a big spoonful of food into your mouth, halfway chewing it. "-how short is your tail?" You ask him muffled, and he clicks his tongue before reaching out to flick a grain of stray rice from your lip.
"Dont eat and talk at the same time, brat." He mutters under his breath, getting up to fetch you a tissue as you sniker to yourself. You don't know why he's so amusing to you- this constant back and forth and contradicting caring behavior of him is just both hilarious and horribly endearing to you. He never acts like he doesn't care- he makes it clear at this point that he does, but something about the way he offers his kindness is just entertaining to witness.
Like he can't make up his mind if you're the biggest nuisance in his life, or the brightest addition to it.
"Answer my question-" You demand now after having swallowed, though you instantly lean back in your chair when he gets close, both arms on the backrest of it caging you in, face so close you can make out all the different specs of color in his brown cateyes.
"Since when do you call the shots in my own home, sweetheart?" He asks, and you swallow thickly- but not out of fear. Because maybe he's not that much up in his heat yet, but you very much still are- and just one more second and he's gonna know that you're very much affected by an action like this, mentally and physically. "Hm, thought so." He smirks, before finally leaving your personal bubble to wash his dishes a bit further away. Thankfully, his senses aren't probably that great.
"Oh, you might wanna go change in the bathroom." He calls out when he notices you're going to nap again after leaving your dishes for him to wash since he's busyung himself with his own right now.
"Huh? Why?" You ask a little annoyed. "I slept in this? It's no 'dirty daytime clothes', Mister Clean-freak-detective.." you mock, and he doesn't turn away from the sink as he shakes his head.
"Oh I know-" he tells you, turning off the water to dry his hands. "-and I know I said I'm not controlled by my hormones right now-" He continues, and your blood runs cold as he nonchalantly puts away the dishes he's dried. You can't see his face, but from the way he talks, you just know he's got a shit eating grin on his face.
"-But you must have a lot of faith in me, thinking I won't act out with that scent all over my bed you're sleeping in."
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
"OH my god, Anon! [Feferi]'s PETA!"
spot on on, because if meenah is more like caliborn, feferi is more like calliope. and thats how you get beforus, a nanny state planet that pretends to be an utopia. tumblr. speaking of which.
I'm cool with whatever people do in their spare time, you know, you do you. But what ticks me off is when they start acting all authoritarian with their headcanons, insisting they are canon and claiming others are clueless, ignorant, illiterate, tone-deaf, every internalized or externalized -ist and -phobic under the sun etc for not seeing it that way. Treating fictional characters with more decency than they do with real people essentially. So because I dont give a single iota of a fuck anymore, let me call out this retarded fandom that butterfly effected all western fandoms turning into warzones and hussies lazy hack ass really quick.
Here's the deal: Some people really just wanna show off how "woke" they are to others, so they slap labels like they're trendy accessories and project onto characters without giving a damn about their background or personality. That usually backfires and ends up with pretty darn terrible results. We all know this, we've heard the HS2 horror stories. And that's exactly what went down here again.
Because, lately, there's this, as I said let's call it headcanon, floating around insisting that the Vantases, Kankri in particular, are canonically aromantic asexual (aroace). The Vantases are the worst possible candidates in the whole webcomic for this. Why?
1: celibacy ≠ aroace. first one is not an orientation, but a choice to abstain from acting on attraction. and the other IS a orientation, not a choice, where you feel little to no romantic or sexual attraction. so much for respecting some people's identities and values. If the vantases HAVE to be assigned a human label despite being fucking aliens, why not demisexual???? kankri even asks karkat if he might be "panquadrantic demiromantic", doesnt that fit how the signless took time to open his heart to the disciple and had a love that went beyond all quadrants with her?
they are both HORNY and THIRSTY as hell for the pyropes, the captors, the leijons, john egbert, i dont fucking know, take your pick. make them fuck a clown. That's why Karkat is obsessed with romance and Kankri panders so hard, they are both that pathetically desperate for someone to connect and care for them back as obsessively intense as they are with everything.
3: Some previous anon pointed out how HIC, besides being an authoritarian tyrant that wanted galaxy-wide conquest, is an eugenicist fascist. Yes. She genocided limebloods. So did Beforan Feferi actually. And you know Karkat's handle? carcinogeneticist? How he inherited the Signless's burden? These things are all related, and let me use a comparison to explain how or why. Imposing this label onto them would be as perplexing as suggesting that Aang from THE LAST AIRBENDER, being a monk, should also be aroace. Right after all the airbenders were wiped out by firebenders, also authoritarian tyrants that wanted world conquest. Do you see the parallels? Karkat and Kankri have significant self-esteem issues, stemming from their mutant blood, from which bloodcaste they mutated from? Limebloods. The caste that has faced intense persecution, to the extent of genocide, on BOTH planets, resulting in their GENETIC LINEAGE being wiped out from the troll GENE POOL. Limebloods are EXTINCT. That's why their mutancy is their burden, it saved them from being killed, but condemned both to a lifetime of suffering and hiding under the same culling regime that killed their kin. And that's why the burden is the responsibility of revitalizing their bloodcaste BY PROCREATING. ADDING THEIR GENES TO THE TROLL GENE POOL. But because both Karkat and Kankri are fucking idiots with crippling self-esteem issues and Hussie wrote with his asscheeks, what did these two chucklefucks do instead? One praised the Empress that wanted to kill him and wanted to become her thresecutioner, and out of desperation did the devil's tango with the worst and most disgusting vile living being available, a hussie self-insert. And the other became fucking CELIBATE to focus on what was truly important to oppose the regime he disagreed with… performative bullshit that nobody asked him to care about, overcorrecting to the point of being even more offensive than the start, and not actually solving any problems but creating more. To make "progress as a civilization" with trigger warnings, HE DIDN'T PRESERVE THE FUTURE OF HIS OWN BLOODCASTE. NEITHER DID KARKAT WHO WAS TOO BUSY WATCHING MOVIES. And that was actually clever writing, because if you are a fandom activist who hates kankri, and also think hes unironically aroace because he's celibate, congratulations! You fell for the trap, youre exactly the kind of person Kankri is satirizing, he also missed the point by hyperfocusing on labels and hating himself, and like a self fulfilling prophecy, became the same thing that he was fighting against without realizing because he unwittingly ended up aiding troll eugenics by doing the hard work and taking himself out of the dating pool!
