#no i don't know what team nice actually is i think this is the funnier option
worldlydesiretemple · 2 years
What do you think teams nice is?
forzen and benrey's bff duo name back when they were younger and unaware of black mesa horrors when forzen just discovered what graduation is and how he wanted it really badly. he's the only one left in team nice after their falling out
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mixelation · 11 months
reborn au: sometimes tori should be allowed to win. as a little treat
iwa fails team 4, which is just funny. i was debating minato just promoting itachi bc he'd have the missions for it, but actually i think it'd be funnier if he went and took a formal exam in a way that somehow pre-empts deidara from doing it? idk how that could work, but i think it would be Fun if both deidara and itachi won the tournament in their exams, and for that they'd have to take them separately
(it might make more sense logistically if itachi was like "why do i care? i'm an ANBU captain. i already have the paycheck/security clearances" and then deidara solos the next exam and itachi is like ".....wait i can't let him win" and solos the NEXT one. but also i think the laws of the universe are such that itachi should advance first, because it would piss deidara off)
anyway the point is. tori applies for R&D immediately and spends all her free time slinking around & then complaining she's not allowed to do her own projects
minato after she's tried some insane manipulations to take over R&D: (squints at her) yeah, because you're a genin. just apply to be a chunin?
it has not once occurred to tori she could be promoted the regular way. she's used to just like.... infecting a space, like a fungus. and then people get used to her enough that she gets to do what she wants.
tori: what is rank to a fungus?
deidara: what the fuck are you talking about? just take the exam. you'll get a raise and then we can afford a nice ass apartment together
anyway tori signs up for the next chunin exam feeling extraordinarily like she's doing some sort of weird undercover mission. she's not a ninja in her mind, she just plays one on tv. then kushina is like "ohohoho so are you going to keep up the team reputation and win the tournament???" and tori is like ".....no?" but both deidara AND itachi make the same joke
tori: i think you're really overestimating me 8|
it's not that tori doesn't think she can't take on any task they might throw at a chunin, or that she won't pass. akatsuki had her doing missions as a civilian, okay, she can handle chaos and responsibility and the associated danger. she just never, ever picks "fight" as her first solution to a problem... and the chunin exam tournament is just a fight. there's no changing parameters or redefining your win condition to force the outcome in your favor. it's just.... a fight. which she's iffy at
kushina: oh, i get your problem. your baseline is whack
tori: no no, i'm pretty sure there's lots of thirteen year olds that could beat me up
kushina: do you know what makes a ninja good-- like, actually good? it's not being the strongest. it's being able to go up against someone who's stronger than you and winning anyway. and a lot of people won't ever be able to do that, but you definitely could
so tori goes and takes her exam and it turns out the average thirteen year old sucks!!! she wins easy!!!
tori: what the FUCK
then she goes home and is like "i won? i don't get it??" and two weeks later she's a special jounin* because minato wants her to have the associated permissions
minato: go on, go do fuinjutsu reearch to your heart's content
tori: ;^; i am going to make the MOST forbidden technique
minato: please don't
*special jounin in my mind is for people who have a specialized jounin-level skill but don't qualify for a full jounin promotion, because those people need increased security clearances and shit compared to a standard chunin. it's not EXACTLY a rank between chunin and jounin because there's a lot of variation in abilities within in it... like at this point tori would basically be an average chunin in terms of combat but also capable of making up s-rank techniques on the fly
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batsplat · 4 months
I saw the post about assen 2016 and Marc cutting the chicane and was wondering if Marc did that a lot to his competitors like the imitation of mind games. Cause I’ve always thought of Vale as the one who used the mind games more. Did Marc use mind games a lot and was just more subtle?
(assen '16)
if you're interested in reading more about marc marquez mind games, then boy do I have a post for you
anyway, I can't really think of anything that's all that similar to assen 2016 because that's such a specific situation... not every day that you have something as memorable and as easy to visibly imitate and as controversial as cutting the final chicane. of course, if we're talking about imitation, it's pretty hard to avoid mentioning how marc did infamously copy two out of valentino's three most well known career overtakes within half a year of joining the premier class, and was also pretty shameless about the whole thing. but at least there you can say it's all about the race situation marc happened to find himself in - and there will only have been so much premeditation possible with both incidents
more broadly speaking, then, targeted behaviour where he's trying to send a message to one of his competitors during non-race sessions... well, that's fairly common. he loves using non-race sessions to study and stalk and at times deliberately harass his competitors. I'll give a little more details on one specific incident here to demonstrate what I'm talking about. it's related to towing, as it so often is with marc, and I ended up only briefly mentioning it in the post linked above. for context, marc spent a fair bit of time in 2019 trying to mess with the rookie revelation fabio quartararo, sometimes during the races themselves and sometimes outside of them. nothing wrong with hazing your young challengers, right? so one of the more widely discussed incidents took place in sepang 2019 qualifying (tw crash):
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big fan of how the article very strongly implies that when marc says the words "honestly speaking", he was not, in fact, honestly speaking. did a single person on this planet believe marc when he said he just happened to end up right behind fabio? who knows, maybe there's someone out there, who knows...
obviously, marc and his team weren't really trying to hide what they were doing, which makes it even funnier that marc just goes for this completely shameless 'oh it was all just a coincidence' routine. and of course, this entire episode ended on a pretty sour note for marc. even though he tried to shrug it off in the moment, this incident did come with consequences for him:
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which, yeah. lot's to be said here, lots to be said. but let's return to the actual point of the post, the mind games
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in the end marc did do a rather nice salvage job in the race, p11 to p2 - and fabio didn't win the race, which I'm sure was appreciated. here's a nicely in-depth description of the incident that I'm going to liberally steal excerpts from. it's a good bit of extra insight on both the episode itself and what it represented in the broader context of the dynamic between the pair of them
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it's part of the established playbook when it comes to dealing with promising young talent: you try to rough them up in the races and you try to rough them up outside of them. you try to make them nervous, maybe you even try to scare them. and so the cycle continues
this is the thing, right, marc really does view all on-track sessions as time to 'work' on his rivals. he's never been focused solely on himself during these sessions - and the towing thing has never just been a matter of practicality for him. 'the race doesn't just happen on sunday' 'great riders, champions, are bullies' 'they don't just want to win, they want to rub the rest of the world's noses in it'... marc has always adopted that philosophy in his racing (and he learnt from the best). he's never been shy in his tactics of intimidation - in his efforts to undermine his rivals' confidence and make them suffer. it's all part of the game
and then, of course, there's the bit of insight we get about how marc was reportedly worried about fabio because of his talent and fearlessness... a rookie who hadn't even won a race yet. and yet marc's "been doing his best to instil fear" into fabio. unfortunately it's not always easy to spook young talent, especially when they're so very brave... it's a tricky line to toe - by marking out your rivals like that, you are also letting them implicitly know you see them as a threat. which if anything can help motivate them and make them more confident. inconvenient
anyway, l'll include some more of the description of the incident, which helps illustrate just how little effort marc was going to in attempting to hide his underhanded behaviour (and how that may have been the whole point):
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inherently, right, this 'battle of nerves' is a really important element of the whole towing strategy. it's about your read of the other rider, your analysis of their character, how you think they will play the situation... how much you think they're willing to risk, how much you think they'd be motivated to just fuck you over regardless, how prepared they will be to call your bluff. and in the context of sepang 2019, with that year's title very much sealed up, marc decided that he was prepared to play this game for as long as he had to. marc had won the last five races, fabio was still searching for his first ever win... marc knew young and hungry fabio would blink before he did
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which, yeah. less than ideal to engage in mind games in a way that ends up getting you injured. this whole incident does serve as a good illustration of marc's overall approach, but obviously this specific episode wasn't particularly successful or indeed wise from marc's side. all in all, it probably wasn't all that intimidating for fabio when marc crashed behind him
anyway, here's some more bits talking about how marc was perhaps not being 100% honest in his post-qualifying interview:
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even though in this specific example marc did admittedly fuck it, a lot of this kind of behaviour isn't bad long-term investment because it's meant to be cumulative, where you're just consistently putting pressure on someone... as it says above, "every ounce of energy spent worrying about you is one which can't be spent on trying to go faster". so you're hoping to distract your opponents, you're hoping that this constant tension will eventually unsettle them - or that you've spent so much time studying and analysing them that you can figure out how to bother them more effectively (*coughs* 2008 *coughs again*). or maybe you just can't help yourself in messing with your opponents and sometimes it is counterproductive because you've shown them how seriously you take them as a rival. maybe sometimes it's a bit of all of those things!