So next time you see a pretentious writer vagueposting about you or your interpretation of a character or guilt tripping you because you dont adhere to their offensive stereotypes, check if they headcanon Kankri as aroace, and if they do, you can simply smile and rest assured knowing that nothing you do will ever be as disconnected from reality or as far off the mark regarding character interpretation as that. Why would you listen to these evil people? Are you like Hussie?
That is truly why Davekat really fucking sucks and always fucking will,
Because not only did it ruin everything with their nonexistant chemistry-less relationship but because thanks to it and pandering to its stans, Sea Hitler won and both muties are out of the gene pool and limebloods remain extinct. That IS actually canon.
And while Johnkat and Jadekat are excellent, Karkat and Kankri's harem of trolls is better than davekat. Suck my dick.
PD: What's that? Baby HIC married Karkat? Doesn't surprise me. Grooming kids is her whole thing. There really was no excuse for not making Karkat fuck Sollux or Terezi instead.
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Karkat and Kankri's Harem are better than Davekat. Meenah, Porrim, and Aranea sprites from @befriendus Damara sprite by @magua-vida
Condesce, Disciple, Redglare Neophyte, and the Dolorosa by elanor-pam
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animestsstuff2 · 6 months
•sickly sweet•
Bakugou katsuki x reader
Warnings- blood, death, eventual smut (characters are aged up slightly in this story to 17 and or turning 17. I know they are 15/16 when beginning U.A but I tweaked it slightly :)), cursing, teasing etc
-Master List-
Thought id provide a little description of the reader character!- quirk: vampire- She is basically a vampire! it was genetically passed down by her father. Her mother had a mineral manipulation quirk and combined with her fathers quirk allows her to manipulate her blood. She has increased physical stats due to being a vampire which include speed, sight, hearing, strength and endurance. These peak at night and weaken significantly during the day. She does not need food to survive but enjoys it and drinks animal blood!
Part 3
Its been just over two weeks now since you started U.A and you’ve made a lot of friends. Kirishima is definitely your closest friend right now. Yous sit together in home room, during lunch and a few other classes, currently you sat in homeroom beside Kirishima and bakugou to your left. You also had made friends with Uraraka, Midoriya, Denki is also pretty funny so is Mina. Shes always talking and already shipping people together. Midoriya had pulled a chair up to your table along with Denki and Mina. "What do you think we'll be doing today?" Midoryia asked and bakugou spoke up.
"Why do you care deku! You'll probably be shit at it anyways like always" he grunted and you turned to the angry blonde and glared at him. You hated bullies, being bullied frequently as a child for your appearance; Bakugou is someone you have yet to find something about him to like. "Take that back!" He looked at you. His whole face radiating anger. This was occurring. He would pick on Deku like he always did but you. You had to intervene and speak up, annoy him like an insect. "Or what! What will you do?! You’re just a stupid extra, sticking your nose in everyones business" He snapped, glaring at you as his fingers curled into a fist.
"I-I'll make you" your sudden resolve you had. The anger towards him fizzled away as his dark red eyes glared into yours and you backed up slightly, feeling your stomach twist, not in hunger… not in a way youve ever experienced. You’re not really alive so your body doesn’t really do alive things. This was new however, Bakugou sometimes, his aftershave he wore was strong some days and would make you freeze. You couldn’t understand why. You didn’t feel anything but distaste towards him but sometimes, when you made eye contact your brain would draw blank.
“Well! What are you gonna do you damn nerd. You’re just like Deku. A weakling!” He shouted. He reached forward, not that there was much a gap between yous too. You sat beside each other, grabbing your collar and pulling you closer to his face. Your brain froze as he stared you down. His smell of burnt caramel tinged with smoke from fresh explosions wafted up to your nose. You felt your teeth grow as your mouth watered slightly. Your eyes widened and you pulled away quickly after your stomach growled, pulling your hand over your nose
"What the hell was that! Do i smell bad?”He growled and reached forward again grabbing your hand from your nose and glaring at you again. You felt yourself sweat as your stomach wanted him, more importantly his blood. You shook your head furiously, pulling your hand back and immediately grabbing your water bottle, taking a large gulp as you relaxed back in your seat. You never ever wanted another humans blood. Why did that happen? "You damn extra! You think I smell bad!! Smell me now. I dont smell bad!" He growled as his hand again reaching out to grab your collar and pull you. You resisted tipping your head back slightly. “Bakugou! Let me go. You don’t smell bad!” You yelled, feeling your fangs grow again as your insatiable beast inside of you grew. His grip loosened slightly and you looked into his narrowed eyes. “Tsk! Yeah thats what I thought you punk!” He snapped and shoved you away. You fell back not expecting it and fell into your chair. He slumped back into his and crossed his arms. "I am here!" All Might called out cheerfully as he broke down the door, standing tall.
"Well! Students, today we are doing battle training" he announced proudly and everyone excitedly picked up a chatter as they wondered what they would be doing. "Battle training! YES! Deku youre being crushed!!" Bakugou yelled at midoryia and All Might chuckled at midoryias fearful face. "But young heros! You are missing something!" He grinned as he pointed to the left wall "some awesome outfits!" Slits in the wall were pushed out. A box in each with everyone's numbers on them, everyone smiled excitedly and grabbed their own box with their personally designed costumes.
Everyone changed and you stepped out of the bathroom You put your uniform in your locker and turned to your friends. They looked so cool. "W-Woah Yuri you look awesome!" Kirishima grinned as he stood before you. You looked at his outfit. He was topless, with black bottoms and a red ripped cape around his waits that fell over his legs. A large R on the front of the belt. He had a structure of a mask over his mouth and under his jaw but it was empty in the middle showing his toothy grin. "Th-Thanks! Yours looks cool to! Trying to impress the girls huh" you giggled and he looked confused before looking down at his bare chest and laughed nervously a pink hue on his cheeks. "Wh-what! No-" you giggled as you cut him off anf patted his arm.
"I know kiri. I was just teasing! But its definitely working" you looked around at a few girls who were eyeing kirishima. "Kiri?" He asked and you nodded "its a nickname, do you not like it?" He quickly shook his head "n-no its nice!" "Hey Yuri! Your costume is so cool" Uraraka complimented as you turned your attention to her and Midoriya "its so dark and mysterious, spooky. I love it!"
"Yours is so cute Uraraka it totally matches your quirk. A astronaut vibe" you turned to Midoriya
“Yours is super cool too Midoriya! It matches your green hair!" He blushed at your statement and opened his mouth to comment on yours when you heard an oh so familiar boys grumble behind you.
"Deku cool!? Hah! Dont make me laugh. Hes a pathetic weakling! Like you squirt" Bakugou laughed mockingly and you turned, crossing your arms under your chest.