on fabio's reaction:
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which is a pretty friendly response, it has to be said! but anyway, of course 'if he wants to follow us we are doing a good job' is probably the most healthy and useful takeaway from the whole thing. that's the thing with bullies, isn't it, you do have to figure out a way to stand up to them. fabio might have been annoyed while marc was picking on him, but he's not picking a fight with marc after the fact. he's just making it clear that he's not been intimidated - and has bagged himself pole in the process while marc started from eleventh place. as fabio says, "it's a little bit part of the game". but it is a game, and it's one that marc has always been more than happy to play
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On Air Island - chapter 1 - part 3
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In today's installment, we are unfortunately hitting one issue this game has, which is that the quality of translation sporadically drops in some branches. Now is a good time to remember that this is a Korean indie game with a developer team that fits into one single screen in the credits. Fortunately though ya boy Dragon has been handling mtl for ages and knows exactly how to make it yield actual result instead of garbled nonsense, so I added the translation to the video and the 'script 👍 Lemme know if this format works!
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Ah right: A.H.M, Shishinao, and Shirashinao are all~ Naoto's nicknames. I'm pretty sure that's also a translation thing, but it's way funnier like this? Let's give him a few more. Naonao~
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
———— ———— ————
Hanse: The result for the 1st day settlement is! Mr. Fact in the 1st place and Honari for 2nd place!
[player] donated 50 Small Heart: (Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
[Hanse, don't be discouraged!]
Predator: Ugh. Kissme3: Ha, ha, ha.
Hanse: ……………!
hasebuck: Ha, ha, ha. 9nine: Look how surprised he is hanmanse: He looks so cute...
Hanse: Wow......! I was surprised that you were able to post a voice message......
bbongGGu: Seems like he didn't know it So_yool: Adorbs
Hanse: But somehow...... Is it my mood? I feel like all eyes are on me......
Mr.Fact: You almost freaked me out? Don't freak out, it's only just begun. { What, huh? You almost got discouraged~? It's only the beginning, so don't get discouraged, yeah? }
jimjman: What is it? Wannable: ;; VivaViva: Why is he like that
Hanse: Ugh, I'm sorry, Mr.Fact......
OnlyHim: Hanse's expression is hardening in real time boksunga: Be mindful Mr. Fact;
Mr.Fact: Oh, but~ I'll never get to the top. You can't take a shot at me. Okay? { Oh, but~ Quit dreaming of getting to the top. You're no match for me. Okay? }
OnlyHim: <Chat deleted by cleanbot>. ASHA: He's so fake NARICHAN: He just live by his name, Mr. Fact
Honari: But they say to dream big, right?
hansevly: ?! Perish: Oh…?
Honari: Even if you can't. { Even if you can’t achieve it. }
kimbab: Be careful Hanse! PunchHim: This is exciting, someone bring me some popcorn. FactOppa: (nom nom nom)
Mr.Fact: What? You're interrupting me?
island: Is that you? RealFact: If you're rich and popular, you're older than me.
Mr.Fact: You're thick as a board~ You're not afraid of the stares? { Honari, you're thick-skinned~ Are you not afraid of the viewers' gazes? }
Elvis: Suddenly? UglyFace: Are you going to drag Honari here?
Honari: What? I have no idea what you're talking about......
Snitch: ... Fearless: I feel sorry for Nari… hanse1se: Do dum;;
Hanse: Okay, wait......
DUMMY: Refrain yoursel Hanse. outnow: I will ** yoiu if you touch Hanse!
DUCKACOON: What's all the noise, quack? We'll keep going, quack!
Steward: Hey MyMaster: So boring CLAPCLAP: Thank God
Mr.Fact: I'm not even in first place. { Ugh, you’re not the first place, what do you know. }
doremipa: Woah that's crossing the line tho hansefan: Do you think 1st place can do everything?
Honari: … … … … …
Hanse: Ha... ... ... ... ...
kimbab: Eeek Imcrazy: Maybe this is how he treats lower ranks
DUCKACOON: A decent meal was prepared for the middle ranks quack.
lalala99: So-so Thief Jin: Just so-so BeSlave: Hahhhaha So-so
Naoto: Why on earth would you give it such an unappealing name?
rusure: I'm losing my appetite haahaha Rolling: Is it that harsh? Know_all donated 20 Ordinary Clover: Yep! Let me explain so, Shishinao is Naoto Know_all donated 15 Small Spade: Rumour said that he resigned from a broadcasting company and started his own broadcast
Naoto: I mean, it's not exactly broadcast quality...... We'll see. Tomorrow, we'll go to the top. { Anyway, considering the level of the broadcast… Just wait and see. Tomorrow, I will move up to the top. }
Perish: Fighting~ Flos: What? Crying? NARILOL: Anyone think the rank won't be changed? Angelic: 1111111 180x181: 222222222 Know_all donated 20 Touching Diamond: Moreover there is a rumour saying that he is son of a politician, it's interesting fight between the father and son!
Alice: It's too overwhelming for me......!
Carat: But I'm pretty sure Hanse won't be number one. Melody23: What a fact we got here
Alice: Above all............... You're holding my meal as hostage!
c'monya: There was a rumour that Alice is come from a conglomerat family. Know_all donated 5 Amazing Diamond: She is an influencer going by the name ALICE KingCry: It's not a rumour, it's a fact. Know_all donated 10 Amazing Diamond: I don't really remember but i think she start knitting for a hobby and got famous
Alice: That's just so evil---!
BeAKing: She is offended? Imfather: Oh my god. LoveCute: She'll get home by helicopter then Know_all donated 15 Small Clover: Honeslty, if she is the daughter of the S Company's president, they might have support her
Hanse: So.... Naoto is the 3rd place, Alice is in the 4th place. But the gap in vote results between them is quite significant.
Igiveu: I wonder if she's ever had a good meal. koncijeu: No wonder she's so annoyed.
Is A.H.M okay?
Wow, ALICE has such a nice voice.*sarcasm*
(Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
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mixterglacia · 2 months
Mk, I watched it.
Spoilers, I did like it but I've still got my issues so below the cut we go!
For the most part this episode was actually very fun. It's so wonderful to have a break from the stupid bird and his bullshit.
I absolutely adore everyone's outfits, especially their little tail gloves. It's brilliantly refreshing to actually see them doing their jobs. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING IT TO ME.
Seriously, just make that into a full length ep and we're golden. This is what we were promised at the very start. This is what we WANTED. THIS IS THE SHOW I WAS SO EXCITED FOR WHEN THIS CAME OUT.
I loved the subtle Thing nod, it was a delightful cherry on top of the sundae. I outright scream-laughed at the "Shit, that's like ten." joke.
The penguin *slurs* bit was so deeply, painfully unfunny. It went on for an embarrassing amount of time. It took too much away from other funnier moments and should have been cut in draft one.
So I am going to TRY and give the team the benefit of the doubt with the crystal thing.
There's two ways I can take this. One, there are multiple crystals that any of the sin-lords (princes? what term are we using?) could give and Stolas chose Lust. (more on that later)
Two, and the one I'd really rather not be true, lust is the only one.
My problem with the former is it makes Stolas look SO. MUCH. WORSE. If he could have picked any sin, why not pride or greed or wrath? Any of those are clear choices, while lust is deeply situational especially with Blitz's work. It makes it look like, once again, all he cares about is the guy's dick.
The latter, I REALLY don't like. If the only crystals are from the lust ring, what about people that aren't into sex? Because that HEAVILY implies you just think, welp sucks to not suck dick, huh? It's something I deeply hope was just an oversight, but man it does NOT feel good to think too long about.
However, my more direct complaint is with the "I'm a top!" comment.
My sweet gods.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TOPS ARE INCREDIBLE AT GOING DOWN ON GUYS? Topping, and specifically dom/top's work off of having a high level of control over a situation. They run the show so to speak.
The amount of tops that use oral sex as a method of working their partners is VERY MUCH NOT THE MINORITY. For how much you imply he's tried on Stolas, do you really expect us to believe he hasn't eaten that bird out?
How dare you insinuate a top wouldn't know how to tongue fuck a crystal? Were you trying to say he's a selfish lover? Because that's very different. That tanked the last minute of a stellar short.
Beyond that and the penguin slurs, I actually enjoyed it greatly.
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Series 7 is done! My final thoughts as always under the keep reading.
Now, I'm going to level with you here. Series 7 has never been a favourite of mine, in fact, I used to dislike it a lot, so I put rewatching it for this blog off for quite some time. I actually can't recall how many times I've watched each series of Taskmaster at this point, but series 7 always kind of annoyed me, therefore I didn't particularly look forward to watching it. Now, let me tell you how surprised I was that I found it a lot of fun on this rewatch. I mean, it's still not in my top five, but I had a lot more fun with it than I expected to have and I'm not entirely sure why. For me, Rhod Gilbert and Kerry Godliman carried the show, and they were the contestants I enjoyed most when watching series 7.
I think Kerry is probably the perfect Taskmaster contestant. She's incredibly competitive and wants to win at all cost, but she also accepts Greg's ruling (with a little push back sometimes), doesn't throw a fucking tantrum whenever she feels treated unfairly, and doesn't overstep the line into annoying the shit out of me. And I have to agree with Greg here, her approach was rather simple most of the time (get the task, do the task, bosh) but I think that has a lot of charm, especially when contrasted with some of the overthinkers. Series 7 is one of those series where I don't care at all about Greg's scoring thus I don't mind Kerry winning the series by one point or what it was.
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Now, Rhod. I honestly think he took the gig mainly to embarrass / annoy Greg, though his mission then seemed to change to either getting Alex to strip at every opportunity or to tying him up. There is something to be said about these two things and I don't know if it was a conscious decision of Rhod’s, but I’m absolutely here for it and refuse to analyse it closer.
Jessica Knappett is a bit of a wild card for me ‘cos there are moments when she's utterly hilarious and she made me laugh out loud a couple of times, but that was usually accidental on her part, though there are also a fair few moments when I despaired watching her. Overall, I did enjoy her.
I think similarly about Phil Wang, though I do have to say, what the fuck had he been thinking when picking his outfit?! I won’t complain about Phil repeating his haggling joke, just as I won't complain about Rhod basically recycling his prize task entry over and over again. I thought it was funny.
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Now, on to my probably most controversial take yet; I don't like James Acaster. Before I get stoned to death, I'd like to say that I don't know a lot of the guy. I've seen him like once on The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year, but I haven't watched his stand-up or listened to his podcast(s), etc, though to be fair I don't do that in general for any competitor. I just found him too… bratty (if that's the word) or too confrontational. Yes, him butting heads with Rhod is entertaining, but I think he lacked what I really appreciate about older comedians; The understanding of when to move on / let others have the joke. I know there are several ways of watching Taskmaster and everyone finds other contestants funnier or other bits of the show more important and that's all totally valid. I'm just some bloke on the internet, don’t let me tell you how you should watch / enjoy something, but personally, I find contestants who constantly seek Greg's approval and praise a bit irritating. I'm certain James is a lovely guy, but his comedy persona unfortunately doesn't work for me.
However, James’ persona allowed for really entertaining clashes with Rhod, which made the boys team a bit more fun to watch than the girls team, simply because they had conflict. But it was also nice to have a team be wholesome and just get shit done.
The prerecorded tasks in series 7 were amazing, but I do think they could've done better on the studio tasks. Some could've done with a little polish. But there were so many tasks, which I think I really would've enjoyed having a go at, chief amongst them the video game task and those where they had to figure something out guided by clues.
I don’t have to say much about Greg and Alex, only that after series 6, their interactions seemed to have cooled down in this series, but fortunately Rhod delivered. Watching Rhod watch Greg and Alex interact is fucking hilarious. That man looks like he knows something we don’t (I have no evidence to support any such claim). So, yeah, overall I enjoyed series 7 more than I expected I would, but it will never be a favourite of mine. Can’t wait to get to series 8 as I barely remember anything at all about this one. Thanks for sticking around! See you in series 8!
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 months
It seems like it’s not even just that they keep using the same or similar plots, it’s that they’re all 1) boring and slow, and 2) so goddamn depressing! Where are the funny storylines or moments of triumph?
I mean there's a reason I don't watch this show anymore. Haha. It really feels like it's beyond saving at this point. I was trying to think of what I would do to fix it and short of forcing Ryan Hawley into an unbreakable contract and rebuilding the show around a massive character focused Robert story, I have no idea. Haha.