"Shut up Bakugou! I said his costume is cool and what if i do think Midoriya is cool! Whats so wrong with that huh!" You retorted, leaning towards the blonde boy whos cheeks tinted a slight pink as he eyed your costume.
His eyes rolled up your body, taking in your costume. You had black combat boots on, with black shorts. A red utility belt strapped around your waist which attached to thigh holsters on both your thighs below your short. It held a small water bottle for you in it and another part held a small knife. You wore a small black sports bra which tied behind your neck with red lining it. A metal mask hung around your neck, similar to Midoriyas. "Well! If his costume is cool then mines is obviously way cooler! Im cooler than stupid Deku in everyway, so wheres my compliment huh! You complimented shitty hair and that round face!" He huffed in response and glared at you. You placed your hands on you hips and straightened up slightly, looking up at the blonde boy and into his crimson eyes before rolling your eyes down and over his body. He didnt like this feeling of being judged. He never cared what anyone thought he was the best! No he is, so why under your gaze does he feel small.
"Meh, its alright" you mumbled, in reality you kinda gawked at his arms for a bit at his muscles and then at his gauntlets which looked super heavy before looking at the tight shirt on his chest. "Alright!? ALRIGHT?! You shitty squirt! I want a proper compliment!" He yelled as he stepped even closer, pressing a firm finger into your chest which shifted you back slightly. “Yeah!? Well thats all youre getting. Youre nasty and your costume is alright!” You snapped back, pointing a hard finger into his chest but he didnt budge and his chest was so...firm
“Give me a proper compliment! Im better than all these damn extras!” He glared at you. You stood firm as your classmates watched. Midoriya was sweating and mumbling to himself nervously. You just rolled your eyes at him which seemed to fire up the boy before you even more and he grabbed your wrist pulling you closer to him. Your eyes widened at the close proximity and his smokey caramel scent wafted up to your nose. Your eyes widened as your mind went blank and your anger fizzled out. He looked you up and down again, noticing how you’ve kind of spaced out.
“F-Fine you have a cool costume. Your gauntlets are pretty intimidating” you stammered out, you pulled your hand away and stepped back. Your mind clearing. Bakugou just ‘tsked’ at your response and rolled his eyes, eyeing you once more. You pulled the mask which lay around your neck over your nose. Bakugous smell completely disappearing.
“Whats with the mask Yuri?” Uraraka asked as you guys moved outside to a large building. You reached for the mask touching it.
“Hmm? Oh my heightened senses also make my sense of smell super strong and my hearing. I find though that smells are super overwhelming! So I added this to my costume to help myself. It can be super distracting” you answered, smiling. It was half true, smells can be super overwhelming especially open wounds.
“Oh! Thats understandable” she hummed in response.
"Now we will be conducting battle training today!" All Might exclaimed and you stood beside kirishima and Uraraka, Bakugou was behind you grumbling about something.
"You will be battling each other, teams of two with one being the villians and the others being the heros! You will be in the a tall building with multiple floors. The villains have the bomb. Heros you must get the bomb or capture the villains!"
"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugou piped up and you rolled your eyes at his comment. "Now as i explained the villains will be placed on a random floor with a nuclear bomb! The heros must gain possession of the bomb or disarm and capture the villains!" He explained. All Might held out a box and explained we were choosing based on lots.
You got paired with bakugou and midoryia was paired with Uraraka. Kirishima was paired with the boy sero. Bakugou complained loudly about being paired with you. You looked over to Kirishima who gave you a sorry smile.
"Paired with you?! GOD this SUCKS!" He groaned and you rolled your eyes at his childishness. You and Bakugou were team A and Uraraka and midoryia was team D. We were the villains and they were the heros.
You watched as bakugou glared menacingly at Izuku and Izuku whimpered so quietly you barely heard it with your heightened hearing.
"Now everyone head to the monitory room. Villains! You head in first and get set up. I will send in the heros in 5minutes! Remember the best way to win is to embody villainy!" He explained to us and We both nodded as we headed it.
You walked into the room and saw the fake nuclear weapon. You turned to Bakugou, jumping slightly, not expecting him to be so close to you. You didn’t notice. He grabbed your wrist and you froze, feeling the heat through his gloves.
“Listen you extra. I don’t loose. I always win and if you get in my way. Ill blast you” he growled and you nodded, grabbing your mask and pulling it up over your nose. You are definitely keeping this on. His smell is so strong. “You think i smell bad again!” He snapped and you shook your head, stepping back and pulling the mask down.
“I dont! Your smell is just really strong, its distracting” you explained and he narrowed his eyes and your response but choose to believe you. He paced back and forth, thinking of his plan when you reached out and stopped him. He opened his mouth to yell at you for touching him when you slapped your hand over his mouth. he seethed at your actions but stayed still “Theyre in the building” you whispered and he nodded. You pulled your hand away, tilting your head slightly as you strained your ears
"You stay and guard the weapon. Ill deal with them" you only nodded, less work for you to do.
"Do you know what floor?" He asked and you stood still hearing their footsteps. "3rd maybe 2nd" he nodded and left.
You sighed, sitting against the pillar. It would be good to make your weapon. You pulled the small switch blade from the holster, bringing it to your arm and creating a small cut in your skin. You put your knife back and began creating your weapon.
Bakugou stalked down the third floor, stopping as he heard footsteps come towards him. He jumped up as they got to the corner and blasted his palm at midoryia. He and Uraraka jumped out of the way and bakugou stood where the once where.
"Whats the matter Deku? Too scared to fight me?" he growled as the smoke cleared and revealed the hole in the wall. Dekus mask was torn in half, showing his face as he glared at Bakugou.
Everyone in the monitory room were amazed. Kirishima thought it was a cheap trick but All Might was right when he stated he was playing the villain part.
You could hear Bakugou blasting and them yelling at each other. It unfortunately drowned out Urarakas footsteps so You had no idea where she was or how close. Bakugous blasts shook the building. You moved, hiding behind on of the pillars in the room. You focused your hearing and heard her. She was outside. Her footsteps were so light, maybe shes using her quirk on her body.
“Deku, im with the weapon” she whispered, most likely through the ear piece you all had. You waited, hearing her quiet footsteps grow slightly louder as Bakugous blasts echoed through the building.
“Where is she?..” Uraraka whispered as she crept into the room. The weapon right in the middle and you were no where to be seen.
You stepped out, showing yourself to Uraraka. Her eyes widened at the daunting weapon; A dark red scythe that towered over you. You grinned at her as you stepped in front of the bomb.