But I'm sure lighter, funnier stories would help. Except they don't know how to do that. Either they're not funny or they drag on past the joke or the characters are so underdeveloped and uncared for these days that it's hard to laugh with them instead of just at them because there's no heart.
And yeah, stories where a character actually succeeds in something and not just a revenge plot would be nice. I mean let's be real, they rarely succeed at the revenge plots either.
It really is just misery porn. Or soapy nonsense that has zero substance because again...no one on the creative team cares about these characters as anything more than vague pawns in their nonsensical plotting.
I don't know...everything I read about the show these days just makes me sad.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 6 months
Oh hi Bean!!! :D
LOL I have not watched s3 yet but I saw you brainrotting, I'm assuming it was great!👍
Okay okay okay so!!! Brief recap bc I need to refresh my memory:
Tommy as Alex, Techno as Yassen, Uhhhhh Phil as John and Kristin as Ian I think???
Dream as "a younger, greener Blunt" to quote myself, uhhh I think Mrs. Jones was Puffy?????
Jack Niki Sapnap Eret as K-Unit/K-Squad! Code names Thunder, Arson, Animal Abuse, and Tax Fraud!!!😃 (I believe Tommy was Drug Abuse lol)
Quackity as Ash, Hannah and Punz as [Point Blanc] with Purpled & Enderboo as two of the clones, Ranboo Aimsey and Eryn as the [PB] kids, with Ranboo(in the role of Kyra) later transferring to Tommy and Tubbo's school. Kyranboo pog!
Tubbo was Tom!! As he should be!!!
Uhhh okay I think that's about as far as we got???
AR!Wilbur was Jack(the Starbright variety not the Manifold variety) but I think we might want to change that particular bit...😅 I suggest Charlie or Schlatt!! If it's Schlatt then Tubbo could also be Tommy's pseudo-brother?? Yknow since Schlatt is usually Tubbo's dad in these things. Charlie would be funnier though, considering Ash and Jack canonically went on a few dates in AR.
"Oh yeah Quackity from Las Nevadas, we f*cked a few times!" "Charlie-" "He made real nice noises when-" "CHARLIE STOP-"
Awesamdad would be nice too, but I think Sam was Smithers??? Or maybe it was Foolish, idk.
Uuuuhhhh Point Blanc!! Still needs a name!!! It's just Hannah and Punz (+Purpled) so... uh.
....Academy Bedwars????
idk what to call them OTL, I'm saving Skephalo/Eggpire for Scorpia, I can't call PB the Eggpire...
Uuuuhhhh anyway!! Bedrock Bros bc we love Bedrock Bros in this house!!! Phil got discovered/fought his prodigy/got betrayed a little later than John did in AR canon, so Techno met baby Tommy a few times. Tommy's blue sweater coming from Techno was what we agreed on I think!
Anyway even though Techno felt betrayed by Phil being a spy, I think his feelings are a little different than Yassen. With Yassen it was pretty complicated, with him already being committed to Scorpia/the morally grey(like, really really dark grey) side, still being grateful to John for saving his life, etc. Meanwhile Techno would betray the Eggpire for one corn chip- if said corn chip was Phil. He was just angry Phil never told him.
"You're a spy????" "Techno I can explain-*" "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA TAKE ME WITH YOU???!?!!! I thought we were a team, smh! S M f*cking H!!!"
(*: he cannot)
Anyway after Phil "dies"(I don't think he's actually dead, I feel like a major deviation from AR canon is bound to happen sometime and I think Phil returning would be an important plot point), Techno just. Stays with the Eggpire. He doesn't know how to contact MI6 anyway, and he doesn't really see the point when Phil isn't gonna be there. Also, staying with the Eggpire means he can keep an eye out for Phil's remaining family, so that's what he does till one day he sees Tommy(Techno had been keeping track of him so he knows what Tommy looks like, but the kid looks exactly like Phil anyway) in a... rich kid boarding school?? And he's going by Tommy Outit(/ref)??? Bruh???
Tommy, of course does NOT recognize Techno and he's like Why is that guy looking at me like he recognizes me. Meanwhile Techno is bluescreening bc Hey. Hey Kristin? Why is your son doing spy work? Kristin???
Okay Imma pass the baton onto you now, feel free to add on lol.
-Lilly xx
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darlenicy · 1 year
Okay, so I am watching season 5 and I won't hide my opinion on it
Episode 5x2
1stly I have to say, that watching this gives me physical pain. 😂 s4 was super duper good compared to this. But let's start with ep 2:
Let Musa sing, Bloom!
➡ honestly, it looks and feels so wrong to see the actual fairy of music with the angelic voice being reduced to a random band member
➡ Layla however fits the part of a drummer imo
I love how these guardian selkies are super useless but I have to admit, they're kinda cute. Better than the ugly pets anyway. And they have a task to fulfill and therefore and excuse to be in the show
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also why is Tritannus' trident just lying there? shouldn't someone like..store it somewhere instead of letting it lie there in the dungeons on the floor?
also idk what happened to the Trix but the imprisonment must have been so traumatic to them that Icy suffers from a strong out-of-character sickness
➡ everyone knows this, but I'll say it again and again: Icy was totally disgusted by Valtor turning into a monster at the end of s3 and now Tritannus does it and now she's like cool💗
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awawawa look at my girls' little faces (but it would've been way funnier if only Icy was the one who looked like that and Stormy and Darcy being 😒)
Layla finds out that Tritannus disturbed the coronation of his brother and is like: WHY DOES HE DO SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE?
➡ firstly: is it really that horrible to disturb a coronation? i mean it's not nice but HORRIBLE? isn't it rather horrible that a father imprisons his own son? And 2ndly do you really wonder about that when you too call Tritannus your psycho cousin? I'm afraid I'll found the Tritannus-Defense-Squad simply because everyone treats him like shit and this even though I don't really know what to think about him lol but this is so unfair
The oil floods the ocean ➡ Tecna: COME ON I HAVE TO FILM THIS! (this might be poorly translated in the German dub since she says in the nickelodeon version, that they had to document it but I find it kinda funny imagining Tecna to be someone who films straight away tragic events. There is car accident? WHERE IS MY CAMERA?)
another thing that makes me wonder if the script writers have actually ever thought about anything is why the oil can't harm the trix but tritannus? Any ideas? no? ok
Stormy: This guy could be our way out of here – Icy: This guy could be the guy for me ➡ stop thinking with your vagina, Icy. that’s so not you (seriously what happened during their imprisonment???)
it's kinda cute how concerned the trix look when tritannus attacked the selkies. It's not like they did the same things to the pixies already
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like Stormy is so: OHHH NOO THE POOR BBS
also tritannus looks so ugly lmao what's wrong with you, icy?
and why does tritannus want to earth? Is there a proper reason? To get the oil? Only to get the oil? He really enjoys being an ugly monster? ok
Okay, their flirting is cute, I do admit that. It's better written then skloom and that's funny.