“Well hero. It looks like youve found me but you should leave whilst you can!” You cackled, trying to play the villain part. It was like acting.
“Never villian. Ill defeat you here!” She yelled back, smiling slightly. She ran at you and you stood firm, reading for her attack but instead she jumped over you and you realised she was going to try and touch the bomb. You swivelled your weapon around and struck her legs, sending her light body into the pillar. She groaned, getting up from the ground as you turned to her.
“You underestimate me hero!” You stated, the building shook again and you both braced yourselves when suddenly the floor beneath you crumbled. You jumped, switching your weapon into a chain with a pick at the end and wrapping it around the bomb. You quickly threw the pick end into the wall and manoeuvred yourself as you stood on the bomb, holding onto the chain.
You looked over and gasped at the pillar Uraraka threw towards you. You jumped from where you stood over to a part of the floor that was still intact in the corner, climbing up onto it and turning looking for her. She stood across the room on a floating piece of concrete. You couldn’t make another weapon. Youd pass out easily from it. You looked between her and the bomb as she did the same. There were a bunch of floating debris and bricks surrounding you, most likely Urarakas doing.
“Its over villain! Give up” she yelled at you and you shook your head, looking around and seeing some bricks beside you. You picked them up, aiming and throwing it at her. She yelped and the floating debris tipped and she fell off the side, grabbing onto the edge as she struggled to hold on.
“never. ill take us both down before I surrender!” You yelled back at her, grabbing another piece brick to aim again at her. You paused, looking down. She would seriously hurt herself if she fell. the bomb was placed on the fourth floor and Bakuogou blew both the third and second floor out.
“Surrender Hero! And ill make it easy for you” you yelled again hoping shed surrender but her brows furrowed as she pulled herself back up and steadied herself. She thought of what to do next when suddenly the building shook again and the piece of concrete you stood on crumbled. You gasped as you fell down three stories, landing in a pile of rocks and bricks.
“YURI!” Uraraka yelled as she cancelled her quirk and floated down herself, running to you. You groaned as you tried pulling yourself out of the rubble, falling forward onto your knees. Uraraka fell to her knees and grabbed your face.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” She asked, looking you over. You nodded. They had gone too far. You looked over seeing Midoriya with a broken arm, both boys puffing. You got up with help from Uraraka as Midoriya yelled at Bakugou who just barked back words that you didnt focus on.
You watched as Midoriyas eyes rolled back and you rushed forward, faster than anyone could see and grabbed him as he fell forward. He passed out. His body exhausted from the fight. You gently crouched to the ground and laid him down.
Everyone came rushing in and All Might took Midoriya to recovery girl after dismissing everyone. You stood up, looking up at the bomb and morphing the chain back into the scythe as the bomb fell to the ground, obviously fake so it didnt explode. You all moved outside and you groaned, stretching and rolling your arms. The adrenaline leaving your body as the pain from falling onto rocks set in.
you all headed back and got changed and went to your next classes for the day.
author question: what type of boyfriend do you think Bakugou would be?
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the-kitty-hell-system · 2 months
so you're a little person with did, scolosis, lung cancer, npd, paraplegia, brain damage, vEDS, blindness, deafness and ''many more'' but you're somehow able to type coherently and use social media, attend school and survive this long. yeah, okay, sure jan. i'm sensing another hiv-living type of pretending in the works, and that's not even touching on the transfem intersex poly muslim lesbian stuff. get a job.
yk i shouldnt really be answering this because youre obviously just wanting my attention but whatever your logic is dumb as hell 1. im not in school anymore. i actually had to get out because of my disabilties and a personal situation happening. i also had accomodations BECAUSE IM DISABLED. 2. you can.. have multiple disabilities. idk if you knew that.. but mental illness and physical disabilities are common with eachother. also, many genetic conditions run in my family, both my parents are disabled. the conditions i have cause other conditions. or the injuries i had caused multiple effects. 3. ive said this many times on my blog but i dont.. talk coherently? my caregiver helps me type and communicate because shes also my interepter. i sign to her, she types what i signed. also, i have multiple ways to help me nagivate my disability online. i have cochelar implants that allow me to hear my screenreader, allowing me to know what others are saying. i also use a braille keyboard (i dont use it often though because yk, my caregiver often types for me) 4. ive also mentioned this several times in my blog, but im not expected to live long?? like... i am dying. youre acting like im not. i was born with vEDS, i was diagnosed with cancer later in life. 5. ah yes you cant be all those things at once. it isnt like that doesnt make sense. yes... you can be intersex. and polyamorous. and a lesbian. and transfem. and muslim. my religion, gender, and identity are not things you can just say im lying about LMAO??? like ohh noo you have too many labels you cant have that many youre faking like literally nobody in the real world really cares. i have partners who love me very much! which if youre so miserable to go ask a disabled people and fakeclaim them for literally no reason, then... thats on you! anyway, this is really fucking stupid. stop fakeclaiming disabled people, if you seriously have a problem with my blog just block me and move on. it isnt my job to cater to you fuckface. you dont know my life and i dont know you, so shut the fuck up? "get a job" i think you forgot to realize im disabled, im physically unable to work. im under full care of two caregivers for a reason? i cant do a lot, honestly. its why im on social media so often because its something i can do, even if i do need help to use it. leave me tf alone, just because im disabled doesnt mean i dont have a life and feelings and thoughts. theres a reason i say "many more" because i dont want to be fakeclaimed just because im disabled and i have a lot of problems. im severely disabled, if you cant handle that, then leave.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Remember the Slenderman ask. Welp. I want him as a stuffed animal now.
Reader is mostly the same, exept forrr... lets say they have children. And pets. It's up to your interpritation how they got em i trust you.
And lets say they're close. Real close. Like "you weren't home today so i came in and watered your plants" close. Domestic closeness. Talking so much they can sometimes predict what the other will be doing/saying right now.
Reader is very affectionate but obv respects slendy so they just turn to actions and words to show him they care(although it can be a little hard for them to truly know what they're feeling and how to express emotions sometimes).
So, one day Slendys brother(not that one through.) comes for a casual chit-chat. "So how are things with you and reader? Plan to move together any time soon?" "No, why would we do that?" "Oh well i just throught with the nature of your relationship it would ve the next step, naturally.. you've been together for so long!" "..we're not together romantically, if that's what you're implying." "...you're literally raising kids together what do you mean." "....w.wbhjat."
Cue panik. He goes to talk to reader and they're like. Oh shidt. It do be not so just friendly.