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Icy: "We don't have our powers, they were taken from us" (➡ doesn't s1 show us that this is actually impossible????) But if you could ....." *fluttering her eyelashes* Tritannus: ".... restore them?" Icy: yes <;3 OKAY I admit that's cute. Their dynamic is better than skloom's ever was lmao
Tritannus is also a bitch for kajal, isn't he 👁? ⬇
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⬆ i mean look at his eyes. good for him i guess.. but look at his eyes! 🤣🤣
Darcy: What do you think? Stormy: …why not – lmao she's like "we’ve nothing better to do now”
➡ but I love seeing them kinda wondering IF they should follow them or not. Before, the trix always did follow the bad guys as a team but now Icy is doing her solo thing and Darcy is like... are we okay with that? and stormy is like: she'll get over him soon
I love the trix being able to sense the magic of the Winx on earth
why do the Winx need SO LONG to transform?? why run away like chickens? you can transform and ahjhhhhggg 🤬
WHY ISN'T ROXY WITH THEM??? Why is she left out again?? She could help! JUSTICE FOR ROXY!
Why do the Winx suddenly know how to breath underwater? Wasn't that like hard in s3? What? We give no fck on continuity? OK
icy crying for help?…………….you fkn serious? ➡ Icy, how out of character do you wanna be? Icy: YES
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maochira · 2 years
Can we have some your oc headcannons? I find he very cool!
YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY OC??? OKAY OKAY. Let me explain EVERYTHING I have about him!! There's a lot, tho. So be prepared! He's a very well-developed character. I basically developed everything for him for first, second and third selecion, as well as the U-20 match! If you have more questions about him, I'd be happy to answer them!! For example his relationship with specific characters, etc.
This is what he looks like!
-Name: Takumi Tsuyosa
-Age: 17/18 (turns 18 in the beginning of first selection)
-Height: 160cm (5"3')
-Weapons: strong kick, high stamina, quick direction changes
-Jersey numbers: 7 (first selection), 28 (second selection), 15 (U-20 match), haven't decided for Neo Egoist League yet
-Second Selection clearing team: Enjin (my friend's OC), Gagamaru, Hiori, Kurona (Zantetsu was in their team on fourth stage but they lost to Barou's team, who chose Zantetsu)
-Neo Egoist League team: Ubers
Tsuyosa didn't start playing soccer for his own enjoyment, it's always been because his father wanted to be a professional player, but never made it, so he wanted his son to live his dream. Basically, this ended in Tsuyosa seeing soccer as a task to please his father instead of as an actual passion or hobby. His skill is great tho, so that's why he was invited to Blue Lock. He didn't want to go, but his father forced him.
In the beginning, Tsuyosa didn't care about winning or not. Actually, he himself wanted to lose so his father will lose his dream. But Tsuyosa is an extremely caring and sweet person, so he only put all his effort into playing in the first match to help his team win. Oh btw, he was in a team with Shidou for first selection!
He had his awakening in the second match of the first selection! Because Tsuyosa is so small, he gets underestimated a lot. For that second match, Tsuyosa played as a center forward in the beginning. When he got onto his position, the opposing team kept belittling him and said things like how easy it's going to be to win, how weak Tsuyosa must be, etc. That provoked Tsuyosa so much, all the frustration inside of him got out and his personality switched completely. Usually, he's very nice, sweet and caring, but suddenly he was an arrogant, egotistical monster and played like one. He helped his team win that match! Ever since that, this monster in him always awakens like this as soon as he starts playing. It's like a switch that turns when the match begins.
This was also how Tsuyosa got the urge to become the world's best striker. Not to please his father or to prove anything to anyone else, but because he wanted to prove to himself how great he is. Tsuyosa is a very rational person, so he usually doesn't feel anger or frustration, since he rationalizes the actions of others. But ever since his awakening, he feels every bit of those feelings as a motivation to play soccer.
He uses his small height to his advantage! Quick stepping pattern, he can change direction very quickly, has good agility, better control over his limbs, and has a good view of the ball! (I actually did research for this on the advantages of being small in soccer.)
Oh also, Tsuyosa has heterochromia! His right eye is red and the left one light blue. He always covers his red eye, except when he plays soccer (after his awakening, as the monster.) Also, his teammates and friends love to randomly push his hair aside to see his red eye.
Tsuyosa doesn't perceive the monster as another personality or another part of him. He always says it's him, just a part that can only come out when he plays soccer. Ego thinks this is very interesting, btw!
After Tsuyosa's awakening, Shidou gets interested in Tsuyosa and they actually get close and start dating very quickly! They actually don't tell anyone about their relationship because Shidou thinks it's funnier if everyone finds out on their own.
For everyone around them, they seem as if they wouldn't fit as a couple, but they do! That's actually the main part of their connection: they equal each other out perfectly! Also, Tsuyosa is very good at sensing how Shidou feels. Which ends up in them being a great combination on the field! In the entirety of Blue Lock, Tsuyosa is the only one who can sense/understand Shidou's crazy playstyle. They help their entire team win the first selection! I might post about their relationship in a more detailed way at some point, there is A LOT more to them than this. I just wanna keep this short here.
In the second selection, Tsuyosa teams up with Enjin (my friend's OC) and Hiori. The first teammate they add is Zantetsu! Then they stay on the fourth stage for quite a while. They lose Zantetsu to Barou, Chigiri, Nagi and Kiyora. After that, they get Gagamaru and Kurona and clear the second selection!
Despite Shidou and Tsuyosa being a couple and loving each other very much, Tsuyosa refuses to be in the same second selection team as Shidou. That's why he teamed up with Enjin and Hiori instead of waiting for Shidou. It's because he wants to improve without Shidou and not make his skill dependent on his boyfriend.
Speaking of Hiori! Tsuyosa and Hiori become good friends because they bond over their backgrounds with living their parents' dreams.
In the third selection, he chooses Team C (Nagi and Yukimiya) and it's not easy to see for a normal observer, but Tsuyosa can still sense Shidou's playstyle and moves, which helps him stealing the ball and dribbling past him.
Originally, Ego intended to put Tsuyosa on the bench for the U-20 match. But when Shidou was chosen for the U-20 team, Ego decided to put Tsuyosa into the starter team as a midfielder (with Karasu) because he knows how Tsuyosa can understand and sense Shidou's way of playing.
Tsuyosa doesn't mind playing against his boyfriend in a match as serious as this, and neither does Shidou. It even motivates them more!
Shidou still says all these things towards Sae he says in the canon. And yes, Tsuyosa hears all of that. Shidou does it in a way to provoke Tsuyosa for fun.
And that makes Tsuyosa enter the flow during the U-20 match!
When they get to leave Blue Lock for a bit, Tsuyosa stays with Shidou in Tokyo. Tsuyosa is from Ehime, which is quite far away. And he also wants to avoid seeing his parents, especially his father.
In the Neo Egoist League, he chooses Ubers! Haven't developed anything past that point for him, tho.
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shallliveoninsong · 5 months
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◇ Not very coherent but funny 2.2 shenanigans, screenshots and thoughts below! Contains major spoilers! (Will do a more thought-out critique post eventually)
I was not expecting Boothill and Dan Heng to interact very much but I'm so glad they did because they are such a funny comedic duo lmao. Also interesting that Dan Heng knows Xianzhou sayings, wonder if that's a newer thing he picked up/has been learning on his solo trips to the Luofu or if he knew them from before.