Can be just queerplatonic or romantic, both are cute i think:3
Slenderman x slender-being!reader !
genuinely dont know what all to title this post since its so specific so i recommend for anyone reading this who isnt the silly requester to read through the request ueueue rolls around, im gonna get silly!
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honestly i dont think slenderman would know much about romance and marriage. like he knows what they are but he doesnt know... everything about it. especially if its in terms of human stuff, with the rings and all that. you know? mostly because he doesnt exactly leave his woods and the number of people/creatures he actually properly interacts with and forms bonds with is very rare and so far, none were romantic...
and yet here he is, tending to your home in his woods that youve made for yourself, while youre away doing god knows what... it would be a shame if the plants in your home dried, or dust started to settle... or worse someone wandering into it when they arent allowed inside... though, thats even assuming they even manage to get that far into the woods given how possess of the area slenderman is
since he doesnt really have a basis to... base your relationship around, it doesnt take until someone else pointing out the dynamic to him. namely, the creatures he calls brothers
are they actually related in admins au? were they just created by zalgo at the same time? do they have the same genetics? honestly admin hasnt decided yet but they still view each other as siblings!
that aside, slenderman would definitely be in some form of denial. him? this man eating monster who mostly lives in solitude? the same one who has never felt the embrace of another person (/j but now that i think about it....)
THAT slenderman?
hell i dont even think its proper denial because he thinks he cant have those feelings.. not i think its denial because this really cant be what it is, right?
this leads to him doing what he does best; silently following someone.. usually in order to spook them out of the woods or to... hunt... but this time, hes simply observing you, trying to figure out if you're in the same boat at him
but you're just so vastly different from him in nature and personality that its hard to pinpoint your thoughts... sure he can read minds; i think most slender beiings can do that; but i dont think they can do it on other slender beings you know
doesnt approach you about it though, so youre going to be the one to ask him what the hell hes doing... again due to limited contact with others hes not the best at expressing his feelings or thoughts outwardly, hell even inwardly its weird for him but thats aside the point
i think im going to leave the ending open on what becomes of your relationship; but i think given how the reader is, they invite him into their home to talk things out with him. are you surprised that he has a possible crush on you? ....only a little since again, this is THE slenderman we're talking about... less that he may have feelings for you, but more so that you just thought he was on the aromantic spectrum
and thats no diss to my fellow aros; honestly i can easily see slenderman being greyromantic or demiromantic :3 ... maybe more so demiromantic, me thinks
rolls around
the ideas are not ideaing i apologize
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Purely a matter of chance: Part 1
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Reigen: So.... uh... I think I might have contracted some kind of pigeon curse or something.  Ekubo: What did fight with some pigeons for breadcrumbs or something?  Reigen: What?! No! Ekubo: So then, what’s going on? Reigen: I have no idea. That’s the problem Ekubo: Are you sure this is some supernatrual thing?.... as opposed to say, some weird genetic problem that you have?  Reigen: None of my relatives are birds. Reigen: .....and I hate birds. Can you just shut up and cut the sass?! Ekubo: What? You dont like my Reigen-impression? I thought it was spot on!  Reigen: Shut the fuck up.
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Ekubo grabs the blanket. Reigen: Hey!  Reigen tries the pull the blanket over his head: Fuck off!  Ekubo: Yeah, yeah, whatever, just let me take a look.  Ekubo looking at Reigen’s wings: You know.... I think this suits you, Reigen. 
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Reigen: Stop talking about it like it’s not your problem! Ekubo: Well.... this really ISNT my problem is it?  Reigen: If Mob sees me like this, he’s going ask “Shishou, are you really an angel?” Ekubo: Stop flattering yourself, he’s going to be like “Is this a cosplay?” Ekubo: It’s so strongly manifested it looks solid and real. Something like this looks like it’s going to be very challenging to remove. Are you sure you have no idea how youbrought this upon yourself?  Reigen: None at all. I’ve always been kind to animals. 
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Ekubo: So then... Why did you specifically ask me to come with a body? Reigen: Um...yeah about that. Reigen: I can’t go out like this right now, so I wanted you to go and get groceries for me.  Ekubo: YOU CALLED ME HERE TO RUN YOUR GODDAMN ERRANDS?! Ekubo: WHY DONT YOU ASK SERIZAWA?!  Reigen: Well, asking an employee to come and take care of the boss outside of work, would be a abuse of power of the employer employee relationship, wouldnt it? Ekubo: OKAY BUT WHY AREN’T YOU EXTENDING THE SAME SORT OF COURTESY TO ME?! Ekubo: You....Goddamit....You really.... (Hahaha I love this part. Seri is am employee. Becasue the the hierarchy between Reigen and Seri, Seri can’t refuse. Ekubo is just his friend, so it’s okay to ask him.)
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Ekubo angrily shops for groceries Ekubo angrily walks back with groceries Ekubo: YOU ARE GOING TO DIE HORRIBLY SOMEDAY
Reigen: Yeah, I’m sure you’re going to heaven or something too. 
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Ekubo thinks: Birds, huh...They can be surprisingly aggressive creatures.  But... it is merely the spirit of a normal animal? Doesnt seem like it. Not when it’s so strongly manifested.  Wait.... why am I dwelling on this? He’s even not making a big deal of it himself, so why should I be so fixated on this? 
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Ekubo floats into the office and stares at the empty desk.Then he sighs and leaves. Some time later, he rings Reigen’s doorbell
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Ekubo: Hey! Reigen! I’m here to see you! Open up! He starts kicking the door. It’s very quiet and he starts getting bad vibes.  Ekubo: Hey! Reigen! Reigen:  What do you want? It’s open.  Ekubo: Eh?!
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Reigen: Wh..at....do..you....want.....
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Ekubo: Hey! Reigen! Wake up! Are you still alive? Goddammit. All of your goddamn feathers in the way.  He grabs and lifts one of the wings.  Reigen is struggling to breathe: Ekubo....shut up... Ekubo: What the hell! Stop scaring me! Are you okay? Reigen: I guess.... It’s so hot..... everything hurts......I’m sorry Ekubo.....Just.... let me rest for a bit.... Ekubo: .................. Forgive me...... 
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Reigen: ....ugh..... Ekubo: Hey... you awake? Reigen: Ekubo...... Ekubo: Reigen. How much do you weigh?  Reigen: Huh? Around 66kg (145 lbs) i think.... Ekubo: Your weight right now is not even 50kg (110lbs).
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Ekubo: Those wings are using your body as a source of energy. The act of them manifesting themselves, is causing changes to your body.  When I possessed you to get you into bed just now, your body felt hollow and empty, it felt like if I exerted any effort something would break. And on top of that, you have a fever.  I’m just speculating, but I think your bones are hollowing out.  Birds have hollow bones with internal struts, so that would cause your body to become lighter.  Should have taken those wings off by force from the very beginning.  You could probably fly with those now. 
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Ekubo: There’s something else Reigen: There’s more?  Ekubo: Yeah... just a bit... listen. Ekubo: They’re not pigeon, i dont think.... they’re crow.  Reigen: Why? Ekubo: You want an explanation?
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Ekubo goes into a lenghty explanation: Well, pigeons and crows are both medium sized birds, but they have different wing structures. In crows the 10th primary is very short. The feather arrangement in pigeons have an internal gap, crows have this too, but they’re~ He gets cut off. Reigen: THIS IS SO UNNECESSARY!! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF PROFESSOR, YOU EVIL SPIRIT.... Ekubo: Hey, I just looked this up while you were out. You dont even know what you are possessed with. You are so much trouble. Reigen: Oh....um.... thank you so much for putting in all of this effort.  Reigen: Actually.... now that you mention it, if it’s crow, I think I might have some ideas on how this started. Ekubo: Huh? What did you do? 
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Reigen: Well, nothing really. I just greet them every morning. There’s a saying that if you greet a crow, then it won’t do bad things, like go through the trash and such.  Ekubo: Why? Reigen: I’d just say hello to them and stuff. Ekubo: So they probably regarded you as one of their own. And if they did, it’d baffle them why you didnt have wings. 
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Ekubo: You wanna see if you can fly?  This isnt a curse, or a hex or somethiing like that. It’s more like a very strong wish. They want you to fly too. 
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Reigen: I feel like if I flap my wings, I’ll die. 
Ekubo: That makes sense. You probably dont have the muscles necessary to use the wings. Even if you jumped off of a high place, you’d only beable to flutter while falling. 
Reigen: Yeah
Mob: I heard master was in trouble so I came as fast as I could. 
Read the rest in part 2
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maskyartist · 9 months
excuse me while i ramble about my fat struggles (under the cut of course not about to make this long as hell) but to shorten it-
how come fat folks are always meant to never react to people throwing hurtful comments at us? why do we need to be the bigger people? (metaphorically speaking)
i keep havin that comment just spinning around in my head. "she would never do that to herself" as if being fat is an active choice for fun. as if we CHOOSE to look this way. as if its not genetics, diet culture, how much money you make, many factors into lookin how we do
why cant i get angry? why do i have to be "sassy" and "clap back"?
its fun, sure, i had a blast putting HIM on blast. not my problem not my fault what happens to him. he started a fight, i finished before he realized it even was a fight.
but i dont get why i had to be so careful with my response when either way he won. he won by just commenting that. he won cause its in my head now, spinning around, "she would never do that to herself"
i didnt do this to myself either. i didnt ASK to look like this. i didnt WANT to look like this. but i do, i own it, i accept it. im content with how i look. not amazingly happy, not utterly depressed, just content. i had to FIGHT to be this content with my body and one person has shot my confidence to the floor.
why cant i be mad. why am i SO SURE if i got mad, if i threw some long response, people would get up in arms. why am i so sure i'd be given the "dont react" "its giving him what he wants" "ignore and move on"
i dont wanna ignore it. im sick of having to just sit and fucking take it.
im fat, im content with that, but i shouldnt have to fight tooth and nail TO BE content with who i am. i shouldnt have to sit here and put on this front online that im perfectly fine when this shit hurt.
the asshole's been blocked, i couldnt care less what happened to him.
im just so infuriated its getting to me. and even more infuriated that i cant react the way i want to because thats giving him what he wants.
yknow what they say, dont fight with a pig. both of you get dirty but the pig likes it.
but sometimes i wanna just fling some fucking mud back at em yknow?
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a-prawn · 1 day
who wants to hear my extremely in-depth soong family headcanon?
i'm going to tell you anyway: 1. all the soongs since adam are clones. adam was infertile and once his "make a cool daughter" plan failed spectacularly, he decide to clone himself and then the family tradition just lived on bc they are all egomaniacs (and infertile). when arik gave up genetics to work on cybernetics, his kids (clones) decided they wanted to go back to genetics, and only did noonian a few generations later track down his work and finish the project.
2. this also explains altan: noonian, alone without his androids and left abandoned on a planet by himself after his android wife ditched him, he decided to clone a son (who hated him and ALSO abandoned him on a planet all alone).
3. noonian soong is a chronic substance abuser to cope with a. life and b. mental illnesses/mental disorders that he refuses to attempt to work on in a healthy matter. he goes through waves of hyper sobriety and deep DEEP detrimental addition.
4. noonian soong and ira graves had a wild whirlwind relationship before noonian vanished with no forwarding address and no warning.
5. noonian went to priceton (dont care if this is refuted in any extended canon (but i don't think it is bc i can't remember his alma mater being mentioned in any of the books)) (also think the idea of him going to school in new jersey is really funny i have no idea why. THE UNIVERSE IS YOUR OYSTER.... "i choose new jersey.") and is where he met ira. he also spent some time being an adjunct professor for a theoretical cybernetics class that all his students kind of dreaded attending bc... well it's noonian.
6. noonian and his father had a massive falling out when noonian decided to pursue cybernetics bc his father was suffering from clonal decay issues and believed noonian should have focused on genetics to attempt to find a cure for him.
7. noonian is trans and NO do not ask me how this can possibly function side-by-side with my clone theory. i do not care. he just is. none of the other soongs are, though (imho. i am also open to the idea of all of them being trans but there is something SOOOOOOOOO transgender about noonian).
8. all soongs have a pathological, impulsive need to be fathers even though they really should not do that ("my children would never kill me" they say, moments before their children either try to or succeed at killing them). it does not stop them.
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entropy-sea-system · 9 months
A lot of people online have been saying that narcs can and should recover. I know that that statement is ableist towards pwNPD, but I wanted to ask someone with the disorder why it’s untrue from personal experience.
(Sorry for bad wording, English is not my first language)
Well I would say recovery is not possible for everyone, if someone wants to recover from npd they can attempt it if therapy is accessible for them though, thats not really ableist. It is ableist to act like thats possible for everyone though, or to act like therapy is always accessible to everyone. This also overlaps with classism and other forms of bigotry because there are barriers to accessing therapy.