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Listen. March, you don't understand, I just have to ok.
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I was very tempted to pick option 4 but option 2 won out because it was funnier lol. Though in more seriousness, I did think this talent thing was a bit outta left field. I get they had to put more gameplay in this update but maybe if they hadn't left so much exposition in the end they wouldn't have had to shove in the talent show.
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Oh : ") I checked this on a whim after finishing the trailblaze story. Sadly, I forgot what it said before.
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Even if it only happened in the Ena dream at least it looked cool AF to see these two team up in their super sayin modes. Though in a way am kinda glad it worked like this because it seemed too soon for us to actually end up using the Abacus of Allying Oath.
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Not to get to deep here, and I wouldn't say I'm nihilistic, but I do get caught up in existentialism sometimes and I dunno, this was just a nice outlook that I appreciated. Sometimes just existing is enough. Even when we feel insignificant to the rest of the world, when worrying about if we'll leave a legacy or if anyone will remember us or if we manage to change the world--you don't have to. It's okay to fear life. We're all just human and existing is enough.
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crystalkitty1220 · 2 years
First post (this is a seperate post because i wanna tag this one with the fandoms :))
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@consumeroflemoans *takes lid off of plate* your more, my good tumblr user
Adding a cut because this is a really long post but I spent way too long on it not to tag it. Hopefully it's easy to scroll past with the cut. If it's not, then I really don't know what people want from me.
My thoughts come up with way too many Animorphs/IBVS crossover ideas when I should be focusing on other things. Many of these ideas get expanded on through conversations and/or roleplays with Echos, others just soak in brain juices for too long, while the last few quickly disappear and I only remember them as concepts.
Okay, so to start, I should probably explain this one:
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Echos and I have created quite a few timelines of the casual version. In every timeline, Isaac and Marco have schedules that cause them to take the same long journey from one side of the school to the other each day. The first notable place where the timelines branch off is whether our beloved closeted bi disaster mistakes Isaac for a girl and tries to ask him out. Those timelines tend to exist simply because they're funny; I believe there is only one timeline in which they actually go on a date, and that is a timeline which is even funnier, not that I can actually remember most of it.
A few near-consistencies throughout the casual version timelines: Rachel and Tobias witnessed the Chrisler while on a flying date, they assumed he was a cosplayer. Jake could have been a popular kid if he made it on the basketball team. Most of the Animorphs don't even know there's a school king, not that they have any reason to care. Edward does get the occasional hunch about the other plotline, mainly just stuff like 'whatever those guys are hiding isn't my club's business and needs to stay hidden' and 'stay away from those weirdos and their weird Sharing thing'.
Second, the one the from today, which the first post mentioned.
(just to be safe) tw: gaslighting, i think
It takes place in a similar timeline to the casual timeline. As explained, Drew gets invited to a meeting of the Sharing. Either a meeting or a party, it doesn't really matter. Think of episode 17 of the Animorphs Nickelodeon show, aka the only episode I liked because it didn't have the disc in it and it actually felt like Animorphs.
Nevin comes with him, but Drew convinces Nevin that he's fine on his own. Drew is not fine on his own. He's terrified, actually, and he's surrounded by people who mean him harm, and suddenly his head is being forced into some water thing he hadn't even noticed before because he was too distracted by the lizard people. The Yeerk he's stuck with is not very nice, because why would he be nice if he just discovered that some humans have superpowers? The evil slug has a whole plan: to not tell any of his fellow Yeerks (possible competitors) about this secret supernatural club, to fool the humans into following him somewhere he could meet up with a Visser (One or Three, hopefully One), and become a sub-Visser or even a Visser himself.
Nevin immediately notices that something is very off with Drew's emotions, reminding him of when Charlie was possessing Chris, and during a faux-friendly conversation with Drew he comes to the conclusion that Drew (along with a lot of people in the Sharing, it seems) is possessed. Which, y'know, isn't quite on the bullseye? But it's close enough. Nevin practically drags 'Drew' home while he texts Chris to come to his house, giving a brief explanation. The twins gets home, Nevin reveals that he knows Drew is 'possessed', 'Drew' insists that he doesn't know what he means, and Nevin calls Chris out from the shadows so that they can both corner 'Drew'.
Chris, cleverly, brought the closest thing to a possession expert he has on hand: Charlie. The three of them interrogate Drew. They narrow down that this surely can't be a demon possession because there's no clear physical change, no clear personality change, and he still has all his memories. Similarly, Charlie and Chris reason that if this were a ghost possession, the ghost probably wouldn't have his memories and there would probably also be some kind of physical change (such as when Chris' eye changed color whenever Charlie would control him). Chris wonders aloud if, maybe, Drew wasn't currently being possessed but had some kind of ghost attached to him that he didn't know about. Nevin immediately shut down that theory because the emotions didn't match up that way; Drew was definitely not the one who was in control.
After a bit more interrogation, Drew is un-cornered and Nevin begrudgingly agrees to treat Drew like normal and just see what happens - as long as Charlie would stay over to watch Drew to make sure he didn't try anything while Nevin was asleep. Before Chris leaves, Drew stops him to talk with him privately: "Nevin's emotion-sensing is a whole unique sense for him, so it could probably get affected by some things just like any other sense. I think something's happening - maybe he's sick or it has to do with his powers - that's causing him to hallucinate." Chris, who was having his own doubts, agrees with Drew and shares this concern with Charlie.
The next morning, before school, Chris comes over and helps Nevin make pancakes, and the Yeerk almost gets caught because he's astonished by how good the pancakes are. And that's as far as I've thought, so the rest is open-ended for now (or for forever, it depends).
Thirdly, the series of fics that I was gonna write and might still write but I don't think I have the motivation: The IBVS take the place of the Animorphs but still have their normal powers. This is a long one, it's been stirring in brain juices for a while.
Most of the normal IBVS events don't happen, with the exception of everything pre-explosion. The day after what would normally have been explosion day, Chris invited Nevin and Edward out for ice cream in an attempt to work out peace between them. Isaac invited himself. Cut through abandoned construction site, yada yada. They just said 'no' when Elfangor offered the morphing power. Genuinely just went "nah, we got this." Unfortunately, this means they have to go through extra measures in order to keep their identities secret, such as kickass hero outfits that barely anyone gets to see because they always try to knock out all the controllers before they can be seen.
Their first costumes were low-quality cheap amalgamations of stuff that Charlie stole from Walmart (yeah Charlie's part of the team too, he kinda takes Tobias' role as the scout because nobody's gonna recognize him anyway). Their second costumes were all designed by Isaac (with the exception of Chris who wanted to design his own), sewn by Chris, and roughly based off an animal in one way or another. Off the top of my head, I only remember a few things about their costumes: Everyone wore gloves and masks, Drew and Nevin's first costumes just looked like raincoats (which hindered Drew's stealth because his was bright yellow), Nevin didn't wear a mask in his first outfit because he figured turning his eyes cyan was disguise enough, and their first masks were all those cheap itchy princess masks that got glitter everywhere and hurt your nose after about two seconds (with the exception of Isaac's DIY rainbow-painted fox mask, but I believe Edward took the fox theme after Isaac switched to a bird theme). I was drawing Isaac's second costume but I only ever finished the mask; here's what I have:
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Costumes aside, I had a few plots planned. They were supposed to each be a oneshot, or two chapters if I felt like it was more fitting.