Also I do think it is kind of weird they refer to pwNPD as 'narcs' with that phrasing. Some of us do reclaim the term but if egotypicals just use it like that its a little weird and implies they see us as bad since they often use 'narc'/narcissist in a derogatory manner to refer to basically anyone they armchair diagnose as having NPD bc theyre an abuser or somehow just 'unlikeable'.
Even if people with npd do go to therapy, there are unfortunately many professionals who are very ableist towards people with npd and see us as a 'lost cause' or even believe that 'narc abuse' exists - more professionals in psychiatry and psychology should really learn to respect people with npd and should know how to work with us if we decide to go to therapy for it.
Some people with npd may want to recover if they dont feel able to function well at all and they arent able to cope well with their symptoms, and thats okay. Some people may just fundamentally want to be egotypical even if their NPD doesnt necessarily harm themself a lot. It shouldn't be something we are forced to do though, and we can obviously have npd while still respecting others. Some may also not get a choice as people are coerced into undergoing therapy or institutionalised, which is another problem.
One thing I dislike about the whole idea that we should go to therapy and that therapy will magically get rid of our NPD, is that egotypicals (people without npd) tend to ask that we do this for THEIR sake. They can't handle people with npd even existing and don't want to deal with us. They assume we are all doomed to be abusers. They don't seem to give a shit about how WE are negatively impacted by having npd when they say this. It sounds as if they just want npd to somehow be erased from the world.
Either way, peoples autonomy and rights should be respected regarding therapy, and one can go to therapy if they wish. But there is no guarantee therapy will get rid of a personality disorder, and one may need to see a few therapists or counsellors to find one that truly helps them, and there is a safety risk to seeking psychiatric care for many people.
Recovery is not impossible, but people should go about it at their own pace if they seek it and take precautions as professionals in mental health may harm them, and sometimes it means more that you learn ways of coping with your personality disorder (such as skills taught in Dialectical Behaviour therapy) than exactly that it will disappear entirely. We have not gone to any therapy that helped us so far, but if we do, when its safe to for us, we would be cautious about it and gather a lot of information on who we consider as potential therapists or counsellors.
NPD itself cannot exactly be prevented, on another note, some factors that can influence someone developing it, like genetics, environment one grows up in, and trauma, etc. just are not very preventable. Maybe if societal power structures such as the family unit were not given as much power, abuse rates would reduce and there would be less incidence of trauma, but this would not exactly prevent it entirely and would be difficult to actually enact. And Im not sure if the people who want to prevent it just want people with NPD gone in an ableist way, or if they actually give a fuck about our suffering.
I have known of other pwNPD who do go to a counsellor or therapist. I was in a space with other pwNPD and some of them were genuinely helped by therapy - but those people still had NPD, therapy just helped them cope with it. There are probably people who recovered from NPD after therapy, I havent personally met any such people, but I have seen one person claim they used to have NPD then just didn't anymore without even any therapy, not sure how exactly that worked but yeah.
Anyways, the point is, NPD or any other personality disorder is variable like this and it cannot be said for sure that therapy always exactly gets rid of the disorder entirely or is safe for us. And this is often applicable to other mental illnesses and neurodivergence too. Its not ableist to say people can pursue recovery if they want it, but enforcing it as mandatory can err towards ableism, especially if its along with false beliefs about what therapy can do.
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millionancientbees · 1 month
Idk food stuff
The other day my very much thinner friend said sometimes they feel insecure eating around me because I don’t eat very much and I felt like they were telling me the sky was green
I asked my partner about this bc I feel like I’m like. A secret eater. And they said no I definitely eat less than them. They weigh like 80lb less than I do but are also more physically active.
I brought up this comment w my friend today for some clarification and to offer support and their partner told me they intentionally eat snacks, especially salty ones (bc I have POTS), near me so I’ll eat some and hopefully eat enough.
I brought all of this up with my partner of 16 years and they said yeah you don’t really eat very much.
To be Very Fat and to be told ppl dont think you’re just constantly over eating is wild. Like?? Genuinely feel like someone idk told me cars can fly now.
Also continuously confused abt how I weigh as much as I do lol. I don’t care abt how fat I am generally but I would like to…be able to continue buying clothing and not having an understanding of why I gain weight when I do makes that a very daunting thing bc I have no idea why I am as big as I am besides genetics & my psych meds. My thyroid is within normal range and has been for a while.
Bodies are so weird and being perceived is even weirder!!!!!!!!
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ill-say-this-fast · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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chicspo · 4 months
a random rant about the fear of aging: okay so everyone knows all humans age we have birthdays every year but on social media ive heard so many women/girls rant about how scared they are turning 30. i think it has to do with society telling women their "expired" after 25, their biological clock is running out they need to get married have children asap those bs which is so absurd. i also used to worry about aging but now im extremely over it- i think what most people think is they age faster when their in their 30s 40s. okay so for example people will think the person who u are when u were 22 to the person u are when ur 28 will be drastically different ( in terms of maturity etc ) but i think people dont view 32 to 38 that way if u get what i mean. its thats i think people seem to view their 30s and 40s differently as if you completely stopped growing as a person. an example of ppl viewing it that way is that most people view med school or the process of becoming a doctor a waste of time ( esp girls my age ) just because it takes a long time and i can understand obviously its not for everyone because the process is like HELL but ive had friends who want to pursue that route but they chose not to because they view it like wasting ur 20s again i understand but the reason why they view it that way makes me sad. i feel like our current social media age has failed women esp bc most tiktok rich succesful influencers are in their extremely early 20s living life having fun and being extremely wealthy. coming from a teenage girl whos in highschool this is one of the worst things the new tiktok era has done i remember in the 2000s even in movies and actresses they were all in their mid 30s to even 50s yet they were all so beautiful and succesful and no on even cared about their age
all this talk about women expiring after 30 comes from teenagers. ask any person in their 30s or 40s and they'll tell u they feel the hottest they've ever been. both physically and mentally. theres this idea of having to have ur life set up before ur 30, family career etc. which is just wrong. people above 30 still do the same things they did in their 20s. they're still getting to know themselves. there's no clock ticking. and the pressure on women to look so young or saying women dont look young after 30 or 40 is pure marketing for cosmetic procedures. women above 50 still look amazing. truthfully. someone who takes care of themselves and has good genetics will look good even when theyre 70. these topics have tired themselves out so deeply that people just keep reciting them over and over again. whats the point in instilling some irrational unreal fear into a teenage girls head. life goes on after 30, it may start only after 30 honestly so don't worry
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moth-in-the-moon · 10 months
I get what you mean. I might sound controversial here but Si Spurrier took Chuck Austen's spot in my list of bad Nightcrawler writers for awhile now.