This series idea was where I first had the thought of Drew being invited to a Sharing meeting, but this one would take the place of Frankie's party. I actually have most of the first chapter/half of this one written out, but here's the summary: Drew spends a little bit of time wondering about why so many of the people with strange emotion colors he's been noticing around Foxfield are in the Sharing, before deciding to socialize. The only person Drew recognizes is Barry, so he goes over to say hi to him and the girls he's talking to. (It wouldn't be revealed yet, but Barry and Stacy are Chee.) A full-member meeting starts and Drew is left alone with Dez, who is apparently the only member of the les league who isn't a full-member. They talk for a bit and then suddenly chaos happens, aka the 'andalite bandits' crashing the meetings. Dez and Drew go to explore, stuff happens, Drew recognizes Nevin and both are like "what the fuck are you doing here" before Edward tosses Isaac out the window into Nevin's arms. Isaac has a wound, Drew screams because phobia of blood, Drew heals it and then screams because jesus powers, Drew stands up and then screams because leg is healed, Nevin finally manages to shut Drew up and they all promise to explain everything if Dez can be their getaway driver, Drew screams because a ghost just nyooomed into the car, and stuff is explained. Chapter 2 would be about Drew's first mission: teaming with Charlie, Nevin, and Chris to investigate the Yeerk Pool a little. He starts feeling nauseous from all the overwhelming nearby emotions. Charlie is left to babysit him in their meetup hiding spot until Chris and Nevin come back, but they're seen immediately because Drew's outfit is bright sunshine yellow. In this chapter we'd get introduced to lasers that can actually hurt Charlie, and this would be the first indicator that some of their current undercover outfits were absolute fucking dumpster fires.
In another planned plot, the team is cornered. Isaac's mask (the fox one, at the time) gets taken off by one of the Controllers, who is probably taunting them all and bragging about how he's going to get a promotion. This is the first time anyone in the group, this time being Edward, snaps. I'm not sure if you know or remember a specific scene from #10: The Android, but this kinda parodies that, in a way. Nobody talks about it for a long time, and Edward removes himself from missions for a while.
At the time I hadn't realized I had put Edward through enough hardships, so in another plot, it's discovered that select members of the Wolfe Pack are controllers (not Felix himself, but the Yeerks are definitely planning to get their hands on him for his money). The team overhears one of the pack-controllers talking to another pack-controller, something along the lines of "after Justin handles that part, Ethan will come get the rest of us and we can deal with everything from there." Stuff happens, yada yada, then lo and behold Edward comes face-to-face with, well.. not Evil Justin. Luckily, this would be the first mission with their new outfits, and nobody's cover is blown. Most people would probably never guess that Justin is my favorite of the jocks.
Drew starts the Yeerk Peace Movement single-handedly, coincidentally in that same story a cool new OC joins the team (you'll never guess how those two are connected) (the OC and Drew get to be roommates :) it takes some trouble to steal a portable Kandrona from the Visser). The third-graders are the ones to find the morphing cube, Edward pretty much has a heart attack when he sees Geno and his friends playing with it. If any other characters are revealed to have powers in IBVS, they might get unlucky and end up with David's role.
That, to the best of my memory, is all I had planned out.
Fourth! The fourth one! This one, similar to most of these, is just a concept.
A simple crossover where the Animorphs were sent to the IBVS universe as a sort of gameshow Ellimist and Crayak were placing bets on.
The Animorphs were informed that there is a group in this universe who were hiding a huge secret. If they discovered the IBVS, Ellimist won bragging rights. If they somehow significantly helped the IBVS, Ellimist won a entirely separate 'game' that he and Crayak were playing. If the Animorphs did not discover anything, Crayak won bragging rights. If they somehow significantly messed something up or made something worse for the Animorphs, Crayak won that entirely separate game.
Cassie, as confirmed in Megamorphs #4, is an anomaly who unconsciously breaks the timeline around her if it is not her own timeline. This show quickly becomes a race against the clock.
Other ones I've almost entirely forgotten:
(Similar setup to the casual version) The Animorphs somehow gets swept up in one of the IBVS's issues, assuming it had to do with the Yeerks. I believe they got into a fight with eachother at one point, not sure.
I'm almost certain there was some kind of power swap but the details entirely elude me.
David gets summoned via ritual gone wrong. He's probably possessing Isaac, he's regained his morphing powers, and he does not plan on going back.
One Echos remembered that I didn't: (setup: casual version. similar scene to the scene in #14 The Unknown) The Yeerks try again to do their grab-and-infest tactic from #14 at The Gardens while Foxfield High is having a field trip. The Animorphs, obviously, fight them. When the IBVS are going past on the ride and Nevin gets grabbed, the Animorphs and Controllers comedically stop to watch from the shadows as the IBVS use genuine fucking superpowers to fight off multiple aliens and then continue on the ride. The IBVS definitely thought those were demons. It was too dark and there was too much chaos to figure out who the superpowered kids were, but it would be really funny if Marco recognized Isaac as the kid he flirted with that one time.
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choeeri · 1 year
pokémon AU ∴ Harry's team
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This is something I can't help but think about. I play Pokémon a bit too much lol
Harry never had a Pokémon before. Not until Piu-Piu, that is.
PIU-PIU is Rotom!
An electric/ghost-type pokémon that:
can invade and control his phone;
can hack other appliances (allegedly);
speaks ~human~;
makes mischief;
but also uses its abilities to help; and
time travels!!!!!!!!!
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And look at that face. I can hear it going wee-woo and annoying Harry all the time...
Apparently you can also customize your Rotom-phone, so Rosé cover to match Piu-Piu's natural colour~
Also, Rotom's basic move is Thunder Shock / Electric Shock. You know, just like Piu-Piu.
But Piu-Piu isn't his. They're just following Harry around. His first actual Pokémon is a goldfish he won in the market (D89, lunch chat).
Poseidon is Seaking!
It'd be potentially funnier as a Magikarp, the most underestimated pokémon of all time, but the thing is: Magikarp can evolve. And they become Gyarados.
Poseidon's a goldfish, which Seaking are based on it;
The last on their evolution line (no, she won't grow);
Literally called the King of the Seas! And in the beta games, originally called "Neptune" - a.k.a. Poseidon. A perfect fit.
I especially like corycatte's artwork for Seakings - which features several variants created through breeding;
To fit pokémon canon, I believe Poseidon's fins and/or horn wouldn't be so well developed, since they're the main reason people catch Seakings. (Not that it matters to Harry, anyway);
I don't think he'd want to keep her in a PokéBall, but if he ever had to, it'd be a luxury ball, obviously.
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(Harry is 100% a swimmer class)
That being said, Harry wouldn't become a trainer, I guess. Battles are a hassle and violent. But maybe he'd use Poseidon's powers to kick people out of his apartment.
Bonus: "furball" is Lillipup!
He doesn't talk much about it (D73, breakfast), so I'm not settling this, but what screams "furball" more than Lillipup??? It's also a quiet, clever dog, so I imagine baby!Harry would like it. If they stayed together, Lillipup would've been a nice companion and fierce defender...
I especially like the idea of a shiny one, that has lighter fur.
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Yamper is second best choice, since it's a dog from Galar (nod to his ancestry). And it likes to follow fast people / things :)
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pieroulette · 1 year
okay let me take out my list~ related to your fallen angel series, what if you're this kind of divinity controlling everyone? yk the hell or heaven trend? yeah this idea was funnier in my head...
i cant stop daydreaming about yandere doctors!hyung line &team. i think it's becoming a need to share and explain my feelings on this concept. they take care of you so u have no reasons to feel bad anymore<3 nicholas is killing me rn cause his ending fairy in studio choom?? he looks so mysterious i kinda feel intimidated by his eyes
-boo anon
this author is a certified grandma cuz she's not updated w all the trends 💪😮‍💨 and omg right yandere doctors! hyung line &team looking after you nice and well, and one day when you're about to- oh gosh how do u say it again, lmao 😭😭 never mind, when you're bout to leave the hospital. one of them simply asks for you to stay and if you refuse, then he'll simply kidnap you right there without any hesitation<3 another gives you a teddy bear for you to cuddle w (not you knowing there's a hidden camera inside it 😮‍💨), another will simply manipulate you that you're still sick and that you need 'extra care' in their house cuz the damn meds in the hospital ain't working LOL, and another one would pretend that he's okay letting u go but actually spent his time stalking u 😮‍💨
boo our yandere convo tho 🤫 (other folks who read this, don't get scared we're totally normal ☺️)
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medicinemane · 1 year
Ok, rewatching episode 2, and... in many ways it's been... hmm... it has the bones of a good movie (after 30 minutes), but... there's just something not right with it other than the script (which... there's problems there for sure). Maybe pacing... I really don't know but... anyway, kind of not my point
The point is it's a fucking funny movie but not in intended ways
For one thing, Obi Wan is just such a rude bitch to Anakin non stop, I don't think he's said a single nice thing to him. Anakin breaths and Obi Wan is just like "Anakin you ignorant slut, what the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking stupid asshole?"
Also, some toxic centipedes are sent to kill Amadala, and I like that they're apparently trained assassins, cause they fucking hide when R2 shines a light
The last thing I found funny enough I had to write this was Anakin looking at Padme and her being like "please don't look at me like that, it makes me uncomfortable", and he just fucking smirks about it
You're such a weirdo Anakin
Also love the way that he's just nonstop like "actually I'm way cooler than Obi Wan anyway", like the script was... not good. Like... I get what they're trying to do, and the thing they're trying to do is good. Stuff like having Obi Wan be critical and that driving Anakin to Palpatine works... but not when Obi Wan is just over the top shitty to him nonstop
Anakin being ruled by his emotions despite his best efforts is good and a good set up for tragedy, but not when he's practically going "me horny" any time he mentions Padme or the way any time he opens his mouth he's basically saying power level shit like he's trying to figure out which Jedi could fight Goku
There's something good in here, but... it's fucking silly instead of compelling. The Clone Wars team mined out that good stuff and made it work, but fuck is this silly
Also, so far I think I'm standing by my opinion episode 1 is better. It's fucking flawed to hell, but the pacing and... whatever isn't working for me here was working for me in the jedi stuff during episode 1
Oh yeah, final thing. I love that the movie opens up with Naboobians landing, security officer goes "I guess there was nothing to worry about after all", ship FUCKING EXPLODES instantly after he says that
Zero tension or anything, just pure fucking comedy
Also the way it's shot, it didn't look like the explosion really came from anywhere, which made it feel like it came from inside the ship, which would be that much funnier, waiting till they're getting off to blow it up when you could have destroyed it at any point
Don't think that's what was going on, but that's how it looked to me
Very funny movie, almost interesting... now there's a movie that needs a remake, let the fucking Clone Wars team animate episodes 1-3
0 notes
kuleo26 · 3 years
hiii! good day/evening! if it's okay with you, may i request for kiyoshi, aomine, midorima, and kagami having a crush on someone who is a dancer? btw, i liked the knb characs tropes/au! it's rlly cute.
hello! i'm glad you liked the tropes hcs! i think that was one of my favorite posts to do haha. i'm sorry if it's a bit out of place, i'm don't really know much about dancing and whatnot. thanks for requesting <3
crushing on a dancer
including: kiyoshi teppei, aomine daiki, midorima shintarou, kagami taiga
kiyoshi teppei
i can totally see this happening
you're his classmate, and he's had a crush on you since first year
it was when he saw one of your dancing videos go viral
ever since then, you've had a bunch of fans
you were quite famous
and good thing for that, because that meant that there were more videos out there for kiyoshi to watch
everyone on the basketball team knew he liked you
and you, being aida's best friend, found out relatively quickly
so you ended up going to watch their practices
even sometimes acting as manager
he was a blushing doofus around you
which everyone found funny
what was even funnier was the day you kissed his cheek after they won a game
he passed out
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
aomine daiki
aomine hated to admit having a crush
especially when that crush was you
you were so pretty
and the way your body moved when you danced made him have not so clean thoughts
he's watched you practice before
because let's face it, he wouldn't be at his own practice anyway
one day you had decided to practice in a field outside the gym
because you wanted to feel connected to nature sometimes
ironically, it was one of the days aomine actually went to practice
not for long though because as soon as he saw you dancing outside
he left to go watch you lol
it wasn't like he was being a stalker
i mean, you noticed him
so maybe that's why every time you feel his eyes on you
you end up dancing to sexier songs
but he doesn't need to know that, right?
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midorima shintarou
pfft he didn't even know you were a dancer
you were one of his friends
specifically the one he would go to when he gets away from takao
you were very nice
and smart
so midorima ended up having a FAT crush on you
especially after finding out that you were very compatible with him
one day, you had given him tickets to one of your dance recitals
he didn't know that you were the one dancing
he assumed that he was meeting you there to watch someone together
so imagine his surprise when he showed up to see you dancing
afterwards, he felt really bad that he didn't get you flowers or anything
so he took you on a date :))
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kagami taiga
you were the complete opposite of him
absolutely beautiful and graceful
he was very not-so-graceful
you were a dancer from america who moved to japan
and you attended seirin, so you got along with kagami fairly easily
he would attend a few of your dance recitals when he had time
and would always bring you flowers and gifts
in return, you would help the basketball team during practices
and attend to most, if not all, of their games
the team really liked you and knew how much kagami liked you too
they would always bug him, teasing him about liking you
izuki and koganei always bugged you too, asking you to confess to him
you would always blush and claim that you didn't have a crush on him
but who were you fooling?
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