After this tho ? This whole 6$ mess?? I actually prefer Austen to him. It's incredible.
Should have seen this coming, all the clues were there from the start : Nightcrawler's selective memory on everything he went through, none of his friends caring about him (100× worse than Austen on this one), that bit in Legion of X where we could see Nightcrawler's s3xual fantasies which included a woman that straight up looks like Rogue, the whole Mother Righteous deal, the Golden Child in Nightcrawlers (we went all later season Rick and Morty here) and of course the Margali fiasco, to which I'm still going "why just why" whenever I think about it especially after finding out Orchis actually has a magic user (new oc from Dark X-Men) who captured an alternative version of Nightcrawler + Madelyne Pryor before Fall of X went down (so like why tf couldn't they have another oc or just her be behind Legion of X's horn plot instead of the only good parent Kurt has??)
Just get Si Spurrier away from Nightcrawler forever. I'm begging here
Who are you and how did you find me
Outside of getting an ask that isnt from people I talk to on the daily, i assume, uh. Yeah what's been happening to Kurt has all kinda a big mess.
People can like the retcon and more power to them if they do, but I just. personally dont like how it messes with everything (a la Maximoffs arent Magnetos kids anymore, but somehow worse?) Full on explaination of my thoughts under the read more, be warned though, it might be a bit messy just based on it being me trying to collect my thoughts in a written form
Spurrier has made some very weird choices in the comics, definitly, though not all of them suck IMO.
(I'm probably the one person who thought about how Azazel has basically soul magic and how Kurt could thusly have magic aswell, meaning that Hope Sword being a magic weapon that kurt made in his soul (one which he should not have, but apperantly grew back) satisfied me and me specifically beccause AHA magical kurt!)
BUT YEAH NO, they messed up Margali ALOT, which, read the headline she is my girl, I liked seeing her again but WOW did they not understand her and what she does and the way they characterized her could be considered a form of character-assasination and possibly even. downright horrible considering the fact that she is a roma woman (though lets be real there are many issues with how writers treat the romani characters and as someone who is not romani, I wont speak on it in detail now, cause it's not really my place. but like man); Mr Sinisters rule 63 self was a whole thing, again as my headline says, do not like her., i think her character was handled horribly. Plus they made her like. the reason why margali does magic and as the number one margali fan in the world, thats bullshit. Margali has been sorcerer supreme twice, possibly even trice depending on how you read her being guardian of limbo so having her get to that point cause some fuckin Nathaniel Essex clone was like "teehee i actually gave you magic" and then making her take margalis magic and kill her?? It's bad. (also i dont like the way she looks, why would she look so different from other essex clones, its just. aesthetically weird to me); On the note of the nightcrawlers, I actually quite liked them as a concept, though I think they couldve gotten more creative with their designs. Please make them look like more than just character but hit with a blue coat of paint, theyre a mix of two genetic samples, not a full clone of one character. They are in a sense of biology, children of those two characters, dont make them look boring also dont like how two of them had a baby. they both have 50 percent kurt DNA. thats. thats not gonna be a healthy baby. Do like the baby tough, shout out to the god baby, her concept is way too funny to dislike.
NOW, I will say, reading over the stuff again, i feel like its implying that Raven used a bit of the dna from the baron and azazel for the whole, having a baby thing???
WHICH, if I'm reading that right, might actually mean that they just actually did the most insane move of basically going "actually every bio-parent we've ever given Kurt is Kurts Bio-Parent" and I would actually respect that and it would change my opinion on this comic INSTANTLY because this kind of shark jumpery would be amazing.
But either way, I feel like retconning everything is really bad for everyones characterization, especially Destiny and Mystiques, part of it being the "oh we had to leave you cause future vision said so" feels very much like them trying to find an excuse for why they wouldnt raise their child
Idk it feels weird to have him be raven and irenes beloved darling child that they were forced to give up when you have mystique and destiny not really giving a shit about kurt, like ever previously in the comics.
To me it feels empty and almost like a cheap reference. It isnt something easily inserted in todays canon, years ago, when we didnt have all the baggage of years of interactions, you couldve easily added that fact and explained why they left him, but now, its a mess
Plus they JUST brought Az back in the comics in the dark x-men thing, which. feels like really bad timing, if they just let azazel fade from memory and then do the retcon like "yeah kurt just dreamt all of that demon stuff teehee", it'd be annoying but.
He's in comics.
Recent comics.
Why would you remind everyone of his existence, yknow, the man literally made and designed to be kurts bio-dad down to basically being a red Kurt with straight hair and without ectrodactyly. and then. retcon him being the father.
It feels so weirdly timed, did they not talk to eachother when planning these series??
Also I get that not everyone likes Azazel and his deal, which is fair, he's a kinda one note weirdo guy, but idk man. I like him. I think he's funny, I like villains like him being just annoying pests.
ALSO!! Spider-Kurt is actually one of my favourite things recent comics has done, because FUNFACT there's a character who we only ever see the tombstone off on battle world, from a different universe, called Amanda Wagner-Parker aka Spider-Crawler and. I am kinda obsessed with her?? Like. They actually just gave us a hinted at Kurt/Peter kid a tonne of years ago??? possibly??? like that??? and no one ever talks about her So them making Kurt be buds with Peter and hang out was actually catering to me specifically. That was a good idea. Kurt as spiderman with magic powers was written for my tastes and no one elses ever actually
Also uh, all comic characters are technically ocs so being like "ooo new oc from this" feels a bit dismissive to me, just say character
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oldweedsmokingbf · 11 months
im trying to lose weight simply bc its adding to my pre-existing health issues and i got a referral from my pcp so im trying to find someone who can help cater to me since i have pcos, hormone issues, and arthritis in my spine and. why are all the weight loss clinics around me like "surgery! lets do surgery! that's the only way!". my mom had weight loss surgery and had so many complications from that... i dont want to permanently alter my organs either. i know it helps people and im glad that it does but seeing someone with the same genetics and problems as me struggle with it, get sick, and have complications makes me personally just not want to go down that route. and my pcp said im way too young, ill have complications, and that it should be an extreme last resort. i just want to get to a healthier weight (not skinny tho lol) with the help of medication that can help w my hormones and insulin resistance that doesnt make me rly sick (fuck u trulicity) but it feels like surgery is just being pushed onto me bc most american doctors care more about making money than helping people. like damn why is it so hard asking for medical help nowadays where people have your best interest in mind rather than seeing you as a gold mine.
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